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  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Chapter 3Planning for

    Human Resources

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman



    HR Planning Contributes to anorganizations competitive advantage

    Why & How firms engage in Strategic

    Planning Why & How HR planning activities are


    How HRM practices developed inresponse to an HR Plan

    Role of HRIS in HRM activities

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Gaining Competitive Advantage

    Nature of AT&Ts business changed needed toreexamine many of its HRM practices

    Realign staffing practices with its new business

    plans New breed managers

    Knowledgeable about the firms new products andservices

    Manage mergers and acquisitions Function effectively in an uncertain environment

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Gaining Competitive Advantage

    Solutiondevelop a career progression


    Purpose of system:

    Identify management skills required by the

    companys new global business plans

    Track skill levels of all managers aspiring to top

    management positions

    Groom and select individuals for

    positions as vacancies developed

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Gaining Competitive Advantage

    System has the following information(People File): Job history

    Education Strengths and Weaknesses

    Leadership Development needs

    Developmental Plans Training

    Special skills

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Gaining Competitive Advantage

    What has the system enabled AT&T to do:

    Leaderships skills for top mgmt positions

    Specific employees qualified to move into a


    Positions with insufficient numbers of local


    Developmental plans for each candidate

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Linking HR Planning to Competitive

    Advantage Business environment is rapidly changing HRM strategies are developed based on internal

    and external variables Human Resource Planning ties human

    resource issues to the organizationsbusiness needs

    HR planningprocess of identifying andresponding to organizational needs and

    charting new policies, systems and programsthat will assure effective HRM underchanging conditions

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Linking HR Planning to Competitive


    Purpose of HR Planning:

    Enable organization to anticipate their future

    HRM needs

    Identify practices that will help them meet

    those needs

    HR planning is the thread that ties all other

    HR activities and integrates these with therest of the organization

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Linking HR Planning to Competitive


    FordMission Statement Produce high

    quality products at low cost

    Fulfill mission organization needed to

    change HRM practices to increase

    commitment and motivation of its


    Discuss Figure 3-1 on page 62

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Serving as a Building Block for

    Future HRM Practices

    Implementation of many HRM practices

    discussed in this book require careful HR

    planning(KSAs required)

    Discuss Exhibit 3-1 page 63 Consequences associated with failure to plan

    Forced to respond to events after they occur become

    reactive instead of proactivecant forecast demand

    for employees accurately

    Causes stress in current ees due to increased


  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    HRM Issues & Practices

    Strategic Planning ensures organizations

    know where they are going

    Strategic Planning Activities:

    Determine the organizational mission

    Scan the organizational environment

    Set strategic goals

    Formulate a strategic plan, part of which

    addresses human resource needs

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Strategic Planning Steps

    Step I Development of organizational mission (orgs

    purpose for existing)

    Step 2 Scan the organizational environment (both

    internally and externally)Conduct a SWOT analysis

    External environment Political




    Technological issues

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Strategic Planning Steps




    Current mission Past history

    Number of layers of management

    Span of control of management

    Skills of the human resources

    Leadership and power

    Number of functional areas

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Strategic Planning Steps

    Obtain environmental informationnot only the

    CEO by it also rests with management and all other


    VPs of functional areas provide input into decisionsregarding new strategic direction for the firm

    (Discuss Figure 3-2 page 65

    Step 3Set Strategic Goals

    Desired outcomes if org is going to accomplish itsmission

    Goals need to be specific, measurable, and achievable

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Strategic Planning Steps

    Step 4Formulate a Strategic Plan

    Once internal and external are scanned

    goals are set and org formulates its

    strategic plan

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    HR Planning

    Now we link firms HRM practices to its

    strategic business needs identified by the

    strategic planning process

    HR Planning can be both short term and

    long term (three or more years)

    Identify future needs

    Plan for meeting them

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Demand Forecasting

    Demand forecasting involves predicting the

    number and types of people the org will need at

    some future point

    Statistical approaches org predicts the neededworkforce size based on certain business


    Statistical approach is used when an org operates in

    a stable environment (patient load to predict numberof nurses needed)explosive growth need more of a

    judgmental approach

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Demand Forecasting

    Trend analysismost commonly used

    statistical method

    Demand for future human resources predicted

    on past business trends regarding a businessfactor (Discuss Figure 3-3 page 67

    Ratio Analysisprocess of determining

    future HR demand by computing exactratio between the specific business factor

    and the number of ees needed

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Demand Forecasting

    Ratio Analysis Student-faculty ratio10,000 students and 500

    professors 20:1 faculty student ratio. For every 20students you have one professor. If enrollment

    increases by 1,000 students we would need to hire anadditional 50 faculty

    Regression Analysissimilar to both trend andratio analyses in that forecasts are based on therelationship between business factor andworkforce size.

    This method is more statistically basedregressionanalysisscatter diagramDiscuss Figure 3-2 page 68

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Demand Forecasting

    Estimating future hr needs;

    Supply and demand of each group25

    engineersfive positions becoming vacant

    due to turnover and we need to fill three newjobstotal of 8

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Outcomes of HR Planning Process

    Oversupply employees: Smaller workforcerestructuringdue to downsizing

    Hiring freezes

    Early retirements

    Restricted overtime

    Job sharing Pay reductions

    Undersupply employees: Hire additional staff

    Fill jobs internally or externallytarget protected groupsolder, disabled, foreign-origin individuals

    Internal recruitment programs with career developmentprograms

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Outcomes of HR Planning Process

    Alternatives to additional hiring: Improve productivity of existing workforce through

    additional training


    Additional shifts

    Job reassignments

    Temporary workers

    Improve retention ratesgive candidates a realisticpreview of what their jobs would actually be like

    Workers want to feel valued by their org

    Orgs need to train managers to be good managers

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Outcomes of HR Planning Process

    Improve retention by having ees activelyparticipate in the welfare of theorganization

    Workers want recognition for theircontributionbut must be tailored to theindividual needs of the worker

    Telecommuting, job sharing, shorter workweeks (9/80 at Babcock and Wilcox)

    Cafeteria style benefits

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman



    Management can record, store, manipulate, andcommunicate information across wide geographicboundaries with access to many users

    Discuss Exhibit 3-4 page 73

    Purposes served by an HRIS: Central repository for information on benefits, HR

    policies, and processes

    Allow users to compare different benefit packages

    Provide managers with instructions on how to implement

    15 different HR practices Basis for succession planning program

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman



    Through automation HRIS can reduce

    paperwork and cut administrative costs

    Organizational members outside HR can

    access the data

    HRIS on the NETInternet and Intranet

    Employee handbook

    Benefit info

    Training courses

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    HR PlanningManagers Guide

    HR Planning is an essential function for all

    line managers

    Staffingmost important activity

    Employee retentionestablish good working

    relationships with their employees

    Need to be effective communicators,

    motivators, and effective teachers

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    How the HR Department Can Help

    Now hr professional are included in the

    strategic planning process

    Now we plan our futures looking at hr

    needs on the front end of the strategic

    planning process

    HR is now a full partner with finance,

    operations, and marketing

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Developing & Implementing HR

    Plans HR professionals plans must be aligned with

    changes spurred by the organizations strategicplan. Plan interventions: Greater flexibility in the workforce

    Greater rigor in training

    Increased responsibilities for management

    Increased worker participation

    The use of performance incentives

    As programs get implemented HR must considerthe corporate culture (pattern of shared values,mores and behaviors)

  • 8/14/2019 Duchon Ch3 Kleiman


    Evaluation of HR Plans

    Only when the operational plans of the HR

    department are evaluated can the

    organization know if the HR strategies

    were effective (Discuss Exhibit 3-7 page78)