lesson plan primary 2

I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Dario Bressan Período de Práctica: Nivel Primario Institución Educativa: Colegio Santa Eufrasia Dirección: Maria Olguín 653 Río Cuarto - Córdoba Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to grado A Turno Mañana Cantidad de alumnos: 33 estudiantes Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elemental Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Uso del Posesivo " 's " a través de las relaciones de la Familia Simpson Clase Nº: 2 Fecha: 08/10/2015 Hora: 12 a 13 hs. Duración de la clase: 60 minutos Teaching points: Learning the use of " 's "using The Simpsons' family Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to… - To revise the already learnt vocabulary in the previous class, Demonstratives. - To develop their speaking skills by naming members of the SF with Demonstratives. - To describe family relationships by means of the possessive 's. Language Focus: Lexis Function Structure Pronunciation Revision This - These That - Those Mother - Father Son - Daughter Identifying family members. This is Bart Those are Maggie and Homer That is Marge This /I/ These / i:z / New " 's " in some words Talking about family relationships trough the use of possessive " 's ". Bart is Marge's son. That is Lisa, she is Homer's daughter. Homer / əʊ/ Marge / / Teaching Approach: The lesson is based on Krashen's Natural Approach and organized under PPP as proposed by Jeremy Harmer.(Third Edition 2001) Materials and resources: Class book "Sign up" with some activities. Mini LED projector. Use of the board to make the lesson more graphic. Images from different characters of the Simpsons' Family. An 's flashcard. Pedagogical use of ICT in class: Use of a Mini projector to show images on the wall.

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Período de Práctica: Nivel Primario Institución Educativa: Colegio Santa Eufrasia

Dirección: Maria Olguín 653 Río Cuarto - Córdoba Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 5to grado A Turno Mañana Cantidad de alumnos: 33 estudiantes

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elemental Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: Uso del Posesivo " 's " a través de las relaciones de la Familia Simpson Clase Nº: 2

Fecha: 08/10/2015 Hora: 12 a 13 hs.

Duración de la clase: 60 minutos

Teaching points: Learning the use of " 's "using The Simpsons' family Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to… - To revise the already learnt vocabulary in the previous class, Demonstratives.

- To develop their speaking skills by naming members of the SF with Demonstratives. - To describe family relationships by means of the possessive 's.

Language Focus:

Lexis Function Structure Pronunciation

Revision This - These That - Those

Mother - Father Son - Daughter

Identifying family members.

This is Bart Those are

Maggie and Homer

That is Marge


These / i:z /

New " 's " in some


Talking about

family relationships

trough the use of possessive " 's


Bart is Marge's

son. That is Lisa, she

is Homer's daughter.

Homer / əʊ/

Marge / tʃ/

Teaching Approach: The lesson is based on Krashen's Natural Approach and organized under PPP as proposed by Jeremy Harmer.(Third Edition 2001)

Materials and resources: Class book "Sign up" with some activities. Mini LED projector.

Use of the board to make the lesson more graphic. Images from different characters of the Simpsons' Family. An 's flashcard.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class: Use of a Mini projector to show images on the wall.

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Seating Arrangement: Students will be seated in groups of four students as they usually work in regular classes. According to the school policies, this improves communication and

group working among mates.

Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class: Children tend to talk if the class gets bored, so it is quite important to maintain their attention

activated trough the use of miming, clear instructions, making the classroom interactive and using the board for instance. Using a book each, facilitates the visual work and help students to concentrate. Teacher always assists kids during class.

Potential problems students may have with the language: They may have problems

with the construction of the sentences using " 's", so I will make them to have a lot of practice to help them. Another potential problem may be when revising words it is important

to contextualized them.

Assessment: What will be assessed and how: I will check understanding by listening to them and correcting with examples related to the topic which is being worked. If they use "

's " when the word is plural, I may show the student that the word already has an "s" at the ending, so it is not necessary to add another one, just the " ' ". Peer correction is always a good method to encourage them to feel comfortable with assessments. I will also encourage

them by saying "Very good" "Excellent" "Well done" among others.


Routine: 5 minutes

Purpose: To greet students and let them know the class has started.

T: Hello everybody!! Sts: Hello teacher!! T: How are you today??!! Sts: We are doing fine!! T: That is great!! Ok, let's start working!!

Transition: I will show them an image of The Simpsons' Family

Warm up: 20 minutes

Purpose: To contextualize the topic of the lesson and begin with the class.

T: Ok, do you know these characters?? Sts: Yes!!! T: Do you know their names?? Sts: Yes!! T: OK, let's see if it's true!! They are:

(inviting everyone) Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. T: Ok, but let's do it in English!!:

Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. T: Very good!!Ok, as you know, they are a family,

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they live and share a lot of moments together. As we do!!! Ok, let's see how they are

related. (I will write on the board the words: father, mother, daughter and son to revise their

meanings with students by asking if they remember their meanings at first and pointing at

each character at last. Then I will add sister and brother with the same method.) Ok, Who is

this? Pointing at Homer..Sts: Homer!! T: Great, but he is what of the family? Sts: Father!! T:

Very good!! Homer is the father of who? Sts: Bart, Lisa, Maggie!! T: Ok, let's take one.

Homer is the father of Lisa, or we can say: Homer is Lisa's father. Did you see anything

different? Look here (I have a flashcard with a big " 's ") This indicates something belongs to

someone else. (I will use colors on the board to highlight the " 's ") T: Ok, let's do some

other examples: Marge is Bart's mother. We do this in English because it is shorter and it is

mainly used in spoken language but also in written. (I will do the same with the other

characters so students may have a lot of practice.) T: Ok, would you like to try making a

sentence looking at the image? Any of you? (The idea is they participate without any

obligation, respecting one of the Natural Approach´s aim - Terrell's basic principle of the

approach: "Speech production comes slowly and is never forced.") Sts: Me, I'll do it!! T:

Great, I help you!! (Here they start a bit of practice)

Transition: OK, great job kids!! I will give some pictures to different students so we can

work revising the previous topics. Presentation: 15 minutes

Purpose: To expose students to the target language and the previous one developing their

oral skills.

T: Ok, look at these images.

I will give two images to some students so they can gather these ones are far. T: Ok, who is

that? Sts: That is Lisa! T: Very good!! Who are those? Those are Homer and Maggie. T:

Great!! Who is this? This is Marge!! And so on.

T: OK, now we will say who each character in the family is, as we did it a moment ago. I

start!!! That is Lisa, she is Marge's daughter. Those are Lisa and Bart, they are Marge's

children. Those are Lisa and Bart, Marge's daughter and son.

T: So, before we go on, please go to page 23 and look to the grammar box. Pay attention to

the examples and remember that if the word ends up with an "s" it only carries " ' " the

apostrophe and the word is plural.

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Transition: Very good!! Now, you will work with your workbook, so please look for exercise

N° 7 on page 23.

Development: 10 minutes

Activity 1: 5 minutes

T: Ok, now you have to choose the correct option. Remember to pay attention to the words in the boxes if they are singular or plural.

Students will read their sentences out loud. I will walk around them, so I can help them. In

this task they are also practicing the already learnt vocabulary.

Transition: Good job kids!! Let's go to the following exercise!

Activity 2: 5 minutes

T: Looking at this image, you will have to match the corresponding characters to the

following sentences using an arrow. I will do the first with you, so there are no doubts. The

purpose of this activity is to make a vocabulary review in the class. (Five minutes activities,

Penny Ur)

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Homer is Mona's son.

Patty is Marge's sister.

Homer and Marge are Maggie's parents.

Selma is Jackie's daughter.

Lisa is Bart's sister.

Abraham is Homer's father.

Before you end up the activity, please write two sentences as the one above taking into

account the picture.

Transition: Very good job kids, you have worked really great!!

Closure: 5 minutes

Purpose: Here I let students know the class has ended up.

T: Ok kids, we will stop here. Now pick all your stuff up and put it in your bag. You have

worked quite well!!

See you next class!!

Sts: Bye!!

Sources: Images downloaded

Cecilia, here it goes. I made all changes you suggested me.


Dear Darío

The context for this lesson is motivating for sure. However, students seem to be left unchallenged.

According to what was seen on the video, much of their disruption is related to the fact that they

need more challenges, more activities in which they have to think, apply, create, and so on. The

activities from the course book do not fit into the planning. Try to find a way to connect them to the

topic of the lesson if they have to be included.Try to expose them to text, audio, and audiovisual


Have a great class!!


Lesson plan component

Very Good 4

Good 3

Acceptable 2

Below Standard 1


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Coherence and sequencing

Learning aims



Teaching strategies

Class. management strategies

Language accuracy

Observations Minimum score: 20 / 32 Score: 18 /32 = 5.5