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  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


    Mikor a szpet megismerik,felbukkan a rt is;mikor a jt megismerik,felbukkan a rossz is.Lt s nemlt szli egymst,nehz s knny megalkotja egymst,hossz s rvid alaktja egymst,magas s mly kulcsolja egymst,sok hang sszeolvasztja egymst,korbbi s ksbbi kveti egymst.

    Lao-ce: Tao Te King

    Indeed, the hidden and the manifest givebirth to each other.Difficult and easy complement eachother.

    Long and short exhibit each other.High and low set measure to each other.Voice and sound harmonize each other.Back and front follow each other.

    Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching

  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


    Christopher-Street-Day, Berlin 2001

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    Zsmboki nyugdjasok frfikara 1 + Mens choir of Zsmbok pensioners 1, Zsmbok 1997

  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


    Zsmboki nyugdjasok frfikara 2 + Mens choir of Zsmbok pensioners 2, Zsmbok 1997

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  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


    Levonult az r 2 + What the flood left behind 2, Bodrog 2000

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    Levonult az r 3 + What the flood left behind 3, Hevesvezekny 1999

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    Levonult az r 4 + What the flood left behind 4, Vcs 1999

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    Menedkjogra vr illeglis bevndorlk 1 + Illegal immigrants awaiting refugee status 1, Balassagyarmat 1998

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  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


    Gysz 1 + Mourning 1, Gd 1999

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    Gysz 2 + Mourning 2, Gd 1999

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    Gyermek/otthon 1 - tmeneti otthon + Children/home 1 - temporary shelter, Budapest 1999

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    Gyermek/otthon 3 - kltzk + Children/home 3 - moving away, Zmoly 1999

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    Gyermek/otthon 4 - llami Gondozottak Otthona + Children/home 4 - Home for Children under State Care, Lrinci 1999

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    Bcs 1 + Village fair 1, Kunszlls 2005

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    Bcs 2 + Village fair 2, Kunszlls 2005

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    Bcs 3 + Village fair 3, Kunszlls 2005

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    Bcs 4 + Village fair 4, Kunszlls 2005

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    Szabadtri eladson + At an open-air performance, 1994

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    Sziclia nnepei - Karnevl + Feasts in Sicily- Carnival, Sciacca 2002

  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


    Sziclia nnepei - Karnevl + Feasts in Sicily- Carnival, Misterbianco 2002

    Sziclia nnepei - Karnevl + Feasts in Sicily- Carnival, Misterbianco 2002

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    Sziclia nnepei - Keresztel Szent Jnos nnepe + Feasts in Sicily- Feast of Saint John the Baptist, Monterosso Almo 2001

  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


    Sziclia nnepei - Keresztel Szent Jnos nnepe + Feasts in Sicily- Feast of Saint John the Baptist, Monterosso Almo 2001

    Sziclia nnepei - Szent Sebestyn nnepe + Feasts in Sicily- Feast of Saint Sebastian, Ferla 2002

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    Sziclia nnepei - Szent Sebestyn nnepe + Feasts in Sicily- Feast of Saint Sebastian, Maniace 2002

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    Sziclia nnepei - Szent gota nnepe + Feasts in Sicily- Feast of Saint Agatha, Catania 2002

    Sziclia nnepei - Szent gota nnepe + Feasts in Sicily- Feast of Saint Agatha, Catania 2002

  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


    Sziclia nnepei - Karcsony + Feasts in Sicily- Christmas, San Giovanni la Punta 2002

    Sziclia nnepei - Karcsony + Feasts in Sicily- Christmas, Acireale 2002

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    Sziclia nnepei + Feasts in Sicily, Bonagia 2003

  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


    Egy asszony s a lnyai 1 - otthonuk az rvz levonulsa utn + A woman and her daughters 1 - the familys home after the flood has passed, tny 1999

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    Egy asszony s a lnyai 2 - a romba dlt hz + A woman and her daughters 2 - the house in ruins, tny 1999

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    Egy asszony s a lnyai 3 - a romba dlt hz + A woman and her daughters 3 - the house in ruins, tny 1999

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    Egy asszony s a lnyai 4 - j otthon + A woman and her daughters 4 - the new home, tny 2000

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    Egy asszony s a lnyai 5 - j otthon + A woman and her daughters 5 - the new home, tny 2000

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    Egy asszony s a lnyai 6 - j otthon + A woman and her daughters 6 - the new home, tny 2000

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    Egy asszony s a lnyai 7 - j otthon + A woman and her daughters 7 - the new home, tny 2000

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    hutong - Zszl, Peking + Flag, Beijing

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    hutong - Kirakat, Peking + Shopwindow, Beijing

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    hutong - Utasok, Peking + Passengers, Beijing

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    hutong - Korlt, Peking + Bars, Beijing

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    hutong - Hotelbejrat, Peking + Hotel entrance, Beijing

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    hutong - Sznszn, Zheng Yi Ci sznhz, Peking + Actress, Zheng Yi Ci theatre, Beijing

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    hutong - Gyorstterem, Peking + Fast food restaurant, Beijing

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    hutong - tjr, Peking + Doorway, Beijing

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    hutong - Aluljr, Peking + Subway, Beijing

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    hutong - Hd, Peking + Bridge, Beijing

  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


    Idzet /p.3/: Lao-ce: Tao Te King, Weres Sndor fordtsa.Tericum Kiad, 2001Quotation /p.3/: Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching, translated by John C. H. Wu.Shambala Publications, Boston & London, 1990

  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


    Arnold va /1960, Budapest/1979-1985: a budapesti Etvs Lornd Tudomnyegyetem Blcsszettudomnyi Karn angol-olasz szakon blcsszdiplomt szerez,skandinavisztikai tanulmnyokat folytat; 1984-1988: egyetemi nyelvi lektortusokon tant /Budapesti Mszaki Egyetem, Liszt FerencZenemvszeti Egyetem/; 1988-1992: Nmetorszgban s Svdorszgban l, ebben az idszakban kezd fotogrfival foglalkozni; 1992:a budapesti Rzsa Richrd 6. sz. Ipari Szakmunkskpz Intzetben fnykpsz szakkpestst szerez; 1993-1994: tovbbi tanulmnyokatfolytat az Etvs Lornd Tudomnyegyetem Vizulis Kommunikci s Mdia szakn; 1994-: szabadfoglalkozs fotriporterknt a MagyarTvirati Iroda szmra kszt felvteleket; 1995-: tagja a Magyar jsgrk Orszgos Szvetsgnek; 1999-2003: elnksgi tagja a MagyarFotriporterek TrsasgnakFotalbumok: Sziclia nnepei, 2003; hutong, 2004Killtsok, djak /vlogats/: 1995: Lthat jelen, Orszgos Fotbiennl, Ernst Mzeum, Budapest; 1996: Magyar Sajtfot Killts, NprajziMzeum, Budapest; 1997: Magyar Sajtfot Plyzat /Mvszet s kulturlis let, els dj/ 1998: Magyar Sajtfot Killts, Nprajzi Mzeum,Budapest; 1999: Fotriporterek bemutatkozsa, Magyar jsgrk Orszgos Szvetsgnek szkhza, Budapest; 2000: Humanity Photo Award,UNESCO-CFPA nemzetkzi fotplyzat /Mvszetek s nnepek, harmadik dj/; 2000: SUBJEKTIV / OBJEKTIV, Bilder der FotojournalistinEva Arnold, Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin; 2000: A rendszervlts trsadalma kpekben, Politikatrtneti Intzet, Budapest; 2000: HumanityPhoto Award, Dong Yue Temple, Peking; 2001: Magyar Sajtfot Killts, Nemzeti Mzeum, Budapest; 2001: Orszgos Fotmvszeti Killts,Mcsarnok, Budapest; 2001: Deutschlandbilder, Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin; 2002: Mediawave-Fothnap, 3Leg, Xantus Jnos Mzeum,Gyr; 2002: Deutschland mit ungarischen Augen, Magyar Kultrintzet, Stuttgart; 2003: Mediawave-Fothnap, Nk a nrl - Frfiak a nrl,Xantus Jnos Mzeum, GyrMvek kzgyjtemnyekben: Magyar Fotogrfiai Mzeum, Kecskemt; Magyar Tvirati Iroda archvuma; Jelenkori Fotmvszeti Gyjtemny,Orszgos Szchenyi Knyvtr, Budapest; Magyar Nemzeti Mzeum Fottra, Budapeste-mail: [email protected]: www.arnoldeva.hu

    va Arnold /1960, Budapest/1979-1985: graduates from Etvs Lornd University, Budapest, Faculty of Arts, English and Italian Literature, Scandinavian studies;1984-1988: works at the language department of Liszt Ferenc University of Music and Arts; 1988-1992: lives in Germany and Sweden,becomes active in photography during this time; 1992: acquires a photographers degree from Richrd Rzsa Vocational Schoolof Photography in Budapest; 1993-1994: further studies at Etvs Lornd University, Faculty of Arts, Media and Visual Communication;1994-: works as a freelance photojournalist for the Hungarian News Agency /MTI/; 1995-: member of the Association of Hungarian Journalists;1999-2003: member of the Presidium of the Society of Hungarian Press PhotographersBooks: Feasts in Sicily, 2003; hutong, 2004Selected exhibitions and awards: 1995: Visible Present, National Biennial Photographic Exhibition, Ernst Museum, Budapest; 1996: HungarianPress Photo, Museum of Ethnography, Budapest; 1997: Hungarian Press Photo Contest /Arts and Culture, first prize/; 1998 Hungarian PressPhoto, Museum of Ethnography, Budapest; 1999: Contemporary Photojournalists, Association of Hungarian Journalists, Budapest; 2000:Humanity Photo Award, UNESCO-CFPA International Photo Contest /Arts and Festivities, third prize/, Beijing; 2000: SUBJEKTIV / OBJEKTIV,Images of the Photojournalist Eva Arnold, Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin; 2000: Society in Political Transformation 1989-1999, Institute ofPolitical History, Budapest; 2000: Humanity Photo Award Exhibition, Dong Yue Temple, Beijing; 2001: Hungarian Press Photo, HungarianNational Museum, Budapest; 2001: Hungarian Photography 2001, Mcsarnok, Budapest; 2001: Deutschlandbilder, Collegium Hungaricum,Berlin; 2002: Mediawave, 3Best, Xantus Jnos Museum, Gyr; 2002: Deutschland mit ungarischen Augen, Hungarian Cultural Centre, Stuttgart;2003: Mediawave, Women about women - Men about women, Xantus Jnos Museum, GyrWorks in public collections: Hungarian Museum of Photography, Kecskemt; Archives of the Hungarian News Agency /MTI/; Collection ofContemporary Photography, Szchenyi National Library, Budapest; Photographic Collection of the Hungarian National Museum, Budapeste-mail: [email protected]: www.arnoldeva.hu

  • 8/8/2019 Fekete fehr


    Copyright 2005 ARNOLD VA

    Minden jog fenntartva. Az albumban szerepl kpek brmely mdon val kzlsecsak a szerz rsos engedlyvel trtnhet.

    Kiad: SCIU Stdi, BudapestNyomtats: TIMP

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form withoutthe written permission of the copyright owner.