innovative policies and practices 2014 of the zero project

Copyright: Zero Project,, [email protected] Zero Project is a project of the Essl Foundation, the World Future Council Source: Zero Project: the Innovative Practice is based on nominations and selections by the Zero Project network of more than 1000 experts; WKH ,QQRYDWLYH 3ROLF\VHOHFWLRQ LV EDVHG RQ QRPLQDWLRQV E\ WKH QHWZRUN DQG RQ VHOHFWLRQ E\ WKH 6FLHQWL¿F $GYLVRU\ %RDUG RI WKH =HUR 3URMHFW DQG WKH (XURSHDQ )RXQGDWLRQ &HQWUH Design: JUD¿NXPFRP Innovative Policies 2014 and Innovative Practices 2014 of the Zero Project Learnership for unemployed rural youth Dual Education, work experience, mobile college $7+(1$ ± ,17(5$&7,9( 75$,1,1* 1(7:25. 37< /7' SOUTH AFRICA MEXICO Accessibility guide for employers in Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, El Salvador $FFHVVLELOLW\ DW :RUN 7+( 75867 )25 7+( $0(5,&$6 USA Access programs, MoMA New York 7UDLQLQJ RQ LQFOXVLYH DUW HGXFDWLRQ 7+( 086(80 2) 02'(51 $57 1< AMAC 2QHVWRS VKRS IRU GLJLWLVHG PHGLD $0$& $&&(66,%,/,7< 62/87,216 Leveraged Freedom Chair (LFC) Wheelchair to travel on unpaved surfaces */2%$/ 5(6($5&+ ,1129$7,21 $1' 7(&+12/2*< AUSTRALIA NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) 19'$ LV D IUHH IXOO\ IXQFWLRQDO SRUWDEOH VFUHHQ UHDGHU IRU 0LFURVRIW :LQGRZV 19 $&&(66 /,0,7(' JAPAN Evacuation manual using Digital Accesible Information System (DAISY) (YDFXDWLRQ PDQXDO LQ '$,6< multimedia format $66,67,9( 7(&+12/2*< '(9(/230(17 25*$1,6$7,21 VIETNAM THAILAND Bangkok metropolitan administration Sidewalk design competition, urban centres made accessible ',6$%/(' 3(23/(6¶ ,17(51$7,21$/ $6,$3$&,),& 5(*,21 Ayudas técnicas y asistencia tecnológica /RZ FRVW DQG KLJK performance technical aids and assistive technology &25325$&,21 &(75$0 CHILE COLOMBIA Kit de inclusión digital para personas con discapacidad Platform offering VROXWLRQV IRU ,7 LQFOXVLRQ &25325$&,Ï1 ',6&$3$&,'$' &2/20%,$ (035(6$ ',6(f2 81,9(56$/ 7(&12$<8'$6 BRAZIL Housing and access $FFHVVLEOH KRXVLQJ LQ poverty-stricken areas 5,2,1&/8, Theatre in the service of diversity Cultural inclusion through DFFHVVLEOH 7KHDWUH YDULRXV translation tools used (6&2/( '( *(17( SINGAPORE The BCA Universal Design (UD) mark &HUWL¿FDWLRQ VFKHPH RQ 8QLYHUVDO 'HVLJQ %8,/',1* $1' &216758&7,21 $87+25,7< %&$ ETHIOPIA Promote accessibility in Ethiopia *XLGH ERRN RQ DFFHVVLELOLW\ inclusive urban development (7+,23,$1 &(17(5 )25 ',6$%,/,7< $1' '(9(/230(17 (&'' ESTONIA Accessible and supportive university Disabled students as consultants for accessibilty at university 7$//,11 81,9(56,7< 2) 7(&+12/2*< SWEDEN Accessible museums in the Western Balkans Communicating art in WKH :HVWHUQ %DONDQV &8/785$/ +(5,7$*( :,7+287 %25'(56 Color ADD Colour is for all! asistencia tecnológica 8QLYHUVDO JUDSKLF FRGH to identify colours &2/25 $'' PORTUGAL MACEDONIA e-Accessible education in Macedonia and Serbia Children with disabilities in mainstream primary education, assistive technology 23(1 7+( :,1'2:6 27: (&80(1,&$/ +80$1,7$5,$1 25*$1,6$7,21 (+2 AUSTRIA MONTENEGRO QATAR AccessibleMap 7DONLQJ FLW\ PDSV IRU YLVXDOO\ impaired persons &(,7 $/$129$ *0%+ AppHear 0RELOH KHDULQJ DLG RQ VKRSSLQJ FDUWV +g5:(/7 *0%+ Barrierefreie Bank Austria $FFHVVLEOH EDQNLQJ VHUYLFHV barrier-free foyer %$1. $8675,$ easy entrance %XVLQHVV FRQVXOWDQF\ IRU DFFHVVLEOH ZRUNLQJ environments, barrier-free foyer ($6< (175$1&( *0%+ Maths in Braille 2SHQVRXUFH WRRO WR FRQYHUW mathematical formulas +,/)6*(0(,16&+$)7 '(5 %/,1'(1 81' 6(+6&+:$&+(1 MoViH Database for barrier-free public transport systems :8 :,(1 ,167 ) 75$163257:,576&+$)7 81' /2*,67,. ÖZIV access $GYRFDF\ WR VHQVLWLVH RQ DFFHVVLELOLW\ g=,9 g67(55 =,9,/,19$/,'(19(5%$1' RelayService 7HOHSKRQH H[FKDQJH VHUYLFH IRU GHDI SHRSOH g*6%$55,(5()5(, ways4all Public transportation made accessible )+ -2$11(80 *0%+ ZHJH¿QGHQDW 2QOLQH URXWHSODQQLQJ WRRO )256&+81*6.216257,80 %$55,(5( ,1)250$7,216 6<67(0 /(*(1' Innovative Practice Innovative Policy Mada – Qatar assistive technology center 2QHVWRSVKRS IRU DVVLVWLYH WHFKQRORJ\ LQ $UDELF ODQJXDJH 0$'$ 4$7$5 $66,67,9( 7(&+12/2*< &(17(5 Accessible information adapted by persons with disabilities $FFHVVLEOH LQIRUPDWLRQ DGDSWHG E\ people with intellectual disabilities ,163,5(' 6(59,&(6 38%/,6+,1* Accessible London Improving access to buildings of 3 rd sector &,7< %5,'*( 75867 Changing places toilets Campaign for accessible toilets in public spaces &+$1*,1* 3/$&(6 &216257,80 Stations made easy Stations made easy $72& /7' The talking ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) $XGLR HQDEOHG $70V %$5&/$<6 %$1. Virtual object handling in museums +DSWLF DQG WDFWLOH PXVHXP experience, 3-D scan 0$1&+(67(5 086(80 728&+ $1' ',6&29(5 6<67(06 /7' Delivering the most inclusive olympic and paralympic games ever 67$57(' ,1 ± A %8,/7 (19,5210(17 ,1)250$7,21 $1' &20081,&$7,21 /RQGRQ DSSURDFKHG WKH 2O\PSLF DQG 3DUDO\PSLF *DPHV DV RQH event, with accessibility as key theme. UNITED KINGDOM Home from home apartment Independent fully accessible accommodation with aids & appliances 086&8/$5 '<67523+< ,5(/$1' IRELAND Accessible customer services of energy suppliers in Ireland 67$57(' ,1 S 352'8&76 $1' 6(59,&(6 6SHFL¿FDOO\ GHVLJQHG WR EH HDVLO\ DSSOLFDEOH ,UHODQG¶V VWDQGDUG offers managers guidance on how to communicate with 1.6 million energy customers. Accessibility as part of the business concept $FFHVVLELOLW\ incorporated in everything 6&$1',& +27(/6 NORWAY Universal design as part of the non-discriminationlaw in Norway 67$57(' ,1 L %8,/7 (19,5210(17 75$163257 ,1)250$7,21 $1' &20081,&$7,21 1RUZD\ HVWDEOLVKHG LQDFFHVVLELOLW\ as a case of discrimination and universal design an enforceable legal standard. SPAIN Internet access for 500,000 disadvantaged Colombians 67$57(' ,1 ± A ,1)250$7,21 $1' &20081,&$7,21 &RORPELD¶V 3ODQ 9LYH 'LJLWDO LV exemplary as it is a generic action plan fostering Internet access, whilst mainstreaming disability. Accessible bus system in Cape Town/South Africa 67$57(' ,1 A 75$163257 7KH 8QLYHUVDO $FFHVV 3ROLF\ RI &DSH 7RZQ¶V 0\&L7L 7UDQVSRUW 6\VWHP LV a comprehensive long-term, multi- level effort that mainstreams universal design. Mandatory accessibility standards for the built environment in Uganda 67$57(' ,1 S %8,/7 (19,5210(17 ,1)250$7,21 $1' &20081,&$7,21 8JDQGD LV DPRQJ WKH ¿UVW sub-Saharan countries to have developed their own accessibility standards. UGANDA DENMARK The most DFFHVVLEOH RI¿FH house in the world ,QFOXVLYH RI¿FH EXLOGLQJ ',6$%/(' 3(23/(6 25*$1,6$7,216 '(10$5. '32' BELGIUM European standards for easy to read European HDV\WRUHDG¶ ORJR ,1&/86,21 (8523( $,6%/ Making events accessible Enabling access to various events ,1752 9=: Preferential interest rate scheme toward designing dwellings for an ageing society 67$57(' ,1 ± ±present P %8,/7 (19,5210(17 -DSDQ LQFHQWLYLVHV LQGLYLGXDOV WR construct accessible private housing by offering lower interest rates. Development aid as key enabler for accessibility 67$57(' ,1 ± A %8,/7 (19,5210(17 75$163257 ,1)250$7,21 $1' &20081,&$7,21 $XVWUDOLD PDLQVWUHDPV GLVDELOLW\ into its development programming DQG HVSHFLDOO\ VXSSRUWV '32V LQ WKH *OREDO 6RXWK CHINA Hong Kong’s programme to UHWUR¿W JRYHUQPHQW SUHPLVHV 67$57(' ,1 P %8,/7 (19,5210(17 352'8&76 $1' 6(59,&(6 +RQJ .RQJ HVWDEOLVKHG SUR- grammes that make existing government premises accessible, supported by accessibility coordinators. Introducing copyright exception for persons with disabilities in India 67$57(' ,1 L ,1)250$7,21 $1' &20081,&$7,21 352'8&76 $1' 6(59,&(6 ,QGLD¶V FRS\ULJKW H[FHSWLRQ LV inclusive and non-bureaucratic, catering to the needs of persons ZLWK GLVDELOLWLHV LQ WKH *OREDO South. eAccessibility policy of Qatar targets the entire ICT eco- system 67$57(' ,1 L ,1)250$7,21 $1' &20081,&$7,21 4DWDU¶V SROLF\ OD\V WKH IRXQGDWLRQV IRU DQ DFFHVVLEOH ,&7 HFRV\VWHP that enables persons with disabili- WLHV WR WDNH IXOO DGYDQWDJH RI ,&7V MALAYSIA Monitoring and enforcing accessibility standards in Kuala Lumpur 67$57(' ,1 A %8,/7 (19,5210(17 .XDOD /XPSXU¶V $FWLRQ 3ODQ includes comprehensive monitoring and enforcement, from design to post-construction. INDONESIA Solo City/Indonesia: access to transport that can be enforced 67$57(' ,1 S 75$163257 ,1)250$7,21 $1' &20081,&$7,21 6ROR &LW\¶V VWDQGDUG LV OHJDOO\ ELQGLQJ DQG VLJQL¿FDQW DV LW LQ- cludes provisions for accessible information and communication. Community-based disaster risk reduction management Community-based disaster risk management 0$/7(6(5 ,17(51$7,21$/ TURKEY Obstacle-free airport project $LUSRUW PDGH DFFHVVLEOH 7$9 ,67$1%8/ FRANCE ACCEO Service provider for accessible phone calls '(/7$ 352&(66 Artesens, l’éveil artistique par les sens pour tous 5HSURGXFWLRQ RI DUW historical role plays $57(6(16 Accessible transport the business concept 7UDQVSRUW VXSSRUW IRU VWXGHQWV $662&,$7,21 2) <287+ :,7+ ',6$%,/,7,(6 2) 0217(1(*52 The biggest public-private partnership in Spain 67$57(' ,1 P %8,/7 (19,5210(17 75$163257 ,1)250$7,21 $1' &20081,&$7,21 ,Q 6SDLQ RQH RI WKH ZRUOG¶V biggest public-private partnerships concerning universal accessibility has been established. Amovil Comparative analysis of accessibility features in mobile devices )81'$&,Ï1 21&( ASPACEnet Social interaction of people with cerebral palsy through through new mobile device technologies &21)('(5$&,Ï1 $63$&( < )81'$&,21 92'$)21( (63$1$ ICT to make public bus more accessible 9LVXDO DQG DFRXVWLF LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ EXVHV LQ 0DGULG (035(6$ 081,&,3$/ '( 75$163257(6 '( 0$'5,' (07 Network for excellence ÀDJ RI WRZQV DQG cities for all 8UEDQ FHQWUHV PDGH accessible for all '(6,*1 )25 $// )281'$7,21 Mandatory handbooks on barrier-free construction in Berlin 67$57(' ,1 ± S %8,/7 (19,5210(17 7KH *HUPDQ FDSLWDO KDV SXEOLVKHG the design for all handbooks that DUH PDQGDWRU\ IRU DOO %HUOLQ 6WDWH construction projects. GERMANY Online translation system 2QOLQH LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ V\VWHP for hearing-impaired people 9(5%$ 92,&( PIKSL Cooperation reduces GLJLWDO FRPSOH[LW\ ,1 '(5 *(0(,1'( /(%(1 **0%+ ZKHHOPDSRUJ 2QOLQH DQG LQWHUDFWLYH FLW\PDS wheelchair accessibility 62=,$/+(/'(1 (9+ Inclusive education practices asistencia tecnológica $ IXOO\ LQFOXVLYH DQG DFFHVVLEOH VFKRRO LQ 8JDQGD 8*$1'$ 62&,(7< )25 ',6$%/(' &+,/'5(1 86'& INDIA E-speak text to speech (TTS) 2SHQ VRXUFH WH[WWRVSHHFK engine &(175( )25 ,17(51(7 $1' 62&,(7<

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Page 1: Innovative Policies and Practices 2014 of the Zero Project

Copyright: Zero Project,, [email protected] Zero Project is a project of the Essl Foundation, the World Future CouncilSource: Zero Project: the Innovative Practice is based on nominations and selections by the Zero Project network of more than 1000 experts; WKH�,QQRYDWLYH�3ROLF\�VHOHFWLRQ�LV�EDVHG�RQ�QRPLQDWLRQV�E\�WKH�QHWZRUN�DQG�RQ�VHOHFWLRQ�E\�WKH�6FLHQWL¿F�$GYLVRU\�%RDUG�RI�WKH�=HUR�3URMHFW�DQG�WKH�(XURSHDQ�)RXQGDWLRQ�&HQWUHDesign:�JUD¿NXP�FRP

Innovative Policies 2014 and Innovative Practices 2014 of the Zero Project

Learnership for unemployed rural youth Dual Education, work experience, mobile college $7+(1$�±�,17(5$&7,9( 75$,1,1*�1(7:25.��37<��/7'



Accessibility guide for employers in Mexico, Peru,

Ecuador, El Salvador $FFHVVLELOLW\�DW�:RUN�



Access programs, MoMA New York 7UDLQLQJ�RQ�LQFOXVLYH�DUW�HGXFDWLRQ 7+(�086(80�2)�02'(51�$57�1<

AMAC 2QH�VWRS�VKRS�IRU�GLJLWLVHG�PHGLD $0$&�$&&(66,%,/,7<�62/87,216

Leveraged Freedom Chair (LFC) Wheelchair to travel on unpaved surfaces */2%$/�5(6($5&+�,1129$7,21� $1'�7(&+12/2*<




Evacuation manual using Digital Accesible Information System (DAISY) (YDFXDWLRQ�PDQXDO�LQ�'$,6<�multimedia format $66,67,9(�7(&+12/2*<�'(9(/230(17�25*$1,6$7,21



Bangkok metropolitan administration

Sidewalk design competition, urban centres made accessible

',6$%/('�3(23/(6¶�,17(51$7,21$/ $6,$�3$&,),&�5(*,21

Ayudas técnicas y asistencia tecnológica

/RZ�FRVW�DQG�KLJK� performance technical aids

and assistive technology &25325$&,21�&(75$0



Kit de inclusión digital para personas con discapacidad

Platform offering �VROXWLRQV�IRU�,7�LQFOXVLRQ�

&25325$&,Ï1�',6&$3$&,'$' &2/20%,$��(035(6$�',6(f2 81,9(56$/�7(&12$<8'$6


Housing and access $FFHVVLEOH�KRXVLQJ�LQ� poverty-stricken areas 5,2,1&/8,�

Theatre in the service of diversity Cultural inclusion through DFFHVVLEOH�7KHDWUH��YDULRXV�translation tools used (6&2/(�'(�*(17(�


The BCA Universal Design (UD) mark &HUWL¿FDWLRQ�VFKHPH�RQ� 8QLYHUVDO�'HVLJQ %8,/',1*�$1'�&216758&7,21� $87+25,7<��%&$�


Promote accessibility in Ethiopia *XLGH�ERRN�RQ�DFFHVVLELOLW\��inclusive urban development (7+,23,$1�&(17(5�)25�',6$%,/,7<� $1'�'(9(/230(17��(&''��


Accessible and supportive university Disabled students as consultants for accessibilty at university 7$//,11�81,9(56,7<� 2)�7(&+12/2*<�


Accessible museums in the Western Balkans Communicating art in WKH�:HVWHUQ�%DONDQV� &8/785$/�+(5,7$*(� :,7+287�%25'(56

Color ADD Colour is for all!

asistencia tecnológica

8QLYHUVDO�JUDSKLF�FRGH� to identify colours




e-Accessible education in Macedonia and Serbia

Children with disabilities in mainstream primary education,

assistive technology 23(1�7+(�:,1'2:6��27:�� (&80(1,&$/�+80$1,7$5,$1





AccessibleMap 7DONLQJ�FLW\�PDSV�IRU�YLVXDOO\� impaired persons &(,7�$/$129$�*0%+


Barrierefreie Bank Austria $FFHVVLEOH�EDQNLQJ�VHUYLFHV�� barrier-free foyer %$1.�$8675,$

easy entrance %XVLQHVV�FRQVXOWDQF\�IRU�DFFHVVLEOH�ZRUNLQJ� environments, barrier-free foyer ($6<�(175$1&(�*0%+

Maths in Braille 2SHQ�VRXUFH�WRRO�WR�FRQYHUW� mathematical formulas +,/)6*(0(,16&+$)7�'(5� %/,1'(1�81'�6(+6&+:$&+(1

MoViH Database for barrier-free public transport systems :8�:,(1��,167��)��75$163257�:,576&+$)7�81'�/2*,67,.

ÖZIV access $GYRFDF\�WR�VHQVLWLVH�RQ�DFFHVVLELOLW\ g=,9��g67(55��=,9,/,19$/,'(19(5%$1'


ways4all Public transportation made accessible )+�-2$11(80�*0%+

��ZHJH�¿QGHQ�DW 2QOLQH�URXWH�SODQQLQJ�WRRO )256&+81*6.216257,80�%$55,(5(� ,1)250$7,216�6<67(0


Innovative Practice

Innovative Policy

Mada – Qatar assistive technology center 2QH�VWRS�VKRS�IRU�DVVLVWLYH� WHFKQRORJ\�LQ�$UDELF�ODQJXDJH 0$'$��4$7$5�$66,67,9( 7(&+12/2*<�&(17(5�

Accessible information adapted by persons

with disabilities $FFHVVLEOH�LQIRUPDWLRQ�DGDSWHG�E\� people with intellectual disabilities


Accessible London Improving access to buildings

of 3rd sector &,7<�%5,'*(�75867

Changing places toilets Campaign for accessible toilets

in public spaces &+$1*,1*�3/$&(6�&216257,80

Stations made easy Stations made easy


The talking ATM (Automatic Teller Machine)

$XGLR�HQDEOHG�$70V� %$5&/$<6�%$1.

Virtual object handling in museums

+DSWLF�DQG�WDFWLOH�PXVHXP� experience, 3-D scan

0$1&+(67(5�086(80��728&+� $1'�',6&29(5�6<67(06�/7'��

Delivering the most inclusive olympic and paralympic games

ever 67$57('�,1�����±����

A %8,/7�(19,5210(17��,1)250$7,21� $1'�&20081,&$7,21

/RQGRQ�DSSURDFKHG�WKH�2O\PSLF�DQG�3DUDO\PSLF�*DPHV�DV�RQH�event, with accessibility as key theme.


Home from home apartment

Independent fully accessible accommodation

with aids & appliances 086&8/$5�'<67523+<�



Accessible customer services of energy suppliers in Ireland


S �352'8&76�$1'�6(59,&(6

6SHFL¿FDOO\�GHVLJQHG�WR�EH�HDVLO\�DSSOLFDEOH��,UHODQG¶V�VWDQGDUG�offers managers guidance on how to communicate with 1.6 million energy customers.

Accessibility as part of the

business concept $FFHVVLELOLW\� incorporated in everything



Universal design as part of the non-discriminationlaw

in Norway 67$57('�,1�����

L %8,/7�(19,5210(17��75$163257��,1)250$7,21�$1'� &20081,&$7,21

1RUZD\�HVWDEOLVKHG�LQDFFHVVLELOLW\�as a case of discrimination and

universal design an enforceable legal standard.


Internet access for 500,000 disadvantaged Colombians


A ,1)250$7,21�$1'�&20081,&$7,21

&RORPELD¶V�3ODQ�9LYH�'LJLWDO�LV�exemplary as it is a generic action

plan fostering Internet access, whilst mainstreaming disability.

Accessible bus system in Cape Town/South Africa 67$57('�,1�����

A 75$163257

7KH�8QLYHUVDO�$FFHVV�3ROLF\�RI�&DSH�7RZQ¶V�0\&L7L�7UDQVSRUW�6\VWHP�LV�a comprehensive long-term, multi-level effort that mainstreams universal design.

Mandatory accessibility standards for the built

environment in Uganda 67$57('�,1�����

S �%8,/7�(19,5210(17��,1)250$7,21� $1'�&20081,&$7,21

8JDQGD�LV�DPRQJ�WKH�¿UVW� sub-Saharan countries to have

de veloped their own accessibility standards.




house in the world ,QFOXVLYH�RI¿FH�EXLOGLQJ�

',6$%/('�3(23/(6 25*$1,6$7,216�'(10$5.



European standards for easy to read European ‘HDV\�WR�UHDG¶�ORJR ,1&/86,21�(8523(�$,6%/

Making events accessible Enabling access to various events ,1752�9=:�

Preferential interest rate scheme toward designing dwellings for an ageing society 67$57('�,1�����±������±present�

P %8,/7�(19,5210(17

-DSDQ�LQFHQWLYLVHV�LQGLYLGXDOV�WR�construct accessible private housing by offering lower interest rates.

Development aid as key enabler for accessibility 67$57('�,1�����±����

A %8,/7�(19,5210(17��75$163257�� ,1)250$7,21�$1'�&20081,&$7,21



Hong Kong’s programme to UHWUR¿W�JRYHUQPHQW�SUHPLVHV�67$57('�,1�����

P �%8,/7�(19,5210(17��352'8&76�$1'�6(59,&(6

+RQJ�.RQJ�HVWDEOLVKHG�SUR-grammes that make existing government premises accessible, supported by accessibility coordinators.

Introducing copyright exception for persons with disabilities in India 67$57('�,1�����

L ,1)250$7,21�$1'�&20081,&$7,21�� 352'8&76�$1'�6(59,&(6

,QGLD¶V�FRS\ULJKW�H[FHSWLRQ�LV�inclusive and non-bureaucratic, catering to the needs of persons ZLWK�GLVDELOLWLHV�LQ�WKH�*OREDO�South.

eAccessibility policy of Qatar targets the entire ICT eco-system 67$57('�,1�����

L �,1)250$7,21�$1'�&20081,&$7,21



Monitoring and enforcing access ibility standards in

Kuala Lumpur 67$57('�,1�����

A %8,/7�(19,5210(17

.XDOD�/XPSXU¶V�$FWLRQ�3ODQ� includes comprehensive monitoring

and enforcement, from design to post-construction.


Solo City/Indonesia: access to transport that can be enforced 67$57('�,1�����

S ��75$163257��,1)250$7,21�$1'� &20081,&$7,21

6ROR�&LW\¶V�VWDQGDUG�LV�OHJDOO\�ELQGLQJ�DQG�VLJQL¿FDQW�DV�LW�LQ-cludes provisions for accessible information and communication.

Community-based disaster risk

reduction management

Community-based disaster risk management



Obstacle-free airport project



ACCEO Service provider for

accessible phone calls '(/7$�352&(66�

Artesens, l’éveil artistique par les

sens pour tous 5HSURGXFWLRQ�RI�DUW�� historical role plays


Accessible transport the business concept

7UDQVSRUW�VXSSRUW�IRU�VWXGHQWV� $662&,$7,21�2)�<287+�:,7+ ',6$%,/,7,(6�2)�0217(1(*52

The biggest public-private partnership in Spain


P %8,/7�(19,5210(17��75$163257��,1)250$7,21�$1'� &20081,&$7,21

,Q�6SDLQ��RQH�RI�WKH�ZRUOG¶V� biggest public-private partnerships

concerning universal accessibility has been established.

Amovil Comparative analysis of

accessibility features in mobile devices )81'$&,Ï1�21&(

ASPACEnet Social interaction of people

with cerebral palsy through through new mobile device

technologies &21)('(5$&,Ï1�$63$&(�<


ICT to make public bus more accessible


(035(6$�081,&,3$/�'( �75$163257(6�'(�0$'5,'��(07�

Network for excellence ÀDJ�RI�WRZQV�DQG

cities for all 8UEDQ�FHQWUHV�PDGH�

accessible for all '(6,*1�)25�$//


Mandatory handbooks on barrier-free construction in Berlin 67$57('�,1�����±����

S %8,/7�(19,5210(17

7KH�*HUPDQ�FDSLWDO�KDV�SXEOLVKHG�the design for all handbooks that DUH�PDQGDWRU\�IRU�DOO�%HUOLQ�6WDWH�construction projects.


Online translation system 2QOLQH�LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ�V\VWHP� for hearing-impaired people 9(5%$�92,&(�

PIKSL Cooperation reduces �GLJLWDO��FRPSOH[LW\ ,1�'(5�*(0(,1'(�/(%(1�**0%+�

��ZKHHOPDS�RUJ 2QOLQH�DQG�LQWHUDFWLYH�FLW\�PDS��wheelchair accessibility 62=,$/+(/'(1�(�9�+�

Inclusive education practices asistencia tecnológica


8*$1'$�62&,(7<�)25 ',6$%/('�&+,/'5(1��86'&�


E-speak text to speech (TTS) 2SHQ�VRXUFH�WH[W�WR�VSHHFK� engine &(175(�)25�,17(51(7� $1'�62&,(7<