how might we

Metode “How might we”

Upload: simon-andersen

Post on 07-Mar-2016




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En introduktion til metoden "How might we"


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“How might we”

Page 2: How might we

“How might we”

Er en metode / sætning der bliver brugt i forretningsudvikling siden de tidlige 70’ere. Innovations-guru’en Min Basadur satte “How might we” metoden i system i sin tid i virksomheden “Procter and gamble”, og har igennem flere årtier undervist i “How might We” som innovationskonsulent for firmaer. I dag bruger blandt andet Google, Facebook og Ideo “How might we”.

Page 3: How might we

“How might we” spørgsmålet Et udgangspunkt for den kreative proces.

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- at stille det rigtige spørgsmål.

- at skabe en konstruktiv atmosfære.

- en ja-hat-skabende-sætning.

- basis for idegenerering.

- ikke forudindtaget.

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How can we do thisEksempel

Bremser innovationen, idet ‘can’ stiller spørgsmål og dermed begrænsninger!

“can we do this?”

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“How might we” create new rituals in and around the church?


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“How might we”

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‘the ‘HOW’ Assumes there are solutions out there - it provides creative confidence.

Uddrag fra interview med Min Basadur.

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‘the MIGHT’ “Says we can put ideas out there the might work og might not work - either way, it’s OK.”

Uddrag fra interview med Min Basadur.


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‘the WE’ “Says we’re going to do it together and build on each other’s ideas”

Uddrag fra interview med Min Basadur.

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“How might we” - basic rules

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Det er en proces at finde det rigtige “How might we”spørgsmål! Det tager tid.

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“How might WE” kan godt tilpasses og modificeres når ny viden opstår.

Fra research til idegenerering

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“How might WE” skal være synlig på jeres væg, (den fælles retning).”

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“How might WE” fungerer bedst når den

hverken er for smal eller for bred.

Page 16: How might we

“How might we” Revolutionize the church in Denmark?


Page 17: How might we

“How might we” investigate the rituals in the church.


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“How might we” create a map of the symbols related to the church.


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“How might we” get relevant knowledgeabout the ceremony, from the priest in the Kolding church.


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Page 21: How might we

“How might we” --“How might we” --

“How might we” --

“How might we” --

“How might we” --

“How might we” --

“How might we” --“How might we” --

“How might we” --

“How might we” --

“How might we” --