handling personal information

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Handling Personal Information. Unit 2. Reading and Writing. 高等教育出版社 高等教育电子音像出版社. 1. Getting Things Ready. 2. 3. Things to Do. Things to Write. Unit 2 Handling Personal Information. 4. More Things to Do. next. Section 1 Getting Things Ready. In this unit, you will learn to. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Handling Personal Information


Handling Personal InformationHandling Personal Information Handling Personal InformationHandling Personal Information

Reading and WritingReading and WritingReading and WritingReading and Writing

高等教育出版社 高等教育电子音像出版社

Page 2: Handling Personal Information

Unit 2 Handling Personal Information

Getting Things Ready1

Things to Do2

Things to Write3

More Things to Do4

Page 3: Handling Personal Information

Section 1 Getting Things Ready

understand personal information through reading

fill out personal information forms

write about personal information

In this unit, you will learn to


Page 4: Handling Personal Information

Section 1 Getting Things Ready

blog [] n. 博客;网络日志lie [] v. 位于fresh [] a. 新鲜的active [] a. 积极的attitude [] n. 态度skyscraper [] n. 摩天大楼romantic [] a. 浪漫的,罗曼蒂克的delicious [] a. 美味的,味道好的comfortable [] a. 舒服的,舒适的surf [] vt. 在…冲浪


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Section 1 Getting Things Ready


update [] vt. 更新dreamland [] n. 梦境,梦乡remark [] n. 评论;留言be known as 以…著称,以…闻名on one’s own 独自地,独立地make use of 利用search for 寻找,查找South China 中国南方South China Vocational College 南方职业技术学院Time and tide wait for no man. [ 英谚 ] 时不我待

Page 6: Handling Personal Information

Activity 2: Read the passage in Section 2 and complete the following paragraph.

Section 1 Getting Things Ready

Liu Ming is a boy aged 18. He comes from a small 1._______ in South China. Now, he’s studying 2.______________ at South China Vocational College. He wishes to become a computer engineer after graduation. He likes his 3. ________ though it’s different from his life in the high school. He has an active 4. _______ towards life and has many interests. He spends much time writing and updating his blog. It’s like his second 5.______, he says.


computer science

college life




Page 7: Handling Personal Information

Section 2 Things to Do

Things to Do

Activity Two

Listen and Write Read and Think

Activity One

Related Information


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Section 2 Things to Do

Personal information is any information or opinion about an identifiable person. This could include: written records about a person a photograph or image of a person fingerprints or DNA samples that identify a

person information about a person that is not written

down, but which is in the possession or control

of the agency.

Related Information:

Page 9: Handling Personal Information

Section 2 Things to Do

There are some exemptions from the definition of personal information. For example:

personal information does not include information about a person who has been dead for 30 or more years

personal information does not include various classes of information used for specific purposes or in specific contexts.


Page 10: Handling Personal Information

search for search for

make good use of make good use of

be known as be known as

update update

comfortable comfortable

delicious delicious

romatice romatice

experience experience

active active

Section 2 Things to Do



Activity One Listen and Write

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Section 2 Things to Do

Question 3 Do you have your own blog? Why or why not?

Question 2 What impresses you most after reading it?

Question 1What kind of person do you think you are going to read about?


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Read and Think

About Myself

Hi, everyone! Welcome to my blog. Let me make a short introduction to myself. I’m a boy aged 18. I come from a small village in South China. Though it is small, it is very beautiful. It lies by a small river. The air is fresh and the water is so clear that you can see lots of fish swimming in the river. There’re many rice fields around. So it is known as the “land of rice and fish”.


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Read and Think

Now, I’m studying computer science at South China Vocational College. I wish to become a computer engineer after graduation. I like my college life. It’s so different from life in the high school. After class you are all on your own. There’s nobody to tell you what to do. So you need to plan your time well so that you don’t waste it. All my classmates study hard, for we know that “Time and tide wait for no man”. We must make good use of the time to learn more.

words sentences

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Read and Think

I have an active attitude towards life. There are many things I’d like to do, to see, and to experience. I like to read; I like to write. I like to think; I like to dream. I like flowers in spring, rain in summer, leaves in autumn, and snow in winter. I like the skyscrapers in big cities; I like the green fields in the country. I like good books and romantic movies. I like delicious food and comfortable shoes…But I spend most of my spare time surfing the Internet to search for useful information. I also spend time writing and updating my blog. It’s like my second home, my dreamland.

words sentences

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Read and Think

This is me, Liu Ming. Thanks very much for visiting my blog! Your remarks will be most welcome! (300 words)



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Read and Think

Task 1 Test your problem-solving ability.

Find out the origin of the word “blog”.


中文“博客”一词,源于英文单词 Blog/Blogger 。 Blog ,是 Weblog 的简称。 Weblog ,其实是Web 和 Log 的组合词。 Web 指互联网; Log 的原义则是“航海日志”,后指任何类型的流水记录。合在一起来理解, Weblog 就是在网络上的一种流水记录形式或者简称“网络日志”。撰写这些 Weblog 或 Blog 的人就叫做 Blogger 或 Blog writer 。

Page 17: Handling Personal Information

Read and Think

Task 2 Tell whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True and F for False.

1. This passage is taken from Liu Ming’s blog.

2. Liu Ming majors in computer science at a vocational college.

3. Liu Ming finds his life at college not much different from his high school life.





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Read and Think

4. Liu Ming is an active young man full of dreams.

5. Liu Ming spends most of his spare time reading books and watching movies.

6. Liu Ming wishes his visitors would leave their remarks in his blog.




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Read and Think

Task 3 Give brief answers to the following questions.

1. What does Liu Ming’s home village look like? It’s small, but beautiful. The air is fresh and the

water is clear. It’s known as the “Land of rice and fish”.

2. What does Liu Ming want to do after graduation? He wants to be a computer engineer.


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Read and Think

3. In what way is Liu Ming’s college life different from his life at middle school?

In the college, there’s nobody to tell him what to do. He has to plan his time well. He is independent.

4. What kind of attitude does Liu Ming have towards life? And why?

He has an active attitude towards life, because there’re many things he likes to do.


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Read and Think

5. What does Liu Ming compare his blog to? It’s his second home, his dreamland.

6. Do you have your own blog? Why or why not? Open.


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Read and Think

Task 4 Match A with B. A B1. 来自于 a. computer science 2. 空余时间 b. spare time 3. 计划时间 c. different from 4. 简介 d. college life 5. 美味佳肴 e. South China 6. 计算机科学 f. a short introduction 7. 积极的态度 g. come from 8. 不同于 h. plan the time 9. 大学生活 i. active attitude 10. 中国南方 j. delicious food









9-d 10-enext

Page 23: Handling Personal Information

Read and Think

Task 5 Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Change the form where necessary.

1. Our college __________ at the foot of a beautiful mountain. 2. The government of that mountainous area

___________________ the local resources to develop the local economy.

3. The police ___________________ the run-away everywhere in the area.

4. The Yellow River _____________ the Mother River of China.

lie be known as on one’s own make good use of delicious search for update experience romantic surf


is making good use of

are searching for

be known as

Page 24: Handling Personal Information

Read and Think

5. Most of the information on the company’s website has to __________.

6. I prefer __________ stories to historical ones.7. China ______________ great social and economic

changes in the last thirty years.8. This kind of bean-curd smells awful but tastes

__________.9. He spends most of his spare time __________ the

Internet.10. Mr. Brown is an independent person and likes to

live __________.

be updated


has experienced



on his own


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Section 3 Things to Write

Things to Write

Activity Two: Applied Writing

My Self-introduction Personal information

Activity One: Task-based Writing


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Section 3 Things to Write

Activity One: Task-based Writing

My S



My S



Task 1 Study the following tips for writing.

Task 2 Study the following language for writing.

Task 3 Study the following model for witing.

Task 4 Write a self-introduction


Page 27: Handling Personal Information

Section 3 Things to Write

Task 1 Study the following tips for writing. When writing about your personal information, say an intro

duction to yourself, you should include the following:1. Personal details: name, age, birthplace, how to contact you, a

nd so on.2. Educational background: schools attended, subjects studied.3. Work experience: employer(s), positions (duties) and the

dates.4. Special skills and interests, hobbies, awards.5. Any other information you think necessary for others to know.


Page 28: Handling Personal Information

Section 3 Things to Write

Words and phrases: be born in (on) 出生于 bring up 抚养grow up 长大go to primary/middle/high school 上小学 / 中学 / 高中at the age of 在…岁的时候 in my childhood 在童年时候in the early years of 在…的早期 be keen on 非常喜欢be crazy about 对…狂热life experience/goal 生活经验 / 目标life-long persuit 终身追求make contributions to 为…做出贡献

Task 2 Study the following language for writing.

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Section 3 Things to Write

Sentence patterns: I was born and brought up in a small village in the north

of Guangdong.I wish to be a lawyer after graduation.My motto is: Live and learn.I am easy-going and have a pleasant personality.I have a strong sense of responsibility.My favorite sport is playing football.I prefer pop music to classical music.


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Section 3 Things to Write

Task 3 Study the following model for witing.

My College Plan I’m a boy aged 21, from the northwest of Guangdong. Now, I’m a law major studying at a vocational college. I will make a lawyer three years to come. In my free time, I prefer to be in causal clothes. I’m good at playing basketball. I get along very well with all my classmates and roommates. Sometimes, I will surf the Internet searching for useful information. I am also keeping a personal blog. I spend lots of time updating it, so I have many visitors. I have joined an association called English Speaking and Writing. I’m the only boy there. All the girls like to talk to me. So this is me, Yao Qili.


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Section 3 Things to Write

Activitiy 2 Applied Writing

Task 1 Look at the words.nationality district code

details [5di:teilz] n. 详细资料surname / 5sE:neim] n. 姓,姓氏township [5taJnFip] n. 镇区province [5prCvins] n. 省post code 邮政编码emergency [i5mE:dVnsi] n. 紧急情况diploma [di5plEumE] n. 文凭 , 毕业证书degree [di5^ri:] n. 学位 , 地位 , 身份

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Section 3 Things to Write

employment [im5plCimEnt] n. 工作 , 职业 , 雇用 employer [im5plCiE] n. 雇主 , 老板mother tongue [tQN] 母语NMET : National Matriculation English Test ( 全国普通高等学

校招生统一考试(高考)英语测试 )CET-4: College English Test ( 大学英语四级考试 )award [E5wC:d] n. 奖 , 奖品voluntary [5vRlEntEri] adj. 志愿的 , 非官办的 , 自发的declare [di5klZE] vt. 声明 , 宣布 , 宣称complete [kEm5pli:t] adj. 全部的 , 完全的 , 完成的vt. 完成 , 使完善signature [5si^nitFE] n. 签名 , 署名to the best of one’s knowledge/ability 就…所知 / 能


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Section 3 Things to Write

1 Personal Details

Surname/Family Name: First/Given Name(s):

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY): Nationality:

Marital Status: Married [ ] Single [ ] Sex: Male [ ] Female [ ]

Home Address:






Post Code: Tel (area code):

E-mail: Mobile Phone:

Mailing Address (if different):

Emergency Contact:

Name: Relationship: (Mobile) Phone:

Mailing Address:

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Section 3 Things to Write

2 Education

Schools attended:

Name: Dates (from/to): Diploma/Degree


3 Employment Details (Part-time Jobs)

Present and past employers:

Position held: Date (from/to):


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Section 3 Things to Write

4 Languages

Native language/Mother Tongue:

English Level:

NMET Score: CET-4 Score: Other Tests:

Other Language(s):

5 Special Skills / Interests and Awards

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Section 3 Things to Write

6 Special Activities

Please advise if you are supporting any social, political or voluntary organisations and if you are a member of a club (sports, music, literature, etc.)

Name of organization/club:

Position held: Date (from/to):



What's your career plan after graduation in 2~3 years?

I declare that the information given above is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.

 Signature: Date:


Page 37: Handling Personal Information

Section 3 Things to Write

1 Personal Details

Surname/Family Name: Liu First/Given Name(s): Ming

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY): 1 8 / 0 6 / 9 0 Nationality: Chinese

Marital Status: Married [ ] Single [√] Sex: Male [√] Female [ ]

Home Address:

Street/Village: 500 Bin Jiang Road

District/Township: Hai Zhu

City/County: Guangzhou

Province/State: Guangdong

Country: P. R. China

Post Code: 500230 Tel (area code): 020

E-mail: [email protected] Mobile Phone: 12345678900

Mailing Address (if different):

Mailbox 123, Xin Gang Rd, Guangzhou 510220, China

Emergency Contact:

Name: Liu Qiang Relationship: Father (Mobile) Phone: 13567890000

Mailing Address:

Mail box 100, Qian Jin Rd, Guangzhou 510000, China

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Section 3 Things to Write

2 Education

Schools attended:

Name: Dates (from/to): Diploma/Degree

Guang Ming Primary School 01/ 09 / 96—25 / 06 / 02 Primary School Diploma

Da Zhong Junior High School 01/ 09 / 02—20 / 06 / 05 Junior High Diploma

Yue Jin Senior High School 01/ 09 / 05—15 / 06 / 08 Senior High Diploma


3 Employment Details (Part-time Jobs)

Present and past employers:

Position held: Date (from/to):

McDonald’s Waiter 25 / 07 / 05—25 / 08 / 05

Guangzhou Daily Deliverer 10 / 07 / 06—20 / 08 / 06


Page 39: Handling Personal Information

Section 3 Things to Write

4 Languages

Native language/Mother Tongue:

Chinese (Mandarin)

English Level:

NMET Score: 128 CET-4 Score: Other Tests:

Other Language(s):


5 Special Skills / Interests and Awards

sports, music, reading

Won school first-class award for swimming, 2006.

Won school third-class prize for English Speaking Contest, 2007.

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Section 3 Things to Write

6 Special Activities

Please advise if you are supporting any social, political or voluntary organisations and if you are a member of a club (sports, music, literature, etc.)

Name of organization/club:

Position held: Date (from/to):

College Basketball Association

Team Leader 05 / 09 / 08 —



What's your career plan after graduation in 2~3 years?

Computer technician in a big firm

Open a store selling computer supplies

I declare that the information given above is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Signature: Liu Ming Date: 10, 09, 08


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Section 4 More Things to Do

More Things to Do

Activity Two:

Reading More Focus on Grammar

Activity One:


Page 42: Handling Personal Information

Task 1 Read the passage and fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the box below.

An Introduction to Myself

I am a 19-year-old male college student majoring in IT. My name is Liu Wenbin, but my friends gave me a nick name “Longman”just 1__________ I am over 190 centimeters ( 厘米 ) tall. To be honest, I am not quite happy about it, but I can 2 __________ about it.

Section 4 More Things to Do

provide because eager to belongs to football support by myself matches favorite such as

do nothing is interested in languages


do nothing

Page 43: Handling Personal Information

Section 4 More Things to Do

My hometown is Lishui County ( 县 ) which 3 __________ Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu Province ( 省 ). All my family members are living there, my parents and a younger sister. My parents work very hard in order to 4 __________ me and my sister at school.

I love learning 5 __________ and history. My first foreign language is English and my second foreign language is Spanish. Now I am studying French 6 __________. My great goal is to learn all the European languages before I will be put in the coffin ( 棺材 ).

As I mentioned above, yes, I love history. I am very professional ( 专业的 ) at ancient Chinese history and I am 7 __________ eager to learn ancient European history.

belongs to

by myself

eager to



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Section 4 More Things to Do

I am a super ( 超级的 ) football fan and my 8 __________ player is Beckham. I love watching World Cup events. I am also an extra-curricular ( 课外 ) football player. I play left-wing back. I am on the college football team and we often have 9 __________ with other colleges. So far we have never been beaten.

Besides football, I also love reading. In my daily life, I like reading made-up ( 编造的 ) stories, 10 __________ The Lord of the Rings ( 指环王 ) and Harry Potter. Meanwhile I love watching English movies very much.

Anyone who 11 ___________________ me and wants to contact with me, please add my QQ number: 222228888.



such as

is interested in

Page 45: Handling Personal Information

Section 4 More Things to Do

Task 2 Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1. Liu’s major at the college is __________.

A) history

B) languages


D) French

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Section 4 More Things to Do

2. His friends call him “Longman” because __________.

A) he is so tall

B) he is so fond of football

C) he doesn’t like it

D) he speaks good English

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Section 4 More Things to Do

3. One of his life goals is to ___________.

A) be good at Chinese

B) study all the European languages

C) play football as well as Beckham

D) read all the made-up stories

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Section 4 More Things to Do

4. The word “beaten” is paragraph 5 most probably means _________.

A) hit

B) bitten

C) stricken

D) defeated

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Section 4 More Things to Do

5. From the passage we know that Liu is __________.

A) an active young man

B) a dull person

C) a strange student

D) a well-known football player


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Read and Think

About Myself

Hi, everyone! Welcome to my blog. Let me make a short introduction to myself. I’m a boy aged 18. I come from a small village in South China. Though it is small, it is very beautiful. It lies by a small river. The air is fresh and the water is so clear that you can see lots of fish swimming in the river. There’re many rice fields around. So it is known as the “land of rice and fish”.


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Read and Think

Now, I’m studying computer science at South China Vocational College. I wish to become a computer engineer after graduation. I like my college life. It’s so different from life in the high school. After class you are all on your own. There’s nobody to tell you what to do. So you need to plan your time well so that you don’t waste it. All my classmates study hard, for we know that “Time and tide wait for no man”. We must make good use of the time to learn more.


Page 52: Handling Personal Information

Read and Think

Now, I’m studying computer science at South China Vocational College. I wish to become a computer engineer after graduation. I like my college life. It’s so different from life in the high school. After class you are all on your own. There’s nobody to tell you what to do. So you need to plan your time well so that you don’t waste it. All my classmates study hard, for we know that “Time and tide wait for no man”. We must make good use of the time to learn more.


Page 53: Handling Personal Information

Read and Think

I have an active attitude towards life. There are many things I’d like to do, to see, and to experience. I like to read; I like to write. I like to think; I like to dream. I like flowers in spring, rain in summer, leaves in autumn, and snow in winter. I like the skyscrapers in big cities; I like the green fields in the country. I like good books and romantic movies. I like delicious food and comfortable shoes…But I spend most of my spare time surfing the Internet to search for useful information. I also spend time writing and updating my blog. It’s like my second home, my dreamland.


Page 54: Handling Personal Information

Read and Think

I have an active attitude towards life. There are many things I’d like to do, to see, and to experience. I like to read; I like to write. I like to think; I like to dream. I like flowers in spring, rain in summer, leaves in autumn, and snow in winter. I like the skyscrapers in big cities; I like the green fields in the country. I like good books and romantic movies. I like delicious food and comfortable shoes…But I spend most of my spare time surfing the Internet to search for useful information. I also spend time writing and updating my blog. It’s like my second home, my dreamland.


Page 55: Handling Personal Information

Language Study

Though it is small, it is very beautiful.

Though here introduces an adverbial clause of concession meaning 尽管 ,虽然 .

For Example:

I don't know him well though I've known him for a long time. 我对他并不了解,虽然我认识他已经很长时间了。

I will try it, though I may fail. 即使我可能失败 , 我也要试一下。


Page 56: Handling Personal Information

Language Study

The air is fresh and the water is so clear that you can see lots of fish swimming in the river.

so...that.. here is used to express result meaning 太 ( 如此 )… 以至于… .

For Example:She ate so much food that she almost got sick. 她吃了太多的食物,几乎要吐了。

I saw so many new things that I couldn’t remember them all. 我看到太多的新事物,以至如不能全记住。


Page 57: Handling Personal Information

Language Study

So it is known as the “land of rice and fish”.

be known as: be generally recognized as 作为 ---而出名;被称为,被认为是

For Example: Samuel Clemens, who was known as Mark Twain, became a fa

mous American writer.

塞缪斯 · 克莱门斯,以马克 ·吐温知名,成了美国名作家。He is known as a great singer. 他被认为是最出色的歌手。“land of rice and fish” means 鱼米之乡 in Chinese.


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Language Study

So you need to plan your time well so that you don’t waste it.

“so that” in this sentence introduces an adverbial clause of purpose meaning 以便,为使 .

So that: 以便,为使;所以,因此 For Example:I want to leave now so that I won’t be late. 我现在就走,以便不致迟到。

She took no notice of him, so that he flew into a range. 她没理他,所以他大发雷霆。


Page 59: Handling Personal Information

Language Study

All my classmates study hard, for we know that “Time and tide wait for no man”.

for: conj. 因为 For Example:

He shook his head, for he thought differently. 他摇摇头,因为他的想法与此不同。

The old lady doesn’t go out in the winter for she feels the cold a great deal. 这个老太太冬天不出门,因为她特别怕冷。


Page 60: Handling Personal Information

Language Study

active: adj. 积极的 , 活跃的 For Example:

We should take an active part in extracurricular activities. 我们应该积极参加课外活动。

He is an active member of the school's stamp club. 他是学校集邮俱乐部的一名活跃会员。


Page 61: Handling Personal Information

Language Study

attitude: n. a state of mind or a feeling; 态度 ,看法 For Example:

As you get older your attitude towards death changes. 人随著年龄的增长,对死亡的看法也会有所改变。

It's not his work that bothers me; it's his attitude.



Page 62: Handling Personal Information

Language Study

delicious: a. 可口的 , 美味的 For Example:

I like the delicious salad of crisp lettuce and tomatos. 我喜欢这种脆莴苣和番茄做的沙拉,很好吃。

She can produce delicious meal from very simple ingredients. 她能用简单配料烹调出美味的饭菜。


Page 63: Handling Personal Information

Language Study

comfortable: a. 舒适的 For Example:

Were it not for science, we could not live a comfortable live. 若非科学,我们无法过着舒适的生活。

I won't be comfortable until I know what happened. 我只有知道发生了什么事后,才会放下心来。


Page 64: Handling Personal Information

Language Study

I also spend time writing and updating my blog.spend time doing sth.: 花时间做…For Example:Never will you be able to truly learn English well if you only spend ti

me doing exercises. 如果你把时间只花在做练习方面,你将永远也不能真正学好英语。

He has spent his life writing this book. 他花了一生时间写这本书。update: v. 更新 , 补充最新资料 For Example: The feedback from the computer enables us to update the program.

计算机的反馈能使我们更新程序 . They update their blog every day. 他们每天都会更新他们的博客。


Page 65: Handling Personal Information

Language Study

make use of: take advantage of 利用 For Example: We will make good use of our time. 我们将好好利用

我们的时间。 She made good use of her time there by learning the la

nguage. 她充分利用了在那里的时间来学习语言。


Page 66: Handling Personal Information

Language Study

search for : look through/into 寻找 For Example: Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common

cold. 科学家仍在寻求治疗感冒的方法。 Everyone should continue to search for the truth. 每个人都应该不断的追求真理。


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关于自己 嗨,大家好!欢迎访问我的博客。首先让我介绍一下我自己。我 18 岁,男。来自中国南方的一个小村子。村子虽小,但很美丽。它位于一条小河。那里空气很新鲜 , 水是如此清澈 ,你可以看到很多的鱼在河里游泳。村子周围是稻田。这就是众所周知的“鱼米之乡”。 现在 , 我在中国南方职业技术学院学习计算机科学。毕业后我想成为一名计算机工程师。我喜欢我的大学生活。它与高中生活十分不同。下课后你都是靠自己了。没有人告诉你该做什么。所以你需要计划好你的时间 , 以便你不会浪费时间。我的同学都很用功 , 因为我们知道“时间不等人”。我们必须好好利用时间来学习更多的知识。


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我有着积极的人生态度。有很多事情我想做、去看、去体验。我喜欢读书、写作。我爱思考 , 喜欢做梦。我喜欢春天的花、夏天的雨水 , 秋天的叶子 , 冬天的雪。我喜欢大城市里的摩天大楼 , 我喜欢绿色的田野。我喜欢好书和浪漫的电影。我喜欢美味的食物和舒适的鞋子。我的大部分业余时间上网去寻找有用的信息。我也花时间写作和更新博客。它就像我的第二故乡 , 我的梦之乡。 这就是我 , 刘名。非常感谢你来浏览我的博客 ! 欢迎你留言 !


Page 69: Handling Personal Information

Focus on Grammar

Task 1Study the following English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences into English.

1) There are five people in my family. They all love each other.

我们班有 30个学生。他们都来自南方。 There are 30 students in our class. They are all from the south.

2) There is a boy next door singing an English song.

教室里有许多学生在做练习。 There are many students in the classroom doing exercises.

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Focus on Grammar

3) There are a lot of cars running along the road. 有许多行人 (pedestrian) 在过马路。There are many pedestrians crossing the streets. 4) There is a book and two pencils on the desk. 墙上有一幅地图和两幅图画。There is a map and two pictures on the wall. 5) There are three workers in the workshop. They are running th

e machines. 花园里有一些人在浇花。There are some people in the garden. They are watering flowe

rs./There are some people watering flowers in the garden.

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Focus on Grammar

Task 2 Correct the errors in the following sentences.

1 There has some water in the glass.has-is

2 There are always some people talk in class.talk-talking/who talk

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Focus on Grammar

3 The town has many shops now.There are many shops in the town now.

4 On the wall has a picture of his family.has-there is

5 There is two birds sing happily in the tree. is-are; sing-singing


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Career EnglishCareer English Career EnglishCareer English