jin gwen 122304

8/12/2019 Jin Gwen 122304 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/jin-gwen-122304 1/58 Teaching the Fa at the 2004 International Fa Conference in New York (Li Hongzhi, November 21 st , 2004) You’ve been working hard. (  Applause) As a cultivator, and especially as a Fa-rectification period afa disciple, you shoulder enor!ous responsibility, and you have a great !ission that history has bestowed upon you. "ut you have done great, and #, your !aster, can say this in front of all the beings in the cos!os. $ut another way, you have won their ad!iration. %ven though the things you do in this world look a lot like the day-to-day things that ordinary people do, the fact is that the afa disciples’ basis and the purpose of what you do are co!pletely different. "ecause the hu!an world is si!ply in delusion, being caught up in what is real and tangible to the!, it’s hard for ordinary people to tell the real fro! the fake. &o whether ordinary people understand it or not, afa disciples are !erely !aking use of ordinary people’s for!s to save all beings. And for you cultivators, precisely  because of the delusion that is here in hu!an society, being in this environ!ent allows you to cultivate, and those who succeed in cultivation are outstanding. 'ost students have done very well overall validating the Fa. f course, there are so!e who haven’t, but they ca!e here specifically to do bad things the old forces had it arranged fro! the outset that they would do those things. &o no !atter how they act around afa disciples during nor!al ti!es, only at the critical ti!es do you see their true side. *o !atter how well they talk about things or how well they act in front of everyone, it’s only at the critical ti!es that how they really are shows through. You have co!e through difficult ti!es that were full of trials and hardships. +ooking at the situation now, it’s nothing like how it was before. hen it first started after uly /, 0111, the evil’s fury was so intense, and the way they lined up their evil forces it see!ed as if they would really put the afa disciples in grave danger. "ut now you have seen, haven’t you, that history was not created for those evil beings, but for forging afa disciples and for saving sentient  beings during the final ti!e. (  Applause) &tarting ages ago, !ankind went through !any, !any civili2ations in different periods. 3u!an beings have been infused with !any, !any things fro! all kinds of historical cultures ranging fro! ancient ti!es to today. As ordinary people see it, everything that has happened with hu!an beings’ recent history and cultures, and everything that happened ages ago with the lives on earth, !akes up !ankind’s history and the process of the  proliferation of life. As scientists see it, it is the process of life’s evolution. ell the truth is, it’s neither. 4he entire 4hree 5eal!s, including all beings in hu!an society, were constructed, for!ed, ca!e about, were born, and were created so that sentient beings could be rescued and saved a!idst the Fa-rectification at the cos!os’s final ti!e. #n other words, the 4hree 5eal!s were constructed for this purpose, for the purpose of saving the beings in the cos!os. uring ages even longer ago, in this di!ension where !ankind is, in this environ!ent where !ankind is, and in the !aterial plane that is co!posed of !olecules, !ankind si!ply did not e6ist. 4hrough e6ploration !odern people have discovered that e6traterrestrial life e6ists. Yes, in the past it was such beings that were spread out over this plane co!posed of !olecules, and !an didn’t even e6ist. hy did gods create !an later on7 "ecause the cos!os was to be reconstructed, sentient beings had to be rescued, and the 4hree 5eal!s needed an environ!ent like this8one that would beco!e the focal point of the cos!os’s reconstruction, and one where when the 9reat +aw would be taught in this special environ!ent the beings in all real!s could hear the Fa. #t was for the great purpose of saving all beings in the cos!os that the 4hree 5eal!s, and especially !ankind in the 4hree 5eal!s, were created. &o everything that has taken 0

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Teaching the Fa at the 2004 International Fa Conference in New York 

(Li Hongzhi, November 21st, 2004)

You’ve been working hard. ( Applause)

As a cultivator, and especially as a Fa-rectification period afa disciple, you shoulderenor!ous responsibility, and you have a great !ission that history has bestowed upon you. "ut

you have done great, and #, your !aster, can say this in front of all the beings in the cos!os. $ut

another way, you have won their ad!iration. %ven though the things you do in this world look a

lot like the day-to-day things that ordinary people do, the fact is that the afa disciples’ basis andthe purpose of what you do are co!pletely different. "ecause the hu!an world is si!ply in

delusion, being caught up in what is real and tangible to the!, it’s hard for ordinary people to tell

the real fro! the fake. &o whether ordinary people understand it or not, afa disciples are !erely!aking use of ordinary people’s for!s to save all beings. And for you cultivators, precisely

 because of the delusion that is here in hu!an society, being in this environ!ent allows you to

cultivate, and those who succeed in cultivation are outstanding.'ost students have done very well overall validating the Fa. f course, there are so!e who

haven’t, but they ca!e here specifically to do bad things the old forces had it arranged fro! theoutset that they would do those things. &o no !atter how they act around afa disciples during

nor!al ti!es, only at the critical ti!es do you see their true side. *o !atter how well they talkabout things or how well they act in front of everyone, it’s only at the critical ti!es that how they

really are shows through.

You have co!e through difficult ti!es that were full of trials and hardships. +ooking at thesituation now, it’s nothing like how it was before. hen it first started after uly /, 0111, the

evil’s fury was so intense, and the way they lined up their evil forces it see!ed as if they would

really put the afa disciples in grave danger. "ut now you have seen, haven’t you, that historywas not created for those evil beings, but for forging afa disciples and for saving sentient

 beings during the final ti!e. ( Applause) &tarting ages ago, !ankind went through !any, !any

civili2ations in different periods. 3u!an beings have been infused with !any, !any things fro!all kinds of historical cultures ranging fro! ancient ti!es to today. As ordinary people see it,

everything that has happened with hu!an beings’ recent history and cultures, and everything that

happened ages ago with the lives on earth, !akes up !ankind’s history and the process of the

 proliferation of life. As scientists see it, it is the process of life’s evolution. ell the truth is, it’sneither. 4he entire 4hree 5eal!s, including all beings in hu!an society, were constructed,

for!ed, ca!e about, were born, and were created so that sentient beings could be rescued and

saved a!idst the Fa-rectification at the cos!os’s final ti!e. #n other words, the 4hree 5eal!swere constructed for this purpose, for the purpose of saving the beings in the cos!os.

uring ages even longer ago, in this di!ension where !ankind is, in this environ!ent where

!ankind is, and in the !aterial plane that is co!posed of !olecules, !ankind si!ply did not

e6ist. 4hrough e6ploration !odern people have discovered that e6traterrestrial life e6ists. Yes, inthe past it was such beings that were spread out over this plane co!posed of !olecules, and !an

didn’t even e6ist. hy did gods create !an later on7 "ecause the cos!os was to be

reconstructed, sentient beings had to be rescued, and the 4hree 5eal!s needed an environ!entlike this8one that would beco!e the focal point of the cos!os’s reconstruction, and one where

when the 9reat +aw would be taught in this special environ!ent the beings in all real!s could

hear the Fa. #t was for the great purpose of saving all beings in the cos!os that the 4hree5eal!s, and especially !ankind in the 4hree 5eal!s, were created. &o everything that has taken


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 place in each of the periods in history, including recent hu!an history, has been for the purpose

of creating a culture for !an, for today’s !ankind, so that it !ay understand the Fa. 4his was by

no !eans intended for !ankind :ust to live, and even less was it for !ankind to develop or to!ake so!e kind of good life for itself in hu!an society. 'an !ay long for good things and !ay

work toward the!, but the e!ergence of the 4hree 5eal!s and !ankind absolutely was not

!eant for that.4hat being the case, think about it; those things that happened over the course of history,

even the really !a:or events, didn’t they have a reason behind the!7 eren’t they laying a

certain foundation for today’s !ankind7 &uppose &hakya!uni, esus, &aint 'ary, +ao2i, etc.never e6isted, then would people know what right faith is, what a 9od is, what a "uddha is, what

a ao is, how to cultivate oneself, and what cultivation !eans7 And what would heavenly

 paradise !ean to the!7 #f people had no idea what those things were, then it would be incredibly

hard for !e to teach the 9reat +aw today. #f # had to e6plain those concepts to people fro!scratch, then it wouldn’t be teaching a 9reat +aw. 4he different states beings of each different

ethnic group have gone through in each period in history, and their worldviews in ter!s of

telling the righteous fro! the wicked, right fro! wrong, and good fro! evil, all of these things

were purposefully created by gods for hu!ans over the long, drawn out years, thus enabling people to have a basic understanding of what is right and wrong, good and evil. 4hen when afa

would be spread and the salvation of sentient beings would begin, people would understand all ofthese things and be able to tell whether this Fa was good and whether it was upright.

ver the course of history people have co!e to know gods. hat’s a <god=7 Although it’s

only a very shallow sense, people do know that gods are glorious and holy. And even thoughdifferent lives know and conceptuali2e <gods= differently, they all believe that gods are good to

 people and can save the!. All of the heroic figures who e!erged in the various dynasties and

 periods of >hinese history, all those outstanding cultural figures that !ade history, they were all

in fact establishing ways for !ankind to think, establishing the structure and ways of thinkingthat characteri2e people today. #t has been a !agnificent undertaking in which the co!position

of the hu!an species’s thought was created. #t has taken place over ages and ages, where the

hu!an race had to e6perience different things and cultures firsthand before it could understandthe !eaning of the!. &o that’s why when so!ething happens a person can know what it !eans,

and through that event, he can know what it represents on a deeper level. For e6a!ple, what is

<good,= what does goodness entail, what are its connotations, and what is the scope of the ter!7r likewise, what is <evil= like, and what does it !ean for so!ething to be <right= or <wrong=7

4hrough their real-life e6periences, people ca!e to understand all of these things, and they could

truly grasp what they !ean. nly then could people have a deep understanding of all of this.

4hese aren’t si!ple, basic things that you can have people understand overnight.hen gods first created hu!an beings, there was nothing in people’s !inds, it was a

co!plete blank, they couldn’t distinguish between right and wrong, and goodness and evil

e6isted side by side. 4he e6tre!es ?in their behavior@ were huge; when they were happy, theywere kind, and when they were unhappy, they were vicious. "ut !odern !an is a different story.

hy is it that when today’s people arrived at !odern ti!es they suddenly beca!e so !uch

wiser7 4hat had to do with another factor aside fro! the process of creating people that # :usttalked about, and it is that high-level beings have incarnated as hu!an beings. As for the hu!an

race itself, its process over the course of history was actually one of establishing hu!an behavior

and thought, or put another way, it was one of creating the real people of today. &o what was the

 point of all these things7 4o !ake it possible for !an to understand the Fa when afa is spread

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widely today. hat #’! saying is, this !atter was planned ages and ages ago its establish!ent

 began that early.

And there’s so!ething # want to tell you about, which is, who really does cultivation andwho really has right faith. #n the past, a lot of people would talk about this or that way of

cultivating, about such-and-such practice, or about such-and-such faith. "ut #’! going to tell you

that in history, regardless of how !any gods or how !any enlightened beings ca!e here, theirtrue !ission was to establish the culture of cultivation and right faith that afa needed to have

established. ( Applause) *obody saved people, and nobody has !ade it to a heavenly kingdo!,

the reason being, the cultivation !ethods of old ca!e about in order to lay a foundation for thisafa that can truly save people today. ith the gods who ca!e down in the past, there were

indeed so!e people who as a result of those gods’ actions gained salvation. Yet that wasn’t the

 person’s real self who was saved, but rather his assistant soul. And even those gods who ca!e

down, the bodies that they inhabited in those days... a hu!an being, he’s still part of the cycle ofrebirth in the hu!an world, and even those who inhabited those bodies didn’t get saved. &o in

other words, in history !any have proclai!ed that they were <saving people,= but nobody saved

 people. hen &hakya!uni i!parted his Fa ages ago, his disciples asked hi!, <'aster, is it

 possible for us to cultivate into a 4athagata without breaking our ties to the secular world7= r inother words, could they cultivate into gods or "uddhas without leaving behind ordinary people’s

surroundings and the social environ!ent of this world7 &hakya!uni thought about it and said,<For that, you have to wait until the 3oly ing ho 4urns the heel descends to the world.=

( Applause) 'ore than two-thousand years have passed, and all the disciples of true religions

have been waiting. aiting for what7 For gods above to !ake a grand display7 For gods to co!ehere, so that you don’t need to cultivate or care about cultivating well, and it won’t !atter if

anyone is good or bad, and everybody will :ust go up to 3eaven together7

f course, regardless of who # a!, people know that # a! trans!itting the Fa and saving

 people. "ut the 'aster who is with you here today teaching the Fa has an ordinary person’s physical body. As for how people think of !e, a lot of ordinary people have their opinions.

4hat’s fine8it doesn’t !atter if they believe in !e or not. # haven’t said that # a! a god or a

"uddha. rdinary people can take !e to be :ust an average, co!!on !an, that’s fine. All ofwhat # do takes the for! of hu!an activity #’! using the !eans of co!!on, plain hu!an beings

as # save Fa-rectification period afa disciples. *o high-level life will, when he saves people in

this social environ!ent, in this kind of illusory di!ension, use only grand, divine displays to!iraculously save people in the hu!an world. ( Applause) "ut it’s different if what he does is on

a s!all scale, or only involves a few people, or if it was so!ething done in the past to create

culture. 4hat’s how things are for !ankind. f course, though, nothing is absolute. 'aybe when

the Fa rectifies the hu!an world # will use divine !eans, since at that ti!e things !ight need to be done that way. "ut if around the start of the Fa’s rectification of the cos!os things here in

society were handled with divine !eans on a large scale, that would have led to so!e

attach!ents on the part of cultivators.&o!e people are thinking, <9ods have a lot of abilities. hy don’t they save poor people and

 punish bad ones7 hy don’t they co!e and perfor! !iracles7= 4he for!ation of the 4hree

5eal!s established hu!an society’s way of e6istence and purpose. 4his is a society filled withdelusion, and it’s !eant to be a society where the sentient beings can’t see all of the truth.

hoever wants to cultivate here has to do so a!idst delusion, and be a good person, do good

things using ordinary hu!an !eans, and let go of attach!ents. nly then can they escape fro!

here, and only then can it be called cultivation. #f a person does so!ething here using co!pletely


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divine !eans, that isn’t cultivation. #n history !any cultivators of the ao did carry out divine

acts in the hu!an world, and that was creating historical culture. hy has that beco!e rare in

recent ti!es7 #t’s because the closer it got to the ti!e when afa was to be spread, the less it wasallowed for such things to occur. #n recent ti!es, after Fa-rectification began and Fa-rectification

 period afa disciples were about to start cultivating, the reCuire!ent grew higher. #n particular,

when this special group of the cos!os’s beings began to validate the Fa and !ove towards>onsu!!ation, the environ!ent here beca!e even !ore i!portant, so the rule got even !ore

strict and people are rarely allowed to see the true situation. 4his batch of beings is to cultivate to

high levels, so the reCuire!ents for the! are correspondingly high. 4his group of beingsshoulders great historic responsibilities and they have to co!e out of a very trying environ!ent.

( Applause) &o that is why afa disciples are re!arkable.

#n other words, the cultivation situation that today’s afa disciples are in is different fro!

any cultivation !ethod or situation in history. # have always said that the old forces’ participationis a for! of persecution and a for! of interference. #f what gods in the past saved were people’s

assistant souls and not their actual !ain bodies, then think about it everyone, would that !ethod

of saving people work for afa disciples’ cultivation today7 4he !ain bodies of afa disciples,

as well as those of the world’s people, are at the surface. 4hen is what they did fitting7 ould itwork7 #t wouldn’t at all. &o that’s why # say that they are causing interference. 4his !ethod and

for! of cultivation that #’ve told everyone to take today is to cultivate while confor!ing toordinary hu!an society and to validate afa using ordinary hu!an !eans to the greatest e6tent

 possible (applause), and that’s unprecedented. 4hose gods, they don’t know anything about how

to deal with such a cultivation !ethod, and what they’ve done is co!pletely out of line, so theyare definitely a for! of interference with afa disciples’ cultivation. 4his is not to say they lack

abilities, it’s :ust to say that this is how the old cos!os created such beings, and that’s the e6tent

of the wisdo! fro! the old cos!os. uring this Fa-rectification, the cos!os has perfected the

 past i!perfections and changed the things that the cos!os of the past failed to change. "ecauseof that, afa disciples can be saved and can reach >onsu!!ation through cultivation. #f the

cultivation approach of the past were followed today, not a single afa disciple could cultivate to

>onsu!!ation.nly when a person follows the !ethod that afa uses today to acco!plish things, cultivate,

and truly save people can he >onsu!!ate. ( Applause) And it’s not :ust >onsu!!ation8the

 person is truly saved, the person’s !aster soul is saved. ( Applause) As for those so-called godswho interfere with Fa-rectification, they only know a part of it but not the whole, they only know

about the past but not today or the future, and only know the surface for! but not the inner

content. hen they try to do things they aren’t capable of doing the!, and they have brought

serious interference to Fa-rectification itself and afa disciples’ cultivation. 4hat’s why # sayeverything that #’! doing today is co!pletely different fro! what took place in history. +ooking

at the persecution of afa disciples and that of >hristians in history, on the surface both were

 being persecuted. "ut for these cultivators, beings on their way to godhood, what actually takes place is different. 4hey strictly had to endure because in the past the cos!os didn’t have the

ability to resolve those deeply rooted historical issues, causing even high-level beings to

 persecute gods as well as hu!an beings who were on their way to godhood. All of that wassha!eful, both for the history of the cos!os and on the part of the gods. 4oday what #’! doing is

not :ust different fro! the path that they took in the past it is the difference between the future

and the past. 4his is the way that the cultivation !ethod afa has bestowed upon people is afa

disciples and # are laying a foundation for the future. 4he cultivation !ethods of the future will


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 be like this foreverE ( Applause) nly this can be called truly saving people, and only this can

truly save people.

 *one of this could be changed at will. %veryone knows that right now is the Fa-rectification period8the cos!os is being renewed, rebuilt, and recreated. nly under this circu!stance can

the i!perfections be !ended, and the only ti!e that i!perfections can be !ended is when the

colossal fir!a!ent is being rebuilt. &o this is an opportunity. *o being is allowed to interferewith or da!age this opportunity. hoever interferes is co!!itting a sin, and whoever interferes

has to bear the responsibility.

hat # said :ust now basically su!!ari2es the difference between the cultivation !ethod oftoday’s afa disciples and the cultivation of people in the past. #f a person wants to be saved, he

!ust transcend the fact that he is in and e6periencing firsthand a tough environ!ent where there

is adversity, self interest, e!otions and desires. %verything will involve a cultivator’s self-

interest, and anything can affect you as a person, your thoughts and e!otions, your  xinxing ,0 andthe things that you are attached to inside. #f you !anage to take a certain path and !ake certain

choices, then you are e6traordinary. therwise, you are an ordinary person. #f you are able to

step out of the reasoning and attach!ents of ordinary people, then you are a god. ( Applause)

4hat’s totally different fro! the cultivation !ethods of the past.$eople in the past went to te!ples and !onasteries or into the !ountains to cultivate while

avoiding the world’s people. 4hose people didn’t physically endure too !any  xinxing  tests orhave their attach!ents directly tugged upon, and didn’t have the !ost direct test of !aterial

things. &o for the person’s !ain body it is as if he didn’t cultivate. %ven though the person gave

up a nor!al life during his lifeti!e, for that person it was nothing !ore than taking up a differentlifestyle. #f his assistant soul really cultivated to success and an assistant soul that ca!e out of his

 body beca!e a god, then it !eant blessings for hi!. 4hat person would receive blessings in his

ne6t life. "y <blessings,= that !eant he would have worldly blessings, nothing !ore than that.

+ooking at it fro! the perspective of a being seeking so!ething through cultivation, who wouldcultivate to get those things7 &peaking on a funda!ental level, nothing in the 4hree 5eal!s was

created for that, and no sentient being ca!e for that. 4hen in other words, the cultivation of

today’s afa disciples is the !ost !agnificent, and it is bla2ing a trail for the future. 4hat’s whywalking your path well is of ut!ost i!portance. ( Applause)

#’ve said all along that afa disciples can’t go to e6tre!es. You !ust walk your path well. #f

you let your i!agination run wild, and you have a crooked understanding about so!ething todayand have a sudden inspiration and do so!ething else to!orrow, or you keep doing stupid things

while driven by your attach!ent to showing off, all of those things are direct reflections of your

!aster soul and of you as a being. 3ow could such a person >onsu!!ate7 Your actions are

displays of your !ain body that is cultivating, and that is the sa!e !ain body that’s to be saved.>ould such a being be placed a!ong the gods7 *o, it couldn’t. &o you !ust do things well and

cultivate rationally, clear-headedly, and with righteous thoughts. And you are allowed to

cultivate while confor!ing to ordinary people’s way of life to the greatest e6tent. As long as'aster says so!ething is okay, you can :ust go ahead and follow ordinary people’s way of doing

it, because you are !eant to walk your path in that way, and hu!an beings are !eant to be saved

in that way. #n the future, if a god wants to co!e and save people, he too will have to do it thatway. 4hat’s because in the future cos!os, when it co!es to saving people, the target will be

 people’s !ain bodies. &o don’t worry about how the cultivation !ethods of the past and the

types of faith then were, and don’t worry about how influential they were8you are the only ones

0 <!ind-Cuality= (lit.), <character,= or <thought=

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who have truly cultivated. ( Applause) 4he cos!os is undergoing Fa-rectification, and the gods

that they believe in are repositioning the!selves, so where would they go to get saved7 3ow

would they get to a heavenly kingdo!7 4he heavenly kingdo!s are all being reconstructed.hich heavenly kingdo! would they go to7 You  are the !ost !agnificent beings and are

!oving toward heavenly kingdo!s while truly saving sentient beings in an upfront, open, and

a!a2ing wayE ( Applause)hat # said :ust now was !eant for our afa disciples. 4hose of you who aren’t cultivators

or who are new students !ight not Cuite understand what # :ust said and find it hard to believe.

on’t worry, # a! not here to hurt anyone, and there is nothing here that’s bad for people. #f youdidn’t understand it, you can co!e to understand it gradually, and it’s fine to co!e to understand

these cultivators incre!entally.

4here’s one final thing # want to e!phasi2e. A s!all nu!ber of students aren’t clearheaded

and have very strong attach!entsE 4hey can hear a little bit and see a little bit, and they even feelthat they have certain abilities or think that they’re so!e i!portant figure. &o they’ve begun to

act in an irrational and cra2y-see!ing way, and say things that !ake no sense. 3ow can you still

cultivate7 *o !atter who you are, if # can’t save you today, you will be a ghost in hellE hy are

you being so irrational7 hy do you spread things a!ong students that interfere with theircultivation and validating the Fa7 #s it si!ply an issue of you breeding de!ons in your own

!ind7 You are interfering with afa. #s that a s!all sin7 #f today #, +i 3ong2hi, decide not torecogni2e you as a afa disciple, not to recogni2e you as a student of !ine, do you think you

could re!ain here7 4he 4hree 5eal!s was created for this purpose. %ven though this fir!a!ent

in the cos!os is i!!ense, all beings are focusing their attention here, and all beings here have to be recogni2ed. &o # urge those students who are still being irrational; co!e to your senses and be

responsible to your own lives. Your own attach!ents have led wicked beings fro! outside to

co!!and, interfere with, and control you, !aking you so irrational.

'aster’s words :ust now were fairly harsh. You !ight have noticed that recently, so!eti!es!y words to such students have been pretty harsh. 4hat’s because # have seen the terrifying

conseCuences that await the!. *o !atter how you take those words, no !atter how the people

who don’t understand !e or afa disciples see things, #, +i 3ong2hi, ca!e for all beings. #’!saving all beings, and # don’t want to see a single being destroy hi!self, because # ca!e e6actly

for youE ( Applause) # a! worried, # a! worried about you. 4i!e is beco!ing !ore and !ore

 pressing. You have seen that, and the overall situation has changed a lot. #f the persecutionsuddenly ends, then no opportunity is left, and everything will have been decided.

#t’s been a long ti!e since # attended one of your Fa conferences, so # want to stay with you a

little longer. ( Enthusiastic applause)

#’ve heard that so!e students ca!e fro! 5ussia and there are others that ca!e fro! so!eother %astern %uropean countries. #t was hard for the! to !ake it here, as they face a lot of

challenges, both financial and otherwise. 4here are also so!e new students who have never seen

!e in person and have always wanted to see 'aster. And a lot of veteran students likewisehaven’t seen 'aster for a long ti!e. #t see!s that you all have a lot of things to say, and you

would be disappointed if # left now. ( Master laughs) ( Applause) #n that case, let’s still use our

old !ethod8if you have so!ething to say, write it down on a piece of paper and pass it up, and#’ll answer Cuestions for all of you. ( Applause)

You all really have worked hard. 4he weather is getting colder. uring the su!!er when

you clarified the truth and validated afa in front of the consulates, on the streets, or in other

settings, even though it was hot, it was still bearable. hen the weather gets cold, the cli!ate


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 poses a certain degree of challenge for you. %ven so, you haven’t let the harsh conditions stop

you. Huite the opposite, you are still working hard and haven’t let up. 4hat’s truly a!a2ing, and

the beings of the future and the world’s people in the future will thank you, because the peoplethat will re!ain here in the future will owe that fact to you. ( Applause) 4he world’s people are in

delusion. afa disciples are the ones going through so-called tests, while all sentient beings are

lost in a state of delusion. "ut in the future, everyone will know who the afa disciples were.4hey will all know the greatness of afa disciples, and those who re!ain will feel gratitude

toward afa disciples.

 Disciple asks: If circumstances allow, can I go back to Mainland hina to work!

Teacher: #f the persecution ends and the Fa’s rectification of the hu!an world hasn’t arrived

yet, then if you want to go back to 'ainland >hina to work, you can go ahead. Are you asking ifyou can go back now7 5ight now it’s best not to go back because the persecution is still going

on. # know that a few individual students !ight have received phone calls or !essages fro!

certain officials in 'ainland >hina or people with certain positions. 4hey told you to go back

and guaranteed certain things, pro!ising that you wouldn’t be persecuted and so!e other things.4hink about it everyone, were those officials the ones that set the policy of persecution7 4hen

isn’t the si!ple fact that they can guarantee so!ething suspicious7 &o who is directing the! behind the scenes7 ( Applause) 3ow is it that they can !ake a guarantee7 ho is giving the!

that guarantee7 #sn’t that suspicious7 hat is !eant by <for!ing a unified front for battle,=

anyway7 hen their low tactics no longer work, they start <for!ing a unified front for battle.=4hey’re up to their old tricks again, and you need to be on guard. e don’t pose a risk to any

 political power. e si!ply want the! to stop the persecution. ( Applause) 4hey persecute people

and at the sa!e ti!e try to bring those people over to their side. 4hey have used all the dirty

tricks in the book. ( Audience laughs)

 Disciple: Dafa disciples in the city of hong"ing send greetings to Master# (Teacher: 4hank

youE) $Applause% Master, we promise we will do well at e&ery moment the things that we shoulddo#

Teacher: onderfulE ( Applause)

 Disciple: Dafa disciples at 'ei(ing)s *singhua +ni&ersity send greetings to Master#

Teacher: 4hank you allE ( Applause)

 Disciple: Dafa disciples who are illegally detained at a women)s labor camp$s% in 'ei(ing send greetings to Master#

Teacher: 4hank youE ( Applause)

 Disciple: Dafa disciples who are being illegally detained in a prison$s% in 'ei(ing send

 greetings to Master#

Teacher: 4hank youE ( Applause) *o !atter what kind of environ!ent you are in, you !ustkeep your righteous thoughts fir!, because you are afa disciples and you are special beings.

 4his is an often-used strategy of the >>$, whereby it rallies a group together in order to defeat what it perceives as

an opponent when political winds shift, often it turns against the group it once rallied together.


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 beings. "ut, despite your great abilities, you will still face adversity for the benefit of your

 personal cultivation, since everyone has a :ourney that he !ust !ake in cultivation. At the sa!e

ti!e, the old forces have created !any for!s of interference to your validating the Fa. Kndernor!al circu!stances it is very hard to clear away that interference if the righteous thoughts

aren’t strong enough.

As for how to do things well, that !eans doing well in the three things that afa disciplesshould do8that is doing things best. ( Applause) "ut the a!ounts of effort being put forth are

different. &o!e people don’t put forth too !uch effort while other students are !ore diligent and

 put forth !ore. f course, 'aster sees that in society each individual has a fa!ily and a :ob, notto !ention different social obligations due to your ties to society, so you have very little ti!e left

over. 'aster knows about all of this and is understanding. As a !atter of fact, afa’s !ethod of

cultivation takes that issue into consideration and won’t disrupt things in that area.

 Disciple: Disciples in *aiwan send greetings to Master# $Applause% Master, please tell us the

current direction for the Asia34acific 4ure Awakening website#

Teacher: afa disciples’ websites should be run well, because they are a vehicle for

clarifying the truth and are playing a role in saving sentient beings. &o they should be run well.As for what to do specifically, that’s up to you. (*eacher smiles) hy is it that 'aster doesn’t

talk about things too specifically7 'aster only !akes sure that no proble!s develop in theoverall sche!e of things. "ut as for the proble!s, argu!ents, and differences in understanding

a!ong students, those are things that reflect the state of your cultivation. &o when it co!es to

how to walk your path and how to handle each thing, those are things that you yourselves !ustaddress as a part of establishing your own !ighty virtue. #f # tell you how to handle each thing,

then it beco!es so!ething # did, and no god will acknowledge that you did it. ( *eacher smiles)

( Applause) &o # have to leave those things to you. # can’t deprive you of your opportunity to


 Disciple: Dafa disciples in the city of 0uang5hou send greetings to esteemed *eacher#

Teacher: 4hank youE ( Applause)

 Disciple: Esteemed *eacher, could you please tell us if it)s okay for Dafa disciples in

 Mainland hina to send 6o&erseas7 money that they ha&e sa&ed through li&ing frugally, to beused for truth3clarification pro(ects in 8ew York ity!

Teacher: #t is okay in principle8if you are very well off financially, then it’s not a proble!.

"ut here we’re talking about !oney saved through living frugally, so it !eans the person isn’t

that well off. #n that case, it’s best to keep the !oney for clarifying the truth in 'ainland >hina, because the environ!ent outside of the 'ainland is still !uch better than inside. ( Applause)

 Disciple: Master, please tell us if the truth3clarification acti&ities in Manhattan will continueuntil the a3rectification ends# $Audience laughs%

Teacher:  *o, they won’t. # talked about this before when students who are clarifying the

truth in 'anhattan held a !eeting. You will do this for only a period of ti!e. 'anhattan is prettyuniCue; it’s practically the financial center of the world, and a lot of !a:or corporations all over

the world have offices or branches here. #n other words, it is a point of convergence for the

financial world and is closely connected to the whole world. And the people who gather in

'anhattan are, owing to its uniCueness, the!selves uniCue. 'any well-educated people are


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concentrated here, as well as people with a certain a!ount of power and financial !eans in

society. #n other words, the roles that they play in society are no ordinary thing.

%ven though relatively speaking there are a lot of students in the *ew York region, includingthe area around *ew ersey, after what has taken place over the last few years it still looks like a

great !any people in 'anhattan are indifferent. After such a long period of doing things to

clarify the truth, a lot of people still haven’t co!e into contact with afa disciples. 4he >>$ has put a lot of evil here to persecute Falun 9ong, and that has resulted in so!e people here in this

environ!ent always having i!pedi!ents to understanding afa.

And in addition, there is another proble! #’ve discovered. 4here are >hinese e!ployees in'anhattan’s !any big corporations, and even in so!e of the s!all corporations and

establish!ents, and the !a:ority of those >hinese people have been deceived by the falsehoods

spread by the >>$’s slanderous propaganda !achine, and those things in their heads have not

 been cleared away all this ti!e. &o they have beco!e people who spread veno! in A!ericansociety. #t’s not that those people are evil by nature. "ut indeed, while afa disciples are

clarifying the truth in one place they are over there spreading the slanderous things fro! the >>$

in so!e other place. #t wouldn’t hurt for you to write the following on flyers, display boards, or

have the !edia report it; <4he >hinese people in your co!pany have been !isled and they arehelping the >>$ spread its veno! (applause), so you should e6a!ine the facts for yourselves.=

( Applause) 

 Disciple: 9ow can I do a better (ob of &alidating the a if I don)t ha&e any of the skills

ordinary people do!

Teacher: #t’s fine not to have ordinary skills. 'any students pass out flyers and newspapers

on the street and clarify the truth to ordinary people face to face. 4hose are all things that you can

do. 'any students gather in front of the consulates and e!bassies year-round, and that too is

really ad!irable. 4here are a lot of things that you can do.

 Disciple: 9ello, esteemed *eacher# Many characters in huan alun and other Dafa books

ha&e been changed recently# ;hat is the deeper meaning behind that!

Teacher: #’! not going to talk about the !eaning behind it. #’ll :ust talk about it at the

surface. +et’s take the ?>hinese@ character <practice= fro! the ?two-character ter!@ <cultivation

 practice= as an e6a!ple. #f the persecution of afa disciples had not happened, # would havegiven you the path that you should have taken. "ut after the persecution started, those sha!

"igong  practices and all kinds of !essed up things started participating in the persecution, and

even went on 4L to attack afa. f course, the reason they did those things was that so !any

 people were learning afa8their own people included8that they couldn’t !ake !oneyany!ore. &o they beca!e :ealous and hateful. 4hat’s why so!e students raised the Cuestion,

<'aster, in the character Mpractice,’ when we use it to describe other "igong practices, could we

change that one part of the character fro! the one !eaning Mfire’ to the one !eaning Msilk’7 4heydon’t practice true cultivation in the first place.=

4hat’s :ust an e6a!ple. #n all kinds of other places there were !any factors caused by

deviations arising fro! the deviant culture. >hinese is a special written language, and it is si!ilarto the written language in the heavens. And oral >hinese is si!ilar to the language spoken in the

heavens, because it is a for! of culture that gods directly created for !ankind. Also, since what

was established in >hina was a se!i-divine culture, the for! and sound of >hinese characters are

interconnected with the cos!os. #t’s different fro! the written languages in the est and the


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written languages of other ethnicities. 4hat’s because fro! a certain perspective, the written

languages of other cultures are actually sets of sy!bols that gods created for hu!an beings so

that they could await the Fa in those regions after for!ing predestined connections. 4hat way the people awaiting the Fa in those places could lead nor!al lives and te!porarily have a set of

sy!bols to co!!unicate with each other. "ut if the sound and for! of >hinese characters are

interconnected with the cos!os, then think about it, what kind of interference could they have on!ankind, on Fa-validation by afa disciples who have obtained the Fa and cultivated on this

 plane, and even on Fa-rectification7 $ut another way, the old forces used those factors to e6ploit

things in Fa-rectification. +et’s take the word <目的= (mu di or .destination/) as an e6a!ple. #n

ancient ti!es when the word <destination= or other words used to describe reaching a certain

 place were written, the character <di= was always the sa!e <di= as in the >hinese character <土

地= (tu di or .earth/). #n !odern ti!es, with the apparent rationale of standardi2ing gra!!ar

and !aking it easier for people to !aster gra!!ar, that <地= (di, as in .earth/) has been written

as <的= (di, a grammatical article). &o even after you have supposedly reached the <destination,=

you still haven’t gotten to the <place.= ( Audience laughs, applauds)

4here are proble!s with !any factors. #n !odern ti!es the old forces have da!aged >hinese

culture and left a big !ess for !e to deal with as # i!part the Fa. 4here are :ust so !anyda!aging factors in a !yriad of areas, so a lot of things needed to be put right. "ut there was noti!e to do that, so the corrections si!ply addressed a few things. 4he good thing is, the Fa’s

inner !eanings aren’t affected. 4he book huan alun !anifests differently in each di!ension,

and the huan alun in the heavens looks co!pletely different fro! the one on earth, so it hasn’t been affected.

 Disciple: I ha&en)t been able to culti&ate while conforming to ordinary people to the greatestextent possible# ;ill that lea&e me with a lot of regrets in the future!

Teacher: &o you haven’t !anaged to cultivate while confor!ing to ordinary people to the

greatest e6tent possible, well, <to the greatest e6tent possible= !eans !eeting the reCuire!ents

co!pletely. &o if it ended today, whichever level you belonged to would be fi6ed. #t hasn’tended today so, since it hasn’t ended, when it co!es to the standards that you have or haven’t

!et, and the things that you have or haven’t cultivated well in, those are still :ust parts of the

ongoing process, so no one can conclude that this is :ust what you are. #f you have co!e torecogni2e your shortco!ing, and # believe that you !ust have since you sub!itted the Cuestion

slip, then correct it and do better. ( Applause)

 Disciple: Esteemed *eacher, the word < 程 度 = $cheng du or .degree/% from pre&ious

editions of huan alun has been changed to <   成 度 = $cheng du or .degree of

accomplishment/%# 'ut one of my fellow practitioners said that the Minghui website hasn)t

 published that change, so, should it be changed back to the original!Teacher: 4here have been several rounds of character changes there were :ust so !any

things to change. nce one !atter is dealt with, a lot of things happen, so as of now the changing

of characters ends and no additional changes will be !ade. 4o find out about the changes thathave been !ade, you can refer to the edition of huan alun that will soon be published and then

!ake your changes based on that edition. 4his happened because 'inghui was only so!eti!es

notified of the character changes, so that’s the situation.


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 Disciple: Is the structure of the cosmos that you ha&e talked about referring to the new

cosmos)s structure!

Teacher: 4he structure that # talked to you about before was all about the old cos!os’sstructure. 4he state that is evident during the Fa-rectification is also the state displayed by beings

of the old cos!os. 4he new cos!os can’t be talked about. *ot only can’t it be talked about, but

the secrets of heaven cannot be revealed. (*eacher smiles) ( Audience laughs, applauds) 'any ofthe secrets of heaven in the old cos!os can no longer be called secrets of heaven, because those

things will be altered, they will undergo changes. "ut the old cos!os does have !any !any

good beings and factors, including structures that are good, so those will be kept. &o, a great!any beings and the vast !a:ority of the structure of the old cos!os have been kept.

 Disciple: ;ith the time for sa&ing sentient beings being so pressing, why do my selfish

thoughts persist as they do! I am worried about myself#

Teacher: # think that being able to see your own shortco!ings is culti&ation. 4hat’s actually

very nor!al. hen you can recogni2e it, that’s the first step to i!proving. #f you can !anage to

 pay attention to those things on a day-to-day basis and do the! well little by little, then you are

i!proving. on’t get an6ious, as doing so will lead to attach!ents. hen you see proble!s,!ake changes, and when you see shortco!ings, overco!e the!. 4here are a lot of things that

you !ight not be able to do, and #’ve taken that into consideration in every respect, and # foresawit when # disse!inated the Fa. #n other words, what # want to save is !ainly the !aster soul, the

 person hi!self. 3ow !uch ability does a person have7 #f a person can recogni2e his own

!istakes and overco!e the!, then he is cultivating, but what happens if the ele!ents that !akeup a person’s being beco!e deviant7 r, !ore specifically, what happens when a person’s way

of thinking is deviant7 >ase in point; for so !any years the >>$ has intentionally educated

 people in a way that reinforces its own things. 'any people have seen that the $arty is not good,

 but they’re only able to say that the $arty isn’t good fro! within the culture fostered by the$arty’s education. 4hey haven’t truly recogni2ed it and can’t see it for what it is outside of the

culture of the $arty that has been instilled in the!. 4hat’s a deviant way of thinking. hat can be

done in that case7 4hat’s why # say that there are certain things that you can do, and you’re not acultivator if you don’t do the things within your power. "ut whatever you can’t do, afa will

certainly do those things for you, and 'aster definitely has ways to do the!. ( Applause)

#n other words, you !ust cultivate the part that you are supposed to cultivate. As for thethings that you can’t cultivate, and can’t detect or recogni2e8or take care of even if you could

recogni2e the!8'aster will take care of the!. f course, it doesn’t !ean that when you see

attach!ents that you can’t get rid of you can use the e6cuse of <# can’t do anything about that=

and thereby shrug off your responsibility. ( Audience laughs) 4hat won’t do. hat #’! talkingabout is, when it co!es to the structures of your being and your way of thinking8things that you

can’t detect at all and can’t take care of8'aster will definitely take care of those things.

 Disciple: Master, is the time when the persecution ends the time that the a will rectify the

human world!

Teacher: 4hat is Cuite possible. ( Applause) #t’s better if # don’t talk about those things,though. As soon as # talk about that, everyone’s !ind will beco!e unsettled. #’ll leave the

wonder and !agnificence of that for you to see for yourselves.


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 Disciple: Master, could you talk about the origins of the e&il political party that persecutes

 Dafa disciples! $Audience laughs%

Teacher: As far as how that thing ca!e into e6istence on a funda!ental level, # think it’s better that # don’t talk about it at a Fa conference. As far as how it ca!e into e6istence in the

hu!an world, that is so!ething that everyone already knows without !y saying anything.

Actually, whether you want to talk about a crooked political party or an evil political party or anyother kind of political party, as cultivators we have absolutely nothing to do with that. *o !atter

how evil a party !ight be, it’s so!ething of the hu!an world, and no !atter how good it !ight

 be, it is still so!ething of the hu!an world. "eing a cultivator !eans stepping out of the hu!anworld, and when it co!es to cultivating in the hu!an world, cultivators don’t get involved with

all those worldly conflicts and issues. 4hings that are evil, well, there are reasons for their

e6istence, and with things that are good there are reasons for their e6istence too. #t is deter!ined

 by the state of hu!an society, and afa disciples don’t concern the!selves with those things atall. "ut everyone saw clearly that back when that arch devil started persecuting us, it was yelling

that its political party <!ust defeat Falun 9ong= and <# refuse to believe the NNN $arty can’t

defeat Falun 9ong.= # know that it did those things out of :ealousy and resent!ent, but # also

know that there were ele!ents of its political party behind its words. $ut another way, wee6posed the! only after they persecuted us. e don’t recogni2e this persecution. #n the process

of clarifying the truth, we will tell the world’s people why Falun 9ong is being persecuted, whatFalun 9ong is, and what that political party is. hoever it is that has persecuted afa disciples

should be e6posed and the !alignant influence that has spread a!ong the !inds of the world’s

 people should be cleared away.After listening to students clarify the truth, so!e people still say, <Falun 9ong is pretty good,

 but # think the NNN $arty has its reasons.= And there are a lot of people who think that what the

>>$ says can’t be wrong, and so they refuse to listen to the truth. 4hose people haven’t seen that

it is evil to the core. &o!e people say, <Falun 9ong is pretty good, but the $arty hasn’t doneanything wrong. #t’s that arch devil’s fault.= #n that case, we should tell the world’s people why it

 persecutes Falun 9ong and what kind of !otive it had when it began persecuting Falun 9ong

we should help people see who the evil cult really is and what the $arty is all about. 4he afadisciples that are being persecuted should e6pose its disreputable past.

orldly affairs are not the concern of afa disciples, who are cultivators, but #, +i 3ong2hi,

know about all such affairs. ( Applause) #’ve been e6plaining these things all along over the lastseveral years of persecution, and yet the persecution continues. 4he new leadership of the >>$

has been in power for two years so far, and the persecution continues. #s it :ust a !atter of

isolated individuals co!!itting evil acts7 4hen why shouldn’t we tell the world about the

funda!ental evilness of that political party7 #f you didn’t persecute us, we wouldn’t want to haveanything to do with you, and we wouldn’t want to say anything about you. 4he lives of so !any

afa disciples have been taken, and the persecution continues. 3ow evilE Also, the $arty has

used the one-sided !edia to broadcast slanderous propaganda to every corner of the earth, andit’s even worse than that of the >ultural 5evolution. #t is targeting a group of such good and kind

 people. %ven if # forbear it and tolerate it, none of the gods will stand for itE ( Applause)

 Disciple: 'ecause of my attachment of emotion, I ha&e made mistakes# I feel remorse o&er

the path I ha&e taken# 9ow should I make up for it!

Teacher: (*eacher sighs) 4hese are in fact the things that pain 'aster the !ost. For a

cultivator, it’s :ust so sha!eful. #t’s sha!eful even for an ordinary person, but you are a


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cultivator, so how could you even raise this for open discussion7 #t is :ust so sha!eful. id you

know that in old-ti!e cultivation, as soon as a cultivator broke the rule pertaining to this, he

wouldn’t be able to cultivate again for the rest of his life. 4hat’s how serious it is.&o, what can be done7 afa is !erciful, and 'aster looks at your being in its entirety, and

you will still have chances before the Fa’s rectification of the hu!an world arrives. "ut you can’t

!ake those !istakes again. You :ust can’t. And during this period of ti!e especially, the evilwill capitali2e on your e!otion to aggravate its persecution of you and will cause your desires

and attach!ents to be particularly strong, to the point where you can’t handle yourselves well

and will take an evil path. 'aster has seen that. #f you can walk your path well and cultivatewell, that sin will belong to the evil. "ut if you still don’t walk your path well, that sin will be

your own. f course, the evil that is interfering with you will be eli!inated, and after that

anything you do will be yours.

uring the Fa-rectification period, when the Fa is rectifying the entire cos!os, do you knowhow 'aster is doing it7 As for all the beings in the entire cos!os, including the world’s people,

and beings that are lower than this world8even ones that are down very very low, including

 beings in the underworld and hell8# have been doing things according to one principle; no

!atter what sins or !istakes a being co!!itted in its past, # disregard all of that # can get rid ofall those things for you and !ake everything good. *obody has ever treated sentient beings like

this before. #f a certain place in the cos!os was no longer up to par, it was destroyed throughe6plosion and then recreated. #f a certain place was no longer up to par, it was :ust like the

!etabolis! of the hu!an body, where if a cell is no longer up to par it dies off and a new one is

created. 4reating all beings with such !ercy is so!ething that has never ever happened for aslong as the cos!os has e6isted. ( Applause) #’ve been doing this all along, and # have achieved

this. "ut there is one thing. #f a sin was co!!itted against afa during the Fa-rectification

 period, interfering with the Fa-rectification, then that sin cannot be forgiven. 4here is :ust this

one stipulation. #f even this stipulation weren’t there, the Fa of the cos!os would no longer e6ist."eings of the future wouldn’t have the Fa to follow and abide by, and it would be the sa!e thing

as the cos!os not having a Fa, !aking it a !essed up, chaotic world. 4hat cannot happenE 4hat

would be the sa!e as har!ing the cos!os, so having a negative effect in Fa-rectification !eanshaving co!!itted such a sin. For a being, it could be caused by :ust one !isplaced thought, but

the conseCuences are devastating.

 Disciple: 0reetings to esteemed Master# I)m a <orean disciple from 9eilong(iang pro&ince#

 4lease allow me to greet Master on behalf of all Dafa disciples from 9eilong(iang and the

different truth3clarifying teams in <orea#

Teacher: 4hank you. ( Applause) 4he afa disciples in orea have done Cuite well. 4hereare also !any afa disciples of orean ethnicity in 'ainland >hina and they have been

 persecuted very severely. # know about all of this.

 Disciple: =ur truth3clarifying team focuses on clarifying the truth to the 'ei(ing area,

 putting >?@ of our effort there, and using the other ?@ on other things, including efforts to

rescue students# ;hen we strengthen efforts to clarify the truth to the 'ei(ing area, will the e&ilthat)s concentrated in Manhattan be reduced!

Teacher: 4he right way to put it is this; when afa disciples fro! different places are all

doing very well, the evil can’t deal with the! all and it is cleared away in all places. 4he evil that

ca!e to 'anhattan is in the process of being co!pletely eli!inated. 5ight now, the evil in the


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4hree 5eal!s has been eli!inated in large Cuantities. You can see that the current situation is

changing, and even the weather is changing. 4he afa disciples that have sat in front of the *ew

York >onsulate know that it was the coldest place, and our afa disciples have really endured alot over these years. +ooking at the current situation, the afa disciples fro! different places are

fully utili2ing their skills and talents to do things to validate afa, so it is causing this evil to

 beco!e less and less. #t’s really difficult for it to concentrate itself and do anything.

 Disciple: 9ow can I and e&eryone else work together so that we can look at matters broadly

and put Dafa first!

Teacher: 4his is a Cuestion that all afa disciples should think about. As far as what to do,

only by studying the Fa well and acting according to what 'aster tells you can you walk this

 path righteously.

 Disciple: It isn)t easy for us disciples from Mainland hina to get to the +#B# to attend a

conferences, and it is rare for us to see Master in person# ;e would like to sincerely ask Master

to address the disciples from Mainland hina who went to <orea to help Master in a3

rectification# 4lease tell us how we can do well what we should do and fulfill the &ows we madebefore history#

Teacher: afa disciples are all the sa!e, and you should do well no !atter where you are.hether you are abroad or are in an environ!ent where you are directly persecuted by the evil,

you should display afa disciples’ righteous thoughts and righteous actions, as that strikes fear

into the evil. 4he evil is raucous on the surface, but inside it is afraid. You are afa disciples,and you can’t have fear inside. #f a cultivator can truly let go of ?the fear of@ death, then that

death will forever be far re!oved fro! you. "ut this isn’t so!ething you can will to happen8 

it’s a point that you cultivate to in the Fa, one at which you beco!e that kind of being. hen the

 persecution in 'ainland >hina started, if all of the afa disciples had !anaged to act fairlyrighteously like now, the persecution would have never gotten off the ground, and those evil

things would have been destroyed instantly. 4he hu!an world is no place for the! to !ake a

display of evilness. *ow you folks have gradually beco!e !ore clearheaded, cal!er, and !ore rational, and you

know what to do, and one !ight say that a lot of your hu!an attach!ents have been cultivated

away. ell, actually, with so!e students it’s not that their hu!an attach!ents have beencultivated away but that the students have been too scared to do anything out of line, and if the

environ!ent eases up a little bit they will dare to do those things again. 4hat’s no good. #f a

 person can’t cultivate in the Fa, then he isn’t able to truly understand the Fa. nly when a person

has truly grasped the Fa can he walk the path righteously and can his being be assured a goodoutco!e. therwise that kind of being re!ains in the !ost perilous situation, because the evil

can take advantage of his gaps at any ti!e. #f he were an ordinary person, no !atter how bad he

was, the evil wouldn’t pay any attention to hi!. "ecause he wants to cultivate, though, the evilwill try to stop hi! fro! cultivating. And when you don’t cultivate solidly you beco!e a target

for the evil’s persecution.

 Disciple: A few students are &ery enthusiastic about clarifying the truth, but they ha&e ne&er

been able to go beyond the petty confines of attachment to self# *hey ha&en)t done well in o&erall

cooperation and coordination, and more seriously, they ha&e affected some other students# If


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they still can)t do well with fellow practitioners) help, I)d like to ask Master, what kind of

conse"uences will those students face in the future!

Teacher: #n !y opinion, right now you can’t say how students are or draw conclusions aboutthe!, because there are all kinds of different !anifestations in the process of cultivation, and all

ordinary people’s attach!ents will show. As long as a practitioner doesn’t re!ove the! they will

definitely show. As for the part that has cultivated well, it is nowhere to be seen, because the partof hi! that has cultivated well can’t be shown. And the part that hasn’t been cultivated well will

 be seen by others whenever it surfaces. hat’s key is how he deals with it and whether he can

recogni2e his shortco!ings when others point that part out or when his attach!ents co!e out inconflicts8that’s what is critical. nce you recogni2e so!ething you need to overco!e it, and

only that is cultivation. hen all is said and done, #’d say that it’s a Cuestion of diligence.

#f a person doesn’t cultivate well and affects another afa disciple or a lot of other afa

disciples, and causes their cultivation to fail, that is the severe sin of interfering with afadisciples’ cultivation, one that cannot be absolved even after a being descends down to the

eighteenth level of hell. &o!e students aren’t able to re!ove their longstanding attach!ents,

leading to their being interfered with by the evil. All of you are thinking that these people are

done for and can’t !ake it. 5ight now you can’t look at it like that. &o!e students have in factgotten rid of !any other attach!ents, and a lot of attach!ents are gone and won’t show

the!selves, but those attach!ents that they haven’t cultivated away still show up. 'aster willdefinitely have those co!e out and be affected in conflicts, and will for sure have everyone see

that, and the goal will be to have the! get rid of those. hen you see one, you need to point it

out to the!. #f you don’t point it out that is because you have an attach!ent of fearing to offendothers. #n that case, they will be !ade to have clashes and conflicts with you so that both you and

hi! will recogni2e those attach!ents. And the goal is to cultivate away those hu!an

attach!ents. "ut when you look at the students who have attach!ents that show, you can’t think

that they’re no good. &o !isunderstandings and !istakes a!ong afa disciples are unavoidable.4he key is that you can’t have real conflicts and clashes a!ong yourselves or start to !istrust

one another.

5ecently, # have often stressed the issue of cooperating and coordinating well with eachother. hether or not those bad attach!ents of yours have been re!oved, you have to cooperate

well with each other :ust the sa!e. hy is it that at ti!es you see argu!ents co!ing up a lot,

and so!eti!es the argu!ents go on and on7 hy is it that in validating the Fa, disciples’opinions are ti!e and again not unified7 4his is so!ething that’s been Cuite pro!inent recently

in 'ainland >hina. hat’s the real proble!7 #t’s very si!ple8it is a Cuestion of whether you

are validating the Fa or validating yourself. #f you are validating the Fa, no !atter what another

 person says about you, you won’t be affected inside. #f so!eone counters your opinion and youget riled up and don’t like it, if when other people raise an opinion opposite yours based on so!e

 proble! you have or disagree with your opinion and you don’t like it, and you stand up to

oppose it and argue on your own behalf, and when this leads to your going off topic and notlistening to others, ?in all such cases@ you are8even if you are defending and e6plaining yourself

with the best of intentions8still :ust validating yourself. ( Applause) 4hat is because you didn’t

 put afa first, and at that ti!e the thing that you couldn’t let go of !ost was self."ut people’s thoughts are co!ple6, and so!eti!es it’s hard to tell. &o!e people truly are

thinking of the Fa, really do feel that such-and-such way is right, and are not attached to

the!selves. 4hey’re :ust holding their ground like that. &o!e !ay say, <You’re so insistent,

aren’t you validating yourself7= &o at those ti!es you have to be cal! and collected. #n fact,


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when everyone is thinking of the Fa the proble! of not cooperating is non-e6istent. e should

 be good people wherever we are8aren’t we supposed to think of others first when we do things7

hy is it that afa disciples don’t think of others first when dealing with each other7 You’rethinking, <e’re all cultivators and everyone is cultivating, so when we’re with other disciples

there is no need to think about how we talk to each other.= #sn’t that what you’re thinking7 ell,

that’s not right. o not forget this point; you are hu!an beings that are in the process ofcultivating, you are not gods cultivating, so you !ust be considerate of others.

 Disciple: Btudents in <orea are using all sorts of ways to step up the effort to clarify thetruth to different kinds of people, and they are gradually getting people)s attention and support#

*he truth3clarification has yielded better and better results, and at the same time, all o&er the

country great numbers of new students are pouring in# 'ut recently, one after another, a few

 students ha&e had accidents and died tragically# =ne died when the bus he was riding in flippedo&er, one drowned, and another died in an accident at work# =ne of those students was &ery

acti&e in clarifying the truth# *he occurrence of se&eral such incidents caused some of the newer

 students to wa&er#

Teacher: # :ust talked about the old forces’ interference to Fa-rectification and afadisciples. &o why do the old forces do things like that, then7 hat is their goal7 4hey think, <All

of you have co!e here to cultivate and you think that afa is good. #s your understanding ofafa’s goodness truly based on the Fa truths7 r rather, do you :ust go along when other people

say it’s good7 r is it that you say the Fa is good when you feel like you’ve benefited fro! it7=

>ultivation and afa are sole!n, and they can turn hu!an beings into gods. 4he old forces can’tstand that, so they want to test you. 4hey want to see if you will still say afa is good and stay

and cultivate when they have people pass away who have reached the end of their life spans. 4he

old forces have done that, so when a student faces life-threatening danger, you can’t say that he

is not good or that he has so!e serious proble!s. 4hat is actually the old forces creating adisturbance by taking advantage of hu!an attach!ents. ne thing is that it’s easy for so!e

students to waver, and if those kinds of students had all cultivated very well and solidly, those

 proble!s wouldn’t have taken place. #f certain students can’t !anage to get rid of long-standingattach!ents inside the!selves, they can be persecuted and interfered with. ?4hey !ight think,@

<#’ve been doing the e6ercises, and !y illnesses have been cured. # feel so good. 'y life has

 beco!e easier.= 4heir understanding always re!ains at that level and they can’t understand theFa on the basis of the Fa, and that !akes it easy for proble!s to co!e up. f course, these things

don’t always ste! fro! that type of proble!. 4he old forces have been doing this for a long

ti!e, and these kinds of things also happened before in the cultivation of students in 'ainland

>hina. &o that’s why in cultivation it is i!perative to look at things with righteous thoughts andclearly recogni2e that cultivation is the !ost serious of !atters.

f course, certain things have happened. &tudents in different regions have pretty !uch

 beco!e clearheaded, they are able to understand things on the basis of the Fa, and they can thushandle those things correctly. 4here used to be so!e students who would often say, <&o-and-so

at our practice site has done so wellE e’ll do whatever he does.= +et !e tell all of you that you

absolutely !ust not do that and absolutely !ust not think that way. >ultivators can’t take otherhu!an beings as their role !odels. 4hey !ust take the Fa as the teacherE ( Applause) As soon as

you start doing things ?like # described@ and thinking in that way, two proble!s will surface. ne

is that you will likely push that student to a place where there is no way out for hi!. And it’s

likely the old forces will lead hi! to have proble!s and even !ake hi! leave us early in order to


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test other students. ?4hey’ll think,@ <You’re all looking to hi!. ith things like this, are you still

going to study, and are you still going to cultivate7= Knder circu!stances like this, there are

really so!e students who think, <#f even he couldn’t !ake it, will # be able to7= 4hey waver.#sn’t that the old forces taking advantage of gaps7 ?#n that situation@ even #, your !aster, can’t

say anythingE 4he old forces say, <4ake a look. &ee how that test ended up7 hat we did was

right, wasn’t it7= &o when the righteous thoughts are not strong, people’s !inds waver. Youabsolutely !ust be on guard against thatE You should take the Fa as the teacher. You can’t look

at how well a certain individual has cultivated and as a result learn fro! that person instead of

the Fa.eren’t there students like that when the persecution in 'ainland >hina first began7 'any

students were looking to the assistants and doing whatever the assistants did. hen the assistants

gave in, they followed suit and gave in too. f course, students are students of afa after all, so

when they cal!ed down later on, they reali2ed that they had been wrong. 4hey started to studythe Fa anew, and reali2ed that that understanding of theirs had been wrong and that what they did

was wrong. "ut, looking at that one part of it, didn’t it bring sha!e to the!7 4hey did do that

thing at one point, so for a cultivator, isn’t that a black !ark7 &o, causing people’s !inds to

waver will bring trouble to the cultivation environ!ent. You absolutely !ust be attentive to that.All kinds of things !ight happen during cultivation. &o!e people saw that such-and-such

 people had their illnesses cured after they started practicing. 4hey thought, <ow, even suchserious illnesses have been cured.= r, <ow, that person’s cancer was cured after he started

 practicing.= <#’ll practice too.= "ut why did that person end up co!ing7 3e ca!e because of the

cancer and for the purpose of getting healthy. 3e didn’t co!e here to truly cultivate. "ut # reali2ethat everyone has to start so!ewhere in understanding the Fa. ne person !ight start to

understand the Fa at one point and another at a different point. "ut once so!eone enters the

 practice he !ust take studying the Fa as first and fore!ost8only then is it cultivation. #n that

case, when you can truly understand the Fa during cultivation, you will be able to get rid of anyattach!ent. You will think, <#’ve obtained the Fa, and # a! not afraid of anything. #f # die, so be

it. %ven if # die, # have obtained the Fa. hat’s going to happen to !e after # die7 # won’t end up

in hell. #’ve obtained the Fa, after all.= A person like that will not encounter anything thatendangers his life and he won’t have any health proble!s ( Applause). 4hat is because the state of

!ind he de!onstrates is that of a true cultivator. 3e has truly understood ?what cultivation is@

and has truly elevated hi!self, and he has let go of all attach!ents. At least in this one regard hehas transcended hu!anness, he has gone beyond the real! of hu!anness. nly ordinary hu!an

 beings have health proble!s. nce he lets go of his attach!ent to being healed his health

 proble!s will be gone.

>ertain people haven’t !anaged for a long ti!e to let go of their attach!ents to gettinghealed. Knder nor!al circu!stances when a person suffers fro! a ter!inal illness he has

actually reached the end of his lifespan. 3e’s suffering fro! a ter!inal illness and his life is

supposed to end, but now he has studied afa. %ven though he co!es in order to get cured, he isstill allowed to keep studying the Fa to understand the Fa. 3e also sees e6a!ples ?of the Fa@

 playing out in people’s lives, but he still can’t understand the Fa on the basis of the Fa. 3e

doesn’t read the books, so he can’t understand things on the basis of the Fa. 3e only followsothers in doing the e6ercises. 3e is still thinking, <#’ve beco!e a student of Falun 9ong. # keep

doing the e6ercises. hy haven’t # been cured7= >ultivation is a serious !atter. 4hat test of

one’s !ind is a black or white issue. 4he !ore attached you are, the worse you will feel. hen

you go to the hospital for an e6a!ination you will be !ade to see that your illness has gotten


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worse. Yet you still don’t enlighten to it. &ince you still don’t enlighten to it, it beco!es !ore

and !ore serious, and in the end you truly can’t !ake it. 4hat happens because you are not a

genuine student, you don’t study the Fa, and you can’t let go of your attach!ent to your illness.You are :ust an ordinary person who wants to get his illness cured. 4he purpose of !y

disse!inating afa is to save people at the funda!ental level of their being, not to help ordinary

 people get cured. #f you can truly cultivate, when you can truly let go of your attach!ent toliving or your fear of death8and not :ust act that way for others to see while constantly thinking

about it inside8then no !atter what kind of illness you have, it will be cured. #n cultivation, the

difference between hu!anness and godhood is :ust the difference of one thought. 4his differenceof one thought sounds easy, but it can be achieved only with a deep and solid foundation in

cultivation. #f you can really devote a lot of effort to studying the Fa, you will be able to achieve


f course, whenever that situation co!es up, usually the person is given one chance afteranother in afa over a long period of ti!e, because he has obtained the Fa, after all. 3e is

continually given chances and doesn’t die, and he is given chance after chance. "ut if that person

still doesn’t get it after being given chances for so long, even if he has cultivated for years and

has followed others in doing afa work, if he still can’t let go on a funda!ental level of hisattach!ent to getting healed, then on a funda!ental level he is still not a student, and he will

depart when he reaches the end of his lifespan. rdinary people can do afa work too, and whatthey get are blessings. hen cultivators do afa work, they don’t seek ordinary blessings or a

good life the thing that is !ost i!portant ?to the!@ is raising their level. >ultivators don’t seek

the things of this world. #sn’t being attached to your illness a pursuit of so!ething in the hu!anworld7 &o!e people say, <nce !y illness heals #’ll be able to do so !any good things for afaE

hy haven’t # been cured yet7= Your getting well, your cultivating, and your beco!ing a afa

disciple would all be conditional. You would cultivate and acknowledge ?yourself as a afa

disciple@ only when your illness was cured. >ultivation is done unconditionally though, andthings are gained naturally, with no pursuit.

 *othing is absolute, of course. hat # was talking about were Fa truths. $eople’s situations

are different, and # was :ust giving an e6a!ple. #f everyone has a good understanding things willgo s!oothly. "ut when a person can’t let go of his attach!ents it beco!es really hard.

 Disciple: I)m a Dafa disciple from Ireland, and I would like to send greetings to esteemed*eacher# or a long time now I ha&en)t been doing well in spreading the a or in personal

culti&ation# Is there still time for me to make up for it!

Teacher: 4hen you should go ahead and do that. &ince it’s not over yet, yes, there is still

ti!e left. ( E&eryone smiles and applauds) %ven if you haven’t done well, no !atter what, 'asterstill doesn’t want to leave any of you behind. ( Applause)

#’ve said before that the Fa-rectification of the cos!os is one stage and the Fa’s rectification

of the hu!an world is another stage. hat that !eans is, 'aster is doing this in two steps. &o #haven’t taught you the Fa of the 4hree 5eal!s, # have only taught you the Fa of the cos!os. #

haven’t talked about the structures of the different living things in the 4hree 5eal!s, the origin

of life, the structure of life, the history of the world, or the theories in this world fro! religion toscience, such as where those things ca!e fro!, what their purposes are, the reasons behind the

different conflicts that take place in the hu!an world8well, everything in history. And as for the

state of the structure of the 4hree 5eal!s and the different heavenly bodies in the 4hree 5eal!s,

# haven’t talked to you about those things because they’re so insignificant in the cos!os. 4he


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4hree 5eal!s doesn’t deserve to be taught in afa, as they are too low. hen # teach you the

9reat +aw it enco!passes the 4hree 5eal!s. #n the future you will know everything, and there

won’t be any need for !e to tell you about things of the 4hree 5eal!s. #n the future # will handlethings that have to do with hu!an beings, and at that point #’ll talk about the Fa of the 4hree

5eal!s. hen in the future it’s ti!e to do things in the 4hree 5eal!s, that will be when the Fa

rectifies the hu!an world."ecause things are being done in two steps, a certain pheno!enon has happened in the

cos!os. hat kind of pheno!enon7 #t’s that the 4hree 5eal!s has been closed off all this ti!e

 8the beings inside the 4hree 5eal!s can’t get out and the beings outside of the 4hree 5eal!scan’t get in. # was the one who closed things off fro! the beginning. 4he ele!ents created early

on by the old forces were and are still there and haven’t been cleaned away co!pletely, and

 before things are done at the surface of the hu!an world, that portion of the old forces’ ele!ents

is still having a negative effect. &o, because the Fa-rectification and the Fa’s rectification of thehu!an world are being done in two different steps, the 4hree 5eal!s needed to be separated

fro! the cos!os. &ince the beginning of !y Fa-rectification8during the last ten-plus years8it

has been continually !oving away fro! the cos!os. Astrono!ers have seen that the heavenly

 bodies in the cos!os are no longer the heavenly bodies of the early ti!es, and the 'ilky ay’s position is no longer the sa!e as it was early on, and the other star syste!s that were around the

 place where the 'ilky ay e6isted early on are no longer the sa!e. 4hat has happened becausethe 4hree 5ea!s is being separated fro! the cos!os. &cientists discovered that fact when it was

in the process of being shifted, and they are saying that the cos!os is e6panding. #n actuality it is

the heavenly bodies separating the!selves fro! the 4hree 5eal!s, as well as the 4hree 5eal!s!oving further and further away fro! its original location. uring the last ten-plus years, the

4hree 5eal!s has been !oving out of the cos!os nonstop. As that has been happening,

scientists have discovered that the heavenly bodies have undergone i!!ense changes. &tars that

didn’t e6ist before have appeared, heavenly bodies that didn’t e6ist before have appeared, andstar syste!s that didn’t e6ist before have appeared. &o where did the stars and star syste!s that

were originally there go to7 hy has the cos!os undergone such enor!ous changes7 4hose

things have in fact co!e about as a part of the !ove!ent of the 4hree 5eal!s as it separatesfro! the cos!os.

3asn’t the $ure#nsight website reported that7 4he cos!os is disappearing into the distance

faster than the speed of light, and the 'ilky ay is being separated fro! the cos!os. &ince ithas reached the point where even hu!an beings can see this phase, it !eans that the separation

has arrived at the !ost surface level. %arly on when # was beginning to do this, so!e gods told

!e, <#n the future, hu!an beings will all be able to see the things that you did, and they will

reali2e in the end that you were the one who did the!.= 4hat is the case because certain!anifestations will gradually converge on where # a!.

nce the separation is co!plete, the di!ensions outside of the 'ilky ay won’t even e6ist.

3u!an beings will find the e!ptiness terrifying. 4he stars that used to e6ist outside of the 'ilkyay and all the heavenly bodies that were scattered everywhere outside of the 'ilky ay will

 be gone. 4he $ure#nsight website reported that our 'ilky ay will beco!e the <lonely soul and

roa!ing ghost= of the cos!os. You !ight wonder, <hat would be the reason for that pheno!enon7= #t see!s as though people8including scientists8are indifferent to it, but it’s

only because they don’t understand it. #f such a thing had happened in the cos!os in the past,

then the 'ilky ay would not have e6isted any!ore. #f separated fro! the cos!os, ?the 'ilky

ay@ would not have been able to e6ist and would have disintegrated. 4he Fa-rectification of the


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cos!os and the Fa’s rectification of the hu!an world are being done in two steps, so the 4hree

5eal!s has to be separated fro! the cos!os. #f the Fa-rectification of the cos!os was co!plete

 8and everything was new and pure8but the 4hree 5eal!s was still so filthy, it would pollutethe cos!os. #t wouldn’t do to have such a filthy place inside such a wonderful cos!os, so it

needs to be !oved out and taken care of separately. 4hat’s why they will be separated.

( Applause) &cientists have now discovered what # described.

 Disciple: ;hat do we do about correcting the hinese characters in .=n 'uddha -aw C

 -unyu/ that some practitioners ha&e hanging on their walls!

Teacher: Yes, you can correct the <n "uddha +aw= te6t hanging on your wall. ust !ake

the corrections with the appropriate color. ell actually, any !ethod will do.

 Disciple: 9ow can we help newer students in hina step forward!

Teacher: hen it co!es to newer students, you can’t be too hasty with the! since they need

to go through a process of i!proving their understanding. #f of their own initiative they offer to

do so!ething, then let the!. "ut if they don’t want to do so!ething out of their own initiative, #

don’t think we can co!pel the! to do anything, since they are still newer students after all.

 Disciple: 9ow should we &iew the big corporations outside of hina that are poised to makein&estments in hina, and how should we look at our family members) wanting to go back to


Teacher: #f your fa!ily !e!bers don’t cultivate and want to go back to >hina, then that’sfine. #f you are a cultivator it’s best that you don’t go back8wouldn’t you be setting yourself up

for persecution7 As a afa disciple, you wouldn’t be able to bear not doing what afa disciples

are supposed to do, but if you did those things you would be persecuted. And also, there are

things here that you should do.As for a lot of corporations planning to !ake invest!ents in >hina, don’t do anything about

that for now. You should :ust clarify the facts and tell people what afa is about and why it’s

 being persecuted. "ring to light the despicable farces and all of the low acts co!!itted by thegovern!ent where they !ade up lies and slander, e6pose the evil’s suppression, tell the world’s

 people about these things and help the! see all of this clearly8then you will have reached your

goal. hen you clarify the truth :ust talk about things at that level and don’t go any higher. Asfar as so!e co!pany wanting to !ake invest!ents so!ewhere, if you get a chance, all you can

say is; <#t’s only because of invest!ents fro! you guys that the group of evildoers in >hina has

the !oney to fund the persecution. You can see how scary it is when they display their

wickedness, right7 3asn’t your co!pany been sub:ected to its coercion7= e won’t get involvedwith whether they !ake invest!ents there. All we can do is talk to the! using principles at a

very shallow level.

"ut # think that with !aterial gain right in front of the! so!e people are willing to listen andso!e aren’t, so that issue isn’t the focus. 4he focus is to tell people why Falun 9ong is being

 persecuted and how evil the persecutors are, and that will be enough. nce people can see those

evil things clearly, that will e6pel fro! their !inds the poisonous ele!ents fro! the propaganda produced by the slanderous !edia of >hina’s co!!unist govern!ent. 4his !eans you’ve saved

those people, and that one act enabled the! to !ake it to the ne6t stage. therwise when the Fa’s

rectification of the hu!an world arrives and that powerful  gong  co!esOthe Fa-rectification has

standards, and at that point they definitely won’t have any other chances to understand ?the


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truth@. 4he standards hold true fro! the highest place in the cos!os down to the lowest.

3owever a being is at that point, that will be it, and everything will be dealt with in the fastest

ti!e. 4hose who should be weeded out will be weeded out, those who should re!ain willre!ain, those who should be raised up will be raised up, and those who should be lowered will

 be lowered. #t will be over in a flash. hatever is in a being’s !ind deter!ines what he ?or his

situation@ is, so there won’t be any !ore chances at that point. #f a person has the poison fro!that wicked, villainous gang cleared away, then he will !ake it past that stage. &o at the very

least he’ll be able to witness the changes that happen in the future.

 Disciple: I)m a little disciple from *aiwan# =n behalf of the little disciples from *aiwan, I)d

like to present a lotus flower to Master# $Master smiles% $Audience smiles and applauds% ;e

thank our magnificent Master#

Teacher: 4hank you. 4his little lotus flower is truly beautifully done. ( Applause) 4his is thesort of consideration and thought that afa disciples have put into clarifying the truth. You’ve

really worked hard and have co!e up with so !any ideas to save people. 4oday’s people are

really hard to save. ?#t see!s as though@ they’ll listen only if what you tell the! is in line with

their ideas, and they’ll listen only if you talk to the! in a way that they like. #n other words, ifyou want to save the!, they have conditions for you to do so. ( Master smiles)

 Disciple: Master, one of my family members practices and says that he)s special# 9e doesn)t

 send righteous thoughts or clarify the truth, and he seldom studies a other than Phuan Falun.

 2ight now in the a3rectification period we are busy with all sorts of pro(ects# If I spent a lot of

time helping him, I would find it hard to make enough time for other things#

Teacher: 4hat’s true. #f he is a newer student, then you should show so!e understanding

towards hi!. #f he is a veteran student, then he’s definitely in the wrong. As far as how to help

hi!, there is no special !ethod for doing it. 4ake a look to see where he’s off track and take theappropriate course of action to address it. 5e!ove the hurdle in his !ind and find his attach!ent.

 Disciple: 9ow do we truly break apart the old force)s arrangements, mo&e beyond selfishness, and become true a3rectification disciples!

Teacher: 4he cos!os in the past was based on selfishness. +et’s take !an as an e6a!ple;

when it ca!e to crucial !o!ents he truly couldn’t care less about others. hen # started Fa-rectification, so!e gods said to !e, <You’re the only one who gets involved in others’ business.=

# know, you find this hard to believe, because you are altruistic beings created by afa that have

roles in Fa-rectification and that have truly enlightened. #f # didn’t do that, with the end of history

all lives would end. hen a being is considerate of others in doing things and displays tolerancein the process, it’s because his starting point is selfless.

hen afa cultivators find selfishness in the!selves, they should gradually work to

overco!e it. "eco!ing aware of it !eans that you have taken another step forward incultivation, because a non-practitioner can’t beco!e aware of it and it doesn’t occur to hi! to

think about whether he is selfish. nly cultivators !ake a practice of e6a!ining the!selves and

looking within.

 Disciple: Dafa disciples from ushun send their greetings to you# ('aster says <4hank

you.=) I ha&e a slow3paced personality# I)m normally slow when I work and am often critici5ed

 for it# Do I need to change my ways when I)m doing work!

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Teacher: 4here are indeed people who have a slow-paced personality. # know # have a fast-

 paced personality, and # do everything very very Cuickly. #f you say so!ething needs to be done,

#’ll be out the door before others are even ready. ( Master chuckles) ( Applause) $ut another way,#’ve developed this fast pace, and # hurry up and hurry up with everything # do. f course, #’!

not saying that a slow-paced personality is not good. &o!e people have :ust gotten into the habit

of doing things that way. "ut # think it’s better if we can speed up a little when it co!es to saving people. ( Master smiles) ( Audience laughs and applauds) "ut it’s not that you have to change

your personality.

4his is how beings in the cos!os are. %veryone is different; so!e are slow while others arefast, and so!e tend to be an6ious while others are even-keeled. For so!e, they are :ust slow-

 paced with everything they do, and that can’t be called an attach!ent. 3owever, you should

hurry up in !atters of saving people and the things that afa disciples should do. # don’t think

that has anything to do with your personality. You should know what <hurrying up= !eans no!atter how slow your personality is.

 Disciple: I am a newer disciple# I)m &ery anxious to tra&el the a3rectification path well, but

 I am not sure, is that a type of attachment! 9ow do I tell!Teacher: You are a student who recently obtained the Fa, so don’t be overly an6ious. ith

!any things you can’t be held to the sa!e reCuire!ents as the veteran students. "ut there areindeed so!e newer students who have been doing really well. 4hey are deeply involved in doing

things for afa and are doing what afa disciples need to do. 4hey are truly a!a2ing.

&o!eti!es # really think those lateco!ers have great awakening capacity. >ultivation consists ofstep-by-step i!prove!ent, and it’s not realistic to e6pect you to soar to a high level all at once

and be like veteran students, since they, too, got to where they are through cultivating and

i!proving step by step. *ow that you’ve obtained afa you have nothing to worry about. ust go

ahead and syste!atically do what needs to be done, and do what afa disciples should do8go asfar as your understanding takes you with things. 4here’s no proble! with any of that.

 Disciple: ;ould Master explain what effect it will ha&e on our work if Dafa disciples do wellin their coordination and cooperation, and what the result will be if we don)t do those so well!

Teacher: 4he evil will take advantage and cause trouble if you don’t coordinate and

cooperate well. ith a lot of the Fa-rectification things, it’s not that there is no way to do the!. *o !atter how hard it is, there is a path for you to take, even though it is a fairly narrow one.

You have to go down that path correctly, and it won’t work if you co!e up even a little short or

stray a little bit. *evertheless, there is a path for you. #n other words, you need to go down it

correctly. #f you don’t, the evil that currently e6ists will take advantage of it and cause trouble. #nfact what #’ve :ust been talking about is the Cuestion of validating yourself versus validating the

Fa when you work together on so!ething8that’s the issue.

hen everyone is discussing so!ething, you !ay get upset over so!eone e6pressingdisapproval of your idea, but if nobody raises ob:ections and everyone says, <4his is a pretty

good idea, and that one’s not bad either=8so that nobody gets offended8#’d say that these

students aren’t being very responsible to afa or to their own cultivation. 4hey don’t dare to facea conflict and don’t dare to address things directly, and they don’t dare to speak up when they

see a proble!. 4hat is being too attached to self, and that’s selfishness. #f you deal with a

 proble! without the attach!ent to self and cal!ly put forward ideas about how to tackle the


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 proble! well, # don’t think others will feel unco!fortable upon hearing it, because you’re doing

it for the Fa. 4his is one point.

Another point is, if so!eone’s proposal is re:ected and that person feels upset, then he reallyhas a proble!. Ksually the only ti!e when discussions about !atters of validating afa go off

track is when so!e attach!ent to self is stirred up. 9o ahead and watch for this attentively8if

you don’t believe !e, when you leave here and go ho!e watch for it attentively. hen you’retalking so!ething over, look at who is taking the conversation off track, and the person who is

doing that has a proble! for sure. ( Audience laughs and applauds) 4he person who goes off

topic is being attached to self, or when his concepts are challenged, driven by a hu!an !indsethe gets upset and sets aside afa’s things. At those ti!es he will be taken advantage of by the

evil8he will stray further and further fro! the original sub:ect as he argues, and the evil will

take advantage. At that point he will get !ore and !ore upset, and the !ore upset he gets, the

!ore his hu!an !indset is in fact intensified by the evil and the less he is in a state ofcultivation, so the evil will take advantage even further. here do you think a wicked

understanding, or <enlightening= along an evil path, co!e fro!7 #sn’t that where they co!e

fro!7 4he evil takes advantage of his attach!ents and !akes fake thoughts show up in his !ind,

 but he considers the! real and thinks they’re Cuite reasonable. 3e’s thinking, <*one of youunderstand !e, and when all is said and done your cultivation levels aren’t as high as !ine, and

none of you understand the Fa as well as # do.= ( Master chuckles) 4hat’s how it ends up.

 Disciple: Dafa disciples) efforts in 8ew York ity ha&e changed the situation a lot, and many

ordinary people ha&e been mo&ed by what they)&e seen at our anti3torture exhibits# 'ut more

and more ;esterners ha&e told us that they are seeing too many of those horrifying images,causing them to lose sympathy for us# ;ould Master please enlighten us on that!

Teacher: 'aybe they say that the anti-torture e6hibits you hold to clarify the truth are too

shocking, but what # can tell you is that your actions are positive, and the energy is righteous andco!passionate, so it absolutely will not shock people in any kind of negative way. #nstead, the

disco!fort that so!e people feel !ust have been caused by bad thoughts in those people’s

!inds. on’t people hang everywhere that graphic i!age of esus being crucified, with his handsand feet pierced by nails and bleeding7 3aven’t people been viewing that i!age for hundreds or

thousands of years7 &o the proble! doesn’t lie in what is presented. 3aven’t afa disciples been

sub:ected to si!ilar ordeals in the persecution7 You are not trying to use art to portray evil acts,you are saving people. 4here !ust be a reason why so!e people have negative reactions, there

!ust be proble!s with their state of !ind. $erhaps the evil is controlling their !inds, or if not,

then it’s that their notions are not right. %ven the people who sy!pathi2e with afa disciples

have notions that have co!e out of ordinary society, and in ter!s of understanding, they !ayfeel unco!fortable because of that. on’t worry, though, this can be resolved by a little !ore

thorough e6planation.

A hu!an being !ay for! different notions in the world. &o!e people think spicy food isgood, so!e think sour food is, so!e like sweet food, and so!e like bland. 4hose are all

tendencies of one’s own !aking. %ven if a co!edy is playing in 'anhattan, there are still a

whole lot of people who don’t like it and critici2e it. 4hat’s how hu!an beings are. 4here are people on both sides, positive and negative, and hu!ans :ust live within the principle of !utual

generation and !utual inhibition. 4hey can’t all be the sa!e. 'aybe there are !ore people out

there who think the anti-torture e6hibits are good, only they haven’t said so. e can no longer

keep !aking co!pro!ises to acco!!odate those with a lot of obstacles in their !inds at the


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e6pense of saving good people. e are saving the world’s people. &o!e can’t bear to see these

things, but there are !ore people who can, and who are !oved, awakened, and saved. ( Applause)

#f so!eone thinks he can’t stand it, well, let’s think about it. ith such a righteous field andthe evil e6posed so e6plicitly, and all of what is shown is actually happening in real life, yet

there’s this person who still raises issues like that, then doesn’t that person have proble!s7 3e

does, for sure. *o !atter how hard you work and how !uch you put into clarifying the truth, let!e tell you, there will always be people in this world that you can’t save. 4here is always going

to be a portion that can’t be saved. e can’t be discouraged or de!orali2ed because of those

 people. 3ow could we be affected by and thus go along with whatever so!e people !ight say7e are here to change people, not to be changed by the!. ( Applause)

%verything we are giving people is wonderful, and we are saving people. e can’t

co!pro!ise to acco!!odate those who are no longer good and who obstruct the salvation of

 people, leading to good people not being saved. f course, when we talk about those who are nolonger good, they are not necessarily co!pletely bad, and perhaps it’s caused by their notions.

"ut you have to stay coolheaded and rational when it co!es to this. on’t be swayed by that

s!all nu!ber of people and don’t be affected by people. You should be very clear in your !ind

about what you’re doing; you are saving people, you are doing the !ost righteous and !ost!agnificent thingE ( Applause) ur students have taken such great pains and overco!e so !uch

adversity in putting together the anti-torture e6hibits. #t’s no s!all feat.4he key is actually that we ourselves be clearheaded. e should act with the power of

conviction, not ti!idly or hesitantly. You can’t see the fact that you are beings walking the road

to godhood. ( Applause) &o you are different fro! ordinary people and you cannot be affected bythe!. 4he gods all ad!ire you for the things you’re doing in 'anhattan, they truly ad!ire you.

hether it’s the gods that are playing positive roles or the ones playing negative roles, they all

ad!ire you. 4he world’s people do too. 4he universal values of what is good and what is evil

haven’t changed.

 Disciple: Is the "uestion of priority in&ol&ed when it comes to the Dafa work we do in a3

rectification! If some students want to do Dafa work related to a specific nationality orlanguage because of their own nationality or nati&e tongue, shouldn)t they put that aside for the

time being and focus on the Dafa work at hand!

Teacher: #t’s not wrong to want to do afa work related to one’s nationality or language.'aster can’t give you specific answers to these Cuestions, because every student is doing things

to clarify the truth and save sentient beings. 'aybe those people have things that they have to do.

"ut when it’s necessary for you to work together on so!ething as a group, afa disciples need to

cooperate well.

 Disciple: I ha&e a "uestion# You said a little earlier that once the persecution is o&er

e&erything will be set# I)d like to ask, will the ordinary people who are still decei&ed ha&e anymore chances!

Teacher: A being will be whatever is contained in his head, and both for a being who is to be

eli!inated and one who is to have things end well for hi!, it will be over instantly in one pass.&o!e people !ay say that they :ust believe in a certain political party or that they :ust want to

work for that party. #f the +aw of the cos!os considers that party good, then they will be kept

when that flash of a !o!ent co!es if the +aw of the cos!os considers that party evil, then

they’ll be wiped out when that !o!ent co!es. At that point clarifying the facts will be no !ore

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and giving people e6tra chances to co!e to so!e understanding will be no !ore. At that point

there won’t be such things any!ore, and people will be a !e!ber of whatever they contain and

will be seen as an ele!ent of it. A person will be a part of whatever his head contains, andeverything will be over in the blink of an eye.

 Disciple: ;e often participate in community parades in the +nited Btates and ha&e been wellrecei&ed by a lot of groups# ;ould Master tell us how we might help people come to know about

 Dafa while conforming to the way of ordinary people to the greatest extent! ;hen we ha&e

disagreements, should we lea&e them for our own discussion or report them to Master!$Audience laughs%

Teacher: hen you encounter proble!s you should talk the! over together since you are

cultivating. #t can’t be that whenever you have a proble! you have 'aster go cultivate.

( Audience laughs and applauds) #sn’t that true7 &o when you encounter proble!s you shouldfigure out how to address the!, and whether you overco!e those challenges or resolve the!

upon agreeing on a solution, those are opportunities for you to establish !ighty virtue. 4hat

 process is in fact the process of !aturing, of !oving towards the future, and is one of the steps

you take on the road to godhood. ( Applause) You definitely shouldn’t leave the specifics to'aster. ( Audience laughs)

&o how should you help all beings co!e to know afa7 nce you’ve clarified the facts andhave truly helped people understand the persecution and know that afa is a positive thing, that’s

good enough. #f a person thinks that Falun 9ong is really good and e6presses a desire to know

!ore about Falun 9ong, then you !ay e6plain to hi! at an e6tre!ely basic level that Falun9ong asks its practitioners to be good, and in the end you !ay tell hi! that we are striving to

 beco!e better and better people and to reach spiritual perfection. 4hat is all you can tell hi!, and

you can’t go beyond that. You would scare hi! if you started telling hi! things at higher levels.

And people’s real!s of thought are different. For e6a!ple, if you taught college classes to afirst grade kid, he’d refuse to go to school and he wouldn’t go to class any!ore. ( Applause) You

have reached your current real!s and levels step by step through cultivation, and if you want to

tell hi! everything all at once, that’s the sa!e as wanting to lift hi! up fro! being an ordinary person to where you are instantaneously. ( Master chuckles) %ven #, your 'aster, don’t do that.

( Audience laughs) # can have a being, after he is rid of all low-level factors, reach a level of any

height, and # can create beings at any height. "ut if you want a low-level being to understandthings at such high levels, under nor!al circu!stances that being can’t handle it. &o people have

to understand step by step. hy do # ask you not to talk about things at high levels7 hy do #

ask you to clarify the facts rationally7 4hat’s why. &o when so!e students are not Cuite rational

and talk about things at very high levels right away when clarifying the facts, and when theyeven talk about gods-this and gods-that to govern!ent officials and tell the! that their 'aster is

so-and-so ( Audience laughs), people think that you’re talking nonsense. ( Audience laughs)

4hat’s not the way to clarify the facts. 4he understanding of a cultivator is acCuired step by stepthrough cultivation, and in general people will find it very hard to co!prehend if you want the!

to understand things at such high levels right away. #f they can’t understand, then it beco!es

counterproductive and in essence it will have a har!ful effect.

 Disciple: Bome new students ha&e entered the ;ay and obtained the a o&er the past two

 years in Ban Diego, alifornia, and predestined people keep coming e&ery week to learn the

 practice# Bome of those newer students are "uite capable and are "ualified to get in&ol&ed in


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 pro(ects to &alidate the a# Bhall we ha&e them go straight into doing the three things or ask

them to study the a and do the exercises only, and then in&ol&e them later on in pro(ects to

&alidate the a!

Teacher: # can see that you are very shorthanded and are an6ious to get so!e capable new

students involved. "ut # still think it’s better not to be hasty. hy is that7 "ecause when veteran

students talk about things together and are in that state where they are not very !indful of theway they co!e across, it will scare the new students. ?"ecause of@ your energy, even though

your words !ight not be strong, to the! they are strong. And though you !ight not raise your

voice, to the! it sounds like thunder. ( Audience laughs) 4hat’s truly how it feels to the!. &o youshould wait and not get the newer students involved until they’ve gained a certain level of

understanding and knowledge, and had a chance to i!prove gradually8at least until they have

so!e deeper insight into afa. 4hat way it won’t lead to their giving up cultivation out of a lack

of understanding on so!ething.

 Disciple: E&er since the persecution began I)&e been bogged down with the courses at my

research institute and ha&e had no time for anything else# I ha&en)t had much time for Dafa

work and I surely ha&en)t de&oted ??@ of my time to Dafa work# ;ill I reach the le&el I)m supposed to!

Teacher: #f your :ob truly has you tied up it’s not a proble!. As you do your :ob well, !aketi!e to study the Fa and use whatever chance you get to do the things that afa disciples should

do, like clarifying the facts. 4here are always going to be busy ti!es and not-so-busy ti!es, and

it can’t be that everyone is busy at the sa!e ti!e or everyone is not busy at the sa!e ti!e. &o!eare busy when others aren’t busy. For a cultivator, however, nothing is constant forever. hether

for the !o!ent you are busy or not, :ust do what you’re supposed to do, and everything !ay

change as ti!e passes. &o this is what # think; don’t use being busy as an e6cuse for yourself to

not do anything or to neglect Fa study. And there are those who get really worried when they’re busy, and that won’t do, either. o what you can based on your situation.

hat # :ust said does apply to clarifying the facts in 'anhattan. 4hose who have the ability

and whose circu!stances allow the! to co!e !ay co!e, and those whose circu!stances don’tallow the! to co!e shouldn’t. #t’s not that all of you have to do things the sa!e way. hen all

of you are doing things fro! your hearts, then that is genuine. 'aster has never ordered you to

do anything. All #’ve done is to tell you what you should do, and so!e students go and do it. ustdo what afa disciples should do based on your situation and your ability to do so. #t won’t work

if you force things when your situation doesn’t allow. #f you do that, you will bring about

 proble!s in both your daily life and your cultivation, and that’s no good.

 Disciple: Dafa disciples in *urkey send their greetings to you# ;hen might you be willing to

&isit *urkey! ;hat do you think of *urkey!

Teacher: 4he principle part of every single nation’s population ca!e for afa, so # don’twant to leave any nation behind as afa is spread. And that is why # ask you to go clarify the

facts. afa disciples in different regions should indeed do well the things that should be done.

4he sentient beings are waiting for you.As for when # will visit 4urkey, #’ll definitely go when the opportunity co!es along.

( Applause) # will travel to every corner of the globe in the future (enthusiastic applause), because

# have to take care of every person you saved as you clarified the truth.


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 Disciple: I)&e seen some fellow practitioners who, after playing the role of the e&il policemen

a lot in the anti3torture exhibits, demonstrate more demon nature than before# Is there a

correlation! $Audience laughs%

Teacher: *o, there isn’t. 4hat’s :ust in your !ind. ( Master smiles) #t will be okay once they

go ho!e, study the Fa, and ad:ust their !indsets a little.

 Disciple: Bome Dafa disciples recently started a center for and school of the arts, which are

open to the public# I)d like to ask for Master)s ad&ice on how we should go about playing our

roles before the a rectifies the human world, gi&en the fact that there are so many Dafa pro(ects going on and finances are tight#

Teacher: hether it’s afa disciples running co!panies or opening schools, # think these

are nor!al activities that they do as !e!bers of society. 4hey are !eans to !ake a living and

!ight create :ob opportunities for fellow practitioners at the sa!e ti!e. Also, so!e ordinary people can be reached through our interacting with society in this way, and they !ight co!e to

 benefit fro! it.

You asked how you should go about playing your roles before the Fa rectifies the hu!an

world. You can do it according to your ability. 5unning a school of the arts is different fro!other professions. A school of the arts can teach students to be good people by following Phen,

&han, 5en. And the school can participate in perfor!ances sponsored by afa disciples, helping people see another side of the afa disciples and see for the!selves the contrast between the

evilness of that political party and of that arch fiend and the goodness of afa disciples. &o this

should be a really good thing. 4he >hinese *ew Year 9ala sponsored by *ew 4ang ynasty 4Lai!s to reach out to and engage !ore >hinese people so as to clarify the facts to the! and save

the!. #f the perfor!ances were poor, then nobody would watch, and we wouldn’t achieve our

goal of saving beings. 9ood perfor!ances will serve that purpose, or at least serve as a bridge. #f

the school really beco!es a success then it can participate in our perfor!ances. &o all of this isgood.

 Disciple: Bome students ha&e been culti&ating for a long time and seem to understand theimportance of &alidating the a, yet they ha&en)t been &ery diligent# 9ow do we help them!

Teacher: 4here are no !iracle cures. %veryone has to cultivate hi!self solidly before he can

rise to higher levels. As far as those who aren’t diligent, take a look to see where their thoughtsare stuck. 4here !ust be a reason for their inadeCuate understanding of what afa disciples !ust

do8try to find out, what do they care about !ost right now7 &ince they are our students, we

have to take responsibility for the! and talk to the!. #f they were ordinary people we wouldn’t

need to worry about it. #t is fine for ordinary people to care about whatever they’d like. 4heydon’t want to cultivate, so we won’t bother the!. nce so!ebody starts cultivating, though, that

 person will be in danger a!idst the evil’s persecution if he can’t keep up, so you have to take

responsibility for hi!.

 Disciple: *he .8ine ommentaries on the hinese FFF 4arty/ that has been carried by the

newspaper run by Dafa disciples are great, but I worry that ordinary people who don)tunderstand us will say that we)re getting political#

Teacher: 4hat won’t happen. %veryone knows that that political party is persecuting Falun

9ong. All we’re doing is telling people why that political party is persecuting Falun 9ong and,

!eanwhile, telling the! what that party hopes to achieve through its persecution, why the >>$


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 people in the world go to any length to har! others and never consider others’ welfare. &o!e

 people’s selfishness surfaces in a very vicious way8so!e of the! deliberately seek out people

to push around and always look down on others. ho gave the! the right to do that7 *obody.You shouldn’t be like that, nobody that cultivates in afa should be like that.

 Disciple: *hank you, &enerable Master, for your merciful sal&ation# 4lease help usunderstand how to put the skills we)&e ac"uired in society to use in truth clarification#

Teacher: # think that every afa disciple is !aking use of his skills and abilities to save all

 beings and validate afa. afa disciples are running websites, and !edia outlets such as radiostations and 4L stations, and it’s all for the singular purpose of clarifying the facts. At this point

the >hinese co!!unist govern!ent and that arch fiend’s evil, villainous faction have used

financial leverage so that they now have society’s !edia in the pal! of their hand. *obody is

reporting on the persecution we’re being sub:ected to, so with no other recourse, afa discipleshave worked together to do these things. hat # !ean is, you have taken it upon yourselves to do

these things, and 'aster didn’t specifically take the lead on any of these things. #t’s true that

'aster has affir!ed what you’ve done or told you what # felt you should do8that !uch # can

say. "ut, as for what each person should do, 'aster can’t tell you too specifically. 4hat’s because once 'aster said so!ething, others would think, <'aster has asked hi! to do that,= and

you too would think, <'aster has asked !e to do that,= so then you wouldn’t do or take care ofanything else. And when you were needed with other things, you would have an e6cuse; <'aster

asked !e to do this.= (*eacher chuckles) # would have given you an attach!ent, and that’s no

good. &o you need to do a lot of things on your own. You should establish your own !ightyvirtue, and that is what’s truly !agnificent.

 Disciple: As we)re clarifying the facts, if some people acknowledge that the persecution is

wrong but Dafa doesn)t resonate with them, and we don)t ha&e time to clarify things morethoroughly for the time being, what should we do! Bhould we make helping people know about

the persecution first priority and do that on a large scale!

Teacher: #t doesn’t !atter whether afa resonates with the! or not. "ut if they have anegative view of afa, that is a result of being poisoned by the evil, and it’s necessary for you to

clarify things to the!. #n general when it co!es to clarifying the facts, it !eans talking about the

 persecution8you don’t need to talk about things related to afa cultivation. #t’s fine if peopledon’t want to cultivate. You should tell the! that we are a group of good people, and our afa

teaches people to be good. ?You !ight want to have an attitude like,@ <#t doesn’t !atter whether

it resonates with you, #’! not trying to persuade you to learn afa. #’! :ust trying to tell you that

the persecution is wicked and that what you know is actually veno!ous disinfor!ation.= Andthat will be enough. 4hose who co!e to learn the Fa do so of their own accord, not because they

were dragged into it. You absolutely !ust re!e!ber this; we don’t want to i!pose anything on


 Disciple: ;e ha&e been sending a lot of e3mails to hina# *he e3mail team has been dealing

with tremendous challenges, both with technology and in terms of manpower# Is this because of xinxing   problems with the people left on our team or is it because the old forces blocked us off!

Teacher: You each have your own path. # think there are two reasons behind what you

 brought up; first, there are :ust so !any things to do and as a result you are shorthanded and

second, !aybe you’ve overlooked things in your personal cultivation, so the evil has taken


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advantage of the gaps, as afa disciples need to do each of the three things. &o!e people have

said, <'aster, in recent years, especially since uly /, 0111, #’ve found that !y i!prove!ent

through reading the book has slowed down. #t’s not like before, when # had that really goodfeeling of !aking a breakthrough every day and of !y understanding i!proving really Cuickly.=

hy is it that you don’t feel as good now reading the book as you did before7 #t’s not that the Fa

isn’t powerful any!ore. #t’s that the reCuire!ents are higher, and that afa disciples !ust do allthree things well before they will see i!prove!ent. ( Applause)

&o!e people who started studying the Fa in the earlier period say that they read the book at

ho!e and that they won’t go out and do the things that afa disciples !ust do. #’! thinking thatthose people are not too far away fro! having a wicked understanding, and they are lucky if they

haven’t begun to stray. ver the past few years, afa disciples have been validating the Fa

a!idst the persecution and saving beings through clarifying the truth. 4hose people won’t

i!prove at all, no !atter how !uch they !ay read the book at ho!e. #f you don’t do the thingsthat afa disciples should do, not only won’t you i!prove, but you will only slide downwards.

<afa disciple=O <afa disciple,= what does being a <Fa-5ectification $eriod afa isciple=

!ean7 #t is the fore!ost title and the !ost !agnificent being in the cos!os. #f you only care

about your own salvation, will that do7 3ow could that be called being a <afa disciple=7 hatis a <Fa-5ectification $eriod afa isciple=7 3ave you validated the Fa7 You ca!e when afa

 benefited you, yet you hid out and didn’t dare to speak up for afa when it faced danger. Youhave shown yourself to be less worthy than an ordinary person, so what’s the point of <studying

the Fa at ho!e=7 All beings are being poisoned in the persecution, so how could you feel at ease

 being in hiding7 hy are afa disciples clarifying the truth and saving beings7 "ecause that isafa disciples’ duty. 4hat is the kind of being that #, +i 3ong2hi, want, and a afa disciple is

that kind of cultivator.

 Disciple: It seems that fellow practitioners as a whole do not pay much attention too&ercoming the e&il)s economic persecution, so a lot of practitioners ha&e long been at low3

 paying (obs, and ha&e thereby been limited by time and financial constraints in &alidating the


Teacher: 4hat proble! does indeed e6ist, but so!eti!es it’s our own doing or our own

shortco!ing of not taking everything into consideration that causes those things to happen. afa

disciples are walking on a righteous path in validating the Fa and are saving all beings, so allaspects of that path, including financial conditions, should co!e together. #f you don’t do well in

certain regards the evil will take advantage of the gap. ith anything, as long as you do it well,

everything will change.

 Disciple: ;ould you say a few words to disciples who are in&ol&ed in composing music! ;e

ha&en)t done as well as the disciples who are artists#

Teacher: e’re not concerned with co!parisons between artist disciples and !usiciandisciples and who’s doing better than who!. ( Audience laughs) 4hose are :ust !atters of self-

i!prove!ent and differences in level. 4he afa disciples who co!pose !usic have a special

duty to do so, and that is on top of clarifying the truth. 4o save all beings, afa disciples haveco!posed so!e songs, including ones perfor!ed at the 9ala. 4hose songs were co!posed by

afa disciples the!selves, and it’s pretty re!arkable. n the day when # taught the Fa to the

artist afa disciples, # also attended the !eetings of the disciples responsible for creating !usic


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and theatre arts, and # taught the Fa there. #t wasn’t recorded at the ti!e, though. #’ll say !ore on

this in the future when the opportunity co!es along. ( Applause)

 Disciple: *here are many disciples who do not pay attention to their appearance and how

they carry themsel&es, such as the way they look, speak, and beha&e#

Teacher: +et !e talk about so!ething e6tra here. 4raditionally different gods have haddifferent views on individual hu!an beings’ appearances. You !ay know that so!e people who

cultivated the ao in the past didn’t care !uch about how they looked. At least the aoists who

cultivated in this world were like that, and especially the lesser ones, who cared even less aboutoutward appearances. 4hey were pretty slovenly and didn’t groo! the!selves. A s!all nu!ber

of the! even cultivated in a dirty setting on purpose. hy was that7 4hey felt that for a

cultivator, being too particular about the way one dressed was an attach!ent and that it was

 better to be casual about it. And what other pheno!enon did they see7 >ultivation for!s in the past cultivated assistant souls, so they discovered so!ething in their cultivation, which was, over

ti!e as a person cultivated, everything on his body started to have energy on it. 4hose people

looked bad on this side, but in the eyes of the assistant souls that had co!pleted cultivation on

the other side, those things all looked good. 4hat happened because the !atter in this di!ensionchanges as a person cultivates, and it gains energy. &o as the energy increases, what shows on the

other side is supernatural treasure !ade of energy, fro! the other side the dirt and !ud all overthe person’s body look like treasures covering the body, glittering and da22ling. "ut on this side

 8the hu!an world8what one saw was filth covering the person’s head and entire body, he was

 :ust dirty fro! head to toe, with :ust a lot of dirt and !ud on the body. >onsistent practice led tothe !ud and dirty things being fortified by the energy gained through cultivation, so the things

the assistant souls took away were all good ones. 4hey saw that, so they intentionally refrained

fro! groo!ing the!selves.

 *ow let’s look at it fro! another angle. As you know, in estern society people care a lotabout appearance and de!eanor. &ince they don’t have that culture of cultivation, they have no

concept of these !atters. 4he cultivation in "uddhis! teaches that everything a cultivator has

was granted to hi! by the "uddha8he will get whatever Attain!ent &tatus the "uddha giveshi!, and he will get whatever he is supposed to get and not get what he’s not supposed to get.

4he sa!e goes for gods in the est. f course, though, afa is different fro! all prior for!s of

cultivation."efore the 01G/s, as the estern students !ay recall, the !en were gentle!anly, well

!annered, and civili2ed. 4he wo!en were gracious and placed a lot of i!portance on being well

educated and cultured. 3u!ans !ight have thought it was good, and actually gods didn’t think it

was all that bad, either. "ut it led to hu!an beings easily beco!ing obsessed with it. #t got to a point where a person’s worth was :udged by his !anner of speaking and de!eanor. A person

was dee!ed noble8or not8based on that, rather than on his funda!ental character. +ater on,

since all hu!an beings ca!e here to obtain the Fa, all actions and tendencies that stood in theway of cultivation had to be re!oved, and so the old forces got involved and they did that with

the approach of using a bad thing to fight a bad thing. o you know why, once the 01G/s began,

hippies and street artists appeared, people started having a slovenly appearance and actingagainst traditional values, and when it ca!e to clothes, the !ore casual it was, the !ore

fashionable it was7 $eople’s outer layer of clothing was s!aller than their inner layer, their

sleeves covered their hands and only their fingertips were left e6posed, the waists of their pants

got lower, with their pant legs bunched up on top of their feet8basically, the sloppier it was, the


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 Disciple: 9ow should we look at things that ha&e had a negati&e effect on ordinary people in

the a3rectification period!

Teacher: Yes, you !ight clarify the facts very well, but if people find you to be toodispleasing to the eye and hear you using crude language, they won’t think you are credible. #f

you don’t do well in truth clarification you will have a negative effect. You need to bear all of

this in !ind.

 Disciple: 9ow should we as disciples look at the incident that happened in Argentina!

Teacher: As far as that goes, # think that if anyone persecutes afa disciples we should holdthe! accountable. e will e6plain the facts if that’s what is needed, and when so!eone is

in:ured, we’ll take it to the courts if necessary. 4here are precedents for all these things, and you

can do whatever you need to.

 Disciple: If my mind isn)t clear or calm when I do the exercises, can I cleanse myself the way

we do during the fi&e minutes right before we send forth righteous thoughts!

Teacher: You !ay send forth righteous thoughts whenever your !ind is not clear and cal!

or your !ind co!es under interference. #f you want to !ake an ad:ust!ent or send forthrighteous thoughts, you don’t have to be constrained by ti!e. You !ay do it at any ti!e and you

can :ust stop when you feel your head is cleared and your righteous thoughts are strong.

 Disciple: Are the re"uirements for doing the three things that Dafa disciples do the same for

kids as for adult disciples!

Teacher:  *o, they’re different. 4he little disciples are different in ter!s of their skills,

co!!unication abilities, and the attention they can get fro! society. &o the reCuire!ents can’t

 be the sa!e. ids and adults are not the sa!e8kids are kids. #’ve talked about this !any ti!es


 Disciple: You)&e been talking for nearly three hours# Master is working so hard# Many

disciples would like Master to drink some water# $Applause%

Teacher: #t’s no proble!. # think that since there are still so !any Cuestion slips, # won’t

address those that have been touched on already.

 Disciple: Bome students say that we can ease up on going to the consulates and embassies

 for now since Manhattan is more important#

Teacher: 4hey are all i!portant, and no place can be overlooked. ( Applause)

 Disciple: ;e are a married couple who are both disciples, and we ha&e a ten3year3old boy#

 9e)s been attending the Minghui Bchool for three years, yet he still often fights with people, lies,

and exhibits bad manners#

Teacher: A kid, well, so!eti!es he !ight still have the traits of a kid, and the people he

co!es into contact with will play a role in it as well. 'ankind is a big dye vat, and if there were

anyone who was untouched by this dye vat, then he would be a god. %ven afa disciples who arecultivating need to clean the!selves off often, and that’s even !ore so for a kid.

And also, if the parents have proble!s in certain respects, the kid will reflect that. 4hose will

 be intentionally shown to afa disciples and to the parents. +et’s not go on about this too !uch.

3e’s a kid, after all.


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truth this way. 4he environ!ent is !ore rela6ed and you can clarify things to people based on

reason. #n 'ainland >hina the environ!ent is different, the e6tent to which people have been

 poisoned by the slanderous propaganda varies and they thereby have different views on Falun9ong, and people fro! 'ainland >hina have a certain degree of cultural conte6t for and

 background on "igong , so you can do it this way a!ong the broader populace in 'ainland

>hina. "ut you don’t need to do it this way in urban areas or if you’re outside 'ainland >hina.You don’t need to do it this way in 3ong ong either. ust tell the! the facts in an open and

dignified way, and that will be fine.

 Disciple: As we)&e spread the a and clarified the truth, some ;estern ordinary people ha&e

been mo&ed and ha&e brought us cookies, fruit, and other things# ;e would like to ask if it)s

appropriate to accept them# ;e)&e discussed this a few times and students ha&e had different


Teacher: #t depends on the situation. #f people give you so!ething out of sincerity and

earnestness yet you refuse it, that really is a little i!polite. 4hose things aren’t too e6pensive, so

it’s fine to accept the! after you thank the person. "ut you need to take it case by case. #f

so!ebody wants to give you a huge a!ount of food, then it really wouldn’t be appropriate toaccept it. 3andle it on a case-by-case basis, and as an alternative you could give the! !oney for

it. &o!e people truly do that out of kindness, though. 4hey see that you are cold, and they bringyou so!e coffee or food, so you can go ahead and thank the! for it. #t’s fine too if you want to

give the! !oney. #f they don’t want to take it, then :ust thank the! a lot. eal with these things

 based on the situation.

 Disciple: *here are some ordinary people)s media and * producers who want to do

 programs about Dafa now, and they want some of our footage# ;e)d like to ask Master how we

 should handle that#

Teacher: #t depends on what kinds of progra!s they want to do. #f they want to shoot our

 parades and anti-torture e6hibits, they are free to do so, since those are public events in the first

 place. "ut if they want to do progra!s about the special aspects of your lives, about how youstudy the Fa and cultivate, then #’d say turn the! down. hy turn the! down7 "ecause you

don’t know what they’re after and how far they will go with it. "esides, studying the Fa and

cultivating are a very sole!n thing, and it’s not sole!n to put the! in the !iddle of so!eordinary people’s co!!entary. 4hat’s why you should turn the! down, and also, it’s really hard

for people to truly understand us.

A little earlier # talked about how cultivators in the past were sloppy and untidy. # want to

stress again that you shouldn’t get attached to that. &o!e of you are thinking, <ow, thoseuntidy and dirty things !ight turn into good things. 4hen #’ll be dirty too.= ( Audience laughs) #

want to !ake it clear to you; that’s when it is the assistant souls who are getting thingsE &o you

shouldn’t copy those things. %ven if those things could really turn into good ones and the !astersoul could get the!, that’s not the way we cultivate in afa. afa disciples, let !e tell you, in

the future you will have everything. ( Applause)

 Disciple: (4ranslated Cuestion) I ha&en)t done well in clarifying the facts to my family and

thus ha&e not explained clearly the things I)m doing in &alidating the a# I want them to

understand that alun Dafa is good and that I am not doing anything extreme# I)d like to ask


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 Master, how should we explain to our family what we)re doing! Also, I would like to greet

 Master on behalf of students from Bpanish3speaking countries1

Teacher: 4hank youE ( Applause) estern society is actually Cuite unfa!iliar with the kindof cultivation that >hinese practice. hen # started teaching the Fa, # was thinking, <3ow high a

level of understanding will they be able to reach7 And how will the public view it7= Actually,

although the differences in culture have caused the! to find foreign the ?>hinese@ way thatthoughts are e6pressed and the concept of a hu!an beco!ing a god, the goodness and kindness

that cultivators show and the positive energy afa e!its can lead anyone to think that it’s good.

ust like with clarifying the truth, you should talk to your fa!ily in incre!ents about cultivationin afa. You should first tell the! what afa is all about and then slowly let the! know that you

are learning it. Actually # don’t think this is a big issue8a lot of ti!es, it’s :ust your own hu!an


4alk to the! openly and straightforwardly, but !ake sure you don’t talk at too high a level.4hey !ay be your fa!ily, but if you say, <# don’t want to hide anything, so #’ll tell the!

everything # know=O ( Audience laughs) 'aster is not telling you to lie. #’! saying that you

shouldn’t talk about things at high levels, or it will scare the!. &ince understanding the Fa is

done step by step, if you talk about things at a high level right away they will be unnerved. hatyou can say is, <4his practice is really good and it’s great for health. #t’s good for the !ind and

 body and it raises people’s !oral standards. 4his book is e6cellent. o you want to read it7ould you be interested in knowing !ore about it7= ust talk about it starting fro! the !ost

 basic level, and let the! discover !ore about it on their own and read it the!selves. &ince

 huan alun starts fro! the truth at the level of the lowest beings, the hu!an level, people canunderstand the Fa by reading  huan alun. #f you start talking about it at a low level, your

fa!ily !e!bers that don’t know !uch about it will not oppose it. #f you talk about things at high

levels and !ention "uddhas and larger universes right fro! the beginning, they will wonder if

there’s so!ething wrong with you. ( Audience laughs) And that is because they truly can’t acceptwhat you say. "esides, estern religions teach that there is only one god their understanding is

that there is only one god in the cos!os. &o that kind of thing is really hard for the! to accept.

Knderstanding has to co!e bit by bit.

 Disciple: 9ello, Master1 I)d like to ask if in the future hinese characters will be

 standardi5ed according to the traditional style# *hank you#

Teacher: Actually, # haven’t thought about that. #n fact, the traditional style that people use

nowadays is itself so!ething that has evolved fro! the !ost ancient characters, and it went

through incre!ental changes to get to where it is now. $eople in the current cycle of hu!an

civili2ation started out using inscriptions on bones and shells. Fro! there that developed intogreater and lesser seal scripts, and later it was official script, followed by regular script. 4here

haven’t been any !a:or changes after regular script. 4hen of course in recent ti!es, various

for!s of decorative script have e!erged, such as the boldface style, the &ong typeface, and soon. As far as the traditional script versus the si!plified script, it’s all fine as long as afa

disciples can read it and understand the Fa. on’t worry about that, as it is a !atter for the

 people of the future. %ven if ?what you described@ is so!ething 'aster will do in the future, ithas nothing to do with afa disciples. After >onsu!!ating, why would you be concerned with

what goes on here in the hu!an world7 4here would be no point. +et’s stop worrying about these

things. #t will beco!e another attach!ent if you think too !uch about it. +eave what belongs to

the future for the future.


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 Disciple: 9ow do we balance doing e&erything righteously and conforming to society as

much as possible! ;hat do you think about taking out loans to de&elop media! 9ow about pyramid schemes, something which has stirred up a lot of contro&ersy among fellow

 practitioners both in and outside of hina!

Teacher: afa disciples cannot do bad things. $yra!id sche!es are not used in esternsociety any!ore. 4hat’s outright cheating people. #t rips people off tier after tier, and the

lateco!ers get e6ploited the !ost.

?You’re asking about@ afa disciples getting involved in pyra!id sche!es7 #s it right to beobsessed with !aking !oney off others7 *o, it’s not. #f you do that, you are not doing legiti!ate

 business. 4here should be a loss for every gain, with co!!odities changing hands, but what are

 you doing7 5acking your brain to rip people off. You can’t do thatE # told you that long ago. You

can’t get into pyra!id sche!es, and whoever does is wrong. A!ong the afa disciples in >hina,whoever gets into pyra!id sche!es is disrupting the for! of cultivation that afa disciples do.

4hey will have to bear all the conseCuences for that later on. ( Applause)

As for taking out bank loans to develop a !edia outlet, # don’t support it. 4hat’s because

when it co!es to afa disciples, if you ask the! to do !edia work or write articles, that frontline work, they can do it. "ut it’s really hard for you to !anage a business of so!e sort or solicit

ads, since you have grown a little unaccusto!ed to interacting with ordinary people. &o howwould you repay the loans once you took the! out7 4he advertise!ents are hard for you to co!e

 by, yet you want to take out a loan when you can’t get advertise!ents for the !edia7 #f you were

to pay it off, you would have to pay with advertising revenues and newspaper profits. # don’tsupport your taking out loans8don’t ever go into debt. You shouldn’t go into debt.

 Disciple: E&er since Master told us to spend more effort helping students in Mainland hina,

 I ha&e often made phone calls to fellow practitioners in hina who stay at home to culti&ate# 'ut still they won)t step forward# I am really worried about them, especially since the a3

rectification has entered the concluding stage# May I ask Master what I should do to help them!

Teacher: 3elping fellow practitioners is so!ething that should be done, and there is nothingwrong with not wanting to leave anyone behind. "ut if they really can’t step forward, well,

you’ve done your best. Actually you can try to find out what their !ental hurdles are and where

their obstructions lie. nce you deter!ine what their hurdles and obstructions are, then those can probably be resolved. "ut for a lot of people, # think they’re :ust afraid. For a god or a cultivator,

fear is considered a !a:or attach!ent, and it truly won’t do if it’s not re!oved. &o do what you

can based on their situations, though there is nothing you can do if they truly refuse. &o!e

 people really will leave you disappointed by not fulfilling their potential and not living up toe6pectations. 4here wasn’t anything like this with the cultivators of the past, as they would :ust

think, <ho cares about you. #f you can’t !ake it or can’t live up to e6pectations then you’re

finished. ust go ho!e and that’s it, it’s not as if # a! sitting here :ust dying to save you.= nlyafa disciples would do what we do. ( Applause)

 Disciple: =&er the past two months, we ha&e seen that a lot of people from the middle orlower segments of society in 8ew York ha&e accepted our fliers, whereas J?@ of the people from

the main part of society ha&e not gotten our literature# 9ow do we break through that! If we

dressed formally, like we)re doing today, would that make a difference!


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Teacher: 4hat’s not the proble!. 4he proble! is what # e6plained earlier; the >hinese who

work in the co!panies here have been poisoned by the slanderous propaganda of the wicked,

 base group that persecutes afa, and it is those people, who don’t know the truth, that arehelping the evil to spread the veno!. 4hey are the !ain cause ?of the proble!@. You have to start

there if you want to resolve the proble!. A!ericans think those people are credible since they

are colleagues, and so they listen to the! not knowing that those people, too, are victi!s.

 Disciple: A lot of Asian countries close to hina ha&e been interfered with a great deal# I)d

like to ask esteemed Master, can ;estern disciples go there to help impro&e the situation!

Teacher:  4he students in those nations are basically doing that. "ut a handful of

govern!ents are really afraid of >hina’s co!!unist regi!e, so so!e govern!ents have acted

very badly. #f you are busy with so!ething else, you don’t have to work on this !atter for now.

"ut if you have the ti!e, you !ay try to see if you can do so!ething. All # can say is that youcan give it a try and see how it goes. hen looking at those countries’ behavior, treat that as you

would a person failing to live up to e6pectations.

 Disciple: Dafa disciples from Australia send their greetings to Master#Teacher: 4hank you. ( Applause)

 Disciple: May I ask Master how we should handle the balance between clarifying the truth in

&arious countries and local areas, and clarifying the truth to people in 8ew York and 'ei(ing!

Teacher: 4hey are all i!portant. You should do it wherever your circu!stances best allow.

 Disciple: 0reetings to Master from all Dafa disciples in Bingapore# Indonesian Dafa

disciples also asked me to relay their greetings to Master when I saw you#

Teacher; 4hank you. ( Applause)

 Disciple: Master, are conflicts among people the same as conflicts among culti&ators! ;hy

does it seem to me that conflicts among culti&ators are always difficult to resol&e! =n the surface they are getting along, when in actuality they are displeased with one another# If this

 goes on for long, what should we do about it! (Audience chuckles)

Teacher; hat should you do about it7 ( Audience chuckles) #ndeed, what should you doabout it7 You’re cultivators, so how could you be like that7 "ut # know, and #’ll tell you the sa!e

thing again; although certain proble!s with certain people !ay see! glaring, they have in fact

cultivated very well with so!e things that don’t show. You can’t co!pare the! to ordinary

 people, and even less should you think that the conflicts they have are si!ply conflicts. 4hoseare opportunities for the! to i!prove the!selves.

#f you were all one big har!onious group, everything was really cal! and :ust fine with all of

you, no one upset anyone else, and everyone was !aking others happy, then that would be bad,(audience laughs) it really would be, for you couldn’t cultivate then. #f nobody’s antagonis!

ca!e to the surface and you couldn’t help each other i!prove, then it wouldn’t be a cultivation

group. hat differentiates us !ost fro! ordinary people is, when conflicts and tensions arise, weare able to e6a!ine ourselves. ( Applause) #t’s absolutely not that we don’t have conflicts co!e

up. hen certain aspects of ourselves that we have not cultivated well co!e out, there will be

friction, and there will be discord and differences in opinion. 4hen look to see where the

 proble!s lie. %ach person should e6a!ine hi!self for the reasons; <id # do so!ething poorly,


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and that’s what !ade people disagree with !e7= And the other party should do so!e thinking

too; <as there a proble! with the way # brought up the issue, and that’s what !ade people not

accept it7= #f each person can e6a!ine hi!self, then that is cultivation. #f you didn’t e6a!ineyourself then you have not cultivated, or at least in ter!s of that one issue.

4here are cases where the conflicts last Cuite a long ti!e, but sooner or later they will have

to see where their proble!s lie. #t’s better to get rid of the! sooner than later. *o one shoulde6pect to achieve >onsu!!ation when they are still en!eshed in conflicts and attach!ents.

( Applause)

 Disciple: 'uddhism originated in India, but later on it disappeared from India# 8owadays in

 India there are many different cultures and languages, and that makes it hard for Dafa to spread

there# Is this because of the old forces) arrangements! Esteemed *eacher, please gi&e us some

 guidance on this#

Teacher; #t’s the sa!e as >hina in that regard. >hina is such a large area, and the dialects of

!any regions are unintelligible to people in other regions. "ut everybody speaks 'andarin, the

national language, and so people can understand each other. #n #ndia it’s actually the sa!e. #ndia

too has an official language, and !any #ndians speak %nglish. 4he "ritish were there for Cuite along ti!e, so a lot of older people speak %nglish. #ndia has a large population and a si2eable land

!ass, so there are bound to be differences in language. # don’t think that is stopping the! fro!obtaining the Fa. For sure it’s the old forces stopping the!. 4he afa disciples in >hina were

able to resolve this issue, and the ones in #ndia can, too.

4he people of #ndia have changed a lot since taking up other religions and an assort!ent of beliefs. #n the past, #ndians were a people of pri!al si!plicity the #ndian race was created by a


4he hu!an beings on earth were created by different gods. #t’s as if the feet of so!e gods in

the cos!os were planted here, the 4hree 5eal!s8there are "uddhas’ feet, aos’ feet, and feetof all kinds of 9ods. At the botto!s of their feet8the particles at the lowest level8are the 4hree

5eal!s and the %arth, on which are the different people of this world, with different people

corresponding to different gods’ syste!s. &hakya!uni often said that the feet were dirty. #n factwhat he !eant was that this hu!an place is at a low level. #n other words, once a god created a

 person, the person beca!e part of that god’s syste!, and that is why gods looked after people.

"ut later on, because Fa-rectification began, the gods that created !an abandoned the 4hree5eal!s and !ankind the gods who created !an all separated fro! the 4hree 5eal!s, so !an

 beca!e isolated. 4his surface hu!an for!, also called the hu!an skin, still assu!es the i!ages

of different ethnic groups, but it no longer has any ties with the gods above. #n other words, it no

longer has ties with the gods who created !an before. idn’t the gods fro! high levels in thecos!os co!e down one after another, taking on a hu!an for! to obtain the Fa7 $ut another way,

!ost hu!an bodies today are being used by beings who descended fro! higher real!s to

 beco!e hu!an beings here. 4his clothing is being donned by beings that ca!e fro! higherreal!s. nce they arrive at this hu!an place you can’t call the! gods any!ore, because in the

 past beings that ca!e down to this hu!an place could never return once so!eone arrived at this

real! he beca!e a being of this real!. &o in other words, he beca!e hu!an, with the onlydifference being that he ca!e fro! high levels. ell, at this point in the discussion, what # a!

saying is that the for!er gods who can’t be saved when !y 9reat +aw is widely spread will,

 provided they are not so bad they !ust be weeded out, forever be hu!an beings here. And we


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are talking about those who have not sinned against afa and are not overly bad. 4hey will be

hu!an beings in the ne6t period, when the future !ankind truly begins.

4he !ankind of today was not !eant to be an everlasting level in the cos!os. 4he 4hree5eal!s was created for the Fa-rectification, and no !atter how long its history is, the beings here

are !eant for the purpose of Fa-rectification and e6isting alongside the Fa-rectification. 9ods

directed !ankind by shaping its cultures, behavior, and ways of thinking, as well as its biological!akeup. 4hat process was a part of history that was !eant to facilitate the Fa-rectification, it

took place for the Fa-rectification, and it was for Fa-rectification that the different dynasties of

!an constantly changed. #n other words, hu!an beings are in fact not truly beings that belong tothis level of the cos!os. 4his level of beings that are hu!ans and this society were created with a

 purpose. #f during this Fa-rectification hu!an beings act well, !ankind will be blessed. "ecause

the 9reat +aw is spread here, the true history of this level of beings8hu!ans8will really

co!!ence in the future, and the 9reat +aw will establish the lives of hu!an beings for thisfuture level. $ut another way, in the future !an will really e6ist, and this level will beco!e

forever a part of the cos!os’s co!position, this level will forever be a level of the cos!os.

( Applause) &o in the future the people who do not sin against afa but do not cultivate in afa

will forever be hu!an beings here.4oday’s hu!an world is scary indeed, and no one dared to co!e here before. nce they got

here they would have entered the delusion, and with their !inds wiped clean, no !atter how higha level a god was fro!, he wouldn’t know anything once he got here. After getting i!!ersed in

the reversed principles in this world, and driven by the hu!an self-interest and "ing  of this

world, people are capable of doing anything. All a being can do here is go down the road to ruin,and it’s hard for hi! to e6tricate hi!self. At this hu!an level, "ing  !anifests like water it is

s!aller than the particles of water that people can see and highly dense. #t is a god, but it is

for!less, and it’s called <"ing#= #t is a god that was created when the 4hree 5eal!s was created,

and it :ust plays the role it does. 3ere, any being that is co!posed of particles within the 4hree5eal!s is sub!erged. hen looked at fro! a !icrocos!ic level, the !olecules in the hu!an

 body are large pellets, and there are gaps between those pellets. &o as hu!an beings are

sub!erged here, and the spaces between the !olecules in the hu!an body8and even the spacesinside the !olecules8are i!!ersed in "ing , it is as if they are sub!erged in water. ho can say

he’s not affected by "ing 7 #f so!eone can break out of "ing , then that person is divine.

( Applause) Your being happy, your being unhappy, your liking so!ething, your dislikingso!ething, your being angry8any e!otional response fro! you8your liking certain physical

ob:ects, your liking certain work, your wanting to have certain foodsO all of these things are

fro! "ing .

4he surface body of !an8despite the fact that this being ca!e fro! high levels8the surface body of the hu!an being is co!posed fro! the different foods in this di!ension, but at the sa!e

ti!e, the surface that you see is Cuite co!plicated. 3u!an beings have a 4rue "ody. (f course,

this Fa should be taught in the future, as it is Fa that is within the 4hree 5eal!s.) 4heco!position of the hu!an body is co!ple6. hen a person is born, the lower-real! gods in

charge of hu!an beings’ reincarnation have to give that person a hu!an skin. 4hat hu!an skin is

very s!all at the ti!e its !anifestation in that di!ension is Cuite s!all. &tarting fro! when it isan e!bryo, the !atter fro! this di!ension that its parents give it8what people call

<nutrition=8continually !akes it fill out and get bigger. 4his process of filling it out and !aking

it bigger is the process of growth. #t fills out and enlarges because it is continually substantiated

 Feelings, e!otion


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 by this di!ension’s !atter, which continually fills out and enlarges the true skin. 4he sa!e is

true with the process of a person’s growth after birth; whatever hu!an food you eat, your body

will grow, and that growth is in fact your true skin being filled out and enlarged by cells for!edas a result of the food you consu!e after birth. 4hen when a person dies, usually his true skin is

e6tracted and taken away. #t is !ore !icrocos!ic than the !atter at the outer!ost surface, so

gods can take it away effortlessly. As soon as the true skin is taken away, the body at the surfacestarts to break down and rot. &ince it was co!posed of !atter of the earth in this di!ension, it

needs to return to the earth, so it has to rot here.

#’! talking about the Fa in the 4hree 5eal!s. ( Master smiles) ( Audience chuckles, applauds)Your hu!an surface likes to hear it, but it serves no purpose in high-level cultivation. #n other

words, as # said a little earlier, beings that ca!e fro! upper real!s are actually wearing this set

of clothes now8the hu!an skin that is, this hu!an body at the surface. &ince hu!an beings’

surface appearances were created by gods before, in the past they were always connected tothose gods, so they basically had those gods’ i!ages. 4hey were identical for the !ost part, with

only !inor differences. %ach person !ight have his own appearance, but overall he has that

god’s basic i!age. &o different gods created different hu!an beings. "ut, due to the Fa-

rectification period starting, they all abandoned !ankind. &o!e people say they are of such-and-such ethnicity, but in the eyes of gods they actually don’t belong to any ethnicity. #t’s :ust that

their bodies at the surface still have the appearance of that ethnicity the true the! is not part ofit. 4hey !ight very well have reincarnated fro! other ethnic groups, and !any beings ca!e

fro! the heavens.

hen gods created !an they did not do so in the heavens, they did it on earth. 4hat is, theyused the !atter on earth to create !an. Apparently it was said in the =ld *estament  that Yahweh

created !an of clay. #n fact, !olecules are one kind of particle that are at the surface of the

lowest level of the cos!os. $ut differently, in gods’ eyes this layer of particles is the earth, the

clay. ?4hey see it that way@ because their !atter is the best !atter in the cos!os, and the furtherdown you go in the cos!os, the lower things are and the larger and coarser the particles get,

which !eans the worse things are, and in their eyes the filthier things are. &o heaven and earth in

their eyes are different fro! how hu!an beings perceive the!. hen people say that so!eonehas gone to the heavens, he has in fact only gone higher and traveled further a!ong the

!olecules. 3e still hasn’t left this di!ension of !olecules, so he is not really in the heavens. 4he

heavens that gods refer to are co!posed of !icrocos!ic particles8those are the real heavens.&cientists ask, <here can you find the gods7 e’ve seen the heavens with our telescopes8 

where are the gods7= 4hat’s not the true heavens, but :ust the heavens as hu!ans think of the!.

#t’s not the true <heavens= spoken of by the beings in the cos!os. And <%arth= as we know it

doesn’t fully enco!pass the true idea of earth. 3u!an beings look at %arth and think, <h, thisearth, it is our earth. e are standing on the earth. 4he earth is round.= 9ods say that it isn’t

round. ?$eople !ight think,@ <3ow is it not round7 e can see it !ore clearly than the gods.=

"ut think about it, gods think of !olecules as dirt on the ground, and isn’t this di!ension’s!atter !ade up of !olecules7 #sn’t the air, which our hu!an eyes can’t see, !ade up of

!olecules7 And in the air there are substances :ust like the air, nu!bering in the hundreds of

!illions, that are distributed all throughout the 4hree 5eal!s. #t’s :ust that eyes cannot see!olecules and the s!aller particles, though everything in this di!ension is packed full of the!.

'ankind is buried in the piles of !olecules and s!aller particles. 4he surface for!s in the

hu!an world are different for!s !ade up of surface !atter co!posed of !olecules. &o!e of the

for!s were !ade by gods, so!e by !an. 4he ones !ade by !an are things such as this building.


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4he ones !ade by gods are; water, rocks, soil, the air, !etals, plants, ani!als, and hu!an beings,

as well as the stars in the sky and the earth. 3u!an beings are !erely perceiving the world fro!

within the di!ension !ade up of this layer of particles, and perceiving the cos!os fro! insidethis very narrow di!ension. 4he heaven and earth that are in hu!an beings’ !inds are not the

true heaven and earth. %arth, like the air, is co!posed of !olecules, so in gods’ eyes, all of it is

earth. ?+ooking at it fro!@ the !icrocos!ic level, the di!ension !ade up of this level of particles is in fact earth, whereas the real! !ade up of !ore !icrocos!ic particles is the true


A !o!ent ago # said that #ndians were created by a "uddha. 4he way they talk and carrythe!selves is very !uch like a "uddha. #n the past the rese!blance was even stronger. #n

!odern society things have gotten a bit :u!bled due to issues with race. 4he Arabs and the

>hinese are close to #ndia, so a large portion of the #ndians of recent ti!es are of !i6ed race. #n

the past the #ndian race was very pure. You can see what # described in #ndian ethnic dance.4heir hand gestures and !ove!ents closely rese!ble the mudras and postures of a "uddha. #

find the! very, very si!ilar. ( Applause)

 Disciple: In 2ussia there ha&e recently been se&eral incidents of terrorist attacks on tourists, so a lot of people don)t want to hear about the terrorist3style persecution happening in Mainland


Teacher; 4hat, too, is a for! of interference. #t doesn’t !atter8clarify the truth as youwould nor!ally. ?4he evil@ is intent on trying to interfere with you. on’t let it interfere with

you, though, and :ust go on doing what you would nor!ally do. #t’s hard for the ti!e being, but

it won’t be hard for long.

 Disciple: ;ith regard to the correction of the hinese characters, is it to be done only with

 Dafa books! Bince media work

Teacher; hen it co!es to the articles you write for ordinary people, don’t change the

characters in the!. #f ordinary people couldn’t understand the!, that would be a proble!, right7+et’s not involve these things in ordinary affairs at present.

 Disciple: I ha&e bad thought3karma# I ha&e refused to acknowledge it all along and I ha&e

been trying to get rid of it# 'ut it)s been a long time and I still ha&en)t managed to get rid of it# I

am able to tell that it is not me#

Teacher; #f it’s so!ething truly bad, then eli!inate it. And so!eti!es there is another

approach that has good results, and it’s not necessarily an e6tre!e way to handle it. You can

have this thought; <uring the Fa-rectification of the cos!os, # can !ake a reasonablearrange!ent for those of you who don’t interfere with !y validating the Fa # can have you

 beco!e beings in the future. 4hose of you who seek a benevolent resolution should leave !e and

wait in !y surroundings. #f you really cannot leave !e, then don’t have any part in interferingwith !e. #n the future # will be able to achieve >onsu!!ation, and # will offer you a benevolentresolution. 4hose who are co!pletely bad, who still interfere with !e and who cannot re!ain

will, according to the standards, have to be eli!inated. %ven if # don’t eli!inate you, the +aw of

the cos!os won’t let you re!ain.= #f you have that thought, it is tre!endously !erciful to so!eof those e6tre!ely low-level beings, and it will !ake it easy to eli!inate those who still



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4he Fa-rectification of the cos!os has standards. #f you do it that way no one will have any

grounds to challenge you. 4he principles are clear, as those who are supposed to be eli!inated

are to be eli!inated. And yes, when it co!es to !any low-level things you !ay eli!inate the!co!pletely8there’s no proble! with that in ter!s of the principles. "ut when you handle it as #

 :ust described, no being can say anything in ob:ection. 4hose who continue to do bad things will

have no :ustification whatsoever, and whatever is supposed to be done will be done. ( Applause)

 Disciple: In translating your teaching of the a, some students think that it should be done

word for word according to the original text, and some think the translation should conform tothe con&entions of the foreign language#

Teacher; # think that translating word for word, e6cept in the cases of so!e Asian languages

where it !ight work, !ay not be so easy to do that’s especially so with estern languages. #t’s

fine :ust to translate the !ost surface ideas using words of si!ilar !eaning. 'aking thetranslation consistent with the original !eaning as !uch as possible is pretty !uch good enough.

4hese Cuestions co!e up a lot with translation. 4he translation should be very close to the

surface !eaning, and that will be fine.

Another thing is, so!e people have felt it’s better to !ake the translations !ore like spokenlanguage. 4ake %nglish, for e6a!ple. ne book was translated in a fully oral style. &o!e people

say that kind of translation is easier for people to understand. f course, there’s nothing wrongwith doing that, but # think in fact it’s best to do it both using standard structure and diction as

well as !aking the translation consistent with the original !eaning as !uch as possible. &cholars

of %nglish and of language !ight not be able to accept vernacular that’s too specific to any oneregion. #f you use standard structure and diction, then everyone can study it and everyone can

read it. on’t worry that people !ight not be able to understand it. on’t we already have so

!any %nglish-speaking students7 idn’t they all understand it7 #t’s not a proble!.

You are holding a Fa conference, but #’! taking up all the ti!e8that’s not good, right7( Applause signifying that it is all right ) 4here are a lot of greetings.

 Disciple: 0reetings to Master from all Dafa disciples in Bpain, Austria, 9ungary, 4ortugal,ietnam, Indonesia, 8ew ealand, rance, Kapan, the 8etherlands, 'elgium, 0ermany, Italy, the

+nited <ingdom, Australia, -at&ia, Ireland, Bingapore, the 0reater 8ew York area, Bcotland,

 -aos, Iran, 2ussia, India, the 5ech 2epublic, and Bouth Africa1

Teacher; 4hank you all. ( Applause) 3ere are so!e fro! 'ainland >hina.

 Disciple: 0reetings to Master from all Dafa disciples in 0uangdong, Kiangmen, 9enan,

 heng5hou, Lu5hou, 4ingdingshan, Li3An, 9ainan, ;enchang, *angshan, Kiamusi, 9e5e ofBhandong, 9arbin, 9unan, 9uaihua, Bhandong, 0aotang, 4ingxiang of 9ebei, Linxiang,

Banheyan(iao, *ian(in, 'ei(ing +ni&ersity, *singhua +ni&ersity, hinese Academy of Bciences,

 Kinan of Bhandong, Bhi(ia5huang, -aiyang of 9unan, 8anchang, 9ongdu, he(iang, uyang, 8ingbo, i"ihar, 9ubei, 9ong <ong, Bhanghai, 0uang5hou, -iaoning, Bhanhaiguan, Bhandong,

0uangxi, Bhenyang, 9efei, Dandong, Yan(i, Dalian, han(iang, 0ui5hou, hong"ing, hengdu,

;uhan, Kin5hou, Yunnan, Macau, huhai, -an5hou, 9ebei, and Kilin1

Teacher; 4hank you all. ( Applause) &ince there are a lot of Cuestion slips, if # read all of

the!, #’ll be doing all the talking at today’s Fa conference. ( Applause signifying that they would

like *eacher to continue) #’ll read as !any as # can. ( Applause)


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 Disciple: ;e would like to establish a charitable foundation for Dafa disciples) orphaned

children# ;ould Master please gi&e us some ad&ice on that!

Teacher; 4hat would be a good thing, and you !ay do that. #’ve been thinking about this allalong. After so!e afa disciples were killed by the persecution, their children beca!e ho!eless

and they have been staying in foster ho!es. # can’t do nothing about it, so # thought that we

could collect their na!es and then figure out a way to rescue the! out of >hina. ( Applause)e’ll raise the!, and we can set up a school(s) for the!. ( Applause)

 Disciple: *he "uestion I)m running into is: how do I know which pro(ect is more importantand more of a focus for me to do well in!

Teacher; 4hat is for you to figure out. ( Audience laughs) 4hat’s too specific. on’t ask

'aster that, okay7

 Disciple: A student suffered from psychosis a few years ago and had to stay in the hospital,

but in the last few years he has not had a problem# 2ight now he is taking part in a3&alidating

work# Bhould we ad&ise him to appear in public as little as possible, keep a low profile, and do

behind3the3scenes type work!Teacher; 4hat’s a good suggestion. #f so!e students can’t handle the!selves well or

suffered fro! psychosis before learning the Fa, then it’s okay for the! to cultivate at ho!e. "ackwhen # was i!parting the Fa, # always said that those who had psychosis were not allowed in the

se!inars. hen ?those@ people took up the practice, # would take care of the!, and if they

studied at ho!e, # would save the! :ust the sa!e. "ut they were not allowed in the se!inars. eneeded to protect that cultivation environ!ent of afa disciples and prevent interference, and

that is why # didn’t allow critically ill patients or those who had psychosis to attend the se!inars.

&tudents who used to have psychosis can do so!e things that are in the background, and it’s

okay if they do less or nothing when it co!es to clarifying the truth.

 Disciple: Dafa re"uires students not to sit by, watch, and ignore things like murder and

arson# In Mainland hina students are losing their li&es right now# I really cannot (ust sit idly byand wait at home# I want to go to *iananmen B"uare to tell people .alun Dafa is great/ and

that Dafa sa&ed my life#

Teacher; #t’s still Cuite evil over there right now. hile you cannot sit by and watch'ainland >hina’s students being persecuted, # don’t want you to be persecuted, either. ork

harder on clarifying the truth to stop the persecution. As your 'aster, # need to first consider

your safety. ( Applause)

 Disciple: ;hen we create art, how should we balance and handle appropriately creating art

that today)s people can accept and art people should ha&e in the future! Are we establishing

new art!

Teacher; You should do your best to !ake the cultural perfor!ance shows put together by

afa disciples !ore upright and better. hat a work of art depicts is only an issue of its sub:ect

!atter, whereas the artistry and Cuality of the created work is often the key that deter!ineswhether the audience will be receptive to it.

 Disciple: I am prone to sinking into a despondent mood# I think the most painful thing in my

life is loneliness, as I don)t ha&e the warmth of family# I find it hard to get rid of the cloud cast


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o&er me by the feeling of loneliness# 9ow should I look at this problem! Is it caused by karma

 from my past, or is it certain factors that I need to get rid of in my culti&ation!

Teacher; #f it’s kar!a or interference, then eli!inate it. As a living being, why do you nolonger have the e6cite!ent you had when you initially obtained afa, pride in having obtained

this afa, and the feeling that you have so!ething that others cannot get7 Are you not diligent

any!ore7 #s that it7 r, even if you were too busy clarifying the truth to !ull over your feelings,that would be because you were doing afa things or working on saving sentient beings. hy do

you feel lonely7 #f you go do things to save sentient beings and things that a afa disciple is

supposed to do, you definitely won’t feel that way. #f you were studying the Fa and diligentlycultivating, could you feel that way7 nly when you are not diligent will you have the leisure to

!ull over those ordinary hu!an feelings, right7 ( Applause)

 Disciple: A fellow culti&ator has been gi&ing me financial support recently, which hasenabled me to stay in 8ew York to do more Dafa work# I don)t think it is "uite right to accept

others) help# Master, is my understanding correct!

Teacher; Yes, # think that since all afa disciples are giving of the!selves and you too are

giving of yourself and clarifying the truth, if you rely on other people’s financial contributions,then aren’t you doing things conditionally7 #f others didn’t provide for you, then would you not

do it7 hen we take fro! others, don’t we have a sense of indebtedness7 o we feel right aboutit7 &ure, there are special circu!stances, and we can’t be absolute with this. #t’s understandable

when students who have their own businesses give !ore and support certain pro:ects by students.

"ut under nor!al circu!stances # don’t think that see!s right. %ven when it’s for doing thingslike clarifying the truth, # don’t think it is Cuite right. #f you can stay here long ter!, then find a

 :ob and do ?the afa@ things in your spare ti!e8that works, too. #n any case, ulti!ately you

have to resolve your financial situation on your own. You can’t depend on so!eone else to

 provide for you8that would be a proble!.#’! talking about this in ter!s of the Fa’s principles. #n fact, the observing gods are glaring

at you, so you shouldn’t be borrowing fro! people. #f circu!stances really don’t allow, then do

other afa-disciple things at ho!e. hat # said was that those whose circu!stances allow couldstay here to clarify the truth. #f your circu!stances don’t allow, then go back to your ho!etown

and do truth-clarification things there, which is the sa!e.

 Disciple: ould you please talk about certain members of that despicable Kiang)s o&erseas

cli"ue poisoning the hinese people)s minds outside of hina!

Teacher; 4hose things aren’t worth discussing at our Fa conference. A being is responsible

for the conseCuences of whatever path he takes. 4he path those people took was their ownchoice. %ven when, with your help, they co!e to reali2e things, they still have to pay back what

they owe. A person has to pay for whatever he has done. #t’s absolutely not allowed if he does

not. 4hink about how !any people they have har!ed with their spreading of the veno!, though.4hat sin is as large as the !ountains and the skies, so they can’t pay it off, for they have

 poisoned the !inds of too !any beings. &o if a !edia outlet does bad things, its sin is huge what

#’! referring to is when it har!s afa.

 Disciple: 9ow can disciples in 4oland help the disciples in Mainland hina! 0reetings to

esteemed *eacher from Dafa disciples in 4oland1


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Teacher; 4hank youE ( Applause) ith regard to afa disciples in $oland, # think that no

!atter where you are, you can clarify the truth, and if you have the ti!e you can do it in other

regions as well. All of that is fine, and it helps the students in 'ainland >hina. 5ight now thestudents outside 'ainland >hina have created a better situation ?in >hina@ to so!e e6tent and

effectively restrained the evil ?there@. And also, they are helping the students there reali2e that

they should step forward and the i!portance of doing so. 4here are all sorts of things like thesethat you can do, and if you have other ideas, that’s okay, too.

 As far as sending !oney to the!, though, don’t do that. 4he !oney !ight not reach the!,

and they, too, are cultivating. #f the !oney got to be a lot, their hu!an thoughts !ight arise andin turn actually lead to attach!ents. 4hey are in an evil environ!ent, and it is indeed tough in

so!e regions. "ut as long as they handle the!selves well, 'aster will take care of all of the!.

4hey need to walk their own paths. 'aster takes everything into consideration these things are

not funda!ental proble!s.

 Disciple: ;hen some students obtained the a they didn)t truly understand things from the

 a and were not strict with themsel&es# As a result, their detrimental beha&ior affected the newer

 students around them and caused those students to lose their desire to culti&ate# an those people be sa&ed! And can the students who affected them make up for the harm they did!

Teacher; henever a student !akes it so that others cannot be saved, it’s a very serious!atter. As a cultivator, you can only save sentient beings, you can’t ruin the!. #n the hu!an

world you are capable of cultivating into a god, and in the hu!an world you are capable of

ruining others. 4hese are things of eCual !agnitude, so you cannot overlook the i!portance ofthis. As far as what you owed before you started cultivating, those things have been segregated,

and they are a separate !atter. 4hen what you do during cultivation is si!ply huge. #f you really

cause so!eone to be ruined, unsalvageable, or even unable to !ake it to the future, then that will

 prevent you fro! ever beco!ing a god. #t’s that serious. &o be very, very sure you don’t doanything like that.

f course, things done intentionally and unintentionally can be looked at differently, but

didn’t we co!e here for sentient beings7 hen your negative i!pact causes serious har!, whathappened to your righteous thoughts to save sentient beings7 3ow could you not consider how

others !ight feel7 Aren’t you cultivating to beco!e a righteous enlightened being of a righteous

Fa, a being who puts others’ interests before his own and considers others first7 hen you haveconflicts with others it affects newer students, so why did you do that in front of the newer

students7 eren’t you being self-centered and not thinking of others7 &ure, !aybe it was

unintentional, but didn’t it effectively drive newer students away7

You ought to be !ore !indful when it co!es to a lot of things, and you should !ake up forwhat you didn’t handle well before. on’t :ust think, <4hat’s a new student, he ca!e in because

we spread the Fa, and if he doesn’t want to practice he can leave.= on’t look at it that way. You

know, your efforts to spread the Fa !erely provide the circu!stances, whereas whether he isaccepted is up to 'aster. #t’s 'aster who truly brought hi! in, so if you drive hi! away it’s no

trivial thing. "esides, once so!eone has learned afa, he is a afa student, and !any things are

to be done for hi!. hen !any things are done for hi! and yet he stops practicing, then do youhave any idea of the conseCuences ahead7

 Disciple: If the old forces) persecution hadn)t happened, what would the culti&ation path$s%

 you originally arranged for us ha&e been like!


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Teacher; 4hings have transpired and the situation changed, so why ask about that7

 Disciple: ;ith our righteous thoughts and righteous actions, will we be able to end the persecution before the a rectifies the human world!

Teacher; 4he truth is, afa disciples, in supporting the Fa-rectification, your righteous

thoughts and righteous actions have already !ade the persecution draw closer to the end.( Applause) 4hink about it, the evil beings have let up Cuite a bit now. #f you weren’t strong, if

you hadn’t done well, why would they have let up on you7 hen so!e students do fall into their

hands, the wicked people don’t dare to persecute the! too badly any!ore. hy not7 #sn’t it because they are afraid that afa disciples will bring the! to :ustice later on7 #sn’t it because no

!atter where those evil ones who have persecuted afa disciples try to escape to, they will

eventually be tracked down7 #f during this persecution afa disciples had all been beaten into

silence and had feebly vanished, then would the evil be afraid7 4hey wouldn’t think twice ?aboutdoing evil@. 4he things you are doing can shock and frighten the evil today, can greatly reduce

the evil and restrain it, can terrify the evil and prevent it fro! having the strength to carry on

with the persecution, and can ulti!ately force this evil persecution to do nothing but end. 4hat’s

what afa disciples are doing in this ti!e before the Fa rectifies the hu!an world, and it is!agnificent.

 Disciple: Bome students don)t participate in group study or exercises# Are those students at

risk! 9ow can we help them get rid of their fear!

Teacher; # think that with newer students, you shouldn’t be too hasty. #t’s all right for the!to take their ti!e. "ut you should try your best to advise the! to take part in group study

sessions, because the group study environ!ent is indispensable for your helping each other

i!prove, it is essential. hy, back early on, did # ask people to hold the!7 "ecause the for! of

cultivation that this Fa takes dictates that it be done this way. hy did the people in the past haveto leave the secular world to cultivate7 4hey knew there was a proble!; when they were back in

the secular world and interacted with ordinary people, they beca!e like ordinary people and

couldn’t stay diligent. 'oreover, they cultivated their subordinate souls. 4hat is why they left thesecular world and grouped the!selves together. 4he cultivators could help each other i!prove

and see how they co!pared with others, they always had things to share that were specific to

cultivators, and they for!ed a cultivators’ environ!ent.ithout that environ!ent, thenO think about it, it’s the sa!e with today’s afa disciples;

when you go back out there into ordinary society, you are in the environ!ent of ordinary society.

#f you don’t sei2e the day ?to cultivate@, then today you !ight feel like reading and so you read a

little, but to!orrow you !ight get la2y and read less... so without that environ!ent it’s hard tostay diligent. After all, it’s hu!an beings who are cultivating. &o with hu!an la2iness and all

kinds of disturbances affecting people in this world, it’s very hard for you to see on your own

where you fall short. And in particular, if on top of that you aren’t diligent, you don’t read the book a lot, or you don’t co!prehend the Fa very well, you won’t be able to see your attach!ents

at all. 4hat’s why you have to participate in group study and e6ercises.

5ight now we are at a ti!e when the persecution is taking place, so there are all kinds ofreasons why students can’t, or can’t freCuently, do the e6ercises as a group. #n the future you will

definitely have group e6ercises. utside 'ainland >hina !any veteran students are busy doing a

lot of things to validate the Fa. "ut, for the sake of newer students, veteran students should create

an environ!ent for the! so that they can study the Fa and do the e6ercises together.


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 Disciple: (4ranslated Cuestion) I)m a ;estern student# Esteemed *eacher, would you please

 say something to encourage more ;estern students to step forward! A lot of Dafa pro(ects need English3speaking students right now#

Teacher; #t’s true that they should be diligent. #’ve been thinking that *he 6hinese7  Epoch

*imes, a newspaper run by afa disciples, has had a fairly big i!pact in the >hinese co!!unity.#n fact, *he Epoch *imes newspaper is already the largest !edia outlet in the world it covers

!any countries, including the entire Knited &tates. #’ve seen it even in s!all towns in the K.&. #t

covers a very large area, and on top of that there is the web version. "ut, that said, it reaches only>hinese people. "eyond 'ainland >hina, the true !ainstrea! society, the principal part of

societyO for instance, the K.&. is an %nglish-speaking society, and that language is what !ost of

the people speak. &o how could we not have a publication that clarifies the truth to the!7 4here

are li!itations to solely relying on clarifying the truth by word of !outh. And even if that werefeasible, we should still try as !uch as we can to add on so!e other ways to better help people

see the truth. ouldn’t that be better7 &o #’ve been thinking that whenever the %nglish version of

*he Epoch *imes that you are running can truly get off the ground, that will be the greatest thing.

And actually, the sa!e goes for other countries. ( Applause)'any of the !edia outlets in !ainstrea! society have business relationships with >hina, and

so!e of the !anagers and editors have even been bought off by >hina’s wicked band ofgangsters. #n this day and age, such a severe persecution is taking place8such a significant thing

 8yet the international co!!unity turns a blind eye to it. #sn’t that odd7 #s that acceptable7 #t’s a

cri!eE 4hat band of gangsters is :ust so evil. #f afa disciples have a local !edia presence, that!ight resolve these proble!s. "ut if these !edia outlets ?we are involved in@ are going to

achieve a good effect, they need to resolve the challenges of hu!an and !aterial resources,

which !eans that they need to increase their staff. &o fro! this perspective, the nu!ber of

estern students who are currently involved is indeed not !eeting the need. 4he studentsinvolved are worried about this, too.

f course, everything will gradually get better. 4here will be new students who will get

involved there will be new students who will understand the Fa over ti!e and get involved.%verything will get better. 4he situation with the >hinese-language newspaper was like this

 before, too. 4hey went fro! being shorthanded to having !ore people, fro! not knowing what

to do to knowing, fro! not being fa!iliar with it to being fa!iliar, fro! being i!!ature toeventually beco!ing !ature. &o # think that when it co!es to new students who can cultivate

the!selves according to the Fa, you can have the! get involved in !ore things. "ut, if they can’t

understand things fro! the Fa yet, then you really can’t get the! involved, because they won’t

understand a lot of things and they don’t reali2e yet that we are the ones who have to do things tovalidate the Fa. #t is another way to save sentient beings, so if we don’t do it, who will7

hen a new student doesn’t understand, it !ight even negatively affect hi! or ruin hi!. &o

you should consider that aspect of things. +et the! know that the things we are doing savesentient beings, clarify the facts, and e6pose the persecution. # think that each veteran student

was a new student once, too. 9radually these new students will, likewise, beco!e !ature.

 Disciple: ;hen I)&e gone through ordeals or tests, e&ery time I ha&e found filthy attachments

that come from selfishness# I)&e culti&ated for so long now but I still ha&en)t remo&ed it

completely, while the a3rectification is drawing to a close


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Teacher; on’t be an6ious about that. 5e!oving those things is done layer by layer, and

that’s why they surface. hen it co!es to certain things, if you really can’t do the!, 'aster will

do the! for you.rdinary society is :ust one big dye vat, and the !o!ent you let down your guard you get

corroded by it. &o you !ust cultivate nonstop and resist the conta!ination. As soon as you let up

it will co!e for you. You are cultivators, and 'aster has let you keep the things that allow you tocultivate a!ong ordinary people. 4hat’s one of the reasons ?behind what you described@8it’s so

that you can confor! as !uch as possible to the way of ordinary society in your cultivation.

hen you aren’t diligent, though, those hu!an things of yours will be e6ploited. "ut ascultivators you are able to continually rectify yourself and continually get rid of bad things

through your cultivation. 3owever, you !ight still have so!e left. on’t think that you have

failed to cultivate well, though, and even less should you let it beco!e a burden. 4hen it would

 beco!e an attach!ent. hen there are ?bad things@, :ust re!ove the!. >ultivate in a noble andconfident !anner, and don’t let those things affect your actions. hen they show up in your

thoughts eli!inate the! in a ti!ely !anner.

 Disciple: As the time of a3rectification rapidly mo&es forward, 6I am concerned that7 it)s still really difficult to clarify the truth to my family# I find it hard to figure out how to go about

clarifying the truth to them#

Teacher; &o!e students do find it really difficult to clarify the truth to their fa!ilies. # think

for the !ost part it’s actually because you still see the! as people in your fa!ily and treat the!

differently fro! people in the outside world. You should re!e!ber that they, too, are sentient beings in the hu!an world, instead of thinking of the! first as your fa!ily. And you should find

out what in their !inds is unresolved. nce you work those things out everything can be

resolved. Knder nor!al circu!stances when you clarify the truth, don’t think about having

 people learn the Fa right away and the results will be better.

 Disciple: Although I reali5e that we are all &ery fortunate, sometimes I get unhappy# ;ould

 you please tell me, does that happen because of the side of me that hasn)t been fully culti&ated,or is it a result of karma3elimination, that is, karma!

Teacher; Actually, it’s nor!al to get unhappy. *ewer students have for!ed !any notions in

the hu!an world, and their notions perceive things differently. You !ight find one thing good,so!e other bad, and so on8people have feelings like that. 4hose are hu!an notions reacting.

Your notions can’t be re!oved all at once as soon as you start cultivating, so reactions based on

notions will affect your e!otions, putting you in a bad or happy !ood.

4hese are things that happen in your cultivation. 9radually your understanding of the Fa will beco!e clearer and clearer, your righteous thoughts will get stronger and stronger, you will look

upon sentient beings with !ore and !ore co!passion and !ercy, and things will be different.

 Disciple: 8ow that the new huan alun has come out, what should we do with the ones that

ha&e uncorrected 6hinese7 characters in them, that is, the old huan alun! Bhould we

continue to use them!

Teacher; #t is the "ook, it is the Fa, and for :ust a few wordsO can’t you :ust correct the

characters7 A! # right7 You can’t go and do so!ething you shouldn’t, right7


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 Disciple: *he fi&e3thousand3year3old hinese culture is 6a combination of7 the cultures of

different cosmic bodies in the cosmos# *hen are ;estern cultures also cultures of cosmic bodies

 from ages ago! Are they related to the spreading of Dafa!

Teacher; estern gods created esterners. hether it be Asians or other ethnicities, they

were all created by different gods, so they definitely bear the characteristics of those syste!s. As

for culture, you should say that gods created hu!an beings’ cultures for the!, instead of sayingthat those cultures are cultures of the heavens. #f you say that the skyscrapers in 'anhattan are

the sa!e as those in the heavens, that’s not true, because they were brought about by !odern

science, and !odern science was brought about by aliens. Yes, the cultures of >hina’s differentdynasties bore characteristics of the heavenly kingdo!s that ca!e to for! kar!ic connections.

"ut, gods deter!ined what was left behind at this hu!an place with specific goals in !ind, since

hu!an history was laying the foundation for Fa-rectification. estern culture is a surface culture

that was created for hu!an beings while they lived and waited for the Fa-rectification.

 Disciple: I find it &ery hard to return to hen3Bhan32en# Master, could you please tell me

what it means to truly remo&e attachments at a fundamental le&el!

Teacher; You’re a newer student, so don’t be an6ious. You will gradually co!e to reali2eand understand !any things during your cultivation process. 4he best approach is to read the

 book(s) a lot8you have to read the book(s) repeatedly. hat 'aster is telling you is absolutelygood for you.

You saw that in :ust a few years of !y i!parting the Fa in 'ainland >hina, 0// !illion

 people ca!e to learn it. &ince leaving >hina # haven’t directly taught the e6ercises or the Fa, andit has been the students who have been passing it on, holding nine-day se!inars, and spreading

the word about this Fa. Although the old forces have been controlling certain things, they haven’t

 been able to block it, and a lot of people have still co!e to learn it. hy is that7 "ecause this Fa

can truly guide people’s cultivation, it can truly help people i!prove, and can truly change thestate of a being. 4he evil in 'ainland >hina has been carrying out such a severe persecution, and

the evil’s pressure felt by afa disciples in the international co!!unity has been huge as well.

&o why have they been able to withstand the evil and co!e through7 #t’s because they haveco!e to know this Fa and they have truly i!proved the!selves through this Fa and through their

cultivation. f course it’s unrealistic to want to reach a very high level of understanding right

away. "ut, gradually by studying the Fa you will co!e to know everything.As far as attach!ents go, if today 'aster told you to get rid of this or that one, it would be

so!ething forced, and any desire to get rid of it wouldn’t have co!e fro! your heart. And as

ti!e went by, when you couldn’t take it any!ore after 'aster had said a lot of those things, you

would beco!e resentful and think, <hy should # do that7= "ut when you’ve reali2ed thingsfro! the Fa’s principles and have understood the effect that doing that !ight have on   your

e6istence, only then have you truly i!proved, and only then are you truly able to do it. *o

e6ternal restriction co!es out of your own will or out of true i!prove!ent on your part.5estrictions and coercion can never change so!eone or !ake hi! i!prove. And once the

restrictions are gone, the person will go back to being how he was before, so that doesn’t work.

 Disciple: Bince the suppression started in NNN, some students who got out of labor camps

ha&e gone to practice 'uddhism# *he truth is, they were all afraid#

Teacher; # think that if they are laden with fear, no !atter where they go they won’t be truly

cultivating, and they won’t be able to reach >onsu!!ation. nce they get into "uddhis! they


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will see what it is like. >o!pared to the students who have conducted the!selves well, they

have, of course, done poorly. 4hey ca!e when afa benefited the!, but when afa was

 persecuted they ran away. 4hey reaped the benefits, but while we are resisting the persecution,they are not speaking up for afa and don’t want to validate the Fa. #n gods’ eyes that kind of

 being is the worst. As far as what to tell the! in ter!s of cultivation, all you can do is suggest to

the! that they do what’s good for the! there’s no special !ethod. hat a person wants is up tohi!.

 Disciple: *he Middle East has been constantly plagued by war, and the people there don)tha&e an opportunity to obtain the a# ;ould you please tell us how Dafa disciples should spread

the a in that region!

Teacher; #t is hard indeed. All of that is the old forces’ doing.

4he K.&. govern!ent knows that the persecution of Falun 9ong students has been verysevere. 4he Knited &tates was founded on freedo! of belief and they advocate for hu!an rights.

4he first i!!igrants to the K.&. were the $uritans, who ca!e to this land for freedo! of belief.

4he persecution of afa disciples directly involves the !ost funda!ental interests of the K.&.

and its founding principles, but why hasn’t the K.&. govern!ent gotten involved7 4rying to beunderstanding of their situation, #’d say that it is because the old forces have been stirring up

trouble in the 'iddle %ast, which has kept the K.&. tied up and prevented it fro! having theenergy to focus on >hina and do so!ething about the persecution of afa disciples.

#f it weren’t tied up with the issue of terrorists right now, # believe the K.&. govern!ent

definitely wouldn’t tolerate evil like this being so ra!pant in today’s world. 4hat’s because theK.&.’s role in the world is to !aintain order8it is actually the international police. hy did gods

!ake it so powerful and rich7 4he gods wanted it to play that role in the world. >hina is the !ain

stage in this play of !ankind, it is the place where the !ain play is acted out. "ut so!eone has to

!aintain order in the theater8you can’t let it beco!e chaotic, right7 &o the truth is, the godsreally do want the Knited &tates to do that. 4he >>$ always critici2es the K.&. for being <the

international police.= ell, it is the international police, and gods want it to be that. #f the K.&.

govern!ent really doesn’t fulfill that responsibility and doesn’t play that role, then the godswon’t have it be so strong or rich. #t’s not that A!ericans are supposed to be special but that

gods arranged it that way. (*eacher smiles)

 Disciple: Myself and some Dafa disciples around me recently had babies# It feels like we no

longer ha&e as much time to clarify the facts as we did before, and we)re a bit troubled by that#

Teacher; # don’t think that’s a proble!. A lot of afa disciples have children. #f the child is

very young, it’s all right to spend !ore ti!e taking care of the child. hen you have ti!e youcan do work to clarify the facts, and when you have little ti!e you can do a little bit in a

supporting role, which is fine, too. hen the baby gets older and your hands are freed up, then

you can do !ore, and that’s okay.

 Disciple: (4ranslated Cuestion) ;hen we hold anti3torture exhibits, a lot of ordinary people

 pass by many times in the same day and ha&e already taken our truth3clarification materials, but some hinese fellow culti&ators still walk up to them and stuff materials into their hands#

Teacher; $erhaps they were different students and didn’t know that those people had already

taken the !aterials, so they gave the! the sa!e !aterials again. You should be !indful of things

in this regard. As ti!e goes on, when so!e people have beco!e fa!iliar with you and have

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learned the truth, if you stuff the sa!e !aterial that you gave the! before into their hands, it’s

actually wasting resources. on’t treat it like ordinary people do when they distribute !aterials,

where you’ve done your :ob when everything has been given out. You are saving sentient beings.therwise what are you here ?in *ew York@ for7

 Disciple: *he ity of Atlanta and the 0eorgia Btate Benate are pushing to ha&e a hineseconsulate established# Is that happening because our truth3clarification hasn)t been powerful

enough, or is it due to the old forces) interference!

Teacher; 4hey can build whatever they want to build, it doesn’t !atter. hether or not theyestablish a consulate has nothing to do with us. And who knows whose consulate it will be in the

future. ( Audience chuckles) #ndeed, we are not concerned with ordinary people’s affairs. e’re

 :ust cultivators. +ook at how >hina is now. 4he >>$ is really sitting on the !outh of a volcano

this ti!e, teetering on the edge. #t looks grandiose and high-flying on the surface but it’s already beyond cure. #ts clothes on the surface are gla!orous, but inside it is all rotten.

 Disciple: As of now what phase has the a3rectification in 8ew York reached!

Teacher; 4here are no phases. ust clarify the truth, help people understand by telling the!?the facts@, and help the world beco!e aware of the truth. hat you actually want to know is

what the overall status is now. #n fact, in the ti!e since you started clarifying the truth like this, alot of people who live in *ew York >ity have co!e to understand the truth. 'ore than half, in

fact. 4hey understood things Cuickly. "ut those who only work in *ew York and don’t live here

account for only a s!all portion of the!. 4hat’s the state of things.

 Disciple: 'ecause of security concerns, there are some things we want to keep secret# 'ut

 going too far with this hampers sharing and communication among students and dampens

 people)s enthusiasm# 9ow can we handle this better!

Teacher: >ultivators, you know, need to think about others no !atter what it is they are

doing, and even !ore so should they think about afa. &o don’t be upset when so!ebody

doesn’t disclose so!ething to you. &o!e pro:ects can’t be discussed in big !eetings, they can’t be known to everyone. hen a larger nu!ber of people know about such a pro:ect, people let

down their guard. ne person talks about it, and another talks about it, and before you know it

those secret agents fro! >hina’s band of gangsters know about it, too. 4heir !eans of!onitoring and eavesdropping on what you do are getting out of hand. hether you have your

 phone turned on or off, they can ?use it to@ listen in on you. &o for security’s sake, a lot of the

things you do to save sentient beings can’t be known widely before you do the!. You have to be

clear on this point; you need to !ake allowances for students ?when they don’t let you in onthings@. 4hey’re not trying to hide things fro! you8they are trying to keep the! low-key. For

e6a!ple, let’s say you want to hold an art e6hibit to clarify the truth, and before things start up

the consulate !akes a phone call to inti!idate the gallery, saying, <#f you let the! use thegallery, you’d better watch out; there will be an e6plosion.= *o underhanded behavior is beneath

the!. &o with so!e things we can’t have a lot of people involved. As afa students you have to

 be understanding of every student.

 Disciple: Bome students ha&e done a great deal of work and put forth a lot for Dafa, but

while doing the work they often lose their temper# an somebody like that culti&ate to



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Teacher: # don’t think that would affect so!ething as !a:or as >onsu!!ation. hy would

he lose his te!per7 f course, if it’s :ust a !atter of getting angry, then we can’t conclude that

he has cultivated poorly. "ut, losing your te!per really does have a terrible effect. 4he i!pact onnewer students is too !uch, it’s al!ost enough to scare people away. You are all still cultivating

 8it’s hu!ans cultivating, after all, not gods8so you will cause !isunderstandings ?when you

get !ad@ and cause disruption. You can have differences of opinion or feel upset all you want, but you still need to talk things out in a cal! way. on’t our afa disciples have to not return

 blows or insults, even in the face of evil7 on’t you have to forbear7 4o patiently clarify the

truth7 4hen when you lose your te!per, what was that for7 hat is there for a cultivator to getangry about7 And shouldn’t there be even less of that when you are with other cultivators7 *o

!atter who you are, you are cultivating. 3ow co!e you always get !ad at !y disciples7 id #

agree to your acting like that towards !y disciples7

 Disciple: 'ecause of my strong attachments, at the time of a a conference I snapped a few

 pictures of Master in haste and they didn)t turn out so well# I)&e come to reali5e that doing that

was disrespectful of Master#

Teacher: ell, that’s the reason # tell you not to take pictures. 4he second so!e studentsspot !e, <click-click-click,= they start snapping pictures. #’! not so worried about it, and it

doesn’t !atter to !e personally if the i!ages don’t turn out well. "ut after you take the picturesyou won’t feel so good about it. ust bear that in !ind fro! now on. #n cases like # :ust

described, when it’s tough to handle, :ust give all the photos to !e and #’ll deal with the!.

 Disciple: (Teacher: 4his one has a lot of words on it.)  Differences come across in the wayhinese and ;esterners distribute truth3clarification materials# or example, our ;estern

 students in&ariably hold the leaflets in their hands and "uietly stand aside, waiting for people to

take them# 'ut &ery few people take the initiati&e to come o&er and get them# Meanwhile, 6withhinese students,7 especially those from *aiwan, they always hand them out politely and

enthusiastically, and usually they manage to gi&e out a lot of them# 'ut they often get asked not

to do this by the ;estern students, especially when we are clarifying the truth at anti3tortureexhibits# or many reasons, our hope is that ;estern students can be more proacti&e in

clarifying the truth and not feel like they ha&e to wait for people 6to come to them7#

Teacher: 'y sense is that our estern students do have that view for sure, which is to say,they feel that since we’re cultivating Phen, &han, 5en, we should be polite and show people a

afa disciple’s &han. 4hat’s surely what they are thinking, so they don’t directly approach

 people and prefer to wait for the! to co!e take leaflets on their own. # don’t think there is

anything wrong with that view, but that said, saving people is a really urgent !atter. afadisciples have given up the co!forts of ho!e, sacrificed their careers, and overco!e all kinds of

challenges, and on top of that their finances are tight. &o co!ing here to clarify the truth and save

 people really hasn’t been easy for the!. &o, since this is about saving people, it’s good to be alittle !ore proactive. "ut you do have to be polite.

"e both a little !ore polite and a little !ore proactive. 4hat way people won’t be put off and

we’ll be able to give the! !aterials, too8# think that would be better. #f you wait for people toco!e take the!, while it’s possible your thoughts are on saving those people and you are telling

the! ?in your !ind@ to co!e take it, when people’s hu!an side gets strong, the knowing side

won’t be able to co!e into play. 4he people in 'anhattan, for e6a!ple, are all really busy. 4heir

!inds !ight be occupied with thoughts of !aking !oney, going to !eet so!eone, or closing


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so!e kind of deal, and so they hurriedly walk by. &o while they are thinking about so!ething,

that thought you send out could !ake their knowing sides want to co!e over and take your

!aterials, but their hu!an sides are still strong, and so they !ight !iss the opportunity. &o, what#’! thinking is, it would be great if we could greet the! politely and be a little !ore proactive.

# know that this approach is hard for our estern students. 4hey always feel bad about

 bothering people, about actively bothering the!. "ut that’s not how it is. hat you should keepin !ind is that you are saving  people, and things will go fine. ( Applause)

 Disciple: ;hen clarifying the truth in Manhattan to the employees in the skyscrapers, we still encounter a lot of obstacles# 9ow can we do better in breaking through the layers upon

layers of obstacles and check points that the old forces set up, and thus bring the sentient beings

in those buildings sal&ation! ;ould Master please

Teacher: Yes, in fact when we go to those buildings to clarify the truth, it really is hard toget in, since everybody there is working. hile everyone is working, if we go there to clarify the

truth, their bosses will be upset for sure, and then they will think badly of us. f course, that’s

not to say it is always that way. hen circu!stances per!it we can do it. As for the e!ployees

in those co!panies, there are usually three ti!es of day when you can co!e into contact withthe!. ne is when they go to work, another is when they get off fro! work, and the last is when

they eat lunch. 'ost of the! co!e down for lunch. &o at those three ti!es we can opt to !akean effort to reach the!, and perhaps the results will be better.

 Disciple: I)m a Dafa disciple from 'ei(ing# 'efore departing 6for the +#B#7, my fellow

culti&ators told me to be sure to pass their regards on to Master# (Teacher: 4hank you. 'y

thanks to the "ei:ing students.) (Applause) *hough they all do sense that Master is constantly by

their side, they can)t help but miss Master greatlyOtears well up at the mere mention of

 Master)s name# *hese past two days I ha&e (oined in with the acti&ities put on by the o&erseas Dafa disciples, and found it deeply mo&ing# *hough we 6in 'ei(ing7 are in the e&il)s other hub,

 some fellow culti&ators ha&e gotten into a mode where they)re following a mechanical routine

 since the persecution has gone on for a long time# It)s not like the o&erseas Dafa disciples, whoare so diligent and maintain a sense of urgency# 9ere one truly feels that the pace of things is so

 swift and each Dafa disciple is so hard working# I can sense the difference between us and the

o&erseas Dafa disciples# I will definitely bring back and share with fellow culti&ators in hinawhat I)&e experienced in Manhattan firsthand and the magnificence of the 8ew York a

conference# ;e really need to pick up the pace and be e&er diligent# May Master put his mind at

ease: we will achie&e this, we definitely will#

Teacher: # believe you. ( Applause) Actually the evil over in 'ainland >hina has been givenCuite a scare by the afa disciples there and around the world doing things as you described and

!aking such efforts. 4his has done a great deal to restrain the persecution, and !assive a!ounts

of evil have been destroyed along the way. &o when the situation is such as this, if we still havestudents not stepping forward and not doing things because of the fear in their hearts, then they

really are losing their opportunity. &o!e people say, <e know 'aster is good and we know

afa is good. e’re studying ?the Fa@ at ho!e and clandestinely doing the e6ercises there.= "utthe fact is that afa has been i!parted to you, and it was given so that you could save all beings,

it’s for you to establish even greater !ighty virtue and be responsible to all beings. 3aven’t #

said this before; lives of the future do things for others’ sake, not for their own7 4his process is

e6actly one in which such Cualities are forged in you, so you can’t think about only yourself.

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hat is it that you fear7 ust about everything, it see!s. Yes, when there is such cruel

 persecution going on, # don’t want to see students suffering persecution, either. "ut the current

situation is gradually changing, and that !eans we should do even better. #n fact, with thestudents who have done very well all along, didn’t they have to !ake it through the severe, cruel


&o !y hope is that the students in 'ainland >hina can really learn fro! and e!ulate thestudents outside of >hina. #n order to lessen the evil’s persecution of you, take a look at what

they’re doing. 4hey have worked so hard. &o!e barely sleep day after day, each person is doing

!any things, and they are all shouldering a lot of pro:ects. And #’! not talking about :ust a fewof the!8it’s the !a:ority of the!, and they really are working hard. &o with this, when we

co!pare things, even though their environ!ent is rela6ed and co!fortable, as afa disciples, it’s

still about being diligent. #f under very harsh circu!stances you failed to do things or failed to do

the! well, !aybe it was indeed the product of circu!stances. "ut now things have changed andyou should step forward and do well.

"efore, when so !uch evil was pressed down here, the 4hree 5eal!s was saturated with it,

and it filled the air. 4ake a breath and it would get sucked into your belly8that’s how !uch

there was. %vil was everywhere, and each and every little thing was do!inated by that evil. 4hegrass would trip you up, and tree branches would whip you in the face. hen you walked beside

a wall it would hit you in the head. #t all see!ed natural to you, but it wasn’t8that was how evilit was. *ow that evil has been cleaned out and our surroundings are getting ever !ore rela6ed

and easy. #n !any areas the evil flees at the sight of afa disciples. #t doesn’t dare in the least to

visit those areas, for the afa disciples there have done well. 4hen with so !any afa discipleshere in 'anhattan, why would the evil dare to co!e here7 #t’s because the old-force ele!ents are

 8as if sweeping up trash8driving the evil over here, sweeping it here, and gathering it here, so

that afa disciples and the !ultitude of gods can eli!inate it. therwise the evil absolutely

wouldn’t dare to co!e here right now. *ow when we look at 'ainland >hina, with the environ!ent how it is at present, if so!e

students still can’t step forward, then they are about to truly lose their chance. f course, !any

students have done a great :ob there, and they have been doing things all along. 4hat is really!agnificent.

 Disciple: 4eople ha&e different understandings on sending righteous thoughts at theconsulate# Bome people belie&e that if we send righteous thoughts after each exercise, the e&il

won)t e&en ha&e a chance to catch its breath# Is that thinking going against Bhan!

Teacher: 4he evil that persecutes afa disciples si!ply has to be cleaned out. As for the

specifics of things, #’ll leave the! to you to work out. Disciple further asks: Bome people are of the understanding that to do it that way 6that I

described7 is using human thinking# Bending righteous thoughts is something solemn, and the

 a)s principles dictate that things are gained only when we are free of pursuit, that we should letnature take its course# =nly when we send righteous thoughts after doing the standing exercises

and again after the sitting exercise will it not impact our own culti&ation# ould you tell us if

there)s any problem with breaking up an exercise and doing it o&er the course of a few hours!

Teacher: on’t develop an attach!ent. Follow the reCuire!ents that have been set forth

when you do the e6ercises. As for sending righteous thoughts, you can, e6cept for when it’s done

collectively, do it at any ti!e you choose. 'y thinking is that doing the e6ercises is doing the

e6ercises, so :ust do the! nor!ally. As far as sending righteous thoughts goes, you can do it any


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ti!e, any place. &o long as you haven’t worn yourself out, you can send the! forth, and it should

 be fine. All of what you e6pend will Cuickly be replenished. oing the e6ercises :ust to do the

e6ercises isn’t the point8the e6ercises strengthen your !echanis!s, and it is the auto!atic!echanis!s that really elevate you and replenish your energy. 4wenty-four hours a day you are

 being refined by the gong  and by the Fa, so no !atter how !uch energy you e!it forth when you

send righteous thoughts, none of it is lost. And as for your supernor!al abilities, they will returnon their own. ther things that are depleted will likewise be swiftly replenished, and that is

 because your standard is there at that height. #t’s like # have said; however high your gong  is, that

is due to your xinxing being at that height, for there is a !easure. hen that !easure is there atthat height, the gong  can’t help but go up to that point, and things are thus Cuickly replenished.

#ncreasing gong  is actually really easy. #t is raising  xinxing  that’s hard. &o that is why gong is so

hard to build up. ( Applause)

#’ve now read all the Cuestion slips. ( Applause) ur afa disciples really have been workinghard in the past few years of validating afa, clarifying the truth, and saving sentient beings for

a lot of afa disciples so !uch so that they feel really fatigued, and !any people have overco!e

challenges of every type along the way in doing these things. You can’t help but say that afa

disciples are a!a2ing. Actually, though it’s !e saying you are a!a2ing, #’! :ust repeating thewords gods are using. #t is they who say you’re a!a2ing. #f it were :ust !e saying you are

a!a2ing, well, #’! your !aster, so of course #’! a little partial to !y disciples. 4he broaderrange of lives had to be convinced, and that’s why, no !atter how it !ay see!, things are getting

 better overall for our disciples even though you !ight !eet with a lot of trouble and setbacks as

you validate the Fa.4he Fa’s rectification of the cos!os is sure to succeed. %ven those things arranged by the old

forces wouldn’t dare to have it not succeed. #t’s only that their plans interfered with the Fa-

rectification and har!ed a lot of things in the Fa-rectification, which is why the factors of the old

forces !ust be thoroughly eli!inated. afa disciples won’t be validating the Fa forever here inthe hu!an world, for the ti!e when the Fa rectifies the hu!an world will definitely arrive. &oon

the Fa-rectification that afa is doing in the cos!os will draw to a close. $eople now know that

the cos!os is growing further apart fro! the 'ilky ay. #n other words, all of this isn’t :ustso!ething that only # a! saying, and it’s not so!ething that :ust afa disciples can know; even

hu!an beings will gradually co!e to know it.

%verything that !an doesn’t believe in shall unfold before his own eyes. %very unsolved!ystery of the past will co!e forth here in the hu!an world, and when that happens it will be the

ti!e of the Fa rectifying the hu!an world. ith everything that you afa disciples have done,

you have shown yourselves worthy of all that afa has given to forge you. # can say that the

afa disciples’ validating of the Fa has, on the whole, achieved what it should, and they havefulfilled their responsibilities. ( Applause) And though there still re!ains the rest of the :ourney to

take, and though so!e things re!ain to be done, # think none of that should pose a proble!, for

the !ost trying ti!e has passed and the !ost evil period is over. ( Applause) 4he road aheadshould grow only broader, while everything should beco!e ever !ore clear, and you will

 beco!e !ore and !ore !ature. And being cultivators, you should e!body ever !ore greatly the

 poise and bearing of a afa disciple. #n the ti!e to co!e afa disciples will be givenreco!pense for all that they have given over the entire Fa-rectification process. And even when

it co!es to the persecution and losses suffered by !ankind, in the ti!e ahead !ankind too will

 be co!pensated. ( Applause) afa will establish a future for !ankind, and when a person can act

in an upright !anner during this ti!e when afa is being spread and afa disciples are in the


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harsh predica!ent of being persecuted, that kind of person should be blessed. &uch a person has

done what a person is supposed to, so in the future a real, true environ!ent for hu!an living will

 be established for the!."efore long everything will change, but as afa disciples, you can’t waver in any way before

>onsu!!ation. You should do what you have to, :ust as you have been all along. #f so !uch as

one thought or idea of yours is e6tre!e, and if you don’t consider the conseCuences, or if youdon’t think of afa’s sake, #’ll tell you, then you have not walked your path well. &ince your

 path is to be left for the future, you !ust succeed in bla2ing it. Your cultivation’s goal goes

 beyond self->onsu!!ation, as you are to save sentient beings, and you are helping the lives ofthe future to establish that future. Your responsibility is big, but the payback that awaits you is

enor!ous. hat you will gain later on far e6ceeds what you put in, as !uch as that !ay be. &o #

hope that under no circu!stance will you waver. hether the verdict on afa is overturned by

 people or not, whether a new situation co!es about or not, whatever the case, afa disciplesshould still save the sentient beings that need to be saved. eep doing what you should do all the

way until >onsu!!ationE ( -ong, enthusiastic applause)