the wonders of_china by yi yan

Post on 13-Nov-2014






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The Wonders of China中国的奇观

By: Yi Yan 严屹

Introduction to China 熊猫 这是中国有名的有熊猫。大家都觉得

它们很可爱。虽然我们没有看到它 们, 但是还是很好玩。

During my time in China I have experienced many happy and enjoyable occasions as well as unexpected sights, and beauty of China. This opportunity not only helped me understand the Chinese culture, but I also made many friends who are from different states who had their own individual uniqueness. It was interesting to learn about the cultures and traditions of a civilization that is 5,000 years old.

In this picture, are the people we were groups with. There were 3 different groups A, B, and C. Although the group may appear small, it is actually larger then it appears. We laughed together, traveled together, lived together and had fun together. We were also taken to many of the infamous and gorgeous sights of China.

我朋友和我跟 A 对一起走。我们去了许多漂亮的地方。

One of the most memorable moments of this trip was when I was standing high in the mountains looking down from the Great Wall. The sight of the Great Wall was unimaginable, If you have a fear of heights, this would be a great opportunity to confront those fears. The uneven and unleveled stairways only add on to the excitement of those who climb it.


The Great Wall is one of the 7 wonders of the world. It was built originally to protect the northern borders of the Chinese empire against invaders. The actual length of the Great Wall is 5,500.3 mile, and it stretches across China. After seeing the Great Wall I I felt that nature should be preserved, so that future generations are able to see these breathtaking sights.



This is the Temple of Heaven, a complex Taoist building created for the purpose of holding ceremonies of prayer to the Heavens for good harvest and fortune. Several renovations were made to repair the temple due to the deterioration of the structure. Now it has become a tourist attraction to foreigners that wished to experience what was reserved for the Chinese Emperor and his subjects.


Tiananmen square is a famous national monument and symbol build in 1420. The Tiananmen square leads to the Forbidden City. In the background there is a portrait of Mao ZeDong above the gate of the Tiananmen. Every few years the portrait would be taken down and replaced by a new one.



The Forbidden City was an Imperial Palace from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. It was the home of Emperors, and his subjects. The Forbidden City contains over 980 building and houses and estimated around 7.8million square feet. We learned that the status represent various different things.



Every now and than, you might come across these Guardian Lion statues while going to a restaurant, visiting a temple, shrine, historical places, and etc. usually these lions are in pairs that give off different meanings. One is a male and the other is a female. Although they look identical there are ways to determine whether they’re male or female. The female is usually feeding a baby lion under her claws. This represent the dependence the child has on the mother as well as the playfulness. The male has a globe or ball underneath his claws this represents the power over the world.


This area of Beijing isn’t as modernized as the rest of the province. This area was kept from modernize to keep the traditional culture of China without outside influences. This is to remind the people of China how it was in the past. Nowadays the Hutong area is slowly decreasing and starting to modernize., or renovated to repair damages


When we traveled to Changsha we stayed at the 1,000 year old university, as we all the birthplace of Mao Zedong. Changsha had the best Cuisine in my opinion because I love spicy food. They make delicious family meals. During our home stay with a Chinese family we made some homemade dumplings with the family. Street venders and games crowded the streets at night. They have incredible food and shopping areas that caught my attention



The most memorable time during our visit to Hunan, Changsha would be my family stay experience. The family that was were visiting was very lively, interesting and incredible. They were very friendly and kind. We made dumplings together, they cooked us a delicious homemade meal, I enjoyed every dish that they made. They made my experience in Changsha a very memorable experience., I will never forget them.


During our stay in Changsha we also had a chance to take Chinese classes that taught us calligraphy, ink painting, Chinese language, and Etc. I believe that this opened up most of the students minds to the way China education is taught. It was very fun and enjoyable.

In our calligraphy classes we had many students that excelled in ink painting and had many other talents. They draw very realistic pandas, dragons, trees, bamboo, and other ink paintings. Through this experience I was able to try out calligraphy and learn that I needed a lot more practice before I can perfect my characters.




After we left Changsha and arrived at Shanghai we were welcomed into the Shanghai university of finance to stay at their hotel. Although we only had 2 days in Shanghai our limited time was not wasted. We visited the Huangpu River, went on a night cruise where we got to see the modernized structures of Shanghai.


The skyscrapers in Shanghai are similar to the ones in New York, if not better. There were several buildings with unique structures that was very different then the ones we see in New York. I thought they were very interesting and it changed my view of China. I use to think it was mostly urban areas, but now I realized that there are parts of China that are very well modernized.

During our last day in Shanghai and China we decided to do some shopping for souvenirs to bring back with us for our friends and families. After shopping we started to walk around and look at the city. We came across different places and ended up bowling. It was great experience because we were able to use what we learned about the Chinese language to speak with the local Chinese people. Although it was a little hard for them to understand what we were saying, but they were able to understand our message.

After the opportunity to travel to China, it made me wonder what kind of structures are out there in the world. This experience expand my view on the world. There hundreds of different and unique cultures and places that are special. I am grateful to have had this opportunity to further understand the culture and traditions of the Chinese. If I have this opportunity again I will definitely go back and see how China develops. Thank you~



The End~结束

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