d-10토익시험 총정리 공략...d-10토익시험 총정리 공략 동사 총정리 5. your order...

Point 1 동사 형태를 고르는 문제가 출제된다. 1. The Hilleberg Nallo 3 GT, our best selling tent, _______ a limited two-year manufacturer’s warranty. (A) includes (B) including (C) include (D) to include 2. The projects our design team staff _______ will be displayed in the lobby for two weeks. (A) was completed (B) completed (C) to complete (D) completion 3. All frequent flyer members can choose to receive 10000 free mileage points or _______ a chance to upgrade their seat for free. (A) has (B) had (C) have (D) having 4. Physicians at Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital _______ on a arranged schedule to provide maximum care to patients. (A) works (B) workers (C) work (D) working SKILL! 동사를 고르는 문제는 1) 2) 3) copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다. 토익시험 총정리 공략 D-10 동사 총정리

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Post on 13-Feb-2020




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Point 1 동사 형태를 고르는 문제가 출제된다.

1. The Hilleberg Nallo 3 GT, our best selling tent, _______ a limited two-year manufacturer’s warranty.(A) includes(B) including (C) include (D) to include

2. The projects our design team staff _______ will be displayed in the lobby for two weeks. (A) was completed(B) completed(C) to complete(D) completion

3. All frequent flyer members can choose to receive 10000 free mileage points or _______ a chance to upgrade their seat for free.(A) has (B) had (C) have (D) having

4. Physicians at Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital _______ on a arranged schedule to provide maximum care to patients. (A) works(B) workers(C) work(D) working

SKILL! 동사를 고르는 문제는




copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.

토익시험 총정리 공략D-10동사 총정리

5. Your order of office supplies should ______ within three business days once the payment is made.

(A) arrival(B) arriving(C) arrived (D) arrive

Point 2 1형식 동사 (S+V)

1. The Amoco Company’s sales and profits have increased _____ for 2 years.(A) notice(B) noticing (C) noticeable (D) noticeably

2. Officials on the Social issues responded ______ to the idea of a lower calorie school menu. (A) favor(B) favored(C) favorable(D) favorably

빈출 1형식 동사

appeardisappearspeak varystaylisten arrivecontinuedecreaseincreaseemergeexistgrowoccurtake place workcooperateservelive

SKILL! 1) 자동사는 __________ 이 불가하다. 2) 자동사는 분사형으로 __________ 만 가능하다.

copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.

3. Most hosts _____ once they are satisfied of the conditions of the contract.(A) to cooperate(B) will be cooperated(C) will cooperate(D) cooperating 4. BB&T banks also have joined the campaign, ________ to set up funds specializing in venture investment schemes. (A) agree(B) agreed (C) agreeing(D) agrees

Point 3 자동사 + 전치사

자동사 + 전치사

register ______ enroll ______ participate ______ refrain ______ collaborate ______ / ______ transfer ______ respond ______ serve ______specialize ______ interact ______ merge ______agree ______ result ______ / ______inquire ______qualify ______ interfere ______ account ______ succeed ______depend ______ deal ______object ______comply ______dispose ______consist ______abide ______call ______ apologize ______

copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.

1. We specialize _____ car care products and offer a wide range of high-quality stain removers.(A) in(B) until (C) above (D) for

2. Old Time Fudge Shop _____ in the distribution of unique confectionery to candy stores all over the country.(A) considers(B) specializes (C) estimates (D) welcomes

3. It is essential that each staff member always abide _____ the following rules.(A) for(B) across(C) by (D) with

Point 4 2형식 동사와 형용사

1. A red blinking light is _____ of a problem with the modem, and troubleshooting steps should be performed.(A) indicative(B) indicated (C) indication (D) indicate

2형식 동사

bebecomeremain appearseemproveturn out growcome

SKILL! 2형식 동사 + _________ / _________

copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.

2. It is _____ that all cashiers ask the customers who pay with a personal check to present their valid photo identification.(A) surprised(B) advisable(C) aware(D) sure

3. The new packing material seems to be as _____ as the previous one was.(A) sturdier (B) sturdiest (C) sturdily (D) sturdy

Point 5 3형식 동사의 특징과 수동태

의미가 유사한 자동사 VS. 타동사

타동사 자동사

succeed 계승하다 succeed 성공하다

process 절차를 밟다 proceed 진행되다

damage ~를 악화시키다 deteriorate 악화되다

raise ~를 상승시키다 rise 상승하다

follow, observe ~를 준수하다 comply with 준수하다

attend 참석하다 participate in ~에 참석하다

explain ~에 관하여 설명하다 account for ~을 설명하다, (비율을) 차지하다

acquire ~을 인수하다 merge with ~와 합병하다

oppose ~에 반대하다 object to ~에 반대하다

discuss ~에 관하여 토론하다 talk about ~에 관하여 토론핟

answer ~에 답변하다 reply to, respond to ~에 답변하다

tell ~에게 말하다 talk to ~에게 말하다

leave 떠나다 depart from 출발하다

approve 동의하다 agree with 동의하다

mention 참조하다 refer to 참조하다

copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.

1. The PNC Bank suggested several _____ to pay monthly installments.(A) opt(B) option(C) opting (D) options

2. All orders for Home and Heart’s handmade towels _____ within five days of pur- chase.(A) to send(B) will be sent (C) to be sending (D) has sent

3. Please _____ the customer service department at Easy Bake Oven Factory if you have questions about your new appliance.(A) enroll(B) contact (C) apply (D) insist

4. The National IT Promotion Agency is _______ with public recruitment for itsCEO.(A) expressing (B) processing (C) collecting (D) proceeding

유사 의미의 자.타동사

speak to /talk to = discuss/saydeal with = handle look at = see consist of = composerespond to = answer result in = causegrow = expand decrease = reducelisten to = hear


태문제의 90% 는 3형식 동사로 출제된다!!

3형식 동사 뒤에 __________ 가 없다면 __________ 를 선택하라!!

copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.

5. _______ brand visibility is the key aspect for small businesses to attract new customers . (A) Promoting(B) Responding(C) Agreeing(D) Objecting

Point 6 모든 3형식 동사가 that 절을 목적어로 취하지 않는다!!

1. The car repair mechanic _________ that the engine could be fixed but it would probably be cheaper to replace it.(A) explained(B) cooperated (C) repaired (D) upgraded

that 절을 목적어로 취하는 동사

indicate confirmensureclaimrealizestipulatespecify announcesuggestpredictanticipateexpect

SKILL! 주로 ‘___________’ , ‘ ___________’ 류의 동사가 많다.

copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.

Point 7 4형식 동사의 특징과 수동태

4형식 동사 : give, offer, grant, send, award, issue

4형식 동사 = ____ 형식 동사 Our company offers extensive benefits and competitive pay.

4형식 수동태

Customers participating in the study [gave/were given] samples.

If you register for our e-mail list, you [will issue/ will be issued] a 30% discount.

SKILL! ‘S [ 4형식 동사 ] 명사 ’ 일때 빈칸이 능동인지 수동인지는 ‘_________ ’ 으로 결정한다!

Announce 류 동사 VS. Notify 류 동사

1. Announce 류 동사

sayannouncenoticeexplain expressmention

SKILL! 1) announce 류 동사 뒤에는 ‘_______’ 이 바로 온다. 2) ‘________’ 을 목적어로 취할 수 있다.

2.Notify 류 동사

주어 + notify + 대상 + _______________inform _______________remind _______________advise assure

Our real estate agent will advise you of any changes to the lease contract.

SKILL! notify 류 동사는 반드시 뒤에 ‘______ ’ 이 와야 하고 ‘________’ 이 없다면 ‘__________’ 을 선택한다!

copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.

1. Two one-year free admission tickets to the V&A Museum _____ to the winner of the half-marathon competition.(A) award(B) will award(C) has awarded (D) will be awarded

2. Employees who have accounting and business degrees will _____ the chance to be promoted to higher administrative positions.(A) be given(B) give(C) be giving (D) have given

3. Please be _____ that the human resources office will process paychecks on the first Monday of each month before noon. (A) devoted(B) assured(C) determined(D) indicated

4. The CEO of SYJN Manufacturing is expected to _____ the opening of a new factory in Beijing at the end of the year. (A) announce(B) notify(C) consider(D) recover

5. Eva Air and Hong Kong Airlines ________ that they will stop transporting shark's fins.(A) informed(B) convinced(C) notified (D) mentioned

SKILL! 4형식 동사 = ____ 형식 동사

copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.

Point 8 5형식 동사를 완전히 숙지해야 한다!

빈출 5 형식 동사와 목적보어 자리

1) 주어 + make + 목적어 + 형용사/분사 (keep, find, consider, think, leave, make, help)

2) 주어 + let + 목적어 + V (동사원형) ( ______ 동사: make, have, let)

2) 주어 + advise + 목적어 + to V( ask, remind, cause, enable, encourage, expect, force, urge, permit, persuade )

3) 주어 + appoint + 목적어 + 명사 ( assign, name, title, call, consider, deem)

자주 출제되는 5형식 동사의 수동태

1) ‘임명하다’ 류 동사 : name, appoint, assign, elect, consider

Ms.Yamamoto [ will appoint / will be appointed ] the new public relations manager as of next month.

Once hired as an accountant, you must complete a training course before you [ assigned / are assigned ] accounts to manage.

2) ‘ask’ 류 동사 : ask, remind, cause, enable, encourage, expect, force, urge, permit, persuade * 밑에 표 참고!!

To avoid serious accidents, the expedition leader reminded the rock climber [ wear ] protective gear at all times.

The passengers [ ask ] to go to the reception desk to have a coupon issued.

3) Regard A as B : refer to , think of, see , treat , look on , define , consider , describe , rate

We regard him as our leader. -> He ___________ as our leader.

People refer Presley as the “King of Rock and Roll”. -> Presley _________________ the "King of Rock and Roll”.

copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.

능동태 수동태

advise O to do ask O to do cause O to do enable O to do encouraged O to do expect O to do force O to do urge O to do permit O to do persuade O to do

be advised to dobe asked to dobe caused to do be enabled to do be encouraged to do be expected to do be forced to do be urged to do be permitted to do be persuaded to do

1. In order to prevent the outside contamination, those who work with toxic chemicalsare ______ to comply with the disposal guideline.(A) resulted (B) focused (C) required (D) controlled

2. Mr. Peterson will let his employees ______ a day off when the project is finished. (A) has(B) have (C) having (D) to have

3. Repeated calls to ask if they got the job made most hiring managers ______ . (A) annoying(B) annoyed(C) annoyingly (D) annoys


빈칸 뒤에 to부정사가 온다면 _____ 문제를 가장한 _____ 문제인 경우가 대부분이다.

copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.

4. The board of directors ______ the new account director at the last general meeting. (A) names(B) named(C) was named (D) to name

5. Every employee in the accounting office should _____ his or her supervisor of any error found on a sales invoice.(A) advise(B) suggest (C) present (D) evaluate

6. This letter is to _____ you that our online store will become available soon.(A) inform(B) have been informed(C) be informed (D) informing

감정동사의 분사형태를 선택할 때, ______ 은 Ved _______ 은 Ving 를 선택한다!

감정 동사

surprise amuse satisfy depress excite interestexhaust tire fascinate encourage confuse frustrateembarrass annoy shock disappoint disappoint please

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Point 9 동사의 태 총정리

Point 10 동사의 수일치 총정리

SKILL! 90 % 이상이 3형식 동사의 태문제이다!

3 형식 동사 S [ 능동/ 수동 ] 명사 S [ 능동/ 수동 ]

4 형식 동사 S [ 능동/ 수동 ] 명사 명사 S [ 능동/ 수동 ] 명사

5 형식 동사 S [ 능동/ 수동 ] 명사 명사 S [ 능동/ 수동 ] 명사

Both A and B + [ 단수 / 복수 ]동사

Between A and B Either A or BNeither A nor B + [ 단수 / 복수 ]동사 ( _____ 에 수를 일치시킨다.)Not only A but also B(= B as well as A ) not A but B ( B but not A )

The number of accidents in school zones [ is / are ] increasing every year.

A number of workers at BXO Enterprises [ commute / commutes ] to work by train.

copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.

명사 동사

one of the each of the either of the neither of the none of the

a) 가산 단수명사 b) 가산 복수명사c) 불가산 명사

a) 단수동사b) 복수동사

much of thea little( little ) of the less of the

a) 가산 단수명사 b) 가산 복수명사c) 불가산 명사

a) 단수동사b) 복수동사

many of the both of thea few(few) of the fewer of the none of the

a) 가산 단수명사 b) 가산 복수명사c) 불가산 명사

a) 단수동사b) 복수동사

all of themost of the more of thesome of the any of the half of the

a) 가산 단수명사 b) 가산 복수명사c) 불가산 명사

a) 단수동사b) 복수동사

all of themost of the more of thesome of the any of the half of the

a) 가산 단수명사 b) 가산 복수명사c) 불가산 명사

a) 단수동사b) 복수동사

1. There ______ even several television shows that talk about training pets.(A) is(B) has(C) have(D) are

2. The number of obese children also ______ increasing across the country.(A) keeping(B) keep (C) keeps(D) to keep

None have been proven.

None of the UFO sightings have ever shown proof of extraterrestrials.

None of the discussed candidates was selected in the end.

copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.

3. ______ of the employees in the stores wants to deal with anyone in a bad mood.(A) Most (B) None (C) All (D) Every

4. Half of the customer service team members ______ been assigned to one area of customer services to focus on.

(A) is(B) be(C) are(D) to be

5. ______ for the position who have not yet submitted are required to be completed by May 25th. (A) Applying (B) Application(C) Applicants(D) Applies

Point 11 동사의 시제 총정리

______ 시제 ______ 시제 _________ 시제

ago, last, previously, recentlyyesterday

next, following, upcominglater( later this week)

already, yet, since then, recently, for + 기간over the past few years since + ____ 시점 since + 주어 + ______

_____ 이나 _______ 부사절에서는 미래시제(will) 이 쓰일 수 없고, 대신 현재시제가 쓰인다.

시간 접속사 : After, Before, As soon as, Until 조건 접속사 : If, Unless, Once

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that 절에 반드시 동사원형이 오는 경우

1) S 요구, 주장, 명령 동사 + that + 주어 + ( _________ ) 동사원형

요구 require, request, ask, demand 제안 recommend, suggest, propose 주장 insist명령 order

It is suggested that the floor supervisor [ assist ] the new employees with running the cash registers.

Guidelines [ indicated / recommend] that classrooms not exceed a background noise level of 35 decibels.

SKILL! 동사 ______ 문제처럼 속여 출제된다!

2) It is [긴급한, 중요한, 필수적인, 필요한] + that + 주어 + ( _________ ) 동사원형 important, necessary, imperative, essential, vital

It is ___________ that every employee lock up the file cabinets when leaving the office.

SKILL! 형용사 ______ 문제처럼 속여 출제된다!

before 절과 대과거

Before + S + 과거시제 , S + _____ / _______

Before Mr. Scott’s relocation to the Tokyo branch was officially announced, he [ sign ] an office in Tokyo.

문장안에 ‘미래 특정 시점까지의 기간’ 을 나타내는 부사구가 있어야만 ‘_________’ 가 정답이다.

by next year, By the time S + V

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1. By the time the upgrade work is finished, the plant ________ the total amount of energy consumption by 25%. (A) reduced(B) have reduced(C) will have reduced(D) is reducing

2. Before Mr. Wrignt’s relocation to London branch was officially announced, he ______ an apartment lease in London. (A) sign(B) sings(C) will sign(D) had signed

3. Once it has reviewed all the participants , the ACNE Award Committee _______ prize winners of this year deliberately.(A) will choose(B) have chosen (C) choose(D) chooses

4. Ms. Jefferson asked that the condition of the wiring _______ before the purchase of the building.(A) examines(B) is examined (C) be examined(D) to examine

5. By the first week of the following month, Premiere Purse Company _______ its new line of handbags for spring and summer season.(A) has been designing (B) is designed(C) will have designed (D) had designed

by the time 시제

By the time S + 현재 동사 ~ , S _____________ ~ .

By the time S + 과거 동사 ~ , S _____________ ~ .

By the time the upgrade work is completed, the factory [ reduce ] the total amount of energy consumption by 20%.

copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.

6. It is recommended that the floor supervisor _______ the new employees with operating the cash registers.(A) assists (B) assist (C) assistant (D) assisting

copyrightⓒ 2014 NICOLE COMPASS @ NICOLE COMPASS 저자의 허락없이 이 책의 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제, 전재, 발취하는 것을 금합니다.