iea - eletrônica orgânica: uma nova fronteira da ciência


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Post on 05-Jun-2015




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Palestra realizada pelo Instituto de Estudos Avançados da USP, Polo Ribeirão Preto. Mais informações:


  • 1. Panorama da eletrnicaorgnica: cinciafundamental e aplicaesROBERTO M. FARIA Instituto de Fsica de So Carlos Universtidade de So Paulo

2. 1. O que Eletrnica Orgnica (EO)2. Produtos no mercado3. Resultados recentes do GPBG4. INCT de Eletrnica Orgnica (INEO) 3. 1. O que EletrnicaOrgnica (EO) 4. Eletrnica do Silcio 5. Juno pn e dispositivos 6. Poliacetileno 7. Molculas eletrnicas 8. Duas Eletrnicas 9. Tecnologia de filmes finosnanomtricos 10. 2. Produtos no mercado ouprximo dele 11. OLEDs Flexible electronicsOrganic Light-emitting diodes 12. OLEDs Displays (Mercado atual) 13. OLEDs - Iluminao 14. Clulas solaresorgnicas 15. Transistor Orgnico 16. CHIPS ORGNICOS 17. MERCADO DE EOGlobal Organic Electronics Market is Set to Reach $34 Billion by 2015 to 2020 Market SizeIDTechEx find that the market for printed and thin film electronics will be $1.92Billion in 2010. Of the total market in 2010, 35% will be printed.Initially photovoltaics, OLED and e-paper displays grow rapidly, followed bythin film transistor circuits, sensors and batteries. By 2020 the market will beworth $55.1 Billion, with 71% printed and 60% on flexible $15.8 Billion Organic Electronics Materials Market by 18. 3. Resultados recentes do Grupo de Polmeros Bernhard Gross 19. SYNTHESIS 20. Synthesis of electronic polymers 21. ORGANIC DEVICES 22. WHITE ORGANIC LIGHT-EMITTING DIODE (WOLEDs) 23. OLEdsPolyfluorene based Blends for White LightEmissionCH3 CCCH3 415472 554 % (LaPPS10) % (P(MMA-co-MMAnt))351% (LaPPS16)O% (MEH-PPV)ONormalized Intensity CCH13C6 C6H13 On O(a) CH2 437 501CH3(b)H13C6C6H13n(c) O 400450500550 600650nWavelength (nm)(d)160JF14JF17Luminance (cd/m )12028040 0 02 4 6 810 12 1416 Voltage (V) 24. ORGANIC LIGHT-EMITTING ELECTROCHEMICAL CELLS(OLECs) 25. Organic Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cell 26. Device structure 27. MATERIALS 28. Current and Luminance versus voltage 29. ORGANIC FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS(OFETs) 30. Field Effect Transistor33 31. OFETs VD ID FonteDreno Semicondutor Isolante Porta VgRegime de saturao DiferentesIDvalores de Vg VD34 32. OFETs P3HT/PMMA P3HT:Tetralin-6-5Top-Gate Bottom-Contacts-4A-T5 0L = 100 m ; W = 1,33mm -3 -10 -20ID ( A) -30P3HT = 120 nm -2 -40-1 -50 PMMA = 600 nm0 -60 -70 R.T. and vaccum1 -80P3HT:Dichlorobenzene2 20 0 -20 -40-60 -80 -8 VD (V) -6B-T50 -4 -10-20 ID ( A) -2 -30-40 P3HT:Tetrahidrofuran-50 0-60 -5-70 C-T5 2-80 -4 0-3 -10 4 -2020 0 -20-40 -60 -80 -2ID ( A) -30 VD (V)-40-1 -500-60 -701-802 20 0-20 -40 -60-80 VD (V)35 33. VM modelOccupation function37 34. Generalized VM model1D para 2D 35. Poisson equation 36. Drain Current vs Voltage for different values Simulations ID=1=4VG = 1=50 1 2 3 45 VD 37. Simulation Experimental VG=0.25-5 VG=0.5 C-T5-4 VG=1 0-3-10 VG=2 -20-2ID ( A)-30-40-1ID-500 -60-701 -802P3HT:Tetrahidrofuran 20 0-20-40 -60 -80 0 12 VD (V) VD 38. generalizao do modelo VM OFET: 1600x25 (64:1)1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 12 10drenofonte 8 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 porta ID0 12 39. ORGANIC PHOTOVOLTAICS(OPVs) 40. ORGANIC BULK-HETEROJUNCTIONPHOTOVOLTAIC DEVICES 41. OPVs Organic PhotovoltaicsPCBMP3HT0Densidade de corrente (mA/cm )ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PCBM/Ca/Al2-2JSC=10.8mA/cm2VOC=0.55V-4FF=59%3.5%-6-8 -10 -12 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.20.3 0.4 0.5 0.6Voltagem (V) 42. OPV - StructureTabela 1 Espessura das camadas do dispositivo. CamadaEspessura da camada (nm)PEDOT:PSS 303P3HT:PCBM30012Ca 20Al 60 43. OPV - JV090K-2J (mA/cm )2-4-6-8 -10330K 0.00.2 0.4 0.6 0.8Voltage (V) 44. Mobility by Photo-CELIV Dispersiveness Parameter: 45. Photo-CELIV results -12 12 330K -10 0.72 10VOC (V) -8J (mA/cm )82 0.64 -6U (V)64-40.562-26090K JSC (mA/cm ) FF (%)00 45 04 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 30 t ( s)2510 -5 5(cm V s ) x104 0 -1 -133 2 221 0100 150 200 250 3001T (K) 80 120 160 200 240 280 320T(K) 46. Short-circuit current vs sample thickness 47. Our contribution for theJV curves in the fourth quadrant 48. QUADRO DA EFICINCIA 49. OUR APPROACH Basic equation: Solution:Initial conditions: Para is the schubweg valid for 50. MODEL 4. Uniform generation 5. E=V/L(The steady-state continuity equation) 51. FITTING 12 330K10 330K 10 8Jph (mA/cm )Jph (mA/cm )22 6 1 490K 290K 0 1.52.0 2.5 0.1 1 V0-V (V)V0-V (V)Jph=|Jilu-Jdark| 52. Mobilities: theory and experiment5 -5(cm V s ) x104 -1 -13 22 1 80 120 160 200 240 280 320T(K) 53. 4. Instituto Nacional deCincia e Tecnologia emEletrnica Orgnica(INEO) 54. National Institute of Science and Technology on Organic 55. INSTITUTIONSPUC RIOUFSCar - SorocabaINMETROUFT- DFPUC SP UFU DFUEPG DQUNESP FCTUEL - DF UNESP IBILCEUFABCUNESP IGCEUFMG - DFUNICAMP IFGWUFMT DFUNICAMP IQUFOP DFUNIFESP-UFJF - DFDiademaUFPI - DFUSP - EPUFPR - DFUSP- IF INEO comprises researchersUFPR - DQUSP - IEASC from 4 of the 5 regions of Brazil,UFRN ECT USP IFSC from 27 institutions and 35UFSC DFCSEM-Brasil groups of research. 56. WORKSHOPS INEO APRIL 2011APRIL 2012 57. Profile of Research in INEOThe proposal of INEO is to develop science and technology for strategic areas, asBiotechnology, Health and Energy.i) synthesis and chemical modification of molecules (small molecules and polymers);ii) methods to prepare organized organic thin films with enhanced physicochemicalproperties;iii) advanced methods to explore interfacial phenomena;iv) analysis of electrical and optical properties of thin organic films;v) molecular dynamics and conformational properties obtained with high-resolutionNMR combined with thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction and scattering;vi) theoretical approaches to determine the electronic and conformational properties of molecules as well as models for transport in optoelectronic devices;vii) technological development of electronic and optoelectronic devices (OLEDs, OPVs, Transistors, etc.) 58. INEO IN NUMBERS 59. INEO IN NUMBERS A SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PRODUCTION (32 MONTHS)AMOUNTBooks1Chapters of books3Papers in National Journals 22Papers in International Journals INEO IN NUMBERS448Publications in National Meetings 88Publications in International Meetings121SoftwaresPatentsProducts 9ProcessesPrizes and awards9Organization of Conferences and Symposia 7 60. INEO IN NUMBERSB FORMATION OF PEOPLE (32 MONTHS)Concluded: Scientific Initiation93 Master 90 PhD38 Pos-Doc21 Others4In progress:Scientific Initiation 120Master88PhD 84Pos-Doc 29Others12 61. INEO IN NUMBERSC TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFER: AMOUNT Project with Suzano Pulp and Paper Company (in progress) 3 Project with CSEM-Brazil (in progress) Project with Instituto de Pesquisa Eldorado (in discussion) D SCIENTIFIC DIVULGATION AND AND MINI COURSES: QUANTIDADEMini-courses on Organic Electronics 8 62. MUITO OBRIGADO 63. PATENTS IN PROGRESSPhotoluminescent polymer composites.T. J. Bonagamba, F. E. G. Guimares, L. Akcelrud, T. D. Z. Atvars & J. R. Tozzoni, process: USP 2008.1.38332 (2009), protocolo INPI 018090046067: 06-10-2009.Preparation processo f a smart stamp. G. R. Ferreira, C. K. B. de Vasconcelos,T. Schimitberger & R. F. Bianchi. (2010).Nanostructured films using material from Algal for remotion of metals fromaqueous solution. Cristina Freire Nordi, Valtencir Zucolotto (waiting for register).Fabrication Processe of biosensors for detection of antibodies of anti-leishmania.ngelo Cesar Perinotto, Fabiana R. Santos, Marcelle C. Colhone, Denise B. Ferraz,Katia R.P. Daghastanli, Rodrigo G. Stabeli, Pietro Ciancaglini, Osvaldo N. Oliveira,Valtencir Zucolotto. (waiting for register).Fabrication Process of biosensors for detection of thyroidal hormones.Luana Bendo, Ana Carolina Migliorini Figueira,Igor Polikarpov, Valtencir Zucolotto. (waiting for register). 64. ORGANIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGSInternational Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM 2009)Rio de Janeiro, September 2009:Symposium I:New Materials and Processes for Sensing and BiosensingValtencir ZucolottoSymposium M:Frontiers in Photonic and Photovoltaic Materials and ProcessesAna Flvia NogueiraSymposium Q:Materials and Processes for Large-Area ElectronicsLucimara Stolz RomanSymposium T:Functional Materials For Organic Electronic and NanotechnologyRoberto Mendona Faria and Marco CremonaWorkshop on Materials of Technological Interest80 people: 15 researchers, mainly from Brazil and Spain, and 65 students09 and 10/sept/2010 9 (Presidente Prudente) 65. Leni Akcelrud, Roberto Mendona Faria, Jos Alberto Giacometti, and Carlos Jos Leopoldo Constantino ORGANIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS X Brazilian MRS Meeting - Symposium K: Supramomolecular organic materials for electronic, photonics and nanotechnology Gramado 2011 Leni Akcelrud, Roberto Mendona Faria, Jos Alberto Giacometti, and Carlos Jos Leopoldo Constantino 7th International Symposium on Advanced Materials and nanostructures Sorocaba 2012 Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira Jr. 66. ORGANIZATION OF MINI-COURSES1 ORGANIC ELECTRONICS:Roberto Mendona Faria, IFSC-USP and Juliusz Sworakowski (Wroclaw University of Technology,Poland)During the XXXII National Meeting of Condensed Matter (May, 2009 guas de Lindia)Number of students: 1502 INJECTION AND TRANSPORT PHENOMENA IN ORGANIC DEVICESRoberto Mendona Faria, IFSC-USPFederal University of Piau, August, 2009.Number of students: 203 FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICSMarco Cremona PUC-RioDuring the XXXIII National Meeting of Condensed Matter, guas de Lindia May, 2010Number od Students: 304 ORGANIC ELECTRONICSMarco Cremona and Jordan Del Nero (UFPA)InmetroNumber of Students: 505 PHOTOPHYSICS AND PHOTOCHEMISTRY OF POLYMERSTeresa D. Z. Atvaras and Paulo MirandaFederal University of Piau, October 2010.Number of Students: 40 67. ORGANIZATION OF MINI-COURSESORGANIC ELECTRONICS:Federal University of Santa Catarina - March 2011Roberto Mendona Faria, IFSC-USPORGANIC ELECTRONICS:University of Ponta Grossa - September 2011Roberto Mendona Faria, IFSC-USP 68. IMPACTS CAUSED BY THE ACTIONS AND RESULTS OF THE PROJECTC TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFER: We are in the beginning of projects withtwo companies Electronics in papers (Suzano) and Flexible Electronics (CSEM).D SCIENTIFIC DIVULGATION: INEO is one of the Sponsors of theCinciaWEB (used to divulgation of Science) whose site is: Other programs are:1- Workshop for teachers of primary and high schools;2- Experimenting with Physics;3 - De Cara com Feras (Facing the VIS)E - MINI-COURSES:With the courses and exchange, the knowledge on the part of the students aboutOrganic Electronics has been expanded fast. 69. MODEL 70. Electrical propertiesPhoto-CELIV measurements with thin films of F8BT Field and temperature dependence of carrier mobility Non-dispersive to dispersive transport Energy barriers in metal/polymer interfaces Bulk Fermi level position Density of defect states in the gap 71. generalizao do modelo VMSoluo numrica da equao de Poisson