thinking and acting in...

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心理科学进展 2013,Vo1.21,No.4,679—700

Advances in Psychological Science D0I:10.3724/SRJ.1042.2013.00679

Thinking and Acting in Anticipation:

A Review of Research on Proactive Behavior

Chia Huei W U & Sharon K.PARKER

(UWA Business School(M252),University ofWestern Australia,35 Stirling Hwy,Crawley,6009,WA,Australia)

Abstract:Being proactive involves self-initiated,future—focused,and change、orientated behaviors.Such

proactivity has been recognized as a positive way of behaving that can lead to the increased performance and

effectiveness of individuals and organizations, especially when employees operate in contexts of

unpredictable and changing demands.Because of its well—documented benefits the antecedents and

mechanisms of proactive behavior have been widely examined in an effort to identify how to promote such

behavior in organizations.In this article,the authors first review various ways of conceptualizing proactivity,

which includes an individual differences perspective,a behavior perspective,and a process perspective.A

behavior perspective is mainly adopted in this article as this perspective is dominant in literature.Next.three

mechanisms representing “can do”.“reason to’’and “energized to’’processes that can trigger proactive

behavior are introduced.A review on antecedents of proactive behavior,including dispositional factors,

situational factors and their interactions,is followed.The authors also summarize consequences that proactive

behavior can bring,including job attitudes and performance.In addition to providing reviews,as the second

part,the authors introduce their recent research that considers expanded dispositional predictors of proactive

behavior(i.e.,need for cognition,attachment style)as well as how these predictors interact with the situation.

To conclude,the authors summarize what is well established in the literature,as well as what warrants further


Key words:proactive behavior;personality;organizational behavior

At the individual 1eve1.proactivity refers to the

phenomena in which an individual self-initiates actions

to master and change one’s situation or external


Turner, 2O06). For exam ple, in the theme of

person—environment relationships,Bateman and Crant

(1993)indicated that human beings not only passively

respond to their environments,but tl1ey also actively

seek to master their environments. Research on

proactivity,therefore,concerns why an individual sets

out to master and change one’s situation or external

environment,how s/he can achieve this change,an d

what the consequences of proactivity are for

individuals an d organ izations.

This article aims to review proactivity

research and to introduce our approach to proactive

behavior by reviewing three studies we have

conducted. We foCUS our reviews on proactive

behavior at an individual leve1.rather than a team or

organizational leve1.Discussion on proactivity at

team and organizational level can be found in Bindl

and Parker(2OLO)and Wu and Parker(201 1).There

are two pans in this review article.The first part is a

general review of proactivity literature.Drawing on

other recent review articles(Bindl& Parker.2010;

Parker,Bindl,& Strauss,2010;Wu& Parker,2011),

we review how proactivity has been conceptualized,

underpinning mechanisms that drive proactivity,

antecedents,and outcomes of proactive behavior.

The second part is a more focused review on some of

our recent research concerning dispositional predictors

of proactive behavior.We conclude by summarizing

what we know from existing literature and suggesting

what can usefully be explored in future studies.

Review of Proactivity Literature Received date:2012—07—06

Correspondence author:

Chia Huei WU, In this section,we review cOnceptualizatiOns


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of proactivity,motivational mechanisms that drive

proactivity,more distal antecedents of proactivity,

and outcomes of proactive behavior.

Characteristics of Proactivity

Proactivity has been examined from several

different perspectives, including initially as an

individua1 difference perspective(Bateman&Crant,

1993),followed by a behavioral perspective(Frese,

Kring,Soose,& Zempel,1996;Parker,W illiams,&

Turner,2006),and,more recently,a goal process

perspective (Bindl, Parker,Totterdell,& Hagger-

Johnson.2012;Frese& Fay,2001;Grant& Ashford.


Regarding the individual difference perspective,

Bateman and Crant(1993)proposed the concept of

proactive personality to describe a person “who is

relatively unconstrained by situational forces and

who effects environmental change.’’These scholars

indicated that “proactive people scan for

opportunities, show initiative, take action, and

persevere until they reach closure by bringing about

change” (p.105).Supporting the validity of this

individual difference approach, proactive

personality has been shown to be different from

big—five personality variables(Bateman & Crant,

1993;Major,Turner,& Fletcher,2006)because it captures the dispositional tendency towards

proactivity.Proactive personality has been widely

examined as a predictor of different proactive

behaviors,including job search behaviors(Brown,

Cober,Kane,& Shalhoop,2006);proactive work

behaviors such as idea implementation,problem

solving,innovation,and problem prevention(Parker

et a1., 2006; Thompson,2005);and proactive

strategic behaviors,including strategic scanning,

issue selling credibility, and issue selling

willingness (Parker & Collins, 20 1 0). Two

meta-analyses (Fuller & Marler, 2009;Thomas,

Whitman, & Viswesvaran, 2010) support the

importance of proactive personality as a strong

dispositional predictor of various forms of proactive


An alternative to focusing on the general

tendency to be proactive is to consider proactivity

as a way of behaving(e.g.,Crant,2000;Parker et a1.,

2006).From this perspective,proactive behavior is

defined as“self-initiated and future—oriented action

that aims to change and improve the situation or

oneselff’(Parker et a1.,2006,P.636).This definition

indicates three defining elements that are argued to

underpin multiple forms of proactive behavior

(voice,taking charge,proactive socialization,etc.):

self-initiation,future—focus,and change—orientation

(Frese & Fay,2001;Parker et a1.,2006).First,

proactive behavior is self-initiated,which means

that this behavior is enacted without being told to or

without requiring an explicit instruction.Second,

proactive behavior is future—focused,which means

that this behavior aims to deal with anticipated

problems or opportunities with a long—term focus.

Third, proactive behavior is change—oriented,

involving not just reacting to a situation but being prepared to change that situation or oneself in order

to bring about a different future.

From this behavioral perspective,the many

forms of proactive behavior that have been

investigated in distinct domains (e.g., careers,

socialization, work performance) should be

positively inter-related,even though they have often

been studied in distinct literatures.Supporting this

reasoning,Parker and Collins (2010) identified

three higher-order categories of proactive behavior

that all involve self-initiated,future—oriented,and

change—oriented behaviors,but vary in the goals that

are being pursued.The first category is proactive

person-environment fit behavior,which includes

proactive behaviors that aim to achieve a better fit

between the person and the environment,such as

feedback inquiry,feedback monitoring,job role

negotiation, and career initiative. The second

category is proactive work behavior,which includes

behaviors that aim to improve the internal

organizational environment,such as taking charge

to bring about change, voice, innovation, and

problem prevention. Finally,proactive strategic

behavior includes proactive behaviors that aim to

improve the fit of the organization with its wider

environment,such as strategic scanning and issue

selling.This integrative study shows that different

forms of proactive behavior can be seen to share

similar overarching goals,and therefore are likely to

have antecedents and outcomes in common.

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In an extension of the idea that proactivity is a

way of behaving that can apply across multiple

domains, scholars have recently c0nceptualized

proactivity as a goal process (Bindl, Parker,

Totterdell,& Hagger—Johnson,2012;Frese& Fay,

2001;Grant& Ashford,2008).In other words,

when an individual tries to bring about a different

future via change, they engage in conscious

goal—directed processes, including both goal

generation and goal striving(e.g.,Chen& Kanfer,

2006).Goal generation involves,for example,

envisioning a different future and planning to bring

about a change,whereas goal striving involves

concrete steps to bring about the change,as well as

reflections on these actions and their consequences

(Parker et a1., 2010). From this perspective,

proactivity is not only observable behavior but

reflects a broader process that also involves

unobservable elements like envisioning,planning,

and reflecting.Recent studies have empirically

supported the process view of proactivity.W ithin

the context of career self-management,Raabe,Frese,

and Beehr(2007)showed that goal commitment and

information collection first contribute to career

planning, which then leads to active career

self-management behavior that helps tO eventually

achieve career success.Based on two longitudinal

studies using samples of graduates making the

transition from college to work, De Vos, De

Clippeleer,and Dewilde(2009)also illustrated that

career progress goals sustain career planning,which

then contributes to networking behaviors,and with

one step further,leads to higher career Success in

the end, supporting the chain of envisioning—

planning—performing process in proactivity.M ost

recently, Bindl, Parker, Hagger—Johnson and

Totterdell(2012)showed that envisioning,planning,

enacting,and reflecting are four distinct processes

involved in both proactive work behavior and

proactive career behavior.

In sumlnary,proactivity has been conceptualized

as an individual difference variable,a distinct way

of behaving,and as a goal process.Focusing on

proactivity as a way of behavior has an advantage

beyond an exclusive emphasis on proactivity as a

disposition because the behavioral perspective

recognizes that proactivity is shaped by

environmental factors. The process view of

proactivity,though proposed and tested in a few

studies,is still relatively undeveloped.

M otivational M echanisms of Proactive Behavior

Drawing on various existing motivational

theories,as well as evidence regarding motivational

determinants of proactive behaviors,Parker,Bindl and

Strauss(2010)proposed that proactive goal generation

and striving will depend on whether individuals feel

capable of being proactive (a ‘can do’pathway),

whether they have some sense that they wan t to bring

about a different future(a‘reason to’pathway),and

whether they have positive affect to foster their

proactive actions(an ‘energized to’pathway).These

three motivational mechanisms are consistent with the

motivational system theory(F0rd,1992)by mapping

on to the three forces in an individual’s motivation

system:personal agency befief,intrinsic motivation,

and emotionalforce.

Wimin the“can—do”pathway.the beliefs that an

individual has capability to perform a certain behavior

(i.e.,self-efficacy),beliefs that action is feasible(e.g.,

control appraisals),and perceived low costs of action

are key constructs(Parker et a1.,2010).Among the

three constructs,the role of self-efficacy in shaping

proactive behavior has been the most frequently

examined. Self-effi cacy refers to “people’s beliefs

about their capabilities to produce designated levels of

performan ce that exercise influence over events that

affect their lives”(Bandura,1994,p.71).Drawing on

expectancy theory (Vroom, 1964),Morrison and

Phelps(1999)suggested that behaving proactively can

berisky——it can damage one’s reputationifthe action

fails or incurs disapproval from others.Individuals

with high sel~effi cacy will be more likely to weigh

positively the costs of such risky action against the

benefits,to believe they can cope with any potential

setbacks,and will perceive a higher likelihood of

success.Therefore,sel~efficacy has been proposed as

a key cognitive—motivational process that drives

proactive action (Parker et a1.,2006).Empirically,

studies have shown that self-efficacy predicts personal

initiative(e.g.,Bledow& Frese,2009;Frese,Garst,&

Fay,2007;Ohly&Fritz,2007;Speier& Frese,1997),

job search behavior(Brown et a1.,2006;Kanfer,

W anberg,& Kantrowitz,2001;Saks & Ashforth,

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1999), and other proactive behaviors, such as

innovation(e.g.,Axtell et a1.,2000),new comers’

proactive socialization behavior(Gruman.Saks.&

Zweig,2006),and taking charge(e.g.,Morrison&


However,as stated by Eccles and Wigfield,

(2002)“even if people are certain they can do a task,

they may have no compelling reason to do it”

(P.1 12). Thus, it is important to consider

individuals’ reasons for behaving proactively.

Drawing on self-determination theory,Parker et a1.

(2010)argued for the importance of internalized or

autonomous, rather than controlled, forms of

motivation for prompting proactivity.In a broad

view,internalized or autonomous motivation can be

expressed in various forms, such as motives,

aspirations, desires, commitment, or feIt

responsibility,which in common convey an intrinsic

force to engage proactive behavior.For example,

proactive socialization tactics (e.g.,information

seeking,networking,job change negotiation)are

partly led by a desire for control(Ashford& Black,

1 996): personal initiative is associated with

aspiration for control(Fay& Frese,2001);feedback

seeking is led by the desire for useful information

(Tuckey, Brewer, & Williamson, 2002); and

initiative at work and voice are influenced by

pro—social motives(Grant& Mayer,2009).One’s

commitment towards career, teams, and

organizations also provide reasons to enact

proactive behavior.For example,Belschak and Den

Hartog(Belschak& Den Hartog.2010;Den Hartog

& Belschak,2007)reported that different foci of

commitment (career, supervisor, team, and

organization)were positively related to personal

initiative and proactive behavior at personal,

interpersonal, and Organizational leve1. An

individual’s belief that he or she is personally

obligated to bring about environmental change has

been repeatedly and positively linked with personal

initiative (Bledow & Frese.2009)and proactive

behaviors,such as taking charge(e.g.,Morrison&

Phelps,1999;Parker& Collins,2010),voice(Fuller,

M arler,& Hester,2006;Grant& M ayer,2009;

Parker& Collins,2010;Tangirala& Ramanujam,

2008),and continuous improvement(Fuller et a1.,

2006).Recently,drawing on the concept of possible

self(Markus& Nurius,1 986),Strauss,Griffin,and

Parker(20 1 2)proposed and found that future work

selves provide a strong intrinsic reason to lead an

individual to be proactive in building career.They

reported that individuals with more salient future

work selves,as well as more elaborate future work

selves,are more likely to engage in proactive career

behavior, including career planning, skill

development,networking,and consulting.

Proactive behavior is fostered through an

affective pathway.Drawing on Fredrickson’s(1998)

broaden—and—build theory of positive emotion,Parker

(2007)proposed that positive affect is likely to

influence the selection of proactive goals because it

expan ds thinking and result in more flexible cognitive

processes (Fredrickson,1998,2001;Isen, 1999),

which in turn help individuals tO think ahead an d rise

to the challenge in pursuing proactive goals.

Consistent with these ideas,positive affect has been

linked with the setting of more challenging goals(Ilies

& Judge,2005).Regarding build mechanism。Parker

(2007)argued that the impact of positive affect in

broaden mechanism over time is helpfu1 in building

more enduring individual characteristics.For example,

an individual can develop higher self-efficacy after

achieving a challenging goal and be more resilient

when encountering obstacles in goal achievement.

Several studies have supported the idea that positive

affect can influence proactive behavior.For example,

Ashforth,Sluss,and Saks(2007)reposed a positive

correlation between positive affectivity an d proactive

socialization behaviors.Madjar,Oldham,and Pratt

(2002)also reported that positive affect was associated

with more individual creaftve performance rated by

their supervisors.Within—person studies also suggest

the benefits of positive affect for proactive behavior.

Fritz and Sonnentag (2009)found positive affect

related to taking charge behaviors both on the same


Furthering our understanding of the relationship

between affect and proactivity,Bindl et a1.(2012)

differentiated affect into four quadrants of the affective

circumplex model(created via combinations of high vs

low activation and positive vs.negative valence)and

examined the impact of each affect category on

different stages in a proactive goal process.They

found that high—activated positive mood was positively

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associated with all elements of the proactive process,

whereas low—activated positive mood was not an

important predictor,supporting the ‘energized to’

pathway proposed by Parker et a1.,(2010).In addition,

low—activated negative feelings,such as depression,

positively predicted employees’ envisioning of

proactive goals but no other elements of proactivity,

suggesting that depressed feelings might prompt day

dreaming or rumi nation about future change

possibilities,but not actual action.These findings

suggest that activation levels of affect should be taken

into account when investigating how affect influences

proactive behaviors.Moreover,their findings also

suggest that high·activated positive mood not only

contributes to proactive behavior but also other

cognitive elements in proactive process.

In summary, “Call dO,” “reason to,” and

“energized to” are three main motivational

mechanisms of proactive behavior that have been

supported in existing literature. Although each

mechanism has been well established,the unique

effects an d the interplays of these three mechan isms

have rarely been examined. Future studies are

encouraged to incorporate all these mechanisms to

provide a comprehensive examination.

Antecedents of Proactive Behavior

We now turn to review more distal antecedents

of proactivity,including both individual attributes

and work context factors.We also review findings

about how individual and situational factors will

jointly shape an individuals,proactive behavior.

Individual antecedents.

Given that proactive behavior is self-initiated,

not imposed or required by others,individual’s

attributes are likely to be important in shaping one’s

proactive behavior. We discuss in turn

knowledge/abilities and personality as two relevant

categories of individual attributes.


The importance of knowledge/abilities for

proactive behavior was outlined by Fay and Frese

(2001):“To be able to take initiative,one needs a

good and thorough understanding of what one’s

work is,that is,one needs job—relevant knowledge,

skills,and cognitive ability” (p.104). Previous

studies have found that a positive relation between

knowledge / abilities—relevant constructs and

proactive behavior,such as job qualification and

personal initiative(Fay& Frese,2001),cognitive

ability and personal initiative(Fay& Frese,2001),

educational background and job search behavior

(Kanfer et a1.,2001),and educational background

and voice (LePine & Van Dyne. 1998). In

highlighting the importance of deep—level

knowledge of the task, Ohly, Sonnentag, and

Pluntke (2006) found a positive effect of

routinization on creativity and innovation,

suggesting that“routinization enables employees to

develop new ideas while working and to implement



In addition to knowledge and abilities,

personality also has an impact on proactive behavior.

The most relevant construct is proactive personality

(Bateman& Crant,1993),and its predictive effect

on proactive behavior was referred to above.

Big—five personality traits have been linked to

proactive behavior.For example.conscientiousness

. . . — — tendencies and behaviors related to dependability,

conformity,and perseverance--——has been shown to

be positively related to personal initiative(Fay&

Frese,2001),proactive job search(Kanfer et a1.,

2001),overt performance and task information

seeking (Tidwel1& Sias,2005),career planning

behaviors(Carless& Bernath.2007).and voice

(LePine& Van Dyne,2001).In contrast,when other

more salient predictors of proactivity were included

in the model(such as learning goal orientation and

future orientation).Parker& Collins(2010)showed

that conscientiousness was unimportant in

predicting a range of proactive behaviors.

Extroversion, characterized by a need for

stimulation, assertiveness, and activities, is

positively related to voice(LePine & Van Dyne.

2001), overt and covert relational information

seeking,covert task and performance information

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seeking(Tidwell& Sias,2005),feedback seeking

and relationship building among newcomers

(Wanberg & Kammeyer—Mueller. 2000). and

personal initiative (Fay & Frese.2001).Results

regarding the predicting effect of openness to

experiences, agreeableness, and neuroticism on

proactive behavior are less consistent fsee Wu &

Parker, 20 1 1).We discuss extensions to this

literature on dispositional predictors of proactivity

in the second part of our review.

Situational antecedents.

Situational factors are also crucial for

proactive behavior because they represent

conditions which allow or encourage(or constrain

or inhibit)all individual to enact proactive behavior.

In this section,we summarize findings concerning

j0b characteristics,leadership,and organizational


Job characteristics.

Job characteristics play an important role in

shaping one’s motivation,behavior,and well—being

(Latham & Pinder,2005;Morgeson & Campion,

2003;Parker& Ohly.2008).and have been linked

to various forms of proactive behavior. Both

positive and negative job characteristics can trigger

proactive behavior.For example,job autonomy and

control is a positive job characteristic that concerns degrees to which employees can decide what to do

and choose how to perform their work has been

found to be positively related to proactive behaviors

(e.g.,Axtell et a1.,2000;Ohly et a1.,2006;Parker et

a1.,2006;Speier& Frese,1997;W u,Parker,& de

Jong,in press).This is because job autonomy can

promote one’s self-efficacy at work(Parker,1998)

and thus help the enactment of proactive behavior

(Parker et a1.,2006),promote intrinsic motivation

and engagement in bringing changes by motivating

an individua1 to redefine tasks(Salanova& Schaufeli

2008),and enhancing felt responsibility at work

(Hackman&Oldham,1976).Some job stressors,or

job characteristics denoting a deviation between a

desired and an actual situation.can also have

positive effects on proactive behavior because these

stressors motivate employees to take an active

approach in order to decrease the difference

between the desired and actual states fFay &

Sonnentag, 2002). Supporting this view, job

stressors, such as time pressure or situational

constraints, have been shown to be positively

related to various proactive behaviors(Binnewies,


Fritz& Sonnentag,2009;Ohly& Fritz,2010;Ohly

et al一2006).


Employee proactive behavior is also tied to

leaders’managerial style,attitudes,expectations,

and the leader—subordinate relationship.In general,

leaders who tend to express their supportive

considerations of subordinates, provide

opportunities for subordinates to engage in decision

— making,and have a positive attitude and openness

towards changes are more likely to promote

employee’s proactive behavior. Participative

leadership emphasizes the value of subordinates’

contributions and involvement in decision—making.

Contingent reward leadership emphasizes the

recognition and approval for subordinate effort or

performance. Transformational leadership

emphasizes motivating employees to challenge the

status quo.All three were found to have positive

relationships with employee’s proactive behavior

(e.g.,Belschak& Den Hartog,2010;Bettencourt,

2004;Den Hartog& Belschak,2012;Rank,Carsten,

Unger,& Spector,2007;Strauss,Griffin,& Rafferty,

2009).In addition,Scott and Bruce(1994)found

that when leaders expected their subordinates to be

an innovator or supporter of innovation,their

subordinates displayed more innovative behavior,

revealing a Pygmalion effect.Morrison and Phelps

(1999)found that top managements’openness to

change was positively related with employees’

willingness to engage in taking—charge behaviors.

Similarly,in a qualitative research,Dutton et a1.

(1997)found that top managements’willingness to

listen was positively related to employees’

perception,and that it was favorable to engage in

issue selling.

Not only leadership style but also the quality

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of exchange relationship between leader and

employee can also affect proactive behavior.This is

because employees in a higher leader—member

exchange relationship are more likely to commit to

bring a positive change in the organizations and

have more resources from their supervisors to enact

change. Empirically, higher leader-member

exchange (LMX)has been positively related to

individual innovation(Janssen&Van Yperen.2004;

Scott& Bruce,1994),voice (Burris,Detert,&

Chiaburu, 2008), and change—oriented

organizational citizenship behaviors(Bettencourt,

2004).A more in—depth review on the relationship

between leadership and proactive behavior can be

found in Parker and Wu(in press).

Supportive organizational climate.

Past studies showed that an organizational

climate that denotes a supportive and

psychOl0gically safe environment is helpful to

fo ster proactive behaviors.For example,individuals

who report being satisfied with or supported by

others(Griffin,Neal,& Parker,2007;Kanfer et a1.,

2001;LePine& Van Dyne,1998)are more likely to

engage in proactive behaviors.Similarly,Axtell et

a1.(2000)also found climate constructs at team

level, such as participative safety, support for

innovation,management support,and perception of

capability in influencing team and the organization,

were generally positive to suggestion and

implementation of ideas.Scott and Bruce (1994)

reported that employees who perceived higher

levels of support for innovation in organizations are

more likely to exhibit innovative behaviors.In a

longitudinal study,Axtell,Holman,and Wall(2006)

further reported that change in management support

was positively related to change in suggestions,and

change in team support for innovation was

positively related to change in implementing

innovation. Focusing on the supportive

organizational practices,Dorenbosch,van Engen,

and Verhagen, (2005) further suggested that

commitment—based human resource management,

characterized by (1)employee participation,(2)

wages, (3) training and development, (4)

information sharing,and(5)supervisor support,can

form a strong employee psychological link (i.e.,

commitment) to organizations, which makes

employees more willing to take responsibility and

engage in proactive behavior.Finally,Parker et a1.

(2006) showed that employees’ trust in their

colleagues predicted proactive problem solving and

idea implementation via individuals’flexible role

orientation(reason to).Collectively,these findings

reveal that have a positive and safe environment is

important for an individual to be willing to

challenge status quo and effect change.

Interaction between individual and situational


Individual an d situanonal forces are not

independent;they can work together to influence an

individual’s proactive behavior.First,some studies

indicate that positive situational characteristics can be

conceptualized as conditions that allow individuals to

exhibit their dispositional tendency in being proactive.

For example,M cAllister, Kamdar,M orrison, an d

Turban (2007)found that higher procedural jusfice

enhanced the association between perceived role

breath and taking charge.Griffin,Parker,and M ason

(2010) found that leader vision enhanced the

association between role breadth self-efficacy and

proactive behavior when assessed one year later.Both

procedural justice and leader vision can thus be

considered as facilitating conditions that enhance the

likelihood that employees with certain attributes will

be proactive.

However,there are also studies suggesting that

some situational characteristics spur an individual to

enact proactive behavior if they lack dispositional

tendencies,implying a compensating positive role

of the environment.For example,Speier and Frese

(1997)found that job control has a stronger effect

on personal initiative among people with lower

self-efficacy than among those with higher

self-efficacy.LePine and Van Dyne(1 998)showed

that individuals with low self-esteem were more

receptive to favorable situational characteristics

promoting voice(e.g.,high levels of overall group

autonomy),than were individuals with high levels

of self-esteem.Similarly,Rank,Nelson,Allen,and

Xu (2009)found that transformational leadership

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was more strongly and positively related with

individual innovation for individuals with lower

levels of organization—based self-esteem.In the

same vein,Bettencourt(2004)found that contingent

reward leadership had a negative relationship with

change—oriented organizational citizenship

behaviors among people high in performance goal

orientation because contingent reward leadership

focuses on in—role task responsmilities.People high

in performance goal orientation tend to focus on

in—role tasks to achieve their competence at work,

rather than extra—role, change—oriented

organizational citizenship behaviors. However,

when people high in performance goal orientation

encounter transformational leaders,they are likely

to engage in change—oriented organizational

citizenship behaviors because in this case,

transformational leaders focus on broader

organizational values and goals.People high in

performance goal orientation are more likely to be

attuned to this cue and enacting proactive behavior

in order to achieve their competence at work.All

these findings suggested that situational

characteristics can spur individuals with less

conducive attributes to behave more proactively.

Recently,Den Hartog and Belschak (20 1 2)

indicated a three—way interaction effect among

transformational leadership, role breadth

self-efficacy and job autonomy in predicting

proactive behavior.Specifically,their study showed

that transformational leadership is more effective in

driving proactive behavior for employees with

higher role breadth self-efficacy when job autonomy

is high,but it is more effective to lead to proactive

behavior for employees with lower role breadth

self-efficacy when job autonomy is low.This

finding suggests that whether transformational

leadership functions to facilitate individuals to

exhibit a tendency towards being proactive(high

self-efficacy),or functions to direct an individual

with less tendency towards being proactive(1ow

sel~efficacy),depends on job characteristics.Their

investigation thus provides a more fine—grained

interaction model to understand the ioint impact of

individual and situational factors in shaping

proactive behavior.

Some situations can also decrease an

individual’s tendency to be proactive.For example,

Gupta and Bhawe(2007)found that the negative

impact of stereotype threat on entrepreneurship

intention was stronger among women with higher

proactive personality because entrepreneurship is

related to a masculine stereotype and women,who

are negatively stereotyped in entrepreneurship,tend

to show a decrement in aspirations to be

entrepreneurs when they are aware of the stereotype,

and believe that they are judged based on the stereotype.Thus,their findings suggest that an

individual’s tendency to be proactive can also be

constrained in certain situations.

Finally,it is also possible that dispositional

factors can compensate for situational factors in

proactive behavior.Grant and Sumanth (2009)

found that those individuals who were high in

dispositional trust propensity and were also

pro—socially motivated showed high levels of

job—related initiative,even if they indicated their

managers were not trustworthy. VandeWalle,

Ganesan,Challagalla,and Brown(2000)indicated

that individuals’learning goal orientation becomes

more important for perceiving higher value and

lower cost in feedback seeking when individuals

work with inconsiderate supervisors.These findings

in general imply that dispositional factors(trust

propensity or learning goal orientation) can

compensate for situational factors (manager

trustworthiness or inconsiderate supervisors)to lead

proactive behavior.

In summary,the interaction effects between

individual and situational antecedents are complex.

and further investigation is needed to develop

integrative frameworks that synthesize the findings.

C0nsequences of proactive behavior

We now focus on the outcomes of proactive

behavior,including job performance,career success,

and subjective satisfaction.

Job performance.

Proactive behavior has been linked to superior

performance,particularly because in uncertain and

interdependent contexts,being proactive is helpful

第 4期 吴佳焊等 :深谋远虑 :前瞻行为研究的回顾与展望 687

for generating creative ideas(Binnewies,Ohly,&

Sonnentag, 2007) that facilitate dealing with

changing environments(Griffin et a1.,2007).For

example,specific proactive behaviors have been

found to be positively related to individuals’

performance rated by supervisors or themselves,

including voice,issue selling and taking charge

(Grant,Parker,& Collins,2009;Van Dyne& Le

Pine,1998),network building and taking charge

(Thompson,2005),personal initiative(Bledow &

Frese, 2009), proactive information seeking

(Morrison,1993a,1993b),building relationships

with boss and positive framing(Ashford& Black,

1996;Ashforth et a1.,2007),and championing

behavior in innovation(Howell& Shea.2001).

Career success.

Proactive behaviors can also lead to higher

career success,such as when individuals build

networks that can help their performance,actively

secure mentoring relationships,or negotiate roles

that better fit with individual abilities.As reported

by Frese et a1.(1 997),people who are high in

personal initiative have a clear career plan,a higher

level of execution of the plan, and higher

employability. Proactive behavior for shaping

interpersonal relationships with supervisor or senior

colleagues can also contribute to an individual’s

career development. For example, Ashford and

Black(1996)found that newcomers who proactively

build relationships with supervisors in the first six

month have higher self-rated performance at the end

of a yean Building relationships with senior

colleagues or mentors can facilitate achieving

favorable career outcomes such as higher income

and higher-level positions in the hierarchy(Blickle,

Witzki,& Schneider,2009).Similarly,Eby,Butts

and Lockwood(2003)reported that experience with

a mentor,breadth of within—organization networks,

and breadth of external networks were positively

related to perceived career success and internal and

external marketability.

Subjective satisfaction.

Proactive behavior is also related to higher

satisfaction with their iobs,careers,or lives because

its achievement to bring about change will lead an

individual to be more satisfied with their conditions.

For example, career initiative and individual

innovation can predict increases in career

satisfaction and promotions at work in two years

(Seibert,Kraimer,& Crant,2001).Information

seeking,feedback seeking,relationship building,

and positive framing were also generally linked to

higher levels of job satisfaction and lower levels of

intention to leave (M orrison,1993b;W anberg &

Kammeyer—Mueller,2000).Ashforth et a1.(2007)

further reported that proactive behavior

(information seeking,feedback seeking,job—change

negotiation,socializing,building a relationship with

boss,and networking)contributes to higher role

innovation,lower intentions tO quit,and higher

newcomer learning,which in turn,lead to higher job

performance,organization identification,and job


Summary of Literature Review

Actively trying to take charge of one’s self or

the environment to bring about a different future·-——

or being proactive--——is an increasingly vital way of

behaving in today’s work places.We have shown

how the concept of proactivity can be considered

from dispositional,behavioral, and goal process

perspectives. Focusing particularly on the

behavioral perspective, we reviewed three

motivational mechanisms to promote proactive

behavior:the belief that one is able to be proactive

(can do),that one wants to be proactive(reason to),

and the experience of activated positive affect

(energized to).Individual and situational antecedents

of proactive behavior were also reviewed with the

findings showing that both individual and situational

factors operate separately and jointly to shape

proactive behavior. Finally, the current evidence

suggests that proactive behavior can lead to positive

outcomes,such as higher career success an d better

job performance,albeit with some evidence that these

positive outcomes depend on individual attributes

such as situational judgment (Chan,2006) or

pro—social motivation(Grant et a1.,2009).

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Recent Studies on Dispositional Influences

on Proactive Behavior

In this section,we provide a specific review

on our recent work that focuses mainly on the role

of dispositional factors in shaping proactive

behavior. Overall, there are four main

characteristics of our approach.First,we highlight

cognitive and relational aspects of proactivity that

have less often been examined,even though they are

important to describe the nature of proactivity.

Second, we adopt an individual differences

perspective to consider these cognitive and

relational aspects of proactivity.Past studies have

paid more attention to situational rather than

disposition impacts on proactive behavior. Yet

proactivity is self-initiated,so it is reasonable to

consider why some peop!e but not others will initiate behavior to bring about change.Third,we

investigate interactions between dispositional and

situational factors in shaping proactive behavior,In

so doing, we identify boundary conditions of

dispositions and situations,and thereby provide

useful managerial implications to promote proactive

behavior. Theoretically, delineating interaction

effects between dispositional and situational factors

helps us to understand the potential mechanisms in

leading proactive behavior. Fourth,we address

dispositional influences on proactive behavior at

both inter— and intra·-individual level as they

represent different psychological mechanisms

(Borsboom,Mellenbergh,& van Heerden,2003).

Considering both levels is valuable because it

addresses both the structure and process views of

personality (Fleeson,2001)and provides a more

comprehensive understanding for dispositional

factors to operate.

Cognitive Nature of Proactivity:The Role of

Need for Cognition and Contingent Effects of

Job Characteristics

As discussed above,scholars have suggested

that proactivity is a goal—oriented process that

involves cognitive and behavioral elements

including goal envisioning,planning,enacting,and

reflecting (Bindl et a1.,2012;Frese & Fay,2001;

Grant& Ashford.2008).From this perspective,

being proactive involves not only doing,but also

thinking,such as imagining how things might be

different and generating new ideas or alternative

ways to do jobs(Frese&Fay,2001).As such,it is

important to consider thinking—oriented dispositions

over and above action—oriented ones like proactive


We(Wu et a1.,in press)suggest that the need

for cognition,a dispositional tendency to engage in

and enjoy thinking(Cacioppo& Petty,1982),can positively contribute to proactive behavior.

Individuals who are high in the need for cognition

“tend to have active,exploring minds,and,through

their senses and intellect,they reach and draw out

information from their environment;accordingly,

they are more likely to expend effort on information

acquisition,reasoning,and problem solving to cope

with a wide variety of predicaments in their world”

(Cacioppo,Petty,Feinstein,& Jarvis,1996,p.245).

People high in the need for cognition are thus

expected to be comfortable initiating change that

deviates from the status quo.They are also likely to

process more information in any given situation,

and therefore are better able to predict the future

and come up with plans to deal with the anticipated


Research has identified several ways in which

the need for cognition can facilitate the thinking

involved in proactivity.First,people high in the

need for cognition are more likely to engage in and

enjoy situations marked by novelty,complexity,and

uncertainty (Cacioppo et a1., 1996), which is

typically when proactivity is called for,as indicated

by Griffin et a1.(2007,p.329):“proactivity is

important whenever a work context involves

uncertainty and some aspects of work roles that

cannot be formalized.”Second,people high in the

need for cognition have a higher ability to link new

knowledge into previous knowledge in the pursuit

of comprehension,and can flexibly change learning

strategies to acquire new information(Evans,Kirby,

& Fabrigar,2003).As such,they can process

information deeply and quickly,which is helpful for

proactivity because in order to set and achieve a

proactive goal,an individual must determine what

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type of 1nformation is valuable in that situation and

then make appropriate plans to bring about change

in the future.Third,individuals high in the need for

cognition tend to form a strong attitude toward the

objects after cognitive elaboration fHaugtvedt&

Petty,1992),which then sustains behavior that is

consistent with their attitude(Cacioppo,Petty,Kao,

& Rodriguez. 1986). We would thus expect

individuals who are high in the need for cognition to

be more likely to persist in the pursuit of a proactive

goal because they develop ownership of the idea

once they have spent time thinking it through.

In support of our prediction,Steinhart and

Wyer(2009)found that people who are high in the

need for cognition have a stronger approach

motivation seeking to gain the expected positive

consequences than people with a lower need for

cognition.Yet,when potential threats are observed,

people who are high in the need for cognition tend

to heighten their avoidance motivation in order to

avoid the expected negative consequences,which

helps them to cope effectively with setbacks.This

latter finding is consistent with an experimental

study concerning fear appeals to prevent breast

cancer by Ruiter,Verplanken,De Cremer,and Kok

(2004). These scholars showed that when

participants were confronted with a higher threat

message, only people with a higher need for

cognition exhibited adaptive coping (e.g.,higher

intention to carry out monthly self—examinations),

suggesting that individuals who are higher in the

need for cognition have a strong tendency to

analyze the problem and accept recommended

actions.On this basis,we expect that the need for

cognition helps individuals to respond adaptively to

setbacks or obstacles that are commonly associated

with proactivity.

Therefore, we suggest that, compared to

individuals with low need for cognition,employees

with higher need for cognition are more likely to

engage in proactive work behavior because they

enjoy novel situations.They are better able to learn

from information in a situation,are likely to be

strongly committed to goals,and are more able to

cope adaptively with obstacles that are commonly

encountered with proactive action.Supporting our

hypothesis,in a sample of 179 employees working

in a research and consultancy organization in the

Netherlands,we found need for cognition positively

predicted individual innovation behavior,a form of

proactive work behavior(Parker& Collins,2010)

while controlling effects of proactive personality

and openness to experience,two personality factors

that have previously been shown to predict


Nevertheless,in the same sample,we also

found that need for cognition is more important for

shaping individual innovation behavior when job

autonomy and time pressure are lower,but less

important when job autonomy and time pressure are

higher.We suggest this situation occurs because

higher job autonomy encourages --—— and time

pressure pushes --—— all individual to be more

innovative, regardless of an employee’s

dispositional tendency to prefer thinking.When job

autonomy and time pressure is lower,there is no

situational force driving the individual to be

innovative, and thus employees’ dispositional

tendency in thinking (i.e.,need for cognition)

becomes important for shaping individual

innovation behavior.

More specifically, we suggest that job

autonomy enables and triggers similar functions,

such as the need for cognition when it comes to

proactive work behavior. First, high autonomy

means the work context is less defined and

restricted by formal rules and procedures(Meyer,

Dalai,& Hermida,20 10),resulting in a more

cognitively demanding situation in which

individuals are required to engage in cognitive

activities— regardless of whether they particularly

enjoy novel situations.Second,high autonomy

gives individuals better opportunities to link new

knowledge with previous knowledge,and learn new


Holland,2009;Leach,Wall, & Jackson,2003;

Parker& Axtell,2001).As such,in high autonomy

situations,individuals’dispositional motivation to

think and cognitively explore situations will matter

less.Moreover,high autonomy results in individuals

feeling more responsibility for,and in ownership of,

their work(Hackman&Oldham,1976;Parker,Wall,

& Jackson.1997).When individuals form stronger

attitudes towards the issues at work,this motivates

690 理 科 学 进 展 第 21卷

them to persist with change—related goals and again

reduces the influence of need for cognition.

Altogether, when autonomy becomes higher,

individuals are more likely to engage in proactive

work behavior irrespective of their need for

cognition because the autonomy in the context

motivates and enables this behavior.However,when

individuals lack iob autonomy,the benefit of the

need for cognition for proactive work behavior will

be m.

ore prominent because the situation does not

provide a favorable environment to motivate

individuals to take more responsibility,widen their

perspectives,and deepen their knowledge.

In contrast, time pressure represents a

challenge stressor that can impose a force on

individuals to seek proactive ways to accomplish

work 0n time (Wu& Parker.2o11).Drawing on

activation theory (Gardner,1986),Ohly and Fritz

(2o10)proposed that time pressure will lead to

higher activation and, under this condition,

individuals will be stimulated and are more likely to

try different things from routine. Drawing on

control theory(Carver& Scheier,1982),Fay and

Sonnentag (2002, P.224) proposed that time

pressure can be regarded as a signal‘‘indicating that

a process,procedure,or design is below an optimal

leve1.”From this perspective,higher time pressure

indicates a suboptimal condition that requires more

effort to achieve the expected goal,and thus can

increase initiative taking. As such, high time

pressure is likely to prompt individuals to engage in

novel situations,or deviate from the status quo,

because they need to solve their problems in new

ways in order to gain time.At the same time,high

time pressure also makes it important for

individuals to process information quickly because

mev need to finish a certain amount of work wimin

a relative short time period,which is line with

Hockey’s(1993)idea that stress can increase effort

and concentration to deal with tasks at hand.

Accordingly,when time pressure becomes higher,

individuals are more likely to engage in proactive

work behavior irrespective of their need for

cognition because the situation prompts this type of

behavior.When time pressure is low,the situation

does not create a strong force for proactivity,so the

need for cognition plays a more powerful role.

In summary, our study contributes to

proactivity literature by identifying the need for

cognition as a dispositional antecedent of proactive

work behavior.In addition,we showed that the need

for cognition is most important when levels of job

autonomy or time pressure are relatively low.Our

findings provide several implications.First,we

show that proactive behavior is not only about doing,

but also about thinking. Dispositions in both

thinking(i.e.,need for cognition)and doing(i.e.,

proactive personality)are positively and uniquely

able to predict behavior.Second,we show that both

positive(i.e.,j0b autonomy)and negative(i.e.,time

pressure)job characteristics can facilitate proactive

behavior,which is consistent with previous findings

that we have reviewed. Third, we show a

compensation effect between need for cognition and

job autonomy/time pressure in shaping proactive

behavior.In line with job design theory,it would be

good to increase job autonomy to structurally

empower employees (e.g., Biron & Bamberger,

2010;Spreitzer,1996;Thorlakson& M urray,1996;

Wall,Cordery,& Clegg,2002),and to cultivate

their proactive behavior regardless their dispositions.

Nevertheless,there are some jobs where it is very

diffi cult to increase autonomy,yet proactivity is still

important.For example,jobs in safety critical

industries often have highly standardized work

procedures with very low method autonomy,and yet

employee proactivity in improving the work

systems is vital in the prevention of latent errors or

injuries(e.g.,Grote,2007;Mark et a1.,2007)

Recruiting individuals with a high need for

cognition might be a way of achieving proactivity

within such highly constrained environments in

which it is highly challenging to increase job


One limitation of our study is that we did not

examine the ‘‘thinking’’ mechanisms that we

theorized explain the relationship between the need

for cognition and proactive behavior, and the

moderating roles of job autonomy and time pressure

We assumed that job autonomy and time pressure

moderate the need for cognition because these work

characteristics can motivate thinking and

opportunity identification in a similar way to the

need for cognition,but this assumption has not been

第 4期 吴佳烽等 :深谋远虑 :前瞻行为研究的回顾与展望 691

tested.Future studies are thus encouraged to unpack

the underlying cognitive mechanisms.

Relational Nature of Proactivity:The Role of

Attachment Style and Contingent Effects of

Leader Secure-Base Support

W e propose that an individual characteristic

reflecting how an individual relates with others--——

attachment style --—— is important for shaping

proactive behavior.Proactivity can feel personally

risky because individuals’initiating change can

often encounter resistance from others(Parker et a1.,

2010)and their self-image as perceived by others

can be damaged (Ashf0rd,Blatt,& VandeW_al1e,

2003;Morrison & Bies.1991).Bringing about

change successfully also often requires that an

individual has social capital to support the resources

they need for change(Thompson,2005).Because of

the inherent social nature of many forms of

proactivity,we propose that individuals with all

orientation to relate positively to others will be

more motivated to behave proactively.

More specifically, we suggest that an

individual’s attachment style will shape proactive

behavior. Attachment theory suggests that the

quality of a child’s interactions with his/her primary

caregiver influences that child’s sense of relational

security,reflected in their attachment style,and

hence their exploration of novel and unfamiliar

environments(Bowlby,1969/1982).Over time,this

early attachment style gradually becomes a

relatively stable, though changeable, individual

characteristic (Fraley, 2002; Fraley, Vicary,

Brumbaugh,& Roisman,201 1),and thereby can

influence one’s exploration in adulthood,such as a

greater degree of willingness to explore and process

nove1 information (Green & Campbell, 2000;

Mikulincer,1997),a higher degree of achievement

motivation in academic settings (Elliot & Reis,

2003),and engaging in a range of exploration

experiences,such as thrill—seeking behavior,novelty

seeking.and impulsivity (Carnelley & Ruscher,


Based on the attachment·exploration

association,we suggest that attachment style will

predict proactive behavior because proactive

behavior can be regarded as a form of exploration

involving seeking information to reduce the

knowledge gap between what one knows and what

one wants to know in facing novelty,complexity,

uncertainty,and conflict(Berlyne,1960;Griffin et

a1.,2007;Loewenstein,1994),and is driven by a

motivation to master the environment(Bateman&

Crant.1993;White.1959).Supporting our ideas,in

a student sample.we(Wu& Parker,2012b)found

that attachment styrle is significantly related to

proactive career behavior.Specifically,based on the

two dimensions of adult attachment style(Brennan,

Clark,& Shaver,1998),we found that attachment

anxiety (which reflects the extent to which an

individual is anxious or fearful about abandonment

or being unloved) was negatively related to

proactive career behavior because of lower

self-efficacy,whereas attachment avoidance(which

reflects the extent to which an individual is

uncomfortable with closeness and dependence on

others)was negatively related to proactive career

behavior because of lower autonomous motivation

and positive affect.We replicated the same finding

in an employee sample with the focus on proactive

work behavior rated by supervisors.These findings

suggest that people with different relational

orientations had different motivations for engaging

in proactive behavior,such that people with higher

attachment anxiety have lower“can do”motivation,

whereas people with higher attachment avoidance

have 1ower “reason to” and “energized to”

motivation,with the net consequence being lower


In the employee sample,we further tested

whether supervisors can provide a secure base to

help employees with higher attachment anxiety or

attachment avoidance to feel more emcacious(can

do),more autonomously motivated(reason to),and

to experience higher positive affective(energized to)

and thus to engage in more proactive work behavior

(Wu& Parker.2012b).we examined the moderating

effect of leader secure—base support on the

relationship between attachment anxiety and

self-efficacy, and the relationship between

attachment avoidance and autonomous motivation

or positive affect. W incorporated into our

measurement of leadership the three elements of

692 心 理 科 学 进 展 第 2l卷

secure—base support (i.e., availability,

encouragement,and non—interference)identified by

Feeney and Thrush(2010).Thus,employees rated

their leaders’perceived support in terms of whether

the leader was available during diffi cult situations,

encouraged them, and delegated tasks without

interference. Results of moderated regression

analyses indicated that leader secure—base support

mitigated the negative relationship between

attachment anxiety and self-efficacy, the negative

relationship between attachment avoidance and

autonomous mofivmion,and the negmive relationship

between attachment avoidance and positive affect.

These findings show that supportive supervisors can

play a role as a secure base that provides confidence,

encourages autonomous motivation, and enhances

positive affect for employees,especially those who are

lacking attachment secufit~ to lead to greater

employee proactivity.

In summary,this study(Wu& Parker,20 1 2b)

contributes to the proactivity literature by

identifying the attachment style as a dispositional

antecedent of proactive behavior for a relational

perspective.Attachment styles had a unique and

significant effect on the three motivational states of

proactive behavior even when controlling for the

effect of proactive personality.This finding supports

the idea that proactive behavior is grounded within

the interpersonal context.In addition,we showed

that the leader secure—base support could mitigate

the negative impact of attachment anxiety or

attachment avoidance on the motivational states of

proactive behavior.This finding is consistent with

the compensation hypothesis rGranqvist &

Kirkpatrick,2008)suggested in attachment theory

that individuals who cannot obtain attachment

security from their primary caregivers will try to

seek figures who can provide attachment security

and provide an important managerial implication

that supervisors’support for exploration is a key

factor to cultivate employees’proactive behavior.

Relational Nature of Proactivity:The Role of

Attachment Style in Shaping Proactive Behavior

at Inter-Individual Level

Attachment style not only influences proactive

behavior at the inter—individual level as we reported

above,but also influences proactive behavior at the

intra—individual level(Wu& Parker.2012a).as we

elaborate next.

It is reasonable to expect that an individual

does not always exhibit proactive behavior in all

situations,even though s/he is high in proactive

personality.This is because,at the intra—individual

level,individuals experience different states,they

operate within different situations,and they are

subject to varying motivational forces that influence

their proactive behavior at a particular point.Based

on the states and relevant cues in a particular

situation。 an individua1 will decide whether to

behave proactively or not (Sonnentag, 2003;

Sonnentag&Niessen.2008).In other words.people

vary in their thresholds for being proactive in

response to relevant states or cues such that some

individuals are more likely to engage in proactive

behavior than others are,even though they are in the

same situation.Drawing on the cognitive—affective

personality system (CAPS)model of personality

(Mischel& Shoda,1995,1998),the associations

between relevant states or cues and behavior likely

reflect one’s personality. That is, people can

chronically differ in the associations between

relevant states or cues and their behavior.We

propose people with different attachment styles

chronically differ in these associations.

In order to test this idea.we identified thFee

relevant states that can trigger proactive behavior in

a given occasion at the intra—individual level:

curiosity, core self-evaluati0ns, and future

orientation. Frese and Fay’s (200 1) proactive

process model has implied a positive link between

curiosity and proactive behavior at the

intra—individual level because being curious is

required when a proactive intention is formed.Thus,

when one’s curiosity level is increased,his/her level

of proactive behavior will also become higher at the

same time.In line with this view,Kashdan and

Steger (2007) showed that daily curiosity is

beneficial to generating more daily proactive social

behaviors and goal—directed efforts.Likewise,each

time an individual forms a intention to take

proactive actions,he/she will initiate a proactive

goal with intrinsic reasons(Parker et a1.,2010)and

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gauge his/her ability to face challenges elicited from

that action (Morrison & Phelps,1 999).both of

which are associated with one’s core

self-evaluations in that situation.Thus,when one’s

core self-evaluations are increased.his/her 1eve1 of

proactive behavior is more likely to become higher.

Likewise in regard to future orientation,Grant and

Ashford (2008)defined the three phases of the

proactivity process as anticipation,planning and

action directed toward future impact.All three

phases have a strong future orientation,which leads

a person to think ahead,plan in advance,and take

actions for the future.Thus when one’s future

orientation is high,the tendency to go through the

process of anticipation,planning,and action to

complete a proactive action should also be high.

General evidence therefore suggests intra—individual

experiences in curiosity,core self-evaluations,and

future orientation influence intra—individual

proactive behavior.Supporting our hypothesis,in a

sample with 58 participants in a repeated measures

study,we found that monthly measures of curiosity,

core self-evaluations, and future orientation

positively predicted a monthly measure of proactive

behavior at the intra—individual leve1.

We further examined cross.1evel interaction

effects of attachment styles to see whether

attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance at

inter-individual will moderate the relationship

between monthly curiosity,core self-evaluations,

and future orientation and monthly proactive

behavior at the intra—individual leve1. Only

attachment anxiety had significant cross—level

interaction effects.Specifically,attachment anxiety

had a negative cross—level interaction effect with

monthly core self-evaluations in predicting monthly

proactive behavior, showing that core

self-evaluations have a weaker association with

proactive behavior among people high in attachment

anxiety.However,attachment anxiety also had a

positive cross.1evel interaction effect with monthly

future orientation in predicting monthly proactive

behavior,showing that future goal orientation had a

stronger predictive effect on proactive personality

among people high in attachment anxiety.Overall,

these findings show that anxiously attached

individuals tend to rely less on their perceived sense

of worth,but more on their fu【ture orientation,for

behaving proactively within a particular occasion.

This might reflect the ambivalent attitude towards

external worlds characterized by people high in

attachment anxiety.That is,although they are eager

to master their external environment,they also

experience a fear of loss at the same time(Bowlby,

1969;Mikulincer& Shaver,2007).In other words.

as reported by Mikulincer(1997),people high in

attachment anxiety appreciate feelings of mastery

during exploration,but at the same time,they do not

perceive themselves as having enough capability to

sustain this exploration or cope with potential

distress(Wei.Heppner,& Mallinckrodt.2003).For

individuals high in attachment anxiety,behaving

proactively might be a good way of experiencing

mastery in the face of a strong focus on future goals,

but the fragility of their self-concept means that

positive core self-evaluations do not necessarily

translate into proactive action.Proactive personality

did not have any cross—level moderating effects on

the intra—individual links between states and

proactivity in this study.

Consistent with the idea that providing a

supportive social environment can help to promote

proactive behavior, one potential strategy for

boosting anxiously attached individuals’proactivity

at a given occasion is through cultivating a positive

social environment.This is because higher quality

of social relationships can help them to reduce their

relationship anxiety(Bowlby,1969/1982)while also

strengthening their self-evaluations, such that

having positive and reliable social relationships

with others will alleviate their worries about loss

and positive feedback or personal care from mentors

or colleagues can help to strengthen their

self-evaluations(Srivastava& Beer,2005).Thus,

for those people, a positive social environment

might help both to reduce relationship anxiety and

to enhance CSE,thereby increasing the impact of

CSE on proactive behavior at any given moment

and ultimately fostering proactive behavior.


In this article,we provide reviews on (1)

conceptualizations of proactivity,(2)mechanisms,

694 心 理 科 学 进 展 第 21卷

(3)antecedents,and(4)consequence of proactive

behavior.Being proactive involves self—initiated,

future—focused, and change—orientated behaviors

(Frese& Fay,2001;Parker et a1.,2006),such as

designing and implementing new work methods or

actively seeking feedback from a supervisor.Such

proactivity has been recognized as positive behavior

that can lead to the increased performance and

effectiveness of individuals and organizations,

especially when employees are required to respond

to changing conditions and demands(Griffin et a1.,

2007).Because of its well—documented benefits,the

antecedents and mechanisms of proactive behavior

have been widely examined in an effort to identify

how to promote such behavior in organizations(Fay

& Frese,2001;Parker et a1.,2006).As we reviewed,

according to Parker, Bindl and Straus (2olo),

individuals are more likely to engage in proactive

action if they have a strong autonomous motivation

for bringing about the change(‘reason to’pathway);

have the self-efficacy to behave proactively and deal

with any consequences(‘can do’pathway);and if

they experience activated positive effects,such as

feelings of enthusiasm (‘energized to’pathway).

Both dispositional (e.g., knowledge/ability,

personality)and situational antecedents(e.g.,job

characteristics, leadership, and organizational

climate) and their interactions can shape these

motivational state and/or proactive behavior.

We also provide a specific review of our

research studies focusing on the dispositional

impact on proactive behavior.We highlighted the

cognitive and relational aspects of proactive

behavior,identified dispositional factors(i.e.,need

for cognition and attachment styles)relating to

these two aspects,and examined contingent effects

of situational factors(i.e.,iob characteristics and

leaders’support)to gauge dispositional impact of

proactive behavior.We also brought a multilevel

perspective to investigate how dispositional factors

(attachment styles in particular)shape proactive

behavior at inter- and intra—individual

reported in different studies.

From our perspective, we suggest it is

valuable to strengthen the research on the link

between personality an d proactive behavior as

studies in the past have almost exclusively focused

on proactive personality (Bateman & Crant,1993;

Fuller& Marler,2009).Our recent studies highlight

that proactive personality is not sufficient to explain

why some people,but not others,will engage in

proactive behavior.It also does not explain why an

individual engages in proactive behavior on one

occasion but not others rWu& Parker,2012a).Thus

we encourage future studies that focus on

dispositional factors beyond proactive personality,

including studies that delineate the mechanisms by

which personality has its effects,and that consider

interaction effects with situational factors.We also

recommend bringing a multilevel perspective to

consider how dispositional factors will influence

proactive behavior at inter- and intra—individual



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吴佳烽 Sharon K.Parker


摘 要 前瞻行为是一个 自我发起、未来导向以及试图改变现状的积极行为,能够为个人与组织带来正面的







异的观点所进行的研究。此研究路线 旨在了解人格特质对前瞻行为的影响,并且勾勒情境所扮演的调节效应。


关键词 前瞻行为:人格特质;组织行为

分类号 B849:C93

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