fllf - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu

'3&t ' i " httiHlIsgK.-.g-i- i&aaLC m tXgSMbAsifcTEknjssttsHfcJ&JL A f 1 wyfjn fe V Jrf ft iTTrf KStiHa f ggssssgm : 4i Oj ' i , t 1 J.I Willi !! I miihmm. II II " Ml WW jMmwuaumamjgpeCJWxmK3nvewxmi'mmmn3Mm.immmjiaMjr twi,UAni:'jLWM.nMlAji.MJWjiHLmumt mi mi mwawgfflpT3qu.M..mUl'tf'J.J.'!..il !:,... '"'LJBglll'TIIJMJJlJgajAKLLl'lJBJLLlIitWII J II. !! Mill inwnygl e Vol. XIV. No. 232 L. HONOLULU, II. I., FUIOAY EVENING, AUGUST J, 1389. QO OCNTa eUBBORIP.TION JL ,. . ". - 1 V itr i ! , f I d ' THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed and published at the office, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - - CO cents per Month. Address all Communications Dailti Bulletin. AdvartUoracnU, tc on3uro inseitlon, thould be handed before one o'clock r. h. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Nowapapor, Hook and Job Printing of all kluds dono on the most favorable tcrni3. Hell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 33 colurniiB of reading matter on local topics, and a comDleto resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper miblUhcd in the Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Subscription: iBland : : : $4 00 year Foreign : : : 5 00 " Commission Meronants. IXA-CISEUSIj- & Co., H. General Commission Agonte. IIohomjlo G. W. HAGFAELANE & Co. UIPOKTJE11B AND COMMISSION " ' . MEROHANT8, Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. 1G-1- GONSALVISS & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merchant! Beaver Block, Honolulu. BBEWEa & COMPANY, 0, (Limited) GHNKUAL Meiicahtilk and CouiiieaiON Aqsnt& list or ovpicbbs: P. O. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Manager J. O. UAiiTKB. .. ..Treasurer Js Secretary diiikctoes: Hon. 0. R. Bisuop. S. C. Axuur, H. WatebiioUsk. 3.13 ly T. WATEBHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 B. N. Castle.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle fit OOOKH, CA8TLB Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in Ucnerul Merchandise, No. BO King it., Honolulu. 1 Clnuo Sproclceli. Wm. Q. Irwin. irwin te Company, WG-- . Sugar Factors and Commission cnts, Honolulu. 1 It OO., WILDER Dealers U Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sill and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 . Lewera, V. J. Lowroy O. U. Oooko, to OOOKE, (successors to Leircra & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers iu Luinbi-- r and all Kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 H. G. CEABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposite the Old Station House. Mutual Tolephono No. 1. 87 tf VETERINARY. HOWAT, Veterinary Burgeon, All. and pharmacy at Hawaiian Hotel Stables, corner Hotel ami Hichard streets. Scientific treatment in all din. p.asiM nf domcstia animal. Orders tor plantatlou and ranch stock promptly utleudcd to. Mutual Telephone UIH, P. O, Uox32(J. mb.18 8'J O LUSO 1IAWAIIANU. persons who want to communi ALL with tho Poituj-'ucso- , cither lor business, or for procuring workmen, tcrvauts or any other helps, will find it Uiomosl profitable wuy to advertise In tho Luso Ilaivaiiano, tho new organ of tho Portuguese colony, which Is pub-lishe- d on flotol street, and only charges tHHsnnHble rrttcs for BEST PAPER to Hcrlbe THE is tho "Daily Jlullotln." 00 ouu par month, Professionals. JM. MONSARRAT, at Law & Notary Public 140 Merchant btrcct, Honolulu. If ALFRED MAQOOH, J Aliorncy at Law As Notary 1'ubllc 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly , i David Dayton Will practice in tho lower courts of the Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect Ing In all its branches, renting of houses and any other business entrusted to him Ofllcc OL King Btrcot Upstaiw. Fob 9 PIONEER STEM CAHDT FACTORY AIVI XJA-ItEIt- F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. naaiff- - Telephone 74. Mrs. L, C. Pray, Genuine Massage 1 Roman Baths 150 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard, dec H0LLI8TEE & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 Fort Street, : William's Block, 216 Honolulu, H. I. DC. u. BENSON. o. w. SMITH. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, .113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Boerioko & Sceclilk's HOMCEPATH1C MEDICINES, Rickecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y WERNER & CO. Jlauurarturins Joivcllcra, NO. OS PORT HTX13SJET. Constantly 6n hand i largo assnrtmen of every description of Jewelry, Watches Uold and silver nateu ware, isc. 958 ly i. Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukul Jewelry a Specialty. King Street, Honolnln, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram-wa- y Company's Olllce. t3? Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. jan.10-8- 9 Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS, Proprietors. Office, 84 King street, Telephone No. 80. llesidence ! elephouo No. 'Mi. Gon'l JExpreBHliiir S Irn.ylnir Piano and Furnituro moving a specially. Wagens meet all incoming steamers. 1uly.25 ly Husmce & Robertson, DBAYMKN. A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-I- tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the othor Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices, OITlee, next door to 3m. F. Morgan's auction room, 082 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. Richard Cayford, VETERINARY 51&oeiugr Iorg-e- , 70 X HI Kluc Htraot. Shooing, from $1.50. Horsos and Cattlo Treated foi all DisoasoB, Residence: Chamberlain Jiouse, next Kawdi.ilmo Church. x. o. nox iuh. Boll Telephone &c m DnnriJD M SALOON Tho Best Lunch in Town, Toa and Coffeo at 11 Houra Tho Flue-'- t Bland of W&i&Ti llr Ul.ttlO.gS&ife. lUUlUibU ' unfssiygi Always on Hand. II. J. NOI.TB., Proprietor. TIJ33 Metropolitan Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Retail Butchors AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton I Beef, fllf Pork, xrisii,"VcarotixiieH, sec, ktc. Always on hand at the HONOLULU iARKET (Successors to Wm. McCamllcts), No. O tnecn Ht., : : l'lsh ?Inrlct, Honolulu, II. I. rciPFiimily and Ship) ing Ot durs care fully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice. niv 17-8- 3 u TINKER, Nuuanu Street. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Pork. Al-8- 0 Cambridge Pork Sausages Fresh Every Day. CgyHis noted Suisages arc made by the every bsst machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care will bo delivered with promptness and dispatch, and his prices arc as low as anywhere in tho city. EST Try his Bologna Sausages.- - oct.5-8- Anderson &Lundy, Ien.tists. Artificial Teeth from one to nn entire set inserted on gold, silver, nlliuninum nnd rubber bases. Crown and Bridge Work a specialty. To pertons wearing rubber plates which aro a constant sourco of irritation to the mouth and throat, wo would recommend our Pro- phylactic Metal Plato. All opeiations performed in nccordnnco whh tho latest improvements in dental science. Teeth Extracted without pain by tho use of Nitrous Oxide (3a. CSTOIIlce at Old Trcgloan Residence Hotel street. Feb-20-8- 0 FJRA.1MCJE. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 30 Bub do Dunkerquo, - - - Paris. Kxecutes Indimts for every description of French, Belghtiii Swlsi, German, nnd English Goods, at tho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. Commission, Two-and-- a Half per cent. All Tiado and Cash DlrcounU allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded when requested. Kemlttauces, through a London or Paris Usnker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to tho manager. The Agency Represents, Buys, and Bolls, for Home and Colonial Firms. l'lero Goods, Cashmeres, CainbriCB, Silks. Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Oloth3, Millinery, Luces, Uloves, Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery, Gold and Silver Lace, Flannels, Fcatliuro, Pearls, Buoltt and Shoes, Glass, and Ohlua.waro, Clocks, Watches, Juwolliy, Fancy Goods, Electro-plate- , Musical Instruments. Faii9, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods. Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wines, &c, Oilman's titorcR, liooki Artistic Furniture, Stationery, Chrcmos, Machinery, Ac, &c. mrnv s. PASTURE for HORSE AT Halokou, ICnuesho, Koolaupoko, liM ucres of good psnturo land, all enclosed plenty of water. Apply to Chut l(M 1. iliimn. at flie Kln'h Stabli-6- , Honolulu, or at Hulekou. fob 38 8U ly EMBROIDERIES and LACES LARGE IMPORTATION DIRECT FROM EUROPE NOW OPEN AT THE POPULAR, - MILLINERY - HOUSE, lOJt Fort Street. Honolulu. IV. S. SACHS, - - Proprietor. IMMENSE ASSORTMENT ! ASTONMM PRICES ! Call und cxaminu. Swiss Hainsook & Hamburg Edgings, In every width utul nil qualities; Embroidery Skirt Length Flounces, Exquitito pattenis, at ury low figures; All-ov- er jEDnifcroiclexies, Latest patterns, in Swiss A. Nainsook; Children's Embroidery Flounces, In Swiss it Nainsook; Laces & Lace Flounces, An immense assortment ; Oriental Lace Flounces Skirt Length, In White tfc'Dcop 13c m, at exceptionally low prices; "aleiieieiiaie JLjfico JLloinieew, Full Skill Longih & Ldgiii;8 to mntch. gjEF" Tho above Guorio are direct from Europe mul direct from tho manufacturers, and will therefoio bo ofleied at prices lower than hithcr-tofor- c. -- OFFER AT RED PRICES- - California Hay, Oats, Bran, Oil Calce Meal, Linseed Meal, Barley, Rolled Barley, Middling' Ground Barley, Wheat and Corn Flour. FLOUR eoTAlta, Golden Gate & Salinas-- a FLOUR Telephones, No. 175. I3oll rX'cloiIniic, GO -- a jcey -- O- ROCK No. 24 Merchant Street, Hear Fort Street : o -- Have on hand nnd For Sale a Full Assortment of- - All Brands of American Whiskies, BOURBON, BYE and MONONGAHELA, In Bulk or Case; SCOTCH and IRISH IPEtJCSECY", Cor. Edinburgh & (Juccn Sts. iXutnnl ODoloplioue, I LOWEST RATES by FRANK BROWN, 2M"aiiaijor. In Glass and Stone Jars; Very Vine it Vory Cheai) Qualities, as aro wanted ; CBR2S; in Large & Small Bottles; (Wliito or Rluck), also, STONE JUCJS; Old I'om Gin, BchI, XSraud Iu Mnx-lco- t; EUROPEAN SHEBRIES and PQRT ! In Hulk and Case. All Brands of American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc, In Pints und Quarts; Finest Brands of Champagnes, In Pints and Quarts. Biltors, Liquors Ausinthc, Apolliimrl Water, Kummels, Very Superior CALIFORNIA WIN ES, ah follows; Ziufamlol, Malaga, Toltay, Madeira, Tort, Sherry, IlieBliug, Hocks, Etc., Ett. $&' All ol wnich will bo eold 2170 FWIHf'JWIW 3V AT Llto A. J I. KASE31AKX, Book-binde- r, Pnper-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k Manufaoturor. Merchant rtrett. Up stairs. ocULBWy HONOLULU IRON WORKS, ftuMuaStStcam engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, brans and lcadcait-ingp- ; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. I Alex. Flohr, w Lock & Gunsmith. Next door to HoflVehlacger & Co, Damon Uleck, Hcilicl'strcet. All kinds of Safes & Scales repaired. Also, Mewtnjr .tlnrlilnct at rtnuon-nlil- c vute-- . lloll Tel 124 frct.2n-b8.ly- l P. O. D. 400 PLANING MILL. AInkvn, near nccii Ht. Tolupliono RS. WALKER & BEDWABD, Contwiolors fc IJulUlorM. Hrlck, Stone and "Wooden Buildings; es- timates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. .10 Kirtg street. Hell Tele-phon- o No. 2. P. O. Rex, 423. ap y LUCAS, Contractor and Builder,' Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, hspla nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-in- gt Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other Is-an-ds solicited Pioneer Shin Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St The undersigned bees to inform the public of these Islands that ho is making SlilrtH toy MonNuremont I Directions for6clf-measurcmc- will be given on application. White Shirts, Oiershlrts & Right Gowns A fit guaranleo by making a sample Shirt to every order. Island order solicited- - -- Boll Telephone 410 5flly A. JH. MKM,I. WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fort Stroet, next Lucas' Mill, W&W W. W. WRIGHT, Nos. 70 and 81 King Street. Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmilhing, Drays, Carts & Wagon Building as specially. Every description of work In tho above linos porformed 1n n ilrM-clas- s' manner and executed at short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. C3P Orders from tho other islands solicited. Will be pleated to see all our old customers as well as new ones-Mutu- Telephone Nn rV7S. apr-108- 9 Honolulu Library AA'1 Readinq Room Association, Cor. Hotel A Alnlten Street. Open every Day and Evomujj. Tho Library consists at tha presen' time of over 1 ive Thousand Volume. Tho Heading Hooin Is supplied with about llftv of tho lending newspapers and periodical)). A Parlor is provided for convcrsatlou nd games. Tonus ot membership, fifty cents a rionth, payablo quarterly In advance. No formality required In joining except signing tho roll. Strangers from foreign countries and visitors fiom the other iblunda arcvuil-como- to thu rooms at all times as guests. This Association having no regular means of Miiiport except tho dues of members, It Is expected Hint resldeuu of Honolulu who dctlro to avail them- selves of Its prlvlh'gec, and all vlto feel nn Ititen'ft lu inuiutainlng an Institution of this kind, will put down their names aud become regular contributors. A. J. OAHTWltlOHT, Pres., M. .M. SCOIT, Vice-Preside- II. A. PAHMKLKK, SeoreUiry, A L. SMITH, Treasurer, O, T. ItODGKKS, M.D., UU&lriuan Hall and Library I'oiumlttoo. NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, $95,000,00.00 "Fads are Stubborn Things." At every ago, on every premium table, untl in every year, , the AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tontine. Policies of the Now York Life Insurance Co. lme been LARGER than those OF ANY OTHER- - COMPANY'.issuing similar policies. For particulars apply to . O. ISKRtiElt, Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands. 283 tf EIRE, . LIFE, li MARINE XNSUBANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Asiftts, $6,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and,Marlno) .. Assets,. $450,000 Anglo-Norad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins.,Co Capital, $10,000,000 Hew York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $89,000,000 C.O.BEEGER HONOLULU. ' General Agent, Hsir'n Islands. 1C53 iy , The Best Company TELE M.UTTJAJL, Life Insurance Co. OF NEW YORK. Richard i. XcCnnly, President. The Largest Company in the World The Oldest Company in tho II. S, It Gives the' Most LlboralPolioIeB AMD , Pays the .Larrjett, Dividends. Claims paid to policy holders In the Hawaiian Islanda, during the past tan years, ' Over : 8100.000 OO. t&- - For rates, apply to .liU 8. B.,flOMK, Qcncral Acent, Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marine Insur'oe Agents. aokxts rou The New Kuglaad MUTUAI LIFE INS..G0MPY ot Boston. Tho Etna Fire Insurance Cc of Hartford, Conn. Tho L'nlBD Vltts and Marine Insurance Co., of Ban Francisco, Cala. IDlly Prussian National Insurance Gohid'y SSTABUSBKD 1810, Cspltsl 8.000,000 Rslcbtnarfct undersigned, having been ap. pointed acent of. the above Company for the Hawaiian Isauds, Is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, op Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mill? etc., on the mosLJP&VQrable Tcras Lostis Promptly djuilid ans Pavskta Hsoolulu. a. IUEMKNBOHNEIDKH, jly-ST- Jy at Wilder & Ctfs. '.ik-iJt-iM,- . ,, i ..jat- - a n.'airstsm ii. -- . . dbs&n. l3i. HwBmttJu, i&u&i.J,U4.;i,Jifai pAwirki JSi m 4 Mi

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Post on 25-Mar-2022




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, f





Is printed and published at the office,

Queen Street, Honolulu, II. every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, - - CO cents per Month.

Address all Communications DailtiBulletin.

AdvartUoracnU, tc on3uro inseitlon,thould be handed before one o'clockr. h.WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Nowapapor, Hook and Job Printing of

all kluds dono on the most favorabletcrni3.Hell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 250


Weekly Summary.

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, contains 33 colurniiB of

reading matter on local topics, and a

comDleto resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is the best paper miblUhcdin the Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

Subscription:iBland : : : $4 00 yearForeign : : : 5 00 "

Commission Meronants.

IXA-CISEUSIj- & Co.,H.General Commission Agonte.





Queen street, Honolulu. H. I.1G-1-


Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merchant!Beaver Block, Honolulu.

BBEWEa & COMPANY,0, (Limited)GHNKUAL Meiicahtilk and

CouiiieaiON Aqsnt&

list or ovpicbbs:P. O. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. UAiiTKB. . . ..Treasurer Js Secretary

diiikctoes:Hon. 0. R. Bisuop. S. C. Axuur,

H. WatebiioUsk.3.13 ly

T. WATEBHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

B. N. Castle.-- J. B. Atherton--G. P. Castlefit OOOKH,CA8TLB Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inUcnerul Merchandise, No. BO King it.,Honolulu. 1

Clnuo Sproclceli. Wm. Q. Irwin.

irwin te Company,WG--.

Sugar Factors and Commissioncnts, Honolulu. 1

It OO.,WILDER Dealers U Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sill and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

. Lewera, V. J. Lowroy O. U. Oooko,

to OOOKE,(successors to Leircra & Dickson,)

Importers and Dealers iu Luinbi-- r and allKinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1



81 King Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

Mutual Tolephono No. 1.87 tf

VETERINARY.HOWAT, Veterinary Burgeon,All. and pharmacy at Hawaiian

Hotel Stables, corner Hotel ami Hichardstreets. Scientific treatment in all din.p.asiM nf domcstia animal. Orders torplantatlou and ranch stock promptlyutleudcd to. Mutual Telephone UIH,

P. O, Uox32(J. mb.18 8'J


persons who want to communiALL with tho Poituj-'ucso- , citherlor business, or for procuring workmen,tcrvauts or any other helps, will find itUiomosl profitable wuy to advertise Intho Luso Ilaivaiiano, tho new organ oftho Portuguese colony, which Is pub-lishe- d

on flotol street, and only chargestHHsnnHble rrttcs for

BEST PAPER to HcrlbeTHE is tho "Daily Jlullotln." 00

ouu par month,


JM. MONSARRAT,at Law & Notary Public

140 Merchant btrcct, Honolulu. If

ALFRED MAQOOH,J Aliorncy at Law As Notary 1'ubllc173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

, i

David DaytonWill practice in tho lower courts of theKingdom as attorney, attend to collectIng In all its branches, renting of housesand any other business entrusted to him

Ofllcc OL King Btrcot Upstaiw.Fob 9



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. naaiff- - Telephone 74.

Mrs. L, C. Pray,

Genuine Massage 1 Roman Baths

150 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard,dec


Druggists & TobacconistsWHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

1 09 Fort Street, : William's Block,216 Honolulu, H. I.

DC. u. BENSON. o. w. SMITH.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,.113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Boerioko & Sceclilk's

HOMCEPATH1C MEDICINES,Rickecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y

WERNER & CO.Jlauurarturins Joivcllcra,

NO. OS PORT HTX13SJET.Constantly 6n hand i largo assnrtmen

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesUold and silver nateu ware, isc.

958 lyi.

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukul Jewelry a Specialty.

King Street, Honolnln, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram-wa- y

Company's Olllce.

t3? Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. jan.10-8- 9

Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS, Proprietors.

Office, 84 King street, Telephone No. 80.llesidence ! elephouo No. 'Mi.

Gon'l JExpreBHliiir S Irn.ylnirPiano and Furnituro moving a specially.

Wagens meet all incoming steamers.1uly.25 ly

Husmce & Robertson,

DBAYMKN.A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-I-

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the othor Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices,

OITlee, next door to 3m. F. Morgan'sauction room,

082 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

51&oeiugr Iorg-e- ,

70 X HI Kluc Htraot.

Shooing, from $1.50.

Horsos and Cattlo Treated foi

all DisoasoB,

Residence: Chamberlain Jiouse, nextKawdi.ilmo Church.

x. o. nox iuh.Boll Telephone &c m


Tho Best Lunch in Town,

Toa and Coffeo at 11 Houra

Tho Flue-'- t Bland of

W&i&Ti llrUl.ttlO.gS&ife. lUUlUibU

' unfssiygiAlways on Hand.

II. J. NOI.TB., Proprietor.TIJ33


Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Retail Butchors



Choicest Mutton I

Beef, fllf Pork,xrisii,"VcarotixiieH, sec, ktc.

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU iARKET(Successors to Wm. McCamllcts),

No. O tnecn Ht., : : l'lsh ?Inrlct,Honolulu, II. I.

rciPFiimily and Ship) ing Ot durs carefully attended to. Live Stock furnishedto vessels at short notice. niv 17-8- 3


Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.

Al-8- 0

Cambridge Pork SausagesFresh Every Day.

CgyHis noted Suisages arc made bythe every bsst machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care will bo deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices arc as low as anywhere in thocity.

EST Try his Bologna Sausages.- -oct.5-8-

Anderson &Lundy,Ien.tists.

Artificial Teeth from one to nn entireset inserted on gold, silver, nlliuninumnnd rubber bases. Crown and BridgeWork a specialty. To pertons wearingrubber plates which aro a constantsourco of irritation to the mouth andthroat, wo would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plato. All opeiationsperformed in nccordnnco whh tho latestimprovements in dental science. TeethExtracted without pain by tho use ofNitrous Oxide (3a.

CSTOIIlce at Old Trcgloan ResidenceHotel street. Feb-20-8- 0


Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.30 Bub do Dunkerquo, - - - Paris.

Kxecutes Indimts for every descriptionof French, BelghtiiiSwlsi, German, nnd English Goods, attho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, Two-and-- a Half per cent.All Tiado and Cash DlrcounU allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Kemlttauces, through a London orParis Usnker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to thomanager.

The Agency Represents, Buys, andBolls, for Home and Colonial Firms.

l'lero Goods, Cashmeres, CainbriCB,Silks. Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Oloth3,Millinery, Luces, Uloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Fcatliuro, Pearls,Buoltt and Shoes, Glass, andOhlua.waro, Clocks, Watches,Juwolliy, Fancy Goods,Electro-plate- , Musical Instruments.Faii9, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods. Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c,Oilman's titorcR, liooki ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chrcmos, Machinery, Ac, &c.

mrnv s.


AT Halokou, ICnuesho, Koolaupoko,liM ucres of good psnturo land, all

enclosed plenty of water. Apply toChut l(M 1. iliimn. at flie Kln'h Stabli-6- ,

Honolulu, or at Hulekou. fob 38 8U ly



POPULAR, - MILLINERY - HOUSE,lOJt Fort Street. Honolulu.

IV. S. SACHS, - - Proprietor.


Call und cxaminu.

Swiss Hainsook & Hamburg Edgings,In every width utul nil qualities;

Embroidery Skirt Length Flounces,Exquitito pattenis, at ury low figures;

All-ov- er jEDnifcroiclexies,Latest patterns, in Swiss A. Nainsook;

Children's Embroidery Flounces,In Swiss it Nainsook;

Laces & Lace Flounces,An immense assortment ;

Oriental Lace Flounces Skirt Length,In White tfc'Dcop 13c m, at exceptionally low prices;

"aleiieieiiaie JLjfico JLloinieew,Full Skill Longih & Ldgiii;8 to mntch.

gjEF" Tho above Guorio are direct from Europe mul direct from thomanufacturers, and will therefoio bo ofleied at prices lower than hithcr-tofor- c.


California Hay, Oats, Bran,Oil Calce Meal, Linseed Meal,

Barley, Rolled Barley,Middling' Ground Barley,

Wheat and Corn Flour.FLOUR eoTAlta, Golden Gate & Salinas-- a FLOUR

Telephones, No. 175.

I3oll rX'cloiIniic, GO -- a jcey

-- O-


No. 24 Merchant Street, Hear Fort Street: o

-- Have on hand nnd For Sale a Full Assortment of--

All Brands of American Whiskies,BOURBON, BYE and MONONGAHELA,

In Bulk or Case;


Cor. Edinburgh & (Juccn Sts.

iXutnnl ODoloplioue, I


FRANK BROWN,2M"aiiaijor.

In Glass and Stone Jars;

Very Vine it Vory Cheai) Qualities, as aro wanted ;

CBR2S; in Large & Small Bottles;(Wliito or Rluck), also, STONE JUCJS;

Old I'om Gin, BchI, XSraud Iu Mnx-lco- t;


In Hulk and Case. All Brands of

American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc,

In Pints und Quarts;

Finest Brands of Champagnes,In Pints and Quarts.

Biltors, Liquors Ausinthc,Apolliimrl Water, Kummels,

Very Superior CALIFORNIA WIN ES,ah follows;

Ziufamlol, Malaga, Toltay, Madeira,Tort, Sherry, IlieBliug, Hocks, Etc., Ett.

$&' All ol wnich will bo eold






A. J I. KASE31AKX,Book-binde- r, Pnper-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k


Merchant rtrett. Up stairs.ocULBWy

HONOLULU IRON WORKS,ftuMuaStStcam engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, brans and lcadcait-ingp- ;

machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. I

Alex. Flohr,wLock & Gunsmith.

Next door to HoflVehlacger & Co,Damon Uleck, Hcilicl'strcet.

All kinds of Safes & Scales repaired.Also, Mewtnjr .tlnrlilnct at rtnuon-nlil- c

vute-- .

lloll Tel 124 frct.2n-b8.ly- l P. O. D. 400

PLANING MILL.AInkvn, near nccii Ht.

Tolupliono RS.


Contwiolors fc IJulUlorM.Hrlck, Stone and "Wooden Buildings; es-timates given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. .10 Kirtg street. Hell Tele-phon- o

No. 2. P. O. Rex, 423. ap y


and Builder,'

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, hsplanade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-in- gt

Morticing and Tenanting.Orders promptly attended to and work

guaranteed. Orders from the other Is-an-ds


Pioneer Shin FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St

The undersigned bees to inform thepublic of these Islands that ho is makingSlilrtH toy MonNuremont I

Directions for6clf-measurcmc- willbe given on application.

White Shirts, Oiershlrts & Right Gowns

A fit guaranleo by making a sampleShirt to every order.

Island order solicited- - -- Boll Telephone 410

5flly A. JH. MKM,I.

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fort Stroet, next Lucas' Mill,


Nos. 70 and 81 King Street.

Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmilhing, Drays, Carts &

Wagon Building as specially.

Every description of work In thoabove linos porformed 1n n ilrM-clas- s'

manner and executed at short notice.

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.C3P Orders from tho other islands

solicited. Will be pleated to see allour old customers as well as new ones-Mutu-

Telephone Nn rV7S.apr-108- 9

Honolulu LibraryAA'1

Readinq Room Association,

Cor. Hotel A Alnlten Street.Open every Day and Evomujj.

Tho Library consists at tha presen'time of over 1 ive Thousand Volume.

Tho Heading Hooin Is supplied withabout llftv of tho lending newspapersand periodical)).

A Parlor is provided for convcrsatlound games.Tonus ot membership, fifty cents a

rionth, payablo quarterly In advance.No formality required In joining exceptsigning tho roll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors fiom the other iblunda arcvuil-como- to

thu rooms at all times as guests.This Association having no regular

means of Miiiport except tho dues ofmembers, It Is expected Hint resldeuuof Honolulu who dctlro to avail them-selves of Its prlvlh'gec, and all vlto feelnn Ititen'ft lu inuiutainlng an Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesaud become regular contributors.

A. J. OAHTWltlOHT, Pres.,M. .M. SCOIT, Vice-Preside-

II. A. PAHMKLKK, SeoreUiry,A L. SMITH, Treasurer,O, T. ItODGKKS, M.D.,

UU&lriuan Hall and Library I'oiumlttoo.


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, $95,000,00.00

"Fads are Stubborn Things."

At every ago, on every premiumtable, untl in every year, , the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine. Policiesof the Now York Life Insurance Co.lme been LARGER than those OFANY OTHER- - COMPANY'.issuingsimilar policies.

For particulars apply to

. O. ISKRtiElt,Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.

283 tf


LIFE, li

MARINEXNSUBANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Asiftts, $6,288,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and,Marlno) ..

Assets,. $450,000

Anglo-Norad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marine Ins.,CoCapital, $10,000,000

Hew York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $89,000,000


General Agent, Hsir'n Islands.

1C53 iy ,

The Best Company


Life Insurance Co.OF NEW YORK.

Richard i. XcCnnly, President.

The Largest Company in the World

The Oldest Company in tho II. S,

It Gives the' Most LlboralPolioIeB


Pays the .Larrjett, Dividends.

Claims paid to policy holders In theHawaiian Islanda, during the

past tan years, '

Over : 8100.000 OO.

t&-- For rates, apply to.liU

8. B.,flOMK,Qcncral Acent, Honolulu. Hawaiian


CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marine Insur'oe Agents.

aokxts rouThe New Kuglaad


Tho Etna Fire Insurance Ccof Hartford, Conn.

Tho L'nlBD Vltts andMarine Insurance Co.,

of Ban Francisco, Cala.IDlly

Prussian NationalInsurance Gohid'y


Cspltsl 8.000,000 Rslcbtnarfct

undersigned, having been ap.pointed acent of. the above Company

for the Hawaiian Isauds, Is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, op Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMill? etc., on the mosLJP&VQrable Tcras

Lostis Promptly djuilid ans PavsktaHsoolulu.

a. IUEMKNBOHNEIDKH,jly-ST- Jy at Wilder & Ctfs.

'.ik-iJt-iM,- . ,,i ..jat- - a n.'airstsm ii. -- . . dbs&n. l3i. HwBmttJu, i&u&i.J,U4.;i,Jifai pAwirki









K." r.







JJCT7.- - .


Notice to Mariners.Notice is hereby given that n new

Lighthouse having a fixed whilelight hns been erected nt Mahukonn,District of Kohnla, Hnwnii, In 0

11 north, longitude 155 c1V west, and m third of a niile duo

south of the Muhukouiv anchuiitge.The Light-towe- r is of stone painted

whrre and situate about seventy-fiv- e

fefet above sea level.The bearing from this tower to the

Kawalhae Lighthouse is soiithcnslby southymngnetic, and the distancenine-nautic-

al miles.' l. a! thuebton,

. Minister of Interior.Dcpnrtni't of Interior, Aug. C, '89.

'Jti H .. 318 3t

Irrigation Notice.Holders of water privileges, or

those paying water rates, are herebynotified that tho hours for usingwater for irrigating purposes, arcfrom : 6 o'clock to 8 o'clock a. m.,

and 4 o'clock to C o'clock 1 m.

All those found violating the aboverule will be liable to have their supplyof water cut off.

CHAS. B. WILSON,. Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved :

L. A. Thurston,Minister of Interior.

Honolulu, July 8, 1889. 294 tf

lijailu ijunfftnPUditd to neither Sect nor J'arty,But ettablishtd for the benefit of all.


The North American Salt Com-

pany has filed articles of incorpor-ation under the laws of New Yoik,with a capital of eleven millic n

dollars. This is a trust that shouldfind it hard to "salt" the public,when the latter have two oceans togo to for a supply of the article.

Arthur 'J. McQuade, the NewYork alderman convicted of briberyin 1885 and who was for monthsconfined in Sing Sing, having pro-

cured a new trial and the venuechanged to Ballston, has just beenacquitted by a jury at the latterplace. This is the first acquittal inthe famous boodle cases, and showsthat the way of the public prose-

cutor, when he pursues prominenttransgressors, is hard in New York.

Idaho's constitutions! conventionrejected the propositions for a secretballot and an educational franchise.The convention was what would becalled "missionary" in Honolulu, as

..one Prefley was severely sat upon,. when he proposed to prevent the1

payment of funds to religious insti-

tutions or for chaplains of legisla-

tures, classing religious services as"coming down from barbaroustimes." The same member made afutjlc attempt to have struct out of

the preamble the words, "gratelulto Almighty God."

There is an impression . ahroadthat the British cruiser Kspieglc,that left here Intelj under sealedorders, has gone to annex Tonga, orthe Friendly Islands, to theKmpire.The fact that(news was recently re-

ceived of the death of the HeirApparent of Tonga, King Gcorgobeing very old, lends color to thesurmise. Any objection to thetheory on the ground that Tonga is

''within the jurisdiction of the Aus- -

""tralian uaval station, may be an- -

"anrered by recalling the fact that theHyacinth received orders whileHtationcd here from the Admiraltyto annex the Cook group which shedid last year.

Japan has been making herselfwcllknown for some time throughthe policy of employing foreign in-

structors in the arts of both peaceand war, and sending promising

. young men ahroad for special educa-

tion. It is strange, however, tohear of one English-speakin- g coun-

try applying to tho Government of

t another,for a special instructor. Lastyear the Queensland, Australia,Government applied to the UnitedStates Department of Agriculturefor the nomination of a suitableperson to be appointed as instructorin agriculture, .Secretary Husk hasjust nominated Pi of. Edward M.

. Sheltou of Manhattan, Kansas, to'aerve the Queensland GovernmentJh.tliat capacity.

i4q?a'$svwgy1REtf 1EAIAHD NHAIIMSj tl

Tho comptjrtitlycly ttctY Govctument of New iJealRlul lifts mado n

pretty fair start III tub policy" ofeconomy and retrenchment. Lastyear's revenue was 1,053,01)4, andthere was a surplus of 77,709. Atleast 52,000 had been paid fromordinary revenue for purposes hith-

erto provided for by loan, besides50,000 of debt cleared off. The

estimated ordinary expenditure thisyear is 4, 117,1131, of which tho largesum of 1,013,205 Is for interest.The Auckland Herald says the II- -

uauuial statement made to the Legis-

lature made by the Premier, Sir II.Atkinson, "has been well received,and it will substantially pass un-

challenged." Sir Julius Vogel'sparty had their own way so long in

New Zealand that they would ac-

knowledge no ability in the victor-

ious Opposition to conduct affairs.Invents have ptoved, however, as

often has happened in other coun-

tries, that no set of statesmen, how-

ever brilliant or experienced, can

afford to say, "Surely we are thepeople aud wisdom will die with



The Advertiser writers ought toread ailieles in other papers beforewriting about them. The Bulletinnever said lhat "the present Cabi-

net is certain to be overturned atthe coming election." Quote thepassage leferred to in full, and an

entirely diffcient meaning will be

evident. As there is no hope of the

Advertiser correcting its own misre-

presentations, we here repeat thewords upon which it has made itsmisstatement: "The Reform Government, judging by long cuirenttalk not only aipong its outspokenopponents from the start but amongmany who believed in the originalReform Party's policy, only considcisuch has not neon failhiully carriedout was certain of being upset at

the near approaching general elec-

tion. Indeed, with a good alterna-tive Cabinet to propose, a platformwisely dr:wn, and reputable stand-ard bearers on the part of the Oppo-

sition, it would have been an un-

common triumph of constitutionalpolitics if the Ministry should sur-

vive the general elections."

Now, anybody with an ounce olbrains would have perceived thatthe whole article bore upon the overtaction of an extreme faction of theOpposition. Their outbreak was

therefore viewed from the stand-

point of themselves and of the loyalbections of their party. The cer-

tainty of the Government's defeatat the polls was piemiscd upon thereliance to be placed upon "longcurrent talk" in lircles dissatisfiedwitli and opposed to the Ministry.Has the Advertiser the hardihood to

bay that scores of those who helpedto create the Reform Party, as wellas those who have always been itsinveterate enemies, have not openlydeclared their belief in a way toshow the wisli father to the thought

that 1890 would wind up thecareer of the present Ministry? Theassertion quoted above, that, withthe conditions stated, it would bean "uncommon triumph of constitu-tional politics" if the Ministry sur-

vived the election, cannot be gain-

said. The popular disposition todesire a change, added to the un-

satisfied hopes of many previousfolloweis, has to be overcome byconstitutional Ministries in everycountrj. Moreover, the secondsentence quoted above shows thaithe previous one only cited otherpeople's opinions. It was not saider implied that the conditions men-

tioned were at all likely to be fillfilled by the OppOHitiou if it was tobe led by such men as Wilcox, Hush,Poepoe, ct at. And those condi-

tions, let us tell the hide-houn- d and

mcicenarj' Advertiser, are the onlyones under which tho Bn.i.KTiN

would be reconciled to a change ofadministration namely, that thosewho would cut short the tenure of thepresent Ministry should have "agood alternative Cabinet to propose,a platform wisely drawn and reput-able standard hearers."

At the same time, we hope thoGovernment will be aide to assurethe electorate of its intention andability to do better in the futurethan in some respects it has done inthe pant. There have been faultsaud shortcomings for which it hasbeen Bcvctely criticised by many ofthe best friends of icfonn and notmeiely by leaelionHtsas the Adver-

tiser suggests. Indeed, the Gov-

ernment has of late altered its policyiu a certain matter, to meet views

uaxu' Kn$do smww , ju M3yj a, j.the tt,!.K'y whiott tu1 bofl afc

tSfcKu by tho Attvcrtlrrr, ttitt Is j

till illtistinllou Of the cficlo condition ,

to which party hack journalism has I

arrived. It is to bo hoped the Miniistty will lely upon its own good i

purposes, assisted by the consider-able experience now had by most of I


its members, and not lay too muchstress upon the advantage that mayaccrue- t' it from tlio monstrousblunder of tho rabid faction of theOpposition. If tho Cabinet can jus-

tify Us lecord and present an acceptable policy It should stand. Itwould under those conditions re-

quire a strong combination in capac-

ity and character to upset it, pio-Tide- d

the issue be decided uponquestions of reasonable politics. Inany event, the Hullutin will stillrefuse to be a party hack, hut judgeany administration solely by its per-



The extract from the CommercialNews given in yesterday's issueshowed a belief in New York thatthe tiust was storing sugar to cornerthe maikel. This idea is repeatedin a New Yoik despatch of July 19


as tin! opinion then prevailing onthe Stock Exchange, but the follow-

ing interesting paragraphs areadded :

On the other hand, WalNstrcetsugar brokers hold that the trusthas stored sugar because there is nomai ket for it. Prices have struckbottom, and the refiners can luidizeno profit on their manufactures. Ithas been suggested that possiblythe: sugar has been accumulated toundermine Claus Spreckels when hegot his Philadelphia beet productrefinery in operation; that it wasthe intention to swamp the marketwith sugar at a low price as soon asSpreckels turned out his first cargo.

In answer to this theory a mem-

ber of one of the most prominentsugar c nicerns on Wall street, butwith no affiliations with the trust,mid to-da- "Whatever the objectof stoiing this sugar is, it is almostcertain that Spreckels has a handin it. His alleged enmity to thetriHt is all moonshine. No one onthe inside supposes for an instantthat he is going to light a corpora-tion of 850,000,000. He is with thetrust hand and glove. He is tooJi'i'irt a business man to fight againstit."



The closing exercises of the Ilono-ka- a

school, numbering one hundredand twenty-si- x pupils, with Mrs. II.M. Overend, piincipal, Messrs. Ed-wards and Estep, assistants, wereheld on Wcdnecilav and Thursday,July 25th and 20lii.

The programme of the primarydepartment, consisting of tegularehiSH room woik, was excellentlycairied out, the young pupils of Mr.Ed wauls and Mr. Estep acquittingthemselves very well.

The public examination and exhi-bition of the principal's classes re-flected credit on both teacher andpupils. That careful English workhas been done was evident from theready answers given in completesentences.

The singing and rhetorical exer-cise weie good, the latter deserv-ing especial mention. A spiriteddisplay of blackboard writing re-

sulted in the awnid of previouslyoffered prizes to David Lyman andJulia Mokuola.

Ilands'inie prizes offered by thepiincipal lor high class standing,were gi.ven to Eugene Lyman, JacobBrown, Maria, Mary Kcniii andSarah Lyman.

The school room was tastefullyUceorntcd with ferns aud flowers.A good many of the parents andfi iends of the pupils attended theexamination, no Portuguese, however, being prvscnt. although overhalf the chili I ten arc of that nation-ality. B.

The Boston Advertiser calls NewYork "the city of unerected monu-ments.

Port Huron lias a lough whoseforehead is so low that when heweeps the tcais run down his back.

"What's the name of your btylo-graph- ic

pen?" "The Anarchist.Ij's a very appropriate name, too.""Why?" "Becausu it won't workmore than one day in a month."


rpWO '"aMem Ghlf inch desire a filtuL utiiin as a nurse or tecoad work


831 lw AlaU.1 ttrect.


BY a Jnpancm man and wlfo; thelimn to work in yaid anil btable,

Uiu woman to do housework and cool;Apply at this olllce. 1)17 Iw


npVO Men, ono to take care of horeee.X thu other lor a ranch as general

fanner. Apply at "his othYe. JJ15 tt


OK'.LKDlriiiUeih '.vill bo rrcclvid ntk Hit- Knit l' rim Mill tlllcc, loi twowciiKk from il.ilc, fur Iho coiiHiiiuttouof u Two-bior- House. Plans and epecl.tlcatlnns can be seen at the otlice ofEnterprise Mill. 311 Bw

to&tteti sta fey Junes f, totm


Credit Traito Sale !

inn HMruMed by Mer. U HACt?.KKLl) &. OO In neb at Public .inc.

lion lit their Store. Quecu strict,On a Liberal Credit to the Trade,

Momlny, 'fni'ftcluy.Wed ni'Htliiy & Thnrmlny,

Atig-r- t lO'.h, IStli, 14th ifc 16lh,

Commencing at 10 a. m, each day,

All their importations of Merchan-dise of every drsorlptl mi, com.

pr!s,I'iit lull Unci of

Dry Goods, Dress Bants,

TAILOU'S GOOD.W,EtiRlhli mid AnMrnlian twiddles,Twine iiml Kilter Prc3 Cloth,Galv.m 7.P1I Corrugated iron mid

Hliicliur.Bags and Hugging,

Vienna Furniture !An assortment of



11 QUORS:1 1) cludi lie

Champagnes, I'crt & Sherry Wines,Brandies, Whiskies,

Ales, Beers, &c, &c.

r.?iMl Hoods, ofl'ired will positivelybe sold.


JAS. F. MOKGAN,3'7td Auctioneer.

Second Annual PicnicOK THE


to ni: held atKrpiolani Park,

Saturday, Aug. 10.Admission 50 Cents. Ladies Free

Tickets to lit lrul of nil members of this(yluli. Tiinc Cars will leave corner ofToit and King street, every half hour.coimnciicinir at 1 o'clock r. ji , and

v i'l transfer Indies ami childrenfrom the ISiiilgc to the picnic placefro j of ilia'g.i.

Spoils toi"young nnrl old commenceatU-i'-. m. A large platform is on thegrounds ror (hiii'-tiio.- . i'uic by theHoyal Hawaiian Hind. U17 J1



These Schools open for the Hew Year

September J), 1881).

The faculty of O.ihu College will hethe same as last year. The Filcndsays: think that there h.io neverbeen an abler faculty at O.ihu College,or one better adapted to impart :v highclassical and uK'ntiiio education."

The Moulding Department cm ac-

commodate but lew moie iiiau wcie inattendance laM your, and all who desireto entei should uiaUe an early applica-tion

The Preparatory School continue-- ,

nuclei' tho I'liueipalohip ofMiss Canie A. Oilman takes .VI Ih

Chamberlain's position, the hitter liav-In- g

rcnlgued to leiiHive to the Untied.St.itl'8

The Trustees are happy to niiiiotmc'.'tiiat, thiouli the geneums inttrist of af i lend, they aie electing a line newbnllUinr and lciuiiilcliug the prencutone, o bat this school w ill occupy newand commodious quarieis in Scptcm-he- r.

hen thus equipped we believetho 1'repaialoiy School will offer oppor-tunities bccoud to none in this Kingdom.

firiy .Address all letters ot inquiry oapplication to

liKV. W. C. MKIUMTT,317 111) Pieshlent.

n OQ

The next turm of Kainc'niincha Schoolvill o cn

MONDAY, Sept. 2d.Three gentlemen, havltig special qua.

lllicaiiiiHaj tcH.hi'it-- , of munind tiiiiln(r,have hn engigtd for the coming year.Two ol ihceO are highly recommendedby Dr. V oodward ol thu CelebratedManmii Training School of WashingtonUnlvei.lty, boing gradmiluH nf that in.Httutli'U. Tho other as I'rincipnl ofllobokeu Academy Ins had valuableexjieri' nco as an inttutictor in Bcvcialhr.iiiebcs of manual trnluiBg.

App'icationa for adiuhBinn shoti'd heEtui iniinoiiiatcly to tho I'llmlpal, asrooms wiil bo ussignod In onlor ofappllcHtion.Cr For further Infi.rniaiion nnnly to

Wm. B. Ol.KdON,311 tf I'liuilpM.

FOIt SALET.KW Wilcot A While ParlorA Orcnil witli cltrht fctoiH Bultablo

for cc'ioul or chinch. A lino iusliii.ment. Apply at (17 Punchbowl Hieet,opposd'o N P. Mipsion ItiElltuto. 27ii tf


TTMKSiJ3Vn oi lillumifism IK."' u Hi" an no i)

mttmO. via i i inn iooiii, t'omm'diotmHomo, hpk'iidld losjtlon, Pii:o bed.rock. Terms easy. Apply ut310 tf GULIOK'S AGENCY,

ffr."?t3 3 P.$ P. CS S m ejtfG B n -- .

Some Suggestive Fads and Figures Showing the Financial Operations Of the Two

Largest Life Insurance Companies in the World,

(From the Annual Statements for 1S88, and the OJjklul Jtepoiis to the Insurance Department.)

rJ?o Use "JFlioiigrlLtrul Invetox:Considering Iho vast importance involved in connection wilh Life Insurance, and the natural inference to bo

lakou from a rending of the many pamphlets, circulars, and advertisements of the Equitable Life Assurance So-

ciety, claiming supciiority ovei every other coinpnny, and alluding particularly to "Its Two Largest Comncti-tors.- "

As a representative of one of tho "Two Largest Couipetitois" I offer no npolopy for presenting n com-

parative exhibit, showing the financial opeialions of the iMuluul and Equ't libit! Life Ins. Cos., aud havaimed to make the compaiisons plain enough to "LET KVEIIY EYE NEGOTIATE FOR ITSELF."

Respectfully submitted, A. D. THOMAS,Executive Special Agcxt, the Mutual Life Ius. Co.

An Ounce cf Fact Bs Worth a Ton of Assertion.1 As to admitted assets Jnny. 1st, 188!):

The Mutual Life held S12fl,-l!Jl,71!- l ) .LxCCSS ln faVor of Mul"al Llfe S?2,1S-2,090-


The Kiiuitable held JU 812 S129. - , , ,

As to the amount of absets to assumed Insurance Obligations:rriw Mi.hm r ;r.. ct!o ...... ......i..."' '". ' uelil "" I""' ua"The Equitable held $173 per each


.1 As to amount of insurance issued in 1888 over 1887:The Mutual Life . -- . - -gained $;Kl,7o(5, 793 )

( hxccs3 in favor of M,,U,al L,fo S1,81G,3G3.The Equitable gained lOJlO.lSOThe percentage of gain in the Mutual was 18.0 )

Escc3s ,n favor of Mulual J'- - ccnt' ''The percentage of gain in the Equitable was 1 1.0 ) P"1 As to Premiums received from, and claims paid to policy holders:

Tho Mutual Life paid $75.70 for each 8100 ) .

The Equitable paid 853.70 for each 100 j Lxccss m favor ,,ri Llle 82200 l)cr every S100'

5 As to general 4 percent Surplus over alj Tontine and ascertained dividend liability:The Mutual Life held Jan. 1st, 1889, $7,887,089 )

The Equitable held Jan. 1st, 1889, 85,255,J19 Lxcess '" faV01 of M,ll,ml S2,G32,220.

The Equitable boastfully advertises a surplus of S20,791,7ir while their own sworn statement, as shown inthe latest leport of the New York In. Dept., proves the advertisement "padded" to the extent of 81,720,312.The Equitable's GROSS surplus is only 819,008,102 and from this amount, should be deducted the sum of 813,-812,9- 83

already accrued on Tontine and other policies for which special class of policy holders it is simplv heldin trust and cannot he used in any manner for the piotection or profit of any new member. If the 8100,000 of



capuai siock uo mso ueuuoteii tne hquilnulc s general surplus is shown t

Interests, Eijeiises, Dilis ni Payments PolicyProm ISO!) to 18S9 the interest receipts of The Mutual was more than Rtifllcient to pay all death losses

by over nine of dollais, while during the period of years the interest receipts of tlio Equitable wasto pay its death claims by twelve millions of dollars. The total outgo for both death claims and ex-

penses in the same period being seven percent greater in the Equitable, than in the Mutual The divi-dends paid by the Mutual Life, in the last 21 years alone, amount to 7:1,514,374 as against 33,598, 91C paidby the Equital.le. While the total payments to policy holders the Company's organization have been ; inthe Mutual Life 272,481,389.. In the Equitable 81 18,491,751. The Mutual Life paid to its members-i-

cash and holds securely invested for future payment, Over Sixty Millions of Dollars Moreever received fiotn them, while the Equitable has returned in like manner LESS than five millions. 317 tf

Flic Thoroughbred Stallionu


"MARIN."Will stand at service at

50 nil $75 iraraicB.

Ulcoui) 2:22, Sacramento, Sept. 15,1887

Pernor.!:!;: Jliirin was sired byQiiinn'r. I'.tlchcn, 1 i: by (Jeo. M. Tatcltun, Jr.; Marin's dam bv Immigrant, heby Hilly ilcOrnckcn; Billy McUuickonby McCr-i- lien's Black llnwk, 7117, (the

of Lady Dooli-y- , and oi the dam ofOverman, 2:111) ?.lJracl;cn'h BlackHawk, 707, by Vcinuiu l!l k lluwn, 5;2nd dam by ilaishuli's Black Hawk, heby Uaston'ii Bla- - k Hawk. The ilnm ofQuiun's I'ulehen by htofkbridgu Chief,he by Vermont Black Hawk, !.

H. T. Oirioll or PiaiieUco. thefoinier owner of Marlu, voichcn, lhatout of thiry.six males bv Ibishoii.0 durn.j: bis Jast rriwou iu "Call,fornia, ihlrly-llr- e pioved wiih foal

jlj 2!'-8-

Curriiigo For Salo Cheap.1 Cntumhr Oar-J- .

rlairo iliht llnibbcdand handsomely trimmed

in tlrbi classi btyle; must be immediatelysold to clnc an Apiilvto


Collage To Let.iMKtjQ, A KW "e CottiiRO

tmW'ii!li8 " " "PPef psu-- t of LililiaEii2&&sa sticet, coniaiiiiuK t loomsn'eely jjapered and painted, bath room,kite en, nice lawn, Miado tiece, etc.Will be rented lensonnblu to a fjood ten-au- t.



jwj. A. rPllU Storo lately occupiedA$w$r -- - hy ':' - Uowfc'i Viiy'8SSSSsa; Block, King Mreet, at reason.able rental. I'owasbm given nt nuee


Slellorino.rJM'U best remedy for

4 1 wound'), ulcers.jrar galls, proud llcsh andkiiic of even' (lnsei'ln-- -

j; -- a .is. --" nun co pciuuns or ani- -mnls. Adopted by leading horse rall-lon- d,

club and lively etc.. intho United States and elsewhere.aie prepared to ; rovo this statement bytestimonials nud rcfeienccs to plauteisand liveryiiieu iu thit Kingdom.Apnlv to


Island Views.

ALARGEass-orimoiito-f I Imtngraphs

Views of thomoit iittmcthu fccnery, liuildings, eto,In ihi'H Islands, fur ealu at le.iaouablu'"HAWAIIAN BLVINESS AGHNCY.

Corner Foil and Meiehant streets.2308 tf


,one thousand I KvnnBu .',. fvr.r nfone thousand

to be


unowned or Tone80,000 Id UseJ

BY THECahi. Znnr.Aii.v,

KAiil. MeKZj x.

Claka I.ouisi: Kum.org,


gJS" or wiito for Catalogues

SRD.On 1(10(1

Total to Holrs.Life

millions samenot enough


sincehas back








Dressmaking DepartmentCLAHK.



O as

&5r-A- .


5,1 no,-119-.


and Durability !

3?Kr01! Established 1840


Ivan Mop.ojvaski,Aug. lloif-MA-

Adolf. Glop,And Many Others.




IN nto


ao "XI(0


noi- -



Agents for the Hawaiinn iKlandB.321 lm


under tho management of MISS

New lode1!








No Tilting of Carriage to TimeOnly 28 Keys-F- ull

Case of 84 Characters Interchangeable TypeKeys that can bo Changed in 5 Seconds.

&S This method allows tho use of any language or style of type.Tho alignment of tlio Oiiandam. is far stipoiior to any other typo writor.

Type Sleeve






This cut represents the Typo Sleevo peculiar to IhoCitANnAixTYi'K WitiTKit.It movua up and down, and twirls to tho light and left to reach a commonpiinliug point. It contains all tho let tern capitals, "lower enso," liguresand punctuation minks to tho number of niglity-fou- r characters. Tinslypo blcovo can lm renioved, iind another, with an ontuo clinngo of tvpiinserted in tho inachino in a fow sweonds. Tho Sleovcs can ho increased iununiber so as to inoludo all btyles of

gjSiT trend (or Calalogurs.

HAWAIIAN NEWS CO.,202 tf Uenerul Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands,

StJM.'dSfiiV tft '. '& . Va, f


iUa ffiTTfitt11UDAY, AUG. 0, 1889.


Stmr iwalanl from IlamnkuaStmr Nalmaualo from YVaUnaoSohr Llholtho from LahalnaBclir Rainbow from Koolau


Schr Lcahl for KohnlaSchr Luka for KolinlnStmr Mlkahala for I.nbalun, Mnnluea,

Kona, Kn'i aud tho Volcano at 10o'clock a m

Stmr C U Bishop for Walainic, Wnlaluaand Konlau at U a in

I'r llauslilp Dmjuesno for TahitiHtmr Pclo for lvotia ports at 11 a inSchr Kawallam for KoolauSehr Lnvinia for KauaiStmr J A Couiuilns for Koolau


Per Mlkahala Aug 0 For the Vol-cano: Capt Smith, f M Green, 0 VT

Sheimannud 'wife, C S Thomas andwife, Miss Thomas, E L Marshall, MissOtorandorp, Miss Dcichtnnuti. For wayporta: L Cabot, Father Victor, Z Kilcycrs, Mrs Holt and children, YuenCluing, Mr Sctto, Mrs Kulhclnni, .MrsAhlo and 2 children, J Kuunchith, WHardy, Mrs 1) M Crowlcv. II W 1'cck.Z II Ausllu, Mr Scott and 711 deck.

From Hawaii per Iwalanl, Aug 0Mrs J K Kauuaniano, 1 Japanese ami45 deck.


Tho Iwalanl brought Aug 9, 2S00bagssugar, 3U head cattle, 10 calves and 1



SMYTII-- In this city, August 8, 18Sn.at tho Queen's Hospital, J. BrookSmyth, aged 20 years, a native ofLondonderry, Ireland. Brother ofCtipt. II. II. Smyth of the steamerPcle.


TIiO FlrHt Clilnnmnn Admitted, to thoItar or Hawaii.

On tho Gth of August Hong Yen"Chang, a naturalized citizen of theUnited States, holding a license topractise law in the Supreme Courtof Nov York, and also letters ofdenization from His Majesty theKing, presented a petition to theSupreme Court that he bo admittedto the practice of law in the Hawai-ian Kingdom. Accompanying thepetition was the following eertili-cat- e:

"I hereby certify that Hong YenChang was my olllcc clerk for abouteight months in 'the years 1883-- 4,

aud that by my advice ho went tothe Columbia Law School in NowYork, and, as I am credibly informcd, sustained an excellent reputa-tion while there, and that I regardhim as u person of good moral char-acter. . A. S. IIautwui.l.

This morning a license was issuedto Hong Yen Chang to practise inthe Courts of the Kingdom on pay-ment of the usual fee of $10. Heis the first Chinaman admitted tothe Hawaiian bar.


Mr. J. Brook Smyth, brother ofCapt. H. H. Smyth of the steamerPcle, died at the Queen's Hospitalyesterday and was buried from therethis morning. The deceased, whowas well boring at AVaimea, Kauai,for some time past.was brought fromthat place on Sunday on the steamer"Waialeale. He was a native of Lon-donderry, Ireland, and only twenty-si- x

years of age. At one time hewas in the employ of the Inter-Islan- d

Steam Navigation Company.


Friday, Aug. 9.J. E. Staples and Kaleiwehea each

forfeited bail of G for drunkenness..Jack Kuamoo charged with trea-

son was remanded to the 10th.



FlUDAY, Aug. 9."Wung Chun vs. II. J. Nolle.

Trespass. Jury waived. Tho plain-tiff claims $1000 damages for thatdefendant expelled and ejected himfrom certain leased lands and con-

verted to his use the crops of plain-tiff growing on said lands. Theparties waived a jury and tho casewas heard on the 8th of August,1889. The evidence clearly proves.that the lessees had abandoned theleased premises, some three weeksbefore the defendant lessor enteredand took possession of same. Judg-ment for the defendant. W. It.Castle for plaintiff; Cecil Brown fordefendant.

A young 'man known as "a gildedyouth" sent the following note to arich uncle tho other night: ,Notono word if you do not send me$2,000 before midnight 1 shall ceaseto live." A sfmilar demand hadbeen received earlier in the day, sothe fond uncle replied: "In res-

ponse to a former favor 1 have al-

ready forwarded you my revolver.It is in good condition and loaded."

The area of the Territories ofNorth and South Dakota, Montanaand Washington is equal to the com-

bined area of the German Empire,Great IJritain and Ireland, the Neth-

erlands and Switzerland, tho formerbeing 8G 1,588 square miles and tholatter 301,500 squaio miles. TheEuropean area contains a populationof over 90,000,000 j tho American.area lias a present population ofless than 1,000,000.


!3$giCfe?W'iflSSgaaIQOAl & QEHERAL HEWS.

'rtttt ikilitll girl tllf ltU;Ui7fvi,Sec nilv.

II, 13. M. 8. OAnoUNK should o

noxl week.

Tnn Australia was tluo in KanFrancisco thin morning.

. "

Ten passengers left for tho Vol-cano this morning on tho steamerMiknhnla.

Tun French flagship Duqtiosnoleft for Tahiti this morning shortlyafter ten o'clock.

Jim Sherwood has mado special ar-rangements for visitors to LongBranch

Tt.e Hawaiian Camera Club willhold its regular monthly meetingthis evening at 7 :I10 o'clock.

A noon gamo of baseball may bolooked for afternoon be-

tween the Stars and llawaiis.

Tin: Manufacturers' Shoe Com-pany liavo an inipoitaut notice tosportsmen in another column.

The Nipsio is not the first war ves-sel to be hauled on tho Marino Kail-wa- y.

The Kaimiloa had that honor.

Hkau in another column thenames of tho eminent musicians whoendorse tho Fischer pianos, kept forsnlo by tho Hawaiian News Com-pany.

Tub yachts Hcalani and Hawaiileft the harbor together at 1 o'clockthis afternoon for a race. At 2:45o'clock they were ofT Diamond Headtogether.

The regular monthly meeting ofthe Hawaiian Mission Children's So-

ciety will bo held Saturday eveningat the residence of W. W. Hull, Nuu-an- u


Tun King has appointed Messrs.John D. Holt, Jr., and Henry F. Iier-telma-

as members of his personalstaff, to be villi therank of Major.

. - .The Hamakua Blue Ribbon So-

ciety had a dinner at Paauilo Satur-day evening, July 13th. About ahundred persons wore present. Anumber of speeches were made.

Ladiks in search ol embroideriesor laces should call at the store ofN. S. Sachs, Fort street, and glancein the show window. This will givean idea of tho immense variety hehas.


Drill Co. D Honolulu Rides, at7:30.

Service at St.Andrcw's Cathedral,at 7.

Hawaiian Council No. 689 A. L.of II., at 7:30.

Pacific Degree Lodge No. 1, D.of R., at 7:30.

Meeting Hawaiian Camera Club,at 7:30.

Moonlight drill Engine Co. No. 1,at 7:30.


The steamer W. G. Hall will re-

sume her trips to Maui and HawaiiTuesday, August 20th. Under thesuperintendence of Mr. A. W.Keeeh, the steamer has been

and a few slight repairsmade to her boiler. Her machineryhas bsen thoroughly overhauled, andshe has been repainted aud lookslike a new vessel.


Mr. J. F. llackfeltl, Consul forBelgium, has made application tothe Minister of Foreign Affairs fora complete set of laws now in forcein the Hawaiian Kingdom for theBelgian Gorerninewt. The Ministerof Foreign Affairs sent the applica-tion to the Chief Justice, and thelatter has replied by not onlj' sup-plying lha Minister with the lawsbut also the Supreme Court reports.It appears that the Belgian Govern-ment sets aside a bureau for thelaws of the different courts throughout the world.

i i i'j-- t hiTHE ARION PICNIC.

The Honolulu Arion Society willhold its annual picnic at KapiolaniPark The weather pro-

mises to be flue and there will prob-ably bo a large attendance. Threecars will leave corner of Fort andKing streets at 1 o'clock p. m. andevery half-ho- thereafter for Wai-kik- i.

Ladies and children will betransferred from tho terminus to thepicnic ground by busses, free ofcharge. The sports commence at 2o'clock. A platform has been erect-ed on the ground aud tho Hawaiianband will furnish music. The ad-

mission is only fifty cents, ladiesfree.


Early this morning a gang ofprisoners commenced to take downthe Palace wall. Up to 1 o'clockthis afternoon they had it down fromthe front gate on King street to thecorner of King and Richards streets.It is being taken clown to within 3

feet C inches of the ground. ThoKing suggested thot an iron fencetake its place, and this will bo done.It is understood that tho Govern-

ment has already sent for designsof ornamental iron fencing, and assoon as a design is selected, thefence will bo ordered. Thcro is nodoubt that tho taking down of thewall will bo a great Improvement.

The Amoskeag corporation ofManchester, N. II., has latelyauthorized the vaccination of its8,000 operatives fit its own expense.

hMbk muutmmx j&ysuuujua jl, Li AusuWf & in.THB RAND QQIiQERL

Tfcn MuMlfljtfln itftttd l:(rrt:tUlfi R

J.tll'BO AiuRtfnec.

Tlifl concert nl tho Hawaiian Holet last evening by the baud fromthe French flagship Duqucsiio a.iquite a success. Tbc fiont of thobuilding was illuminated with color-ed lanterns, and the verandas werecrowded with prominent citizens andtheir families. An immense num-ber of people wcie stationed in thegrounds. Among those noticedpresent were: His Majesty thoKing, the Minister of Foreign Af-

fairs, Members of the Diplomaticr.nd Consular Corps, Olllccrs of theFlagship Duqucsuc, IT. S. S. Alertand U. S. S. Nipsic

The band was in the pavilion andnumbered seventeen pieces. Theperformers used old instruments,their best ones being at Tahiti.Some of the selections were welirendered but there was not the vol-

ume of tone we arc uccttstoincd tohear. The band was loudly ap-

plauded at the conclusion of eachnumber. Following was tho pro-

gramme:Allegro Militairc Le Troubadour.

SelloniekOvcilurc L'llalicnue a Alger

ISust-in- i

Valsc La Hello llelonc OflenbaihFantasia Rigoletto VeidiValsc Esporanee MctraBallade La Paloma GradicrQuadrille La vie Pnrisicnnc.




(7n Preparation.")

adoption-- .

A child inherits who is adoptedbj ancient custom. Kinaina v. Ka-han- u,

3 Haw., 3(i8.Ancient adoption of an heir to be

valid must be complete and definite.In re estate of Nakuapa, 3 Haw.,

400. Evidence that the kindreddid not know the adoption wasmade is not negative and hearsay,but is part of the case to' be proved,lb. 410.

The adoption of a child without adeclaration of its heirship in thedeed of adoption, does not give itrights of inheritance. Wei See v.Young Sheong, 3 Haw., 489.

An Oral adoption of an infant bya married man who during his lifesupplied it with food and clothing,is not ground upon hich his widowcan recover from the infant theamount of expenses so incurred.Kahola v. Dutro, 4 Haw., 149. Seeparent and child.


See Husband and Wife.ADVr.IlSr. l'OSSESSIOK.

Sec Ejectment.Adverse possession dates onlj'

from a land award which interruptsprevious prescription.

Whether the possession in fact isadverse or is under the owner'stitle, is one for the jury, with thislimitation, that the burden of show-

ing the posscsiiou to have been ad-

verse is upon the party alleging it,but what constitutes an adverse pos-session, and what evidence of itsbeing such is sulflcicnt, are ques-tions of law for the court. See Ka-aih-

v. Crabbe, 3 Haw., 7G8.Where plaintiff's ancestors have

parted with the possession of land byparol exchange, under which de-

fendant has held possession for overtwenty years, plaintiff cannot re-

cover it in ejectment. Ikalia v.Kopaea et al, 4 Haw., 198.

While a prescriptive right by ad-

verse possession may be acquired inone piece of land without regard totho holding of other parcels grantedby the same royal patent, it is noterror, in an action of ejectment forone piece of land, to consider evi-

dence relating to another piece heldunder the same royal patent, wherethe acts of possession relied on as tothe piece not sued for, were involv-ed with the facts relating to thepiece claimed in the declaration.Kalea v. Lemon, 4 Haw., 318.

The occupation of land of a decedent in this Kingdom in 1849, beforothe enactment of the statutes ofdescent, by a widow, is not neces-sarily as dowress, and may be ad-

verse to the heirs. The questionshould be left to the jury. Paulav. Malo, 4 Haw. 53U.

When a bill in equity shows, in anaction to set aside a royal patent forfraud, that defendant claims posses-sion under patentee, to whom patentwas issued on or about June U,

1855, and alleges no possession aftertho last date in any other than de-

fendant aud it is unexplained byallegations, it is conclusive againsttiic plaintiff, and the demurrer mustbe allowed. Kalaeokckoi v. Kahele4 Haw. G08.


See Mortgage Sale.

AFFIDAVIT.See New Trial ; Pleading.



One of tho several part owners ofships engaged in the whaling busi-

ness, acting as agent to purchasesupplies and outlits, will not be per-

mitted to take, beyond a reasonablecompensation for his services, orthat agreed upon, nor to hold anyprofits incidentally obtained. Wilcox& Hanks vs. Marshall, 2 Haw. 290.

An agent or trustee cannot becomethe purchaser of property confidedto liis care.

iiiich salo not absolutely void, butvoidablo by the cestui yitc trust. lb.


'iKte fclus? t'lttfcruht-- j ttlnMirfnleiittlUnt-tttf- t ot U0 Pnlfcrr.

On Thursday His Mnjcaty Urn

King entertained at breakfast) ntlt-la- ni

Palace, Rear Admiral Lefevrcand olllccrs of the Duqucsuc, theFrench flagship of tho I'noillc. Thosewho sat down Mn addition to theRoyal host woro Rear Admiral A.A. Lefevre, Captain aud Chicf-of-Sla- ff

E. TalpotJiba, Lieutenant C.E. Motel, A, D. C. ; Midshipman"D. Bcnoist d'A.y of the Admiral'sStaff, Flret Surgeon J. M. J.Bcaumnnoiraud Chaplain A. M. X.Mac of the Duqucsuc; 11. II. PrinceKalaniauaole, Hon. A. S. (Jlcglmrn,His Er. Joua. Austin, Minister ofForeign Affairs; Mons. G. C. B.d'Anglade, French Commissioner ;

IirghfRcV. Bishop of Olba, Mons.liellaguet, French Chancellor; Hon.Paul Neumann, Dr. George Trous-seau, Mr. Godfrey Brown, Mr. Jas.W. Robertson, II. M.'s

and Col. R. Ilonpili Baker.His Majesty proposed the health

of President Caruot of France, towhich Mons. d'Anglade respondedand proposed the health of theirMajesties the King aud Queen. ThoHawaiian band which was in attend-ance played, when these toasts werepropesed, the Marseilles aud Hawaiil'onoi respectively.

Hon. A. S Clcghorn proposed thetoast of the Admiral and the Frenchnava. Admiral Lefevrc respondedand proposed the health of the Ha-

waiian royal family.The Hawaiian band was stationed

on the veranda in rear of the Palaceand played appropriate selectionsduring the breakfast.

The menu was as follows :


Boiled Kumu. Fried Mullet.Deviled Crab.

Viandes et Volaillcs.Beefsteak. Salmi of Duck.

Mutton Chops.Gibicr.

Pigeon on Toast. Boiled Chicken.Currys.

Shrimp. Chicken.Salads.

Cheese. Tomato.Omelet.

Dessert. Ice Cream.Cafe. The Choeolat.


rpRY McCarthy's Cidtr. .818 tf

MOTT'S Cider at McCarthy's.:ilH tf


THE annual meeting of tho Olowaluwill ho hu'd on MON-

DAY, Aujjust lath, at 11 a. u, at theottlee ot Win. Q. Irwin & Co.

C. O. B&KGER,317 fit Becrettiry.


A QUARTERLY meeting of the Bianlof Truptt es of tho Queen' Hos.

pital will bo held on SATURDAY, the7th September, 18-- at 10 o'clock a. a,at thu Itoonis of the Chamber of Com.merce. Business of importance Amend-ment of the s I'or order.

P. A. SCUAEFER,320 lm Secretary.


0 account of departure from tho

will hu8oldatab'ri;ain. Tho instrumentIs ncaily now of the upright style, revciiand a third octaves ami in perfect order

Albo, 1 Automatic Sewing Machine,largest size and in perfect condition.Address "E," Bum.ktin Ofllco.


European Billiard Parlors.Handsomest Billiard Parlors inTHE city, and fitted up in the most

approved etylc. Four tables with all tholatest improvements.

J. 1 BOWEN & CO.,27(1 tf Proprietors.


I?UKNLSUPD Rooms to let,corner of

l'uiichboul aud Berctaniastreets, would he vciy convenient for aBinall family. 2G5 Cm


( O COTTAC KS and PremisesStfi O- - ou 1 mma btreet, at a res- -

i toiinlilc (Ipiirc. Apply toJ. M. JUUNSAJtlCAT,

Cartwright's Block, Merchant til.201 tf

Stablos Pasturage To Let.

m IJ1XCKLLKNT BtnblesCottage


uud 7 acres Pasture Laud, (in

boutn ttrocl, near King, formerly occu.pied by Mr. White, proprietor of thoP.dama Bus. To let on very moderateterim. Apply to

J. E. BKOWN & CO.,i!55 tf 28 Merchant street.


llcsldcnco ofLATE Mr. ftelmenichnelder,Emma street.

Uesidpnco ofLATE Mr. Frank Brown,Kupiolaui I'.irk.

T)i:siDENCK "fXXi Mr. James Love,

King streetllcsldcnco ofLATE Mr. M, Green,

211) Port street.

STOKE, Etc , now occupied byI Mr. Wolfs, O roc r,' King street,

car Apply to

A. J. CAUTWKIOHT,309 tf Morchssl Btroet,


'?S5 A9.PH 9 -- cm

vfr- - IT STANDS -- x&a

-- ASD-

EQUITABLE1 The Mutual commenced business in 1S13, and is IC years old. The Equitable commenced business in

1859, and is only 30 years old. The following comparison shows their standing to-da-

Complied IVom tho A.miiin.1 iir 1888 ol' thoLIFE.

Cetnm'ncti Umsiiius

MAGNITUDE.Outstanding Assurancel'remiuni IncomeTotal Income

GROWTH AND MAGNITUDE.Now BusinessIncrease in Outstanding Atsiirnnvo. . . .



Incicase m Premium lucerneIncrease in Interest anil Other Income ,.'.Increase in Total IncomePercent, of Increase in Total IncomeExcels of Inconio over DisbursementsPorcontnjjo of Income not Disbursed ."

Increase in Payments to PolicyholdersPercentage of Increase in Payments to Policy holders.Increase in AssetsPercentage of Increase in Assets


Increase in SurplusPercentage of Assets to Liabilities. . .".'.


.'; .

ECONOMY AND PROFIT.Percentage of Expenses and Taxes to New Business.Cost of each if 1000 of Now BusinchS . .

Allowing 7 per ft. of ItcnewuU for care of Old Iluilnusi.Surplus Earned


Contrast the Kquitable'B with the 80th of the Mutual and the wouldbe still more apparent.

2 The Mutual has bcon years accumulating its assets; the Equitable only 30 years.Increase in Assets, 18S8-lucrca-

in Assets, 18S8- -



From these figures it will be seen that it will not take long to pass the in this

3 There is one upon which the Mutual outranks nil upon which it keep silent,the Largest Debt of any Life Company in the world.

LIFE 31, 18S8

It boasts of its but says Not One Word about upon them.

4 The Mutual with 867,000,000 less assurance than543,000,000 more.

5 The Mutual being much the older company is naturally havingolder This is something to lament over, not to boast about.

6 If the rate of interest were to decline to 3 percent. Thegnished, while the Equitable would still have a large Fund.

7 From MutuaPs advertisement in "S. F. Coast Review:"Assets arc given at. .

Assets from Insurance

. . .

Department, Now





um suranoOFTHS UNi?8 8fAT8.




















Statement Statement difference



ground competitorsincomparably

Liabilities MUTUAL December $117,G07,079Assets, Enormous Mortgage













20,791.7152,090,400 1,645.022;:

5,007,124 3,797,402



has an indebtedness of

it the death

Surplus about







Reyere Robber Boston.


& Wire Bonflt Hose.examine'

"Padding" Mutual $587,434:83

8 Some years ago the Surplus appeared as follows:Ollicial Statement $0,291,442Given to Spectator Co '7,532,889Given to Insurance 7,176,003Given in Paper (Weekly Statement) 7,001,002

Gross Surplus, nsiir. Department returns, including items deducted underDepartment

yet tho Mutual deprecates imy stating facts and figures!"9 This Agency docs not propose to continue this controversy through newspapers. It does Hot

to party towards boring the mutual recriminations which might bu kept until doomsday.Anyone the stability of tbc Equitable or its to with the Mutual Likk can get all theinformation they desire by opplymg copies of the Equitable Ilceorrt which hereafter will always kepton at this otllce.

ALEX. CARtWRICHT,320 General Agent Equitable Assurance Society the Hawaiian Islands.


TTAS the best and cheapest IHackXX ltnck, Coisl, Band and Soil forsulu in any iiuunliiy. Apply at the lawolnco of William 0. Achi, No. 1M Mer-chant hlicct, Honolulu, II. I. 301 "m

Notieo to

UPON of lay..m of the HawaiianP.iclllc Cable on or about

vSwb August 0th, the Al ClipperSchooner H.Tiinper," Captain U.J.Kelley, 100 will tie open for charterfor any American or British Columbianpott, or will return direct to Victoria,II. O. I'cr and passage apply uE O. Hall & Honolulu, II. 1.

& HAKEH.JllOtf

YV". and Mr. Ed. HnhrMR.have this day been authorized tosign our firm nnme bv procuration

II. I1ACKFELI) & CO.Honolulu, 1, lftSO. !3M 8


tuulenduncd gives notice thatbeen appointed

of the Will of Wrs. Marcaiet KeegHii,deceased, All pcrsono having any cIhIuisngnlntit her itst-it- whether seemed byniortgiigu or othrmhu, nro requested topresent the S'linoduly authenticated andwith proper If any exist tohim at his ofllco on fort etnt-i- , in Honolutu, within n oaths from dato 01

they will he forever and nilpcisins indiil'lcd to saidipirsttd to miiku immediate paymentto him,


Honolulu, July WH. lm









tho Year


on Hand

Deo. 31, for



.1(103,933,530. B0,180,CW.









of outstanding




13-3- .0,510,275





12801 100-7-

.' ;



00. '00


the Equitable

heavier drains upon by of

Lifo'b would be extin- -

50. 73

SK-- o



Turpentine, , Etc,




t0" Call and our NewQoods, Aug--8- 8

done by



Co.'afrom N. Y. I - .

ruleB , 0,858,501And a "loose, of

the proposebe a public with up

who doubts power copefor be


J.lm Lifu for





hue Executor


10, ai)7

33 ax m: it-w- wjhxtjhR -- o- SAILOR -- o- HATS




acific Hardware Co., Ud,xJ'orr.r H'ICIQ'.L Honolulu.


llHr4liifiyw .Mil$kMi'WS?&M tvLLi!iimx'h

if ??VJ

' "jBjWWl- -" v r ' f

, .WWWIlHiillWfillilTT7'fiiii ' MmfMmmsm

A? Notice to Sportsmen I HOL.LISTER w, iWftftlrtuuuauiu

fltafttunlti'iimmmt uuniy

F,,,Uj. Austrian Ml Bmm



Xfbrpoiwo JLa.e Iootros ! Rsliocs,'(. Guaranteed Waterproof. New mlditiwis constantly being made

to oui Large Stock of

Ladies and Gents Fine Goods.

The Manufacturers' Shoa Co.. 08 Hotel St.

Tolcphono 240.- - -- ''So:3"





Ill Street


By oach steamer of tho O. N tf. C. from California

fresh Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala, Fruits,

A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Alao, Jus' received u fresh line of

ticnaua Fates & JPotted Meuts S. Hottlcd Preuurvcd Frniin,Lew la & Co.'b Maltese Brand Sugar Ouroil Hims & Bacon,

New Breakfast Octeali, Orcam Oat Flakes & Oicam Wheat Flakes,Bicily Lemons & Cah. Rivorido Oranges,

Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Elc.

ap-1- 6 Satisisictioii 3 uaranteed. 87


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,BAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every Packet from tho Eastern Steles and EuropeFresh California Produce by every Stearuoi . All orders faithfully attended tound Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Rland orders eoli-cite-

Satisfaction guaranteed. PostOffic Uox Telephone No. 92 8


HAS JUSTKit Salmon Bellies, Block Codfish, Smoked Beef, Buffalo Ham &Bacon, Boxes Smoked Herring, Tins Noruwgiau Salt Herring,Mild Cal. Cheese, Atmores Mince Meat, Green Turtle Soup,Terrapin Soup, SuJ;ar Raisins, Cunants, Walnuts, Almonds,Dried Peaches, Prunes, Dates, Honey, Cereoline Flakes,

CAPE COD CKANBEKRIES,Tomato Ketchup, Cases Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peaa, Jersey

'Blue Potatoes, Ruta Bagas Turnips, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,all kinds; Choice Teas, Fiesli Apples, Saloon Pilot and MediumBread, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assortment of Canned Meats, Fruits and Oiher Groceries.

mh-9-J t&-- Leave your orders, or ring up 119. - 86

JOHNDlmond Uloclc," Noh.






p'hor lh wtp IrauaUt ft Cor to Wo -" ' Uuli't

ttX ordlnr (or bouae tltmlnj

' a iuopr thing. ry fie of It. qomiaoumotv'tiUt to ocompllib wttafactory remills In

oonrlng utt d"nlng. flirt nwisitotim a 0ret outly'of ud Ubor, which mure tuyu UUnc i

Urlat in t't. PrUcttl peopl. will iu.4tfio belt ud "an. or l10U,f

AU HruMM uvU It. hv.'.i.


--P. Rox

:- --

NOTT,OS &. CT Kiujj Street.


" Hy John saj I'm too nt a rlrl by all odda forthl hnujo. nnd bo'n right. Tho ideal K

. wbare'tbey don't ttuo BaiioUo I "

Everybody knows our old frlond


and HliTsald truly, "A well known frlond13 a troasuro." Sapollo Is a solid cako ofSoourlua Soap. Try It In houso-cleanln- g.

No, 1. Copyright. Utrcb, 1UT,

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

" Chandeliers, and Lanterns,WATER PIPE RUBBER HOSE,

-. . Keeping Goods,PITOBING, TIM,1 CDPjeER993 Sheet Iron "Work.







iiov-- 4







Per "

uiik'&JMim aeiiuui ' utfiw? a. umi

Koyal Alice"125 days from Liverpool. i


DRY GOODSLr.rg;, VwUd & Selcto 1 S',ock

FANCY GOODS,Dresden; Cites,

Mirrors,Wicker Ware, Etc.

GROCERIES,A full lino.


HU1U i

A large assortment.



Currlupc Livnipw,

Sugar &


( Filter presa


Other Varieties.


Latent Novelties.


American andPortuguese


Rock,Liverpool and

Higgin's Dairy.

Oils ! Oils !

Rolled & Rnw Linseed, Castor.

Paints & Zinc !

Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Trypans, Etc., Etc.

man i iron iCorrugated & Plain.


In all varieties.

Fence Wire !

Annealed,Galvanized Barhcd,

Patent Btccl Rarhed.

Bedsteads of Iron,CUTLERY,




Ot all varieties, always in stock.Alto,

Hay, Feed & Flour


May 7 1 HONOLULU. 1689



I k(II

1' KiwY5 JH

II ffi ;M

100 FOllTo





LADIES.Caslimero Uouqut Toilet Soap,



Eiuce Bouclie, (Dentifrice.)

General Depot, and Ketail.

mum ivieniiiiGiuriiig uo.

Carriages, Breads

Plains, LM, Wapiis

Bailies,2&j!ygjsr FOR SALE AT

All Ms of CarnageSolicited at Very

Our PATENT BREAKS originated in Honolulu by ub liave beenReduced 25 Per Centfin Pi ice.



Second Growth of White Oak Spokes,Hubs, Felloes, liinis,

Planketc, Heavy Hickojry Wagon,Single & Double Trees, Etc., Etc.



TO LET.Rooms to let,IURISUED enrnor of

Punchbowl and Ocretanitstreets, would be very convenient for asmall family. 255 Cm

FOB SALEand Premises3C01TAGES street, at a rea.

aonnblc fli;ure. Apnlv lo.T. il. JMOMSAKKAT,

Cartwright's Ulock, Merchant at.291 tf

Stables & Pasturage To Let.

17XC1SLLENT Stahlo con111 taini 13 Stalls, Cottageand 7 acres Pasture Land, on

bouth btieet, near King, foimeily occu-pied by Mr. While, piopricior of theIVdama Uus. To let on very moderatelerms. Apply to

J. E. BROWN & CO.,255 tf liSMcichant street.

EOIl SALE or LEASEand Premises atHOUE Honolulu Route

coutnins three larco and twosmall io mi- - and I14II and a large attic.Cotfige with three rooms on the pre-mises; cook and bulk house. Stahlowith three stalls nnd carriage houscjjliude and truil trees on tho premises.Apply to J. M. MONSARRAT,

Cartwrinht'i' Bloek, Merchant St.094 tf


TO purcha'o on one of thollawidian Islands 11

Tract of Land, 10,000 acrcc.f more or kbo Leave ullers

ifitWfc, vlth Htalemcntot price, Kiih;"A. S. O'l," MUM.11TIN Olllce. 287 lm


UiWAii, March U, IS68. J

ICIhiIoii Iron & lot'(iniotI(t IVorliB,Han I'r.'inclbro. '

Gi:NTi,EMr.N:--"Weh- ao used tuo ofyour Flster Prestos thisseason. They me convenient, c.i-ll- y

hauilh'd and 1110 woikltigcntliely to oursatifaetlou, I cm lecommetid no

on themVeiy espeo'fullv youis,

(Hgued) A. MOORE,lan.iger l'aauhnu Plautation.

These Ptoses 1110 niado exlra hiavyfor hlph picsMiies, otoupy a iloorBpaco M feet by 1 f et. and piesent nllltfiliig Mil face of 240i(iiaro loot.

A lini'ted nuinbiu in stock in Hono-lulu und me sold at very low prico3.

EisiJoa Iron & L-c- i. Works,San Fiauclteo.

trie Vov part'euhus enqulie ofJOHN DYER, Honolulu,

Hoom No. a Block.2250 tf W. G.lnvin & Co., Aseut,






Bouquet Perfume,

Toilet Water. Jf? Jnk

Etc., Etc., Etc.


I Wagon RepairingLow Prices.

Sicam Works, Sunny South,

Tele: Bell 186.

D.jiot, 2B Merchant Sircct.

Tele.: Bell 172, Mutual 360



Modem SIseliinory.

Pntcut ;inmi Vnlvc BottlcM


Tho only apparatus using Purified Car.bouic Acid Gns, making

high class

Tahiti Lemonade,

Apollinari8 Water,

Croam Soda,

Ginger Als,

Hop Ala,.

Grenadine, Eto , 1

And Pure, Strong Effervescing



Note. Emplv Bottles to bo rt'lurnodprior lo no'v orders bi ing ovcoutfd.

SsS"Crde s deliv(red to any part ofthe city, Jsluud orders solicited, 88 tf


Arrive at Honolulu:

Australia AuguBl 23Mariposa, August HI

Australia September 20Koulundiii September 28Australia October 18Alameda October 20Austfilm No ember 15

Leave Honolulu:

Zealnndia August 24Australia August 30Alameda September 21Austialia September 27Mmipooa October 19Australia October zoZeitlundiu No umber 10Aubti.ilin November 22Alameda December 14

'.'IB tf


MRS. MONUOU, ladies' nurse, hasiomoud to No. 3, Kukui luiic

Fcb.14.8D F

New Zealand Jams 1

received a consignment of NewJUST .lumf, .lisorled cases. Forsale at low prirp liv

J. E. BROWN & CO.,'227 tf '26 Merchant street.

DKvv oii" Sang-- ,

Manufacturer of

Ladies' & Gentlemen's Boots & Shoes,

A'o. SO Xtiuami Ht ,

All work guaranteed. Lowest prices.The very bc leather kept on hand.

2H3 Urn


its Merchant Ht., Honolulu, II.I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Sole Agents for the Burlington RouteAcross America, and to the Azores.

Sole Audits for Pitt & bcotl's ForeignParcels Express & General ShippingAgency.

Sole Agents for Sunny South AeratedWaters.

Sole Agents for Masclleld Bros.' NowZealand Mullet and Cauiicd Goods.

Special Agents for Leading Nt w Zcl.inu and Aus rulbn Mercantile Firms

Special AguiU ior the Ualiforniu LandAbociution.

Sporial Agents for the Honolulu Business Directory.

Also, Oilier Spucial Agencies,

BaS Customb' Entries Patsed. Propcities Managed. Assignees and Auditois' Work Uoiie promptly. House;Leased and Rents Collected.

New Business SolicitedBell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 3G0.Dec-- , Pott OKice Box 4G9. 88-- lj

l. O. Uox Uffl. --ffin3- Moll Tele. 7J.

Hawaiian Business Agency

Corner Fort & Merchant Streets,Honolulu, 11. 1.

GENERAL AGENTS.Accountants & Collectors


Hawaiian Bell Telephone So.

Manager of Advoitisinr; Departmentyou TUE


Collections will recolvo special attcn-lio- n

nnd returns promptly made.RoalEstato bought, sold and leased.Taxes Paid and prepeiiysnftly iuviircdHouses, Cottages, Itooms and Offices,

ltaed and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Lite Insurance ofTcctcd in first,

class Insurance Companies.Convoyancing a Specially Records

searched and correct Abstracts of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documonts and Papers of everydescription carefully drawn and handsoniely engrossed.

Copying and Translating in nil languagein ueucial Uhc in this Kingdom.

Custom Houso Business transacted withnrcuracy ami dUpatrh.

Loans negotiated at favorable rales.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and

rold.Advertisements end Subscriptions soli

cited for publlslieis.Skilled and Unskilled Labor furnished.Any Artlclo purchased or s ld.Inter-Islan- d Orders "ill recoive parti'

culnr attention.To Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Cot-

tages in desirable localities at reasonablerenl ills,

Several Valuablo Properties in nndaround the city now for sale and leiueon easy terms.

iQyAll business entrusted to our carewill receive prompt and faithful atten-tion at rnoderitip harirc Fob-- 4 8!

mHE ONLY LIVE PAPER ofJL Honolulu-'T- he Uul ly Rullttlu."

60 conti ptr month,

FOR SAN FKAKCXSCO,Tho new and flue Al steel steamship

" Zealandia."Of the Oceanic Steamship Compart', wll

bo due at Honolulu nom Sydneyand Aucklnud on or about

August 24, 1889.And nill leave for tho above port withmails nnd passengers on or about thutdate.

For freight or passage, having BU.PERIOn ACCOMMODATION B.annlyto

W1L Q. LUTEIN & CO., Ajjcnte.

For, Sydney and Auckland

Tho new and lino Al sttel Rtef.nhlpi& Mariposa,"

Of the Oceanic Sttnmshtp Company, wtlbo duo at Honolulu from Sau

FrancUco on or about

August 31, 1889.And will have prompt difpatch wllumailB and passengers for tho abovo ports

For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applytoV WM. Q. LaWIN & CO., ARenta

.P. SiPhotographer ,


Printing Done tor Amateurs,Cabinets $6 a Doz. Work Guaranteed.

BSy- - Entrance on Fort Street. a122 tf

UUJJ && UUbj

U King st. u m slTPaImporters of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMovtd witli Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

CORNICE POLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CKAERS TO RENT.iipr-1- 0 8S

The Beautiful Scasido Resort at Wai- -

kikl (formerly the residence of Col.G. W. Mecfarlane), known sb

--the-Park Beach Hotel

FJhJL' Tjjsrr ffirABrS

The Premises consist of

A Rftain Building,Containing a

Lanal 40x40, Dlnlcg Room, Pantry,

Kitchen & 6 Bedrooms,

All partially furnished.

One' 33viiiliiigContaining

Bowling Alley, Billiard Room and 3

Xiarso Bedrooms.

One Cottage,With

2 Large Bedrooms & Dressing Rooms.

One Building-o- beach,Containing

Bath Houses, Wash Rooms, Etc.

Largo and Commodious

Stables vith. Carriage House,

Upper FIc or fitted vlth Largo AiryRooms, suitable foi scrvuuts.

etc., etc. There aro

Large & Well-laid-o-ut Grounds,

Connecle 1 with thu Premises on whicheoiild he erected cottages for visitors

the placo be ronvcrted into ahotel, for which it isoilipirably adapted,Ihq Ilniliiutr facilitio tnuul the bestalone; the line of beach.

will ho leaned fora term of years to responsible parties.For further particulars apply to


f?" Srainpfiojlil Gas Mnrhino Ison u uud iho pipes lead Intoall tho abovo Uuildiugi. apr-M-

J - ta c j( - ,, rrfrf.3iVv




- i

