group drama presentation

着着 OST 着着着着着 Business Plan OST BOX http://ostboxdev.devcloud.acquia-sites

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Post on 19-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Business Plan OST BOX

2. OST Hello, Discover Define Develop Deliver Financial Plan 3. OST Discover Define Develop Deliver Double Diamond Model 4. OST Discover Broken Experience[1]OST 5. OST Discover Broken Experience Many people are searching OST 6. OST OSTs are not easy to search Discover Broken Experience 7. OST [2]OST Define Broken Experience 8. OST 1 2 Interest Search 3 Music website Search engine Listen Share 4 Music website Define Broken Experience1 Forum 9. OST 1 2 Interest Search Listen Share Define Fixed Experience2 3 by title, scene description, timing, lyrics.anything you have known about an OST 10. OST Define Market Needs & Target Audience 2 Search Trend Growing Needs KeywordsOST Audience Character Young, Big Cities, KeywordsAge/Gender/City Target Audience Young, Mainland China, Drama & Music Fan College Students/People at work 11. OST Define Competitors2 12. OST Define Technology Feasibility 2 CMS Database 13. OST Linear Experience Large Market Needs High OST oriented Comprehensive Info CMS Database Define2 14. OST [3]OST Develop Solution 15. OST 2 Develop Information Architecture: Card Sorting 16. OST OST A AOST OST a B BOST OST b OST OST OST OST Develop Information Architecture3 17. OST Develop Wireframe 3 18. OST Develop Paper Prototype 3 19. OST Develop Usability Test 3 Three sessions 1st: 2 participants 2nd:3 participants 3rd: 2 participants Tasks TaskA1: What you could know based on Homepage? TaskA2: find one OST named XX which appears in Episode One. TaskA3: Find and listen to the sound track that appears at the XX minutes of S01e03. TaskA4: Find the theme song of XXX. 20. OST Develop Usability Test 3 Findings e.g. Make comments; revise homepage; put search bar in an obvious position. 21. OST Business Model Canvas OST website Key Partners SUPPLIERS MUSIC LINKS: Xiami VIDEO LINKS: Youtube Youku IQIYI Key Activities Problem solving: OST information database Forum Maintenance updates Platform: loyal visitors Value Propositions Customer Relationships OST search engine Customer Segments 18~29 years old, Mainland CHINA Key Resources Intellectual resources: Database Channels SEARCH ENGINES + SNS + WORD OF MOUTH NOW: raise awareness by answer questions about OST on Weibo Wechat Cost Structure ( value-driven) Website maintenance + SEM Build the website The most expensive: copyright Revenue Streams display advertising 22. OST [4]OST Deliver Solution 23. OST 4 Deliver Launch 24. OST 4 Deliver promotion video 25. OST 26. OST Social Media Marketing Sina Weibo Wechat public platform 4 27. OST 4 Deliver Audience Overview 28. OST 4 Deliver Demographics 29. OST 4 Deliver Traffic (2014.4.7) 30. OST 4 Deliver Visitors Flow (2014.4.7) 31. OST [5]OST Financial Plan Future 32. OST 4 Financial Plan Cost 33. OST 5 Financial Plan Revenue 34. OST 5 Financial Plan Source: GoogleAdsene Click rate Total click rate 2 1000 2000 (2*1000) (x5) 2 500 5000 (5*2*500) (x10) 1 200 10000 (5*10*200) (x50) 2 20 40000 (20*50*20) 57000 =5.7 * 20 =114 (per day) 114*30=3420/ month 35. OST year 1 year Cost Cost Revenue Hosting + Domain Name + Website Design (including programmer) =15062.52HK$ 12063.80RMB (2years) Promotion:SEM(google keywords:10yuan/day, Baidu:30yuan/day for 6 months) =7,200RMB Advertisement 1st and 2nd quarter: 3000*6 3rd and 4th quarter:3420*6 Total: 38,520RMB logo design =120RMB Promotion Video =5,000RMB trade mark registration =2,000RMB Social Media management Marketing: looking for advertisement Backstage management: provide content for other dramas (Done by ourselves, no cost) Sub total cost: 14,183 Sub total cost: 12,200 Total Cost: 26,383RMB Total Revenue: 38,520RMB Design Launch 05/2014 01/2015 01/2016 36. OST For 1.5 year, there are 6 seasons, so it is estimated growth rate is 7.5% every quarter of a year. However, after considering the inflation rate, GDP growth rate, we estimate the discount rate is 2% 5 Financial Plan % of ROI =Revenue-Costs/Costs * 100 =38,520-26,383/ 26,383 * 100 (Net profit=12,137) =46% NPV NPV=9398.12 37. OST THANK YOU BYE