dh_dalton mckinsey correspondence

Provider Development Documents - Unformatted Document "Aninvitation to speak" flr~i~eference: ,iFrraTille: WRKl0011002 Vol 7 Working Files· prov(delbeVeIi)pni~ht:- Meeting an ~ ~¥En~~ nf()~tio!l Fn~d by: Created py:, Recip!~nJsj~-t~t~;h~":;. DO[mJ~~nt s~¢uritY;' WhQc~~;~fiJi?fli0'~Ii~At! ~~~~'t~QHiil!niQj\unient fatabase To Ian Dafton/01SJDOH@DOH ce 10/1~/20TOOQ:07 b e e Subjec A n in vita tio n to speak. Thi~·~~~~[ffi~~;~~~j~~'N::·.:'1:"a ir',lel1.·":' ftt{l in relation to your currerit i6lethat I thought of you for a specific speaking engagement Monitor aMIhe F rN arelnrendfn9 to sfart a Chair devel~pment programme designed for new FT Chairs ahd asplrant Trusts, They havea§~eQ U&'how we would supportth$ d~livery p f th e :prdg'famth~ jri¢I,t,JcUn9 Which spe~Kefs wewo).lW Uketo convene. One of the topics thefin.tehd fo . . G ove(af6 n fiOW t o bfuUdproQuctive commissloner r e la t io n s h ip s " a M J thought th$.ryq~ti,·hayttigWQtked on both sides of the fence, would be a gn;ia.t speaker on thls'tOQio . . . W~9~dyou be Intereste~? .P I~s\!l~t me know if you 'h'()ul~ be interested In pijn~iple a n d if so I am h~PpytOflli you. 'I n o n thed~tan$la:te( Time as everon these th in gs is short so even a one-liner either W a y WduJd be h$lpf~l! - +===;::::::::=:::;:;:;:=:::=========="'=;:=;!~=;:="'===:;==:::::=.:::'==;:=::::;:::::::;::::;=================,==+ Thi.s emallls.confidentiaf and may be privIleged: If you have received it

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P rovid er Deve lo pmen t Document s - Un fo rma tt edDo c um e n t

"An invita tio n to speak"


, iFr raTi l le :

WRKl0011002 Vol 7

Working Files· p rov (de l b eVe I i ) pn i~h t : -Meeting an ~~¥En~~ nf()~tio!l

Fn~d by:Createdpy:,Recip!~nJsj~-t~t~;h~":; .

DO[mJ~~n ts~¢u r i tY; 'W hQc~~ ; ~ f iJ i ? fl i 0 '~ I i ~ A t !~~~~' t~QHiil!niQj\unientfatabase

To Ia n D a fto n/0 1S JDOH@DOHc e

10/1~/20TOOQ:07 b e e

S ubje ct A n in vita tio n to s pe ak.


ftt{lin re la tio n to yo ur c urre riti6lethat I thoughto f you for aspecifics p e a k i n ge ng ag em en t M on ito raM Ih e F rNa r e l n r end fn9to sfart a Chairdevel~pm ent programme designed fo r new FT C hairs ahd asplran t Trusts,Theyh a v e a § ~ eQU& 'h ow w ewould support th$d~ l i v e r ypfth e : p r dg ' fam th~j r i¢ I , t , JcUn9Whichs p e ~K e f s w ewo ) .lWUke t oc o nv e n e .One of thet op i c sthefin. tehdfo ..Gove (af6n fiOW tobfuUdproQuctivecommis s lone r r e la t ionsh ip s "aMJth ough t th $.ryq~ti,·h ayttigWQtked on bo th s id es o f th e fe nc e, wou ld be agn ; i a . ts pe ake r o nthls'tOQio .. .

W~9~d you be Intereste~?.P I~s\!l~t m e knowifyou 'h'( )u l~be interested Inpijn~iple and ifso I am h~PpytOflliy o u .'I non thed~tan$la:te(Time ase ve r o nth ese th in gs is sh ortso e ve n a o ne -lin er e ith erW ayWduJdbe


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DHusers s ee Em ailv l r u ~s q t:mn ing onI ;>elpniu nd er Se curltyin DH,fo rfu rth e r d e ta :lls .In case ofpr-oblems,p lea se ca ilt heITsupporthe!pdesK

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"Me etin g tom orrow -p ro po se d a gen dafor-tomorrow 10.. D -12,30"

File 'flet~rel]ce:Fi le Ta le :

WR ! < I OO i / DQ 2v 8i .s ). ,~ . \:',~Wq,l"k.in$Fi(~ j ,Pro¥lderOei{~ql?merit - Meet ingand even tinformation


Cre~!ed~by:'Rec ip i~n i~~

Do¢um~nt Securi ty:




be e

SUQ je e t Me e tin y tomo rr ow - p ro p os e d a g en d a f o rto morrow 10.30 -12.30.

Deara!l ,

we !o ok fo rw ard to rn ee tu ptoge(hertoITIorrow,

C an wesUgges tan agenda . W esu~ge$t arelativiiHy paperli$ht, i nt er a ct iv e d ls cus s ion ,

t ntrodlJcti.ons

2 , S jtua tiontorNHS hospftalsiFTplpenne:2011-:401~ Ian Daltoh

3 . Exp~ l'i el1ce fro .m turn ing a round hOsp lt als rn Germany

4 . Dis cus s ion o fp ote ntia l o pp ortu nitie s inLondon" SpecificsitUationinLand.on-Wha ta ilin le rna tiomi l p laye rWou l dS09gest-R equir:em~htsTo tpolicyi next steps

E5 e s t

Hope th is wo rk sM a n ys ug g es tiq n s we lc ome .

--+ Forwarded

' f r : om :10: lan;D~'flon@dh"9sl.~(:W.


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Dat$~ 09(11/201023;42

Subject: Collaboration

Dear [an

we haqgoodd is cu ss lo na o ve r th elasfday on howjn: t~rn.~tionalhospitalprovidergrQl1pSmayhelp totackle the p erto rrn an ce lmp ro vemen te fE ng lls h h os pita ls .

T he s ta rtin g p oln tsin fa st ye ars d is cu ss io ns h av e be en

~ NHS: ln te res t ln n ew s oluttio nfo r 10-20 ho sp itals , bu t sta rtin g fro m a m in dse t 1 a t a tim e w ith v ario us:politicalconstraints

-Jn te rn atlo na l p la ye rs : C an 908 n in itia tiv g ~500millionfE lv enUe on ta pia ,c an ke ep realestate and

p en sio ns w ith NHS, n ee dsfree hand on staffmgmt

Th is n owmaybe a t imew.ne . r~both slq~ can u s e fu i!y~xp lo r e t h eirp os itio n a s a n jn pll~Ih t9howpo li cy wou ldb~shapedand,?t later $tage , this wouldproceed to implemel1 ta t ion .

A next s tep we aild is cu ss ed m a yb e a works ho pof2~3 hours in LondoiiWith 3 o fyo u p lu s_ndme. .

! have asked.o workwith youroff iC ie sto make thishappen .

Would th is IJf.g {k?

B e s t

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bl-i u se rs s ee Emailvirusscanning onDelphi under.Securltyin DB,for fur thercletail$.lncase of p ro blem s, p le ase ca ll th eIT$tJpppr t he lpdesk,


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Calendqr E r i t r y

Meetlrign N o iify ff ie ~ ., :" : '~ .i.. IM a r kPriv~te. 0 Peifcifln;

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Pro.~id~rDevelopment Documents- Unform<i\ tted Document

"F w: D ELIVE RY FAILUR E:Fw :NHS ~ l ac h t"

'F ile ReferenCE!:..

FU~1lt1e:- . W R_ !qO ~1 /q 9 4V o i:? • • . ~ '" . ' ) " . : " ,"'""'C'

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To laD Daltqn/OfS/DOH@DOH



S u bje c t Fw :DEUVERYFAILURE:Fw: NHS ~lacht

• " Ia n .D a i to r t'i<[email protected],uk>

[)elll 'eryFailureR epo r t

Your message :fw :NHS- lacNwa~ ngt~eUyef~d(1 \1 :j~n~Qaltc;m@@~l),9st9Qv·9kbe qa use :55 3 P erce nt style a dd re ssin g n ot p erm itte d

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Orig in$1 messagefdllows------------~-------

H i

G re .a t c ha t to da y -I~t'sfollowVP Soon.

P is send xm as card tolII~can send address);

Fiig iits ali down he ison tra in a rr iv fn g Be rlin tomo rr owso he pays the trip h im self

sn ' t b elie ve mu c h v JH Ih a pp en


das m uss was werden m it dem NHS Projekt - bin aafOr auf Weitreise (lilclanke nochmal fOr d iem~ .

Fluge naef Deutschlandnlehtme rir v orSonntag, nachdem der Flug vonLandon City bis 15:00 ok wa r.Naja .;.,

D en Wag n ae h He ath ro w ha be leil d an n a uc h a bg ebro ch Em , d afOr aber n oc h ein s d er letzten EU fos tarTic ke ts riM h B rU ss el h au te Abe tld be ko rn rn en ,

Klappt alles Ube in ae htu ilg in B rO ss el u ndTharesfiach K61hllhd ICEd an l iweite ra ls o m itta gsamZiel~ g a rniehts o schlechl.

S¢hOnes Wochenende , bin seh r gasp~nn t ob und wie e sweitergeht.

M itfre un dtic he h G rUBe n

F eb .abma r n eE xKO l ie : g e n sC hO n i n fO i' h li e rt ,werdene ln P ro je ktkO f11 r n e nWlrtl..

a be r n lch t g la Libe n d (35

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"Invita tion to spea k a tthe McKinsey Hospital fnstitute Dinner and Debate 1st March 2 011, T he

Castle Ho te l, Tau n to n "

FiJ~d~y: 'Cr~ateqby:'Regpienl ;s : ' .

Documentsecurity:WhO.canfeikl? AUrl;),ad~rs. 'Q ft~is d'oc4rnehjd~b~~e; ,.

orG~5l0'2/~(n. ti('15~~':O I 1 " fS/(~2(2M.i.ay:H:26'

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~@mCkjOSet o >m .

t~J0?12011 1 1:29



be e

Subjer;j~ Il)vlt~tion t~ ~P¢?~ ~:tthe ~cKfns~y H?Spt!a rlnsf ilut~ DJnnerand Oebi :r te1 st M~ch :2011, The Cas tl e Ho le l, Taunton

,~ . .:::

. ~ - f: :" -~ t :. . . ;, ,: :,.~ tif1N,~td~i;I...~.


Dear la ll,

Invitation to speak at the Md{jn~ey Hdspitalinstitute Olnnerandbeb~te:1¥M~rcli 2q11;tM Qastlfj H9 t e t .Taun~on '

J am Wriiih g tolovi teYOllto be 'ourgl1~st$pe akE ! . f<; l iE !McK in se y Hq sp ita i rh st!M~dinner,Th e dinnerw iUt,a ke p la ce a tThe ¢8sfle Hot~1inTaun\on on the eve nin g of1.1March 2011,

This dirln~rispart .of a n a tio n a lserieswe are wnn inQ topro vid e a nin fo rm a l o pp ortu nity fo rChiefExecutives,Medicar D ire cto rs a n dF inance D ir e ct or sfrom a cu te h o sp ita ltru s ts ~it'tlhisinstance from

the SouthWes t region - to focusori thedua16haflerigesof increasingqUalit{ahd produCtivity,aridtti<:lking'·SaVings.

Ouralmi$ fortM dint"lerto bave a.t~la~edatroosphere,~nd a s o urgtJe$~speakerwe WD~ld$1'ic6l,itag~ yqu .to q l(est iQn?hd~hall~l)ge q t l rg uE i s t $to e~gag¢l in aijvely debat~. W~ W ov1 c l 1 ik etq~ ! 1v l t f : y p l i f o~1vey.0Wp~rsp ,c f iveQ O t f i eqhanEmgep:fotpr6v(~e~ pos tth e beaitp'~m;'pe~Dapstfw,~lIil")gon G~9.ic l=l ,c.Pinp~t i~oneindthejourneytQv.va!qsfoUrjda.tiont.ru$tstCitusfor~1Itr~lst~.A rso w~W9Vlslt? e'ke~1)fo rYoUto rais~questiqns.;an.d p~Qm ptdi~~~$§fon.:i : lroun.g.oWflSpiJ;a~j9n~lo rmW9v~Qy?1 i t ycan'be m~t iditl1ectJr,erjt egpno ' f l 1 , i pcljma~~.Dtscl)s~ionJe.Ob ygues!s at our reqeQ fevent~ 'hasincfudedde~ates:~b:o:uttk.leho~pit9! fai)i;lrer!3gillle;c l i n i c? ! !le ad ers hip a ndaccol,lnt~bilityand mechanismsfordrlvi'ng changew!tnint1inicala ild iru :if 'ia g s m e n fte am s . ..

Y o uar e l .ov i tedto sp'eakfor10c15 minutesa nd w ewillproVide achalrpersonf r omMcKinse~t toe n s u r e

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there is active d eba te . I hope you W ill beable to jo in usat sp rn fo r d rin ks , Withd in ne r s ta rtin g a t6 .45pm . Wewillpfbilideyou with o ' lernigl itaccommodat ionand wouldbe able to assist with tr av e larrangements .

l?m s ur e- cu r d in n e rgues ts wou ldapp rec la t eYOllfperspectiveo n th e i~ ~l)e sa.fldI v ery m uch hopeyo u w ill b@ableto take pan, Plea . s~ dol.~tme k09w jf yq\;lneeq~myfurtheri o f p rm a t JQD .I f YQi , I,wouldI!.kefurtherdetaIls reg?~nts fo...thedjrm,',~rrnYi.l.s,~J~ ta n ,~._,w,JIl.be a._~leto,h¢lpand .she can be reachedat ~ckinsey.cQI11. If th isdate i~ i_ n con \le n ie n t.p e rh a ps y ou wouldb e a ble to sp ea k at on e o f the oth er d in ne rs in th e serles? We lo ok forw ard to he atingfromyou.

Yours sincerely

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M(:letinsn r{J t i r /m'~[J M~d<Xp r j y a t e.~ Ip~nci(ln' .

--~.------. .. .

_ ~ _L _~~LL L ~ • __ ~

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C . a . 1 e l 1 d a rEntry

Meet ing '1 · ,, : ; ,

..~ '~ ,

: . . . : . :~'.,

' ¥ r ~ r 1 T ~ : Q ~m2 l ~ T 1i1Q :3~ .. ~j.:~

,Ei(l.d_§, < r u e08/0212011 . J12.00

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[email protected]~t qy :

. i I"••@mcR l n s e y , com

b e e

Subject Amessaaerom_



1210112011 0$ .: 46

(Em bedd ed im ag e m oved to fife:prc15724,gif)

Hello Ohang eLeaders, and Ha pp y New Yea r]

In~hjs$etond oT~y.OC¢asjohaie-mailsaboutu~efljlneW.iq~Eis.I.rnWritingto t~f y o u aD o t .! t t b eN . h 'j' J ia gE j lJ 1 e h t ln n o y ' ~ t io neXQn~hge{M 1 ,X }, ..

;~~:~",rfu7~~:;""~ ~ t ~ : rM 6 . ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~Y~ : f ; j ~ ~ } ~ n ~heM IXls th ewot[d'$fir st o p enlnn6v~tl6.iipiatfofm~it)1E!qa tr~!lnventing.rn~IJ?gementlo rth e 21sfC~nttlry, Itb f i n g s tQ91F r t h ? r , tMbqldestthiTl!q~rsith e m.osta4ve.ntt;lrl1~Qm£?r~ctitjQne.rs,~i(lngt j1e la t~s ttq91~ to :exp lo .~~6.kl~pn~ tq a se J o fmpn$g¢rn~ntchpll!?nge~~e!}!u:;t ~dq~~rstrwe're9l;lingto bundmo r e~dapfable,engaging, frmqv<;ltiv~!andresponstbleorganizs -tiQf1$,

I invi.te~ll~fyou to p?,_rtic:ip~telnan,ex,(;ltID.9_MIXc.ompetiffontha.tI'mh§ !l pln g jlJ ~g§ , t !W H~ IHumanQa pi j:a l M~Prrze .Ent~ring is sunple:c oritr ibu te e ifh er a r ea l-wo rtd~t6ry9 fa brandnew idea about how tounleash human capabH it yand build communit ie so rpassion. SubmissionswU(beaccepted uritilJanuary2Dth.:winners andseml-finalistswilibeInVitedto ,p artic ip ate in th e 2 011Hel Huma n C ap ita l Summ itinAtla nta , GA ,i n March .(You can find d etails onthe'MIX,}nookforward to n ea rirlg .abbufyour ideasand ,f hope, seeingyou.al th eSummi t

In'addit ion , I recenVY.sentm a n yofy o u ,a short Videof recotd€ldWit~• • • o n:fhe,:tdpicrofotgani-safiorialhealth. ThanKyo u fo r a lU ti efe edbac k FOr th oSefolksWhOdidn 't rece iveitthe·ffFsttirn€ muM, theo r l g i n a l e - t h a i land.v id eQ a reatta.che.dcelOw,along with a "transcriptofour coriversatioil.

If fO ra n yre as on yo uWOUldprefern o tto f~ ce ilie th e seoccasionala-marlsfro m m e ,pl~$e just ' replYto.thisnote;

Equally,IfyqUhaye@con~gll~ whoWtllJ.ldf ik~to f~Geiy~tWsee~mqils~ple$5E!r~plywnh'theirconfaptdetails and Iwouldbegtadto add them tothe ~di ,s tr j~utkmfist:

Bes twfshe~,


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You a r e r e ce iv ingth is e -m ail a s I~fieve yo u have.a passi9.n fo r leadfngand enabling change inor~anisat ibns_M;aI'lVofth~folks o n th isdistributionlist h a ve a tte nd e d th e C h an .9 ~ L ea d ers 'Forum, a tw o ~~y event01have he lped runmanyUrnesover r ec en t ye a rs . Manyo th ers a re c lie nts ,°c611e~gLiesand ftiend s I've w orked w ith over m an y years tha t I k no wshare apassiofi for pi6'ductivsochange .

I t hough tit may be h e lp fu l t oyouif I occasionallyw ro te toyo uWiths o m especificpiece of content th at youm ig ht beabie to use in YO(J(work,an8,r t iQ1e.,a C .8 l$ . s tu dy tlt a v id e o;ThEfat~ach~~nt .• -- ~sa 0 1 ~ .m.inut.~.ov lde :9 o fmyself and n cq rwersa tlOn. IS a prdfessqr 'E l tLorictonBu~in13ssSchOola OM _ a u t h o r Q f'Competingfo rth e FlItl.ire'.ln th ev ideO weat temptt9 $umrnaft9~m a n y¥l;larstes~al'c!t9n theippic (Iforg~nE~.ation$ffectiV€!ness,.1h op e YQyfin dn~ ¢lp fu L P le ase fe el fre eto use it in a llYwayhelpful,n one ed tqc he ck ba ckr~copytlght.


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EqUCllfy;if y ou h av e ~ c o!lew l.l~t h a t .wou l dlike~oreoeive t hese e -maHs,pleaseJust fel'llywi th tbe l rcoiitactd~ia'tjs a n d O twould b ~91a<:l t9add ' 0

them to the d is tr ibu t ionlist

Very best wishes ,

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111'01 /2011 08 ;48

To David FlpryfFDIDOH(GB@OQH,JlmEastoniOIS/DoH@DOH,Barbar'a.hakjrl@eas;friiioran(ls.nhs,Uk,lailDaltonioislDOH@OOH - .

cc Jo-.AflIl~WasS/OI$fDOH@DOH

be e


J~hjs 111~$sa9,~~J1as,~~,~~ r d ~ ~ F

Happy New yea rDaviq,Jim, Barbara a nd Ia n

YOU,v e p e rh aH~hea,rg from Jot,h.atE ihow ~or m e to s tartworkIngwith yo u goodfolks again . Iwillbe jo in ed by m y c olle ag ue _ __ _I 'd I lkeiodiv~ right in an(jstartVying to h elp . Totha t end my PA -.nl contactyourofficesand s e t up .a s erie s o f re gu la r s es sio ns .Giventh e constraintsof diariesth I smay take a c ou pleofwee'ksto g et sorted. In th e meanume,[fwe can help 'in anyway please justgiveme a ring ors ugge s t atime outside jibrrri~l.houts and I'dbe O¢lighte.!tI tochat,

:Lookingrorwardto see ing youagaIn.


-th!s.~man is confid.~nJiala n d m ay bt?p r i v J i age . d : ,IfYOuhave receiveqitin error, plea~~n9tify us "immeq;t~telytmd then del~te it . ple~sE?do not9 Q PYit , di~close its contents of use WforqOYpQtpose.

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Provrd¢f Deveiopment[} o cum i ;!n ts •Un f o rma t t e dDO¢4 i l i e n t"H os plta l C EOonf~rence"


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2310212011 09:27

To Ian DaltonforSIDOH@DOHcc

be e

SybjeQI J-/ospifa. lCEOb n f e r e n c e :



W$are ofgan~2:ii1SaPQf1fet~nce f9 f hO$.p it all e :adersQr iApril G/7 inParis. Th e a g-e hd awilllncludef)ow f16spft~rsrespond to the ccrrentfinanciiil climate,and there Will b~-abo(Jt100 y-eryint~r!:ill_rfgp(~yerso

w~wtllalso orga.n)z9asessiorrwith o i n e rg o ve rn J:n e nts fl)~ tio l1 al a g enC ie s o nbow toscalenatronalp rog ramme s inthis area and comparenotes,

Hop e y outan make lt l


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ProvjJerDevelopmentOocunJ~ f i f s -U'nfQrrrJaH~'bQcume~t

"InVitation to the Hospital CEO Conference 2011"


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To lan.~~on/OISibOH@boH



Subject Invitation to th e Hospital CEO Conference 2011

2~2!20H 16:10-

De ar Ia n,

Ple~SE;l .$eeattgched( oV l t e .

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PH u$~ fssee Compute r v iru s g uid an ceonDelphi underSecurityin DH,for furtherd eta ils . Incase of problems,please cailthe rr s upport h e lp d es k.

G I-1ol20unvitalion_HOsPitalCEO Conf2011.pdf

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(content mOdifiedin mai l f i!ep rio r tofilin g s in ce firs t re ce iv ed o n24/02/2011 16:10.

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D ec em be r 1~ 2010

On bebalftltMc1<irtsey&Oompany'sHealthcare.Payor& P rovide r P rac tic e, w ewould l'i ke td inviteyouto our next International H6spital CEO Conference attheWestihG ra nd H o te lin Paris on A pril6.:7,2611.

We ate expec t ing1 00 le ad in g h o sp it ale nD sto JO Ih usfor tw odaysof l ivelyd is cu ss io ns , a cti viti e s , a ndn e tw o rk in g , .

The governing theme ofthis ye a i " ' sconference is "Sustaining Performance",a s th is i$,ifudWHICOUtiillJ¢to b e ,o n eof th e big ge stchal lenges f aC i n ghospitalsandAcadetoicM¢dlcaICeh t-e tS ac ro ss th e w o rld . S pe cific ally ,we ar~ prepar ingses siort s oh topic sfrom strate gy an d le ade rsh ip to op eration aloptlrtiization,i I iQ lud in g ! . ..

• The hosp ital of th e fu ture :Newfu6de ls o fhosp i ta ls

• In tegrating with p rimary careenvi ronment

• LM ding am\ilti~yeafWm.s:t 'btmationf9 r s us ta in e d p e rfo rman c e

• Em powetitig: c l l n iC i ans

• Op~~tlpn~texcellen.ce.ifl clinicalcare

• P ati~n :t-'c ~ntdcc ate :M t im eilts o f tru thin patients inte t~Qtions

" Op timizin ghospitalIt

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am on g oth ers ), an d s malle r bre ak ou t d is cu ss ion s,a llow in g you to en gage dire c tly w ith your global p e e rs . We hope th a t th e sesess ionswill provide an oppor tuni tyfot you to sh are your ideas an d exp erie n ces .C lose r to th e con fe ren c e date w e w illconfirmkeynote sp eak ers an d fu ll age ndade ta ils , p le ase ch eck outthe c on fe re n ce w e bs ite .

Conferenceregis t ra t ionwill s tart on lin e on D ec em be r1,2010 via ou r c on fe re nc ewebsi tewww.hospl ta lceoconference.com.The r eg is tr at io n d e ad li n eisDecember31,2010. .


The c on fe re nc e w ill be ginwith an op tion al s oc ia l p rogram on We dn esday,April 6,f rom app rox ima te ly1 4 : 0 0to 17:00, to visit th emas te rp iec es atthe LouvreMuseum .

The conferencewill t hen formally be gin w itha we lcome din n e r atthe famous "LeM euric e H ote l" re s tau ran t at 19:30 on Wedn e sday, Ap ril 6.The main p le n arycon fe ren c e w ill run from 8:30 to17:00 on Thursday, Ap ril 7.

M cKin sey w ill p rovide your ac cemmodatie n san d meals , bu t w eask tha tp artic ip an ts c ove r th eirOWn tr av el c os ts .Pleasefe e l fre e to con tac t us to discussany alternativearrangements (for c on tac t de ta ils , p le ase vis itthe registrat ionwebsi te ) ,

We hqp e th at th is in vita tion w ill en able you tocon firm your availab ili ty . B e su reto regis te r on lin e atwww.hosp i t a t eeoconfe rence . comas soonas p os sib le toreservey()ur place .

We look forw ard to se e in gyou at th econferencein P aris .

S incere ly,


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o Nolffy r l1~ ..@ to Ma r l o ; .frlll?te 0 PenCil In


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.P@ Vi i :l e rb e v e r o pm~ n t r i QC l lm e l k ~{Onform~Ull(l Oocu.iJl~l)t

"fnvitatjon to speak at tM McKinsey Hospital Institute Dinner and D~bate"

FMeRe f e~~Q~ :Fi!eTme;;~~~:

".;:::. -" ' :_-_ i t ' : : · •WRK J :9 Q .tlO o 2 v Q IJ 1W o , * ! n gF i l e s ·~ i P f o . v i d e r o e v e r o pm ~ t l t'l :'M e e t r it 'g t tn de v e n t? I,H f o rm il ti o h ' .

Fjie~~y:\~i\;:, .'.

¢t~~~~~ Y;~~ ; c< t : ~

o:~t~t~~:~~~ii~Whoc1jfi ' read7~iW':"Anr e aAA r sofiiifsdocumelJt(f~tabasEi .,

mcklns~y.c To Ian Dalton!OISlDOH@DOHce

be e

Subject Invitatlonfo speak althe McKinsey Hospital lnsfltuteDinner~MDebate24/0312011 (2:05

~g f ~~ r ~~ ri•···

;·~·'·Histo":0: ' . ' ·J~~Il~


De ar la n,

lnvltatlonto speak atthe McKinsey Hospltal I n st it ut e D inne rarid Debate

FoiJ ow rn g o urcorrEi$pOndet1~lastye$_(, I am wrJ\ing to letyo u knqWabout th e n ext i/ 1t/l~ serles ofou tMcKinsey Hospi ta l Inst itu tedinners whiChta ke p la ce on Ih e f of iowrng da te s:

6 Thursday 12,hMay,Yorks hire $n o Humbe rreglohJQbe h~ldin te e ds ,• TuesdaY24'"May, No r t hEast regionto be hel~j)] :New(ji::lsti~o.Wednesd~y a lbJune , East o fEngland rtligion tobe heldln Cambridgeo

The d inn ers provld e a ninf9rmalgpport_lll'ltwfo rChIefExeGu'iy~~,Meqi9~1Directqr.$.and Pit1~nceD ir ec to rs f roma cu te h o sp ita l try:s ts tofocuson th e d (Ja f c ha lle ng es o fin cre as in gq ua nty a ndpriX!Uctivityajfdmakingsaving&.

O u raim isfQ.fthe d.in.nets.to navea relaxeda tmQ s _ J ; ) h e r e ,and as our QUe st s pe ake rw e woUlderic ourag eyo~ to C j"U e$UOnt iC! . cha l l en .geourgue~~!? toeng$fjE!in a Ih fE[ l , l ydeba te .We V ' i QU J dlike;toinvite yo9t9glveYQyrp~rspeGtiveon d ieHeal.tliaW perh~i>~focussin9 'speC[fi .¢$lWon tne chaUengesto acut~MRj:iita!~~ri<f ' theQ~$tf ou te {oove rcon .jlhg t he sl:l ~ D ls cu ss j~ t1 ledbyop tguest1Sa t our 'r ¢ c e n tevents tl~$ nclUd$<rdebat~s '~boutniergers , takeovers ,th e hospit<;llfaHurereghile, and ~perspectiveofwhatmakesagoQd hospitalgreSlt

You a re in vite dto speak fo r 10~ 15 m in ute s a nd w e' w it!provide a c ha ir personfrom McK in $€ 1Y toensure there'"!sac tive deba te .'i hopey qUwil lb eable to jo.1n u s at 6 PIll fo r drin ks,with dinn ersf~rnng

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a t 6:45pm. We w ill p ro vid e yo u w ith o ve rn ig ht a oco rn mo da tlo n a nd w ou ld be a ble to a ssist w ith tra ve larrangements.

I am s ure o ur d ,in ol'3 rg ue sts w ou ld a pp re cia te yo ur p ers pe ctiv e o nth e is su es 1:in 91 v~ ry m u ch h op eyo u will' If yo u WOI . l I dlik e f ur th e r d e ta ils t ~g a~dj!:1 gE lr ra ng~m . e!l~ fo r t ~e d in !t er my

, , to he lpand she canbe r~a9he(: ia t ' 'q r, P l ea s elet us know itariyo ft hesedateswould b econven ient

We loo k fo rw ard to h earing (rom you .

You rs s in c er ely

+===.==::;;::;:==:;::::===,,====::;;::=~::;,::;::;::::=;::==================================.=== == ::::i::::=+Th i semai l Iscdnfideh1iaJand m,a :ybe pr iv ileged .IfyOLih ave re ce iv editjo e rro r, p le as enotifyus immediate(y~nd ' thendelete it . P lease do notc o P yi t ,disclo~~ts Oor l i e n ' t sQ r1 ; i $ eItfor a ny purpos e,+'=_=~=="":':":;.=;;:;:;';==;::==:;::~::;;:;:=:;:':;:;==;;::;:'~;=';;=;.==:::;~;::==::::;::==== :-====:::; ' ; : :o"c:::: ; :==::;==::;=.==:;;=::;; : :

Th.J$~maiJwas re .¢€l iv~d fror t11.helNTsRNE.T~pd , ~¢~ t l r i e qbYlh~ @ 9V( ? rOJ r ' l e n tSeelfi'e rrttranetanti'-vil'lis servicesupplieclbyCable&WireleEis 'iii paiihershipwithMessageLabs . ( C C TMCe rtific ate Number2boB / 0 4 / 0 0 ( ) 7 . )

DH users see C om puter virusguidanceon Delph, underSecur ltyin OH, to r fu rth erdeta ils . In case of problem s, please call their supporth e l p d e s k .

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"Parls presentation"

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VjI~;qcanreac)? A"J (r eader s o ft h i s c f " c t imen f d~~ba s~Ti i : I ~ '

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25/03/2011 16:41

To l~rl.oaltoij/OIS/QOH@DOI::I,

cc ~mckinsey;com

be e

S ubje ct P a ris p re se n ta tio n

, ";fffl~;~e~i~g~has,~~~nO~!ped.


Dear Ian,

W!th'ab6uttOt)of Europe'sleadinghospitaland hosp it a l ne twork /agencyCEOsatteri tJ ing,PailswillP$, a g r? a 't e v en t.

We are r o o k i n gforwardto yo uattendingOUf conference in P"ris otnhe 7th April,, a n donceaqalnthank you fo r con tribu tin g to the"1' ran s fo rn ) ing ho~p it ar s?9fOSS a n~twork;',sesslon.

Iwillbeintroduc[ng this se ss io n. inwhicliwewant to c omp are th e .UKandtrarisfofming.hOSpitalpetformance. We p r o f : )O , s ethatyb l land • • lilililfl• • I1 1 • • • • • • I e : a chsp en d te nminutesor so'settingthe describingyOH'aretai<ingsn d 'lastlyp r 9 v i ; J l n gyour own pers pe ctv es o n th ec urn ;;rrt. a ndMq r ech~llenges; .

tq ke ep p rep aratio n to a m im .m umwe s ug ge st a ro un d4 or 50 s lide s. Wewill fhen open up toqUestions. andwid er d ls cu ss io h from th eaudience. Iw i ll s um .ma ris e andCloseth e s e ss ion .

We iJave:Elgreed.o~rrang!i '!<l,furt[l~rprivatediscus~i(Jnwlth_ and propose'We90 t )1 i$overlunch whi i:: hwil l b$~ tthEtiain¢!of the ~t!ssiqn, At that lunch ,we expe¢Hilso !~ders f~~msrir i l lar:a~enQl~If')Australia8 nt;!$ pa in toP91rticipat~who willa ls o be a mo ng o th ers a tte nd in g th e bre akou tabove.

I twouldbeverY'fielpfulto h av e a ¢opyof your sl1deslna~'v~rceso t h i 3 twe c sn m~K :e su re th ey-a retranslateda nd Ih Clu de d inth e overallconferencemater ia l Please lE'ltmekrtowi fY9~want our helpw i t hth~;prepal'ati6n.

I lOOKforwardtoseeingyou in a couple of weeks , andi fwe can be of any helpin th e m e a n tim edo noth~~iiateto g e .H ntouch.


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Mess ag eL abs . ( COTMCertificateNumber20.(j6/04/000f.)DH u se rs s ee C orh pu te tVifLis .g uid anG~ o n D eip hi u nd er S ec urityin DH,fOrfurtherd eta ils . In c as e o fp ro blem s ,please carlth e ITs uppo rt h e lp d es k.

II ~Hos pita l CEOC~nfEirehGe2011..., .Participants.pdf

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Calenda rEntry

MeetingP Noti fy me<DMa r kPrivate

;,::~~... .o Pehcifjn I"' .:

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. I an Dal ton /OIS/DOH. ~':~.~:,:~-~~

Contactdetaifs -.......•... . -~------. -. - .

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ProVide r Deve lopmen t Documen t s-Un f 6 t ¥~ i t €~ ' 0 6 cd f n en l" Re : Fw : Op po rtu n itie sfor retiririg CEO ofNovantHealth"

f i leReferenca :

" F ~ e 'ille:, , ,;, 1 ,: :,'; /:; ' . ' '. '

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Documen t


Ian Dattorif01SfDOH To

2 1 / 0 4 / 2 . 0 1110:42bc e

Subject Re: Fw: Oppp!t~n1:llesfQtf~ti~.ngC:EOof NovantHealth701 D5CAB6DCSMA03G2.578110 "051OE4E

-oth IanDaltonand M atthew Kershaw have seenthe attacheda nd h ave a sk~Qm eto pa ss o n the foflo win g m essa ge :

Wewil1be advertising for a now_executl\l~ Dfr(;jptQroffhe NHS TrustDevelopment Authority, though nQ~ullt;IJuly~Q11. If you would like forMatthew to speak with Paul, PtfJa$(:Jfeel fr~e to contect me,


•••••• ··m cklhsey.c~m

1 . ~ i 0 4 1 2 0 111 1 5 : 4 510 1? !1D~ltoti/o1S/DOH@DOH

d¢ .

'Subject F J i i t.O ppo r t u n i ti e s .f o r r e ti ring CEOo fNovart tHealth


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Hi Ia n _ . a re yo u in te re ste d in o pp ys like th at fo r P ro vid erAgency! is th e re a ri a d vis oryboard?

M cK insey &@E~mail;

O,~te: 1 3 / 0 4 '2 . Q 111q;03

SU'bject: o~portunit ies for retiring CEO of Novant Healtfi

c - ~ _

__ _ _ __ _ _ __ •• _ • • • , r , ~ ~ __

_ f.ilong time client and friend, is retlril19 toward~n~o f th eYEl ' a r.He~s e d Novant Hea!fliforn~;:lrty~()y~ars,is well respected in th e c ommun ity,and looking fo r some; b ra in€ lt ;;t iv it le s postretirement

Ideallythi s wouldbe o n2~,3 bo ard s o radviso ry rol es .Cou ld be n atio na lor internationalfo r f olk slookingat US prdvrdermbrkit

He is a le ve l h e ad e d, p ra ctic al1 ea d erwithde ep e xpe rie nce to d ram u po n

---. ; .----. .---:..-~.;:. .--- -Se nt frommy BlackBerryWire le ss Handh eld

+==,;=;,=========::;:===,=====;::;,==============:::============:::=='::=====:::;;==== : : = = : : ; : ; = = = : ; : +

thiS ema il is c onfid e nHala ndm a ybe privileged,Ifyou h ave re ce ive ditin 'error,'please notifyusimmedfate'yand then d~l~te t. please do notcopy it;gi~clpse its co nte nts o r u seit for ~ny purpose,+==_==- ; : : ; : ; : : . : ; , ; ; :~ : ; : ;= : ; :==================.=.;:;:;=.;;-==: : ; ; : : ; : : . ; : :===:=============r:;#=~~~


This email wl~$~ p~ iv ~d fromthe INTERNETand scannedby theGgvernl1letitSecure Int ranEitaht i . .viruss e rv ic e supp liedby Cable&Wlreiesslo:partliershipwith;MessageLabs.(Cc'ffu1Certificate Number 2006/04/0061:)

DH users see Compute rvirus gtiltI~fJiceon DeiplifunderSe cu rity in DHI fo rfurtherdetails. In c a s e o fp ro blem s, p le as ecall th e r r s u pp o rt ' h e lp d e s k .

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~__ @mckinsey.com

To la n D a lto nfO IS /DOH@DOH


be e

Subjec t Our m ee ting on 9th May

06/05/2011 08:01

History: ~ Th is m essage has been fo rwardeC l,


Hope all's well; nd I are due to come and see you en Monc:fqy 9thMay, This ads' chat you and I had about potentialorgahisationdesign options for the lOA. We got a request from your office for an agenda andany materials but actually we were rather pianning tolistento you and then just havean open discussion. Does that work for you?


-+= .========================================== ' =============================+Thisemail is confidential and may be privileged. If yOU have received itin error, please notify us immediately and then delete I t . Please do notcopy it , disclose its contents or use it for any purpose.+== '===================================================: ; ; ; : ;= ; : ; : : ; : : ; ; : ;=====:: ; ; : :=====+

Thi$~m:.:lHW?s received from the INTERNET and scanned by the GovernmentSecure IntrClnet anti-virus service supplied by Cable&Wireless in partnership withMessageLabs. (GerM Certificate Number 2006/04/0007.)

DH users $~~ QOrDPut¢t virus guidance on Delphi under Security in DH , fOrfurtherdetails. In case of problems, please call the IT support helpdesk.

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C§le nd ar E :" ntr y

M e e t In go Nrit i fyme t~d:M~~kprivateU Penc il I n

fo r m o re d eta ils .

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ProVicierDevelopment Documents,Uhformatted· Document

"A messageJrom_

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Working Fifes~Providerl:ievelopmel'it- Submissions an d Comments

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ccb e e

Subject A message fro rn_


27 /05 /2011 16 :57

(Embedded image moved to file: pic28253.gif)


This is the latest ofmyoccasionaf e-mails to people I believe have apaSSio.nf6r l eading and enabling change in organisati~me, I'mdelighted to letyou know that the book my colleague, _ and Ihave been working on will soon be published.

(Embedded image moved to file: pic06868.gif)

Beyond Performance: How greatorganisations build ultimate.competitive

advantage distils more than a decade of client work and research.into a newperspective on how organisatibnscan thrive in theJong term by buildingand malntainihg their organisational health.

Only a third of organisations that achieve excellence are able to maintainit over decades. Even fewer manage to implement successful transformationprograms. In our bOOk',,"andl describe a powerful way to linkpert6rmancewith undertyinghealth, and offer practical tools any6rganisationcan use-to achieve superior levels of both.

I've attached the first chapter. You can find out much more.mcludlnqwhere you can get the book, here: \WIW.mckinsey;com/beyondperformance andhttp://800ceoread. comlbooklshoW/9781118024621-Beybnd _Performance

lffor any reason youwould prefer not to receive these occasional e-rnails

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fro m m e, p le ase ju st re ply to th is e -m ail.

Eq ua lly, if yo u h ave a co lle ag ue w ho w ou ld like to rec eive th es e s-m alls ,p le as e ju st re ply w ith th eir co nta ct d eta ils a ndIwould be g lad to add

them to th e d is tr ib utio n lis t

Very be st w is he s,

-Se e a tta ch ed file : C ha pte r 1.p df)

****************" i r i t . ***-******-********- I t*# :*************** ***** ...******if****i r " " *'.*"'*"*~*-k**'i!*w***********1t.*i4:I1:-*********1r':llil:** * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * *

+ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Th is e ma il is c on fid en tia i'a nd m ay be p rlv lle pe d. if yo u ha ve re ce ive d itin e rro r, p lease no tify us im med ia te ly and then de le te it. P lease do no tcopy it , d is clo se its co nte nts o r us e it fo r a ny p urp os e.+ = = = = = = : : ; = ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Th is e m ail w as re ce iv ed fro m th e IN TERNET a nd s ca nn ed by th e GO \le rnm e.n tSe cu re ln tra ne ta nti-v iru s s erv ic e s up plie d by C able&Wire le ss in p artn ers hip w ith M e $s ag (:!lia bs , ( CCTM Certific ateNumber 2006/04/0007 .) .

DH u se rs s ee C omp ute r v iru s g uid an ce onD elp hiu nd er S ec urity inDH,fo rfu rth erd eta ils .In case o f

p roblem s, p lease ca ll the IT supporthe IPdeSk.~- p ic28253.g if ~ -P ic06868.g ifll- Chapter1.pdf

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Build ing a hea lthy o rgan iza tion :A conversat ion between

a n d

The reneuial challel1ge

havetl1" ou:btouspnYil$g~oflivingth tpVghamasterc:le.ssinGhahgemSn$g$ 'i 1en t. MOSrbffhe o rga ,r 'l lz a ti ons Ik nOVi- pu blic s e do r; p ri va tesecto-r~they'vesirtip,!yr(ll 'l out6 frg a~ o f h owfa rW~existingmoae lCan take1~ ' e : i i l ,

I th inRWsfairt o s aYtha .t Qve rthela ~ 20 yearsqrsQ, compe tw.v~ advan tage Was .;l er ived l :lYinver ' i t i i ' igthenewthiflg~bycomir1Ql,lpwiththi:lplgger,better,~~St~r.better;N¢wth e ab il itYo f n ew en ~ra nts t o a tta ck th at o n $mo no lin eplayc om in g from le ft f ie ldiswell!<rfown.

So ther~;!1iquestionfor)ustainal:l l~mrofitgenera~lqn, value ge:n~r"t lQn,istheabili~yto createtha t r eirMi nt io n c ap ab ili ty. And mosr te ac ie rs IknoW struggled e e p l ywith that

Ithinkyb'lr~@solute!Y6ght,"inthat mos tofW !"I~ : twe hav e ! nou rr n a n a g E 1m s h t.~y$temsanp ourprod~ss~:;;areth~i'eto perpetuatewhat we 'r e a !r e$ dy do in g .

If's.sucl1a[1inte.restingproblem,bec<i\.useit hasn 't bee 'h c racked .And$0 t h is isn6 i i : I Pou t)'iJ:)qingsomel j6~ye l se '~QMtpractic!'l;th is is a bo u f r eMyth in kin g th ro "tjg hwh a t d owe d owhsraw eare : iodayinOU r c om p a n y .

-ei;ih, Ithi(1kW~.~ren a n l rW ~ r e s t i n g t li :T i . e 'l nmost d ewlQp e d e c on om i? saround thl!:',In tha trn~s t s tate p \ iqge ts are l!9l :1 te r1hanth~y'~ ever be$'r1,j jrqpablywillb¢:forthenelttfi>wy 'OO r s ,andwlfyou W6u!~n()Qkaf1h.ehE\tureofW:h.at1§1h~manda tem an orgarnza ti (. if l or thepurposeQf a,il9rganlzaticin,l think~'ve to o ea si !YE\dop 't ed the shor thand tha t$h~reholderva l u eis a g r ~ a tproxYf6(M.organfzatfori.

-¢tri:l.ordin~NM90ri1piisrunentalrndst a lway s c ome§c ih s er vic e t osbl)if' extr<1orpm<,lrygoal .Alid!thinko(ganizst1bnS,PlJblican i ; l p r i v~ t e -theyc a : i r IO$$th a t o v era per iodoftime,

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fromme, p lea seJLis tr ep ly toth is e -ma iL

Equally, if yo u h aVe a c olle ag uewhoi;Vou!dlike to re ce ive th es e s -m alls,

p lease just rep ly with the ir contact de ta ils and I w ould be glad to addthem to thed is h ib u U o h lis t.

(SeE! at taci1edfHe: Ch<;i(J ter1.pc!Q:


*****i . :*~: ,* ' i**. j ,*t iJ~***

Th is em~ii [sconfidential!ill1d. r nC lY. b ¢p r iv ileged . lfYIJP :have r ! ? o e l v editif ]~rrori p le?senotifyue>rr]m~dt~t$ly:and then de l$ . t oE i - . i f .p !~~§e <10notcopy it.41~<;roseits cont~ots9r!.ls~ itfo f a ny p urp os e,+= . : : : == ; ; ; : = ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ================================= .== ; :=== : : : : ; ; : ========== : " , . " , , , , , , ; : : ==+

ThiSE)ITlal.i was.T~~!Y~c;l ~f9m(herN T ER N E T ~ m g§£~nm~qy th eGovernment ~1)1·Y~l[!i!ntranetan t t : ; . v i ru sservice st,Jpp!(eQV Cable&Wire le ss in p artn :e rs hip w ith Me ss ag eL abs .tbCTMCertificateNumber 2006/04/0007,)

DH users see C om puter virus guidance on D elp l)I,under Security in D H, for further de ta lls . In case of

problems,please call th e IT suppdrtl'lsrpaeSk.'lI-p ic 28253.g if ~ -pic06$68.9ifV ? jftCliapter1.pdf

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V{hat is health?

"a tme;l tYanda rt ,i pu la rMhe co re , 1 :J 'g icb~hjr ')dthe r~$9arch,_r<l!allytw averysirnPletMIt%i~:On e isWI ) e ny6qlpokat I9ng- ter iTipEfrform¥~ge of if ls t itu tiq ifs '(mo~t ~aS!lyt f8.pkedint he P tiy at e- se c to r, n s leC i§:ntlty. bl1.f:ll.bsolu!€ilYthe~atile in tna publf1:t§l:lCtot€i$wel!),tile

lpng- t~rt ( l perfo .r rHanceof yrgaf)1zat iomllsehhanc~q if th e yjw ve in~ddj\ibn19~ fool j~9.npertormMce, (hEYhav~£\lQng-t i: ;iTi l,stist~ined.deep; and:a : ll tj1ent igfocus () ilpui ld i l lgwhat we.;;~1 th e (.(l1derlyifl91walth;i;lUheor9j3!iizati9ii.It's nola "ni@tQhav~i"irs r lot tJ ,noptiorialfJxtra;ItW t (1 sln td~hem c i ii $Y . .Wiih¢lJ t~foc!;1&on he.~lth,perf9tmahGe.doesn'~occur, TtI,a.organiZations' · that we:lool<;ed a\~§l.ndws l 6 q k e d ? to v e r? pOcasesh.ilre...:.1halha dmffiiE1gedq~lnaddiUputofoc\J$ingonp'~rf()fmaiic~,had also fOO\, l89do nhealthPQtperformedfhi:?$i:it.hat dl9.fi't.

Ih'Ei'seconctpi"opo!?,ltlon,tho~gh.ls1~al ngen$r'C!l,w e j D s tdon'tdoth~t!We dohWo itar.:YWherej 'j~!l ienoqgh. It'S/I1_1lrelylipi't~rvice iO.,ti1'oSf9@:mizati(Xls.A!:ld thBreJ~asetof:PlirrCiple$~l1d apptoachesV ih i c h i! iE ibest organizatiq:n~hBUeman~g$d to u~wh ienW l ll bD !19th~8ErfT)ed !3g r e eof r Igo ran d iQbt . is tnei~toth edeve!oj5tnento.ftiealtha s t o t h edev~!Qpmeri t t i tperfQff :nance ,

in n oWwdoe::gil!f r es e~ rqh s vgg es t t haX~bandq{ Jjo g a{QC , I JSon 'p~form;a:hqean dshiftingI t18 0 clegrf,lesto .MalUi lilgoirigto.n;iake~thlrjg.'l;iunkY-90ry.

Art< ; lsom~!nanag~f'rientte~sare-able todobom,T bWr esplatoe im~ r a c eP.E l l i o r r r i aMe!iljdl:1eaJtO,:llweIusnririkal??utltm,athem~!iq~~y,th ~ rp ro p ¢ 'flj9 n O f s .h .< w epri.9?whichi$e~pJainedb;Y~turee~pecta!)QnsoffUtLlseeamir1gsh~~peen gOingup~< :i_ns iste.ritlyevfjryfiY~cl1l~s or $ qfort l! i; !'C!~t qoy~?rs . Ancj Ihave . i)$ qoul: :l fj t wi ll @qt lnu~- tqgo up{it ih i llpr6b§QlygdiJpj3xp()rie·h1ially,§o1his,oYj!iotheSjsMie'reSlJ.ggestir'i9here[?n.otar~di6aldemttture f ro r t l, th e f i oW~ O fbusiness id@'soverth$last5Q~arS;!:\lItITwouldbera.VicaltfItw a s i m r l emE im t l Q ,

AndthaVs.to .m e ,!h erEl~Lstrategi.cqU 8§tiQf11hat.l€!:aper$jlav9t oa f )§w e t ' Ii t '! 3 Jnot,"C an Id~iiVerthi$-mont~$$arr i inf isottilrsquarter'si)aming;i?"- : :9 i?odr iessk n o w sti;,:~t's ,'rftl¢:Ultnough . 81l t.i naJdi~bn tothat,'do w~,a r e 'We ,conf~aihgg~;:;(j(ne .

.qOD1petit lV~ad~h{~ge? ' . . .

- ..lrilhe P~SticW6 thot;l1JhttherewaS'~Jrade·of.fbE:!twet;in "deIIV$fthEIi:i9tnber$.d6 itnow"-tli~ ngnrtii3~t,.cortlrdr,di~dipline,~x~butloh~and er~alivitY:l:i;q;erlhlerytatI6J),kiMvation,andren~wal.MoStGEOS,'Ithink:,feltveTymuch~pped~etwe~i"fthoset w o : th i n g s .

AndYfit whe n yo uca n tranMend th6$e1rade'offs,you think a bo ut w ha t h ap p ..n edjn th~ au tom0bi le l oC iU$try~the piOi1~$rswh.Qfigure~~~thowto g iv e u sboth:gQ.aJityand b iN .t os t" ": 't h? t wa s aw i n n i n gprbPO~itiori.A ndIth inkthat'§Whef.'e'~\i1:lare'i1.owwithmanC ' i . g em .m t .

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-o lei 'sTOCUSora minu te ~ n .wn at i shealth, whlltis:a:nealthyorganization.An.$[l .alo_gyIuse:therelsrathar likehUmal1hea lt h . I fyou~hinkof$fl. Qlymp ian a th le te-think ofabaxer,:8 l'u nn er , a nd a swimme filft !1e y're In th e O lymp ic s,theY're 'a !1heal thy, theya l lhavetheirin.dMdi:.ra[patternof i1( ; !a l th i 'bu t ihey 're cer ta in iyveryd~(er :e .n tiand thei r t ra in inga09d i et8{y rsg1mes a recompletelyalfferentB ut th ere a re s om e COrecapacitiestria!wewOlll;iiargue arecentralandc o mm o nacrossallthose d i f f e r e n ttypesororganlzations.Th . e r eare three categoriespfheaithtnatwetalkabout,wh! .Qh j sth eabjl ity tor enew,th ea bilit y to g et d ee p a lii;J nment an d t he a bil it yt o e xe cu te .

So.is the'organizationdellply al ignecfonits purpose?Now,'someorganizationshavea k in d ofI n-bun t advan tage .Youknow, ifyau're inth e heaffh.c;3rebusinessOr th epharmaceut ic a l bus ines s ,y ot l'~ ln a b us in e ssaftiraantfdeath"'-'-perhapseas1ertQalign.Buteveryorganiza1ioncanllUd;alignment.Everyorganizat!oI1;c:anfindal ignmentbellino.ser:Y1ngIts customers,an d ye t on1ythe minor i tyd o SOl

Thesecondis around ablf ityhe :<ecute .S o it 's e ss en tla l~ th ec ha ng e e ng in e, t hec a pab il it ie s o ft he o rg a n iz a ti on t oget s tu ff d on e.

Am :i th e t hir d on e,I I ' J lh i c i ' ryouhavewr it ten and t a lke tlmuchabou t ,is the capacl iyfOrrenewal,th e c o( po ra lem era bo lic r ate o fth e o rgan iza tiOn , Are you mov inga s fa st asther at e o fchange: jr i: th e .ex te rna fma rketpl ace demands?

-ouknow,Ii h \ f :ikaTi c i f thoset hi ng s a reabsoiuislywnclamental andkey. !guess Iwouidargue that,at teas la tt he o rg a ni za ti on s t ha tlk now ;p ro b eb ly th e r e n ewall hi ng isalmostthehardestforthem , . ,

Letme giveyouacoupleot examples. tthlnk,abtottlmes, th e waycompaniesapproadfitHeJrstrategicplaonin0is apolnt oJ'View-about theindusiry7wherevalueiscreated' . .whdtMcustomer is ,how lresegmenied'" ' thatreallyIsprobabl\tilveortsnyearsout·of~date , ' '.

So a s y ot l.s ta rf to lo okat e ve ry o ne o fthese processes ,you c an a sk yDUfSelt •.l:Arethesethings' thaihelpusbecorne more o reat lve ,moree:- :perimenta l, more innovatlve, trymoret hin gs ? O re rew 9S imp ly kin dof dolngwhatwe'Vealway.sdone?"So on lywf th1l1atkindof i ~t ro spec tl or1, ! .t hInk , do you f indthathings11'latchallengepeople lotbinkdifferentty.

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Buildinq health

-h errw a r09 ke d a tt il ls cM l J e n g !'lo f h owdo t h e winne rs c tl rf er en t la t e: lhOO)se lve s f romt he lo se rs by bu iid in g h ea rthf o r 1ong · t ! 3 rms us ta in ab le c ompet if iv e a dvan ta g e, t he no tlo nofinirospeeUon v. l a s · . a c t u a1~yr ron tand:cen te r .. '!S.Jtho~gheach of!he\"linners ' \h~'€ntabout

theirchalieflgeof buildingc a p a c i t ya nd h ea lt h a ndc a p a b i J L t y f c r r e n ewa r l : na d i T l e r e n tway,t he re We resornecomrnonfherresto it.An d o newaylthinka boot t ha t is t oju st1 hin kaoou tf iv es 't ag e s o r f iVementaimodels t h ai th ey adop tedin o rd er todeafwithina!ohalle tlQ8. Andt he fi rs t twQhave ln l ro ! ;!pec i ion a i the i rco re .

th e firstone Ju s als o fs omeb qd y.h o fd ln g u p amirror.lf:anlodivldualwantsto becomemQreheatlhYiit'sprobably af jOoC!idaal ftheys ta rt o ff w it h s ome J1ndOfassessment of

. t ne ir h ea lth . Th e s am s Is tru efo ra no rg an iz atio n~An d mode lsO fhealthneed to fi twitflthe s t ra ieg iCfJ.spii'at ionsof Utaorganizalion.

T he s ec on d th in gttJat1hewinnersseemed t od o wa s tG i'l ;2 ec omed~ep[y·introspec!ivea ro und W.l!a t IC; :$ l ith eIiber9,ti(1g;l.m;fiimiJingm in d"s s ts . S oa fiberatingm i . n d - s 9 !isamii"rd·s et w hich . a ll~ th ep ote niia i.oftheprganllall0.nt o b e un fe as be d .A lim r tin g m ind" se tis .n ot n ec es sa rily a b ad p ers [email protected] b i ng : ,it's a be lie htru cfu re da ro un d 'N ha t'sh a p p e n i nwin theindvetrYl;1nd1 / o i h a t1 h e - o r g a n i z a t i o nis capableof thatl im i l s11 i :>otential,

And t he t hir d t hin g -a ndJwpu ld sa yth atth is w asthethinQ Ih atw a fo un d w hich w asmos td if fe re nt b etwe em t hew jnn er s a nd t he lo se rsinmanagin~he8fth-wasth~wInnersturnedgoodaspi !a t ions : andiOffylhougnts1ntoconcre tep l a n s .Sow h e nyo u t a ikabout locking.atth e HR~pr~9sses ,looRing.at th e f inancial . processeserthe strategyprocesses. n1ost"ieaders-araLnssa ti s fied~n! lthose, an d ~t ifYQtlgGpackayear:la!er,;thEW'restUIdissatisfiedWitht ho se . Andth ewinnefS founda:w itofactqaHyc ra cki ng i nt o'those an dmaking apract lcaldifferenceincreatingth econdilionsfofhealfuto arise.

'rh efo urt i\fram e w aa aro an d < lo erg y. A nd Iw as re ally in trig ue d h ere . \fV he nw e lo oke da ttne orgsni: .: :at io!1Stl)~fiiaq ;;USi<;\ina~!yb\l l l thee ,) lh ,. they' dgone ..£o l f tt h~~ p ro ce ss w it h.sQmfi"~lerrientscifwhatyOIj migh t th Inkoias rrjijltarypr~isiol'l:cenfralCQnt ro (p rQgramo ffic es , d ea dlln es , m ile sto ne s, d is cipUn es ,< ln drig or,A nd th ats eem ed to b s'fa ble 'st~kes;thathas tobe'lnp l a c e ,o~berW15ethechangeJushvodt happen-, ;W tt l1 ? t w a s n ' twllat iMte ren t ia ted th !3m.Whatrealtymade th e d! ffe re n cewas th edegree:towhIchth eorganiza t ion (3oulc iunl~ashe)(c it~ment.

TheNtl:i1rame,wh ioh kind ofpervadesallQ TtMm, we've'a,lreaQy rEll 'eJredJoln.thisCQ(lV9rsa! ionas leadership.Thereh a slJ ee nno s.u cc es sf ui a tt emp tfhatI' 'I:~observe\'lto WmJ~rnen.laHYQ[lar\ge the natoJeqf¢e hS l aT t h o f t f l eor.gf¥l~ationln.pur&uttQfcompetifiyea dvant ag e't ha th .a s n o t i nvolv ed afundamental ch!;lT:jgejri . lead!;lrshlp.ha tc om e sin twofo~; of tencombi!WdJJne I s J i t e l : a l lych.angetheleaciers. B\;J1ne.secOnd,on~iwfjiQh tome in vo lv fls m orepotential,is howcan you helpl a ac ! e r ec han g ewitho'1t{;han.ginQ tlw.leaders.

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sornett ii fi f: t • •llt!iinkthatlsl\irid or~~thec o r eorfuric;lam$rjtalo a l i o f tf 11 $ ,and that is a intermsoNMii t! e ad e rs d o.J thin!Shis~orical!y weju$tas su rna d tha :t a :l $aqWW ~~leaderbecal.J~th$Yl1~dacertalnS rnoW r l.LOfbu r e a u c r a t i oppwerand controlanoji1pp_eripe.And in agiobc) iq(gaq;za tio ii , in -ah l! ;lh; IY;; ;o ffip lex v:. ;o f1Q,

t he ?i 'n o un t o fpers(inal_!el/erag~yo u c ange t?tll)~lops imp ly byd i rec ti n .g lnd iv id ua ltle¢iSioi1S,makingnardt:i.iill!?,fsextraordinarlly~ihit~d.

A lo t o fle ad ers d on 'ti\<Wetl:f¢p tltienceto get1;lQwnint.M w ee ds amitl'jtnk~boutthosec: leElPmanagement$ySl$ttJs.aridhowtheY'~e_eithe'(<IjspJritingpeopl$_or.nelplngtn em ,hClWthey'reeitherpE1rpet~Jfn_gth e pas to r - e h a ,J3Ut_youha,v~tQ6~willingto ge t: ~ QW nthere an d d q 1 f J a t J ~ 1 i l_ i: !6 f c a l !it b(llnga _ _pll.,r"rilber,WhV?B~ause ITyOUdon'tchange the pr 'J i t l l : i i ( ig,!1btJ-jingls e is gOiiigtoh a p p e n .

-oe Q ft h e t _E l $ tS : tM1 i ' ll ~ f \ e ii ~$k J e ad e r s J . ,yQ 'Kw_ t thto qO;and I ' J \ f o \ _ J l q~$R?nyoneW:8 . t ch ingt )1 l§vide_9Jo( l ( . \ . \ s . tojust rmagirie~tP$t()f$tamQuntof e(1$~W¢nlie' toplO pl e a d e r sin t h _ 8brgahit~!19n{lridto divld~tMfintp-fWQ~Qhunks:that J)_a.(tQfitwhic h isfo cu se d o nth e~r ln \~ ryl l j r p0$8ormissi¢hi)fa~Ri(~t19noftpl'orgfuitiati6n,a nd t ha t

partofitw h k : h i s ' f 4CQ s e don i ieding th e t)~_~s_t,h making t hem~QtiMicSwork,O nmakingth e log_l~tiC$6ftheorgimizationWbrk.

AndIi'sjl.)llt~nii(jd6tal,buti've prob~l;i:lY~s~aaO-or40 Qrganii.8flOOs.!nat,and q! )average,Ig~lls,{g~ (l ,nsweredtha~ 6 1 : l ti HO J ie r c e n tofthe:e(1~t9yg9Ei$intof e eo i l t lth e beMt,_makJijg'th~fMitarchywo r t < . J P u t t i ~lr'!place [email protected],r a \ h e r J ~ r \makin9a. f ! i ihQ~m~ri ta ldifferenCeto tM~~Ghl iWementofthepl,i~p6~etthe o rgMit imOI ), .That see_ t tl s td rnato be to obig.Andit~lleaders that Iwo r k\)oiffhwould sug4~{ltthaf,inaway, t f rE i i r- ro l e . i sto le t go , I stooTs e ) i i P 6 ' 1 ' I € r 1 n ebeast Inorded6'empowert h . el@derSwiJfiih it. .

-thil'1Mh~tltilioften th e case t l J$ twecseps,ratethese kiii~$dfparadoxicalcn'ftl[~n~es- a t iQwetr~EiOhem asmutui:tlIY!l¢!Q~rv~.lfyouc a n ' tf l i :<< lth~-{jmih600 thls,lf '$?'J~ tome

the9rgan!i~tiqn's wg.;t oomuc l ' !d~p:erid_e:nton you <\S?c .I$.af]e tYouhaver\;tq--ev?IQ~dpeop lE1Whoc a nrunthes h O w ,QOo t h e rthings.Becau$eltth:~re'sone t h ing l f : l a tal e f i de r~fiQurqb$W6i 'ry ing about ,It'st11i$,

Ii io tua l lYbE)"Hevetha tif yo u) ! i IMttqI~1nvent theCOre rn~i lag~mentprocesse i?~ r r d$Ys~€I~tn yourcompany il'\:f!Yi<iyfl'iatmake s t hiso t g~ l i g a l 19 r rmore adaplal'll?; m.i3t~i n t iQ I@, t iVE j ,whateveritmayb~,YO l th e ed too pe n u pacqmp~l. iY"Wkleonve'r_saticn,R ig h i? .

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On? companyr l<nQw~Iwp.h'tmenlionthem. bu t it'S.a sof tware cOi'nP$iriy""":and'a coppleofyear 'S ago,th~;yWS n 1thrii(rgha vE:lfyqifli41lt( i ~ t c l l§tna warE!way}atein~.eJ . eaS jngapa.rtictl!arProqucttomark et A nd~omlSP6gyW< , I Swtltingan onlin,sblcj(j-lthlnJ)anem p l o y e e .pe@lJsi;;,! r fW a$)a lOtof insidelriform_s:t iori.A n oifW asa v e dCriUcat.nard-

h i t t i n gblogabout,~yhy~isCcri:Jpal1Yh< !Oscire~d 4 Pariawf;n~9 t o fire th eJe~de(Ghipie~m. W'n$l;wa$ inf?reS'HngJo l tieWas,()~r:.the'naxtWai3t,50 0MCplevvfq~e thou9liIfuikidqso fcQn t ri bu t [ons On thatblog,a n d . y o u c o i . i l dt 9~mQSto f 1 h em~v6 tked fo r th iscomp~n.y.And t t : leyIO '{ t3 ,dU:J6COmp a h y / a nQihs,!werf ; ;1as irusf ra teq a l1~n:i it?ody aboutthistle[ay. And theyhadVeiy practiE:al ej(planatfqnsO fwh y it tWppened,whatfl~dedt o change .

And Ire?d tf)t9ugh 1il?t,andI:thqught, "Youkliowwh~1, thtit is as gp.l ;ldf iP i~¢ .e qf(jrg~.fliz<itio~1 di?,gridsi:!asI've eve(se~n.· Anda11bfmatkt\o'Nli;)dgewa~ sittingIn thl1.lorg<,!ii iz<i 't iori. 'w<ji tingto ~expIQt~~d,an~cleglYW~st'l't, $0, for'~ l~erthaLif!!8Ii\$ 10

ii'lakeJhl~kinaofs differilrlCe,there ~re 8,16tolPe¢ple·lhy68r' prgarii??ticii1th~ aregciitjgt6be-. ( in t )100 ,Bag~rtQ:h e1p~~a(Jse lhe{wai1Howp rk f o rh.ea!tpyoiganiiatiQii s ,

id2;Cien196r 20tOQes !g0ed by McKit \s eyL_ollddn

CQiYt . t i g11 \© ~ilCKiltse'f &Ctinifjany~~Jv~;\v.(iicklnSfi. 'lOOnl

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Ca lenda r E~ Ir :Y

Meeting", !.;..:',~~.

:: ' : .? l> _ _ ; ~ .< :M cKin $e y H os pita lln st{tu te D in ne r a nd D e ba te

••• ' ,-" ~ '_ • 1' ' · ."~

,,~allmar$h R()~ms, King: . , :~ .: . ; . , (~ . : .'," . . · . : · c o n e g e ~CambtIdg~

W ~ l~ l t J i; l~ ;t~

D~ar.•Thank youso much Torgetting bat*to me t o q sY?nd with$j;J¢hwondetfulnews;_and th e rest of the lViHiteam are {feHghted Ianwould liketo join us inQambridgeon e thJ.une.TI1~~nnnerwillpeh ~ld inth e8altm~rsh Ro om s , K in g's C plle ge ,Cambridge am i theeveningwill~egth~f 6.00pri1Withcirirlks,d ln n er'to s ta rtataASpm.Ianwillbe in v ite dto spe ak for 10·15 minutes afterdihher arid th$ ~vening WjU9Jo$~at g : qQp r n .P l e a s edo le t me know if ian wll !r equ ir e overnigh taccommodationand/or assistance

w i t htravel ~rr'::Irl"l''Ir;='tyIQntQ

Myco b.e in touc;h\&ithyou 11~~t~rthe time of thereventwith brie fing you requ lreanyth lng furthe r from usiii th~ .m e an tim e d o n ot h esita tetocontact m e ,We of cow~~, appreciate thatian may hayeto pullout if urgent business arises but,barr ing t;;U .g t{i n t e rve r i t i on ,V je.ltl9kforward.tQgreeting him o n 8th June.With thanksand kind regards,_


lnvi~tipn to speak at the McKinsey Hospital Institute Dinnerand Debate

FbnOwingol. irC6rr~~p()ndenCelastyea r,I am writingto le tyouknowa bo ut th en e x tin th es e ' r i e s b fourMckinseyAaspita l ins titu tedinnersW~r$hta~e.placeon the followingdates:

e Thursday 12" M ay, Yorksh ire and Hum ber reg ion to be he ld in teeds .

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e Tu esda y 24 '" M ay,No rth Ea st reg ion to be h eldin Newcast le .e Wednesday 8·'june , East o f Eng!and reg ion to be he ld in Cam bridge

Th e d in ne rs p ro vid ean in fo rma l oppo rtu n ity fo rGhiefExecut ives ,MeciibalD ire cto rs a nd F in an ce D ire cto rsfrom a cu te h os pita l tru sts to fo cu son th ed ua l c ha lle ng es o fin cre as in g q ua lity a nd p ro du ctiv ity a nd m a kin g s av in gs .

Our almls fo r th e d in ne rsto h av ea re laxed a tmosphe re ,and as ou r gues tsp ea k§f w e wo.4 lde nc ou ra ge yo u toquestion and c ha lle ng $ o ur g ue ~t~toengage ina liv ely d e ba te .WeWou ld liketo in vite yo u togive your pe r spec tiveo n th e He alth B ill p erh ap s fo cu ssin gspecificallyo i lth e c ha lle ng es to a cu tehospitalsand th e bes t ro u teto o ve rc om in g th es e.Discussion le d byou r,guests at our r ec ent e v en tshas includeddebates a bo u t me rg e rs , ta ke o ve rs ,fhi:. hospl ta]f""il. rre ~.::.1'iim.::. ~nr!!: . perspe ct iveM wh;:tf m~kp.!=; H ""o · · -n ·d ho S·D· ltal.~f~ L.~VO I .. q,~, ~lIo.A.lIUJ: . '~~(I P." " "" i~~ t' -J- ' to< " ' .,[ _ _. .-~ , ~-:!•• --!_ -- ~- ' r _ " - - j;_ , ,


YqUa re invitedto spe ak for 10-15 m inu tes a nd w ewillp ro vid e achair personfrom McKinsey to~ns ure th e reis ac t.i vedeba te . I hope you will b? able tojo jq us a t6pm fo r dr!nks,wit!)flin n er $ta [tin g a t6A5pm. We w illpr¢\rideyouwith overnightacoommodatlon and Wouldbe a ble to a ssis t w ith tra ve larranpemert ts .

I am su reOUTdinner-guestswou ld appre cia teyourperspect iveOf) th!,7j~suesarid1v~ryinqch hop~you willbe ableto t$ke jJ~it Ifyoy wou ld like f!:lrth e rdet8i.I.Sr eg a rd fng a rr ang emen t~ fo r_h ed ir in e rIii -assistaht; ~lll be a bleto . she .reached or

P le as e le t u sknow ifany of th es e d ate s

We look forWardto heffrlngfromyou.

You rs s in c e re ly

. p .

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