city vision (2) 黃凡與林燿德 image source. outline general introduction 黃凡 and...

City Vision (2) 黃黃黃黃黃黃 Image sour ce

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Page 1: City Vision (2) 黃凡與林燿德 Image source. Outline General Introduction 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 林燿德 and his poems

City Vision (2)City Vision (2)


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Page 2: City Vision (2) 黃凡與林燿德 Image source. Outline General Introduction 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 林燿德 and his poems


General Introduction 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 林燿德 and his poems

Page 3: City Vision (2) 黃凡與林燿德 Image source. Outline General Introduction 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 林燿德 and his poems

General Introduction

Concept City and Lived City are not mutually exclusive. We can have both.

Concept our memory, desire and vision of ‘the city.’

Page 4: City Vision (2) 黃凡與林燿德 Image source. Outline General Introduction 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 林燿德 and his poems

City Vision (1)

Two perspectives: of a bird, of a bug, from a tall building, or on a street.

Different Ways of Looking at a City (next time; Multiple Sites with multiple Sights & Desires)

Different Ways of Imagining/Conceptualizing a City and its po

• perspectives: detached, critical, participatory; abstraction, aestheticizing, historicizing, Subliminal imprint, etc.

• From different social positions: city planners, artists, workers, children, etc.

Page 5: City Vision (2) 黃凡與林燿德 Image source. Outline General Introduction 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 林燿德 and his poems

City Vision: (2)


& Conceptualization

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City Vision (3): What and How do we see? Can we see the city as a whole?

1. City of Spectacle – We are bombarded by images• filled with images; can be artistic;

• implosion of images nothing but images;

2. The city watches over us – e.g. Traffic control, census, TV wall, surveillance camera, etc.

33 Can we escape from the system?

Page 7: City Vision (2) 黃凡與林燿德 Image source. Outline General Introduction 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 林燿德 and his poems

黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 From 都市生活--• 〈系統的多重關係〉 都市生活的少年期• 〈如何測量水溝的深度〉都市生活的成年期

近作《躁鬱的國家》 (intro)

林燿德和黃凡合編 :『新世代小說大系』「都市卷」

Page 8: City Vision (2) 黃凡與林燿德 Image source. Outline General Introduction 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 黃凡 and 〈系統的多重關係〉 林燿德 and his poems

〈系統的多重關係〉 : Starting Questions

The story of 賴仲達 , how he “luckily” avoid being dismissed from school and unfortunately stays within its control.

What are the main sites of ‘the system’? The people supporting their power? And the signs to represent their power?

How does the narrator deal with or resist the signs which represent system control? How about the others? How are they interrelated (to constitute the multiple relations of the urban system)?

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The Sites of ‘the system’ & their People’s support and deviation School principal (163) , 訓育會議 (157) , cl

ass advisor (pp. 156; 162) Supermarket (165; another example); the man

ager and VIP card (167-68); customers 169; Company pp. 176 – operator, maid, office ladie

s, the boss and secretary Family parents 172; Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall 174-75

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The Signs of System Control School (1) Number: (p. 154-55) The Walls & slogans

(p. 154) another example

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The Signs of System Control School (1) The Walls: another example –self-expression Blue Gate Crossing

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The Signs of System Control School (2) Scribbling and drawing on other places – p. 1

60 – Mailbox, toilet,

The notebook of ( 訓導主任) the Directorof Students Affairs.

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賴仲達’ s rebellion At the supermarket p. 170 Takes a real action p. 181 (after knowing

that the father is coming to school to have a meeting)

Has genuine experience/knowledge outside of different sounds• those of wind and his panting p. 185

• A motorcyclist 189

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賴仲達’ s dead ends Cannot escape Thoughts of family and his ‘system’

control p/ 191 Limitation of his mobility: Back to school

192 his vision of the school 195 What does he hear at the end? What

does he know? P. 197, 198

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Multiple Relations in the System1. The father and the principal

– who likes green color (179; 154) The look of the principal at the father p. 191;


2. Structure: fragments connected with 「補充說明」 (connecting the people in power and their activities) 「同一時間」(connecting people in blank gaze pp 183-184; their solving the problem )

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林燿德 輔 仁 大 學 法 律 系 畢 業 在八○年代,首倡都市文學,並且以詩、

散文、小說、評論各種文類創作。 鄭明娳認為他作品中的「都市」定義,

是指「社會發展的變遷、矛盾與衝突的人文觀照」,而且他具有「一個現代主義 /後現代主義過渡者的複雜性格」 (鄭明娳 〈林燿德論〉頁 702 )。 (source: )

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都市迷宮、作家導遊 迷宮是人類文明本身,也是現代都會擴張發展的原型。從散文集『迷宮零件』中,包括「生命零件」、「公寓零件」、「人類零件」、「地球零件」的構成上可以看出,任何現代生活和宇宙生命的組成要素都是「零件」。

作家是「迷宮」的導遊,「只不過導遊隱身其中,成為『零件』的一部份,那個消失的『我』是逃避者又是追索者。」 ( 杜國清 source)

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下班的我帶著喪失電源的記憶體成為一部斷線的終端機 (pp. 66-67)

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都市文本:人與建築都市小說「使都市 中的建築空間變成一種有機正文,充滿著立面的動感、方位的誘導性、透視感,進而提供讀者某種或多種與空間交談的可能性」 97) 。

「每一個做為建築內部元素的空間,都是等待重新被書寫的正文。人類對於空間的支配是一種單純的幻覺,人類只不過和空間互為正文罷了。」 (〈空間剪貼簿—漫遊晚近台灣都市小說的建築空間 〉)

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馬桶 – an exploration of urban identity

The poem is divided into three parts:

1. When ‘you’ are drunk experience of sexual desire, self-cleansing which is mingled with ads and chemicals

2. 當然 -- when sober, the self is presented as a 腔腸動物 Coelenterae

3. 只是-- showing concerns with the soul and health.

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上班族的天空 – What kinds of sky do you have? Square – office, table, suitcase, office logo,

files, newspaper Circle – receiver, speaker, clock, Screen, filter – Shapeless No sky Endless sky out in nature Do we only get endless sky out in nature?

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文明幾何 -anonymity 人的幾何意義 – anonymity of city dweller

s 不規則圖形--都市 (圓與方的壓迫,

重組) -- mixed and sprawling shapes like humans (umbrella = us)

不規則圖形--大眾 as mass

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文明幾何 –blasé mentality

音爆的矩陣 – Note: 當飛機以超過音速的速度飛行, 飛機所發出的疏密狀的音波無法跑在飛機前方,所就全部疊在機身後方,形成了圓錐形狀的音錐。當這種爆震波傳到,我們就聽到所有累積起來的聲音,在聽覺上,這就是一聲轟然巨響的音爆。

What does this part mean? Collective discontent internalized.

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文明幾何 –control and rebellion

不規則圖形– UFO - control of shapes and desire, aggressiveness of humans

Reduced to a wiping green hand and sneaky spiders

有關圓柱體 (cylinder )-- pillar of salt, a cylinder to redeem City’s or God’s errors, leafless trees,

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杜國清 台灣都市文學與世紀末 林燿德與都市文學
