startup lab 19.11.2016 part 3

Post on 26-Jan-2017






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Kundeninterviews &Auswertung


14:30 – 15:30 15:50

Step 5: Prioritize where to start

Three Types of Risk

„Can it be build?“

[Technical Risk]

„Should it be build?“

[Customer Risk]

„Can we make money?“

[Business Model Risk]

#Lean Canvas

Cost Structure

Customer Acquisition costsDistribution costsHostingPeople, etc.

Revenue Streams

Revenue ModelLife Time ValueRevenueGross Margin


Top 3 problems

Existing Solutions


Top 3 features

Key MetricsKey activities you measure

Unique Value PropositionSingle, clear, compelling message that states why you are different and worth paying attention

High-level concept:

Unfair AdvantageCan’t be easily copied or bought

ChannelsPath to customers

Customer SegmentsTarget customers

Early Adopters


#Lean Canvas

Cost Structure

Customer Acquisition costsDistribution costsHostingPeople, etc.

Revenue Streams

Revenue ModelLife Time ValueRevenueGross Margin


Top 3 problems

Existing Solutions


Top 3 features

Key MetricsKey activities you measure

Unique Value PropositionSingle, clear, compelling message that states why you are different and worth paying attention

High-level concept:

Unfair AdvantageCan’t be easily copied or bought

ChannelsPath to customers

Customer SegmentsTarget customers

Early Adopters


Step 6: Do I have a problem worth solving?

… let‘s get out of the building and find out!

Talking? To


#Customer Interview Process

I. Know who to talk to

II. Find people to talk to [+ verification +profile]

III. Know what to talk about

IV. Prepare for the interviews

V. Conduct the interviews

VI. Debrief as a team

Quelle: Olsen (2015), S. 29.

Are pragmatists that have no interest in technology for ist own sake. These individuals adopt new products only after a proven track

record of delivering value. Because they are more risk averse than the first two segments, they feel more comfortable having strong

references from trusted sources and tend to buy from the leading company in the product category

Quelle: Olsen (2015), S. 29.

„Are technology enthusiasts who pride themselves on being familiar with the latest and greatest innovation. They enjoy fiddling with new products and

exploring their inricacies. They are more willing to use an unpolished product that may have some shortcomings or tradeoffs, and are fine with the fact that many of

these products will ultimately fail.“

Quelle: Olsen (2015), S. 29.

„Are visionaries who want to exploit new innovations to gain an advantage over the status quo. Unlike innovators, their interest in being first is not driven by an

instrinsic love of technology but rather the opportunity to gain an edge.“

Quelle: Olsen (2015), S. 29.

„Are risk-averse conservatives who are doubtful that innovations will deliver value and only adopt them when pressured to do so, for

example, for financial reasons, due to competitive threats, or for fear of being reliant on an older, dying technology that will no

longer be supported“

Quelle: Olsen (2015), S. 29.

„Hate change and have a bias for criticizing new technologies even after they have become


Quelle: Olsen (2015), S. 29.

People who suffer from sleep deprivation

Who is your early adopter?

#Matched Case study einführen



Your Date!

#know who to talk to

Who do you want to talkto?

What exact criteria will identify

What screening questionswill you ask?

- Nutz Dating Apps Nutzt Apps wie Tinder, Lovoo, Badoo mindestens zwei Mal die Woche

Welche Apps nutzt du mindestens zwei Mal die Woche? (Checkbox Dating-Apps wie ....)

... ... ..

Who do you want toexclude?

What exact criteria will identify the people youwant to exclude?

What screening questionswill you ask?

- Extrem introvertierte Nutzer

- Entsprechende Ausprägung im Myer Briggs Persönlichkeitstest

- Ich sehe mich selbst als jemand der...(Checkbox ....der zurückhaltend ist)

Quelle: Google Venture Labs (2012)

#Customer Interview Process

I. Know who to talk to

II. Find people to talk to [+ verification +profile]

III. Know what to talk about

IV. Prepare for the interviews

V. Conduct the interviews

VI. Debrief as a team

#find people to talk to

Xing, LinkedIn

Mechanical Turk

Twitter Advanced Search (Followerwonk, Twellow)



Bulletin Board

Everywhere? (Rob Fitzpatrick)

#Talk to Customers

#Talk to Customers

#Talk to Customers

#Talk to Customers


Pimp your profile




Holy Facaroni, somebody is sitting here what should I ask him?

#Know what to talk about

#Know what to talk about

#Know what to talk about

Wir haben mit dem Produkt selber

nicht zu tun. Sie treten also

niemandem zu Nahe, wenn Sie

hier frei und ehrlich antworten.

#Know what to talk about

#Know what to talk about

#Know what to talk about

#Know what to talk about

#Know what to talk about

#Know what to talk about

#Good or bad

„Where does the money come from?“

Whose budget the purchase will come from and who else within their company holds the power to torpedo the deal

#Influence Map

Operating Technical

High Executive CIO or Division IT


Low End Users Corp. IT Staff or Division

Division IT Staff


3 4

#Good or bad

„Would you buy a product which did X?“

Anything involving the future is an over-optimistic lie // Ask them for money // Money Game

#Good or bad

„What are the implications of that?“

I-will-pay-to-solve-that problems

Thats-kind-of-annoying-but-I-can-deal-with-it „problems“

#Good or bad

„How are you dealing with it now?“

Existing solutions, duc-tape workaround…you know which ballpark you‘re playing in.

#Good or bad

„Talk me the through the last time that happened?“

Tipp: Watching someone do a task will show you where the

problems and inefficiencies really are (Customer Journey Map)

#Good or bad

„Who else should I talk to?“

People want to help you + your problem that you are tackling cannot be that bad

#Good or bad

„Is there anything else I should have asked?“

Give them a chance to „fix“ your line of questioning

#Good or bad

„Do you think that is a good idea?“

Opinions are worthless. Only the market can tell.

Conduct your interview with us at LUH

#During the interview

Debrief sofort nach dem Interview

Keine hypothetischen Fragen

Als Unbeteiligter ausgeben

Offene Fragen stellen

Be quiet and listen

Die interessantesten Aussagen kommen häufig am Ende


Seriös vs. Casual

#debrief1. Did the interviewee successfully rank the problems you presented?

Yes Sort of No

The interviewee ranked the

with strong interest

the ranking).

He couldn‘t decide which

really painful, but he was

interested in the problems.

He struggled with this, or he

more time talking about

he has.

10 points 5 points 0 points

2. Is the interviewee actively trying to solve the problems, or has he done so in the

Yes Sort of No

He‘s trying to solve the

Excel and fax machines.

struck gold

He spends a bit of time

problem, but just considers

of doing his job. He‘s not

He doesn‘t really spend

the problem, and is ok with

quo. It‘s not a big problem

10 points 5 points 0 points

Quelle: Croll & Yoskovitz (2013), S. 170 ff.

#debrief3. Was the interviewee engaged and focused throughout the interview?

Yes Sort of No

He was hanging on your

finishing your sentences,

his smartphone.

He was interested, but

distraction or didn‘t

comments unless you


He tuned out, looked at his

the meeting short, or

entirely detached – like he

you a favor meeting with

8 points 4 points 0 points

4. Did the interviewee agree to follow-up meeting/interview (where you‘ll present


Yes, without being asked


Yes, when you asked him



He’s demanding the solution


He‘s OK with scheduling

another meeting, but

suddenly his calendar is

booked for the next month

or so.

You both realize there‘s no

point showing him anything

in terms of a solution.

8 points 4 points 0 points

#debrief5. Did the interviewee offer to refer others to you for interviews?

Yes, without beeing asked


Yes, when you asked him



He actively suggested

people you should talk to

without beeing asked.

He suggested others at the

end, in response to your


He couldn‘t recommend

people you should speak


4 points 2 points 0 points

6. Did the interviewee offer to pay you immediately for the solution

Yes, without being asked


Yes, when you asked him



He offered to pay you for

the product without being

asked, and named a price

He offered to pay you for

the product

He didn‘t offer to buy and

use it.

3 points 1 points 0 points

Quelle: Croll & Yoskovitz (2013), S. 170


#debrief5. Did the interviewee offer to refer others to you for interviews?

Yes, without beeing asked


Yes, when you asked him



He actively suggested

people you should talk to

without beeing asked.

He suggested others at the

end, in response to your


He couldn‘t recommend

people you should speak


4 points 2 points 0 points

6. Did the interviewee offer to pay you immediately for the solution

Yes, without being asked


Yes, when you asked him



He offered to pay you for

the product without being

asked, and named a price

He offered to pay you for

the product

He didn‘t offer to buy and

use it.

3 points 1 points 0 points

Quelle: Croll & Yoskovitz (2013), S. 170


Congratulations! You just

reached problem/solution fit.

Change your plan!

“Ich würde dieses Produkt

nicht nutzen und kenne auch

keinen auf dieser Welt der dies

jemals nutzen würde”

- Probant





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