[học anh văn cùng thầy] developing skills for the toefl ibt 361-400.pdf

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  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    11 I really disappointed my friend when I forgotto help him study.

    A) let downB) coached

    (C) differedD) blindfolded

    12 I feel very relaxed when I am with my family.

    A) organized{B) generous(C) comfortableD) talented

    13 We wanted to buy a new printer, but wedidn t have enough money left.A) illustrationB) section

    (C) fundsD) program

    14 I found today s discussion on marine life,;very interesting.

    •;lii A)stimulatingB) constructive

    (C) courageousD) organized

    15 I was the first to arrive, so the room wascompletely filllQ. y.

    A) available(B) sleek

    (C) bulkyD) vacant

    Instructions: Write the missing words. Use thewords below to fillin the blanks.

    ;, , ~ 9 e [..... significant • animationi•i•. .L· ··•·····• • brand ·· i draw·_ < ~ > > . . .'• -

    There are many ways that businesses attemptto 16 the eyes of customersusing their advertisements. Since the computerhas made17. easier, manyadvertisers are 18 to use iton television. Television has a number ofadvantages for advertising. First, it allows a

    company to show why its 19is the best product available. Second, sincemany people spend a 20

    amount of time watching television, companiesknow that their messages willreach many people.

    Instructions: Choose one word that does notbelong in each group.

    21 reputation opinionresponsibility attitude

    22 stimulating fascinatinginteresting upcoming

    23 independent unconsciousautomatic unaware

    24 definitive perfectionreproduction best

    25 concentrateexpanddevote focus



    Vocabulary Review_1 59 ---.1I

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    Independent Speaking: ·

    Test Questions 1and 2 .· ·· . Integrated Speaking:


    Test Questions 3 and 41aµ1 oc:1 6 Integrated Speaking:

    Test Questions 5 and 6

    ·Vocabulary Review 3

    Vocabulary Review 4

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    A response to the independent speaking question generallyincludes the following• An introduction tothe general topic of the essay-usually one sentence• A statement of your opinion-usually one sentence• Your reasons examples/details to support them-one or two sentences each

    Within 60 seconds, the time given for your response, you should be able to say about

    eight sentences. These sentences should be similarin

    length to the following:I

    oftentake my guitar to parties and play music for my friends there.

    Before speaking

    • Choose an opinion that is easily supported.• Organize the flowof your response in your mind.

    . • Make sure that you have adequate reasons and examples.

    When speaking:

    • Make a clear statement of your opinionon the given topic.• State clear reasons for your opinion.• Use concrete examples.• Use transitions to improve the flowof your speech;

    Independent Speaking est Questions and 2 65 - -

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    Practice 1 - Personal Experience

    ~ t e p

    Read and think about the prompt below

    r· .


    What is a skill you have always wanted to learn? Why do you want to learn it? Includespecific reasons and examples to support your answer.

    \, - ~ - . - - ; - ' > > ' ' · ' ' ° '- >'< · , ~ o ' > J > e ~ > - ~ ~... , ~ .' , ~ - ~' ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ . - ' . , , . . , , ' ' ' ' ' ~ '« W J , T < o o ~ · - ~ ·< > O > < ~ - ' · • = • ? < V O • ~ ~ ' >

    IThe sentences below make up response to the prompt above Read the sentences and underlineany transitions you find

    A) This is because once, when I was little, my grandfather took me little:sailing. very young

    8) I also want to learn how to sail because I love the ocean.sail:to control the movement of

    C) However, I cannot do that unless I know how to sail. a boat through the watersteer

    D) I love the ocean so much that someday, I would like to travel the to control the direction thatworld in my own sailboat.

    something movesvessel:

    E) Since that day, I have wanted to understand how he steered the a boat

    vessel through the wind just by manipulating ropes.manipulateto control something

    F) I have always wanted to learn how to sail a boat. skillfully

    Look at the sentences again Think about the role of each sentence in the response Then list thesentences in the correct order


    J--·- 366 Chapte 4

    · f

    ' t

    ~ -


  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    l · ·

    ~ t e p2Do NOT look at the sentences in Step 1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

    1 What does this person want to learn?

    2 What did she do as a child with her grandfather?

    3 What does she want to do in the future?

    Using the answers you wrote above try to speak for 60 seconds explaining this person sresponse. Use the words and phrases below while you are speaking. Record your time.

    once when because someday unless

    h: Response 1: Speaking time: econds

    ~ t e p3n Now listen to the sample response. How is it different from yours? What parts of the

    response can you use in your own? Write down any helpful expressions you hear. •MSl:ii

    · = = ~ · · 1


    n Listen again and repeat after the response. Pay close attention to pronunciation, intonation,and word stress lijdjt:@i

    Independent Speaking: Test Questions arid 67 .

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    ~ t e p4

    Now write your own answers to the following questions in complete sentences.

    1 What is a skill that you have always wanted to learn?

    2 What experience have you had that makes you want to learn this skill?

    3 How would you like to use this skill in the future?

    Using the answers you wrote above give spoken response to the prompt below. Try toincorporate useful expressions from Step 3 while also paying attention to your pronunciationand intonation. Record your time.

    f - ' - · - ; ~ : ~ ~ ~ : · · : ~ ~ ~ · ~ : = - h ~ ~ : : ~ a y : · · ~ ~ n ~ : : - ; ~ ~ : ~ ; - ; ~ ; - ~: : : : ~ ~ ~ : ~ : : : ; ; ~ n c l u d e -specificreasons and examples to support your answer j

    \ . , ~ · ~ • · • • , ' < < • = ' ° ' , . . . ' - ~ ~ - u ' - ' , - · ~ ' ~ ' • ' v . ~ ~ ' ° ' ' - ' ~ ~ ' ~ q ' ' v ; _ • , . ; · ~ . , , . . , . _ , ~ ,• n • = ' ' - ' ' ' ' ~ ' • ' · - • > c ~ » . _ _ , > n , ~ ' • ~ - - - ' ' < ' - ' ' - ~ k - . < - - < > , • • · ' - ' ' ' ~ ~ -' · • ' • ~ - ~ O o • O ~ = • - , ; . < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ = ~ - = - ' ' ~

    Response 2: Speaking time: seconds

    : . 68 Chapter _

    . ··

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    Practice 2 Personal Experience

    ~ t e p1Read and think about the prompt below.


    --- ~ : : c r i ~ : ~ : ~ : : · ; ~ tyou ~ I do v ~to take, and explain why you want to take it. ~ J l u d especific reasons and examples to support your answer.

    . . . . ~ . . . . . . m • . . . . . . . . . . ............_ _ _ _. . . .__ ....._...._......

    The sentences below make up a response to the question above. Read the sentences andunderline any transitions you find.

    A} So I would like to learn techniques for taking qualityphotographs.8) I recently got one for my birthday, but I do not know how to use all

    the features.C) Someday, I would love to take a class in photography.D} They never come out very well, though.E} For one, I would like to take this class because I find cameras

    intriguing.Iwould also like to take photography because I love taking picturesof nature and animals.

    technique:.. a w.ayof doing so Tlethiog;

    askill · · ·• l e ~ t u r e ;·

    an important part ofso Tlething

    . photography:the process of taking· ·picturescome out

    to be revealed·intriguing:interesting and exciting

    Look at the sentences again. Think the role of each sentence in the response. Then list thesentences in the correct order.


    Independent Speaking: Test Questions 1 and 2 69 -

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    ~ t e p2Do NOT look at the sentences in Step 1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

    1. What class does this person want to take?

    2. What did he receive for his birthday?

    3. What does he take that never come out very well?

    Using the answers you wrote above try to speak for 60 seconds explaining this person sresponse. Use the words and phrases below while you are speaking. Record your time.

    so for one recently because but

    Response 1: Speaking time: seconds

    ~ t e p3I Now listen to the sample response. How is it different from yours? What parts of the

    response can you use in your own? Write down any helpful expressions you hear. mE Jll

    I Listen again and repeat after the response. Pay close attention to pronunciation, intonation,and word stress •@il:fi

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    ~ t e p4Now write your own answers to the following questions in complete sentences

    1. What class do you want to take?

    2. What experience makes you want to take this class?

    3. What do you want to learn from this class?

    Using the short answers you wrote above give a spoken response to the prompt below. Try toincorporate useful expressions.from Step 3 while also paying attention to your pronunciationand intonation Record your time.

    .· ~ ~ ' ' - · - · · - · - .- - . _ . . ~ _ . . ]Describe a class that you would love to take and explain why you want to take it. Include

    . specific reasons and examples to support your answer. · ·, , _ . . . , , : ~ . . . . , , , i ~ ~ ~ - • - ' ~ • ~ ' - · - - ' · ' ~ , ~ ~ h • ~ < · m • - ' ' · · · · . , _ , ~ ~ ~ ~ . , . - • . . . . , .

    .~ , . - . , , . , , . , . ~ · . , ~ · • ' • - ~ « ' < ' ° ' u - ' ' ~ ~ ' • • = • ~ ~ · ' ' ~ • • · ' • < - • ' - ~ · i • «

    Response 2: Speaking time: seconds


    Independent Speaking: est Questions 1 and 2 371.

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    Practice 3 Personal Experience

    ~ t e p1Read and think about the prompt below.

    [ . · · · · · · · · · ·]Describe an activity thatyou like to do in your free time and explain why you like to do

    it. Include specific reasons and examples to support your answer..... '

    _ ~ , , - - , - - . . . . ..... .... . .. . ... - ~ = ' ' '

    A sample outline of a response is given below. Write down transition words or phrases thatcan be used to link the ideas.

    Activity: Ride bike in mountains Transition words/phrases:• Reason 1 being in nature · ·

    • Reason 2: relaxing

    Using the above outline give a spoken response to the prompt above. Record your time.

    Response 1: Speaking time: seconds

    ~ t e p2n Now listen to the sample response. How is is different from yours? What parts of the

    response can you use in your own? Write down any helpful expressionsyou hear. mm


    wildlife:animals in nature

    unwind:to relaxdemanding:requiring a lot of time and efforthectic:very busy and often confusing

    n listen again and repeat after the response. Pay close attention to pronunciation intonationand word stress •@Ml:tl


  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga




    ~ S t e p3. Without listening to the sample again give another spoken response to the prompt. Try toincorporate useful expressions from Step 2 while also paying attention to your pronunciationand intonation. Record your time.

    Response 2: Speaking time: seconds

    ~ S t e p4Make your own outline for the prompt. Try to incorporate transition words and useful phrasesintroduced in Steps 1 and 2.

    Activity: -

    •Reason 1:

    •Reason 2:

    Usirlg your outline respond to the prompt. Record your time.

    r a n s i t i o ~wbrcis/phrases:

    [------·-------------- ~ · · · · · ]

    Describe an activity that you like to do in your fre·e time and e xplain why you like to doit. Include specific reasons and examples to support your answer. .

    .. . .. . . . . . ~ ~ - - - ~ = · - ~ · . . . ~ · =.. ~ ~ . . . . ~ · ~ . . . · ~ . . ......... ....

    Response 3: Speaking time: econds

    Independent Speaking: e ~ tQuestions 1 and 2 373 .

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    Practice 4 Personal Experience

    ~ t e p1Read and think about the prompt below.

    A sample outline of a response is given below. Write down transition words or phrases thatcan be used to link the ideas.

    Day: Sister was born Transition words/phrases:• Reason 1 I met my best friend

    • Reason : My family spent the day together

    Using the above outline, give a spoken response to the prompt. Record your time.

    Response : Speaking time: seconds

    ~ t e p2n Now listen to the sample response. How is it different from yours? What parts of the

    response can you use in your own? Write down any helpful expressions you hear. l tfl l:l:I

    lonely:unhappy because you feel alonecompaniona friend or partnerwonderfulvery gooddelighted:happy or excitedget along:to be friendly to someone

    n Listen again and repeat after the response. Pay close attention to pronunciation intonationand word stress. llftlhP

    . . 374 Chapter 4

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    ~ t e p3Without listening to the sample again, give another spoken response to the prompt. Try to

    incorporate useful expressions from Step 2, while also paying attention to your pronunciationand intonation. Record your time.

    Response 2: Speaking time: _ _ _ _ _ seconds

    ~ S t e p4Make your own outline for the prompt. 1iy to incorporate transition words and useful phrasesintroduced in Steps 1 and 2.

    Day: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Transitionwords/phrases:

    •Reason 1:

    •Reason 2:

    U Jng your outline respond to the prompt. Record your time .

    ............... ................ -. ... - · · · - · - · · · ' ' ' ' - · · · · · · · ~................................ ............................;.... . _.............. lf Describe a day that you believe was the best day of your life, and explain why it was so . l. memorable. Include specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 1\..• .................................. ...•- ........................ ............................................. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ~' ' ' ' ' ' / .

    Response 3: Speaking time: _ _ _ _ _ seconds

    Independent Speaking: Test Questions 1 and 2 75


  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    Practice 1 - Personal Preference

    ~ t e p1Read and think about the prompt below

    [- - - - . . - - · - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - · . · · ~

    Should teachers give unannounced tests in class? Why or why not? Include specific .J·reasons and examples to support your answer.

    __~ ~ = ~ · ~ ~ ~ _ . ~ . . . _ _ _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

    _ _ _ . . . . . .

    The sentences below make up a response to the prompt above Read the sentences and underlineany transitions you find

    A) I think that teachers should give unannounced tests in class.B) I know I stay on top of my studying if I suspect there might be a

    surprise test at any time.C) However with short unannounced tests you can get more points.D) Some teachers only give one or two tests · and ifyou do poorly on

    one your grade suffers severelyE) Secondly unannounced tests are a great way to increase your

    grade.F) For one thing giving surprise tests makes sure that students keep

    up with the material.


    unexpected; surprise·stay on top of:to be in control ofsomething·suspect:to think that something .might happensuffer:

    to-become Worsematerial:the information studied in aclass

    Look at the sentences again Think about the role of each sentence in the response Then list thesentences in the correct order


    . \ , - 76 Chapter 4

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga





    ~ t e p2Do NOT look at the sentences in Step 1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

    1 What does this person think about unannounced tests?

    2 How do unannounced tests affect how he studies?

    3 How can unannounced tests affect his grade in a class?

    Using the short answers you wrote above, try to speak for 60 seconds explaining this person sresponse. Use the words and phrases below while you are speaking. Record your time.

    J think forone thing secondly however if


    Response 1: Speaking time: seconds

    ~ t e p3n Now listen to the sample response. How is it different from yours? What parts of the

    response can you use in your own? Write down any helpful expressions you hear. •@SM

    . ,dl -it.1

    n Listen again and repeat after the response. Pay close attention to pronunciation, intonation,and word stress •@•pii

    ~3zG l

    ~ Independent Speaking: Test Questions I and 2 377 ---1·' , . u '~ :~ ' l t ~f i ' ' l l l l l

    llll._lllll 1111. 11111.11111.llll.111ll.llll.1111 11111lll 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lll 111 111lll lllc.lllllll l.lllll l l l . l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l• l l l l l l l• l l l•••--- j ..

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    ~ S t e p4Now write your own answers t these questions.

    1. How do you feel about unannounced tests?

    2. How do unannounced tests affect how you study?

    3. Do you think unannounced tests affect your grade in a class? Why or why not?

    Using the short answers you wrote above give a spoken response to the prompt. Try toincorporate useful expressions from Step 3 while also paying attention to your pronunciationand intonation. Record your time.

    ( . _ _ ~ - - · · · · ~ - · - - · - - ~ · · · - - - · · - · - ~ - · - ~ · - · - - - · - · - · · - - ~ - - ~ - - - - ' ' ° \

    ; Should teachers give unannounced tests in class? Why or why not? Include specific IJ reasons and examples to support your answer. j\ '

    < . , , , ~ O < · > - ~ • - · - , • • • • > - , , , _ , _ . , . , _ c ~ i - > ' ~ . < - » _ , . , , . . , . . , ~ , . - , , . , ~ , ' ~ ~ · - ' ~ ' ' ' , . .• . , . ~ ~ • · . - . ~ k · - ~ ~ - • ~ • - • , . . . _ , _ . _ , , _ . , d , .. . ~ . , . _ . . . . . , , . _ . . , , , . , . ~ ° ' , , . . . . . . . . , , _ . . . . _ , * ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ~ ~ ~ ' N ' _ , . ~ , _ - . - , ~ - •/

    Response 2: Speaking time: seconds

    378 Chapter 4

    : : : - ,- ~· ~ e _ ~ ~ y . ,- ; - - c ~ - = = . ~= ~ - l C-;cc,.•:-; _;cc._•- c c - , . . . - - : c ' ~ ~ • · - ~ - - . ~ - ~ - ~ - - • -.. ~


    · ~ -

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    Ir .


    Practice 2 - Personal Preference

    ~ S t e p1

    Read and think about the prompt below.

    r. ..

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i fi ~ ~ ~ · ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ i ~ i ~ i ~

    l examples to support your answer. . .• • ~ ' ~ ' - ' ~ ' ' ' · ~ · , , . . , , , ~ · ~ • - ' ' ~ ' ~ - ' • > • • • • . , > . . • . - . ~ - ~ - ' · ~ ' - ' ' • x ~ ' ~ ' • ' ' ° ' • ~ ~ ~ · - , , , _ , . , , . , . , , , . . , , ~ ~ • • - ' • ~ · ~ ' - ' ' - = . . . _ , . • ~ . - . . m ~ . , - , , . . . , _ . _ = · • ~ . . . , . , , _ , _ , ~ ~ c _ , , .

    The sentences below make up a response to the prompt above. Read the sentencesand underlineany transitions you find.

    A) That way, you can get your degree and find the career that you degree:really want a document proving the ·

    (8) First of all, it is much more difficultto go back to school once youcompletion of an academicprogram

    have entered the work world. careerthe type of work a personC) However, they lose the motivation after working fora while. does over a ifetime

    i D) Also, I think it is important to finish your education as soon as youmotivation:a feeling that makes you

    "' can. want to do something

    "{E) I think it is better to go immediately to university rather than workimmediately:right now

    for a year or two. determinedvery eager to do somethingF) Many people may be determined to go back to school.

    Look t the sentences again. Think about the role of each sentence in the response. Then list thesentences in the correct order.


    lndependf.nt Speaking: Test Questions 1 and 2 79


  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga





    ~ t e p2Do NOT look at the sentences in Step 1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

    1. When would this person prefer to go to university?

    2. What does she say happens to people who work before going to university?

    3. How does she suggest your career is affected by going immediatelyto university?

    Using the short answers you wrote above, try to speak for 60 seconds explaining this person sresponse. Use the words and phrases below while you are speaking. Record your time.

    I think for one thing secondly but if

    Response 1: Speaking time: seconds

    ~ t e p3n Now listen to the sample response. How is it different from yours? What parts of the

    response can you use in your own? Write down any helpful expressions you hear. li \ i€ii

    n Listen again and repeat after the response. Pay close attention to pronunciation, intonation,and word stress S@IPi•

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    ~ t e p4Now write your own answers to the following questions in complete sentences

    1. When would you prefer to go to university?

    2. What do you think happens to people who work before going to university?

    3. How would going straight to universityaffect your job or career?

    Using the short answers you wrote above, give a spoken response to the prompt. Try toincorporate useful expressions from Step 3, while also paying attention to your pronunciationand intonation Record your time.

    Some students think itis b ett:: work for a ; a r or : : : ; : ~ ~ ; ~ ; : : · ~ ~ · i v e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    would rather go straight to university. Which do you prefer? Include specific reasons andexamples to support your answer. j

    · - . . . . . . - - · - • - ........ . . . . . _ .. _ _ .. _. _________ - . . . . . . . , - . . . - - · · • • • « • ' ' ' ' ' - '

    ~ ( .

    Response 2: Speaking time: seconds


    zG l

    ~zG l

    tndepPndent Speaking: Test Questions 1 and 7 38 •

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    Practice 3 - Personal Preference

    ~ S t e p1Read and think about the prompt below.

    ( ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' · ' ° ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ° ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' M ' ' '' ' ' 1

    I Should people be allowed to use cell phones while they drive? Why or why not? Includei specific reasons and examples to support your answer. i\ _ ;•o•- ' ' ' ' • ,.,_,,,, - ' ' W · ' - ~ n > • · · · -< - ' · ' ° - . . - = ~ ' ~ ' < > ~ - ~ ~ · - o c « . , . _ .' ~ ' · ' ~ ' '' ' ' ~ ~ = = ~ » ; , . • ~ > = v r o < , . . . ~ ~ ' ' ' · ' ' '... . , k u ~ = . - ~ ~ n ' > < - m u ; . , , , . , . . _ , , , , _ ~ - ' - - < ~ ' n ~,,.,,,-_,.

    A sample outline of a response is given below .Write down transition words or phrases thatcan be used to link the ideas.

    Cell phones while driving: Yes Transition words/phrases:• Reason 1: It is not distracting.

    • Reason 2: They are useful in emergencies.

    Using the above outline, give a spoken response to the prompt. Record your time.

    Response 1: Speaking time: _ _ _ _ _ econds

    P Step 2I Now listen to the sample response. How is it different from yours? What parts of the

    response can you use in your own? Write down any helpful expressions you hear. m@m

    ~ E f ~ ~ ~


    stopping you h om concentratingattentive:

    carefullywatching or listening tosomethingcolllslon:an accident where a vehicle hitssomethinglost::Jnable _t figure out where you areguide:to show or tell someone where togo

    n Listen again and repeat after the response. Pay close attention to pronunciation intonationand word stress @ ® i A ~ i

    \ 382 Chapter 4

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    IlII• •




    ~ S t e p3

    Without listening t the sample again give another spoken response to the prompt. Try to

    incorporate useful expressions from Step 2 while also paying attention to your pronunciationand intonation. Record your time.

    Response 2: Speaking time: seconds

    ~ S t e p4

    Make your own outline for the prompt. Try to incorporate transition words and useful phrasesintroduced in Steps 1 and 2.

    Cell phones while driving: Transition words/phrases:

    •Reason 1:

    •Reason 2:

    Usipg your outline respond to the prompt. Record your time.- - · · · - · - - - - - · · . , · - - - - · - · · · ~ · • » - - ~ · · · · · - - · · · • < · . · · · - - · - - - ~ · - - - · - - - - - · - - - · - · - · · - - · · · · - · · · - - · · - -· · ~ - - · · · · · · - · · 1

    Should people be allowed to use cell phones while they drive? Why or why not? Include Ispecific reasons and examples _to support your answer. J

    - . . . . . . - = , . . . < • ' - ' ~ u ~ ~ · ~ ~ • . . . _ . , = • _ , . . , . . ~ , ~ · ~ • , ~ = ~ - - ' ' - ' ~' ' ' i f ' - « ; > , , m . . _ • • ' ' ' v • ~ • ~ · . , . = • > = • > • ~ _ , , , . = . , . _ = < • T ' ' u • , , - , . , • ' H ~ > ~ • ~ · - . . · , . , . , ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' - ' ~ - ~ w • · ~ • ' ' ~ ' Q - '

    Response 3: Speaking time: seconds



    Independent Speaking: Test Questions 1 and 2 8

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    Practice 4 - Personal Preference

    ~ t e p1Read and think about the prompt below.

    . · · · · · · · · · • ' ' · ' • • · · · · · · - · · · · · · · · · · · · - - - · · ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - · - · · · · ' ' ' - - · ~ · ~ · ·.. ····-··· ······

    Should music players be banned in schools? Why or why not? Include specific reasons 1I and examples to support your answer. I\ ··-········ · ~ · · · · · · · - · · - - - · - · · · · · · · - - - · ~ · · · · · · · · - · · - - - - - - - ~ - - · · · ·

    A sample outline of a response is given below. Write down transition words or phrases thatcan be used to link the ideas.

    Ban music players in schools: No Transition words/phrases:• Reason 1 They are used outside of class.

    • Reason 2: They are not dangerous.

    Using this outline give a spoken response to the prompt. Record your time.

    Response 1: Speaking time: seconds

    ~ t e p2n Now listen t the sample response. How is it different from yours? What parts of the

    response can you use in your own? Write down any helpful expressions you hear. m

    ban:to prohibit: toforbidutilize:to use somethingrefrain

    to stop yourself from doingsomethinghazardous

    dangerous or harmfulmischief

    behavior that causes trouble

    n Listen again and repeat after the response. Pay close attention to pronunciation intonationand word stress tml ii · ·

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    >StepWithout listening t the sample again give another spoken response to the prompt. Try toincorporate useful expressions from Step 2 while also paying attention to your pronunciationand intonation. Record your time.

    Response 2: Speaking time: seconds

    >Step 4Make your own outline for the prompt. Try to incorporate transition words and useful phrasesintroduced in Steps 1 and 2.

    Ban music players in schools: Transition words/phrases:

    •Reason 1:

    - _··•Reason 2:

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Using your outline respond to the prompt. Record your time.

    Response 3: Speaking time: econds


    Independent Speaking: Test Questions I and 2 85 - - ,

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  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    A response to th integrated speaking questions generallyincludes the following:

    uestion• A statement of the problem or situation, as expressed in the reading• A statement of the speaker's opinion, as introduced in the conversation• His or her reasons additional information, as taken from the conversation

    uestion 4

    • A statement of the main idea or topic of the reading and lecture• Key points that are similar• Key points that contrast

    • Identifythe topic and supporting details.

    • Organize the flowof your response in your mind.• Make sure that you have adequate reasons and examples.

    • Begin your response by clearly stating the opinion main idea of the reading and theconversation/lecture.

    • Give reasons or details from the conversation or lecture to support your opinion.a Make sure statements are clearly connected so that the scorer will more easily

    understand your points.

    Integrated Speaking: est Que stions 3 and 4 87 - - - .

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    Practice 1 - Reading and Conversation

    ~ t e p

    Read the passage below and underline important information.

    Announcement from the Department of Student Life

    We wish to inform you that access to television will no longer beavailable in the student union building. Maintenance will remove thebuilding s current television set by the end of this week. We havereceived several complaints from students who wish to use the buildingto study and find the television disruptive. In addition, most studentshave televisions in their dorm rooms. We, therefore, find it excessive toprovide a television set in this common area.

    Write down the main idea and any key points.

    ...... ·

    n ow listen to a related conversation. Take notes on the woman sopinion •@MW D

    O p i n i o n -

    Reason 1: ~

    student union:a university buildingusedfor student activitiesmaintenance:a group of people who

    · keep a buildingin goodconditioncomplaint:a statement saying that·someone is unhappy withsomethingdisruptive:distractingexcessive:

    more than is necessary

    unreasonable:unfairkeep from:to stop someone fromdoing somethingsocial:being with otherpeoplecommon area:a place that everyone canuseconstantly:very often

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    ~ t e p2Read and think about the prompt below.

    ·· · ]The woman expresses her opinion of the department s decision. State her. opinion andexplain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

    ' ' ...... ~ . . . _ . . . . . . . . ¥ _ • ~

    WITHOUT looking at the original reading passage review your notes from the reading andlistening passages. Selectthe information you think is important. Fill in the blanks of the sampleresponse below.

    · he says students that want to study could

    · S h e lsoi

    with the announcement s statement that

    She sayi she would have t o

    ii she wanted to

    After you have filled in the blanks read the response out loud. Pay attention to your pronunciationintonation and word stress.


    Integrated Speaking: Test Questions 3 and 4 89 _ ;

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    ~ t e p3Now listen to a sample response. How does it differ from your response? Write down anydifferences in information or phrasing. ltl llQii

    Listen again and repeat after the response. Pay close attention to pronunciation, intonation,and word stress. i@tJm+

    ~ t e p4Now give your own spoken response to the prompt. Try to incorporate useful expressionsfrom ~ t p s2 and 3, while also paying attention to your pronunciation and i e _ 1 ~ n a t i o n .Recordyour time.

    Response: Speaking time econds

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga






    Practice 2 Reading and Conversation

    ~ t e p1Read the passage below and underline important information.

    Announcement from the Office of Student Housing

    This is a notification thatstudents willno longer be allowed to stayin the dorms over the summer. We require all dorms to have a dormsupervisor. However we were unable to recruit enough student volunteersto supervise the dorms during the summer. n addition too few studentshave applied for on-campus housing this summer to make it cost-effectivefor the university. Please visit our office for informationon alternatives forsummer housing.

    Write down the main idea and any key points.

    - · ~ ·

    I Now listen to a related conversation. Take notes on the man sopinion •@ Jilt

    O p i n i o n -

    Reason 1: ~


    an announcementsupervisor:a person who is in chargerecruitto persuade someonetojoin youcost-effective:gMng profitalternative:

    in place of something else

    excuse:a reason tor doingsomethingfiler:a paper-basedannouncement oradvertisementinsignificant:not large enough to beimportantfault:

    the responsibility fora badthing happeninglook into:to research something


    Integrated Speaking: Test Questions 3 and 4 391 :

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    ~ t e p

    Read and think about the prompt below.

    r · ' ' ' ' ' · ~ ~ e~ : ~e x ~ ~ e s ~ : ~ : ~ · ~ ~ ~ ~ ; : ~ · c o ~ ~ e r ~ ~ ~ h ~ · a n n o : ~~ ; ~ ~ ~ d e ~ ; · · - ' ' ' Jl Housing State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion·-....... . . . . - ~ - ~.. · · · . . ~ ~ · ~ ..., ___ _ . .... •

    WITHOUTlooking at the original reading passage review your notes from the reading andlistening passages. Select the information you think s important. Fill in the blanks of the sampleresponse below.

    The man with the decision to

    · H e hinks they should have

    · H e ays they could have

    · H e lso thinks that

    because the universitydid not

    ·· ost students do not know that· · H e hinks the

    university should h a v e

    After you have filled in the blanks read the response out loud. Pay attention to your pronunciationintonation and word stress.

    _ - ; ~



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    ft •


    . .

    r L



    ~ t e p3

    ow listen to a sample response. How does i t differ from your response? Write down any

    differences in information or phrasing. ilfHj

    Listen again and repeat after the response. Pay close attention to pronunciation intonationand word stress. iifif iji

    ~ t e p4

    Now give your own spoken response to the prompt. Try to incorporate useful expressions

    from Steps 2 and 3 while also paying attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Recordyour time.

    Response: Speaking time: econds



    Integrated Speaking: Test Questions 3 and 4 393

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    Practice 1 Reading and lecture

    ~ t e p

    Read the passage below and underline important information.

    Reward Systems

    Manychild psychologists recommend that parents use reward systemsbecause they encourage children to behave properly. Reward systemsare advantageous because they provide positive outcomes for both theparent and child. The parents witness good behavior in their child andthe child gets something he or she wants. Reward systems are alsoeffective because they teach children that good behavior is rewarded.Children learn to associate good behavior with positive consequences.As a result they are more likelyto behave well in the future.

    Write own the main idea and any key points.

    n Now listen to a related lecture. Fill in the missing information.•rm m•

    Main t o p i c

    Key point 1:

    Key point 2:

    94 Chapter 5

    rewardsomething given or receivedin recognitionof a ob welldonepsychologist:a person who studies howthe mind worksoutcomethe result of somethingwitnessto see something happen

    associateto connect one thing withanother

    caregivera person who takes care ofotherspreferred:wanted instead of otherthings

    liable:likelycorrelateto make a connectionbetween two thingsbring about:to make something happen


    · ·

    : {

    I •·

    · *

    I} ;



  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga








    ~ S t e p2

    Read and think about the prompt below.

    - ' "." ..............'. -.....................~ .... ..........,.. ''................. 'l[ Using details and examplesfrom the lecture, explain the advantagesof using rewardsystems.

    ,_.,. ..... - ~ ~ ~ ~_ .. · ~ ~ - · ~ ~ ' · ~ - « • '~ ~ - - - - - ' . ~.. = = ~ ·..... - = ... >D W>. . . q ;< ~ = ~ ~ > > . O < ~ ~ r . > ~ < B• ...,,u, - < > > ~> ' ' ' > ~ c ,_• ,, > m = • · ~ • ' - ~ L ~ ; . M, ; ~ . . . _ . .

    WITHOUT looking at the original reading passage, review your notes from the reading andlistening passages. Select the information you think s important. Fill in the blanks of the sampleresponse below.

    The professoruses the exampleof _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    t o · He explainsthat reward systemsare

    · T h e rofessorsays that _ _ _ _

    is effectivebecause

    ~ · T h eprofessoralso says that_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    - ~ . . . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s effectiveb e c a u s e ·, - ~

    So they are morelikelyt o

    After you have filled in the blanks, read the response out loud. Pay attention to your pronunciation,intonation, and word stress.



    :·f 1






    tnteg1a:ed peaking:Test Quest1 11S3 and 95 ~ · - . ~ · .

    __ . _ ; ~

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    ~ t e p

    n Now listen to a sample response. ow does i t differ from your response? Write down anydifferences in information or phrasing. •@ilofi

    n Listen again and repeat after the response. Pay close attention to pronunciation, intonation,and word stress •@fl1lf

    ~ t e p4

    Now give your own spoken response to the prompt. Try to incorporate useful expressions

    from Steps 2 and 3, while also paying attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Recordyour time.

    Response: ·Speaking time: seconds

  • 8/9/2019 [Học anh văn cùng thầy] Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT 361-400.pdf http://bsquochoai.ga


    Practice 2 - Reading and Lecture

    ~ t e p1Read the passage below and underline important information.

    Teaching by Demonstration

    Educators employ many different methods for teaching. The bestway to teach a skill however is to demonstrate it. Teaching by exampleis effective because it provides all the information necessary to learn anew skill. By demonstrating that skill an educator conveys every stepstudents need to know. Teaching by example also shows students howto apply the information they learn to a real life situation. Students will

    not only be able to relay the information but willalso understand how touse it.

    Write down the main idea and any key points.

    n ow listen to a related lecture. Fill in the missing information.i i

    Main topic:

    Key point 1:

    Key point 2:

    . '·

    employ:to make use ofdemonstrate

    to show how something isdoneconvey:to communicate feelings orinformationapply:to put into servicerelay:t communicate information


    existing in the mind; not ofthe physical worldstep:one action n a seriesleave out:to not include somethingliterally:used to say that somethingis real

    series:a set of similar things


    Integrated Speaking Test Questions 3 and 4 97 -....,...-

    ~ . . • · .

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    ~ S t e p

    Read and think about the prompt below.

    # ' ~ £ , , , , . , , , , . . . ~ _ . . _ , , ~ . , - ' ' · ' ' ' · ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ~ = , , > m ~ = 7 « ' ~ , - , , . , . , , . . . , _ . . ' ~ = « ~ r n ~ · · » ' - ~ ' = < ' ~ - - ~ ~ · ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ~ · · = » • ~ ~ • • • « . o - • « > e X o • • • Y ' , ~ · , , , , _ , , n . - r n ~ · · ~ ~ ° ' · ' ' - ~ · · , M • ' ' ' ' • •

    l The professor discusses teaching by demonstration. Using the professor s example, ·. jexplain why this teaching method is effective., , , . , _ _ . _ . . . . _ . . . . .... ................................ . , , , . . , _ , , , , , ; , . , , , _ . .... .......- , . , , . , , , , , , , ., , , , , , , , . , . , , ., . , , , . , , , .. . , .WITHOUTlooking at the original reading passage review your notes from the reading andlistening passages. Select the information you think s important. Fill in the blanks if the sampleresponse below.

    The professor discusses the best way t o

    in order to s h o w · According to the

    professor, you should

    rather t h a n · The professor says that

    i s ffective because

    ~ · T h eprofessor says it is also

    effective b e c a u s e

    After you have filled in the blanks read the response out loud. Pay attention to your pronunciationintonation and word stress

