Page 1: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health



Page 2: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

health and fitness

watch your diet take exercise

rest up

no smoking or drugs

stay happy

Page 3: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

build word map

watch your diet

Module 5 (Book 7A)P82 (Book 9A),P51 (Book 9B)

Page 4: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

Module 5 (Book 7A)

P31, P26-P29,P129

Word map

watch your diet

healthy food healthy drink











carrots onions




unhealthy food




unhealthy drink

Coke coffe


sugar, chip

junk food

on a good dietP82 (Book 9A),

put on weight

P51 (Book 9B)

Page 5: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

health and fitness

watch your diet take exercise

rest up

no smoking or drugs

stay happy

P32 (Book 7B)P80 (Book 9A),P50 (Book 9B)

P51 (Book 9B)

P51 (Book 9B)

Module 5 (Book 7A)P82 (Book

9A),P51 (Book 9B)

P51 (Book 9B), P54 (Book 9B)


Page 6: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

take exercise

a couch potato


swimming walking


do weight training

fitness club/centr


P32 (Book 7B)P80 (Book 9A),P50 (Book 9B)

Page 7: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

get eight hours’ sleep(get enough sleep)

rest up

P51 (Book


Page 8: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

don’t worry

stay happy

listen to music

do some sightseeing

be worried about talk to others

P51 (Book 9B)

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take drugs

no smoking or drugs

damage one’s health

be bad for


die from

get disease

P51 (Book 9B), P54 (Book 9B)

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内容上与相关话题一致; 句式在表达上新颖、独特,使用了较复

杂的结构; 适用于相关话题的书面表达中。

Page 11: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

关于 watch your diet 的功能句

To be healthy, eat more healthy food .

Junk food is bad for the body. You should ban junk food from your diet. I have decided to keep a diary about what I

eat and how much I exercise, because I think it will help me to get fit and lose weight.

It’s important to eat plenty of the right things, above all, fruit, vegetables.

including meat, fruit and vegetables

P29 (Book 7A)P82, P150(Book 9A),

P51 (Book 9B),

Page 12: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

health and fitness

watch your diet take exercise

rest up

no smoking or drugs

stay happy

P80 (Book 9A), P116 (Book 9B

P51 (Book


P51 (Book 9B),P118 (Book 9B)

P29 (Book 7A)P82, P150(Book 9A), P51 (Book 9B),

P51 (Book 9B),P54(Book 9B)P116 (Book 9B)


Page 13: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

关于 take plenty of exercise 的功能句 Don’t give up training /Keep training if you

want to stay fit. You’ll need to take a lot of exercise— go

running or do weight training. Don’t be a couch potato. Make sure that

you take plenty of exercise.

P80 (Book 9A), P116 (Book 9B)

Page 14: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

关于 rest up 的功能句

It’s important to get enough sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep at

night, you’ll have less energy the next day.

Make sure you get enough sleep tonight, and you’ll be at your best tomorrow!

P51 (Book 9B),P118 (Book 9B)

Page 15: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

关于 stay happy 的功能句 Don’t worry. Happiness is important for your health. If you are worried about something, talk to

your parents or your teacher. You can stay happy by listening to music

or do some sightseeing. “Laughter is the best medicine.” It can

make you relax, and this improves our general health. It’s also been shown to be good for weight loss.

P51 (Book 9B),P55 (Around the world) (Book 9B)

Page 16: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

关于 no smoking or drugs 的功能句

Smoking and taking drugs can damage your health. In fact, I seriously want to ask you to stop

smoking. Smoking is bad for your breathing and can cause

cancer. It’s true that she doesn’t like the smell of smoke in

the house and on our clothes. I know that it is very difficult to stop smoking but

you mustn’t give in to it. Please see the doctor and ask him for help. If you follow these, you’ll live a long and healthy life.

P51 (Book 9B)P54(Book 9B)

P116 (Book 9B)

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Proverbs about “health”

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果 , 医生远离我 。 Early to bed and early to rise, makes a m

an healthy ,wealthy and wise. 早睡早起,人会健康、富有、聪明 Diet cures more than doctors. 合理饮食胜过良医。

Page 18: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

下面是 Tom 给报社编辑 Mr Smith 的来信。请你以 Mr Smith 的名义给 Tom 写一封回信,给他提些合理化建议,帮他解决问题。要求:

1 、建议有针对性、合理;

2 、中心突出,层次清晰,表达连贯,结构完整。

3 、字数不少于 90 词。

Page 19: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

Dear Mr Smith,

I’m Tom and I’m a middle school student. My problem is I’ve put on so much weight. I know hamburgers and Coke are unhealthy food, but I can’t stop eating them because they’re so tasty. As a result, I’m getting fatter and fatter. My classmates keep laughing at me and I’ve got few friends. I have to spend most of my free time playing computer games at home alone. And things are becoming even worse.

Can you help me?

Yours, Tom

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Dear Tom,

I’m sorry to know your problem. But don’t worry about that. Here’s some advice for you.




Wish you a healthy and happy life.

Mr Smith

Page 21: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

表示建议的功能句 What / How about … ? Why don’t you …? Why not …? It’s a good idea to …? You’d better …? You can … . You need to … . I want you to … . Don’t forget to … Remember to …

Page 22: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

书面表达中可能会用到的关联词 In fact, I seriously want to ask you to

stop smoking. It’s true that she doesn’t like the smell

of smoke in the house and on your clothes. It’s not very pleasant. However, when you smoke, it’s also bad for me and Mum. In other words, when we breathe in your smoke, it’s like we’re smoking ourselves. As a result, we can get diseases as well.

P54 (Book 9B)

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Don’t be afraid. Don’t worry. I’m so sorry about your illness/

problem. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve caught a


Page 24: 初三英语话题与书面表述专项训练 —— Health 张秀芳 大连开发区二中 2009.4.17

表达对 health and fitness 的美好祝愿 Best wishes to you. Wish you a healthy and happy

life! I hope you’ll get well soon. I hope you’ll have a healthy life. Wish you a quick return to good


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1.Write down all the words and functional sentences ( 功能句) of “health”.

2.Finish off the letter, trying to use the expressions for “health” as many as possible.

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