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Dr. Helge Wendenburg Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit

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Dr. Helge WendenburgBundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit

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Wir streben eine sozial gerechte, demokratische Gesellschaft an, deren Wirtschaften sich u.a. an

ressourceneffizienter Produktwahl (sharingeconomy – Nutzen statt Besitzen)

Langlebigkeit und Wiedernutzbarkeit

kreislauffähigen Materialien und einer

recyclingorientierten Abfallwirtschaft



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ProgRess II - Kabinett v. 2. März 2016 Ressourcenorientierung Kreislaufwirtschaft Materialauswahl (Cradle to Cradle) ProgRess III (bis 02/03.2020)

AbfallvermeidungFortschreibung Abfallvermeidungsprogramm

▪ Kunststofftüte▪ Coffee to go▪ Mehrwegorientierung▪ Marine litter▪ Lebensmittelabfälle

Umsetzung CE-Package EU Veränderter Rechtsrahmen (AbfRRL) Nutzen der EcoDesign-Directive Plastic strategy


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GewerbeAbfV - vom 18. April 2017, BGBl. I, S. 896 – In Kraft seit 1. August 20

Verstärkung der Getrennterfassung, Orientierung auf Recycling

KlärschlammV - vom 27. September 2017 (BGBl. I S. 3465), die zuletzt durch Artikel 6 der Verordnung vom 27. September 2017 (BGBl. I S. 3465) geändert

worden ist - in Kraft seit 28.September 2017


MantelV - vom BRat vertagt

Recycling mineralischer Abfälle, Neufassung BBodSchV

VerpackG - vom 5. Juni 2017 (BGBl. I, S. 2234) – vollständiges Inkrafttreten: 1.1.2019

Höhere Quoten, Bindung Lizenzentgelte an Materialauswahl und Recyclingfähigkeit – Steigerung Erfassung und Sortierung

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Recycling nicht mehr vom Abfall her denken, sondern vom Produkt Materialauswahl (Einsatz von Recyclaten)

komplexe Produkte

materialorientierter Einkauf Nutzen statt Besitzen Mobilitätskonzepte

Eigentümerorientierung (Beispiel Drucken) Produktinnovation im Bestand

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Closing the loop –An EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy

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Protecting the environment and boosting competitiveness go hand-in-hand: both are about building a sustainable future.

Energy Union and Climate

Jobs, Growth

and Investment

Democratic Change, Better



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5 Priority sectors

Construction & Demolition

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Embed circularity in the design of new products and the materials they are made of

Deal with current and future materials which are not circular

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• Helping consumers and public authorities choose sustainable products and services

• Providing reliable, standardised and comparable information to enable optimisation of policy and investment decisions

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Guided by SDG 12, stipulating that by 2020 we should :

achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle

significantly reduce their release to air, water and soil in order to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment.

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65% target recycling municipal waste by 2030

10% target to reduce landfill of municipal waste by 2030

75% target recycling packaging waste by 2030

• One calculation method

• Prevention

• Simplification

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Better understanding of the uses of recycled materials

Clearer definition of the requirements they have to meet in order to be reprocessed into secondary raw materials that are of comparable quality to virgin materials and

can replace them at a reasonable cost and with the lowest possible use of resources (energy, water, etc.).

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Implementation since December 2015…

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Revised fertilisers regulation

Guidance for water planning

Ecodesign Working Plan 2016-2019

BREFs - industrial sectors

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Legislative proposals on waste

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EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste

Report on critical raw materials and the circular economy

Pre-demolition audits

Recycling protocol CDW

Level(s)- sustainable buildings

Contribution EU Bioeconomy Strategy to the circular economy

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Monitoring Framework

Legislative proposal to promote water reuse

Plastics Strategy

Interface product-chemical-waste legislation

European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform

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Plastics Strategy

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Reduce plastic leakage in the environment

Exploit the full potential of plastic recycling and uptake of recyclates

Stimulate research, innovation & investments

Take up the international challenge

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4 obstacles

• Insufficient information about substances of concern

• Presence of substances of concern in recycled materials

• Uncertainties about how materials can cease to be waste

• Difficulties in applying EU waste classification

Increase safety, facilitaterecycling and improve the trust insecondary raw materials

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Assess the progress towards CE in the EU and its MSs

Building on Resource Efficiency

Scoreboard and Raw Material


Existing data from Eurostat and in

cooperation with EEA

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EU-wide minimum requirements for urban waste water reuse for agriculture irrigation

*Encourage efficient, safe and cost-effective water re-use

*Increase the recycling of nutrients contained in waste water inagriculture

*Contribute to growth and jobs creation by stimulating innovativetechnologies and water infrastructure

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Network of networks- Open Platform

Next steps:

I. Policy dialogue with stakeholders' input: best practices national, regional, local strategies policy statements and commitments

I. Coordination Group for circular economy-related networks-call for expressions of interest- 192 applications

II. Website – launch end of October

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Pillar ICoordination and


Pillar IIAdvisory Services

Pillar IIIFinancial Instruments

CE Finance Support platform

Supporting the generation and financing

of circular economy projects

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Options for a more sustainable Product Policy Framework

Follow up to the Product/Organisational Environmental Footprint

Circular economy 2.0

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