business and human rights including un guiding principles and un global compact

Business and human rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact စီးပြားေရးႏွင္UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact မွခမွတ္ထားေသာ လူ႔အခြင့္ေရးမား။ Vicky Bowman Director Myanmar Center for Responsible Business မန္မာ့စီးပြ ားေရးက႑ တာ၀န္ယူမႈရွိေရး အေထာက္အကူျပဌာန (MCRB) အမွတ္ ၁၅၊ ရွမ္းရိပ္သာလမ္း (ဆာကူရာ ေဆးရံုအနီး) စမ္းေခာင္းၿမိ႔နယ္၊ ရန္ကုန္ၿမိ႕ ဖုန္း / ဖက္ (စ္ ) ၀၁ ၅၁၀၀၆၉

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Page 1: Business and Human Rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact

Business and human rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact စးပြားေရးႏင UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact မခမတထားေသာ လ႔အခြငေရးမား။

Vicky BowmanDirector

Myanmar Center for Responsible Businessျမနမာစးပြားေရးက႑ တာ၀နယမႈရေရး အေထာကအကျပဌာန (MCRB)

အမတ ၁၅၊ ရမးရပသာလမး

(ဆာကရာ ေဆးရအနး)

စမးေခာငးၿမ ႔နယ၊ ရနကနၿမ႕

ဖနး / ဖက(စ) ၀၁ ၅၁၀၀၆၉

Page 2: Business and Human Rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact

Universal rights for all human beings = ”rights holders” လတငးႏင အကးဝငေသာ လ႔အခြငအေရးမား = လ႔အခြငအေရး ပငဆငသမား Freedom and Human dignity လြတလပမႈႏင လသားမား၏ဂတသကၡာရျခငး Without discrimination as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or

other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. လမး၊ အသားအေရာင၊ ကား၊မ၊ ဘာသာ၊စကား၊ ႏငငေရးအယအဆ၊ ႏငငသား၊

ပစၥညး ဥစၥာပငဆငမႈ Protected in international Conventions ratified by States ႏငငမားမ သေဘာတ လကမတေရးထးထားေသာ ႏငငတကာ စာခပမားတြင

ကာကြယေပးထားခၿပးျဖစသည။ State is responsible for protecting the rights of its people = main ”duty

bearer” တငးျပညမလသားတငး၏အခြငအေရးက ကာကြယေစာငေရာကရန အဓက

တာဝနရသျဖစသည Individuals and others organs of society including business also have to

respect rights of others တစဥးခငးစႏင အျခားလမႈအဖြ႔အစညး၊ စးပြားေရးလပငနးမားအပါအဝင အျခား

အစတအပငး မားမလညး လ႔အခြငအေရးမားက ေလးစားလကနာရမည။

WHAT ARE HUMAN RIGHTS? လ႔အခြငအေရးမားဆသညမာ ဘာလ။

Page 3: Business and Human Rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact

Economic, social and cultural rights စးပြားေရး၊ လမႈေရး ႏင ယဥေကးမႈ ဆငရာ အခြငအေရးမား

Right to housing, food, water လေလာကေသာ အမရာေနထငမႈ။ အစားအစာရရမႈ။ ေရရရမႈ

Right to non-discrimination and equality ခြျခားဆကဆခရမႈမားမ လြတေျမာကျခငး ႏင႔ညမမႈ

Right to rest and leisure အနားယ အပနးေၿဖ ပငခြင႔Right to a family life မသားစဘ၀ ရပငခြင႔Right to education ပညာသငၾကား ပငခြင႔Right to freely participate in the cultural life of the community

ယဥေကးမႈ၊ ရးရာဓေလ႕ႏငဆငေသာအေလအထမားတြငပါ၀ငခြငရမႈ

Right to work – just and favourable conditions at work သငတငမတမႈရေသာ၊ေဘးကငးလျခေသာလပငနးခြငအေျခအေန၌ အလပလပပငခြင

Core labour standards အဓက အလပသမား အခြငအေရးမား

Freedom from child labour ကေလးအလပသမား ပေပာကေရးFreedom from discrimination in employment/occupation အလပခန႕ထားမႈႏင လပငနးခြငဆငရာ

ခြျခားဆကဆခရမႈမားမ လြတေျမာကျခငးFreedom of association and collective bargaining လြတလပစြာအသငးအပငးဖြ႔စညးခြငႏင

မမအခြငေရးကစေပါငးေစစပေျပာဆ၍သေဘာတညမႈက ရယပငခြင

Freedom from forced or compulsory labour

EXAMPLES OF HUMAN RIGHTS - လ႔အခြငအေရး ဥပမာမား။

Page 4: Business and Human Rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact

Civil and political rights ႏငငသား အခြင႕အေရး

Right to life, liberty and security of person အသကရငရပတညခြင၊ လြတလပခြငႏင လျခမႈရခြင

Right to non-discrimination and equality ခြျခားဆကဆခရမႈမားမ လြတေျမာကျခငး ႏင႔ညမမႈ

Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degradingtreatment or punishment

ညငးပနးႏပစကခရမႈ (သ႔) ႏမခဆကဆခရမႈ (သ႔) အျပစဒဏေပးခရမႈမား မ လြတေၿမာကမႈ

Right to an effective remedy ထေရာကေသာ ကစားမႈ ရပငခြင႔

Freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention or exile မတရား ဖမးဆး ခပေႏာင ခရမႈ၊ ႏင႔ တငးတပါး၌ခလႈရၿခငးမ လြတေၿမာကမႈ

Right to a fair trial တရားမတေသာ ဥပေဒရ အကအညကရရပငခြင

Right to privacy မမ ကယပငဘ၀ ရပငခြင႔

Right to own property ပစၥညး၊ ဥစၥာပငဆငခြင

Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion လြတလပစြာ ေတြးေခၚႏငခြင၊ ေဖာျပႏငခြင၊ ကးကြယႏငခြင

Right to be free from slavery မတရားခငးေစခရမႈႏင ကၽြနျပခရျခငးတ႔မလြတေျမာကျခငး

EXAMPLES OF HUMAN RIGHTS - လ႔အခြငအေရး ဥပမာမား။

Page 5: Business and Human Rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact

Specific standards

Indigenous Peoples’ Rights ဌာနတငးရငးသား အခြင႔အေရးမား

Children’s rights ကေလး အခြင႔အေရးမား

Women’s Rights အမးသမး အခြင႔အေရးမား

Peoples with disabilities မသနစြမး အခြင႔အေရးမား

Migrant workers ေရႊ႔ေျပာငး အလပသမား အခြင႔အေရးမား

Protection for specific groups - တကေသာအခြငအေရးမားက ေစာငေရာကေပးျခငး။

Page 6: Business and Human Rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact

• Launched in 1999 by UN Secretary General • UN ကလသမဂၢအေထြေထြ အတြငးေရးမႈးရးမ ၁၉၉၉ ခႏစတြင


• Initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption

• စးပြားေရးလပငနးမား၏လပေဆာငပ ႏင နညးဗဟာမားအတြကလ႔အခြငအေရး၊ အလပသမားေရးရာ သဘာဝပတဝနးကင ႏင လာဘေပးလာဘယမႈ တကဖကေရးတ႔ အားလးႏငသကဆငပါဝငေသာ မဝါဒ ၁၀ ခကႏငကကညစြာ ေဆာငရြကလာရန စတငပေဖၚျခငးျဖစသည။

• 20 986 business participants in over 135 countries. 320 business participants from Myanmar.

• ႏငငေပါငး ၁၃၅ႏငငေကာမ စးပြားေရးလပငနးေပါငး ၂၀၉၈၆ခပါဝငၿပးျဖစသည။ျမနမာႏငငမ စးပြားေရးလပငနးေပါငး ၃၂၀ မလပါဝငၿပးျဖစပါသည။

Page 7: Business and Human Rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact

……asks companies to embrace, support and enact, within their sphere of influence, a set of core values in the areas of:Human RightsPrinciple 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; andPrinciple 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

၄ငးတ႔၏ ၾသဇာသကေရာကမႈရေသာနယပယအတြငး ေအာကပါနယပယမားရပငမတနဖးမားကလကခၿပး အေထာကအပျပကာ အေရးထားေဆာငရြကရန ကမၸဏမားအား ေတာငးဆျခငးလ႔အခြငအေရးအေျခခမ ၁- စးပြားေရးလပငနးမားသည ႏငငတကာက လကခသေဘာတထားသညလ႔အခြငအေရး ကာကြယေစာငေရာကမႈက ေလးစားလကနာၿပး အေထာကအပျပရမည။အေျခခမ ၂- လ႔အခြငအေရးခးေဖာကမႈမားတြင မမတ႔ပါ၀ငပကသကမႈမရမေစရ။

Page 8: Business and Human Rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact

The UN Global Compact….

LabourPrinciple 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; andPrinciple 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

အလပသမားေရးရာအေျခခမ ၃ - စးပြားေရးလပငနးမားသည လြတလပစြာသငးပငးဖြ႕စညးျခငးက အားေပးၿပး၊မမအခြငေရးက အစအဖြ႕လက ေတာငးဆပငခြင၊ ႏစဖကညႏႈငး သေဘာတညမႈၿဖင႔ရယပငခြငကလညး ထထေရာကေရာကအသအမတျပမႈရရမည။အေျခခမ ၄- အဓမၼႏင မလပမေနရခငးေစေသာလပသား ပစအားလး ပေပာကေရးအေျခခမ ၅- ကေလးလပသားပေပာကေရးထေရာကစြာေဆာငရြကျခငး။အေျခခမ ၆- အလပခန႕ထားမႈႏင လပငနးခြငဆငရာ ခြျခားဆကဆမႈမားမ ပေပာကေရး

Page 9: Business and Human Rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact

The UN Global Compact

EnvironmentPrinciple 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; andPrinciple 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. Anti CorruptionPrinciple 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery

သဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကငအေျခခမ ၇- စးပြားေရးလပငနးမားသည သဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကငဆငရာစနေခၚမႈမားသ႕ သတထားခဥးကပမႈတစခက အေထာကအပျပရမည။အေျခခမ- သဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကငဆငရာ တာ၀န၀တရားပမယေရး လပငနးမားက ေဆာငရြကျခငးအေျခခမ ၉- သဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကငႏငသငေလာသည နညးပညာမား ဖြ႕ၿဖးေရးႏင ျပန႔ပြားေရးကအားေပးျခငး။အဂတလကစားမႈတကဖကေရးအေျခခမ ၁၀- စးပြားေရးလပငနးအားလးသည။ ျခမးေျခာကဖအားေပးျခငးႏငလာဘေပးျခငးအပါအ၀င အဂတလကစားမႈပစအားလးတကဖကေရးက လပေဆာငရမည။

Page 10: Business and Human Rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact

Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect internationally proclaimed human rights.

အေျခခမ ၁- စးပြားေရးလပငနးမားသည ႏငငတကာကလကခ သေဘာတထားသည လ႔အခြငအေရးကာကြယေစာငေရာကမႈမား က ေလးစားလကနာၿပးအေထာကအပျပရမည။


Page 11: Business and Human Rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact

Principle2 : Businesses should ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses

အေျခခမ ၂- လ႔အခြငအေရးခးေဖာကမႈမားတြငမမတ႔ပါ၀ငပကသကမႈမရမေစရ။


Page 12: Business and Human Rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact

Can you think of ways in whichcompanies can be involved in human rights?

လ႔အခြငအေရးတြငကမၸဏမားပါ၀ငပကသကႏငမညနညးလမးမားက စဥးစားပါ။


• Positively and negatively

• In the workplace

• Outside the workplace

• Directly

• Through theirbusiness relationships

• အေပါငးလကၡဏာေဆာငစြာႏင အႏတလကၡဏာေဆာငစြာ။

• လပငနးခြငတြင

• လပငနးခြငျပငပတြင

• တကရကအားျဖင

• မမတ႔၏ စးပြားေရးလပငနးအဆကအသြယမားမတစဆင

Page 13: Business and Human Rights including UN Guiding Principles and UN Global Compact

Company provides employment and fair wages to workers= supports right to work, to adequate standard of living

ကမၸဏမ အလပသမားမားက အလပေပးျခငးႏင လပအားခေကာငးေကာငးေပးျခငးအေကာငးမြနေသာအလပလပခြငေပးျခငး၊ ျပညစလေလာကေသာ ေနထငခငးေပးျခငး

Company provides health care for its workers and their famility= contributes to the right to health

ကမၸဏမ အလပသမားမားႏင မသားစမားကကနးမာေရးေစာငေရာကေပးျခငးကနးမာေရးေစာငေရာကခြငက ပါဝငကညျခငး

A company informs the community about a new project and seeks the views of the community= respects the right to information and participation

ကမၸဏမလပငနးအသစတစခစတငရနရပရြာလထ၏ အထငအျမငကသရရန ႀကတငသတငး ေပးျခငးသတငးအခကအလကႏင ပါဝငေဆာငရြကခြငက ပါဝငကညျခငး

A company produces and sells organically grown food at an accessible price to consumers= supports right to food, right to health, right to a healthy environment

ကမၸဏမ ဓါတေဗဒပစၥညးမပါေသာ အစားအေသာကမားက ဝယယသမားတတႏငေသာေဈးျဖငေရာငးခေပးျခငးအစားအေသာက၊ ကနးမာေရးႏင ကနးမာေသာ ပတဝနးကငျဖစခြငတ႔က ပါဝငကညျခငး

A company provides internet cheap access= enables the right to information, right to participation

ကမၸဏမေဈးႏႈနးသကသာေသာ အငတာနကသးစြႏငရန ေထာကပေပးျခငး။သတငးအခကလကရရႏငခြင၊ ပါဝငေဆာငရြကႏငခြငတ႔က ပါဝငကညျခငး


ဥပမာမား - လ႕အခြငအေရးမားအတြက ေကာငးမြနေသာလပေဆာငခကမား

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Company does not hire young women in age of having children

= Discrimination against women, violation of the right to work

ကမၸဏမ သားဖြားမညအမးသမးမားက အလပမချခငး။အမးသမမားက ခြျခားဆကဆျခငး၊

အလပလပပငခြငက ခးေဖာကျခငး

Company terminates contract of trade union representatives

= violation of the right to freedom of associationကမၸဏမ အလပသမား အဖြ႔အစညး ကယစားလယမားအားစာခပဖကသမးျခငးမား

လြတလပစြာ အသငးဖြ႔စညးခြငအားခးေဖာကျခငး

Company destroys informal settlement close to itsfactory

= violation of the right to housingကမၸဏမ စကရအနးတြင စနစမကေသာေနရာခထားမႈမားကဖကသမးလကျခငး။

အမယာရပငခြငက ခးေဖာကျခငး

Company’s waste water pollutes farmland= violation of the right to foodကမၸဏမ ေရဆး ဆြန႔ပစမႈမားသည လယယာမားကပကစထခကျခငး

အစားအစာရရမႈက ခးေဖာကျခငး Company sells unsafe food products to consumers

= violation of the right to healthကမၸဏမ စတမခရေသာ အစားအစာမားက သးစြသမားထေရာငးချခငး

ကနးမာစြာေနထငမႈက ခးေဖာကျခငး


မေကာငးမြနေသာ ဥပမာအခ ႕ - တကရကပါဝငျခငး

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Mining company contracts private security guards who sexually harass women of the community

= linked to violation of right to personal security, women´s rightsသတတးေဖာေရးလပငနးကမၸဏမ ငားယထားေသာ အေစာငမားသည ရပရြာမ အမးသမမားကလငပငးဆငရာ ေစာကားမႈမားျပလပျခငး

အမးသမးမားအခြငေရးျဖစေသာ ကယပငလၿခခြငရရမႈက ဆကႏြယေနသည။

Internet company provides government with private messages political opponents send on email which leads to their arrest

= complicit in violation of freedom of thoughts, expression, arbitrary arrestအငတာနကကမၸဏမ အစးရသ႔ အတကအခေခါငးေဆာငမားထမ သတငးအခကအလကမားကေထာကပေပးၿပး အထနးသမးခရေစျခငး။

လြတလပစြာေတြးေခၚျခငး၊ ထတေဖာေျပာဆျခငးႏငအာဏာရငဆန ဖမးစးမႈမားကပါဝငႀကစညျခငးျဖစသည

Garment company buys fabric from a supplier who uses child labour= linked to violations of children rights

ကေလးလပသားမားအသးျပေသာ ခညထညကနၾကမးထတသမားထမ အကၤစကရမားက ဝယယျခငး။ကေလးမားအခြငအေရးက ခးေဖာကမႈျဖငဆကႏြယေနသည။


မေကာငးမြနေသာ ဥပမာအခ ႕ - တကရကမဟတေသာ ပါဝငမႈမား

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State should protect the rightsof people against activities of businessတငးျပညမ ျပညသမား၏အခြငအေရးမားအား ဆန႔ကငေသာ စးပြားေရးလပငနးမားအားကာကြယေပးျခငး

Business should respect human rightsစးပြားေရးလပငနးမားမ လ႔အခြငအေရးမားအားေလးစားလကနာသငသည။

Victims of human rightsviolations should have access to a remedyလ႔အခြင အေရးခးေဖာကခထားရေသာ ျပညသမားအတြကျပနလညကစားေပးမႈမားရသငသည။

• Set out the expectations on business - စးပြားေရးလပငနးမား အေပၚ ေမာလငခကမား ခမတျခငး• Enforce laws and ensure those are in line with human rights - လကရဥပေဒမားႏင

လ႔အခြငအေရးက ဥပေဒသကေရာကမႈမား ကကညမႈ ရမရက စစေဆးရနex: Myanmar Human Rights Commission/ National Action Plan - ျမနမာႏငင

လ႔အခြငအေရးေကာမရင၊ ႏငင ေတာမအေကာငအထညေဖာမည စမကနး လပေဆာငခကမား• Coherence of national/local authorities ႏငငေတာအဆင၊ ေဒသအဆငအာဏာရသမားႏင

သဟဇာတ ရမႈ• Set the example ဥပမာတစခတညေဆာကရန• Encourage business to act responsibly စးပြားေရးမား တာဝနယမႈရစြာ ျပလပရန တကတြနးျခငး• Provide a remedy to victims လ႔အခြငအေရးခးေဖာကခရသမားက ျပနလညကစားေပးျခငး

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Respect Human RightsAll companies should respect all human rights - ကမၸဏအားလးသညလ႔အခြငအေရးမားက လေလးစားလကနာသငသည။• Commit to respect human rights - လ႔အခြငအေရးမားက လကနာရန

ကတကဝတ ျပျခငး• Due diligence: identify your risks and impacts, consult with stakeholders,

prevent and adress negative impacts - နညးလမးေကာငးမားလကနာျခငး -ေဘးအႏရယမားက သးသပေလလာျခငး၊ အျခားပါဝငသမားျဖင တငပငျခငး၊ဆးကးႏင အျခားသကေရာကမႈမားက ေဖာထတျခငးႏငကာကြယေျဖရငးျခငးမားျပလပျခငး

• Grievance mechanism - တငၾကားမႈအဆငဆင နညးလမးမား• Report on what you are doing - ဘာလပေနသညဆတာ တငျပျခငး

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As part of duty to protect, States must take steps to ensure access to effective remedy for business-related abuse within their territory/jurisdiction

၎၏ကာကြယရနတာ၀နတစရပအေနျဖင ႏငငေတာသည၎၏တရားစရငပငခြငနယေျမအတြငးရစးပြားေရးႏငဆကႏြယေနသညထခကနစနာမႈမားကထထေရာကေရာကကစားႏင၍စမေဆာငရြကရမည။(ဘကလကျခငး၊ အဂတလကျခငးႏင ႏငငေရးအသးခမႈမ ကငးရနလ )

judicial တရားရးဆငရာနညးလမးမား

administrative ရးပငးဆငရာ စမခန႔ခြမႈနညးလမးမား

legislative ဥပေဒျပျခငးႏငဆငေသာနညးလမးမား

or other appropriate means သ႔မဟတ အျခားသငေတာေသာနညးလမးမား

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Hotel zone is being created close to Mandalay airport. The land used for the hotel zone used to be farmland. Farmers who had no ownership title over the land were given lowcompensation and had to stop their activities. To implementthe project, a large amount of workers are migrating to find job opportunities.မႏေလးေလယာဥကြငးကပလကတြငဟတယဇနအသစတစခကေဖာေဆာငလကရသည။ ဟတယဇနမားေဖာေဆာငသည႔ ေနရာသည လယေျမမားၿဖစခ႔ၾကသည။ ေျမယာပငဆငခြငအေထာကအထားမရ ေသာလယသမားမားသညေလာေၾကးေငြနညးနညးသာရၾကၿပး ၄ငးတ႔ ၏လပငနးမားကရပရေတာမည။ စမကနးကအေကာငအထညေဖာရနအလပသမားေပါငး ေျမာကျမားစြာသည အလပအကငအခြငအလမးရာေဖြရန ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးလာ ၾကမညျဖစသည။

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- What are the changes the project might bring (social or natural environment)? - What could be the positive and negative impacts of the project?- Which rights-holders are impacted by the project? - Which are the human rights involved?

စမကနးေၾကာင ဘာအေျပာငးအလေတြျဖစေကာငးျဖစႏငမလ။ (လမႈဘ၀ သ႔မဟတသဘာ၀ပနးကငလား)

စမကနးက ဘယလအေပါငးလကၡဏာန႔ အႏတလကၡာေဆာငတသကေရာကမႈေတြျဖစလာႏငမလ။

စမကနးေၾကာင အခြင႔အေရး ရထကသ မညသမားက သကေရာကမႈျဖစေစလ။

မညသ႔ေသာ လ႔အခြငအေရးကစၥေတြ ပါ၀ငပကသကေနသလ။

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