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  • 8/14/2019 Bev Fam News 2005


    Beveridge Family NewsVolume 1, Issue 1 December 2005Holiday Edition

    Area Man Wears Out Welcome with Employer

    PHILADELPHIA, PA -- In an era in

    which the average American workerwill change jobs eight times over the

    course of his career, local man Mike

    Beveridge is defying the trend.

    Beveridge has worked for the Ameri-

    can Association for Cancer Research,

    located at 6th and Chestnut Streets, for

    nearly twelve years. Having recently

    assumed the position of Associate Di-

    rector of Electronic Publishing, he re-

    called his first day on the job in a re-

    cent interview: I started at the AACR

    on February 2, 1994. Groundhog Day.

    And just like in the movie, every day

    since has been exactly the same.

    The cinematic scope of Beveridges

    career has also impressed his col-

    leagues. Its a real testament to Mikes

    dedication and loyalty to the AACR,

    noted Morgan Robinson, a longtimefriend and colleague. Either that or his

    utter lack of employability anywhere


    Despite his long tenure, Beveridge

    still manages to keep the office experi-

    ence interesting, according to colleague

    Diane Marinelli: I tell you, Ive seen

    him here nearly every day for the last

    six years, and I had no idea he worked

    here. He spends most of his time hang-

    ing around the kitchen waiting for

    someone to put out leftover bagels. I

    thought he was on the building catering


    Beveridges contributions to the As-

    sociation arent lost on his supervisors,

    either. We could never fire Mike,

    Local Student Declares Self

    Ready for Promotion

    WARMINSTER, PA -- Local first-

    grader Colin Beveridge has informed

    his parents and the Centennial School

    District that he has learned all there isto learn at his current grade level. In

    fact, he has requested an immediate

    transfer to the fourth grade, where he

    feels he will be appropriately chal-


    Beveridge came to this surprising

    conclusion in late November during a

    visit to a schoolmates house. When he

    learned that his friends mother was a

    fourth grade teacher, he repeatedly

    asked her to quiz him on fourth-grade

    stuff. His satisfactory performance onthis impromptu exam was sufficient to

    convince him that he was ready for a

    new academic challenge.

    We knew Colin was ready for some

    new challenges, said Beveridges

    mother, Kathy. We were thinking

    more along the lines of tying his own

    shoes without help, but I guess skip-

    ping two grades would also qualify.

    Hes obviously very advanced for

    his age, noted proud father Mike

    Beveridge. I mean, usually kids are in

    their early teens before they think theyknow everything.

    While his parents were supportive,

    school authorities declined to consider

    Beveridges request. In a statement, the

    school board stated that requests for

    early promotion are evaluated on the

    basis of test scores, teacher recommen-

    dations, and a detailed psychological

    profile. Not some kids mom.

    noted AACR Chief Executive Officer

    Margaret Foti. I mean, really, wecouldnt do it. I had a team of lawyers

    look into it a few years ago, and they

    couldnt make it work. As long as the

    guy keeps showing up and doesnt

    commit a felony, were stuck with


    Self-proclaimed genius Colin Beveridge (right)with his dimwitted family.

    In This Issue

    MC Keenans new Shakin My Buttdance takes hip-hop world by storm.Style, Page B14

    Colins father is not surprised by the

    resistance from the school board. Its

    just another example of the elite estab-

    lishment trying to maintain their au-

    thority. My son knows his abilities, and

    he should be empowered to guide his

    own education, but the system holds

    him back. The same thing happened to

    me. Ive been trying to get them to

    award me a doctorate in marine biology

    for years.

    When asked what research he con-

    ducted to earn such a degree, Beveridge

    stated well, Ive seen Finding Nemo

    Best wishes for a happyand healthy new year!

    Kathy, Mike, Colin, and Keenan

    1195 Dager Road

    Warminster, PA 18974

    (215) 441-4827

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 Bev Fam News 2005


    Beveridge Family NewsPage A2 December 2005

    Local Boy Eats More Than One FoodWARMINSTER, PA -- To the relief of

    nutritionists and the delight of his par-

    ents, area youth Keenan Beveridge has

    recently quadrupled the number of

    foods that he is willing to eat. The four-

    year-old Beveridge had spent the pasttwo years subsisting almost exclusively

    on chicken nuggets. In recent months,

    however, he has expanded his list of

    acceptable entrees to include meatballs,

    hot dogs, and turkey.

    Beveridges parents were at a loss to

    explain the change in his preferences,

    just as they were unable to explain how

    his two-year reign of pickiness began.

    His mother, Kathy, noted that as an

    infant Keenan ate nearly everything he

    was given. Around his second birthday,

    however, the boys mealtime prefer-ences narrowed to an extreme degree.

    Within a few weeks, the only main

    course he would eat was chicken

    and not just any chicken, noted

    Kathy. It had to be in nugget form.

    Attempts to disguise other foods as

    Beveridges favorite were met with

    reactions that varied from suspicion

    (fish sticks) to open disdain (soy nug-

    gets). Yeah, he saw right through the

    whole wolf in nuggets clothing

    scheme, Kathy recalled. Of course,

    not many people have a taste for wolf,so that was kind of a longshot to begin


    When the use of culinary costumes

    proved ineffective, Keenans parents

    solicited medical advice. Their pediatri-

    cian advised them to stop providing

    chicken nuggets and to serve the boy

    only what the family was eating. The

    doctors kept telling us: Dont worry,

    he has to eat eventually. He wont let

    himself starve, noted Keenans fa-

    ther, Mike. To which we replied:

    Have you met the boy? Between you

    and me, I think that kid wouldstarvehimself to death just to prove a point.

    Although they were tempted to

    abandon the prescribed course, the

    Beveridges stuck it out after getting

    reassurance from Jill Kampherstein, a

    longtime friend, a physicians assistant

    in their pediatricians office, and an

    endless source of free medical advice.

    [Jill is always available to answer our

    panicky and ill-informed medical

    questions, day or night, said Kathy.

    Area Woman Enjoying NewKitchen a Little Too MuchWARMINSTER, PA Local woman

    Kathy Beveridge is very happy with

    her new kitchena little too happy, in

    the opinion of those closest to her.

    Since having new cabinets and counter-

    tops installed this past February,

    Beveridge has been spending most of

    her time in the new room. That

    kitchen is all she talks about, said her

    despondent husband, Mike. If I didnt

    know any better, Id say she loves the

    kitchen more than she loves me.

    Kathy defended her recent preoccu-

    pation, stating that theres a lot to talk

    about in that kitchen. The cherry cabi-

    nets, the granite countertops, the new

    appliances. Its just so much nicer

    now. When told of her husbands con-

    cern that he now took a backseat to the

    kitchen, she responded Who? I mean,

    thats silly. Of course I love Micro-

    wave. Er, Mike.

    The scorned husband refused to ac-cept Kathys explanation. Im serious.

    She has some kind of a problem,

    Beveridge claimed. Sometimes I walk

    into the kitchen and I find her kissing

    the new dishwasher. She wont let me

    prepare any meals because she doesnt

    want me to mess up the new counter-

    tops. I havent eaten in two days, but I

    cant talk to her about it because her

    whole focus is on the kitchen. I would

    remind her that the kids need to eat too,

    but thats not a kitchen-related topic;

    Im afraid of the backlash.

    When told of Beveridges comments,

    Kathy replied Afraid of the back-

    splash? Oh, its a beautiful earth-tone

    tile that matches the floor as well. Its

    nothing to be afraid of. I think it really

    pulls the room together.

    Pressed to name one thing her hus-

    band could give her that her kitchen

    could not, Beveridge thought for sev-

    eral minutes. I can think of two things

    that justify Mikes existence, she re-

    plied. Until they build a kitchen that

    can kill spiders and open jars, there will

    always be a place for Mike in my

    house. When asked where that place

    would be, she answered Not in the

    kitchen. I just cleaned the floors.

    We owe her a great debt, but she

    knows that if she ever needs

    fundraising or editing advice she can

    call us any time.] Sure enough, the

    breakthrough finally came, and with

    each bite of a new food Keenan movedcloser and closer to normalcy.

    Reducing our chicken nugget

    consumption by 75% was a huge first

    step, noted proud father Mike.

    Someday soon well move on to an

    even greater challenge. Like bread,


    In a related story, Tyson Foods stock

    dropped 26 points in heavy trading as

    the company announced major layoffs

    and two local plant closings due to de-

    Kathy Beveridge with her new best friend.Keenan Beveridge with his best friend.

  • 8/14/2019 Bev Fam News 2005


    Beveridge Family NewsDecember 2005 Page A3

    Two-Sport Star Defies Genetics

    in Pursuit of Athletic Excellence

    Professional scouts in two leagues are

    buzzing with anticipation over the pros-

    pect of drafting local athlete Colin

    Beveridge, despite the fact that he

    wont be turning pro for another 16

    years. Beveridge recently completed a

    season for the ages, thrilling fans of

    both baseball and soccer with his


    This spring Colin completed his first

    season of tee ball with the WarminsterKnights, by the end of which he had

    moved from hitting off a tee to hitting

    pitched balls. After one season, two

    things about Beveridge became clear:

    1) like most superstars, he has little

    interest in playing the field; and 2)

    what he lacks in power, he more than

    makes up for in speed. He needs a

    little work on his swing, but the kid can

    run, said proud father Mike

    Beveridge, a lifetime .240 Little

    League hitter. He hits a grounder up

    the middle, and the ball bounces off his

    leg as he runs into second base.

    In the fall, Colin turned his speed

    loose on the soccer field for the Under-8 Warminster Tigers. In his second

    season playing soccer, and his first

    season playing 8-on-8 on a full field,

    the young Beveridge showed an amaz-

    ing ability to chase down the ball. Once

    Excitement Builds for AnnualHockeyFest Celebration

    HORSHAM, PA The entire commu-

    nity is breathless with anticipation for

    HockeyFest, which is scheduled for

    Saturday, December 17 at Windlestrae

    Park. Also known as HockeyFest[er]

    or, more simply, The Fester, this annual

    celebration of nostalgia and violence is

    the brainchild of Warminster resident

    Mike Beveridge and his oldest friends.

    Growing up on the mean streets of Hol-

    land, PA, Beveridge and his gang

    turned to street hockey as a way to stay

    on the straight and narrow. We still

    turned out pretty screwy, Beveridge

    reminisced, but none of us ended up in

    prison.As they entered high school and col-

    lege and moved frighteningly closer to

    adulthood, Mike and his friends had

    less time for hockey. However, they

    agreed to get together to play hockey

    once each year. From this pathetic at-

    tempt to relive the glory days of sev-

    enth grade, HockeyFest was born.

    At heart, HockeyFest isnt about the

    hockey, reflected Beveridge. It has

    always been the one day each year

    when everyone from the old crowd gets

    together again. Its something I look

    forward to all year long. It is also a

    source of trash talk all year long. We

    trade insults on and off during the off-

    season, but for the last few months be-

    fore the Fest[er] the trash talk really

    builds to a fever pitch, Mike noted

    gleefully. After all, what are friends

    for if you cant tell them they suck at


    While Mikes marginal hockey skills

    are on display for one Saturday each

    December, the patience of his wife

    Kathy is tested all year round. Well, I

    figure that every husband has a hobby,sighed Kathy in a recent interview.

    Some build bird houses. Some do vol-

    unteer work. Mine plays hockey one

    day a year and then talks about it for

    the other three hundred and sixty-four.

    Kathy also supports the event by host-

    ing the annual Fest[er] Widows and

    Orphans Party, providing tea, hot

    chocolate, and emotional support for

    the spouses and children of the week-

    end warriors. Lets face it, she noted.

    he caught up to the ball, however, he

    had some difficulty figuring out what

    to do with it. I worked with him on the

    weekends, Mike noted. I took him

    outside and taught him everything I

    know about soccer. When that 15 min-

    utes was over, I got him a book out of

    the library.

    With Beveridge and his teammates

    working relentlessly in practice, the

    Tigers won their last four games of the

    year to finish the season with a winning

    record and give them high hopes fornext season. Colin really showed a lot

    of potential this year, stated his

    mother, Kathy. I think that all he

    needs is the guidance of a strong ath-

    letic presence. You know, some kind of

    father figure. Im thinking of buying

    him a training video.

    His lack of athletic ability notwith-

    standing, Mike is committed to helping

    Colin earn an athletic scholarship when

    he joins the class of 2017. I want him

    to realize all of his wildest dreams,

    Mike stated. If we play our cardsright, we can take his college fund to

    Vegas and blow it on Texas HoldEm.

    S P O R T S

    These poor women need all the help

    they can get.

    Despite the contrary claims of his

    friends, Beveridge insists that all these

    years of participating in HockeyFest

    have honed his skills. The older I get,

    he noted, the better I used to be.

    Superjock Colin Beveridge commits a handball.

  • 8/14/2019 Bev Fam News 2005


    Beveridge Family NewsPage A4 December 2005

    Area Family Takes Leisure to New Heights w ithTwo Summer Vacations


    MD The Beveridge family of War-

    minster, PA set new standards for

    slacking in the summer of 2005, blow-

    ing off work for two separate family

    vacations. Due to a quirk in scheduling,

    both of their extended families planned

    group excursions in the same summer.

    It was a rare confluence of events,

    explained Kathy Beveridge of the un-

    expected excess of leisure. Like a so-

    lar eclipse, or when you get a parking

    space right in front of the mall on

    Black Friday.

    The first trip occurred in late June,

    when the Beveridge family all con-verged on a house in North Carolinas

    Outer Banks for the familys first group

    vacation since the late 1980s. Mike,

    Kathy, Colin, and Keenan were joined

    by Mikes parents, Tom and Theresa;

    his younger brother Dan and his wife

    Stephanie; and his older brother Jim,

    his wife Joanne, and their son Tommy.

    Our last vacation as a family was to

    the Grand Canyon when my brothers

    and I were teenagers, remembered

    Mike. This trip was just like that one,

    except that this time we actually hadgirls who would talk to us.

    For the girls in question, a week in

    the same house was quite a challenge to

    endure. Joanne, Steph, and I have got-

    ten used to putting up with our hus-

    bands, Kathy noted. But putting up

    with the three Beveridge boys at the

    same time? I thought that kind of cruel

    and unusual punishment was outlawed

    by the Geneva Convention.

    Fortunately, the Beveridge better

    halves had plenty of activities to keep

    their minds off their suffering. Theirvacation house had its own pool and

    featured a community center with a

    community pool, playground, and

    game room. Best of all, the house was

    only a block from the beach, where the

    family enjoyed swimming, building

    sand castles, setting the group paddle-

    ball record (23 hits), and fishing. Colin

    Beveridge had his first ocean fishing

    experienceand caught his first fish

    with his Pop-Pop assisting.

    Strangely enough, the beach also

    featured a second community pool right

    next to the dunes. However, while pool

    seemed excessive at the time, it came

    in handy after Keenan Beveridgeever

    the prima donnadecided he didnt

    like the beach. It actually worked out

    well, Mike recalled. I had a nice view

    of the ocean while I sat in the pool with

    Keenan. If I squinted my eyes just

    right, it was almost like I was there.

    All in all, the clan had such a good

    time in Duck that they are planning to

    return next June. We figure if we keep

    going there, Kathy said, real estate

    prices will tank so much that eventuallywell be able to buy a place cheap.

    Unfortunately, that tactic hasnt

    worked for her family. The housing

    market at Deep Creek Lake, MD is as

    strong as ever, despite the fact that the

    entire Welsh family has vacationed

    there every other year for 19 years.

    This years gathering in early August

    was one of the largest on record, with

    27 siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins

    in attendance. The Beveridge boys,

    Colin and Keenan, especially enjoyed

    spending a week with their cousinsHenry and Aidan, as well as their

    younger cousins Harlan, Jonah, and

    Benjamin. The presence of so many

    kids in such a rustic atmosphere made

    for some noisy afternoons. All those

    kids running around in the woods was a

    little disturbing, recalled Mike

    Beveridge with a shudder. It was a

    realLord of the Flies experience. When

    they starting dancing around the bon-

    fire, I knew it time to go.

    While the Beveridges vacation was

    focused on the ocean, the Welshes

    week was a fresh-water affair. With the

    lakewater temperatures at all-time

    highs, the family enjoyed swimming,

    fishing, boating, tubing, and skiing.

    Colin had his first water-skiing experi-

    ence, followed immediately by his first

    dragging-behind-a-boat experience.

    Following that adventure, he stuck totubing with cousins Henry and Aidan


    The Welshes enjoyed the week so

    much that before it was over they had

    already begun talking about returning

    to Deep Creek next year to celebrate

    their 20th anniversary at the lake. For

    Mike and Kathy, that means another

    two-vacation summer. In time, I guess

    we could get used to this lifestyle,

    Kathy sighed, but all that relaxing

    really takes its toll. By the time its

    over, well be happy to get back towork for some peace and quiet.

    Mike agreed, noting that well have

    plenty of time to enjoy the quiet at the

    office, since we wont be able to afford

    another vacation until we retire.

    Local Couple Defies Odds, Stays

    Married for Ten Years

    WARMINSTER, PA July 8 was an

    occasion to celebrate in the Beveridge

    household, as Kathy and Mike

    Beveridge celebrated their tenth wed-

    ding anniversary. Im really proud of

    this milestone, noted Kathy. Its the

    result of many years of love, hard

    work, and patience. Lots of patience.

    The patience of Job.

    The anniversary also made an im-

    pression on Mike, who stated Ten

    years? Is that all? Well, how much time

    do I have left?

    The Beveridges recently looked back

    on their greatest blessings over the last

    ten years, including:

    Two beautiful sons, Colin and


    A lovely home that is nearly 20%

    paid for.

    A rocking wedding reception that

    featured a 208-person conga line as

    well as a Greased Lightnin pro-

    duction number.

    Wonderful friends and family (like

    the ones reading this newsletter).