erenköy fm 2010 june

1 CLICK THE TITLES TO READ…... Editorial 2 An Interview With Mr Hekimoglu 3 Ismail: A Teacher By Nature! 4 Civilisation 5 Prep Classes Trip To Santralistanbul 6-7 Political Problems Of Turkey 8 Urban Legend: The ‘Real’ Story Behind The Eiffel Tower 9 Elfchen: Poems In German 10 Puzzles / Brainteasers 11 Success of the Table-Tennis Team 12 Science Activity: Orienteering 13 Junior Teacher’s Club 14 Kavaklıdere, Mugla: A Diminishing Culture 15 Who is Paulo Coelho? 16 Ideologies: Communism vs. Monarchy 17 Video Game Review: Avatar vs. Gta 4 18 One Adventure Story, Two Different Minds 19 Frankenstein: Is He Really The Monster? 20 Macbeth: Digging Deep Down Into The Hero 21 Gladiator: Good vs. Evil 22 Childhood Memories: Recollection 23 Chocolat: Childhood, Sin and Exploration 24 June 2010

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Page 1: Erenköy FM 2010 June



Editorial 2 An Interview With Mr Hekimoglu 3

Ismail: A Teacher By Nature! 4

Civilisation 5 Prep Classes Trip To Santralistanbul 6-7

Political Problems Of Turkey 8

Urban Legend: The ‘Real’ Story Behind The Eiffel Tower


Elfchen: Poems In German 10

Puzzles / Brainteasers 11

Success of the Table-Tennis Team 12

Science Activity: Orienteering 13

Junior Teacher’s Club 14

Kavaklıdere, Mugla: A Diminishing Culture 15

Who is Paulo Coelho? 16

Ideologies: Communism vs. Monarchy 17

Video Game Review: Avatar vs. Gta 4 18

One Adventure Story, Two Different Minds


Frankenstein: Is He Really The Monster? 20

Macbeth: Digging Deep Down Into The Hero


Gladiator: Good vs. Evil 22

Childhood Memories: Recollection 23

Chocolat: Childhood, Sin and Exploration 24

June 2010

Page 2: Erenköy FM 2010 June




As the dreams of a warm and a relaxing summer vacation come true, it is time

for another edition of ‘Erenköy Fm’, the 10th issue, to hit the ‘online streets’.

As you notice, our English magazine which used to be called ‘our baby’, has

gone through such an evolution that it is ready to make an impression on the

cyber world. By the miracle of colours, the magazine aims to stimulate the

minds of readers and possibly the young writers who have every right to be

proud of themselves when they see their contributions that are ‘coloured’ in

the magazine .

I would like to thank the inventor of e-ışık portal and to FMV foundation who

put the idea into practice. Your innovative ideas enable us to be innovative,

too. We would still have to keep this magazine in paperback form if e-ışık

portal did not exist.

Being the richest of all issues in terms of content, there is a wide selection

of topics to read in Erenköy FM. If you like legends and fantasies, you should

check out The Legend of The Eiffel Tower. If you like to learn about one of

your favourite English teachers, you could check one of our young writers,

Bahar Koç’s interview with Teoman Hekimoğlu. If you want a challenge for

your brain, it is worth looking at the puzzle page. I have learned recently that

Kavaklıdere is the name of not only a district of Ankara, but also the name of

a distric in Muğla famous for their coppersmithng. All of these subjects and

many more are in this issue waiting for to be read by you.

In my opinion, the best way to spend the summer vacation is to do the things

you have not been able to do during the school year. You might have missed a

few episodes of your favorite tv-series because the exams were too

overwhelming. You might not have been able to take a long walk in the park

because of your worries about your homework. We, teachers, go through a

similar stage in terms of workload which we gladly endure for the greater

good of the students. However, many of our wishes and dreams remain

unfulfilled just like yours. Maybe, this summer some of them will be attained.

What about your dreams and wishes? I wish you a fruitful, relaxing and

rejuvenating holiday.

Sinan Seden


Page 3: Erenköy FM 2010 June


what I feel about my writings. I can say that‟s what gives me freedom as an author. B: How do you create your characters and develop them or do you exist in your characters, in a way which we are not familiar with? T: Sometimes I feel like God, I must admit. I give my characters a life, a personality, an appearance and a fate. I even kill them even if I want to. However, there are some characters who just come and invade my pages. I know it when they arrive. Some of them are from my own life circle-still there or gone, but they have been part of my life. B: Do you sometimes feel jealous of what you write to and want to hide it to yourself? T: At the beginning I was. The real word should be „shy‟ though. I wasn‟t sure then, every word I had written belonged to me. It was like being completely nude in front of eveyone. Then, came the the harvest. Time to get the crops. Today whatever I write, I share. B: It is a question about your general opinion, but why do you think many writers do not write their utopic, pinkish life but the life that we already know of? At this point, where do you think you stand? T: First of all, I don‟t think that every writer has a pinkish life. Think of the authors who died imprisoned. Think of the ones who fought in many battles. Not sure but maybe pain makes you a better writer. A better thinker for sure. B: Do you think people have to be creative in order to write? Does writing mean to be creative? Can you elaborate on this? T: Exactly. Because, as a writer, your point of view, your main topic and your message is human; from/and to human. You design lives, you shape stories, you compose relations and you paint dialogues. Creative, you have to be. B: Have you ever thought of reflecting your name's meaning in what you write? T: I guess I did. What I‟m saying is not on purpose obviously but somewhere deep I shall have the idea. And as I have said before, once you start writing, you may even forget what you are writing.


FM Interview with Mr Hekimoğlu

Bahar Koç: When you finish writing and begin to proof read it, do you sometimes think to yourself, "Did I write this all?" Teoman Hekimoğlu: Yes I do, and to be honest I do it very often. I feel sorry for the events and characters as if I read the story for the first time. This is because while writing you may get lost in your own story. And the ending may come as a surprise even for you. B: Do you sometimes feel short of words to express your feelings? T: That‟s a yes, too. But still, even when I was a very young child, I used to believe in the magic words. I‟m not talking about spells but every word has a gift in it. I used to think of them separately. The possible root of words and how they appeared. But today I must confess that I do sometimes feel short of words and poor in expressing my feelings. B: Is there anything that could make you stop writing? T:Yes, if I love something else more than writing, why not. I wouldn‟t even think again. B: Considering that you play an instrument, can you define music with the terms of writing? T: Not really. In fact I do play an instrument and in many ways, writing and making music are alike. Though I can‟t say I can define one with the other. B: Are you sometimes afraid of boring people with what you write? In either case what do you write for? T: Never. One thing, I won‟t do is writing for people. I mean of course I write for people, at least as long as I publish and share it with them but, I only care about

English Teacher And Author of 2 Published Books

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FM A Teacher by Nature And He Is One of You!

Çağla Kondoz:

The activity was really creative. There were awful options to

choose from. I think this activity helped and made students think

about the best of the worst. I know it sounds crazy but by giving us

worst people of the world, he made us think about the value of life.

Ismail was a good teacher for his first time but it doesn‟t change

the truth that he still needs to improve his skills. Another minus

point of him would be that he was not serious enough. Maybe , he

would be a more serious teacher with different students but he still

has to work on his attitude.

Bilge Delice. O.

This activity was different for us because it‟s the first time that somoeone within us was

actually teaching a lesson. Because this was the first time, we had a lot of fun with İsmail

teacher. He was smiling and giving students the idea that „I care about you and I listen to


However, when he chose Doruk as the sexy model , he made a mistake which spoiled the

lesson. Nevertheless, the lesson was better than ‟good‟ because I never had as much fun.

If I had a chance to go back in time at school this year, I would probably choose to be back

in İsmail‟s lesson.

Ezgi Özyalçın:

I think it was a great lesson; both entertaining and educating. I

realy enjoyed the topic . It was quite interesting to see one of our

friends as a teacher .The best thing about the lesson was that

we,the students,actually particitipated without getting bored. In my

opinion İsmail has done a great job as a teacher, he has the talent

to be a teacher.

Burak Türkmen:

I am so glad that I’ve experienced teaching.

I really liked it. Now, I can understand my

teachers because I know how hard it is. Also,

having authority is a great thing. Everybody,

even my teacher who had a student role, had to

obey me. I think, making the lesson

interactive is better for students. That’s

why, I set roles to six of my ‘students’

during the lesson. We enjoyed it a lot more

than a standart discussion. They had to take

the role of six problematic people. It was fun

and I hope I can teach one more lesson.

İsmail Arapzade

This activity was a good way to show us how important a

teacher’s function in a lesson is. Being a teacher is a hard and

critical job. İsmail’s lesson was very enjoyable. I didn’t want it to

end. I think this kind of activirties improve our speaking skills. I’m

looking forward to these kind of activities.

Ismail took the job in a professional way. He was ready for the

lesson and It was obvious that he had practised for the lesson

beforehand. However, at the end I didn’t like ismail’s decision. He

didn’t choose the sexy model that I characterized, in his boat.

Therefore, I give him 8 out of 10.

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Le petit déjeuner des Français Le matin, les Français en général ne man-gent pas beaucoup. Ils ne prennent pas toujours le petit déjeuner en famille. Ils boivent du café et du thé et mangent des tartines avec du beurre et de la confiture.

Beaucoup de Français prennent seulement

un café, un thé … ou rien du tout! Les en-

fants boivent du chocolat, ils mangent des

tartines et quelquefois des céréales. Le

week-end, les Français ont plus de temps :

ils achètent souvent des croissants

Le chocolat

Il est devant moi et c’est affreusement difficile

d’y résister… Le chocolat. Il est brun et en

tablette. En plus, il est aux amandes. Même

avant d’en manger, je peux en imaginer le

goût. Quand je prendrai un morceau, il va com-

mencer à fondre dans ma bouche: Je sentirai

le sucre, le lait et les amandes fraîches. Je

connais ce délice des Alpes: Avant d’en man-

ger, je suis tombée amoureuse de son appa-

rence. Il semble Elégant et son odeur profonde

me donne du bonheur chocolat…chocolat…


Quand j’aurais fini, un goût extraordinaire res-

tera dans ma bouche. J’en voudrai encore, je

le désirerai… Et maintenant je suis prête à

sentir cet amour. Je croque un petit morceau

et je vis un des meilleurs moments de ma vie. Ege Umur Er, Prep A

Le Simit d’ İstanbul Le matin à İstanbul quand le soleil apparaît au point de rencontre de l’orient et de l’occident. Le soleil jaune commence dans la ville. Dans la maison, le bureau, on sent la même odeur. Le simit mange chaque matin signifie la continuité de la vie, l’enthousiasme des enfants qui vont à l’école ou des parents qui se préparent pour aller au travail. On ne trouve aucun turc qui n’aime pas le simit. On s’attache a lui on ne peut plus se séparer du lui. C’est comme la vie.


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There were some materials which show how electricity is produced. There was a bike. When you ride this bike, some electrical devices such as a TV, camera and lamp start to work. First, we were very surprised because the machines were enormous. Later, we got into the room where the machines and power station were controlled. It was very interesting.



We went on an

excursion to Santralİstanbul, formerly a power station, which is located within Bilgi University campus, Eyüp district of İstanbul.

The Purpose of Our Trip We went there to learn how electricity is produced in powerplants and the history of this power station. Did you know that people used to work and live in this station?

Things We Have Seen

We saw the oldest machines which produced elecricity. They looked very heavy. That place used to be a factory but now it‟s a museum. At the end of the trip, they let us discover how to produce electricity.


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How This Trip Changed Our Lives

Now we can compare our lives to the lives of the people

centuries. In terms of producing electricity people

controlled the machines but now thanks to the technology,

the machines can control temselves. Also, we learned how

people worked in those circumstances. We liked the trip.

We had a good time there. We hope that next year‟s prep

students will enjoy the trip, too.

We were sad because it was a short trip. It would have taken longer if we had had lunch somewhere. We recommend this trip to anyone who is interested in science and electricity. It was a great experience for us. Thanks to Mr Bilmez and The Science Department for organising this trip for us.



Moreover, it brought us a lot of benefits. We learned the history and how electricity is provided to the whole city. In the meantime, there were experiments to teach us how things worked there.

Prep A-B Students And Mr Bilmez


Page 8: Erenköy FM 2010 June


fake documents to prove their lies. In fact, in 1920s, the

population of Armenians in the region was much less

and our historians claim that the number of died

Armeninas ranged from around two to three hundred

thousand and the reason is Armenians again.

The deported group did not have enough soldiers because

of the fact that there was an ongoing world war, and was

always being harmed by armed Armenians so we can see

that both Turkish soldiers and Armenian people were killed

by Armenians.

Burak Kaptan, 11 TM-B

Cyprus was one of the main political

problems of Turkey. The dispute between

Turkish and Greek people in Cyprus arose

in 1970s. The island was under British

control. With the support of Greece, Greek

Cypriots started riots against Turkish

citizens on the island. Although UN

peacekeeping forces have entered the

island, the chaotic situation could not be

settled. The contemporary Prime Minister,

Bülent Ecevit, alarmed the Turkish army. He

used the code “Ayşe shall go on vacation” which signalled

the beginning of an operation. Other countries regarded it

as ‟Turkish occupation.‟ In fact, the landing of the Turkish

army to the island stopped Greek and Turkish sides from

destroying each other. Then the island was divided into

two. All Turkish people moved to the North while all Greek

people moved to the South. The Greek side of the island is

now a member of the European Union while Turkey is still

a candidate. What‟s more, Turkish side of the island is

only recognized by Turkey. The last plan for a re-union

was rejected by the Greek parliament a few years ago.

The negotiations are still going on.

Elif Bölen, 11 TM-A


FM Political Problems of Turkey

Because of historical and political issues including the so-called “Armenian genocide”, the relations between Turkey and Armenia have been strained. Turkey recongnised the state of Armenia after it gained independence but failed to establish formal diplomatic relations. On the other hand, Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink was killed by Turkish nationalists. This caused problems between Armenia and Turkey. Another reason is the Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant. We have had really bad relations with Armenia and it‟s one of the political problems of Turkey. However, in the recent years, there has been a change in diplomacy. President Abdullah Gül became our first president to visit Armenia. His intention was to normalize our diplomatic ties. Finally, Turkey and Armenia reopened their borders. Nowadays, some Armenians don‟t like Turkish people because of the things we cannot change in the past. Özlem Elmacıoğlu, 11-TMA One of the most crucial political problem of today is

the so called “Armenian Genocide” lie problem which

is an artificial problem produced by “Western

Imperialists”, claimed primarily by France and the

USA. The background and reasons of this problem

go far back to World War I when the Ottoman

Empire was fighting together with Prussia(Germany)

against Russia in the eastern front. The Armenian

people were co-operating with Russia against the

Ottoman Empire and causing damage to the

Ottoman army. As a result, “The deportation Law of

Armenian People was put into practice on Armenian

people who had potential to co-opearate with Russia

in the east. They were deported from Eastern

Anatolia to Syria. Today, the Armenian Diaspora co-

operate with powerful western countries, especially

with France and the USA. They attempt to pass a

law that says the deportation process was actually

an attempt for „genocide in which one and a half

million Armenians were killed‟. They also produce

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named it “Love Tower”. One year later, something bad happened. Jewe was found dead. He had been poisoned. No one knew anything about this event except Felluelopoir. Yes, except Felluelopoir; because she killed her husband to have all the money and the power herself. After Jewe‟s death, everything started to get bad for Soivoir. Felluelopoir couldn‟t rule the seigniory. There was deterioration in economy, politics, jurisprudence and other things. People were unhappy and poor because the other seigniories started to attack Soivoir even though they didn‟t have enough money and power. In the last days of Soivoir, Felluelopoir was found dead, too. She was drunk, dirty and she looked like someone in poverty. That was bad news, but the people were so happy because they didn‟t love her.

After Soivoir‟s destruction, everywhere was shared by the other seigniories. The most important thing of Soivoir, “Love Tower” changed, too. It was named the Eiffel Tower. This name had a meaning. „Eiff‟ was Jewe‟s first name. „Fell‟ meant Felluelopoir. The meaning of „Tower‟ was different, too. „Tow‟ meant her poverty and scandal and meant the people who made it happen. So, the tower showed people, how Jewe and Felluelopoir lived and how Felluelopoir made everything bad. Now, the Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous places which people are dying to see.

This is the legend of the Eiffel Tower.


The Eiffel Tower is the most popular monument in Paris, France. Every year, about six million people visit this tower. Do you want to learn how it was built? About five hundred years ago, there was a big seignior in Northern France who was named Soivoir. The Soivoir Seigniory was very strong and famous. It was the best seigniory in France. In those days France was being ruled by a monarchy and there were a lot of other seigniories. The best one was Soivoir. Soivoir‟s governor was Eiff Jewe. Eiff Jewe was very handsome and all the women, who lived in Soivoir, were crazy about him, but Jewe was in love with the lady who was the daughter of another seigniory‟s governor. Her name was Felluelopoir. She was beautiful and fascinating; but she was very sneaky, selfish and vain. Actually, she was evil with the face of an angel. During, Jewe decided to ask Felluelopoir to marry him. He wore very clean, smart and casual clothes. He looked very good. When he arrived at Chowe, which was the name of Felluelopoir‟s seigniory, she was trying her new clothes on. Jewe entered her room. She knew that he would come. He started to talk: “Dear Felluelopoir; you know we have a good relationship and I want to live together. Would you marry me?” Felluelopoir was shocked. This was something she hadn‟t thought about before. She said: “I‟m in shock. I wasn‟t expecting such an offer and mmmm… I‟m surprised. Can you give me some time to give an answer?” Jewe accepted the offer and left. Felluelopoir started to think about it. Being a selfish girl, she thought that if she accepted to marry him she would become the queen of Soivoir. She would gain great power by the help of the marriage. She wasn‟t in love with Jewe. She was in love with his power. Three days later, Felluelopoir called Jewe and informed him about her answer. The answer was absolutely “YES”. Jewe became very happy and he kissed her. About two months later, they got married and their wedding lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. They were very happy. Jewe was happy because he was married to the girl that he loved. Felluelopoir was happy because she became wealthier and had more power. She was lucky because Jewe loved her so much. He ordered a statue made for his love and he

Mert Özdemir, 7-C



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You have three bags, each containing two marbles. Bag A contains two white

marbles, Bag B contains two black marbles, and Bag C contains one white marble

and one black marble.

You pick a random bag and take out one marble.

It is a white marble.

What is the probability that the remaining marble from the same bag is also


There are 5 ships in a port:

1. The Greek ship leaves at six and carries coffee. 2. The Ship in the middle has a black chimney.

3. The English ship leaves at nine. 4. The French ship with blue chimney is to the left of a ship

that carries coffee. 5. To the right of the ship carrying cocoa is a ship going to Marseille.

6. The Brazilian ship is heading for Manila. 7. Next to the ship carrying rice is a ship with a green

chimney. 8. A ship going to Genoa leaves at five. 9. The Spanish ship leaves at seven and is to the right of the ship going to Marseille.

10. The ship with a red chimney goes to Hamburg. 11. Next to the ship leaving at seven is a ship with a white chimney.

12. The ship on the border carries corn. 13. The ship with a black chimney leaves at eight. 14. The ship carrying corn is anchored next to the ship carrying rice.

15. The ship to Hamburg leaves at six.

Which ship goes to Port Said? Which ship carries tea?


FM Puzzles/Brainteasers

What does this mean?

What is happening?

Use your magination and

be creative ;) CHECK THE NEXT






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2/3 (not 1/2)

You know that you do not have Bag B (two black marbles) so

there are three possibilities

You chose Bag A, first white marble. The other marble will be


You chose Bag A, second white marble. The other marble will be


You chose Bag C, the white marble. The other marble will be


So 2 out of 3 possibilities are white.

Why not 1/2? You are selecting marbles, not bags.

The Spanish ship goes to Port Said and the French

ship carries tea. However, tea can be carried by the

Brazilian ship, too.

If you understood position 'to the right' to mean anywhere on the

right side from the given point (not only right next to).

The Spanish ship goes to Port Said and the French ship carries tea.

However, tea can be carried by the Brazilian ship, too.

If you understood position 'to the right' to mean anywhere on the

right side from the given point (not only right next to).

Answer: sight of the interior of a

flute, with the fingers of a musician

positioned on the holes ;-)


FM Hats Off to the Table Tennis Team!

Our Table-tennis Experience

Two weeks ago we had a table tennis tournament in Kadıköy which was my second experience in the tournaments. We had trained a lot for this tournament and I think we got a great result in Kadıköy. We had the second position. The atmosphere was great and we had a wonderful time. Also, we made new friends. We learned how to co-operate with my team mates. The referees and players were very friendly. We had great games. With a little more training, there is no reason why we wouldn‟t get better scores for next year‟s competition.

Ahmet Suat Üner, 10 Fen-A

Ahmet Üner, Umut Kuş, Ekrem Buğdaypınarı, Efe Bektaş




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“Orienteering is a team game, in which two or more teams compete against each other to complete riddles and tasks, etc. First, we did this in our school on May 17, in two groups. Then, we received our instruction papers that guided us to specific places where we solved the given questions to receive envelopes with keywords in them. The goal was to colleact all keywords as fast as possible. We answered 10 questions in all areas of science—what we had to do included various things like math problems, chemical reactions and using a microscope. In the end, both groups ended their quests at the same time but just as in all contests, there had to be only one winner. However, we all won a fun day in which we ended up with chocolate cake and gifts from our chemistry teachers. Thanks to Miss Demirel who took care of everything in

organising this interesting activity.” Fen 3 Students


FM Orienteering

Being successful in orienteering requires lots of skills

such as problem solving, using time efficiently, working as

a group and using laboratory equipment. Consequently,

teachers have a chance to evaluate more than one skill of

a student by this activity.

In the orienteering activity of this year, Fen 3 students, in

two groups, competed with each other. All the students

expended so much effort to complete the given tasks.

One of the groups took it slow on the first

task and they became more stressed.

However, this allowed them to question

more and stay alert in each new task. The

students of the second group appeared

more confident and controlled while

completing the tasks. Since they were quite

sure about the accuracy of their answers,

they did not need to review each of the

completed tasks. The results were very

close to each other but the winner was the

first group.

I think each of the participants put in a lot of effort to win

the competition. More importantly, they used most of their

skills that we try to teach them in the educational

processes. This was an entertaining and instructive activity

for the science fair. I really enjoyed organizing this activity

and watching the students‟ competition. I should like to

thank all the Fen 3 students for their efforts.

Serap Demirel

Fen 3 Chemistry Teacher

Blue team‟s attempt to solve the maths problem in the garden

Yellow Team working on chemistry solutions

Ms Şekeryapan, Ms Demirel and Fen 3 students

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The most important thing I learnt in this club was being kind to the young ones and how teachers feel when students shout or talk in class so I think this experience was helpful for our lessons, too. It taught me how to “act” like a teacher and how they think. It was hard to prepare all materials and plans for children because it was hard to think in their English level. At last we made a lesson plan; greeting, teaching vocabulary, playing games about what we taught in lessons. I think kids loved that plan. They love playing and they

participate a lot and they behave well when you‟re teaching so you don‟t have to do anything special when you‟re in class. It was something good because it took me to my childhood so I loved the children who I was teaching. There was no place for being shy in that club because you had to

communicate well with them. I recommend this club to people who are looking for a different club

and my advice to people who want to teach in this club: Be flexible and

don‟t be shy. Try this club. People might say strange things about you

but this club‟s worth is more than that.

Barış Özdinç, 8-C


FM Promising Young Teachers

This year, I joined Junior Teachers‟ Club and I became a teacher. It was a little bit different because I was a student for 6 hours and then I became a teacher for 2 hours and I now have a lot of experience. I chose this club because of my friend. She had wanted to join this club for 2 years and she wanted me to accompany her so we became „little‟ teachers. As a club, our aim was to go to a public school and teach 4th grade students. We tried really hard and we had a lot of material at the end of the 1st term. We were supposed to go to a public school but because of the swine flu we couldn‟t. Instead we taught 2nd grades in our school. I had done a lot of presentations for my peers but that was the first time I had ever taught kids younger than me so it was a little bit different. We played games and made a revision but I don‟t think that I was as efficient as I had expected. The kids were really noisy and they were all so restless and energetic. I realized that I and my group had some mistakes, too, like when we couldn‟t plan the lesson well. Still, it was fun. We learnt a lot from this experience. We taught little children and they had fun while learning so I think we did a good job. After our first lesson, we started preparing materials again. We made presentations, a better plan, etc.. Because I was sick, I couldn‟t teach in the second lesson. My friends said that they had more fun than the previous lesson because they told me that the kids were quiet, well-behaved and they did what my friends told them to do. I was a little bit sorry for missing it but I was glad for my friends, in other words, colleagues. We did more than teaching this year. We watched movies to see the model of a good teacher and we made booklets to sell. We had a lot fun this year and we all learnt that being a teacher is really hard. I think that by joining this club we had the opportunity to mature and gain a better perspective .

Lal Kazdal, 8-A

This club was better than I had expected. I just thought that this club was a club which I‟m going to teach some noisy children but it wasn‟t like that. It was a great experience and great fun. The experience was amazing.

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Palleci Language

P e o p l e i n

Kavaklıdere used

Palleci language

in order to protect

themselves and

their property from

bandits while selling copper because in the old times,

the roads were so dangerous.

The town known as Kavaklıdere was called Caria in the

ancient times. It has hosted many empires such as the Em-

pire of Alexander The Great, Roman Empire, Byzantine

Empire and Ottoman Empire. Now it’s the district of Muğla.

It is interesting that poplar trees (Kavak Ağaçları) and

creeks (Dereleri) were so popular. This is why people

named the area Kavaklıdere.

The new generation in Muğla

do not know the art of copper.

For this reason there is a dan-

ger of cultural extinction in the

area. How can we change this

situation? First of all, we can

establish a department for cop-

perworking in Muğla University

so that the new generation can learn copper craft. Secondly, we

must increase the tourism rate so that sales of copper items in the

area will increase which will help the area return to the good old



Deryanaz Billur—Melis Naz Esmer, Fen 2



An Endangered Culture And Language

I n t h e

beginning of

the academic

y e a r , w e

decided to do a

project in the

f i e l d o f

sociology. Our

Project was

about coppersmithing in Kavaklıdere, Muğla and

their secret language known as „Palleci‟. We chose

this topic because it is worrying when a culture

diminishes. Did you know that coppersmithing has

had a very important place in Turkish culture for

over 400 years? Unfortunately, today, this

profession together with their culture has begun to

disappear. Our aim in the project was to find out

answers to the following question: “Why is this

culture disappearing?” and find ways to maintain

the culture.

Between 10 August 2009 and 19 December

2009, we went to Muğla and talked to the copper

workers. Unfortunately, there is only one

coppersmith left in town.

In Kavaklıdere, copperworking is one of the most

important sources of income. The most important

evidence is the 400.000 TL annual profit which the

Ministry of Culture gets the benefit of.

As you know in the ancient times, copperworking

was a major source of revenue but has gradually

lost its importance. Why? Because when glass,

porcelain and stainless steel became widespread,

many people no longer used copper items. Unfortu-

nately, because coppersmithing and related profes-

sions such as tinning can not record enough gains

for their income, younger people do not go to mas-

ters as an apprentice.

Janbol= Jandarma, Polis

Samanlıkları Kös = Kulakları Duymuyor

Yıkım = Güzel

Kös = Çirkin, Olumsuz

Nasıf Sürcen mi? = Yemek Yiyecen mi?

Ovanmak = Gitmek

Coppersmithing: Once A Profitable Business

Page 16: Erenköy FM 2010 June


Although those three workmen were all engaged in the

same task, only one had a sense of real meaning of his life

and work. Let us all hope that in the world that exists, each

of us will prove able to rebuild the cathedral we‟ve always

dreamed of, but never dared to create. Coelho, with his

books, pave the way for us to do that.

Nazlı Özarallı - English Teacher


FM Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist

It was first published in 1987

in 42 countries. It has been

translated into 26 languages.

The Alchemist is about a

man‟s life who is looking for

treasure. His name is

Santiago and he wanted to go from Spain to the

Egyptian Pyramids. First, his father gives some

money to Santiago and he buys a flock of sheep and

he starts to visit longer. While he is sleeping, he

sees a dream about a treasure in Egyptian

Pyramids. After that dream, he decides to go there.

First, he sells the flock of sheep to go to Egypt and

he uses the money for his trip. At the end of his

mighty adventure, he reaches the treasure that he

has seen in his dream.

I learned a lot from this book. Do you think people

should pursue their dreams? I think they definitely

should. If we truly desire something and struggle to

get it, the universe will make it happen.

İdil Uzun, 9-C

Coelho’s writing is beautifully poetic but his message is what counts. . His books transforms the way readers think about love, joy, life and sacrifice.

According to a story told about events after the bombing of Dresden, a man was walking past a plot of land covered in rubble when he saw three workmen. “What are you doing?” he asked. The first workman turned round and said:”Can‟t you see, I‟m shifting these stones!” “Can‟t you see, I‟m earning a wage!” said the second workman. “Can‟t you see?” said the third workman. “I‟m rebuilding the cathedral.”

The Story Of The Pencil

A boy was watching his gandmother write a letter. At

one point, he asked: „Are you writing a story about

what we‟ve done? Is it a story about me?‟

His grandmother stopped writing her letter

and said to her grandson:

„I am writing about you, actually, but more important

than the words is the pencil I‟m suing. I hope you will be

like this pencil when you grow up.‟

Intrigued, the boy looked at the pencil. It didn‟t

seem very special.

„But its just like any other pencil I‟ve ever seen!‟

„That depends on how you look at things. It has five

qualities which, if you manage to hang on to them, will

make you a person who is always at peace with the


„First quality: you are capable of great things, but

you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your

steps. We call that hand God, and he always guides us

according to his will.

„Second quality: now and then, I have to stop writing

and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a

little, but afterwards, he‟s much sharper. So you, too,

must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows, because

they will make you a better person.

„Third quality: the pencil always allows us to use an

eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that

correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad

thing; it helps to keep us on the road to justice.

„Fourth quality: what really matters in a pencil is

not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So

always pay attention to what is happening inside you.

„Finally, the pencil‟s fifth quality: it always leaves a

mark. In just the same way, you should know that

everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be

conscious of that in your every action.‟ Extract from Like The Flowing River by Paulo Coelho

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In communism, there is not a royal family but in a monarchy there is a

ruling family with inherited powers and privileges, sharing the political

power with an elected branch of state. Iran‟s Shah, England‟s queen is an

example of a ruling family. However, communism practices after several

decades are proved to have been inefficient and failed to create an equal,

welfare society it promised but in a monarchy there was nothing like

equality. The economy model in communism is a closed: meaning that the

goods produced within the country and consumed in domestic markets and

the importing of goods are limited. Different from communism, in a

monarchy, people can run the economy as open as they like. For example,

in Soviet Russia, people could not get anything from the foreign countries

and could not sell them but in Iran, people could get properties coming

from foreign countries.

In conclusion, communism and monarchies have similarities as well as

differences. With the rise of modernization and democratic system states.

communism and monarchies are disappearing from the world stage. The

remaining ones can only constitute a small minority. Today people support

and give solidarity to democratic system states. It can be expected that in

the foreseeable future, the remaining ones may turn into democratic state,

too. So if you think you support democratic states, come to this side…

Bahar Koç, 10 Fen-A


FM Idelologies: Monarchy vs. Communism

Did you know that after the creation of states as an entity, there have

been many different types of regimes and countries run? This is an

analysis of the two states, namely communism and monarchies.

Communism and monarchies have some common characteristics.

First of all, the main argument against them is the limitations placed

against freedom. For example, Ivon and Sergei Kovalev were arrested

in Soviet Russia because of human right activities. Also, in 1978, Balis

Gayouskos was sentenced to ten years in PERM 36 in Soviet Russia

because of translating the books of “Solzhenitsyns” and having the

records of human right activities. Also in both of the states, there has

been censorship, press control and the full participation of freely

elected representatives who are limited in decision making processes.

Morocco is an example of an existing monarchy and until the current

King Hasan II, the press control was quite tight for all publications.

Censorship was also tight in Iran before the overthrow of the Shah.

Moreover, in both of the states, the rule of law may not be obeyed.

The ones who hold power can turn against the opposite ideas and

punish the controversial thoughts with prisonment, exile or secret

disappearance. In the administration of Joseph Stalin, it was known

that many people criticizing the administration were secretly killed.

Tatiana Osipova was one of them, who played an important role for

the defense of rights. Similar to monarchy, in communism, free

democratic elections are not held. For example, in communism there

is only a controlled election and there is only one party. In a

monarchy, there is no election for the ruling family; current King

Hasan II in Morocco was not elected.

For example, in Iran, when the Shah was ruling the country, there

were different classes. In addition, in communism all the property

belongs to the state whereas in a monarchy, people can own

property. In England, people could have their own farms.


Page 18: Erenköy FM 2010 June


The story is set in New York. Our hero is Niko Bellic.He was a soldier and he was betrayed so he comes to Liberty City and starts looking for his enemy. He meets severaş notorious people in the underground world and works for them. In other words, he does their dirty jobs. So this is the story of Niko Bellic. In this game you can do lots of things.There are lots of activites in this game such as playing bowling,completing missions, stealing cars, shooting people, chasing criminals, playing the criminal, travelling around the city. This game has got lots of different weapons that you can use.

These two games have similarities. Both games include lots of action and shooting and use third person point of view. Both games have a good story. However, there are some differences. Avatar takes place in a futuristic setting whereas Gta 4 takes place in contemporary setting. Avatar has more advanced weapons and they are better. However, if you want action and graphics, you should go for Gta 4.

Tolga Bolol, 9-B


FM Video Game Guide

The story is set in 2152, which is two years before the events in the film. This game has its own world PANDORA. You can do lots of things in pandora.But this depends on the choice that you‟re going to make. At the begining of the game you‟ll choose the side.Na‟vi people or Humans. If you haven‟t played it yet you should play this game. If you choose Na‟vi‟s side you‟ll able to ride a horse or a Ikran, the biggest flying preditor.There are lots of types of weapons such as staffs, axes, guns, blades. Pandora has a earth mother called Ewa.They believe in Ewa and Ewa gives them some special moves like running faster in forest, makes them invisible when they are in danger so they have got very

advantage in battles.You can choose missions when ever you want.If you don‟t want to do a mission, just don‟t have to choose one. Being a Na‟vi people and playing as one of them is so much fun. If you choose Humans, you‟ll be able to do lots of different things, especially with vehicles. You can ride a tank, a car whatever you want and whatever you can.You can even fly a chopper. If you choose Humans‟ side, you cannot play with Avatar body but you can use robots instead of Avatar body. Being a human and playing the human is much easier then being a Na‟vi.

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8 months ago,I was going to Australia by plane.The plane‟s engine broke down so we landed onto an island. 2 hours later, I said to Emre:”Emre, I.m very hungry so let.s go to the forest to find food. After we ate our fruits, natives came out of the forest. A week later, we learned interesting things about the natives. Their culture is very different because they always eat monkey‟s tongue and hamsters.They have got two special days. These are New Year.s and Easter. Their weekend is on Monday and Tuesday. They are very creative and intelligent so they have made lots of towers and castles.Their best tower is “Techno.s Tower.” It.s beautiful. It was invented to talk with god so it.s very very tall.They have got a different waterfall too. They have got one big waterfall. The waterfall‟s water is salty but they are used to drinking salty water .Their clothes were made of animal skins.After a week, while we were talking, the natives came but they were very upset. I said :”Why are you very upset?”and they attacked us. We escaped from them.After 20 minutes , the natives found us and they said:”You passed all the tests.”I said:”Which tests?” and they said: The first test is to be able to get to the island. The second test is to learn the island.s rules and our history. The third is to escape from us. You passed all the tests so we fixed your plane.You can go home. Now,I.m at Emre.s house.I.m searching new things about the island. At the moment Emre says: “ found it.The island.s name is Techno Island. It was a legend but we found it. I say: ”This holiday could be deadly but it was my best holiday because it included lots of fun adventures. Let.s start studying because we have an exam tomorrow. MORE ABOUT THEIR CULTURE FOOD Before they kill the monkeys they torture them. They use a different gun to kill animals.The gun is very quiet so animals don.t hear the gun.s noise. HISTORICAL ATTRACTIONS

Techno.s Tower:Natives built it 100 years ago.Now, Techno.s Tower is not beautiful because it.s old. NATURAL ATTRACTIONS It is very beautiful.They call it Eren‟s and Emre‟s waterfall because we are the heros of Techno Island. Eren BASEREN, 6-A

Last summer, a crazy thing happened to me and my friend Eren.

While we were going to Hawaii by shipwe ran out of petrol so we

crashed onto an island. We were really hungry. I decided to go to the

jungle with Eren to find food.

However, we got lost in the jungle. While we were trying to get back,

we saw some natives. We tried to talk with them but they didn‟t

understand us. We couldn‟t get back to the ship, so we decided to

live like them.

Their culture was very different. Women wore skirts and shirts made

of leaves and men wore pants made of coconut shells and shirts

made of leaves.

Their food was cat tails and dog paws. They had a historical temple

and a beautiful waterfall. They had a spa called “cotton castle”. It

contained hot springs and travertine, terraces of carbonate minerals

left by the flowing water. After one week, while Eren and I were

picking fruits, we saw a ship. We yelled at them to see us and they


In the ship we learnt that the island‟s name was Viva Island and it‟s a cursed island. They said that we were lucky because we were alive. More About Their Culture Food: They catch the cats and the dogs. They cut cats‟ tails and dogs‟ paws. Then they grill the paws and the tails in the fire.

Historical Attraction (Temple): The temple is in three main sections: School, storage and observatory. Natural Attractions (Waterfall): The waterfall‟s name is Niagara. It‟s so beautiful.

Emre Özgü, 6-A


FM One Adventure Holiday, Two Different Stories!

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When I was little, I thought the „monster‟ was an evil creature.

Unfortunately, people pay attention to physical appearances

more than the inner beauty. However, we cannot say that

monsters are wicked. After I read the story of Victor, I learnt

that inner beauty is more important than outward appearence.

One day, Victor had a wonderful idea. He used electricity to

learn how life begins. He created a monster but he did not

know the results of it. At that moment, he could not know that

it was an awful idea. First, Victor escaped

when he saw the monster, moving. He

thought that monster would hurt him

becasue of the monster‟s awful face and

body. However, the ‟monster‟ was like a

baby. He could not walk, he could not

speak. His heart was full of love. He had

needs such as love and food, but people

hurt him when they saw his face. Whenever

someone saw him, they ran away or tried to

kill him. He had one thing that he could not

get: Love. Day after day he became a real

monster. He hated the world and himself.

Everyone called him „monster.‟

But I want to ask you..........


Doğukan Özkan, 6-C

The Mind Inside The Monster

“Victor Frankenstein had created me. But he was afraid

of me, so he ran away. This was my first memory. I didn’t

know what to do. I was hungry and thirsty. I went to the

town but the people threw stones at me. I found a small

cottage and I hid there. There was a small hole and I

could see a family who lived near my cottage. I watched

them for days and I learnt love. I thought that I had

nobody who loved me. I was

very lonely and upset. I also

realized that they were very

beautiful. I was so ugly. I

became sadder everyday, so I

decided to find my king and

creator, Victor Frankenstein. I

saw a little boy named William

and soon I learnt that he was

Victor’s brother. He started to

shout, so I strangled him. After

he died, I took his gold chain

and put it into Justine’s pocket.

Then the police arrested her.

Victor was so sad. Then I

found him and asked to create

a female monster as my

companion. He accepted this. I

watched him everyday working on creating but at the last

minute, he chickened out. I was very angry, so I decided

to get revenge on him. Victor didn’t realize that I had real

feelings. I killed his best friend Henry. Victor’s life was

getting horrible. Soon, Elizabeth and Victor married.

Before they married, I always watched them. On their

honeymoon, I came and killed Elizabeth. Victor was very,

very sad. After that, Victor decided to catch me but he

couldn’t. He died in Captain Walton’s ship. I am very

regretful of what I’ve done because Victor was the last

person I ever wanted to kill. So I got into my boat and

went north...”

Petek Güven, 6-D



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Aslı Seçkin Akyol, 7-D

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“I am a father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife, and I will punish the killer in this life or the next.” Maximus (GLADIATOR) In the Coliseum, Maximus is speaking to Commodus. Before Maximus became a slave, Commodus killed his whole family; the only thing Maximus had in life. Now, Maximus has nothing to lose so he will do anything to punish the killer. Commodus now understands he is in grave danger, and Maximus will kill him eventually. This establishes the climax part of the story when Commodus discovers The Spaniard‟s true identity, and the fact that his troops had lied to him and betrayed him. Cengiz TANER, 8D



Commodus is a reckless tyrant. He is reckless because he sells the wheat of the people and one or two years later everybody will be dead from hunger and he is a tyrant because he killed his father and Maximus‟s family. He is also childish as he is scared of the dark and always wants his sister to be next to him. He is indifferent because he doesn‟t think about the consequences of what he did. He doesn‟t know but because of his attitude and actions the Roman Empire will be ruined. Buse Uzun, 8-A In the book Gladiator, there is a character named Commodus who killed his father because his father didn‟t choose him to be the next Caesar. He doesn‟t have what it takes to rule an empire and it shows us that he is inexperienced and young. He is afraid of the dark and he asked for his sister‟s advice and help. He doesn‟t know what to do so he is insecure, immature and childish. He is also reckless. He sold the wheat that the Roman people had saved.He put Rome‟s future in danger and he is indifferent to the Roman people‟s problem. Neşe, 8-A Maximus

Gladiator: Good Hero vs Evil Hero

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“I stood on the deck staring at the huge waves. They had a meaning. They bring love, happiness, tears and some old memories. My father used to take me here when I was 5 years old. We would watch the waves together while he told me stories. When I was 5, I was so energic that my parents had to think of a way to calm me down. They tried a lot of things but it didn’t help at all. During the time we were in Çeşme, we were on vacation so we took a boat trip. They couldn’t believe how calm I was so they decided to take me to watch the waves when I came back from the trip. They were happy that they didn’t have any more problems. I was happy that I found the waves. After

that point, I was close to the waves. I grew up with waves and I told my secrets to them and all those tears. We came closer when my father died. They were my best friends after that point, they saw me and my father, they saw how much my father loved and they heard all the stories he told. Today, I’m getting married. I wanted to come here to remember how happy I was when I was 5 and to celebrate this happy moment pretending my father is next to me telling stories, while I am staring at

the huge waves.


FM Childhood Memories

The first feeling after we are born is happiness. Hearing our name gives us lightness and happiness. All we know when we are young is just roaming around and having a laugh. When I was a kid, I loved running. While doing that, I was mentally free and happy. Then came the worry of education, teenage problems and family issues... Hundreds and thousands of things began hovering in my head. There is no time to find a little space for freeing up my mind. The life of a person starts with happiness. After those pleasant times, we lose those feelings. Then, we spend all our lives in pursuit of happiness. All the memorable things that we love have been replaced by competition, toughness, being a man made of stone. New aims in our life, not to be happy but just to be a tougher stone in the commercial plazas. After the age of sixty, we will start to remember our childhood times in which we run for no serious purpose, laughing at ridiculousness of things, discovering the beauties of imagination all of which can be summarized as Happiness. We should realize the meaning of life and try to be happy with people, share laughter. You are happy as long as you make someone happy. Life is all about forgetting the problems and remembering the happiness. That‟s why I always wanted to stay as a child and not to lose my happiness.

Tolga Marangoz, 12 Fen-A

When we start a sentence with „When I was a child,‟ we often have a smile on our face. Telling someone about our childhood makes us happy and excited. We remember funny situations and happy moments from our childhood. Of course, some people went through bad childhoods or grew up in hard conditions. However, the word „child‟ reminds us of fun, creativity, happiness, playing games, no work and no serious responsibilities. There are people to protect you. You don‟t have to worry about money or what to cook for dinner . There is no concern about how to finish the project in such little time. There is no stress and you can do whatever you want. You can create a beautiful world with your Barbie dolls. You can sleep with your teddy while your mum tells a story before you go to bed. In conclusion, childhood is the happiest time of our life since we don‟t see the real world, its boring routines, and challenges of work life. Bilun Tuğlu, 12 Fen-A

Turkuaz Taşdemir, Fen 4

Page 24: Erenköy FM 2010 June


he has pictures with blood, depicting suicides,

as a sign of anger and hate. His mirror is an

empty paper with full of colours. He found

freedom, that he can‟t find in the real world; his

imagination flowing onto the paper, makes

sense with colours. At this point, Anouk and

Luc have another difference, because Anouk

shows his feelings, she expresses herself

through the mouth of Pantoufle, as if those

thoughts belonged to her kangaroo doll when

she said she is tired of wandering.

Anouk and Luc are similar in the sense that there

is great pressure from their „marginal mothers‟ and of their

complexities in externalizing their thoughts. As children, they want to

externalize everything they feel, they don‟t want to externalize only

what the conditions bring. When children don’t feel free to express

themselves, they find their own way to do it,

either by the help of art or music or other

pursuits. As a result, the suppressed

thoughts are uncovered.

In conclusion, people must feel free to

open their spirits up in order to enlighten

it. Anouk and Luc have similarities in

terms of being pressured as children and not

being able to externalize their feelings. They also have differences

about their mothers, lifestyle and their way of coping with their

feelings. So, we can understand that not everyone experiences a

glamourous childhood but this era can be sinfully delicious!

Merve Akan, 10 Fen-A



“Chocolat, a film of tradition of and change. It tells the story of a mother and daughter, travelling from village to village with the mission of letting people in on the wonders of the cacao. The film puts two kids under the spotlight: Anouk, the daughter who travels with her mother, and Luc, a child who lives in the village. There are similarities and differences between the two:” Can Işıkman, 10 TM-B

Would you want to live as a wanderer or want

to have a settled life? Would you want to live

around prejudices or under control all the time?

Now, I want to tell you about two children, who

could not answer these questions on their own.

They differ, when they express their feelings,

when we think about their lifestyles, having

completely different mothers. However, they

are similar in coping with problems and

carrying the pressure of environmental & social

conditions, as children.

Anouk and Luke have some differences about

their lifestyles, the way they externalize their feelings

& the characteristics of their marginal mothers.

Anouki as a child of a woman, who is out of the

„normal‟ type of mother of the public with modern

ideologies & lifetsyles, she always

hears the bad things said about

her mom, sees the prejudices

and becomes a victim of

prejudice. She says „Are you

satan‟s helper?‟ With this

question, we can understand

that it‟s a burden for her to be

a child of a marginal mother. On

the contrary, Luke‟s mother is so

strict and protective that he is constantly under control

and restricted. He also has the pressure of having a

mother, who is also out of the prototype of anormal

mother. The two children are different in terms of

lifestyles and the conditions life brings. Anouk and her

mother are wanderers so Anouk grew up in various

cultures. She has friends in the village and she

makes friends easier than Luc. In contrast, Luc has a

settled life and grew up in a town with a folk who

believes in tranquility. Everyone in town are reserved

and suppressed. As a result, Luc is reserved and has

problems in expressing himself, too. Luc finds his own

way, which is art, to externalize his hate, love, anger

and rebellion. For instance, he wants to draw a

portrait of his grandmother, as a sign of love and

When children don’t feel free to

express themselves, they find their

own way to do it, either by the help

of art or music or other pursuits.