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Master Guide SAPMaster Guide SAPMaster Guide SAPMaster Guide SAP cProjectcProjectcProjectcProjectSuiteSuiteSuiteSuite 



UUUUsing SAP cProjectsing SAP cProjectsing SAP cProjectsing SAP cProject

Suite 3.10Suite 3.10Suite 3.10Suite 3.10

Document Version 1.07 – March 15th 2005

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Master Guide: mySAP PLM using SAP cProject Suite 3.10 

March 2005 7


Getting Started ................................................................................ 8 SAP Solut ion Manager ...............................................................................11 

History of Changes.....................................................................................12 

Important Notes ..........................................................................................12 

Creating Customer Messages ...................................................................13 

Software Component Matrix ......................................................... 14 

Technical Implementat ion ............................................................ 16 

Collaboration Projects ........................................................................ 17 

Technical Infrastructure.............................................................................17 

Mandatory Components ............................................................................17 

Optional Components ................................................................................18 

Installation Sequence.................................................................................19 

Design Collaboration With cFolders ................................................. 21 

Technical Infrastructure.............................................................................21 

Mandatory Components ............................................................................21 

Optional Components ................................................................................22 

Installation Sequence.................................................................................24 

 Appendix ........................................................................................ 26 

Software Components Overview ....................................................... 26 

SAP Web Application Server .....................................................................26 

OLTP R/3 System........................................................................................26 

R/3 Enterprise .............................................................................................26 

SAP Business Information Warehouse ....................................................27 

SAP Content Server ...................................................................................27 


Related Guides .................................................................................... 29 

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Master Guide: mySAP PLM using SAP cProject Suite 3.10 

March 2005 8

Getting Started

 About This Document The PLM Master Guide was developed to provide a central starting point for the technicalimplementation and upgrade of mySAP Product Lifecycle Management Using SAP cProjectSuite 3.10.

 To facilitate the implementation and upgrade process, the information in this document isorganized in terms of scenarios. You can choose from the different scenarios and find all theinformation that is relevant to the technical implementation of the scenario in a subsequentchapter in the document.

 The scenario-specific information in this document includes:

• An overview of the technical components (mandatory and optional components).

• Examples of how the different components interact with each other, and which protocols

and interfaces are used (technical infrastructure examples). Depending on the actualbusiness scenarios that have to be implemented and other aspects (such as security orperformance), the real infrastructure might be different.

• Information about the component's software releases.

• Information about the overall installation sequence and subsequent steps.

• References to related installation guides and SAP Notes.

• Information about mutual dependencies that affect two or more components within thescenario.

Note that the PLM Master Guide is a central overview document that mainlydeals with aspects of scenario-based implementation. This means thatadditional software dependencies may exist without being mentioned explicitlyin this document. For more information about component-specific softwaredependencies, see the corresponding installation guides.

As a technical document, the PLM Master Guide does not provide anyinformation about software licenses - neither SAP-related licenses nor 3


party product licenses.

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Master Guide: mySAP PLM using SAP cProject Suite 3.10 

March 2005 9

 About mySAP PLMmySAP PLM is a comprehensive end-to-end solution that covers product innovation,engineering and design, new product introduction, production ramp-up, and the management

of ongoing engineering changes that are seamlessly communicated to mySAP SCM.Additionally, for plant operators, mySAP PLM provides an integrated solution to improve theirasset utilization from the investment decision to maintenance management and replacement. 

 The key functional areas of mySAP PLM include the following:

•  Life-cycle data management - Provides integrated product and process engineeringcapabilities for managing requirements, bills of material, routing and resource data,recipes, CAD models, and related technical documentation; sophisticated changemanagement spanning from engineering to production to service, ensures consistency of product knowledge.

•  Life-cycle collaboration - Integrates business partners, customers, and suppliers tocommunicate data, such as project plans, documents, service bulletins, parts information,

and product structures across virtual teams.•  Program and project management - Provides advanced capabilities to plan, manage,

and control the complete development process, allowing project managers to controlproject structures, schedules, costs, and resources.

•  Quality management - Provides integrated total quality management for all industriesthroughout the entire product life cycle, to provide the best quality from concept toproduction.

•   Asset li fe-cycle management - Manages physical assets and equipment throughout thewhole life cycle of an asset to improve plant performance and equipment availability.

•  Environment, health and safety (EH&S) - Provides a comprehensive answer toenvironmental, health, and product safety issues by helping enterprises to fully comply

with government regulations and risk management.

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Master Guide: mySAP PLM using SAP cProject Suite 3.10 

March 2005 10

 About SAP cProject Suite 3.10 for mySAP PLMSAP cProject Suite 3.10 for mySAP PLM consists of the applications cFolders 3.10 andcProjects 3.10.

Design Collaboration with cFolders

cFolders is an Internet-based collaboration application in mySAP PLM. This newcollaboration platform enables you to collaborate with external business partners in virtualteams to optimize cross-enterprise processes. It allows you to efficiently share andexchange structured and unstructured information, such as data sheets and different kinds of documents, with internal team members, external partners, and suppliers. The applicationsupports two different business scenarios for this purpose:

• Collaborative scenario – for example, for internal team members and external partners

• Competitive scenario – for example, for use as a supplier’s bidding room

In addition, the tight integration of cFolders in Collaboration Projects (cProjects) in mySAPPLM connects in-house project management capabilities to secure external collaboration.

Collaboration Projects

cProjects enables you to realize innovative ideas in development projects, simplify internalprocesses, implement recognized quality standards, and reduce costs incurred by errors. It isa cross-industry application that supports the entire process of your development project,from conception, through planning and quality checks, to the completion of the project. It alsoallows you to communicate with external partners or lead customers. cProjects incorporatesinternationally recognized standards (QS-9000) and is based on methods, such as AdvancedProduct Quality Planning (APQP) developed in the automobile industry.

Prerequisites for an SAPImplementation/UpgradeA number of prerequisites must be met before you can start the actual implementation orupgrade. The description of these activities is not part of the PLM Master Guide.

1. Hardware sizing: You can find detailed information about sizing, calculation of hardwarerequirements (such as CPU, disk and memory resource) and the quick sizer tool on thefollowing page: http://service.sap.com/sizing 

2. Planning the system inf rastructure. You can find comprehensive information aboutnetwork integration and technical infrastructure aspects on the following page:http://service.sap.com/ti  

Information about network security is available at:http://service.sap.com/securityguide

Information about released platforms is available at:


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March 2005 11

How to Use the PLM Master Guide The PLM Master Guide provides information about which components and which guides arerequired during the implementation process.

• In the section entitled Software Component Matrix [Page Fehler! Textmarke nichtdefiniert.], you can find important information about the software components that aremandatory or optional for each scenario.

• In the section entitled Overview: Related Guides [Page 29], you can find an overview of all required installation guides.

 You can find the most up-to-date information about the technicalimplementation of PLM and the latest installation and configuration guides onSAP Service Marketplace: http://service.sap.com/plm-inst  We strongly recommend that you use the documents that are available on

these pages. These guides are updated and enhanced on a regular basis.• In the scenario-specific sections, you can find an overview of the implementation

process, the technical infrastructure, and the installation sequence. In addition, thesepages include information about related upgrade documentation, if available.

SAP Solution Manager 


 The SAP Solution Manager is a crucial portal to assist you with the implementation andoperation of your mySAP.com solution. The SAP Solution Manager integrates content, tools,and methodologies for implementation and operation. It helps you to visualize your business

processes and maps your solution landscape graphically, to give you a complete overview of your production environment. It helps to ensure the operation of your core businessprocesses by monitoring and alerting you before and when issues are encountered.

Important Information

 The SAP Solution Manager should be installed before the first TeamSAP Support service isdelivered. This applies specifically to SAP EarlyWatch Alert and SAP EarlyWatch.

 The SAP Solution Manager software is not part of the mySAP ProductLifecycle Management delivery. You must order the SAP Solution Manager CD on SAP Service Marketplace 

and agree to the terms and conditions specified there.

Ordering Process

1. Enter the Alias /solutionmanager inSAP Service Marketplace.

2. Choose Order the CD via Software Catalog. 

3. Follow the instructions to order the SAP Solution Manager CD or download it from theSoftware Center .

 You can find a detailed description of the installation process in theSAPSolution Manager Installation Guide, which is available on SAP Service

Marketplace (Alias /solutionmanager) and on the SAP Solution Manager CD.

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Master Guide: mySAP PLM using SAP cProject Suite 3.10 

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History of Changes The PLM Master Guide is updated on a regular basis on SAP Service Marketplace(http://service.sap.com/PLM-INST ).

 The following table provides an overview of the most important changes that were made inthe latest versions.

Master Guide Version (Date) Important Changes

1.00 (04.28.2004) Initial version

1.01 (05.28.2004) Additional notes added (see below)

1.02 (06.11.2004) Additional note added (see below)

1.03 (06.30.2004) Layout corrections

1.04 (08.09.2004) Formal corrections

1.05 (11.22.2004) Additional information on optional BusinessPackages in component overviews

1.06 (01.02.2005) • Additional caution paragraph in the softwarecomponent matrix

• Correction of SAP Content Server release

1.07 (03.15.2005) Note number corrected and additional note added forWFM Core installation (see page 18)

Important NotesWe strongly recommend that you read all related SAP Notes before starting theimplementation.  You can find the SAP Notes on SAP Service Marketplace at:http://service.sap.com/notes .

 The following notes contain the most important information about the implementation orupgrade of mySAP PLM:

Note Number Note Title

717650 cProject Suite 310: Installation and Upgrade

733228 Generation of Smart Forms728756 Additional table entries in ABA

736240 XPRA error: Migration of checklist templates

549393 Support Package for cProjects add-on components

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Master Guide: mySAP PLM using SAP cProject Suite 3.10 

March 2005 13

Creating Customer MessagesIf you encounter problems during the implementation process, we recommend that youcreate an error message in SAPNet R/3 Frontend:

Software Component SAPNet - R/3 FrontendComponent

SAP Web Application Server BC-INS

Internet Transaction Server (ITS) BC-INS


SAP Business Connector BC-MID-BUS

SAP Content Server BC-SRV-KPR-CMS

SAP cProject Suite – Collaboration Projects PLM-CPR

SAP cProject Suite – Design Collaboration withcFolders


We strongly recommend that you use the relevant SAPNet - R/3 Frontendcomponent when creating an error message. This ensures fast support fromSAP.

Integrated Business Content The Integrated Business Content knowledge portal offers scenario-based access to genericdescriptions, collaborative business maps, and best practices for mySAP Product LifecycleManagement.

 You can find comprehensive information about Integrated Business Content

for mySAP Product Lifecycle Management on SAP Service Marketplace:http://service.sap.com/ibc  

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Software Component Matrix  The following table provides an overview of the software components required for theimplementation of a specific scenario.

Scenariox = Mandatory / (x) = Optional Component

Minimum Release


Collaboration Projects Design Collaboration withcFolders

SAP Web Application



6.40 SP03


6.40 SP03

PI BASIS x2004_1_640


SAP GUI(For Customizing andsystem administrationonly)


(For Customizing and systemadministration only)


(For system administration only)

SAP cProject Suite x3.10


SAP Content Server (x)

Must correspond to interfaceversion 0045 or 0046


Must correspond to interfaceversion 0045 or 0046

SAP BW (x)


SAP BW Content (x)

3.52 (Optional, but required i f using SAP BW)

SAP R/3 (x)

4.6C SP47, 4.70 SP20, 5.00SP00


4.6B or higher */**

R/3 Plug-In (x)

PI 2004.1 SP01


PI 2004.1 SP01

Internet TransactionServer (ITS)



ECL Viewer 

(See the info rmationon page 22)


4.0 (To be installed on each f rontend, if required)

Text Retrieval andInformation Extraction(TREX)





WFM Core (x)

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MS Internet Explorer x




cProject Suite WindowsFile Explorer Extension





Easy DocumentManagement 3.0



Business Package for Design Collaboration



Business Package for Projects



* System requirements for transactions CFI01 and CFE01 (documents only): 

• SAP R/3 4.6B or higher (back-end system)

** System requirements for transactions CFI02 and CFE02 (documents, materials, and

bills o f material): 

• SAP R/3 Release 4.6C SP33 or higher (back-end system). See SAP Note 546617

• SAP R/3 Plug-In 2002.2

We recommend using transactions CFI01 and CFE01 only if your system

does not fulfill the requirements for transactions CFI02 and CFE02.

For cProjects only:

If you use a popup blocker, make sure that it is configured to allow popupsfrom your cProjects system, for example <server>.<your

company>.com . Otherwise, the system cannot close your session

automatically when you leave the application by browsing away or closing

your browser. This may result in projects being locked by you although youhave already left the application.

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Master Guide: mySAP PLM using SAP cProject Suite 3.10 

March 2005 16

 Technical Implementation

 The technical implementation depends on the system landscape and in particular on thesecurity policy of the enterprise.

SAP supports three installation variants:1. Installation of cFolders and cProjects within the intranet. This installation should be

chosen if cProjects and cFolders applications are being used for internal collaborationonly. All participants in the collaboration must have access to the company’s internalnetwork within the firewall.

2. Installation of cFolders and cProjects outside the intranet (usually DMZ/demilitarizedzone). This installation is not recommended by SAP due to security reasons. Choose thisscenario if cProjects and cFolders applications should primarily be accessible to externalcollaboration partners.

3. Installation of cFolders outside the intranet (usually DMZ/demilitarized zone) andcProjects within the intranet. This scenario is highly recommended by SAP. Thisinstallation should be chosen if cProjects is being used for internal project managementand cFolders for secure collaboration with external partners.

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Master Guide: mySAP PLM using SAP cProject Suite 3.10 

March 2005 17

Collaboration Projects

Technical Infrastructure The following graphic provides an overview of the recommended technical infrastructure of the Collaboration Projects scenario:

    F    i   r   e   w   a

    l    lExternal





    F    i   r   e   w

   a    l    l

Optional: cFolders

Host B



SAP Web Application



SAP J 2EE Engine


SAP J ava Connector


(partof cProject Suite 3.10)

SAP Content Server

R/3 DMS documents , material, BOM








SAP Web Application


SAP J 2EE Engine


SAP J ava Connector


cProject Suite 3.10

Host A




RFC Optional





SAP ContentServer



   H   T   T

   P    /    H

   T   T   P   S


Mandatory Components

SAP Web Application Server 6.40SAP cProject Suite is installed as an add-on on SAP Web Application Server 6.40.

Do not install SAP Web Appli cation Server 6.40 on Windows NT 4.0. Formore detailed information about the released platforms, see SAP ServiceMarketplace:http://service.sap.com/platforms  

SAP cProject Suite 3.10SAP cProject Suite 3.10 is an add-on that must be installed on the SAP Web ApplicationServer. SAP cProject Suite 3.10 includes two applications:

• cProjects: A project management application

cFolders: A collaboration platform

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For more detailed information about the installation of SAP cProject Suite3.10, see SAP Note 717650. 

Optional Components

SAP BW You can use SAP BW 3.50 with the BI Content 3.52 Add-On for additional evaluations. BIContent 3.5.2 contains predefined evaluations and reports.

SAP R/3 4.6C SP47, 4.70 SP20, or 5.00 SP00 The ERP system contains additional PLM functions, financial data in case financialsintegration is used, and other ERP functions.

 You can use SAP R/3 to create object links to SAP R/3 business objects, such asdocuments, material masters, or purchase order items.

R/3 Plug-In 2004.1 SP01An R/3 Plug-In (PI 2004.1 or higher) must be installed on the R/3 system. It is a mandatorycomponent if an R/3 system is used.

SAP Content Server  You can use the SAP Content Server for storing documents. The Content Server mustcorrespond to interface version 0045 or 0046; we recommend that you use version 0046.

If no SAP Content Server is available, documents are stored in WAS 6.40.

ITS 6.20 You can use an Internet Transaction Server (ITS) to call SAP transactions directly using theHTML GUI.

TREX 5.0 You can use TREX 5.0 for full text search functions. Note that search functions forKnowledge Provider documents are currently not supported in Unicode environments.

WFM Core 1.10 SP01 You can install WFM Core SP01 on the cProjects system or on a separate instance.

For more information about the WFM Core installation, see SAP Notes718626 and 565437. 

Business Package for Projects 50.3 You can use cProjects within the Business Package for Projects.

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Note that you need to apply SAP Note 736633. 

Installation SequenceHost A:

Product To Be Installed Subsequent Steps

(Guide: See Overview: Related Guides [Page 29]) 

1 Install SAP Web Application Server 

(Guide: SAP Web Application Server 6.40 Installation on

<operating system>: <database>) 

Installing the requiredlanguages

Guide: LanguageTransport, (BC-CTS-LAN) 

2 Install Plug-In PI BASIS 2004_1_640  /

3 Install SAP cProject Suite 3.10 /

Back-End Systems:Optional: SAP Business Warehouse

1 Install SAP BW 3.50 /

2 Install BI Content 3.52 Add-On

3 Install R/3 Plug-In PI 2004.1, SP01 /

Optional: SAP R/3

1 Install SAP R/3 4.6C SP47, 4.70 SP20, or 5.00 SP00 /

2 Install SAP Content Server on R/3 System Host /

3 Install R/3 Plug-In PI 2004.1 /

Optional: Internet Transaction Server - Install ITS 6.10 /

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Optional: Host BProduct To Be Installed Subsequent Steps

(Guide: See Overview: Related Guides [Page 29]) 

1 Install SAP Web Application Server 

(Guide: SAP Web Application Server 6.40

Installation on <operating system>:


Installing the required languages

Guide: Language Transport, (BC-CTS-LAN) 

2 Install Plug-In PI BASIS 2004_1_640  /

3 Install SAP cProject Suite 3.10  /

4 Install SAP Content Server on WebAS Host /

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Design Collaboration With cFolders

Technical Infrastructure The following graphic provides an overview of the recommended technical infrastructure of the Design Collaboration scenario.

    F    i   r   e   w   a    l    lExternal







    F    i   r   e   w   a    l    l

Host B



SAP Web Application



SAP J 2EE Engine


SAP J ava Connector


(partof cProject Suite 3.10)

SAP Content Server

R/3 DMS documents, material, BOM



SAP Web Application


SAP J 2EE Engine


SAP J ava Connector


cProject Suite 3.10





Host A










SAP ContentServer




Optional: cProjects

   H   T   T

   P    /    H   T   T   P



Mandatory Components

SAP Web Application Server 6.40SAP cProject Suite is installed as an add-on on SAP Web Application Server 6.40.

Do not install SAP Web Appli cation Server 6.40 on Windows NT 4.0. Formore detailed information about the released platforms, see SAP ServiceMarketplace:http://service.sap.com/platforms  

SAP cProject Suite 3.10

SAP cProject Suite 3.10 is an add-on that must be installed on the SAP Web ApplicationServer (Host A). SAP cProject Suite 3.10 includes two applications:

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• cProjects: A project management application

• cFolders: A collaboration platform

For more detailed information about the installation of SAP cProject Suite3.10, see SAP Note 717650. 

Optional Components

SAP R/3 4.6B or Higher  You can use SAP R/3 to create object links to R/3 business objects, such as documents,material masters, or purchase order items.

System requirements for transactions CFI01 and CFE01 (documents only): 

• SAP R/3 4.6B or higher (back-end system)

System requirements for transactions CFI02 and CFE02 (documents, materials, and

bills o f material): 

• SAP R/3 Release 4.6C SP33 or higher (back-end system). See SAP Note 546617. 

We recommend that you use transactions CFI01 and CFE01 only if your

system does not fulfill the requirements for transactions CFI02 and CFE02.

R/3 Plug-In 2004.1 SP01An R/3 plug-in must be installed on the R/3 system. It is a mandatory component if an R/3system is used. 

SAP Content Server  You can use the SAP Content Server for storing documents. The Content Server mustcorrespond to interface version 0045 or 0046; we recommend that you use version 0046.

If no SAP Content Server is available, documents are stored in WAS 6.40.

ECL Viewer 4.0 You can use ECL Viewer 4.0 for visualizing documents within cFolders. 

Note that the older version 3.11, is no longer supported.

Perform the following steps to download the new ECL Viewer 4.0 from the SAP ServiceMarketplace:

1. Goto http://service.sap.com/plm  

2. Switch to Life Cycle Data Management → Integration → Visualization of Product

Knowledge → Media Center .

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3. Download the ECL Viewer zip file to your local hard drive (right mouse-click on documentdownload icon).

4. Open the zip file and run the Setup.exe file. Ensure that all other applications areclosed before starting the application.

TREX 5.0 You can use TREX 5.0 for full text search functions. Note that search functions forKnowledge Provider documents are not currently supported in Unicode environments.

Business Package for Design Collaboration 60.1 You can use cFolders within the Business Package for Design Collaboration.

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Installation Sequence

Host B:

Product To Be Installed Subsequent Steps

(Guide: See Overview: Related Guides [Page 29]) 

1 Install SAP Web Application Server 

(Guide: SAP Web Application Server 6.40

Installation on <operating system>:


Installing the required languages

Guide: Language Transport (BC-CTS-LAN) 

2 Install Plug-In PI BASIS 2004_1_640  /

3 Install SAP cProject Suite 3.10 Add-On  /

4 Optional: Install SAP Content Server for cFolders (Host B)


Optional: Host A

Product To Be Installed Subsequent Steps

(Guide: See Overview: Related Guides [Page 29]) 

1 Install SAP Web Application Server (Guide: SAP Web Application Server 6.40

Installation on <operating system>:


Installing the required languagesGuide: Language Transport (BC-CTS-LAN) 

2 Install Plug-In PI BASIS 2004_1_640  /

3 Install SAP cProject Suite 3.10 Add-On  /

Optional: Back-End Systems:

SAP Business Warehouse

1 Install SAP BW 3.50 /

2 Install BI Content 3.52 Add-On

3 Install R/3 Plug-In PI 2004.1, SP01 /

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1 Install SAP R/3 4.6B or higher  /

2 Optional: Install SAP Content Server for cProjects (on R/3

System host)


3 Install R/3 Plug-In PI 2004.1 /

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Software Components Overview This section provides additional information about the most important PLM softwarecomponents.

Only a subset of these components is required for the installation of a specificscenario. You can find a scenario-specific overview of components in theSoftware Component Matrix [Page Fehler! Textmarke nicht defin iert.].

SAP Web Application Server 

SAP cProject Suite 3.10 is based on the SAP Web Application Server (SAP Basis Release6.40) as an add-on.

SAP Web Application Server (SAP Web AS) is the application platform of both SAPNetWeaver and the mySAP Business Suite. It provides the technological foundation for allother SAP components.SAP Web AS also includes a platform for quickly developing and deploying dynamic andcollaborative Web applications or other thin-client applications (WAP, PDA, and so on) andincludes all proven SAP programming models and technologies. With SAP Web AS, SAPsupports open Internet standards, including protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, andSMTP, as well as Internet document standards, such as HTML and XML.Open integration capabilities provide access to existing SAP and non-SAP applications. Allintegration facilities supported by SAP are available with SAP Web AS. The J ava Connectoror the .NET Connector give ABAP applications access to J ava or .NET components and vice

versa. In addition, the Internet Communication Framework (ICF) of SAP Web AS enablesABAP-written programs to process and distribute HTTP requests directly. As a consequence,SAP Web AS can serve both as an HTTP server and client. It serves as an HTTP server forbringing applications to the user through a Web browser either directly or using a standardWeb server. It serves as an HTTP client for accessing other Web applications to collectinformation and data. To complete Web connectivity, SAP Web AS provides full support forsending and receiving e-mails using SMTP.



OLTP system stands for Online Transaction Processing System (SAP System). It isconnected to the PLM Server as a back-end system and provides additional businessfunctionality, such as Materials Management and Financials.

R/3 EnterpriseSAP R/3 Enterprise is based on SAP Release 6.40. It consists of the SAP R/3 EnterpriseCore and several SAP R/3 Enterprise Extensions. These are optional and can be usedflexibly, thus allowing for more flexible upgrade strategies. While infrastructuralenhancements (such as performance enhancements) are made in the SAP R/3 EnterpriseCore, new functions will be provided in the SAP R/3 Enterprise Extensions. All extensions aredelivered in one extension set that is installed automatically during an upgrade or a newinstallation of SAP R/3 Enterprise. To use the functions contained in the SAP R/3 Enterprise

Extensions or industry solutions, you activate a switch for the relevant extension. This meansyou can implement only those new developments that you require.

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SAP R/3 Enterprise includes the following:

SAP R/3 Enterprise Extensions (part of the SAP maintenance agreement):

• SAP R/3 Enterprise HR Extension

• SAP R/3 Enterprise Travel Extension

• SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension

• SAP R/3 Enterprise SCM Extension

• SAP R/3 Enterprise Financials Extension

 Together with the above, SAP delivers the following parts for industry solutions:

• SAP R/3 Enterprise Public Services

• SAP R/3 Enterprise Financial Services

• SAP R/3 Enterprise Retail

• SAP R/3 Enterprise Global TradeFor PLM integration, an SAP Plug-In (such as PI 2003.1) is required.

SAP Business Information WarehouseSAP BW is an analysis tool that gathers and refines information from internal and externalsources containing:

• Customizable reporting tools from any perspective

• Predefined information models, reports, analyses, and key performance indicators

SAP BW can be used as an optional software component for all SAP PLM Key Capabilitiesto:

• Create reports and replicate them to the different offline working users using theMiddleware mechanisms. The BW analysis is replicated as MS Excel spreadsheets andwill be available in the Mobile Client in the Reports component (Mobile Client).

• Evaluate the sales and distribution data from PLM Marketing (E-Selling scenario)

• Perform effective telemarketing campaign analysis (Interaction Center )

SAP Content Server If you want to administer a larger amount of documents in the product catalog (for example,in the Internet Sales scenario), we recommend using the SAP Content Server. However, youcan also administer documentation without this server.

 The SAP Content Server is accessed using HTTP. If you want to integrate another contentserver in the scenario, the new server must fulfill the requirements of the interfacespecification as defined by SAP.

If data is stored on different servers, cache servers are used to facilitate access to thecontents of the documents, for example, if a document is to be displayed in a Web browser. The cache server creates auxiliary copies of documents from the content server. Thisenables faster read access to the required documents. Network load is reduced, as noremote content servers need to be located. While cache servers fulfill a similar function tocontent servers, the amount of administrative work involved is small, and access protection ispreserved. The central document administration function in an SAP system ensures that out-of-date documents in the cache can no longer be accessed and that these documents areeventually deleted.

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ITS TheSAP Internet Transaction Server (ITS) links the SAP system to the Internet.

 The ITS is a gateway between one or more Web servers and one or more SAP applicationservers. Typically, the Web server is an HTTP server, but other protocols such as FTP orGopher may also be supported.

Internet Application Components (IAC) require an ITS to make the functionality available toInternet users using a Web server.

Product catalogs are exported from the CRM system to an external index server for fasteraccess to product data. Multimedia data attached to products or product catalogs is stored inthe SAP Knowledge Provider (KPRO) component. When a catalog is published, theappropriate multimedia data is copied to the Web server.

 The ITS provides a user interface for the IPC. It also provides the communication betweenIPC and the CRM scenarios for configurable products. Within the internet sales scenario, italso provides the communication for price calculations.

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Related Guides

 You can find the most up-to-date information about the technicalimplementation of PLM and the latest installation and configuration guides onSAP Service Marketplace: http://service.sap.com/plm-inst  

We strongly recommend using the documents that are available for downloadon these pages.

Documentation Where to find it Scenario


DesignCollaborationwith cFolders

Several network andinfrastructure documents

SAP Service Marketplace:



x x

Information about plug-ininstallation for OLTP SAPsystems 

SAP Service Marketplace:



For upgrade issues, see theSAP Plug-In Upgrade Matrix thatis available on these pages.

x x

SAP Web ApplicationServer Installation on<Platform>:<DB>



→ SAP NetWeaver  

x x

Language Transport (BC-CTS-LAN) 6.40

(Installing the requiredlanguages) 



→ SAP NetWeaver  x x

SAP R/3 http://service.sap.com


→ SAP R/3

(x) (x)

SAP BusinessWarehouse 3.50 



→ mySAP Business Intelligence 

(x) (x)

SAP Content Server Installation Guide

SAP 6.40 Server ComponentsPackage CD-ROM  (x) (x)