lightweight uav launcher

Lightweight UAV Launcher Senior Project for AerojetRocketdyne Final Report June 6, 2014 Team Rocket Power Ben Miller ʹ [email protected] Christian Valoria ʹ [email protected] Corinne Warnock ʹ[email protected] Jake Coutlee ʹ [email protected]

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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UAV bungee launcher


!"#$%&'"#$% )*+ !,-./$'0 1'."20 3024'/% 520 *'024'%672/8'%9:.' ;".,< 7'=20% !une 6, 2014 >',? 72/8'% 32&'0 !"# %&''"()"#*+',+#-&''"(./-0&'1*+- 23(&4,&0# 50'+(&0*3(&4,&0#(60'+(&0./-0&'1*+- 2+(#" 70(#+*8 *+(#"90(#+*8./-0&'1*+- :08" 2+;,'"",@0,/8 lL was deLermlned LhaL a fourLh ugh maLrlx (shown below) was necessary Lo deLermlne whlch Lrack would be besL flLLed Lo Lhe Leam's ramp ldea. Several dlfferenL shapes were consldered. Lach fell lnLo one of Lhree caLegorles: slmple geomeLrlc shape, complex geomeLrlc shape, and double shapes. Lach Lrack was [udged on slx crlLerla: manufacLurablllLy (or avallablllLy), wear paLLern, maLed bearlng avallablllLy, ablllLy Lo consLraln carrlage, ease of breakdown, and sLablllLy. I|gure 7. 1rack ugh Matr|x 16 Many dlfferenL Lrack shapes were consldered ln Lhe ugh maLrlx ln Appendlx 8 and prellmlnary bendlng deflecLlon calculaLlons were performed. ln Lerms of bendlng sLrengLh, Lhe recLangular and l-shape Lracks deflecLed Lhe leasL, followed closely by Lhe clrcular Lrack. Powever, Lhe clrcular Lrack performed besL ln all oLher caLegorles as ouLllned above. MosL lmporLanLly, clrcular ralllngs performed beLLer Lhan Lhe daLum ln Lhe ease of breakdown caLegory, whlch ls Lhe mosL challenglng parL of Lhe ralllng deslgn. lLs only relaLlve weaknesses were ln bendlng and ln carrlage sLablllLy (l.e. holdlng Lhe carrlage sLable and level durlng launch). 8oLh of Lhese lssues were remedlaLed by uslng Lwo clrcular ralllngs lnsLead of one, as seen ln Lhe concepLual deslgn drawlngs. TR'0,"2 0E *+,# !-"