betty crocker - soups, stews & chlies (2007)

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  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    I i n troduction

    letter from the editor

    m ore than other kinds of foods

    O uick-w hat's your favoritecom fort food? Even il soup is notat the top of your list. chances areit's in your top to . W hat is it abouta bowl of soup. stew or chili thatnot only warms the stom ach, butthe heart as w ell? W hether it's yourgrandm a's cure-a ll chicken soup oryou r da d's sup er-se cre t re cipe forsp icy ch ili-soups, s tew s and ch iliesseem to provoke fond m em ories

    W ith that in m ind. we 've created th is issue of M ost R equestedPecces". From fam ilia r favorites such as C hunky Tom ato Soup(p . 34) and Slow Cooker French Onion Soup (p . 40). to new tw ists onclassics such as O ijon S teak and Potato S tew (p. 52) a nd C hip otie -P ork C hili (p. 74), the recipes in this m agazine are m em ories justw aiting to be made

    And what goes better w ith soup than bread? Parmesan-BlackPeppe r B read st ic ks (p. 81), T rip le -Cheese F la tb re ad (p. 85) an dG arlic -R os em ary F re nc h R olts (p, 86) are just th ree of 12 optionsto choose from in our last chapter. devoted exclusively to breadsSo, what are you wa it in g lor? S ta rt mak in g some memor ies !

    In this issue4 "Sou per" Soup Toppers5 Get Garnished94 Nutrition and Recipe

    Testing Guidelines95 Index

    Look for these symbols: QUICK R ea dy in 30 m in ute s or less lOW FAT 3g o r le ss , except maind is he s w it h tO g or te ss

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    6 Simple SoupsFrom tried-and-true to trendy and new ,this chapter is chock-fu ll o f lIavorfulsoups-plus a bisque and two chowders

    42 Satisfying StewsWith their hearty ingredients andmouthwatering aromas, these meals ina bow l chase away the season 's chills.

    2 BellyCr

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    60 Classic Chilies 78 Bountiful BreadsHoi or m ild, red or white , trad itiona l orC in cin na ti-s ty le , th ere 's a bowl of chlli lorjust a bout every taste and tem pera ment.

    What better to serve with a soup, stew orchili than a warm and wonderfu l stice ofhom em ade bread?

    ON THE COVER:Slow Cooker ChickenEnchilada Chili, p. 72

    aet tyCro~ker Mool ReqOOcSl00Aecipes' 3

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    soup toppers I

    "Sou per" Soup ToppersChase the chill out of winter by adding a terrific topper

    to a bowl of steaming soup, stew or chili.

    CrostiniHeal oven to 375~. P lace 12 slices Ita lian bread,'h inch th ick, on ungreased cookie sheet D rizz le1 teaspoon olive oil over each slice of bread. M ix'h cup chopped tomatoes, 1 tablespoon choppedfre sh b asil le ave s, Y 4 teaspoon salt and 1 /4 teaspoonp ep pe r. S pre ad ove r bread slices. Sprink le 1 table-spoon shredded Parmesan cheese ove r e ac h slic e.Bake about a m inutes or until bread is hot


    Easy Cheese B iscuitsHeat oven to 450F. M ix 1 cup O rig inal B isqutck"mix, 'h cup m ilk and V. cup shredded Cheddarcheese until soft dough forms; beat v igorously30 seconds. D rop dough by 6 to a spoonfu lsabout 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookiesheet. Bake 6 to a m inutes O r until gO lden brown.

    Seasoned CroutonsCui dry (not hard) bread into 'h-inch cubes, andtoss w ith olive oil to lightly coat (or spread oneside of dry bread w ith softened butter or marga-rine, and cut in to 'h-inch cubes). Sprink le w ithgrated Parmesan cheese and Ita lian seasoningor w ith your favorite herbs or seasoning. Cook inungreased skille t over medium heal 4 to 7 m in-utes, stirring frequently , until go lden brow n.

    Toasted Cheese S licesSet oven contro l to bro il. P lace a slices Frenchbread. 0 /. to 1 inch th ick, on ungreased cookiesheet. B ro il w ith tops about 5 inches from heat1 to 2 m inutes or until go lden brown. Turn breadslices over; top each slice w ith 2 tablespoonsshredded cheese or 1 slice 01 c heese. B roil 1 to2 m inutes longer or until cheese is melted andgolden brown.

    Tortilla S tripsHeat oven to 37SQF. B rush 4 small corn or flourtortillas w ith melted butter or m argarine. Sprinklew ith chili powder if desired. Cut each tortilla in to2xlh-inch strips or 12 wedges, or cut in to shapesw ith cookie cutters. P lace in single layer on2 ungreased cookie sheets. Bake 6 to 8 m inutesor until light brown and crisp. Cool s lightly.

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    GET GARNISHEDAdding garnishes to soups and stews is a sim ple way to add co lor, texture ,flavor and, of course, eye appeal. As a ru le , the stronger or more varied theflavors or textures in a soup or stew , the s im pler the garnish shou ld be soit won't compete w ith the soup. If you don 't know where to start, cons iderusing an ingred ient in the soup or stew , such as an herb or vegetab le.

    Top with ...VEGGIESchopped avocadochopped bell pepperchopped broccolichopped tomatosHced cucumbersliced green onionsliced mushroomsNlJTS OR SEEDScashewspine nutspopcornsliced or sliveredalmondssunflower nutstoasted sesame seedFRUITsliced applesliced mangosliced pearSOMETHING SALTYcrumbled cookedbaconcrumbled feta orblue cheesecrushed corn .or_tortilla chipspretzelsshredded cheese

    Swirl in ordollop with ..guacamolepestesalsasour cream or yogurt

    Arrange on top ..bagel chipsbell pepper cutouts"chopped crystallizedgingeredible flowers (citrusblossoms, marigolds,nasturtiums, pansies,petunias) ....-f r : ~ I ~ : ; = ~~ ~ ~ ; t o ,hparsley, rosemary;lemon or lime peelstripslime wedges or slicespiped mashedpotatoes=cooked tiny or smallwhole shrimp*How to make bellpepper cutouts.Cut bell pepper into d r em o ve seeds. Usinga sm all shfj/p knife o r sm allcanape c ur te r , c ut d e sir e d'shapes from peppe r .

    '''How to pipemashf!d potatoes.P I a C 1 3 mashed corerces indecom/ing bag with largeSIBr tip. G ently sque eze tofo rm rosettes o r to pipe ab o rd er a ro u nd the edge o f asouporsrew.

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Slow CookerMealball SloneSoup, p.21

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    BettyCrock.r Mos!Reques!edReeopors'" 7

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Chicken Tortilla SoupPrep Time: 35 Minutes Start to Finish: 35 MinutesServings: 6 (1 cup each)

    1 carton (32 oz) chicken broth1 cup Old EI Peso" Thick 'n Chunky salsa2 cups shredded deli rotisserie chicken(from 2 to 2Y2"lb chicken):y. cup crushed tortilla chips1 medium avocado, pitted, peeled and chopped

    l'h cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese (6 az)2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantroLime wedges, if desired

    1. In 3-quart saucepan, heat broth, salsa and chicken to boiling overmedium -h ig h h ea l, s tirrin g o cc as io na lly2 . M eanwhile , d ivide crushed chips am ong 6 serving bow ls. Spoon hotsoup over chips, then lop w ith avocado, cheese and cilantro. S ervewlthlimewedgesNlIlrl tion Informalion Per Serving:1 SERVlNG:C8lories330(CsIorIesfroml'"aI180); TolalFat 20g(Sall1raledFatSg):C ho le stS fo l6 5m g: S od iu m 1 3O Orn g: T ota l C arb oh yd ra te 1 39 (D ie ta ry R be r 2 ,,): I 'rG te in 2 4{1

    Iim ple s ou ps

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Slow CookerCheesy Potato SoupPrep Time: 15 Minutes Start to Finish: 6 Hours 45 MinutesServings: 6 (1 ~ cups each)

    1 bag (32 oz) frozen southern-style diced hash brownpotatoes, thawed

    Y 2 cup frozen chopped onion (from tz-oz bag), thawed1 medium stalk celery, diced ('AI cup)2 cans (14 oz each) chicken broth1 cup water3 tablespoons Gold MedaJa all-purpose flour1 cup milk1 bag (8 oz) shredded American-Cheddar cheese blend (2 cups)

    Y o cup real bacon pieces (from z.s-oz package)4 medium green onions, sliced (V . cup)

    1. In 3- to a-quart slow cooker, m ix potatoes, onion, celery, brotha nd w ate r.2 . Cover; cook on Low heat setting 6 to 8 hours.3.ln small bowl, mix flour into milk; stir into potato mixture. Increaseheat setting to High. Cover; cook 20 to 30 minutes or unlil mixturethickens. Stir in cheese until melted. Garnish individual servings withbacon and green onions. Sprinkle with pepper if desired.

    Nutrttton Inform alion Per Serv ing :1 SERVING: Galories410 tGalorleslromFat 140):TotalFat 15g(Saturated FatSg)C ho le sl8 fO I4 5m g: S od iu m 1 2tO m,,: T ota l C llfb oh yd ra te 5 0g (D Te UIIY FiIJef Sg): P rOl e! n 1 9 9

    Iimple soups

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Creamy Beef, Mushroomand Noodle SoupPrep Time: 20 Minutes Start to Finish: 1 HourServings: 7 (1 ~ cups each)

    2 tablespoons butter or margarine1 medium onion, coarsely chopped ('h cup)2 teaspoons fine ly chopped garlic1 package (8 oz) s liced fresh m ushroom s (3 cups)

    1'h Ib boneless beef top sirloin steak, cut into 2X%x'/4-inch pieces6 cups beef broth'h cup dry sherry or beef brothY o cup ketchup';' teaspoon salt'I e te as po on p ep pe r2 cups uncooked medium egg noodles1 container (8 oz) sour cream

    1. In 5- to 6-quart Dutch oven, melt butter over medium-high heat.C ook onion , garlic and m ushroom s in butter 5 to 6 m inu tes, stirringfrequently, until mushrooms are softened2. Stir in beet. Cook 5 to 6 minutes, slirring frequently, until beef is nolon ger p ink. S tir in rem ain ing ingre die nts except no odle s and so urcream , H eat to bo iling ; reduce hea l to m ed ium -low . C over; cook 10m in ute s. s tirrin g o cc asio na lly . S tir in n oo dle s. C ov er; c oo k 5 to 7 min-utes. stirring occasionally, unlil noodles are lender.3. Stir in sour cream. Cook 3 to 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until wellblendedNutrit ion Information Per Serving:lSERVING'Calori\!S290(~ori\!SlromFattZ$);TolalFatl4g(SaluratedFat7g);Chol\!Sterol9Omg; Sodium 1tOOmg; Total Carbohydrate tSg (Dietary Abe< tg): PrQlein 26g

    Iimple soups

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    QUICKNoodle and Chicken BowlPrep Time: 15 Minutes Start to Finish: 15 MinutesServings: < 1 (twcuos each)

    4 cups water2 packages (3 oz each) Oriental-flavor ramen noodle soup mix1 cup fresh spinach leaves, torn into bite-size pieces2 oz fresh snow pea pods, strings removed, cut in half crosswise('/"cup)

    'h cup shredded or julienne-cut carrots1 can (8 oz) sliced water chestnuts, drained1 teaspoon sesame oil

    1'h cups chopped deli rotisserie chicken(from 2- to 2Y:.-lbchicken)

    2 medium green onions, chopped (2Iablespoons)1. In a-ouet saucepan, heat water to boiling over medium-high heatAdd noodles (breaking apart if desired), spinach, pea pods, carrotsand water chestnuts. Cook 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.2. Stir in seasoning packets from soup mixes, sesame oil, chickenand onions. Cook 1 to 2 minutes or until chicken is hot.NulritionlnformalionPerServing:1SERVlNG:Calories30(CalorleslromFa! 12(1):TOIaiFat 13g(Sa!UraledFat3.5g):GholesteroI45rng: Soclium94Omg:TOIaJ Ga!!Joh~cI'ate34g (Dietary Rber4g): Pfotei~ 20g

    I simple soups

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    simple soups I


    Slow Cooker HeartySteak and Tater SoupPrep Time: 20 Minutes Start to Finish: 8 Hours 50 MinutesServings: 9 (I 'h cups each)

    1 Ib boneless beef round steak1 Ib small red potatoes, cut into '14-inch slices(4cupsj

    2 medium stalks celery, chopped (1 cup)2 medium carrots, chopped (I cup)1 medium onion, chopped ( ' 1 2 cup)2 cloves garlic, finely chopped1 tablespoon beef bouillon granules'h teaspoon pepper4 cans (1 4 oz each) beef broth1 jar (60z) Green Gian~ sliced mushrooms,undrained

    'h cup water'h cup Gold Medal- all-purpose flour

    16 BettyCrocker SoupB,Slews&Chilles

    1 _ Cut beef into lx'loinch pieces. In 5-quart slow cooker,mix beet and remaining ingredients except water and!lour.2. COlier; cook on Low heal setting 8 to 9 hours.3. Mix water and flour in smal l bo . . . . . . t ; gradually stir intosoup until blended. Increase heat selting to High.Cover: cook about 30 minutes or until slightly thickened.Nulrltlon Information Per Serving;1 SERVIHG,CuloriOI150 (CalorleaIromFat 20): Total Fal2.5g\Satu,alocl Fat tg); Choleslerol25mg: Sodium 12OOmg; TOIaICartxlhydmloIBgIOiala.yFibar3g):f'lolelniSg

    TIpSUCCESS HINTFor accurate cookinq times and properdoneness cut all meats and vegetablesinto the sizes scecaeo In a recipe

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Slow CookerSteak and Pasta SoupPrep Time: 10 Minutes Start to Finish: 8 Hours 40 MinutesS ervings: 5 (1 'h c up s e ac h)

    1 Ib bone less beef round steak, cu t in to 'Idnchcubes1 ja r (26 to 28 o z) m arin ara sa uc e

    2Y~ cu ps w ate r1 package (90z) refrigerated cheese-filled ravioli'h cup gra ted Parm esan cheese

    1. In 3 ' / 2 " " to 4 -q ua rt slo w co ok er, m ix b ee f, m arin arasauce and w ater.2 . Cover; cook on Low heat setting 8 to 10 hours.

    Iim ple s ou ps

    3 . S Ur in ra vio li. In cre as e h ea t se ttin g to H ig h. C ove r;cook 2 0 to 30 m inutes until ravio li ere tender, S prinklein div id ua l s erv in gs w ith c he es eNutrilion Inlormalion Per Serving:ISERVING:CaIorffis400(Caloo""fromFa1140):TotaIFaI15g(Sa tu .819CJFa t 6g): C lIO !e sle ro l 1 05m g: SO C Iiu m 1 3 7 om g ; T ota lCarbohvclrBle36g(D;elaryFiber2g):P,oleln30g

    TIpDOAHEADFor quick morning preparation cut upthe beef the nIght before and refngerate

    aettyCrockerMOSlReqll6StedReci~"" 17

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    s im p le s ou ps I

    18 BettyCroc:ker Soups,Slews&ChOloos

    lOW FATAsian Beef and Noodle SoupP rep T im e: 45 M inutes Start to Fin ish: 1 Hour lOMinulesServ ings: 6 (1 'h c up s e ac h)3 o z uncoo ked cellop ha ne no od les1 tab lespoon dark sesam e oil

    1'h Ib boneless beef top sirlo in steak, cut in tob ite -s ize s tr ip s

    2 tea sp oon s finely ch opp ed g arlic2 p ac ka ge s (a bo ut 3.5 oz each) fresh shiitake orbutton m ush ro om s, s lic ed6 cup s redu ced-so dium be ef bro th2 cups fine ly s liced bok choy1 c up ju lie nn e s trip s (m a tc hs tic k-s iz e) c arro ts

    Y 2 tea sp oon gro und gin ger'1 6 te asp oo n p ep pe r2 m edium g ree n onio ns, s liced (2 tab lespoons)

    1. In medium bowl, s oa k b un dle 01 c ello p hane nood le sin w arm w ater 101015 m in ute s o r u ntil s ofte ne d: d ra in .C ut noodle bund le into th irds. C over and se t aside2. In 5--10 6 -q ua rt D utc h o ve n, h ea t o il o ve r m e dium -h ig hhea t. CC lQ !(beef, ga rlic and m ushro om s in o il 5 to 6 min-u te s, s tirrin g o cc as io na lly , ju st u ntil b ee f is n o lo ng er p in k.3. S tir in re main ing in gred ien ts e xcep t noodles a ndo nion s. H eat to bo ilin g: re duce hea t to m ed ium -low .Cover ; cook 14 to 15 minu tes , s tir ring occas iona lly ,u ntil b ee f is te nd er.4. S tir in n oo dle s. C ov er: co ok 2 to 3 m in ute s o r u ntiln oo dle s a re h ot. S prin kle w ith o nio nsNulrition rnrermenen Per Serving:1 SERVING: Calor!es250(Calorle!!tromFaI70):ToIalFal6g(Sa1uratedFaI2g):Choleslerol60rng:Sodium250mg;TotaICarbohydraleI7g(DieIIllYRber2g):PrOlaln29g

    TIpSUBSTITUTIONII you can t find cellophane noodles youca n use verm icelli instead S im ply cookand drain 3 ounces verm ice lli as directedon package and stir in to soup In step 4

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Slow Cooker BeefyVegetable-Barley SoupPrep Time: 20 Minutes Start to Finish: 8 HOUfS 50 MinutesServ ings: 6 (1 '1 3 c up s e ac h)1'h Ib beef stew mealY2 cup frozen chopped onion (from 12-oz bag),

    thawed'h cup uncooked medium barley2 cans (14 oz each) beel broth1 cup w ate r1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves1 teaspoon dried marjoram leaves

    Y " 2 teaspoon salty. teaspoon pepper2 cups G reen G ianP frozen m ixed vegetab les,thawed

    1. C ut b ee t into b ite -s ize p iece s if desired. In 3!h- to4-q uart slow cooker, m ix all ingredients except m ixedvegetables2. Cover; cook on Low heal se tting 8 to 10 hours3. Add m ixed vegetables. Increase heat sel1ing to H igh.Cover: cook 20 to 30 m inutes or until vegetables arecrisp-tender.NUlritlon Informotion Per Serving:1 SERVING: Calories 330 (Cala$!; Irom Fat 120): Tala] Fat 149(Salumtl!(i FaI5g): ClIoleslerol7Omg: Sodium 88Omg: TOIa ICarbohydrtltal2g(DletaryFlber6gj;F'rOlein26g

    Iim p le s ou ps

    Betty Crocker MoslRequesledRecipes'" 19

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    simple soups I

    Slow CookerBeef-Tortellini SoupPrepTIme: 20Minutes Start to Finish: 8 Hours50MinutesServings: 6 (I 'h cups each)1 Ib beef stew meat1 large onion, chopped (% cup)1 large carrot, chopped (314up)1 medium stalk celery, chopped ('h cup)2 cloves garlic, finely chopped2 teaspoons sugar1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes, undrained2 cans (10'/2 oz each) condensed beef consomme1 teaspoon dried basil leaves2 cups frozen cheese-filled tortellini(from l-Ib 3-oz bag)1 cup Green Gian~ frozen cut green beans

    1.ln 3'h- to 4-quart slow cooker, place beef. onion, car-rot, celery, garlic, sugar, tomatoes and beef consommein order listed

    20 Betty Crocker Soup~,St(IWS&Ch,lies

    2. Cover: cook on Low heal setting 8 to 9 hours3. Stir in basil, frozen lortellini and green beans. Increaseheat setting to High. Cover: cook 25 to 30 minutes oruntil beans are tender.NulrlUon Informatlon Per Serving:I SERVIHG:Calones 3tO(CaIorieslromFaI120):TolalFat14g(Saturated Fat 59): Choles\eroiIOOmg; Sodium 710mg: TolalCarbo/ljId'altl22lliOielaryFlber3g):P'olein26g

    TipsSPECIAL TOUCHTop each serving wtth a teaspoon ofrefrigerated basil pesto.SUBSTITUTIONUse any flavor of filled frozen pasta. Justmake sure the pieces are bite-size,

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Slow CookerMeatball Stone SoupP re p T im e: 1 0M in ute s S ta rt to F in ish : 1 0 H ou rs 1 0M in ute sS ervin gs: 6

    , bag (16 oz) frozen cooked Ita lian-style m eatballs2 cans (14 OZ e ach) beef broth2 cans (14.5 oz each) diced tom atoes w ith Ita lian

    he rbs , undr ained1 medium potato, chopped (1 cup)1 medium onion, chopped ('h cup)

    Y o te as po on g arlic -p ep pe r b le nd1 bag (lib) frozen mixed vegetables1 . In 3 17 -10 4 -q uart slow co oker, m ix froze n m ea tb alls,orcin. tom atoes, potato. onion and garlic-pepper b lend.2 . Cover; cook on Low heat setting 9 \0 11 hours or untilv eg eta ble s a re te nd er,

    I sim ple so up s

    3. Stir in frozen m ixed vegetables. Cover: cook on H ighh ea !se ttin g 1 h eM .Nutrit ion Information Per ServIng:1 SEHVlNG:Calorias375 \CIIIoriesIromFat 17Oj:ToIaiF8I199(SalUfaled Fa t 7g ): Cho II ls t1H0 I12Omg : SodiI.m 1 6 7Omg : T a iB ICarbohydrale17g{OieUuyF,b&r7g):PrOlein31g

    TipsSERVEWITHMake this hot and hearty soup the maincourse 01a simple meal. Serve with whole-grain rolls or bread. or assorted crackers.SPECIAL TOUCHSprinkle with freshly grated Parmesan orRomano cheese.

    Betty Crocker MOSlaecoesec Recipes" 21

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    simple soupsI

    LOW FATTurkey, Squashand Pasta SoupPrepTime: 20Minutes Start to Finish: 40MinutesServings:6(I'hcupseach)

    1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil2 medium stalks celery, coarsely chopped (I cup)1 medium onion, coarsely chopped C A l cup)1 teaspoon dried sage leaves6 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth

    2'h cups ';"-inch pieces cooked turkey (12 oz)1'h cups uncooked tricolor rotini pasta1'h cups :y.-jnch cubes peeled butternut squash

    (about 'hmedium squash)'Ie. teaspoon pepper1.ln 4'/;1- to s-ocet Dutch oven, heat oil overmedium-high heal. Add celery, onion and sage; cook 5 to 6 min-utes, stirring frequently, until onion is softened2. Stir in remaining ingredients. Heal 10 boiling; reduceheat to medium. Cover; cook 10 to 12 minutes, stirringoccasionally. until pasta and squash ar e tender

    22 Betty Crocker SoUP$,Stews&Chil ies

    Nutrition Information Per Serving:lsERVING:Ce.torIe!l2701catorle!llromFm70);TomIFe.!8g1Sa1uraiedFaI2g): Choleslerol SOmg: Sodium l1eomg; Total Carbohydrate 2.4g1DiGlatyFibGt2g):Proleln25g

    TipsSUBSTITUTIONOther short, twisty pastas, such asraoiatore, gemelli or roteue. can be usedinstead of the rotini.PLANNEDOVERSWhen you have leftover turkey, removeit from the bone, then cube or shred it ,Measure 1 to 2 cups of the turkey intoairtight freezer containers; label, dateand freeze for 1 to 2 months. Whenyou're ready to cook, pull it cut and useas directed in the recipe.

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    LOW FATSlow Cooker Turkey-Wild Rice ChowderPrep Time: 30 Minutes Start to Finish: 8 Hours35 MinutesServings: 64 boneless skinless turkey thighs (about 2 lb),cut into 1-inchcubes

    2 dried bay leaves3 cups sliced Iresh mushrooms (8 oz)'h cup uncooked wild rice1 medium stalk celery, cut into 'h-inch pieces ('hcup)2 medium carrots, cut into Yz-inchpieces (1 cup)1 envelope onion-mushroom soup mix (from t .a-ozpackage)

    1 can (100/0 oz) condensed cream of mushroomsoup1 carton (32oz) chicken broth1 cup Green Giant~ frozen baby sweet peas

    1. In 3 ' 1 z - to a-quart slow cooker, place all ingredientsexcept peas in order listed

    I simple soups

    2. Cover: cook on Low heat setting 8 to ghouls.3. Gently stir in frozen peas. Increase heal setting toHigh. Cover: cook 5 minutes. Remove bay leaves.Nutrit ion Information Per Serving:1 SERVING: Calories 380 (C8l(1ri'*l irom Fal 90): TOIll IFal 109(5aluratedFal3g):ChOle:;teroll&5mg;SOdlumI59Omg:TolalCarbohydral&25g (Dle!ary Fibe

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    s im p le s ou ps I

    LOW FATGrandma's Slow CookerChicken Noodle SoupP re p T Im e : 20 M in ute s S ta rt to A nis h: 7 Hours 20 MinutesServings: 4 (t 'h c up s e ac h)3(. Ib bon ele ss skin less ch icke n th ig hS , cu t in to

    l-in ch p ie ce s2 m ed ium sta lks celery, s liced (1 cup)1 la rg e c arro t, c ho pp ed ( s ; . . cup)1 m ed ium on ion, chopped ('h cup)1 can (14 .5 oz) d iced tom atoes, undrained1 can (14 oz) ch icken broth1 teaspoon dried thym e leaves2 cups G reen G iant* frozen sweet peas, thawed1 cup frozen hom e-sty le egg noodles (from12-ozbag)

    1. Spray 1O-inch s kille t w ith c oo kin g sp ra y: h ea t o ve rm ed ium he at. C oo k ch icke n In s kille t a bo ut 5 m in ute s,s tir ring f requen tl y, un til b lown .2 . In 3 'h- to 4 -quart s low cooker, m ix chicken andre ma in in g in gre die nts e xc ep t p ea s a nd n oo dle s.

    24 Bet tyCroc: k lt f Soupa .S lews&Ch i ll es

    3 . C over; cook on Low heal se tting 6 hours 30 m inutesto 7 hours.4. Stir in peas and n oo dle s. In cre as e h ea t selling 10High.Cover ; cook abou t 30 m in ute s o r u ntil n oo dle s a re le nde r.Nutri tion Information Per Serving:1 SERVING: Calorles330 (Calo.-IeslromFa(80):TOialFal9g(SaluraledFar 2.5g): Chol(l$lerol9Omg: SodIum13Omg: TOl91C9rbohydrale~(DiotaryFibe.-~):Prot8In21g

    TipTIME-SAVERIf you have a food processor, chop thefresh vegetables quickly by cutting theminto chunks and then pulsing in the foodprocessor. Process each vegetable sep-arately because they don't all require thesame processing time.

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Chicken-VegetablePot Pie SoupPrep T im e: 20 M inutes Start to F in ish : 1 H ourS erv in gs: 6 (1'/3 cu ps e ach )

    1 sheet frozen puff pastry (from 17.3-oz package),thawed

    2 tab lespoons butte r or m argarine6 small red potatoes, cut into eighths1 m edium sta lk ce lery . coarse ly chopped ('h cup)1 me dium c arro t, coarsely chopped ('h cup)1 sm all on ion, coarse ly chopped (V . cup)5 cups chicken broth'I. cup Gold Me da \3 W o nd ra t9 q uic k-m ix in g flo ur1 teaspoon poultry seasoningY. teaspoon salt'/ 8 te as poo n pe pp er

    2 ' 1 . . cups I-inch pieces deli rotisserie chicken(from 2 to 2'h-lb chicken)1 cup Green Gian~ frozen sweet peas

    'I. cup whipping cream

    Iim p le s ou ps

    2 . M eanw hile , in 4 'h -lo s-ocert D utch oven, m elt bonero ve r m ed ium -h ig h he at. Cook p ota to es , c ele ry , c er otand on ion in buner 5 to 6 m inutes. stirring frequent~ .u ntil o nio n is s of te ne d.3. B ea t broth, flour, poultry seasoning, sail and pep-p er in to p ota to mixture w ith w ire w hisk. H eal to boiling;re duce heat to m edium -low . C over; cook 15 to 20 min-u te s, s lirrin g o cc as io na lly, u ntil p ota to es a re te nd er a nds ou p is s lig htly th ic ke ne d.4. S tir in rema in in g in gre die nts . C ov er; c oo k 5 to 6 min-utes, stirring occasiona lly, until chicken and peas a re h ot.Ladle soup into txJ,.yts; to p eacn s erv in g w ith pastry.Nutrition In!ormatlon Per Serving:1 SERVING:C&Iories340(C8loriesfromFa112Oj;TO\IIIFat13g(s..1u,aled Fal & I I ) : Choleslarol 75mg: Sodium 131omg; ToWCarbohydrala32g(OielaryF;ba

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    simple soups I


    Chicken and Barley SoupPrep Time: 35 Minules Start to Finish: 35 MinutesServings: 6 (I~ cups each)

    1 carton (32 oz) chicken broth1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes, undrained2 medium carrots, sliced (1 cup)2 medium stalks celery, sliced (I cup)1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms (about 3 oz)

    Y 3 cup uncooked quick-cooking barley1 teaspoon dried minced onion2 cups chopped deli rotisserie Chicken

    (from 2- to 2'h-lb Chicken)1. In a-quart saucepan, mix all ingredients exceptChicken. Heat to ooiling over medium-high heat.Reduce heat to medium. Cover : simmer 15 to 20minutes o r until barley is tender.

    26 B.ttyCroc:ker Soups.Stews&Chiioes

    2 . Add chicken. Cover : cook e tcu t a minutes orunti l chicken is hot.Nutrition Inlormallon Per Serving:1 SERVING:Catorlell180 (Calorie!llromFal40): TOlatFaI4.5g(SaIUfpI9dFallg):~.lIIerot40mg;soo;umlOO1Jmg:TotaiCarbOhydr&lal6g(DI&taI)lFiber4g):PIOllllnl9g

    TipsVARIATIONAdd 1 1 1 . teaspoon dried thyme leaves tothe soup for a savory flavor.SUCCESS HINTBe sure to use quick-cooking barleybecause the regular type needs to cooklonger than this recipe allows.

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Chicken and SpinachTortellini SoupPrep Time: 20 Minutes Start to Finish: 45 MinutesServ ings: 5 (1 'h c up s e ac hJ1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil'13 cup chopped green onions (about 5 medium)'13 cup ju lie nn e-c ut c arro ts1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic6 cups chicken broth2 cups shredded deli rotisserie chicken(from 2- to 2 'h-Jb chicken)

    1 cup frozen small cheese-filled tortelliniY o teaspoon ground nutmeg, jf desiredY a te asp oo n p ep pe r3 cups ch op pe d fres h sp ina ch

    1. In 4 'h- to 5 -quart Dutch oven, heal oil over m edium -high heat Cook onions, carrots and garlic in ona to 4m in ute s. s tirrin g fre qu en tly , u ntil o nio ns a re s ofte ne d.2. Stir in broth and chicken. Heat to boiling. Stir in torte'-lini: reduce heat to medium. Cover; cook 3 to 5 minutesorunlil tortelliniere tender.

    I simple soups

    3. Stir in nutmeg, pepper and spinach. Cover; cook 2 to3 m in ute s or un til sp ina ch is not.Nutrition loforma.llon Per$elViog:1 SJ;:RVING'Galorias240(CaloneslromFall00):T01aIFal11g(SalUlatad Fai3g): Cholesterol8Omg: Sodium 154Omg: TolalCarboh\ldrale109 (OietaryF1berIg):Protein25g

    TipsPURCHASINGJulienne-cut carrots are available in bagsin the produce section of most grocerystores. If they're unavailable, substituteshredded carrots.SPECIAL TOUCHAdd Italian flair to the soup by garnishingeach serving with a teaspoon of pesto.

    Belty Crocker MoS! Re(Juested Reci~"" 27

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    simple soups I


    Thai-Style ChickenCurry SoupPrep Time: 15Minutes Start to Finish: 15 MinutesServings: 4(I~cupseach)1 carton (32 oz) chicken broth3 tablespoons packed brown sugar2 tablespoons soy sauce2 tabtespoons rice vinegar2 teaspoons curry powder1 small red bell pepper, coarsely chopped (1/2 cup)1 small jalapeno chile, seeded, finely chopped(I tablespoon)

    2 cups chopped deli rotisserie chicken(from 2- to 2'klb chicken)

    2 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro, if desired1. tn 3-quart saucepan, stir all ingredients exceptchicken and cilantro. Heal to boiling over medium-highheat. Reduce heat 10medium. Simmer uncovered 3 to5 minutes or until bell pepper is crisp-tender.

    28 BettyCroder SoUP&.Stew~&Chi~es

    2. Stir in chicken. Cook 1 to 2 minutes or unti l chicken ishot. Just before serving. add cilantro.Nutrition Informalion Per Serving:1 SERVING: Catorles210 (Calories from Fal60); Tolal Fa1711(SaluraledFat 211):ChoL""tarol60mg; SIlum 1nOmg : Total Carbohydrate 14g(DietaryFibefOg);Protein25g

    Tips010 YOU KNOW?B rown sugar, soy sauce and rice vinegarm im ic the flavors of the fish sauce typi-cally used in Thai cooking .

    VARIATIONL ike spicy load? Add an additional tab le-spoon of fine ly chopped ja lapeno chile .

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    LOW FATChicken Creole SoupPrep TIme: 35 Minutes Start to Finish: 55 MinutesServings: 8 (1 'hcups each)2 tablespoons butter or margarine2 medium onions, coarsely chopped (1 cup)2 medium stalks celery, coarsely chopped (1 cup)1 medium green bell pepper, coarsely chopped(1 cup)

    2 teaspoons finely chopped garlic2 ' 1 2 Ib boneless skinless chicken breasts or thighs,

    cut into t-lncn piecesv. cup Gold Medal* all-purpose flour2 cans (14.5 oz each) diced tomatoes, undrained4 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth2 cups water1 cup uncooked regular long-grain white rice1 teaspoon salt'I. teaspoon ground red pepper (cayenne)2 dried bay leaves

    1. In 5- to 6-quart Dutch oven. melt butler over medium-high heat. Add onions, celery. bell pepper, garlic and

    Iimple soups

    chicken: cook 7 to 9 minutes, stirring frequently, untilonion is softened.2, SUr in flour. Cook 5 to 6 minutes, stirring constantly,until flour is light brown3. Stir in remaining ingredients. Heat to boiling. Reduceheat 10 medium-low. Cover: cook 1510 20 minutes,stirring occasionally, until rice is tender and chicken isno longer pink in center. Remove bay leaves.

    Nutrition InlormeUon Per Serving:1 S ERV ING: C 81 01 1e s3 40 ( Ca lo rie slro m F a~ 7 0): T ota l falSg (Saturatedfat3g): Choles~erol9Smg: Sodium 8l0mg: Total c:a.t:lohydra~e 31g(Die~aryFober2g): ProIeIn36g

    TIpVARIATIONYou can mix and match your grainsCreole ISusually made with rice, but I fyou have pearl barley on hand use thatInstead of brown rice for a change

    Betty Crocker MosIRequesledRecipes'" 29

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    sim ple soups I

    Slow Cooker Spicy Chickenand Sausage SoupP re p T Ime : 20 Minutes Start to F ln is h: 8 Hou rs 3 5 MinutesServings: 6 (t J . ' J c up s e ac h)1 package (20 o z) b on ele ss s kin le ss ch ic ke nth ig hs , c ub ed

    1 ca n (14.5 o z) d ic ed to ma to es, u nd ra in ed1 ca n (14 oz) chicken broth1 cu p w ate rV a teaspoon red pepper sauce

    V a Ib c oo ke d kie lb as a, slice d1 cup frozen bell pepper and onion stir-fry(Irom l-Ib bag), thaw ed

    V a cup uncooked instant w hite rice1. In a-te 3 'h -q ua rt s lo w co ok er, m ix c hick en . to ma to es,broth. w ater and red pepper sauce.2 . Cover: cook on Low heat selling 8to 10 hours.3. S tir in k ie lb as a, s tir-try v eg eta ble s a nd ric e. tn cre as e

    30 eettyC.or:ke.Soopcr..Stews&Chilies

    heal seU ing \0 H igh. Cover; cook 10 to 15 m inutes untilric e is te nd erNllIr it lon Inlormatlon Per ServIng:1 SERVtNG:Calorle!l330(Calo

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Minestrone withItalian SausagePrep Time: 25 Minutes Start to Finish: 45 MinutesS ervings: 7 (1 'h c up s e ac h)1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil1 Ib bulk sweet Italian sausage1 medium onion, chopped ( \ I : z cup)2 medium carrots, coarsely chopped (1 cup)2 teaspoons dried basil!eaves2 teaspoons finely Chopped garlic3 cans (14 OZ each) beef broth2 cups Progresso diced tomatoes (from28-02 can), undrained1 can (15 to 16 oz) great northern beans,d ra in ed , rin se d

    1 cup uncooked small e lbow macaroni (3!h OZ)1 medium zucchini, cut lengthwise In half, thencui into '/.-inch slices (1 cup)

    1 cup G reen G ianfl" frozen cui green beans1 . In 5 -qu art O ute n o ve n, he at 0 11o ve r rn ed iom-h ip hheat. A dd sausage. onion, carrots. basil and garlic ;cook 5 10 7 m inutes, stirring frequently , until sausage isn o lo ng er p in k; d ra in .

    Iim p le s ou ps

    2 . S tir broth, tom atoes and great northern beans intosa usa ge m ixtu re . H ea t to b o~ in g: re du ce h ea l to m ed iu m-lo w. C ove r; co ok 7 to 8 m in ute s. s tirrin g o cca sio na lly.3. S tir in m acaroni, zucchin i and frozen green beans:heal to boiling. Cook over m edium -high heat 5 to 6 m in-u te s, stirrin g o cc asio na lly, u nn r v eg eta ble s a re h OI a ndm a ca ro ni is te nd er.NlrtritionlnlormatlonPerServlng;1 SERVIHG:CaIoIiM380 (CaIorIeslrom Fat 140):TotDIFDlI6g(Saturated Fat Sg}; Choleste

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    simple soups I

    Seafood BisquePrep Time: 25 Minutes Start to Finish: 25 Minutes

    v, cup butter or margarineV, cup Gold Medal- en-purpose flour2 cans (14 oz each) chicken broth4 cups (1 qt) halt-and-han'h cup dry white wine or water'h cup chopped drained roasted red bell peppers

    (from 7ozjar)12 oz cod fillet, cut into 1inch pieces12 oz uncooked deveined peeled medium shrimp,

    thawed if frozen and tail shells removed'h cup basil peste'I. teaspoon salty~ teaspoon freshly ground pepper

    1. In a-quart Dutch oven, melt butter over medium-highheal. Stir in 1I0ur, Gradually stir in broth, half-and-halfand wine, Stir in bell peppers and cod. Heat to boiling,stirring occasionally.2. Stir in shrimp. Simmer uncovered 2 to 3 minutes Ofunlil shrimp are pink. Stir in peste. salt a nd p ep pe r,Nulri'llonlnlormationPflrSflrvlng:I SEAVING:caklri$S420 {CalorIes IromFat 280): TOIalFB131g(Saluralf)d FallSg): CholeSleroll5Omg: Sod . .. .. 860mg: lOla!C;irt.lQhydralel1g(DlelalyFtba"0g):~eIo~

    32 BettyCroc:ker Soupa,Stews&Chilles

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Corn and Shrimp ChowderPrep Time: 50 Minutes Start to Finish: 50 MinutesServings: 7 (1 Y .l cups each)

    4 slices bacon, cut into Y2-inch pieces1 m edium onion, coarsely chopped ('h cup)1 medium stalk celery, coarsely chopped ('f.. cup)6 small red potatoes, cut into 'h..nch pieces2 cups Green GiantSNiblets~frozen whole kernel corn

    Y o teaspoon dried thym e leaves4 cups chicken broth

    V . cup Gold Medal" Wondra*' quick-mixing flour2 cups half-and-half12 o z fr oz en uncooked medium shrimp, peeled,

    oevenec and tail shells removed (do not thaw)'h teaspoon saltl/a teaspoon pepper

    1. In 5- to e-ouet Dutch oven, cook bacon over m edium -high heal 5 to 6 minutes. stirring frequently, until crispStir in onion, celery, potatoes, frozen corn and thyme.Cook 510 6 minutes. stirring frequently, until onion andcelery are softened

    I simple soups

    2. Beat in broth and flour with wire whisk. Heat to boil-ing; reduce heat to medium. Cover; cook about 15 min-utes, stirring occasionally, until potatoes are tender andsoup is slightly thickened.3. Stir in halt-and-halt, shrimp, salt and pepper. Cover;cook 5 to 6 minutes, stirring occasionally, until shrimpare pink.Nutrit ion Information Per Serving:1 SERVING: Calories280(Calo~esl forn ~all00): TOlalFall tg(Saluraled i 'al Gg): Chole!llerol lOOmg : Sodium 93Omg: TOlalCarbohydrale31g(DlelaryFibe

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    l.OW FATChunky Tomato SoupPrep Time: 35 M in ute s S ta rt to Finish: 1 Hour 35 MinutesServings: 82 tab le spoo ns olive or ve ge ta ble oil2 m ed iu m s ta lk s c ele ry , c oa rs ely ch op pe d (1 cup)2 m ed iu m c arro ts, c oa rs ely ch op pe d (I cup)2 c lo ve s g arlic , fin ely c ho pp ed2 cans (28 oz each) p lum

    (A om a ) tom ato es , u nd ra in ed2 c up s w ate r1 teaspo on d ried ba sil le aves'h te as po on p ep pe r2 cans (14 o z e ac h) v eg eta ble broth

    1. In 5 to 6-quart Du tch oven, hea l o il ove r m edium -hl9h hea l. Add cele ry. carrots and garlic ; cook 5 10 7m in u te s, s tirrin g fre q uenlly , u n til c ar ro ts a re c ris p-te n de r.

    34 Betty Crocker SoupB,Slews&Choloes

    2 . S tir in tom ato es, b reakin g up tom ato es co arse ly,S tir in w ate r, basil, p epp er an d b roth. H eat to b oilin gR educe he al to lo w, C ove r: s im me r 1 hour, s ti rr ingoccasional ly.Nulrllion Inlormalion Per Serving:1 SERVING: Calori~s 90 (Calories from FaIlS): Total Fal 3.5g (SaturatedFal (I.5g): Choleslerol O m , , : Sodium 75Om,,: TOIalca'bohydmlo 13g(DielaryFibaf3g):P,olaln2"

    TIpSPECIAL TOUCHGive this soup a dash of restaurantPIZZazz by toppmg each bow l w ithchopped fresh basil leaves and curlso f Parmesan cheese

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    QUICK LOW FATFire-Roasted TomatoBasil SoupPrepTIme: 30 Minutes Start to Finish: 30MinutesServings: 5 (1Y2cups each)1 tablespoon olfve or vegetable oil1 large onion, chopped (1 cup)2 medium carrots, chopped (1 cup)2 cans (14.5 oz each) fire-roasteddiced tomatoes, undrained

    2 cans (14 oz each) chicken broth1 cup water1 teaspoon red pepper sauce'h cup uncooked orzo pasta1 teaspoon dried basil leaves1, In a-quart saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. Addonion and carrots. Cook210 3 minutes, stirring occa-sionally, until softened

    I simple soups

    2. Stir in tomatoes, broth, water and pepper sauceHeat to boiling. Stir in pasta. Heat to bOiling: reduceheat 10medium. Cook uncovered 10to 15minutes,stirring occasionally, until pasta and carrots are lender.3. Stir in basil, Cook about 1minute, stirring constantlyNutritlonlnlormatlon Per8erving;1 SERVING: ceieses 160 (GaIOfies Irom Fel 40): T01el FBl4g (SaUJreledFat 0.5g): Chol""teroi Omg; Sodium 99Omg; Total Carbohydmte 231(();etary Flber4g): Protein7g

    TIpSERVEWITHServe this slightly smoky-flavored soupwith grilled cheese sandwiches

    8ettyCrocker MosIReqvaSledRecipe&'" 35

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    simple soups I


    Cheddar Cheeseand Broccoli SoupPrep Time: 30 M in ute s S ta rt to F in is h: 30 MinutesServings: 6 (ue cuos eecm2 cans (10% o z e ac h) c on de ns ed

    C heddar cheese soup2 c up s w ate r5 cu ps G reen G ia nra frozen bro cco li flo rets2 cu ps m ilkY :! te aspo on g rou nd m ustard'I. te as po on s alt'I. te as po on g arlic p ow de r'III te as po on p ep pe r2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese (8 oz)

    1. In e-qoet saucepan , m ix soup and w ater. H ea l overh ig h h ea t, s tirr in g c on sta nlly , u ntil b oilin g and smooth.

    36 eettyC,o.c:ke, SooPS.St llWS& Chilies

    2. Add broccoli. H ea l to bo iling ; red uce h eat 10 medi -u m. C ove r; coo k 810 to m in u te s , s tirrin g o cc as io n ally ,u ntil b ro cc oli is te nd er.3. S tir in m ilk , m ustard . salt, ga rlic po wd er an d pe pp er.C oo k u nc ov ere d 3 to 5 minu tes , s1 llr in9 occas iona lly ,u ntil th oro ug hly h ea le d. Stir in c he es e u ntil m elte dNutrition rnrcrmenen PorSorving:lSERVING:Calories340(CsklO"lestromFaI200):TotaIFat22f.j(SaturaledFall3g):ChoIeslarol60mg:SodlumI3OOmg:TotaiCiItbohY'dr8Ial6g(ClataryFiber2g):P,0Ia1ntSg

    TIpSUCCESS HINTBe sure to stir In the cheese Just untilmelted and serve the soup nght away tohelp prevent curdling

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    LOW FATSlow Cooker ZestyBlack Bean SoupPrepTime: 25 Minutes Start to Finish: 11Hours25MinutesServings: 9 (I !f a cups each)2 cups dried black beans (lib). sorted, rinsed10 cups water8 cups vegetable broth2 cans (14.5 oz each) no-salt-added stewedtomatoes, undrained2 medium carrots, coarsely chopped (1 cup)

    2 medium onions, coarsely chopped (1 cup)V. cup chopped fresh cilantro2 teaspoons finely chopped garlic

    Yo teaspoon peppery & teaspoon ground red pepper (cayenne)Reduced-fat sour cream, if desiredAdditional chopped fresh cilantro, if desired

    I simple soups

    2. Drain beans. In 6-quart slow cooker. place beans andremaining ingredients except sour cream and additionalcilantro3. Cover; cook on Low heat setting 10 to 12hours4. Serve soup topped with sour cream and additionalcilantroNUlrlllonlnformallon ParSarving:1 SERVING: Calorie5 190 (Calmi~& fn>m Fal!il; Total FatO.5g (SI.lluraladFatOg);Chol ... teroiOmg;Sodium92()mg;TotaICarbohydratIl41glo;elaryFibil< 129); Pfolein 13g

    1. In 4-quart Dutch oven, heat beans and water 10boiling; reduce heal. Simmer uncovered 10minutes;remove from heat. Cover; lei stand 1 hour.

    BeltyCrocker MosIRe

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    simple soups I


    Slow CookerTuscan Bean SoupPrepTIme: 25Minutes Start to Finish: 8 Hours25 MinutesServings:6(I'hcupseach)1 Ib small red potatoes, cut into quarters(about 3 cups)4 medium carrots, sliced (2cups)

    1 medium onion, chopped ( ' 1 2 cup)2 cloves garlic, finely chopped2 cans (15 to 16 ozeach) great northern beans,drained, rinsed2 cans (14 oz each) chicken broth

    2 cups diced fully cooked ham1 teaspoon Italian seasoning

    '1 2 teaspoon salt2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil

    1. In3 to a-qoan slow cooker, mix all ingredientsexcept parsley and oil.2. Cover; cook on Low heat seltlng 8 to 10hours.3. Stir in parsley and oil before serving.

    38 a.ttyCrock.r SoUps,Stews&Chillos

    Nutrition Inlormallon Per Serving;I SERVING: Galories380 (CaIofieIIlromFat 10); lotalFa18g(SaIufaledFat 2g): Chotntllfol25mg; Sodium 1..7Omg; lOla! Carbohydratft 50g(OielalyFrberttgl:Protein21g

    TipssueSTITUTIONSliced cooked sausage can be usedin place of the ham.TIMESAVERAlthough you can purchase deli hamand dice it at home, you can alsopurchase a package of diced hamas a great tlme- saver.SERVEWITHThis fragrant bean soup is perfect farefor a chilly winter evening. Serve withslices of a crusty French baguette anda warm cherry crisp for dessert.

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    Iimple soups

    lOW FAT 3. Stir in spinach. whipping cream and dill weed .Cover: cook on Low heat setting about 30 minutes oruntil spinach is wilted. Season with pepper.Slow Cooker CreamySplit Pea Soup Nutrition Information Per Serving:1 SERVINQ: Galories 300 (Color!es h"omFOI90): T()Iol F a t 109 (SaturalOOFat6g):Cholester0l35mg:SodlumI:l2l)mg:TolaICarootr,.drale39g([)jelaryFibeI16g):Pfoleln1311

    Prep Time : 20 Minutes Start to Anlsh: 1 0H ou iS 50 MinutesServings: 81 Ib dried green split peas (2 cups), sorted, rinsed6 cups water~ cup dry sherry or apple juice1 large dark-orange sweet potato,peeled. cubed (2 cups)1 large onion, chopped (1 cup)

    4 cloves garlic, finely chopped2 teaspoons salt3 cups firmly packed chopped fresh spinach leaves1 cup whipping cream2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill weedFreshly ground pepper to taste

    1. In3\12-to a-quart slow cooker, mix split peas, water,sherry. sweet potato, onion, garlic and salt.

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    simpte soups I

    LOW FATSlow CookerFrench Onion SoupPrepTIme: 15Minutes Start to Finish: 5 Hours50 MinutesServings: 8SOUP3 large onions, sliced3 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted4 cans (14 02 each) beef broth3 tablespoons Gold Medal- all-purpose flour1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce1 teaspoon sugar% teaspoon pepper

    CHEESY BROILED FRENCH BREAO8 slices French bread, 1 inch thickV . cup shredded mozzarella cheese (3 oz)2 tablespoons grated or shreddedParmesan cheese

    1. In 5- to e-cuan slow cooker, mix onions and butter.Cover; cook on High heat setting 4 to 5 hours or unti lonions begin to brown slightly around edges.

    40 Betty Crocker Soup~.St l!WS&Chillos

    2 . In small bowl. mix Y o cup of the broth. the flour,worcestersblre sauce, sugar and pepper. Stir flour mix-lure and remaining broth into onions. Cover: cook onHigh heat setting 30 to 35 minutes or until hot3. Set oven contralto broil. Place bread slices onungreased cookie sheet. Sprinkle with cheeses.Broil wilh laps 5 to 6 inches from hea t 1 to 2 minutesor until cheeses are melted. Place 1 slice bread oneach bowl of soupNutrition Information Per Sarving:1 SERYING,Calories190 (Calo

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Wild Rice SoupP rep T im e: 45 M inu tes Start to F in ish: 45 M inutesServings: 7v. cup butter or margarine4 medium stalks celery, sliced (2 cups)2 medium carrots, coarsely shredded (2 cups)1 large onion, chopped (1 cup)1 medium green bell pepper, chopped (1 cup)V. cup p lus 21ablespoonsGold Medal- all-purpose flour1 teaspoon sa lt'h teaspoon pepper3 cups cooked w ild rtce2 cups water2 cans (10.5 oz each) condensed chicken broth3 cups hal t -and-hal t% cup slivere d alm on ds, toa ste d, il d esire d'Ii cup chopped fresh parsley

    1. In 4 -quart saucepan or Dutch oven, m ell bu tle r overm edium -high hea t. C ook ce lery, ca rrots, onio n and bellpe ppe r in b uU er a bou t 10 m inu te s, stirrin g fre qu en tly,unt il cr isp- tender .2 . S tir in flo ur, sa il a nd p epp er. S tir in w ild rice, w ateran d bro th . H ea t to bo iling ; red uce h ea l. C over; s im mer1 5 m in u te s, s tirr in g o cc as io n ally .3. Stir in h alf-a nd -h all. a lm on ds a nd p arsle y. H ea t ju stun tit ha l (do no t boil or soup m ay curdle ).NutritIon Information Per Serving:1 SERVlNG:CakDls360(c.IoriesIromFaI 180);TOIaI Fal20g(SaIu"atedFaI 11,,);Chale$te

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Slow CookerHun ga rIa n B ee fStew, p.49

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    With the ir hea rty Ing red ien ts a nd mou thwate nn g a roma s,these eals In a bow l chase away the seaso 's chills

    B enyC.ocke r M OSIR equ estedR IIC 'pe s'" 43

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Continental Pork StewPrep Time: 40 Minutes Start to Finish: I Hour 10 MinutesServings: 6 (1 \< l cups each)1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil1 tablespoon butter or margarine2 t easpoons finely chopped garlic1 package (8 oz) sliced fresh mushrooms (3 cups)

    1'h Ib boneless pork loin roast. cut into I-inch pieces2 ' 1 2 cups chicken broth1 cup white wine or chicken broth1 '1 2 cups frozen small whole onions (from l-Ib bag)3 medium carrots, cut lengthwise in half, then cut into%-inchslices

    1 small onion, studded with 4 whole cloves1 teaspoon salt

    V a teaspoon pepper1 cup whipping cream'Is cup G old M edal:a>w onorae quick-m ixing flourChopped fresh parsley, if desired

    1. In 4%-10 5-quarl Dutch oven, heat oil and buller overmedium -high heat. Cook garlic and mushrooms in oilm ixtu re 5 to 6 m in ute s, stirrin g fre qu en tly, u ntil m us hro om sa re so ftened2 . S tir in pork. C ook 6 to 7 m inutes, stirring frequently. untilp ork is lig htly b ro wn ed .

    3. S tir in broth, w ine, frozen w hole onions, carrots, onionw ith cloves, salt and pepper. H eal to boiling; reduce heatto m edium -low . C over: cook 2 5 to 30 m inutes, stirringoccasionally, untit pork is lender and no longer p ink in center.4. R em ove onion w ith c loves: d iscard. B eat in w hipping creamand flour w ith w ire w hisk. C ook 5 to 6 m inutes, stirring con-s ta ntly , u nlil h al a nd s lig htly th ic ke ne d. S prin kle w ith p ars le y.Nutrition Information Pe r Serving:1SEflVING:Calooas450(CaJoriasIromFaI270j:Tolall'a130g(Saluraledl'al13g):ChoIeslarol12C1mg;Sor:lium910mg:TolaICarbohydrltlel5g(OietaryFibeyclrala 52,. {O>eI

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    sal isfyingslewsl

    Burgundy Beef StewP rep Tim e: 15 M mules S tart 10 F in ish: 2 H ours 5 M inutesS ervings: 8 (about I '/. cups each)6 slices bacon, cut lo to t-lnch pieces2 Ib beef stew m eal, cu i lnto t-lnch pieces'h cup G old M edal a ll-purpose ncur

    1'h cups dry red w ine or beef broth1 'h teaspoons chopped fresh or 'hleaspoon

    d rie d Ih ym e le ave s1,/. te as po on s s alt1 teaspoon beef bouillon granules'/. teaspoon pepper1 clo ve g arlic , fine ly ch op pe d1 dried bay leaf2 tablespoons butter or m argarine1 package (8 oz) s liced fresh m ushrooms (3 cups)4 m edium onions, sliced

    C ho pp ed fre sh p ars le y, if desired1. In a-qoan Dutch oven, cook bacon aver low heat,stirrin g o cc asio na lly, u ntil c risp ; re mo ve b ac on w iths ro ue o s po on . R efrig era te b ac on .2 . C oat beef w ith lIour. C ook beef in bacon dripp ings

    48 8ettyCroc:ker SooPS. Stews & Chilies

    o ve r m ed ium-h ig h h ea t, s tirrin g fre qu en tly , u ntil b ro wn .D rain excess fat from Dutch oven.3. Add w ine and just enough water to cover beef toDutch o ve n. S tir in th ym e , s alt, b ou illo n g ra nu le s. p ep pe r,garl ic and ba y le af. H ea l to b oilin g; re du ce h ea l. Cover;sim mer about 1 hour 30 m inutes or until beef is tender.4. In 12 -inch skille t, m elt butter over m edium heat.C ook m ushroom s and onions in butter, stirring fre-quently . until on ions are tender. S tir m ushroom m ix-ture and bacon into stew. Cove r ; s immer 1 0 m in ute s.R em ove bay leaf. G arnish slew w ith parsley.Nulrilion Information Per Serving:I SE RV IN G: Ca lO O8S 340 (CaJO Oes IrQm F al 1 9O j; TO I& I F & 12 1g(SalU ra led F al8g): ChoIe sle

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Slow CookerHungarian Beef StewP re p T Im e: 10 M in ute s S ta rt to F in is h: 7 H OJrs 2 5 M illU le sServings: 6 (1 Y .I cups each)2 Ib beef slew meal6 unpeeled sm all red potatoes, cut into o/.o-inChpieces (3 cups)

    1 cup frozen sm all w ho le o nio ns(from l-Ib bag), thawed

    'I. cup G old M eda' a ll-purpose flour1 tablespoon paprika'h teaspoon peppered seasoned settY o teaspoon caraway seed1 can (14 oz) beef broth

    1 'h cups G reen G iant" frozen sw eet peas, thawed'fa cup sour cream

    Ia tis fy in g s tews

    3. Stir in peas and sour cream . Cover: cook on Low heats eu in g a bo ut 15m in utes or until peas are lende r.Nutril iOll Information Per S8(\l lng:1 SERVING:CaIotie'!I460(CaIcltio!tsIr(lmFaI190);Tota!F3I22g(Saturated Fal9g): ChoI$$!omI 105mg: Sodium 530mg: TOIa!Carbohydrule3Ig(DietaryF"Ibe

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    satisfying stewsI

    Italian Beef and Ravioli StewPrep TIme: 30 Minutes Slart to Finish: 1Hour 40 MinutesServings: 6 (IY J cups each)

    1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil1 medium onion, coarsely chopped ('h cup)2 teaspoons finely chopped garlic2 teaspoons chopped fresh rosemary leaves1 medium yellow or green bell pepper,cut inlo 2-inch strips

    2 Ib boneless beef chuck, cut into 1-inch pieces2 cans (14.5 oz each) diced tomatoes withbalsamic vinegar, basil and olive oil, undrained

    '1 2 cup red wine or beef broth1'h cups Green Giant*'rozen cut green beans1 package (9 02) refrigerated cheese-filled ravioli

    t In 4'12- to 5 -quar t Dutch oven, heat oil overmedium-high n ea t. C oo k onion, garlic, rosemary and bell pepperin oil 4 to 5 minutes. stirring Irequently, until onion iss o n e o s o . Stir in beef. Cook 6 to 8 minutes. stirring o c c a -sionally. until beel is lightly browned.2. Stir in tomatoes and wme. Heat to boiling; reduceheat to medium-low. Cover; cook 45to 50 minutes, stir-ring occasionally, until beef is tender.3 . S tir in frozen green beans and ravioli. Increase heat tomedium-high. Cook 810 10 minutes, stirring occasion-ally,untilravioliaretencler.

    50 B.ttyCroo;k.r Soups.Slews&Cholies

    Nutrition Inlormatlon Per $erving:1 SERVING: Calories C95(Caloriftfrom Fal270): ToIlIIFal30g(SaMaled fal9g): Choleslarol 135mg: Sodlum 620mg: TotalCorbohydral& 18g (Oielaly Fib&r3g): Prolain3eg

    TipsSUBSTITUTIONIt's hard to beat the flavor of rosemary inthis stew, but if you like basil, go aheadand use chopped fresh basil instead.SERVE-WITHWarm Italian peasant bread and herbbutter is a delicious combination withthis one-dish stew. End the meal on alight note with vanilla frozen yogurt, cap-puccino and chocolate-dipped biscotti.SPECIAL TOUCHTop this robust stew with shaved curlsof Parmesan cheese and a sprinkling ofchopped fresh rosemary leaves.

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Slow CookerBeef Stroganoff StewPrep Time: 20 Minutes Start to Finish: 5 Hours 50 MinutesS ervings: 5 (1 'f a c up s e ach )1 medium onion, chopped (v.. cup)1 clove garlic, finely chopped1 Ib boneless beellip steak, cut into 'h-inch pieces2 cans (1 8 oz e ac h) P ro qre ss ce V eg eta ble C la ss icscreamy mushroom soup

    y" cu p w ate r2'h cups uncooked wide egg noodles (40Z)1 cup sour cream2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley, if desired

    1. In 3'h- to 4 -qua rt slo w cooker, la ye r onion, g arlicand beef. Pour soup and water over beef.2 . Cover; cook on Low heat se tting 5 to 7 hours

    I s atis ly in g s tew s

    3. S tir no od les into m ixtu re. Incre ase hea t setU ng toHigh. Cover: cook 20 10 30 m inutes or until nood les aretend er. S tir in sou r cream . G arnish individu al serving sw ith p a rs le yNutrition Information Per Serving:1 SERVING: Calories 430 (Calories from Fal ~20): Total Fal25g(SalUlaled Fal l~g): Cholesterol 125mg: Sodium 88Omg; TOIalCarbohydrale29g{DOeI6ryFil)erlg):PrOlein24g

    TipTIME-SAVERTo save precious minutes 10 the morning,use minced garlic m a Ja r You couldalso cut up the beef the mght beforeand retriqerate

    8ettyCrocker MosIRequestedRa

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    s atis fy in g s te ws I


    Dijon Steakand Potato StewP re p T ime : 20 M in ute s S ta rt to F in is h: 45 MinutesServings: 4 (t '/. c up s e ac h)

    1 Ib b on eless bee f sirlo in , cut in to Y o-inch p iecesYo teaspoon peppered seasoned sa lt2 jars (12 02 e ach) ho me -sty le b ee f g ravy1 cu p w ate r2 ta ble sp oo ns O ijo n m us ta rd

    '/ 4 teaspoon dried thym e leaves4 unpeeied sm all red pota toes, cu i in to Y 2 - to% -inch cubes (about 2 cups)

    1'h cups G reen G ian~ frozen cut green beans2 medium carrots. sl iced (1 cup)

    1. Sprinkle beef w ith pe ppe red se ason ed sail. I n e -oua rtD utch ove n or 12 -inch no nstick skille t, co ok bee f o ve rm ed iu m-h ig h h ea t a bo ut 4 m in ute s, s tirrin g fre qu en tly ,un til b rown .

    52 Betty Crocker Soups, Stewsl. Chi~es

    2. Stir in g ra vy , w ate r, m us ta rd a nd th ym e u ntil w eI!b le nd ed. S tir in potatoe s, gre en be ans a nd ca rrots. H eatto b oilin g; re du ce h ea t to m ed iu m-Jo w3. C ov er: c oo k 2 0 to 2 2 m in ute s, s tirrin g o cc as io na lly,un til p otatoes an d bea ns a re te nde r.Nutrition Informalion Per Serving:1 SERVING: Calol1es 300 (Calorleslrom Fa! 70): TOlalFa! 9g {SaluratedFa! 19): Cholesterol65mg: Sodium 137Omg:Total Carbohydrate 28g(Diela!yFlbef5g):PrOleln32g

    TIpSUBSTITUTIONIf you have baby-cut carrots on handgo ahead and use them Instead of thesliced carrots

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    L.OWFATFrench PeasantChicken StewPrep Time: 10 Minutes Start to Finish: 3S MinutesServings: 6 ( 1'tJ cups each)2 cups ready-to-eat baby-cut carrots1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms (about 30z)4 small red potatoes, cut into quarters1 jar (12 oz) chicken gravyt can (14 oz) reduced-sodium chicken broth, teaspoon dried thyme leaves

    !A I cup Green Gianr-leSueur4 frozen babysweetpeas

    1 deli rotisserie chicken (2 to 2 ! A I Ib), cut intoserving pieces

    1. In 4-quart saucepan. mix all ingredients except peasand chicken.

    I satisfying stews

    2. Heat to boiling over medium-high heat. Reduceheal to medium-low. Cover; simmer about 20 minutesor until vegetables are tender.3. Stir in peas and chicken. Cover; simmer about5 minutes or until peas are tender.

    Nutrition rntcrmeucn Per5erlilng;1 SERYtNG: Calorie$ 290 (Calorieslrom Fal 90); TOlaiFal 109(5aturaled F812.Sg): ChOklslllfol75mg: Sodium 92Omg: TOIaICIHbohydrale22g10iBUuyF'iblw4g):P'OIeln28g

    TIpVARIATIONAdd 2 tablespoons while wine for aquick Coq au Vm

    BettyCTocker MosIRequesledRec: ipes"" 53

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    sa tis fy ing s tews I

    Slow Cooker CreamyHerbed Chicken StewP re p T Ime : 30 M in ute s S ta rt to F in is h: 7 Hours 40 MinutesServings: 12 (1 'h cu ps e ac h)4 c up s re ad y-to -e at b ab y-cu t c arro ts4 m edium Yukon gold potatoes, cut in to 1 'h-inchpieces

    1 la rg e o nio n, c ho pp ed (1 cup)2 m ed iu m s ta lk s c ele ry , s lic ed (1 cup)1 teaspoon dried thym e leaves

    '1 2 te as po on sa lt'1 2 te as po on p ep pe r2 Ib bone less skin less ch icken th ig hs3 cups chicken broth2 cups fresh snap pea pods1 cup wh ipping cream'h cup G old M edal- a ll-purpose flour1 teaspoon dried thym e leaves

    1. In 5- to 6-q ua rt slo w co ok er, p la ce c arro ts. p ota to es .o nio n a nd c ele ry. S prin kle w ith 1 tea sp oon th ym e. thes alt a nd pepper. T op w ith c hic ke n. P ou r in b ro th .2. C over: cook on low hea t setting 7 to 8 hou rs . a d din gpea po ds to r last 5 to 10 m in ute s o f c oo kin g

    54 BettyCroo:kor ~.S!I!Wjl&chiles

    3. Rem ove ch icken and vegetables from cooker toserv ing bo wl. us ing slotte d spo on: cover 10 k ee p w arm .Increase h eat sellin g to H igh, In sm all bowl, m ix wh ip -p in g cream , lIour and 1 teaspoo n thym e: stir in to liqu idin coo ker. C over: co ok ab out 10 m in ute s o r u ntil th ic k-ened Pour sauce over chicken and vege tab lesNutrition Informal Ion Per Serving:1 SERVINO:C8lorIes270(C-aIOOeslromFalll0);TolalFall3g(Saturated Fat 8g): Cholesterol7Omg; Sodium 430mg; TotalCarbohydrale 199 (DiutaryFioo.lg); PrOlvin20g

    TipsDID YOU KNOW?Chicken thighs are great fo r slow cook-ing because they stay moist and juicy,unlike chicken breasts. which canbecome dry and tough during the longcooking process.SUBSTITUTIONInstead of the baby-cut carrots. cut regularcarrots into 2-inch lengths.

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Iatisfying stews

    Slow CookerHearty Pork StewPrepTime: 35Minutes Start to Finish: 7 Hours20MinulesServings: 6 (t 'hcups each)

    3, Cover: cook on Low heal selting 6 107 hours.4. Mix flour and butter; gradually stir into slew unlilblended. Increase heat setting to High, Cover; cook30 to 45 minutes. stirring occasionally, until thickened

    1 tablespoon vegetable oil1'h Ib boneless pork lOinroast, cui into t-lnch cubes3 medium carrots, cut inlo V~-inchslices (1'h cups)I medium onion, chopped ( ' 1 2 cup)2 cups 'h-inch cubes peeled parsnips

    1'h cups t-inch cubes peeled butternut squash4 cups chicken broth1 tablespoon chopped fresh or 1 teaspoon driedsage leaves2 teaspoons chopped fresh or 0 / . 0 teaspoon driedthyme leaves'h teaspoon salt'h teaspoon pepper3 tablespoons Gold MedaJ~all-purpose flour3 tablespoons butter or margarine, sottened

    Nutri lion Information Per Serving;1 SERVING:Calori&s365(Caloriasl'omFal160); TOlalFal18g(SaluraledFaI7g);ChOkr-ltarol9Omg:Sodlum99Omg;TotalCarbohydrale21g (Dietary Fiber4g); Proleil130g

    1. In IO-inch skillet. heat oil over medium-high heat.Cook pork in onato 8 minutes. stirring occasionally,unlil browned on all sides2. In 3-quart slow cooker. mix pork and remainingingredients except flour and buller.

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)



    Slow Cooker Smoky Hamand Navy Bean StewPrepTime: 10Minutes Start to Finish: 10HoUIs10MinutesServings: 4, Ib cooked ham, cui into 'I2-inch cubes (3 cups)1 cup dried navy beans, sorted, rinsed2 medium stalks celery, sliced (1 cup)1 small onion, chopped ( ' 1 4 cup)2 medium carrots, sliced (1 cup)2 cups watery. teaspoon dried thyme leavesy. teaspoon liquid smoke'1 4 cup chopped fresh parsley1. In 31,?-104-quart slow cooker, mix all ingredientsexcept parsley.

    56 BettyCroc:kerSOupB,SI .... &Chiies

    2. Cover: cook on Low heat setting 10 to 12 hours, Stirin parsley before serving.Nutrition Inlormotion Per Serving:1 SERVING:Calorles390(CalorleslromFatl00):Totalfatllg(Sa.1UIatad FaI3,Sg): ChoieSlefol65mg: Sodl~m l74Omg; Totalearbohydrata37g(DietaryFlber9g);PrOl91n37g

    TIpSERVEWITHFor an effortless meal, serve the stewwrth microwavable frozen baked bISCUItsJust pop them In the rmcroweve as you redlshmg up the stew

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Italian Seafood Stewwith Garlic-Herb CroutonsPrep Time: 1 Hour Start to Finish: 1 Hour 30 MinutesServ ings: 8 (HI. c up s e ac h)12 fresh clams in shells2 tablespoons white vinegar12 Iresh mussels in shells2 bottles (8 oz each) clam juice2 cans (14.5 oz each) diced tomatoes, undrained2 cans (15 oz each) tomato sauce1 cup dry while wine or water1 container (7 azl refrigerated peste1 Ib cod fillets, cut into bite-size pieces~ Ib uncooked deveined peeled medium shrimp

    (about 16), thaw ed if frozen, ta il shells rem oved'/~ Ib uncooked sea sca llops (about 16), thawedi!frozen3 tablespoons butler or margarine, softened

    16 slices ('h inch thick) French bread1. Discard any broken-shell or open (dead) clams.Place rem ain ing c lam s in la rge coraaner . Cover w ith 1 .>cups water and the vinegar. Let stand 30 m inutes; drainScrub clam s in co ld water.2 . M eanw hile , d iscard any broken-she ll o r open (dead)m usse ls. Scrub rem ain ing m usse ls in cold w ater,rem oving any barnacles w ith a du ll paring kn ife . Pullbeard by grving it a tug (using a kitchen towel m ayhelp). If you have trouble rem oving it, use a plie rs to gripand pu ll genlty. P lace m usse ls in large conta iner. C overw ith coo l water. Ag itate water w ith hand. then dra in anddiscard w ater. R epeat severa l tim es until water runsc le a r; d ra in .

    I s aUsfy in g s tew s

    3. H eat oven to 350 'F . In a-quart Dutch oven, m ix clamju ice , tom atoes. tom ato sauce, w ine and '1 2 cup of theoeste. Layer cod, shrim p, scallops, m usse ls and c lam sin Dutch oven. H eat to bo iling over m edium -high heat;reduce heat Cover; sim mer 1510 20 m inutes or untilm ussel and clam shells have opened.4 , M eanwhile, in sm all bow l, m ix butter and rem ainingoeste until we ll b lended. Spread on both sides of breadO n ungreased cookie sheet, place bread in sing le layer.B ake 10 to 15 m inutes, tu rn ing once, unlil toasted onb ot h s id es .5 . D iscard any m ussels or clam s that don't open.S po on stew u u o so up b ow ls: top w ith crou to ns.Nutrit ion Information Per Serving:tSERVING:CaJories450(CtliooesfmmFatl90);TotaIF8121g(Sa1U,med Fal 5g); Chole!llemll lOmg: Sodium 159Omg: TOlalCorbohyd,ale33g (Oietary Fibe

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)



    Tomato-Vegetable Stewwith Cheddar CheeseDumplingsPrep Time: 20 Minutes Start to Finish: t Hour 5 MinutesServings: 5STEW2 tablespoons vegetable oil2 large Onions, coarsely chopped (2 cups)2 medium stalks celery, coarsely chopped f'I. cup)2 cups frozen Italian green beans1 can (28 oz) Progresso diced tomatoes,undrained

    1 can (14 oz) vegetable broth1 teaspoon dried basil leaves'I. teaspoon pepper

    DUMPLINGS1 'hGold Medal- all-purpose lIour2'1. teaspoons baking powder'I. teaspoon salt'h teaspoon ground mustardy. cup Shortening'h cup shredded sharp Cheddar Cheese (2 oz)% cup milk1. In 4'h- to s-ouan Dutch oven, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add onere and cel6fy: cook stirring frequent-Iy,untiltender.

    58 8ettyCrocker SOups.St.... &Chiios

    2. Stir in remaining stew Ingredients. Heat to boilingReduce OOa110 low; simmer uncovered 15 to 20 minutesor until beans are tender3. Meanwhile, in medium bowl , stir together flour, bakingpowder. salt and mustard. With pastry blender or fork,cut in shortening until mixture looks like coarse Dumbs.Stir in cheese. Add milk; stir just until dry ingredients aremoistened.

    4. Drop dough by founded tablespoonfuls onto simmer-ing stew. Cover; cook over r r e e u r n - o w heat 20 to 25minutes or until dumplings are firm when pressed.

    Nutrition Inlormallon Per Serving:1 SERVING: Calorlet420 ~CIlIofT. lromFalleo):ToI8IFat21g(Satumtad Fat 6g): CholllSlerol15mg: Sodium 151Omg:TotalCa,bohydmto47g(DlotoryFlber6g):Proteinllg

    TipSUCCESS HINTAesist the urge to stir too much!Dumplings require very little mixing whenthe milk is added to the dry ingredients.If the dough is overmlxed. the dumplingscan be heavy and tough, so mix just untilthe dry ingredients are moistened.

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    LOW FATBean and VegetableStew with PolentaPrep Time: 1Hour i5 MinutesStart 10Finish: 1 Hour 15MinutesServings: 4 (1wccos each)1 tablespoon onve or vegetable oil1 medium yellow or green bell pepper, coarselychopped (1 cup)

    1 medium onion, coarsely chopped ( l f 2 cup)2 teaspoons finely chopped garlic2 medium carrots, cuI into 'I.-inch slices (1 cup)2 cans (14.5 oz each) diced tomatoes wlth basil,garlic and oregano, undrainedt can (15 to 16 oz) black-eyed peas, drained,rinsed1 can (19 oz) Prcqreeec" cannellini beans,drained, rinsed

    1 cup water1 teaspoon Italian seasoning'12teaspoon saltY o teaspoon pepper1 tube (16 oz) refrigerated polenta1 cup Green Giant" frozen cut green beans

    1. In 4 ' 1 2 - to 5-quart Dutch oven, heal oil over mediumheal. Add belt pepper, onion and garlic; cook 5 106minutes. stirring frequently, until onion is softened.

    I satisfying slews

    2. Stir in remaining ingredients except polenta andgreen beans. Heal to boiling. Reduce heat to medium-low. Cover: cook 3510 40minutes, stirring occasionally,until carrots are tender and stew is hot.3. Meanwhile. cook polenta as directed on package;keep warm4. Stirgreen beans into stew. Cover; cook 5 to 6 min-utes, stirring occasionally, until beans are hal. Servestew over polenta.Nulritlon tnlormalion Per Serving:1 SERVING:calories490(CaloriesfromFat45):Tola1Fat5g1SaturatedFat 0.5g): Choleslelol Omg: Sod,um 1560mg: Total Gartlohyorate 87g(OietaryFibe< 15g): Proteln22g

    Betty Crocker Most Requested Re

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  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)



    Easy Chicken ChiliPrep Time: 40 Minutes Start to Finish: 40 MinutesServings: e r twcuos eacru1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil1 medium onion, chopped ( ' /2 cup)'Il cup chopped red bell pepper1 can (10% oz) condensed cream of chicken soup1 can (14 oz) chicken broth1 cup water2 cups diced deli rotisserie chicken(from 2- to 2~lb chicken)2 cans (1510 16 oz each) great northern beans, drained,rinsed

    1 can (4.5 oz) Old EI Paso" chopped green chiles,undrained'/ 2 teaspoon dried oregano leaves'h teaspoon ground cumin'h cup sour cream, if desiredChopped fresh cilantro, if desired1. In 4-quart saucepan, heal oil over medium-I,igh heat, Addonion and bell pepper. Cook 2 to 3 minutes, slirring frequent-ly, until lender.2. Stir in soup, broth and water. Cook 1 to 2 minutes, stirringIrequently. until smooth and well blended. Stir in chicken,beans, chiles, oregano and cumin. Heat to boiling: reduceheat to medium-low. Cook uncovered 10 to 15minutes. stir-ring occasionally. until thoroughly healed.3. Top each serving with sour cream and cilantroNutri tion Inlormation Per Serving:1SEAVINO, Calor ies 360 (Calor$sjrom Fal90):TQIaI Fal lOQ(Saluraled Fal2.5g): Cholesterol 45mg: Sodium S60mg: Tolal C~rboIlydrala:lag {Dim;uy Fiber9g);Pmmln2!1g

    I classic chilies

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    c la ssic ch ilie s I

    Slow CookerFamily-Favorite ChiliP re p T Im e: 2 0 M in ute s S ta rt 10 F in is h: 6 H ou rs 2 0 M in ute sServings; 8 (1 '/. c up s e ac h)2 Ib lean tatreest 80%) ground beef1 large onion, chopped (1 cup)2 cloves garlic, fine ly chopped1 can (28 o zl P ro gre ss o d ice d to ma to es, u nd ra in ed1 can (15 to 16 ozl chili beans in sauce, undrained1 can (15 ozl tomato sauce2 tablespoons chill pow der

    1'h teaspoons ground cum in'II te as po on sa lt'II te as po on p ep pe r

    1. in 12 -inch skille t, cook beef and o nio n o ve r m ed iu mneat ato 10 m inute s. s tirrin g o cc as io na lly , u ntil beef isbfown:drain.2 . In 4-to 5 -quart s low cooker, m ix beef, onion andr ema in ing I ng red ien ts .3. Cover: cook on low heat setting 6 to 8 hours.

    64 B.ttyCrock.r SoupB.Slews&Chi l les

    Nu1r l t !onlnlorm81tonPe,Servtng:1 SERV ING :Caiotln 300{CalOr lasrom Fat 120 );TotalFat 13g(SMura!ed Fal5g);ChoIesIerol7Omg;odium l 12Omg;TotalCarbohydra1e20g(0)etaIyF1ber5g): f ' fole1n25g

    TipsSUBSTITUTIONSubstitute half of the ground beef withground pork 10give this chili a richerflavor.SUCCESS HINTStarting with hot cooked ground beef issafer because getting cold. uncookedground beef to a safe temperature in aslow cooker takes too long. Also, usingcooked and drained ground beef helpseliminate that extra fat and liquid thatwould accumulate during cooking.

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Enchilada ChiliP re p T im e: 3 5 M in ute s S ta rt 1 0 F in is h: 3 5 M in utesServings: 4 uweocs each)1 Ib lean (aI18a5180%) ground beef1 medium onion, chopped ('h cup)1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes withgreen chiles, undrained

    1 can (10 oz) Old EI Paso enchilada sauce1'h cups Green Giani" Niblets

    frozen whole kernel corn1 can (15 to 16 oz) spicy chili beans insauce, undrained1 cup chili cheese-flavored corn chips, if desired

    t. In a-quart saucepan, cook beef and onion overmed ium -hig h h eat 5 to 7 m in utes , stirrin g fre qu ently,un til b ee f is b ro wn ; d rain2 . S tir tom atoes, ench ilada sauce and corn in to bee lH eat 10 b oiling; reduce hea l to m edium -low . Cook 10m inut es , s tir rin g o ccas io na lly .

    Ila s sic c h ilie s

    3. S tir in beans. C ook 5 to 8 m inutes, stirring occasion-a lly , u ntil th oro ug hly h ea le d. S prin kle in div id ua l 5efVlngSwith corn chips.

    NutritIon In!ormatlon Per SfIf'Vlng:1 SERVING: C8Iories380(CaIof.slromFa\130); ToUtlFat 15g(Sallnted Fal5g):ChoIe!Ileroi 7Omg:Sotfum l44Orng;TCUIcarbohydmte38g(Diel8IYFlberIlg);Pf01ein29g

    TipsSPECIAL TOUCHYou can top the chili with shreddedCheddar cheese instead of the cornchips, if you like.SUCCESS HINTChoose your heal level by using mild orhot enchilada sauce in the chili.

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    c la ssic ch ilie s I

    LOW FATSlow CookerBeef-Vegetable ChiliP re p T Im e: 20 M in ute s S ta rt to F in is h: 7 Hours 20 MinutesServings: 6 (1 'h c up s e ac h)1'h Ib boneless beef round steak, cut in to 'h-inch

    cubes1 large onion, coarsely chopped (1 cup)2 cups G reen G lanra frozen

    m ix ed ve ge ta ble s, th aw ed2 cans (14.5 oz each) diced tomatoes w ithg re en c hile s, u nd ra in ed

    1 can (15 ozl P rogresso black beans,drained,r insed

    1 can (150z) Progresso dark red kidney beans,d ra in ed , rin se d

    1 package (1.25 oz) chili seasoning m ix2 cups water0 /. cup shredded Cheddar cheese (3 oz)2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

    66 B.ttyCroc:k.r SouPB.Stews&Chilles

    1. H eal 12 -inch nonstick skille t over m edium -high heatCook beet and ooroo i n sk il le t 5 to 7 minu tes , s tir ringo cca sio nally , u ntit b ee f is b lo wn ; d ra in .2.ln 3'h-lo e-qoar t slow cooker, m ix beef m ixture andrem ain in g in gre die rllS e xc ep t c he es e a nd c ila ntro .3. C over; cook on Low heat selling 7 to 9 h ou rs . T opin div id ua l se rv in gs w ith c hee se a nd cila ntroNutrilion Inlormotion Per Serving:1 SERVING:Calor les420ICakJ

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Slow Cooker TexasChuck Wagon ChiliP rep T im e: 30 M inutes S tart to F in ish : 8 H ours 45 M inutesServings: 8 (1 'hcups each)

    2 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil4 large onions, cut into eighths4 to 4 '1 2 Ib fresh beef brisket (not corned beef),trimmed of fat, cut into t-lnch pieces

    1 Y2 t ab lespoons fine ly chopped gar1 ic2Y2 teaspoons salt'h teaspoon pepper2 to 4 dried ancho chiles, coarsely chopped2 tablespoons ground cumin3 cups beef broth2 large yellow, red or green bell peppers, cut into2 'h-inchstripsShredded Cheddar cheese, if desired

    1. In e-ouen DulCh oven, heat oil over m edium -highheat. C ook on ions in o il 5 10 6 m inutes, stirring frequent-ly , u ntil s one oe c. S tir in beef, g arlic, sa il a nd pe pp er.

    Ic la s sic c h ilie s

    C ook a bo ut 1 3 m in ute s, s tirring oc ca sio na lly, u ntil beefIs l ightly browned; drain.2 . P lace beef m ix ture in s - o u a n slow co oke r. S tir in ch il-ies , cum in and broth3. Cover; cook on Low heat setting 8 to 9 hours.4. S tir in bell peppers . Increase heat se tting to H igh.C ov er; c oo k 10 to 12 m in ute s or u ntil b ell p ep pers aren o t . S erv e w ith c he es eNulrlt!on Informa!lon Per Serving:1 SERVING: CaJofies-US (CaIorio:t!lnlmrall80);Tollllflll20g($aIUfaled F817g): ChoIesltll"OlI3Omg: Soditnl125Omg; TOI81Catbohydr81&12g(OietaryFlber2g):ProleOol52g

    TIpSERVEWITHFor a deliCIOUS Tex-Mex dinner serveSouthern Buttermilk Cornbread (page92) and your favorite dell coleslaw

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    Cincinnati ChiliPrep Time: 30 Minutes Start to Finish: 30MinutesServings: 5 (1cup chili and 1cup spaghetti each)10 oz uncooked spaghetti1 tablespoon vegetable oil1 Ib ground turkey breast1 medium onion, chopped ('hcup)1 clove garlic, finely chopped, jar (26 oz) chunky vegetable-style tomatopasta sauce1 can (15 oz) Progresso" dark red kidneybeans, drained, rinsed

    2 tablespoons chili powder1. Cook and drain spaghetti as directed on package2 . Mearw . tJ il e, in 1O-inch skillet, heat oil over mediumheal. Cook turkey,coon and garlic inoilS to 6 minutes,stirring occasionally, unlil turkey is no longer p ink3. 51irpasta sauce, beans and chili powder into turkey

    68 B.ttyCrocker Soups,Slews!.Chilies

    mixture; reduce heal to lOw. Simmer uncovered 10 min-utes, Slirringoccasionally. Serve sauce over spaghetti.Nl,llrltlonlnforma!lon Par ServJng:1 SERYING: Calorles62S (CaloO"lealromFal 135): TOlai Fal ISStSa\U'8(el! FaI3g): Cholesle,oI6Omg; Sodium 102Omg: TOlalcarbohy.j,sle96g (OietaryFiber Ilg): ProleiJl37g

    TipsSUBSTITUTIONHave ground beef in the freezer? Youcan use it instead of the turkey, and youwon't need the oil.SERVEWITHThis qulck-to-flx chili makes a greatweeknight dinner. Try it with a Caesarsalad tossed with herb croutons andsliced ripe olives.

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    I classic chilies

    L.OWFATSlow Cooker Turkeyand Brown Rice ChiliPrepTime: 20Minutes Start to Finish: 8 Hours35MinutesServings: 61 tablespoon vegetable o t t

    :y . Ib ground turkey breast1 large onion, chopped (1 cup)2 cans (14.5 OZeach) diced tomatoes, undrained1 can (1510 16 oz) chili beans in sauce, undrained1 can (4.5 ozl Old EI Paso" chopped green chiles,drained'h cup water1 tablespoon sugar2 teaspoons chili powder1 teaspoon ground cumin'fa teaspoon sat!2 cups cooked brown rice1. In 12-inch skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Cookturkey and onion in caste 10minutes. stirring frequently,untillurkey is no longer pnk: drain.2. In 3 104-quart slow cooker, mix turkey mixture andremaining ingredients except nee.3. Cover: cook on Low heat setting 8 to 10 hours4. Stir in rice. Increase heat selling to High, Cover: cookabout 15minutes or lIntil rice is hotNulrilionlnformalionPerSarving:1 SERVtNG: ceesee 240 IC8Iorieslrom FBI35j: Total Fal 4g tSaluraledFBI ,,,): ChoIts Ie lOI.oIOmg: Sodium 121Omg : TO la t Camohyd r al e 38g(OieIaryFibet7"j:ProIein20g

    Betty Crocker Mos I ReQuesled RecIpes"" 69

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    LOW FATSlow Cooker Redand White Turkey ChiliPrep Time: 3 0 Minutes Start to Finish: 9 HoursServings: 6 (l'h Cups each)1 medium onion, chopped ('I.. cup)1 clove garlic, f inaly chopped2 teaspoons ground cumin

    'I e teaspoon ground red pepper (cayenne)1 can (15 to 16 oz) great northern beans, drained1 can (1 5 oz) ProgressoS dark red kidney beans,drained

    2 cans (4.5 oz each) Old EI Paso" chopped greenchiles, undrained

    2 cans (14 02 each) chicken broth2 Ib turkey thighs, skin removed1 cup Green Giant Select" frozen shoepeg whitecorn, thawed

    2 tablespoons Gold Medal- all-purpose floury. cup water1 lime, cut into wedges, if desired1, In 4 to s-ouan slow cooker. mix all ingredientsexcept turkey. corn. flour. water and lime. Place turkeyon bean mixture.

    70 Betty Crocker SoupB.Slews&Chiies

    2. Cover; cook on Low heat setting 8to 10 hours.3. Place turkey on cutting board. Remove meal frombones; discard bones. Cut turkey into bite-size piecesAdd turkey and corn to cooker. In small bowl , mix flourand water: stir into turkey mixture. Increase heal setting10 High. Cover, cook 20 \0 30 minutes or until thorough-ly heated and slightly thickened. Serve individual serv-ings with lime wedges for squeezing juice over chili

    Nulrltion information Per Serving:1 SERVING: Calorle!I37C(CaIorle&IromFa! 45): TOlaiFa!5g(5aluraledFa! 1.5g): Choles!erol95mg: Sodium 97Omg: To!~!Carbohydrate 409(DielruyFi!>ef9g):PrOluln40g

    TIpSERVE-WITHIf you prefer a spicer flavor, place a bottleof red pepper sauce on the table and letdiners add the amount they like

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    QUICK LOW F A TWhite Bean-Chicken ChiliPrep Time: 20 Minutes Start to Finish: 20 MinutesServings: 6

    2 tablespoons butter or margarine1 large onion, coarsely chopped (1 cup)2 cloves garlic, finely chopped3 cups cubed deli rotisserie chicken(from 2 to 21/2lb chicken)

    Y 2 teaspoon ground cumin2 cans (10 OZ each) diced tomatoes with greenchi les, undrained

    1 can (15 to 16 oz) great northern beans,drained, rinsedSour cream, if desiredChopped fresh cilantro, if desired

    1. In 4 ' 1 2 - to 5-quart Dutch oven. m e n butter over medi-um-high heat. Cook onion and garlic in butter, stirringoccasionally. until onion is tender.2. Stir in remaining ingredients except sour cream andcilantro. Heat to boiting: reduce heat to tow. Simmeruncovered 210 3 minutes, stirring occasionally, until hot.3. Top each serving with sour cream: sprinkle with cilantro

    I dassicchities

    SeltyCrocker MOSlReqvestedRec;~""71

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    c la ssic ch ilie s I

    Slow Cooker ChickenEnchilada ChiliP rep T im e: 10 M inu te s S lart to F in ish: 7 H ours 10 M inulesS erv ing s: 6 (1% cup s ea ch)1 'I. Ib bon ele ss skin less ch icke n th ig hs1 m ed ium on ion, chopped ( ' 1 2 cup)1 m ed ium yellow or green bell pepper,chopped (1 cup)

    2 cans (14.5 oz ea Ch) M exica n-style stew edtomato e s, u n dra in ed

    2 cans (15 to 16 oz each) chili beans in sauce ,undrained

    1 can (10 oz) O ld EI P as oe e nch ila da sa uc e'h cup sour cream2 table spoo ns chop ped fresh cila ntro

    1. Spray 4 10 s -qoet slow cooker w ith cooking spray.In co oker, m ix all in gre die nts except sour cre am andcilantro.2 . Cover; cook on low heat selling 7to 8 hours.3. S tir m ixture 10 break up ch icken. T op each serv ingW lth s ou r c re am a nd C ila ntro

    72 B.ttyCroc:ker SoupB.Slews&Chillos

    Nutrition Information Per Serving:lSERVIHG:C81ooies31OICalor ieslromFat l (0) :TOIaIFal l1gtsalural&dFal4g):ChoIes1e'oI65mg:SOdium 169Omg:To!a lCatbohydrele38gIOieIalyF"Iber8g):P'Qlein30g

    TipsSUBSTITUTIONRegular stewed tomatoes, along withsome chopped onion and a dash of garlicpowder or finely chopped fresh garlic, canbe used in place of the flavored stewedtomatoes.SUCCESS HINTlifting the lid of your slow cooker can addup to 20 minutes of cooking time. Instead,spin the lid to clear it of condensation soyou can check the food.

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Slow CookerChunky Chicken ChiliPrep Time: 5 Minutes Start to Finish: 7 Hours 20 MinutesServings: 6

    2 Ib boneless skinless chicken thighs2 cans (14.5 oa each) diced tomatoes with greenchiles, undrained

    1 can (15 az) tomato sauce1 package {1.25 oz) mild chili seasoning mix2 cans (15 oz each) hominy, undrained

    S ou r c re am , if desiredCilantro, if desired

    1. P lace ch icken in 3'h- 10 a -qu art slo w co oke r. In la rgebowl , m ix tom atoes. tom ato sauce and ch ili seasoning;p ou r o ve r c hic ke n.2. Cover; cook on Low heal setting 7 to 9 hours

    Ila s sic c h ilie s

    3 . S tir to break up chicken. Stir in hom iny. Cover; cookon Low heal salting about 15 minutes or untillhoroughlyhea ted. S eIV e chili w ith sou r cre am and cilan tro.NulrltionlnlormalionParSarving:1 SERVING: Caiori l!5365 (Caiorit i. from Fa! 125); Total Flit 14g~SalurB.tedFB.t4g);ChOles!erol95mg:Sodium164Omg;TollllCarbohydrEl!e31g1DIe1B.ryF,t>er7g):Plotelo36g

    TIpSUBSTITUTIONTo add some kick to this chunky chili, usehot chili seasoning Instead of the mild andadd a 4 5-ounce can of chopped greenchiles With the tomatoes

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    Chipotle-Pork ChiliPrep TIme: 20 Minutes Start to Finish: 1 Hour 10 MinutesServings: 5 (1 'hcups each)

    1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil2 medium onions, cut in half, then cui into Yoinchslices and slices separated

    2 teaspoons fin ely c ho pp ed g arlic1 t easpoon salt, tablespoon ground cumin

    'I e te as po on p ep pe r2 Ib boneless pork loin roast, cut into '-inch pieces1 chipotle chile in adobe sauce, fine ly chopped, p lus1 teaspoon aoobo sauce (from 7 to tt-oz can)

    3 cans (14.5 oa each) diced tom atoes w ith greench ile s , undr ained1. In 4'h- ro s-qoen Dutch oven. heat oil over medium-high heat. Cook onions and garlic in oil 4 to 5 m inutes,stirring occasional ly, unlil onions are softened2. Stir in salt. cumin, pepper and pork. Cook 6 to 8minutes. stirring frequently, unlil pork is lightly browned.3. Stir In chipolle chile, adobo sauce and tomatoes.Heat [0 boiling: reduce heal 10 medium-low Cover:cook 3S to 40 minutes. stirring occasionally, until porkis no looger pink in ceree.

    74 BettyCroc:ker Soups.Stews&Chilles

    Nulti1lon Informallon Per Serving:1 SEAvtNG:CillorIes400\caIorie$komFat160); TotatFat 18gtSiltunl\edFat5g};ChoIesler(llIISmg;SodiumI3OOmg;TotaiCatbohydtalel6gtOiula

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    LOW FATThree-Bean ChiliPrep Time: 20Minutes Start to Finish: 55 MinutesServings: 6 (1V. cups each)

    1 can (28 oz) whole tomatoes, undrained1 can (15 oz) Proqrasso'" dark red kidney beans,drained1 can (15 to 16 oz) garbanzo beans, drained1 can (15 to 16 oz) butter beans, drained1 can (15 oz) tomato sauce3 small red, orange or yellow bell peppers, cut intot-inchpieces1 Anaheim or jalapeno chile, seeded, chopped1 to 2 tablespoons chili powder2 teaspoons ground cuminv~easpoon pepper'/ 2 cup sour cream3 tablespoons Old EI Paso" Thick 'n Chunky salsaChopped fresh cilantro, if desired

    leaec cbnes

    1. Into a-quar t Dutch oven, pour can of tomatoes; breakup tomatoes with spoon. Stir in remaining ingredientsexcept sour cream. salsa and cilantro. Heal 10boiling:reduce heat. Cover; simmer 30 1035 mmules or unlilbell peppers are lender.2. In small bowl, mix sour cream and salsa. Serve chiliwith sour cream mixture. Sprinkle with cilantroNutrition InlormaUon Per Serving:I SERVING, Calories 380 (Calories from Fat 60): Total Fat 7g (SaluratedFat2.5g): Cholestarol 15mg; Sodium 1070mg:To1alCaobohydfale60g100al111)'lbar 15g): Prcteln 199

    TIpVARIATIONBeef it up with a pound of ground beef,cooked and drained

    Batty Crocker Mosl R~Uesled Recipes'" 75

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    classic chilies I


    Vegetable and Bean ChiliPrep Time: 1 Hour Start to Finish: 1 HourServings: 6

    1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil1 large onion, coarsely chopped (1 cup)2 teaspoons finely chopped garlic1 bag (1 Ib) frozen broccoli, cauliflower and carrots1 can (15 10 160z) red beans, drained, rinsed1 can (15 to 16 oz) garbanzo beans, drained, rinsed2 cans (14.5 oz each) diced tomatoes with greenchi les, undrained

    1 can (8 oz) tomato sauce2 cups Green Giant* Niblels~frozen whole kernel corn

    2 tablespoons chili powder1 tablespoon ground cumin% teaspoon salt% teaspoon ground red pepper (cayenne)

    76 eettyCrocker Soups,Stews&Chmes

    1. In 4'h~o 5-quart Dutch oven, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic: cook 4 to 5 minutes,stirring IrequentJy, until onions are softened2. Stir in remaining ingredients. Heat to boiling. Reduceheat 10medium-low, Cover; cook 15 to 20 minutes, s u r -ring occasionally, until chili is hot and vegetables arecrep-tenoerNutrition Informalion Per Serving:1 SERVING: Calories 360 (Ga\orleslromFsISO):TollllFS1Sg(SalursledFalO,Sg):ChoIesleroIOmg:Sodlum95Omg:TotaICarbohydrale62g(Dielal)'Fibef 15g):PfOIeio 16g

    TIpSUBSTITUTIONBreak out of the box-any combination ofyour favorite vegetables or canned beansWilt work wel l In this recipe

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, Stews & Chlies (2007)


    LOW FATSlow Cooker Spicy BlackBean Barbecue ChiliPrep Time: 15 Minutes Start to Finish: 11 Hours 45 MinutesServings: 6

    1 Ib dried btack beans (2 cups), sorted, rinsed10 cups water1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil1 large onion, chopped (1 cup)6 cloves garlic, finely chopped4 cups water1 can (14.5 OZ) diced tomatoes with green chiles,undrained

    1 cup hickory barbecue sauce1 chipolle chile in adobo sauce, finely chopped(from z-oa caru

    1 teaspoon adobo sauce (from 7-oz can)2 cups frozen soy-protein burger crumbles (from


    I classic chilies

    1. In 4-quart Dutch oven, heat beans and 10 cups waterto boiling; reduce heat. Simmer uncovered 10 minutes:remove from heal. Cover: Iet stand 1 hour.2. In to-inch skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat.COOK onion and garlic in oil about 8 minutes, stirringoccasionally, unlil onion is tender and light goldenbrown3, Drain beans, In 3'h- to a-quart slow cooker, placebeans. Add 4 cups water and onion mixture.4. Cover; cook on Low heat setting 101012 hours.5. Stir in tomatoes, barbecue sauce, chili, adobo sauceand crumbles. Increase heat setting to High. Cover:cook about 30 minutes or unlil rot.Nl, ltr lt ion Informat ion PerServfng'I SERVING: CalorI0'1$410ICalorlesfromFaI35j:TOIaIFaI3.5g(Saluraled Fat 0 .5 (;1 ): C ho Ie s! ero I O m g; Sodium 81Omg : TotalCarbohyd'ale6&g10ie1aryF1ber20g):P'oleln26g

    8ettyCrocker MOSlReql.le'SledRe

  • 5/14/2018 Betty Crocker - Soups, St