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  • 8/7/2019 FAQMACPS_Estt_D



    Career ProgressionScheme (MACPS) ?

    Point of doubtThe MACP Scheme for Central Civilian


    Government Employees is in supersession ofearlier ACP Scheme . Under the MACP Schemethree financial Up-gradations are allowed oncompletion of 10, 20. 30 years of regularservice, counted from the direct entry grade.The MACPS envisages merely placement in theimmediate next higher grade pay as given inSection I, Part -A of the first schedule of theCCS ( Revised Pay) Rules 2008, in case noI ( promotion has been earned by the employee 1during this period.

    From which date theMACPS is effective? The MACPS is effective w.e.f. 01.09.2008 or oncompletion of 10, 20 & 30 years of continuous

    regular service, whichever is later. Financialupgradation will'also be admissible whenever aperson has spent 10 years continuously in thesame grade pay. (Para 9 of OM dated19/5/2009)

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    granting the benefitsunder MACPS

    Whether Pay Band wouldbe changed at the time ofgrant of financialu~aradation underM~CPSWhether the ~romotionsin same grade would becounted for the purposeof MACPS?

    The financial upgradation would be on non- 1functional basis subject to fitness in thehierarchy of pay band and grade pay within PB-1. Thereafter, only the benchmark of 'Good'~ o u l dbe applicable till the grade pay of Rs.6600In PB-3. The benchmark will be 'Vety Good' forFinancial upgradation to the grade pay ofRs.7600 and above. However, where theFinancial upgradation under the MACPS alsohappen to be in the promotional grade andbenchmark for promotion is lower than thebenchmark for granting the benefits underMACPS as mentioned in para 17 of theScheme, the benchmark for promotion shallapply to MACP also.OM.N0.35034/312008-Estt(D)dated 0111 112010Yes.OM.N0.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D)dated 09/09/2010The financial up-gradation under the MACPS isin the immediate next higher grade pay in thehierarchy of recommended revised pay bandsand grade pay as given in CCS (Revised Pay)Rules, 2008. However if the promotional

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    appointment would becounted towardsqualifying service forMACPS

    Whether StateGovernm ent service shallbe reckoned for thepurpose of MA CPS


    What are the periodsincluded in the regularservice?

    How is the MACP S to beextended to theemployees ofAutonomous andStatutory Bod ies.

    Whether adhoc

    Whether the cases of

    No. Only continuous regular service is counted

    grant of financialupgradation allowedunder the ACP S between

    owards qualifying service for the purpose ofdACPS. The regular service shall commence'rom the date of joining of a post in direct entrygrade on a regular basis. ( Para 9 of thedACPS)Uo. Only regular service rende red in the Cen tralSovernment's DepartmenttOffice is to bemunted for the purpose of MACPS, as theScheme is applicable to the Cen tral Government2ivilian Employees only. ( MACPS , Para 10)411 period spent on deputation lforeign serv ice,study leave and all other kind of leave, dulysanctioned by the competent authority shall bencluded in the regular service. ( Para 11.\nACPS)'rocedure prescribed in OM No.35034/3/2010-!stt(D), Da ted 03108/2010would be followed by:he administrative MinistrieslDepartments:oncerned for extension of the MACPS to the?mployees of Autonomous and Statutory Bodies~ n d e rtheir control.Yes. Since the benefits of ACPS have beenjiscontinued w.e.f. 01.09.2008, the casessettled between 01.09.2008 and 19.05.2009, in

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    benefits under the /MACPS is allowed?

    How the cases of pre-revised pay scales(Rs.5000-8000 8Rs.5500-9000 andRs.6500-10500 8Rs.7450-11500) mergedw.e.f. 01.01.2006 are tobe decided under


    MACPS?Whether 'Non-functional

    Upto what grade pay the I The benefits of MACPS are being up-to HAG III

    Scale' of Rs.8000-13500(revised to grade pay 01Rs.5400 in PB-3) wouldbe viewed as onefinancial upgradation f o ~the purpose of MACPS.Whether 'time boundpromotion' schemeincluding 'in-situpromotion' scheme canrun concurrently withMACPS.Whether Staff Car DrivelScheme can rurconcurrently with MACPS

    scale of Rs.67000-790001.(DOPT's O.M.No.350341312008-Estt.(D) dated24.12.2010)

    The cases would be regulated in accordancewith para 5 of Annexure-l of MACPS. TheMinistries1 Departments are expected to re.organise cadres and frame common RRs for thepost in merged scales.

    Yes, in terms of para 8.1 of Annexure-l 01MACPS dated 19.05.2009.

    --No. ( Para 13 of MACPS)

    -DOPT vide O.M. No.3501110312008~Estt.(D),3010712010 has extended the benefits oMACPS to Staff Car Drivers as a fall bacl

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    classification or higherstatus would change onaccount of financialupgradation underMACPS

    If a financial upgradationunder the MACPS isdeferred due to thereason of the employeesbeing 'unfit' or due todepartmentalproceedings, etc, whetherthis would haveconsequential effect onthe subsequent financialupgradation.Whether the stepping upof pay would beadmissible if a junior isgetting more pay than thesenior on account ofgrant of financialupgradation underMACPS.Whether the regularservice rendered by anemployee if declaredsurplus in hislherorganisation andappointed in the samegrade pay or lower grade

    :lassification or higher status on grant ofinancial upgradation under MACPS, as the~pgradation under the Scheme is purely)ersonal and merely placement in the nexliigher grade pay. (Para 16 of Annexure-l oidACPS refers)les, this would have consequential effect on theiubsequent financial upgradation, which wouldalso get deferred to the extent of delay in grani~ffinancial upgradation. ( MACPS, Para 15)

    Uo stepping up of pay in the band or grade pay~ o u l dbe admissible with regard to junior gettingnore pay than the senior on account of pay'ixation under MACPS. (Para '10 of OM dated19/5/2009)Yes. (refer para 23 of Annexure-l of MACPS).

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    f a regular promotion hasleen offered but was.efused by the emp loyees~ e f o r ebecoming entitled:o a financial upgradation~ n d e r the MACPS,~hether f inanc ia l~pg rada t ion shall beallowed to such aSovernment servant.

    If a regular promotion has been o ffered but wasrefused by the Government employee beforebecom ing entitled to a financial upgradation, nofinancial upgradation shall be allowed and assuch an employee has not been stagnated dueto lack of opportunities. If, however, financialupgradation has been allowed due to stagnationand the employees subsequently refuse thepromotion, it shall not be a ground to withdrawthe financial upgradation. He shall, however, notbe eligible to b e considered for further financialupgradation til l he agrees to be considered forpromotion again and the next financialupgradation shall also b e deferred to the extentof period of debarment due to the refusal. ( Para25 of MACPS)

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