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; *****************************************************************; * *; * CID.PPE V 1.60 (09-01-95) *; * *; * Written in PPL 3.10 for PCBoard 15.21 *; * *; * Designed By: Gary Meeker *; * *; * Began development: 04-06-93 *; * *; *****************************************************************;; This .PPE checks the secrity level of a user and if within the specified; range, checks the Caller ID info for the phone number. If a number is; found, then it writes it to the file specified.;; Usage:;; !CID.PPE C:\PCB\PPE\CID.CFG;; IF the configuration file is not specified, the CID.CFG in the same directory; as CID.PPE will be used.;

STRING ConfigFile, CID, Private, Outside, Search(5), NameSearch(5), TextSTRING CIDFile, PrivateFile, OutsideFile, NoMatchFile, LockOutFileSTRING BadNumFile, PCPNumFile, PCPUserFile, FileName, Label, AreaCodeSTRING PhoneNumber, Formatted, Filter, Temp, TempFileSTRING CID_AC, CID_NUM, TEMP_AC, TEMP_NUM, PF_Sec, OF_Sec, NM_SecBYTE SecLow, SecHigh, Pos, Offset, NamePos, NameOffset, X, LengthBYTE SCount, NCountBOOLEAN LogName, LogNoMatch, LogLockout, LogPCPursuit, Done, CIDTestBOOLEAN AreaCodeFix, AreaCodeFixed, LogFix, Display, NoMatchBOOLEAN SearchHex(5), NameSearchHex(5), SearchHexFlag, NameSearchHexFlag

;Characters to Filter out of Users Record Phone Numbers

Filter = " -()+"Display = TRUE

;Parse the command line for possible ConfigFile


;If not present use PPE info

IF (ConfigFile = "") LET ConfigFile = PPEPATH() + PPENAME() + ".CFG"

;Read configuration file

IF (EXIST(ConfigFile)) THEN FOPEN 1, ConFigFile, O_RD, S_DN FDEFIN 1 FDGET Temp TOKENIZE REPLACE(Temp, " ", CHR(255)) SCount = 1 WHILE (TRUE) DO Search(SCount) = REPLACE(GETTOKEN(), CHR(255), " ") GETTOKEN SearchHex(SCount) IF (Search(SCount)="") BREAK INC SCount ENDWHILE FDGET Temp TOKENIZE REPLACE(Temp, " ", CHR(255))

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NCount = 1 WHILE (TRUE) DO NameSearch(NCount) = REPLACE(GETTOKEN(), CHR(255), " ") GETTOKEN NameSearchHex(NCount) IF (NameSearch(NCount)="") BREAK INC NCount ENDWHILE FDGET Temp TOKENIZE Temp Private = REPLACE(GETTOKEN(), CHR(255), " ") IF (Private="") LET Private = "P" 'usually indicates a PRIVATE number Outside = REPLACE(GETTOKEN(), CHR(255), " ") IF (Outside="") LET Outside = "O" 'usually indicates a OUTSIDE AREA number GETTOKEN SecLow GETTOKEN SecHigh GETTOKEN LogName GETTOKEN LogNoMatch GETTOKEN LogLockout GETTOKEN LogPCPursuit GETTOKEN AreaCode GETTOKEN CIDTest GETTOKEN AreaCodeFix GETTOKEN LogFix FDGET Temp Label = REPLACE(Temp, CHR(255), " ") IF (Label = "") LET Label = "CID: " FDGET CIDFile FDGET Temp TOKENIZE Temp GETTOKEN PrivateFile GETTOKEN PF_Sec FDGET Temp TOKENIZE Temp GETTOKEN OutsideFile GETTOKEN OF_Sec FDGET Temp TOKENIZE Temp GETTOKEN NoMatchFile GETTOKEN NM_Sec FDGET LockoutFile FDGET BadNumFile FDGET PCPNumFile FDGET PCPUserFile FCLOSE 1ELSE PRINTLN "Missing configuration file - ", ConfigFile STOPEND IF

;Delete any existing CIDFile first if one was specified

GOSUB KillFile

;Get the Caller ID string and the Users info

CID = CALLID();CID = "DATE = 0101 TIME = 0103 NMBR = 7709952699 NAME = GARY MEEKER";CID = "DATE = 0101 TIME = 0103 NMBR = 030A37373039393532363939 NAME = 030B47415259204D45454B4552";CID = "DATE = 0101 TIME = 0103 MESG = 030A37373039393532363939 NAME = GARY MEEKER";CID = "DATE = 0101 TIME = 0103 MESG = 030739393532363939 NAME = GARY MEEKER"


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;Bail out if no Caller ID info

IF (CID = "") STOP

;If not within the desired Security range we don't show files

IF (CURSEC() < SecLow | CURSEC() > SecHigh) LET Display = FALSE

;Find the postion of the Phone Number in the Caller ID string

FOR X = 1 TO SCount Pos = TOBYTE(Search(X)) ; Get it's numeric value if not string Offset = 0 ; Assume it's numeric, no offset SearchHexFlag = SearchHex(X) ; Assume this is the one we want

IF (Pos = 0) THEN ; If it's not a numeric value Pos = INSTR(CID, Search(X)) ; Look for the string Offset = LEN(Search(X)) ; and how long is our string END IF IF (Pos > 0) BREAK ; OK, we got one. Let's get out of hereNEXT X ; else, let's keep trying

IF (Pos = 0) THEN ; If we never find one, forget it. PRINT "Search Key not Found! (" ; But report what we didn't find FOR X = 1 To SCount PRINT Search(X) NEXT X PRINTLN ")" STOP ; then quitEND IF

;Pull out just the Phone NumberX = Pos + Offset ; Point to the actual data then.IF (SearchHexFlag) THEN ; Are we expecting Hex? GOSUB ReadHex ; Yes, generate Temp from Hex dataELSE Temp = MID(CID, X, 10) ; No, just grab the data thenEND IFTOKENIZE Temp ; Upper Case and find the end if shortPhoneNumber = RTRIM(LEFT(GETTOKEN(), 10), " ") ; just the number please

IF (LEN(PhoneNumber) = 7) LET PhoneNumber = AreaCode + PhoneNumber

Formatted = LEFT(PhoneNumber, 3) + "-" + MID(PhoneNumber, 4, 3) + "-" + RIGHT(PhoneNumber, 4)

;Write the number as AAA-EEE-NNNN to the desired file if specifed

IF ((CIDFile <> "") & (LEN(PhoneNumber) = 10)) THEN ;Verify all digits and a full 10 of them at that

FOR Pos = 1 TO 10 IF (INSTR(MASK_NUM(), MID(PhoneNumber, Pos, 1)) = 0) GOTO SkipCID NEXT Pos

FCREATE 1, CIDFile, O_WR, S_DB ; Generate the file FPUTLN 1, Formatted

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IF (LogName) THEN FOR X = 1 TO NCount NamePos = TOBYTE(NameSearch(X)) ; Ditto to the Name Search NameOffset = 0 NameSearchHexFlag = NameSearchHex(X)

IF (NamePos = 0) THEN NamePos = INSTR(CID, NameSearch(X)) NameOffset = LEN(NameSearch(X)) END IF IF (NamePos > 0) BREAK NEXT X

;Log the Name if present

IF (NamePos<>0) THEN ; Pull out just the Name X = NamePos + NameOffset ; Point to the actual data then. IF (NameSearchHexFlag) THEN ; Are we expecting Hex? GOSUB ReadHex ; Yes, generate Temp from Hex data ELSE Temp = MID(CID, X, 60) ; No, just grab the data then END IF

LOG Label + TRIM(Temp, " "), 0 ; And log it END IFEND IF

;If it's PRIVATE then show the file if specified

IF (LEFT(PhoneNumber, 1) = Private) THEN Temp = PF_Sec : TempFile = PrivateFile : GOSUB ShowFile

;If it's OUTSIDE AREA then show the file if specified

ELSEIF (LEFT(PhoneNumber, 1) = Outside) THEN Temp = OF_Sec : TempFile = OutsideFile : GOSUB ShowFile

;If it's not Home/Voice or Business/Data then show the file if specified; but nevermind if we didn't get an actual phone number.

ELSEIF ((LEN(PhoneNumber = 10)) & U_RECNUM(U_NAME()) > 0) THEN IF (AreaCodeFix) THEN CID_AC = LEFT(PhoneNumber, 3) CID_NUM = RIGHT(PhoneNumber, 7) END IF

NoMatch = TRUE ; Assume they don't match

;Get HVPhone number and strip out other characters.

Temp = U_HVPHONE : Text = "Home/Voice" GOSUB DoFilter ; Sets Done if area code changed IF (Done) LET U_HVPHONE = Temp ; Change it

;Get BDPhone number and strip out other characters.

Temp = U_BDPHONE : Text = "Bus/Data"

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GOSUB DoFilter ; Sets Done if area code changed IF (Done) LET U_BDPHONE = Temp ; Change it

IF (NoMatch) THEN IF (LogNoMatch) LOG "Caller ID: Not Home: "+U_HVPHONE+" or Bus: "+U_BDPHONE, 0 Temp = NM_Sec : TempFile = NoMatchFile : GOSUB ShowFile END IF IF (AreaCodeFixed) PUTUSER ; Write record if phone number changedEND IF

;If the number matches an entry in the BadNumFile then display the LockoutFile

FileName = BadNumFileText = FormattedGOSUB ScanFile ' Check for Text in Filename, return Done TRUE if foundIF (Done) THEN IF (LogLockout) LOG "CallerID: Caller Locked out!", 0 IF (EXIST(LockoutFile)) DISPFILE LockoutFile, LANG+SEC+GRAPH STOPEND IF

FileName = PCPNumFileGOSUB ScanFile ' Check for Text in Filename, return Done TRUE if foundIF (Done) THEN FileName = PCPUserFile Text = U_NAME() GOSUB ScanFile ' Check for Text in Filename, return Done TRUE if found Temp = "user added." IF (!Done) GOSUB AddtoFileEND IF

FileName = PCPUserFileText = U_Name()GOSUB ScanFile ' Check for Text in Filename, return Done TRUE if foundIF (Done) THEN FileName = PCPNumFile Text = Formatted GOSUB ScanFile ' Check for Text in Filename, return Done TRUE if found Temp = "number to ignore: " + Text IF (!Done) GOSUB AddtoFileEND IF


:ShowFile IF (TempFile <> "") THEN GOSUB CheckSec ' Sets Done = True if file to be displayed IF (EXIST(TempFile) & Done) DISPFILE TempFile, LANG+SEC+GRAPH END IFRETURN

:CheckSec Done = Display IF (Temp = "") RETURN ' Nothing specified use Display Done = FALSE ' Assume False Temp = REPLACE(Temp, ",", ";") ' Convert for Parsing TOKENIZE Temp ' Tokenize the list Text = "-" ' Initialize for WHILE loop WHILE (Text <> "" & !Done) DO GETTOKEN Text ' Get a Security Level or Range IF (Text<>"") THEN X = INSTR(Text, "-") ' Is it a Range? IF (X>0) THEN ' Yes

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:ReadHex Temp = "" ' Start with nothing X = X + 2 ' Set pointer Length = S2I(MID(CID, X, 2), 16) ' Read the length in hex WHILE (Length > 0) DO ' Check the entire length X = X + 2 ' Bump the pointer Temp = Temp + CHR(S2I(MID(CID, X, 2), 16)) ' Convert a character DEC Length ' Count it END WHILE ' Keep it up until doneRETURN

:ScanFile Done = False ' Assume we don't find it IF (EXIST(FileName)) THEN ' Make sure the file is there FOPEN 1, FileName, O_RD, S_DN ' OK, so open it FDEFIN 1 ' WHILE (!Done) DO FDGET Temp IF (Temp="") BREAK ' Done with file if blank Done = (Temp=Text) END WHILE FCLOSE 1 END IFRETURN

:AddtoFile FAPPEND 1, FileName, O_RW, S_DN FPUTLN 1, Text FCLOSE 1 IF (LogPCPursuit) LOG "CallerID: New PCP "+ Temp, 0 GOSUB KillFile STOPRETURN


:DoFilter Done = FALSE FOR X = 1 TO LEN(Filter) Temp = STRIP(Temp, MID(Filter, X, 1)) ; Strip out any unwanted characters NEXT X IF (Temp = "") THEN Temp = "0000000000" ; If nothing left then make it all Zeros ELSEIF (LEFT(Temp, 1) = "1") THEN Temp = MID(Temp, 2, LEN(Temp)-1) ; If it starts with a 1, strip it off END IF IF (AreaCodeFix) THEN IF (LEN(Temp) = 7) THEN Temp = "000" + Temp ; Use the 000 for area code if the User did END IF ; not provide one Temp_AC = LEFT(Temp, 3) ; Get the Area Code Temp_NUM = RIGHT(Temp, 7) ; and the Phone Number

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IF ((Temp_AC <> CID_AC) & (Temp_NUM = CID_NUM)) THEN ; Area code changed? Temp = Formatted ; Yes, change it to what Caller ID supplied AreaCodeFixed = TRUE ; We need to write User record Done = TRUE ; We fixed one! NoMatch = FALSE ; It matches now! IF (LogFix) LOG "CallerID: " + Text + " Phone changed to " + Temp, 0 END IF END IF IF (RIGHT(PhoneNumber, LEN(Temp)) = Temp) LET NoMatch = FALSERETURN

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