why - tamilcanadian

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WHY is the International Community silent about these

Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes ?

Wake up call

to the UN Human Rights Council

Appel à la prise de conscience du

Conseil des Droits de l'Homme - Nations Unies

Llamado para reacción urgente del

Consejo de Derechos Humanos-Naciones Unidas

Website : www.tchr.net

6th session / 6ème session / 6° período de sesiones

10/09/2007 -- 28/09/2007


Tamil Centre for Human Rights - TCHR Centre Tamoul pour les droits de l'Homme - CTDH

Centro Tamil para los Derechos Humanos (Established in 1990)



Sir John Holmes, United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator and Under Secretary General of Humanitarian Affairs

"Aid agencies say 34 humanitarian staff have been killed in Sri Lanka since January 2006, including 17 local staff of Action Contre La Faim shot dead in the restive northeast a year ago in a massacre Nordic truce monitors blamed on security forces. There is a concern ... about the safety of humanitarian workers themselves and the record here is one of the worst in the world from that point of view." (Reuters in an interview on 8 August 2007)

* * * * *


Chief Government Whip and a Minister, Jeyaraj Fernandopulle "I would say Holmes is completely a terrorist, a terrorist who supports terrorism. We consider people who support terrorists also terrorists. So Holmes, who supports the LTTE (Tamil Tigers), is also a terrorist. This person tries to tarnish the image of Sri Lanka internationally." He added. "I think the LTTE has bribed Holmes." (Reuters, 15 August 2007).

* * * * *


UN Secretary General's Spokesperson Michèle Montas

"....There was a statement made in the press and, you know, giving accusations against Mr. Holmes. We believe them to be unwarranted and unacceptable. The Secretary-General fully supports the work of his Emergency Relief Coordinator, John Holmes. So that’s what I can say at this point concerning those comments." (Daily press briefing - 16 August 2007)

* * * * *

"I don‟t give a damn about what this UN boss has to tell me or Sri Lanka"

Chief Government Whip and a Minister, Jeyaraj Fernandopulle

I don’t give a damn about what this UN boss has to tell me or Sri Lanka. He can say whatever he wants, but I will still go by what I said and that is, John Homes is a terrorist who takes bribes from the LTTE.... I do not care what the UN Secretary General says. We cannot allow any foreigner to come to our country and work against us" (The Nation - August 19, 2007)

Tamil Centre for Human Rights - TCHR Centre Tamoul pour les droits de l'Homme - CTDH

Centro Tamil para los Derechos Humanos

(Established in 1990)

Website : www.tchr.net



* The Tamil Centre for Human Rights (TCHR) officially participated in the United Nations

7th Global Forum, Re-instating good governance, in Vienna, Austria 26-29 June 2007.

* Members of TCHR participated in the World Federation of United Nations Associations

(WFUNA) seminar in Geneva, Switzerland, 29-31 July 2007.

* TCHR officially accredited to participate in the United Nations Conference on Anti-

corruption Measures, Good Governance and Human Rights, in Warsaw, Poland 8–9 November 2006.

* A meeting was held on 7 March 2006, in the European Parliament – titled "EU contribution

to the peace process in Sri Lanka". This was jointly organised by TCHR and Mr. Robert Evans, a member of European Parliament of Labour Party in UK.

* Accredited by the United Nations to participate in the World Summit on the Information

Society – WSIS in Tunisia, 16 – 18 November 2005. * Officially participated in the NGO forum of the UN World Conference Against Racism –

WCAR in Durban, South Africa, from 28 August to 1 September 2001. TCHR held an information stall including an exhibition at the forum. The TCHR representatives also attended the main WCAR conference held in Durban, 31 August to 7 September 2001.


* A meeting was held on 14 October 1998, in the European Parliament – titled "Press censorship in Sri Lanka". This was jointly organised by the Tamil Centre for Human Rights (TCHR) and Ms. Anita Pollack, a member of European Parliament of Labour Party in UK.

* In 1993, held an information stall and a photo exhibition on human rights violations, in the

United Nations 2nd

World Conference on Human Rights held in Vienna, Austria, from 14-25


* TCHR participates in meetings of Treaty bodies and submits reports to the same.

Fact finding missions to the North East of the Island of Sri Lanka

* May 2003 (http://www.tchr.net/report_studymission_2003.htm)

* December 2003 – addendum report (http://www.tchr.net/report_studymission_2003add.htm)

* July-August 2004 (http://www.tchr.net/reports_visite_2004.htm)

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Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom


HISTORY IN A NUTSHELL 05 Peace talks between Tamil and Singhala leaders since 1927 09


Since 1827 - Tamil and Sinhala populations in the Eastern province Since 1827 - Tamil and Sinhala populations in Batticaloa district Since 1963 - Tamil and Sinhala population in Amparai district Since 1827 - Tamil and Sinhala populations in Trincomalee district 11

ETHNIC CLEANSING Sri Lanka police send Tamils back to their villages Ranil on forced eviction of Tamils 12 Send Tamils to India – UNP! Mahinda 'dividing' Sri Lanka The United States condemns the forced removal of Tamils 13 Norway condemns enforced removal of Tamils from Colombo Canada condemns the forced removal of citizens of Tamil Indian PM concerned over eviction of Sri Lankan Tamils 14 BJP slams move to evacuate Tamils from Colombo Eviction is not ‗winning hearts and minds‘

RECORDED FIGURES 16 Arrests, killings, disappearances, rapes, displacements and Injuries to the Tamils in the North East, Colombo and other regions

JOURNALISTS AND OTHER STAFF Killed, attacked and harassed 1990 - 2000 17 2001 2002 18 2003 19 2004 20 2005 2006 21 2007 22


46 Humanitarian staff killed in Sri Lanka 24 Humanitarian staff injured 25 Attack on NGO's office



MASSACRES AND KILLINGS OF TAMILS 28 Killings by the IPFK in the North East 32

Massacres and killings - Amparai district 33 Batticaloa district Trincomale district 34 Mullaitivu district 35 Vavuniya & Mannar district Kilinochchi district 36 Jaffna district Colombo and other districts 37


MILITARY OCCUPATION OF Civilian dwellings/land, schools, place of worship and public buildings 38 AMPARAI DISTRICT – Division 1 BATTICALOA DISTRICT :

Division 1 Division 2 39 Division 4 40


VAVUNIYA DISTRICT : Venkalachcheddikkulam Division 43 Vavuniya Division

MANNAR DISTRICT : Mannar Division 44 Nanattan Division 45 Madhu Division Adampan Division 46

JAFFNA DISTRICT : Valikamam East Division Valikamam West Division 47 Valikamam Division Vadamaradchi Division 48 Islands Division Thenmaradchi High Security Zone 49 Schools within the High Security Zone in Valikamam North 51 Temples within High Security Zone in Valikamam North 52





NGOS INTERVENTION IN THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS FORUM Are the Tamil people not as fashionable as the Bosnians? IED 103 There is no hope for the Tamils within a united Sri Lanka – LIDLIP Many people in civil society are asking, ― ‗Security‘ – for whom? – IADL 104 17 humanitarian aid workers were brutally massacred - IED 105 Human rights defenders are killed by the Armed forces - Interfaith International 106 The rule of law situation in Sri Lanka is deteriorating – IMADR 107




TCHR SUMMARY, MARCH 2007 – AUGUST 2007 (NAMES, DATES, PLACE OF INCIDENTS ETC) Arbitrary arrest / detention 112 Extra judicial killings / summary executions 118 Enforced or involuntary disappearances 128


10 September 2007 The President Members and Delegates Human Rights Council - 6th Session United Nations 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Distinguished Sirs / Mesdames, First of all, we extend our congratulations to you for your appointment as the Chairperson of the 6th session. We regularly report on the human rights violations taking place in the Island of Sri Lanka. Our reporting is based on indisputable facts, the authentic details of which we receive from our sources directly from the North East and other parts of the Island. The United Nations human rights monitoring bodies have appreciated the veracity of our reporting. In our submission to the 6th session, we will be high-lighting the human rights violations perpetrated against the people in the North East and other parts by successive governments that ruled the island since independence in 1948. Our report includes the history in a nutshell, colonisation & ethnic cleansing in the East, recorded figures of violations from 1956 to 2007, killing and harrassment of journalists, humanitarian workers, religious dignitaries, academics, parliamenterians - and major massacres and killings. Also the report includes details of military occupation of civilian dwellings/land, schools, places of worship and public buildings. We have also included details of cultural genocide in the North East with a list of 299 Christian churches and 1348 Hindu/Saiva temples/kovils which were fully or partially damaged by aerial bombing and shelling in the North East. The incidents we have mentioned in our report since 1956, have never been subject to an independent inquiry - nor have the perpetrators been arrested and punished nor have the victims been compensated. There are many more incidents to be added to those we have in this report. Impunity is a very serious problem in Sri Lanka. Many notorious human rights violators in the Security forces especially in the Army, Police and the Paramilitary have received the best promotions and appointments as Ministers and to high profile jobs in the government. The government of Sri Lanka encourages and allows the perpertrators to move freely in society - and the violations continue. In the Northeast the human rights situation has been deteriorating for many long years. Genocide, cultural genocide, multiple displacements are occuring and a systematic economic embargo to the North East is starving the people. First hand witnesses to these Crimes against humanity - cemeteries full of murdered bodies, hospitals full of child and adult casualties, camps full of displaced people, people starving due to the economic embargo and buildings destroyed in all parts of North East. The security forces have created ―High Security Zones‖ in the densily populated residential areas of the Northeast and are occupying civilian homes and public buildings. Sirs / Mesdames, The Sinhala constitution denies fundamental and political rights to the Tamil people. The introduction of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) in 1979 and 27years of emergency rule (ER) have inflicted terror upon the Tamil people in the island. ER and the PTA permit the Sri Lanka security forces to arrest, torture, rape and kill the Tamils with impunity. Only a few cases have attracted international news coverage - and international human rights and humanitarian organisations are paying attention to these. Press freedom and freedom of expression are in peril in Sri Lanka. Journalists are arrested, tortured, abducted, disappeared and killed over-night. Misinformation is heavily used internally and internationally by the government of Sri Lanka to distort the real picture of what is happening in the conflict areas. Ethnic cleansing of Tamils and Singhalisation in the North East continues with foreign help. As part of the ethnic cleansing, the murdering of religious leaders and laymen inside and outside places of worship has also been taking place over the years.


So far more than 100,000 Tamils have been killed and more than 200,000 have been multiply internally displaced. Another 600,000 or more Tamils have sought asylum in foreign countries. Sirs / Mesdames, If we analyse respect for human rights by the government of Sri Lanka, the following truth becomes crystal clear - Sri Lanka has a regular habit of pretending to take some action on the massive human violations only a month before the beginning of the UN Human Rights' forums. These hollow promises of action are intended to avoid or counter any criticism that may be made by these forums, rather than to vigorously promote and protect human rights in real and effective terms. Typical examples of this are the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry and an International Independent Group of Eminent Persons (IIGEP) in September 2006. We predicted the fate of the IIGEP in our earlier reports. It is well known that for the last twenty four years, the LTTE has been engaged in an armed struggle with the support of the Tamils in exercise of their right to self-determination in the Tamil hereditary regions. After nearly a quarter century of armed conflict, there is a de-facto government in the Tamils' hereditary region under the LTTE administration. It has been in existence for more than 15 years and it has its own infrastructures - police and judiciary, Law College, Banking and Educational institutions, as well as welfare centres for children, disabled people, elders and war victims. This has been well witnessed by diplomats, dignitaries and VIPs. Sirs / Mesdames, the reports of the UN Special rapporteurs, Special representatives of the UN Secretary General and the Working groups and furthermore the statements by international NGOs to every UN Human Rights forum clearly indicate that the human rights situation in Sri Lanka is far from improving - in fact it is rapidly deteriorating. As Sri Lanka is a signatory to various UN covenants and conventions, it has an obligation to maintain international standards and to abide by iternational law. In the past, UN action on various other country situations reminded us that "Naming and Shaming" is one of the preventive techniques in the protection of human rights. Therefore the reports of the UN dignitaries and other appeals, reports, joint-statements, interventions, written statements by various NGOs to the UN Human rights forums must all be taken into consideration in this period to apply UN action on Sri Lanka. At this crucial situation, there is no doubt that International human rights law and international humanitarian law are severely and massively violated by Sri Lanka. Considering these facts, the best mechanism in hand which can be used, is to charge the President of Sri Lanka, the Commander-in-Chief of the Sri Lanka Security Forces and other Military officials with War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity. In addition, we urge this session to take immediate steps to alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe that is being deliberately inflicted by the government of Sri Lanka on civilians in the North East. Sir, being the President of the 6th session of the Human Rights Council, you can see that the international community is failing in its duties regarding Sri Lanka and that it is backing an aggressor which is perpetrating war crimes and crimes against humanity against a people who have been struggling for their Right to Self-determination for many decades. We appeal to you to take immediate action during this session of the Human Rights Council. Thank you, Yours sincerely S. V. Kirubaharan General Secretary


History in a nutshell 1505 The Portuguese arrived in Ceylon during the existence of three sovereign kingdoms, one Tamil Kingdom

in Jaffna, and two Sinhala Kingdoms in Kotte and Kandy.

The island was divided into three kingdoms, a Tamil kingdom in the North East, the Kandy kingdom of the highlands and the Kotte kingdom situated in the South.

1619 Tamil sovereignty ended in June when the Portuguese defeated the Tamil King, and the Jaffna Kingdom

became a Colony of the Portuguese. 1658 The Dutch arrived in Ceylon and the Jaffna Kingdom became a Dutch Colony.

1795 The British arrived in Ceylon and the Jaffna Kingdom became a British Colony.

1802 Ceylon became a British Crown Colony.

1833 For the first time in over 2,500 years of its recorded history, the entire island of Ceylon was brought

under a single administration based on the recommendations of the Colebrook-Cameron Report. 1862 Tamils from Southern India were brought as labourers to work in the tea plantations in the hill country by

the British. During the same period Tamil labourers from South India were taken to work in the sugar cane plantations in South Africa, Mauritius and in many other British colonies.

1885 Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan Tamil leader called for increased representation in Legislative council for

Tamils. 1915 In June, Sinhala Buddhist-Muslim riots in Ceylon. Riots spread from the central province to the

western and northwestern provinces.

There were heavy casualties amongst the Muslims. According to available records, 36 Muslims were killed and 205 Muslims were injured and raped. Nearly 85 mosques were damaged and more than 4,075 Muslim-owned shops were looted by the Sinhala rioters.

1919 The Ceylon National Congress (CNC), the first full-fledged "Nationalist" political party was formed by a

celebrated Tamil, Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam.

1921 Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam quitted the CNC, denouncing it as a party representing mainly a

section of the Sinhalese. 1927-1931 Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan and Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam had talks with Sinhala leaders

when the Donoughmore Commission announced its recommendations in 1927. The talks ended in a failure as the Sinhala leaders ignored the aspirations of the Tamils.

1944 The first Tamil political party, ―All Ceylon Tamil Congress-ACTC‖ was founded by G. G. Ponnambalam to

champion the cause of the Tamils against Sinhala Buddhist domination. 1947 The United National Party (UNP) was formed.

The first constitution of Ceylon was adopted by an Order in Council rather than by a Constituent Assembly. It was known as the (Lord) “Soulbury Constitution” which remained in force until 1972.

1948 The British left Ceylon independence was granted to ―Ceylon‖ and the power to govern Ceylon was

handed over to the Sinhalese who were numerically superior.

After the stringent 15 November 1948 Citizenship Act and the laws of disenfranchisement were enacted

and adopted, the Tamils of Indian origin Tamils in the hill country (plantation Tamils) were deprived of selecting their representatives to the Parliament. More than a million plantation Tamil workers were rendered stateless.

1948-50 The Government launched massive Sinhala colonisation schemes in the Eastern province. Gal oya in

Batticaloa, Allai and Kathalai in Trincomalee were colonised under pretexts of development. 1949 Dissension with the ―Tamil Congress‖ party led to the formation of the “Tamil Federal Party” (FP) under

the leadership of S. J. V. Chelvanayagam. 1951 S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike broke away from UNP and forms the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP).


1956 On 14 June S. W. R. D. Bandaranayake father of President Chandrika Kumaratunga proclaimed the “Sinhala Only Act” which made the Sinhala language the only official language of Ceylon.

The peaceful Satyagraha campaign staged by the Tamils to protest against the ―Sinhala Only Act‖ at the Galle Face Green, in front of the Parliament in Colombo was brutally savaged by Sinhalese thugs with the connivance of government. The outbreak of first anti-Tamil riots in the island. More than 150 Tamils were

burnt or hacked to death and million rupees worth of properties belonging to Tamils were looted and destroyed.

Year Killing Rape Injuries Displaced

1956 150 20 300 3000

1957 Soon after the ―Sinhala Only Act‖ was passed in Parliament, talks were initiated between the Prime

Minister S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike and the Federal Party leader S. J. V. Chelvanayagam.

On 26 July an agreement known as "Band Chieva" pact was signed between Bandaranayake and

Chevanayagam. This agreement was based on a quasi federal system devolving certain powers to the Tamils in the North East provinces. Within a week of signing the “Banda-Chelva” pact, it was unilaterally abrogated by the Prime Minister

Bandaranaike due to vehement protests staged by the UNP, Buddhist clergy and SLFP. J R Jeyawardena of United National Party-UNP undertook a march to Kandy in protest against this pact.

1958 Anti-Tamil pogrom broke out in the island. Many Tamils were massacred and million of rupees worth of

properties belonging to the Tamils were looted and destroyed.

Year Killing Rape Injuries Displaced

1958 355 100 350 35000

1965 Dudley Senanayake leader of the UNP formed the government with the help of the Federal Party and

other parties. Talks were held between the Prime Minister Dudley Senanayake and S. J. V. Chelvanayagam.

On 24 March, an agreement known as "Dudley-Cheva" Pact was signed between Dudley Senanayake

and S. J. V. Chelvanayagam.

The agreement was abandoned without being implemented due to opposition from the SLFP, the

Buddhist clergy, and UNP backbenchers. 1971 Armed revolution by the Janata Vimukthi Peramuna was suppressed by Srimavoa Bandaranayke.

Thousands of Sinhala JVP youths were killed.

Talks were held between various Tamils leaders and Srimavo Bandaranayake on constitutional

amendments. No agreement was reached but the Sinhala leaders went ahead undeterred with their republican

constitution amending the minimum safeguards granted to Tamils by the earlier constitution.

1972 Ceylon became a ―Republic‖ on 22 May and Ceylon was officially renamed as the “Republic of SRI LANKA”

The United Front government enacted a Sinhala-Supremacist "Republican Constitution" for the country,

which made Buddhism the state religion. Formation of Tamil United Front (TUF) comprising Federal Party led by, S. J. V. Chelvanayagam, Tamil Congress (TC) led by GG Ponnambalam, and Ceylon Workers Congress (CWC) led by Savariamoorthy Thondaman.

State discrimination against Tamil students' admission to Universities reached the peak with the introduction of "Standardisation". University admission based on merit was abandoned deliberately to

stop Tamil students entering Universities. A youth group comprising self-sacrificing and disciplined youths named Tamil New Tigers (TNT) was

formed by Mr. V. Pirabaharan to fight for the right to self-determination of the Tamils in the North East.

1974 On 10 January, Sinhalese Police unleashed an unprovoked violent attack on those attending the prestigious “4

th Tamil Research Conference” in Jaffna, leaving nine innocent civilians dead.


1975 On 5 May the Tamil New Tigers -TNT was renamed as Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam LTTE. Mr. V.

Pirabaharan was named the Chairman and military commander of the LTTE. 1977 In July, Tamil United Liberation Front-TULF, contested and won overwhelmingly at the Parliamentary

election giving them a mandate to establish the “Right to Self-determination” of Tamil Eelam in the

North East. J. R. Jeyewardena of UNP became the Prime Minister, with a five-sixth majority in the Parliament. The TULF became the major opposition party in the parliament.

Talks took place between Prime Minister J.R. Jayawardena and the Tamil United Liberation Front. No agreement was reached. Anti-Tamil pogrom occurred immediately after elections in the areas where

Sinhalese were in the majority killing hundreds of Tamils.

Year Arrest/Torture Killing Rape Injuries Displaced

1974 25 9 15

1977 45 150 90 35 15000

1979 The government enacted the draconian Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA), banning the Tamil militant

organisations. On 11 July, the Jaffna peninsula was brought effectively under martial law under Public Security ordinance. Anti-Tamil pogrom broke out in the island. Many Tamils were killed and properties

belonging to Tamils were looted and destroyed.

Year Arrest/Torture Disap. Killing Rape Injuries

1979 150 22 13 13 15

1981 In June, another anti-Tamil pogrom was unleashed. Increased military repression in the North. The Jaffna

Public Library was burnt down by the Sri Lankan armed forces, allegedly under the direction of two senior government ministers, Gamini Dissanayake and Cyril Matthew. 95,000 volumes of books including

numerous culturally important and irreplaceable manuscripts and the buildings were totally destroyed by arson. The Jaffna city market, the office of the Tamils daily newspaper ―Eelanadu‖, the office of the political party TULF, etc were burnt down by the Sri Lanka security forces.

Year Torture Disap. Killing Rape Injuries Displaced

1981 200 4 35 50 37 5000

1982 Government sponsored a Sinhala settlement in the Tamil populated Mullaitivu.

1983 Major anti-Tamil pogrom took place in July all over the island with the buoyed up support of the

government. During the four days riots, more than 6,000 Tamils were killed and over 250,000 were rendered refugees. Thousands of Tamils fled the country and went to India and to Western countries.

Billions rupees worth of Tamils properties was looted and destroyed by the Sinhala rioters.

Between 27-28 July, fifty-three Tamil political prisoners were massacred inside the walls of the

Welikadai prison in Colombo by the Sinhala inmates. The government masterminded this massacre and the Sinhala attackers were released from the prison and were rewarded with houses and properties in the Sinhala settlements in the Tamil homeland. Hundreds of youths joined the LTTE movement and the TULF Members of Parliament sought asylum in India. J. R. Jeyawardena‘s government enacts the 6th amendment to the constitution and rejected the right to self-determination of the Tamil people in the island on 8

th August. This amendment outlawed the mandate

voted by the Tamils in 1977 general election. The Sixth amendment and the Prevention of Terrorism Act in 1979 along with the Emergency Law provisions became the instruments through which repression was unleashed on the Tamil people.

Year Arrest/Torture Disap. Killing Rape Injuries Displaced

1983 1425 571 6000 750 3383 250000

1984 At the beginning of EELAM WAR-I.

1985-87 State repression and counter attacks intensified in the North East resulting in all-out war between the Sri

Lankan state and the LTTE. LTTE effectively took control of the Jaffna peninsula and other Northern



1986 In November, talks between the LTTE representatives and President J. R. Jeyawardena took place

through the mediation of the Indian Prime minister in Bangalore, India. 1987 On the 29th July 1987, a peace accord known as “Indo-Lanka” pact was signed between Sri Lanka and

India. Even though this accord purported to bring an end to the island‘s ethnic crisis, it was signed by India and Sri Lanka without any consultation with LTTE and the Tamils of the North East of the Island.

The LTTE‘s first public meeting was held in Suthumalai on 4 August 1987. The LTTE Leader Mr. Pirabaharan‘s speech in this meeting became known as the “Suthumalai Declaration”.

1989 Talks between the LTTE the President Premadasa took place in Colombo. LTTE‘s chief negotiator Dr.

Anton Balasingham, Mrs Adel Balasingham and many other LTTE high-level leaders took part in the talks. 1990 At the beginning of EELAM WAR II. Hostilities broke out again between the Sri Lankan forces and the

LTTE. Economic blockade was imposed causing severe shortage of food and medicine in the North 1994 The People's Alliance led by Chandrika Kumaratunge won the Parliamentary elections with the pledge to

"end the war and bring peace". The LTTE unilaterally announced a temporary ceasefire to welcome

the change of government.

Talks between the LTTE and the PA government led by President Chandrika Kumaratunga commenced in Jaffna. Kumaratunge won the Presidential election. LTTE chief negotiator Dr. Anton Balasingham, and many other LTTE high-level leaders participated in the talks.

1995 On 5 January, the Government of Sri Lanka (President Chandrika) and the LTTE (Leader V.

Pirabahakaran) signed an agreement for cessation of hostilities. The Government announced lifting of the economic embargo on some items only on paper, but the embargo continued. Later Chandrika

government argued that there was no such thing as an economic embargo in the Tamil region. This was considered by civil society and the international humanitarian organisations as an ―Utter lie with hidden agenda‖.

The LTTE gave a two-week ultimatum in March to the government to implement what they had promised to the civilians. This ultimatum was later extended by another three weeks until April 19th. Talks ended in failure.

Government launched a major offensive in July in several parts of the Jaffna peninsula after imposing a press censorship. This was the beginning of EELAM WAR-III.

2001 The LTTE have announced unilateral cease-fires many a time. One lasted for four months. President

Chandrika‘s government refused to reciprocate the cease-fire declared by the LTTE and opted to continue with its military agenda.

The Tamil political parties formed a front known as the ―Tamil National Alliance (TNA)‖ and contested the Parliament elections in the North East on the 5th December 2001 and won in 16 electorates. TNA‟s Election manifesto.

In December, the UNP government headed by the Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe came into power

with the mandate for peace and negotiations with LTTE. The LTTE declared a one month cease-fire and

it was renewed. The government also declared one month cease-fire and renewed it. 2002 LTTE released 10 prisoners of war as a gesture of good will for peace.

The Norwegian government re-activated its peace role. The Norwegian delegation led by Deputy Foreign Minister Vidar Helgesenand and Mr. Eric Solheim met with the LTTE chief negotiator Dr. Anton Balasingham in London and the Prime Minister and other ministers in Sri Lanka.

On 21 February, an historic agreement, a “Memorandum of Understanding” was signed between Mr.

V. Pirabaharan, the leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam LTTE, and the Sri Lanka Prime Minister Mr. Ranil Wickremasinghe. This MOU was worked out under the facilitation of the Norwegian government.

2003 As there is non implimentation of the out come of talks, in May, the peace talks between the LTTE and the

government Sri Lanka came to a halt. In November, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) submitted its proposals for Interim Self-

Governing Authority – IGSA in the North East region to the Sri Lankan Government through the Norwegian facilitators on November.

This proposal was totaly ignored by the Singhala leaders.


2004 In the General elections the political party "Tamil National Alliance (TNA)" won overwhelmingly in 22

electorates in the Tamil region, North East.

Their election manifesto stated, "Accepting LTTE‘s leadership as the national leadership of the Tamil

Eelam Tamils and the Liberation Tigers as the sole and authentic representatives of the Tamil people, let

us devote our full cooperation for the ideals of the Liberation Tigers‘ struggle with honesty and


2005 In November, Mahinda Rajapaksa won the Presidential election with the support of the Sinhala extreme

political parties.

2006 In February, and October. 1st round of peace talks in Geneva was after two and a half years of interval.

As there is non implimentation of the agreement signed in the 1st round of peace talks in Geneva, once

again the 2nd round of peace talks came to a stalemate in October.

* * * * *


Year Talks

1927-1931 Ramanathan brothers had talks with Sinhala leaders when the Donoughmore Commission announced its recommendations in 1927

1957 Sinhala Only Act. Talks between S. W. R. D. Bandaranayake, Prime Minister and S. J. V. Chelvanayagam was leader of Federal Party Talks on Banda Chelva pact

1965 Talks between Dudley Senanayaka, Prime Minister and S. J. V. Chelvanayagam was leader of Federal Party

Talks on Dudley Chelva Pact

1971 Tamils leaders (TULF) and Srimavo Bandaranayake on constitutional amendments

1977 J.R. Jayawardena and the TULF leaders 1978-1982 Many between TULF and JR 1985 Thimpu – LTTE was one of the parties 1986 LTTE & J. R. Jeyawardena Bangalore

1987 Indo-Sri Lanka accord (It was signed without the concern of

the Tamils)

1989-1990 LTTE & President Premadasa 1994-1995 LTTE & President Chandrika 2002-2003 May LTTE & Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe 2006 February & October LTTE & President Mahinda Rajapaksa

(see page 109 & 110)



The following statistics show how the Sri Lankan governments and its destructive agents plundered and robbed 50% of the ancestral lands of the Tamils of the Island of Sri Lanka. The author of this report is Mr K. Sachithanandan. He was a lecturer at the University of Jaffna and adviser to the United Nations on Food and Agriculture in twenty-three countries. Also appointed as a research officer in the Fisheries Corporation in Colombo. (Report dated 1990)

Since 1827 - Tamil and Sinhala populations in the Eastern province (Table is shown on a language basis)

Tamil Sinhala Year Speaking Speaking

1827 99.24% 0.53% 1881 93.82% 4.66% 1891 93.89% 5.06% 1901 91.8% 5.05% 1911 93.4% 3.76% 1921 93.95% 4.53% 1946 87.8% 9.87% 1953 85.5% 13.11% 1963 79.25% 19.9% 1971 78.61% 20.7% 1981 74.4% 24.92%

Since 1827 - Tamil and Sinhala populations in Batticaloa district (Table is shown on language basis)

Until 1963 it includes Amparai district Tamil Sinhala Year Speaking Speaking 1827 99.62% 0.00% 1881 93.27% 4.75% 1891 93.2% 5.21% 1901 92.34% 5.21% 1911 92.95% 3.74% 1921 93.12% 4.56% 1946 92.55% 5.83% 1953 87.64% 11.52% 1963* 95.6% 3.35%* 1971 94.49% 4.49% 1981 95.95% 3.21%

* Creation of Amparai district

Since 1963 - Tamil and Sinhala population in Amparai district (Table is shown language basis)

(Amparai district was created in 1963) Tamil Sinhala Year Speaking Speaking 1963 70.22% 29.34% 1971 69.47% 30.18% 1981 62.03% 37.64%


Since 1827 - Tamil and Sinhala populations in Trincomalee district (Table is shown on language basis)

Tamil Sinhala Year Speaking Speaking 1827 98.45% 1.53% 1881 90.72% 4.21% 1891 91.44% 4.3% 1901 89.04% 4.22% 1911 90.54% 3.82% 1921 92.13% 4.38% 1946 75.09% 20.68% 1953 78.8% 18.22% 1963 79.25% 19.9% 1971 70.2% 28.8% 1981 65.38% 33.62% In 1833 the Colebrook-Cameron Commission allocated approximately 26,500 sq.km as the Tamil People‘s Ancestral Motherland. In 1901 when the nine provinces came into being, the Tamil administration of the Northern and Eastern Provinces measured approximately 19,100 sq.km Due to some of the area being incorporated into the Sinhalese provinces the Tamil area had been reduced by approximately 7,500 sq.km. After 1948 the government‘s settlement plan deprived the Tamils of 7,000 sq.km. in the Eastern Province and 500 sq.km. in the Northern Province. Although the Tamils protested, the Colombo administration ignored the Tamils and settled Sinhalese in these regions. Approximately 7,500 sq.km of Tamil land was plundered by the Sinhala Government‘s Demarcation and Resettlement Plan when it came into operation. This has been taking place over the last forty years. Before 1833, 25% of Tamil speaking people occupied 35% of land, which was in their administration as Tamil ancestral homeland. In 1901 this area shrunk from 35% to 29%. Within 162 years the Sinhalese government under its crafty Demarcation and Resettlement Plan has plundered 50% of the Tamil ancestral homeland and is still attempting to colonise more and more!

ETHNIC CLEANSING On 7 June 2007 * 500 Tamils were forcefully expelled from the lodges in Colombo and sent out of Colombo to

Batticaloa, Trincomalee and Vavuniya with Police escort * Further 400 are being detained in Police stations in Colombo.

Sri Lanka police send Tamils back to their villages COLOMBO, June 1 (Reuters) - Ethnic minority Tamils staying in the capital Colombo "without a valid reason" are being sent back to their villages in a bid to stamp out rebel attacks, Sri Lanka's police chief said on Friday. Hundreds of minority Tamils, many from poor rural areas, live in boarding houses in Colombo while they work or search for jobs or seek employment abroad. Many ethnic Tamils in Colombo complain they are being deliberately targeted by the security forces, detained and searched as the state fights a new chapter of a two-decade civil war with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).


"Because there is no a special label to identify an LTTE terrorist and a civilian, we took the decision to send them back to their villages after they finished their work here in Colombo," Inspector General of Police Victor Perera told a news conference. "Some people who have arrived in Colombo do not have a valid reason to stay," he added. "Anybody can come to Colombo, there is no restriction. But they can't stay loitering in Colombo. We have decided to provide transport facilities for them to go back to their own villages." The move comes after two suspected Tamil Tiger bomb attacks in the capital in a week and a string in recent months as a conflict that has killed nearly 70,000 people since 1983 deepens. Officials suspect that Tiger cells are installed in the capital and seeking to stage attacks. But the planned restriction on Tamils rang alarm bells. "If a democratic society takes this course of action, it is unacceptable because it is clearly a serious violation of their human rights," said Jehan Perera of the National Peace Council, a non-partisan advisory group. "This is a very harsh decision." "This is the first time such a thing has been spoken about officially, so it suggests the conflict is deteriorating," he added. "This is a new low." Fighting is now focused on the north after the military captured the Tigers' eastern stronghold, and a string of land and sea battles has killed around 4,000 people since last year.

Ranil on forced eviction of Tamils

Daily Mirror, 8 June 2007 - Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe, yesterday, compared the plight of the Tamils under the Mahinda Rajapaksa administration, to that of the Jews in Germany during World War 2 and of Black Africans, during the apartheid era in South Africa. Speaking in Parliament on the government led eviction of Tamils in Colombo, Mr. Wickremesinghe said that Jews and Black Africans had faced similar persecution in the past, at the hands of Germans and Whites respectively. He said the government‘s actions violated the Constitution, which clearly stated that all citizens of Sri Lanka must be free from torture and inhuman and degrading treatment and had the right to free movement and to choose their area of residence. ―We are also concerned about the security of the country. If the government suspects anyone they can produce that person before a magistrate and remand the suspect, or release the person,‖ he said. He noted that when people were evicted from the lodgings in such an arbitrary manner, they would return in anger to blast bombs. Mr. Wickremesinghe added that the situation would bring shame upon Sri Lanka at the European Parliament sessions, and queried as to why the government was creating such a crisis for the country. (Excerpt)

Send Tamils to India – UNP!

BBC Sinhala service, 8 June 2007 - Sri Lanka's main opposition party has requested the giant neighbour to allow minority Tamils to settle in India. The United National Party (UNP) legislator Lakshman Kiriella said the party urges India to allow Tamils to migrate until their safety is guaranteed by the island nation.The UNP made the request after hundreds of Tamils were evicted from Colombo's lodges by the police. (Excerpt)

Mahinda 'dividing' Sri Lanka BBC Sinhala service, 8 June 2007 - Rights activists have accused of President Mahinda Rajapaksa of working on an agenda to divide Sri Lanka between ethnic lines. Protesting the eviction of hundreds of Tamils from the lodges in Colombo, they said Sri Lankan citizens should have the right to live where they like irrespective of their ethnicity.


Siritunga Jayasuriya, chairman of Civil Monitoring Committee (CMC), told BBC Sandeshaya that Sri Lanka authorities are trying to alienate Tamils community in Sri Lanka. War on terror President's Rajapaksa's administration, he said, is working on an agenda similar to that of President Bush's War on Terror. Jayasuriya accused the authorities of trying to divide Sri Lanka. "President Rajapaksa has put the first step towards dividing Sri Lanka into separate countries," Jayasuriya told bbcsinhala.com. (Excerpt) World War II The leader of the Left Front, Dr. Vickramabahu Karunaratne, questioned under which regulations authorities decided to deport Tamils from Colombo. He compared the eviction of Tamil lodgers to the eviction of Jews by the Nazzis during the second world war. "The Tamils were taken away like animals without offering any food or water," Dr. Karunaratne said. (Excerpt)

The United States condemns the forced removal of Tamils

June 8, 2007 - The United States condemns the forced removal of Tamils from Colombo. Such measures violate the Sri Lankan Constitution‘s guarantee that every citizen has the right to freedom of movement and choice of residence within Sri Lanka. The United States understands and supports Sri Lanka‘s obligation to defend itself against terrorism. But this action can only widen the ethnic divide at a time when important efforts are underway to reach a national consensus to end Sri Lanka's nearly quarter-century old conflict. We call upon the Government of Sri Lanka to stop the forcible removal of its citizens from Colombo, to make public the destinations of those already removed, and to ensure their safety and well-being. (The Embassy of the United States – Sri Lanka & Maldives, 8 June 2007)

Norway condemns enforced removal of Tamils from Colombo 09 June 2007 - The full text of the press release by Norweigian Embassy in Colombo concern the forced evication of Tamils from Colombo : "Norway condemns yesterday‘s sudden and enforced removal of civilian Tamils from their dwellings in Colombo. "The move by the Colombo police is a clear violation of international human rights law. The Government of Sri Lanka has legitimate security concerns. Moreover, it has the right and obligation to take measures to guarantee the safety of its population. However, such measures should not indiscriminately target Tamils, or any other ethnic group, and should always be in accordance with international human rights law. "We urge the Government of Sri Lanka to cease any further enforced removal of Tamils from Colombo, and to consider granting immediate permission to return for those already removed from the city. "

Canada condemns the forced removal of citizens of Tamil origin from Colombo

10 June 2007 The Canadian High Commission's full text of the press release : "Canada condemns the forced removal of citizens of Tamil origin from Colombo back to the conflict zones in the north and the east". "Whilst Canada acknowledges that the Sri Lankan government has the right and the duty to protect itself and its citizens against potential terrorist attacks, such as the reprehensible bombings in Colombo Fort and Rathmalana in recent weeks, the heavy-handedness of this sweeping action will only alienate the vast majority of innocent Tamils and further complicate the search for a durable peace settlement ."


"Canada welcomes the stay issued by the Supreme Court which prevents further removals and notes that President Rajapakse has directed that these people be returned to Colombo if they wish." "Canada reiterates that there cannot be a military solution to the conflict that has besieged this Island for more than 20 years and reaffirms the need for a political solution where the rights and aspirations of all citizens of Sri Lanka can be respected."

Indian PM concerned over eviction of Sri Lankan Tamils 10 June 2007

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Saturday expressed concern over the eviction of minority Sri Lankan Tamils from the capital Colombo and hoped 'better sense will prevail' in the troubled nation. 'On attempt to expel Tamils from Colombo, Sri Lanka, we shared our anxiety with important world leaders,' the prime minister said while returning from Germany where he attended the G8 Outreach Summit. 'Hope better sense will prevail. It involves human rights of citizens,' added the prime minister, referring to a pre-dawn raid by the armed police Thursday on the temporary lodgings of Tamils in Colombo and forcing them go return to the northern and eastern provinces. 'I heard that this move has been stayed by their Supreme Court. We share the concern.' (http://www.indiaenews.com/india/20070610/55516.htm)

BJP slams move to evacuate Tamils from Colombo The Hindu – 10 June 2007

CHENNAI: The Bharatiya Janata Party on Saturday condemned the Sri Lankan Government's move to evacuate Tamils from Colombo. Terming the move "human rights violation," BJP national vice-president S. Thirunavukkarasar said India should join other countries in condemning the "evacuation." The party, he said, also opposed sale of any type of arms to Sri Lanka as these would be used against Tamils. (Excerpt)

Eviction is not „winning hearts and minds‟ By Shakuntala Perera

(Daily Mirror – 30 August 2007) Nationalist politics invariably crossing over to various levels of extremism have always been the bane of Sri Lanka. Such opportunist politics have always beein in the way of the country reaching its development goals. It has more importantly been the biggest obstacle in the way of minorities receiving their due. But, never in the history of this country has the situation dropped to the depths that they have today. Allegations of attempts to change the demography of the country, especially with regard to the contentious Eastern and Northern provinces, increase at an alarming rate. Several development plans of the government especially in the East is showing strong moves to this end. The newly ‗liberated‘ Eastern province is today a volcano awaiting eruption. The political agendas of various nationalist groups are threatening the peace of the province as never before. More seriously, they are threatening the lives of innocent people caught in between. Following the first movement of displaced persons, 6,000 families, approx 30,000 persons, took place in April 2006 from the Trincomalee District to the Batticaloa District after the Mavil Aaru clashes between the Government and the LTTE. The IDPs first moved from Trincomalee to Vaharai in the Batticaloa district, then in late 2006 from Vaharai to Batticaloa. The third movement of persons was from West Batticaloa to Batticaloa East.


The resettlement plans of the government are accused of attempts to ‗Sinhalise‘ the province. The allegation is strongly contributed to by clear moves to cement the demands by religious foundations. Both humanitarian agencies operating in the areas and the people left destitute confirm that there were clear moves by certain political organizations to settle Sinhala families within Muslim villages have only poured fuel to the sensitivities of the area. The anger rising out of the Muslim community is not to be ignored. Such anger has the potential to grow in to militancy as we experience with the LTTE. The frustrations growing out of the situation are not to be ignored. The government by Gazette notification No 1467/3 Board of Investment of Sri Lanka Law No 40(1978), declared a new High Security Zone covering Sampur and Muttur East on 16 February 2007. The declaration of HSZ for an Economic Zone will lead to the displacement of thousands. The government has reportedly already taken action to acquire land for relocation of said displaced families. Eastern Security Forces Commander Parakrama Pannipitiya has been appointed as the Competent Authority for the implementation of the regulations. There are suspicions that ‘a new and trustworthy work force and new communities, most likely Sinhala will be moved into Trincomalee, ‘dramatically impacting on the demography and the ethnic balance in the Trincomalee District.’ Already local communities are expressing fears that their areas are being marginalized and their needs and rights are being ignored in the proposed development plans. Moves under the BOI Trincomalee Development Plan, to establish a nature park and in Seenanveli, north of Illankaiturai Muhattuvaram, a HSZ and a special fishing zone are not without their questionable implications. The residents, most of them Tamils of Veddha descent, from about 8 villages, have been transported and virtually dumped in the open. ‘They are prevented from going home on the pretext of landmines while their meagre possessions have been reportedly looted by ‘Sinhalese’ from the Mahindapura colony, acting allegedly in cooperation with the Army’. The army is also engaged in constructing a Buddhist Temple, Samudragiri Vihara, in Seenanveli. The Coalition of Muslims and Tamils for Peace and Coexistence (CMTPC) maintain the allegations have a sound basis. They allege that the current development plan for Trincomalee or the soon to be unveiled Eastern Development Plan has elements contributing to the mistrust. ‗This concern of minority communities needs to be addressed and their fears allayed as speedily as possible‘ they maintain. Certainly the eviction of 251 resettled farmers from Arafa Nagar on 10th, August, without prior notice by the military, demonstrates that it is not purely security concerns that keep the Tamils out of their lands. Such actions and in some instances obstacles placed in the way of resettlement are prompted more by ethnic considerations than by security safeguards. These Muslim families who earlier received the green light to rebuild their lives and continue farming from the security forces were suddenly evicted. All hopes of bringing some normalcy to their hopeless lives were short lived, they found. Five months to be exact. A board declaring it a High Security Zone was erected on August 10, with a warning issued against trespasses. Trespassers were threatened with death. It is such harsh decisions by the State that are pushing the minority communities further and further awy from the Centre. These are far from the ambitious plans that the government spoke about to ‘win hearts and minds’ of the liberated people. In effect these and many other similar examples are pushing the people towards the LTTE. There are serious questions raised if the demands of the LTTE are not justified. Pertinent questions are being asked on the intentions of the government policy in this regard. The people want to know if liberation from one terror group was only going to push them towards another dictatorial rule. South Asians for Human Rights last week charged against the moves to Sinhalise the area. ‘Appointment of numerous Sinhala government officials to the Provincial Council in the East after the de-merger of the Northern and Eastern province; establishment of Sinhala resettlements in Ampara; and building Viharas in Pottuvil, a predominantly Muslim area. The Muslim people, correctly, viewed themselves as being stuck between Sinhala and Tamil nationalisms,’ they allege. The concern of international communities can‘t be ignored in this scenario. Human rights violations, what ever form they take must remain the necessary concern of the international stakeholders. Attempts to antagonize them would not help the government in any way. The fact remains that all democratic governments are accountable at some point. It is irrelevant what their interpretation of liberation is. There is simply no justification for the human cost of the most ‗noble‘ of causes.




Tamil Centre for Human Rights - TCHR Email : tchr@tchr.net / tchrdip@tchr.net Website : www.tchr.net

Year Arrest/Torture Disap.*** Killing Rape Injuries Displaced

1956* 150 20 300 3000

1958* 355 100 350 35000

1960 60 15 200 0

1972 37 18 0

1973 35 24 0

1974 25 9 15 0

1977* 45 150 90 35 15000

1979 150 22 13 13 15 0

1981* 200 4 35 50 37 5000

1982 300 0 47 45 22 0

1983* 1425 571 6000 750 3383 250000

1984 8257 203 872 214 1720 0

1985 3616 246 777 399 1372 1000

1986 4675 178 889 475 1560 0

1987** 2935 1303 3714 1257 8062 297250

1988** 2460 1253 2929 1219 4502 253000

1989** 4761 1528 1475 1031 2858 0

1990 2555 9381 5798 816 5601 78600

1991 3244 1847 4360 751 4917 1500

1992 2835 1780 3769 691 4020 0

1993 2929 676 2983 410 2885 0

1994 13363 536 2470 424 1663 0

1995 3565 934 3481 779 5028 500000

1996 18870 1678 4074 894 3265 335000

1997 5430 1463 4056 811 1731 255000

1998 9382 1338 2161 342 2909 34500

1999 16639 177 1661 339 1864 51000

2000 4217 134 1573 336 2442 192000

2001 182 5 88 131 120 67000

2002 16 32 21 101 16959

2003 22 5 45 4 52 0

2004 16 4 87 10 61 0

2005 177 194 243 45 338 0

2006 1175 1064 1292 85 2095 279200

2007Aug. 3368 316 565 30 ----- 110000

Total 116966 26840 56153 12597 63565 2780009

(actual figures higher than documented)

Tamil Centre for Human Rights - TCHR Centre Tamoul pour les Droits de l'Homme

* = Communal riots ** = Indian Peace Keeping Forces - IPKF

*** = Only 2% of the disappeared have been found 16


1990-2000 Tamil Centre for Human Rights – TCHR / Centre Tamoul pour les Droits des l'Homme, France

(many more to be included)

Journalists and other staff killed, attacked and harassed in Sri Lanka - 2001 Tamil Centre for Human Rights – TCHR / Centre Tamoul pour les Droits des l'Homme, France

(many more to be included)


Date Name of victim Reporting for Incident 18/02/1990 Richard de Zoysa (journalist

for UN funded Rome based

agency - IPS)

International Press

Service Abducted in and shot dead in Colombo by the Sri Lanka military intelligence.

14/05/1999 Sri Lal Priyantha Lakbima Arrested by the Police 15/07/1999 Ten journalists Freelance & News Assaulted by the Police 21/07/1999 Several journalists Freelance & News

Papers Victims of violence by PSD (Presidential

Security Division) 07/09/1999 Rohana Kumara Editor-Satana Shot dead in suburb of Colombo believed

to by the PSD 27/09/1999 Susannah Price (British) BBC Received death threats by telephone 02/11/1999 Nadarajah Atputharajah Thinamurusu Shot dead by EPDP in Colombo 03/04/2000 Aiyathurai Nadesan Virakesari Grenade attack at his home in Batticaloa 20/10/2000 Mylvaganam Nirmalarajan BBC & IBC, UK Shot dead at his home in Jaffna by


Date Name of victim Reporting for Incident

02/01/2001 N. Thiruchelvam Lake House Arrested and tortured in Colombo

20/01/2001 M. Vithiyatharan Editor-Uthayan Arrested by Police in Jaffna

21/03/2001 A. Fasmi Thinakural Arrested by Sri Lanka Army in Mannar

16/04/2001 Marie Colvin (American) Sunday Times UK Shot and injured by Sri Lankan army

23/05/2001 Office of the weekly Athavan Hit by a lobbed smoke bomb

07/06/2001 Pirabaharan Freelance Attacked by gangsters in Bogawantala

17/06/2001 Dharmaratnam Sivaram Freelance Two armed men entered the house,

looking Sivaram.

17/07/2001 Aiyadurai Nadesan Virakesari Interrogated by the Army in Batticaloa

03/08/2001 A. Manoharan Lake House Received death threat

26/12/2001 Dharmaratnam Sivaram Freelance Beaten with clubs and knives in

Batticaloa 26/12/2001 M. Wijetharan Thinakathir Beaten with clubs and knives in


Journalists and other staff killed, attacked and harassed in Sri Lanka - 2002 Tamil Centre for Human Rights – TCHR / Centre Tamoul pour les Droits des l'Homme, France

(many more to be included)


Date Name of victim Reporting for Incident

06/01/2002 Assif Hussein Sunday Observor Assif Hussein was warned for writing an article about the Buddhist temple in Kandy

30/01/2002 Ranjan Jayakody TV channel ITN Attacked while he was reporting on an irrigation project in the northern town of Gampaha

01/02/2002 Ervin de Silva Divaina Attacked by two army deserter and a

policeman for written a report exposing a

local case of corruption.

30/03/2002 Sarath Chinthaka Daily Mirror and


Three armed, masked men believed to

be security forces, entered the home

forcefully and threatened his wife, who

was alone in the house with a child -

demanding the recording of a

controversial speech by President

Kumaratunga. As they couldnt find the

cassette, they broke a cupboard, took a

dozen cassettes and a recorder, and

threatened to kill Chinthaka.

07/04/2002 Sunil S. Thanthrige

H.R. Perera


Daily Mirror

An angry crowd of demonstrators

attacked dashing their cameras to the


22/04/2002 Buddhika Weerasinghe Freelance Police threatened five reporters who

were covering a demonstration outside

the prime minister‘s residence in


26/06/2002 P. Sathsivanamdam BBC & Virakesari Armed men attacked his house in Muttur

00/06/2002 A.J.A. Abeynayaka Divaina Believed to Police prowled around his

home iring shots in the air, on several

occasions. This harassment was due to

his reporting against Kadana police.

00/06/2002 Senathirajah


Virakesari &


Journalist neighbour's home was set on

fire. Believed to a wrong target

10/07/2002 Nishanta Kumara Ravaya Three men, including a member of the

ruling UNP known as Sanil, attacked and

threatened him with a knife - one asked if

he was the human rights "dog" who was

trying to send his brother-in-law to prison.

02/09/2002 Chandramorgan &

ABC Radio Correspondent


ABC Radio

Attached by while they took photographs

of the police using tear gas on a crowd of


03/11/2002 Malini Herath Dinamina Thugs attacked the home

24/11/2002 Sandhya M. Weeratunga Rukmal Gamage



Received telephone threats after their

newspaper carried a report about a

government minister. Thugs attcked

Dinakara‘s vehicles driver on 26

November, and asked about the


Journalists and other staff killed, attacked and harassed in Sri Lanka - 2003 Tamil Centre for Human Rights – TCHR / Centre Tamoul pour les Droits des l'Homme, France

(many more to be included)


Date Name of victim Reporting for Incident 03/12/2002 Wijitha Ranaweera

Roshan Garusingha

Jagath Kalansooriya



TV station ITN

Attacked while covering their use of

violence by the supporters of a local

leader of the ruling party to disrupt a local

election. Ranaweera and Kalansooriya

were hospitalised.

10/12/2002 Velupillai Thavachelvam UK-based

IBC Tamil Radio

Police attacked while covering a protest

in Nelliady, Jaffna against the EPDP

presence in the peninsula. He was

admitted to hospital in Point Pedro.

Date Name of victim Reporting for Incident

07/01/2003 S. Jayananthamoorthy Virakesari Grenade attack at his home in Batticaloa

24/04/2003 Asoka Fernando Sunday Leader Threatened by a priest while covering a

visit to Gangarama temple in Colombo

07/05/2003 Ponnaiah Manikavasagam BBC Tamil


EPRLF (V), a paramilitary group threaten

to kill

10/05/2003 Ponnaiah Manickavasagam BBC - Tamil Received death threats in Vavuniya

00/06/2003 Poddala Jayantha Silumina Received death threats for reporting on


27/07/2003 Lasantha Wickrematunga Editor –

Sunday Leader

Minister of Fisheries Mahinda Wijeskera

had threatened to kill him.

01/08/2003 Lasantha Wickrematunga Editor – Sunday

Leader A Minister threatened to kill him

29/10/2003 Athula Hiru FM radio Wounded when Sinhala-Tamil cultural

festival attacked 08/11/2003 Paul Harris Daily Telegraph,

UK and Jane‘s


Forced to leave the country because the

authorities refused to renew his visa.

19/11/2003 Velupillai Thavachelvam UK-based

IBC Tamil Radio

Military intelligence personnel detained

him at the Muhamalai checkpoint in


Journalists and other staff killed, attacked and harassed in Sri Lanka - 2004 Tamil Centre for Human Rights – TCHR / Centre Tamoul pour les Droits des l'Homme, France

(many more to be included)

Journalists and other staff killed, attacked and harassed in Sri Lanka - 2005 Tamil Centre for Human Rights – TCHR / Centre Tamoul pour les Droits des l'Homme, France

(many more to be included)


Date Name of victim Reporting for Incident

00/02/2004 S. Sivapalan

S. Manoharan


Namathu Eelanadu

Beaten with batons by police as they

were covering an incident in Manipay.

Their accreditation, was taken from them.

Their notebooks and cameras were


03/05/2004 Dharmaratnam Sivaram Freelance Police raided him in Colombo

31/05/2004 Aiyathurai Nadesan Virakesari &

IBC Radio, UK

Shot dead by paramilitary working with Sri Lankan military

16/08/2004 Kandasamy Iyer


Thinamurasu. Shot dead in Colombo while on his way to work

12/10/2004 Udaya Kumara Abeyratne Divaina Attacked by members of a Pentecostal church near Colombo

25/10/2004 Frederica Jansz

Heshani Edward

Sunday Leader


Attacked while investigating the alleged

implication of telecommunications tycoon

Thilanga Sumathipala

29/10/2004 Yamuni Rashmika

Atula Vithanage


Radio Hiru FM

Both injured during an attack by

members of the ultra nationalist party,

Sihala Urumayah

24/12/2004 Kithsiri De Mel Daily Mirror Attacked while photographing clashes

between police and a crowd in funeral of

Buddhist monk.

Date Name of victim Reporting for Incident

28/04/2005 Dharmaratnam Sivaram Freelance:

Tamilnet, Daily


Abducted and shot dead in Colombo by

the paramilitary working closely with Sri

Lankan military intelligence. 12/08/2005 Mr & Mrs Selvarajah SLRC Shot dead in Colombo in their travel



Y Premachchandran

Sudar Oli

Attacked by JVP while photographing a JVP protest rally

29/08/2005 D. Selvarathnam – Secuirty


Sudar Oli Two grenades were thrown at the building and watchman was injured

16/10/2005 S. A. Dias, publication


Sunday Leader Dias was assaulted and the printing

press was set on fire

01/11/2005 Ranee Mohamed,

Berty Mendis Sunday Leader Assaulted with batons and swords

15/12/2005 Namathu Eelanadu Namathu Eelanadu

Army officers searched the office in Jaffna interogated several staff.

17/12/2005 B. Parathipan, a lawyer -

renowned journalist






Held in custody overnight after being

stopped at a Colombo checkpoint.

19/12/2005 T. Sabeswaran

Winston Jeyan

J. Jerad



Namathu Eelanadu

Assaulted by members of the security

forces, their quipments were also


22/12/2005 K. Navarathnam Thinakkural Newspaper deliveryman was shot dead

by Sri Lanka security forces

Journalists and other staff killed, attacked and harassed in Sri Lanka - 2006 Tamil Centre for Human Rights – TCHR / Centre Tamoul pour les Droits des l'Homme, France

(many more to be included)


Date Name of victim Reporting for Incident

24/01/2006 Subramaniyam

Sugirdharajan (SSR)

Sudar Oli Shot dead in Trincomalee by paramilitary

forces working with the Sri Lanka Army

02/05/2006 Suresh Kumar - Marketing


Ranjith Kumar

Uthayan Shot dead in "Uthayan" office in Jaffna

by EPDP members. Office and

computers were badly damaged

16/05/2006 Sunanda Deshapriya Sitha Ranjanee Poddala Jayanthe Dharmasiri Lankapeli Prasanna Fonseka

)Free Media )Movement Journalists Assoc. Fed.of Media Empl


All have received death threats for meeting LTTE political wing

01/07/2006 Lakmal Silva, Freelance Killed by the Sri Lanka Army

24/07/2006 Mariathas Manojanraj Newspaper


Killed in Jaffna in a mine that was set off


25/07/2006 M. Yahoob - Newspaper


Paramilitary group threatening to kill him

for distributing news papers in Batticaloa.

07/08/2006 Group of journalists, including

some from the BBC

Journalists /



Reporters were barred from Muttur

reporting on the killing of 17 Tamil

employees of the French NGO Action

contre la Faim who were killed by the Sri

Lanka army on 5 August 06.

15/08/2006 Sathasivam Baskaran Driver - Sudar Oli

press group

Shot dead in Jaffna by EPDP

18/08/2006 Uthayan (News paper in Jaffna) Uthayan Four EPDP member set fire to the press

causing serious damage to the

publishing house

20/08/2006 Sinnathamby Sivamaharajah Managing Director

Namathu Eelanadu

and form MP

Shot dead at his home in Tellipalai,

Jaffna by EPDP

22/08/2006 Vithyatharan – Editor

M. Saravanabavan,

Managing Director

Sudar Oli group Withdrawn the police protection assigned

by the President Rajapaksa

29/08/2006 Nadarajah Guruparan Tamil radio station Sooriyan

Kidnapped in Colombo by the paramilitary working with the Sri Lankan military. Due to international pressure he was released after 25 hours

01/09/2006 Ms Thavarajah Thavamni Maharaja

Television (MTV)

Sri Lanka military intelligence has

kidnapped her and released after 15 hrs.

07/09/2006 Uthayan (News paper in


Uthyan EPDP gunmen continue to threatened

the journalists of Uthyan

17/10/2006 Rajpal Abenayaka Editor, Sunday

Observor, Laka


Dismissed for writing about the comments that the President Rajapaksa made to Sri Lankan diplomat

22/10/2006 Virakesari, Thinakural and

Sudar Oli (News papers)

News papers Paramilitary group with working Army

burned 15,000 copies of news paper! All

three news papers banned by the

paramilitary in the East.

??/10/2006 Sinhalese section of the BBC

World Service

BBC World


Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva, accused

the Sinhalese section of the BBC World

Service a reporter for the British radio of

being "payroll" in the Tamil Tigers!

Journalists and other staff killed, attacked and harassed in Sri Lanka - 2007 Tamil Centre for Human Rights – TCHR / Centre Tamoul pour les Droits des l'Homme, France

(many more to be included)


Date Name of victim Reporting for Incident ??/11/2006 George David Reuters and the

broadcast group


Threatened by soldiers in Trincomalee.

06/11/2006 Publish the information only

after the police investigation

To all media According to the state media - Daily

News, the IGP Victor Perera wants the

media to publish the information on

kidnapping of Tamils, only after the

police investigation was completed!

26/11/2006 Munusamy Parameshawary "Mawbima"

Sinhalese weekly

Arrested by the Sri Lanka Police and

released after four months without any

charge – 22 March 07.

27/12/2006 Lasantha Wickremathunga Editor - Sunday


Threatened to be arrested for revealing

information on luxurious bunker was

being built for President Rajapaksa

00/12/2006 3 state media journalists State media Summoned for questioning by the Police

00/12/2006 Iqbal Athas Sunday Times Forced to censor his articles on security


00/12/2006 Rohitha Bashana


Journalist "Hiru" Threatened by the authority for covering

the plight of Tamil residents in the North


00/12/2006 Auruddha Lokuhapuarachchi Reuters Threatened for covering the plight of

Tamil residents in the North East.

Date Name of victim Reporting for Incident

05/02/2007 Nihal Serasinghe

Lalith Seneviratne

Sisira Priyankara

All three working

trade union

monthly news

paper "Akuna"

All three kidnapped from three different

locations in Colombo by the unknown

people and then handed over to the

Criminal Investigation Department (CID)

15/02/2007 Subramaniam


Thinakural and


Kidnapped by EPDP who work closely

with Sri Lanka army. On 22 March, Army

admitted of holding him.

24/02/2007 TV channels and other media

were urged

All media President Rajapakse and his brother

Gotabaya Rajapakse, urged TV channels and

other media to put out a programme accusing

"Mawbima", and its owner Tiran Alles. Also

former ministers Sripathi Sooyaaracchi and

Mangala Samaraweera, were accused of

using the newspaper to plot against


26/02/2007 Dushantha Basnayake Financial director


Arrested by the Sri Lanka Police

08/03/2007 Tiran Alles Chairman of

"Standard" &


newspapers Ltd.

Government frozen the a Newspapers

Private Ltd.

06/04/2007 Threat to the journalists by the Health Minister

Cabinet Minister Health minister Nimal Siripala de Silva said publicly that journalists were behaving like ―mad dogs‖ and should be ―vaccinated‖ as dogs were against rabies.

"......a government becomes uncomfortable, is that you are a LTTE sympathiser"

Iqbal Athas, Defence Correspondent and Consultant Editor of Sunday Times,

"...................The most common bogey that they use when a government becomes uncomfortable, is that you are a LTTE sympathiser. When governments are in opposition I am their darling and then when they come into power they feel uncomfortable when I report certain things. .. " (Athas, in an interview to " The Nation" 2 Sep. 2007)

Journalists were behaving like “mad dogs” Health minister Nimal Siripala de Silva

Health minister Nimal Siripala de Silva said publicly on 6 April 2007, that journalists were behaving like “mad dogs” and should be “vaccinated” as dogs were against rabies. (Excerpt - Reporters Without Borders, 13 April 2007)


Date Name of victim Reporting for Incident 17/04/2007 Champika Liyanaarachchi Editor –

"Daily Mirror"

Defence Secretary, younger brother of

the President Rajapaksa threatened to

"exterminate" a journalist on the

newspaper, for writing articles about the

plight of civilian victims of the war.

British High Commissioner, Dominick Chilcott in Colombo, who went to the Daily Mirror offices to express his solidarity to Editor was summoned to the office of the Defence Secretary.

29/04/2007 Selvarajah Rajivarman Uthayan Shot dead by EPDP In Jaffna

15/05/2007 Sonali Samarasinghe Editor –

"Morning Leader"

Questioned by by law enforcement


13/06/2007 Tiran Alles Chairman of

"Standard" &


newspapers Ltd.

Arrested by the Police. Considered as

taking revenge on Tiran Alles by

Rajapaksa's family

19/06/2007 Attack on Press Freedom Tamilnet Sri Lankan authority blocked access within Sri Lanka to TamilNet, a website hosted in Norway.

02/08/2007 Sahathevan Nilakshan Trainee journalist A journalism student and editor of a

publication linked to a student union was

shot dead by EDP cadres who work with

Sri Lanka military intelligence.

15/08/2007 Kalimuttu Palamohan (KP


Thinakural Tamil


Attacked with lethal acid thrown at his face and chest. On 28 June, he was hospitalised for a week after being attacked by Air Force personnel in Colombo

15/08/2007 Iqbal Athas Sunday Times


correspondent and

assistant editor

Defence Ministry withdrew special Police protection which was given since 1998. The police protection given after a series of threats by members of security forces.

18/08/2007 Iqbal Athas Sunday Times

The static guard outside my house was removed

19/08/2007 Iqbal Athas Sunday Times

State backed demonstration outside his house at Wijerama junction . All the windows tinted, a green double cab parked just beyond the guard point down his resident – he may even get abducted



SINCE JANUARY 2006 (Listed by organisations in alphabetical order)

No. Name organisation date 1 - Mr. Primus Anandarajah Action Contre La Faim (ACF) 04/08/2006 2 - Mr. Matahavarasa Ketheeswaran -do- -do- 3 - Mr. G. Sreethraran -do- -do- 4 - Mr. Narmathan -do- -do- 5 - Mr. R. Arulraj -do- -do- 6 - Mr. P.Pratheeban -do- -do- 7 - Mr. M. Rishikeshan -do- -do- 8 - Mr. Y Kodeeswaran -do- -do- 9 - Ms. K.Kovarthani -do- -do- 10 - Ms. S.Romila -do- -do- 11 - Ms. V.Kokilavathani -do- -do- 12 - Ms. G. Kavitha -do- -do- 13 - Mr. S. Ganesh -do- -do- 14 - Mr. Abdul Latif Mohamed Jauffer do- -do- 15 - Mr. A. Jaseelan do- -do- 16 - Mr. K. Koneshwaran do- -do- 17 - Mr. Muraleetharan do- -do- 18 - Mr. Arumainayagam Alloysius Danish De-mining Group – DDG 23/07/2007 19- Mr. Sivarasa Vimalarasa do- 19/06/2007 20- Mr. Thambiah Tharmasiri do- 11/01/2006 21- Mr. Narayanamoorthy Kandeepan do- -do- 22 - Mr. Nagarasa Narenthiran Halo Trust 09/02/2007 23- Mr. C. Rajendran, do 09/01/2007 24- Mr. Subramaniam Parameswaran do 04/01/2007 25- Mr. Gunaratnam Logithas do 04/02/2006 26- Mr. Charles Huston Ravindran do 15/11/2006 27 - Mr. Rasiah Muraleeswaran Housing devel. for tsunami victims 08/07/2006 28 - Mr. Pathmanathan Shanmugaratnam HUDEC 10/04/2006 29 - Mr. Selvendra Pradeepkumar do- -do- 30 - Mr. Sinnarajah Shanmuganathan ICRC 1/06/2007 31 - Mr. Karthigesu Chandramohan do- -do- 32 - Mr. Mohamed Z. Mohamed Rizvi Methodist Community Org.(UMCOR) 06/08/2007 33 - Jeyaruban Gnanapragasam Norwegian Refugee Council 15/05/206 34 - Nagarasa Thavaranjitham Sri Lanka Red Cross 20/08/2006 35 - Mr. Kasinathar Ganeshalingam Tamil Rehabilitation Org.(TRO) 29/01/2006 36 - Mr. Thangarasa Karthirkamar do- -do- 37 - Ms Thanushkodi Premini do- 30/01/2006 38 - Mr. Thamiraja Vasantharajan do- -do- 39 - Mr. Shanmuganathan Sujendran do- -do- 40 - Mr. Kailyapillai Ravinthiran do- -do- 41 - Mr. Arunesara Satheeskaran do- -do- 42 - Mr. Krishnapillai Kamalanathan do 02/07/2006 43 - Mr. Muthuraja Aruleswaran do 24/03/2007 44 - Mr. P. Jestly Julian UN agency UNOPS 24/08/2006 45 - Mr. Ratnam Ratnarajah World Bank assisted (NEIAP) 26/05/2006 46 - Mr Ragunathan Ramalingam World Concern Devel. Org. 11/09/2006



Name incident date organisation A Serbian aid worker Injured 21/05/2006 Non-violent Peace Force group

Mr. Thangarasa Mukunthan Injured 12/06/2006 White Pigeon, Jaffna

Mr. Anthonio Mahalucgs Injured 13/06/2006 Mercy Corps Philippine national

Mr. Kanthasami Sivasuthan Army 18/07/2006 Tamil Rehabilitation Org.(TRO)



Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) – 14 August 1997 Sri Lankan Airforce dropped two bombs towards 5 km southeast of Mallavi, where MSF has rehabilitated a hospital and provides gynecological, pediatric, and nursing care. National Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka - 22 January 2002 Sri Lankan Police officer, Mr. Ranman Kodithuwakku (A.S.P) behaved arrogantly and intimidated the NHRC officer and challenge the authority of the Commission, claiming that it had no right to investigate his affairs. Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission - SLMM, Batticaloa – 15 January 2006 An unoccupied vehicle parked in the compound of the SLMM was bombed. Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission - SLMM, Trincomalee – 18 January 2006 Due to increasing violence, the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission - SLMM is suspended its operations in the northeastern Trincomalee district. Inter SOS, ZOA and Non-Violent Peace Force – 21 May 2006 Grenades were lobbed at the offices of three international non-governmental organizations, in government controlled Muttur. One foreign representative of the Non-Violent Peace Force and a local worker were injured in the grenade attacks. Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO) - 24 August 2006 Jaffna office of the Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation was looted and burned by armed men. Intruders forced a night watchman to leave the office and then destroyed computers, files and other equipment before setting the building on fire. Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO) - 4 September 2006 Sri Lankan government has frozen the bank accounts of Tamil Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO). Action Contre La Faim (ACF) – 7 September 2006 Following the murders of 17 of its staff members, ACF has announced it will be suspending reconstruction work in Sri Lanka. The organization will maintain a reduced presence in the country. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) – 30 September 2006 "On Saturday September 30 around 11p.m. a grenade exploded in front of the ICRC, Jaffna office. The explosion caused only material damage to the building. Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) – 30 September 2006 Since the September 30, false allegations have been leveled in the Sri Lankan media accusing MSF teams of participating in the conflict. Simultaneously MSF received a letter from the government canceling their existing visas and asking them to leave the country. The Australian Red Cross – 18 October 2006 The Australian Red Cross announced it was temporarily suspending field activities in and around Jaffna.



Name Place of incident Date A Hindu priest burnt alive by rioters Kalutara, South of Sri Lanka 1958

Rev Fr. Mary Bastian Vankalai-Mannar 05/01/1985

Rev Jeyarajasingham and Murunkan-Mannar Feb 1985 his wife were found hacked to dead

Fr Wenceslaus Tholagatty-Jaffna 1986

Fr Chandra Fernando Batticaloa 1988

Fr Herbiet Eravur-Batticaloa 1990 An American Jesuit priest Fr Selvarajah Sorikalmunai-Amparai 1990

Rev Inasi Arulpalan Konnavil-Kilinochchi 25/08/1997

Ms Sarathambal Saravanbavanantha- Pungudutivu, Jaffna 28/12/1999 Kurukal - of a Hindu Brahmin family gang-raped and murdered Sri Lankan Navy soldiers

Varatharaja Kurukkal Harihara Sarma Kodikamam-Jaffna 14/11/2004

Sabanatha Sarma Maruthanamadam-Jaffna 14/09/2005

Five people killed inside the Mosque Akkaraipattu Grand Mosque 18/11/2005

Buddhist monk Ven. Nanda Rathan Mahadivulwewa-Trincomale 13/05/2006

Hindu priest Venkata Krishna Sharma Kaithady Bridge - Jaffna 26/05/2006

Rev Fr. T. Nihal Jimbrown Allapiddy-Jaffna 20/08/2006

W Winsan Vimalathas Allapiddy-Jaffna 20/08/2006 Fr Nihal Jimbrown's helper

Hindu priest, Selliah Parameshwaram Sandiweli-Batticaloa 07/02/2007

Pastor Victor Emmanuel Yogarajan Negombo 01/03/2007 along with his two sons and a friend

Ratnasabapathy Aiyar Somaskantha Velanai, Jaffna 30/04/2007

Mawlawi Rafeek Ninthavoor-Amparai 11/08/2007 Muslim religious leader

Arrest & injury Hindu priest Ragupathy Sarma Modera Kaliamman temple, Feb 2000 and his wife Colombo - Arrest Hindu priest Kothandathas Selva Vinayagar temple, August 1999 Kandy - Arrest & torture The chief Hindu priest of Annapani- Ariyampathi in Batticaloa 24/04/2005 Hindu temple Injured by a gun shot Hindu priest Bala Jegadeeshwara- Pettah, Colombo 14/10/2006 Gurukkal Arrest & torture

The chief Hindu priest and the ) Velanai, Perunkulam 03/05/2007 Temple Trustee Board Chairman ) Muththumaariamman, Jaffna Arrested by the Sri Lanka Navy



Name place of incident date Mr Kumar Ponnambalam Colombo 05/01/2000 Leading Lawyer – President Council Mr. Ariyanayagam Chandra Nehru- Welikanda, Polanaruwa 07/02/2005 ex-Parliamentarian Mr Joseph Pararajasingham - Parliamentarian St Mary's church, Batticaloa 25/12/2005

Mr Vanniasingham Vigneswaran Trincomlee 07/04/2006 (inteded to replce the Mr Pararajasingham)

Pon. Ganeshamoorthy Kankesanturai, Jaffna 04/08/2006

General Manager of Peoples Bank

Mr S Sivamaharajah – ex-Parliamentarian Jaffna 20/08/2006

Mr Nadarajah Raviraj - Parliamentarian Colombo 10/11/2006

Dr. Bala Sugamar – Dean, Arts Fac– Eastern University

Prof S Raveendranath Colombo 15/12/2006 Vice-Chancellor, Eastern University, Batticaloa


Mr S. Jeyanandamoorthy, M.P. 19/11/2006 Batticaloa District

Mr T Kanagasabai, M.P. 19/11/2006 Batticaloa District

Ms Thangeswari Kathiraman, M.P. 19/11/2006 Batticaloa District

Ariyanethran, M.P. 19/11/2006 Batticaloa District

Mr K. Pathmanathan, M.P. 19/11/2006 Amparai District

Mr C. Chandranehru, M.P. 19/11/2006 National List

Mr. Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam, M.P 02/05/2006 Jaffna

Mr. Selvarajah Kajendren, M.P 13/05/2006 Jaffna

Mr. Sivanathan Kisshor, M.P. 29/10/ 2006 Vavuniya



Tamil Centre for Human Rights - TCHR/CTDH Email : tchrgs@hotmail.com / tchrdip@hotmail.com

(in date sequence)

Date Place of incident No. Killed 10/06/1956 Amparai 150

10/01/1974 World Tamil Research Conference 09

01/06/1981 Jaffna Town 04

24/07/1983 Thirunalveli +25

1983 Anti-Tamil pogrom +5000

25&27/07/1983 Welikadai Prison 53

June 1983 Pullumalai 26

28/03/1984 Chunnakam Market 09

16/09/1984 Point Pedro – Tikkam 16

01/12/1984 Othiuyamalai 32

02/12/1984 Kumulamunai 7

04/12/1984 Nanaddan Manthai 45

01/01/1985 Killiveddi 10

16/01/1985 Mulliyavalai 17

25/01/1985 Kilinochchi Railway Station 12

30/01/1985 Vaddakandal?? 70

21/04/1985 Puthukudiyiruppu 32

15/05/1985 Kumuthini Boat 42

17/05/1985 Narpaddimunai 23

03/06/1985 Muttur-Killiveddi 35

14/06/1985 Muttur-Killiveddi (includes 15 villages) 115

16/09/1985 Nillavelli 29

02/10/1985 Piramanthanaru 11

26/10/1985 Kaddaiparichan 25

11/11/1985 Kanthalai massacre 06

27/11/1985 Sampur, Muthur 22

12/11/1985 Thamplalakamam 35

06/01/1986 Vankalai Church 08

19/02/1986 Udumpankulam 66

20/03/1986- Eedimurichchan 20

19/02/1986 Akkaraipattu 102

08/05/1986 Pullumalai 69

29/05/1987 Alvai Temple 40

04/06/1986 Anandapuram Shelling 05

10/06/1986 Mandaithivu Sea 32

26/06/1986 Sampalthivu 15


Date Place of incident No. Killed

28/06/1986 Paranthan 07

28/06/1986 Thamplalakamam (Forest) 34

09/07/1986 Mullipothanai 11

16/07/1986 Peruveli Mallaikaithvu Refugee Camp 44

17/07/1986 Thanduvan 17

17/07/1986 Pullumalai 08

12/10/1986 Adampan 20

10/11/1986 Pullumalai 103

31/12/1986 Pankulam 08

26/04/1987 Paddithidal 17

28/01/1987 Mahiladythivu-Kokadicholai (Prawn farm) 137

27/05/1987 Thonni Thaddamadhu 10

15/12/1987 Kokkilai – Kokkuthouvai 131

11/02/1990 Fancy House Kalmunai 111

12/06/1990 Karathivu Refugee camps 35

13/06/1990 Ninthavoor 64

24-25/06/1990 Akkaraipattu Methodist Church >

Alayadivempu Thirunavukkarasu Vidyalam > 104

30/06/1990 Pottuvil 132

20/06/1990 Veeramunai (Temple) 56

28/06/1990 Samanthurai Malaikaddu 37

29/06/1990 Kondaivedduvan 56

04/07/1990 School at Karathivu 12

10/07/1990 School at Karathivu 11

16/07/1990 Army from Malwathai camp 08

26/07/1990 Vedduvan army camp 08

08/08/1990 Malwathai 08

11/08/1990 Mandoor 18

12/08/1990 Konddavedduvan 30

18/07/1990 Chavalkkadai 32

08/07/1990 Central Camp 18

02/08/1990 Adapallam 05

06/08/1990 Thiralkkerni 54

16/09/1990 Chavalkkadai 4

22/09/1990 Ninthavur, Thiraikerny and Adapallam 45

21/11/1990 Adapallam 10

23/05/1990 Vantharamullai 226

09/07/1990 Pullumalai 55

20/07/1990 Sithanddy 80

24/07/1990 Paranthan 10

27/07/1990 Sithanddy 57


Date Place of incident No. Killed

23/08/1990 Mandaithivu 20

29/08/1990 Nelliyadi Market 16

05/09/1990 Vantharumoolai 138

05/09/1990 Vantharumoolai-Kondayankerny camp 48

10/09/1990 Sathurukoddan Depot 184

1990 Disappearances +1000

(During Col. Thenekoon’s tenure)

27/111990 Oddisuddan 12

30/01/1991 Puthukudiyiruppu junction bombin 28

17/02/1991 Vankalai 05

28/02/1991 Vaddakachchi 09

13/03/1991 Trincomalee (Iruthayapuram) 1

12/06/1991 Mahiladythivu-Kokadicholai 132

04/12/1991 Uruthirapuram 11

18/05/1992 Vattapalai 15

30/05/1992 Tellipalai Temple 10

09/08/1992 Mylanthanai - Punanai 36

02/01/1993 Massacre in the Killaly sea(I) 52

02/01/1993 Massacre in the Killaly sea(I) 52

18/09/1993 Maaththalan 20

28/09/1993 Chavakachcheri – Sangathanai 28

13/11/1993 Kurunagar Church 12

05/12/1993 ICRC refugee camp – Jaffna 40

18/02/1994 Chundikulam 10

18/04/1995 Nachchikuda Massacre 30

30/06/1995 Pendukalchenai 15

09/07/1995 Navaly St. Peter's Church Massacre 165

July-Aug 1995 Bolgoda Lake - Colombo 27

22/09/1995 Nagar Kovil School Children Massacre 71

11/02/1996 Kumarapuram Massacre 24

18/02/1996 Poonaithoduvai in Kilinochchi 11

03/03/1996 Muthumariyamman Temple – Jaffna 07

16/03/1996 Nachchikuda 16

20/04/1996 Massacre in the Killay Sea (II) 42

11/05/1996 Sithandi, Kaluvenkerni 18

17/05/1996 Thambirai Market 07

03/06/1996 Puttur – Jaffna 08

24/07/1996 Mallavi Town - Mallavi, Vanni 09

31/07/1996 Puthukudyiruppu – Kilinochchi 10

25/09/1996 Vavunikulam 04

25/09/1996 Kilinochchi town – Kilinochchi 05


Date Place of incident No. Killed

25/09/1996 Puthumurippu – Kilinochchi 05

26/09/1996 Vavunikulam – Kilinochchi 04

27/09/1996 Konavil – Kilinochchi 04

29/09/1996 Akkarayan – Kilinochchi 04

1996-1997 Mass Graves including Chemmani +800

29/01/1997 Ponnalai Bridge in Jaffna 09

13/05/1997 Mulliavalai 10

15/08/1997 Vavunikulam Church 15

08/06/1997 Mankulam 07

05/07/1997 Pannankandy 06

17/07/1997 Nedunkerni – Vanni 08

11/08/1997 Mullaitivu (Manthuvil) 40

15/08/1997 Vavunikulam - Church – Vanni 09

24/09/1997 Amparai 8

25/11/1997 Visuvamadhu 06

11/12/1997 Market Place in Batticaloa 05

12/12/1997 Kalutara Prison 03

1996-1998 Mass Graves in Killinochchi 179

27/01/1998 Jaffna Coast – Jaffna 09

01/02/1998 Thampalakamam 08

26/03/1998 Vaddakkachchi in East Paranthan 08

10/06/1998 Suthanthirapuram in Mullaitivu 32

12/09/1998 Pullumalai 14

18/01/1999 Pullumalai 13

15/09/1999 Puthukudiyiruppu - Mullaitivu 22

20/11/1999 Maddhu church – Mannar 38

23/01/2000 Kunjukulam 05

05/04/2000 Chempiyanpattu 04

17/05/2000 Batticaloa (near Buddhist temple) 19

19/05/2000 Kaithaddy (Home for the aged) 15

22/09/2000 Bay of Trincomalee 06

02/10/2000 Poarnagar, Ichilampathai, Muttur 07

04/10/2000 Muttur (Poomarathaddysenai) 08

25/10/2000 Bindunuwewa detention Centre 28

19/12/2000 Mirusuvil 08

24/09/2001 Irupalai Junction-Kopay 06

04/01/2003 Addalaichenai 2

25/12/2005 Pesalai 04

02/01/2006 Dockyard Rd 05

29-30/01/2006 Welikandai, Polanaruwa 07

18/04/2006 Vatharavathai 05


Date Place of incident No. Killed

24/04/2006 Muttur East 15

04/05/2006 Nelliyadi Junction 07

13/05/2006 Allaipiddy Junction 09

13/05/2006 Puliyankoudalai, Kayts 03

07/06/2006 Nedunkal, Vadamunai 10

09/06/2006 Vankalai 04

27/06/2006 Mylambaveli 03

05/08/2006 Muttur (ACF humanitarian workers) 17

08/08/2006 Pandarakulam 05

13/08/2006 Allapiddy – Mankumpan 40

30/08/2006 Vavuniya Town 16

14/08/2006 Vallipuram 55

28/08/2006 Sampoor 21

02/11/2006 Kilinochchi Hospital area 05

08/11/2006 Kathiraveli 40

18/11/2006 Thandikulam 05

09/12/2006 Vammivedduvan, Patchenai 15

02/01/2007 Padakuthurai 15

16/01/2007 Kurumankadu 04

29/03/2007 Sithandy 08

07/04/2007 Vavuniya-Mannar Road 06

01/09/2007 Paasiththen'ral - Musali 12

(Many more to be included)


1987 Indian Peace Keeping Force – IPKF Killings 3714

Disappearances 1303

1988 Indian Peace Keeping Force – IPKF Killings 2929

Disappearances 1253

1989 Indian Peace Keeping Force – IPKF Killings 1475

Disappearances 1528 Total Killings 8118 Total Disappearances 4084


MASSACRES AND KILLINGS OF TAMILS BY THE SRI LANKAN SECURITY FORCES Tamil Centre for Human Rights - TCHR/CTDH Email : tchrgs@hotmail.com / tchrdip@hotmail.com

(in district sequence)


Date Place of incident No. Killed

10/06/1956 Amparai 150 17/05/1985 Narpaddimunai 23 19/02/1986 Udumpankulam 66 19/02/1986 Akkaraipattu 102

11/02/1990 Fancy House Kalmunai 111 12/06/1990 Karathivu Refugee camps 35

13/06/1990 Ninthavoor 64 20/06/1990 Veeramunai (Temple) 56 28/06/1990 Samanthurai Malaikaddu 37 29/06/1990 Kondaivedduvan 56 04/07/1990 School at Karathivu 12 10/07/1990 School at Karathivu 11 16/07/1990 Army from Malwathai camp 08 26/07/1990 Vedduvan army camp 08 08/08/1990 Malwathai 08 11/08/1990 Mandoor 18 12/08/1990 Konddavedduvan 30 24-25/06/1990 Akkaraipattu Methodist Church >

Alayadivempu Thirunavukkarasu Vidyalam > 104 30/06/1990 Pottuvil 132 18/07/1990 Chavalkkadai 32 08/07/1990 Central Camp 18

02/08/1990 Adapallam 05 06/08/1990 Thiralkkerni 54

16/09/1990 Chavalkkadai 4

22/09/1990 Ninthavur, Thiraikerny and Adapallam 45

21/11/1990 Adapallam 10 24/09/1997 Amparai 8 04/01/2003 Addalaichenai 2

7000 widows in Amparai

(Many more to be included)


Date Place of incident No. Killed June 1983 Pullumalai 26

08/05/1986 Pullumalai 69

16/07/1986 Peruveli Mallaikaithvu Refugee Camp 44 17/07/1986 Pullumalai 08 10/11/1986 Pullumalai 103

28/01/1987 Mahiladythivu-Kokadicholai (Prawn farm) 137

27/05/1987 Thonni Thaddamadhu 10

23/05/1990 Vantharamullai 226 09/07/1990 Pullumalai 55

20/07/1990 Sithanddy 80 27/07/1990 Sithanddy 57

05/09/1990 Vantharumoolai 138


Date Place of incident No. Killed

05/09/1990 Vantharumoolai-Kondayankerny camp 48

10/09/1990 Sathurukoddan Depot 184 12/06/1991 Mahiladythivu-Kokadicholai 132 09/08/1992 Mylanthanai - Punanai 36 30/06/1995 Pendukalchenai 15 11/05/1996 Sithandi, Kaluvenkerni 18

11/12/1997 Market Place in Batticaloa 05 12/09/1998 Pullumalai 14 18/01/1999 Pullumalai 13 17/05/2000 Batticaloa (near Buddhist temple) 19

07/06/2006 Nedunkal, Vadamunai 10 27/06/2006 Mylambaveli 03 08/11/2006 Kathiraveli 40 09/12/2006 Vammivedduvan, Patchenai 15 29/03/2007 Sithandy 08

(Many more to be included)


Date Place of incident No. Killed

01/01/1985 Killiveddi 10

03/06/1985 Muttur-Killiveddi 35 14/06/1985 Muttur-Killiveddi (includes 15 villages) 115 16/09/1985 Nillavelli 29 26/10/1985 Kaddaiparichan 25

11/11/1985 Kanthalai massacre 06 12/11/1985 Thamplalakamam 35

27/11/1985 Sampur, Muthur 22

26/06/1986 Sampalthivu 15 28/06/1986 Thamplalakamam (Forest) 34 09/07/1986 Mullipothanai 11 31/12/1986 Pankulam 08

26/04/1987 Paddithidal 17 1990 Disappearances +1000

(During Col. Thenekoon’s tenure) 13/03/1991 Trincomalee (Iruthayapuram) 1 11/02/1996 Kumarapuram Massacre 24 01/02/1998 Thampalakamam 08 22/09/2000 Bay of Trincomalee 06

02/10/2000 Poarnagar, Ichilampathai, Muttur 07 04/10/2000 Muttur (Poomarathaddysenai) 08

02/01/2006 Dockyard Rd 05

24/04/2006 Muttur East 15

05/08/2006 Muttur (ACF humanitarian workers) 17 28/08/2006 Sampoor 21

(Many more to be included)



Date Place of incident No. Killed 01/12/1984 Othiuyamalai 32

02/12/1984 Kumulamunai 7 15/12/1987 Kokkilai – Kokkuthouvai 131 16/01/1985 Mulliyavalai 17

21/04/1985 Puthukudiyiruppu 32 17/07/1986 Thanduvan 17 27/111990 Oddisuddan 12 30/01/1991 Puthukudiyiruppu junction bombin 28 18/05/1992 Vattapalai 15

18/09/1993 Maaththalan 20 25/09/1996 Vavunikulam 04

15/08/1997 Vavunikulam 15 13/05/1997 Mulliavalai 10 08/06/1997 Mankulam 07

17/07/1997 Nedunkerni – Vanni 08 15/08/1997 Vavunikulam - Church – Vanni 09 11/08/1997 Mullaitivu (Manthuvil) 40

25/11/1997 Visuvamadhu 06

26/03/1998 Vaddakkachchi in East Paranthan 08 10/06/1998 Suthanthirapuram in Mullaitivu 32 15/09/1999 Mullaitivu 22

14/08/2006 Vallipuram 55

(Many more to be included)


Date Place of incident No. Killed 04/12/1984 Nanaddan Manthai 45

30/01/1985 Vaddakandal 70 06/01/1986 Vankalai Church 08 20/03/1986- Eedimurichchan 20 12/10/1986 Adampan 20 17/02/1991 Vankalai 05

18/04/1995 Nachchikuda Massacre 30 16/03/1996 Nachchikuda 16

20/11/1999 Maddhu church – Mannar 38 23/01/2000 Kunjukulam 05 25/12/2005 Pesalai 04

09/06/2006 Vankalai 04 08/08/2006 Pandarakulam 05 30/08/2006 Vavuniya Town 16 18/11/2006 Thandikulam 05 02/01/2007 Padakuthurai 15 16/01/2007 Kurumankadu 04 07/04/2007 Vavuniya-Mannar Road 06

01/09/2007 Paasiththen'ral - Musali 12

(Many more to be included)



Date Place of incident No. Killed

25/01/1985 Kilinochchi Railway Station 12 02/10/1985 Piramanthanaru 11

04/06/1986 Anandapuram Shelling 05 28/06/1986 Paranthan 07 24/07/1990 Paranthan 10 04/12/1991 Uruthirapuram 11 28/02/1991 Vaddakachchi 09 18/02/1994 Chundikulam 10

18/02/1996 Poonaithoduvai in Kilinochchi 11 20/04/1996 Massacre in the Killay Sea (II) 42

17/05/1996 Thambirai Market 07 24/07/1996 Mallavi Town - Mallavi, Vanni 09 31/07/1996 Puthukudyiruppu – Kilinochchi 10 25/09/1996 Kilinochchi town – Kilinochchi 05 25/09/1996 Puthumurippu – Kilinochchi 05 26/09/1996 Vavunikulam – Kilinochchi 04 27/09/1996 Konavil – Kilinochchi 04 29/09/1996 Akkarayan – Kilinochchi 04

05/07/1997 Pannankandy 06

1996-1998 Mass Graves in Killinochchi 179 02/11/2006 Kilinochchi Hospital area 05

(Many more to be included)


Date Place of incident No. Killed

10/01/1974 World Tamil Research Conference 09 01/06/1981 Jaffna Town 04

24/07/1983 Thirunalveli +25 28/03/1984 Chunnakam Market 09 16/09/1984 Point Pedro – Tikkam 16 15/05/1985 Kumuthini Boat 42 10/06/1986 Mandaithivu Sea 32 29/05/1987 Alvai Temple 40 23/08/1990 Mandaithivu 20 29/08/1990 Nelliyadi Market 16 30/05/1992 Tellipalai Temple 10

02/01/1993 Massacre in the Killaly sea(I) 52 28/09/1993 Chavakachcheri – Sangathanai 28 13/11/1993 Kurunagar Church 12

05/12/1993 ICRC refugee camp – Jaffna 40 09/07/1995 Navaly St. Peter's Church Massacre 165 22/09/1995 Nagar Kovil School Children Massacre 71

03/03/1996 Muthumariyamman Temple – Jaffna 07 03/06/1996 Puttur – Jaffna 08

29/01/1997 Ponnalai Bridge in Jaffna 09

1996-1997 Mass Graves including Chemmani +800 27/01/1998 Jaffna Coast – Jaffna 09 05/04/2000 Chempiyanpattu 04

19/05/2000 Kaithaddy (Home for the aged) 15 19/12/2000 Mirusuvil 08

24/09/2001 Irupalai Junction-Kopay 06 18/04/2006 Vatharavathai 05


Date Place of incident No. Killed 04/05/2006 Nelliyadi Junction 07

13/05/2006 Allaipiddy Junction 09 13/05/2006 Puliyankoudalai, Kayts 03

13/08/2006 Allapiddy – Mankumpan 40 (Many more to be included)


Date Place of incident No. Killed 1983 Anti-Tamil pogrom +5000

25&27/07/1983 Welikadai Prison 53 July-Aug 1995 Bolgoda Lake - Colombo 27

12/12/1997 Kalutara Prison 03 25/10/2000 Bindunuwewa detention Centre 28 29-30/01/2006 Welikandai, Polanaruwa 07

(Many more to be included)


1990 Indian Peace Keeping Force – IPKF Killings 3714

Disappearances 1303

1991 Indian Peace Keeping Force – IPKF Killings 2929

Disappearances 1253

1992 Indian Peace Keeping Force – IPKF Killings 1475

Disappearances 1528 Total Killings - 8118 Total Disappearances - 4084




(Locations under occupation / vacated and established camps, etc)



Locations under occupation

GS Division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian Dwellings/

Lands Pottuvil Irrigation Dep.

Kiddanki Irrigation Dep.

Rotai Pillaiyar Temple Irrigation Dep.

Sakamam Irrigation Dep.

Thandiyadi Irrigation Dep.

Akkaripattu Public Library, Hospital Building

Thirukovil Hospital building 09 Civilian dwellings

Karaithivu Pradesha Sabha building

Kanchirankudha Public Library

Kannakipuram Murukan Temple

Savalakadai Pillaiyar Temple

Locations vacated in compliance with the CFA

Neelavanai Vishnu Temple

Sorikalmunai Pillaiyar Temple

Locations vacated but established camps in close vicinity

Thandiyadi GTM School

Kanchirankudha GTM School

Kannakipuram GTM School

Paanamai GTM School


Locations still under occupation

GS Division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilians Dwellings/


Batticaloa city Urban Council building

Sribala Building

Batticaloa city Rest House building

Civilian dwellings of Vavikarai Veethy

Batticaloa city Public Library

Batticaloa city YMHA Building

Batticaloa city Agricultural Office, Forest Dept.

Batticaloa city Judge‘s Residence, Railway Station

Batticaloa city Public Service Buildings

Batticaloa city Womens‘ Society

Batticaloa city 38 Childrens‘ Park

GS Division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilians Dwellings/


Batticaloa city Weber Stage, Play Ground

Puthur 01 Civilian dwelling

Valaiyiravu Madathu Pillaiyar Temple

Primary School

Mugathuvaram 01 Civilian dwelling

Kalladi Kankani Pillaiyar Temple

Irrigation Dept. 02 Civilian dwellings

Manjaththodhuvai 01 Civilian dwelling

Araiyampathy Rural Development Society

Alayampathy Weaving Centre

Locations vacated by Sri Lankan military in compliance with the CFA

Puthur Vickneshwara Vidyalay

Vallaiyiravu MTMS

Araiyampathy Mariyaman Temple

Alayampathy Peichiyamman Temple

BATTICALOA DISTRICT – (Division 2) Locations still under occupation

GS Division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian Dwellings/


Puthukudiyiruppu 01 Civilian dwelling and adjoining land

Kurukkal Madam Housing scheme common hall

03 Civilian dwellings

Settypalayam Rural Development Society

Settypalayam Weaving Centre

Kaluwanchikudy Divisional Secretariat building

67 Civilian dwellings

Kaluwanchikudy Post Office building

Kaluwanchikudy Courts building

Kaluwanchikudy Wokers Welfare Centre building

Kaluwanchikudy Hospital Quarters

Kaluwanchikudy Irrigation Office Quarters

Mandur Primary School Public Library 11 Civilian dwellings

Mandur Weaving Centre

Mandur Public Play-ground

Mandur Pradesha Sabha building

Mandur Village Development building

Thuraineelaavanai Rural Development Society

Thuraineelaavanai 39

Locations vacated in compliance with the CFA

Settypalayam Kannaki Amman Temple

Kannaki Vidyalayam

Kaluwanchikudy Pillaiyar Temple Vinayakar Vidyalayam

Thuraineelaavanai Pillaiyar Temple

Periya Kallaru Methodist Mission Scho

BATTICOLOA DISTRICT – (Division 4) Locations still under occupation

GS Division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian Dwellings/


Pillaiyarady 01 Civilian dwelling

Mayilampaveli 01 Civilian dwelling


Chenkalady 03 Civilian dwellings

Kommantturai Community needle work centre

20 Civilian dwellings


Morakattanchenai Pillaiyar Temple 50 Civilian dwellings

Locations vacated in compliance with the CFA

Pillaiyarady Pillaiyar Temple

Kurumanvelli Pillaiyar Temple

Kurumanvelli Mariyaman Temple

Kurumanvelli Peichiyaman Temple

Mamankam Pillaiyar Temple

Komamthurai Kalidevy Temple

Komamthurai Pillaiyar Temple

Locations vacated but established camps in close vicinity

Komamthurai Vinayakar Viddiyalayam

Murakottanchenai Iramakirushnamishan

Locations still under occupation

GS Division Places of worship

Schools Public


Houses/ Lands

Vantharumoolai Pillaiyar Temple 04 shops and, Land

Mavady Vempu 01 coconut grove

Santhivelli 01 Lodge

Kiran 01 Land

Karuvakeni Pillaiyar Temple Petrol Station

Kalkudah Catholic Church Post Office

Kalkudah Hindu Temple Rest House

Kalmadhu Irrigation Office 01 Jesuit Father‘s coconut grove

Valaichchenai Hospital 02 buildings

Valaichchenai Harbour building

Valaichchenai Paper factory quarters

Iruthayapuram 01 dwelling


BATTICALOA DISTRICT Public thoroughfare under Military occupation

G.S Division Public thoroughfare Batticaloa city 2nd Lakeside Road

Batticaloa city Saple Road

Batticaloa city 3rd Cross Road

Batticaloa city Yard Road

Batticaloa city Palaiyawaady Road

Batticaloa city 1st Lakeside Road

Valaiyiravu Rice Mill Road

Periya Urani Pallikudah Road

Sathurukondan Inner Road

Kaluwanchikudy Main Road

Kurumanvelli Thurai Road

Mandur Main Road

TRINCOMALE DISTRICT – (Division 1) Locations under occupation

GS Division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian Dwellings/


Pankulam Auvaiyar Mixed School

Pankulam Nochchikulam Tamil Mixed School

Pankulam Muthalikulam GTMS

Pankulam Panmathavachchi GTMS

Pankulam Nallakudiyaru GTMS

Pankulam Noddavan Muslim School

Thampalakamam Muthunakar Muslim School

Pudavaikaddu Illantaikulam GTMS

Locations established army camps in close vicinity

Thampalakamam Library

Thampalakamam Pradesha Sabha buildings

Thampalakamam Sub-Post Office

Thampalakamam Telecom building

Thampalakamam Railway Quarters

Sampalthivu Murukan Temple


TRINCOMALE DISTRICT – (Division 1) Locations under occupation

GS Division Places of worship

Schools Public buildings Civilian

Dwellings/ Lands

China Bay Albuckan Vidyalayam

Kuchchavelli Iranaikeni GTMS 01 Family‘s Land

Kuchchavelli Vivekaanantha Vidyala

Kuchchavelli Ansar Muslim Vidyalay

Irakandy Alikamha Muslim Vidyalayam

Alles Garden Bharathy GTMS

Pankulam Roddavelle Muslim Vidyalayam

Kanniya GTMS

Nilavelli MMV Pradesha Sabha Office

Locations established Army camps in close vicinity

Lingapuram Pradesha Sabha building

Kuchchavelli Roman Catholic Church

Paddy Store

Irakkandy MPCS

Nilavelli Agricultural Dept. tax office

Nilavelli MPCS

Paalathadichenai Pillaiyar Temple

Thanganagar Pillaiyar Temple

Locations under occupation

GS Division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian Dwellings/


Alles Garden Bharathy GTS

Thennamaravaady GTS

Paalampoddaru Pathinyamman Temple

Mallikaithivu Primary School

Alankeni Village Council Bldg

Thiriyai MMV

Thiriyai Kallam Pathalai GTMS



GS division Places of worship Schools

Public buildings

Civilian Dwellings/Lands

Mankulam Neriyakulam Rural Clinic

Kurukkal Puthukkulam Ayurveda Clinic

Cheddikulam Railway Station

Pavatkulam G.S.Office 03 Family Dwellings

Parayanalankulam Adjoining Temple &Land

Kurukkal Puthukkulam; 01 Family Dwelling

Erukkalankal Poovarasankulam

01 Family Dwelling

Kannatti 01 Family Dwelling

Sooduvaiththapulavu 02 Family Dwellings

Ganesapuram Pillayar Temple


Barbed wire fence around Velankanni Church

Periyanochchikkulam, Neriyakulam

01 Family land

Mukaththankulam 02 Family lands

Musalveethy, Cheddikulam 02 Family lands

Locations established Army camps in close vicinity

Pavatkulam Weaving Centre

Pavatkulam Mobile Dispensary

Parayanalankulam M.P.C.S.

Kallaru Paddy MarketingBoard

Periyakaddu StAnthonyChr

VAVUNIYA DISTRICT – (Vavuniya Division)

Locations under occupation

GS division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian Dwellings/Lands

Asikkulam Community Centre

01 Family Dwelling

Thandikulam 15 Family Dwellings

Thonikkal Ramya House Estate of Mr. Vijayaratnam

Pampaimadu M.P.C.S 03 Family Dwellings

Pampaimadu Pradesa Sabha Office

Pampaimadu Agrarian Services Centre

Pampaimadu Forest Dept. Nursery Centre

Nochchimoddai 43 07 Family Dwellings

GS division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian Dwellings/Lands

Moonrumurippu M.P.C.S 19 Family Dwellings

Chekkadippulavu R.D.S. 01 Family Dwelling

Poovarasankulam R.D.D. Building 08 Family Dwellings

Velankulam G.T.M.S

Koyilpuliyankulam G.T.M.S

Madukkulam G.T.M.S

Nelukkulam 02 Family Dwellings

V avuniya Town Paddy Marketing Board

Paddanichchi Puliyankulam 07 Family Dwellings

Locations vacated in compliance with the CFA

Eachchankulam G.T.M.S

Palamoddai High Security zone

Paranaddakal High Security zone

Arumugaththan Puthukkulam

High Security zone

Chemamadu High Security zone

Omanthai High Security zone

Rambaikkulam High Security zone


Locations still under occupation

GS Division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian Dwellings / Lands

Talaimannar Pier R.C.T.M.S Workers co-op Society

35 Family Dwellings (Living in Kalpitiya)

Pesalai Cemetery (Portion)

Mannar Dist. Co-op Board

Mannar Kachcheri Resta

Mannar Kachcheri Vehicle Park

Mannar Kachcheri Accountant‘s Quarters

Mannar Food controller‘s Quarters

Mannar National Co-op Council Kachcheri

Sunnyvillage Electricity Board

Pallimunai Port Cago Corpn.

Pallimunai Fish Market

Locations vacated in compliance with the Ceasefire Agreement (CFA)

Erukkulampiddy Mosque

Erukkulampiddy Muslim M.V.

Mannar Sinhala M.V.

Talaimannar Pier Velankanni Church


Locations vacated but established camps in close vicinity

Talaimannar Thallady St. Anthonys Chur

Post Office

Konarpannai Mosque

MANNAR DISTRICT - (NANATTAN DIVISION) Locations still under occupation

GS Division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian Dwellings/Lands

Kaddayadampan Muluvarayan School

08th MilePost M.P.C.S. Branch

08th MilePost Fuel filling Station

08th MilePost Rural Bank

09th MilePost Whole Sale Store

Uyilankulam Pradesha Sabah Branch

Uyilankulam Agricultural Extension Centre

Uyilankulam Irrigation Dept. Bungalow

Murunkan Post Office

Murunkan Agricultural Research Dept.

Murunkan MPCS. Nanattan

Murunkan Nanattan MPCS Br. -01

SooriyaKaddaikkadu Nanattan MPCS Br. –02

Nanattan Public Liberary

Chemmantivu Irragation Dept.

Murunkan Milk Collection Centre

Locations vacated but established camps in close vicinity

Parappankandal Holy family Convent

08th Mile Post Manthai MPCS

MANNAR DISTRICT - (Madhu Division)

Locations still under occupation

GS Division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian Dwellings/Lands

Iranai iluppankulam Agricultural Extension Centre;

Pallavarayankaddai (F.D.L.)

Hindu Temple Kaddayadampan TMS 60 Family Dwellings

Poomananthal (F.D.L.) Hindu Temple Poomananthal TMS 150 Family Dwellings


MANNAR DISTRICT - (Adampan Division)

Locations still under occupation

GS division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian Dwellings/Lands

Thiruketheeswaram Hindu Temple Gowry Ambal School Hospital 400 Family Dwellings

PeriyaNavatkulam 350 Family Dwellings

Nagathalvu 250 Family Dwellings

Thiruketheeswaram Manthai West MPCS HQ

Thiruketheeswaram Manthai West MPCS Store

Thiruketheeswaram Rural Bank

Thiruketheeswaram Rice Mill

Thiruketheeswaram MPCS Branch -01

JAFFNA DISTRICT - (Valikamam East Division)

Locations under occupation

GS Division Places of worship Schools Public

buildings Houses/Lands

Achchelu Meenaachchiamman temple


Achchelu Pillaiyar temple Sub-post office Achchelu Kannakaiamman temple 28 dwellings Achuveli M.P.C.S 12 dwellings Siruppiddy 29 dwellings Puttur Community centre 33 dwellings

Vatharawatti Primary health centre

10 dwellings

Kopay Funeral rites hall 30 dwellings Neerveli Pechiamman temple RuralDeve.Soc Valalai Sittivinayagar temple

Valalai Neerpiddi murugan Temple

Valalai St. Emilion Church Valalai 5 shops Valalai 14 shops


JAFFNA DISTRICT - (Valikamam West Division)

Places under occupation

GS Division Places of worship Schools Public

buildings Houses/Lands

Chankanai Tiruvadinilai Hindu primary school

5 dwellings

Chankanai Naganathan hospital

Chankanai Predesha sabha shop complex

Chankanai Velavan fishermen co-op

Vaddukkoddai 6 dwellings

Ponnalai 3 dwellings

Ponnalai Paraddaippillaiyar temple

Locations established Army camps in close vicinity Chankanai Co-op hospital

Ponnalai Varadarajaperumal temple

Ponnalai Tiruvadinilai Siva temple

JAFFNA DISTRICT - (Valikamam Division)

Places under occupation

GS Division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian Dwellings/Lands

Jaffna town Columbuththurai Thuraiyappa Vidyalayam

Co-op building 30 shops

Jaffna town Muslim college Ice factory Subash hotel

Jaffna town BMC Gnams hotel

Jaffna town Library Asoka hotel

Jaffna town Market Bldg.

Jaffna town TB sanatorium

Punnalaikkadduvan G.T.M.S 04 Cdwellings

Punnalaikkadduvan Saiva Thamil vidyalaiyam

Mathagal St. Lourdes church Nunasai vidyalaiyam Hindu cemetery

5 dwellings

Mathagal Sampil Soosaiyappar church

Soosaiyappar Mahavidyalayam

M.P.C.S 5 dwellings

Mathagal Iyanar temple Post office




Vasavilan M.M.V

Mulanai 14 dwellings

Anaikkoddai 9 dwellings

Navaly 34 dwellings

Sandilipay 2 dwellings

Masiyappiddy 1 dwellings

Vadaliyadaippu 3 dwellings


Places vacated symbolically but established camps close- by

Periyavilan 7 dwellings

Punnalaikkadduvan Aayatkadavai Pillaiyar

Tellippalai Union College

Tellippalai S.J.V selva Pre-school

JAFFNA DISTRICT - (Vadamaradchi Division)

Places under occupation

GS Division Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian Dwellings/ Lands

Point Pedro 78 dwellings

Karaveddi 19 dwellings

Alvai 2 dwellings

Polikandy 3 dwellings

Locations vacated in compliance with the CFA

Point Pedro Vallipuram Alvar temple

Uthayasooriyan Primary school

Uthayasooriyan community centre

Point Pedro Fisherman Co-op society

Karaveddi Sinnaththambi Mahavidyalayam

Imayanan community centre

Alvai Maali santhi temple

Locations established Army camps in close vicinity

Point Pedro Girls‘ high school

Point Pedro Hartley college

JAFFNA DISTRICT - (Islands Division)

Places under occupation

GS Division

Places of worship

Schools Public buildings

Civilian dwellings

/Lands Karainagar Harbour Pillaiyar Neelakkaadu Shipyard 01 Shop

Karainagar Harbour Vairavar temple

Oori RDS

Karainagar Koddai Muniyappar temple Paruthiyadaippu

Thoppukkadu M.P.C.S

Karainagar Palakkadu Rajeswari Amman temple

Lighthouse quarters

Karainagar Neelakkadu St. Antonys Church

Cey-Nor harbour passenger' rest


Thoppukkadu Marai Ganasampanthar vidyalaiyam

Kayts Harbour building 3 civilian shops

Kayts Filling station M.P.C.S

Kayts G.T.M.S Circuit Education Office

Kayts R.C. Boys‘ school


St. Emilion Undinnar college


Koddaiambal passengers‘ rest

Naranthanai St. Lourdes Church

Eluvaitivu St. Fatima community centre

Paruthiyadaippu 48 Oorun cemetery

GS Division

Places of worship

Schools Public buildings

Civilian dwellings


Pungudutivu Balasubramanyam temple hall

Mahavidyalaiyam 6 civilian shops

Pungudutivu Malaiyadi Naachiyar temple

52 civilian dwellings

Mandaitivu R.C.T.M.S 3 civilian shops

Velanai Sivappirakasa vidyalayam

52 civilian dwellings

Velanai Iyanar vidyalayam

Velanai Central College

Velanai Vaidilingam Thuraisamy M.V

Locations vacated in compliance with the CFA

Karainagar Oori Murugan temple Oori G.T.M.S

Karainagar Oori Annamal temple

Thoppukkadu Marai Ganavairavar vidyalaym

Karainagar Thoppukkadu Murugan temple

Karainagar Thoppukkadu Saraswathy temple

Locations vacated but established camps in close vicinity

Kayts St. Anthonys church St. Anthonys college

Kayts Ganavairavar temple Emilianus technical college

JAFFNA DISTRICT - (Thenmaradchi High Security Zone)

Places under military occupation

GS Division

Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian dwellings


Eluthumadduval Kalyanakkulam Pillaayar temple

Community centre

Eluthumadduval Thurkaiyamman temple


Eluthumadduval Ottuveli Murugan

Eluthumadduval Ottuveli Veerapathrar

Eluthumadduval Ottuveli Naachimar

Eluthumadduval Nanthivinai Pillaiyar

Maravanpulavu Vallikkulam Pillaiyar

Maravanpulavu Palaiya Muthumari

Maravanpulavu Puthiya Muthumari

Maravanpulavu Pulakkaddu Vairavar

Maravanpulavu Savarakarai Pillaiyar

Maravanpulavu Thoppuppillaiyar

Maravanpulavu Kanakathoor Pillaiyar

Maravanpulavu Manatkadup Pillaiyar

Karampan Pillaiyar temple 19 civilian dwellings

Karampan Siravil Pillaiyar temple

Karampan Vairavar temple

Muhamalai Christian Church

Muhamalai Manikap Pillaiyar temple

Railway station building

Muhamalai Periyathampiran

Kalliththidal Vallimunai Pillaiyar 49

GS Division

Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian dwellings

/Lands Thanangkilappu Arukuveli Pillaiyar RDS

Thanangkilappu Mathvilkulam Pllaiyar M.P.C.S

Thanangkilappu Kanakathoor Pillaiyar

Koyilakkandy 19 civilian dwellings

Madduvil Gnanatheepan community centre

12 civilian dwellings

Navatkuli 4 civilian dwellings

Maruthavil 15 civilian dwellings

Thanangkilappu Kadatkarai Amman

Thanangkilappu Muniyan temple

Thanangkilappu Vairavar temple

Usan 25 civilian dwellings

Usan Kanthasamy temple Community centre 2 civilian shops

Mirusuvil Velankanni Church Pradesha sabha

Mirusuvil Public library

Mirusuvil Post office

Mirusuvil Railway station

Mirusuvil Fertiliser store

Kilali Viththaka Pillaiyar temple

Fishermen society building

Kilali Iyanar temple

Kilali Veerapathirar temple

Kilali Avinavairavar temple

Kilali St. Anthonys Church

Kilali Mahta Church

Kilali Thommaiyappar

Kilali Saveriyar Church

Kilali Santhiyamayar Church

Kilali Viyakula Mahta Church

Sarasalai Saraswathi Vidyalayam

Pradesha Sabha building

21 civilian dwellings

Vempirai 33 civilian dwellings

Manthuvil 3 civilian dwellings

Varani Govt. Fertiliser store

Thanikasalam civilian building

8 civilian dwellings

Kodikamam Aavaranchaddi Murugan temple

15 civilian dwellings

Meesalai RDS building 20 civilian dwellings

Meesalai Cooperative credit society

Meesalai M.P.C.S

Meesalai Library

Meesalai RDS

Chavakachcheri town

Pradesha Sabha building

42 civilian dwellings

Chavakachcheri town

Virumar temple

Kaithadi Puthiya Perumpadi Amman

11 civilian dwellings

Kaithadi Palaiya Perumpadi Amman

Kaithadi Annamalai temple

Kaithadi Vairavar temple

Karampan Kurichchi

18 civilian dwellings





GS Division

Places of worship

Schools Public


Civilian dwellings

/Lands Koyilakkandy Nachchimar temple

Koyilakkandy Vinayagr temple

Sarasalai Veerakali Amman

Vempirai Kaladdi Pillaiyar

Manthuvil Thalaiyadi Pillaiyar

Manthuvil Teruvora Pillaiyar

Manthuvil Kolam Amman temple

Manthuvil Ariyankaddu Pillaiyar

Manthuvil Kumaveli Pillaiyar

Manthuvil Valathi Vairavar

Manthuvil Puliyanththidal Kanthasamy temple

Manthuvil Muthumari Amman

Chavakachcheri Manatpiddy Sadaththai Pillaiyar

Karamban Kuruchi Thikkil Kanthasamy

Iyatralai Aaladi Kanththasamy

Iyatralai Thimpuvil Pillaiyar

Iyatralai Kaddukanthasamy

Iyatralai Kalvalai Pillaiyar

Thavalai Nagathampiran temple

Locations vacated but established camps in close vicinity

Madduvil Chandramouleesa Vidyalayam

Navatkuli Mahavidyalayam

Maruthavil Sri Parasakthi Vidyalayam

Eluthumadduval Sri Ganesha Vidyalayam

Eluthumadduval G.T.M.S

Maravanpulavu Sakalakalavali Vidyalayam

Karamban G.T.M.S

Thanankilappu G.T.M.S

Usan Ramanathan Vidyalayam

Mirisuvil R.C.T.S

Chavakachcheri town

Aavaranchaddi Murugan temple


Mesalai Uluththampulavu Vinayagar temple

Veerasingam M.V

Varany M.V

Kodikamam Thirunavukkarasu M.V

Ottuveli G.T.M.S

Kaithadi Kalaivani Vidyalaya


SEPTEMBER 2002 (High Security Zones are effectively under Army occupation)

SCHOOLS within the High Security Zone in Valikamam North

No Schools Location 1. Saivathamil Vidiyalayam Kollankalladdi

2. GTM School North Ampanai

3. GTM School South Ampanai

4. Naguleswara Mahavidyalayam Keerimalai

5. RCTMS Valathoondal

6. RCTMS Marisankoodal

7. Subramaniyam Tamil Vidiyalayam Marisankoodal

8. Veemamkamam MMV Mavattapuram

9. Gnanothaya MV Myliddy

10. GTM School 51 Varuthalaivilan

No Schools Location 11. Ponparamanantha Vidiyalaya Kurumpasiddi

12. Thanthai Chelvanayagam Primary School Tellippallai

13. Union College Tellippallai

14. RCTM School Vasavilan

15. AMTM School Kattuvanpulam

16. RCTM School Vasavilan

17. RCTM School Myliddy

18. Kalaimahal Vidyalayam Myliddy

19. Nadeswara College KKS

20. Nadeswara Junior School KKS


22. KKS Mahavidyalam KKS

23. Vikneswara Viddiyalam KKS

24. Ganesha Vidyalayam KKS

25. Unior Viddialayam Urani

26. Sithivinayagar Vidiyasalai Palaly

27. GTM School Palaly

28. GTM School West Palaly

29. Teachers Training College Palaly

30. Put Vellupillai Vidiyalayam Vasavilan

31. Sinhala vidyalaya KKS

32. Myliddy Sivgurunatha Vidiyalayam Valligamam North

33. ACTMS Varuthalaivillan

34. GTM School Odahappulavu

35. Mahajana College Tellipalai

36. MMV Vasavilan


No Temples Location 1. Ilupaiyaddi Gnana Vairavar temple Ilavali North

2. Narasinka Vairavar Temple Kavunavathai, Karukampanai

3. Rajarajeswari Amman Temple Karukampanai KKS

4. Muthumariaman Temple Natholai Ilavalai

5. Annamar Temple (Old) Koovil Keerimalai

6. Annamar Temple (New) Koovil Keerimalai

7. Murugan Temple Vasanthapuram, Elavalai

8. Kootathar Temple Singathinkadu Vasnthapuram Elavalai

9. Gnavairavar Temple Potkalathambai, Vithagapuram

10. Sadasapai Gnanavairavar Temple Sadasapai, Tellippallai

11. Gnavairavar Temple Villisutti, Tellippallai

12. Veerapathirar Temple Alavetti, Tellippallai

13. Veerapathirar Temple Villisutti, Tellippallai

14. Poothavarayar Temple Kollankalati, Pannalai

15. Amman Temple Attamattai, Pannalai

16. Kilanai Vairavar Temple Kollankalati, Pannalai

17. Nagathampiran Temple Mavaikallati, Tellippallai

18. Theerthakarai Pillayar Temple Keerimalai, Tellippallai

19. Narayanar Temple Keerimalai, Tellippallai

20. Muthmariamman Temple Keerimalai, Tellippallai

21. Kasivisuvanathar Temple Keerimalai, Tellippallai

22. Kondaladi Vairavar Temple Keerimalai, Tellippallai

23. Lingkeswarar Temple Keerimalai, Tellippallai

24. Murugan Temple Tellippallai, Government hospital

25. Veerapathirar Temple Mullathanai , Tellippallai

26. Sithivinayagar Temple Mullathanai , Tellippallai

27. Narasinga Vairavar Temple Nallainainar Koviladi

28. Nachimar Temple Tellippallai

29. Gnanavairavar Temple Thampothanai, Tellippallai

30. Kannahai Ammal Temple Killanai,Tellippallai

31. Gnanavairavar Temple Killanai, Tellippallai

32. Sudalaivairavar Temple Kothiyalladi, Tellippallai

33. Gnanavairavar Temple Vannamatharai, Tellippallai

34. Mahamari Amman Temple Tellippallai

35. Gnavairavar Temple Vailapathi, Tellippallai

36. Puvanesvari Ampal Temple Union College Tellippallai

37. Arasanaladi Pillaiyar Temple KKS Rd, Celvapuram

38. Mariymman Temple Periya Mathvadi, Tellippallai

39. Sudalai Vairavar Temple 52 Keer;malai Rd, Tellippallai

No Temples Location 41. Saudai Pillayar Temple Mavitapuram, Tellippallai

42. Periya Thampiran Temple Mavitapuram, Tellippallai

43. Karuppanikothai Vairvar Temple Mavitapuram, Tellippallai

44. Vairavar Temple Pothanai, Mavittapuram

45. Saudai Vairavar Temple Saudai, Mavitapuram

46. Muthu Vairavar Temple Mavittapuram, Tellippallai

47. Mampirai Vairavar Temple Mampirai, KKS

48. Mankollai Vairavar Temple KKS East

49. Vairavar Temple KKS Cement factory

50. Anantha Pillaiyar Temple Kayathurai, KKS

51. Narasinka Vairavar Temple KKS, Centre

52. Muthumariyamman Temple KKS, Centre

53. Veerapathirar Temple KKS,Centre

54. Vairavar Temple KKS, Centre

55. Goodshed Pilaiyar Temple KKS Centre

56. Muthumariyamman Temple Muthalivalavu,KKS

57. Rameswari Amman Temple Koovalar, KKS South

58. Kurunathasami Temple KKS South

59. Kaali Temple KKS South

60. Muthumari Amman Temple KKS South

61. Thalayakitti Vairavar Temple Pallai Veemankamam North

62. Sullampathai Vairavar Temple Veemankamam South Tellippallai

63. Keniyadi Gnana Vairavar Temple Dutch Rd,Mavittapuram, Tellippallai

64. Muthumariyamman Temple Pallai, Veemankamam, Tellippallai

65. Iyannar Temple Kattuvan, Tellippallai

66. Katthota Pillayar Temple Kattuvan, Tellippallai

67. Katthotta Vairavar Temple Kattuvan, Tellippallai

68. Vallamari Vairavar Temple Kattuvan, Tellippallai

69. Thanneerthal Vairavar Temple Kattuvan, Tellippallai

70. Vairavar Temple Oorankunai, Kattuvan

71. Kaali Amman Temple Oorankunai, Kattuvan

72. Pechi Amman Temple Kattuvan Tellipallai

73. Pillayar Temple Kattuvan West, Tellipallai

74. Nachimar Temple Kattuvan West, Tellipallai

75. Munniyappar Temple Kattuvan West, Tellipallai

76. Gnana Vairavar Temple Kattuvan West, Tellipallai

77. Sri Muthumariyamman Temple Myliddi,South, KKS

78. Thuraiyittiyattai Gnana Temple Myliddi,South, KKS

79. Soolavathai Veerapathirar Temple Myliddi,South, KKS

80. Mavadi Vairavar Temple Myliddi,South, KKS

81. Gnana Vairavar Temple Myliddi,South, KKS

82. Narasinka Vairavar Temple Myliddi,South, KKS

83. Maruthadi Vinaygar Temple Varuthalivillan, Tellippallai

84. Kannahai Amman Temple Peedarathannai, Varuthallaivilan

85. Annamar Temple Varuthalivillan, Tellippallai

86. Kannessaiar Ninaivalayam Varuthalivillan, Tellippallai

87. Muthumariyamman Temple Kurumpasitti, Tellippallai

88. Sithivinayagar Temple Kurumpasitti, Tellippallai

89. Muthaliyar Vairavar Temple Kurumpasitti, Tellippallai

90. Pillaiyar Temple Kurumpasitti East , Tellippallai

91. Muthumariampal Temple Kurumpasitti East , Tellippallai

92. Kaali Amman Temple Kurumpasitti East , Tellippallai

93. Sri Murugan Temple Kurumpasitti East , Tellippallai

94. Annamar Temple Kurumpasitti East , Tellippallai

95. Pillaiyar Temple Mannampirai, Vasavilan West

96. Gnanavairavar Temple Vasavilan West, Vasavilan

97. Kannahaiamman Temple Ward 1, Vasavilan

98. Vairavar Temple Ward 1, Vasavilan

99. Mannaiudaia Amman Temple Ward 1, Vasavilan

100. Vannaiar Temple Ward 1, Vasavilan

101. Vairavar Temple Vasavilan West, Vasavilan

102. Kollviyakallati, Vinayagar Temple Myliddiy, North, Myliddi

103. Sri Murugan Temple Myliddy, North, Myliddi

104. Kannahai Amman Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

105. Sripathirakaali Amman Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

106. Parasakthi Amman Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

107. Theviakollai amman Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

108. Muthumari Amman Temple 53 Myliddy North, Myliddy

No Temples Location 109. Puvanesvari Amman Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

111. Kattaikadu Vairavar Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

112. Thirupoor Pechiamman Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

113. Poothvarayar Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

114. Vadaprumparppu Pillayar Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

115. Maruthaddi Pillayr Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

116. Puthukinnatru Vairavar Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

117. Sangvathai Mannika Pillayar Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

118. Mailuvakattai Pillayar Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

119. Thopu Pillayar Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

120. Kondaladi Vairavar Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

121. Kothavathi Vairavar Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

122. Munniyappar Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

123. Mailodai Vairavar Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

124. Navalady Vairavar Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

125. Sri Murugan Temple Myliddy North, Myliddy

126. Vinayagar Temple Thyiddy East, Thyiddy

127. Pillayar Temple Kannayavil, Thyiddi

128. Pillayar Temple Myliddythurai South

129. Thurkai Amman Temple Thyiddy South, Thyiddy

130. Kannahai Amman Temple Kuruthu Rd, Thyiddy

131. Kannahai Amman Temple Thuyilidai, Thyiddy

132. Sri Murugan Temple Myliddy Coast

133. Kannahai Amman Temple Veeramanikathevanthurai, Myliddy

134. Nadarajar Temple Palaly South, Vasavilan

135. Gnanavairavar Temple Palaly South, Vasavilan

136. Kaali Temple Palaly South, Vasavilan

137. Vairavar Temple Palaly South Vasavilan

138. Vairavar Temple Palaly East, Palaly

139. Kannahai Amman Temple Palaly East, Palaly

140. Muthliyar Vairava Temple Palaly East, Palaly

141. Kenniyaddi Murugan Temple Palaly East, Palaly

142. Pathirakalli Amman Temple Palaly East, Palaly

143. Periyathmpiran Temple Palaly East, Palaly

144. Rajarajeswari Amman Temple Palaly East, Palaly

145. Vairavar Temple Palaly North, Palaly

146. Thakanarodai Pillayar Temple Palaly Northwest, Palaly

147. Kothiyal Amman Temple Palaly Northwest, Palaly

148. Annamar Temple Palaly Northwest, Palaly

149. Periakalatti Gnana vairavar Temple Thanthai Chelvapuram

150. Gnanavairavar Temple Kavunavathai, Tellippallai

151. Gnanavairavar Temple Kudavathannai, Amppannai

152. Senchalana Gnanavairavar Temple Thanthai Chelvapuram, Tellippallai

153. Aathi Vairavar Temple Thanthai Chelvapuram, Tellippallai

154. Pulliyadi Vairavar Temple Thanthai Chelvapuram, Tellippallai

155. Veelvaisoolampathai Gnanavairavar Temple Soolampathai, Tellippallai

156. Pallai Vairavr Temple Thanthai Chelvapuram, Tellippallai

157. Muddimannar Raja Temple Thanthai Chelvapuram, Tellippallai

CFA = Ceasefire Agreement GS Division = Gramasevaka Division








by Karen Parker "It would seem to International Educational Development that the Tamil people are not viewed as worthy of attention and this must be viewed as rank and despicable discrimination. What other conclusion is possible when in the face of this long and protracted war, neither the Commission nor the Sub-Commission has issued a resolution since 1987? Have these bodies not paid any attention to the reports of the Commission's Working Groups and Rapporteurs? Are these bodies unaware that Sri Lanka is just behind Iraq in disappearances and that almost all the disappeared are Tamils? " "Are the Tamil people not as fashionable as the Bosnians? Is the fact that the Tamil people are historically Hindu a problem, seeing that so few other countries are Hindu? Is it because certain foreign powers have such an interest in Trincomalee harbour (in the Tamil areas) for their geo political control of the region? Why is it that the international community imposes sanctions on the Republic of Yugoslavia because of the practically identical situation in Kosovo and says not a word about Sri Lanka?" (In a Statement by Karen Parker – The chief delegate of the International Educational Development/Humanitarian Law Project in the 50th session of the UN Sub Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities - 5 August 1998)




Oral Intervention by Verena Graf, Secretary General of the International League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples, NGO with Special Consultative Status at the United Nations, under agenda (item 5) on the right of

peoples to self-determination and its application to peoples under colonial or alien domination or foreign occupation, 18 March 2005

"The hopes for a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Sri Lanka in the wake of the ceasefire agreement of February 2002 between the then government and the LTTE as sole authentic representative of the Sri Lankan Tamils have largely proved illusory. "Long before disaster struck the island on December 26, 2004, negotiations had been suspended, cooperation largely ceased in the face of the continued occupation of huge tracts of land in the North East by the Sri Lankan army in the name of 'high security zones', of hundreds of thousands of refugees and internally displaced persons waiting in vain to be able to return to their homes, of lack of investment for the reconstruction of the destroyed countryside. "The new government that came to power in 2004 has not advanced the peace process, on the contrary it contains parties totally opposed to any negotiated settlement. If anything, the tsunami that has particularly affected the coastal areas in the North East, already suffering from war related destruction and very poor in comparison to the rest of country, has worsened the situation. "While it galvanised the common people of all communities to come to each others help, the government did not follow suit. Instead of a joined effort at reconstruction and national integration the international aid has been instrumentalised for political purposes. In the name of relief measures, the distribution of aid and the planning for reconstruction have been highly centralised in the president's office and handpicked committees at the expense of the immediate victims, including local NGOs or the Tamil Rehablitation Organisation working in the LTTE controlled areas. "International media accounts as well as local parliamentarians have complained of government inefficiency, if not outright discrimination of the people in the North East, that includes Tamils and Muslims.


More over, emergency regulations have been reintroduced, and the army put in charge of the welfare centers. Following the most recent official arms` purchases or the government`s refusal to allow the UN Secretary General in early January to visit LTTE controlled areas devastated by the tsunami, have further raised suspicion that the government`s true intentions aim not just at isolating the Tamils and their leaders but to use the catastrophe to change the balance of forces on the ground and to effectively renounce any negotiations. "In the Norwegian facilitated peace talks, the LTTE had agreed to renounce for the time being the Sri Lankan Tamils' right as a nation for an independent homeland Tamil Eelam and to explore the possibilities to redress decades of collective discrimination within the frame-work of large-scale internal autonomy. "The developments during the last three years compounded by the post- tsunami experiences raise the specter that time is running out; that there is no hope for the Tamils within a united Sri Lanka, that their only chance lies in fighting for external self-determination."


International Association of Democratic Lawyers - IADL Oral intervention made by Deirdre McConnell, International Association of Democratic Lawyers under Agenda Item 9: Question of the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in any part of the world, 22 March 2005

Mr Chairman, General Assembly resolution 32/130 states that in approaching human rights questions within the United Nations system, the international community should accord priority to search for solutions to mass and flagrant human rights violations. In the island of Sri Lanka, the Tamil people‘s human rights and fundamental freedoms have been violated for more than fifty years. Since 1948, legislation has denied the rights of Tamils, in citizenship, language, education, religion, land and other areas. In the 1950s and 60s the Tamil people‘s non-violent struggle for equality, justice and dignity was crushed by violent military repression, followed by horrific pogroms of genocidal proportions in which thousands of Tamils were killed. These persistent attacks on the Tamil community eventually gave rise to armed conflict. During twenty years of war over 79,000 Tamils have been killed or ―disappeared‖; 500,000 have sought political asylum in Europe and other countries and 2375 buildings of religious places of worship have been destroyed in the North East, the traditional Tamil homeland area, in aerial bombings and artillery shelling by military forces. Rape and murder used as a weapon of war systematically by regular armed forces, with impunity, has inflicted horrendous suffering on thousands of Tamil women. There have been no independent inquiries into any of the above endemic and chronic violations against Tamils, despite repeated calls by human rights organisations. Mr Chairman, The alleviation of the suffering of the Tamil people, thereby creating conditions of normalcy in which peace talks could begin, is central to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Ceasefire Agreement (CFA) between the government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam signed more than three years ago, with the facilitation of the Royal Norwegian Government. It is sad to note that although the ceasefire has created normalcy in the seven Southern provinces, normalcy does not exist for the people in the North East. In breach of CFA article 2.1 and 2.5 people are harassed at checkpoints in the NorthEast. Over the last year the incidence of harassment, rape and sexual assault of Tamil civilians by regular armed forces has increased. Violating CFA article 2.2, the army continue to occupy temples and churches in the North East; violating article 2.3 school buildings are still occupied by the Sri Lanka army. In a few cases, the army has withdrawn, but ―High Security Zones‖ have been immediately built nearby. Many people in civil society are asking, “ „Security‟ – for whom? Certainly not the security of local Tamil

people‖. The situation of IDPs remains critical, they are prevented from resettling in their own homes due to these militarised zones. Fishermen are still severely restricted in pursuing their livelihood, they are persistently harassed and intimidated by Navy and armed forces.


In violation of article 1.8 of the CFA, the government has not disarmed paramilitaries nor ensured they leave the North East. On the contrary, these paramilitaries working with the Sri Lanka armed forces have been responsible for recent assassinations in the East, of human rights activists and political leaders and activists, causing terror and destabilisation. Mr Chairman, It was the coastal parts of the North East which were the worst affected when the disastrous tsunami recently struck the island on December 26 last year. The majority of the casualties were Tamils from the North East. 24,500 Tamil people were killed by the tsunami and 10,000 are missing; nearly 700,000 Tamils were displaced and over 120,000 houses in Tamil areas were completely damaged. Mr Chairman, The authorities prevented the UN Secretary General from making a humanitarian visit, which he requested, to the North East, the areas in the island most affected by the tsunami. This is a serious violation of the UN Charter, Chapter XV Article 100 by the Sri Lankan government. In conclusion, this Commission has the capability, the ability and the authority to immediately send a mission to Sri Lanka and ensure that in the affected areas the victims of these human rights violations receive redress. We urge the Commission to take urgent action.



International Educational Development Oral intervention made by Karen Parker, International Educational Development under Agenda Item 2 at Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, 58th Session, 14 August 2006

Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Fifty-eighth session Agenda item 2 Statement of International Educational Development, Inc., While we welcome the action undertaken by the Human Rights Council in regards to attacks on protected facilities and persons under the Geneva Conventions and humanitarian law as a whole in Lebanon, the Council has not called for action regarding several other conflicts in which targeting of protected facilities and persons is equally serious. One of these is the conflict in Sri Lanka, where since the elections in November there has been the worst levels of fighting since the 2002 Cease Fire Agreement. In the past few weeks, the level of fighting has increased dramatically, as have the numbers of military operations of the government armed forces flagrantly targeting protected facilities and persons. For example, on 6 August 2006 17 humanitarian aid workers from the French NGO Action Contre le Faim were brutally massacred in the government-controlled areas in Trincomalee, prompting 3 independent experts of the

Council (H.Jilani, human rights defenders; P. Alston, extrajudicial, arbitrary and summary executions; J. Ziegler, the right to food) to issue a press release on 11 August 2006 in which they state: ―the deliberate targeting of humanitarian workers is a serious violation of the basic principles of international and humanitarian law and the Declaration of Human Rights Defenders.‖ Also on 6 August 2006, several members of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission narrowly escaped attacks from the government forces in Maavil Aaru. On 9 August 2006 government forces attacked an ambulance belonging to Nedunkerni hospital killing a doctor, 2 nurses and the driver. On 14th of August, the government forces deliberately bombed a girl‘s orphanage killing 60 girls and wounding 120 who were between the ages of 15 and 18. An attack on St. Philip Mary church in Allaipiddy left 15 dead and more than 100 injured. Since the renewed fighting, there are more than 100,000 newly displaced, many without food or water. UNICEF and the UNHRC report the continued blockage by the government forces of urgently needed aid to the rapidly increasing numbers of displaced, prompting the UN officer in Sri Lanka to express concern. UNHCR reports that of the over 40,000 newly displaced in Muttar, more than half are women and children, but in a statement on 8 August 2004 indicated they were not allowed access. The situation of Tamil civilians is made much worse because so many Tamils are still displaced by the Tsunami and because most of the international aid raised on their behalf was not allowed to be delivered. For example, the American Red Cross, that received hundreds of thousands of $$US for Tsunami victims in Sri Lanka, was told by US authorities that they could not distribute it in the Tamil areas.


The Sri Lankan government also severely restricted aid to the Tamil Tsunami victims, only allowing aid raised by the Tamil diaspora and then restricting that as well. In addition to the hundreds of thousands of Tamil refugees who have sought and obtained asylum outside of Sri Lanka, the current figures of internally displaced indicates nearly 1/3 of the entire Tamil population is displaced or in exile. We have long indicated to the Sub-Commission that the United States geopolitical interests in ports and airfields in the Tamil areas has been a major impediment to resolving this long conflict and we invite you to consult our written statements in this regard that we submitted to both the Sub-Commission and the Commission. In light of this we were alarmed by recent pronouncements in Colombo and elsewhere by high State Department officials: in our view the US has given the government of Sri Lanka a ―green light‖ to undertake actions that violate humanitarian law under the pretext that due to the unabated demonization of the Tamils by Sri Lankan and US authorities, no one will dare defend them, and in any case, no one will be able to do anything about it. However, because now the UN independent experts, UNICEF and UNHCR have spoken up, and because the UN is in a process to reform its work, we hope that the Sub-Commission, which as rightly undertaken to address attacks against medical and other protected persons in time of war, will inform the Council of its concerns regarding Sri Lanka and the situation of the Tamil people and will request that the Council act. (Excerpt)



Interfaith International, Geneva, Switzerland Oral intervention made by Deirdre McConnell, Interfaith International, Geneva, Switzerland, under Agenda item

5(a) Racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia Mr Chairperson, Interfaith International is happy to note that the Sub Commission has prevention of discrimination as one of its agenda items, especially at a crucial time of this august forum. In today‘s world various types of discrimination have paved the way towards Civil war, Ethnic Conflict, Armed conflict, and so on. Many of these conflicts, fought in exercise of the Right to self-determination, have as their ultimate goal, a durable solution to the political problems which are based on discrimination and xenophobia. In the past, this august forum has heard much about the discriminatory application of law and practise of the Sri Lanka government against the Tamil people, therefore we do not need to go into much detail. Since Independence, Sinhala dominated governments brought much systematic discriminative legislation against Tamil people. As soon as Sinhala leaders obtained power in 1948, the Tamils working on the tea plantations were disfranchised and their citizenship was denied. A one language Act (Sinhala only) was forcefully introduced by the Sinhala politicians and nine (1956, 1958, 1961, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1981, 1982 and 1983) state sponsored anti-Tamil pogroms destroyed the economy and the cultural heritage of the Tamil people. In the meantime, the Tamil politicians of the day protested - against these denials of political rights, Sinhala colonisation in the Tamil regions and destruction of Tamils properties, demanding justice, by non-violent methods, for nearly thirty-five years. However these struggles in and outside of the parliament were continuously suppressed by the Sri Lankan security forces made up of 95% Singhalese. In 1972, discrimination in the education system (standardisation) where Tamil students had to gain more marks than the Singhalese students for University entrance, gave birth to the Tamils‘ militancy in the island. During this period, in the 1977 general elections, the Tamil people in the North East overwhelmingly voted to exercise their right to self-determination. As the Singhala dominated government ignored this democratic mandate and continued to implement their racist policies, an armed conflict was born in the island in 1983. After a long struggle and massive civilian casualties, a defacto government covering 70% of the Tamil hereditary land has been in existence, that is, for the last 15 years. Since 2002, this has been well acknowledged by many foreign dignitaries and diplomats who have visited the NorthEast.


The Tsunami natural disaster which struck mostly the Tamils areas, caused severe casualties to the Tamil people. Again the people in the North East received discriminatory treatment by the Sri Lankan government. The aid which was sent by the international community was never distributed equally and even the P-TOMS Post-Tsunami agreement for reconstruction of the Tsunami affected areas was blocked by the Sinhala judges in the South. Mr Chairperson, It is now four and a half years since the Ceasefire Agreement was signed between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam - LTTE and the government of Sri Lanka. There are still 800,000 internally displaced people who are prevented from resettling due to the Sri Lankan military occupation of their land. The current situation in the island is alarming, human rights violations over the last 10 months have increased disturbingly. A further 60,000 displaced people in the Trincomalee area are being denied food and aid in an embargo imposed by the government. More than 700 Tamil civilians have been killed by the security forces and the paramilitaries working with them since November 2005. In the last week it appears that once again the government has declared war on the Tamil people. The ceasefire agreement has been violated several times, especially since last April with the beginning of Aerial bombardment of Tamil areas by the Sri Lankan air force. On Monday 14 August 2006, sixty-one school girls were killed and 129 seriously injured in the brutal and callous deliberate bombing of a children‘s home in Mullaitivu in broad daylight, by the Sri Lanka Air Force. Soon after this bombing the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM), and UNICEF personnel, visited the spot and confirmed that it is a children‘s home known as Sencholai and not a military installation as claimed by the Sri Lanka Government. The shelling and bombings from land, air and sea by the Sri Lankan security forces in the Tamil regions have caused severe destruction to Tamil homes and lives, property, public buildings, and cultural places. These and many other actions of the Sri Lanka government are persistently in serious breach of the Geneva Conventions. On Saturday 5th August, 17 Tamil humanitarian workers, from the French International Non-Governmental Organisation Action Contre la Faim, were massacred at point blank range by government security forces. UN VIPs in the field of human rights, the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Human Rights Defenders, Hina Jilani; the Special Rapporteur on extra-judicial, arbitrary and summary executions, Prof Philip Alston and the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Jean Ziegler, jointly made a statement on 11 August, expressing serious concerns and calling for a vigorous independent investigation to be held and the perpetrators to be brought to justice. They urged the government to render the findings public. Attacks on Tamil journalists, parliamentarians and human rights defenders have escalated. Journalists following up human rights violations have been killed with impunity, by the security forces. Those defending Civil and Political rights and those defending Economic, Social and cultural Rights are also being killed by the Sri Lanka armed forces. In a stark incident on 06 August 2006 the SLMM was nearly bombed by the government Air Force which attacked, despite an agreement being in progress concerning the irrigation issue in Trincomalee. This shows how the international monitors are being treated. When speaking from Colombo about the killing of the 17 humanitarian workers, the SLMM Head, Maj. Gen. Ulf Henricsson, told Reuters on 11 August: "I have experienced this in the Balkans before. When you're not let in, it's a sign that there's something they want to hide. You have a lot of time to clear it up"……….."They are denying us access to the whole area, so we cannot monitor. There were journalist trips arranged to Muttur last Saturday and Sunday. That was possible, but we had no access. Why? For security reasons? Of course not. There are other reasons. I have recommended to the facilitator -(Norway) to at least consider a withdrawal." SLMM‘s monitors say there is evidence that Sri Lankan troops have been involved in extrajudicial killings of Tamils in the North and East. According to information coming out of the latest fighting in Jaffna, the Tamil people are being prevented from fleeing to safety, by the Sri Lanka security forces. Mr. Chairperson, The ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka started because of the Sri Lankan government‘s discriminatory policies and refusal to accept the Tamils as equal citizens of the island. The present attitude of the Sri Lanka government clearly indicates that this is a war of aggression with destructive and genocidal intent against the Tamil people in the island. We appeal to the dignitaries and members of civil society internationally to monitor and pressurise the Sri Lankan government not to carry out genocidal attacks on the Tamil people.



International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR)

Oral intervention made by Ayako SHIOTA, International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR) under Agenda Item 9: Question of the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in any part of the world, 23 March 2005

Mr chairperson,

It is of utmost importance that post-tsunami rebuilding and relief activities of all governments in Asia respect human rights. We urge the governments to consult the displaced and the affected and to involve them in planning their lives, livelihood and housing.

In addition to the discrimination we have referred to earlier, the Sri Lankan government has failed to consult the IDP's in the rebuilding process. We view with grave concern the introduction of the State of Emergency in Sri Lanka and the presence of military along the buffer zone demarcated by the government. Those returning back home have been chased away and the tents and temporary shelters removed by the police and armed forces. This is a grave violation of human rights and dignity of the IDPs in all the provinces.

The present rebuilding activities of the Sri Lankan government is exacerbating the ethnic differences. The remote villages in the Eastern province received the rations only in mid March. Many of the displaced up to date have not received the monthly allowance. No major construction activities have commenced to rebuild hospitals, schools, and roads in any of the affected provinces.

The affected communities have expressed its appreciation to the international and local NGOs more than its government - that failed to effectively address their needs. The affected people in the South and Eastern provinces have held several demonstrations demanding effective interventions from the government in the recent weeks.

It is not possible for Sri Lanka to achieve the Millennium Development Goal without resolving the ethnic conflict.

Furthermore, the rule of law situation in Sri Lanka is deteriorating. The political prejudice reflected in the recent

judgement given against the former Minister S.B.Dissanayake, is the clear demonstration of this fact. Torture, police brutality, and killing of witnesses, of important cases have increased.

* * * * *


By Rupert De Alwis Seneviratne

* Air Force Sergeant Deshapriya spills the beans * STF, Army, SLAF, Navy and Police personnel in abduction team with Karuna * Forces team accused of taking 10% of ransom through Gajanayake * Rs.18,000 paid as rent for safe house in Gothotuwa, 200 metres from IDH * Two Muslims murdered believing they were Tigers * Move to implicate Mangala over stolen vehicle as diversion * Karuna Group used to identify Tiger suspects in Colombo * Abducted businessmen taken to Karuna camp in Welikanda CID investigations into the diabolical abduction racket that has gripped the capital city and its suburbs since early last year, have revealed details which allegedly link the hawkish Rajapakse government to the dreaded 'white van snatch.' The CID on June 21, took into custody former Sri Lanka Air Force Squadron Leader, Nishantha Gajanayake in connection with the multi-million rupee abduction for extortion scam, a man closely connected with Karuna Amman and his band of men. It was in fact senior UNP MP Lakshman Seneviratne who first revealed details of Gajanayake's connection with the abduction-extortion racket when he raised the matter in parliament on June 6. Gajanayake revealed

He told the House that Gajanayake operated with the blessings of the defence establishment and was occupying Room No. 706 at the Holiday Inn and 'conducting his business' unknown to the management of Holiday Inn. Ironically, even though the government was denying the abductions and berating Seneviratne for misleading parliament on the one hand, given the international backlash it would trigger, the government could not turn a blind eye to the abject fear that gripped Colombo on the other.


The country, mind you, was gruesomely recording up to six abductions and killings per day. Gajanayake arrested

Meanwhile, three days after Seneviratne's statement in parliament and even as a defensive No Confidence Motion against Seneviratne had been lodged by a government shaken at its core, Gajanayake was taken into custody. It is then that the whole plot involving the forces personnel and the Karuna Group began to unravel. Certainly, that unlawfully armed Karuna cadres and government security forces personnel, walk hand in hand in the east, liberated or otherwise, is a well established fact. Evidence that has now surfaced brings to light an alleged close and malfeasant connection between security forces personnel and the Karuna Group in the ransom and murder racket in Colombo as well. But for a government under siege over gross human rights violations, economic disaster and political upheaval, desperate and underhand measures are now afoot to stem the embarrassment in the face of such details coming to light. (Excerpt)

Cafe d‟ APRC Daily Mirror, Colombo – 27 July 2007

The All Party Representative Committee (APRC) reminds one of a sunny Parisian cafe where a bunch of retired bored men and women gather to engage in casual deliberations about various political issues, and, in the meantime, enjoy a good cup of coffee. President Rajapaksa set up the APRC six months after assuming power with the express wish of finding a political solution to the decade old ethnic problem. Irrespective of whether it is a Trojan horse or a genuine one, the president‘s choice of the jockey, Prof. Vitharana, is commendable. Though the APRC was set up by the Government with the participation of other political parties, there is hardly any evidence to prove that the government or its ministers are enthusiastic about it - with the exception, of course, of the leader of the Lanka Samasamaja Party, Prof. Tissa Vitharana and the members of the international community. Despite endless criticism, some analysts tend to believe that the APRC is perhaps the final glimmer of hope for the desperate situation in the country. It may not be the most desired route to take but surely it is the only presently available one. Speaking at the ―Nagenahira Navodaya‖, a function organised by the Government to celebrate the recapturing of Eastern province, President Rajapaksa reminded us that he established the APRC so that all parties could come together to formulate a political solution to the burning ethnic problem. However, what we are interested in and would like to discuss in this article is to inquire into the possibility of receiving mass support for a constitutional change that would give equality and justice to everyone irrespective of their ethnicity, religion and region. In order to make this inquiry into such public attitudes on the APRC and the other related issues, the authors used data from the latest Peace Confidence Index (PCI), publish by Social Indicator, the survey research unit of the Centre for Policy Alternatives. The results of the PCI survey of February 2007 show that it is only 14% of the Sinhala community who are aware about the APRC even after six months of its existence. Levels of awareness amongst the same group regarding the APRC‘s majority and minority reports were even lower. We are certain that if one conducted a survey awareness of the happenings of some of the Sinhala dubbed Indian teledramas, one would see two to three times the amount of awareness than the APRC, a mechanism that has been setup to design the future of the country. It is hard not to believe that this is what the Government wants. If one analyses most of the speeches of Rajapaksa and his ministers, it is quite clear that war and military victory is the message for the local audience while peace process, APRC and political solution are is just the window display for the international audiences. (Excerpt)

The APC smokescreen The Morning Leader – 22 August 2007

There was scepticism in the air both amongst hawks and doves when President Mahinda Rajapakse announced his proposal for the establishment of an All Party Conference to resolve the Tamil problem which had dragged on for well over half a century. Firstly, it had been attempted before and failed. Secondly with public opinion torn asunder under the conditions that existed, it was impossible to work a common formula that could have brought the warring parties together. That seems to be the scenario even now as the APRC — the committee appointed to work out a formula by the APC — meets today for the 50th and presumably the final time. The diligent professor of virology, Tissa Vitharana has been working hard to bring together all the racist, cantankerous, humanitarian, belligerent, utopian and opportunistic ideas together and make some sense out of it, but try as he may, he will find controlling viruses is easier than bringing order to our political viruses. The latest threat emanating is from the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) which unleashed a barrage against Vitharana saying that the APRC proposals for devolution of power was a move to impose a federal system even exceeding the parameters for devolution in the Indian and US constitutions. That the JHU should object to any form of federalism should not come as a surprise. It is a fundamentalist party committed to a Sinhala Buddhist state even though its fundamentalism has varied in certain instances such as in the purchase of duty free luxury cars.


The problem appears to be in the alliance between the JHU and the ruling party the SLFP. The senior partner of the alliance, the SLFP does not seem to have any control or influence over its junior ally. Is the tail wagging the dog? The JHU proposals will be included as a separate annexure in the final document it has been reported. What form the final report will take or its main recommendations will be are not known. There is quite a lot of confusion on where President Rajapakse and his party stand with regard to the APC and APRC. After the creation of the APC Rajapakse has been maintaining an aloofness from the APC, letting it pick up its own steam. But that should not be the attitude because an organisation such as this needs leadership, if it is to build up a consensus. After quite a while, the SLFP submitted its own proposals to the APRC which instantly became a standing joke among those involved. The SLFP proposed district level devolution which had been proposed years ago and rejected by Tamil parties including the LTTE. The proposal appeared ridiculous because after six rounds of negotiations with the participation of donor countries, a federal solution was agreed upon that was later rejected by Pirapaharan. In this context where would the district level proposal take us? The basic question is: Does President Rajapakse consider the APC as an instrument that would resolve the problem? By putting out a mild and innocuous proposal he is covering his back. He wants the UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe to stick his neck out and risk the wrath of the Sinhala electorate. But Wickremesinghe had done precisely that. At the presidential election he stood for a federal solution while Rajapakse along with the JVP and JHU beat the war drums on a unitary state and won the election in connivance with the LTTE. Will President Rajapakse‘s sole contribution to the APC be the district council level proposal and after that will he watch matters take its course? With none of the MPs of the Tamil National Alliance, the proxies of the LTTE, participating in the APC, will such outdated proposals such as district level devolution have any bearing on the resolution of the problem? President Rajapakse‘s disinterest in the APC had made critics wonder whether this is a smokescreen for him to get over his immediate problems. With the donor nations breathing down his neck to produce a set of proposals that could satisfy the aspirations of the Tamil minority, was this his way of buying time? While the APRC was meeting over and over again while splitting hairs, he launched his military offensives in the east and now claims that the east is under his control. Defence analysts say that he now intends warring in the Wanni and destroying Pirapaharan‘s empire. If those are his intentions these APRC talks are mere eye wash. His JHU and former close allies, the JVP want him to war in the Wanni. Besides Rajapakse cannot summarily dismiss the monks‘ concerns. He depends on them and even the JVP – which threatens to do many things to the government but pulls back its actions — for his parliamentary majority. The fall out of the much ballyhooed APRC after its last meeting will be watched by all. (Excerpt)

Long walk to freedom By Nikhil Mustaffa

Daily Mirror, 1 September 2007

Post independence governance

The working of this constitution had a balance of representation of the ethnic communities in Parliament. In 1948 at Independence the Tamils had 33% of the voting power in the legislature. Upon the disenfranchisement of the estate Tamils in 1950, this proportion dropped to 20%. The Sinhalese obtained more than 2/3 majority in Parliament making it not possible for Tamils to exercise an effective impact on Sinhalese policies affecting them. The result was that the two main Sinhala-led political parties had to compete for a majority in Parliament by obtaining the support of the floating vote in the Sinhala electorate. The deciding issues at elections became the ones which appealed to the Sinhala voters. This became clear in later times when the winning UNP, a Sinhala party, could obtain over 2/3 majority in Parliament, as in 1977. Emergence of violence and breakdown of trust

On 6 June 1956 when he proposed the ‗Sinhala Only‘ bill in Parliament, the Tamils MPs belonging to the Federal Party staged a Gandhian fashion seated non violent protest against it in the Galle Face Green. While the Prime Minister was addressing Parliament, armed Sinhala gangs broke up the protest, even throwing some protestors into the nearby Beira Lake. State policemen stood by watching without any action. Riots then broke out throughout Sri Lanka where Tamils were assaulted, homes, shops and property burned. In 1956, 150 Tamils were murdered in this violence. Due to public pressure by some Sinhala groups, the Prime Minister tore up the B-C Pact (Banda-Chelva pact) he had made with the Federal Party leader Mr. S.V. Chelvanayakam in 1957. This led to much frustration among the Tamil people. The situation was worsened when there was more widespread violence throughout the country in 1958, when another 150 – 200 Tamils were murdered and 25,000 Tamil refugees were relocated in the North.


The UNP opposed the B-C pact aimed at setting up Regional Councils in Sri Lanka (a concept that the young Mr. Bandaranaike had written about in 1920s and proposed in the State council in 1940s). It is important to recall that this was the beginning of ethnic violence in modern times. The story of violence against the Tamils, with the connivance of the Sri Lankan state, continued into the 1970s with the killing of eleven Tamils at the 4th International Tamil Conference in Jaffna in January 1974. The state tolerated, if not sponsored violence of 1977, 1979 and 1981, including the destruction of the prestigious Jaffna public library with its 95,000 volumes, said to be by a group of 200 policemen from 31st May to 2nd June 1981. During this period there were other policies such as the standardization of marks for admission to university education. The qualifying mark for admission to the medical faculties was 250 (out of 400) for Tamil students, whereas it was only 229 for the Sinhalese, even if they sat for the examination in English. The worst violence was in Black July 1983, when 3,000 Tamils were killed. It is estimated that since then about 300,000 Tamil have migrated abroad to receiving countries such as Canada and Australia. The Tamil political parties opted for Tamil Eelam after the 1972 Constitution was passed by the Sri Lanka Parliament, against their wishes. This Constitution dropped the safeguards (Section 29) against discrimination of minorities and in the appointments to the public service. The LTTE emerged as a fighting force mainly after these experiences of state related violence and discrimination. What needs to be noted is some of the historical facts which can so easily be forgotten. The speaker went onto prescribe possible options which should be exercised to bring about a stable SL. He quoted Jaydeva Uyangoda from a one text initiative contribution where it had been said,‘ A politically stable Sri Lanka requires I think at least four pre-conditions. One, a negotiated political settlement of the Sri Lankan ethnic conflict leading to, a radically restructured Sri Lanka.

I think the reconstitution of the Sri Lankan State, in order to make a transition from a ‗post colonial conflict defiant State‘ to a ‗post conflict State‘. The second prerequisite is de-militarizing the ethnic conflict and de-linking the ethnic conflict from War and

Violence, and that is fundamental. Thirdly, it is important to think about a process of economic and social reconstruction, and there, we have to learn

a lot of lessons from the 2002/3 Peace Process; how to link a Peace Process with an economic and social reconstruction initiative. Fourthly, intercommunity reconciliation; the ethnic war in the past 25 years has redefined ethnic relations,

community relations, in an adversarial manner.‘ He went onto quote, Bishop Duleep Chickera in a recent call where he had spoken of, ―War can never be right… If we can initiate negotiations on our own, then we must do so immediately. To claim to know the path ahead and watch the country plunge into a precipice without turning for help is perhaps the most serious breach of democratic trust.‖ This being the central call in the title of the column today. During question time the work of the third sector came under scrutiny. The leading lights being Sarvodaya, Center for Society, MARGA and ICES, SSA in the 70‘s, 80‘s. Followed by NPC, CHA, SEWALANKA, CPA and the new entrant from Europe FCE. The leadership of these organizations were the elite from Colombo. Scores more were working largely unknown nationally in many parts of our country. They have been joined by the Second sector, being the community in business. Did the third sector represent mass movements? No. If so when the first sector meets with the third sector what happens? Mostly, ideas, proposals, brokering meetings/dinners with a few Ambassadors, discussions in global capitals. Results in changes in electoral fortunes for first sector politicians? Not at all. In such a situation a lot of cake, pastries, fine food, coffee, wine is consumed, dates for next meetings discussed and the caravan rolls on. The fundamental deficits in governance, the obligations the Bishop reminded us of, the State Jayadeva recommends awaits more successful attendance. The cynical use of power continues unabated. With these thoughts this columnist eased himself out of the residency picked up a few goodies at a bookstore, chocolates, biscuits, magazines and waited for the 3a.m. to 8a.m. to finally 9.45 am to take off to Colombo. Enroute The Daily Mirror had got all bright and breezy with its lead story of how Mahinda with his dainty frame had set foot on the moon and taken a gigantic step for dignity of all minorities with other governmental colleagues by saying pedigree etc was not necessary we only want to know what kind of Sri Lankan you were when registering with the police. Reading it one wanted Mahinda to set foot on many more planets. Except by afternoon one heard of the ruddy smart alecs in Jaffna who have started issuing Amy id’s to everyone above 10 years! Pray one needs

a very strong drink because as that busy body said, have we not created enough mutinies so far for God sake. (Excerpt)


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