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    o Updated 2014 Mar 17 06:53:00 AM: addition of bevacizumab to chemotherapy may

    improve overall survival in patients with advanced cervical cancer (N Engl J Med 201 !eb 20" viewupdate#how more updates

    Related Summaries:

    o $uman papillomavirus %N& testing

    o 'ervical cancer screeningo Management of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia ('N" and adenocarcinoma in situ ("o Management of abnormal cervical cytology

    o $uman papillomavirus vaccine

    )eneral nformation


    o invasive carcinoma originating in transformation zone of cervi*+ most commonly in s,uamous


    o second most common cancer in women worldwide+ third most common cause of female cancermortality(1+2+-"


    o histologic types

    s,uamous cell carcinoma is most fre,uent type accounting for two.thirds of cervicalcancers(1+2+-+"

    adenocarcinoma accounts for about 10/.20/ cervical cancers(1"

    o small cell carcinoma rare compared to s!uamous cell carcinoma or

    cer"ical adenocarcinoma based on retrospective cohort study evaluating incidence of small cell+

    s,uamous cell+ and adenocarcinoma of cervi* 1 to 200- from #urveillance+Epidemiology+ and End esults (#EE" database

    mean annual incidence of cervical cancer per 100+000 women

    small cell carcinoma 0304

    adenocarcinoma 132

    s,uamous cell carcinoma 434

    eference . 5bstet )ynecol 2006 Jun7111(4"81-

    o other rare histologic types

    clear cell carcinoma(-"

    neuroendocrine carcinoma(-"

    glassy cell carcinoma ()ynecol 5ncol 201 !eb early online"

    #$o is most a%ected:

    o women aged -0.9 years(9"

    o 60/ of new cases occur in resource.poor countries(1+-"

    o ma:ority of cases are in women who have never had a ;ap smear or participated regularly incytology screening program(9"

    o women with $< infection("

    o women living in rural =nited #tates have higher incidence of cervical cancer based on nationaldata 16 to 2001 with -+4 cases of cervical cancer (5bstet )ynecol 200 #ep7110(-"8461"


    o in developed countries(1+2"

    decreasing incidence of s,uamous cell carcinoma due to screening capacity andavailability of human papilloma virus vaccine

    increasing incidence of adenocarcinoma

    o estimated )lo*al cer"ical cancer incidence 454+000 cases in 2010

    based on population.based cancer registries+ vital registration data+ and verbalautopsy data from 16 countries from 160 to 2010

    cervical cancer incidence annual rate increased -31/ from -6+000 cases in 160

    200+000 cervical cancer.related deaths in 2010 including 4+000 women aged 19.years living in developing countries
  • 7/21/2019 ca serviks ebsco.docx


    eference . >ancet 2011 5ct 227-6(601"8141+ editorial can be found in>ancet 20115ct 227-6(601"812

    o 4,3 per 100+000 annual incidence o- cer"ical cancer in .omen / 40 ears old in

    United States

    based on two population.based cancer registries

    mean -+04- cases of invasive cervical carcinoma noted annually in women ? 0 years

    old from 1 to 2006

    annual incidenceo 3- per 100+000 women ? 0 years old

    o 13 per 100+000 women aged 20.2 yearso 0319 per 100+000 women aged 19.1 years

    eference . 5bstet )ynecol 2012 Nov7120(9"8111o ,1 per 100+000 .omen a)eadusted incidence o- cancer o- cer"i uteri in United


    based on annual report of cancer status in =nited #tates with data for 200- to 200

    incidence varied with ethnicity from 3 per 100+000 &sian@;aciAc slander women to1239 per 100+000 $ispanic women death rates for cancer of cervi* uteri 23 per 100+000 women+ varied withethnicity from 231 per 100+000 &sian@;aciAc slander women to 3 per 100+000 blacBwomen

    eference .J Natl 'ancer nst 2011 May 710-("81 Shost 8ull Tetfull.

    te*to 257,2 per 100+000 personears incidence o- in"asi"e cer"ical carcinoma in .omen

    .it$out prior (ap screenin)

    based on retrospective cohort study

    9+-0 women with cytologic atypical s,uamous cells of undetermined signiAcance('.=#" from national cervical cancer screening database in Caiwan

    overall incidence rate 1939 cases invasive cervical cancer per 100+000 person.years

    23- cases invasive cervical cancer per 100+000 person.years in screened persons vs32932 cases in unscreened groups (hazard ratio 236+ p ? 03001"

    eference . 5bstet )ynecol 200 &pr711-("8666

    o 3641 per 100+000 .omenears cumulati"e incidence o- cer"ical cancer a-ter 3consecuti"e ne)ati"e smear tests

    based on prospective cohort study

    216+6 women aged 9.9 years and 9+-62 women aged -0. years at time ofthird consecutive negative smear test were followed up to 10 years

    cumulative incidence rate of cervical cancer 1 in younger women vs3 -4 in olderwomen per 100+000 woman.years (not signiAcant"

    cumulative incidence rate of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade D 1 twice as highin younger women vs3 older women (p ? 03001"

    eference . MJ 200 &pr 27--68b1-9 Shost 8ull Tetfull.te*t+editorial

    can be found inMJ 200 &pr 27--68b60 Shost 8ull Teto 639 per 100+000 females rate of invasive cervical cancer in 2002 (declined from 1032 in 16"

    in =nited #tates (5bstet )ynecol 200 !eb710(2 ;t 1"8-40"+ correction can be found in 5bstet)ynecol 200 &pr710("81002


    o persistent infection with oncogenic types of human papillomavirus ($;

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    -1+ --+ -+ 4+ -+ 9+ -+ and 92 (M' nfect %is 201- &ug 1-71-(1"8-- Shost 8ullTetfull.te*t"

    151 di%erent 9( tpes s$ould *e considered $i)$ris; tpeso based on pooled analysis of case.control studies

    o pooled analysis of 11 case.control studies with 1+16 women with s,uamous

    cell cervical cancer and 1+26 control womeno high.risB types included 14+ 16+ -1+ --+ -9+ -+ 9+ 91+ 92+ 94+ 96+ 9+ 46+ -+

    62+ and probably 24+ 9-+ and 44o low.risB types included 4+ 11+ 0+ 2+ -+ + 9+ 41+ 0+ 2+ 61+ and ';4106

    o eference . N Engl J Med 200- !eb 47-6(4"8916+editorial can be found inNEngl J Med 200- !eb 47-6(4"86+commentary can be found in N Engl J Med 200- May197-6(20"8200+ N Engl J Med 200- &ug 7-(4"841

    o 9(16 associated .it$ cer"ical cancer

    based on analysis of - patients with adenocarcinoma of cervi* and 1-2 patients withs,uamous cell carcinoma of cervi* in taly

    $;< infection in 2/ with adenocarcinoma and 69/ in s,uamous cell carcinoma

    $; and cer"ical cancer

    based on prospective cohort study

    911 women with 'N - or cervical cancer at 1 center had test for $;< %N&

    after e*clusion of inade,uate samples and@or further histologic review+ $;< %N&associated with all conArmed 'N - and cervical cancero among 1 with 'N -+ were $;

  • 7/21/2019 ca serviks ebsco.docx


    o nodal spread common+ usually occurs in stepwise manner to pelvic lymph nodes+ then to para.aortic nodes(2"

    o pelvic nodal involvement by nternational !ederation of )ynecology and 5bstetrics staging

    (!)5 stage" estimated to occur in(2"

    19/ of patients with stage disease

    -0/ of patients with stage disease

    9/ of patients with stage diseaseo peritoneal and distant metastatic disease uncommon+ more liBely with recurrent disease (2"

    >iBely risB factors8

    er"ical intraepit$elial neoplasia =&:

    o estimated annual incidence o- &< 2,7 per 1+000 .omen in ?aiser (ermanente$ealt$ plan =re)on+ United States> -rom 1@@7 to 2002

    based on observational cohort study of 190+092 women

    annual rate of routine cervical cancer screening 23 per 1+000 with rate of cytologicabnormalities 13 per 1+000

    cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 1 ('N 1" annual incidence 132 per 1+000+highest among women aged 20.2 years (931 per 1+000"

    'N 2 or 'N - annual incidence 139 per 1+000+ highest among women aged 29.2years (631 per 1+000"

    eference . &m J 5bstet )ynecol 200 Jul711(1"8109o pre"ious treatment -or cer"ical intraepit$elial neoplasia )rade 3 =&< 3> associated

    .it$ increased ris; o- in"asi"e cer"ical cancer

    based on prospective cohort study

    1-2+- women with severe dysplasia or cervical carcinoma in situ (e,uivalent to 'N-" in #weden from 196 to 2002+ followed for 2+-19+2 person.years

    standardized incidence ratio for cervical cancer 23- (9/ ' 2316.239" compared to#wedish general female population

    eference . MJ 200 Nov 27--9(42"810 Shost 8ull Tetfull.te*t+

    editorial can be found in MJ 200 Nov 27--9(112"8109- Shost 8ull Teto .omen treated -or &< $a"e increased ris; -or cer"ical cancer -or at least 20 ears

    based on retrospective cohort study of +94 women treated for 'N and followed for 2.2 years

    invasive cervical cancer developed in 22 (03-/"+ about - times higher than incidencein general population

    eference . MJ 2009 Nov 17--1(924"8116- Shost 8ull Tetfull.te*t

    9uman papilloma"irus =9(> in-ection:

    o $;

  • 7/21/2019 ca serviks ebsco.docx


    1+22 (1/" younger women and (-34/" older women had high.risB $;< positivityat baseline

    atypia developed during follow.up in

    o 6/ younger and / older women without $; in-ection associated .it$ increased ris; o-cer"ical intraepit$elial neoplasia =& and $i)$)rade s!uamous intraepit$elial lesion

    =9S&B> based on systematic review limited by heterogeneity

    systematic review of 1 studies with F 22+900 women comparing women with

    persistent $;< infection vs3 womeno without $;< infection ( studies"

    o with transient $;< infection (1- studies"o with mi*ed $;< status (11 studies"

    studies (- randomized trials+ -6 cohort studies with 4 nested case.controls" varied inbaseline status of population+ deAnition of $;< persistence+ and reporting of relative risBs

    persistent $;< infection associated with increased risB of cervical intraepithelialneoplasia grade 2 ('N 2"+ 'N -+ or $#> compared to women negative for $; or cervical cancer incidence 3 in 1+000 person.years in women with $< vs3 13-in 1+000 person.years in women without $< (p ? 0309"

    eference . 5bstet )ynecol 2006 Jun7111(4"81-66o 9& in-ection associated .it$ increased ris; -or cer"ical )landular a*normalities

    based on prospective cohort study

    6+-42 ;ap smears of 2+1 women with $< infection and 9 women without $ancet200 Nov 107-0(9"8191

    DynaMed commentary.. observational studies cannot establish oral contraceptives asdirect contributing factor

    o increasin) durations o- oral contracepti"e use associated .it$ increased ris; -orcer"ical cancer

    based on systematic review of mostly case.control studies

    systematic review of review of 1 cohort and 2 case.control studies evaluating risBfactors in 12+9-1 women with cervical cancer

    compared with never users of oral contraceptives+ '5's associated with increased risBfor cervical cancero with use ? 9 years (relative risB HI 131+ 9/ ' 131.132"

    o with use 9.10 years ( 134+ 9/ ' 13.13"o with use F 10 years ( 232+ 9/ ' 13.23"

    eference . >ancet 200- &pr 97-41(-4"8119 Shost 8ull Tet+ commentary

    can be found in >ancet 200- May -17-41(-2"8119 Shost 8ull Tet

    DynaMed commentary.. even with ad:ustments+ study cannot distinguish medication

    eGects from behavioral diGerences between groupso lon)term use o- $ormonal contracepti"es ma *e associated .it$ increased ris; -or

    cer"ical cancer in .omen .it$ $uman papilloma"irus in-ection

    based on meta.analysis without systematic search

    meta.analysis of 10 case.control studies with 1+941 patients with invasive cervical

    cancer+ 22 with carcinoma in situ+ and 1+14 controls analysis limited to patients positive for human papilloma virus ($;

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    eference . >ancet 2002 Mar -07-9(-12"81069 Shost 8ull Tet+ editorial

    can be found in >ancet 2002 Mar -07-9(-12"81060 Shost 8ull Tet socioeconomic status:

    o lower level of education associated with increasing risB for cervical intraepithelial neoplasiagrade - ('N -" or carcinoma in -+1-- women with oncogenic $;< infection ( 'ancer 2009 Jul1710(1"841full.te*t"

    Diet$lstil*estrol eposure in utero:o diethylstilbestrol e*posure in utero (%E#.e*posed daughters" has conKicting evidence for

    cervical cancer risB

    DS eposure in utero ma increase ris; -or cer"ical cancero based on study of ,uestionnaire responses from 9+21 %E#.e*posed daughters

    aged 1.9 and medical record reviewo 109 women reported 111 cancers including 46 cervical cancerso prevalence ratio for conArmed cervical cancer 93 (9/ ' 236.39" signiAcantly

    elevated compared to 2322 e*pected number of tumors (based on age and period speciAcprevalence rates"

    o eference . N Engl J Med 2000 Jun 197-2(2"816-6full.te*t

    DS eposure in utero ma not *e not associated .it$ cer"ical cancero based on retrospective cohort study

    o ,uestionnaire and medical record review of +9-4 %E#.e*posed daughters and1+9 une*posed daughters with average 14 years follow.up and 60/ response rateo - cases of vaginal clear cell adenocarcinoma among e*posed daughters+ no

    statistically signiAcant diGerences in other cancerso authors note that %E#.e*posed daughters were only average age of -6 at last

    follow.up+ further surveillance needed to determine risB during menopauseo eference .J&M& 16 &ug 17260("84-0full.te*t

    o diet$lstil*estrol =DS> eposure in utero associated .it$ increased li-etime ris; o-

    C cer"ical intraepit$elial neoplasia )rade 2 =&< 2>

    based on retrospective cohort study of +49- women e*posed to %E# in utero and1+2 women without %E# e*posure

    %E# e*posure associated with increased risB of D 'N 2 compared to no e*posure(43/ vs3 -3/+ p ? 0309"

    eference . N Engl J Med 2011 5ct 47-49(1"81-0

    reast cancer c$emot$erap:o *reast cancer patients recei"in) c$emot$erap and al;latin) a)ent ma *e at

    increased ris; -or &< compared to .omen treated .it$ oop$orectom

    based on small cohort study

    24 women with breast cancer previously enrolled in clinical trial evaluatingcombination chemotherapy and alBylating agent vs3 oophorectomy had cytologic andcolposcopic screening

    cervical biopsies taBen if colposcopic abnormality detected

    incidence of 'No -1/ (6 of 24" overallo -/ (4 of 1" among breast cancer patients treated with chemotherapy and

    alBylating agent+ including 1 case of 'N 2 and 1 case of 'N -o 1/ (2 of 12" among breast cancer patients treated with oophorectomy (1/"

    with 'N+ no cases of 'N 2 or 'N -

    eference . r J 'ancer 1- May74(9"81062;%!

    !actors not associated with increased risB8

    o herpes simple* virus type 2 not associated with cervical cancer in case.control study (&m JEpidemiol 2002 5ct 197194(6"846full.te*t"

    o use o- intrauterine de"ice associated .it$ reduced ris; o- cer"ical cancer

    based on pooled analysis of observational studies
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    o +1 women with cervical cancer and 2+21 women without cervical cancerfrom 10 case.control studies

    o 19+22 women (1-+1 human papillomavirus H$;ancet 5ncol2011 5ct712(11"864

    'omplications and &ssociated 'onditions


    Disease complications:

    o lymphedema(may also be treatment related" in 1 or both lower limbs (9"

    o complications due to advanced disease progression(9"

    renal failure+ ureteric obstruction (from lymphadenopathy or tumor invasion"

    thrombosis and hemorrhage

    rectovaginal or vesicovaginal Astulas (rare"o se*ual dysfunction

    many women with cervical cancer e*perience se*ual problems (disease or treatmentrelated" due to vaginal changes and@or hormonal changes including(9"

    o loss of libido

    o change in se*ual activity

    o decreased orgasm

    women who have been treated for cervical cancer more liBely than controls withoutcancer to have persistent vaginal changes that compromise se*ual activity (N Engl J Med 1May 47-0(16"81-6-full.te*t"

    review of se*ual morbidity after radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer can be foundin E*pert ev &nticancer Cher 2010 Jul710("810-

    omplications o- radiation t$erap:o acute radiation to*icity may include(2"



    irritative bladder symptoms

    o acute to*icity is increased when concomitant chemotherapy is given+ especially(1+2+9"

    hematologic eGects (anemia+ leuBopenia+ thrombocytopenia"

    gastrointestinal eGects

    o late radiation side eGects (occur D - months after completion of radiation therapy" (2+9"

    small bowel obstruction


    rectal bleeding

    rectosigmoid stenosis

    ureteric stricture

    bladdero urinary fre,uency+ urgency

    o dysuriao detrusor instability

    o hematuriao ulceration

    o about 1/ risB of radiation.related second malignancy in long.term survivors (2"
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    o radiation t$erap -or cer"ical cancer associated .it$ ad"erse "a)inal c$an)es andpersistent seual pro*lems

    based on prospective cohort study

    116 patients completed validated ,uestionnaire at termination of radiation therapy forlocally advanced+ recurrent+ or persistent cervical cancer and 1+ -+ 4+ 12+ 16+ and 2 monthsafter treatment

    eGects reported by patients throughout 2.year periodo low or no se*ual interest 69/o dyspareunia 99/

    o reduced vaginal dimension 90/o never or only occasionally able to complete se*ual intercourse 9/

    o lacB of lubrication -9/o dissatisAed with their se*ual life -0/

    4-/ of patients se*ually active before having cancer remained se*ually active+ butwith decreased fre,uency

    eference . nt J adiat 5ncol iol ;hys 200- Jul 19794("8-o risB of pelvic fracture may be increased in older women

    radiation t$erap -or cer"ical cancer associated .it$ increased rate o- pel"ic-ractures in older .omen and postmenopausal .omeno based on retrospective review

    o medical records and posttreatment computed tomography ('C" scan ormagnetic resonance imaging (M" reviewed for -00 women who received radiationtherapy for cervical cancer

    o pelvic fractures occurred in 2 patients (3/"+ median time to detection offracture 131 months from completion of radiation therapy

    o 1- patients (9/" were symptomatic

    o comparing women who developed a fracture vs3 women with no fracture

    median age 9439 years vs3 43 years (p 030"

    postmenopausal status 42/ vs3 -/ (p 030-"

    body mass inde* 24 Bg@m2vs3 26 Bg@m2(p 030-"

    o eference . 'ancer 2010 !eb 17114(-"8429full.te*t

    pel"ic irradiation -or anal cancer =and possi*l -or cer"ical or rectal cancer>associated .it$ increased ris; o- pel"ic -racture in older .omen =le"el 2 midle"elEe"idence>o based on retrospective study of 4+26 women F 49 years old with pelvic

    malignancies+ including 994 women with anal cancer+ 1+409 with cervical cancer+ and+24 with rectal cancer

    o rates of pelvic fracture in women who had pelvic irradiation vs3 women who didnot have pelvic irradiation (nonirradiated" cervical cancer . / vs3 9/+ after ad:usting for length of follow.up+

    cumulative 9.year fracture rate was 632/ vs3 93/+ hazard ratio for women withcervical cancer 1344 (p 030-"

    anal cancer . 1/ vs3 9/+ after ad:usting for length of follow.up+

    cumulative 9.year fracture rate was 1/ vs3 39/ rectal cancer . / vs3 /+ after ad:usting for length of follow.up+

    cumulative 9.year fracture rate was 1132/ vs3 63/o eference .J&M& 2009 Nov 2-.-072(20"8296full.te*t+editorial can be found

    inJ&M& 2009 Nov 2-.-072(20"824-9

    &ssociated conditions8

    o $< infection(4"

    increased prevalence and persistence of other human papillomavirus ($;

  • 7/21/2019 ca serviks ebsco.docx


    cervical intraepithelial neoplasia associated with detection of $ associated .it$ increasedris; -or cer"ical s!uamous cell carcinoma+ e"en a-ter adustin) -or $umanpapilloma"irus =9(> serolo) and serum cotinine le"els =mar;er o- smo;in)>

    based on case.control study of 126 women with invasive cervical s,uamous cell

    carcinoma at least 12 months after serum collection and - matched controls ad:usted odds ratio for cervical s,uamous cell carcinoma with any

    positive Chlamydiaserology was 239 (9/ ' 13.3-"

    odds ratios varied for speciAc Chlamydiaserotypes

    eference .J&M& 2001 Jan -7269(1"8full.te*t+ editorial can be found inJ&M& 2001Jan -7269(1"861+ commentary can be found inJ&M& 2001 &pr 7269(1-"810-

    o *acterial "a)inosis ma *e associated .it$ cer"ical intraepit$elial neoplasia

    based on systematic review of observational studies

    systematic review of 21 studies including 11+994 women plus 1+9-+9 smearsevaluating bacterial vaginosis and cervical cancer

    meta.analysis limited by signiAcant clinical and statistical heterogeneity

    rates of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia were higher in women with bacterialvaginosis.positive status compared to negative status (odds ratio 1391+ 9/ ' 132.136-" inanalysis of 20 studies

    eference . ;>o# 5ne 20127(10"8e9201 Shost 8ull Tetfull.te*to anal intraepithelial neoplasia andanal cancer

    model .it$ 3 ris; -actors ma $elp to predict anal intraepit$elial neoplasiain .omen .it$ )enital dsplasiao based on cohort study without independent validation

    o -2 women with biopsy.conArmed diagnosis of genital intraepithelial neoplasia

    (vulvar+ vaginal+ or cervical" had both anal cytology and anoscopyo 134/ had anal intraepithelial neoplasia

    o - risB factors associated with anal intraepithelial neoplasia

    vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia H

  • 7/21/2019 ca serviks ebsco.docx


    16+204 cases of in situ or invasive cervical+ vulvar+ or vaginal

    neoplasm followed for 1-6+99-+91 person.years for development of primary analcancer compared with e*pected ratios in unaGected matched controls from the generalpopulation

    anal cancer developed in 299 women with gynecologic neoplasm

    (aggregate standardized incidence ratio 1-34+ 9/ ' 113.193-" standardized incidence ratio for anal cancer among women with

    in situ vulvar cancer 2232 (9/ ' 143.263" invasive vulvar cancer 13 (9/ ' 1139.23"

    in situ cervical cancer 143 (9/ ' 1-3.132"

    invasive cervical cancer 432 (9/ ' 31.63"

    in situ vaginal cancer 34 (9/ ' 23.1934"

    invasive vaginal cancer 136 (9/ ' 032.93-"

    eference . 5bstet )ynecol 2011 Mar711(-"84-

    $istory and ;hysical


    $ie- concern =>:


    early stage disease usually asymptomatic and detected by cervical smear(-"

    symptoms at presentation reported in about 14/.-2/ of women (9"

    o vaginal bleeding or blood.stained vaginal discharge(-+9"

    may be postcoital+ intermenstrual+ postmenopausal+ or spontaneous

    ris; -or cer"ical cancer in .omen .it$ postcoital *leedin) not .ell

    esta*lis$ed *ut appears lo.o based on systematic review

    o -6 studies which reported or allowed calculation of prevalence or incidence ofpostcoital bleeding women in the community+ women in primary or secondary care+ orwomen with cervical cancer

    o point prevalence of postcoital bleeding in community ranged from 03/ to /women+ 4/ annual cumulative incidence reported in 1 study

    o prevalence of postcoital bleeding in women with cervical cancer ranged from

    03/ to -/o estimated risB of cervical cancer in women with postcoital bleeding ranges

    from 1 in +000 at age 20.2 years to 1 in 2+00 at age 9.9 yearso eference . r J )en ;ract 2004 Jun794(92"89-full.te*t+ commentary can be

    found in &m !am ;hysician 2004 5ct 197(6"810o lymphedema in lower e*tremities (from lymphatic compression of locally invaded pelvic lymph


    o pelvic pain if lymph nodes involved(-+9"

    o may have bacBache(9"

    Medication $istor:

    o asB about use of oral contraceptives

    (ast medical $istor =(M9>:

    o history of abnormal cervical smear or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

    o history of infection with human papilloma viruso asB about obstetrical history

    Social $istor =S9>:

    o asB about early onset se*ual activity+ multiple partners+ se*ually transmitted infections (1"

    o asB about history of cigarette smoBing

  • 7/21/2019 ca serviks ebsco.docx



    o cervical lesion may be seen on pelvic e*am(-"

    o inKamed or friable cervi*+ may bleed on contact (9"


    MaBing the diagnosis8

    o most women diagnosed as part of evaluation of abnormal ;ap smear+ with or without

    symptoms (such as vaginal bleeding or other discharge"+ using colposcopically directed cervicalbiopsy(9"

    o other methods of diagnosis include

    cervical biopsy of grossly visible or palpable lesion

    cone biopsy (via laser or cold Bnife cone" if microinvasion or early stage cervicalcarcinoma suspected

    eference . 5bstet )ynecol 2002 May7(9 ;t 1"8699

    see#urgery and other procedures for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia ('N" foradditional information

    %iGerential diagnosis8

    o Chlamydia trachomatisor other se*ually transmitted infection in women presenting with (9"

    complaint of vaginal bleeding+ serosanguineous vaginal discharge+ pelvic pain

    inKamed or friable cervi*o endometrial adenocarcinoma

    Cesting overview8

    o cervical biopsyfor diagnosis of cervical cancer

    o imagingfor clinical staging and risB assessment

    magnetic resonance imaging (M"

    computed tomography ('C" scan

    positron emission tomography (;EC" thoracic 'C scan

    o surgical staging. pretreatment surgical assessment of pelvic and para.aortic lymph nodes

    o sentinel lymph node biopsy

    lood tests8

    o serum hemoglobin (treatment for radiation.induced anemiarecommended if hemoglobin falls? 12g@d> H120 g@>I"(9"

    maging studies8

    Recommendations -or radiolo)ic sta)in):o #cottish ntercollegiate )uidelines NetworB (#)N" recommendations for radiologic staging of

    cervical cancer

    perform magnetic resonance imaging (M" on all patients with visible+ biopsy.provencervical carcinoma+ e*cept patients with stage < disease (#)N )rade "

    for women with clinically apparent stage < disease+ perform postcontrast spiral ormultislice computed tomography ('C" scans of chest+ abdomen+ and pelvis ( #)N )rade "

    M scan should include (#)N )rade '"

    o thin section C2.weighted images perpendicular to cervi*o se,uences to include urinary tract and para.aortic nodal areas
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    consider postcontrast spiral 'C as alternative to M in patients who cannot have M(#)N )rade "

    for patients not suitable for surgery+ consider positron emission tomography (;EC" scan(#)N )rade '"

    if imaging cannot e*clude bladder or bowel involvement+ use cystoscopy andsigmoidoscopy (do not use cystoscopy and sigmoidoscopy routinely for staging" (#)N )rade'"

    ultrasound+ < urography+ and lymphangiography not recommended for staging (#)N)rade '"

    o 'ancer 'are 5ntario (''5" e*pert consensus recommendations on ;EC imaging in cervicalcancer

    ;EC imaging recommended for women with recurrence who are candidates for pelvice*enteration or chemoradiation with curative intent

    ;EC imaging not recommended foro diagnosis of cervical cancer

    o staging early stage cervical cancero predicting response to chemoradiation therapy

    insuLcient evidence to maBe recommendation for or against ;EC imagingo for evaluation of suspected recurrence

    o for staging advanced cervical cancer

    eference . ''5 recommendation report on ;EC imaging in cervical cancer can be

    found at''5 200 Jan 4 ;%!orNational )uideline 'learinghouse 2010 May 28191-

    Radiolo)ic sta)in) o- cer"ical cancer:

    o also Bnown as clinical stagingo M and 'C(1+2++9"

    M preferred to 'C scan and should include pelvic and abdominal imagingo better than 'C for tumor e*tension assessment

    o e,ual to 'C for nodal involvement assessment

    M and 'C have low sensitivities for nodal assessment

    M sensitivity improved by use of ultra.small particles of iron o*ide (=#;5" ascontrast agent

    o ;EC combined with 'C the most accurate noninvasive method for detecting nodal


    o thoracic 'C scan may be useful . more accurate than chest *.ray for identifying(1+9"

    pleural eGusions thoracic nodal status

    parenchymal metastases

    o MR& .it$ or .it$out )adolinium en$ancement ma conGrm lmp$ node metastasesin cer"ical cancer+ *ut ne)ati"e test cannot rule out lmp$ node in"ol"ement =le"el 2midle"elE e"idence>

    based on systematic review of studies with clinical heterogeneity

    systematic review of -2 studies with 1+02 patients with cancer assessing M forpatient level diagnosis of lymph node metastaseso cancers included rectal+ colon+ breast+ cervical+ lung+ head and necB+

    esophageal+ pancreatic+ renal cell+ urinary bladder+ gall bladder+ endometrial+ ovarian+ andgastric cancers

    o 9 trials of lymph node assessment in cervical cancer with 14 patients

    reference standard was histopathologic e*amination

    unclear blinding of inde* test results during interpretation of reference standard in

    most studies

    in subgroup analysis of 9 studies evaluating detection of metastasis in pelvic and para.aortic nodes+ M hado sensitivity -/ (9/ ' -/.9/"

    o speciAcity 2/ (9/ ' 62/.4/"

    for patient level diagnosis of lymph node metastases across all malignancies studied

    o M with single malignancy criterion had 1/ sensitivity+ 66/ speciAcity in

    analysis of 11 studies
  • 7/21/2019 ca serviks ebsco.docx


    o M with multiple malignancy criteria and no gadolinium enhancement had/ sensitivity+ 64/ speciAcity in analysis of 4 studies

    o M with multiple malignancy criteria and gadolinium enhancement had 6/

    sensitivity+ 62/ speciAcity in analysis of studies

    eference .J Natl 'ancer nst 2010 !eb 27102("82 Shost 8ull Tetfull.te*t

    o18Huorodeo)lucose (T =8DI(T> a-ter MR& ma not impro"e sur"i"al in

    patients .it$ cer"ical cancer *ut ma increase detection o- etrapel"ic metastases=le"el 2 midle"elE e"idence>

    based on randomized trial without blinding

    12 patients (mean age 9- years" with newly diagnosed !)5 stage. ma impro"e pro)ression-ree sur"i"al compared to

    sur)ical sta)in) =pretreatment sur)ical paraaortic lmp$ node assessment> in patients

    .it$ locall ad"anced cer"ical cancer =le"el 3 lac;in) directE e"idence> based on nonclinical outcomes from small randomized trial

    41 patients aged --.0 years with locally advanced cervical cancero randomized to clinical staging by imaging ('C scan or M" vs3 pretreatment

    surgical assessment of para.aortic metastasiso further randomized in surgical group to laparoscopic vs3 e*traperitoneal


    trial terminated at median 96 months due to increased risB for relapse@persistence ordeath with surgical staging (hazard ratio -31-+ 9/ ' 132.436"

    clinical staging associated with increased (up to 2 years posttermination"o survival (p 0300-"o overall survival (p 0302"

    eference . )ynecol 5ncol 200- &pr76(1"8140

    no additional trials found in 'ochrane review comparing pretreatment surgical para.aortic lymph node assessment vs3 radiologic staging in women with locally advanced cervicalcancer ('ochrane %atabase #yst ev 201- Mar 267(-"8'%00621"

    o editorial discussion of M of pelvis can be found in MJ 2000 May 27-20(2"811Shost 8ull Tetfull.te*t

    &ma)in) -or detectin) recurrence:

    o (T'T ma *e sensiti"e and speciGc -or cer"ical cancer recurrence *ut ma not *esu*stantiall more accurate t$an MR& and'or T alone =le"el 2 midle"elE e"idence>

    based on systematic review of diagnostic cohort studies with methodologic limitations