situ temple in suzhou guangfu (蘇州光福司徒廟)

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Situ Templein Suzhou Guangfu 蘇州 光福 司徒廟


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Guangfu Town, Jiangsu historical and cultural town, 25 kilometers away from Suzhou, west of the city, is located in the Taihu Lake, Deng Wei foothills. 光福鎮,江蘇省歷史文化名鎮,在蘇州城西 25 公里,位於太湖之濱,鄧尉山麓。



Situ temple has four of the Millennium Cypress trees, and thus also known as the Cypress Temple. The temple now is the end of the Qing reconstruction. The four cypress trees are said to Deng Yu personally by the plant, has been 2,000 years of history. Four cypress trees chic style, different attitude, despite the Millennium dark clouds, exposed the invasion of lightning, but still spectacular emotion, like a natural bonsai, called the world wonderful. 司徒廟內有四棵千年古柏,因此也被稱為古柏庵。現在的寺廟是清代重建。據說四棵古柏是鄧宇親自種植,至今已有 2,000 多年的歷史。四個庫珀別緻的風格,不同的態度,儘管千年的烏雲,暴露了雷電的侵襲,但仍然壯觀讓人感動,像一個天然盆景,堪稱世界精彩之最。Four ancient cypress trees because of its shape, singular, were described as "Clear, Odd, Ancient, Strange".Clear Cypress, green, tall and straight and handsome,Odd Cypress, trunk is broken, its abdominal hollow,Ancient Cypress, less skin and without leaves on top, green upright, like a dragon coiled in the body,Strange Cypress, Struck by lightning after splitting the two branches had completely left the trunk, but they are alive, and the issuing of new branches.四棵古柏,因其形態奇異,分別題名為“清、奇、古、怪”。清柏,碧鬱蒼翠,挺拔清秀;奇柏,主幹斷裂,其腹中空;古柏,少皮禿頂,古樸蒼勁,有如蛟龍盤繞在身;怪柏,被雷劈開後的二個枝幹完全離開了主幹,但是都活著,並發出了新枝。

Clear Cypress, green, tall and straight and handsome,清柏,碧鬱蒼翠,挺拔清秀;

Odd Cypress, trunk is broken, its abdominal hollow,奇柏,主幹斷裂,其腹中空;

Odd Cypress, trunk is broken, its abdominal hollow,奇柏,主幹斷裂,其腹中空;

Ancient Cypress, less skin and without leaves on top, green upright, like a dragon coiled in the body,古柏,少皮禿頂,古樸蒼勁,有如蛟龍盤繞在身;

Strange Cypress, Struck by lightning after splitting the two branches had completely left the trunk, but they are alive, 怪柏,被雷劈開後的二個枝幹完全離開了主幹,但是都活著,並發出了新枝。

Buddhist sutra carved stone (84) 84 塊佛教楞嚴經石刻

Another "Buddhist Sutra" carved on stone with the pattern of pagoda另一部金剛經石刻成七級寶塔圖案

Deng Yu C


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