judith adamson - springhill.org.uk


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Page 1: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk
Page 2: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk
Page 3: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Judith Adamson

John James Aitken

Ann-Marie Allen

Melanie Allison

Paul Allison

Elaine Anderson

John Arnold Anderson

Annie Andrew

Andy Andrews

The Andrews Family

John Ansley

Susan Ansley

Page 4: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

George Arkle

Muriel Arkle

Paul Armistead

Susan Armitage

Eric Armstead

Joan Armstead

Harold Ashall

Lavinia F Ashall

Vinnie Ashall

J E Ashton

Dennis Ashworth

Elsie Ashworth

Colin Aughey

Page 5: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Arnold Bagnall

Nora Bagnall

Betty Bailey

Hildred Bailey

Keith Bailey

Peter Bailey

Anne Ball

Bertha Ballance

Leslie Ballance

Jack Barber

Brenda Bardsley

Audrey Barker

Graham Peter Barker

Christine Barlow

Dennis Barlow

Page 6: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Betty Barnwell

Harry W Barrett

Lucie Barrett

Kenneth George Barton

Thomas Baxendale

Jim Baxter

Deborah Beagin

Alan Beardsley

Joan Beck

Beryl Beech

Marion Benbow

Gordon Benson

Page 7: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Brenda Binns

Hanson Binns

George Birch

Barry Blackband

Freda Blackband

Stanley Blackband

Dorothy Blackford

Bobby Blackwood

Esther Blackwood

Ian Blackwood

James Blackwood

Terence Bloxsome

Barbara Blythe

Kevin Anthony Boardman

The Boardman Family

Page 8: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

David Bogg

Leonard Booth

James Bowden

Margaret Brady

Derek Bramwell

John Brearley

Rose Brearley

Stanley Brearley

Fred Brierley

Mary Brierley

Jack Briggs

Martin Broderick

Mr A Broderick

Mrs M Broderick

Page 9: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

John Brown

Norma Elaine Brown

Patricia Anne Brown

Roy Brunins

Cliff Buckley

Harry Buckley

Hilda Buckley

Patricia Burns

Roy Burrows

Christine Burton

Roger Burton

Geoffrey Bush

Jean Bush

Sam Bush

Page 10: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Mildred Butler

Elizabeth Butterworth

Eric Butterworth

Karen Butterworth

Page 11: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Annie Calderbank

Graham Calderbank

Bernard Carroll

Hilda Carroll

Joan Carter

Barbara Carvell

Frank Casey

Steve Cavanagh

Joan Caveny

Susan Caygill

George Harry Chadwick

Warren Chadwick

Winifred Mary Chadwick

Margaret Charlan

Gordon William Charnley

Samir Chatterjee

Page 12: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Jean Chown

Donald Christmas

Ivy Mary Clarke

Barbara Clegg

Gordon Clegg

Kathleen Clegg

Leonard Clegg

Margaret Clegg

Phil Clegg

Teresa Clegg

Doris Cliffe

Les Cliffe

Annie Clough

Harry Clough

Page 13: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Alan Cole

David Cole

Glyn Cole

Gwen Cole

John Cole

Nellie Cole

John Collier

Tracy Collinge

Myra Collinson

James Cecil Connolly

Peter Frederick Connolly

Una May Connolly

Denis Connor

Harry Conroy

Brian Coombes

Derek Coombes

Page 14: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Irene Coster

Joyce Covell

Roy Covell

Susan Covell

Olive Crabtree

Wilf Crabtree

Anthony Crook

Desmond Crosbie

Jack Crossley

Joan Crossley

Joanne Crossley

Anthony Crowther

Julie Crowther

Steven Charles Cryer

Christine Curran

Page 15: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Linda Dale

Kitty Dalton

Sam Dalton

David Davenport

Dick Davies

Doris Davies

Ethel Davies

Percy Davies

Peter Dawson

John Edward Dent

Frank Devonport

Neil Dickinson

Paul Dickinson

Arthur Dixon

Susan Dixon

Anne V Dobell

Page 16: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Betty Donaldson

Robert Donaldson

Frank Donbavand

Rita Donbavand

Maureen Donnelly

Vincent Donnelly

Simon Nicholas Doolan

Thomas Downham-Clarke

Mick Doyle

Adrian Drake

Arthur Driver

Elsie Driver

Jonathan Edward Drysdale

Nicholas John Drysdale

Page 17: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Graham Duffy

Patricia Duffy

Pauline L Duffy

David Duncan

Bridget Dunleavy

Patrick Dunleavy

Eric Dunning

Sandra Dunphy

Kyle Dutton

Dennis Duxbury

Brenda Dwyer

John Dwyer

Page 18: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Malcolm Eccles

Tony Eccles

John Eddison

Susan Edge

Susan Anne Edge

Rhys Edwards

Shirley Elliott

David Entwistle

Joseph Evans

Page 19: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Charles Fairbrother

Ernest Farrer

Norma Farrer

Paul Fay

Dorothy Fedeczko

Colin Felton

Francis Fernandes

Ian Field

Edna Firth

James Firth

Jim Fishwick

John Fishwick

Peter Fishwick

Colin Fitton

Hilda Fitton

Page 20: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

James Fitzpatrick

Molly Fitzpatrick

Jean Fletcher

John Fletcher

Bryce Ford

Ron Forsyth

Monica Fowler

John Frain

Terry Freeman

Maria Sofia Frubin

William Frubin

William Furber

Shirley Furlong

Page 21: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Janet Gadd

Jim Gardiner

John Gardiner

Nan Gardiner

Billy (William) Garth

Jean Gates

Roger Gates

Ian Gaynor

Joe Gettings

Margaret Gidley

Andrew Gill

Christine Carol Gill

Joan Gill

Page 22: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Doreen Gillard

Nana Gillard

Christine Gillespie

Maureen Gilligan

Frank Goddard

Kathleen Goddard

Michael Gorman

Teresa Gorman

Bob Gough

Hilda Gough

Doreen Grace

John Grace

Andrew Green

Gilbert Greenall

Gladys Greenall

Susan Greenwood

Page 23: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Barrie Gregory

Bernard Gregory

Lesley Ann Griffiths

John Paddy Guinan

Page 24: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Darren Haddock

June Hale

Lawrence Hale

Pamela Hall

Anne Halliwell

Jessie Hamblett

Kenneth Hamblett

Mark Hamer

Robin Hamer

Keith Hampson

Sarah Jane Hargreaves

Ralph Harling

Ellen Harris

Kevin Harris

Page 25: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Julie Harris-Webb

John Harrop

Maralyne Harvey

Stephen Harvey

Brian Hatcher

Mr & Mrs L Hawdon

Mr & Mrs T Hawdon

Robert Healey

Jack Heaton

Michael Hegarty

Nick Helliwell

Martin Heneghan

Karen Hennessey

Patrick Herbert

Christine Mary Hey

Lynda Joyce Heyes

Page 26: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Florence Heyworth

Winifred Higgins

Stuart Higginson

Desiree Hill

Doretta Maria Hilton

Iris Hilton

Leslie Hilton

Betty Hodgkinson

Tom Hodgkinson

Susan Hogarth

Brian Holland

Roy Holleran

Edith Holmes

Alice (Mona) Holt

Del James Holt

Walter Holt

Page 27: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Barrie Horrocks

Dennis Horrocks

Leslie Howard

Robert Howard

Susan Elizabeth Howard

Colin Howarth

J Howarth

Jean Howarth

Julie Howarth

Peter Joseph Hoyle

Page 28: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Gordon Hughes

Joyce Hughes

Karl Hughes

Marjorie Hughes

Trevor Hughes

Vera Hughes

Wilfred Hughes

John Hulme

Christine Hurst

Joan Hutchinson

Page 29: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

The Ilkin Family

Keith Irwin

Page 30: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Reginald Jackson

Robert Jackson

Arthur Jarvis

Irene Jarvis

Keith Jarvis

Albert Jenkins

Sally Jenkins

Albert Jennings

Mary Jennings

Frank Johnson

Mavis Johnson

Rene Johnson

Russell Johnson

Page 31: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Bert Jones

Harold Jones

Ivy Jones

Mary Jones

Susan Jones

Valerie Jones

Page 32: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Sydney Kay

Roy Kean

Celia Kelly

John Kelly

Liz Kelly

Margaret Kelly

Barry Kemp

Leonie Jane Kenny (nee Higginson)

Peter Kenworthy

Stephen Kenworthy

Chris Kenyon

Margaret Kenyon

Page 33: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Irene Kershaw

James Kershaw

Jeffrey Kershaw

Leonard Kershaw

Edith King

Cecilia Kirkby

Ernest Kirkby

Colin Knight

David Knowles

Eleanor Knowles

John Knowles

Jean Korol

Moira Kraweckyj

Page 34: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Dorothy Lane

Roy Lane

Dorothy Lanyon

Roy Lanyon

Donna Larkin

Jimmy Larkin

Patricia Latham

J B Law

Kathleen Laycock

Rosemary Leech

Alan Leedale

Joan Leedale

Page 35: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Doris Lewis

Norman Lewis

Peter Lewis

Ron Lewis

Chris Liddle

Trevor Lister

Geoff Livesey

Alma Lord

Irene Lord

Jo Lord

Joan Lord

Les Lord

Sandra Lord

Annie Lynch

Page 36: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Gordon Mabson

Janet Mabson

Andrew Maguire

Delma Maguire

Chris Makin

Tom Makin

A Mallinson

Beryl Malone

Jean Malone

George Marr

Irene Marr

Patricia Marsh

Alan Marsland

Peggie Marsland

Frank Massey

Page 37: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Andrew Maxwell

Derek May

Muriel McAlpine

Donald McBurnie

Annie McCarroll

John McCarroll

Bridgid McCarthy

Don Mccarthy

Patrick McCarthy

Mary McCormack

Thomas McCormack

Edward McCormick

Beryl McDaid

Albert McEndoo

Page 38: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Margaret McGee

Michael McGee

Hugh McGhee

Marion McGhee

Harry McGiveron

Joan McGiveron

Paul McGiveron

Mollie McKenna

Joan McVinnie

Cathy Mee

Mary Melia

Ashley Metcalfe

Roger Midgley

Maurine Miller

Ramon Miller

Alan Gregory Milne

Page 39: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Elizabeth Alice Milne

Herta Minakovic

Patrick J Miskella

Roy Mollins

Michael Moor

Dorothy Moore

Michelle Moore

Reginald Moore

Stanley James Moore

Bill Moran

James Moran

Val Moran

Anne Morley

Eileen Morley

Sheldon Morphet

Page 40: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Allan Morris

Robin Edward Morris

Bernadette Mortimer

Jane Mottershead

Jane Mullen

John Mullen

Dennis Mulligan

Pat Mulligan

Douglas Murray

Enid Murray

June Murray

Page 41: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

John Nattress

Colin Needham

Liz Needham

Peggy Needham

Peter Needham

Richard Needham

Roger Needham

Bert Neill

Marion Neill

Annie Nelis

Cliff Newton

Dennis Newton

Joyce Newton

Louie Newton

Nell Newton

Anne Nicholl

Page 42: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Tommy Nield

John Harvieson Norris

The Norton Family

Lesley Nuttall

Lesley Susan Nuttall

Page 43: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Joanne O'Donnell

Peter Kevin Ogden

Kenneth Oldham

Anthony Oliver

Brenda O'Rourke

Tom O'Rourke

Page 44: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Betty Packer

Bill Packer

Michael Anthony Parden-Bell

Carla Parker

Fred Parker

Elizabeth Parkinson

Roy Parr

Joyce Partington

Shirley Pawson

Edward Payne

Sheila Payne

Daniel James Pearson

Pat Peel

Roy Peel

Bryan Perrott

Ian Bell Perry

Page 45: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

William Pickup

Gordon Ian Pierce

Fred Pilling

Ada Platt

John Platt

Ernie Pollard

Craig Lee Pollitt

Valerie Pomroy

Derek Port

David Powell

Angela May Priest

Gloria Proctor

Page 46: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Hurst Rakewood

Paul Ralphson

Monica Reade

Karen Reader

Jean Reddin

Jean Reeves

Nicholas Reid

Mavis Rennison

Stephen Rennison

Robyn Reynolds

Annie Rhodes

Jimmy Rhodes

Joe Rhodes

Mary Rhodes

Norman Rhodes

Page 47: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Margaret Richardson

Mary Richardson

Terence Richardson

Craig David Riley

Eric Riley

James Fred Riley

Betty Roach

Christopher Roach

Christopher D Roach

Christopher Roachy

Edna Roberts

Eric Roberts

Jack Roberts

David Robertson

Jack Robertson

Margaret Robertson

Page 48: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Eileen Robinson

Keith Robinson

Tony Robinson

Francis Michael Robson

Phyllis Rochelle

Dorothy Rogerson

John Rogerson

Nora Rogerson

The Rogerson Family

Alice Roscoe

George Roscoe

Jack Roseby

Ena Ross

Jack Ross

David Rosser

Page 49: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

James Rostron

Mabel Rostron

Jeffrey Leonard Rothwell

Kathleen Rowbottom

Fred Royle

William Anthony Royle

Frederick Russell

Pauline Elizabeth Russell

Tony Russell

Thomas Ryan

Page 50: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Phil Savage

Norma Sayer

William Sayer

Audrey Scanlan

Peter Scanlan

Bertha Schofield

Brenda Schofield

David Schofield

Eric Schofield

Frank Schofield

Jean Schofield

John Schofield

Veronica Schofield

Veronica (Vron) Schofield

Barclay Scott

Doris Scott

Page 51: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Philippa Shales

Irmgard Shaw

Tony Sheehan

Adrian Shepherd

John Shepherd

Tom Shepherd

Mary Silver

Rene Sinclair

Harold Smalley

Arthur Smith

Dorothy Smith

Gerald Smith

Mary Smith

Mavis Smith

Yvonne Smith

Pamela Spenceley

Page 52: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Hilda Stanton

Rita Stanton

Thomas William Stanton

Roger Stead

Derek Steele

Sandy Steele

Martyn Stephens

Colin Ronald Steward

Alan Stock

Alice Stock

Peter Stock

Page 53: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Georgina Stott

Kathleen Stott

Lynda Stott

Michael John Stott

Rodney H Stott, MBE

Ian Such

Jean Such

Peter Sutton

Bridget Sweeney

William Sweeney

Margaret Swift

Douglas Swindells

Martyn Sykes

Page 54: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Janet Alyson Tasker

Dorothy Tattersall

Bobbie Taylor

Christine Taylor

Derek Taylor

Geoffrey Taylor

Gretti Taylor

Harold Taylor

James Taylor

Maureen Taylor

Eric Thickett

Stella Thickett

Brian Alfred Thomas

M J Thompson

Susan Aileen Thompson

Page 55: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Joan Tighe

Trisha Tighe

Marilind Tombs

Ines Travis

Joe Travis

Mary Travis

Bill Trevillion

Jack M Trevillion

Mona Trevillion

Anthony Turvey

Hilda Tweedale

Margaret Tweedale

Page 56: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Anthony Van Schaick

Raymond Varnom

Ann Vause

Page 57: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Doreen Wadsworth

John Wadsworth

The Wadsworth Family

Kevin Wainwright

Alan Wakeford

Millie Wakeford

Jack Walkden

Joan Walkden

Malcolm Thomas Walker

Margaret Walker

Pamela Walker

Muriel Walley

Richard Wallwork

Anthony Paul Walmsley

Page 58: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Chris Walsh

Michael Walsh

Willy Walsh

Diana Mary Warburton

Derek Wardell

Arthur Warrington

Dorothy Warrington

Lesley Watts

Josephine Webster

Joan Welsh

Kathryn Wheelan

Page 59: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Anthony White

Doris May White

Ivy White

John White

Leslie White

Stephen White

Sylvia White

Vurden White

William G White

Bill Whitehead

Leslie Stuart Whitehead

Winifred Whitehead

Beatrice Whitelegge

Frank Whitelegge

Robert Whitelegge

Anthony Whitmore

Page 60: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Robert Whittaker

George Whitworth

Hannah Whitworth

Ronald Whitworth

Margaret Ann Whyborn

Bernie Wild

Harold Wild

Linda Wild

Terry Wild

Winnie Wild

Florence May Wilkinson

Florence Williams

Lilian Wilson

The Winstanley Family

The Witts Family

Page 61: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Alan Wood

Jenny Wood

David Woodier

John Woolfenden

Harry Wright

Norah Wrigley

Page 62: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Brian Yates

Robert Yates

Page 63: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

Joseph Zajac (USA)

Page 64: Judith Adamson - springhill.org.uk

All Loved Ones



Mum, Dad and Gwen