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  • 7/29/2019 Hidayat Al-Mutallimin Bodl. MS





    -&H-F . . I * : * : L i j ! z -

    HIDAYAT a1-MUTAALLIMIN FI al-TrBB .(script478A.H./1085 A.D.)

    . . . - . , : ^ @ s 1 . H ; 4 4 . - g e > r " * . . . - .

    ByAbu Bakr Rabi" b. Ahmad al-Akhawaini al-Bokhari

    facsimile edition from Mss, No. Pbrs.c. 37 of Bodleian Library, Oxford)

    ' : ' ' - '::1-ttlo.ltofs

    Iraj Afshat, Mahmud OmidsalarNader Mottalebi Kashani

    t . .


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    FOLIA MEDICA RANICASeriesPublished Under Direction of

    IrajAfsharGholam Reza Bonabi (m.d.lMahmud Omidsalar


    Commemotating the conveningof the Society for Persian Codicology underthe auspicesof the Austrian Academy of Sciences(Vienna,September2008 Mehr, 1387)

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    JL ttrh^ wouilile t" LJi""t' tk ,'1",r*h },r. Bo,*l|i fotb,{/1,.W*/Bo,*h

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    Codicological Observations on Bodleian Manuscript Pets. c. 37

    BoclleianLibrary's manuscript Pers. . 37 is the third oldest dated codex in Persian anguage. t wascopied on the first of A.rgo.t 1085 (end of the tabi" al-awwal478 AH), and we are deiighted to beubi. to present a facsimileeclition of it to the scholadycommuniry as the hrst t'olume in the seriesFoliaMedicaranica.This codexhasan nteresdnghistory.The text wascomPosed y a physicianby the nameof AbuBakrRahl b.Ahnad at-Akhatyaini l-Bokhai,whowtote it at the requestof his sonwho "vanted o useit as a textbook 6f medicine.Prot-essorMinovi has estimated he date of its composition to havebeensometimebefbre the year9S1 (AH 370).1t came nto the possession f anotherphvsicianbvthe nameof Abu T.akb,Ahioltahh.Mohannadb.Abi Zaid at-kbih in 1283(AH 682),and u'as ill in hispossessionn the year 1317 (AH 117).Two notes n AbuTaleb'shand in this manuscriptestablishthesedates.Of these the eadier,dated 23"' of July 1283 (AH 682) is part of the manuscript'scolophon F.661),and the later,dated1317(AH 717) s found on its t'irstpage, n whichAbu I:alebhas ioecified the title of the book and the name of its author. Unforrunately Aba Taleb'snote onpog. orr. of the codex has been glued o'r,er he original contents of this page.ProfessorAfshar wasthe frrst to discoverthis fearureoi the m^n rscript during his carefulphysicalexaminationof it at theBodlieanLibrarv ast year.This discoveryputs thebaselessumor of the questionable uthenticity fthe codex to rest. There is no doubt that the manuscripthas been tamperedwith; however, healteration dates from rhe man who owned it in 1283 AD and has no beadng on the date of itscopying or its authenticity.One hopes that the Bodleian Library vrould take adv^rrtage f ProfessorAfrn^ti.t important discovery,and using available echnologies, ry and determine the nature of theoriginal writing on Pageone of the codex that has beencoveredby Abu TAleb'snote'*B. that ot it ^uy, Abu Talebcollatedhis manuscriptwith another copy of the text and wrote a vastnumber of marginal corrections in it. By the beginning of the 16'ncenrury AD, the manuscript hadccrmenr

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    Tlte Pitifwl .ftory of Ane of tbe Finut PersianManascipttIn the year 1318119391when had the honor of serving; t the NationalLibrary, a manuscriptwasoff-eredo me for sale.After a brief study tealizedhat I u'as holding in mv handsa mostimportant b

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    considerate, on't let such a fine manuscript o leave he countrv for saleabroad,anclagree o sell tto ciur ibrary at a fak price.The owner assuredme that shoulel e clecide o sell he manuscripthewill sell t to the National Library rather than taking t abroad for sale.For three yearsafier theseevents was certain that the codex remainedwith its owner. But unfortunately he temptation hathadbeenplanted n his heartby that evil man finallvbore ts fruit and madehim greedv. {nowing aliof this, my only consolationwas that since was put in chargeof all legalexports of manuscriptsform the country, I was faidy certain that the codex cannot eave ran without my written permission.But unfortunately wo yearsago I heard hat it had beensmuggledout of the counry to London.Later I was very sorry to hear that it had been sold there. [coulddo nothing but to l curse he evilt-lendwho by his machinationspersuaded he codex'sowner to sell it abroad, thus depriving hiscountry from such a peedess ewel. I don't blame the manuscript'sowner-who although from ascholarly amilyof bibliophiies,wasa simpiemindedyouthwith no interest n such reasures.blamethe personwho guided him behind the scenes, ndvronderhow is it possible or a decent ranian ocommit such treacherousnhumanity and allow one of the finest of his country'scultural relics oleave he country and to even help n facilitating he process?sThis is how the manuscript eft its country of origin. I don't (now whether the BodleianUbrarypurchasedt from the original owner or it changedhandsbefore coming to resrat the Bodieian.Bethat as t may, t is the scholadycommunity'sgood fortune that insteadof disappearingnto someprivatecollector'svault, this manuscript crunda home at the Bodleian,which makes t ar.ailablecrscholars.Codicrt/ogica/ otes

    Thetextof Bodleian's erc.c.37scopiedon32(t tbliosof beigepaper.Thefoiiosmeasure 2.3b1.21.5 centimeters,and the written space6s about 21.0 by 12.5centimeters.The written space sslighdysmalleron the folios that contain he tableof conrentsand measures 0.5or 19.5by 13or 14centimeters. here arenineteen inesof text per page hroughout the codexexcept or a newer olio(pp. 519 - 20),which is written in twenty ines.All folios must havehad catchrvords rekabeb)n thelowcr left side,although hesehave requendybeencut off eitherduring repairsor asa resulrof wearand tear.Generally he catchwordsare not in the hand of the originalscribeand seem o havebeenaddedby iaterowners.The manuscript acks oliation,but paginations re nsertedby princeFarhadMirzi who has also written these numbers on the margin of the table of .o.rt..rr, fcrr easeofreference. he prince has made a smallerror in pagrnatingn that he has numbered he page hatfollov's page329as pagenumber 340 nsteadof 330.In view of the simi.laririesf the form oi thesenumeralsn Persian lrrand lYts5p661iveiy)his s an understandable rror,however, t maymisleadthosev"'hoexamine he codex nto believing hat the manuscripthas661 pages,when in reality henumberof its pagesare only 650.Thereare rwo flyleaves, hich are ashioned rom a nev/erpaper hat s of a darkercolor than theoriginalpaperof the text. One of these s at the beginningof the codexanil the other is at the enclof it. FarhadMirza has inscribed hree bibliographicnotes on the recto sicleof the flyleaf at thebeginningof the volume. n the {irst of thesehe has ndicated he dateof the manuscript's urchasein numeralsas the year 1,297AH (1880 AD), and has then subuacted the year i.r *ii.f, tn"manuscriptwas copied,namely he year478 AH (1086AD) from the yearof its acquisitionandhascomputed he ageof the codex to be 819vears.n his secondnoreon this leaf,he has dentified hetextand ts author,and haspointed out that the authorwasa studentof Razi(Latin:Rhazes r Rasis).In the third notehe hasobserved harRazidied n 311AFI.(d.924AD). There s alsoan Enslishnoteprobably n pencilby oneof the BodleianLibrary'sstaff which reads, 'Ms.pers.c. 37." on iire flyl"afat the end of the volume the prince has once again computed the age of the manuscript bysubttacting he dateof its copying from the date n which he waswriting"his note, narnely h. y.u,1298 1881AD), andhaswritten: "I t is 820years ince t wascopied."Since his secondnote is dated5 Yaghma, olunre3, 1329, o.503, p.505 l26 | haveused he terminologyemployedby N. R. Ker in his Medre al Manwcripts in British Librarier, (Oxford, 1969),pp.vii - xiias br aspossible.

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    a yeat aftet the note that he inscribed on the flyleaf at the beginning of the codex, and .judgng fromhe prince'sother marginalnotes n the volume (e.g., p. 33,434),we may deduce hat he flmshedread.inghe book a year afterhe purchasedt.Al l of the folios of this manuscripthave,been xtencled y gluing new paperon their margns inrder to mend their marginal .u. ^.td tear.This new paper J iigdy a*ker than the originalpapernd measures pproximately ive centimeters rom. he top, nrr.?.rrrimeters from the bottom, andbout two centimeters from the fore and back edgesor air. folios. we know these repairs wereeffectedwhen the manuscript came nto the possessionof prince Farhad Mirzd,who had a binder inhiraz estore he foriosand tebind the volume n leather n 1gg0.A striking feature,of thiSmanuscript s that the leaf ;*;t;; pages519 and 520arewritten isot original o the volumeand musthaie beenappendedo it some'dfi. "f"r;;.lj"* *r , .opr.a.his s aleafof risrrlf.w1' p"?.:.i"1..fp."^'rt b.; ;ti;;;r'loro. than heoriginalaper,ncrs transcribedn a different hanJ.This r"lo Ir important form , codicologicalpoint of vie*,,, nc l vehalldiscusst in greaterdetail ater.The nameof the manuscript's opyist s not known,but he appearso havebeena Shiitebecausee ends he textwith a formula ttratiruises the prophetMohammadand his ,,goodandpure,, amilyithout mentioning the prophet's companions (p.661).Although not conclusive, his strategy sommon to shiire scribes' The text is written in an archaic form or naskb scipt,which showsnfluences rom what hasbeen called"Eastern"or "KhorasanianKu{ic.,, The ..du. t u, ."..rrruyocalized nd dotted the words of his text.only the text of th..,.-., folio (i.e., p. 519- 520) s notocalizedand s carelessly otted.The manuscripthas been comparedwith and correctedagainsteither- n accuratecopy of theork (noskbeh-yeabihah, .6(r1)or with the author'sh"r"gr"ph i; orit:rt -3,ort,p.497).corrections haveeen added both on the margins aswell as berween ts lines.very few of ihese involve correcdngcrualerrors that require crossing out the *:,orrg word and in.serting he correct worcl in place ofhat hasbeencrossedout' The majority of thesecorrecdons nvorveactualadditionsof u,ordsorhrases o the text' Most of thesecoriections are n the hand of Abu Ta/eb who,as we,veseen,wned he codexberween he years 12g3and 131.7(6g2 lt i iU;".nv prof..ro, Afshar,s ..ko.,,r,g_ho hasnot included he inteilineai or...Jo* in his count-thereai. some 1066marginalnotes nhis manuscript hat correct words or sentenceshat havebeen ,left out" bv the scriLe.The largeunrber of these additions has led ProfessorAfshar ro note the incongruity of the careful.calizati.n anddotting of the textwith thevery argenumber.f omissions n it thathad to be frllecln nearlyrwo hundred yearsafter it was originally copied:AJthough the general characteristicJor inir'codex-its_page set up, crotting,ancrgeneralreparation-impliesthat it was copied with a great deal'oi.".., the later collation of theanuscriptdemonstrateshe careleisnessofts Jcribe.[onewo.,a...1 jf its scribewerc fin fact]phi'sicianwho wrote it for his own use henwhy did h. l.arr.lo _".ru vrordsandphrases ut[so thatl the other Phvsicianwho collated kin 12g3 6t, AH;i"o ," correct ts many acuna?ould it be that the first physicianwho copied the originj text did not think some of itmportant enough to transcribe?)id he omit rvords ,.i..rrr".,."s that he did not consrderignificant?7Although ProfessorAfshar's reasoning s souncl, think an alqernauventerpretationof thisanuscript'sacuna s possible' t is more .-itly, i' my opinion, ,n^i ,r,. Herlayahad vo redactions:he original edactionwasrheone rhat*u* lo-po.. aAi A*ilrr;rifor *,e useof his son,and fromhich the Bodleiancodexwasclpied in theyeai10g5 qSAH). A r..o'd redactionof the text thatas more detailedthan the orignal composiuon,.was prepared owarcls he end of Akharyainlsifetime bv one or more of hir stuclents. his 1s-i*plir[ i;-*;pieces of evidence:Firsr, aomparrson f the text of the BocileianMS Perc. .37wiih anothercopv of this text thut b.lorrg. t. ,he \{alekLibrarv n Iran,namelvNratek s 450l, J";.;;;;;;J& the N{alek ocrex asarmostone of the omissionsof the iloclleian olume. second, the new i"Li. "r the Bodleiancodcx r

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    PreparationJ'Diarhatic Concoctions:had askedmasterAbubakr [meaning the Akharvainil-Godrest his soul-towrite an independentchapterconcerning his tclpicso that what he has alreadl'said in the bookl be more fully expressed.Althoughl he had agreedwith my request, e grewsickand becameso concernedwith his own health hat he could not attend o my request. Xre,howeveq looked into what other masters had said [on this topicl and appended [theirobserrationslhete firy'aMliq karditl (p.519, ns.1- 4).Clearly, his note is written by one of the studentsof the original author, who having failed to

    obtain the additions to the text that he had askedhis master to provide, prepared hem himself-perhaps n collaborationwith his master'sother students-and ppended hem to the text after hismaster's eath.

    It stands o reason hat many more revisionsof the text may havefcrllowed ubsequentlyo theones hat were introduced by the student(s). hese additionsmust havebeen chiefly added o theoriginalcompositionafter he author's ifetime. t is thereforenot unreasonableo assume hat n thefullnessof time, the growing insertions and marginaladditions to the original text createda new andmore detailedredaction of it. Sooner or later, this new redaction must have come to be consideredmore aurhoritativeand complete than the otiginal composition. In view of the fact that the marginaladditions o the Bodleiancodex argelyagreewith the main text of Malek 4501,I believe he newredactionof theHeday, ts more elaborate ersion, s represented y the Malek Library'smanuscgiptthat has almost all of the marginaladditionsof the Bodleian codex in the mdn body of the text,while the Bodleianmanuscript epresentshe older esselaborate omposition.The first redactionofthe text f you will.

    In the year 1283 (682AH;, when the copy of the first redaction came nto possessionof AbuTaleb,hedecides o improve his copy by collating t againsta copy of the second edaction n orderto carefully nsert the extra information in the margin of his codex.This is why almost all marginaiiain the Bodleian codex seem to be mere "additions" rather than t'correctionsof ercots"per se.Therefore, he meticulousvocalizationand doting of the text bv the scribeof the Bodleiancodex snot necessarilyn conflict with the manuscript'smyriad lacuna.The original scribewas not beingcareless. e wasmerely copyingan earlier edactionwhich simply ackedwhat he seems o have eftout. The lacuna-inother words-existed n his exemplar,which was shorter, more brief than theIMalekmanuscript.They were not of his making and he shouldnot be held responsibleor them. IfI am correct n my conjectLrre,hen the rwo manuscriptsat Malek and Bodleian ibrarieshave woexemplarsepresentingwo differentredactions f the text; and his circumstancemay be the sourceof the Bodleiancodex'smore than a thousand omissions."

    By wa,v f explaining the obvious I should add that the secondredaction of the Heday must ha\/eevolvedgraduallr'. t must have grorvn out of the original text over a long period of time followingthe author'sdeath.At somepoint in its development he text with all of its marginalnotes, evisions,and nsertions,must havegrown cumbersone nd different enough rom its originalversion o justifymakingan ndependent opyof it asa second edaction.Although we know that the original extwascomposedbv ,4khawainz ometimeprior to 981 (370AH),8 I don't believe hat bv theyear10851AH47tl)when the Bodleian codex wascopied, ts revised orm had gainedenough prominence o haveinfluenced he transmissionof the text. Howevet, by the year1283 (AH 682)when Abu Taleb hadcome to own the Bodleian codex, the new redaction had alreadymade a place for itself amongphysicians, nd he felt it necessary o fiave his codex collated againsta copv of it . The marginalinsertions hroughout the tsodleiancodex are the resultof this attempt at improvement. seenoother way of meaningfully explaining the incongruiry of the meticulous scribal cate in thismanuscript vith the largenumber of its omissions hat one finds correctedon its margins.eProfessorAfshar hassaidall that needs o be saidabout the manuscript's rthographic and otherfeaturesn his Persianntroduction. t ren-rainsor me to express ur profound gratitllde o Bodleianl-ibrary'shind permission o reproduce his codex. X/eareespecially rateful or the cooperatiollandprofessionalism f Mr. Colin WakefiedandMs.Doris Nicholson of the Departmentof the OrientalI This is the date hat ProfessorMinovi has suggested.Seehis essayn appendix2 of ProfessorAfshar's Persian ntroduction.e I havenot seenanothermanuscriptof this text,which is kept at the FatehLibrary in Istanbul MF Nr.3646). However, udging from

    ProfessorMatin i 'sreport i tmustbeacopyofthef i rstredact ionofthetext.eeMatin i 's in troduct iontohisedi t ior.ro f thetext,p , lx i i i .O r \t i.''f

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    Collectionsat the Bodleian Library, who shovredus everycourtesyand assistancewhile we preparedfor the publicationof thisvolume.10We arealsograteful o PtofessorMatini, who kindly allowedusto summarizehis scholarlvpreface to his fine edition of the text and include it in the Persianintroducti6n o the presentvolume.1lMy learnedmentor,ProfessorMartin Schwarzof UC Berkelet'suggestedhe l-atin name for the series.ProfessorH. Katouzian and Dr.John'Gurnev favoredr-rswiti'their assistance uring the preliminarystages f preparation.The technicalexPertiseof ourpublisher,Mr. .Abdol"aliTq'rnouri, and his son Babak Teymouri have been invaluable.But aboveall,we must thank two individuals whose contributions to this project have been indispensable:NIr.Nader Mottalebi Kashani, the Iearnededitor of the incomparableNanehle Bahdretffin,or providingus with an electronic reproduction of the Malek Library's copy of the text, for his careful typing ofProfessorAfshar's Persian ntroduction, and tbr his invaluableassistanceo ProfessorAfslur inpreparing he film of this manuscript or publication n Tehran.Last but no ieast, he editorsuT uldiiketo thankDr. RezaBonabi,MD., without whosegenerous inancialsuPPort he series, oliaXldiralranica,ofwhich this is the first volume,could not havebeen aunched.

    October 13,2007Mahmoud OmidsalarJohnF. Kennedy Memorial LibrarYCalifornia StateUniversity,Los Angeles

    l( | Profe sorAfshal and u'ould ike to thank he Bodleian ibrary's in d permissiono reproducehis manuscriptn facsimile.Wearecspccially rateful o Mr. Colin Wakeield and Ms. DorisNicholson f Bodleian's rientalCollectionsor ther cooperationandprofessionalism.We would also ike to thankProfessor atouzian or his helpwith getting he exaotmeasurementsfthe codexrr SeeJ.Matini (ed.),Hedavat.tl-MutltcalleminJil-tibb,2dprining,(MashhadUniversityPress,992),pp. -lxviii.

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