welcome to new horizon college english Ⅰ unit 5 section a the battle against aids...

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Welcome to New Horizon College EnglishⅠ

Unit 5 Section A

The Battle Against AIDS


贝玉 刘晨 李衍茹

Watch & Discuss

Lead In

Language points

Text Understanding

All the exercisesfor Section A



Blank filling


Tips for writing

Paragraph Writing

Knowledge of AIDS


Structure analysis


Watch & Discuss 1 

Look at the following pictures and describe them with your words


Tips for Discussion

Sentence patterns: It’s a horrible scene. The patient is dying/looks

like a skeleton…Key words: (miserable, pitiful, painful,

skinny, awful, frightening, scaring, unbelievable… )

More than 20 million people have died of AIDS since 1981.

Young people (15-24 years old) account for half of all new HIV infections worldwide - more than 6,000 become infected with HIV every day.

Of the 6.5 million people in developing and transitional countries who need life-saving AIDS drugs, fewer than 1 million are receiving them.




Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ( 后天性免疫缺陷综合症 )

It is a disease that limits the body’s ability to fight infection. A person with AIDS has a very weak immune system, turning normally mild or rare diseases into potentially fata conditions.

I. What is AIDS ?


Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( 人类免疫缺陷病毒 )a slow-acting blood-borne virus, believed to be the sole or primary cause of AIDS.

II. What is HIV?  


III. Where did HIV come from?

HIV was probably a mutation of an African monkeys virus. Some evidences suggest that Central Africa may have been the site of evolution of HIV.


IV. How many ways can HIV spread? 1) contact with infected blood

2) mother-to-child3) sex

V. Who is likely to become infected?Anyone can become infected with HIV. HIV is transmitted sexually or through drug use by contaminated blood.


VI. How to protect ourselves

1) be clear about the ways it spreads2) Arouse the public awareness of the fact t

hat everyone is at risk and that all of us have a right to protect ourselves.

3) Heath comes first. Say "NO" to drugs and unnatural sex contact.


VII. How to treat AIDS patients

Tips: not to look down upon them not to abandon them not to isolate them to show our love, care to them to understand them, to support them to help our fellow men


VIII. the Red RibbonVIII. the Red Ribbon

Have you ever seen this design? This is the Red Ribbon. It is an internat

ional symbol( 标志 ) of AIDS awareness. People wear the ribbon, particularly around World AIDS Day,

to show care and concern( 关注 ) about HIV and AIDS.


Watch & Discuss 2

Look at the following pictures and choose what kind of behaviors can make you infected?

Discuss in Pairs kiss

shake hands

share a bookhug

swim in the pool

sit side by side

dance together

share a shaver

Text Understanding


Words &


Main idea&

Text structure


Language points

• acquire• immune• deficiency• syndrome• diagnose• infect• virus• rural• constitute • segment• alarm • federal

• implement• organization• emerge• network• combat• resource • creative • creatively • client• video • publication• educate

• educational• educator• recently• southeast• literacy• low-literacy• literature• solve • create• illustrate• relate• establish

• buster• risk• adult• pressure• define• redefine• background• plague • establishment• emphasize• regardless• solution

• crisis• represent• epidemic• threaten• racial• efficiency• inefficiency•Phrases and Expressions• to be infected with • in place of

• suffer from• to pass out • as a result• at risk• regardless of• the solution to • to threaten to do sth.• to distract… from• sign up (for sth.)

Words and Expressions

Main idea of the text ?

Despite the spread of AIDS, no cure for it and lack of government activity, some local organizations have been active and creative in the battle against the fatal disease.

Structure of the text

partpartⅢⅢpartpartⅢⅢpartpartⅡⅡpartpartⅡⅡPart Part ⅠⅠPart Part ⅠⅠ Part Part ⅣⅣPart Part ⅣⅣ

Structure of the text

Part I (Para. 1-2)

A serious disease named as AIDS was diagnosed in the U.S.A. in the late 1970s; and since then it has been a big threat to the American society.

Structure of the text

Part II (para.3-6)

The organization has generalized some practical methods which are useful to other similar groups.

Structure of the text

Part III (Para.7 - 13)

In contrast to the government’s

inactivity, some local organizations

have made efforts to fight against

AIDS creatively.

Structure of the text

Part IV (Para.14)

Fighting against AIDS entailseveryone’s involvement and forceseach of us to be an educator and learn to live.

• (para.1) Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome(AIDS) was diagnosed in the United States in the late 1970s. Since then, AIDS has killed more than 204,000 Americans --half in the past few years alone.Another 185,000 of the one million infected with the HIV virus are also expectecd to die.

• (para.2 ) Nearly half of those diagnosed with the virus are blacks and Latinos. Women and youth in rural southern communities now constitute the fastest growing segment of people with AIDS.

The Battle Against AIDS



• (para.3 ) Despite such alarming numbers, the federal and state governments have been slow in implementing programs to stop the spread of AIDS. In place of government inactivity, a number of local organizations have emerged.

The Battle Against AIDS


上一页 下一页

• (para.4 ) One organization, the South Carolina AIDS Education Network, formed in 1985 to combat the growing number of AIDS cases. Like many local organizations, this organization suffers from a lack of money, forcing it to use its resources creatively. To reach more people in the community, some AIDS educational programs operate out of a beauty shop.

The Battle Against AIDS

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The Battle Against AIDS

• (para.5) The owner hands out AIDS information to all her clients when they enter the shop and shows videos on AIDS prevention while they wait for their hair to dry. She also keeps books and other publications around so customers can read them while waiting for their appointments. It’s amazing how many people she has educated on the job.

上一页 下一页

• (para.6) Recently, the network began helping hair stylists throughout the Southeast set up similar programs in their shops. They are also valuable resources in spreading information to their schools, community groups, and churches.

The Battle Against AIDS

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• (para.7) The organization has developed several techniques useful to other groups doing similar work. While no one way of winning the war against AIDS exists, the network shares these lessons learned in its battle against AIDS :

• (para.8) Speak to your community in a way they can hear. Many communities have a low literacy rate, making impossible passing out AIDS literature and expecting people to read it. To solve this problem, ask people in the community who can draw well to create low-literacy AIDS education publications.

The Battle Against AIDSquestion

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• (para.9) These books use simple, hand-drawn pictures of “sad faces” and “happy faces” to illustrate ways people can prevent AIDS. They also show people who look like those we need to educate, since people can relate more when they see familiar faces and language they can understand. As a result, such books actually have more effect in the communities where they are used than government publications, which cost thousands of dollars more to produce.

The Battle Against AIDS

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• (para.10) Train teenagers to educate their peers. Because AIDS is spreading fastest among teenagers in the rural South, the stylists have established an “AIDS Busters” program which trains youth from 8 to 26 to go into the community and teach “AIDS 101”to their peers. They make it simple and explain the risk of catching AIDS to friends their own age much better than an adult can. They also play a vital role in helping parents understand the types of peer pressure their children experience.

The Battle Against AIDS

上一页 下一页

• (para.11) Redefine “at risk” to include women from different backgrounds and marriage status. One woman’s doctor told her she was not at risk for AIDS because she was married and didn't use drugs. Such misinformation plagues the medial establishment. According to the Centers for Disease Control, women will soon make up 80 percent of those diagnosed with HIV.

The Battle Against AIDS

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• (para.12) The stylists also emphasize that everyone is at risk and that all of us have a right to protect ourselves– regardless of marriage status.

• (para.13) These lessons are not the only solutions to the crisis but until there is a cure for AIDS, education represents the only safe measure to guard against the virus.

The Battle Against AIDS

上一页 下一页

• (para.14) Like no other plague before, the AIDS epidemic threatens to wipe out an entire generation and leave another without parents. We must not let cultural, racial, or social barriers distract us from the job that must be done. Nor can we let political inefficiency stop us from our task. This is an undeclared war that everyone must sign up for in order for us to win. We simply cannot let people continue to die because we don’t feel comfortable talking about AIDS. Everyone must become an educator and learn to live.

The Battle Against AIDS


(Para. 1-2)

a. 185,000

b. nearly 500,000

c. one million

d. 102,000

e. 204,000

__ killed since 1970s

__ killed in the past few years

__ expected to die

__ infected with HIV virus

__ black & Latinos diagnosed with HIV






I. Match the Numbers

hat are correct about the South

Carolina AIDS Education Network

1. It is a government


2. It combats the spread of AIDS.

3. It gets a lot of money.

4. It operates programs out of a beauty shop.

5. It uses videos and publications.

6. Hairdressers’ are not in the network.

Ⅱ.Tick the Right(Para.3-6)

Method 1




Ⅲ. Explain the Methods (Para.7-13)

Tip: speak to

Tip: a low literacy rate

Tip: draw pictures, familiar faces and languageTip: have more effect





Method 2




Tip: train teenagersTip: spread fastestTip: establish, program

Tip: simple, better, adult, help





Method 3



Tip: redefine

Tip: misinformation

Tip: emphasize, regardless




Method 1

Speak to your community in a way they can understand.


The problem: Many communities have a low literacy

rate, this makes it impossible to pass out AIDS literature and expect people to read it.


Method 1

The solution: ◆Create low-literacy AIDS education

publications. ◆Use simple, hand-drawn pictures to

illustrate ways people can prevent AIDS.◆ People can relate/understand more when they find familiar faces and language they


Method 1


The evaluationSuch books have more effect in the low-literacy communities than government publications, which costmore money.

Method 1


Method 2

Train teenagers to educate their peers.


The solution Establish an “AIDS Busters” program . The program trains youth (from 8 to

26) to go into the community and teach AIDS lessons to their peers.

Method 2


The evaluation◆ Young people make the lessons

simple.◆ They explain the risk of catching AIDS

to their friends much better than an adult can.

◆ They help parents understand the peer

pressure their children experience.

Method 2


Method 3 Redefine the problem “who is at risk

for AIDS” to tell that women from different backgrounds and marriage status are included.


The solution: To emphasize that everyone is at risk

and all of us have a right to protect ourselves, regardless of marriage status.


那个女人被确诊患了糖尿病。 KeyKey The woman is diagnosed with diabetes.

1. diagnose 诊断vt. ①diagnose sb. with + 疾病 ( 常用被动语态 ):


医生诊断此病为癌症。 KeyKey The doctor diagnosed the illness as cancer.

1. diagnose 诊断②diagnose + illness/condition as + 疾病


小心别传染上流感。 KeyKey Be careful not to be infected with flu.

2.infect 感染 to be infected with (L.3) 感染了……疾病

3.constitute 组成vt.form sth. from parts

TranslationTranslation十二个月组成一年。十二个月组成一年。KeyKeyTwelve months constitute a year. Use itUse it (Q (Q & & A)A)

How many students constitute your study group?

4.organization 组织n. a group of people with a special purpose




World Health Organization

What do they mean?

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

North Atlantic Treaty Organization


The sun emerged from behind a cloud. KeyKey 太阳从云朵后钻了出来。

5.emerge vi.① come to appear


It shows a beautiful scene when the morning sun emerges from the sea surface.

Use it Use it What does the photo show us?

5.emerge vi.① come to appear


激烈的讨论中出现了各种看法。 KeyKey Different ideas/views emerged in the heated discussion.

5.emerge vi.② become known


她的学业因她的大量社交活动而受到影响。 KeyKey Her schoolwork suffered from all her social activities.

6.to suffer from a lack of money 缺乏资金


你最好备一些特效药物 , 以便应急。 KeyKey It is advisable for you to keep some specific medicines around so as to meet your urgent needs.

7.to keep sth. around 把……放在周围


It was so hot there that I nearly passed out. KeyKey那里太热, 我几乎要晕过去了。

8.pass out ① 分发 ②昏倒


These graphs illustrate the results of the experiment. KeyKey

这些图表说明了实验的结果 .

9.illustrate vt. make clear by giving pictures or examples

TranslationTranslationHe illustrated his point with statistics.KeyKey


9.illustrate vt. make clear by giving pictures or examples

10.riskn. danger 危险

TranslationTranslation 联合国试图减少中东发生战争的危险。 KeyKey The UN has tried to reduce the risk of war in the Middle East.

TranslationTranslationLight luggage may be left at the owner’s risk.KeyKey轻便行李可以寄存,风险由所有人自己承担。


The disease is spreading, and all children under 5 are at risk. KeyKey疾病在蔓延, 5 岁以下的儿童都有被传染的危险。

10.risk n. danger— at risk : in danger 处境危险

10.risk n. danger

take/run the risk of (doing) sth.

冒着…… 的危险

take/run the risk to do sth.


at any risk

at all risks


at the risk of (doing) sth. 冒着……的危险

10. risk —risk sth. (to do... ) 冒险干vt. place in danger 使生命 , 财产等遭危险 ;

TranslationTranslation出去就可能送命。 KeyKeyTo go out is to risk death.




The soldier risked his life to save the drowning girl.

10. risk n./vt.


Which is right?Which is right?

1. I am risking my job.1. I am risking my job.

2. I am taking/running the risk of


my job.

3. I am at the risk of losing my job.


他们的行为意味着违反协定。 KeyKey Their actions represent a violation of the agreement.

11.to represent the only safe measure 代表唯一的安全措施


两国间的流血冲突起因于双方抹不掉的宿怨。 KeyKey Bloody conflicts between the two countries arose from the old scores both sides failed to wipe out.

12.to wipe out an entire generation 毁掉一代人

13.to be distracted from (doing) sth. 使(做)某事受到干扰



极高的人 , 他不允许任何事

情干扰他的研究 ,即使是在


KeyKeyHe was a very serious and gifted individual and he did not allow anything to distract him from the research he was conducting, not even under the most extreme circumstances.



他不愿意谈及那些令人痛苦的问题。这些问题曾使他们的关系变得紧张和疏远。 KeyKey He does not feel comfortable talking about those painful issues that once strained their relationship and made them grow distant.

14.(not) to feel comfortable talking about AIDS 谈论艾滋病令人难受


Since it was _________, AIDS has killed _________ of Americans. Women and youth in rural Southern communities are most ______ to be ________ with AIDS. In _____ of the spread of AIDS and lack of government activity to stop it, some local organizations ________. The South Carolina AIDS Education Network formed to help _______ the number of AIDS _____. In some communities, handing ____ AIDS literature and __________ people to read it is not very


likely infected place


reduce cases


--Blank Filling

_______ because many people cannot read. Besides, AIDS is _________ fastest among teenagers in the _____ South. So these groups have _________ some _____ methods of _________ the spread of AIDS, ______ include: speak to your community in a way they can hear; train teenagers to educate their _____; and ________ “at risk” to include women from different backgrounds and marriage ______. In other _____, everyone should ____ ____ ____ the war ______ AIDS.


ruraldeveloped best

combating which


statuswords sign


upfor against






《读写教程 I 》 :Ex. III,Ex. III,pp.104.104《读写教程 I 》 :Ex. III,Ex. III,pp.104.104

《读写教程 I 》 :Ex. IV,Ex. IV,pp. 10. 1055《读写教程 I 》 :Ex. IV,Ex. IV,pp. 10. 1055

《读写教程 I 》 :Ex.V, Ex.V, pp. 10. 1055《读写教程 I 》 :Ex.V, Ex.V, pp. 10. 1055《读写教程 I 》 :Ex.VI, Ex.VI, pp.105.105《读写教程 I 》 :Ex.VI, Ex.VI, pp.105.105

《读写教程 I 》 :Ex.VII,Ex.VII,pp.10.1066《读写教程 I 》 :Ex.VII,Ex.VII,pp.10.1066


1. When once you have had the disease, you are not infected by it for the rest of you life.

immune to

《读写教程 I 》 : Ex. III, p.104Ex. III, p.104《读写教程 I 》 : Ex. III, p.104Ex. III, p.104

Rewrite the underlined words or expressions in the following sentences with words or expressions from the text that best keep the original meaning.



3. He takes charge of carrying out the program of educating people about AIDS.



2. The man was quite experienced and could discover the nature of a motor problem by listening.



4. Space science is helping fight against air and water pollution from the sky.


combat 5. We find it hard to explain the meaning of

some words because they have many different uses. define

6. By careful study it was found out that this church was built in the 18th century.



7. The teacher had the students describe the action shown by these pictures.


8. There may be difficulties but I shall carry on whatever may happen.




1. Everyone has the right to live where he wants to, regardless to color of his skin.

《读写教程 I 》 : Ex. IV, p.105Ex. IV, p.105《读写教程 I 》 : Ex. IV, p.105Ex. IV, p.105

regardless ofregardless of

Rescue these sentences! Someone wrote the sentences below, trying to use an expression from the text in each one—but s/he got all the prepositions and adverbs mixed up. Correct all the sentences, using expressions from the text.



2. The disease is spreading, and all the children under five are in risk.

at riskat risk


3. Mary passed on when she heard the shocking news that her husband was killed in the accident; she lost consciousness.

passed outpassed out


4. Tom admits that watching TV sometimes distracts him off his homework.

distracts…distracts… fromfrom

5. We will not have the picnic unless people sign in.

sign upsign up



6. The whole class was infected on the teacher’s love for the subject.

infected withinfected with

7. Well, let’s put our heads together and find a solution of the problem.

a solution to/fora solution to/for

8. Scientists have so far failed to provide a cure with the common cold.

provide… forprovide… for



1. I don’t like___________( 他教英语的方法 ).

《读写教程 I 》 : Ex. V, p. 105Ex. V, p. 105《读写教程 I 》 : Ex. V, p. 105Ex. V, p. 105

the way he teaches English

Complete the following sentences translating the Chinese into English, using the attributive clause.



2. An old friend from another country, ______

( 我希望和我住在一起的人 ), telephoned from the airport.

whom I was expecting to stay with me

3. The watch _________( 昨天在百货商店丢失的 ) has been found.

which was lost in the department store yesterday



4. I’ll never forget the city_________( 我和玛丽度过童年时光的 ).

where I spent my childhood with Mary

5. He won a good medal, _________( 全家人认为这是个了不起的荣誉 ).

which the whole family considered a great honor



1. __________( 他尽管有病 ), he came to the meeting.

Despite his illness

Complete the following sentences translating the Chinese into English, using the attributive clause.

《读写教程 I 》 : Ex. VI, p. 105Ex. VI, p. 105《读写教程 I 》 : Ex. VI, p. 105Ex. VI, p. 105



3. He is learning to drive, _________( 尽管他年事已高 ).

despite his old age

2. ______________( 尽管有许多困难 ), he managed to finish the work within three weeks.

Despite a lot of difficulties



5. He failed in the exam a third time____________( 尽管他很努力 ).

despite his hard work

4. ( 尽管天气很差 )__________________, they decided to go outing this weekend.

Despite the bad weather




1. 不管花多少钱,我们都要尽最大努力延长这位感染艾滋病毒的姑娘的生命。

We will do our best to help the girl infected with the AIDS virus to live longer, regardless of the cost.

infected with the AIDS virus

do our best

Translate the following sentences into English.

《读写教程 I 》 : Ex. VII, p. 106Ex. VII, p. 106《读写教程 I 》 : Ex. VII, p. 106Ex. VII, p. 106

regardless of the cost


2. 请把电视机关掉,因为噪音会使她分心,以致无法专心作家庭作业。

Please turn off the TV, because the noise will distract her from her homework.

distract her from


turn off the TV


3. 由于缺乏资金和必要设备,这家公司过了很


It was a long time before the company implemented the program to improve the quality of its goods because of lack of money and necessary equipment.


to implement the program to improve the quality of its goods

a lack of money and necessary equipment


4. 上课时,鲍勃常常准备一些图画来说明课文中所讲述的内容。

prepare some pictures

When giving a lecture, Bob often prepared some pictures to illustrate how the situation mentioned in a text took place.

to illustrate how the situation mentioned in the text took place



5. 有能力、成功的商人善于利用各种资源来赚钱。

An able and successful businessman is good at making use of all the resources to make money.

good at making use of all the resources


able and successful



The Problem-


Evaluation Pattern


Parents should be the main solution to children’s lack of physical exercise. Clearly children are spending too many hours watching TV. Their lack of exercise could lead to health problems. If parents set a good example and take exercise with their children, it would seem a natural part of life. Parents can motivate their children to be active from an early age.

a general statement problem

solution evaluation

Practice Write a paragraph following the problem-

solution-evaluation pattern. Topic: Try to make a good

impression on your audience

: ... may help you... : ... is really a problem/one of the difficulties is... : to solve... /the solution to... : by doing... you will... /…

play a vital role in... /it is effective to...

A general statementA problem

A solutionAn evaluation

More topics:More topics:

◆ Get along well with your Get along well with your roommatesroommates

◆ Keep studying English after Keep studying English after classclass

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