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“乐乐乐乐”乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐 “乐” 乐乐乐 () 2011 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐——乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐 :,, 乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐 乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐 2011 乐 5 乐 24 乐乐 07 乐 30 乐 乐乐 乐乐乐乐 ·乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐 MUSIC AND JOY IN CHEMISTRY In Celebration of the International Year of Chemistry 2011 —Opening Concert of the Peking University Chemistry Festival Joy and Music in Chemistry Hosted by Peking University Chinese Academy of Sciences, Division of Chemistry Chinese Chemical Society Organizers Peking University Co-Curricular Activities Centre Peking University College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering Peking University School of Arts Chief Planner乐Principal Qifeng ZHOU Chief Producer乐Vice-Principal Yan ZHANG United Societies 乐 Chinese Orchestra of Chinese Music Institute, Peking University Star Molecular Choir, Peking University College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University Sing Song International A cappella Peking University School of Foreign Language Peter Philharmonic Choir, Peking University Students’ Chinese Orchestra, Peking University Students’ Symphony Orchestra. Date乐24th May 2011, 7:30 pm Venue 乐 Concert Hall of the National Centre for the Performing Arts 一: (乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 :: Prof. Kai WU, Dean of School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering乐 (乐 乐乐乐乐 乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 :,,) 乐 乐乐乐乐乐乐乐乐 乐乐 ,,,,,!

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Page 1:€¦ · Web view“乐以化学”中英文字幕文本对照. 中文片头字幕: “乐以化学”(用周校长题字)2011国际化学年专庆音乐会——暨北京大学

“乐以化学”中英文字幕文本对照中文片头字幕:“乐以化学”(用周校长题字)2011 国际化学年专庆音乐会——暨北京大学化学文化节开幕式主办:中国北京大学,中国科学院,中国化学会承办:北京大学学生课外活动指导中心 北京大学化学与分子工程学院 北京大学艺术学院总策划:周其凤校长总监制:张彦副校长联合演出:北京大学中国音乐学社 北京大学明星分子合唱团 北京大学新声国际清唱团 北京大学外国语学院皮特爱乐合唱团 北京大学学生民乐团 北京大学学生交响乐团时间:2011 年 5 月 24 日晚 07 点 30 分地点:中国北京·国家大剧院音乐厅英文片头字幕:MUSIC AND JOY IN CHEMISTRYIn Celebration of the International Year of Chemistry 2011—Opening Concert of the Peking University Chemistry Festival Joy and Music in ChemistryHosted byPeking University Chinese Academy of Sciences, Division of Chemistry Chinese Chemical SocietyOrganizers Peking University Co-Curricular Activities CentrePeking University College of Chemistry and Molecular EngineeringPeking University School of ArtsChief Planner:Principal Qifeng ZHOU Chief Producer:Vice-Principal Yan ZHANGUnited Societies: Chinese Orchestra of Chinese Music Institute, Peking University Star Molecular Choir, Peking University College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University Sing Song International A cappella Peking University School of Foreign Language Peter Philharmonic Choir, Peking University Students’ Chinese Orchestra, Peking University Students’ Symphony Orchestra. Date:24th May 2011, 7:30 pmVenue: Concert Hall of the National Centre for the Performing Arts

一:吴凯教授讲话:(注:人物横飞字幕:北京大学化学与分子工程学院院长 Prof. Kai WU, Dean of School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering)(注:视频有缺失,以大全景镜头补充,直到声画可以同步)尊敬的各位领导,各位嘉宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,朋友们,大家晚上好!Good evening, ladies and Gentlemen.

我是来自北京大学化学与分子工程学院的教师吴凯。I am Kai WU, one of faculties from School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering.

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今天,为了庆祝 2011 年国际化学年暨北京大学化学文化节,北京大学、中国科学院化学学部和中国化学会,共同举办今晚的“乐以化学:2011 国际化学年专庆音乐会”。在音乐会开始前,请允许我邀请三位音乐会主办单位的代表致辞。谢谢!For the celebrating of International Year of Chemistry and Chemistry Culture Festival of Peking University, PKU, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Chemical Society presented the concert of the evening: Joy and Music in Chemistry. Please allow me to introduce three planners- in charge of the concert to give a speech.

中国科学院党组书记白春礼院长,曾和北京大学周其凤校长、中国化学会姚建年理事长,亲自协调和商定今晚的音乐会事宜。但是,由于紧急公务,白春礼院长今晚不能亲自莅临音乐会现场,下面,请允许我,代为宣读白春礼院长的致辞。谢谢!At first, please allow me to reading the speech out which presented by Prof. Chunli BAI with honor, the President of Chinese Academy of Sciences, who was the one of planners but absent for business.

尊敬的各位来宾,各界朋友: Dear Guests, Dear friends, Ladies and gentlemen:

2008 年 12 月 30 日,联合国第 63 届大会通过议案,将 2011 年作为“国际化学年”,主题为“化学-我们的生活,我们的未来”。It was on 30th December, 2008; the United Nations’ 63rd General Assembly presented the case and gave the approval of the designating the year 2011 as "International Year of Chemistry", locating the theme "Chemistry - our lives, our future."

目前,国际化学年活动正在全球范围展开,全球超过 100 个国家支持并将积极举办国际化学年活动。There has been existing all sorts of events under the theme of International Year of Chemistry in the world by far, and more than 100 countries have been taking action to the grand occasion.

中国是国际化学年的提案国之一,并在推动此项议案获得通过的过程中,发挥了积极作用。China, as the one of sponsor countries of IYC, held an truly role in the processing of approval to the case of it.

为了响应联合国的决议,履行到在国际事务中应尽的责任和义务,彰显化学对社会进步和人类文明做出的巨大贡献,增进公众对化学的了解和认识,将于 2011 年在全国组织开展系列“国际化学年在中国”活动。Due to taking action in cooperation with the theme of IYC and serving the duties and obligations to UN, besides, for highlighting the functions and positions of Chemistry, especially in the development of society and progression of civilization, besides, promoting both the reception of the public and understanding of people, a series of arrangements would be organized countrywide under the title "IYC in China" in 2011.

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2011 年 4 月 9 日,“国际化学年在中国”启动大会在人民大会堂隆重举行,而今天,由北京大学、中国科学院化学学部、中国化学会共同主办的“乐以化学”专庆音乐会,不仅是“国际化学年在中国”系列活动中一道亮丽的风景线,更需要提及的是,这台理念独特,风格别致的音乐会,将中国变成为全球化学年活动中,唯一以音乐的方式配合化学年主题的国家。I would like to share this good new with you. 9th, April of the year, the Celebrating of IYC and Opening Ceremony to IYC in China held in the Great Hall of the General Assembly. Here, Joy and Music in Chemistry, a celebration concert held by Peking University, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Chemical Society.We have to say that the concert not only is the unusually brilliant of the IYC in the country, but also, it give rise to China the unique country which matches the theme of IYC by the special way of music.

化学:我们的生活,化学,我们的未来。通过音乐的方式,展示化学的魅力,通过音乐的方式,传播化学的理念,中国需要更多的青年才俊,加入化学领域,跻身科学行列,北京大学化学文化节正是在此前提下,呼应化学年主题,为活跃化学文化校园生活而做出的贡献。Chemistry: our life, Chemistry: our future. Through the expression of music, we do try to presenting the fascination of Chemistry. Through the expression of music, we do try to spreading the scientific ideas in Chemistry. We do need more splendid minds of the time involve to discovering the unknown fields of Chemistry and Sciences. Basically, under the context which catching the theme of IYC, meanwhile, we tries to emphasis the contribution to developing campus life with Chemical Cultural Festival of Peking University.

在此,我谨代表中国科学院,对北京大学和为今天的音乐会付出的北大学子们,表示衷心的感谢和诚挚的祝福,也在此祝贺北京大学化学文化节开幕!谢谢!Here, on behalf of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I do thank students of Peking University, who give a lot to concert of the evening, and also congratulate on the opening of the Chemistry Cultural Festival of Peking University! Thank you!

谢谢大家。Thanks, thank you.

二、接下来,我们有请中国化学会理事长姚建年先生致辞。Next,let’s welcome Prof. Jiannian YAO, president of Chinese Chemical Society.

(注:横飞字幕,姚建年院士,中国化学会理事长,Prof. Jiannian YAO, president of Chinese Chemical Society.)有请,大家欢迎。Welcome.

尊敬的周其凤校长,各位来宾,各位领导,女士、先生们,晚上好。Dear Principal Qifeng ZHOU, ladies and gentlemen, good evening!

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在这令人陶醉的夜晚,首先,我代表中国化学会,祝贺北京大学化学文化节隆重开幕!In this wonderful evening, first of all, on behalf of the Chinese Chemical Society, I congratulate the grand opening of the Peking University Chemistry Festival.

向在座的化学界朋友、文艺界朋友,和北京大学的师生致以亲切的问候。And, with my sincere greetings to all of you who both chemists, artists and faculties and students of Peking University.

“乐以化学”音乐会在中国化学会副理事长、北京大学校长周其凤先生亲自创意和亲切关怀下诞生了。The concert, Joy and Music in Chemistry, was suggested and developed by Mr. Qifeng Zhou in person, Vice-President of the Chinese Chemical Society and Principal of Peking University.

它把化学元素与音乐元素有机地融合在一起,成为北京大学国际化学年中,中国区的系列活动之一,使我们在研究化学之余,有机会聆听优美的旋律,享受高雅的艺术。The concert bonded the idea of chemistry and spirit of music together successfully, and planned as the one of a series of events for celebrating the IYC in China which gives us an occasion to enjoy the beautiful music and meet the nice arts besides our research studies.

作为一名化学工作者,我想,人们常把科学与艺术、理性与感性,形容为“左与右”的关系,其实科学与艺术从来没有严格的分水岭,它们最初都源于人类的想象力。I thought, as a chemist, even though, often, people considered Science and Arts, Reason and Emotion as a sort of relation between lefty and righty, there had never been a division of them strictly. In a word, they both fly from human’s imagination.

可以说,科学与艺术其实是同源的。It was well-known that Sciences and Arts share the same root truly.

在我们欣赏历史悠久的中国民乐时,我们将领略到“术业有专攻”、“触类可旁通”的哲学道理。Since touching with the traditional Chinese Music, we would be able to appreciate the philosophical truth of locating one thing and turning out its interrelationships.

今天的乐以化学将给我们以享受,也给我们以启迪。Joy and Music in Chemistry, the concert of this evening, will take us to the enjoyment, as well as the enlightenment very closely.

最后,我们再次向周其凤校长、和参加演出的作曲家与师生们致以崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢。Then, let’s show our high respects and deep gratefulness to Principal Qifeng ZHOU, and Musicians, Faculties and Students those presenting the performing.


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May the Peking University Chemistry Festival success and May the Concert Joy and Music In Chemistry success too. Thank you.

三:谢谢姚建年理事长,下面,请我们掌声有请北京大学周其凤校长致词。有请。Thanks.Welcome Mr. Qifeng Zhou, Principal of Peking University please.

( 注 : 横 飞 字 幕 : 周 其 凤 院士, 北 京 大 学 校 长 , Prof. Qifeng ZHOU, Principal of Peking University)

尊敬的各位来宾,各位同仁,各位老师,各位同学,各位北京大学的朋友们:晚上好!Dear guests and colleagues, dear faculties and students, ladies and gentlemen, good evening! 今年是国际化学年,全球都在为这一文化盛事,献计献策,尽心尽力,可谓是寰宇同庆。This year was gave as International Year of Chemistry. We are very glad to see that the entire world has been taking different sorts of action which dedicated to this grand cultural event. What is happening on it in the world, including the concert of the evening, would be called an universal celebration.

作为一个化学教师,作为一个化学研究者,我为国际化学年活动的开展,感到非常高兴。I have been holding an occupation both chemist and chemical researcher for years. I am so pleased to seeing, to the furthest extent, the growths of activities on the IYC.

一方面,化学是生活的科学,是活生生的学问,另一方面,化学也是未来的科学,是沉甸甸的责任。如何更好地让化学回归应有的面貌,如何让化学更好地成为人类生活的朋友,如何为化学这一人类共同的事业,积累出富于创造力的生力军,不仅是所有化学家始终关心的问题,也是北京大学责无旁贷的使命。On the one hand, chemistry is a sort of science on life which making knowledge alive; on the other hand, chemistry is a sort of science on future as well, which admitting serious responsibility to people. How could we make chemistry return to what it should be more awesome, how could we flame chemistry to human life more friendly, and how could be accumulate originality for the chemical, issues above, here, to be sure, could be both all chemists concern of constantly and a meaningful give to Peking University face up to.

就在去年年底,北京大学中乐学社的青年学子们,在邀请我出席他们的新年音乐会时,得知国际化学年活动的消息。我非常欣喜地看到,这些来自不同院系,不同专业的同学们,群策群力,不分彼此,在极短的时间内,提出此次专庆音乐会的方案,不仅约请音乐家创作呼应化学年主题的新作品,还进一步整合北京大学社团资源,与其他五家兄弟社团一道以联合演出的方式,奉献这台意义特殊的音乐会。I did remember, just the end of last year, that the young students, they from the Chinese Music Institute of Peking University who, in inviting me to attend their New Year's concert, got the information of the International Year of Chemistry activities. I was very moved to see the students who from different departments and different backgrounds working together and

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making the celebration concert smoothly in a very short time. Not only they tried to invited resident composers to write commission work, but also united another five brother societies on campus as a whole. It led the special concert with special meaning of this evening and of this year.

在即将登台的近两百位北大学子身上,我再次非常欣喜地看到一种团结的力量,看到一种实干的作风,看到一种严谨的态度,看到一种探索的勇气。乐以化学,既是一种快乐,也是一种鞭策。既是一种科学精神的体现,也是一种艺术情感的表达。我为自己拥有这样出色的同学们,感到无比自豪。Again, I am very pleased to see a unity, an exploration, a team work, and a brave through the nearly two hundred university students who are going to on the stage. Joy and Music in Chemistry, I thought, must be able to give us an enjoyment and an inspiration; it will not just be a performance only, but a manifestation upon the spirit of Science and an expression of Art. I am so proud of these excellent students.

同样,就在去年,我们迎来了北京大学化学学科建立一百周年庆,今天,化学与分子工程学院的同仁和学子们,为回应国际化学年的主题,出台了一系列化学文化节的活动。宣传化学,弘扬化学,其中不仅有用镜头记录下化学魅力瞬间的“发现化学之美”,也有以实验和知识竞赛方式普及化学的“幻化魔术”;不仅有培养团队精神的歌唱比赛,也有大家云集、切磋学术的高端论坛At last year, we, Peking University also celebrated the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the discipline of the Chemistry. Today, colleagues and students of mine, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, presented a series of activities in the Chemical Cultural Festival with high responsibilities. Due to popularize and promote chemistry, they organized such as Discovery the Beauty of Chemistry which keeping wonderful moments of chemistry by camera, Illusion Magic which explaining the usage of chemistry by live experiments, Choir competition which improving the team work, Chemistry Forum which sharing the achievements we found and exchange ideas for researching.

而今晚的专场音乐会,作为第一项活动,宣告北京大学化学文化节的开幕。此时此刻,我深深感到化学事业的生机勃勃,感到科学事业的任重道远。希望音乐会,希望文化节,成为“国际化学年在中国”活动的亮丽风景。希望音乐会,希望文化节,成为北京大学使命和责任的真切表达。Actually, the Concert of the evening, as the first event, declares the opening of the Chemistry Cultural Festival of Peking University. here and now, I deeply touched, for the development of chemistry and for the endure of discovery in the passage of Sciences. I believe that the Concert and the Festival could take us to fell both hope and prospectiveness.

在此,我宣布,乐以化学:2011 国际化学年专庆音乐会正式开始,北京大学化学文化节正式开幕。May Joy and Music in Chemistry Concert success, and May the opening of Chemistry Culture Festival of Peking University success!


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谢谢大家,我们请周校长和周院长归位。Thank you. May I suggest let us thank Principal ZHOU and Dean Wu again please.

(注:横飞字幕:毕明辉博士,北京大学中乐学社指导教师, Dr. Minghui BI, Director, Chinese Music Institute, Peking University)各位亲爱的来宾,各位亲爱的朋友,欢迎大家光临今晚的音乐会,大家已经看到,北京大学“六社”联合音乐会已经呈现在音乐厅的舞台上。Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the concert. Now, the United Concert is presenting on the stage.

“乐以化学”—国际化学年专庆音乐会的第一首开场曲《乐以化学》是一部以北京大学六社联合音乐会的方式进行的委约作品。The opening work, Joy and Music in Chemistry: in Celebration of the International Year of Chemistry 2011 was a commission for the united concert of Peking University.

我们在这部作品中弘扬的是有关于中国与世界、东方与西方的一种融合。We are trying to show a sort of dialogue and integration between China and the world, from East to West.

请允许我来为大家介绍一下这部作品是如何来体现这种整合的。Please allow me to introduce some basic treatment on this idea.

孩子们,请坐。Please sit down, thanks.

中国传统的世界物质观是由“五行”构成的,所谓“金木水火土”,而西方的化学元素作为现代化学的非常重要的里程碑似的代表,在《乐以化学》中,二者进行了巧妙的整合与对接。We set up the inspiration from traditional Chinese concept of Universe and Nature. Ancient people in China thought that world is made up of five elements: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. Meanwhile, we also quoted the Chemical Elements Song in fame as a highlighted landmark of Western chemical science.

作曲家,90后的新锐代表人物,李博禅同学,在跟我们进行委约作品的磋商过程中,非常敏锐,而且非常有代表性地使用了五首来自中国不同地域风格的音乐主题.This common sense was followed. The composer, Mr. Bochan LEE, undergraduate from the Department of Composition, Central Conservatory of Music, made the commission with five melodies those natured from five region of China.

请让我和大家一起来首先一睹为快其中的部分样本。Please take a glance to some phrases with me.

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首先请北京大学的中乐学社第五任社长,已经留校的张宪尧先生为我们带来北方的,极具苍劲有力的旋律片段。Mr. Xianyao ZHANG, the fifth President of the Chinese Music Institute of PKU, the Principal Master of BANG DI, Chinese Soprano horizontal Flute, will be trying to play one basic melody which natured from Northern China.


请允许我再来介绍北京大学中乐学社的现任理事长,来自北京大学医学部的本科生刘孟凡先生为我们带来中国江南地区的箫管音乐旋律片段。Mr. Mengfan LIU, the current Chairperson of the CMIPKU, will be taking us the a melody which played on Xiao, Chinese Vertical Flute from China's southern region.

(注:横飞字幕:刘孟凡,北京大学中乐学社现任理事长。Mr. Mengfan LIU, President of Committee, Chinese Music Institute, Peking University)谢谢!Thanks.

由于今年国际化学年的年会将会在美洲波多黎各的首都圣胡安市来举办,因此呢,我们在和作曲家进行磋商的过程中,以非常典型的、代表性的拉丁美洲的节奏,探戈的节奏放到了我们今天的乐队当中。Due to the Year Conference of IYC will be held in San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico in South America, the composer and CMI decided to put some Latin American Characteristics, rhythmic style of Tango, with Chinese music together.

大家会很清楚地,在弦乐队的支撑之下,听到一段非常强劲的,具有探戈风格的一段音乐片段。各位。With the energetic bass of the string band, we will be grasped by Latino style. Please.

谢谢。Thank you.

而在这里,一定要和大家来埋下一下小的伏笔,就是非常有名的化学元素周期歌将在作品的后半部分和大家邂逅。And, you will encounter with the Elementary Song in the second part of the work.

这里尤其要告诉大家的是,这首作品来自哈佛大学化学专业一位同学的谱写,这位同学在写了这首歌之后,一夜之间成名,改学了音乐。The song was written by an undergraduate who majored in Chemistry of Harvard University. It was very interesting that the boy switched to music major after finishing the song successfully.

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由此我们会发现一个非常有意思的情况,所谓的专业,所谓的文理,只不过是事关态度,只不过是事关职业品质。Thus, we have to say there is no difference between so-called disciplines, there is no division between Arts and Sciences.

而事实上消弭掉文理之间的界限,以艺术的方式来呈现科学的精神是我们北京大学一直秉承的科学原则。Actually, is has been kept as the base of education of PKU, which erasing boundaries between disciplines and presenting the spirit of science in the artistic way, for really long time.

由此,我不得不又和大家来分享一个更加小的故事。在西方音乐历史舞台上,有一位非常有名的音乐家,叫做鲍罗丁,他是俄罗斯“五人强力集团”的代表人物。Here is another interesting story, I'd like to share it with you. There was an important composer, Alexander Borodin in Western musical history.

他的第一职业身份是化学家,他的第二职业身份是音乐家,在音乐历史上占了及其突出的一席之地。The first occupation of him was a chemist, and second one was musician. Latter took his prominent place in the history of music.

由此,在这样子一个前提之下,请允许我带领北京大学的六个社团的所有同学们,和大家分享这首《乐以化学》,国际化学年专庆音乐会的开场曲《节日庆典序曲》. Now, please allow me to lead the Choir and Orchestra to share with you the Joy and Music in Chemistry: an United Concert for the IYC, Celebration Overture

谢谢。Thank you.

(注:横飞字幕:乐以化学:节日庆典序曲,作曲:李博禅 指挥:毕明辉,演奏:北京大学六社 联 合 中 乐 团 暨 合 唱 团 。 Joy and Music in Chemistry: Festival Celebration Overture. Composed by Bochan LEE, Directed by Dr. Minghui BI, Presented by United Chinese Orchestra and Choir, Peking University)

(屏底滚动字幕:该曲系北京大学中乐学社驻团作曲家李博禅先生专为音乐会委约而作。作品援引极富中国广袤地域特色的旋律主题为核心,纵横贯穿东西南北中五方,呼应暗喻金木水火土五行,以之凸现中国自然宇宙观之化学传统,加与西方现代《化学元素歌》浑然对接,乐队与人声交相辉映,营造出一派动静结合、刚柔相济、跨越时空、中西混融的开阔气度。闻乐,科学与艺术同行;遐思,化学与音乐应答——东之温存、西之灵动、南之秀美、北之豪放,中之坦荡,音乐在此,不只是表达化学之五彩斑斓,包罗万象,其所充盈着的化学为人类、为世界、为明天所做贡献之由衷欣喜,呼之欲出,催人奋进。李博禅,中国当代 90后新锐作曲家,北京大学中国音乐学社驻团作曲家,联合国教科文组织委约作曲家,现就读中央音乐学院作曲系,师从著名作曲家叶小纲教授。多次在全球各类作曲比赛中荣膺金奖,代表作品有:《萦怀》、《梦回故里》、《玫瑰刺》、《凌寒梅》等。 Joy and Music of

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Chemistry: Celebration Overture was especially composed for this concert. The piece revolves around China’s characteristically wide territories, winding through the uniqueness of China’s North, South East West and Central regions, echoing and symbolizing the five elements—Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth, emphasizing China’s traditional natural and galactic view of chemistry The combination of the later and the Western’s contemporary ‘Element Song’ and the chemistry between the orchestra and choir results in a harmony of movement and inaction, exuding both the strength of steel and the grace of flowing water. It leaps across the boundaries of space and time, displaying the endless possibilities when East meets West. The music paints the parallel in the arts and the sciences and evokes the imagination of chemistry meeting music: the genteel of the East, the mystical beauty of the West, the gracefulness of the South, the untamed beauty of the North, the steadfast nature of the Central. Not only does the music express the richness and the nature of chemistry, it also hints at the endless possibilities that chemistry can achieve for the goodwill of the human race, for the world and for the future. The joy and meaningfulness of the music urges us on to create a better and brighter future for all.)

(北京大学中国音乐学社(Chinese Music Institute,Peking University),简称北大中乐学社。近继创立于 2005 年前身笛箫学社之弘乐使命,远接1916 年北京大学音乐团之学生社团优良传统,正式更名于 2010 年 6 月。承前贤旧志,扬中乐新风,立社发展短短六年,由仅供北京大学笛箫爱好者论乐交流之平台,成长为今日机构完备、部类众多、功能齐全、入社人数逾千、中国校际声誉广泛、北京大学最具影响力的中国音乐社团。先后获得北京大学“最具创意社团活动”、“优秀社团”、“十佳社团”等荣誉称号。学社之点滴进步,不仅得到周其凤校长关怀,专为学社题名,专设之中国民族管弦乐团,涵盖吹管、拉弦、弹拨、打击等完整乐种,亦得到众音乐名家前辈呵护成为中国唯一拥有资深顾问团和专业驻团作曲家的学生音乐社团。社众乐手,济济同心;无分彼此,齐心向乐;凡爱乐者皆可入,凡爱乐者均为友。谨持开放、平等、进步、创新、奉献之北京大学人文精神,与众多大学、音乐院校交流技艺,联谊互通,为共同促进中国音乐之发展,不遗余力。于校内外举行之多场音乐会,形式多样,风格多元,数部作品属全球首演,积累起一批经典保留曲目,深得各界听众青睐,成为社会反响良好的新生代中国音乐推广之民间力量中的佼佼者之一。 Chinese Music Institute, Peking University: Upholding the virtues of the 1916 Peking University Music Society, and in line with the mission of carrying forward Chinese music, the Chinese Music Institute, previously known as the Di Xiao Society which was established in 2005, officially took its current name in June 2010. In a short span of 6 years, the Chinese Music Institute has progressed from being only a platform for interaction between lovers of the Di and Xiao, to an established and renowned organization with numerous sections and a large number of members. The most influential society amongst the Chinese music societies of Peking University, the Chinese Music Institute was awarded honorary titles like “The Most Creative Co-Curricular Activity”, “Outstanding Society”, “Top 10 Excellent Society” and etc. The Chinese Music Institute is honored to have the care and concern of the Principal of the Peking University, Dr. Qifeng ZHOU, who gave it its current name, as well as expanded the society into a complete orchestra, which includes the brass and woodwind, the string, the plucking and the percussion sections. It also has the kind assistance of renowned musicians, being the only students’ society

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today to have a group of senior advisors and resident composers. Anyone with the passion for music is welcome to join the society, and all members unite as one in the love for music, working towards a common goal. In line with Peking University’s spirit of openness, equality, progress, creativity and giving, the Chinese Music Institute links up with other universities and music academies to create a platform for interaction and a common effort to push forward the progress of Chinese music. In its various concerts within and outside school, the Chinese Music Institute has performed numerous music pieces well-liked by the audience, many of which are world premiers. It is a new generation folk society that has received a positive response from the society.)----歌词----

(注:人声出现时,屏底滚动歌词字幕:第 一段 There’s antimony (锑 Sb ) , arsenic(砷 As) , aluminum(铝 Al) , selenium (硒Se),And hydrogen(氢 H) and oxygen(氧 O) and nitrogen(氮 N) and rhenium(铼Re),and nickel(镍 Ni),neodymium(钕 Nd),neptunium(镎 Np),germanium(锗Ge ) , and iron (铁 Fe ) , americium (镅 Am ) , ruthenium (钌 Ru ) , uranium (铀U ) , europium (铕 Eu ) , zirconium (锆 Zr ) , lutetium (镥 Lu ) , vanadium (钒V ) , and lanthanum (镧 La ) and osmium(锇 Os) and radium (镭 Ra ) and gold (金Au),protactinium(镤 Pa) and indium(铟 In) and gallium(镓 Ga), and iodine(碘 I) and thorium(钍 Th) and thulium(铥 Tm) and thallium(铊 Tl)。第二段: There’s yttrium(钇 Y), ytterbium(镱 Yb), actinium(锕 Ac), rubidium(铷 Rb), and boron(硼 B), gadolinium(钆 Gd), niobium(铌 Nb), iridium(铱 Ir), and strontium(锶 Sr) and silicon(硅 Si) and silver(银 Ag) and samarium(钐 Sm), and bismuth(铋 Bi), bromine(溴 Br), lithium(锂 Li), beryllium(铍 Be) and barium(钡 Ba).第三段:There’s holmium(钬 Ho) and helium(氦 He) and hafnium(铪 Hf) and erbium(铒 Er), and phosphorous(磷 P) and francium(钫 Fr) and fluorine(氟 F) and terbium(铽 Tb), and manganese(锰Mn) and mercury(汞 Hg), molybdenum(钼 Mo), magnesium(镁 Mg), dysprosium(镝 Dy) and scandium(钪 Sc) and cerium(铈 Ce) and cesium(铯 Cs), and lead(铅 Pb), praseodymium(镨 Pr) and platinum(铂 Pt) plutonium(钚 Pu), palladium(钯 Pd), promethium(钷 Pm), potassium(钾 K), polonium(钋 Po), and tantalum(钽 Ta), technetium(锝 Tc), titanium(钛 Ti), tellurium(碲 Te), and cadmium(镉 Cd) and calcium(钙 Ca) and chromium(铬 Cr) and curium(锔 Cm).第四段:There’s sulfur(硫 S), californium(锎 Cf) and fermium(镄 Fm), berkelium(锫 Bk), and also mendelevium(钔Md), einsteinium(锿 Es) and nobelium(锘 No), and argon(氩 Ar), krypton(氪 Kr), neon(氖 Ne), radon(氡 Rn), xenon(氙 Xe), zinc(锌 Zn) and rhodium(铑 Rh), and chlorine(氯 Cl), carbon(碳 C), cobalt(钴 Co), copper(铜 Cu), tungsten(钨W), tin(锡 Sn) and sodium(钠 Na).第五段:These are the only ones of which the news has come to Harvard, And there may be many others but they haven’t been discovered.)------歌词完------

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请把掌声,献给这些辛苦的孩子们。Please applause to these students on the stage.

我特别需要很自豪,而且甚至是骄傲地告诉大家,满台的孩子们都是用课余的时间来发展一点点自己曾经有的,音乐的兴趣和积累。I am so proud of all of students on the stage, they just had spare time to developed their interests and enjoyments.

那么,在过去大概两个半月的时间里面,孩子们克服了重重的困难,彼此之间互相奉献,彼此之间互为朋友,在进行音乐发展自己的过程当中,他们付出了无比的艰苦和努力。In the past round two and a half months, they overcame many difficulties, tried to found a new world of music by themselves, and also made the friendship each other in practices.

这里边请允许我分别地来介绍。Please allow me to introduce them one by one.

首先是领衔社团北京大学中乐学社,They are Chinese Music Institute of Peking University,

其后就是北京大学化学与分子工程学院的明星分子合唱团,Star Molecular Choir of College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Peking University,

其后是北京大学留学生的 sing-song aca pella 清唱团,Sing Song International A cappella Peking University,

那么还有呢,就是北京大学外国语学院的皮特爱乐清唱团,Peter Philharmonic Chorus from the School of Foreign Languages of Peking University,

那么再加上北京大学的学生民乐团和学生交响乐团。And Peking University Students’ Chinese Orchestra and Students’ Symphony Orchestra.

这六个团在一起济济同心,通力合作为大家一起来呈现今晚的分享音乐会。The Six got a team for presenting and sharing the concert of the evening.

我尤其要谢谢在合唱台上的各位孩子们,因为大家可能不太清楚,他们所唱的化学元素歌呢,是这个世界上最难的歌之一。I'd like, in particular, to thank the choir. You won't imagine that how hard the Elementary Song which they just finished to perform. It could be thought as the top hard one Rap Song in the world.

这个歌难到什么程度呢,是很多的外国留学生都无法来演唱的.The song would be very difficult many English-speaking students are too.

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大家可以看到合唱团当中不少的小孩子们,他们是金发碧眼的。You could see that many students from abroad.

我有一次呢,在听他们的分排的时候,有人告诉我两个美国学生为了一个发音打起来了,说呢没想到在中国遇到了自己母语当中所不支持一种挑战。It was in a rehearsal, a girl told me that two American boys quarreled for placing a pronunciation of element. Boys never thought that they would not overcome the challenge on their mother tongue in China.

我非常欣喜地看到北京大学提供给这些孩子们在一起共享人生的平台,但更重要的是,大家在一起,彼此努力,为追求纯粹的学术,为追求一种纯粹的付出,而在一起成为志同道合的兄弟姐妹。I am very pleased to see that PKU has provided to these boys and girls a stage to sharing life together, but more importantly, they become brotherhood of each other with an unity spirit in pursuing of academics and giving.

请允许我带着合唱团的孩子们稍事休息,其后让我们进入到,北京大学和大家一起来分享的国际化学年的过程篇。Please allow me to take the choir to have a break, and then let's move on to the next part of the concert.

好,乐队同学请坐,合唱团的孩子们请和我一起稍事休息。谢谢。The orchestra stays please and the choir follow me. Thank you.

五、在我们接下来要和大家一起来分享的化学年专庆音乐会的过程篇里我们将邂逅五首作品,分别是《宫》《商》《角》《徵》《羽》。Next, in second part of the Concert, the Process, we will touch with a Chinese Orchestra Suite: Gong, Shang, Jue, Zhi, and Yu.

中国传统文化当中,除了有五行、有五方,更重要的是还有五音,还有五色。There were five elements, five directions, five sounds and five colors in the Chinese traditional culture.

台湾著名作曲家卢亮辉先生为我们在七十年代就已经谱写好了《宫》《商》《角》《徵》《羽》,没想到在跨越时空的过程中,造成这样一种难得的缘分。The famous Taiwan composer Mr. Lueng-fai LO composed this Suite in 1970's. It has been so fantastic that concert is presenting a meeting.

今天我们除了邀请到卢亮辉老师出席我们的现场,刚才呢,我也应该向大家来引见一下,《乐以化学》的作曲家,李博禅同学。Besides, I should have introduced the composer of Joy and Music in Chemistry , Mr. Bochan LEE

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to you

请为这样的跨越时空的一位90后的年轻人,和一位前辈音乐家鼓掌道谢。 Please thank them, a young man of 1990's and an elder musician.

这就是李博禅。This is Bochan LEE.

(注:横飞字幕:李博禅,北京大学中乐学社驻团作曲家,现就读中央音乐学院作曲系。Mr. Bochan LEE, Resident Composer, CMIPKU, Undergraduate, Central Conservatory of Music )卢亮辉先生。This is Mr. Lueng-fai LO.

(注:横飞字幕:卢亮辉,北京大学中乐学社驻团作曲家。 Mr. Lueng-fai LO, Resident Composer, CMIPKU)卢先生是昨天专程飞过来,明天一早就要赶回去,因为他有非常繁重的委约作品。Mr. LO just flied to Beijing yesterday and has to go back to Taiwan early morning tomorrow, he has been busy in commission..

卢先生,谢谢!Mr. LO, Thank you.

我们之所以要和大家一起来分享《宫》《商》《角》《徵》《羽》,除了刚才的原因之外呢,《宫》这部作品以及后面的四部作品,都非常好地应和了一种人生,以及科学的状态。The reason why we are trying to play the Suite, in addition, the work reflects a state of life as well as a state of sciences well.

在《宫》这部作品中,各位可以听到,一个一个的声部在不断叠加的过程中形成的丰沛音响。In Gong, you can hear sounds overlap one by one, again and again,

我们想用这样子的一种音响的象征,不仅仅表明科学的一种凝聚力、北京大学的一种凝聚力,更重要的是,在我们不断地来进行音乐分享的过程中,孩子们彼此之间所形成的一种跨越学科之间的凝聚力。We thought that the music could be understood as an unity. This unity would be a process of enjoyment, cross-disciplines and life.

让我们一起来分享《宫调》的快乐,谢谢。Hope you enjoy, Thank you.

(注:横飞字幕:宫调,作曲:卢亮辉 指挥:毕明辉,演奏:北京大学联合中乐团。Gong, Chinese Tune in Gong Major. Composed by Lueng-fai LO. Directed by Dr. Minghui BI. Presented by

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United Chinese Orchestra, Peking University.

(注:屏低滚动字幕:《宫·商·角·徵·羽》,为卢亮辉先生大型民族管弦乐套曲的代表作之一。《周礼·春官》载“皆文之以五声:宫、商、角、徵、羽”,意为以音乐的方式传播文明,教化民众。由于中国古代文明中有所谓五方、五行、五声、五色的观念,故而,中国传统音乐常以五声为代称。五方、五行、五声、五色,贯穿一体,彼此勾连,构成了中国人对人类、自然、宇宙、世界的认识系统,集中凝聚了中国人对主观、客观、外在、内在听觉、视觉、空间、时间等等方面的智慧。宫调,其解盖有二。一,五声之首,今唱为DO(多):《国语·周语下》,伶州鸠论乐:夫宫,音之主也。中国传统音乐理论中,宫音被认为是最重要的核心音乐构成要素,依宫音建立起巨大的音乐系统。宫音变,则全曲变宫音动,则全曲动,故有音乐机杼之谓。二,宏阔之象:宫者,最大也,王者之喻。守中四望,目及八荒,无不尽收眼底,一览无余。作曲家妙意独具,取精用弘,以朗朗上口之中国宫调旋律借沉稳厚重低音之推动,层层叠加,全力营造音乐之恢弘气势。由微渐宏中,一派盛大的王者威仪,宫廷气度,跃然于耳。 Chinese Orchestra Suite : Gong, Shang, Jue, Zhi, Yu is representative of one of Mr. LO’s large scale composition of a suite. Zhou Li: Chun Gong advocates the idea of using music as a medium to educate the public and thus create a civilized society. Due to the ancient tradition of the usage of the figure five, for example the five directions, the five elements, the five colors and the five notes, also known as the pentatonic scale. The above combines into one, influencing each other, the foundation of the eastern philosophical thoughts revolving around the human nature, Mother Nature, the earth and the galaxy. It is upon this ancient wisdom in which the Chinese formed their views towards the subjective and objective, the surroundings and the inner soul, the visual and the hearing, space and time. Gong has two connotations. Firstly, it is the first note in the pentatonic scale, also known as Do in the modern context. In Guo Yu: Zhou Yu(ii), ancient musician Ling Zhou Jiu stated the above theory. In the theory of Chinese traditional music, the Gong is seen as the crux of the formation of the complex Chinese music system. This is because the key of the piece changes when the Gong note changes. Secondly, Gong means the largest, symbolizing the utmost power in the society. The composer paints a picture of the vast and expansive territories of China through his music, in which the catchy Gong tune is used. The music starts with bass notes, creating a deep and heavy atmosphere, and slowly works towards a majestic aura. The grandeur and nobility of the ancient Chinese royalty is brought alive through the Gong Diao)

六谢谢大家,我们接下的这首作品《商调》,提供给大家的是一种爆发力似的灵感。Thank you!Next, Shang, is a piece which expressing an explosives of inspiration.

大家手中所拿到的节目单,大家应该第一位都已经拿到了,这个节目单所有的设计以及文案通通都是中乐学社的孩子们一起来做的。I thought you should have got the program of the concert. All of creative designs were done by

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Chinese Music Institute of PKU.

大家不妨看到节目单的第二页。Would you please turn to the second page?

如果当您看到这棵树的时候,请大家一定留心,这是一棵北大的智慧树。You will find a tree draw on the page. This is a wisdom tree of Peking University.

树干是“北大”两个字,而其中所深埋的各种各样的元素符号以及呢各种各样的乐器,象征了一种融合性的思维。The trunk was drawn as a shape of two Chinese characters, means PKU. And with many kinds of chemical elements and musical instruments hiding over branches and leaves, it suggested the an explosives of inspiration.

不知道各位是否留心了。You could find it hopefully.

那么请让我我在这里占用一点点的时间,向大家来介绍整个这一本节目单设计过程中付出了很多辛苦的北京大学中乐学社的张彤同学、以及北京大学的李晨北同学。Please allow me, here, to introduce Ms. Tong ZHANG and Mr. Chenbei LI, both from the CMIPKU. They accomplished the project of creativeness and design of the program.

(注:横飞字幕:张彤,北京大学中乐学社设计总监,Ms. Tong ZHANG,Artistic Supervisor, CMIPKU)(注:横飞字幕:李晨北,北京大学中乐学社设计总监,Mr. Chenbei LEE, Artistic Supervisor, CMIPKU)

北大为孩子们提供了一个可以凝聚创造力同时激发灵感的地方,让我们一起来体验一下一种爆发的过程,在这种过程里面,大家既可以体会到科学的力量,同时也可以感受到人生的灵感。PKU provides a place for the students where they could gather creativeness and inspiration. So, let’s take an experience of the explosive process in Shang, and we will get a touch with both the strength of Sciences and inspiration of life.

让我们一起来分享《商调》,谢谢。Please share Shang with us, thank you.

(注:横飞字幕:商调,作曲:卢亮辉 指挥:毕明辉,演奏:北京大学联合中乐团。Shang, Chinese Tune in Shang Minor. Composed by Lueng-fai LO. Directed by Dr. Minghui BI. Presented by United Chinese Orchestra, Peking University.)(注:屏底滚动字幕:《商调》商:五声之二,先秦一种自古相传的音乐。《礼记 ·乐记》:故商者,五帝之一遗声也,商人识之,故谓之商。今唱为 RE(来)。与晋陶渊明《咏荆轲》所谓“商音更流涕”不同,卢氏商调,热情奔放,技巧艰深,富于爆发。精炼之旋律

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紧凑之 节奏, 在金鼓齐鸣中 ,管弦激响 , 动 人 心魄。 Shang is the second note in the pentatonic scale. It dates back to the pre-qin history, whereby the historical text Li Ji: Yue Ji states that the name Shang came about because the Shang people commanded the knowledge of the music passed down by the five ancient kings. It is also known as Re in the modern context. While famous poet Tao Yuan Ming understood the Shang music with a sense of sorrow, Mr. Lo’s interpretation of the music comes in waves of passion and explosive moments. The difficulty in the music techniques, combined with a concise melody line and a fast-paced rhythm, the orchestra weaves a piece of music which touches the heart and moves the soul. )谢谢各位,在极短的时间之内呢孩子们来面对这样极富挑战性的作品,本身呢,是非常让我感动的。It was impressive that they could face to such challenging work in a very short time. Thanks!

七、我们在下面要和大家来分享的《角调》,这是一部非常深情,而且极具静态变化的作品。Next, we are going to meet with Jue, a piece which was a very emotional and peaceful.

请允许我来介绍我们的北京大学中乐学社的六朝元老:李荣锋博士。Please allow me to introduce one of founders of CMIPK, Dr. Rongfeng LI.

(注:横飞字幕,李荣锋博士,北京大学中乐学社演出部部长。Dr. Rongfeng LI, Head of Performing Committee)李博士是北京大学数学学院本科,之后在计算机科学学院,读硕士和博士。Dr. LI graduated from School of Mathematics, after then, he obtained his Master and Doctoral Degrees in School of Computer Science of Peking University.

在他身上,我看到了在北京大学这个平台里面给孩子们所提供的一种滋养。We will find that a general development both major and minor which provided by Peking University.

他原本什么也不会,到了大一以后开始学习中国乐器。Dr. LI never got a chance to practicing musical instrument until he participated in CMI.

在过去的时间里,不仅仅成为中乐学社的中流砥柱,他在为自己的兴趣寻找一种可能的过程中,给自己带来了一些新的挑战。He, for years, has been keeping a core person in CMI, and taking new challenges in the path of establishing his interests constantly.

李荣锋同学现在已经在我们中乐学社中出任过历次音乐会的领奏。Now, Dr.LI has already been leading player in many concerts of CMI.


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We will appreciate the charming taste of unique musical instrument of Southern China, Bawu, which played by him.

让我们一起来分享《角调》的快乐,谢谢。Let’s share the Jue. Thank you.

(注:横飞字幕:角调,作曲:卢亮辉 指挥:毕明辉,演奏:北京大学联合中乐团。 Jue, Chinese Tune in Jue Minor. Composed by Lueng-fai LO. Directed by Dr. Minghui BI. Presented by United Chinese Orchestra, Peking University.

(注:屏底滚动字幕:《角调》角:五声之三,今唱为 MI(米)。因其亦指古代吹奏乐器,作曲家别具匠心地在以巴乌、新笛为代表的中国吹管乐器之上设计铺陈,逐一展开。作品于雅致气质中,透出一丝悠远,宛若一曲多愁别歌,又如一缕绵绵情思,在悱恻的角调旋律呼应对答中,仿佛喁喁低哝,只可神会。 Jue:Third in the pentatonic scale, sung as Mi today. Due to the fact that it also refers to an ancient wind instrument, the composer has specially used representative instruments Ba Wu and Xin Di these two Chinese wind instruments to design the layout of the piece, and this is apparent as the piece slowly unfolds. This piece has an elegant temperament, revealing a slight hint of distantness, as though it is a melancholy song bidding farewell; as though it is a range of endless emotions, situated alone in a sad corner where the melody echoes and answers in various exchanges, as if people are whispering in low voices, not to be explained but only to be comprehended.)谢谢大家!在结束了前面三首《宫》《商》《角》之后,请让我们共同来期待带有极强的催化灵感的《徵调》。Thank you!Let’s look forward the fourth piece of the Suite, Zhi, after enjoying pieces previously.

让我们稍事休息,让我带一位新的朋友和大家一起见面,谢谢。Please allow me take a new friend to you, thank you.

八、请允许我介绍我在中央音乐学院,自己母校的学妹,青年二胡演奏家,周凌燕女士。This is Ms. Lingyan ZHOU, a young Erhu performer, my alumna who graduated from Central Conservatory of Music.

((注:横飞字幕:周凌燕,青年胡琴演奏家,北京大学中乐学社艺术顾问, Ms. Lingyan ZHOU, Huqin Performer, Artistic Consultant, CMIPKU)

燕子今天要和中乐学社等三家社团在一起和大家分享《徵调》的快乐。Ms. ZHOU is going to share the Zhi with CMI.


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透力音色的一种弓弦乐器。Ms. ZHOU was major in Erhu, however, she will be as a performer for Banhu, another bowing and strings instrument with high-pitched sounds.

燕子一直帮助中乐学社,彼此之间有很好的感情。Ms. ZHOU has been serving CMI for years and provided many help to the society.

让我们今天一睹一件领奏乐器和庞大的民族管弦乐团在一起互相交融形成的一种催化力。Let’s see how a solo instrument could interact with an orchestra each other in the music.

各位不妨留心,在我们整个乐队当中,有一件非常有趣的“锣”。I have to suggest that you will listen to a Chinese Gong regularly.

这件乐器呢,穿插期间,不停地闪烁,造成一种吉光片羽似的光影。This Chinese percussion waved up and down like a flame. Same timber makes different effects.

那么,不断地形成一种催化灵感的过程当中带给大家《徵调》对人生,以及对世界的一种新理解,谢谢。We could not help to imagine that music brought us a new understanding of the world in the inspirational process of Zhi. Thank you.

(注:横飞字幕:徵调,作曲:卢亮辉,领奏:周凌燕,指挥:毕明辉,演奏:北京大学联合 中 乐 团 。 Zhi, Chinese Tune in Zhi Major. Composed by Lueng-fai LO. Solo: Lingyan ZHOU, Directed by Dr. Minghui BI. Presented by United Chinese Orchestra, Peking University.)

(注:屏底滚动字幕:《徵调》徵:五声之四,今唱为 SOL(索)。中文“徵”字发音,很有象声意味,故《礼记·月令》有“其虫羽,其音徵”的记载。作曲家以板胡作为领奏乐器,极具穿透力的音色线条,与乐队音流竞奏成趣,打击乐闪烁穿插其间,效果独特,横生笑意。煞尾收声之前的停顿,出其不意,令人观止。板胡领奏周凌燕硕士,毕业于中央音乐学院民乐系,2010 年出任北京大学中国音乐学社艺术顾问暨联谊演奏家。Zhi: Fourth in the pentatonic scale, sung as Sol today. The Chinese pronunciation of the word Zhi has onomatopoeic properties, and records can be found in Li Ji·Yue Ling, where there is a sentence that says, ”Insects and birds make this certain sound”. The composer has assigned the Ban Hu to play as the lead instrument in this piece, and this instrument has a highly penetrating sound. Combined with the sounds of the orchestra there is friendly competition throughout the piece which is highly entertaining, the percussion section sparkles and is interspersed throughout the piece, resulting in a unique outcome which will evoke much laughter from the audience. The pause before the music comes to an end is unexpected and will leave the audience in awe. The lead player of the Ban Hu Zhou Ling Yan is a Masters student, having graduated from the Folk Music Department of the Central Conservatory of Music; he/she has been serving as the Artistic Consultant cum recreational performer of Peking University’s Chinese Music Institute from year 2010 onwards. )

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九、谢谢大家。不知道大家是不是已经在这样一件领奏乐器和庞大的乐队之间形成一种非常好的互动。Thank you. May you have a good interaction between the leading instrument and the orchestra hopefully.

我们在后面呢,会为大家带来《宫》《商》《角》《徽》《羽》的最后一首《羽调》。We will bring you to the last part of the Suite, Yu, soon.

让我先护送燕子回去。谢谢各位。Before Yu starts, Let us take a little break. Thank you.

《羽调》是一首充满生命力的作品。Yu is a work which was full of energy.

作曲家卢亮辉先生曾告诉过我,这个作品其中所包含的,实际上是非常具有普世价值的一种关怀。The composer, Mr. LO told me that the music tried to presenting an universal value.

大家可以在极其富有跳跃,以及极其富有动力的音乐节奏的展开过程中,在非常强劲的一种旋律线条的支撑之下,展开无限的关于生命力的遐想。Listener would be touched by short themes and dynamical pulsing with the powerful bass and colorful background. It pushed us into imagination with passion.

请允许我带领孩子们和大家一起分享《羽调》,谢谢。Please follow us to enjoy the Yu. Thank you.

(注:横飞字幕:羽调,作曲:卢亮辉 指挥:毕明辉,演奏:北京大学六社联合中乐团暨合唱团。Yu, Chinese Tune in Yu Minor. Composed by Lueng-fai LO. Directed by Dr. Minghui BI. Presented by United Chinese Orchestra and Choir)(注:屏底滚动字幕:《羽调》羽:五声之五,今唱为 LA(拉)。确如“羽奏壮士惊”(晋陶渊明《咏荆轲》)所言,这是一首充满跃动与沉静对比,激越与抒怀并重的压轴之作。作曲家以开篇时精悍的主题为第一火种,极富冲击力地营造出一片扑面而来的勃然生机。梆笛领奏的高亢旋律,流淌中,倾诉着全人类心中共生同在的美好愿望。巴乌上响起的富于中国北方色彩的悠长歌调,作为第二火种,再次完美诠释了生命的热力,从点滴星星终至蔚然燎原。声音层次的不断丰富,力量蓄积的依次变化,催生呼应出开篇时的第一火种,在一片欢腾雀跃中,全曲达到最高潮,为《宫·商·角·徵·羽》划上完满句号。Yu:Last in the pentatonic scale, sung as La today. Indeed as the verse ‘when the Yu-Key plays the warrior is startled’( Jin Dynasty Tao Yuan Ming In Memorium of Jing Ke) states, this is a piece that has great contrast with the changes in vibrancy and silence, this is also an agitated and sentimental piece that is bound to be a great finale item. The composer has written a strong theme in the opening as the first spark; it is impactful and creates a sense of vitality. The leading player playing the Bang Di plays a high-pitched melody, and as the music flows, it expresses the

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same hopeful dream and wish that all humankind holds in their hearts. The long sound that is heard from the Ba Wu is filled with the uniqueness of Northern China, this is the second spark in this piece, and once again it is a perfect rendition which expresses the wonders of life, starting from the weak flame and developing all of grasslands. The layers of sounds get increasingly richer, and coupled with the corresponding changes in the strength of the sounds, this draws out the first spark in the opening piece. In the midst of rejoicing in the joy of wondrous music, the whole piece reaches its climax, thus attaining a successful ending for Gong, Shang, Jue, Zhi, and Yu.)

非常地感激。Thank you very much!

一方面,大家的掌声对孩子们是很好的肯定,另外一方面,在极短的时间之内,要准备这样一台非常大型的音乐会,同时要代表北大来表明一种使命感,对孩子们来说是非常大的挑战。Applause would be the high affirmative to the performers for one thing. For another, it was a strong sense of responsibility for preparing such a huge concert in a very short time.

我非常地感激这些孩子们,因此,孩子们,谢谢。I am very grateful for their givings. Here, I have to say, thank you very much!

十、接下来,是我们音乐会的第二首委约作品:《化学是你,化学是我》。Here is our second commission work for the concert, Ode to Chemistry: Chemistry is in you, Chemistry is in me.

事情说起来很有趣,孩子们得到校长的关怀,给予这样一个音乐会机会的过程当中,向校长发出了一个不情之请的邀请,希望校长先生给够给我们一个有关于化学家心声的表达,结果就诞生了我们今天在一起分享的《化学是你,化学是我》。It was very interesting. After appointing the concert from our Principal, Mr. Qifeng ZHOU, students of PKU made a request to Mr. ZHOU for the lyrics which shared an expression of a chemist’s thinking with us. Thus, now, we got the new song Chemistry is in you, and Chemistry is in me.

孩子们,首先让我们掌声感谢周校长,谢谢周先生。Please thank to Mr. Principal ZHOU.

同时也请大家,能够将掌声献给北京大学中乐学社的驻团作曲家, 80后的新锐作曲家方岽清先生。And also, please give your gratefulness to the resident composer of CMI, Mr. Dongqing FANG.

让们高歌一曲,彼此之间一起来分享一下这首《化学是你,化学是我》。谢谢。Let’s enchant together and share the Chemistry is in you, Chemistry is in me. Thank you.

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(注:横飞字幕:化学是你,化学是我,作词:周其凤,作曲:方岽清,指挥:毕明辉,演出:北京大学联合中乐团暨合唱团。 Chemistry is in you, Chemistry is in me, lyrics by Qifeng ZHOU, Music by Dongqing FANG, Directed by Minghui BI, Presented by Untied Chinese Orchestra and Choir)

十一、我们掌声有请周校长上台与孩子们一起分享,有请周先生,孩子们掌声欢迎。Let’s welcome Mr. Principal ZHOU.

还是请周先生给孩子们说几句,谢谢,谢谢,快请。Please, Mr. ZHOU. Thank you very much, please.

( 注 : 横 飞 字 幕 : 周 其 凤 院士, 北 京 大 学 校 长 , Prof. Qifeng ZHOU, Principal of Peking University)

以下周校长:我很激动。It was very touchable.

同学们请坐下吧,听指挥的。At first, please sit down my students. Follow the conductor.

我真的特别特别感谢这些同学们,其实写这首歌说实在的是他们逼的。I really appreciate students very very much, and to be honesty, indeed, I was "forced" by them to write the lyric.

我没想到,只是当初为了庆祝这个化学年,当初我出了一个主意,在讨论这个事情的时候我们应该开一场音乐会。I didn’t expect this much. I just suggested that we might have a concert when we were talking about event of IYC.

后来我就跟同学们,跟毕老师说起这个想法,然后他们就非常认真,就去做准备。Then, my students and Prof.BI have been involving in preparation after I mentioned this idea to them.

然后呢,就说我们做这个可以,不过你也要参与。However, they asked me, a while later, for a new song of Chemistry.

我就没有办法。so, I had no choice.

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但是,实在是,因为学化学的,过去语文学的也不好,更不会写诗,更不会写歌。In fact, due to the major of mine has been keeping in chemistry, never,truly, be good at both Chinese literature and poems or songs.

但是,我想不做,他们就不干,就没有今天的音乐会,所以我是很勉强。As result, they would not let me go and there would not be a concert of the evening if I would not follow them. It was a very reluctant acceptance to me.

另外呢,当时的一个目的是抛砖引玉,希望有更多的既喜欢化学,又有音乐素养的先生们或者同学们来做这件事情。Besides, my another purpose was to using my modest spur to encourage good works, and expecting those who like chemistry and well-educated in music would participate it for the event.

之后呢,我发现,我提出这个提议时候大家都拥挤,说“这是个好注意啊!我们要做!”但是后来好像也是没有太多人响应。It was interesting, afterwards, I found out there were few participant, actually, even if everyone seemed to support the proposal which I put forward.

到现在我今天还问呢,我们这个征集歌曲的进展如何,后来他们说可能还就是这一个。Till a moment ago, I just asked about how the song-collecting was going. Then they told me that maybe there’s only the one I wrote.

不过我也窃窃私心,因为据说这个将来是要发奖状的。And I’m also a little selfish to remind you that the song will be awarded.

所以在座的,或者你们的亲人、家人、朋友,如果想要得奖状的话,就希望,还来得及,因为今年化学年是一年的活动。So everyone present here, it’s still not too late because the event of IYC would be lasting whole year if anyone want get the award.

我当然特别感谢孩子们,而且我希望通过他们的努力,我这首歌能够流传起来。I am certainly grateful for students, and I wish that the song could be popular through them.

尤其大家知道了这个这些年来,被一些人搞的化学的声誉不是太好。We know, especially, in recent years, that the reputation of chemistry was damaged in some occasions.

然后也有很多人原本想学化学的,然后就改了行。Some people should been taken a choice to research chemistry at first, but changed later.

这个,这其实是对化学的误解。We know that was a sort of misunderstanding on chemistry.

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所以我希望通过这首歌,能够有更多的人来学化学。So I expect that people will come to learn chemistry more and more by singing the song.

通过同学们这样一个演唱,希望大家喜欢这首歌,然后帮着我给它流传起来。Through students, I also hope that audience like to sing this song and make it popular.

如果在座的谁有,我这是想走后门啊,在座的谁有关系的话,能够将来把我这歌放在什么化学的课本里头就更好了。If anyone here could find a way to, I’m just kidding, put the song into the textbook of chemistry if possible. That would be really better.

好了,我就说这些,真的,特别特别地感谢同学们,你们辛苦了,谢谢你们,谢谢毕老师。Well, in a word, thank my students very very much. You worked a lot. Thank you and Prof.BI.

十二校长,孩子们给你准备了一束花。Mr. ZHOU, we brought flowers for you.

我们有请中乐学社的社长,物理学院的大二同学孙逸超同学为校长献花。Let’s welcome the current President of CMI, Mr. Yichao SUN, School of Physics, to present flowers to our Principal.

同时作曲家方东清先生为校长准备了《化学是你,化学是我》的乐谱作为礼物,代表所有孩子们献给周先生。And, let Mr. Dongqing FANG, composer of the song, present the score of Chemistry is in you, Chemistry is in me as a gift for Mr. ZHOU.

此外,校长请留步Mr. Principal, hold a second please.

校长,您忘了Mr. Principal, please.

校长还为我们这次音乐会的三方承办的负责人:北京大学学生课外活动指导中心,北京大学化学与分子工程学院,以及北京大学艺术学院,我所供职的单位,准备了三副“乐以化学”的墨宝,作为礼物赠送给这三个承办单位。Mr. Principal will send three Chinese calligraphy works, means Joy and Music in Chemistry, as presents to three organizers of the concert: Co-curricular Activities Guidance Centre of PKU, School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of PKU, and School of Arts of PKU which I served. 我们有请三个承办单位的负责人上台来领取校长的墨宝,谢谢。Please welcome three gentlemen come to the stage. Thanks.

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请允许我来介绍,北京大学化学与分子工程学院院长吴凯教授、北京大学艺术学院院长王一川教授、北京大学学生课外指导中心的路鹏老师,我的好兄弟。Please allow me to introduce Prof. Kai WU, the dean of the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering. Prof. Yichuan WANG, the dean of the School of Art, and Mr. Peng LU, Co-tracurricular Activities Guidance Centre.

(注:先后横飞字幕:北京大学化学与分子工程学院院长吴凯教授,Prof. Kai WU, the dean of the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering. 北京大学艺术学院院长王一川教授 Prof. Yichuan WANG, the dean of the School of Arts, 北京大学学生课外指导中心的路鹏老师 Mr. Peng LU, Co-tracurricular Activities Guidance Centre.)请让我们再次掌声感谢三方的合作!Thanks for their cooperation again.

感谢校长,请各位归座。Thank you very much!

孩子们,我们再次掌声谢谢。Please thanks again.

十三、下面的环节,是我们的礼物,前边呢,是我们的本分。The following part is our attached gift.

北京大学中乐学社一直秉承一个音乐弘扬的基本宗旨。CMI has always been adhering to a basic purpose: the promotion of the music for the public.

我们在下边要献给大家的是北京大学笛箫传习演奏团为大家带来的一个小小的音乐礼物。What we are going to dedicate to you is a music gift which was brought by from the Di-Xiao Passing-on Performing Ensemble of CMIPKU.

大家都知道中乐学社的前身是笛箫学社。We all know that the CMI was developed from the Society for Di and Xiao.

笛和箫这样子的一个横管和竖管乐器,在这个学社中一直占有非常重要的地位,尽管我们目前已经发展出了如此庞大的一个民族管弦乐团。Di and Xiao, those horizontal and vertical bamboo flutes have been kept a very important position in CMI although we have had such a huge Chinese orchestra nowadays.

我们掌声有请北京大学中乐学社笛箫传习演奏团的同学们上台。Let’s welcome students from the Di-Xiao Passing-on Performing Ensemble of CMIPKU.


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The reason why we would like to show such a special gift with everyone was very simple.

不知道大家是否有过童年的梦想,不知道在以前的中国基础教育中是否为大家提供了学习音乐、特别是掌握乐器的机会。I am not sure whether there had been a childhood dream for everyone. Also I am not sure whether the past Chinese pre-college education has provided for everyone with the opportunity to enjoyed music, especially touched instruments very closely.

在台上已经站好的所有孩子们,在北京大学中乐学社的笛箫传习初级班当中,他们仅仅只学了一个月的笛子和箫. Students on stage have just learned Di and Xiao for a month in the basic training of CMIPKU.

我非常希望大家能够和他们在经过一段时间的努力和准备以后,分享他们在拾获自己童年梦想,在北京大学的校园环境中,重新开始点燃对音乐的渴望的那种欣喜。You can share their rejoice of recollecting the desire for music and picking up their dreams in childhood again hopefully after the hard work for a month on the campus of PKU.

让我们一起来聆听他们演奏的《天路》。Let us enjoy Road to Heaven.

(注:横飞字幕:《天路》,演奏:北京大学中乐学社笛箫初级班。 Road to Heaven,Presented: Di-Xiao Passing-on Performing Ensemble of CMIPKU)

恳请大家把最热烈的掌声献给这些深深爱音乐的孩子们,他们仅仅只学了一个月的笛子和箫。Please give your most enthusiasms to these students who held a deep passion for music even if they have just practiced Di and Xiao for a month.

请允许我来为大家介绍笛班和箫班的带班老师Please allow me to introduce the instructors of the Di and Xiao classes.

乔盟同学Mr. Meng QIAO

(注:横飞字幕:乔盟,北京大学中乐学社笛箫传习教师,Dr. Meng QIAO, Instructor, Di-Xiao Passing-on Performing Ensemble of CMIPKU)刘孟凡同学Mr. Mengfan LIU

(注:横飞字幕:刘孟凡,北京大学中乐学社笛箫传习教师, Mengfan LIU, Instructor, Di-Xiao Passing-on Performing Ensemble of CMIPKU)为了鼓励孩子们能够更好地学习音乐,分享快乐,丰富北京大学的校园生活,我们的校长

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非常严格地要求我们能够为这样的一些孩子们提供机会的舞台.Due to encourage students to better get to music, share happiness and enrich campus life of PKU, the Principal asked us to setting up opportunities of performing for students like them seriously.

原因是,很多小时候的梦想没有办法拾获,到北大来实现了,梦想是用来实现的,不是用来摆设的。Why? Firstly, because we have been forgetting some dreams when we were child for years. Dream is a thing which for letting it come true, not for decorating. PKU does this job!

第二,很多的可能是要通过个人的创造来完成的。创造力在每个孩子的手中。Secondly, possibilities should be achieved by people's creativity. Creativity is in everyone's hands.

第三,是我给这些孩子们的一个承诺:练好了,我们上最好的音乐厅,他们今天实现了梦想,获得了创造,也真真正正站在了最好的音乐厅堂里。At third, I gave these students a promise that you could go to the finest concert hall of China if you practice well. Tonight, their dream came true; their creativity accomplished and stood on the stage of the best concert hall.

十四、下面的作品,《童年的回忆》不仅仅是中乐学社一直保留的一部作品,更重要的是,今天的童年的回忆孩子们为它赋予了更深的含义。The next piece, Memories of Childhood, is not only one of repertoires in CMI, but importantly, boys and girls remake the music significant.

我不知道各位在座的爱乐者是否能想到,今天在座的各位当中,有很多孩子们的爸爸和妈妈。I don't know whether audiences presented have an idea there are the parents of many students on stage around you.

孩子们,我们掌声欢迎自己的父母来聆听我们的付出。Boy and girls, please to show your gratefulness your parents with applause.

孩子们委托我向爸爸妈妈表达一种谢意,我曾经告诉过孩子们,很多事情,付出在前,很多事情,在付出的过程中,有没有收获,都不重要,重要的是实干。They requested me to express their gratitude to you I used to tell them that no gives no takes, involving-in-the-action would be wise.

我们在今天来聆听《童年的回忆》的过程中,孩子们希望自己的爸爸妈妈原谅过去的不懂事,原谅过去的不够负责,他们在北大,已经不是那样的了。With Memories of Childhood, you, Mom and Dad of them, could let those memories childish gone hopefully, and they have been obtaining a growing-up intelligent since college life.


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They have learned to be thankful and gained responsibility under the training on the campus.

为什么通过《童年的回忆》这首作品来进行跨越时空的一种感恩,原因很简单,《童年的回忆》是卢亮辉先生在跨越三十年的历史过程中,以浓缩的妙笔,留下的精华之作。Why we do it by Memories of Childhood, because the piece bridging the time and space which composed by Mr. LO in 1970s.

其中不仅可以听到《世上只有妈妈好》的旋律,可以听到《天上掉下个林妹妹》的旋律,而且还可以听到在那燃情岁月的过程中中国独有的广播操似的进行曲。You could not only listen to popular melodies of The Song of Mom and the aria from Hong Luo Meng, Shaoxing Opera, but also broadcast gymnastics-like March that is unique in past years.

由此孩子们委托我向各位爸爸妈妈表达一种深深的谢意,在这样的一种感谢中,孩子们获得一种成长,在这样的一种感谢中,孩子们真正感觉到父母爱的力量。We will be touched by the deep gratitude with music, and the music could be understood as a response to the love-kindeness of parents.

让我们一起来分享《童年的回忆》。Ladies and gentlemen, Memories of Childhood.

( 注 :童年 的回忆, 作曲:卢亮辉, 指 挥 :毕明辉, 演奏: 北 京 大 学 联 合 中 乐 团 ,Memories of Childhood, Composed by Lueng-fai LO, Directed by Minghui BI, Presented by United Chinese Orchestra)

在音乐当中,恐怕大家还听到了一个大家非常熟悉的旋律,就是《红色娘子军》的那个主题,不知道各位是否有似曾相识之感。I am not sure if you were grasped, there was another popular melody, the theme from Red Women’s Army.

但总之呢,孩子们委托我,在这里和大家分享对父母的感激。Anyway, hope you could feel our teenagers' kids.

成长是一种沉甸甸的责任,孩子们,谢谢。Growth is a sort of responsibility too. Thank you.

我受孩子们的委托,要向爸爸妈妈献花。I need to present flowers to parents for them.

大家是不是为孩子们的感激之情再次击响掌声,谢谢。Please thank students again for their expression. Thank you.


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The last piece, Rhapsody based on the theme of Dai Nationality, which we would like to play, was a dream of CMI.

大家不知道是否曾经想过,一个小孩子在学习乐器之初,恐怕很早就听过很美妙的音乐。We remembered that child, in the very young, listened the music before it play the instruments definitely.

有一天,当音乐开始发生在自己的生活里,而且成为自己的手上的一种承载,对孩子们学习音乐以及展开人生无疑是非常好的动力。Once those music recalled in their mind and life, and presented them by themselves, the influence would be a motivation for the music learning and life awakening.

这里面我们一起来分享的《美丽的凤尾竹》,是中乐学社从笛箫学社一点一点积累到现在一个里程碑似的作品。This piece, we thought, was a milestone work of CMI. It made us to realize No gains no gains from the time of the Di-Xiao Society till now.

在 2009 年的年底,《云之南》音乐会在北京大学的多功能厅举行的时候,这首作品,是圆了孩子们学习音乐的一个梦想。The CMI Concert in the late of 2009, Rhapsody based on the theme of Dai Nationality premiered. The one of music dreams came true then.

就是李荣锋同学,当时在北京大学的 BBS 的版上,发过一句话:“我们什么时候可以来演奏这首作品?”We could find there were words on BBS of PKU: when shall we be able to perform Rhapsody based on the theme of Dai Nationality?

很多后面的学弟学妹们并不知道笛箫学社在发展和积累的过程中,前面的一些学兄和学姐们付出怎样的努力。We would not to imagine how hard work paid by students of Society for Di Xiao, and many new members did not know either.

而我们今天,以如此大规模的一种感恩,谢谢音乐,谢谢很多在提供音乐方面给我们无私帮助的各方面的人士。To music, to people who have given us selfless help.

让我们一起来聆听,《美丽的凤尾竹》。Ladies and gentlemen, Rhapsody based on the theme of Dai Nationality.

(注:美丽的凤尾竹,作曲:杨春林,指挥:毕明辉,演奏:北京大学联合中乐团Rhapsody based on the theme of Dai Nationality, Composed by Chunlin YANG, Directed by Minghui BI, Presented by United Chinese Orchestra)

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十六作曲家杨春林先生,《凤尾竹》的原作者杨春林先生今天也出席了我们的音乐会,各位,我们掌声感谢杨老师。Mr. Chunli YANG, the composer of Rhapsody based on the theme of Dai Nationality present in our concert.

( 注 : 横 飞 字 幕 ,杨春林, 北 京 大 学 中 乐 学 社 艺 术顾问, Mr.Chunlin YANG, Artistic Consultant, CMIPKU)

时间飞快,音乐会已经到达了它的尾声。Times flies, the concert gets to the end.

这里边呢,我尤其要向大家来感谢我自己的母校“中央音乐学院”给予我们的支持。I would like to thank my alma mater, the Central Conservatory of Music, for the support.

事实上呢,今天我们中央音乐学院的老院长北京大学中乐学社的资深驻团顾问于润洋先生今天也到了我们的音乐会现场,各位掌声感谢于先生。Mr. Runyang YU, the former Principal of the Central Conservatory of Music and high-profiled resident advisor of the CMIPKU also present, Thank Mr. YU.

(注:横飞字幕:于润洋,中央音乐学院前院长,北京大学中乐学社艺术顾问 .Mr. Runyang YU, former Principal of the Central Conservatory of Music and high-profiled Artistic Consultant of the CMIPKU)

北京大学在音乐方面的一切积累和发展都离不开各个方面各个力量的支持。The development in music of PKU thanks supports of all aspects.

我们今天的音乐会之所以可以得以呈现,也特别要感谢对我们进行大力赞助的北京大学的校友。Special thanks to our alumni of Peking University who are sponsors of our concert.

孩子们,请允许我向我们今天到场的两位给我们的音乐会以巨大的支持的两位校友朋友表示深深的谢意,谢谢!Please allow me to introduce two alumni of PKU who gave our concert huge supports to you. Thanks!

是不是可以请两位校友和我们的孩子以及今天在座的各位贵宾一起见个面?谢谢!Would two gentlemen give us a wave to us? Thank you!

最后,请允许我代表孩子们,以及代表今天在台上和没有到台上来的北京大学的青年学子们对大家的光临以及对北京大学的支持表示深深的谢意。At last, please allow me to represent all young students of PKU, who on the stage or not, to say thanks for coming and support.

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无论从哪个角度来说,乐以化学,感谢音乐;乐以化学,感谢大家。In Joy and Music in Chemistry, it is grateful to both Music and all of you!

乐以化学,在这里,不得不暂告一段落,和大家来道一声晚安。Joy and Music in Chemistry, the concert is coming to the end and we have to say good night.

但是音乐的快乐和北京大学的开放与包容,希望可以为大家留下美好的回忆。We do hope you enjoy the music and leave a good memory for openness and comprehensiveness of PKU.

孩子们,一起鞠躬!Thank you very much!

有请各位嘉宾与孩子们一起合影留念。Please come to stage and take a family picture with us.

音乐会到此结束,谢谢各位的光临,祝各位晚安,我们择时再见!Thank you and good night. See you next time hopefully!

(以下:片尾字幕,上下滚动)主办北京大学 中国科学院化学学部 中国化学会承办北京大学化学与分子工程学院 北京大学学生课外活动指导中心 北京大学艺术学院总顾问白春礼 姚建年 周其凤总策划周其凤总监制张 彦总执行王天兵 邓 娅 路 鹏 张晓黎 熊校良化学文化节顾问吴凯 刘虎威 马玉国 张莉 裴坚 朱涛 来鲁华 付雪峰总协调

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白 宇 张 灿 胥伟华 毕明辉赞助中国天津河清化学工业有限公司中国北京奥得赛化学股份有限公司演出社团北京大学中国音乐学社暨民族管弦乐团北京大学化学与分子工程学院明星分子合唱团北京大学新声留学生清唱团北京大学外国语学院皮特爱乐学生合唱团北京大学学生民乐团北京大学学生交响乐团艺术顾问于润洋 徐沛东 叶小纲 田 青 李光华 卢亮辉 杨春林 陈绍箕 社团领队孙逸超 赵欧狄 徐 航 李梅里 丁 一 许嘉恬 陈树荣 关梦桐 赵宇飞 王兆琦艺术总监、指挥:毕明辉乐团舞台监督:李荣锋 张欣云 陈 思 赵宇飞 王兆琦合唱团舞台监督: 赵欧狄 徐 航 李梅里 丁 一 许嘉恬 陈树荣 关梦桐创意设计:毛 虫 张 彤 李晨北 北京九龄文化艺术工作室创意文案:毕明辉 许嘉恬 李恺淇 陈思秀 邸世宇HostsPeking University Chinese Academy of Sciences, Division of Chemistry Chinese Chemical SocietyOrganizersPeking University Co-Curricular Activities CentrePeking University College of Chemistry and Molecular EngineeringPeking University School of ArtsCo-organizersChinese Music Department, Central Conservatory of MusicGeneral AdvisorsChunli BAI, Qifeng ZHOU, Jiannian YAOChief PlannerQifeng ZHOUChief ProducerYan ZHANGExecutive CommitteeTianbing WANG, Ya DENG,Peng LU, Xiaoli ZHANG, Xiaoliang XIONG

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Overall CoordinatorsYu BAI, Can ZHANG, Weihua XU, Bryan Minghui BI.Leading Societies: Chinese Orchestra of Chinese Music Institute, Peking University Star Molecular Choir, Peking University College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering

Associate SocietiesPeking University Sing Song International A cappella, Peking University School of Foreign Language Peter Philharmonic Choir, Peking University Students’ Chinese Orchestra, Peking University Students’ Symphony OrchestraArtistic AdvisorsRunyang YU, Peidong XU, Qing TIAN, Xiaogang YEGuanghua LI, Leung-fai LO, Chunlin YANG, Shaoqi CHEN

Presidents of the SocietiesYichao SUN, Oudi ZHAO, Hang XU, Meili LI, Yi DING, Jia Tian KOH, Thanit-udomsap NATTAWAT, Mengtong GUAN, Yufei ZHAO, Zhaoqi WANGArtistic Director, Conductor:Bryan Minghui BIStage Managers (Orchestra) :Rongfeng LI, Xinyun ZHANG, Si CHEN, Yufei ZHAO, Zhaoqi WANGStage Managers (Choirs): Oudi ZHAO, Hang XU, Meili LI, Yi DING, Jia Tian KOH, Shurong CHEN, Mengtong GUANCreative Design : Chong MAO, Tong ZHANG, Chenbei LI, Beijing Jiuling Culture and Arts WorkshopCreative Writing:Bryan Minghui BI, Jia Tian KOH, Khai Qi LEE, Si Xiu Catherine TAN, Shiyu DI