
贵州省人民政府工作报告 2020 1 15 日) REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE PEOPLE’S GOVERNMENT OF GUIZHOU PROVINCE January 15 th , 2020省长 谌贻琴 Shen Yiqin Governor of Guizhou Province 贵州省外事办公室 译 Translated by Guizhou Provincial Foreign Affairs Office

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贵州省人民政府工作报告(2020年 1月 15日)



(January 15th, 2020)

省长 谌贻琴

Shen Yiqin

Governor of Guizhou Province

贵州省外事办公室 译

Translated by

Guizhou Provincial Foreign Affairs Office

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Report on the Work of the Government

(Delivered at the Third Session of the 13th People’s Congress

of Guizhou Province on January 15th, 2020)

Shen Yiqin, Governor of Guizhou Province

Fellow Deputies,

On behalf of the People’s Government of Guizhou Province, I would like

to present to you the following report on the work of the government and ask

for your deliberation and approval. I also invite comments from the members

of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political

Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and other attendees.

I. Review of Work in 2019

The year of 2019 marked the 70th anniversary of the founding of the

People’s Republic of China. In honor of this grand occasion, China held

splendid celebrations that fully inspired the people of all ethnic groups in the

country to rally even closer around the Party Central Committee with

Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. This boosted people’s firm confidence in

socialism with Chinese characteristics and deep love for our great motherland,

and it gathered mighty power for Chinese Dream. General Secretary Xi

Jinping once again sent a congratulatory letter to the China International Big

Data Industry Expo, attaching great importance to the development of

Guizhou. His support to Guizhou greatly encouraged and inspired the whole

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One year on, we have adhered to the guiding principles of Xi Jinping

Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We have

thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the 19th National Congress of

the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 2nd, the 3rd and the 4th plenary

sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee. We have firmly implemented the

important instructions of General Secretary Xi on Guizhou and enhanced our

awareness to keep firmly in mind the need to maintain political integrity, think

in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core and keep in alignment. We

have strengthened our confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of

socialism with Chinese characteristics. We have resolutely upheld General

Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the

Party as a whole, and upheld the Party Central Committee’s authority and its

centralized, unified leadership. Under the strong leadership of the CPC

Guizhou Provincial Committee, as well as the supervision and support of the

People’s Congress of Guizhou Province and Guizhou Provincial Committee of

the CPPCC, we have kept in mind important missions entrusted , forged ahead

with gratitude, worked hard despite pressure and fulfilled the targets set during

the 2nd Session of the 13th People’s Congress of Guizhou Province, creating a

good atmosphere for embracing the 70th anniversary of the founding of the

People’s Republic of China and presenting fruitful results.

We continued to lead the country in economic growth rate. Guizhou’s

regional gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 8.3%, and its growth rates

have ranked among the top in China for nine consecutive years. In addition,

new breakthroughs have been made in catching up and overtaking other

regions in China.

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We made remarkable accomplishments in the fight against poverty. The

relocation of 1.88 million people from poverty-stricken areas was completed,

thus fundamentally changing the fate of impoverished people who lived in

inhospitable areas. The number of impoverished people in rural areas was

reduced by 1.24 million, and the poverty incidence dropped to 0.85%, laying a

solid foundation for thoroughly removing the label of poverty and winning the

battle against poverty.

We made fruitful achievements in the rural industrial revolution. The

added value of agriculture was predicted to increase by 5.7%, ranking among

the highest nationwide. Twelve characteristic competitive agricultural

industries developed rapidly. In flatlands, the average output growth per mu

was over 30%. Our agriculture and rural areas saw unprecedented


We improved the quality and efficiency of ten industries valued above

RMB 100 billion each. The industrial added value above designated size was

predicted to increase by 9.6%, ranking among the highest in China. The total

output value of these ten industries exceeded RMB 1.2 trillion. The growth

rates of our digital economy have ranked first in China for four consecutive

years. All of these achievements have provided strong support for our

high-quality development.

We further strengthened our position as a transportation hub. The

Chengdu-Guiyang High-Speed Railway was completed and opened to traffic,

contributing to a total operating length of 1,432 kilometers. The traffic length

of the expressways exceeded 7,000 kilometers, and the passenger throughput

of civil aviation surpassed 30 million. Guizhou significantly raised its strategic

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position in regional development.

We continued to optimize our ecological environment. The percentage of

days with good or excellent air quality in areas above the county level was

98.3%, and the forest coverage rate reached 58.5%. The quality of surface

water was good or excellent in general. The golden brand of ecological

civilization in Guizhou has become more and more shining.

Incomes of residents steadily increased. 784,900 new jobs were created

in urban areas and the per capita disposable incomes of urban and rural

residents were expected to increase by around 9% and 10.5% respectively. The

growth rate of residents’ incomes still overran economic growth.

Such accomplishments did not come easily. Over the past year, we

confronted a severer and more complicated external environment, intense risks

and challenges both at home and abroad, and increasingly heavy downward

economic pressure, as well as more restraints in all aspects. Yet we

consistently maintained a strategic focus and determination in both work and

style. We persisted in making overall plans for economic and social

development based on poverty alleviation, and we firmly pursued balance

between development and eco-environment. We vigorously advanced the three

critical battles (to prevent and defuse major risks, to realize targeted poverty

relief and to prevent and treat pollution), deeply implemented the three

strategic actions (of poverty alleviation, big data and sound eco-environment),

accelerated the construction of three national pilot zones (National

Comprehensive Pilot Zone for Big Data, National Pilot Zone for

Eco-Civilization and National Pilot Zone for Inland Open Economy), firmly

implemented the requirements for the six stabilities (namely, for ensuring

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sufficient employment, finance, foreign trade, foreign funds, investment and

strong confidence) and focused on strengthening key points and weaknesses.

Under the leadership of the provincial leaders, officials at all levels assisted

enterprises and projects in coping with difficulties, effectively addressed risks

and challenges and resisted downward pressure. The economy of Guizhou has

maintained sound growth momentum at a high level for years in a row. Our

efforts mainly included the following seven aspects.

First, we made our best to alleviate poverty and to eradicate extreme

poverty. We deeply conducted the “Spring Action”, “Summer and Autumn

Decisive Battle” and “Winter Preparatory Action”, and with all our strength

fought the battle on four fronts (infrastructure construction focusing on

building roads that connect all units below village level, relocation of rural

residents living in inhospitable areas, poverty alleviation through the

development of industries, and the guarantee of wide access to education,

medical care and housing). We also fully implemented a new round of the five

special treatment projects (to correct mistakes in five aspects, namely

incomplete or wrong evaluation of impoverished households, shortening of the

impoverished population list, renovation of dilapidated houses for the sake of

appearance, misuse of funds and corruption in poverty alleviation). In addition,

we gave priority to seeing that the basic living needs of poor rural populations

are met and that they have access to compulsory education, basic medical

services and housing. We preliminarily realized “zero” drop-outs of students

from registered poverty-stricken families, basically completed the construction

of village clinics and the allocation of qualified doctors to administrative

villages, and basically finished the renovation of dilapidated rural houses

while making sure that the houses could shelter from wind and rain and have

separate living spaces for livestock. We basically ensured that 2,882,400

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people had safe drinking water in rural areas. We completed 78,700 kilometers

of hardened roads connecting all village units. In addition, we have deeply

advanced a rural industrial revolution. The added value of the agricultural

industry increased by 8.3%. Cooperatives of farmers covered 68,100

households, and the sales of agricultural products through the campaign of

“Marketing Guizhou’s Products Beyond Guizhou” reached RMB 32 billion,

an increase of 8.3%. Houses for relocated impoverished people were

constructed, and the construction of the Five Systems (providing follow-up

support of basic public services, training and employment services, cultural

services, and improving community governance and Party building at the

primary level) was strengthened. Significant results were achieved in the

coordinated cooperation for poverty reduction between the eastern and the

western regions, the collaboration with Macao SAR on poverty alleviation and

the assigned assistance of national departments. The initiatives such as “100

State-Owned Enterprises Helping 100 Villages”, “Thousands of Private

Enterprises Helping Thousands of Villages” and the “Action of Helping 100

Towns and Townships in Poverty with the Leadership of 100 CPPCC

Members at the Provincial, Municipal (Prefectural), and County (District)

Levels, 1,000 CPPCC Member Enterprises Helping 1,000 Towns and

Townships in Poverty, and 10,000 CPPCC Members Helping 10,000 Poor

Families in Pairs” were advanced steadily. In addition, we further strengthened

poverty alleviation through the promotion of media, tourism, consumption,

eco-environment, etc. In this unprecedented battle against poverty, all officials

and people forged ahead and wrote heroic stories on poverty reduction, and

there were an abundance of hardworking and advanced exemplary figures.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, a total of 142 comrades have lost their

lives on the front line of poverty alleviation. Here, let us express our greatest

respect to all of them!

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Second, we spared no efforts to stabilize growth and to cultivate and

strengthen the driving forces of development. Big data has played a more

significant leading role. The action of “Integrating 10,000 Enterprises” was

taken, 2,280 enterprises integrated with big data and more than 15,000 core

enterprises engaged in cloud computing. The outputs of smart phones,

electronic components and integrated circuits increased by over 180%, 25%

and 20% respectively. Software revenue increased by over 18%, and the big

data industrial development index ranked third in China. The real economy

was stronger. The output values of basic materials, basic energy, high-quality

tobacco and spirits, clean and efficient power supply maintained double-digit

growths. The business revenue of Moutai Group exceeded RMB 100 billion.

Phosphate Chemical Group and Hotels Group were successfully established,

and the new operating mechanism of the energy sector was consistently

consolidated, ensuring an ample supply of coal power. Projects such as Geely

Engine and the Aluminum Oxide Project of the State Power Investment

Corporation Limited in Wuchuan, Zheng’an and Daozhen were completed and

put into operation. In addition, we successfully held the First Guiyang

Industrial Products Expo, promoting the mutual adaption of industrial

products in Guizhou. In 2019, Guizhou received an increase of over 30% in

both tourist number and tourism revenue.

Third, we spared no efforts to strengthen infrastructure and further carry

out the “Combat on Six Networks” campaign (roads, water networks, power

grids, oil and gas networks, Internet and underground pipes). As one of the

first pilot provinces to build China’s strength in transportation, Guizhou

completed 550 kilometers of expressways, launched pavement improvements

to 30,000 kilometers of highways in counties and townships, and started

construction of Rail Transit Line S1 from Guiyang to Gui’an in 2019. The

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extension project of Phase III of Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport

was accelerated. The mileage of high-level river routes exceeded 1,000

kilometers. We also started the construction of Fengshan Reservoir

(large-scale) and 70 small and medium-sized backbone water source projects.

The number of counties where medium-sized reservoirs were put into

operation increased to 76. The installed power generating capacity exceeded

65 million kilowatts, enabling us to finish a new round of rural power grid

upgrade one year ahead of the national deadline. We built 3,750 kilometers of

urban underground pipe networks and 500 kilometers of natural gas pipelines

that connected 49 counties. Guizhou’s optical communications cables

stretched as long as 1.14 million kilometers. Its outward bandwidth speed

reached 12,000 Gbps, and 5G was made commercially available.

Fourth, we made every effort to improve business environment and

constantly unleash market vitality. It was expected that taxes were further cut

by RMB 23.5 billion, fees cut by RMB 8.2 billion and the costs of enterprises

in the real economy cut by RMB 68.5 billion. Progress was made in paying

arrears to small and medium-sized private enterprises. The number of

construction items that need review or approval at the provincial level was

reduced to 84. The time to start a business was shortened to 2.2 days on

average. General registration and mortgage registration in real estate could be

completed within five working days. “One Cloud, One Network and One

Platform” (including the Guizhou-Cloud Big Data system for cloud computing,

an administrative service network and an administrative data sharing platform)

was completed and put into service. The e-government network fully covered

five levels corresponding to the province, cities, counties, townships and

villages. The “One Website for All Administrative Services” platform had

made 100% of provincial administrative services accessible online. Last year,

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Guizhou’s market entities exceeded 3 million. The Bank of Guizhou was

successfully listed in Hong Kong. We also endeavored to boost industrial

investment. For example, we successfully held major events including the

China International Big Data Industry Expo, China-ASEAN Education

Cooperation Week, China (Guizhou) International Alcoholic Beverages Expo

and the International Mountain Tourism Conference. The Guizhou Economic

and Trade Exchange at the 2nd China International Import Expo, the

Investment Promotion Conference of Enterprises of the Revolutionary

Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, and Guizhou’s investment promotion

events in Guangdong and Sichuan gained significant results, attracting paid-in

investments of RMB 500 billion for key industrial projects.

Fifth, we went all-out to control pollution and strengthen our ecological

advantages. We took serious measures to address problems found during the

Central Government’s eco-environment protection inspection and the

“Looking Back” campaign, and we rectified the critical eco-environment

problems of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. We did a good job in the “five

battles” of pollution prevention and control (for the protection of skies, waters

and soil, for the treatment of solid wastes and for the pollution control in rural

areas). We deepened the “Double Ten Projects” (including 10 major pollution

source control projects & a series of special actions for pollution control and

emission reduction of 10 major industries), and we vigorously carried out the

“Coordinated Management of Three Rivers” campaign and the “Clean River”

action (including the key inspection for 100 rivers, clean riversides and water

for 1059 rivers, and daily river and lake inspection and cleaning by 10,000

patrolling cleaners) in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. We focused on the

treatment of black and odorous urban water bodies, and deepened the

comprehensive treatment of the water environment of the Caohai Lake, the

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Wujiang River, the Qingshuijiang River and the Nanming River. The urban

sewage treatment rate and harmless disposal rate of domestic garbage above

the county level increased to 94% and 92.3% respectively. The task that

phosphorus chemical enterprises should take the measure of “determining the

amount of phosphate fertilizer to be produced next year by the

phosphogypsum produced this year” was further advanced. Another 5.2

million mu of afforestation was completed; 1,006 square kilometers of stony

desertification was treated, and 2,720 square kilometers of water loss and soil

erosion areas were under control. The living environment in rural areas was

improved, with toilet upgrades carried out in 750,000 rural households, and

we completed 33 system reform tasks concerning the National Pilot Zone for


Sixth, we tried our best to prevent risks and maintain overall social

stability. Based on the principle of “preventing risks, guaranteeing security

and preparing for the 70th anniversary of China”, we comprehensively combed

through the risks, developed and implemented preventive measures one by one.

We implemented the policies and measures in terms of debt management, and

made good use of emergency funds against debt risks. In addition, we

established a provincial-level state-owned capital management company to

actively promote debt extension restructuring and effectively dissolve implicit

debts. We further promoted the campaign to combat organized crimes and root

out local mafias and enhanced the linkage between petitions and stability

maintenance to a degree that the over 99% of residents felt safe living in

Guizhou. Emergency management was further strengthened, ensuring a

powerful and effective response to emergencies.

Seventh, we made all-out efforts to improve livelihoods and steadily

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advance the development of social undertakings. The general expenditure of

departments at the provincial level was cut by 10% while expenditure for key

livelihood projects reached RMB 400.3 billion, an increase of 13.5%. The “ten

practical problems concerning people’s livelihoods” were addressed in a

comprehensive way. Urban and rural subsistence allowances increased to

RMB 615 per month and RMB 4,103 per year on average respectively. We

built or expanded 650 public kindergartens and 280 senior high schools.

Infrastructure improvement construction was launched for 50 secondary

vocational schools. Three 3A hospitals and three children’s hospitals were

newly established. The negotiated costs of 53 drugs were included in the

reimbursement list of medical insurance. The total amount of remote medical

service cases surpassed 600,000. We built 109,000 government-subsidized

housing units in urban areas. Effective measures were taken to control the

soaring prices of foods such as pork. The rise in consumer prices was kept

within 3%. The development of cultural projects for public benefits was

accelerated, and cultural heritage protection was further strengthened.

Fitness-for-All activities flourished. Ethnic unity and religious harmony were

further consolidated.

Over the past year, we adhered to and strengthened the comprehensive

leadership of the Party, and we firmly fulfilled the responsibility for managing

and governing the Party branches in the government system. Guizhou

Province steadfastly promoted the education campaign of “remaining true to

our original aspirations and keeping our mission firmly in mind”, whereby

political integrity, ideological awareness and proactive actions have been

enhanced to safeguard and support General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core

position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, as well

as the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified

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leadership. This helped to identify and solve a host of prominent problems

concerning people’s livelihoods and poverty alleviation. We resolutely

implemented the decisions and arrangements by the CPC Guizhou Provincial

Committee, and we facilitated the down-to-earth implementation of various

missions through effective measures. We earnestly responded to the proposals

of the Provincial People’s Congress deputies and the provincial CPPCC

members. In addition, the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central

Committee, the Central Government and the CPC Guizhou Provincial

Committee on reducing burdens on primary-level government staff were put

into practice, and the annual actions for effectively improving governance

capacity were carried out steadfastly. Performance-based budget management

was fully implemented and the zero-base budgeting reform was vigorously

advanced. We intensified efforts to improve Party conduct and build a clean

government while fighting against corruption; and we reinforced

auditing-based oversight and cracked down with determination on pointless

formalities, bureaucratism and projects only for the sake of appearance or

one’s official career, thereby consolidating and boosting a sound political

environment with integrity.

Fellow Deputies, the achievements made over the past year were the

results of the steering, guidance and support of the Party Central Committee

with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the firm leadership and down-to-earth

decisions of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, the effective supervision

and strong support of the Guizhou Provincial People’s Congress and Guizhou

Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, and the solidarity and diligence of

officials and people of all ethnic groups in Guizhou province. It was with

determined efforts that the hardworking Guizhou people achieved this bumper

harvest. We were moved by people’s love and devotion to Guizhou. We were

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also deeply touched by people’s overwhelming power in keeping the mission

in mind and marching forward gratefully. On behalf of the Guizhou Provincial

People’s Government, I would like to express my greatest respect to the

officials and people of all ethnic groups in Guizhou Province! I would also

like to express my heartfelt appreciation to our deputies of the People’s

Congress, provincial CPPCC members, representatives from other democratic

parties, federations of industry and commerce, non-governmental

organizations and other sectors; to the People’s Liberation Army stationed in

Guizhou, armed police forces, public security forces, fire brigades and rescue

teams; to central departments and units, fellow provinces and autonomous

regions and municipalities; as well as to our compatriots from Hong Kong,

Macao and Taiwan, overseas Chinese and our foreign friends who have cared

about Guizhou’s development!

Fellow Deputies, while fully recognizing our achievements, we must also

be clear about the difficulties and challenges our province faces in its

economic and social development. In the fight for poverty alleviation, the

thorniest and most arduous problems still remain. The conflict between fiscal

revenue and expenditure is extremely prominent. The downward pressure on

investment growth continues to intensify, and growth in consumption is

slowing. Some enterprises have been confronted by mounting difficulties in

production and operations, which greatly undermines steady growth. Some

local governments are under the heavy burden of repaying debts. There are

still many vulnerable links in fields such as public security, safe production

and the prevention and control of natural disasters, and risk prevention

remains an arduous task. Pointless formalities and bureaucratism in the

government system still exist to a varying extent. The capability for enhancing

implementation needs to be improved, and it remains a challenge to improve

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governance efficiency. We must be fully prepared to fight a tough battle!

Fellow Deputies, the world is undergoing changes unprecedented in the

past century. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is invincible, and

the economic fundamentals of China are sound and will remain sound over the

long term. Guizhou province is cementing its development foundations and

witnessing enormous potential in the spheres of industrial development,

infrastructure construction, new urbanization and rural revitalization. We have

great conditions, confidence and ability to confront risks and overcome

challenges of all kinds, to maintain the momentum for catching up with other

areas despite a late start and to continue writing new chapters of Guizhou’s

development in the new era!

II. General Requirements and Main Objectives for Economic and

Social Development in 2020

The year 2020 marks the final year for building a moderately prosperous

society in all respects and the “13th Five-Year Plan”. This year will be decisive

for shaking off poverty and overcoming difficulties. The general requirements

for Guizhou government’s work can be summarized as follows:

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese

Characteristics for a New Era, we should fully implement the spirit of the 19th

National Congress of the CPC, the 2nd, the 3rd and the 4th plenary sessions of

the 19th CPC Central Committee, and the Central and Provincial Committee

economic work conferences; resolutely exercise the basic theories, roadmaps

and strategies of the Party; further implement the important instructions

General Secretary Xi Jinping gave to Guizhou; reinforce the awareness to

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keep firmly in mind the need to maintain political integrity, think in

big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment;

strengthen our confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism

with Chinese characteristics; uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core

position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and

resolutely uphold the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized,

unified leadership; insist on the new development concepts and general work

style of seeking progress while maintaining stability oriented towards the

target of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects; prioritize

supply-side structural reform, and pursue reform and opening-up as the

driving force for high-quality development; pursue development and

eco-environment preservation in parallel to win the “Three Battles” with full

determination; comprehensively implement the three major strategic actions to

accelerate the construction of three national pilot zones; effectively perform

the tasks of the “Six Stabilities” across the board in order to advance stable

growth, promote reform, conduct structural adjustment, improve livelihoods,

prevent risks and maintain stability; secure triumph over poverty while

valuing both efficiency and quality; ensure the complete success of building a

moderately prosperous society in all respects, as well as the “13th Five-Year

Plan”; and obtain the recognition of the people and stand the test of history.

The main projected targets for this year are set as follows:

Based on the current standards, the entire impoverished rural population

and all poverty-stricken counties will shake off poverty, delivering more and

better poverty alleviation fruits. The regional GDP will increase by around 8%,

the general public budget revenue will increase by 2%, energy consumption

will be reduced by 2.97% for every RMB 10,000 of output value, the forest

coverage rate will reach 60%, and the ratio of days with good or excellent air

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quality at and above counties will remain over 95%. The urbanization rate of

permanent residents will reach 50%, 750,000 new jobs will be created in

urban areas, and the per capita disposable income of permanent urban and

rural residents will increase by around 9% and 10% respectively. Finally, the

increase in consumer prices will be controlled around 3.5%.

The above-mentioned objectives are set in line with the completion of

poverty alleviation and the “13th Five-Year Plan”, taking into full

consideration the more severe and complicated external environment this year

as well as relevant conditions in all aspects. In the government’s work, the

“Four Musts” should be earnestly implemented.

First, we must unswervingly apply the new development philosophy. We

should pursue with firmness the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, and

open development that is for everyone; optimize the governance of the

economy with a systematic approach while focusing on solving various

disequilibria and insufficiencies; and vigorously uphold green development

with eco-environment as the priority. We should abandon the old idea of

simply advocating gross regional production and pursuing development at the

cost of the environment, and we should never return to the mode of inefficient

and blind development.

Second, we must put quality first through the whole process of all tasks.

Quality is the lifeline of all work. We should follow the highest standards of

quality and requirements, work with meticulous attention and conscientiously,

catch up with the best and strive to become the best. All places, departments,

organizations and enterprises should implement the decisions and

deployments of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Government and the

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CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee to the fullest and with high quality, and

strictly enforce orders and prohibitions to realize high quality poverty

alleviation and advance high quality development.

Third, we must guard against all potential dangers. We should maintain a

high sense of vigilance and urgency towards potential risks, take

low-probability events with keen alertness, thoroughly solve “Gray Rhino”

problems (high-probability potential risks of great influence) and

comprehensively prevent the occurrence of “Black Swan” events

(low-probability potential risks of great influence). We should firmly strike

balance between development and eco-environment, ensure high quality

victory in the battle against poverty before deadline, guarantee people’s basic

livelihoods, meet the needs of safe production, and prevent and defuse risks of

debt and misleading public opinion.

Fourth, we must focus on solving problems, reaching goals and

delivering sound results. We should carry forward the spirit of diligence and

proactively shoulder responsibilities with passion. When we confront major

risks, challenges and difficulties in work, we should study them in a timely

manner and make plans to solve them. With firm determination to win final

triumph despite numerous hardships and holding the belief that “at the critical

moment, who dares win”, we will ensure the efficient and quality triumph over

poverty, realize the objectives of the “13th Five-Year Plan” and lay a solid

foundation for developing the “14th Five-Year Plan” in a way that can achieve

excellent performance and live up to the era and the expectations of our


III. Guaranteeing High-Quality Triumph over Poverty before the

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Since our fight against poverty is now at a crucial juncture, what actions

we take will determine our success or failure. So we should sharpen our best

weapons and strive for precision in this great battle against absolute poverty.

We are determined to conquer all the formidable obstacles and will never

withdraw troops until the complete triumph is achieved!

ⅰ.Officials have been arranged to supervise the battle of eliminating

extreme poverty, in which responsibilities are designated to the provincial,

municipal and county levels. Provincial leaders are mainly responsible for

supervising the nine counties in extreme poverty and another three counties

with over 10,000 impoverished people left, and their responsibilities are

extended to villages in the relevant counties. The leaders at municipal and

county levels have been assigned to oversee the poverty alleviation work of

other administrative villages (those with poor population) and the construction

of supporting facilities at poverty alleviation relocation settlements. In

addition to “supervision”, “taking practical measures” is also essential.

Leaders should supervise the implementation of responsibilities, policies and

work, integrate various resources and reinforce measures for solving thorny

problems, thereby ensuring that the basic living needs of rural poor

populations are met, and that all the people can have access to compulsory

education, basic medical services, and housing gradually within the first half

of this year, so as to fulfill the remaining missions of poverty alleviation. We

will also further practice the “Responsibility System” that will hold seven

parties (including county chief, education department chief, town chief,

village chief, schoolmaster, teachers and parents) accountable for rural

education problems, enhance the dynamic management of dropouts, carry out

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special campaigns against juvenile marriage and childbearing, and ensure the

full coverage of compulsory education for children from poor families. No one

should be left behind. We will strictly implement the medical security system

covering basic medical insurance, critical illness insurance and urban-rural

medical assistance. Better mobile medical services will be provided for rural

residents and county-level hospitals should play a major role in strengthening

the training of village doctors to guarantee that the villagers have access to

proper clinics or health rooms, doctors and medical security system. We will

further renovate rural dilapidated and old houses that cannot shelter from wind

and rain so that people in need can live in “comfortable and secured

dwellings”. We will speed up the improvement of drinking water source

facilities and water pipe networks, enhance operations, management and

maintenance, and monitor water quality, thus supplying the public with “clean

and safe water”. Moreover, policies for meeting the basic needs of the most

vulnerable groups should be practiced to ensure the utmost security and


ⅱ. We will press on to win the battle against poverty without a letup. We

will meet the requirements of “persistently fulfilling responsibilities, providing

assistance, offering preferential policies and conducting supervision even after

the current poverty alleviation targets are reached”. For places lifted out of

poverty, the paired relationship between supporting officials and impoverished

people, the continuity of poverty alleviation policies and the support strength

will be maintained. Besides, the constant investment of special fiscal funds for

poverty alleviation will still be available and the First Village Secretary and

work teams stationed in poverty-stricken villages will stay and continue to

perform duties. A census covering all counties having shaken off poverty will

be carried out and the problems found out will be listed and solved one by one.

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We will establish and improve mechanisms for monitoring, early warning and

dynamic assistance to ensure that people falling or returning to poverty can

access assistance in a timely manner, thereby effectively preventing people

from being stricken by poverty again and protecting the vulnerable from being

left behind. We will strengthen the incentives of the impoverished to get rid of

poverty and become better off by enhancing people’s confidence in their own

ability and seeing that they can access education.

ⅲ. We will ride the wave to make breakthroughs in the rural industrial

revolution. Based on the requirements of the “Eight Elements”(including

industry selection, farmer training, technical services, fund raising, ways of

organizing, alignment of production and marketing, benefits sharing and Party

building at the primary level) and “Six Transformations” (transformations

from self-sufficient cultivation or breeding to modern market economy, from

the cultivation of low-yielding corn to high-efficient commercial crops, from

extensive small scale to intensive large scale, from hawker sales to modern

commerce and logistics, from villagers’ single-handed working style to closely

connected industrial development communities, and from monoculture to the

integration of the primary, the secondary and the tertiary industries), we will

focus on quality and efficiency improvements of flatlands and the structural

adjustment of slope croplands. We will vigorously cultivate 12 characteristic

agricultural industries with advantages and realize a roughly 6% increase in

agricultural added value. We will continue to greatly reduce the planting of

low-efficient crops and optimize crop structures to elevate the rates of output

and return. Each county will focus on one or two industries, placing priority

on sectors of quick returns, such as edible mushrooms, vegetables, chili

peppers, animal husbandry, under-forest economy and forest specialty

industries. The collective economy at the village level will be further

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developed and enhanced as well. The construction of transportation, water

conservancy and high-standard farmland supporting facilities will be

improved, and scattered lands will be connected to form relatively large and

centralized bases. We will accelerate the construction of 3 major breeding

bases each with over 1 million pigs, strictly prevent and control epidemics

such as African swine fever, and stabilize the supply and price of pork. We

will develop intelligent agriculture by accelerating the application of big data

in all links of agricultural production, processing and sales. In addition, we

will boost the development of the intensive processing of agricultural products

and build national green food industrial bases. 100 leading enterprises at or

above the provincial level and 2,000 provincial-level demonstration farmer

cooperatives will be added, and a solid joint interest mechanism will be

established to make sure that poverty-stricken households can enjoy stable

benefits from every value-added link of the industrial chain. The construction

of cold storages, cold chains and sorting facilities will be strengthened and

another 500,000 cubic meters of cold storages will be built. Agricultural

products will be more greatly promoted to schools, government departments,

military quarters, hospitals, enterprises, communities and supermarkets. Rural

e-commerce will be further developed and online sales will be expanded.

Guizhou will also build itself into a high quality vegetable base that can

directly supply agricultural products to Shanghai, other eastern cities with

"pairing assistance" relationship with Guizhou, and the Guangdong-Hong

Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, which at the same time helps to expand our

campaign of “Marketing Guizhou’s Products Beyond Guizhou”.

ⅳ. We will provide follow-up support to achieve all the set targets in the

protracted war of poverty alleviation and relocation. A better off and stable life

for people in poverty-stricken areas cannot be realized without sustained

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support. The construction of facilities for education, health, culture and sports

will be accelerated in resettlement quarters. The integrated development of

resettlement quarters with urban areas will be enhanced so that people from

poverty-stricken regions can enjoy the same basic public services as local

residents and fit into the urban lifestyle. Taking a county as a whole and

resettlement quarters as units, we will provide better training and employment

guidance services to all the relocated laborers, create more local jobs by

developing industries and export labor services, ensuring at least one person

from each relocated family has a stable job. Besides, we will strengthen the

social governance of resettlement quarters, establish competent sub-district

offices and community neighborhood committees, and promote filial

education, ethical practices, public culture and national heritage in


ⅴ. We will jointly tackle the challenges of poverty alleviation with

united strength. We will actively coordinate with eastern cities offering paired

assistance to Guizhou, align mutual needs and capabilities and make better

achievements in industrial cooperation, labor collaboration, human resources

supply and the building of a moderately prosperous society together. We will

continue improving the “group” assistance mechanisms. The project of Macao

SAR assisting Congjiang County will be actively implemented. We will make

greater efforts to seek targeted assistance from central departments and

promote the initiatives such as “100 State-Owned Enterprises Helping 100

Villages”, “Thousands of Private Enterprises Helping Thousands of Villages”

and the “Action of Helping 100 Towns and Townships in Poverty with the

Leadership of 100 CPPCC Members at the Provincial, Municipal (Prefectural),

and County (District) Levels, 1,000 CPPCC Member Enterprises Helping

1,000 Towns and Townships in Poverty, and 10,000 CPPCC Members Helping

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10,000 Poor Families in Pairs”. We will continue to alleviate poverty through

sectors such as media, tourism, consumption and eco-environment. The

summary and publicity of poverty alleviation work will be fully carried out

and the extraordinary stories of Guizhou in its fight against poverty will be


The punctual and high-quality victory of Guizhou in its battle against

poverty, as well as the building of a moderately prosperous society in all

respects at the same pace as the whole country, is an earnest entrustment of

General Secretary Xi Jinping and an ardent expectation of the 40 million

people of all ethnic groups in the province. We must avoid any failure,

mistakes and regrets. We should make the most of this year by striving to do a

good job every day with rock-solid confidence, vigor and perseverance,

thereby ensuring that absolute poverty that has persisted in Guizhou for

hundreds of years will be solved by our generation.

IV. Striving for High-Quality Economic and Social Development

Guizhou is pursuing quality and efficient development as its top priority

and speeding up the development of a modernized economy system. This will

ensure the appropriate increase in the quantity and the steady improvement in

the quality of the economy, a better balance between development and

eco-environment, and the realization of the people’s aspirations for a better


ⅰ. We will unswervingly promote the development of the real economy.

Adhering to the principle of “Consolidation, Enhancement, Upgrading and

Unimpeded Flow”, we will invest key resources in the real economy,

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introduce policies and measures conducive to the development of the real

economy, and speed up the continuous conversion from old to new


The revitalization of the ten major industries above the scale of RMB 100

billion will be accelerated. Following the trend of high-end, green and

intensive development, we will implement an annual action plan for the

development of the ten major industries and increase the added value of

industries above the designated size by about 8.5%. Focusing on aviation,

aerospace and electronic information, we will carry out a number of

military-civilian integration projects. We will also pursue the basic

accomplishment of the intelligent and mechanized transformation of coal

mines while accelerating the elimination of outdated coal production capacity

and adding 20 million tons of high-quality coal production capacity.

Construction of smart power grids will be promoted, the energy-saving

transformation of 2.4 million kilowatts of thermal power units will be

completed and the installed electricity generating capacity will exceed 66

million kilowatts. The construction of world-class sauce-flavor liquor

industrial cluster will be promoted, while the development of national strategic

emerging industrial clusters such as the IT service industry clusters in Guiyang

and the new functional materials industrial cluster in Tongren will be boosted.

In addition, we will support Liupanshui to construct a national demonstration

zone for industrial transformation and upgrade. The optimization and

improvement of construction industry will be strengthened and the

development of green buildings will be accelerated. Great efforts will be made

to speed up the transformation and improvement of industrial parks, enhance

quality and efficiency, identify development positioning, improve industrial

supporting facilities, enhance input-output effectiveness and promote circular,

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resource-saving and eco-friendly sectors in industrial parks.

The deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy will be

enhanced. Oriented by the “four strengthenings” (strengthening the support to

big data enterprises, the capability to attract big data enterprises, the efforts to

attract high-tech enterprises integrated with big data and the work to attract

talents in big data and other high-tech areas) and the “four integrations” (the

integrations of big data with real economy, rural revitalization, public services

and social governance), we will make full use of emerging information

technologies such as big data, cloud computing, blockchain, artificial

intelligence and the Internet of Things to upgrade industrial digitization,

networking and intelligence. We will finish the construction of the Huawei

Data Center, the Apple iCloud China (Gui’an) Data Center and the Phase II of

Tencent Data Center and the Tencent Cloud Southwest Technology Support

Center while pushing forward the construction of the Huawei Industrial Base,

the Inspur Big Data Industrial Park and other projects. The construction of the

South China Data Center Demonstration Base and the Free Port for Digital

Silk Road Cross-Border Data will be accelerated. We will also promote the

construction of the Gui’an Data Center of the People’s Bank of China, the

FAST Data Center and the National Railway Group Data Center to further

develop and utilize data resources. We have carried out campaigns such as

“Ten Thousand Enterprise Integration” and “One Hundred Pioneering

Enterprises”, launch 100 benchmark integration projects and 1,000

demonstration projects, and motivate 2,000 real economy enterprises to deeply

integrate with big data. We will adopt “Industrial Cloud” as a major approach

to strengthen the support to industrial Internet platforms, encourage more

enterprises to use the industrial cloud and realize the transformation of

intelligent manufacturing engineering and manufacturing digitalization.

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Innovative development of the service sector will be vigorously promoted.

We will launch major projects for the innovative development of service

industries, develop producer services towards specialization and high end of

value chain, facilitate the improvement of consumer services towards high

quality and diversification, and increase the added value of service industries

by about 9%. The construction of key logistics hubs of Shuanglong-Gaimao,

Qianbei of Zunyi and Guizhou (Changming) will be accelerated and logistics

supporting facilities of industrial parks will be improved. We will attract more

investment to boost economy growth, further improve local financial service

system, greatly develop green finance and sci-tech finance, and strengthen the

capability of finance to serve the real economy. With the aim of building

Guizhou into an international first-class mountain tourism destination and a

domestic first-class vacation and health-care destination, we will make great

efforts to develop all-for-one tourism, smart tourism and happy tourism,

promote the high-quality integrated development of “tourism plus multiple

industries” and increase both the number of tourists and total tourism income

by about 20%. We will actively introduce well-known senior centers and

health care institutions at home and abroad, work with the World Bank and the

French Development Agency to finance pension service system projects, and

deeply integrate medical care, health care and rehabilitation. We will support

the development of community elderly care and child care services and create

a shining brand of household management services of Guizhou. In addition,

we will greatly develop modern service sectors including cultural creativity,

commerce, trade, conferences and exhibitions while speeding up the

advancement of new business forms of services.

ⅱ. We will firmly expand effective demand by promoting the effective

alignment of supply and demand, enabling investment and consumption to

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work together and accelerating the release of market demand potential.

We will make full use of the crucial role of investment, including

strengthening the construction of strategic and network-based infrastructure

with an investment of RMB 220 billion in the “Combat on Six Networks”.

Guizhou, as a pilot province of the national strategy for building China’s

strength in transportation, will make great efforts to add 600 kilometers of

expressways and complete the construction of 600 kilometers of national and

provincial trunk highways. This year, the Anshun-Liupanshui Railway will be

completed, the construction of the Tongren-Jishou Railway will commence,

and the construction of the Panzhou-Xingyi Railway will be accelerated. Key

water source projects such as the large-scale Guanyin Reservoir and Huatanzi

Reservoir will start construction. 2,500 kilometers of urban underground pipe

networks will be u. An integrated network of natural gas will speed up

construction to link more than 60 counties across Guizhou. New infrastructure

will be planned in advance and vigorously promoted. We will accelerate the

construction of “10 Gbps fiber optic networks in industrial parks, 1 Gbps fiber

optic networks in urban areas and 100 Mbps fiber optic networks in rural

areas” and ensure 14,000 Gbps of out-of-province bandwidth. The number of

5G base stations will reach 10,000 and 5G network will cover core areas

above the municipal level. New energy vehicle charging stations and gas

filling stations will be constructed at a more rapid pace. We will expand

industrial investment and launch a batch of major industrial projects at a high

industrial level and with a strong driving ability. We will speed up the

construction of major projects such as technical reforms of the Zhijin

coal-to-olefin conversion project and Qianxi coal-to-chemicals project,

complete the overall intelligent transformation of the Guizhou Tire base in

Guiyang and conduct industrial investments with over RMB 200 billion. All

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kinds of government industrial funds will be optimized, integrated and utilized

to give full play to the financing role of the “Two Lists” in guaranteeing

capital investment in major industries and infrastructure projects. More than

1,000 key private investment projects will be launched with private

investments of around RMB 520 billion.

We will give full play to the basic role of consumption. Under the

premise of respecting market laws and residents’ willingness to consume, we

will upgrade consumption of daily necessities, food, clothing, housing and

automobiles etc.; improve and expand service consumption of education,

culture, sports and health; and accelerate emerging consumption such as

Internet, customization and intelligence. We will formulate a high standard

blueprint to build a large number of high-quality consumer business circles

and complexes, build 100 exemplary convenience stores, greatly develop

Internet commerce and promote convenient payment applications. We will

further develop “Nighttime Economy” and “Pedestrian Street Economy” while

encouraging key street blocks, shopping malls, supermarkets and convenience

stores to extend business hours appropriately and forging a number of

characteristic commercial and cultural blocks. The development of the express

delivery business will be enhanced in rural areas to integrate traditional rural

enterprises (in commerce, trade and circulation) online and offline, thereby

contributing to the two-way circulation of industrial products to the rural areas

and agricultural products to urban areas.

ⅲ. We will firmly push forward new-style urbanization. Urbanization is

the greatest drive of domestic demand and development. With correct planning

and guidance, we are striving to adapt to the current new pattern of

transportation and new situation of regional development, improve new

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urbanization pattern, promote the rational flow of various factors and

accelerate agglomeration to form a growth pole that promotes high-quality

regional development.

The leading role of central cities and city clusters will be brought into full

play. We will support Guiyang to build a stronger real economy and a larger

city scale with greater influence. The trial operation of the first phase of Rail

Transit Line 2 will be ensured, and the capital’s prioritized position will be

upgraded to take the lead in developing urbanization in Guizhou. The

coordination and integration of Guiyang and Gui’an will be further developed

by supporting the construction of the Guiyang-Gui’an rapid transit and

quickening the pace of developing Huaxi University Town. We will continue

to support the agglomeration of resources in the Guiyang-Gui’an-Anshun city

area and the Zunyi urban area, and we will make Bijie bigger and stronger by

seizing the opportunity of the opening of the Chengdu-Guiyang High-Speed

Railway to better support the development of the province. A batch of key

projects in central Guizhou city clusters will be rolled out and implemented to

build bigger and stronger city clusters in central Guizhou, which will serve as

a competitive strategic engine in Southwest China. We will make further

efforts to develop Liupanshui, Tongren, Kaili-Duyun, Xingyi and other urban

clusters into central cities with a strong driving force in their own regions. The

construction of small cities and towns will be accelerated according to local

conditions to create bright and competitive prospects.

We will enhance the competitiveness and comprehensive carrying

capacity of urban industries. In accordance with the requirements of

establishing, complementing and strengthening industrial chains, we will

support large and medium-sized cities to cultivate, introduce and gather a

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number of industrial projects to bolster development momentum by relying on

economic development zones, high-tech zones, industrial parks and large

industrial and mining enterprises. We will vigorously develop economy at the

county level. On the basis of local resources and regional conditions, we will

develop a number of small industrial towns with different characteristics,

towns engaging in intensive processing of agricultural products, towns

featuring cultural tourism and towns for trade and logistics. We will take

extensive actions to promote road civility and smooth flow of urban traffic,

advance infrastructure construction of parking lots as well as urban sewage

and domestic waste treatment facilities. We will accelerate the transformation

of old rundown residential communities in urban areas, enhance urban renewal

and the improvement of excess housing, and speed up the construction of

fitness trails, thereby improving the quality of urban life. Land and housing

resources of cities and suburbs will be effectively used and the house leasing

market will be vigorously developed. Policies on land acquisition for urban

construction, on the government’s financial transfers and payments, as well as

on the urban household registration system for the rural population, will be

holistically implemented, in which the “zero threshold” policy will be strictly

enforced to guide the relocated population to get registered as permanent

urban residents.

We will coordinate the development of urban areas and the revitalization

of rural areas. We will adhere to the coordinated and integrated development

of urban and rural areas, speed up the implementation of strategic plans for

rural revitalization, carry out an exemplary rural revitalization project focusing

on the development of 10 counties, 100 townships and 1000 villages, and

advance the action that promotes beautiful and well-off countryside. We will

fundamentally improve the living environment in rural areas, vigorously

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improve rural domestic waste and sewage treatment, standardize the planning

and construction of rural housing, and strengthen the management of the use

of homesteads. We will intensify the protection of ethnic minority-style

villages and traditional villages. We will implement the requirements for

maintaining stable and long-term land contract relations, and promote the

reform of collective property rights, collective forestry rights, and supply and

marketing cooperatives. We will steadily develop moderate scale operations in

various forms, improve the social service system for small farmer households,

and support outsourcing services for agricultural production, including

ploughing, crop planting, insect prevention and crop harvesting. We will

intensify the training and introduction of agricultural technicians, industrial

development talent and marketing professionals to provide strong talent

support for rural revitalization.

iv. We will unswervingly deepen the reform and opening-up that will

reinforce each other. In addition, we will speed up the gathering of high-level

innovation elements to unleash market vitality and creativity to the maximum


We will optimize the business environment through reform. In

accordance with the requirements of marketization, rule of law and

internationalization, we will work to create a new business hotspot with better

services, higher efficiency, lower costs and burdens than the surrounding areas.

We will push forward with reforms that delegate power, improve regulation,

and upgrade services. We will continue shortening the provincial lists of

powers and responsibilities, simplify the provincial government review and

approval process, and cut the construction project review and approval period

to within 80 business days. We will steadily advance the policy of “separating

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operating permits and business licenses”, and earnestly address the problem of

“not allowing operation even when a business license is obtained”. We will

improve “One Cloud, One Network and One Platform” and the “One Website

for All Administrative Services” platform will allow 100% of provincial

administrative affairs to be handled online. We will implement the policy for

tax and fee reductions without compromise, and make great efforts to reduce

electricity, gas and logistics costs for enterprises, enabling them to operate

with fewer burdens and greater vitality.

We will develop and strengthen the private economy. We will fully

implement policies and measures to relax market access for private enterprises,

and comprehensively identify and systematically clear all barriers, both overt

and hidden. This will ensure that private enterprises can have equal access to

resource elements in accordance with the law, participate in competition

openly, fairly and equally, and enjoy equal legal protection. We will establish a

long-term mechanism for cleaning up and preventing the arrears owed to small

and medium-sized enterprises and private enterprises. We will punish those

who commit illegal and criminal acts that infringe upon the legitimate rights

and interests of the investors, managers and employees of private enterprises

in accordance with the law, and we will protect the legitimate rights and

interests of private entrepreneurs and their properties in accordance with the

law. We will make great efforts to establish “close” and “clean”

government-business relationships, deepen the “six special actions” (regarding

policy implementation, financial services, cost reduction, social investment

expansion, business environment improvement, government services and

support) for serving private enterprises and continue to carry out an action in

which officials are assigned to serve key projects and enterprises. We will

make good use of hotlines for serving private enterprises and the “12345”

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government service hotline to earnestly help enterprises solve difficulties,

thereby releasing the innovation of the private economy and stimulating the

creativity of private companies!

We will make all-out efforts to cultivate and strengthen market players.

We will formulate and implement an action plan for the cultivation and

enhancement of market players to further stimulate the vitality of mass

entrepreneurship and innovation, with the aim to increase the number of

market players by more than 500,000. We will deeply implement the “Four

Transformations” project (individually-owned businesses to companies,

companies below the designated size to those above the designated size,

companies above the designated size to stock companies, stock companies to

listed companies) with the number of enterprises above the designated size

increasing by more than 1,000. Great support will be given for the listing,

merger and acquisition of enterprises. We will guide enterprises along the

development path of being “specialized, advanced, distinctive and innovative”

and actively cultivate “hidden champion” enterprises, “individual-event

champion” enterprises and “unicorn” enterprises. State-owned enterprises will

implement the requirements to “identify positioning and direction, simplify,

standardize and reform”, comprehensively clearing up non-core business,

focusing on main responsibilities and business, strengthening, optimizing and

expanding business, and boosting core competitiveness and the ability to

innovate and resist risks. All-out efforts will be made to stimulate and protect

the entrepreneurial spirit, and to form a team of Guizhou local entrepreneurs

with dreams, aspirations and achievements.

We will take serious measures for attracting industrial investment. We

will focus on the “1+8” state-level opening-up and innovation platforms (1

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represents Gui’an New Area, 8 includes Guizhou Shuanglong Airport

Economic Zone, Guiyang National High-tech Industrial Development Zone,

Guiyang National Economic and Technological Development Zone, Zunyi

National Economic and Technological Development Zone, Anshun National

High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Guiyang Comprehensive Bonded

Zone, Gui’an Comprehensive Bonded Zone and Zunyi Comprehensive

Bonded Zone), actively take over industrial transfer from coastal areas and

continue to send professional teams to station in Shenzhen and other key

regions to attract investment. We will strengthen themed, targeted investment

attraction and introduce industrial chains. We will host major events to attract

investment from enterprises of eastern cities that have paired assistance

relationship with Guizhou, from Central enterprises and from competitive

private enterprises across the country. We will strive to introduce more than

1,000 competitive enterprises, add a paid-in investment of about RMB 560

billion for key industries and increase the actual utilization of foreign capital

by about 10%. Policies for the promotion of the headquarters economy will be

formulated and we will introduce more Central, private and foreign enterprises

to set up regional headquarters in Guizhou.

We will accelerate the establishment of a new pattern of all round

opening-up. We will give full play to the advantages of Guizhou as an

important juncture in the new western land-sea corridor; promote the

construction of modern logistics hubs; strengthen cooperation with the

Pan-Pearl River Delta and Chengdu-Chongqing economic circles; actively

integrate into the development of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, the

construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the construction of the

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; and participate in

international and domestic industrial divisions to a greater extent. We will

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increase the operation frequency of trains along the new western land-sea

corridor and realize the regular operation of the “Guizhou-Europe Train”. We

will speed up the construction of the China (Guiyang) Cross-Border

E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone, complete the construction of an

international mail swap office (exchange station) in Guiyang and build a

railway port and an intelligent aviation port also in Guiyang. We will ensure

the successful holding1of a number of major international activities such as the

Eco Forum Global Guiyang, the China International Big Data Industry Expo,

China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week, China (Guizhou) International

Alcoholic Beverages Expo and the International Mountain Tourism


v. We will unswervingly strengthen the supporting role of science,

technology and talent. We will give full play to the role of innovation as the

first drive and the role of talent as the most important resource; build more

innovation platforms to attract more innovative talent; apply more innovative

achievements and promote the deep integration of scientific and technological

innovations with economic and social development.

We will strengthen scientific and technical innovation. We will continue

to increase investment in scientific and technological innovation, encourage

enterprises, universities and scientific research institutes to build generic

technological platforms, and accelerate the establishment of innovation

platforms such as the Guizhou Scientific Data Center. We will actively apply

for the construction of state key laboratories, major scientific and

technological infrastructure, and a National Center for Technology Innovation.

We will focus on key industries to formulate a list of key technologies for

industrial transformation and upgrades, and we will implement major projects

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regarding plant extraction, edible fungi, vegetables suitable for cool summer

areas, intelligent coal mining, intelligent connected vehicles, etc. We will visit

thousands of enterprises and provide services needed, strengthen the initiatives

of scientific researchers in their choice of technical routes, the use of funds,

the building of team etc., improve the service system of intellectual property

investment and financing, and promote intellectual property pledge financing

of competitive enterprises. We will also strive to improve the sharing

mechanism of large-scale scientific research apparatus.

We will strengthen the development of human resources. We will

continue to pool high-level professionals in urgent need, implement the talent

project for introducing leading experts, entrepreneurs, technical personnel and

professionals of open economy; and take good advantage of platforms such as

the Guizhou Talent Expo to attract relevant talent. We will continue to provide

talent with attentive services and treat first-class talent with first-class services

by helping solve specific problems, such as children’s schooling, employment

of spouse, housing and social security among others. We will continue to

create an encouraging environment for talent, which values innovation and is

open to failures. And we will allow innovative and entrepreneurial talent to

bring their expertise into full play. We will further reform the team building of

industrial workers, implement a lifelong vocational training system and

establish a batch of highly skilled personnel training bases, skill master studios

and public training bases to cultivate more than 1 million skilled workers. We

will strengthen the development of the rural labor force and take actions to

train farmers. We will vigorously carry forward the spirit of role model,

diligence and the craftsmanship.

vi. We will unswervingly strengthen the development of ecological

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civilization. As sound ecological environment is our most prominent

advantage for further development, we will focus on the construction of

National Pilot Zone for Eco-Civilization to consolidate, upgrade and take good

advantage of the environment, enabling lucid waters and lush mountains to

bring happiness and gold to the people of Guizhou.

We will persist in controlling pollution with an iron hand. We will take

serious measures to address problems found during the Central Government’s

eco-environment protection inspection and the “Looking Back” campaign, and

we will rectify the critical eco-environment problems of the Yangtze River

Economic Belt.

We will do a good job in the “five battles” of pollution prevention and

control, and deepen the “Double Ten Project”. We will continue to treat air

pollution and strengthen the daily monitoring and forecasting of urban air

quality. We will complete the treatment of black and odorous urban water

bodies, and comprehensively treat the water environments of the Caohai Lake,

the Wujiang River, the Qingshuijiang River and the Nanming River. We will

deepen the prevention and control of soil pollution, and continue to treat

leftover residue of heavy metal waste. We will promote the identification and

control of solid wastes in the Yangtze River Economic Zone, and build a

number of bases for the comprehensive utilization of solid waste resources.

We will improve the supervision and emergency response system of the

ecological environment, and continue to strengthen law enforcement regarding

ecological environment protection.

We will speed up ecological conservation and restoration. We will

advance the “Integration of Several Plans for One Region” (the integration of

national economic and social development plans, urban and rural plans, land

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use plans, eco-environmental protection plans and other plans for one region).

We will delimit the “Three Red Lines” (the three red lines for the boundaries

of urban development, permanent basic farmland protection and ecological

protection, respectively, delimited based on the characteristics of urban space,

agricultural space and ecological space, respectively) in territory development

planning, and we will implement the regional management and control of the

ecological environment with the “Three Lines” (the ecological protection red

line, the environment quality bottom line and the resource utilization limit line)

and “One List” (negative list for environment access). We will strengthen the

protection of Mount Fanjing and other world natural heritage sites, implement

a pilot project for the ecological protection and restoration of mountains,

rivers, forests, lakes and grasslands in the Wumeng Mountain Area, and

advance the ecological restoration of abandoned surface mines within 10

kilometers of both banks of the Wujiang River and the Chishui River. We will

vigorously implement the plantation of national reserve forests and a new

round of farmland-to-forest conversion, and conduct a three-year decisive

campaign to control stony desertification, including planting 4.2 million mu of

forests, improving 1,000 square kilometers of stony-desertification area and

treating 2,520 square kilometers of water and soil erosion.

We will promote the development of “green” industries. Ecology and

industrialization will be mutually enforced with a target of raising the

proportion of the green economy in the regional GDP to 44%. A three-year

special action on “green” manufacturing will be launched to promote the

production of enterprises, the combination of industries and the transformation

of industrial parks in a circular manner, and create a number of “green” parks

and factories. The measure of “determining the amount of phosphate fertilizer

to be produced next year by the phosphogypsum produced this year” will be

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strengthened among phosphorus chemical enterprises, and the industrial chain

for the comprehensive utilization of phosphogypsum will be cultivated. We

will vigorously promote urban household waste classification, the application

of “green” express delivery packaging and the use of degradable materials. We

will hold a series of activities on Guizhou Eco-Day and ensure the successful

holding of the 4th China Greening Exposition.

vii. We will focus on fending off and defusing major risks. We will adopt

bottom-line thinking, raise risk awareness, and seriously analyze, identify and

defuse all kinds of risks to ensure overall social stability.

We will attach great importance to preventing and defusing debt and

financial risks. We will resolutely implement various debt reduction measures,

and speed up the resolution of implicit government debts in accordance with

the principles of marketization and rule of law. We will encourage compliance

innovation at financial institutions, give full play to the role of SOEs in the

province, enhance the function of state-owned capital in operating and

managing enterprises, strengthen policy guarantee companies, promote the

marketization of platform companies, effectively revitalize stock assets, and

practically reduce the debt ratio. Illegal financial activities will be strictly

cracked down, and the latent risks of local corporate banks will be further

inspected and financial risks will be dealt with in an appropriate and sound


We will ensure safe production and maintain social stability. We will

reinforce the management of potential safety hazards in key fields such as coal

mining, hazardous chemicals, geological disasters, road traffic, tourism,

firefighting and special equipment; improve the capability of emergency

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response management and disaster prevention, reduction and relief; and firmly

prevent major accidents. We will continue to be tough on crimes involving

organized crime and local mafia, guns or explosives, violent terrorism and

extreme individual violence; and crack down illegal and criminal offenses

such as theft, robbery, fraud, pornography, gambling and drug-related crime,

as well as those related to food, medicine and the environment. We will

enhance the prevention and control system for public security, and improve

the capability to predict and prevent risks of various kinds. In addition, we will

enhance comprehensive Internet governance to create a clean cyberspace.

We will innovate and improve social governance at the primary level. It

is necessary to promote social governance and provide more social services

and resources at the primary level while vigorously pursuing grid-based

management and offering better targeted and considerate services. We will

realize sound interactions among government administration, social regulation

and the self-governance of residents; and ensure open and regulated channels

to hear people’s appeals, coordinate their benefits and guarantee their

legitimate rights and interests. We will also promote the joint work system for

the people’s mediation, administrative mediation and judicial mediation to

solve conflicts at the primary level.

viii. We will work vigorously to improve people’s well-being. With the

mounting downward pressure on the economy, the government will shoulder

its responsibility to safeguard the basics of people’s lives, focusing on

benefiting as many people as possible, meeting their fundamental needs and

protecting the most vulnerable groups, thereby effectively guaranteeing the

basic livelihoods of the people, especially those in need.

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Ensuring sufficient and stable employment is of great importance. It is

necessary to implement policies that prioritize employment in a down-to-earth

manner, pay close attention to the need of key groups such as university

graduates, laid-off workers and veterans, and leave no family unemployed. We

will reinforce the monitoring of the employment situation and strengthen the

emergency reserve of job vacancies for public welfare. We will execute

national policies and measures concerning the improvement of vocational

skills, job-transfer training and unemployment insurance, and give basic

support to the unemployed. We will assist migrant workers returning to their

hometowns to start businesses in counties or villages through various channels,

help more rural laborers get jobs in their hometowns,and establish harmonious

labor relations while forming a sound mechanism for its coordination. We will

deal with illegal acts in wage arrears to migrant workers according to the law

and crack down on the crime of refusing to pay remuneration for workers.

We will speed up to build Guizhou into a province with strength in

characteristic education. It is necessary to strengthen efforts to support

inclusive kindergartens and expand the supply of preschool education

resources through multiple channels. We will promote the integrated

development of urban and rural compulsory education, shore up weak points

in township boarding schools and small rural schools, and basically clear up

oversized classes in schools of urban areas. We will take effective measures to

solve the difficulties of education that confront the children of migrant

workers. We will implement an action plan that promotes the leading role of

high schools as good examples, and launch a comprehensive reform of the

college entrance examination. We will speed up the construction of the

“Double First-Class” universities and enhance abilities of the tertiary

education to serve economic and social development. We will accelerate the

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expansion of enrollment and improve the quality of vocational schools,

regulate college-enterprise cooperation and boost the integration of industry

and education. We will promote the integrated development of private

education, special education and continuing education, improve the morals

and integrity of teachers, comprehensively increase wages and welfare of

compulsory education teachers, and create a sound atmosphere for respecting

teachers and appreciating education.

We will accelerate the construction of a “healthy Guizhou”. It is

necessary to constantly implement 8 projects for improving the capability of

healthcare services, to improve telemedicine service systems at the provincial,

municipal, county and township levels, to enhance the construction of

county-based medical service communities, to improve the service capacity of

township health centers and rural clinics, to strengthen the training of village

doctors and to raise the levels of medical treatment. We will deepen the reform

of medical care, medical insurance and the pharmaceutical industry, and raise

per capita financial subsidies for civilian medical insurance. We will

comprehensively improve the medical rescue system for mountain

emergencies, promote the construction of “healthy enterprises” and the

prevention and treatment work against occupational diseases, push forward the

high-quality development of careers and industries related to traditional

Chinese medicine, and implement new rounds of the “Guizhou Medical Talent

Program” and the “Retired Medial Worker Program” that introduce retired

medical professionals to Guizhou. We will establish harmonious doctor-patient

relationships, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of medical workers

and extensively promote“Fit-for-All activities”.

We will strengthen basic social security. An overall provincial

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deployment will be conducted regarding basic endowment insurance,

unemployment insurance and employment injury insurance. The basic pension

for retirees will be raised, and the “Plan for the Registration of Universal

Participation in Social Insurance” coverage will be broadened to cover groups

such as children, the flexibly employed and those engaging in new-type

employment. We will intensify efforts to help urban workers in poverty and

support veterans in need and their families. We will appropriately raise the

standards for social assistance and launch a mechanism for integrating rising

prices with standards for social assistance and social security in a timely

manner. We will provide the vulnerable in urban and rural areas with a

subsistence allowance that can satisfy all basic needs, and substantially

support the elders without provisions, orphans, disabled people and other

needy groups in urban and rural areas.

We will strive to make the culture and other sectors prosper. It is

necessary to propel the construction of the National Long March Cultural Park

(Guizhou), expand the coverage of cultural projects at the primary level to

benefit more people, carry out a broad range of public activities to promote

culture, ethics and volunteer services. We should innovate and develop

philosophy and social sciences, and help the cultural and arts industries

prosper. We will champion a culture of public reading and foster the

atmosphere of learning. The protection and inheritance of intangible cultural

heritages will be further boosted, and the seventh demographic census will be

done well. We will strengthen our efforts in national security, national defense

mobilization, army-civilian harmony, ethnic and religious affairs, foreign

affairs, overseas Chinese affairs, historical annals and archives as well as

meteorology and earthquake research.

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The making of Policy should be people-oriented. In response to the

people’s needs and expectations, ten practical problems concerning people’s

livelihoods will be addressed:

(1) establishing 100 public kindergartens and implementing the “Happy

School, Intelligent Education” Project at 100 middle and primary schools;

(2) providing free physical-checkups for the elderly above 65 and 45,000

government staff working on the front lines of poverty alleviation in Guizhou,

and providing free screenings of breast cancer and cervical cancer for 800,000

women aged 35 to 64 in rural areas;

(3) carrying out technical training for 400,000 impoverished laborers and

offering public welfare jobs to 60,000 unemployment personnel;

(4) implementing the “Road Improvement Project in Counties and

Townships”, with 4,000 kilometers of roads improved and 8,000 kilometers of

roads under construction;

(5) employing 152,000 forest rangers;

(6) selecting 1,200 technicians to provide agricultural technique services

at the grassroots level, while recruiting 10,000 university students to provide

volunteer services at the primary level;

(7) implementing 430 new sports and fitness projects for farmers while

establishing or renovating 30 urban and rural nursing institutions for the


(8) launching the old community reconstruction project for 59,600

households, completing the construction of 57,000 apartments through the

urban affordable housing project and building 30,000 parking lots and 10,000

comprehensive urban service stations for outdoor laborers;

(9) constructing or renovating three first-class public welfare agricultural

by-product wholesale markets, reconstructing and upgrading six secondary

agricultural by-product wholesale markets, and applying information

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technology to 100 farmers markets;

(10) renovating indoor toilets for 150,000 rural households and

constructing 3,100 public toilets in rural areas, as well as 285 tourist toilets

and 350 public toilets in urban communities.

These are our solemn promise to people of Guizhou. We will match our

words with our deeds and enable people to feel more satisfied, happy, and


V. Vigorously Promoting Modern Governance Capability of the


Against the backdrop of an even more complex situation and arduous

mission, we will maintain strategic focus and forge ahead with diligence,

courage and responsibilities. At every level of government, we must keep in

mind the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow

the leadership core, and keep in alignment. We will strengthen our confidence

in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese

characteristics, we will resolutely uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core

position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and

resolutely uphold the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized,

unified leadership. “Remaining true to our original aspirations and keeping our

mission firmly in mind” is and will be our lifelong pursuit, which will serve as

an engine for the spirit of pioneering, innovation and diligence.

i. We will pool our efforts to build an efficient government. It is

necessary to improve the government’s capability and performance in this

“Year of Performance Improvement”. We will always take practical work,

stick to intensive and targeted work style, and adopt the “five-step working

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method” (including policy design, task deployment, cadre training, inspection

and examination, as well as accountability) to study issues and solve problems

in a down-to-earth, practical and efficient manner.

In the future, we will continue learning, enhancing professional

competence, carrying forward professionalism, improving comprehension,

enforcement and public credibility, and conducting work creatively based on

the actual situation. We should push forward the “Internet plus government

services”, systematically reshape the working procedures of the government,

promote the interconnectivity of data across levels, systems and businesses,

and realize “one-stop handling within the province”. We will strictly

implement the systems of responsibility, supervision and accountability. Due

issues should be handled without delay. A good environment in which “all

issues can be handled timely and efficiently, and all personnel dare to fulfill

their responsibilities” should be shaped.

ii. We will make every effort to build a law-based government. It is

necessary to conduct government activities in accordance with the law,

perform statutory duties and avoid doing anything not authorized by the law.

We must earnestly implement the laws and regulations, as well as the

decisions and resolutions of the Guizhou Provincial People’s Congress and its

standing committee, and we must accept the legal and work supervision

conducted by the Guizhou Provincial People’s Congress, democratic

supervision by the Guizhou Committee of CPPCC and comprehensive

supervision from the public. We should attach great importance to the

suggestions and advice of democratic Parties, federations of industry and

commerce, and patriots without party affiliation, and we should give full play

to the role of non-governmental organizations such as Labor Unions, Women’s

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Federations and Chinese Communist Youth League Committees.

We should promote the full coverage of auditing, make decisions in

accordance with the law and implement regulated procedures for major

decision-making, including public participation, expert discussion, risk

assessment, compliance review and group discussion. We should brainstorm to

ensure a high-quality “14th Five-Year Plan”, and we should strengthen

government legislation in key fields. We should deepen the reform of the

administrative law enforcement system, optimize and integrate administrative

law enforcement teams, improve comprehensive law enforcement across all

fields and departments, and carry out law enforcement in a strict, standard, fair

and appropriate manner. We must intensify efforts to enhance law

popularization, improve government integrity and comprehensively promote

the standard information disclosure of the government at the primary level to

ensure government information transparency.

iii. We will focus on the establishment of an economical government.

Provincial government departments should take the lead in the improvement

of expenditure management, with expenditures for non-rigid and non-key

projects reduced by 18% and public expenditures reduced by 15% on average.

It is necessary to establish a performance management system featuring all

aspects, entire processes and full coverage; expenditures should be reviewed

for efficiency, and non-efficient spending must be reviewed for accountability.

Provide more funds for poverty alleviation and the improvement of people’s

livelihoods. Governments at all levels should be hardworking and thrifty, thus

ensuring that the people can live better lives!

iv. We will strive to build a clean government. It is necessary to shoulder

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the primary responsibility to enforce strict party discipline, continue the

construction of Party conduct and an honest and clean government, fight

against corruption, take the lead in abiding by the Party’s constitution, rules

and discipline, and observe political discipline and rules. We should firmly

resist the practice of formalities for formalities’ sake, bureaucracy, hedonism

and extravagance—especially formalism and bureaucracy —and we should

consolidate the achievements of “The year to Reduce Burdens on

Community-level Officials”, oppose the mindsets and acts of seeking privilege,

crack down with determination on pointless formalities, bureaucratism and

projects only for the sake of appearance or one’s official career. We should

severely punish corruption in key fields, in critical links and among the public,

vigorously rectify the acts of disregarding and infringing on the people’s

interests. We should encourage officials to pursue integrity and build an

overall clean government system in all respects!

Fellow deputies, looking back on 2019, we made joint efforts and

achieved fruitful results with pride. Looking into 2020, we will strive with a

flat-out sprint and achieve complete success! Let’s unite closely around the

CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi as the core. Under the firm

leadership of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, we will remain true to

our original aspirations, keep the mission firmly in mind, move forward with

gratitude, further implement the spirit of Guizhou in the new era and work

together to overcome difficulties and obstacles to win the battle of poverty

alleviation in the shortest time, ensure the complete success of building a

moderately prosperous society in all aspects and implement the “13th

Five-Year Plan” while creating a new future of Guizhou with a thriving

society and a beautiful environment!