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1. a chorus of (something)  

o 異口同聲地

o 說明:chorus 是「合唱;合唱團」的意思,引申為「異口同聲」,比方說 a chorus of criticism 便指「同聲批評」。其他常見的用法還有:a chorus of warnings(同聲警告)、a chorus of

praise(同聲讚揚)、a chorus of disapproval(同聲非難)等。

o 例句:

At Disney World, you can hear a chorus of screams from excited roller-coaster


CNN anchor: Her comments have provoked a chorus of criticism from the Arab


2. a stone's throw away

o 相隔不遠;一箭之遙

o 說明:a stone's throw away + from + 地方是用來形容和某地僅僅相隔「投一石之距離」,意即「相隔不遠」,類似中文的「一箭之遙」。

o 例句:

Alan's house is only a stone's throw away from Ann's, so they often visit each other.


CNN correspondent: A stone's throw away from this watchtower lies Antonio

Ochoa's cantilever house, which blends the rugged outdoors and the elegant

indoors. 安東所設計的「懸臂屋」離這座瞭望台僅一箭之遙, 融合了室外的粗獷和室內的幽雅。

3. a walk in the park

o 極簡單的事

o 說明:這句片語的字面意思為「在公園散步」,引申指「不費力的事;輕鬆的工作」。其他類似的用語還有:a piece of cake、easy as pie、a snap 等。

o 例句:

I grew up in America, but I still have to take a basic English class. This class is going

to be a walk in the park.我在美國長大,但我還是得上基礎的英文課,這門課應該會很簡單。

CNN correspondent: But not everybody is convinced that going under the knife is as

simple as a walk in the park.

4. an eye for (something)

o 對……有眼光

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o 說明:eye 在此為「眼光」的意思,因此這句片語即表示「對……有眼光;具有鑑賞、識別……的能力」。

o 例句:

That director has an eye for talented actors.這名導演對有天分的演員很有眼光。

CNN correspondent: With camera in hand and an eye for quirky details, she prowls

the streets of Tokyo for the latest fashion fad. 

5. answer the call of nature

o 去上廁所

o 說明:the call of nature 字面上指「大自然的呼喚」,這句話是美式俚語,其實是「上廁所」的委婉說法,而 answer(回應)the call of nature 當然就是「去上廁所」的意思了。另一個常見的說法是 nature called,表示「想上廁所」。

o 例句:

I wanted to dance with her, but I had to answer the call of nature, so I missed my

chance. 我想和她跳舞,但突然想上廁所,所以錯過了大好機會。

CNN correspondent: Some cell phones and handhelds should be able to pinpoint

the location of a loo near you as early as this summer, and, eventually, answering

nature's call may be even easier.

6. apples and oranges

o 無從比較

o 說明:這句片語是美式英語的用法,字面意思指「蘋果和柳橙」,用來形容兩件事物完全不同,無從比較起。

o 例句:

Don't compare the work of Monet to that of Picasso. It's like comparing apples and


CNN correspondent: Comparing Iceland's energy situation to America's is one of

those apples-and-oranges things: Iceland's geology is unique, and its population is

only one one-thousandth that of the United States.

7. at (one's) beck and call

o 任其差遣

o 說明:beck 指「招手示意」,call 則有「叫喚;呼叫」的意思,這句片語的字面意思便為「聽某人招手使喚」,表示只要說一聲或動動手指,就會有人照著去做,引申為「對某人唯命是從;任某人差遣」的意思。

o 例句:

That celebrity has dozens of assistants at his beck and call.那位名人有一堆助理任他差遣。

CNN correspondent:>Whatever your cat's tastes, naturally, having a staff of five at

your feline's beck and call will cost you.

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8. at (one's) fingertips

o 唾手可得

o 說明:fingertip 意思是「指尖」,這句片語字面是說「在指尖底下」,其實是表這件事情「相當容易做到或得到」,與成語「唾手可得」同義,常見用法為 have (something) at (one's) fingertips 

例句:The Internet is so convenient; I have the world at my fingertips.網路真的很方便,世界就在我的彈指之間。

CNN correspondent: Some prefer the peer pressure in traditional classrooms, but

these e-students like the flexibility at their fingertips.

9. at a crossroads

o 面臨抉擇

o 說明:crossroads 指「十字路;交叉路;岔道」的意思,通常用複數形,因此這句片語字面意思為「在交叉路口」,引申指「面臨抉擇」。

o 例句:

Just when she was promoted to manager, Jane realized she was pregnant. She was

at a crossroads.珍才剛獲擢升為經理,就發現自己懷孕了。她面臨了抉擇。

CNN correspondent: The UN report says the planet is now at a crossroads, and that

disaster can still be avoided if nations make critical decisions to balance economic

development with environmental protection.

10. at the height of (one's) game

o 在某人的事業巔峰

o 說明:height 在此指「頂點」的意思,而 game 在口語用法中可表「領域;行業」之意,因此這句片語就是指「某人達到事業巔峰;全盛時期」的意思。

o 例句:

In spite of his age, basketball star Karl Malone remains at the height of his game.即使不再年輕,籃球明星卡爾.馬龍仍舊處於巔峰狀態。

CNN correspondent: At seventy-eight, Alan Greenspan, the former jazzman turned

central banker, is at the height of his game.

11. back on track

o 回歸正軌

o 說明:track 指「軌道」,而 back on track 字面是說「重回軌道」,指經歷失敗、打擊等之後,又回到正常的狀況。其反義詞為 off track,指「脫軌;離題;出錯」。

o 例句:

After its US$54-million loss, AOL Time Warner CEO Dick Parsons promised to get

the company back on track.虧損了五千四百萬美元後,美國線上時代華納總裁狄克.帕森承諾要讓公司回歸正軌。

CNN correspondent: Marvel received a tiny flat rate for X-Men, which earned $137

million in U.S. theaters. But that deal got Marvel back on track.

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12. be a lightweight

o 資歷不足的;沒有能耐的

o 說明:lightweight 表示「(拳擊、舉重等運動項目)輕量級」,可引申形容某人的經驗或知識還不夠專業,因此這句話便表示「沒有能耐的」。

o 例句:

Frank is no lightweight on China-U.S. relations; he's been studying their relationship

for years.法蘭克對於中美關係並不是只有粗淺的認識;他對此已鑽研多年。

CNN Correspondent: Koizumi admits that, despite his cabinet experience to date, he

is a relative lightweight on international affairs.

13. be all things to all people

o 迎合所有人的需求

o 說明:這句話字面意思是「所有人都想要的東西」,意即「可以迎合所有人的需要;符合每個人的要求」。此外,這句話有時也可用來形容人「見人說人話;見鬼說鬼話」。

o 例句:

The company failed for trying to be all things to all people.這家公司為了迎合所有人的需要而經營失敗。

CNN correspondent: The masters of marketing since 1893, when the trademark was

registered, Coca-Cola has tried to be all things to all people: romantic, refreshing,

hip, cute.

14. be fed up with

o 受夠某事物

o 說明:be fed up 的字面意思為「吃得太飽」,以致於再看到吃的東西便覺得噁心,引申指對某人或某事「極為厭惡;忍無可忍;受不了」。

o 例句:

I'm really fed up with how rude you are to my friends.我無法忍受你對我朋友的鹵莽態度。

CNN anchor: Some artists are so fed up with the practice, they recently took their

complaints to the streets.

15. bear/take the brunt

o 首當其衝

o 說明:bear 在此作動詞用,表示「承受」,而 brunt 是「(來自攻擊一方的)主要衝擊;最強烈的部份」, 因此 bear/take the brunt 便指「首當其衝」的意思。

o 例句:

Florida bore the brunt of several strong storms this year.在今年好幾次的暴風中,佛羅里達皆首當其衝。

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CNN correspondent: But some said the massive reward would, in the end, lead

someone to seek out the tall, elusive man who has borne the brunt of blame for the

September 11 attacks on the United States.

16. beef up

o 加強;增強

o 說明:beef 在較早的英語中,含有「肌肉;力量」的意思,因此 beef up 便指「增強;加強」。

o 例句:

The government spent billions on beefing up the health-care system.政府花了數十億元來加強醫療系統。

CNN anchor: Facing the continued threat of terrorism, cities across the country beef

up security.

17. behind bars

o 坐牢;在獄中

o 說明:這裡的 bars 是指舊時牢房中的「鐵條」,因此 behind bars 便指「坐牢」的意思。相同的用語還有:do time、in the clink、in the slammer、sent up 等。

o 例句:

Kevin has been behind bars for more than half his life.凱文已在牢獄中度過了大半生。

CNN correspondent: That's why the SEC, which only has civil authority, is urging

state and federal prosecutors to launch their own criminal investigations and offering

up SEC resources in hopes of putting more crooks behind bars.

18. behind the curve

o 未跟上潮流

o 說明:curve 是「曲線」的意思,如統計數值用的曲線圖,可引申指「潮流;趨勢」。behind the

curve 意即「跟不上潮流;落伍」,相反的用法為 ahead of the curve。

o 例句:

Their company is always behind the curve; it is still using last year's technology.他們公司總是跟不上時代;他們還在使用去年的技術。

Greg Valliere, Charles Schwab: The last thing they want to do is have the market

start to think that the Fed is behind the curve.

19. behind the eight ball

o 陷入困境;處於不利地位

o 說明:這句片語源自撞球,eight ball 是標有 8 字的黑色球,八號球必須最後打,過程中若碰到八號球便算犯規;所以當八號球擋在母球和目標球之間的時候,對打球者而言相當不利。因此 behind the eight ball 便用來比喻「陷入困境;處於不利地位」。

o 例句:

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Tim recently lost his job, and he doesn't have any savings. So he's really behind the

eight ball. 提姆最近失業了,又沒有什麼存款,所以他真的是陷入了困境。

Lottery ticket buyer: That's the thrill of it. You are always behind the eight ball.

20. bells and whistles

o 花俏、多樣的功能、配件等

o 說明:bells and whistles 字面指「鈴鐺和哨子」,這兩種多半是裝飾用的物件,但並非絕對必要。因此這句話便引申指「花俏、多樣的功能、配件」。

o 例句:

My new car has all the bells and whistles.我的新車有許多花俏的功能與配件。

CNN correspondent: With all the bells and whistles, the FitSense Speedometer sells

for three hundred dollars.

21. big gun

o 大人物;成功的公司

o 說明:在口語中,big gun 可指在所屬領域中成就卓越的「大人物」,亦可用來形容「成功的公司」。同義詞有 big boy、big cheese、big shot 等。

o 例句:

At the awards, the unknown foreign film directors competed against big guns such

as Steven Spielberg.這次頒獎典禮中,這位默默無名的外語片導演要和像史蒂芬.史匹柏這樣的大師競爭。

CNN anchor: Today, guerrilla marketing is used by the big guns of the marketing

business to target a very specific audience.

22. big time

o 完全地;非常地

o 說明:這句話是常見的俚語用法,相當於 very much、totally 等,表示「非常地;完全地」的加強語氣。此外,big-time 為形容詞,表示「重要的」。

o 例句:

When credit-card holders do not pay their bills, the bank takes the hit big time.當信用卡持有人不付帳單時,銀行便承受巨大的衝擊。

CNN correspondent: Illegal hunting stopped, and yacare [n.寬吻鱷] populations

rebounded big time.

23. blow (one's) stack

o 非常生氣;大發雷霆

o 說明:stack 在此是指 smokestack,也就是「煙囪」的意思,而 blow (one's) stack 字面意思指「炸掉煙囪」,如果連煙囪都能炸掉,想必火燒得很旺,故這句話便用來形容人「氣得火冒三丈」,亦可寫為 blow (one's) top、flip (one's) lid。

o 例句:

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Tim blew his stack because May's report was late.提姆大發雷霆,因為梅的報告遲交。

CNN correspondent: Constant honking in his Brooklyn neighborhood drove Aaron

Naparstek to blow his stack.

24. blow the whistle on

o 告發某人或某事

o 說明:警察常會以 blow the whistle(吹哨子)來警告歹徒立刻停止不法的行為,因此此語可引申為「告發或阻止某人進行不法的勾當」。此外,whistle-blower(吹哨子的人)則表示「告密者;告發者」之意。

o 例句:

I saw my friend steal one thousand dollars. Should I blow the whistle on him?我看到我朋友偷了一千塊。我應該告發他嗎?

Ann Kellan, Science and Technology Week host: Ward developed the fingerprint

system not to blow the whistle on music thieves, but to recommend music.

25. bounce back

o 復原;恢復

o 說明:bounce 原是指球等東西「跳起;彈回」,bounce back 則是用來形容人「恢復健康」或從失敗、打擊中「重新振作起來」。也可指股價、銷售量等的「回升」。

o 例句:

The company's stock price has bounced back in recent months.該公司的股價最近幾個月以來已經回漲了。

CNN correspondent: A personality that always seems able to bounce back.

26. branch out

o 擴充業務

o 說明:branch 當名詞用時,原指「樹枝」;當動詞用時則表示「擴張;使分枝」。而 branch out 


o 例句:

Originally Darren's store only sold men's suits, but now it's branching out into other

types of clothes.原本戴倫的店只賣男士西服,不過現在擴充到其他款式的衣服。

CNN correspondent: He soon landed leading roles, and, in 1985, decided to branch

out into singing as well.

27. break away from the pack

o 脫穎而出

o 說明:break away 的意思是「逃脫;逃離」,而 pack 則表示「某個團體;某個族群」。因此 break away from the pack 就是指「某個人不再屬於某個團體」,引申為「脫穎而出」的意思。 

o 例句:

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The runner broke away from the pack and moved into first place.這名跑者脫穎而出並且拔得頭籌。

CNNdotCOM host: Though he never finished college, Wright began designing

computer games at age twenty-two, and quickly broke away from the pack.

28. break ground

o 開創新局面

o 說明:break ground 可指工程、建築物等的「破土」,亦有「創辦;開始執行;著手」之意,常用來比喻「開創;開拓新局面」,其形容詞為 groundbreaking,表「不同於以往的;創新的;突破性的」。

o 例句:

The environmental company is known for breaking ground in the field of wastewater


CNN correspondent: The creators of Sesame Street are still breaking ground thirty-

four years later. This fall, they'll introduce an HIV-infected character on a show that

will air only in South Africa.

29. breathe down (one's) neck

o 緊跟著某人;緊盯著某人

o 說明:breathe down (one's) neck 字面意思是「對著某人的脖子呼氣」令人覺得有點毛毛的。此片語常用來比喻「潛在性的威脅」,可指「緊跟某人之後」或「緊盯著某人」。

o 例句:

Ever since the robbery, the police have been breathing down his neck.自從搶案發生後,警方就一直嚴密地監視著他。

professional surfer: Right on the edge, you feel the lip of the wave breathing down

your neck, and you know, for just one moment there, you're right on the edge,

where, if this wave hits me, it could kill me.

30. breathe (new) life into

o 注入一股生氣

o 說明:此片語字面意思是「吹入空氣,使活過來」,引申為「恢復精神;恢復生機」。如對溺水的人施行 CPR,吹入空氣使其活過來,這時就可說 breathe new life into


o 例句:

The newly appointed CEO breathed new life into the company.新指派的總裁為該公司注入一股生氣。

CNN correspondent: The camera phone, which transmits images as data, could

breathe new life into wireless.

31. bring it on

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o 放馬過來

o 說明:這裡的 bring it on 意思是「使出來」,常被引申為「有什麼看家本領儘管使出來;放馬過來」。

o 例句:

Bill said to his competitor, "Bring it on."比爾對他的競爭對手說:「放馬過來」。

Dem. pres. candidate: We have three words for him we know he understands: Bring

it on.

32. bring (one) to (one's) knees

o 迫使某人屈服

o 說明:中古封建時代向人作出 on (one's) knees(屈膝)的動作,即表示「屈從;臣服」,後來 bring (one) to (one's) knees 則引申為「徹底擊敗;潰不成軍」或「迫使某人屈服」的意思。

o 例句:

The war brought the Iraqi regime to its knees in a few days.這場戰爭在短短幾天內就讓伊拉克政權垮台。

CNN correspondent:In an internal memo, one executive blames the virus and the

power of global media for bringing the airline to its knees.

33. by a long shot

o 成功機率不大的嘗試

o 說明:從前槍枝 (firearm) 的製造技術不比現在,只要射程一遠,命中率就很低,因此 a long

shot(長射)便常用來引申指「成功機率不大的嘗試」,常用於否定句型 not by a long shot


o 例句:

Those new shoes won't help you win the race -- not by a long shot.你絕不可能靠那雙新鞋來贏得比賽。

CNN anchor: It isn't the world's hottest vacation destination by a long shot. In fact,

North Korea isn't even on the map as far as most tourists are concerned.

34. call a spade a spade

o 直言不諱

o 說明:拉丁文有句諺語說:call a fig a fig, call a spade a spade(是無花果就說是無花果,是鏟子就說是鏟子),後來便引申為「有話實說;直言不諱」。

o 例句:

You must face the unpleasant truth and call a spade a spade.你必須勇敢面對令人不快的現實,實話實說。

CNN correspondent: It's one thing to call a spade a spade, but it seems weird calling

wanted Iraqis.

35. campaign trail

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o 一連串競選造勢活動

o 說明:trail 有「足跡;形跡」之意,一個人行進時所留下的足跡通常不會只有三兩個,而是一連串的,故 trail 可引申為「一連串或一系列的事物」;campaign 在此是專指 election

campaign(競選造勢活動);campaign trail 即表示「一系列的競選造勢活動」。

o 例句:

After announcing that he would run for congress, the candidate hit the campaign


CNN correspondent: Democrats reject that charge and say Mr. Cheney is so

unpopular that his larger role on the campaign trail will backfire with swing voters.

36. carry the torch

o 為……奮戰;奮鬥

o 說明:這是英式用語,carry the torch 就是指「傳遞聖火」,代表生生不息,為活動揭開序幕並堅持到底的意思。在此引申為「為……奮戰」。而常見的美式類似用語為 carry a torch for...。

o 例句:

The group is carrying the torch for educational reform.該團體為教改而奮戰不懈。

CNN correspondent: ... faith that, no matter how far behind, Athens will still manage

to carry the torch.

37. cash in on

o 利用某事或靠某事賺錢

o 說明:cash 是「現金」,cash in on 則是用來表示商人「利用某事或靠某事賺錢」的意思。

o 例句:

Many investors tried to cash in on the IPO craze.許多投資者試圖利用首度公開發行股票的風潮賺錢。

CNN correspondent: Sinnreich says that, if the recording industry would cash in on

what it's currently trying to kill, online music subscriptions could be a billion-dollar

industry by 2005.

38. cave in

o 屈服;妥協

o 說明:cave 一般當名詞用時是指「洞穴」;當動詞用時也有「下陷;坍塌」的意思,片語 cave

in 則可用來形容向某狀態或困境「屈服;妥協」的意思。

o 例句:

The corporation caved in to pressure from workers.該機構屈服於來自工人的壓力。

CNN correspondent: Dasrath and his attorneys say the airlines have caved in to

hysteria -- taking the easy way out by inconveniencing a few passengers in favor of


39. chalk up

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o 得到

o 說明:chalk 是指「粉筆」;早期進行運動競賽時,都是用粉筆把各隊的得分記錄在黑板上;後來,chalk up 便引申指「取得;贏得」的意思。

o 例句:

Dell chalked up healthy profits in the second quarter.戴爾公司在第二季獲利良好。

CNN correspondent: Japan's J-Phone is chalking up strong sales of its camera

phone, selling more than one hundred thousand handsets a month.

40. chip in

o 湊錢;出一份力

o 說明:chip in 就是大家一起「湊錢」的意思,通常是指每個人都出一點錢,合力購買一件東西或做某件事,也可以指「出一份力;提供一點幫助」的意思。

o 例句:

Everyone chipped in a few bucks to buy May a wedding gift.大家一起湊錢買了一份結婚禮物給梅。

CNN correspondent: While some of the costs of this new technology will be picked

up by governments, airlines, and the companies themselves, passengers may also

find they'll be chipping in.

41. churn out

o 大量生產

o 說明:動詞 churn 原指「用攪拌器將牛奶等攪拌製成奶油或乳酪等產品」,或是指「劇烈地攪拌」,而 churn out 則引申為「大量生產、製作某種產品」的意思。

o 例句:

It seems like Stephen Spielberg churns out a new movie every year.看來史蒂芬.史匹柏的電影產量很大,每年都會有一部新片上映。

CNN correspondent: The advertisement says this Christmas gift will need to be fixed

with replacement parts from Taiwan, implying that Taiwan's manufacture's churn out

cheap, unreliable goods.

42. clamp down on

o 對……施壓;限制

o 說明:clamp 作名詞用時,是指用來固定東西的「夾子;夾鉗」;作動詞用時,則是「夾緊;夾住」的意思,而 clamp down on 就是「對……施壓;限制」的意思,亦可寫為 put the clamp


o 例句:

The United States has asked the Taiwanese government to clamp down on CD

piracy.美國已要求台灣政府要嚴加取締盜版 CD。

CNN anchor: One hundred and ninety-two member countries of the World Health

Organization agreed on Wednesday to clamp down on Big Tobacco.

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43. clip the wings of

o 使……受挫;阻撓……順利進行

o 說明:clip 有「剪去;修剪;剪短」的意思,而 clip the wings of 的字面意思是「剪去……的雙翼」,鳥禽類的雙翼若是被修剪過,當然就無法恣意飛翔了。可藉此用來比喻「使……受挫;阻撓某事順利進行」。

o 例句:

The election results have clipped the wings of the ruling party.選戰失利讓執政黨的前途受挫。

CNN correspondent: And here, so far, business is still good, but growing concern

over bird flu could still lead to a loss of appetite and clip the wings of China's

booming agribusiness.

44. copycat

o 抄襲者;拷貝貓

o 說明:copycat 這個字較常用於小孩子之間,帶有負面意義,表示「盲目地模仿跟進或抄襲別人的人」,也可作做動詞及形容詞用。

o 例句:

After the newspapers reported the theft, there were several copycat crimes.報紙報導了這件竊盜案之後,就出現了好幾宗模仿的案件。

CNNdotCOM host: Two Silicone Valley Gen Xers started the site as a joke, but it's

now receiving as many as ten million page views a day. And it's even spawned


45. crash and burn

o 徹底失敗

o 說明:這個片語是形容汽車或飛機撞毀後起火燃燒的慘烈景況,用來表示「徹底失敗(毀滅);輸得一塌糊塗」的意思。

o 例句:

The actor's career crashed and burned after several of his films did poorly at the


CNN correspondent: But now, all of a sudden it's different: dot-coms crash and burn;

the Dow dives. Was Michael Douglas's character in the movie Wall Street wrong?

46. cross (one's) fingers

o 期待好運

o 說明:cross (one's) fingers 是指食指和中指交叉,在西方文化中,這個動作有「期待好運、好結果」的意思。另外,在撒謊時暗中把手指交叉成十字架即代表「原諒自己」的意思。

o 例句:

I just bought a lottery ticket. Cross your fingers and hope that I win!我剛買了樂透彩,期望好運可以降臨我身上讓我贏得頭彩。

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Gwyneth Paltrow, Star of Bounce: I never kind of sat there crossing my fingers and

checking the box office. You know, that's really not my personality.

47. cut corners

o 走捷運;節省……

o 說明:此語原指在轉彎時,儘可能地貼近轉角 (corner) 的內側,以縮短所需走的路程,用來形容做事時採最省時、省事或省錢的方法;也被引申為較負面的意思,常指「偷工減料」。

o 例句:

The company started to cut corners to save money, and quality dropped


CNN correspondent: Spirit arrived with parachute, rockets, and airbags blazing,

seven months after launch and four years after NASA's last Martian lander cratered

after the agency cut too many corners.

48. dead heat

o 平分秋色;旗鼓相當

o 說明:此片語的由來可追溯源自十八世紀英國的賽馬術語,表示兩組參賽人馬的成績相同,即「不分勝負;平分秋色;勢均力敵」之意,相當於另一個英文字 tie。此片語後來即衍生應用於其他各種競賽中。

o 例句:

The race between the two runners was a dead heat, so they shared the prize.這兩位參賽者在比賽中不分勝負,所以他們共享獎品。

CNN correspondent:  A new Gallup poll gives Bush a substantial lead in the race,

but Kerry advisors are downplaying the numbers, citing instead a half dozen other

polls which show the race is a statistical dead heat.

49. deep-pocketed

o 資金雄厚的

o 說明:deep pocket 是一種俚語用法,形容口袋能裝許多錢,引申指「財富眾多;財源豐富」;而其衍生的形容詞 deep-pocketed 便是用來形容人或公司機構等「財力雄厚;富有多金」。

o 例句:

Marty's uncle has always been very deep-pocketed; he's a very generous man.馬帝的叔叔非常有錢;他是個非常康慨的人。

CNN correspondent: The entrance of these deep-pocketed corporate giants has

fueled massive takeover speculation.

50. die-hard

o 頑固的;死忠的

o 說明:die-hard 字面意思是「要死很難」,意即「對……的態度非常執著」;後來引申為「很難改變他們的觀點;頑固的」意思。

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o 例句:

Lindsey is a die-hard Simpsons fan. She has watched every show at least twice.琳賽是《辛普森家庭》的死忠影迷,她每集至少看過兩次以上。

CNN correspondent: But, as hard as it will be to match the expectations of die-hard

Tolkien fans, it may be equally as challenging to rival the power of Harry Potter.

51. dip (one's) toes in(to)

o 從事某項新奇的事物

o 說明:dip (one's) toes into 的字面意思是「將腳趾浸在……裡」,即「從事某項新奇的事物」之意。

o 例句:

Our company is now very successful in Taiwan. Maybe it's time we dipped our toes

in the Chinese market.我們公司現在在台灣很成功。或許該是我們試試大陸市場的時候了。

CNN correspondent: When you surf the Internet, you're not only dipping your toes in

the dot-com ocean, you're also using voice and data networks built by

telecommunications companies.

52. dog days

o 酷暑時節;難熬的日子

o 說明:dog days 一般用複數形。北半球七到九月的天氣多半酷熱難當耐,古羅馬人相信這種現象是天狼星 (Sirius) 跟太陽同時起落造成的,因此稱此期間為 dies caniculares,翻成英文就是 canicular days 或 dog days,後來這一詞就被沿用來稱呼一年之中最炎熱的日子。

o 例句:

In the dog days of a Florida summer, most people stay at home with the air

conditioner on.在佛州最熱的那段期間,大多數人都會待在開著冷氣的家中。

CNN correspondent: New-age music, a skilled pair of hands -- a dog day most

people would take any day of the week.

53. dressed to kill

o 盛裝;精心打扮

o 說明:kill 在此並非「殺人」的意思,而是形容某人「盛裝;精心打扮」;「十分火辣」。類似用法有:dressed to the nines,nine 是最大的個位數,表示「最高的等級」,所以有「盛裝;打扮非常得體」的意思。

o 例句:

She was dressed to kill in a black satin dress.她盛裝穿了一件黑緞洋裝。

CNN correspondent: In a business where competition is cutthroat, these young

women are dressed to kill.

54. drink in

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o 透過感官盡情欣賞

o 說明:drink in 有「陶醉於……」的意思,其後常接聲音、景致等詞,例如:drink in sights,

smells, beauty(沈醉於美景、香氣、美麗)等等 。

o 例句:

Look at this place! Just stop for a minute and drink it all in. We may never come


CNN Hotspots host: Stop, look around, look up, drink in the sounds, the

atmosphere, and remember the history -- the funerals of Lord Nelson and Winston

Churchill, the wedding of Charles and Diana.

55. every walk of life

o 各行各業

o 說明:此語源於 line of work(行業),由於 line 本身就有「行業」的意思,同時也有「路線;路途」的意思,因此 every walk of life 以路上有許多不同的人「走」(walk)著的意象來表示「各行各業」。

o 例句:

The lecture attracted people from every walk of life.該場演講吸引了各行各業的人。

Ipofinacial.Com: This will actually bring every possible walk of life that is familiar with

the word Google into the IPO market.

56. fall by the wayside

o 半途而廢

o 說明:這樣的用法曾在聖經之類的古文學中出現,現在亦常被使用。表示因體力、能力等不足而「半途而廢」,亦可比喻事情好比被丟在路旁 (wayside) 一樣,已經「不再重要」。

o 例句:

With sports and a part-time job taking up much of his time, Allen's schoolwork has

fallen by the wayside.體育運動和半工半讀佔去艾倫大部分的時間,他的課業已經半途而廢了。

CNN correspondent: With almost eight out of ten people owning a cell phone, Hong

Kong has a bona fide case of mobile mania. -- so severe that social taboos about

where and when to take a call have fallen by the wayside.

57. fall flat on (one's) face

o 一敗塗地

o 說明:fall flat 指「事情的結果不如預期;完全失敗」;fall flat on one's face 字面意義是指人「直挺挺地面朝下跌倒」,後來常用來指某人因為犯下無可補救的錯誤而弄到不可收拾的地步,導致事情「完全失敗;一敗塗地」。

o 例句:

The highly publicized movie fell flat on its face and did not make any money.那部電影雖然被大肆炒作,結果卻一敗塗地,根本沒賺到錢。

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Kurt Barnard, Barnard's Retail Marketing: On the one hand, today they may be

riding very high, and tomorrow they may fall flat on their faces.

58. fall from grace

o 失寵;失勢

o 說明:grace 有「神的恩寵」意思,所以 fall from grace 原指「失寵於上帝」之意。但此語現在已不再侷限於宗教方面,亦可用以比喻「失去上司的信任、恩寵」;或是團體、政黨「失勢、失利」。

o 例句:

The KMT's fall from grace began when Lien Chan lost the presidency to Chen Shui-


CNN correspondent: Former China Everbright chief Zhu Xiaohua, also a Zhu Rongji

protege, [was] recently convicted of bribery and sentenced to fifteen years in prison.

Little surprise much has been made of their fall from grace.

59. fall head over heels

o 神魂顛倒

o 說明:head over heels 意即「摔個四腳朝天」,常引申指對某人或某事物「著迷到失去理智;被迷得神魂顛倒」的意思。

o 例句:

May fell head over heels in love with Rob.梅愛羅柏愛得神魂顛倒。

CNN correspondent: And it can be yours for $129,000. Any potential buyers? Ruth

says it might take some time, but someone will fall head over heels for this shoe.

60. fat cat

o 有錢有勢的人

o 說明:fat cat 是個俚語俗用法,用來比喻「有錢有勢的人」。

o 例句:

Some fear that globalization will cause the poor to get poorer while the fat cats get


CNN correspondent: There's no doubt about it -- the fat cats got a lot fatter and the

rank-and-file worker has not fared as well.

61. field day

o 大顯身手的機會

o 說明:此語源於軍事用語,原指「野外演習日」,後來常用來指某機構或學校「有重要活動的日子」(如郊遊、運動會等活動)。在新聞中,多半是藉此比喻「大顯身手的機會;令人興奮不已的日子」的意思。

o 例句:

The press is having a field day with Michael Jackson's arrest.麥可.傑克森被逮捕那天,媒體可說是逮到了大顯身手的機會。

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CNN correspondent: Even if no one can agree on how to spell the sound Dean

made, cartoonists have been having a field day stringing vowels together.

62. fill the gap

o 撐場面;填補空隙

o 說明:gap 是「間隙;空檔」的意思;fill the gap 字面的意思是「填補空隙」,引申為「撐場面」。亦可說成 bridge the gap 。

o 例句:

We need donations to fill the gap between our low budget and high costs.我們必須募款以填補預算不足和開銷過大的資金缺口。

CNN correspondent: By then, Joe was leaving the battlefield to grapple with gorillas

and orbit the earth. And he was eventually discontinued in 1978, while little Joes

helped fill the gap.

63. flash point

o 引爆點

o 說明:可燃性液體受熱時,表面會揮發少量蒸氣與空氣結合,此時若有微小火源接近就會被引燃,形成一閃即逝的火花,能產生此種現象的最低溫度,即稱為 flash point(閃點;燃點)。在新聞中,常以此比喻雙方衝突或爭執的「引爆點」。

o 例句:

North Korea's nuclear program may be the flash point for another Korean war.北韓的核武計畫可能會成為另一場韓戰的引爆點。

CNN correspondent: Pakistan and India have the potential to be the next nuclear

flash point. Tensions flared last spring as the two nuclear powers faced each other

across a disputed border.

64. fly in the face of

o 公然違抗

o 說明:fly in the face of 字面意思即「飛到臉上」,引申為「公然違背;悍然不顧」的意思。

o 例句:

The man's teaching flew in the face of the school's usual way of doing things.這個男老師的教學違反了學校一般的教學方法。

CNN correspondent: Now, you can't visit Demel without buying a cake, and seeing

as the Sacher torte comes highly recommended, who am I to fly in the face of


65. food for thought

o 引人深思的事

o 說明:thought 為「想法」之意,在此引申為「值得深思」的意思。 food for thought 原義為「值得深思之事」。

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o 例句:

The scholar's speech offered food for thought.這位學者的演說引人深思。

CNN correspondent: Food for thought: Every 3.6 seconds, someone in the world

dies of hunger.

66. foot the bill

o 付帳;買單

o 說明:foot the bill 是一個常見的美式片語,與 pay the bill(付帳;買單)同義。foot 當動詞用,主因是英文中帳簿的數字欄底部(計算總數的地方)也稱作 foot,因此,口語中常以動詞 foot 


o 例句:

I got stuck footing the bill because Ken forgot his wallet.肯恩忘了帶皮夾,結果我得付帳單。

CNN correspondent: The United Nations wants the U.S. taxpayer to foot the bill

through interest-free loans from the Treasury, which could mean $800 million over

the course of the loan.

67. fork out

o 忍痛付出

o 說明:fork 作名詞是「叉子」之意;動詞片語 fork out 常用來形容所買之物價格過高或因其他因素,而「不情願或忍痛付出」。

o 例句:

Allison forks out an extra two thousand NT for health insurance every month.愛麗森每月都要忍痛付出新台幣兩千元的健保費用。

CNN correspondent: And no wonder, what you fork out on clothes you make back in

self-esteem. Just listen to what happened when Mr. Kim's friends saw he looked like


68. front and center

o 最重要的

o 說明:front and center 原指戲院中票價最高的「前排中間的座位」;後來被用來比喻「位置最顯著的」,也就是「最重要的;最主要的」人或事物的意思。

o 例句:

Job creation is front and center on the candidate's campaign.創造就業機會是該候選人選戰中的首要之務。

CNN correspondent: As the president shifts the focus from the war with Iraq to

economic troubles at home, the battle over the domestic agenda is front and center

on Capitol Hill.

69. full-court press

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o 全場緊迫盯人;全面防守

o 說明:此片語原是籃球運動的專業用語,表示在籃球比賽時,採取全場 (full court) 以一位球員緊盯另一位對手的嚴密防守形式,亦常引申表示「盡全力去防禦或完成某事」。

o 例句:

Lawyers planned a full-court press for the last day of the trial.律師們為開庭審理的最後一天準備好一套全盤防禦的策略。

CNN correspondent: And U.S. officials in Istanbul are engaged in a full-court press

to convince the international community they all have a stake in bringing democracy

to Iraq.

70. gain a foothold

o 取得立足之地

o 說明:foothold 原指山壁上可供登山者立足支撐的凹陷或凸出處,因此 gain / get a foothold 


o 例句:

Fire ants gained a foothold in Taiwan after being accidentally introduced there.紅火蟻被意外帶進臺灣後,已在本地立足生根。

CNN correspondent: Lenovo is just the latest Chinese company to buy into a

Western brand, part of a strategy to gain a foothold in the global market.

71. gear up

o 卯足全力準備

o 說明:gear 可指「裝備;齒輪裝置;汽車的排檔」,gear up 原指「將所需配備穿戴至身上」,有「全副武裝以迎接挑戰」之意,故 gear up 可引申為「卯足全力準備」。

o 例句:

The team is gearing up for the big game this weekend.這支隊伍正卯足全力準備迎戰週末的大賽。

CNN correspondent: Even as Heston exits the political stage, both sides now gear

up for battle in Washington.

72. get (one's) act together

o 有條不紊地的處理事情

o 說明:act 是「行為;行動」; get together 則是「整理;收拾;組織」的意思。get (one's) act

together 是指將某人原本混亂、沒有章法的行動或作為重新調整,以「振作起來」或「較有條理、系統地去處理事情」,亦可說成 get it together。

o 例句:

Joe's wife told him he'd better get his act together or she'd leave him.喬的太太告訴他最好重新振作起來,不然她將會離開他。

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CNN correspondent: The next few days will be crucial in determining whether the

Taiwan authorities can get their act together and mount a concerted attack to keep

the SARS virus from spreading further here.

73. get hitched

o 結婚

o 說明:有人說,結婚等於被套牢,那麼正好與俚語 get hitched(被栓住)的字面意思相近,只不過 get hitched 的語意並沒有套牢那麼嚴重,而是指兩個人「結合在一起」,也就是「結婚」的意思。

o 例句:

Karen and Kyle are getting hitched next month.凱倫和凱爾將在下個月結婚。

CNN correspondent:>That was Guys and Dolls. But these days, guys and guys and

dolls and dolls are getting hitched. So are gays starting to feel the heat?

74. get on (one's) nerves

o 使某人心煩不安

o 說明:get on (one's) nerves 是「使某人心煩、不安」的意思。其他關於 nerve 的有趣用法還有grates (one's) nerves「挑戰某人的忍耐極限」;touch a nerve 則是「提及某人的痛處」之意。

o 例句:

People who talk all the time get on my nerves.說起話來老是滔滔不絕的人會讓我心煩。

CNN correspondent: If a single baby wailing in a theater gets on your nerves,

imagine 150 of them.

75. get the better end of the deal

o 佔便宜

o 說明:在商業買賣上,所謂的「好買賣」a good deal 是指以相當便宜的價錢買到想買的東西,意即有「撿到便宜」的意思;常用比喻在某事物上「佔有優勢;處於較有利的位置」。

o 例句:

Bill's work is much easier than Sophie's, so she sure did get the better end of the

deal when they traded jobs.比爾的工作比蘇菲的輕鬆,因此當他們交換工作時,蘇菲肯定是佔到了便宜。

Spirit engineer: And I think we're all up here thinking, you know, that Spirit got the

better end of the deal.

76. get the hang of (something)

o 抓到……的決竅

o 說明:hang 當動詞表示「懸掛; 垂下」的意思;當名詞用則表示「用法;訣竅」。get the hang

of (something) 意思是「抓到某事的竅門;懂得某事的訣竅」。

o 例句:

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Bill is learning how to skate, but he keeps falling down; he can't got the hang of it.比爾正在學直排輪,可是他老跌倒;他沒能抓到竅門。

CNN correspondent: It took a few times for even the most accomplished surfers to

get the hang of it. Of course, there were plenty of classic wipeouts.

77. give (someone) a thumbs-up

o 大表讚賞

o 說明:對於美麗、可敬或值得讚賞的事物等,我們常會豎起大姆指 (thumbs-up) 予以稱讚,因此 give something a/the thumbs-up 便是指對某事「大表讚賞」;這種手勢源於古羅馬競技場,戰士比試完畢後,群眾會用手勢表達他們對失敗者命運的建議,正豎拇指代表生,倒豎拇指則代表死。

o 例句:

My boss gave my plan a thumbs-up.老闆對我的計劃大表讚賞。

CNN corespondent: But with tickets at cut-rate prices, passengers are giving the no-

frills concept a big thumbs-up.

78. gloss over

o 粉飾;掩飾

o 說明:gloss 作名詞時為「光澤;光彩」;作動詞則表示「使有光澤、光彩」。gloss over 即「使表面、外表看來絢麗多彩,以製造出某種美好的假象,來掩蓋內在的問題、缺點」,也就是「粉飾;掩飾」之意。

o 例句:

Mary always tries to gloss over any problems in her relationship with Ted.瑪麗總想要掩飾她和泰德在感情上的問題。

CNN correspondent: And It's not just the employees that suffer. Psychologists say

forcing workers to be nice can gloss over important problems.

79. go for broke

o 全力以赴;孤注一擲

o 說明:go broke 是「破產」的意思;go for broke 其正確的意思是「就算散盡一切家產、資源等,也要努力達成目標」,即所謂的「全力以赴;孤注一擲」。

o 例句:

With one minute left in the game and his team two points behind, the player decided

to go for broke and attempt a three-point shot.終場前一分鐘,在球隊落後兩分的情況下,這名球員決定放手一搏,投出一記三分球。

CNN correspondent: That's not the kind of thing that's usually put on the table. So

that's how serious it was -- they were willing to basically go for broke.

80. go through the roof

o 爆漲至極高點

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o 說明:片語字面上意思是「衝破屋頂」,引申為表示「迅速升高至頂點」。通常用來形容價格、費用「飆漲至極高點」;或是「憤怒的情緒迅速竄高」,也就是「大發雷霆」。

o 例句:

This summer, gas prices went through the roof.今夏油價飆漲至極高點。

CNN correspondent: What's your plan when Social Security and Medicare costs go

through the roof because the baby boomers are starting to retire? -- which will

happen in just a few more years.

81. go up in flames

o 著火;付之一炬

o 說明:此語字面意思是「著火」,而其結果通常是指「完全被焚毀」。此外,go up in flames 口語中也可用來形容某個計畫或某件事「完全泡湯;一敗塗地」。

o 例句:

The car hit the tree and went up in flames.這輛車撞到樹後燒了起來。

Brian: I can't believe that such a new building could go up in flames so easily.

82. golden hello

o 黃金見面禮

o 說明:在商業用語中,「golden + 名詞」常被用來形容公司給予高級主管的優沃薪資或待遇。如:golden parachute「黃金降落傘」是指主管離職時可得到的高額遣散費 (severance pay)。golden

hello 則為吸引優秀人才到公司任職所給的優厚見面禮。

o 例句:

The company's policy of offering a golden hello to all new executives has been

cancelled because of the economic downturn.由於經濟不景氣,該公司取消了給所有新任主管黃金見面禮的政策。

CNN correspondent: The payoff for sacked British Airways boss Bob Ayling sparked

another row. And even a golden hello for Marks & Spencer chief, Luc Vandevelde,

came in for sharp criticism.

83. gravy train

o 肥缺;輕鬆、賺錢容易的工作

o 說明:gravy 原指一種加了料、可用來調味的肉汁,後來演變成一種俚語用法,指「可輕鬆賺大錢的工作;肥缺」,gravy train 前面的動詞通常用 ride。

o 例句:

Many young dot-com executives in the late nineties rode the Internet gravy train to

great wealth and prosperity.九0年代末期,許多年輕的網路公司主管搭上了網路輕鬆致富的列車。

CNN correspondent: The bottom line for Manchester is money. If they can get $50

million by selling Beckham, then the club rode along the gravy train with him, and

then got to sell at the top.

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84. grind to a halt

o 逐漸停止

o 說明:grind to a halt 表「逐漸地,緩慢地,終至完全停止」。其中 grind 是「摩擦得嘎嘎響;磨成小碎片」,而 halt 做名詞,有「停止;終止」的意思。

o 例句:

If the workers go on strike, production will grind to a halt.如果工人繼續罷工,生產將會逐漸停擺。

CNN correspondent: Which doesn't mean sampling grinds to a halt. Digital Cutup

Lounge has only just scratched the surface.

85. ham it up

o 誇張過火的演出;譁眾取寵

o 說明:ham 作為名詞表示「火腿」,亦指「表演過火、演技誇張做作、不夠自然的演員」,這裡的 ham 是 hamfat 的縮寫,它是一種廉價的油膏,過去常被二線演員拿來卸妝。二線演員為吸引觀眾注意,演出的方式常刻意誇大,因而 ham it up 就表示「表演得很賣力但太誇張、做作」,有「譁眾取寵」的意味。

o 例句:

Jerry loves to ham it up at family gatherings.傑瑞喜歡在家族聚會時耍寶。

CNN correspondent: Plenty of protesters, but that didn't stop Cheney from greeting

tourists during a quick stop at the Pro-Football Hall of Fame and hamming it up in a

classic convertible with his granddaughter.

86. hand-wringing

o 扼腕;悲痛

o 說明:此語是從片語 wring one's hands (over something) 轉化而來,意指某人為了某事苦惱、悲痛,因而不斷地扭絞 (wring) 雙手,因此引申有「扼腕;悲痛」之意。

o 例句:

After the attack, there was much hand-wringing, but little action was taken to assist

the survivors.攻擊過後,許多人覺得悲傷,但卻遲遲不見行動援助災民。

Robert Zoellick, U.S. trade rep.: We're now at that stage where we need to move

from hand-wringing about what didn't happen to a hands-on sense of how we can try

to move the process forward.

87. have a cow

o 惱怒;焦躁不安的

o 說明:婦女 have a baby「生小孩」是一件很辛苦的事,心情也會變得相當複雜。那麼如果要某人 have a cow「生母牛」,那情況會是如何呢?當然會很抓狂。所以此語便是用來表達某人的情緒是「惱怒;焦躁不安的」。

o 例句:

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I thought Bill was going to have a cow when I told him that I lost his book.我想當我告訴比爾我把他的書給弄丟了,他包準會抓狂。

CNN correspondent: Kiddies, we do not recommend you try this at home. Your mom

would have a cow.

88. have a nose for

o 對……具有良好的鑑賞能力

o 說明:have a nose for 是表示「對……具有敏銳的嗅覺;對……特別敏感或具有鑑別能力」。若是指聽覺或視覺方面的鑑賞力時,則以 have an ear for、have an eye for 來表達。

o 例句:

Betty has a nose for French cheese.貝蒂對於鑑別法國乳酪的好壞很在行。

CNN anchor: Jim Bolden, who has a nose and a taste for this sort of thing, now

reports from the International Wine Fair in London.

89. have the last laugh

o 贏得最後勝利

o 說明:

o 俗話說 Those who laugh last, laugh loudest!(最後笑的人,笑得最開懷!)是用來勉勵人對於一開始的勝利別太得意忘形,唯有「贏得最後勝利」的人,才能真正笑得開懷。因此,have

the last laugh 便是指「贏得最後的成功、勝利」。

o 例句:

The director had the last laugh on his critics when his movie took the top spot.該片儘管不被影評人看好,但奪得票房冠軍後,導演總算贏得了最後的勝利。

CNN correspondent:>In just eight years in business, this company has been to the

brink and back. Ebullient founder Jeff Besos may yet have the last laugh.

90. head in the clouds

o 作白日夢;不切實際

o 說明:這個片語的意思是以「頭在雲端裡」,來引申比喻人「愛空想;不切實際;做白日夢」。

o 例句:

Even though Bill is not musical at all, he dreams of becoming a rock star. His head

is really in the clouds.比利即使一點都不懂音樂,他仍夢想要成為一位搖滾巨星,真是在做白日夢。

Mark Shuttleworth: "I've always had my head in the clouds. It's a little strange to

have my body highest than the clouds now."

91. head start

o 有利的開端

o 說明:此語為賽馬用語,指馬匹因「率先起跑而佔有的優勢」,故引申為有個「好的開始」。

o 例句:

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Many parents read to their young children as babies to give them a head start

before they start school.許多父母在孩子的嬰兒時期唸書給他們聽,好讓他們在學齡前有個好的開始。

CNN correspondent: Homegrown firms like Konka, Little Swan, and Legend are

readying their brands for international consumption. One manufacturer already has

a head start.

92. hit the jackpot

o 成功;發大財

o 說明:jackpot 指吃角子老虎機 (slot machine) 上的頭彩,中獎後機器內所有的銅板會自動掉下來。hit the jackpot 字面上的意思是「中了頭彩」,用來比喻「成功」或「發大財」。

o 例句:

The chip producer really hit the jackpot when it won the large contract.這家晶片製造廠在簽得那筆大型合約後,真的是等於發了大財。

Report: Some don't expect the magazine to flourish in a place where private and

public life don't mix. Others believe the magazine has hit the jackpot in terms of

pandering to people's need for juicy and titillating gossip.

93. hold a candle to

o 可與之匹敵

o 說明:此片語通常用於否定句中,而 can't hold a candle to 字面上是「無法為……秉燭」,引申為「比不上……;無法與……匹敵、相提並論」之意。

o 例句:

When it comes to playing mah-jongg, I can't hold a candle to my grandmother.提到打麻將這件事,我比我祖母遜色多了。

George Voinovich, U.S. senator, Rep.: Regardless, folks, of who the Democrats put

up as their vice-presidential candidate, they'll never be able to hold a candle to Dick


94. in a new light

o 用新的看法、觀點

o 說明:light 指「光線」,在此引申指「觀點;看法;見解」;因此 in a new light 是「用新的看法、觀點」。

o 例句:

As the story unfolded, people saw Tim in a new light.隨著事情逐漸明朗化,大家對提姆有了新的認識。

CNN correspondent: Other Web sites, like the appropriately named Microscopic

ScienceArt, puts [put] liquids in a whole new light by displaying common elements,

like water and plastic, in rather uncommon ways.

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95. in a tight corner

o 於困境中

o 說明:這是個比喻用法,「將某人逼到死角」,其實意思就是「使某人陷入困境」,push 亦可換成 drive、force、put 等動詞。

o 例句:

When he refused to lend me money, I was really in a tight corner.他拒絕借錢給我,使我陷入了困境。

CNN correspondent: The threat of new technologies has indeed pushed the

recording industry into a tight corner.

96. in (one's) blood

o 具有……的天賦

o 說明:此語有兩種意思,一是指某人與生俱來的天份,就好像是「流在某人血液裡」一樣,也就是我們口語中所常說的「某人具有……的細胞」。另一個意思則指「熱愛」某事物。

o 例句:

Music is in my blood: my mother was a singer and my father played the piano.我天生就有音樂的細胞。我母親是歌唱家,父親是鋼琴師。

CNN correspondent: She's been called China's queen of modern dance and the

dancing diva of China. Thirty-three-year-old Jin Xing knew at a young age that

dancing was in her blood.

97. in dollar terms

o 以美元換算

o 說明:dollar 一般若未特別指定,通常指的都是「美元」。in dollars terms 即是「以美元換算」的意思。

o 例句:

How large is the project in dollar terms? 這案子換算成美金需要花多少錢?

CNN correspondent: At twenty thousand euros, the cost of going to school here

used to be lower in dollar terms than the average private university tuition in the

United States. Now it's more expensive.

98. in light of

o 鑑於

o 說明:這裡的 light 原指「光的照射方式」,引申為「看法;觀點」,所以 in light of 的意思是「從……來看;鑑於」,亦可寫作 in the light of,類似的用法有 in view of、from the point of view


o 例句:

In light of the recent news, we have decided to close our factories in Argentina.從最近的新聞來考量,我們決定關閉阿根廷的工廠。

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CNN correspondent: That, say Daud Scott and Leila Lake, must change, particularly

in light of the murderous acts committed on September 11 in the name of Islam.

99. in the driver's seat

o 處於掌控的地位

o 說明:in the driver's seat 是「坐在駕駛座」,引申為「掌權;處於掌控的地位」的意思。

o 例句:

Julia has always been in the driver's seat as far as hers and Brian's relationship


CNN correspondent: With Terminator 3, Schwarzenegger has a chance to get back

into the box-office driver's seat.

100. in the picture

o 有立足之地;參與

o 說明:in the picture 是「在圖片、相片中」,指的是「為眾人所知」或是「有立足之地」、「參與;出現在某活動中」等意思。相反用法則為 out of the picture 「完全沒有參與」。

o 例句:

The possibility of war is a lot scarier now that nuclear weapons are in the picture.現在因為有核武的出現,發生戰爭就更令人害怕了。

CNN anchor: As Kristie Lu Stout reports, some companies are hoping a new gadget

will help 3G cell phones to get back in the picture.


101. in the pipeline

o 準備;醞釀中

o 說明:pipeline 是輸送油或氣體的地下「輸油管;導管」。in the pipeline 指貨物、訂單等「正在運送或處理中」。另外也可指變化、法令、建議等「正在準備;討論;醞釀」中。

o 例句:

The blueprints for the new house are in the pipeline.這間新屋的設計藍圖正在建構中。

CNN anchor: Well, apart from the fact that they're both on top of their game, they

also have new video games in the pipeline.

102. in the pit of (one's) stomach

o 緊張

o 說明:pit of (one's) stomach 是指「胸口;心窩」;in the pit of (one's) stomach 引申用來比喻情緒「緊張」的意思。

o 例句:

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When Max heard about the tsunami, he got a strange feeling in the pit of his


Ann Kellan, Science and Technology Week Host: Instead of that pit-in-your-stomach

feeling of a roller coaster swooping down, imagine the reverse: slingshot into the sky

with a somersault twist.

103. in the running

o 參加競賽;有贏的希望

o 說明:此語源自於賽馬。in the running 原指馬「加入比賽」或「有贏的機會」。後來被廣泛地應用在生活中,除了指「參加賽跑、競選等」外,亦有「有勝算;有獲勝的希望」的意思。反義詞為 ou

t of the running(不參加競賽;獲勝的機會不高)。

o 例句:

I don't want to vote for him. Who else is in the running?我不想把票投給他。還有其他哪些人參選呢?

CNN correspondent: Osama bin Laden was in the running, so was President Bush,

-- Time's Person of the Year for 2000.

104. in the same breath

o 同時

o 說明:此語亦可寫作 in the next breath,用來表示某人在「同時」針對某件事發表了兩種不同的的意見或看法。

o 例句:

The candidate applauded the victory in Iraq, but in the same breath, questioned

Bush's motive for the attack.該名候選人一方面為在伊拉克的勝利喝采,卻同時質疑布希攻伊的動機。

CNN correspondent: In almost the same breath that district attorney Mark Hulbert

announced he'll be prosecuting NBA star Kobe Bryant, he warned the media not to

focus on Bryant's accuser.

105. in the throes of

o 處於……艱苦過程

o 說明:throe「劇痛」,一般常以複數形 throes 出現,尤指人體因分娩、垂死掙扎等所產生的極度痛苦。in the throes of 則常用來形容面對極為艱困、痛苦掙扎的處境。

o 例句:

The video of the convict's execution showed him in the throes of death.錄影帶裡記錄了該名死囚遭到處決的痛苦歷程。

CNN anchor: Taken by Hubble, these latest color-enhanced images show stars in

the throes of death.

106. in the wake of

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o 隨之而來的結果

o 說明:wake 可表示「船舶或飛機航行過後留下的痕跡」,這耶水波與氣體的痕跡會擴散,所以 in the wake of 引申為「跟隨……、隨……而來的後果」的意思;通常用來指負面的事情,且兩者互有因果關係。

o 例句:

In the wake of recent murders, the government is making plans to tighten security.在最近數件謀殺案發生後,政府正著手加強治安。

CNN anchor: His death came in the wake of scandals in the biggest bankruptcy

filing in United States history.

107. iron out differences

o 消弭歧見

o 說明:iron 作名詞是指「電熨斗」;作動詞便是「用熨斗將……燙平」,iron out 有「解決;消除」的意思。因此 iron out the differences 則引申為「消弭歧見」之意。

o 例句:

The factory owner and striking workers sat down together to iron out their


CNN correspondent: The head of the U.S. APEC delegation says he expects U.S.

and Chinese trade officials to meet soon to iron out differences over issues like farm


108. jaw-dropping

o 令人目瞪口呆的

o 說明:此語與中文的「目瞪口呆」有異曲同工之妙,jaw dropping 是形容事物令人驚訝得連下巴 (jaw) 都合不攏。亦可寫作 one's jaw drops.

o 例句:

The results of the race were jaw-dropping.比賽結果讓人跌破眼鏡。

CNN anchor: Some of the designs at the Toyota Idea competition were quite jaw

dropping. Toyota engineers were not the only ones grinning ear to ear. Their

concept sports car, Mr. Smile, was too.

109. join forces

o 共同合作

o 說明:此語原為軍事用語,指「會師;整合軍力」以對抗敵人,現已引申為「團結合作、聯合完成某目標」的意思。提醒讀者,force 需用複數形 forces。

o 例句:

The nations of the world are joining forces to fight terrorism.世界各國共同對抗恐怖主義。

CNN correspondent: GirlGeeks has joined forces with computer-show giant Comdex

to try to encourage women to consider high-tech careers.

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110. jump at the chance

o 迅速把握機會

o 說明:jump at 之後可接諸如 chance 、opportunity 等詞,表「迅速把握;欣然接受(某機會)」的意思。類似用語還有  jump at the bait「迅速把握某種良機」。

o 例句:

The young actress jumped at the chance to be in the big-budget movie.這名年輕女演員即時把握住機會,在這部大製作電影中演出。

CNN correspondent: Gone are the days when European companies jumped at a

chance to grab the attention of American investors.

111. jump on the bandwagon

o 趕搭……的列車

o 說明:當某候選人特別受到民眾擁護時,許多人喜歡 jump on the bandwagon「跳到樂隊車上」去沾光,希望候選人當選後自己也能得到一些好處,後來就被引申為「趕流行;趕搭……的列車」。

o 例句:

,In the late nineties, many companies jumped on the Internet bandwagon.九○年代末期,許多公司搶搭網路列車。

CNN corespondent: And Singapore Airlines is the latest to consider jumping onto

the budget bandwagon.

112. just for the record

o 只是要讓你知道

o 說明:record 當名詞用有「紀錄;報告」的意思,而 just for the record 在可用來表示「只是想讓你知道某事」,讓對方記在心裡,好做另外的打算或計畫的意思。

o 例句:

Just for the record, I am currently seeing someone.我只是想讓你知道,我目前正在跟別人交往。

Dean supporter: Just for the record, I really enjoyed your speech in Iowa.

113. just shy of

o 只差……一點點;將近

o 說明:此語在運動項目轉播中也常可聽到,例如 just shy of the world record 只差一點點就破世界紀錄。

o 例句:

He died just shy of his eightieth birthday.他在將近八十歲時去世。

CNN correspondent: He bought a ticket to ride a Russian Soyuz rocket headed to

the International Space Station in April. The price tag for the ten-day visit? -- just shy

of $20 million.

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114. keel over

o 整個翻覆;昏倒

o 說明:keel 做名詞用時是指船隻底部的「龍骨」;動詞片語 keel over 字面意義是指船隻「整個翻覆」,引申為人「昏倒」的意思。

o 例句:

When I told Grandpa he had won the lottery, he almost keeled over from shock.當我告訴爺爺他中了樂透,他高興得差點昏倒。

CNN correspondent: People are always fainting in movies, but presidential fainting

is relatively rare. Who could forget George Bush Sr., keeling over at a state dinner

given by Japan's prime minister?

115. keep an eye on

o 注意

o 說明:eye 在這裡是名詞「注視」的意思,必須用單數;因此 keep an eye on 即為「注意;留心」之意,亦可說成 keep an eye open/out for。

o 例句:

Joan asked her neighbor to keep an eye on her son while she was running an


Ann Kellan, Science and Technology Week host: But what they don't know is how

life in the ocean will respond over the long haul if carbon dioxide levels keep rising.

In the meantime, they're going to keep an eye on it.

116. kick off

o 開始

o 說明:kick是「踢」的意思,kick off 原指在足球賽開始時,球員以踢球來開始一場比賽,也就是 「開球」。在美式口語用法中,一場會議、一個事件的「開始」,都可以用 kick off 來表示。此動詞片語的名詞用法寫作 kickoff。

o 例句:

The NYSE kicked off 2004 with a 20 percent gain.紐約證交所二○○四年開紅盤,大漲百分之二十。

CNN anchor: Well, in the United States a popular daytime TV talk-show host was

driven to do something very special for others to kick off her 19th season on the air.

117. kick up a stink

o 引發爭論

o 說明:stink 有「臭氣」的意思;kick up a stink 引申為「引發爭論」爭論的意思。類似的說法如 make/create/raise a stink 較為常見。

o 例句:

If the boss doesn't give me a raise this year, I am really going to kick up a stink!老闆如果今年沒有幫我加薪,那麼我一定要有所動作。

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CNN anchor: Experts attending a toilet summit in Singapore have been kicking up a

stink. They're calling for better hygiene standards around the world.

118. kick-ass

o 很屌的

o 說明:這是個有點鄙俗卻又很常用的的美式俚語,作形容詞用。用 kiss-ass 形容某事物時,是指這樣東西比其它的都要好,類似中文「很屌的」之意。這個字難登大雅之堂,故說完 kick-ass 

之後總是會加上一句 excuse my language。

o 例句:

Wow! They're some kick-ass boots! Are they new?哇!這靴子好炫喔!是新的嗎?

The Rock: The Scorpion King is the most brave... bravest, fiercest, kick-ass --

excuse my language -- warrior that has walked the face of the earth. 

119. kiss-and-tell

o 洩漏祕密

o 說明:在以前保守的年代裡,男生追女生如果能親吻到對方,當然是很令人興奮的事,常會忍不住跑去跟朋友說:「我親到她了」,結果,事情就這樣子給傳開來了。所以 kiss-and-tell 便被用來引申表示「洩露祕密」、甚至有「揭瘡疤」的意思。

o 例句:

Harry is reading the latest kiss-and-tell scandal in the newspaper.哈利正在看報紙的八卦新聞。

CNN correspondent: Kiss-and-tell is not her style. Now, show-and-tell, that's another


120. knuckle sandwich

o 正中嘴巴的一拳

o 說明:knuckle 在此指的是「拳頭」,那到底什麼是 knuckle sandwich「拳頭三明治」?當你「一拳正好打中對方的嘴巴」時,對方的兩片嘴唇正好包著你的拳頭,這像不像不就像個三明治呢?

o 例句:

Frank gave Jeff a knuckle sandwich, and then kicked him in the head.法蘭克一拳打進傑夫嘴裡後,又踹了他的頭。

The Rock: Hand-to-hand combat with one sword, and, although it's 3,000 B.C.,

there's head butts, there's a knuckle sandwich, and your occasional head chop

every once in a while.

121. lash out

o 猛烈抨擊

o 說明:lash 當動詞用時,常指「鞭打;抽打」的動作。lash out 除了可指實際以某物「猛烈攻擊、傷害」某人外,亦可指在言語上「猛烈抨擊;嚴厲斥責」他人之意。

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o 例句:

The annoyed passenger lashed out at the flight attendant for telling him to sit down.


Thomas Crampton, International Herald Tribune: Tourism is a very important part of

the economies in Asia. So they lash out.

122. leave (one's) mark on

o 對……留下深遠的影響

o 說明:mark 表「痕跡;印記」;leave a mark(留下印記)可引申指「對……產生持久的影響」,類似的用法有 leave /make (one's) mark on (someone /something)。

o 例句:

The Japanese occupation has left a mark on Taiwan's culture.日據時代對台灣文化留下了深遠的影響。

CNN correspondent: Passersby have left their mark on what's sometimes called "the

wild wall."

123. lend (one's) voice to

o 為某事代言

o 說明:lend (one's) voice to 的字面意義是某人「把聲音借給……」,其實就是指「為某事物或商品代言、發聲」的意思。

o 例句:

Star Wars director George Lucas lent his voice to children's organizations by

donating movie profits.《星際大戰》的導演喬治.盧卡斯捐出電影的收益,為兒福機構代言。

CNN correspondent: These girls said they never buy pirated copies of music and

that they fully support the protest. Hong Kong star Karen Mok was also on hand to

lend her voice to the cause.

124. let (one's) hair down

o 輕鬆做自己

o 說明:這個詞是指「放下堅持;忘記成規;心情放鬆、自由自在」的意思。此語源自於從前較保守的時代,婦女在公開場合總會挽起頭髮,除非在自己的臥房裡才會放下頭髮輕鬆一下。後來就引申為不受到外來的束縛與限制輕鬆展現真實自我。

o 例句:

The company trip to the country gave all the employees a chance to let their hair

down, get to know one another, and have some fun.公司旅遊到郊外玩,讓所有的員工有機會放下一切束縛,認識彼此,好好地玩一玩。

Unidentified woman: Anything can happen. Friday nights are big in the city. They're

usually... after work, really, let your hair down.

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125. level the playing field

o 使競爭公平

o 說明:此語原指體育競賽中,為了讓所有參賽者有公平的比賽環境,一般都會儘量讓球場 (pla

ying field) 各處保持平坦 (level),避免有所謂的「場地優勢」發生。如今泛指在任何競爭或競賽中「作公平的競爭」,亦可說成 on a level playing field。

o 例句:

Central American farmers have asked their governments to level the playing field by

putting tariffs on produce imported from the United States.中美洲農民要求其政府對美國進口之農產品加徵關稅以作公平競爭。

Jack Zelienka, Especially For You, Co-CEO: We feel that we're getting close to

being on the same level playing field as our foreign competition, simply from the fact

that we can bring these things to the table.

126. make a dent

o 產生影響

o 說明:dent 是「凹痕;凹洞」的意思; make a dent(弄出凹痕)則引申指「產生影響」,常用於否定句,也常與 even 連用,指「雖然花了很大的力氣,但對方仍絲毫不受影響」。

o 例句:

I've been busy for hours, but I haven't made a dent in all the work I have to do.我已經忙了好幾個小時,但要做的事情還是堆積如山。

CNN correspondent: The cell-phone industry's trade group says its members have

really been pushing this kind of recycling program in the last two or three years, but

it's not clear how much of a dent they're making.

127. mark down

o 降價

o 說明:mark down 就是「降價」的意思。許多標榜精緻、走高級路線的精品店不喜歡以「打折」、「減價」的用語來形容商品,因此,到季末出清商品時,就會 mark down 卸下當季的價標、為舊商品「換吊牌」,標上較低的價錢。

o 例句:

This shirt used to be expensive, but it has been marked down to only five dollars!這件襯衫本來很貴,但降價後只要五美元。

Simon Raggett, Williams de Broe: So there isn't a whole mass of stuff left at the end

of the season which has to be very heavily marked down.

128. material witness

o 重要證人

o 說明:material witness 在美國法律上就是所謂「重要證人」,即掌握了重要證據、對案情有決定性影響的人。美國法律允許警方扣押掌握重要證據者,以便其出庭作證。但須先經過繁瑣的申請程序,並證明被扣押者確實掌握了無法從其它途徑得到的關鍵證據。

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o 例句:

Brian was called as a material witness in the case against the thief.布萊恩在那個案件中以重要證人的身分出庭作證指證該名小偷。

CNN correspondent: According to government sources, approximately two dozen

material witnesses have been taken into custody since September 11, 2001.

129. measure up

o 符合標準

o 說明:measure 有「評價;評估」的意思,而 measure up 則是「被評定達到、符合……」的意思。常以 someone measures up to something 來表達某人達到某些標準、期望等。

o 例句:

Margaret's idea of a perfect man is one who writes poetry, cooks, and dresses well.

She said Peter just didn't measure up.瑪格麗特心目中完美的男人是:會寫詩、烹飪、穿著出色。她說彼得根本不符合標準。

CNN correspondent: Bin Laden didn't measure up, says Time magazine managing

editor, Jim Kelly. He made the final decision this year.

130. no-brainer

o 不加思索即能解答的問題

o 說明:no-brainer 是指「不加思索即能解答的問題或做出的決定」,此字易與「欠缺大腦的人」的涵義混淆。「欠缺大腦、愚笨無知」可以用 brainless 這個字。

o 例句:

Staying away from dangerous places like Iraq or Afghanistan should be a no-brainer

for travelers.遊客們應該不加思索就會避開伊拉克或阿富汗等危險地區。

John Tkacik, Heritage Foundation: Who's your friend when the going gets rough

politically? And is it going to be Washington or is it going to be Paris? And I think

that's a no-brainer.

131. offer the olive branch

o 講和

o 說明:olive branch 字面意義為「橄欖枝」,象徵和平、解放。此用法源自舊約聖經中諾亞方舟的故事。諾亞在大水過後,放出鴿子看看大水是否退了,之後鴿子啣回橄欖枝,表示大水已退,上帝原諒了人類。因此這句片語引申指「對人展現善意」或是「講和」。

o 例句:

Our company has been fighting yours for too long; it's time for us to offer the olive


CNN correspondent: From his inaugural address to repeated statements since, he

has offered one olive branch to mainland China after another, steadily backpedaling

from the support for Taiwan independence that marked his earlier political career.

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132. on everyone's lips

o 眾人討論的焦點

o 說明:lips 指「嘴唇的意思」;on everyone's lips 是指「眾人討論、注意的焦點」的意思。

o 例句:

After winning his second Academy Award, the actor's name was on everyone's lips.


CNN correspondent: Schwarzenegger is the name on everyone's lips, eclipsing

some of the lesser-known candidates.

133. on par with

o 和……一樣好

o 說明:par 原本就有「同等地位、價值」的意思,而 on par with 是指「相當於……;和……一樣好」,與 as good as、equal to 同義,亦可寫為 on a par with。

o 例句:

The young actor's performance in A Street Car Named Desire was on par with

Marlon Brando's.該名年輕演員在《慾望街車》中的表現和馬龍.白蘭度一樣搶眼。

CNN correspondent: Switched on, the deck moves at around five miles an hour. Ski

pros say one hour on the machine is on par with several hours on the mountain.

134. on tap

o 唾手可得

o 說明:tap 原指舊時橡木酒桶上的「活栓;龍頭」,以方便汲取。後來 on tap 常被引申用來表示「可隨時取用;隨時供應」。

o 例句:

Alan Greenspan has plenty of economic data on tap to make good decisions.艾倫.葛林斯潘手邊隨時可得到許多經濟數據,以便做出好的決策。

David Stern, NBA commissioner: The game is being enhanced by sixty-five

international players this year, so we've got a really great season on tap.

135. on the books

o 明文規定

o 說明:在此 book 並不是「書」,而是指用來書寫、登記的「本子;冊子」。 on the books 的字義是「已登記在本子上」。一般常用來指學生、會員等「已被登記、入會、註冊、在案」等。

o 例句:

The no-smoking law has been on the books for a long time. But it was only enforced

this year.該禁煙法令已頒訂多時,只不過是到今年才開始施行。

CNN correspondent: And experts say what is needed now is effective enforcement

of anti-poaching laws already on the books -- the kind of serious enforcement that

has so far saved eastern mountain gorillas.

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136. on the drawing board

o 尚在規劃階段

o 說明:drawing board 意思是「製圖版」, on the drawing board(擺在製圖版上)常引申指事物、計劃等「尚在規劃之中」。其相關用法 back to the drawing board 則指「重頭再來」。

o 例句:

Plans are still on the drawing board for a new building at the World Trade Center


CNN anchor: James Hattori shows us what it can do and what's still on the drawing


137. on the go

o 忙個不停

o 說明:on the go 這句話是用來形容「非常忙碌,動個不停的樣子」另一個相關的片語是 on the


o 例句:

I'm exhausted. I've been on the go all day.我累死了,我忙了一整天。

CNN correspondent: A personal digital assistant can be neatly tucked inside a 3G

phone. -- perfect for someone on the go.

138. on the horizon

o 即將發生

o 說明:此語字面意思是「在地平線上」,引申指「某事物在視線可及之處」或是「即將發生」。

o 例句:

The stock market has dropped because many fear a war with Iraq may be on the


CNN anchor: Machines on the horizon will fix a sandwich to your order, tell delivery

drivers what supplies to bring, and offer lots of options for spending your money.

139. on the make

o 求愛

o 說明:此語指「求愛;尋找伴侶」,也有「熱衷於追求名利;埋頭苦幹(爭取財富或地位)」的意思。

o 例句:

After several affairs, Bill got the reputation of being a man on the make.有過幾次外遇後,比爾博得了花花公子的名聲。

Ed Koch, former NYC mayor: This is a street that's attractive to singles on the make

and families that want to show their kids a good time.

140. on the map

o 具知名度或重要性

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o 說明:一般只要是太小的地方並不會出現在地圖上,所以能在地圖上 (on the map) 出現的地方,便多少具有一定的「知名度或重要性」。此語常用於句型 put... on the map 引申表示「使出名或具重要性」。

o 例句:

Disney World put Orlando on the map.迪士尼樂園讓奧蘭多成為一個知名的景點。

CNN anchor: In fact, North Korea isn't even on the map as far as most tourists are

concerned. But that doesn't keep the country from trying to attract its share of


141. on (one's) toes

o 保持警覺

o 說明:原指拳擊、跑步等體育競賽中,參賽者踮著腳尖 (on one's toes) 以利快速移動或隨時出擊的動作,以取得優勢;現常引申用來形容人「提高警覺;準備好行動」。

o 例句:

New technologies developed by competitors have really kept the company on its


CNN correspondent: One thing you can be sure of in Toronto is great food. The city

has over seven thousand restaurants, and the competition keeps chefs on their


142. on top of each other

o 爭先恐後地

o 說明:on top of 有「在……之上;緊接著」的意思。當人們「一個緊接著一個地」爭相去做某件事時,難免會互相推擠或踩到別人,因此 on top of each other 便是用來形容這種「爭先恐後」的情況。

o 例句:

Everyone was on top of each other trying to buy tickets for the last Mayday concert.


Survivor of the attack: Everybody was on top of each other trying to come down, and

then somebody finally calmed the crowd down to get them to come down the stairs

in an orderly fashion, and get them out of the building.

143. one of a kind

o 獨一無二的

o 說明:of a kind 的意思是「同一類的」; one of a kind 是指:某種類的人、事、物在世界上就只有這麼一個,也就是「獨一無二」、「與眾不同的」的意思。

o 例句:

Kelly is very unusual; she's really one of a kind.凱莉非常獨特,而且她非常與眾不同。

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CNN correspondent: Millie is one of a kind. At twenty-two months old, this orangutan

toddler is believed to be the only one of her kind alive who suffers from cerebral


144. out of bounds

o 逾矩

o 說明:bound 意同 boundary,代表「界限」。out of bounds 直譯為「出界」,引申作「逾矩;超越尺度;不被允許」之意。

o 例句:

No topic is out of bounds in our meetings.在我們的會議中,什麼話題都可以談。

CNN correspondent: On a bed, in the water, on a swing, boy and girl, man and man.

It seems nothing is out of bounds, and sex researcher Alfred Kinsey can take some

of the credit for that.

145. out of hand

o 立即

o 說明:此語常作形容詞用,意思是「無法控制的;無法掌控的」。亦作副詞用,是指不假思索地「立即」出手、動作或做出決定等。

o 例句:

My boss rejected the idea out of hand, not even listening to my argument.我的老闆甚至聽都不聽我辯解,就馬上否決了這個想法。

CNN correspondent: Iraq's renewed offer to more fully cooperate with weapons

inspectors [was] dismissed out of hand.

146. out of step

o 不一致

o 說明:step 在此是指「步調;步伐」;out of step 除了指實際上的步伐或走向與他人不一致外,亦可引申指和別人在想法、意見或行動上「不一致」。

o 例句:

The right's antimarijuana views are out of step with the rest of the world.保守派人士對於禁止大麻的看法與世界上其他人並不一致。

President George W. Bush: "We've recalled our ambassador, which indicates that

the relationship is not moving forward, that Syria is out of step with the progress

being made in the greater Middle East."

147. over the hill

o 走下坡

o 說明:若將人生、事業等比作爬坡,山頂便是所謂的巔峰時期,而 over the hill「過了山頂」便意謂著開始「走下坡」。

o 例句:

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Tim's daughter has been calling him over the hill since he turned fifty.自從提姆過了五十歲,他的女兒說他已經在走下坡了。

CNN correspondent: Seventy-eight million people have been to a pro game this

summer. Two-and-a-half million kids played little league. You think baseball's over

the hill?

148. over-the-top

o 極端的;過度的

o 說明:over-the-top 表示「過度而浮誇的」,通常用來描述行為和表演等。

o 例句:

The acting is a little over the top, but it's not a bad movie.除了演員的演技太假之外,這部電影還算不賴。

CNN anchor: Now classical history isn't normally the stuff of boardroom debate, and

military tactics is slightly over the top when it comes to corporate takeovers.

149. paint a grim picture (of)

o 描述、形容

o 說明:grim 原有「晦暗的;無望的」之意;paint a grim picture 常用來表示對某事物的預測是「前景不看好的;沒有前途的」。相反詞則為 paint a rosy picture,表「前景看好的;前途無量的」。

o 例句:

The latest economic figures paint a grim picture of the economy.最新的經濟數據顯示經濟發展的前途堪慮。

CNN anchor: A new report from the United Nations paints a grim picture for the

future of many species.

150. part of the equation

o 影響某事物的因素

o 說明:equation 通常是指數學上的「方程式」,程式中的任何一部分,都會對程式有所響影,因此 part of the equation 常可引申指「影響某事物的因素」,亦可說成 enter into the


o 例句:

Some people say you should dress for success, but clothes are only part of the


CNN correspondent: That means the polygraph device itself is the smallest part of

the equation.

151. parting shot

o 回馬槍;下狠話

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o 說明:parting shot 是「離開時補你一槍」,意即「回馬槍」。其源自:古代伊朗北部的帕提雅帝國 (Parthia),該國的戰士 (warrior) 在戰場上撤退或假裝退卻時,回身放箭傷人,稱為 parthia

n shaft(回馬箭)。除了可用在戰場上,亦引申指兩方爭執過後,在離去前氣憤地「撂下狠話」。

o 例句:

When Bill broke up with Jan, she took a parting shot, saying, "Have a nice life."比爾和珍分手時,珍撂下狠話:「祝你過的『好』」。

CNN correspondent: This is what everyone's desperate to avoid: a repeat of '91,

when, by way of parting shot at the West, Iraq's retreating forces torched Kuwait's oil


152. pass the baton to (someone)

o 把權杖讓與;將寶座讓出

o 說明:baton 表示「權杖;官杖」,在此以比喻的口吻指「把……的寶座讓出」,而 the baton as

the most searched... 則表示「搜尋次數最多的榮耀」,介系詞 to 之後則接讓與的對象。

o 例句:

Frank was happy to retire and pass the baton of responsibility to his son, who took

over the company.法蘭克很高興退休,並且把責任交給兒子去接管公司。

James Hattori, CNNdotCOM host: Stand aside Pikachui; Pokemon is passing the

baton as the most searched person, place, or thing on the Web, to this year's winner

Britney Spears.

153. pat on the back

o 稱許;讚揚

o 說明:此語原指以手輕拍 (pat) 某人背部 (back) 的動作;現在常用來表示對某人的表現、作為等予以「鼓勵;讚揚」。

o 例句:

The newspaper article congratulating Bush on his Iraq victory was a real pat on the

back for the White House.這篇恭賀布希對伊之戰勝利的報導,實在可說是對白宮的一種讚揚。

CNN anchor: Japan's auto sector may draw attention after a pat on the back from its

main export market. In the U.S., J.D. Power and Associates ranks Toyota's Lexus

brand number one in its look at long-term vehicle quality.

154. pencil pusher

o 內勤工作者

o 說明:pencil pusher 指辦公室裡不需要動勞力,做「內勤或文書」等靜態工作的人,亦可稱為 paper pusher。

o 例句:

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That policeman doesn't solve crimes or arrest criminals; he's just a pencil pusher.那名員警不處理犯罪事件或逮捕罪犯。他只是文書人員。

CNN correspondent: Most of us started out as pencil pushers -- yellow ones, stubby

ones, perfect for filling in circles, sticking behind your ear.

155. pick up steam

o 開始逐漸發展

o 說明:pick up steam 原指以蒸氣 (steam) 為動力的火車或汽船等逐漸增加蒸氣動力,使行進速度加快。用來形容事物的「腳步加快;聲勢增加」。相反詞為 run out of steam「失去動力;精疲力竭」。

o 例句:

As the U.S. economy has picked up steam, the unemployment rate has dropped.隨著美國經濟景氣逐漸回升,失業率已經下滑。

CNN correspondent: The Fed said the struggling U.S. manufacturing sector showed

further signs of life, an indication the economic recovery is picking up steam.

156. pick-me-up

o 提神飲料;有興奮作用的東西

o 說明:pick-me-up 就是「提神飲料」,通常含有藥物或酒精成份。此外,只要是有助於提振精神的事物,都可稱為 pick-me-up。

o 例句:

Try this coffee; it's a good pick-me-up.試試這咖啡,它是很好的提神飲料。

CNN correspondent: The telecom biz desperately needs a pick-me-up; the market is

losing momentum as consumers hold off buying new phones. But one gizmo could

change all that.

157. play hardball

o 採取強硬做法

o 說明:原為棒球用語,指使用標準的棒球 (standard ball) 也就是硬球 (hardball) 來進行比賽,而非稍大、較軟且較容易打的壘球 (softball)。後來常被常引申指「態度強硬;採取強硬手段」。

o 例句:

Because the reporter would not reveal her source, the judge decided to play

hardball and put her in jail.由於該名記者拒絕透露消息來源,法官決定採取強硬措施將他送進監獄。

CNN correspondent: Shares of Oracle and PeopleSoft were both under pressure

this session as the two companies continue to play hardball.

158. play to (one's) strengths

o 發揮所長

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o 說明:strength 在此並不是「力量」的意思,而是指某人的「長處」;因此 play to (one's)

strengths 即指 「發揮所長」;strengths 為複數型態。

o 例句:

The former police officer running for mayor played to his strengths by keeping the

debate focused on crime prevention.這位當過警官的市長參選人發揮其所長,將辯論的焦點鎖定在犯罪防治上。

CNN correspondent: Companies, meanwhile, are finding that, to compete

effectively, they can be successful playing to their strengths. Sometimes, it is on a

price basis, and sometimes, price is outweighed by other advantages.

159. pop out

o 突然出現

o 說明:pop 是汽球的爆裂聲或瓶塞拔出時所發出「啪」的一聲;pop out 可當動詞用,比喻某件事物「突然出現」,引起眾人的矚目。

o 例句:

I didn't see the car coming; it just popped out from nowhere.我沒看到那部車過來,它不知道是從哪冒出來的。

CNN correspondent: They're sleek, they're hot, and they look like they just popped

out of a science-fiction movie.

160. PR offensive

o 公關造勢

o 說明:PR 即 public relations(公共關係)的簡稱。 offensive 雖然經常用作形容詞,表示「令人不悅的;無禮的」或「具攻擊性的」;但此處當名詞使用表示「攻勢;攻擊行動」;a PR

offensive 即為「公關造勢」。

o 例句:

The company launched a PR offensive after its products were declared unsafe.這間公司產品遭指稱安全堪慮之後,隨即發動一波公關造勢。

CNN correspondent: A recent PR offensive tried to show the prince in a more

positive light, coaching young rugby players in the UK and caring for AIDS victims in


161. pull no punches

o 對……某事不會妥協

o 說明:punch 作名詞為「拳打;穿孔機」之意。 not pull punches 表示說話者對於已說出的言論或已採取的行動相當認真,沒有轉圜的餘地,亦即對於已決定的事情「不會讓步;決不妥協」的意思。

o 例句:

The police are not pulling any punches with their new crackdown on illegal parking.


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CNN correspondent: But the United States insists it won't pull any punches to

protect its pilots.

162. pull up stakes

o 遷移;收拾家當離開

o 說明:美國土地廣闊,建國早期人們都會在自己的 property boundaries(土地邊界)上釘上 stakes(木樁)作為私人財產的標示,外人不得隨便進入;如果將作為財產標示的木樁拔起 pull up stakes,則表示他準備「遷移;離開」。

o 例句:

We're looking forward to pulling up stakes and leaving all this behind.我們期望離開,並把這裡的一切全留下來。

Mike Chinoy, Senior Asia Correspondent: Now, fed up with Hong Kong, Lai has

pulled up stakes and moved to Taiwan.

163. pump up

o 充滿熱情;充滿力量

o 說明:pump up 有「打氣;充氣」的意思,常用來形容人「充滿熱情;充滿力量的」。 pumped

up 也可當過去分詞作形容詞用。

o 例句:

Athletes should always get pumped up before a game.運動員在比賽之前應該要為自己打氣。

CNN Sports Correspondent: They are pumped up down under. After seven years of

waiting, the people of Sydney are ready for the games to begin.

164. push (someone's) buttons

o 使某人生氣;把某人惹毛

o 說明:push/press (someone's) buttons 常被用來比喻「啟動」人的某種情緒,一般指「使某人生氣;把某人惹毛」的意思。而 press the right buttons 則是「討某人的歡心;讓某人高興」的意思。

o 例句:

Craig said mean things about Mandy's mother just to push her buttons.克瑞格說了曼蒂的媽媽許多壞話,只是為了要惹她生氣。

CNN anchor: Machines on the horizon will fix a sandwich to your order, tell delivery

drivers what supplies to bring, and offer lots of options for spending your money.

Daniel Sieberg reports on machines designed to push your buttons.

165. put flesh on (something)

o 對……詳加說明

o 說明:put flesh on 亦可說成 flesh out 或 put flesh on the bones of (something),原是指「在光禿禿的骨架上加上血肉」;常引申指「對……詳加說明或加以充實」。

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o 例句:

Bill put some flesh on his report by adding additional information.比爾補充了一些額外的資訊以充實報告的內容。

Raphael Sonenshein, political analyst: His opponents are very shrewd and effective,

and they're going to try to make him put some flesh on these positions -- and if he

doesn't, they will.

166. raise eyebrows

o 引人側目

o 說明:raise eyesbrows 此語字面意思是「揚起眉毛」;這裡的眉毛指的是「別人的眉毛」,而非自己的眉毛,這個動作是常用來表達「引起驚訝、錯愕、懷疑等」的意思。

o 例句:

Sarah and George raised a few eyebrows with their sudden decision to marry.莎拉和喬治突然決定結婚有點令人訝異。

Karuna Shinsho, Inside Asia Host: She raised eyebrows with the album cover

showing her posing with her violin in a water-drenched, almost see-through outfit.

167. rake in

o 大筆撈進

o 說明:rake 原指用來耙草或枯枝敗葉的「長柄耙;草耙」,這種長柄耙用來耙枯葉一次可耙到很多葉子,很快便可將地上清理乾淨。因此,rake in 除了指「迅速大量地耙攏、搜集」外,也常用來引申指「大筆賺進、撈進」。

o 例句:

Investors are tired of CEOs who rake in millions of dollars even if the company is


CNN correspondent: She needs almost seven thousand bucks. after getting

eighteen dollars from generous people the first week, she got zip weeks two and

three. Others have raked in thousands.

168. reach out to

o 與……溝通爭取認同;搏感情

o 說明:reach out 是指「表示善意」,如同就好比伸出友誼之手的意思;reach out to 字義為向某人伸出友誼之手,亦即引申為「與……溝通爭取認同;搏感情」的意思。

o 例句:

Many countries reached out to the disaster victims, sending money and food.許多國家對災區難民伸出援手紛紛捐出錢與食物。

George W. Bush, U.S. President: I will do all I can do to deserve your trust. A new

term is a new opportunity to reach out to the whole nation.

169. riddled with

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o 充滿

o 說明:rriddle 作名詞是指「謎」或篩取穀物、泥土、砂石等的「粗篩;格篩」。 riddled with 常被用來比喻某物「被弄得滿是孔洞」或「充滿令人不悅的事物」。

o 例句:

My house is riddled with cockroaches.我家到處蟑螂橫行。

CNN Correspondeant: And, in Afghanistan, a country riddled with literally millions of

hidden land mines, they have been used to clear thousands of hectares.

170. ring in the New Year

o 守歲

o 說明:西方傳統禮俗中,為迎接新年、節慶的到來有搖鈴或敲鐘習慣。 ring in 有「迎接」新年、節慶的意思;和中國的「守歲」頗為類似。後來延伸為只要是「迎接」新事物等,都可用 ring in 


o 例句:

Chris rang in the New Year by throwing a party.克里斯辦了一場派對來迎接新年的到來。

CNN correspondent: On New Year's Eve, 2001, Michael Dasrath boarded a

Continental Airlines jet bound for Tampa. His intention: to ring in the New Year with

his wife and two sons.

171. road warrior

o 通勤人口;馬路戰士

o 說明:尖峰時間的車潮、人潮眾多,上班族就必須像打仗般「排除障礙」往前移動;road

warrior 「馬路戰士」就是用來形容這些在上、下班尖峰時間的「通勤人口」。另外,「常在各地走動的人」也可以用這個名詞。

o 例句:

This travel book is for true road warriors. It lists hundreds of hotels and restaurants.


CNN anchor: On board the Hong Kong tram, road warriors can commute in comfort

with just enough room to bring out the laptop and begin the hunt for wireless


172. ruffle (someone's) feathers

o 激怒某人

o 說明:鳥類發怒或受驚嚇時羽毛(feathers)會豎起來(ruffle up)而變亂,所以 ruffle

(someone's) feathers 便引申用來指「激怒某人」;其相反用語為 smooth (someone's) ruffled


o 例句:

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Politicians must be careful not to ruffle anyone's feathers; they need as many votes

as possible.政治家們必須謹慎地不去激怒任何人。他們所需要的選票儘可能越多越好。

CNN correspondent: The pioneers of this technology say they hope to ruffle feathers

and get the service companies to offer service in public places like train stations and


173. rule of thumb

o 經驗法則

o 說明:rule of thumb 原來是指用姆指量東西,既然是用姆指量,只能是量個大概,不可能十分精確,故引申指「常規;經驗法則」。rule of thumb 本身即有「一般、粗略」的含意。

o 例句:

When lending money to friends, a good rule of thumb is to never lend more than you

can afford to lose.借錢給朋友時,一個很好的經驗法則就是不要借多於你能負擔的錢。

CNN correspondent: One general rule of thumb is your exposure to dicey

investments should diminish as you near retirement.

174. rule the roost

o 支配一切;居主導地位

o 說明:roost 原指鳥類或禽類的「棲木;棲息地;聚居地」;在鳥群中可 rule the roost(統治、掌管所有同類)的,便是可「當家;作主;支配一切」的領導者,後來便被引申指「居主導地位;支配一切」的意思。

o 例句:

Despite Apple's innovations in computer design, PCs still rule the roost.儘管蘋果公司在電腦設計上有所創新,但個人電腦仍居領導地位。

CNN correspondent: So Atari really did rule the roost, didn't they? They created the

market, they had the best games, and what happened to them?

175. saber rattling

o 炫耀軍力

o 說明:saber 指舊時騎兵佩戴的「長劍;軍刀」;rattling 則指「發出聲響」,兩字連用表示用力搖晃軍刀,使其與刀鞘相互碰撞、發出聲響,目的是在向對手示警,引申為「炫耀軍力;以武力威脅、恫嚇」的意思。

o 例句:

Despite saber rattling from North Korea, the talks have moved forward.儘管北韓以武力恫嚇,會談仍舊有所進展。

CNN correspondent: With a twenty-one-gun salute in a driving rain against a

backdrop of saber rattling from Beijing, Taiwan's president, Chen Shui-bian, was

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sworn in for a second term and immediately called for an easing of tensions with


176. sail through

o 順利進行

o 說明:sail through 原指「航行順暢」,在此用來形容事情「進展順利」,如 :sail through


o 例句:

The leaders sailed through the talks.領導者們順利地進行會談。

CNN correspondent: As momentum builds among WTO members to admit China,

Beijing is eager to show that China is sailing through trade differences with other


177. set (one's) sights on

o 將眼光放在……

o 說明:sight 是「視力;視野;視界」之意,set (one's) sights on 就相當於中文的「將眼光放在……」,除了可指「將眼睛所看的對象鎖定於……」,通常用來引申表示「將目標設定在……」。

o 例句:

Since the day he was hired, Jim set his sights on his boss's job.自吉姆被錄用的那一天起,他就立下目標要爬到他的上司的職位。

CNN correspondent: Now, at just thirty-five years old, Li has thirty stores throughout

Shanghai. He's just opened his own paint factory. He's now setting his sights on

markets from Asia to Europe and the U.S.

178. set the tone for

o 定下……的風格

o 說明:tone 原指音樂的「音調」,可引申指事物的「風格;性質;氣氛」。set the tone for 就像歌曲一開頭有人先起個音,讓其他人可以用相同的音調唱完整首歌一樣,也就是指「定下某事物的風格」以供其他人遵行的意思。

o 例句:

A string of victories in the preseason set the tone for the entire soccer season.足球隊在季前賽獲得一連串的勝利,為整個足球季奠下勝利的基礎。

CNN correspondent: Choosing the right dress sets the tone for the whole evening.

The next step: choosing jewelry to go with it. 

179. Shock and Awe

o 震撼與威懾

o 說明:shock 當名詞用是「震驚、震撼;驚訝」的意思;awe在此也是名詞有「敬畏;畏懼」的意思。Shock and awe 即期望藉由震驚與畏懼讓人心生「震撼與畏懼」。

o 例句:

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The army used Shock and Awe to try and scare the enemy into not fighting back.軍方藉由震撼的一擊企圖另敵方心生畏懼。

CNN correspondent: The tsunami was terrifying, really did Shock and Awe. But out

of terror and tragedy, perhaps we can find the humanity that binds us all together.

180. shore up

o 支撐

o 說明:名詞 shore 有兩種解釋:一指湖、海等大水域的「岸;濱」,另一則指「支柱;支撐」。 sh

ore up 中的動詞 shore ,是一種比喻用法,指「對……予以支撐或強化」。

o 例句:

The organization shored up food supplies to prepare for the monsoon season.該組織加強了食物補給,以準備度過這次的雨季。

CNN anchor: Officials are calling on workers to shore up lake and river

embankments in southern China as more rainfall is expected in the already-flood-

soaked area.

181. shot in the arm

o 打一劑強心針

o 說明:這是一個比喻用法,字面意義是「在手臂上打一針」;引申指對事物給予「正面的刺激」。 o 例句:

World War II was a real shot in the arm for the U.S. economy.第二次世界大戰對美國經濟而言,真可說是一劑強心針。

CNN correspondent: It is part of a nationwide blitz. Mr. Bush is riding his lofty poll

ratings from the Iraq war as he battles Democrats and moderate Republicans over a

tax plan intended as an economic shot in the arm.

182. sink (one's) teeth into

o 緊緊咬住;十分融入

o 說明:此語字面意義是「將牙齒深深陷入;緊緊咬住」,引申為「對某事十分融入」。這個片語也可說成 get (one's) teeth into。

o 例句:

I like it when my homework is difficult; it gives me something to sink my teeth into.我喜歡困難點的功課,可以讓我埋首於其中。

CNN correspondent: Perhaps not unusual behavior for a teenager and his friends,

but for royal watchers and gossip lovers, this is finally a story they can sink their

teeth into.

183. slippery slope

o 險坡;一旦開始就停不下來的災難

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o 說明:此語字面意思是「滑溜的斜坡」,用來比喻事情只要一開始便很難停下來,而且很容易帶來失敗或災難,就像是從很滑的斜坡上滑下來一樣。

o 例句:

Eating just one piece of chocolate when you are on a diet can be a slippery slope.在減肥的時候來片巧克力將會造成不可挽救的悔恨。

Richard Shelby, U.S. Senator: A lot of us are interested in biomedical research. We

benefit from it. But to... but there... this is a slippery slope. We'd better be careful.

184. smell a rat

o 事有蹊蹺

o 說明:此語的字面意思是「聞到老鼠」;源於貓即使看不到老鼠,也能夠嗅得出牠藏身之處的天性。引申指「覺得事有蹊蹺;發覺有詐;察覺可疑」的意思。

o 例句:

Someone wants to sell you a brand-new car for a thousand dollars? I smell a rat.有人僅開價一千元就願意把全新的車賣給你?我覺得事有蹊蹺。

CNN correspondent: Though, admittedly, they'll only last ten years and get but four

miles to the gallon. The old Routemasters are going strong after forty-five years and

get twelve miles to the gallon. The public smells a rat.

185. snap up

o 迅速網羅;搶購

o 說明:snap up 字面上的意思是「迅速抓住」。若用於人,是指將此人「迅速網羅;極力爭取」到自己的公司、團隊;若用於物,則是「搶購」之意。

o 例句:

The producer's first dance track was snapped up by a major record label.這位製作人的第一支舞曲立刻獲得某大唱片公司採用。

CNN correspondent: Chic geeks will snap up 19 million flat TVs by 2006, according

to research firm DisplaySearch.

186. snow job

o 騙局

o 說明:此語原為二次世界大戰時的軍事用語,指的是隱藏在雪地裡的危險。如今常用來形容人「以花言巧語勸說、吹噓、哄騙等」,就像雪地裡美麗的雪花一般,讓人沒有提防。

o 例句:

Many critics have called Bush's tax cuts an economic snow job.許多評論者將布希的減稅方案稱作經濟騙局。

CNN correspondent: Her site was so entertaining, so amusing, we started to have

doubts. Was this a snow job about a breast job?

187. sock away

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o 儲蓄;存錢

o 說明:以前西方人有把私房錢藏在襪子 (sock) 裡的習慣,因此在口語用法中,sock away 就是指把錢放在安全的地方,也就是「儲蓄;存錢」的意思。

o 例句:

Tom has been socking away his paychecks in a savings account.湯姆一直把自己的薪水存在儲蓄帳戶裡面。

CNN correspondent: You have that much, right? Better sock it away kid for a rainy


188. spine chiller

o 恐怖片

o 說明:此語的字面意義是「讓人背脊發涼的事物」,多半用來指「恐怖片」;恐怖片還有以下幾種說法:horror movie、scary movie、thriller 等講法。

o 例句:

That new horror movie is a real spine chiller.那部剛上片的恐怖片真是名符其實的驚悚片。

CNN correspondent: Chinese medicine may not be what American audiences are

used to seeing in a spine chiller, but Hollywood is nevertheless fascinated.

189. spit (someone) out

o 棄之如敝

o 說明:完整的說法是:chews them up and spits them out,這個用語是將人形容成口香糖或食物一般,當嚼到沒有味道時,便將它們吐掉,意即「棄之如敝屣」。

o 例句:

The entertainment industry has been accused of chewing up starlets and spitting

them out.娛樂圈喜新厭舊的習性一直為人所詬病。

Lorraine Hahn: I just wanted to ask you, as I mentioned in the introduction, in this

industry that just embraces young actresses and virtually spits them out -- I mean,

how have you managed to endure so long?

190. spread (oneself) too thin

o 忙得不可開支;疲於奔命

o 說明:這是一個比喻用法,形容人的精力、能力就像奶油或果醬一樣,如果一次想塗太多麵包,每片只能塗上薄薄的一層,根本吃不出味道。同樣地,人如果一次承擔了過多的工作,便會「忙得不可開交;疲於奔命」。

o 例句:

Jen is taking five classes while working full-time; she is really spreading herself too

thin this semester.珍不但做全職工作還修了五堂課,她這學期簡直忙得不可開交。

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CNN anchor: Two Australian groups are gaining a global following with the under-

fives. But instead of spreading themselves too thinly, a slew of Wiggles and Hi-5

clones are in the works.

191. stand (one's) ground

o 堅守陣地

o 說明:此語原為軍事用語,指軍隊「堅守陣地」以對抗敵軍,後來亦可用來指持守「堅定不移」的決心或立場等。類似的用語有 hold (one's) ground、stand fast。

o 例句:

He tried to pressure me into accepting the offer, but I stood my ground.他試著對我施壓,要我接受他的條件,但我不為所動。

CNN correspondent: So the gauntlet has been thrown in the intrepid quest to be the

world's biggest movie this year. Can the teenage wizard stand his ground or will the

ring rule?

192. stay mum

o 緘默的;無言的

o 說明:mum 發音與人抿閉嘴唇所發出的聲音類似,屬口語用法,可作形容詞用,表「緘默的;無言的」。亦指「不針對某事或狀況發表言論」。

o 例句:

I keep asking him who told him I liked him, but he's staying mum.我一直問他是誰跟他說我喜歡他的這件事,可是他一直保持沈默。

CNN correspondent: President Chen, who called the Chinese law a "vicious

aggression bill," stays noticeably mum as he waves to his supporters.

193. staying power

o 耐力;持久力

o 說明:power是「力量;體力」的意思;staying power 則是讓體力與能量維持在一定的程度,故用以形容一個的「耐力;持久力」。

o 例句:

Marathon runners need real staying power, unlike sprinters.馬拉松跑者需要持久的耐力,不像短跑者。

CNN correspondent: The media coverage of SARS isn't likely to subside soon. As a

virus crossing continents with no known cure, it's a story with staying power.

194. steal (someone's) thunder

o 搶走某人風采

o 說明:十七至十八世紀間,有一位劇作家 John Dennis,他為自己的劇作 Appius and Virginia 

發明了一種叫做 thunder machine 的工具,沒想到幾天後在馬克白(Macbeth)一劇中,發現

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了一模一樣的工具,當時這位劇作家就說:They steal my thunder. 表示別人盜用了他的方法。後來常用來指「搶走他人風采」的意思。

o 例句:

In an attempt to steal Brian's thunder, May announced the results before he arrived.


CNN correspondent: Steady sales and splashy sponsorships could help Samsung

steal Sony's thunder, but it will take some investor faith to seal its blue chip destiny.

195. take a plunge

o 跳入(泳池或湖裡等)

o 說明:plunge 作名詞用時,指「跳入;投入」,因此這個片語表示「跳入游泳池、跳入水池」的意思,不過 take a plunge 這種說法並不常見; 另外有一類似片語 take the plunge 較常用,表「採取重大步驟、決意冒險一試」的意思。

o 例句:

You go take a plunge; I'll stay here on the beach and watch you.你去游泳吧,我會待在沙灘上看著你。

Jane Dutton, CNN Hotspots host: Now, the ideal temperature is hot, at ninety

degrees, and to get the full benefits, you're expected to strip off and take a plunge in

the nearest lake.

196. take center stage

o 受眾人矚目

o 說明:舞台上最引人注意的位置,就是中間部份,而 take center stage 的字面意思是「站在舞台中央」,就是指「受到眾人矚目」的意思。

o 例句:

Because of the recent attacks, fighting terrorism has taken center stage in America.


CNN correspondent: Changes at the top of entertainment giant Disney took center

stage on Wall Street Monday. After twenty years at the helm, Disney CEO, Michael

Eisner, is stepping down a year earlier than expected.

197. tip of the iceberg

o 冰山一角

o 說明:ttip of the iceberg 通常用來形容事情只是「剛開始;冰山一角」,類似的用法還有 the

thin end of the wedge,just the beginning。

o 例句:

With all these other corporate scandals now happening, it seems that Enron was

just the tip of the iceberg.現在有這麼多的企業醜聞發生,看來安隆案只是冰山一角而已。

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CNN anchor: The average U.S. student now leaves university nineteen thousand

dollars in debt. And that's not even the tip of the iceberg.

198. under strain

o 有壓力

o 說明:strain 這個字有「拉扯;拉傷」的意思,也可指因繃的太緊而產生的「壓力」。而 under

strain 原意為「處於緊繃狀態」,在此則是「受到壓力」的意思。和 strain 同義的字還有:stress、tension、pressure 等。

o 例句:

Argentina's banks are under strain from its economic crisis.阿根廷的銀行處於經濟危機下的壓力。

CNN correspondent: There is no question the seventy-year-old friendship between

Saudi rulers and American presidents is under severe strain.

199. word of mouth

o 口耳相傳;口碑效應

o 說明:word of mouth 就是所謂的 「口耳相傳」,也就是藉由使用者或有親身體驗的人的口碑、好評,來為商品或服務做一種無形的宣傳,亦可稱為「口碑效應」。

o 例句:

We don't have ads or flyers. We hope our restaurant will become popular by word of


Dana Dickey, Conde Nast traveler host: We were on the morning shows because

they sort of said, "What are these stuffed animals doing outside our windows?" Then

of course, word of mouth.

200. zone out

o 自心中抹去

o 說明:zone out 表示「把某事自心中摒除或是暫時排除在外的意思」,zone out of that 就是指「不去理會那件事」的意思。

o 例句:

Jason was so tired that he zoned out and didn't pay attention to anything.傑森是這麼的累以致於他什麼都不想,不去注意任何事情。

Chris O'Donnell: And so you were able to kind of zone out of that and focus in on the

scene. But then there were times where you wanted to bring that element of fear

back in.


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