biographical notes - Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου · business and the environment. ......

1 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES Dr. Dimitrios G. Lagos Professor Department of Business Administration University of the Aegean, Chios, Greece [email protected] Dimitrios G. Lagos holds a Ph.D in Tourism Regional Development from the Panteion University of Athens. He is an Professor of Tourism Economics and Tourist Business Management, President (1.11.2015-) in the Department of Business Administration and ex-Dean (2010-2014) in Business school at the University of the Aegean, Greece and ex-President of Hellenic Regionalist Association. Also, he is Director of the Interdepartmental Program of Post- Graduate Studies in Tourism Planning, Management and Policy, University of the Aegean and an Advisor Professor in the Post-Graduate Program of Tourist Business Management, Department of Social Sciences of the Hellenic Open University. His area of interest is regional tourism development, tourism economics, and economic impacts of tourism, tourism planning and special interest tourism. PAPERS IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS: 1. Lagos, D., P. Poulaki (2014), “Religious Monuments and Tourism: The case of Chios”. Journal "SUSTAIBABLE DEVELOPMENT, CULTURE, TRADITIONS", Volume 1a, 2a /2014. 2. Poulaki, P., M. Doumi, D. Lagos (2014) The development of religious tourism: The case of Chios in Greece”. Journal of Regional & Socio-Economic Issues. Vol. 4, Issue 2, June, pp. 45-70. ( 3. D. Lagos (2012), “Local governance and local authorities on urban tourism development in Greece”. SUSTAINABLE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND CULTURAL HERITAGE. Vol. 1, pp 51-60. 4. D. Lagos, (2011), “Sustainable tourism and endogenous models of economic growth”. STATISTICAL REVIEW, Vol. 7.No 1-2, pp 23-44. 5. D. Lagos, K Kutsikos (2011) “The role of it-focused business incubators in managing regional development and innovation” EUROPEAN RESEARCH STUDIES, Vol. XIV Issue (3), 2011, pp. 33-50.

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Dr. Dimitrios G. Lagos


Department of Business Administration

University of the Aegean, Chios, Greece

[email protected]

Dimitrios G. Lagos holds a Ph.D in Tourism Regional Development from the Panteion

University of Athens. He is an Professor of Tourism Economics and Tourist Business

Management, President (1.11.2015-) in the Department of Business Administration and ex-Dean

(2010-2014) in Business school at the University of the Aegean, Greece and ex-President of

Hellenic Regionalist Association. Also, he is Director of the Interdepartmental Program of Post-

Graduate Studies in Tourism Planning, Management and Policy, University of the Aegean and an

Advisor Professor in the Post-Graduate Program of Tourist Business Management, Department of

Social Sciences of the Hellenic Open University. His area of interest is regional tourism

development, tourism economics, and economic impacts of tourism, tourism planning and special

interest tourism.


1. Lagos, D., P. Poulaki (2014), “Religious Monuments and Tourism: The case of Chios”.


2a /2014.

2. Poulaki, P., M. Doumi, D. Lagos (2014) “The development of religious tourism: The

case of Chios in Greece”. Journal of Regional & Socio-Economic Issues. Vol. 4, Issue 2,

June, pp. 45-70.


3. D. Lagos (2012), “Local governance and local authorities on urban tourism development in


1, pp 51-60.

4. D. Lagos, (2011), “Sustainable tourism and endogenous models of economic growth”.

STATISTICAL REVIEW, Vol. 7.No 1-2, pp 23-44.

5. D. Lagos, K Kutsikos (2011) “The role of it-focused business incubators in managing

regional development and innovation” EUROPEAN RESEARCH STUDIES, Vol. XIV

Issue (3), 2011, pp. 33-50.


6. T. Vlachos, M. Diakomihalis, D. Lagos (2011), “Taxation and Competitiveness in the

Hotel branch: The case of 4 and 5 star hotels of Kos island, Greece”. JOURNAL OF


7. MM.. DDiiaakkoommiicchhaalliiss,, D. Lagos, (2011), “An empirical approach of the “Coastal Leisure

Shipping” in Greece and its Economic Impact assessment”, TOURISM ECONOMICS,

Vol. 17(2), pp. 437-456.

8. D. Lagos, (2010), «Tourism planning through carrying capacity and Tourism Area Life

Cycle: the case of island Kos». STATISTICAL REVIEW, Vol. 6, No 1-2

9. R. Mitoula, K. Philippou. D, Lagos, (2010), “Sustainable development and

environmental reconstruction in the municipality of Aspropyrgos in Greece”,


10. DD.. IIeerraappeettrriittiiss,, DD.. LLaaggooss,, ((22001100)),, “Assessing the educational needs of Greek farmers

that desire to develop entrepreneurial activity in agro tourism”. Studies IN REGIONAL &

URBAN PLANNING. Vol. 12, 2009, pp. 25-43.

11. D. Lagos, (2010), “Methodological Approach to the Analysis of the Tourism System”.


4, pp. 366-373.

12. DD.. IIeerraappeettrriittiiss,, DD.. LLaaggooss,, CChh.. MMppaalloommeennoouu,, ((22001100)),, ““OOuuttlliinniinngg tthhee ddeetteerrmmiinnaannttss ooff

yyoouutthh eennttrreepprreenneeuurrsshhiipp iinn tthhee GGrreeeekk ppeerriipphheerryy””.. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF


13. DDiiddaasskkaalloouu EE..,, DD.. LLaaggooss,, PP.. NNaassttooss ((22000099)),, ««Wellness Tourism: evaluating destination

attributes for tourism planning in a competitive segment market”. TTOOUURRIISSMMOOSS,, VV..44,,

NN..44,, pppp.. 111133--112266..

14. DD.. IIeerraappeettrriittiiss,, DD.. LLaaggooss,, G. Parnassas, (2008), «Entrepreneurship vis a vis

Unemployment in the Tourism Industry: The Case of the Peloponnese Region». Studies


15. P. Tsartas, D. Lagos, Th. Stavrinoudis, (2008), “Integrated Coastal Tourism Zone

Management in Greece”. JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY & TOURISM, Vol. 6, No 1,

2008, pp. 17-30.

16. D. Lagos, P. Courtis, (2008), “Clusters and competitiveness in the Greek tourism sector”


17. M. Diakomihalis, D. Lagos, (2008), “Estimation of the Economic impacts’ of yachting

in Greece via the Tourism Satellite Account”, TOURISM ECONOMICS, Vol. 14(4), pp.


18. P. Courtis, D. Lagos, (2008), “Critical Evaluation of the Methodological Framework for

Strategic Tourism Planning on a Region Level”. Studies IN REGIONAL & URBAN

PLANNING. Vol. 10, 2008, pp. 5-17.


19. P. Tsartas, D. Lagos, (2007), “Regional structuring of tourism employment in Greece”.


2007, pp.139-149.

20. E. Rogdaki, D. Lagos, P. Arsenos, (2007), «Financial Analysis in tourism: The case of

IONIA Hotel Enterprises in Greece”. STATISTICAL REVIEW, Vol. 2, No 1, 2007, pp.44-


21. E Stamatiou, D. Lagos, "Promotion of tourism development in environmentally

vulnerable areas: the case of border and less favored regions” Journal of


Environmental Association. V.2, No. 2, 2006, pp.250-259.

22. D. Lagos, S. Varvaressos, Sg. Melisidou, “Mountain Tourism: Reconciling Growth with

Sustainable Development”. IASME Transactions-WSEAS Journal, Issue 6, V.2, June

2006, pp. 919-926.

23. D. Lagos, R. Lacroix, “Competitive Advantage of Computer Science and

Telecommunications in the Tourism Industry”. IASME Transactions - WSEAS Journal,

Issue 5, V.2, May 2006, pp. 659-666.

24. E. Stamatiou, D. Lagos, "New perspectives and strategies for the coastal tourism areas

of Greece", IASME Transactions - WSEAS Journal, Issue 5, V.2, July 2005, pp. 721-


25. E. Stamatiou, D. Lagos, "Land planning for small Aegean islands with tourism

expansion capabilities", IASME Transactions - WSEAS Journal, Issue 5, V.2, July 2005,

pp. 729-737.

26. P. Michaelides, G. Economakis, D. Lagos, "Clustering Analysis Methodology for

employment and Regional Planning in Greece". IASME Transactions -WSEAS Journal,

Issue 5, V.2, July, 2005, pp. 750-757

27. P. Tsartas, D. Lagos, "Critical appraisal of regional tourism development and policy in


2004, pp. 15-31.

28. D. Lagos, P. Kourtis, “An integrated total quality strategy to endogenous tourism

development”. EUROPEAN RESEARCH STUDIES Vol. VII, Issue (3-4), 2004, pp. 17-


29. P. Dionyssopoulou, D. Lagos, P. Tsartas, “European Union Policy Framework on

Culture Tourism”. TOURISM TODAY, Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2003, pp. 177-189.

30. D. Lagos, P. Papakonstantinidis, “Integrated total quality tourism management and

sustainable development”. JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY & TOURISM, Vol. 1, No 1,

2003, pp. 64-80.

31. D. Lagos, P. Dionyssopoulou, “Historical summation as a component element in the

formation of tourist attractions”, MEDITERRANEAN, ARCHAEOLOGY &

ARCHAEOMETRY, Vol. 2, No 2 / 2002, pp. 69-78.


32. D. Lagos, “Exploratory Forecasting Methodologies for Tourism Demand”, EKISTICS,

Vol. 66. No 394/395/396/, 1999, pp. 143-154.

33. D. Lagos, "Growth of Tourism in Greece and environmental protection", EAST – WEST /


Business and the Environment. Vol.1, 1998, No. 1, pp. 105-111.

3344.. D. Lagos, "Growth of Tourism in Greece and environmental protection", EAST – WEST /


Business and the Environment. Vol.1, 1998, No. 1, pp. 105-111.

35. Triantafyllou G., E. Christou, D. Lagos, P. Kassianidis (2011), “Wine packaging

elements: Do they impact consumer’s purchasing Behavior?” Journal of Hospitality

Marketing & Management.

36. Lagos D., A. Kontis (2015), “Factor framework for the evaluation of multichannel

marketing mixes in 5* city hotels”. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.


1. TTssaarrttaass,, PP..,, DD.. LLaaggooss ((22001133)),, ““Critical Evaluation of the Greek Tourism Policy”. E.G.

Carayannis and G. M. Korres (eds). European Socio – Economic Integration, Inovation,

Technology, and Knowledge Management, DOI 10.1007/978-1-46145254-6_14. Springer

Science + Business Media New York 2013, p.p. 203-221.

2. Parpairis D. & Lagos D. (2013) “Endogenous Tourism Development through

Renewable Energy Governance: A Questionable Challenge” in Renewable Energy

GovernanceQComplexitis and Challenges. Springer –Verlag London 2013, pp 81 -100

2. Ierapetritis, D., D. Lagos, (2012), “Building Rural Entrepreneurship in Greece: Lessons

from Life Long Learning Programmes” in B. Johansson, Charlie Karlsson, and Roger R.

Stough (Eds.), Entrepreneurship, Social Capital and Governance, Chelthenham: Edward

Elgar, U.K. p.p. 281-301, ISBS 978181992834 (βασισμένη σε σχετική εισήγηση που

έγινε στο διεθνές συνέδριο της Σουηδίας το 2011).

3. Rontos, K., E. Kitrinou, D. Lagos and Mih. Diakomihalis, (2011). “Islands and

tourism development: a viewpoint of tourism stakeholders of Lesvos Island, Greece”. In

the book Visions for Global Tourism –Industry – Greating and Sustaining competitive

strategies» (2011), ISBN 979-953-307-532-6. Published by INTECH, Croatia, Chapter

22, p.p.461-478.(edited by Murat Kasimoglu. (βασισμένη σε σχετική εισήγηση στο

διεθνές συνέδριο της Μυτιλήνης το 2010).

44.. PP.. TTssaarrttaass,, DD.. LLaaggooss,, ““HHootteell MMaannaaggeemmeenntt aanndd TToouurriissmm PPoolliiccyy iinn GGrreeeeccee:: AA CCrriittiiccaall

AAsssseessssmmeenntt”” iinn TToouurriissmm aanndd HHoossppiittaalliittyy iinn 2211sstt CCeennttuurryy ((EEddiittoorrss MMuukkeesshh RRaannggaa,, AAsshhiisshh

CChhaannddrraa)),, pppp.. 220022--222244,, PPuubblliisshheedd bbyy DDiissccoovveerryy PPuubblliisshhiinngg HHoouussee,, NNeeww DDeellhhii 22000033..



1. Poulaki P., Balomenou Ch., Lagos D. (2015), «Religious Tourism in Greece and

regional development: The case of Samos Island» 55nd Congreess ERSA, 25-29 August,

Lisbon, Portugal. “Changing roles for people and places”. (Proceedings on USB).

2. Parpairis, D., D. Lagos, (2015), “Regional Tourism Development through Renewable

Energy: A systemic governance approach”. 11th HSSS National and Inernational

conference 2015 “Systemics & Health care”, 10-12 July, Athens Greece. HHeelllleenniicc SSoocciieettyy

ffoorr SSyysstteemmiicc SSttuuddiieess ((HHSSSSSS,, ((AAbbssttrraaccttss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

3. Triantafyllou G., C. Lypmperopoulos, D. Lagos, E. Christou (2014) “Wine

Packaging Marketing: Recent trends in the Wine Market”. Conference in “Advances in

Hospitality and Tourism Marketing & Management”, 25-27 June 2014.

4. Poulaki, P., M. Ntoumi, D. Lagos, “Cultural Tourism and Ottoman Monuments in

Chios, Greece”. Conference of “Socio-Economic Sustainability, Regional Development

and Spatial Planning: European and International Dimensions & Perspectives”, July

4th – 7th, 2014, Mytilene, Lesvos

5. Prokopiou, D., B. Tselentis, G. Mavridoglou, D. Lagos, (2014) «Prototype model of

carrying capacity in tourism: the implementations for the island of Rhodes». 2nd Annual

International Interdisciplinary Conference (AIIC 2014), 8-12 July, Azores, Portugal.

6. Kontis A.P., Lagos D., (2014), "Factor framework for the evaluation of multichannel

marketing mixes in 5* city hotels", 3rd International Conference on Strategic Innovative

Marketing, IC-SIM, September 1-4, 2014, Madrid, Spain.

7. Parisi E. & D. G. Lagos (2013), “The Evaluation of the Factors of Tourist Satisfaction

in the Islands”. 5th International Scientific Conference “Tourism Trends & Advances in

the 21st Century”. May 30 – June 2, 2013. Rhodes Island, Greece Organized by the

Interdepartmental Graduate Program in “Tourism Planing, Management and Policy”,

University of the Aegean.

8. Kontis A., C. Lymperopoulos & D. G. Lagos (2013), “Decision Factors for the

Evaluation of the Tourist Marketing Channels for Attica’s 5* and 4* Hotels”. 5th

International Scientific Conference “Tourism Trends & Advances in the 21st Century”.

May 30 – June 2, 2013. Rhodes Island, Greece Organized by the Interdepartmental

Graduate Program in “Tourism Planing, Management and Policy”, University of the


9. Parpairis D., E. Michalena & D. G. Lagos (2013), “Endogenous Local Development

through Good Renewable Energy Governance: Case Studies from the Tourism Sector”.

5th International Scientific Conference “Tourism Trends & Advances in the 21st

Century”. May 30 – June 2, 2013. Rhodes Island, Greece Organized by the

Interdepartmental Graduate Program in “Tourism Planing, Management and Policy”,

University of the Aegean.


10. Glyptou, A. Papatheodorou, D. Lagos, I. Spilanis (2013), “Modelling & Forecasting

Greek Tourism Sustainability”. 5th International Scientific Conference “Tourism Trends

& Advances in the 21st Century”. May 30 – June 2, 2013. Rhodes Island, Greece

Organized by the Interdepartmental Graduate Program in “Tourism Planing, Management

and Policy”, University of the Aegean.

11. Gaki E., D. G. Lagos, S. Kostopoulou (2013), “Regional Inequalities in Greek Tourism

Development” 53nd Congreess ERSA, 27-31 August, Palermo, Italy. “Regional

Intergration: Europe, the Mediterranean and the World economy”. Paper No: 729,

(Proceedings on USB).

12. Balomenou, Ch., M. Maliari, D. Lagos, (2012), “Interaction between bank branches,

local entrepreneurship and development on rural and suburban areas Regional Unity of

Serres”. 52nd Congreess ERSA, “Regions in Motion: Breaking the Path”, Bratislava,

Slovakia, 21-25/09/2012. Paper No: 248, (Proceedings on USB).

13. Lagos, D., E. Parisi (2012), "Research of the tourist satisfaction of Kefallonia Island".

International conference «2nd Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing &

Management», 31 May - 3 June 2012, Corfu, Greece (Proceedings on CD-ROM).

14. D. Lagos, E. Kitrinou, K. Rontos, Mic. Diakomichalis (2011), «Islands and Tourism:

A Comprehensive Framework for the Development of A “New Tourism” Model».

International Conference in «Rethinking Business and Business Education in the Age of

Crisis», 20-22 October 2011, Chios Island, Greece (University of the Aegean,

Department of Business Administration).

15. Triantafyllou G., E. Christou, D. Lagos, P. Kassianidis (2011), “Wine packaging

elements: Do they impact consumer’s purchasing Behavior?” International conference

“Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management”, 19-24 June 2011,

Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, organized by Bogazinci University and

Washington State University. ((BBooookk ooff AAbbssttrraaccttss)),, pppp..322-328.

16. D. Parpairis, D. Lagos, E. Michalena (2011), “Planning for Hellenic tourism

development in the era of climate change through the of Renewable Energy Sources”.

The 2011 Athens Tourism Symposium: International Scientific Congress on Current

Trends in Tourism Management and Tourism Policy, 2-3 February 2011, Athens,

((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

17. Lagos, D., E. Parisi (2011), “Evaluation on the tourist satisfaction of Kefallonia island”.

The 2011 Athens Tourism Symposium: International Scientific Congress on Current

Trends in Tourism Management and Tourism Policy, 2-3 Febrouary 2011, Athens.

((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

18. Ierapetritis, D., Lagos, D., (2010) “Life long Learning as a Pillar of Entrepreneurship

in the Greek Countryside”, Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary European Congress of

the Regional Science Association International E.R.S.A. Congress, "Sustainable

Regional Growth and Development in the Creative Knowledge Economy", 19 - 23

August 2010 - Jonkoping, Sweden, pp. 307-321.


19. Lagos, D., Parisi, E., & Stavrinoudis, T., (2010). “Sustainable tourism development of

islander coastal areas: The case of Skala in Kefallonia Greece”. International Scientific

Congress on Current Trends in Tourism Management and Tourism Policy- The 2010

Athens Tourism Symposium 10-11 February 2010, Athens, Greece. ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--


20. Diakomihalis N. Mihail, Lagos Dimitrios (2010), «Stakeholders Perception on the role

of Tourism Infrastructure and Upperstracture in Tourism Development: The Case of

Epirus». CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Tourism:

Issues, Debates & Challenges, 22 – 25 April, 2010 Crete & Santorini Greece, pp 346-


21. Diakomihalis N. Mihail, Lagos Dimitrios (2010). “A multicriteria decision making for

Yachting Development in the Less Developed Regions: The case of Epirus – Greece”.

Πρακτικά του Συνεδρίου Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) 2010

Conference - Athens on October 28 - 30, 2010 (CD-ROM).

22. Lagos, D., E. Kitrinou, K. Rontos, Mic. Diakomichalis (2010), “Islands and tourism

development: a viewpoint of tourism stakeholder of Lesvos Island” . 6th National and

International Conference in “Systemic Approaches in Social Structures”, June 23-26,

2010 Mytilene, Greece (University of the Aegean- Department of Sociology and Hellenic

Society for Systemic Studies.

23. D. Lagos, E. Michalena, D. Parpairis (2010), “Assessing the contribution of renewable

energy in sustainable tourism development: The case-study of Mediterranean islands”.

ATLAS annual conference 2010 “Mass tourism vs niche tourism” Limassol Cyprus,

November 3-5, 2010.

24. D. Lagos, M. Vasileiou, D. Parpairis (2011) «Research on the quality characteristics of

tourism development on the island of Kos». 7th National & International HSSS

Conference "Professional Systemics in Action", 4-7 May 2011 Athens, in collaboration

with University of Piraeus and Panteio University, Greece.

25. Lagos, D., K Koutsikos, (2009) "Linking Innovation and Regional Development through

IT-Focused Business Incubators". International Conference on Applied Business &

Economics (ICABE - 2009), 4-6 October 2009 (University of Piraeus, Loyola University

Chicago). ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

26. Lagos, D., Mich. Diakomihalis, E. Didascalou (2009) «Business Clusters in Wellness

Tourism: the case of Greece». 5th National & International HSSS Conference "From

Systemic Thinking to Systems Design and Systems Practice", 24-27 Ιουνίου 2009 Xanthi,

Greece, pp. 917 - 930. ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

27. Diakomihalis, Mih., D. Lagos (2009), «Prefecture of Preveza: A study of the structural

characteristics of its Tourism Product». International Conference on Applied Business

& Economics ICABE 2009, 1 - 3 October 2009, Kavala, Greece. CD-ROM Proceedings.


28. Papafloratou, Desp., D. Lagos, Ch. Balomenou, (2009), “Financial Leasing and Hotel

Industry: Practical Applications of Leasing for the Greek Hotel Sector”. Congreess

ERSA, Lodz Poland 25/8 – 29/8/09). (Proceedings on the Regional Studies Association’s


2299.. LLaaggooss DD.. ((22000099)),, ““MMuullttiipplliieerr AAnnaallyyssiiss aanndd TToouurriissmm DDeevveellooppmmeenntt””.. 22nndd IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall

CCoonnffeerreennccee oonn QQuuaannttiittaattiivvee aanndd QQuuaalliittaattiivvee MMeetthhooddoollooggiieess iinn tthhee EEccoonnoommiicc aanndd

AAddmmiinniissttrraattiivvee SScciieenncceess.. TTEEII ooff AAtthheennss,, 2255--2277//0055//22000099.. ((BBooookk ooff AAbbssttrraaccttss)),, pppp..228877--


30. DDiiddaasskkaalloouu EE..,, DD.. LLaaggooss,, PP.. NNaassttooss ((22000099)),, ««Wellness Tourism: evaluating destination

attributes for tourism planning in a competitive segment market”. 44tthh IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall

SScciieennttiiffiicc CCoonnffeerreennccee:: PPllaannnniinngg ffoorr FFuuttuurree –– LLeeaarrnniinngg ffrroomm tthhee PPaasstt CCoonntteemmppoorraarryy

DDeevveellooppmmeennttss iinn TToouurriissmm,, TTrraavveell && HHoossppiittaalliittyy””.. RRhhooddeess,, GGrreeeeccee,, 33--55-- AApprriill 22000099..

(Proceedings on CD-ROM).

31. DDiiaakkoommiihhaalliiss MM,, DD.. LLaaggooss,, ((22000099)),, ««A Tourism Satellite Account Assessment of the

impact of Cruise Industry on the Greek Economy». 44tthh IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall SScciieennttiiffiicc

CCoonnffeerreennccee:: PPllaannnniinngg ffoorr FFuuttuurree –– LLeeaarrnniinngg ffrroomm tthhee PPaasstt CCoonntteemmppoorraarryy DDeevveellooppmmeennttss

iinn TToouurriissmm,, TTrraavveell && HHoossppiittaalliittyy””.. RRhhooddeess,, GGrreeeeccee,, 33--55-- AApprriill 22000099.. (Proceedings on


32. D. Ierapetritis, Ch. Mpalomenou, D. Lagos, (2008), “Developing youth

entrepreneurship in Greece: The case of the Peloponnesus region”. Congreess ERSA,

Liverpool, UK 27/8 – 31/8/08). Paper No: 248, (Proceedings on USB)

3333.. D. Ierapetritis, Ch. Balomenou, D. Lagos, (2008), "Barriers to the start-up and

development of female entrepreneurship in Greece: The case of the Peloponnese region”

11th Uddevalla Symposium, 2008, May 15-17, Kyoto, Japan, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

34. D. Lagos, D.Papathanasiou-Zuhrt, G. Triantafyllou (2008), “Wine Tourism Networks

and Business Clusters In The Greek Tourism Industry” International conference

committee. 28th EuroCHRIE conference Dubai 2008, 11th – 14th October 2008, The

Emirates Academy of hospitality Management. In academic association with Ecole

Hoteliere de Lausanne”.

35. S. Melisidou, P. Courtis, D. Lagos,“Business Clusters in the Greek Tourism Industry

and Competitiveness”. International Conference on Applied Business & Economics

(ICABE - 2007), 4-6 October 2007 (University of Piraeus, Loyola University Chicago).

3366.. D. Lagos, V. Kalatzi, M. Bekiaris, “Measuring the Competitive Capacity of the Luxury

Hospitality Sector in Athens: A Financial Reporting Approach”. International

Conference on Applied Business & Economics (ICABE - 2007), 4-6 October 2007

(University of Piraeus, Loyola University Chicago).

3377.. M. Diakomihalis, D. Lagos, (2007), “Coastal tourist shipping” impacts on the Greek

economy via the tourism satellite account”. 1st International Scientific Conference:

Competitiveness and Complementarily of Transport Modes-Perspectives for the


Development of

Intermodal Transport, Chios 10/05/07, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

3388.. Ch. Mpalomenou, D. Lagos, (2007), “The innovation in special interest tourism and its

impact on regional development”, 10th Uddevalla Symposium 14-16 June 2007 on

Institutions for Knowledge generation and knowledge flows –Building Innovative

Capabilities for Region”, University West, Sweden, ((BBooookk ooff AAbbssttrraaccttss)),, pppp..220055--221133..

3399.. D. Lagos, Sg. Melisidou, N. Theocharis (2007). "Tourism Product and Service

Development: Entrepreneurship and Service Quality". Presentation in 4th International

Conference on Applied Financial Economics,. Organizer: Research and Training

Institute of the East Aegean (INEAG), Greece - University of Athens – University of

Piraeus, Jule 12-14, 2007, Samos, Greece,, ((CCoonnffeerreennccee PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss)),, pppp.. 445588--446666..

40. D. Lagos, St. Zounta, PP.. KKoouurrttiiss,, “Telematics Applications in the Greek Tourism

Industry”. 1st Biannual International Conference Strategic Developments in Services

Marketing, 27-29 September 2007, Chios Island, Greece, (PPrroocceeeeddiinngg oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

41. D. Lagos, Ch. Balomenou, P. Arsenos, “Critical assessment of agritourism development

in Greece: comparative analysis with the european experience”. Congreess ERSA, Paris

29/8 – 2/9/07), ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

42. EE.. Stamatiou, D. Lagos, “Sustainable Tourism Development through Endogenous

Growth Models”. 46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA).

“Enlargement, Southern Europe and the Mediterranean”. Local Organizer: University of

Thessaly, Volos, 30/08 – 03/09/2006. N.369, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM)).. Το άρθρο

επελέγη ως το 9ο καλύτερο του Συνεδρίου, με βάση την επισκεψιμότητα αυτού. Βλ.


ERSA papers archive:

ERSA papers access statistics:

ERSA papers ranking:

43. D. Lagos, K. Pachos, N. Pappas, "Local community’s perspectives in economic impacts

of tourism: the case of Rhodes, Greece ». EuroCHRIE international tourism congress.

Thessaloniki Greece, 24-26, Oct. 2006, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

44. Μih. Diakomihalis, D. Lagos (2006),"Yachting in Greece: Economic impacts».

EuroCHRIE international tourism congress. Thessaloniki Greece, Oct. 2006,

((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

45. D. Lagos, S. Varvaressos, Sg. Melisidou, "Mountain Tourism and Sunstainable

Development: International Framework of Development Models and the Greek

Experience", IASME/WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY,


Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July, 11-13 /2006, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..


46. D. Lagos, R. Lacroix "Tourism’s new computer science and telecommunications

technologies role in the economy", IASME /WSEAS International Conference on


Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July, 11-13 /2006, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..,,www.

4477.. DD.. LLaaggooss, St. Zouganeli, N. Trihas, K. Tsilimpokos, “Changes in tourism from the

enlargement of the European Union: The case of the Aegean Region” . EuroCHRIE

international tourism congress. Paris, Oct. 2005, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

48. D. Lagos, Μih. Diakomihalis, "Possibilities for a Greek Tourism Satellite Account

development", International Conference on tourism development and planning. June 11-

12, 2005, AA..TT..EE..II..,, DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff TToouurriisstt BBuussiinneessss,, PPAATTRRAASS,, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--


49. EE.. Stamatiou, D. Lagos, "Strategic Planning of coastal tourism areas of Greece",

IASME /WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT,


July, 12-14/2005, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..,,www.

50. EE.. Stamatiou, D. Lagos, "Spatial transformations and land planning organization of

small Aegean islands with tourism development prospects", IASME /WSEAS.

International Conference on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, ECOSYSTEMS and

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July, 12-14/2005,

((PPrroocceeeeddiinngg oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..,,www.

5511.. PP.. MMiicchhaaeelliiddeess,, GG.. EEccoonnoommaakkiiss,, D. Lagos, "Strategic Regional Planning and Regional

Employment in Greece: A Clustering Analysis Approach", IASME /WSEAS International


DEVELOPMENT. Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July, 12-14/2005, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--


5522.. CChh.. BBaalloommeennoouu,, DD.. LLaaggooss,, PP.. AArrsseennooss,, ““TToouurriisstt eenntteerrpprriisseess ffiinnaanncciinngg iinn GGrreeeeccee””,,

EEuurrooppeeaann RReeggiioonnaall SScciieennccee AAssssoocciiaattiioonn,, 4455tthh EEuurrooppeeaann CCoonnggrreessss,, FFrreeee UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff

AAmmsstteerrddaamm,, 2233--2277 AAuugguusstt,, 22000055 ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

5533.. P. Tsartas DD.. LLaaggooss, P. Kaldis, A. Goumas, “Special Interest Tourism: Researching

and Teaching a “new” product of Tourism Market”. EuroCRIE international tourism

congress.. Paris, 26-30 October 2005, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM)).

54. P. Tsartas, D. Lagos, “The development of yacht tourism in the North & South Aegean

regions”. International tourism congress on Coastal & Marine tourism, (organized by

Dokuz Eylul University and Oregon State University –U.S.A.), November 15-18, 2005,

Gesme, Turkey, (Book of Abstracts), pp. 187 - 196.


5555.. DD.. LLaaggooss, St. Zouganeli, K. Tsilimpokos, N. Trihas, “The impact of the EU

enlargement on the cross-border market of the small to medium tourism enterprises: The

case of the Northern Aegean Region”. International Conference “Managing Global

Trends and Challenges in the Turbulent Economy”. Chios, Greece, 2005, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss

oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

56. DD.. LLaaggooss –– EE.. KKoonnttooggeeoorrggooss,, “The seasonality of tourism in Greece and its impact on

air transport infrastructure.” Ιinternational tourism conference “Borderless Frontier; the

Implications for Tourism in the new 7 enlarged European Union”, (Co - Organized by the

Intercollege Cyprus and Leeds Metropolitan University United Kingdom). Nicosia,

Cyprus, 10-11/12/2004, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

57. DD.. LLaaggooss, P. Christogianni, K. Pachos, “Religious Tourism as a subject of study in

leisure time”. EuroCRIE international tourism congress. Turkey, Nov. 2004 ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss

oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

58. D. Lagos, Theo. Thalassinos, “The historical evolution of sea tourism: A history of

international yachting regarding the Greek case”. Proceedings of the 4th International

Congress of Maritime History (I.C.M.C.). Corfu, 22-27/06/2004, International Maritime

Economic History Association and Ionian University, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

5599.. DD.. LLaaggooss,, TThheeoo.. TThhaallaassssiinnooss,, ““TToowwaarrddss tthhee GGrreeeekk iinntteeggrraatteedd ccooaassttaall zzoonnee mmaannaaggeemmeenntt

ssttrraatteeggyy wwiitthhiinn tthhee ffrraammeewwoorrkk ooff ssuussttaaiinnaabbllee ttoouurriissmm ddeevveellooppmmeenntt:: tthhee SSoouutthh AAeeggeeaann

rreeggiioonn ccaassee””.. 22nndd IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall CCoonnffeerreennccee oonn ““SSuussttaaiinnaabbllee TToouurriissmm DDeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd

tthhee EEnnvviirroonnmmeenntt””,, Organized by the AAeeggeeaann UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, IInntteerrddeeppaarrttmmeennttaall PPrrooggrraamm ooff

PPoosstt GGrraadduuaattee SSttuuddiieess iinn TToouurriissmm PPllaannnniinngg,, MMaannaaggeemmeenntt aanndd PPoolliiccyy,, CChhiiooss 22--55 OOccttoobbeerr

22000033,, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM)),,..

6600.. DD.. LLaaggooss,, ““RReeggiioonnaall TToouurriissmm IInneeqquuaalliittiieess iinn GGrreeeeccee aanndd TToouurriissmm ppoolliiccyy MMeeaassuurreess””..

IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall CCoonnffeerreennccee oonn ““CCuullttuurree aanndd RReeggiioonnaall EEccoonnoommiicc DDeevveellooppmmeenntt iinn EEuurrooppee::

CCuullttuurree,, PPoolliittiiccaall aanndd SSoocciiaall PPeerrssppeeccttiivveess””,, EEddiitteedd bbyy AA.. DDeeffffnneerr –– DD.. KKoonnssttaaddaakkooppuullooss ––

YY.. PPssyyhhaarriiss,, ((BBooookk ooff AAbbssttrraaccttss)),, pppp.. 332255--335588.. UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff TThheessssaallyy PPrreessss.. VVoollooss 22000033..

6611.. PP.. TTssaarrttaass,, DD.. LLaaggooss,, ““SSmmaallll HHootteell FFiirrmmss iinn tthhee TToouurriissmm aanndd HHoossppiittaalliittyy SSeeccttoorr ooff

GGrreeeeccee””.. IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall CCoonnffeerreennccee oonn ““SSmmaallll FFiirrmmss iinn tthhee TToouurriissmm aanndd HHoossppiittaalliittyy

SSeeccttoorrss””,, Organized by the LLeeeeddss MMeettrrooppoolliittaann UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff EEnnggllaanndd,, 1122//0099//0022,,

((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

6622.. DD.. LLaaggooss,, PP.. TTssaarrttaass,, EE.. SSttaammaattiioouu,, ““TToouurriissmm ppoolliiccyy aanndd ttoouurriisstt ddeevveellooppmmeenntt

ppllaannnniinngg””.. XXVVII AAEESSOOPP CCOONNGGRREESSSS ““PPllaannnniinngg iinn BBoorrddeerr RReeggiioonnss””,, UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff

TThheessssaallyy,, JJuullyy 1100--1155,, 22000022,, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

6633.. GG.. ZZaacchhaarraattooss,, DD.. LLaaggooss,, ““TThhee rroollee ooff iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn tteecchhnnoollooggyy iinn tthhee ttoouurriisstt ddeevveellooppmmeenntt

ooff tthhee iissllaanndd rreeggiioonnss””.. 11sstt IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall CCoonnffeerreennccee oonn ““TToouurriissmm oonn iissllaannddss aanndd ssppeecciiffiicc

ddeessttiinnaattiioonnss””,, οrganized by the AAeeggeeaann UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, IInntteerrddeeppaarrttmmeennttaall PPrrooggrraamm ooff PPoosstt

GGrraadduuaattee SSttuuddiieess iinn TToouurriissmm PPllaannnniinngg,, MMaannaaggeemmeenntt aanndd PPoolliiccyy.. CChhiiooss 22000022,,

((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..


6644.. DD.. LLaaggooss,, EE.. GGrriibbaa,, ““TThhee ssppeecciiaall aanndd aalltteerrnnaattiivvee ffoorrmmss ooff ttoouurriissmm:: tthheeiirr ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonn ttoo

tthhee ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff GGrreeeekk iissllaannddss aanndd ssppeecciiaall ddeessttiinnaattiioonnss””.. 11sstt IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall CCoonnffeerreennccee

oonn ““TToouurriissmm oonn iissllaannddss aanndd ssppeecciiffiicc ddeessttiinnaattiioonnss””,, Organized by the AAeeggeeaann UUnniivveerrssiittyy,,

IInntteerrddeeppaarrttmmeennttaall PPrrooggrraamm ooff PPoosstt GGrraadduuaattee SSttuuddiieess iinn TToouurriissmm PPllaannnniinngg,, MMaannaaggeemmeenntt

aanndd PPoolliiccyy,, CChhiiooss 22000000,, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

6655.. DD.. LLaaggooss,, ““TToouurriissmm aanndd SSuussttaaiinnaabbllee DDeevveellooppmmeenntt aatt RReeggiioonnaall LLeevveell:: TThhee ccaassee ooff GGrreeeekk

IIssllaanndd RReeggiioonnss””.. IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall ccoonnffeerreennccee ""SSuussttaaiinnaabbllee DDeevveellooppmmeenntt iinn tthhee IIssllaannddss aanndd

tthhee RRoolleess ooff RReesseeaarrcchh aanndd HHiigghheerr EEdduuccaattiioonn"".. PPRREELLUUDDEE IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall,, UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff tthhee

AAeeggeeaann eett.. aall,, RRhhooddeess 22000022,, ((PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..

6666.. DD.. LLaaggooss,, ““SSppeecciiaall IInntteerreesstt TToouurriissmm aanndd SSuussttaaiinnaabbllee DDeevveellooppmmeenntt””.. 11sstt IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall

SScciieennttiiffiicc CCoonnggrreessss ““TToouurriissmm aanndd CCuullttuurree ffoorr SSuussttaaiinnaabbllee DDeevveellooppmmeenntt““.. NNaattiioonnaall

TTeecchhnniiccaall UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff AAtthheennss 1199--2211//55//11999988,, PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss oonn CCDD--RROOMM))..