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  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    J an et B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nc e 1 In Consultation with Department of Labor


    O"(onnor, Thomas (Ge)Ba r sy, J an et

    FW :

    Tuesday, June 22, 20104 :16:47 PMDOE VogUe F inalRu l i OQLetter (6-18-1Ql.pdf

    From:T o :



    From: Auman , E vaSent: Friday, June 18, 2010 12: 1 5 PMTo: O 'Conno r, T homas (GC)Subject: FW:

    Eva M. AumanAttorney -Advi sor (Labor)Office of General [email protected]

    Notice: This e-mail, including any attachments, may contain information that is legally privileged, confidential, forofficial use only, or otherwise controlled, and is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any unauthorized review,use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender of thedelivery error by replying to this message, and then delete it from your system ..

    From: S tu cky, J eanSent: F riday, June 18, 2010 12:02 PMTo: Cestar i, Kenne thCc: Harris , S co tt B la ke ; B ars y, J an et; A uman, Ev a; P ula sk i, K atieSubject: Fw:

    Fy i

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence



    O "C on no r, T ho ma s (G C)

    8 ar sy , J an et

    FW: Dr af t Respons eTuesday, March23 1 2 01 0 5 :0 2:4 7 PM

    I spoke with Ken and he informed me that the call already occurred and clarified some facts. He'd stilllike to have these responses though to send to Rod.

    -----Original Message-----From: Barsy, JanetSent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 4:00 PMTo: O'Connor, Thomas (GC)Subject: Draft Response

    Mary -- This morning Tom and I met with Ken Cestare, counsel for from the Loan Guarantee Program todiscuss questions from Southern Company, the parent company to Georgia Power Company, theapplicant for a loan guarantee agreement involving power plant in Georgia, Ken says

    b5 that David Ratcliffe, Southern Com CEO called to discuss loan

    Yesterday, a labor relations representative for the Southern Company sent Ken some questions, whichKen has distilled into the s below for possible use b _

    asked Ken for 'thequestions with Ken.


    Jan et B arsy G PC C orrespo nd en ce 3

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    Ja net Z . B arsyActing As sis tant Gene ra l Coun se lfo r L ab or a nd P en sio n L aw (GC-6 3)

    phone : 202.586.3429


    Janet Barsy GPC Correspondence 4

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    O"Coonor.Thomas (GC)Ba rs y. J an et

    FW: E ffe cti ve Da te o f Oc t 2 8 App ro pri atio ns ActTuesday, D ecem ber 01, 2009 7:17:35 PM

    After ta lk ingAug ust on th is

    rer on the outcom e of the conversations w e had w ith DOL this past

    Would you like m e to put tog ether an issue paper for M ary explaining all of th e relevant facts, issues,and recomm endations for path forw ard? I w ould condense m y e-m ail to you on th e statutoryin terpre ta tion quest ion .

    ~n wemu ch mo re th an th is ) so th at DOE o ffic ia ls a re a pp ro pria te ly


    -----Orig inaJ Message-----F rom: Grant, Wi lli amS en t: Tue sda y, D e cemb er 0 1, 20 09 2:3 0 PMTo: B ars y, J an etC c: O 'C on no r, T homas (GC )S ub ject: R E : E f fe ctive D a te o f O c t 28 App rop riatio ns A ct


    Jane t B arsy G PC C orrespon dence 5

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    -----Orig ina l Message-----F rom: Ba rsy, J an etSent: Tue sd ay, Decemberor, 2009 2: 1 7 PMTo: Grant, Wi lliamCc: O 'C on no r, T homas (GC )S ub je ct: R E : E f fectiv e D ate of O c t 2 8 Appro priatio ns A ct

    We u nd ersta nd th at a n a pp lica nt b y O ct 2 8 h ad comple ted its a pp lica tio n, en tered in to a co nbS mence d s ite p re pa ra tio n fo r th e p la nt a nd



    -----Orig ina l Message-----F rom: Grant, Wi lliamSent: Tue sd ay, Dec embe ror, 2009 2:02 PMTo: B ars y, J an etS ub je ct: R E : E ffe ctive D ate o f O c t 28 App ro pria tion s A ct

    N ot that I've seen, so I b elieve th e default is th at it b ecam e effective as soon as th e _ ___ Had w e entered into any actual contracts (not conditional commitm ents) by ~

    -----Orig ina l Message-----F rom: Ba rsy, J an etS ent: Tuesd ay, D e cemb er 0 1, 2 009 1:0 7 PMTo: Grant, Wi lliamSub je ct: E ffe ctiv e Da te o f Oc t 2 8 App ro pria tio ns Act

    Will -- do es th is A ct h av e a se ction th at sa ys a dd resse s th e e ffectiv e d ate of th e A ct etc.?



    J an e t Ba rs y GPC Corr es po nd en ce 6

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    From:T o :


    Q"ConnOf, Thomas (GelSa rsy, J a n e tFW: Ques ti on s for DOETue sd ay, Mar ch 2 3, 2 01 0 6 :3 9:0 5 PM

    -----Orig lnal Message-----From: Cesta ri , KennethS ent: M onday, M arch 22, 2010 5:53 PMTo: O 'C on no r, T homa s (GC)S ub ject: FW: Questions for DOE

    As discussed .

    Kenn eth C . Ce sta riAttorney Adv isorLoan Guaran tee Prog ramU .S . De pa rtmen t o f E n erg y

    Room 4B-1221 00 0 In de pe nd en ce Ave nu e SWWash ing to n, DC 20585Tel - 2 02 .2 87 .5 523Mob il e - 202.306,[email protected],govhttp://www,lgprogram,energy,gov(

    -----Orig inal Message-----From: Mi ll er, Ch ris tophe r S . (Labo r Re la tion s) [mai !t o:CHSMILLE@sou the rnco ,com]S ent: M onday, M arch 22, 2010 4:01 PMTo: Ces ta ri, Kenn ethC c: L on g, E a rl C .; P as sa ntin o, A le xSub je ct: Que stio ns fo r DOE

    Ken-as yo u requ ested, set forth b elow a re a series of question s, concerns an d comments related to th ep lanned a pplication of th e D avis B acon lab or standards to th e Vog tle 3&4 P roject. We would lik e to tak eadv antag e of your av ailab ility o n T hursda y th e 25 th a t 3:0 0pm to fu rth er discuss th ese issu es and workto resolv e th em as quick ly as po ssib le . G ive n th e comp le xity an d sub tlety of full compliance w ith th eDBA in th is unique settin g, w e feel strong ly th at a m eeting is w arranted, A ttending for S outh ernC ompa ny wou ld b e myse lfr ea rl long a nd our outside cou nsel, A lex P assantino of S eyfarth S haw. Weapp recia te you o fferin g up th is tim e and b elieve itwill be put to g ood use, Thanks and I look forw ard toh earing from you and m eeting you,




    Janel Barsy GPC Correspondence 7

    mailto:[email protected],govmailto:[email protected],gov
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    Janet Barsy GPC Correspondence 8

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    Ja ne! B arsy G PC C orresponden ce 9

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    From:To:Cc :Subject:Date:Attachments:

    O "CQn no r, Th om as (G C)

    "D ia ne T ruma n"

    S tu cky , Je an ; "H ey lm an , P au l M ," ; B ars y, Ja ne t; C es ta ri, K en ne th

    FW: Vog tle - D av is -B aco n

    Thu rsday, A pril 29, 2010 11:25:0 0 AM1703 001, pdf




    P le ase k ee p th is e -mail clo se h old .

    Many thanks ,Tom

    Thoma s D . O 'Con no rAtto rney -Advise r (Labor )U .S . D epartm ent of E nerg y(202) 586-6952thomas.o'[email protected]

    --- --Orig inal Message-- -- -

    F rom: Ces ta ri, Kenne thS ent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:54 PMTo: O 'C onnor, T homas (GC)Cc: C esta ri, K en ne th ; Whitc ombe , N ic ho la sSub je ct: Vogtle - Davis -Bacon

    Tom - Attached is Southern's D avis-Bacon letter. I have not yet review ed. Ken

    Kenne th C . Ces ta riLoan Gua rante e P rog ramU .S . D epartm ent of E nerg y

    J an e t Ba rs y GPC Cor re sp on de nc e 1 0

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    1 00 0 In de pe nd en ce Ave nu e SWWash in gto n, DC 20585Of fic e - 202 .287 .5523Mob ile - 202.306 [email protected]://

    - -- --Orig ina l Message-- -- -F rom: Mi ll er, Chri stopher S . (Labor Re la tions ) [mal lto :CHSMILLE@sou]S ent: Wednesd ay, A pril 28, 2010 10:22 AMTo : Cesta ri, KennethC c: L on g, E arlc.; Passant ino , AlexS ub je ct: FW: A tta ch ed Image

    K en- I h ave attached an im ag e copy of a letter sent today to you reg ardin g the D avis Bacon issu e. O nceyou and your team have had a chance to review w e w ould be pleased to again gather by phone or inp ers on to d isc uss h ow w e move fo rw ard . T ha nks fo r yo ur p atie nce a nd co nsid era tio n.

    Janet Barsy GPC Correspondence 11

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
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  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence



    From:To :Subject:Date:Attachments:

    Q"Coono r. ThomasC C C )Barsy. JanetFW:vogtle_ addendumWednesday,July 28,20102:31:47 PMVogUe D OLS U R P July28.dos.;

    to w ork up before

    FYI on ly.

    b s

    - -- --Or ig lnal Message--- --From: o'connor, Thomas (GC)Sent: Wednes daY I J uly281 2010 2:32 PMTo: cestarl, KennethCc: Stuckv, JeanSubject: Vog tle _ addendum

    K en -- A s discu ssed , a tta ch ed is d ra ft lan gua ge to su pplemen t o uJe an 's return o n A ug ust 9 . I w ill b e here tom orrow until just before


    Thomas D . O 'Con no rAtto rney-Adv is e r (Labor )U .S . D ep artm en t o f E ne rg y(202) 586-6952thomas.o'[email protected]

    J an e t Ba rs yGPe

    Cor re sp on de nc e 1 3

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  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    particular, - Will is very familiar with this case.


    Barsy. Jane tS tu ck y. Je an ; Q "C ru lUO [, T homa s(Ge); P ul as ki , K a ti eAum an, E va

    Meeting 00 App li ca ti on o f Sec ti oo 310 jDBA provi si on In FY 2010 Energy Approp s Ac t/DBAWedne sd ay, J un e 1 6, 2 01 0 11:5 6:0 0 AM


    Date :

    All - I have been working on the "Borrowers" memo to try to incorporate Eric's

    comments. A continuing difficult issue that also needed to be addressed re the Vogtle


    I would like to talk to Will Grant about his take on Eric's comments on this issue; in

    Does anyone want to join me for this discussion? I would like to have it today/tomorrow

    before Jean leaves for a week; I am gone Friday and next Monday.

    Thanks, Janet

    Janet Z. Barsy


    Office of the Assistant General Counsel for

    Labor and Pension Law

    phone: 202.586.3429

    Janet Barsy GPC Correspondence 15

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    Oxman. Elliot

    Barsy. Jane tRE: Att ac hed F li es f or 2 011- 00540Mon da y, Marc h 2 8, 2 011 4 :3 2: 1 3 PM

    Janet I w ill w ait until you send m e your com pletedreview w ith comments so that I don't end up trying

    to d up lic ate y ou r wo rk .

    - -- --Or ig ina l Message -- -- -F rom: Ba rsy, J an etS ent: M onday, M arch 28, 2011 2:35 PMTo: Oxman, E lliotSub je ct: F IN : A tta ch ed F ile s fo r 2 011-00540

    FY I-- I have m ade comments on th is I w ill send shortly -- I am just trying to confirm that thede scrip tio n o f th e DOE loa n comm itm ents re th e Vog tle p lan ts is still v alid.

    J an et Z . B ars yAttorney-AdviserO f fic e o f th e Ass is ta nt Gen era l C ou ns el fo rIn te rn atio na l a nd Na tio na l S ec urity P ro g rams U .S . De pa rtme nt o f E n erg y

    phone : 202.586 .3429

    - -- --Or ig ina l Message -- -- -F rom : C la rk , D ia naS ent: Friday, M arch 25 , 2011 5 :04 PMTo: B ars y, J an et; Oxman , E llio tSubje ct: F IN : A tta ch ed F ile s fo r 2 011-00540

    For y ou r re view, fo r GC -1 c on cu rre nce .

    - -- --Or ig ina l Message -- -- -

    F rom : K irk la nd , J an na (CONTR)S ent: F riday, M arch 25 , 2011 4:31 PMTo: GC Concur re nc e Ac tio nsCc: C la rk , D i an a; Se lJ en , J oann a (CONTR)Subje ct: A tta ch ed F ile s fo r 2 011-00540

    Good Afternoon ,

    T he fo llowin g d oc uments re qu ire c on cu rre nc e from Gc.

    Many thanks !


    J an et B arsy GPC Corre sp on de nc e 1 6

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence



    Date :

    S tu ck y. J ea n

    H arris. S co tt B la ke ; B ars y. Ja ne t

    C ad ie ux . G en a

    Re: Bul ld ing Trades speechThursda y, A pril 15, 201 03 :51 :34 PM

    Janet and I have talked briefly about this and would appreciate seeing a draft of the speech. Neither ofus are sure whether there is a Vogtle. already and, If so, whether it is public information. If it ispublic, I would think we would want to include it.


    ----- Original Message -----From: Harris, Scott BlakeTo: Barsy, Janet; Stucky, JeanSent: Thu Apr 15 15:35:27 2010Subject: Fw: Building Trades speech

    ----- Original Message -----From: Barr, NathanTo: Harris, Scott BlakeCc: Gallegos, Sky; Scharf, KatieSent: Thu Apr 15 15:22:342010Subject: Building Trades speech

    Scott --

    bS Anything your shop wants us to be aware of as we craft.speech to the Building Trades union on


    I understand we have a new!! with Vogtle and ongoing agreements with them at Savannah Riverand Oak Ridge. I know we i a lot of Davis Bacon work for the weatherization program, although Idon't think we need to mention it in the speech.

    What else?

    Maybe there's nothing, but I just wanted to check in with you.


    Ja ne t B arsy GPC Corre sp on de nce 1 7

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence



    HQ[[l s. Scot t BlakeOConnor. Rod; Roge rs , Ma tt ; R ic ha rd son, Su sa n; Ba rs y.JanetSilver,Jonathan; Stucky, J ea n; O"ConnoL Thom as (G C)RE: d av is BaconMonda y, De cembe r 2 1, 20 09 11 :2 7:3 8 AM

    We have definitive guidance on what the Jaw is, and will have to decide Jaterwhich option to choose.

    The advice is as follows:


    From: OConno r, R odSent: Mon 12/21/2009 11:23 AMTo: Rog ers , Matt; R ic ha rd so n, S us an ; H arris , S co tt B la ke ; B ars y, J an etC c: S ilv er, J on ath an ; S tu ck y, J ea n; O 'Con no r, T homas (GC)Subject: RE : d a vis B ac on

    Matt-H ave you heard back from Seth? M elissa has called m e about this tw ice over the w eekend. As youindicated, P eter w ants to understand the path forw ard b efore they w ill do anything m ore on this.

    - -- --Or ig lnaJ Message-- -- -F rom : Rog ers , MattS ent: T hursday, D ecem ber 17, 2009 10:09 AMTo: R ic ha rd so n, S us an ; H arris , S co tt B la ke ; B ars y, J an etC c: S ilv er, J on ath an ; S tu ckYI J ea n; O 'Con no r, T homas (GC); OConno r, R odS ub je ct: RE : d a vis B ac on


    Jane l B arsy G PC C orre spond ence 1 8

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    Matt Roge rs

    S enior A dviso r to th e S ecreta ry of E nerg y for R eco very A ct Im plem entatio n US Departm ent of E nerg y1 00 0 In de pe nd en ce Ave nu e, 7 th F lo or Wa sh in gto n, DC 205 85


    202 5 86 1989-----Orig lnal Message-----F rom: R icha rd son, Su sanS ent: T hursday, D ecember 1 7, 20 09 10:07 AMTo: Harris, S co tt B la ke ; B arsy, Ja ne tC c: R og ers , Matt; S ilv er, J on ath an ; S tu ck y, J ea n; O 'C on no r, T homa s (GC )Sub je ct: RE : d a vis B ac on

    I am happy to do that - but I think that is m att's call, since he initiated the contact.- -- --Orig inal Message-----F rom: Ha rr is , Scott B la keS ent: T hursday, D ecembe r 17, 2009 9:5 6 AMTo: R icha rd son, Su san; Barsy, J an etC c: R og ers , Matt; S ilv er, Jo na th an ; S tu ck y, Je an ; O 'C on no r, T homa s (GC )Sub je ct: RE : d a vis B ac on


    Scott B lake Harr isGenera l Counse lUn ite d S ta te s De pa rtmen t o f E n erg y1 00 0 In de pe nd en ce Ave nu e, SW

    Wash ing to n, DC 20585(202) 586-5281

    -----Orig inal Message-----F rom: R icha rd son, Sus anS ent: T hursday, D ecembe r 17, 2009 9:5 5 AMTo: B ars y, Ja ne tC c: R og ers , Matt; S ilv er, J on ath an ; S tu ck y, Je an ; O 'C on no r, T homa s (GC ); Harris, S co tt B la keSubje ct: d av is Bacon

    I just h ad a voice m essag e from N aom i Walker saying th at the people w ho called m e last nig ht and thepeople from the Wag e and H our division w ho advised DOE last summer are m eeting this m orning andin ten d to g et b ack to us w ith a compreh ensive position b y m id-da y.

    Susan S RichardsonCh ie f Counsel, Lo an Gua ranty P rog ramU .S . De pa rtmen t o f E ne rg yPhone: 202/586-2283

    J an et B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nce 1 9

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence







    Cestarj. K@nethQ "COOOO[. T homa s (G C)

    Ba r sy. J an et

    RE: DBA p rov is io n s I n l oa n/ lo an gu ar an te e c lo si ng do cumen tsTue sd ay, Mar ch 0 9, 2 01 09 :5 0: 10 AM

    Tom - Very helpful. Thank you very m uch. Ken

    Kenneth C . Ce sta riAttorney Adv isorLo an Guarante e P rog ramU .S . D ep artm ent of E nerg yRoom 4B-1221 00 0 In de pe nd en ce Ave nu e SWWashin gto n, DC 205 85Tel - 2 02 .2 87 .5 523Mob il e - 202.306 [email protected]

    -----Orig inal Message-----F rom : O 'C on no r, T homas (GC )S ent: M onday, M arch 08, 20107:20 PMTo: Ce sta ri, Kenn ethCc: Barsy, J an etS ub je ct: RE :


    L et m e k now if you h av e an y ad ditio nal q uestio ns.Tom

    Ja ne t B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nce 2 0

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    - -- --Orig ina l Message-- -- -F rom: Cesta ri, KennethS ent: M onday, M arch 08, 2010 4:35 PMTo: O 'C onn or, T homas (GC)Cc: Ce sta ri, KennethS ub je ct: RE :


    Kenneth C . Ce sta riA ttorney Adv iso rLoan Guarante e P rog ramU .S . D epa rtm en t o f E ne rg yRoom 4B-122

    1 00 0 In de pe nd en ce Ave nue SWWash in gto n, DC 20585Tel - 202 .287 .5523Mobile - 202 ,306 ,7889Kenneth, Cestari@hq,doe,gov

    - -- --Orig ina l Message-- -- -F rom: O 'C on no r, T homa s (GC)S ent: Wednesday, M arch 03, 2010 10:00 AMTo: Cestarl, KennethCc:

    b5 Subject:



    Ja ne t B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nce 2 1

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    Thomas D. O'ConnorAttorney-Advis e r (Labor)U .S . D epa rtm ent o f E nerg y(202) 586-6952thomas [email protected]

    Ja ne t B arsy GPC Corre sp on de nce 2 2

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    O "C on no r. T ho ma s (G C)

    Bar sy. J an et

    RE: GC-63ProjectsTues day , Ju ly 27, 2010 6:46:31 PM

    b5Only other item that I would add is that today, the LGPOasked that we

    I advised Ken Cestari that I will draft a_ before I go on vacation for his review but

    that we should wait for Jean's return to send to DOL if possible, since she primarilycoordinated with DOL on this matter. I asked if there was a more pressing deadline before

    her return. I await that response.

    From: Barsy, JanetSent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 3:30 PMTo: O 'C on no r! T homa s (GC); A uman , E vaCc: Pulaski,KatieSubject: GC-63 Projects

    ile: Projects.July27 ..docx

    Attached is the list I intend to use for tomorrow's GC-63 10 a.m. staff meeting - pis

    review/update/edit etc.

    Pis see specific questions in bold. Thanks

    Ja ne l B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nce 2 3

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  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    """""Orig inal Message"""--F rom: Har ris , Sco tt B la keS en t: T hursday, D ecemb er 17, 2 0092:03 PMTo: Stucky,J ea n; E g g er, MaryCc: Barsy, O 'Connor ThomasSub je ct: RE :


    Jean has said that Tim Helm of DOL has indicated that he w ants to talk to her; I assum e it is about thismatter.


    Am I co rre ct?


    Scot t B lake Harr isGenera l Counse lUn ite d S ta te s De pa rtmen t o f E n erg y1 00 0 In de pe nd en ce Ave nu e, SWWashingtont DC 205 85(202) 586-5281


    -""""Orig ina l Message""-"-

    From: Stucky,JeanSent: Thu rsday, Decembe r17t 2009 1:59 PMTo: H arris, S cott B lak e; E g ger, M aryCc: Barsy, O 'ConnorSub je ct: Fw :


    " "-" - Or ig in al Mess ag e - "- -"F rom: S tu cky, J eanTo: B arsv, Ja ne t; O 'C on no r, T homa s (GC ); R ich ard so n, S usa nS en t: T huSubject:5


    -- "- - Or ig in al Mess ag e " -" "-F rom: le pp in k, Nancy - WHD < lepp in [email protected] ov>To: R og erst Ma tt; S tu cky, J eanC c: Helm , T imoth y" WHO ; Mark eY t Tom" WHO ;R ee s, J on ath an " SOL ; McKeo n, J oh n L - WHD ;Wa lk er t Naomi" OSEC Sent: Dec 17 13:10:28

    b5 Subject:

    J an et 8 ars y GPC Corre sp on de nc e 2 5

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    Dea r M r. R og ers a nd M s. S tu cky:


    WHD h as re viewe d th e a pp lica ble re gu la tio ns a nd d ete rm in ed th at w hen fe de ra l fu ndin g o r as sls ta nce ,provided under a statute that requires paym ent of w ag es determ ined in accordance w ith the D avis-Bacon A ct, is approved sub sequent to the contract aw ard, the follow ing process applies and needs to befollowed:

    1) The a ge ncy a pp ro vin g th e fe de ra l fu nd ing o r a ssistan ce sh ou ld re qu est a w ag e d eterm ina tio n p rio r toth e a pp ro va l o f th e fe dera l fu nd in g o r a ssista nce ;

    2) U pon receipt of the request for a w ag e determ ination, the A dm inistrator should issue a w ag edeterm ination b ased upon the w ag es and fring e b enefits found tobe prevailing on the date of aw ard;an d

    3) The w ag e de te rm in atio n issu ed b y th e A dm in istra to r sh ou ld th en b e in co rp ora te d in to th e co ntra ctsp ecifica tio ns retro active ly to th e d ate of awa rd , un le ss th e fo llowin g re qu est is m ad e a nd a pp ro ve d.

    T he ag ency approving the federal funding or assistance m ay m ake a request in an individuale a s e l thatthe A dm inistrator issue a w ag e determ ination to b e effective on the date of the approval of federalfu nd s o r a ss ista nce . Whe n c on sid erin g su ch a re qu es t th e A dm in istra to r m us t co nsid er w he th er it isnecessary and proper and is in the pub lic interest to prevent injustice or undo hardship to g rant therequest and there is no evidence of intent to apply for federal funding or assistance prior to aw ardingthe contract. 29 C FR sub title A 1 .7 (g ).

    Please let m e know if you need any additional assistance from the Wag e and H our D ivision reg ardingthis matte r.


    Nancy J. Leppink

    D ep uty A dm in istra to r - WHD


    The a tta ch ed in fo rma tio n may b e c on fid en tia l.It is in te nd ed o nly fo r th e a dd re ss ee (s ) id en tifie d a bo ve .If you are not the addressee(s), or an em ployee or ag ent of the addressee(s), please note that anyd issemin atio n, d is trib utio n o r co pyin g o f this communica tio n is strictly p ro hib ite d. If yo u h av e re ce ive dth is communica tio n in e rro r, p lea se d etro y an d/o r p erm an en tly de le te the in fo rm atio n a nd n otify th esender of the error. T hank you.

    Ja ne t B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nce 2 6

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    R ic ha rd s on . SUS9 n

    Barsv. JanetRE:Fri da y, De cember 18 , 2 009 11: 58 :0 7 AM

    Janet. can we do it immediately? I need to do some errands, but will wait if necessary. I could alsodo 4:30, but need to leave by 5:30 at latest

    -----Original Message-----From: Barsv, JanetSent: December 18, 2009 11:46 AMTo: SusanSubject: FW :Importance:


    myway call with DOL ASAP

    to understand what they are saying re the "Vogle" deal (I always thought it was Georgia Power).

    Jean has a meeting out of the building 2-4:30. What is your availability before then? And anyone elseyou think should be on another call with DOL.

    -----Original Message-----From: Harris, Scott BlakeSent: Frldav, December 18, 2009 11:21 AMTo: Barsy, JanetCc: Eggerl MSubject: RE:



    Scott Blake HarrisGeneral CounselUnited States Department of Energy1000 Independence Avenue, SWWashington, DC 20585(202) 586-5281

    -----Original Message-----From: Barsy, JanetSent: Thursday, December 17, 20092:54 PMTo: Harris, Scott BlakeCc: Egger,Subject: RE:S

    This is what Tom and I think DOL is saying:


    Ja ne t B arsy GPC Corre sp on de nce 2 7

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    - --- - Or ig in al Mess ag e -- ---F rom: S tu cky, J eanTo: B ars y, Ja ne t; O 'C on no r, T homa s (GC); R ic ha rd so n, S us anSent: Thu D ec17 13:54: 16 2009Sub je ct: Fw:


    Jean has said that Tim Helm of DOL has indicated that he w ants to talk to her; I assum e it is ab out thismatter.

    - -- --Orig inal Message-----F rom: Har ris , Scott B la keSent: Thu rsday, December17, 2009 2:03 PMTo: S tuck y, Jea n; E g ge r, M aryCc : Ba rsy,S ub je ct: RE :


    Am I co rre ct?


    Scot t B lake Harr isGene ra l Counse lUn ite d S ta te s De pa rtmen t o f E n erg y1000 In depend en ce Avenue , SWWashin gto n, DC20585(202) 586-5281

    -----Orig inal Message-----

    F rom: S tu cky, J eanSent: Thu rsday, December17, 2009 1:59 PMTo: H arris, S cott B la ke ; E g ger, M aryCc: Bar sy,S ub je ct: Fw :5



    - --- - Or ig in al Mess ag e -- ---F rom: Lepp in k, Nancy - WHD To: Rog ers, Matt; S tu ck y, Je anC c: Helm , T imoth y - WHO ; Mark ey, Tom - WHD ;R ee s, J on ath an - SOL ; McKeo n, Jo hn L - WHD ;Wa lk er, Naomi - OSEC Sent:

    b5 Subject:

    Janet Barsy GPC Correspondence 28

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    Dea r M r. R og ers a nd M s. S tu cky:


    WHD h as rev iewe d the a pp lica ble re gula tio ns a nd d ete rm in ed th at w he n fe de ral fu nd ing o r as sis ta nce,p rov id ed u nd er a sta tu te tha t req uire s p aym en t of w ag es de term in ed in a cco rd ance w ith th e D avis-B aco n A ct, is a pp ro ve d su bs eq ue nt to th e con tra ct awa rd , the followin g p ro ce ss a pplie s a nd n eed s to b efollowed:

    1 ) T he a ge ncy a pp rovin g the fe de ra l fu nd in g o r a ssistan ce sh ou ld re qu est a w ag e d ete rm in ation p rio r toth e ap pro va l o f th e fed era l fu nd ing o r as sis ta nce;

    2) U pon receipt of the request for a w ag e determ ination, the A dm inistrator should issue a w ag edeterm ination b ased upon the w ag es and fring e b enefits found to b e prevailing on the date of aw ard;and

    3 ) T he w ag e d ete rm ina tio n issu ed b y th e A dm in istra to r sho uld th en b e in co rp ora ted in to th e co ntra ctsp ec ifica tio ns re tro active ly to th e d ate o f awa rd , un le ss th e fo llowin g re qu est is m ad e a nd a pp ro ve d.

    The ag ency approving the federal funding or assistance m ay m ake a request in an individual case, thatthe A dm inistrator issue a w ag e determ ination to b e effective on the date of the approval of federalfu nd s o r a ssista nce . Whe n co nside rin g su ch a req ue st th e A dm in istra to r m ust co nsid er w he th er it isnecessary and proper and is in the pub lic interest to prevent Injustice or undo hardship to g rant therequest and there is no evidence of intent to apply for federal funding or assistance prior to aw ardingthe contract. 29 C FR sub title A 1 .7 (g ).

    Please let m e know if you need any additional assistance from the Wag e and H our D ivision reg ardingthi s matte r.


    Nancy J. Leppink

    D epu ty Adm in is tra to r - WHD


    The a tta ch ed in fo rma tio n may b e c on fid en tia l.It Is in te nd ed o nly fo r th e a dd re ss ee (s ) id en tifie d a bo ve .If you are not the addressee(s), or an em ployee or ag ent of the addressee(s), please note that anyd is sem in atio n, d is trib utio n o r c op yin g o f th is c ommun ic atio n is s tric tly p ro hib ite d. If y ou h av e re ce iv edthis commun ic atio n in e rro r, p lea se d etro y an d/o r p erm an en tly d ele te the in fo rm atio n a nd n otify th esender of the error. Thank you.

    Ja ne t B arsy GPC Corre sp on de nce 2 9

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    -----Orig inal Message-----F rom: R icha rd son, Su sanS ent: F rida y, D ecember 18, 2009 4 :27 PMTo: Harris , S co tt B la keCc: Cestari ,S ub je ct: FW:


    Cc :

    Ha rr is , S co tt B la ke

    R ic ha rd so n , S u sa nC es ta ri . K en ne th ; B ars y, J an et; S ilv er , J on ath an ;Frantz, D avid; K u, R uthRE :


    Date: F ri da y, De cemb er 1 8, 2 00 9 4 :2 9:1 4 PMb5 Subject:

    Than ks fo r p utting tog eth er such a cog en t exp lanation of b oth th e sub stantive la w an d th e app licab leprocedures.


    Scot t B lake Harr isGene ra l Counse lUn ite d S ta te s De pa rtmen t o f E n erg y1 00 0 In de pe nd en ce Ave nu e, SWWash ing to n, DC 20585(202) 586-5281


    Ja net k indly arra ng ed an op portu nity to day to spea k ag ain w ith DOL , to clarify th e


    - --- - Or ig in al Mess ag e -- ---F rom: Lepp in k, Nancy - WHO To: Rog ers, Matt; S tu ck y, Je anC c: Helm , T imoth y - WHO : Mark ey, Tom - WHO ;

    J an et Bar sy GPC Corre sp on de nc e 3 0

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    Ree s, J on ath an - SOL ; McKeo n, J oh n L - WHD ;Wa lk er, Naomi - OSEe Sent: Thu :282009

    bS Subject:

    D e ar M r. R og ers a nd M s. S tuck y:


    WHD has re viewed th e a pp lic ab le re gu la tio ns a nd d ete rm in ed th at wh en fe de ra l fu nd in g o r a ss ista nc e,prov id ed u nd er a statute th at req uires pa ym en t o f w ag es d ete rm in ed in accorda nce w ith th e D av is-B aco n A ct, is ap prov ed su bseq ue nt to th e co ntra ct a wa rd , th e fo llow ing p ro ce ss ap plie s a nd ne eds to b efollowed:

    1 ) T he a ge nc y a pp ro vin g th e fe de ra l fu nd in g o r a ss ista nc e s ho uld re qu es t a wag e d ete rm in atio n p rio r toth e a pp ro va l o f th e fe de ra l fu nd in g o r a ssis ta nce ;

    2) U po n re ceip t o f th e re qu est for a w ag e d ete rm in ation , th e Adm inistra tor sh ould issue a w ag ede term ina tion b ased up on th e w ag es a nd frin ge b ene fits fou nd to b e prev ailing on th e d ate o f award;an d

    3 ) T he w ag e d ete rm in ation issue d b y th e Adm in istra tor sh ould th en b e Inco rp orated in to th e con tracts pe cific atio ns re tro ac tiv ely to th e d ate o f awa rd , u nle ss th e fo llowin g re qu es t is ma de a nd a pp ro ve d.

    T he ag en cy a pprov ing th e fed eral fun din g or assista nce m ay mak e a req ue st in an in div id ua l case, th atth e Adm inistra tor issu e a w ag e d ete rm in ation to b e e ffe ctiv e o n th e da te o f th e ap prov al of fed eralfu nd s o r a ss ista nc e. Wh en co ns id erin g s uc h a re qu es t th e Adm in is tra to r mus t c on sid er wh eth er it is

    n ece ssa ry an d p ro per an d is in th e pu blic inte re st to prev en t inju stice o r u nd o h ard sh ip to g ra nt th ereq ue st a nd th ere is n o ev id en ce of inten t to a pp ly fo r fe de ra l fun din g o r a ssistan ce prior to awa rd ingth e contract. 29 C FR s ub title A 1 .7 (g) .

    P le ase let m e k now if you n ee d an y ad ditio na l a ssistan ce from th e Wag e a nd Hour D iv isio n re ga rd ingthi s ma tt er.


    Nancy J . Lepp in k

    De pu ty Adm in is tra to r - WHD


    The a tta ch ed in fo rma tio n may be con fid en tia l.It is in te nd ed only fo r th e add re ss ee (s ) id en tifie d abov e.I f you a re no t th e ad dressee (s), or an emplo ye e or ag en t o f th e a dd re sse e(s), ple ase n ote th at an y

    J an el B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nc e 3 1

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    d is semin atio n, d is trib utio n o r c op yin g o f th is c ommun ica tio n is s tric tly p ro hib ite d. If y ou h av e re ce iv edth is communic atio n in e rro r, p le as e d etro y a nd /o r p erman en tly d ele te th e in fo rma tio n a nd n otify th ese nd er o f th e erro r. T han k yo u.

    Janet Barsy GPC Correspondence 32

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence




    E g ge r, M ar y

    Bar sy, J an et

    RE; 5-2 Debriefingfriday, December lB , 2009 12:46:47 PM


    S cott did not g o to the b riefing , E ric did in his stead, and then asked m e to attend w ith h im .

    -----Orig ina l Message-----F rom: Ba rsy, J an etS en t: F rid ay, D e cemb er 1 8, 2 009 1 2:2 5 PMTo: E g ger, M arySub je ct: S -2 Deb rie fin g


    S orry I had to leave. Scott sent m e an e-m ail --Pow er deal. I told h im that

    R e t he S -2 deb riefing , do lfJean have any action item s?

    It certainly w ould h ave b een g ood to have Jean at th e b riefing / b ut I th oug ht S cott w as th e only law yerw ho could/w ould attend -- I'm g lad that you w ere able to g o.

    J ane t Ba rsy GPe Corr espondence 33

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    In Consultation with Department of Labor

    Ja ne t B arsy GPC Corre sp on de nce 3 4

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence





    Stucky, JeanCad ieux, GenaEgge r, Ma ry ; B9 rs v, J an e t: Q"Connor , Thoma s (GO; Ric ha rd son , Su sa n ; Ce st ar i, Kenn e thRE : URGENT: P le as e c on fi rm y ou "r e o k w ith c ha ng e s s hown ( now h ug e )Mon da y, M ay 2 4, 2 01 04 :0 1:3 0 PM


    -----Orig inal Message-----F rom: Cadie ux / Gen aSent: M onday, M ay 24, 2010 3:45 PMTo: S tu ck y, Je anC c: E g g er, Mary ; B arsy, J an et; O 'C on no r, T homa s (GC); R ic ha rd so n, S us anS ub ject: R E :URGENT: P lea se confirm yo u're ok w ith ch ang es sh own (now h ug e)


    -----Orig inal Message-----F rom: S tu cky, J eanS ent: M ondaY JMay 24, 2010 2:5 0 PMTo: C ad ie ux , Gen aC c: E g g erJ Mary ; Cest ar l, Kenne th ;sarsv,J an et; O 'C on no r, T homa s (GC )S ub ject: FW: URGENT: P lease co nfirm you 're ok w ith ch ang es sh own (now h ug e)Importa nc e: H igh

    We have m odified the m em o in response to your questions. If you're ok w ith these, w e'd like to sendthe m em o to S cott,

    - -- --Orig inal Message-----F rom: S tu cky, J eanS en t: M ond ay, M ay2 4 1 2010 2:44 PMTo: Ce sta ri, Kenn ethS ub je ct: URGENT: P lease confirm you're ok w ith ch ang es sh own (now h ug e)Impor ta nc e: H igh


    Ja ne t B arsy GPC Corre sp on de nce 3 5

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  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    From:T o :


    E g ge r. M ary

    StuckY, Jean: Barsy, Janet ; O"Coooor, Thomas (GC)Auman, EvaR E: Vog Ue -- last, best and final version for this evening

    Tuesday, May 18, 20108:35:40 AM

    Vog U e DOL M ay1 7 ruh e e cx

    With a tta chmen t th is tim e

    - -- --Or ig ina l Message -- -- -F rom: E g g er, M aryS ent: Tuesday, M ay 18, 20108:35 AMTo: S tu ck y, J ea n; B ars y, J an et; O 'C on no r, T homas (GC )C c: Auman , E v aS ub je ct: R E :Vo gtle -- la st, b est a nd fin al v ersion for th is e ve nin g

    H ere are m y edits. I "accepted" all ch ang es in the version th at Jean sent, so m y ch ang es areh ig hlig hte d. View th ese as su gg estio ns, sin ce I k now little a bou t th is a re a.

    - -- --Or ig ina l Message -- -- -F rom: S tu cky, J eanS en t: Mon daYI May1 7 1 2010 11:38 PMTo: E g g er, M ary; B arsy, Jan et; O 'C on no r, T hom as (GC)C c: Auman, E vaS ub ject: Vog tle -- la st, b est an d fina l v ersion fo r th is e ven in gImporta nc e: H igh

    Would appreciate comm ents as soon as possib le tom orrow m orning , I w as not expecting to have tow ork on th is over th e w eekend, so I didn't h ave th e statute or oth er m aterials I w ould h ave liked w ithm e. Th ere are a few questions th at I couldn't answ er w ith out th em , b ut I th ink w e're close to th ere.

    Ja ne t B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nce 3 7

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    S tu ck y, J ea n

    8 ar sy , J an et

    RE :Vog tle _Monday, May 24, 20109:59:35 AM

    Thanks, Janet

    -----Original Message-----From: Barsy, JanetSent Monday, May 24, 2010 9:44 AMTo: Stucky, Jean; Cestari , Kenneth; O'Connor, Thomas (GC)Cc: Cadieux, Gena; SusanSubject RE: Vogtle --


    Janet Z, BarsyAttorney-AdviserOffice of the Assistant General Counsel forLabor and Pension Law

    phone: 202.586.3429

    -----Original Message-----From: Stucky, JeanSent: Monday, May 24, 2010 9:22 AMTo: Cestari , Kenneth; Barsy, Janet; O'Connor, Thomas (GC)Cc: Cadieux, Gena; Susan

    Subject: FW: Vogtle --Importance: High

    Ken -- See Gena's first reement on the Term

    (Gena -- thanks!)

    -----Original Message-----From: Cadieux, GenaSent Saturday, May 22, 2010 5:00 PMTo: Stucky, Jean; Egger, MaryCc: Richardson, Susan~onnor, Thomas (GC)

    b5 Subject: RE: Vogtle --..._..

    Overall, this is pretty dear. I had a couple comments that should be able to be resolved quickly.

    Janet Barsy GPC Correspondence 38

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence



    -----Original Message-----From: Stucky, JeanSent: Friday, May 21, 2010 7:31 PMTo: Egger, Mary; Cadieux, GenaCc: Richardson, Susan' Cestari Kenneth' 8arsy, Janet; O'Connor, Thomas (GC)Subject: RE: Vogtle --Importance: High

    I caught and have corrected a couple of confusing typos -- use this version, please,

    -----Original Message-----From: Stucky, JeanSent: Friday, May 21, 2010 6:51 PMTo: Egger, Mary; Cadieux, GenaCc: Richardson, Susan' Kenneth; 8arsy, Janet; O'Connor, Thomas (GC)

    b5 Subject: Vogtle --Importance: High


    Ja ne t B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nce 3 9

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    From:To:Cc :Subject:Date:

    Ce st ar i. K e nn et h

    R ichardson. S usani Barsy. Janeti S tucky, Jeani O "C onno r. Thom as (G C)

    Ca di eu x. G e na

    RE: Vog t le - -b5Monday, May 24, 2010 10:06:36 AM

    Tha t is my re co lle ctio n a s well.

    Kenn eth C . Ce sta riLoan Guaran tee Prog ramU .S . D epa rtm ent of E nerg y1 00 0 In de pe nd en ce Ave nu e SWWash in gto n/ DC 205 85Offi ce - 202.287.5523Mob il e - 202.306 [email protected]:Uwww.lgprogram,energy.Qov

    -----Orig inal Message-----F rom: R icha rd son/ Su sanS ent: M onday/ M ay 24/ 2010 10:03 AMTo: B ars y, Ja ne t; S tu ck y/ J ea n; C es ta rl, K en ne th ; O 'C on no r/ T homa s (GC)Cc: Cadie ux , Gena

    b5 S ub ject: R E :Vog tle --

    That Is m y m em ory

    -----Orig inal Message-----F rom: Bar sy, J an etS ent: M onday, M ay 24, 20109:44 AMTo: S tu ck y/ Je an ;cestarl, Ken ne th ; O 'C on no r, T homa s (GC )Cc: Cadieux, G ena; Susan

    S ub ject: R E :Vog tle --5



    Ja ne t Z . B arsyAttorney-AdviserO ffice o f th e Assis ta nt Gen era l C ou ns el fo rL ab or and P en sion L aw

    phone: 202 .586 .3429


    -----Orig inal Message-----F rom: S tu cky/ J eanS ent: M onday/ M ay 24/ 2010 9:22 AMTo: Ce sta rl, Kenn eth ;sarsv,J an et; O 'Connor, Thomas (GC)Cc: Cadie ux , Gena ;S ub ject: FW: Vog tle --Importa nc e: H igh

    K en -- S ee G ena's first question. M y recollection is that in g oing b ack and forth w ith G PC trying to com e

    Ja ne t B arsy GPC Corre sp on de nce 4 0

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    - -- --Or ig ina l Message -- -- -F rom : S tu ck y, J ea nS ent: F riday, M ay 21, 2010 7:31 PMTo: E g g er, M ary; C adie ux, G en aCc: Richardson ,

    b5 S ub je ct: R E :Vo gtle --Importa nc e: H igh

    . B ars y, J an et; O 'C on no r, T homas (GC )



    (Gena - - th ank s!)

    - -- --Or ig ina l Message -- -- -F rom: Cadie ux , GenaS ent: S aturday, M ay 22, 20105:00 PMTo: S tuck y, Jea n; E g g er, M aryCc: R ichardson, Susan~onnor, Thomas (GC)

    b5 Sub je ct: RE :V o gtle --~

    O verall, th is is pretty clear. I had a couple comm ents th at sh ould b e ab le to b e resolved quickly.

    I ca ug ht a nd h av e co rre cte d a cou ple o f co nfusin g typ os -- use th is v ersion , p le ase .


    -----Orig ina l Message-----F rom : S tu ck y, J ea nS ent: Friday, M ay 21, 2010 6:5 1 PMTo: E g g er, M ary; C ad ieu x, G en a

    C c: R ich ardso n, S usa . C esta K en ne th ; B arsy, Jan et; O 'C onn or, T hom as (GC)Sub je ct: Vo g tle --Impor ta nc e: H igh

    reed on the attached draft of ato the Vog tle project. P eris to S cott in draft for his


    Ja ne t B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nce 4 1

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence




    O "C on no r. T ho ma s fG C)

    Barsy, Janeti Stucky, Jean

    RE :Vo g tle DOL May1 7Mon da y, M ay 1 7, 2 01 0 3 :2 7:0 6 PM

    Jean, I have comments and we can discuss or I can send them after our 3:30.


    From: Barsy, JanetSent: Monday, May 17, 20102:48 PMTo: Stucky, JeanCc: O'Connor, Thomas (GC)Subject: FW : Vogtle DOL May17Importance: High

    Jean - Per Scott's request to you, probably best to work with this.

    Janet Z , Barsy


    Office of the Assistant General Counsel for

    Labor and Pension Law

    phone: 202.586.3429

    From: Cestari, KennethSent: Monday, May 17, 20102:44 PMTo: Barsy, JanetCc: Cestari, Kenneth; Stucky, Jean; O'Connor, Thomas (GC)Subject: Vogtle DOL May17

    Attached are my comments (in track changes)

    Ja ne t B arsy GPC Corre sp on de nce 4 2

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    b5th e issue of whe th er w e sh ould

    to look at som e cases


    O"Coon9[ . Thomas(Ge)Barsy, Jane t; S tucky. JeanRE : Vog tl e DOL May18 re sp on se s to mh e e dl ts .d oo :Wednesday, May 19,2010 12 :19 :55 PM


    -----Orig inal Message-----F rom: Barsy, J an etS ent: Wednesday, M ay 19, 2010 12: 18 PMTo: O 'C on no r, T homa s (GC ); S tu ck y, J ea nSub je ct: RE :Vo g tle DOL May18 re sp on se s to mh e e dlts.d oc x

    I don't know if M ary w ill w ant to read this version, but she should be offered the opportunity to do so.

    Ja ne t Z . B ars yAttorney-AdviserO ffice o f th e Ass ista nt Gen era l C ou ns el fo rL ab or and P ensio n L aw

    phone: 202 .586 .3429

    -----Orig inal Message-----F rom: O 'C on no r, T homa s (GC)S ent: Wednesday, M ay 19, 2010 12:15 PMTo: S tu ck y, J ea n; B ars y, J an etS ub ject: FW: Vog tle DOL May18 responses to mhe e dits.docx

    I have revised and am reading it a last tim e, should b e done w ithin 20-25 m inutes, I ag ree this shouldg o to S cott then DOL A SA P.

    -----Orig inal Message-----F rom: Ces ta ri, Kenn ethS ent: Tuesday, M ay 18, 2010 10:42 PMTo: B ars y, Ja ne t; O 'C on no r, T homa s (GC); S tu ck y, Je anCc : Cest ar i, Kenne thSub je ct: Vo gtle DOL May1 8 re sp on se s to mh e e dits.d oc x

    To A ll - A ttached are m y m inor revisions and comments to th e draft distrib uted b y Jean this evening .Ken

    Ja ne t B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nce 4 3

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    From:To :Subject:Date:

    S tu ck y, J ea n

    C esta ri. K en ne th , B ars y, J an et

    RE, v o c n eL ette rjWh o S ig nsF rid ay, M ay 2 1,2 01 0 1 1;3 2:1 2 AM

    We're sending in draft to start.

    From: Cestar i, KennethSent: F riday, M ay 21, 2010 10:54 AMTo: Bars y, J an et; S tu cky, J eanSubject: RE :Vog tle L ette r/Who S ig ns

    Lets discuss these issues when Jean returns.

    Kenneth C. CestariLoan Guarantee ProgramU,S. Department of Energy1000 Independence Avenue SVVWashington, DC 20585Office - 202.287.5523

    Mobile - 202.306.7889Kenneth.Cestari@hq,doe,gov


    From: Barsy, J ane t

    Sent:F riday, M ay 21, 2010 10:52 AM

    To: Cesta ri, Kenneth ; S tu cky, J eanSubject: RE :Vog tle L ette r/Who S ig ns

    Then this will take forever to get to DOl. I have been thinking maybe we should send as a


    Janet Z, Barsy


    Office of the Assistant General Counsel for

    Labor and Pension law

    phone: 202.586.3429

    From: Cestar i, Kenne thSent: F riday, M ay 21, 2010 10:50 AMTo: Bars y, J an et; S tu cky, J eanSubject: RE :Vog tle L ette r/Who S ig ns

    J an et B ars y GPC Cor re sp on de nc e 4 4

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    Labor and Pension Law

    Kenneth C. CestariLoan Guarantee ProgramU.S. Department of Energy1000 Independence Avenue SVVWashington, DC 20585Office - 202.287.5523

    Mobite - 202.306.7889Kenneth. [email protected]

    From: Barsy, J ane tSent: F riday, M ay 21, 2 010 10:03 AMTo: S tu cky, J ean; Ce sta rl, Kenne thSubject: Vogtle L ette r/Who S ig ns



    Ken - do you have a copy of/can get the delegation of authority for the LGPp rogram; e.g,

    Maybe he could sign this.


    Janet Z. Barsy


    Office of the Assistant General Counsel for

    phone: 202,586,3429

    Ja ne l B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nc e 4 5

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    From: Wh jt combe , N ic ho la sCest ar i, Kenne thO "C on no r, T hom as (G C); B arsy, J an et

    RE : Vog tle M ee tin g

    Thursday, March 25{ 2010 3:04:18 PM

    To:Cc :Subject:Date:

    Room is 4H-0 23 .

    - -- --Or ig ina l Message -- -- -F rom: Ce sta ri, Kenn ethS en t: T hu rsd ay, M arch 2 5, 2 010 3:0 1 PMTo: Wh itcombe , N ich ola sSub je ct: Fw : Vo gtle Mee tin g

    N ick - Can you answ er. Thanks. L eaving for D OE now . K en

    - -- -- Or ig in al Mess ag e - --- -F rom : O 'C on no r, T homas (GC )To: C es ta ri, K en ne th ; B ars y, J an etS en t: T hu M ar 25 1 4:5 1:0 02 010Sub je ct: RE :Vo g tle Mee tin g

    Ken,W hat is the room # for is th e O rig in atio n C onf. R oom - 4th F lo or - S outh B uild ing ?

    - -- --Or ig ina l Message- -- --F rom: Ce sta ri, Kenn ethS ent: T hursda y, M arch 25 , 2 01 02 :4 2 PMTo: B ars y, Ja ne tC c: O 'C on no r, T homas (GC )Sub je ct: R e: Vo g tle Mee tin g

    I ag ree that the m eeting can b e m uch shorter than 2.50 hours - I also b elieve that w e should b e

    fin ish ed a fter 1 h ou r- -- -- Or ig in al Mess ag e - -- --F rom: Ba rsy, J an etTo: Ce sta ri, Kenn ethC c: O 'C on no r, T homas (GC )S ent: Th u M ar 25 14:31:11 2010Subje ct: Vog tle Meetin g

    K en -- 2 and one/half hours for this m eeting seem s very long -- can 't w e do this in one hour? I don'tth ink it w ill b e helpful or appropriate to g o over th e sam e question over and over.


    Janet Z, BarsyAc ting Assi st an t General Counse lfor L ab or a nd P ensio n L aw (GC-63 )

    phone : 202.586 .3429

    J an et Ba rs y GPe Cor re sp on de nc e 4 6

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    From:To:ce rSubject:Date :

    C esta rt K en n e th

    Ba rs y, J an et

    Stucky, Jean

    RE: Vogtle QuestionF riday, May 21, 201010:47:59 AM

    I don't believe that we can because the Part I application was submitted on or before September 29,2008 and the Part II was submitted on or before December 19, 2008. But it shouldn't matter -


    Kenneth C. CestariLoan Guarantee ProgramU.S. Department of Energy1000 Independence Avenue SVVVVashington, DC 20585Office - 202.287.5523

    Mobile - 202.306.7889Kenneth. [email protected]

    bttp:flwww Igprogram

    From: Barsy, JanetSent: Friday, May 21, 2010 9:52 AMTo: Cestari , KennethCc: S tucky, J eanSubject: Vog tle Ques tion




    Janet Z. Barsy


    Office of the Assistant General Counsel for

    Janet Barsy GPC Correspondence 47

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    his/program review} then on to Jean and Mary.


    Janet Z. Barsy


    Office of the Assistant General Counsel for

    Labor and Pension Law

    phone: 202.586.3429

    J an et B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nc e 5 0

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence



    Harris. Scott BlakeBarsy. Ja ne tE g ge r. M ar yi Stucky. J ea n; C es ta rj. K en ne th i O "C on nO f. T ho ma s(GC)Re : Vog tl e Updat eMonday, r- Iay17, 2010 1:57:28 PM


    From: Barsy,JanetTo:. Harr ls , Scott BlakeCc: Egger,Mary; Stucky,Jean;Cestari,Kenneth;O'Connor,Thomas (GC)Sent: Mon May 17 13:53:52 2010Subject: Vogtle Update

    Scott -- Nancy Leppink/DOL has advised me that she is waiting for our e-mail/paper to

    discuss internally before a call with DOE. I just sent a draft e-mail to Ken Cestari for

    his/program review, then on to Jean and Mary.


    Janet Z. Barsy


    Office of the Assistant General Counsel for

    Labor and Pension Law

    phone: 202.586.3429

    J an et B arsy GPC Corre sp on de nc e 5 1

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    b5 I thoug ht it w as

    From:To :Cc:Subject:

    Date :

    Stucky, JeanEgger, Maryi Barsy, JanetO "CO [1 no [. T homa s ( GC )

    RE : Vog tl e Upda teMonday, May 17, 2010 5:58:15 PM

    We have ag reed to g et them som ething early tom orrow . I'm w orking on w hat Janet and Tom drafted --tryin g to ad d a po in t S cott ind icate d h e w an ted ad ded ,

    - -- --Or ig ina l Message -- -- -F rom : E g ge r, M aryS ent: M onday, M ay 17, 20105:57 PMTo: S tu ck y, J ea n; B ars y, J an etC c: O 'C on no r, T homas (GC )Sub je ct: RE :Vo g tle Up da te

    Was som eth ing put tog ether to g o to DOL?

    -----Orig ina l Message-----

    F rom: S tu ckyI

    JeanS ent: M onday, M ay 17, 20102:12 PMTo: B ars y, J an etC c: E g g erl Mary ; O 'C on no r, T homas (GC )Sub je ct: RE :Vo g tle Up da te

    F rom: Ba rsy, J an etS ent: M onday, M ay 17, 20102:11 PMTo: stu ck v, Je anC c: E g g er, M ary; O 'C on nor, T homa s (GC)

    Sub je ct: RE :Vo g tle Up da te


    Jan et Z . B arsyAttorney-AdviserO f fic e o f th e Ass is ta nt Gen era l C ou ns el fo rL ab or a nd P en sio n L aw

    phone : 202.586 .3429

    F rom: S tu cky, J eanS ent: M onday, M ay 17, 2010 2:08 PMTo: Harrls , S co tt B la keC c: E g g er, Mary ; B ars v, J an et; C esta ri, K en ne th ; O 'C on no r, T homas (GC )Sub je ct: RE :Vo g tle Up da te


    J an et B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nc e 5 2

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence



    From: Barsv, J an etSent: MondaYtM ay 17, 2010 1:54 PMTo: Harris , S co tt B la keCc: Egger t Mary ; S tu cky, J ean; Ces ta ri, Kenne th ;o'connor, Thoma s (GC )Subje ct: Vog tle Upda teImpor ta nc e: H igh

    S cott "- N ancy L epp ink/DOL h as a dvised m e th at sh e is w aitin g for our e-m ail/pap er to discuss interna llyb efore a call w ith DOE. I just sent a draft e-m ail to K en Cestari for his/prog ram review , then on toJe an an d M ary.


    J an et Z . B arsyAttorney-AdviserO ffic e o f th e Assista nt Gen era l C ou nse l fo rL ab or and P ension L aw

    phone: 202 .586 .3429

    Ja ne l 8a rsy G PC C orre sp on de nce 5 3

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    From:To :Subject:


    Sar sy. Jane tS tu cky. Je an; (estan . K en neth ; O "C onn or. Th om as(GC)RE : Vo g tl e

    Thursday, M ay 20,20104 :05 :00 PM

    I can m eet w henever you w ant.

    J an et Z . B arsyAttorney- AdviserO f fic e o f th e Ass is ta nt Gen era l C ou ns el fo rL ab or a nd P ensio n L aw

    phone : 202.586.3429

    - -- --Orig ina l Message- -- --F rom: S tu cky/ J eanS ent: Th ursday/ M ay 20/ 20103:32 PMTo: C es ta rl, K en ne th ; B arsv, J an et; O 'C on no r/ T homas (GC )Sub jec t: Vog t leImpor ta nc e: H igh

    This needs to m ove -- could w e g et tog ether and talk it th roug h at about 4 th is afternoon? The lib raryconference room is taken, so I sug gest th e larg e tab le in th e. m a in part of the lib rary.

    (Tom -- I know you need to leave at ab out 4:30/ b ut if you could g ive us at least your initial thoug hts/I 'd apprec ia te l t.)

    M y g oal is to g et th is to S usan tonig ht. I'll also copy both M ary E gg er and Gena C adieux on that em ail -- M ary is out and G ena is acting .


    J an et B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nc e 5 4

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    From:To :Subject:Date:

    S tu ck y. Je a n

    C esta ri. K en ne th ; B ars y, Ja ne t; Q "C on no r, Th om as (G C)

    RE : VogUeThursday, May 20, 20104:02:31 PM

    Second thought -- call and/or email me when you're available. I'm in a little late tomorrow -- got to goget my first bee sting allergy shots and they have to be taken somewhere there's a crash cart. SoundsLOVELY.

    ""-""Original Message""-"-From: Stucky, JeanSent: Thursday, May 20, 20103:32 PMTo: Cestari , Kenneth; Barsy, Janet; O'Connor, Thomas (GC)Subject: VogtleImportance: High

    This needs to move "" could we get together and talk it through at about 4 this afternoon? The libraryconference room is taken, so I suggest the large table in the main part of the library.

    (Tom "" I know you need to leave at about 4:30, but if you could give us at least your initial thoughts,I 'd appreciate it .)

    My goal is to get this to Susan tonight. I'll also copy both Mary Egger and Gena Cadleux on that email"" Mary is out and Gena is acting.


    Jane! Barsy GPC Correspondence 55

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    b5over to Tim Helm at D OL to

    Th ey thoug ht they hadTerry Yellig w as going to try to g et m ec:nn~Arr)lnn

    From:To :Cc :


    Ha rcl s, Scott BlakeS tucky. Je an; E gg er. M ary

    B ars y, J an et; Q "C oo oo r, T ho ma s (G el; e S ta ri, K en ne th ; H urlb ut. B ra nd on

    RE : Vogtfe

    Tuesday. June 01,201011:09:11 AM

    b5 Ok.

    Scot t B lake Harr isGene ra l Counse lUn ite d S ta te s De pa rtmen t o f E n erg y1 00 0 In de pe nd en ce Ave nu e, SWWash ing to n, DC 20585(202) 586-5281

    -----Orig inal Message-----F rom: S tu cky, J eanS ent: Tuesday, Jun e 01, 20 10 11:04 AMTo: H arris, S cott B lak e; E g ge r, M aryCc: Ba rsy, J an et; O 'Connor, Thomas (GC); Ce sta ri, Kenn ethSub ject : Vog tl e

    Janet Barsy GPC Correspondence 56

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    From:To:Subject:Date :

    Hodges , SvenBarsy, JanetR e: Who Is th e LGP a tto rn ey w ork in g o n th e Vog tle Issu e? K ev in ? ??F rId ay, De cemb er 1 8, 2 00 9 1 :3 3:5 0 PM

    Its k en c es ta ri.

    - --- - Or ig in al Mess ag e - -- --F rom: Ba rsy, J an etTo: H od ges, S venS ent: F ri D ec 18 13:31:21 2009S ub ject: W ho is th e LGP attorney w orking on th e Vog tle issue? K evin???

    J an et B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nc e 5 7

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence





    O"Coooor. Thoma s (GC)8arsy. Jaoet-e dn es da y, De cembe r 1 6, 2 00 9 1 :3 6: 45 PM


    Thomas D . O 'C onn orAtto rney-Adv is e r (Labor)U .S . D ep artm en t o f E ne rg y(202) 586-6952thomas,[email protected]

    Ja ne t B arsy GPC Corre sp on de nce 5 8

    mailto:thomas,[email protected]:thomas,[email protected]
  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence



    Cest ar l. Kenne thB ars y, Ja ne t; S tu ck y, Je an ; Q "C on nor, Th om as (G C)

    Cestorj, KennethVog tle D O L M ay1 7 m he ed lts,k cc,

    Tuesday, May 18, 2010 3:27:46 PM

    Vog tle D O L M ay1 7 m he e dits,kcc QS

    From:To :Cc :Subject:


    Here is the letter. I have meeting scheduled to run until 5:30 PM but I can leave early if I need to.Shoot me an email and I can meet to discuss.

    Ja ne ! B ars y GPC Corre sp on de nce 5 9

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    From:To :Subject:



    S tu cky, Je a n

    C estarL K enneth; Barsy, Janet; O "C onno[, Thom as (G C)

    VogtreThu rs da y, May 2 0, 2 01 0 9 :2 0: 29 PMVogtle t

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence




    B ars y, J a ne t

    Stucky, Jean

    Q "C On no r, T ho mas (G C)


    Thursda y, M ay 20, 2010 11:02:00 AMVogtie,May2Q,revl,doc>;



    Ja ne t B arsy GPC Corre sp on de nce 6 1

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence




    Stucky. JeanBaw. Jane t; O"Connor,Thoma s (GC)"Hey!man. Pau l M."VogtfeMond ay, May 1 7, 2 01 0 6 :3 2: 1 9 PMVogUe DOL May17 .doq ;High

    Have at.

    (Tom -- I haven't yet gone back through your emails on this this afternoon, I wanted Paul to take alook and he has an 8 pm call.)

    J an et B arsy GPC Corre sp on de nc e 6 3

  • 8/3/2019 Barsy Correspondence


    b5 Jean - I just saw Scott in the Front Office - I was there to makesaid to tell you that you need to engage with DOL with in 24 hours

    From:To :Subject:Date:Importance:

    Bar sy, J an et

    Stu!:~y, lea nVogtle/ScottTuesday, June 01, 20109:34:00 AMHigh

    Janet Z. B arsy


    O ffic e of the A ssistan t G eneral C oun sel for

    labor and Pension law

    phone : 202.586 .3429