lynn darmon

MY | local Divine Messages LYNN DARMON By Mary Meldrum M ost of us have pondered heaven at some time. If you haven’t, one glance at a stunning image of the universe from the world’s most powerful telescope, ALMA (the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub millimeter Array), will jump-start your imagination. What else is out there? Who else is out there? Is anyone listening? Does heaven exist? Where do we go after we die? We have all measured our knowledge against the possibility of the presence of things we cannot fully perceive, or things that we cannot explain, like heaven or contact with spirits or ghosts. Mediums are individuals who act as conduits that receive and share information from the Other Side. Lynn Darmon is a well- known local medium. She is a soft-spoken, admittedly low-tech, gentle woman with a warm demeanor. She is sought out by housewives, parents, authors, physicians, attorneys, psychologists, friends, CEOs, and others who are looking to connect with somebody who has passed. There are people who not only believe that spirits can communicate with us, but they do it on a regular basis. Lynn provides people access to that communication and validation for anyone grieving a loved one who has passed. She has honed her listening and understanding of the spirit world. Just like tuning into a radio station, sometimes perceiving things we can’t typically see, hear or feel is a matter of dialing our senses in to the right frequency. Photo by Steve Ragland

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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MY | local

Divine MessagesLYNN DARMON By Mary Meldrum

Most of us have pondered heaven at some time. If you haven’t, one glance at a stunning image

of the universe from the world’s most powerful telescope, ALMA (the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub millimeter Array), will jump-start your imagination. What else is out there? Who else is out there? Is anyone listening? Does heaven exist? Where do we go after we die? We have all measured our knowledge against the possibility of the presence of things we cannot fully perceive, or things that we cannot explain, like heaven or contact with spirits or ghosts. Mediums are individuals who act as conduits that receive and share information from the Other Side. Lynn Darmon is a well-known local medium. She is a soft-spoken, admittedly low-tech, gentle woman with a warm demeanor. She is sought out by housewives, parents, authors, physicians, attorneys, psychologists, friends, CEOs, and others who are looking to connect with somebody who has passed. There are people who not only believe that spirits can communicate with us, but they do it on a regular basis. Lynn provides people access to that communication and validation for anyone grieving a loved one who has passed. She has honed her listening and understanding of the spirit world. Just like tuning into a radio station, sometimes perceiving things we can’t typically see, hear or feel is a matter of dialing our senses in to the right frequency.

Photo by Steve Ragland

We have all experienced déjà vu, or felt a gut instinct about something. That sixth sense or intuition that tells you that something is not right, or that somebody is watching you, or that something bad is about to happen. Hunters hone and routinely rely on this type of “sensing” of their environment. They become skilled at heightening their senses. They have elevated their listening skills and understanding of natural clues about their environment and their prey. As a medium, Lynn believes everybody is born with the ability to do what she does. She has better access to communication with spirits than the average person because she has fine-tuned her sensing abilities. She is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient, which are a heightened sense of seeing, hearing, and form of empathic energy. It is the ability to feel the present, past or future physical and emotional states of others. If you have ever had a “gut feeling”—good or bad—when you meet someone, when you walk into a building, or a home, then you have experienced clairsentience and possess the ability to some extent. This is an energetic operating system that we are born with and can develop. “It is important to know that everyone can exercise their free will when talking about their future,” Lynn explains, “what I offer is spiritual guidance, it’s really up to you.” “Sometimes people who contact me can be skeptical,” shares Lynn. “But if they have made an appointment and are here, then there is a reason that they are here talking to me.” Lynn explains that her job is simply to allow information to flow. She also says that it is not always conversation that she receives. She hears noise, voices or information; sometimes she sees individuals or letters or color. There are times when she feels things in her gut or heart, and can smell things such as cigarettes, perfume or smoke from a fire.

“I have no ability to control the information that is passed to me. I simply share it,” explains Lynn. “What I perceive is not always what is requested or expected. Since she is only a passive receiver of information, she cannot guarantee who is going to come through. She also cannot control when any information comes through to her. Instances of persistent messages from a

spirit can haunt her for days, weeks or months. So while most of us do not know how to tap into this energetic communication, Lynn Darmon is an open channel that is sometimes bombarded with spirit information.

“Spirits can sometimes be very persistent,” smiles Lynn.

People who typically seek her guidance are grieving parents who long to know that their child who has passed is in a better place. Others are children who long to connect with a parent who has passed. Those that seek a reading with Lynn or any medium are simply acting on love. Perhaps love is the energy that bridges the divide between the living and those who have passed. After all, love is a very powerful energy that we all feel, and the very best thing that we do.

Lynn has been featured on ABC’s 20/20, Body Mind Spirit Radio, written up in the Huffington Post, the yahoo news, the Detroit Free Press, Oakland Press, on the front page of AOL, and featured in the recently published “Everyday Oracles” by Ann Bolinger-McQuade.

LYNN DARMON31224 Mulfordton, Ste. D, Farmington Hills, 248.860.1121; [email protected] Facebook: Medium Lynn Darmon

Daughter Alexandra (Allie) Levitin, Lynn, and Son, Daniel Levitin.