completed ksc communications plan

PR Case Studies Stephanie Smith Spring 2015 Kent Student Center Communications Plan Team SMART By: Shayla Pierce, Ryan Richmond, Stephanie Rosso Catherine Wilcher, Alison Wynn 1

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Page 1: Completed KSC Communications Plan


Page 2: Completed KSC Communications Plan

PR Case StudiesStephanie Smith

Spring 2015

Kent Student CenterCommunications Plan

Catherine Wilcher, Alison Wynn

By: Shayla Pierce, Ryan Richmond, Stephanie Rosso



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Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary………………………………………………………....……….….3II. Research…………………………………………………………………………….….4

A. Primary Research………………………………………………………….…...4B. Secondary Research…………………………………………………………....5C. Formal Research Recommendation……………………………….…….…......6

III. Situational Analysis……………………………………………………………...……6A. Client Description and History…….…………………………………….…….6B. Strengths………..……………………………………………………………...8C. Weaknesses…………………………………………………………………....9D. Opportunities…………….…………………………………………………...11

E. Competition………………..………………………………………………….12 F. Environmental Factors………………………………………………………...13 G. Communication Analysis……………………………………………………..13IV. Problem Statement.…………………………………………………………………..15V. Publics A. Primary………………………………………………………………….......…15 B. Secondary………………………………………………………………...……15VI. Objectives...……………………………………………………………………....….16

A. Primary Objectives……………………………………………………………16B. Secondary Objectives…………………………………………………………16

VII. Theme and Key Messages………………………………...………………………...17A. Theme………………………………………………………………………..17B. Key Messages………………………………………………………………..17

VIII. Strategies and Tactics by Objective………………………………………………..15A. Super Bowl Party…...……………….…………………………………….….17B. Bracketology 101………...…………………………………………………...20C. Mad for March…………...……………………………………………….…..23D. Winter Rewards Card………………………………………………………...25E. Greek Service Saturday……………………………………………………….27F. StressFree @ KSC……………………………………………………………30G. International Student Advisory Panel………………………………………...33

IX. Budget………………….……………………………………………………….……34IX. Timeline………….……………………………………………………………….….44


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I. Executive Summary

The Kent Student Center truly is the heart of Kent State University’s campus.

Built in 1970, the building is the University’s second location for its student center.

KSC offers numerous resources that college students need in order to be successful

in their academic career, among these are: a large food court, campus bookstore,

computer lab, multiple student organization offices and the campus ballroom in

which many important events are held. KSC offers a place for students, faculty,

parents and alumni to socialize and experience the Kent State community.

While the KSC is undoubtedly an extremely vital part of the Kent State

student experience, the center struggles to attract students to the building during

the winter months. Multiple factors are to be considered when discerning what

aspects of this problem can be improved upon. This is due largely to the very harsh

weather that Northeast Ohio experiences during this time. Students prefer to

traverse campus only when absolutely necessary – KSC is not being seen as a

necessity during this time. Issues of resource awareness and physical structure

drawbacks are also causes of low visitation and will be addressed in the following

communications plan.

KSC can reverse this downward trend of student visitation through a well-

tailored plan that energizes and engages students. New and exciting programming


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to draw students into KSC along with specific tactics targeted towards awareness

will make the KSC a destination of distinction.

I. Research – Kent Student CenterA. Primary Research

1. Conducted a survey with 22 members of the Spanish and Latino Student Association regarding use of the Kent State Student Center (KSC).

• Discoveries: The majority of the 22 members visit KSC at least four times every week to eat or for club meetings. The students described KSC as: uncomfortable, busy, loud and old, with limited study places.

2. Conducted a survey with 20 women from the Lambda Delta Chapter of Chi Omega regarding familiarity with Center for Student Involvement (CSI) and use of KSC.

• Discoveries: After the survey we discovered the majority of the women from the Chi Omega Chapter visit KSC four times a week for food or chapter meetings. Most of the women were familiar with CSI. The group said that free hot chocolate, interactive events and free giveaways would motivate them to come to KSC during winter months.

3. Conducted a face-to-face informational interview with Gyrogi Mihalyi-Jewell, Kent State international student & scholar advisor.

Discoveries: Mihalyi provided information on the relationship between international student organizations and CSI. She also informed us about her on- campus habits.

4. Conducted a face-to-face interview with Mark Gockowski, student leadership assistant at CSI.

Discoveries: Gockowski provided information about his role as a student leadership assistant and the types of issues students present to him.

5. Conducted face-to-face interviews with ten students studying in the KSC on the weekend.

Discoveries: Students shared why they chose to study at KSC rather than the library. Students chose KSC because no one goes to KSC during the weekends, the library is too busy, and KSC recently updated facilities.

6. Conducted face-to-face interviews with 6 international Van Campen residents on April 6, 2016.


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• Discoveries: International residents say they would be motivated to visit the KSC during the winter months if free food was provided or if events were held that provided free food or prizes. International students also said they would visit the KSC during winter months if the events were between two to three hours long. Serving food that is native to their country would be motivation to visit the KSC as well.

B. Secondary Research

1. Online, library database and miscellaneous secondary research

Reviewed an article on the Local News Channel 22-WSBT’s website that discusses the issues and how to beat Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Reviewed an article on the American Psychiatric Association’s website that discusses symptoms and diagnosis for Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Reviewed online library database that explains “Cultural Centers” on a college campus. The book explains student retention is tied to the level of extracurricular involvement. The book suggests that each campus with a “cultural center” should conduct an audit to gauge the level of involvement among students.,1,1,B/l9xx~b4110875&FF=&1,0,,1,0

Reviewed Kent State University’s Institutional Research web page that assessed student retention rates. Total enrollment for the Fall Semester of 2014 was 41, 214 students, 28, 457 of those students enrolled at the main Kent campus.

Reviewed Association College Unions International web page to review history of international student unions. The web page also provides a guideline for a successful student union.

Reviewed a study conducted by Deborah Abowitz and David Knox that studied a sample of Greek students at Bucknell University. The study reflected Greek member’s life goals.

Reviewed an article from The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity and Sorority Advisors that discussed similarities between Greek student’s mission


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statements and educational objectives.

Reviewed an article that explains the misconceptions about the international student experience.

Reviewed an article in US Official News, The University of Central Florida is creating an international student panel to help international student’s services. The assessment concluded that international students congregate by country of origin. Therefore they would respond to services catered to each culture.

C. Formal Research Recommendations1. We suggest a survey of incoming freshman during the second week of September.

This survey will simply ask, “What three new events would you like to see in the

student center?” This survey will allow KSC to gain new and creative ideas for

winter programming.

II. Situation Analysis

A. Client Description and History

The KSC, built in 1972, serves as the main gathering place for students, faculty

and visitors on Kent State’s campus. The KSC includes:

a.      University bookstore

b.      Food court (The HUB)

c.       Huntington Bank

d.      Academic offices

e.      Student organization offices

f.       Post office

g.      Student Multicultural Center (SMC)


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h.      Ballroom

i.       Computer lab

j.       Student lounge

k.       Blackstone LaunchPad

l. Information desk

m. Quaker Steak & Lube

n. Schwebel Room

o. Peer Involvement Advising (PIA)

p. The Kent Market

q. Jazzman’s

r. Meeting rooms

s. Cyber Café & Game Counter


The KSC seeks to create a space that equips students with the tools and resources

they need to succeed in college and beyond. It hosts creative programming and events

that attempt to create a sense of community among its students. The KSC is an active

member of the Association of College Unions International. This means that the KSC

must be dedicated to student development as an essential component of the educational


The Kent Student Center’s existing clients include, but are not limited to, on-

campus residents with meal plans, students who use facilities for organization meetings,


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faculty and commuters who dine there between the hours of 11a.m. and 2p.m, alumni,

parents and students employed at KSC.

The mission of CSI is to foster student growth and development through

leadership, civic, cultural and involvement opportunities. The purpose of CSI is to

provide Kent’s student population with leadership and participation opportunities in

projects and organizations that are run by students. A mix of student employees and

university faculty staffs CSI. The offices are located on the second floor of the Kent

Student Center and are open from 8a.m. to 5p.m., Monday through Friday.

The existing clients consist mainly of students who already actively take

advantage of its services through respective student groups.  

B. Strengths

The KSC is located on Risman Plaza between three primary locations: the Kent

Campus Library, the Memorial Athletic and Convocation Center(MACC), and a Portage

Area Regional Transportation Authority (PARTA) bus stop.

This is a strategic location for KSC due to the high student traffic in the area.

Hundreds of students ride PARTA busses to class every day and each of them represent

potential foot traffic for the KSC. Students on their way to class frequently take a direct

route to Risman Plaza and many choose to stop in KSC to dine. The HUB has multiple

dining options for students to choose from, including: Nathan’s Hotdog Shop, JUMP

Asian Express, Subway, Einstein’s Bagels, Ambrosia, Sushi & Salads, The Schwebel

Room, Quaker Steak and Lube and Kent Market I & II. Such a diverse variety of food

ensures that no matter how particular the preference, students are able to find an


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enjoyable meal within KSC. Furthermore, our survey responses show that food is the

biggest draw to KSC.

An additional strength of KSC is the Kent State University Bookstore. Students,

parents and alumni visit the bookstore every year. Many courses taught at Kent State

require textbooks created specifically for the university and students must visit the

bookstore to purchase them. Parents and alumni frequently visit the store to purchase

KSU memorabilia for themselves and their students, making the bookstore – and

subsequently KSC a “must-go” destination.

The computer lab on the second floor of KSC offers access to Adobe Suite software

on 34 computers, while the Kent State Library only offers 11 computers with Adobe

software. The availability of Adobe at KSC could be a significant draw if students

become more aware of it.

KSU performs small-scale renovations and updates to the building each academic

year. Past renovations have included a renovated “Nest,” sky lighting under surrounding

walkways outside the building, new furniture, improved seating areas and a Megatron on

the side of the building which is used to advertise upcoming events and announcements

happening around campus. These improvements contribute to an improved ambiance at

the KSC.

C. Weaknesses

Although renovations take place regularly, the KSC is 43 years old and its basic

structure has remained largely unchanged. Many offices are hidden in corners and


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alcoves and not immediately accessible to students. Our survey research indicated that

students found the KSC  “outdated, old, boring, noisy and poorly signed.”

        Many students in the survey were unaware of all the resources available to them

at the KSC. Poor signage outside of offices fails to capture the attention of students as

they pass by or students assume rooms are simply offices for the university and not for

students. Signs in the KSC are located above the doors, out of the students’ line of sight.

The yellow and blue plaques blend into the background. The majority of the students we

surveyed are not aware of study rooms available to them on the third floor; a few of those

surveyed did not even realize there was a third floor at the Kent Student Center.

        Students from interviews and surveys informed us that the main reasons for

coming to the Student Center were for food and to meet up with friends; very few

students said they visited just to study. The general perception of students surveyed and

interviewed is that most students see the Student Center as a large food court.

The availability of food at the KSC is also an issue, however because the Student

Center does not allow the use of FLASHcards to purchase food between the hours of 11

a.m. and 2 p.m., students are forced to create dining habits and routines in other buildings

and locations on and off campus.

The KSC is aiming to become a destination of distinction for students who reside

in campus housing. Students carrying nine hours and living more than 50 miles away

used to be required to live on campus for their first two years. The social connection to

campus is severed before it can be fully developed. The incredible growth of the

freshman class has created a shortage of campus living space. Consequently, students

who are 20 years old in their sophomore year can move off campus. The social


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connection to campus and the student center is weakened before it can be fully

developed, and students spend less time socializing on campus.

In addition to increased class size freshman retention rates and academic

performance are also increasing. According to 15th day enrollment statistics, freshman

retention is at 94.3%. The class of 2018 has an average GPA of 3.34 and an ACT score of

23. This is a population ready to build ties to the Kent State University community.

        Limited and distant parking is another factor that affects attendance at the KSC,

especially during winter months. Students who drive to class complain of limited parking

around the Student Center and several students responded that during colder months, they

prefer to stay in the same area where their vehicle is parked so that they can quickly get

back to it when they leave campus. For example, if a student parks in the Midway lot,

they are more likely to spend time in buildings in that area during downtime between


D. Opportunities

Recently, Kent State has launched an initiative to create a shared vision. The “Be

Bold” campaign hopes to reimagine the messaging portrayed on campus. President

Beverly Warren wants students, faculty and staff to play a key role in this vision by

submitting their ideas through social media. Her desire for bold new ideas is an

opportunity to suggest new ways to make the KSC central to the student experience.

Enrollment of international students is also on the rise. According to interviews at

Van Campen Hall, international students are motivated by the opportunity to socialize at

events that offer food. These students have no “hometown” to return to on weekends, so


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they would look forward to and participate in special events at the KSC, especially during

the winter.

The Kent Student Center offers a variety of events throughout the year to attract

students. These include FLASHperk events such as movies, guest speakers and

workshops. These events allow students to earn points for the chance to win prizes

throughout the year, including free tuition.

E. Competition

The Kent Campus Library is a primary competitor to the KSC, not only in terms

of location but also in amenities. The library is located directly across from the KSC in

Risman Plaza. It has 12 floors of study space, whereas the KSC offers only three. In

addition, tutoring services give the library a competitive edge over the KSC in academic

support. Both the KSC and the Kent Campus Library have coffee vendors. However,

those who choose to study in the library are in close proximity to the popular Starbucks

outlet on the main floor. This convenience deters students from walking to the KSC for

Einstein’s Bros. Bagels, which is the student center’s primary coffee vendor in the HUB.

The library has also begun to assert itself as a social destination -- a place where students

can congregate after downtown bars close.

        The KSC also faces competition from local restaurants and shops in downtown

Kent, which draw students away from campus during their downtime. The downtown

area boasts of over 34 restaurants, coffee shops and bakeries providing a wide variety of

food options and meeting places. Student access to downtown Kent is made convenient

through the use of the Lester Lefton Esplanade, which provides a direct path to the heart


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of downtown. Some students prefer to visit these new, trendy places instead of going to

the Student Center according to survey responses among students from the Spanish and

Latino Student Association.

F. Environmental Factors

The Kent Campus is located in Northeast Ohio, which experiences some of the

harshest winters in the country.  According to “America’s Worst Winter Weather Cities”

(, Cleveland experiences the worst winter months. Located just 30 minutes

away, Kent State experiences much of the same lake-effect snow, wind and freezing


            Weather is a substantial challenge in attempting to draw students into the KSC

between the months of January and March. In student surveys for this project, weather

issues were a consistent reason students chose places other than the KSC to meet, study

and eat. Students expressed that poorly plowed and salted sidewalks, as well as distance

and below-freezing temperatures, discouraged them from making the trip across campus.

G. Communication Analysis

CSI has two active social media sites: Facebook and Twitter. In an interview with

Mark Gockowski we were told CSI had an Instagram account, which we were not able to

find on our own, and did not have a link to form the site. The Twitter account is updated

more frequently and has approximately 1,545 followers. Tweets are posted daily, along


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with retweets from other Kent State accounts that use the KSC.  This account does not

generate a lot of communication interaction with followers. The posts do not encourage

students to reply with ideas or general comments.

CSI’s Facebook account is updated frequently, but not daily. As of April 20, the

account had not been refreshed since April 10. The Facebook account has 1,200 likes.

This account also does not generate interaction with students. Many of the tweets and

Facebook postings get little to no likes or retweets.

In addition to the social media sites, CSI has a website under the domain

that features sections about CSI’s involvement, leadership opportunities, student

organizations, resources, staff and events, a calendar advertising upcoming events is also

available. There are links to the two social media sites at the bottom of the main page.

The KSC offers its own website that features programming, dining, departments, event

planning and KSCTV. The site is simple and easy to navigate. While the site allows you

to see all of the dining options it lacks detail, such as hours and menus. The KSC video

on the main page is over seven minutes long, which is too long to hold viewer attention.

(The video should be no longer than two minutes to keep viewers engaged.) At the

bottom of the page, there are links to KSU social media accounts.

The KSC uses a wide variety of printed promotional tools. There are banners

hung around the KSC promoting different organizations and events, along with TV

screens in the halls, lobbies and HUB area. The megatron outside of the KSC also

captures the attention of many students on a daily basis.


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III. Problem Statement

The Kent Student Center experiences a noticeable decrease in student attendance

during the months of January through March. This decrease is due in part to extremely

challenging weather conditions, lack of resource awareness among students and the

Student Center not being perceived as a destination of distinction. A creative, well-

focused communication and events plan can generate greater use of the KSC year round,

including winter months, making it a true destination of distinction on the Kent Campus.

IV. Publics

Kent State’s 5, 821 freshman students would be a large and potentially

unmanageable public, making them difficult to research and reach. Research helped us

identify specific publics and opinion leaders who can generate excitement and lead other

students to use the KSC, particularly from January through March. We will focus on:

A.    Primary Publics

Greek Life students whose chapters use the Student Center for weekly chapter

meetings and special events.

 Freshman and sophomore residents of Tri-Towers.

Undergraduate international students who live on campus.

B.     Secondary Publics

Panhellenic Council members of Greek chapters who use the Student Center for

weekly chapter meetings.

Tri-Towers residence advisors.

Office of Global Education advisors


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VI. Objectives

A. Primary Objectives

To increase awareness of the many resources and programs available at the KSC

among Greek Life by 30% by Spring 2016.

To increase use of resources offered by the Student Center among Greek Life

students by 30% during the months of January through March over the next

academic year.

To increase awareness of the programs and benefits of the KSC among Tri-Tower

residences by 45% over the 2015-2016 academic year.  

To increase visits to the Student Center from January through March among Tri-

Tower residents by 20% by Spring semester of 2016.

To increase awareness of the many programs and benefits of the Student

Multicultural Center(SMC) among international students by 30% over the next

academic year.

To increase use of SMC and other KSC resources among international students by

20% during the months of January and March, over the next academic year.

B. Secondary Objectives

• To increase awareness of the many resources and programs available at the KSC

among Panhellenic Council members by 100% by spring 2016.

• To increase usage of resources offered by the KSC among Greek Chapter presidents

by 20% during the months of January through March, over the next academic year.


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• To increase awareness of the programs and benefits of the KSC among Tri-Towers

residence advisors by 100% over the next academic year

• To increase visits to the KSC from January through March among Tri-Towers

residence advisors by 20% over the next academic year.

• To increase awareness of the many programs and benefits of the Student

Multicultural Center among the three Office of Global Education advisors by 100%

over the next academic year

VII. Theme and Key Messages

A. Theme

• Every Student, Every Season

B. Key Messages

• The Kent Student Center is a one-stop resource for great food, student services

and student organizations.

• The Kent Student Center is the “heart” of the Kent State family – place where all

generations of Kent Staters gather.

VIII. Strategies and Tactics

Superbowl Party

Objective: To increase visitation of the Student Center from January through March

among Tri-Tower residents by 20% by spring semester of 2016.

Strategy: KSC will focus on exciting and engaging events to draw increased participation

of residence hall students during the months of January through March.


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Tactic: KSC will host its first annual Super Bowl party for on-campus residents in the KSC

Ballroom on Superbowl Sunday, February 7, 2016. The party will offer the opportunity for

on-campus students to take part in an exciting and free event without the worry of hosting

their own Superbowl Sunday parties in their dorm rooms. The event will show an example

and bring awareness to the high-engagement events that are hosted by KSC during the winter

months. The ballroom is the perfect location to host the event because of its large projection

screen, large audience capacity and location in the center of KSC. Hosting such an event

builds community among students and the KSC. Even students who are not sports fans will

attend the event and have and enjoyable time. CSI employees will welcome guests and KSC

employees will serve food.

Promoting the event:

Fliers will be created by CSI employees and in high traffic areas around campus

starting the second week of January. These areas include: KSC main entrances and

exits, Kent Main Library elevators, Starbucks, Five Guys, Tree City Coffee, Rosie’s

Diner, Eastway dining hall, Prentice Café and PARTA shelters on campus.

Invitations to the event will be shown on the Megatron on the side of KSC and on the

KSCtv LED screens in Franklin Hall and KSC.

CSI will Tweet and post on Facebook regularly to maintain the awareness of the

event in the mind of students.

A sculpted ice chair, provided by Elegant Ice Creations in Cleveland, OH, will be

placed outside of the student center. There will be an outdoor easel placed next to the

sign with the slogan “Come chill with us for Superbowl Sunday!” Students will have


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the opportunity to take photos in the chair and spread the popularity of both the chair

and event by posting their photos on social media.

Superbowl Sunday Party:

The event will begin at 6:30pm and last the duration of the game

The Superbowl game will be shown on the giant projection screen over the stage.

Students will sign in at the door and list their name and dorm hall and floor. The Tri-

Towers hall with the most student attendance will win a Pizza Party courtesy of KSC

Free food and beverages will be provided for the students and provide incentive for

students to attend the event.

Two members from the Phi Delta Theta Ohio Lambda chapter, Vinci Ripepi and

Tyler Boshane, will be asked to DJ throughout the event.

Students have the opportunity to earn points with FlashPerks and Greek students to

earn event points for their chapters.

Students will sign in at the event, providing their dorm hall, floor and email. The Tri-

Towers floor with the most resident attendance will win a floor pizza party sponsored

by KSC. This fun competition between the floors further builds a sense of community

between on campus residents and the KSC.

Objective: To create new events that will attract 30% more Tri Towers residents to the

KSC from January through March 2016.

Strategy: KSC will focus on high-engagement events to draw attention and participation

of Tri-Towers residents during the winter months.


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Tactic: KSC will host a Super Bowl Party Competition for Tri-Tower residents. RA’s will be

challenged to bring as many residents from their floor to KSC for the Super Bowl Party on

Sunday, February 7, 2016. The Tri Towers floor with the most residents attendance will be

rewarded with a floor pizza party.

Promoting the Competition:

RA’s will be asked to make their residents aware of the competition at weekly floor


Information about the competition will be included on existing Super Bowl Party


Large posters created in house by KSC staff will be posted in all Tri Towers elevators

and near the Tri Towers Rotunda info desk

Bracketology 101:

Objective: To create new events that will attract 30% more residence hall students to the

Kent Student Center from January through March 2016.

Strategy: KSC will focus on high-engagement, seasonal events that draw the attention

and participation of residence hall students during the winter months.

Tactic: Host “Bracketology 101 Workshops” that draw on the excitement of the NCAA

Final Four competition. Two workshops will be held in the HUB at the end of February

and the beginning of March that bring in students and new traffic. We will ask Coach

Senderoff and Coach O’Banion to conduct one workshop each. The workshops teach the

basics of bracketing while creating a sense of community and fun. Even students who


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understand bracketing will be drawn to participate in the event by a bracket competition

between President Warren and Flash. The HUB is an ideal location because it is a central

gathering place and receives lots of cross-traffic.

Promoting the Event:

CSI employee will create fliers and KSCTV and Megatron screens in December

2015 to begin promoting these workshops.

Use Megatron, KSCTV’s, social media sites, including the website, and fliers in

January 2016 to promote Bracketology 101 workshops. Fliers will be prominently

displayed in KSC, in the MACC and all residence halls.

CSI employee will update its Twitter site to keep students interested and engaged,

especially in the bracket competition between President Warren and Flash.

KSU students can enter a campus-wide bracket competition, as well as pick a

winner between President Warren and Flash’s brackets. As soon as brackets are

known, CSI will sponsor a table in the KSC to allow all students to vote for either

the President or Flash’s bracket. Campaign-style posters will be prominently

displayed at the table to draw interest and traffic.

Student media, especially TV2, will be asked to help promote the bracket

competition and the workshops.

RAs in all residence halls will receive an email encouraging them and their

students, particularly freshmen, to come to the workshops.


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The Bracketology Workshops

From 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on two evenings in late February and early March, the

KSU basketball coaches will each conduct an open workshop in a reserved area of

The HUB. KSU students will have the opportunity to learn the basics of filling

out a March Madness bracket.

Students will be drawn to the event not only by promotions but by guest

appearances from President Warren and Flash, as well as the large popcorn

machine, and other free refreshments including pretzels and caramel corn.

The workshops will consist of each coach giving their advice and strategies, as

well as offering extra bracketing help to anyone who needs it. Each coach will be

asked to vote for either President Warren or Flash’s brackets.

Flash and President Warren’s bracket will be revealed at the first workshop.

In between the first and second workshops, we will draw additional attention to

the second workshop and the “Mad for March” event (below) by having President

Warren and Flash appear on TV2’s “Sports Corner” and defend their brackets.

Flash will use pre-scripted signage to defend his bracket.

Students can follow their competition on the CSI Twitter page.

Students will fill out their own bracket and turn it in to the CSI employees at the

KSC tables and at the workshops. All students who vote will be asked for their addresses, which will become part of the KSC special events mailing


The top three overall bracket winners will receive Kent State insignia basketball

hoodies. (See “Mad for March” party, below.)


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The chosen winner of the President Warren vs. Flash competition will receive two

Cleveland Cavalier home-game tickets.

A UCM photographer will cover the workshops and photos will be used to

promote the “Mad for March” event.

Mad for March:

Objective: To create new events that will attract 30% more residence hall students to the

Kent Student Center from January through March 2016.

Strategy: KSC will focus on high-engagement, seasonal events that draw the attention

and participation of residence hall students during the winter months.

Tactic: Host “Mad for March” championship game day party that will bring together the

excitement of the March Madness tournament. The party will be held in the KSC

Ballroom in the beginning of April that will bring in students and returning traffic from

the “Bracketology 101” workshops. The event will offer students food and refreshments

to satisfy their game day cravings. The game will be shown on the big projector available

in the ballroom, students will also have the option to enjoy cornhole and card games

curtsey of CSI. We will ask Coach Senderoff, Coach O’Banion, Flash and President

Warren to join us for the event, giving students the opportunity to capture pictures with

the special guests. Students will find out at the end of the night who won the top three

places in the bracket competition, as well as the winner of the President Warren vs. Flash


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competition. The ballroom is an ideal location for this event because of its size and it is a

location that can receive cross-traffic.

Promoting the event:

CSI employee will create fliers and KSCTV and Megatron screens in January

2016 to begin promoting the Mad for March event.

Use Megatron, KSCTV’s, social media sites, including the website, and fliers in

February 2016 to promote Mad for March event. Fliers will be prominently

displayed in KSC, in the MACC and all residence halls.

CSI employee will update its Twitter site to keep students interested and engaged,

especially in the bracket competition between President Warren and Flash.

CSI will sponsor a table in the KSC to allow all students to vote for either the

President or Flash’s bracket. Students will also be able to turn in filled out

brackets to CSI. Campaign-style posters will be prominently displayed at the table

to draw interest and traffic.

Student media, especially TV2, will be asked to help promote the bracket

competition and the workshops.

RAs in all residence halls will receive an email encouraging them and their

students, particularly freshmen, to come to the championship party.

Mad for March event

From 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. on the evening of the championship game, CSI will

host its first annual “Mad for March” event. KSU students will have the

opportunity to enjoy the game and chance to win “Mad for March” gear.


Page 26: Completed KSC Communications Plan

Students will be drawn to the event not only by promotions but also guest

appearances from President Warren, Flash and both KSU coaches, FlashPerks,

as well as a taco bar with other free refreshments including desserts and


The event will consist of the game being played on a projector, students

meeting new people, CSI promoting themselves, and other games the students

can enjoy throughout the event.

The students will find out the winner of the President Warren and Flash

competition, as well as the drawn winner that will take home a pair of

Cleveland Cavilers tickets.

The top three bracket winners will be announced and each will be presented

with free KSU swag gear.

“Mad for March” t-shirts will be given out to the first 20 people who attend

the event.

Winter Rewards Card:

Objective: To increase visits to the Student Center from January through March among

Tri-Tower residents by 20% by Spring semester of 2016.

Strategy: KSC will focus on high-engagement, seasonal events that draw the attention

and participation of residence hall students during the winter months.


Page 27: Completed KSC Communications Plan

Tactic: CSI will promote a new “Winter Rewards Program” for Tri-Towers residents

to keep track of events each student attended starting in January and ending in

March. Students will be able to pick up the rewards cards by visiting the resource

desk located in the Tri-Towers rotunda. These cards will be stamped each time the

student visits an event. At the end of March students who have a stamp for every

event will have the chance to receive free Kent State Swag.

Promoting the Event:

CSI employee will create fliers to place throughout Tri-Towers.

CSI employee will send out emails to each RA within Tri-Towers to have

them encourage students to participate.

Winter Rewards Program:

When students return from break in January they will be given the choice to

start a new rewards program aside from FlashPerks where they have a

chance to win free KSU gear.

Students will be drawn to this event by the chances to win free clothing.

Each event will have a CSI employee stamping rewards cards.

At the end of March CSI employees will be giving away free sweatshirts to the

first 25 students who visit the CSI office with full cards.


Page 28: Completed KSC Communications Plan

Greek Service Saturdays:

Objective: To increase awareness of the many resources and programs available at the

KSC among Greek life by 30% by spring 2016.

Strategy: KSC will focus on high-engagement events that benefit both Greek Life

interaction and the public during the winter months.

Tactic: Greek Service Saturdays (GSS) is a monthly event that will promote the

interaction between fraternity and sorority members. GSS will be held twice a month.

The first Saturday of each month will be a service for the community, and the following

Saturday will be a drive. Greek Life students will earn points for participation in each


Promoting the event:

CSI employees will create fliers for Greek Life presidents to hand out during

chapter meetings starting in December 2015.

Greek Life presidents will hand out each new flier to chapter members before

every meeting prior to every Saturday event. Presidents will announce to chapter

members of the points that will be earned to those who attend each Saturday


Every Friday, e-mails will be sent by presidents to chapter members as a reminder

about Saturday’s event.


Page 29: Completed KSC Communications Plan

Child Development instructors will be notified one month prior to the January


Management of the Boys and Girls Clubs of The Western Reserve will be e-

mailed one month prior to the February service. A follow-up e-mail will be sent

the week before the service to remind management about the event.

Stow-Glen Resident Village managers will be notified of the service event one

month prior to the March seminar, and will receive a follow-up e-mail one week

before the event.

January Theme: National Mentoring Month:

First Saturday of the month (service):

o From 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on the first Saturday of January, Greek life

members will meet at The Nest with the children of the Child

Development Center. Small groups of children and Greek Life students

will spread around The Nest, and Greek Life students will read books to

the children (books will be provided by Greek students).

o Greek Life students will arrive at the service event and sign their name for

proof of attendance, therefore earning points.

Second Saturday of the month (drive):

o Greek life students will conduct a book donation to the Child

Development Center from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in The Nest. Books will be

donated by the Greek community.


Page 30: Completed KSC Communications Plan

o Greek students will sign their name on an attendance sheet for proof of

participation and will earn points for attending.

o The donated books will then be delivered to the Child Development

Center by a CSI volunteer the following Monday.

Febuary Theme: American Heart Month

First Saturday of the month (service):

o From 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. in the KSC Ballroom, Greek Life will host a

“Jump for Your Heart-athon” for children of the Boys and Girls Clubs of

The Western Reserve. This will be a competition between two teams:

Team 1: Greek Life and children

Team 2: CSI and children

o The team who has the last team member jumping-rope will be the winner.

The children relax and watch a movie on the projection screen (DVD will

be provided by a Greek Life student).

Second Saturday of the month (drive):

o Greek life students will host a donation event for used fitness equipment

such as medicine balls, dumbbell weights, jump ropes, yoga mats, etc. The

equipment will be donated to the Boys and Girls Clubs of The Western


o The donation will take place in the KSC from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

o The fitness equipment will be delivered to the Boys and Girls Club by a

CSI member the following Monday.


Page 31: Completed KSC Communications Plan

March: National Nutrition Month:

First Saturday of the month (service):

o From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the HUB, Greek life students will invite senior

residents of Stow-Glen Resident Village to a “Healthy Habits” seminar,

where the senior residents will engage in interactive activities (word

searches and entertaining lessons and quizzes).

o Greek students will sign an attendance sheet at their arrival of the event

for proof of participation, therefore earning points.

Second Saturday of the month (drive):

o Greek Life will host a canned fruit and vegetable donation for the Miller

Community House in Kent.

o The donation will be held in the KSC from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

o A CSI member will deliver the donations to the Miller Community House

the following Monday.

o Greek members will sign an attendance sheet at their arrival of the drive as

proof of participation, therefore earning points.


Objective: “To increase overall student traffic in the KSC by 25% over the next academic

year during the months of January through March.”

Strategy: KSC will focus on building community and increasing traffic in the Student

Center during the winter months.


Page 32: Completed KSC Communications Plan

Tactic: Host “StressFree@KSC” to create a sense of warmth and build community in the

KSC during winter months. A table will be set up in the lobby of the Student Center

twice a month offering refreshments, prizes and information about other events held in

the KSC. Flash will be walking around and pointing students in the direction of the

“StressFree@KSC” table. Students will be interested in the free giveaways and

refreshments and this will increase traffic in the Student Center during winter months.

Promoting the Event:

CSI will display even on LED screens in KSC.

CSI employee will update its Twitter site to keep students interested in the free


Use Megatron, social media sites, including website, fliers and e-mail listserv to

promote this event in January 2016. Fliers will be prominently displayed in the

library and student center.

The “StressFree@KSC” Event:

CSI employees will set up a table from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. on the first and last

Thursday in the months of January through March.

Flash will be drawing students to come over to the table and enjoy a hot cup of

hot chocolate and other refreshments such as cookies, muffins and minicupcakes.

The first 30 students that come to the event will receive winter KSU swag gear

like fleece blankets, hats and coffee mugs. In order for these students to receive


Page 33: Completed KSC Communications Plan

their gear they must post on social media, if they are able to, and post something

about being at the event and hash tag #StreeFree@KSC.

The event will be based solely on communication with students and free

refreshments. This will give students the chance to stay warm in between classes

and create community in the KSC.

In January the first 30 students will receive a fleece blanket with the Kent State

logo on it.

In February students will receive a KSU winter beanie hat.

In March students will receive a KSU travel coffee mug.

There will be a total of five events due to winter break.

Language of Love:

Objective: To increase use of SMC and other KSC resources by 20% over the next


year among international students during the months of January through March.

Strategy: KSC will use interpersonal and digital tactics to create an international film

festival to encourage visitation during the winter months.

Tactic: Language of Love Film Festival: In partnership with the Office of Global

Education and the Student Multicultural Center: CSI presents the first international film

festival at the Kiva every Sunday in February. President Beverly Warren will choose the


Page 34: Completed KSC Communications Plan

first film broadcast at the red carpet premier. The rest of the films will be chosen based

on international student recommendation. Films must be rated PG-13 and available with


Promoting the Event:

International student advisory panel will be assembled by August 2015 to create a

connection with the community.

CSI Employee will create fliers, Survey Monkey site and digital material for

KSCTV to begin campaign in November 2015.

Use Megatron, KSCTV’s, social media, What’s Up Kent State Calendar and

international student Listserv to promote the film festival. Flash Perks will also

feature our event on their calendar and offer 100 points for attendance.

Fliers will be displayed in KSC, Library and all resident halls and offices by

December 15.

Survey Monkey site will go live by December 2015.

The KSC building will be bathed in red lighting the week before the event.

Language of Love Film Festival:

President Beverly Warren will choose the first film broadcast at the red carpet

premier on February 7, 2016.

Every Sunday in February from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Participants will be entered in a raffle to win one of 20 t-shirts.

This is an opportunity to foster a sense of community through inclusion and

customization at the KSC.


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International students will have the opportunity to share the films that have

shaped the way they love while.

Each viewing will have Valentine’s themed refreshments like heart-shaped Rice

Krispies Treats and chocolate Kisses.

Each attendee will have the opportunity to use the Photo-Booth with glitter heart

frames and mustache props following the screening

International Student Advisory Panel:

Objective: To increase awareness of the many programs and benefits of the Student

Multicultural Center among international students by 30% over the next academic year.

Strategy: KSC will use interpersonal communication to create an ongoing dialogue

among international student leaders in an effort to adhere to the commitment of diversity

and inclusion.

Tactic: International Student Advisory panel will be elected to help craft the success of

this growing population. The panel will be comprised of ten members sourced from

student organization leaders who have a foundation in another country. The application

will be available on the KSC website and promoted through Office of Global Education

mandatory advising appointments. These members will act as a focus group for future

programing and offer critiques on the Kent State Community Experience. The first


Page 36: Completed KSC Communications Plan

meeting will occur August 18, 2015 at the SMC and include breakfast. The Panel will

convene four times during the academic year. Members will receive a pin.

Promoting the Event:

CSI staff will contact OGE advisors March 2015.

CSI staff will create fliers and digital application by March 2015 to begin


Use OGE office, social media and official website to encourage applicants. Fliers

will be displayed in the OGE advising office and KSC.

Applications must be received by April 2015.

International Student Advisory Panel:

A Welcome breakfast will occur August 18, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.

From 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. four times an academic year international student

leaders will meet in the SMC.

Students will be drawn to participate by the opportunity to make a difference and

by being exposed to the concept at mandatory advising appointments.

The meetings will include a focus group, open discussion and refreshments.

International student advisory panel members will hold a table at blastoff.


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IX. Budget

Super Bowl Party:

1. Super Bowl Party


• Advertising on all LED screens in the KSC – No cost to KSC

• Customized fliers, 50 created in house by KSC employees

• Ice Chair from Elegant Ice Creations @ $289.00 total (sculpture and set up)

• 12 helium filled balloons to be placed at entrance from Dollar Tree @ $12.00 total


• Four spools of ribbon for balloons from Dollar Tree @ $4.00 total ($4.00 /spool)

• Four balloon weights from Dollar Tree @ $4.00 total ($4.00 /weight)

• Paper Products from Banquet Sales @ $60.00 total ($.20/person)

• BBQ Chicken Wings from Banquet Sales @ $250 total (100 pc. /$125.00)

• Deep fried Veggies from Banquet Sales @ $75.00 total (100 pc. /$75.00)

• Mozzarella Sticks with Marinara Sauce from Banquet Sales @ $240.00 total (100

pc. / $120.00)

• 10 gallons of Banquet Sales punch @ $125.00 total ($12.50/gallon)

• 25 dozen of Banquet Sales Mini Cupcakes @ $123.75 total ($4.95/dozen)

• All tables and chairs provided by Banquet Sales @ $60.00 total (set up and rental)

• Photos taken by KSC staff – no cost to KSC

• Ballroom in KSC – No cost to KSC



• Five CSI staff members will host the Super Bowl party, totaling four hours of work


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• KSC Banquet staff will serve students and set up equipment, totaling five hours of


• One KSC staff orders food from banquet sale totaling one hour of work

• One KSC Ballroom operator, totaling four hours of work

• Five CSI staff members will distribute fliers around campus, totaling two hours of



2. Super Bowl Party Competition


• 1 pepperoni, 2 cheese 10 slice pizzas from Hungry Howie’s @ 72.99 total



• One KSC staff member will create customized fliers in house, totaling one hour of


• One CSI staff member will contact Tri-Tower RAs, totaling 15 minutes of work

• One CSI staff member will order pizza to be delivered to Tri-Towers, totaling five

minutes of work

• Five CSI staff members will distribute fliers around campus, totaling two hours of




Page 39: Completed KSC Communications Plan

Mad for March:

1. Bracketology 101


Four gallons of Banquet Sales punch @ $50.00 total (12.50/gal)

• 10 gallons of Banquet Sales ice water and paper cups @ $20.00 total ($2.00/gal)

Five pounds of Pretzels @ $37.00 total ($7.40/lbs.)

Three large bags of popcorn @ $36.00 total ($12/bag)



One CSI staff member will create and print information cards and voting cards on

Microsoft Word, totaling an hour and a half of work.

One CSI staff member will create advertising for all LED screens, totaling a half

hour of work.

One CSI staff member will create and print customized fliers on Microsoft Word,

totaling one hour of work.

One CSI staff member will contact President Warren, Coach O’Banion, Coach

Senderoff and Flash to reserve their time, totaling a half hour of work.

Five CSI staff members will distribute fliers around campus, totaling two hours of


Three CSI staff members will work the event in the HUB, totaling two hours of


Two CSI staff members will manage the Mad for March bracket table on two

different days, at two hours per day, totaling four hours of work.


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2. Mad for March Championship Party


• KSU basketball swag @ $48.00 total (Prizes for top 3 bracket winners)

• Two Cleveland Cavilers tickets @ $75 dollars total

• Taco bar with chips and salsa @ an estimated $400 total

• 12 gallons of Banquet Sales ice water and paper cups @ $24.00 total ($2.00/gal)

• 150 cans of assorted soft drinks @ $142.50 total ($.95/can)

• Two sheets of Banquet Sales brownies @ $37.50 total ($18.75/sheet)

• Four large gourmet assorted cookie tray from Banquet Sales @ $48.00 total


• Paper Products from Banquet Sales @ $50.00 total ($.20/ person)

• Advertising on all LED screens in the KSC – No cost to CSI



One CSI staff member will create customized fliers on Microsoft Word, totaling a

half hour of work.

One CSI staff member will create personalized banner on, totaling a

half hour of work.

Five CSI staff members will distribute fliers around campus, totaling two hours of



Page 41: Completed KSC Communications Plan

One CSI staff member will complete Banquet Sales order, totaling a half hour of


Five CSI staff members will host the Mad about March championship party,

totaling four hours of work.

KSC Banquet Sales staff will serve students at party, totaling two hours of work.

One ballroom operator will help with set-up, totaling four hours of work.

Two CSI staff members will keep track of brackets and determine who the top

three winners are, totaling two hours of work.



All tables and chairs provided by Banquet Sales @ $60.00 total (Setup & Rental)

20 Giveaway T-Shirts from DesignInk @ $214.00 total ($10.70/shirt)

KSU basketball swag @ $48.00 total (Prizes for top 3 bracket winners)

Two Cleveland Cavilers tickets @ $75.00 total (37.50/ticket)

One medium Banner from @ $46.99 total


Winter Rewards Program:

1. Winter Rewards Card


25 KSU crewneck sweatshirts from @ $849.75 total ($33.99


2,000 Loyalty cards from @ $68.63 total ($0.03 each)


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One CSI employee creates and order loyalty cards from, totaling a half

hour of work.

One CSI employee creates and distributes fliers for Tri-Towers Residence Halls

on Microsoft Word, totaling two hours of work.


Greek Service Saturdays:

1. Greek Service Saturdays Service Hours


Fliers for chapter meetings – No cost to CSI

55 jump ropes from @ $90.20 total ($1.64 each)

30 word searches from Dollar Tree @ $30.00 total ($1.00 each)



1 CSI staff member per month will deliver each donation, totaling 3 hours of


5 CSI staff members will work at the “Jump for Your Heart-athon”, totaling 1

hour of work



Page 43: Completed KSC Communications Plan


1. StressFree@KSC hot chocolate and snack table


25 gallons of hot chocolate from banquet sales @ $225 ($9/gal)

16 dozens of cookies from banquet sales @ $48 ($3/doz)

16 dozen of muffins from banquet sales @ $168(10.50/doz)

8 dozen of mini cupcakes from banquet sales @ $96 ($12/doz)

30 fleece blankets from @ $150 ($5 each)

60 travel coffee mugs from @ $149.40 (2.49 each)

60 winter beanie hats from @132.60 ($2.21 each)

Customized fliers @ no cost



Three CSI staff members will manage and serve the hot chocolate table, totaling

ten hours of work.

One CSI staff member will create custom flier, totaling a half hour of work.

Five CSI staff members will distribute fliers around campus, totaling two hours of


One CSI staff member will order giveaways, totaling a half hour of work.

One CSI staff member will order all supplies from banquet sales, totaling a half

hour of work.

One CSI staff will update social media and create display for all LED screens,

totaling one hour of work.


Page 44: Completed KSC Communications Plan

Flash will visit tables twice throughout the 3 months, totaling four hours of work.


Language of Love

1. Language of Love Movie Festival


Customized posters, 70 (11.25” X 17.30”) @ $ 225.00

KSCtv LED Advertising in the KSC, no cost

What’s Up Kent State post, no cost

Flashperks Blast Email, no cost

OGE Listserv, no cost

20 Raffle T-Shirts from @ $ 214.00 total ($10.70 per shirt)

Photo-Booth props from Etsy, 18 piece set @ 29.00 total  

Photo-Booth banner from Etsy, 2 @ $ 19.00 total ($ 9.50 per banner)

Popcorn machine rental from Kent Inter hall Council, $15.00

Paragon Popcorn 50 lb. Bulk bag from Amazon, 1 bag @ $ 84.99

Case of 1 oz. Popcorn Bags from Amazon, 1000 per case @ $ 24.85

Ice Water and paper cups from Banquet Sales @ 2.00 a gallon $ 192.00 total

Heart-Shaped Rice Krispy Treats, 66 trays @ 5.00 a dozen $ 330.00 total

Paper Products from Banquet Sales @ $ 0.20 a person $ 160.00 total

Table set up from Banquet Sales $ 60.00 total

Four films purchased from Amazon @ $ 51.96 approximately ($12.99 each)

TOTAL BUDGET: Approximately $ 1,405.80


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One CSI staff member will create the poster in Vista print, totaling two hours of


Five CSI staff members will distribute posters around campus, totaling two hours

of work.  

Five international student advisory panel members will staff the film festival.

There will be two people at the front table to greet and distribute snacks, two

people that act as ushers and run the photo-booth and one person that acts as an

emcee and starts the film, totaling eight hours of work.


International Student Advisory Panel

1. Student Advisory Panel


Customized fliers, 30 (5.47” X 4.21”), no cost

International Student Advisory Panel Pins, 10 @ 2.99 each $ 29.99 total

Blastoff Table, no cost

KSU logo table cloth, no cost

KSCtv LED Advertising in the KSC, no cost

OGE Listserv, no cost

Lean breakfast buffet from Banquet Sales feeds up to 20 people @ 13.00 each

$260.00 total

Ice Water and paper cups from Banquet Sales @ 2.00 a gallon $ 8.00 total

Cupcakes, 3 trays @ $ 12.00 a dozen $ 36.00 total


Page 46: Completed KSC Communications Plan

Simple soup and Sandwich buffet @ 9.50 each @ $ 190.00 total

Paper Products from Banquet Sales @ $ 0.20 a person $ 16.00 total

TOTAL BUDGET: Approximately $ 539.99


One CSI staff member will create the flier and application, totaling three hours of


Five CSI staff members will distribute posters around campus, totaling two hours

of work.  

Ten CSI staff members will be present at the meetings, totaling five hours of



TOTAL EXPENSES FOR ALL TACTICS: Approximately $5,047.91


X. Timeline

March 2015:

International Student Advisory Panel-CSI staff will meet with OGE advisors

International Student Advisory Panel-CSI staff will create flier and application


Page 47: Completed KSC Communications Plan

International Student Advisory Panel-CSI staff will post fliers

International Student Advisory Panel-International students will attend mandatory

advising appointment

International Student Advisory Panel-Application will go live on CSI site

April 2015:

International Student Advisory Panel-Applications are due

International Student Advisory Panel-Ten international student members will be


International Student Advisory Panel-Secure space in SMC

International Student Advisory Panel-Order pins

International Student Advisory Panel-Ten CSI staff members will volunteer to

host meetings

August 2015:

International Student Advisory Panel-Place order with banquet sales

International Student Advisory Panel-Welcome breakfast will occur

International Student Advisory Panel-International Student advisory panel will be

present at Blastoff and International student orientation.

November 2015:

Super Bowl Party- Reserve KSC Ballroom

StressFree@KSC event- Customize fliers On Microsoft Word

Language of Love- Reserve space in the Kiva

Language of Love- Design Survey Monkey film submission website

Language of Love- Begin recruitment of event workers

Language of Love-Create customized event posters


Page 48: Completed KSC Communications Plan

Language of Love-Order customized event posters

International Student Advisory Panel-Place order with banquet sales

International Student Advisory Panel-Meeting will occur

December 2015:

Tri-Towers Winter Rewards Card- Create on

StressFree@KSC event- Reserve table in student center

StressFree@KSC event- Contact Special Projects Assistant to reserve Flash

for a special appearance

StressFree@KSC event- Complete order from KSC Banquet Sales for all

supplies needed

StressFree@KSC event- Order all giveaways

Language of Love-Finalize event workers

Language of Love-Submit flier design to OGE for use in listserv

Language of Love-Order photo-booth props

Language of Love-Submit event to What’s Up Kent State

Language of Love-Submit event to FlashPerks

Language of Love-Submit event to KSCtv

Greek Service Saturdays- Promoting to Greek chapters on campus

January 2016:

• Super Bowl Party- Blast event on social media

• Super Bowl Party- Contact Tri Towers RA’s to have them promote the event

during their weekly floor meetings


Page 49: Completed KSC Communications Plan

• Superbowl Party- Invite Greek Life and resident hall students to event

• Super Bowl Party- Greek Life presidents will promote event during weekly

chapter meetings

• Superbowl Party- Place food and supplies order with KSC Banquet Sales for


• Bracketology 101- Schedule to host Flash at event

• Mad for March event- Request to use ATO fraternity corn hole boards

• Mad for March event- Reserve ballroom in the KSC

• Mad for March event- Email President Warren’s secretary about attending event.

• Tri-Towers Winter Rewards- Distribute cards.

• StressFree@KSC- Blast all promotional strategies

• StressFree@KSC- Host first event on January 28, 2016

Language of Love-International student organization leaders will begin promotion

during their weekly meetings

Language of Love-Film site and raffle will go live

Language of Love-Films will be ordered

Language of Love-Go live on digital advertisements

Language of Love-Place customized event posters to meet international student


Language of Love-Place order to Kent State University Banquet Sales

Greek Service Saturdays- order jump ropes from

International Student Advisory Panel-Place order with banquet sales

International Student Advisory Panel- Meeting will occur


Page 50: Completed KSC Communications Plan

International Student Advisory Panel-Five members will volunteer to work

language of love

February 2016:

Mad for March event- Print Fliers from CSI office

Mad for March Event- Create information card and raffle cards using Microsoft

Word for CSI table in the student center

Mad for March event- Post advertisements to social media sites and LED screens

Mad for March event- Reserve table for students to submit brackets and vote on

President Warren vs. Flash competition

Mad for March event- Tri-Towers RA’s promote KSC event in the weekly hall


Mad for March- Greek Life Presidents promote KSC event during weekly chapter


Super Bowl Party- Host game day party

Super Bowl Party- Pick up helium balloons, balloon weights, and spools of ribbon

for party

Super Bowl Party- Host Pizza Party for winners of Super Bowl Competition

StressFree@KSC event- Host event on Febuary 4, 2016 and Febuary 25, 2016.

International Student Advisory Panel-Five members work language love

March 2016:

Mad for March event- Order all food and drinks for championship event from

KSC Banquet Sales


Page 51: Completed KSC Communications Plan

Tri-Towers Winter Rewards cards - Collect students cards

Greek Service Saturdays- purchase word search books from Dollar Tree

International Student Advisory Panel-Place order with banquet sales

International Student Advisory Panel-Meeting will occur

StressFree@KSC event- Host event March 3, 2016 and March 31 2016.

April 2016:

Mad for March event- Host championship game KSC Ballroom.

XI. Evaluation

To evaluate the effectiveness of the KSC communications plan, KSC will complete a

before and after email survey among Kent State students. The first part will take place in

the third week of classes and ask students how often they visit KSC during the winter

months, for what reasons and why they choose not to. After we finish our

communications plan, the same survey will be administered and we will gauge the

responses to determine whether the number of students visiting the KSC during the

winter months has increased.


Page 52: Completed KSC Communications Plan



Convenience Sample Audio Transcript (5)

Greek Life Survey  (5)

Salsa Survey(20)


Page 53: Completed KSC Communications Plan

Gyorgi Mahalyi-Jewell Interview

Gyorgi Mahalyi Contact Information

International 15th Day Statistics

Mark G (CSI) Interview

(Interview 1)

Catherine: The space out here, is that for anyone?

Student: “yep”

Catherine: Do you ever see people there?

Student: “Every once in awhile. Most of the time it’s the people in the offices who use

these spaces back here, I would not say that it is good study space because student

organizations can get loud back here. But it can be used as a meeting place.”


Page 54: Completed KSC Communications Plan

Catherine: What grade level student normally uses this space?

Student: “It varies but it is mostly sophomores and juniors.”

Catherine: would you say it is because most students are unfamiliar with building


Student: “Typically sophomores and juniors are the most involved.”

(Interview 2)

Stephanie: Do you come to the student center a lot?

Student: “I would say 2 or 3 times a week.”

Stephanie: What do you usually do?

Student: “Usually just to eat and check my email”

Stephanie: Are you aware of all the building amenities?

Student: “not really”

Stephanie: Do you ever come here to study?


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Student: “no”

Stephanie: Do you know what is in the basement?

Student: “Isn’t it like Jazmines?”

Stephanie: There is like a post office and Quaker Stake

Student: “Oh really”

Stephanie: Do you know what CSI is?

Student: “yes, kind of ...I’ve heard of it.”

(Interview 3)

Catherine: What grade level are you?

Student: “Sophomores”

Catherine: What dorm do you live in?

Student: “Olson”

Catherine: Do you like it?

Student: “I’m kind of sick of it”


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Catherine: Why are you eating in the student center today?

Student: “It is very accessible, it’s Sunday so there are not that many options.”

Catherine: Do you come here a lot?

Student: “Twice a week”

Catherine: What brings you here?

Student: “The food and my friends”

Catherine: Do you know what CSI is?

Student: “no”

Catherine: Center for Student Involvement

Catherine: Do you ever study here?

Student: “No there are too many distractions”

Catherine: Where do you study

Student: “My dorm room is convenient or the library. Most people would rather stay in

the dorm.”

(Interview 4)


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Stephanie: How often do you visit the student center?

Student: “2-3 times a week”

Stephanie: What grade level are you?

Student: “Senior”

Stephanie: Have you been coming here all four years?

Student: “Yes, here or the library”

(Interview 5)

Stephanie: Why are you at the student center?

Student: “Because no one comes here so it is quieter”

Stephanie: What grade level are you?

Student: “Sophomore”

Stephanie: How did you find out about it?

Student: “I just wandered around and found it”

Stephanie: How often do you visit?

Student: “Almost every day’


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Stephanie: Do you live on campus?

Student: “Yes, in Centennial”

Source: Gyorgyi Mihalyi-Jewell

International Student & Scholar Advisor

106 Van Campen Hall

Kent, OH 44242


[email protected]


Does the office of global education have a partnership with CSI?

Yes, there are multiple international student organizations. We work closely with

blackstone LaunchPad, the Multicultural Center and the cultural cafe. We also advertise

events through a weekly newsletter to international students.

Where does the largest population of international students come from?

They come from Beijing, Saudi Arabia and India.

Are international students required to live on campus?


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They are allowed to make their own housing decisions, But there is a housing community

called International Village Experience (IVE) it is located in Clark but will be moved to

Koonce Hall.

What is the most popular dorm?

Clark and Koonce

Where would you say that most students congregate?

The library

What do you feel is a top priority for international students?

They have an obligation to succeed academically. They are also looking to learn the

american culture..

Are there any programs in place to make them feel comfortable?

There is a mandatory orientation and we also organize activities throughout the semester.

They participate in field trips (cuyahoga valley national park and philadelphia)  and

cultural activities.

Please list two words that come to mind when you think of the student center?



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Source: Mark Gockowski, KSU Student, CSI staff

Position: Student Leadership Assistant

What is your role with CSI?

I am the student leadership assistant for the Center for Student Involvement.

Under this position, I help create, produce, and market programming for the Kent State

community. These programs are meant to provide information and support for students at

Kent State University to help improve their skills in their field of study throughout their

college career and for their jobs post graduation. For my position, I help create and

develop programs such as the Lunch with Leaders Series, CSI Leadership Speaker Series,

Spring Leadership Conference, For Seniors Only Programming, Greek Life

programming, and the Spring Leadership Awards Banquet amongst other programming.

How many students do you have visiting daily?

The CSI office contains many different entities to Kent State University including

being the main base for student organizations, the office of Greek affairs, Flashperks,

Kent Student Center Programming, Peer Involvement Advising, and Ucommute. With

that being said, dozens of students visit the Center for Student Involvement daily to

receive help, advice, feedback, or information regarding anything for themselves or the

student organizations they are involved in.

What types of questions do you normally get?


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Normally, the types of questions I receive on a daily basis are in regards to

organization programming and scheduling for those groups. I receive a lot of questions

regarding the programming that we prepare for Kent Student Center and the Kent State

University and I like to help organizations with the development and promotion of their

group’s event or philanthropy. Working for the Center for Student Involvement has really

helped me gain leadership skills that will be essential throughout my jobs following

graduation in May.

What events do you host in the winter months that you see draws a large majority of


The events that CSI host’s throughout the winter months that draws a large

majority of students are speaker programs we create within the CSI Leadership Speaker

Series. In 2015, we have brought in Bryant K. Smith and Rasheed Cromwell from the

Harbor Institute and former Ohio State National Champion running back Maurice Clarett

to speak to the student of KSU. Bryant K. Smith is known nationally as a speaker to

“help good people become great and great people become memorable!” Rasheed

Cromwell is also from the harbor institute and he works nationally with Greeks, both

NPHC, IFC, and Panhellenic, on risk reduction but also is one of the leading authorities

on fraternity and sorority life on college campuses. Maurice Clarett was considered the

best football player in college football in 2002 for The Ohio State Buckeyes but fell into

the wrong crowd, spent time in prison, and lost any chance at becoming a football star in

the National Football League. Maurice since has found a new drive in life and travels


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nationally to speak with students around the United States to never ruin chances at

opportunities when you have the skill.

Here is a bio about him from… “After much success on the

field Maurice had trouble finding that same level of success off of the field and found

himself serving 7 1/2 year prison sentence. It was there that Maurice began to take that

work ethic and discipline that brought him so much success as a football player and

began to focus it on himself as a person. He began to educate himself through college

courses, reading, and reading books that interested him such as the economy, finances,

and business. His growth became evident to those around him as he would share what he

had learned and began motivating those around him. It was this type of leadership that

permitted him to be released 4 years early.

Finally, we’ll also have Joan Mulholland speaking at the University on March 9.

Joan was one of the most well-known freedom riders during the civil rights era and

helped spread equality across the United States in the 1960s, even spending time in

prison for a while due to her beliefs.

We like to bring in a diverse group of speakers throughout the winter months and

throughout the whole entire academic year to interest every type of student at the


How do you promote it?

We promote our programs in many different ways. Social media is big and we use

Facebook, twitter, and Instagram through our CSI accounts to promote our events for


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students at KSU to access the information via smart phones and the web. Also, we create

“hot cards” which are little fliers that we send throughout different colleges at KSU and

place throughout the Student Center for anyone to grab and take home to remember the

date and time of the program. Next, we place banners around the student center for every

student, employee, or alumni to see when they’re walking through the building that will

draw interest in them to come to the program. Also, we have utilized the brand new

electric screen that is located right by the K in the middle of campus for students to see

the program advertised while walking to class. Email listservs are a big component as

well to reach out to various colleges at the University and student organizations that may

be interested in coming to the program.

What group would you consider to be your biggest partner in promoting the

Student Center?

The group I feel is our biggest partner is promoting our programs in the student

center is Flashperks. CSI pairs with Flashperks to help encourage students to come to the

program with the chances of winning prizes such as KSU apparel and potential of free

tuition for one year. Flashperks helps market our programs via social media and email,

which helps to bring in more of a crowd if we didn’t partner with them. Signum Design is

also a big partner in creating our advertisements and fliers to help promote our programs

and if it wasn’t for them, it would be very hard to draw crowds. Utilizing our sources

within the student center and campus really helps to make our programs very successful

throughout the academic year.