mand anatomy

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  • 8/17/2019 Mand Anatomy



    The human mandible has no one design for life. Rather, it adapts and remodels through the seven stages of life, from the slim arbiter of things to

    come in the infant, through a powerful dentate machine and even weapon in

    the full flesh of maturity, to the pencil-thin, porcelain-like problem that we

     struggle to repair in the adversity of old age.

      D.E. Poswillo 1988

    The cartilages and bones of the mandibular skeleton form from

    embryonic neural crest cells that originated in the mid and hindbrain regions

    of the neural folds. These cells migrate ventrally to form the mandibular 

    (and maillary! facial "rominences# where they differentiate into bones and

    connective tissues.

    The first structure to develo" in the region of the lower $aw is the

    mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve that "recedes the

    ectomesencymal condensation forming the first (mandibular! branchial arch.

    The "rior "resence of the nerve has been "ostulated as re%uisite for inducing

    osteogenesis by the "roduction of neurotro"hic factors. The mandible is

    derived from ossification of an osteogenic membrane formed from

    ectomesencymal condensation at &'&8 days of develo"ment. This

    mandibular ectomesenchyme must interact initially with the e"ithelium of 

    the mandibular arch# before "rimary ossification can occur) the resulting

    intramembranous bone lies lateral to *eckel+s cartilage of the first

    (mandibular! branchial arch. , single ossification center for each half of the

    mandible arises in the 'th week i.u. (The mandible and the clavicle are the

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    first bones to begin to ossify! in the region of the bifurcation of the inferior 

    alveolar nerve and artery into mental and incisive branches. The ossifying

    membrane is lateral to *eckel+s cartilage and its accom"anying

    neurovascular bundle. -ssification s"reads from the "rimary centre below

    and around the inferior alveolar nerve and its incisive branch# and u"wards

    to form a trough for the develo"ing teeth. "read of the intramembranous

    ossification dorsally and ventrally forms the body and ramus of the

    mandible. *eckel+s cartilage becomes surrounded and invaded by bone.

    -ssification sto"s dorsally at the site that will become the mandibular 

    lingula# from where *eckel+s cartilage continues into the middle ear. The

     "rior "resence of the neurovascular bundle ensures formation of the

    mandibular foramen and canal and the mental foramen.

    The first branchial arch core of *eckel+s cartilage almost meets its

    fellow of the o""osite side ventrally. /t diverges dorsally to end in the

    tym"anic cavity of each middle ear# which is derived from the first

     "haryngeal "ouch# and is surrounded by the forming "etrous "ortion of the

    tem"oral bone. The dorsal end of *eckel+s cartilage ossifies to form the

     basis of two of the auditory ossicles# vi0. the malleus and incus. The third

    ossicle# the sta"es# is derived "rimarily from the cartilage of the second

     branchial arch.

    ,lmost all of *eckel+s cartilage disa""ears (*eckel+s cartilage lacks

    the en0yme "hos"hatase found in ossifying cartilages# thus "recluding its

    ossification# and disa""ears by the 2th week i.u.!. Parts transform into the

    s"henomandibular and anterior malleolar ligaments. , small "art of its

    ventral end (from the mental foramen ventrally to the sym"hysis! forms

    accessory endochondral ossicles that are incor"orated into the chin region of 

    the mandible. *eckel+s cartilage dorsal to the mental foramen undergoes

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    resor"tion on its lateral surface at the same time# as intramembranous bony

    trabeculae are forming immediately lateral to the resorbing cartilage. Thus#

    the cartilage from the mental foramen to the lingula is not incor"orated into

    ossification of the mandible.

    The initial woven bone formed along *eckel+s cartilage is soon

    re"laced by lamellar bone# and ty"ical haversian systems are already "resent

    at the 3th month i.u. This earlier remodeling than other bones is attributed as

    a res"onse to the early intense sucking and swallowing which stress the


    econdary accessory cartilages a""ear between the 14th and 12th

    weeks of i.u to form the head of the condyle# "art of the coronoid "rocess#

    and the mental "rotuberance. The a""earance of these secondary mandibular 

    cartilages is dissociated from the "rimary branchial (*eckel+s! and

    chondrocranial cartilages. The secondary cartilage of the coronoid "rocess

    develo"s within the tem"oralis muscle as its "redecessor. The coronoid

    accessory cartilage becomes incor"orated into the e"anding

    intramembranous bone of the ramus and disa""ears before birth. /n the

    mental region# on either side of the sym"hysis# one or two small cartilages

    a""ear and ossify in the 5th month i.u. to form a variable number of mental

    ossicles in the fibrous tissue of the sym"hysis. The ossicles become

    incor"orated into the intramembranous bone when the sym"hysis menti is

    converted from a syndesmosis into a synostosis during the first "ostnatal


    The condylar secondary cartilage a""ears during the 14th week i.u. as

    a cone sha"ed structure in the ramal region. This condylar cartilage is the

     "rimordium of the future condyle. 6artilage cells differentiate from its

    centre# and the cartilage condylar head increases by interstitial and

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    a""ositional growth. 7y the 12th week# the first evidence of endochondral

     bone a""ears in the condyle region. The condylar cartilage serves as an

    im"ortant centre of growth (The nature of this growth# as "rimary (an initial

    source of mor"hogenesis! or secondary (com"ensating for functional

    stimulation!# is controversial# but e"erimental evidence indicates the need

    for mechanical stimuli for normal growth! for the ramus and body of the

    mandible. *uch of the cone sha"ed cartilage is re"laced with bone by the

    middle of fetal life) but its u""er end "ersists into adulthood# acting as both a

    growth cartilage and an articular cartilage. 6hanges in mandibular "osition

    and form are related to the direction and amount of condylar growth. The

    condylar growth rate increases at "uberty# "eaks between 1 1 and 12 years

    of age# and normally ceases at about 4 years. owever# the continuing

     "resence of the cartilage "rovides a "otential for continued growth# which is

    reali0ed in conditions of abnormal growth such as acromegaly.

    The sha"e and si0e of the diminutive fetal mandible undergo

    considerable transformation during its growth and develo"ment. The

    ascending ramus of the neonatal mandible is low and wide) the coronoid

     "rocess is relatively large and "ro$ects well above the condyle) the body is

    merely an o"en shell containing the buds and "artial crowns of the

    deciduous teeth) the mandibular canal runs low in the body. The initial

    se"aration of the right and left bodies of the mandible at the midline

    sym"hysis menti is gradually eliminated between the 2th and 1th months

     "ostnatally# when ossification converts the syndesmosis into a synostosis#

    uniting the two halves.

    ,lthough the mandible a""ears in the adult as a single bone# it is

    develo"mentally and functionally divisible into several skeletal subunits.

    The basal bone of the body forms one unit# to which are attached the

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    alveolar# coronoid# angular and condylar "rocesses and the chin. Each of 

    these skeletal subunits is influenced in its growth "attern by a functional

    matri that acts u"on the bone: the teeth act as a functional matri for the

    alveolar unit) the action of the tem"oralis muscles influences the coronoid

     "rocess) the masseter and medial "terygoid muscles act u"on the angle and

    ramus of the mandible) and the lateral "terygoid has some influence on the

    condylar "rocess. The functioning of the related tongue and "erioral

    muscles# and the e"ansion of the oral and "haryngeal cavities# "rovide

    stimuli for mandibular growth to reach its full "otential. -f the facial bones#

    the mandible undergoes the most growth "ostnatally and evidences the

    greatest variation in mor"hology.

    ;imited growth takes "lace at the sym"hysis menti until fusion

    occurs. The main sites of "ostnatal mandibular growth are at the condylar 

    cartilages# the "osterior borders of the rami# and the alveolar ridges. These

    areas of bone de"osition account grossly for increases in the height# length

    and width of the mandible. owever# su"erim"osed u"on this basic

    incremental growth are numerous regional remodeling changes# sub$ected to

    the local functional influences that involve selective resor"tion and

    dis"lacement of individual mandibular elements.

    The condylar cartilage of the mandible serves the uni%uely dual roles

    of an articular cartilage in the tem"oromandibular $oint# characteri0ed by a

    fibro cartilage surface layer# and as a growth cartilage analogous to the

    e"i"hyseal "late in a long bone# characteri0ed by a dee"er hy"ertro"hying

    cartilage layer. The subarticular a""ositional "roliferation of cartilage within

    the condylar head "rovides the basis for growth of a medullary core of 

    endochondral bone# on whose outer surface a corte of intramembranous

     bone is laid. The growth cartilage may act as a functional matri to stretch

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    the "eriosteum# inducing the lengthened "eriosteum to form

    intramembranous bone beneath it. The diverse histological origins of the

    medulla and corte are effaced by their fusion. The formation of bone within

    the condylar heads causes the mandibular rami to grow u"ward and

     backward# dis"lacing the entire mandible in an o""osite downward# forward

    direction. 7one resor"tion sub$acent to the condylar head accounts for the

    narrowed condylar neck. The attachment of the lateral "terygoid muscle to

    this neck# and the growth and action of the tongue and masticatory muscles#

    are functional forces im"licated in this "hase of mandibular growth.

    ,ny damage to the condylar cartilages restricts the growth "otential

    and normal downward and forward dis"lacement of the mandible#

    unilaterally or bilaterally# according to the side(s! damaged. ;ateral

    deviations of the mandible# and varying degrees of micrognathia and

    accom"anying malocclusion result.

    /n the infant# the condyles of the mandible are inclined almost

    hori0ontally# so that condylar growth leads to an increase in the length of the

    mandible# rather than increase in height. Due to the "osterior divergence of 

    the two halves of the body of the mandible (in a < sha"e!# growth at the

    condylar heads of the increasingly more widely dis"laced rami results in

    overall widening of the mandibular body# which# with remodeling# kee"s

     "ace with the widening cranial base. =o interstitial widening of the mandible

    can take "lace at the fused sym"hysis menti after the first year# a"art from

    some widening by surface a""osition.

    7one de"osition occurs on the "osterior border of the ramus# while

    concomitant resor"tion on the anterior border maintains the "ro"ortions of 

    the ramus# and in effect# moves it backwards in relation to the body of the

    mandible. This de"osition resor"tion etends u" to the coronoid "rocess#

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    involving the mandibular notch# and "rogressively re"ositions the

    mandibular foramen "osteriorly# accounting for the anterior overlying "late

    of the lingula. The attachment of the elevating muscles of mastication to the

     buccal and lingual as"ects of the ramus# and to the mandibular angle and

    coronoid "rocess influences the ultimate si0e and "ro"ortions of these

    mandibular elements.

    The "osterior dis"lacement of the ramus converts former ramal bone

    into the "osterior "art of the body of the mandible. /n this manner# the body

    of the mandible lengthens# the "osterior molar region relocating anteriorly

    into the "remolar and canine regions. This is one means by which additional

    s"ace is "rovided for eru"tion of the molar teeth# all three of which originate

    in the ramus body $unction. Their forward migration and "osterior ramal

    dis"lacement lengthen the molar region of the mandible.

    The forward shift of the growing mandibular body changes the

    direction of the mental foramen during infancy and childhood. The mental

    neurovascular bundle emanates from the mandible at right angles or even a

    slightly forward direction at birth. /n adulthood the mental foramen (and its

    neurovascular content! is characteristically directed backward. This change

    may be ascribed to forward growth in the body of the mandible# while the

    neurovascular bundle > drags along+. , contributory factor may be the

    differential rates of bone and "eriosteal growth. The latter# by its firm

    attachment to the condyle and com"aratively loose attachment to the

    mandibular body# grows more slowly than the body# which slides forward

     beneath the "eriosteum. The changing direction of the foramen has clinical

    im"lications in the administration of local anaesthetic to the mental nerve: in

    infancy and childhood# the syringe needle may be a""lied at right angles to

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    the body of the mandible to enter the mental foramen# whereas in the adult

    the needle has to be a""lied obli%uely from behind to achieve entry.

    The location of the mental foramen also alters its vertical relationshi"

    within the body of the mandible from infancy to old age. ?hen teeth are

     "resent the mental foramen is located midway between the u""er and lower 

     borders of the mandible. /n the edentulous mandible# lacking an alveolar 

    ridge# the mental foramen a""ears near the u""er margin of the thinned


    The alveolar "rocess develo"s as a "rotective trough in res"onse to the

    tooth buds# and becomes su"erim"osed u"on the >basal bone+ of the

    mandibular body. /t adds to the height and thickness of the body of the

    mandible# and is "articularly manifest as a ledge etending lingually to the

    ramus to accommodate the third molars. The alveolar bone fails to develo" if 

    teeth are absent# and resorbs in res"onses to tooth etraction. The

    orthodontic movement of teeth takes "lace in the labile alveolar bone# of 

     both mailla and mandible# and fails to involve the underlying >basal bone+.

    The chin# formed in "art of the mental ossicles from accessory

    cartilages and the ventral end of *eckel+s cartilage# is very "oorly develo"ed

    in the infant. /t develo"s almost as an inde"endent subunit of the mandible#

    influenced by seual as well as s"ecific genetic factors. e differences in

    the sym"hyseal region of the mandible are not significant until other 

    secondary se characteristics develo". Thus# the chin becomes significant

    only at adolescence from develo"ment of the mental Protuberance and

    tubercles. ?hereas small chins are found in adults of both sees# very large

    chins are characteristically masculine. The skeletal >unit+ of the chin may be

    an e"ression of the functional forces eerted by the lateral "terygoid

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    muscles that# in "ulling the mandible forward# indirectly stress the mental

    sym"hyseal region by their concomitant inward "ull. 7one buttressing to

    resist muscle stressing# which is more "owerful in the male# is e"ressed in

    the more "rominent male chin. The "rotrusive chin is a uni%uely human trait#

    lacking in all other "rimates and hominid ancestors.

    The mental "rotuberance forms by osseous de"osition during

    childhood. /ts "rominences are accentuated by bone resor"tion in the

    alveolar region above it# creating the su"ramental concavity known as >Point

    7+ in orthodontic terminology. @nderdevelo"ment of the chin is known as


    , genetically determined eostosis on the lingual as"ect of the body

    of the mandible# the torus mandibularis# develo"s# usually bilaterally# in the

    canine "remolar region. These tori are unrelated to any muscle attachments

    or known functional matrices.

    During fetal life the relative si0es of the mailla and mandible vary

    widely. /nitially# the mandible is considerably larger than the mailla# a

     "redominance lessened later by the relatively greater develo"ment of the

    mailla) by about 8 weeks i.u. the mailla overla"s the mandible. The

    subse%uent relatively greater growth of the mandible results in

    a""roimately e%ual si0e of the u""er and lower $aws by the 11th week.

    *andibular growth lags behind maillary between the 1&th and 4th weeks

    i.u.# due to a change over from *eckel+s cartilage to condylar secondary

    cartilage as the main growth determinant of the lower $aw. ,t birth# the

    mandible tends to be retrognathic to the mailla# although the two $aws may

     be of e%ual si0e. This retrognathic condition is normally corrected early in

     "ostnatal life by ra"id mandibular growth and forward dis"lacement to

    establish orthognathia# or an ,ngle 6lass / maillomandibular relationshi".

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    /nade%uate mandibular growth results in an ,ngle 6lass // relation# and

    overgrowth of the mandible "roduces a 6lass /// relation. The mandible can

    grow for much longer than the mailla.

    ,nomalies of develo"ment:

    The mandible may be grossly deficient or absent in the condition of 

    agnathia which reflects a deficiency of neutral crest tissue in the lower "art

    of the face. ,"lasia of the mandible and hyoid bone (first and second arch

    syndrome! is a rare lethal condition with multi"le defects of the orbit and

    mailla. ?ell develo"ed# albeit low set# ears and auditory ossicles in thissyndrome suggest ischaemic necrosis of the mandible and hyoid bone occurs

    after formation of the ear.

    *icrognathia# a diminutive mandible is characteristic of several

    syndromes# including Pierre Aobins and the catcry (6ri du chat! syndromes#

    mandibulofacial dysostosis (Treacher 6ollins syndrome!# "rogeria Down+s

    syndrome (trisomy 1!# oculomandibulodysce"haly (the allermantreiff 

    syndrome! and Turner+s syndrome (B- sechromosome com"lement!.

    , central dysmor"hogenic mechanism of defective neural crest

     "roduction# migration# or destruction may be res"onsible for the hy"o "lastic

    mandible common to these conditions. ,bsent or deficient neural crest tissue

    around the o"tic cu" causes a >vacuum+ so that the develo"ing otic "it#

    normally ad$acent to the second branchial arch# moves cranially into first

    arch territory and the ear becomes located over the angle of the mandible.

    Derivatives of the deficient ectomesenchyme# s"ecifically the 0ygomatic#

    maillary and mandibular bones# are hy"o"lastic# accounting for the ty"ical

    facies common to these syndromes.

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    /n Pierre Aobin+s syndrome# the underdevelo"ed mandible usually

    demonstrates catchu" growth in the child) in mandibulofacial dysostosis#

    deficiency of the mandible is maintained throughout growth) in unilateral

    agenesis of the mandibular ramus# the deformity increases with age. emi

    facial microsomia (Coldenhar+s syndrome! also becomes more severe with

    retarded growth.

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     between two "remolar teeth# or the second "remolar# is the mental foramen#

    from which emerge the mental nerve and vessels) its "osterior border is

    smooth accommodating the dorsolaterally emerging nerve (?arwick 1934!.

    , faint obli%ue line ascends backwards from each mental tubercle# swee"s

     below the foramen# and then becomes more marked as it continues into the

    anterior border of the ramus.

    The body+s lower border# the base# etends "osterolaterally from the

    sym"hysis in to that of the ramus behind the third molar tooth. =ear the

    midline# on each side# is a rough digastric fossa# behind which the base is

    thick# rounded# with a slight antero"osterior conveity. ,s the ramus is

    a""roached# this changes to a gentle concavity) thus# in "rofile# the whole

     base is sinuous.

    The u""er border# the alveolar "art# contains 1' alveoli for roots of 

    teeth# varying in si0e and de"th# some being multi"le.

    The internal surface is divided by an obli%ue mylohyoid line# shar"

    and distinct near the molars# faint in front and etending from behind the

    third molar# a centimeter from the u""er border# to the mental sym"hysis

     between the digastric fossae. 7elow this line is the slightly concave

    submandibular fossa) the area above it widens anteriorly into a triangular 

    sublingual fossa. ,bove the latter and etending back to the third molar# the

     bone is covered by oral mucosa. ,bove the anterior ends of the mylohyoid

    lines# the "osterior sym"hyseal as"ect has a small elevation# often divided

    into u""er and lower "arts# the mental s"ines (genial tubercles!. Posteriorly

    the mylohyoid groove etends down and forwards from the ramus below the

    mylohyoid lines "osterior "art. u"erior to the mental s"ines most mandibles

    dis"lay a median "it o"ening into a canal. ,s yet its develo"ment and

    contents are uncertain but it is a useful radiological landmark the name

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     genial foramen has been "ro"osed. ,bove the mylohyoid line# medial to the

    molar roots# a rounded torus mandibularis sometimes a""ears.

    The mandibular ramus is %uadrilateral# with two surfaces# four borders

    and two "rocesses. The flat lateral surface has obli%ue ridges in its lower 

     "art) the medial "resents a little above centre# an irregular mandibular 

    foramen# leading into the mandibular canal# curving down and forwards into

    the body to its mental foramen. ,nteromedially the foramen is overla""ed

     by a thin# triangular lingula. The mylohyoid groove descends forwards from

     behind the lingula) short ridges mark the surface behind it. The inferior 

     border# continuous with mandibular base# meets the "osterior border at the

    angle. This is ty"ically everted# but in females fre%uently incurved. The thin

    u""er border bounds the mandibular incisure surmounted in front by the

    somewhat triangular# flat# coronoid "rocess# behind by a strong condylar 

     "rocess. The "osterior border thick and rounded etends from condyle to

    angle# being gently conve backwards above# and concave below) it is in

    contact with the "arotid gland. The anterior border is thin above and

    continuous with that of the coronoid "rocess# and thicker below and

    continuous with the obli%ue line.

    The coronoid "rocess "ro$ects u" and slightly forward. /ts "osterior 

     border bounds the mandibular incisure# its anterior continues into that of the

    ramus. /ts margins and medial surface are attachments for most of the


    The condylar "rocess is a"ically enlarged as a head of condyle#

    covered by fibrocartilage. /t articulates with the tem"oral bones mandibular 

    fossa# with an articular disc between. /t is conve in all directions# its

    transverse dimension greater. /ts lateral as"ect is a blunt "ro$ection# "al"able

    in front of the auricular tragus. ,s the mouth o"ens the condyle descends

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    forwards# admitting a finger ti" towards its vacated fossa. 7elow the head is

    the narrower neck# slightly flattened from before backwards# its anterior 

    as"ect overla""ed laterally by the mandibular incisures# margin medial to

    which the neck+s anterior surface bears a rough "terygoid fovea.

    The mandibular canal descends obli%uely forwards in the ramus from

    the mandibular foramen# then hori0ontally forwards in the body below the

    alveoli# with which it communicates by small canals. /t contains the inferior 

    alveolar nerve and vessels from which branches enter dental roots#

     "eriodontal sockets and se"ta. 7etween the roots of the first and second

     "remolars# or below the second# the canal divides into mental and incisive

     "arts the mental canal swerves u"# back and laterally to the mental foramen)

    the incisive canal continues below the incisor teeth.

    The mandibular body bears a small shallow incisive fossa below the

    incisors# an attachment for mentalis and "art of orbicularis oris. To the

    anterior ends of the obli%ue lines are attached de"ressor labii inferioris and

    anguli oris# and "latysma to bone below and backwards beyond them.

    ,d$oining the alveolar border bone is covered by oral mucosa and# below

    this in the molar region# the buccinator has a linear attachment etending

    medially behind the last molar to the "terygomandibular ra"he.

    To the mylohyoid line is attached the mylohyoid muscle and# above its

     "osterior end the su"erior "haryngeal constrictor# some retro molar fascicles

    of the buccinator# and the "terygomandibular ra"he behind the third molar.

    ,lthough usually described se"arately# here the constrictor# buccinator and

    the ra"he are blended and $ointly attach to the mandibular "eriosteum. The

    lingual nerve reaches the tongue above the mylohyoid line# closely related to

     bone near its "osterior end often the nerve is accommodated in a shallow#

    curved groove. To the su"erior mental s"ines are attached the genioglossi# to

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    the inferior the geniohyoids. The submandibular fossa ad$oins

    submandibular lym"h nodes as well as the salivary gland) the facial artery

    usually descends here to curl round the base of the mandible# sometimes

    making a shallow groove. The digastric fossa is for attachment of the muscle

    anterior belly.

    The mandibular ramus and its "rocesses "rovide attachment for 

    muscles of mastication# much of its lateral surface to masseter# ece"t

     "osterosu"eriorly# where it is covered by the "arotid gland) the medial

    surface receives the medial "terygoid on the roughened area "osteroinferior 

    to the mylohyoid groove. To the lingula the s"henomandibular ligament is

    attached# "osterior to which the mylohyoid nerve and vessels enter the

    mylohyoid groove# reaching the mandibular body below the mylohyoid

    groove# reaching the mandibular body below the mylohyoid line) they then

     "ass su"erficial to mylohyoid. 7elow the lingula# but above the roughened

    attachment mentioned above# the medial surface of the ramus is related to

    the medial "terygoid# the lingula nerve being between muscle and bone. The

    lowest attachment of tem"oralis descends beyond the coronoid "rocess to

    the anterior ramal border and "articularly its ad$oining medial surface. To

    the area "osterosu"erior to the mandibular foramen the maillary artery and

    its inferior alveolar branch are related# and lateral "terygoid to the area near 

    the mandibular incisure. The mandibular incisure transmits the masseteric

    nerve and vessels form the infratem"oral fossa.

    The coronoid "rocess is covered laterally by the anterior "art of 

    master descending to its attachment on the ramus. /ts anterior border is

     "al"able below the 0ygoma) this is most evident during mouth o"ening. The

    condylar "rocess "ro$ects more at its medial "ole. /ts articular surface

    descends only a little on its anterior surface# covers the whole of its su"erior 

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    as"ect and descents 3 mm "osteriorly. /ts "ro$ecting lateral "art is se"arated

    from the cartilaginous eternal acoustic meatus by the "arotid. ;aterally on

    its neck the $oint+s lateral ligament is attached# covered by "arotid glad. The

     "terygoid fovea# anterior on the neck# receives the lateral "terygoid. The

    neck+s medial surface is related to the ,uriculotem"oral nerve above and

    maillary artery below.

    The "arotid gland is below the eternal acoustic meatus and lies

     between the ramus and mastoid "rocess# with the styloid "rocess medial) but

    it etends forwards lateral to the tem"oromandibular $oint and to the e"osed

    ramus behind the masseter. /t also curls round the "osterior border to the

    medial as"ect of the ramus above the attachment of the medial "terygoid.

    ,ccessory foramina of the mandible are usually unnamed and

    infre%uently described. et a study of &44 mandibles yielded a count of 

    229 accessory foramina. ince many transmit auiliary nerves to teeth

    (from facial# buccal# transverse cutaneous others!# their occurrence is

    significant in dental blocking techni%ues. Further mandibular variants

    include lingual de"ressions# molar or canine# variable "osition of mental

    foramen# multi"le mental foramina# lingual fenestrations of molar sockets#

    retromolar foramina and condylar defects.

    Aspects of mandibular structure.  /n addition to variable mandibular 

    canals# numerous analyses have been made of the structure of surface tables

    and buttresses of com"act bone and the geometry of trabeculation in

    attem"ts to relate these to habitual functional stresses. ologra"hic

    interferometry has been used to study surface strains induced by orthodontic


  • 8/17/2019 Mand Anatomy


    Age !anges in t!e Mandible

    ,t birth the two halves of the mandible are united by a fibrous

    sym"hysis menti. ,nterior ends of both rudiments are covered by cartilage#

    se"arated only by a sym"hysis. @ntil fusion occurs new cells are added to

    each cartilage from sym"hyseal fibrous tissue# ossification on its mandibular 

    side "roceeding towards the midline) when the later "rocess overtakes the

    former# etending into median fibrous tissue# the sym"hysis fuses but details

    are uncertain. ,t this stage the body is a mere shell# enclosing im"erfectly

    se"arated sockets of deciduous teeth. The mandibular canal is near the

    lower border# the mental foramen o"ens below the first deciduous molar and

    is directed forwards. The coronoid "rocess "ro$ects above the condyle.

    /n the first to third "ostnatal years the two halves $oin at their 

    sym"hysis from below u"wards) se"aration near the alveolar margin may

     "ersist into the second year. The body elongates# es"ecially behind the

    mental foramen# "roviding s"ace for three additional teeth. During the first

    and second years# as a chin develo"s# the mental foramen alters direction

    from anterior to "osterosu"erior# and then almost hori0ontally "osterior# as

    the adults# accommodating a changing direction of the emerging mental

    nerve. The "roimal 0one of the conical condylar cartilage "ersists as an

    e"i"hyseal "late. /ts "roliferation contributes to "ersist as an e"i"hyseal

     "late. /ts "roliferation contributes to vertical increase in the ramus and to

    general mandibular growth# which is essentially downwards and forwards.

    ?ith its antimere it also ada"ts the intercondylar distance to the widening

    cranial base. The condylar cartilage is covered on its articular as"ect by

    self"er"etuating fibrous tissue# dee"# to which a "roliferating intermediate

    0one is res"onsible for ramal growth. 7eneath this are hy"ertro"hic

    chondrocytes and then bone. ,s de"th of the body increases# alveolar 

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    growth makes room for roots of teeth# the subalveolar region becoming

    thicker and dee"er. ,fter eru"tion of "ermanent teeth the mandibular canal

    is a little above the mylohyoid line# and the mental foramen occu"ies its

    adult "osition. ,s the mandible increases in si0e# bone is added at "osterior 

     borders of ramus and coronoid "rocess# absor"tion occurring at their anterior 

     borders. This remodeling is continuous until adult si0e is reached# allowing

    alveolar "arts to accommodate "ermanent molar teeth.

    /n adults alveolar and subalveolar regions are about e%ual in de"th# the

    mental foramen midway between u""er and lower borders) the mandibular 

    canal nearly "arallels the mylohyoid line. The angle between the lower 

     border of body and a "lane touching the "osterior surface of condyle above#

    and ramus below# diminishes as ramal height increases with age) but Bray

     "hotogra"hs at different ages show that its contour remains unaltered.

    /n old age the bone is reduced in si0e# as teeth are lost and the alveolar 

    region absorbed) the mandibular canal and mental foramen are nearer the

    su"erior border. 7oth may even disa""ear# e"osing the inferior alveolar 

    nerve. The ramus becomes obli%ue# the angle about 124o# and the neck 

    inclined backwards. ,bsor"tion affects chiefly the thinner alveolar wall and#

    after com"letion# a linear alveolar ridge is left at the su"erior border of the

    mandible. /n the mandible the labial wall is thinner in incisor and canine

    regions# the lingual wall in the molar. The mandibular alveolar ridge hence

    is within the line of teeth in the former but outside it in molar regions#

    forming a curve wider "osteriorly than that of the line of the teeth# but

    intersecting it near the "remolars. /n the mailla# however# the labial wall is

    ridge entirely within the line of teeth.

  • 8/17/2019 Mand Anatomy


    7;--D @PP;

    7lood su""ly to the mandibular corte is a decisive factor of bone

    growth bone re"air. Disturbances of

  • 8/17/2019 Mand Anatomy


    Gone ///: -ne or two branches of masseteric artery one or two branches

    of Transverse facial artery.

    End "eriosteal blood su""ly

    Gone /: /nferior alveolar mental arteries

    Gone //: Transverse facial *assetric arteries

    Gone ///: Transverse facial *assetric arteries

    Periosteal blood su""ly

    Gone /: *ental# submental ;ingual arteries

    Gone //: Transverse facial Dee" tem"oral arteries

    Gone ///: u"erficial tem"oral# Dee" tem"oral facial arteries.



    The mandible is basically long bone# which is bent into a blunt

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    develo"ing teeth and then su""orts their roots after eru"tion. The form of 

    the alveolar "rocess is entirely de"endent u"on the "resence (or absence! of 

    the teeth and the functional forces transmitted through them.

    The mandible differs from all other long bones in two im"ortant


     1. ,ny movement inevitably causes both condyles to move with res"ect to

    the skull bases.

    . ,lthough anatomically the condyles are the articular surfaces of the

    mandible# functionally the occlusal surface of the mandibular teeth sub

    serves this role. /n a functional sense then# the oral cavity is analogous to a

     $oint s"ace.

    The mandible is subcutaneous or submucosal in most of its etent# the

    only "art inaccessible to "al"ation being the u""er and "osterior "ortion of 

    the ascending ramus. The anterior edge of the ascending ramus may be

    readily "al"ated intraorally# but the fibres of the tem"oralis muscle clothe

    its u""er half.


    The "resence of the teeth in the mandible and mailla is the most im"ortant

    anatomical factor# which makes fractures of these bones entirely different

    from# fractures elsewhere. The occlusion of the teeth is a delicately

     balanced mechanism and any disturbance resulting from malunion of a

    fracture leads to a reduction in masticatory efficiency and comfort# and so

    restoration of the occlusion is the "rime aim in the treatment of fractures of 

    the mandible. 6onversely# the "resence of the teeth is etremely hel"ful in

    the reduction and fiation of mandibular fractures) the teeth may be regarded

    as a row of bone"ins offering direct control of attached fragments of bone

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    without any of the "roblems associated with surgically introduced metal

     "ins. During reduction of mandibular fractures it is im"erative to determine

    the original occlusion of the teeth and to restore it. This will obviously

    re"osition the toothbearing fragments of the mandible to their original

    relationshi" with the mailla.

    6om"lete fractures of the body of the dentate mandible must of 

    necessary involve the roots or "eriodontal membrane of ad$acent teeth# only

    very rarely "assing through interradicular bone. The root of an involved

    tooth may be fracture# but this is unusual. The most im"ortant "oint to note

    in such fractures is that the alveolar "rocess is invested over about half its

    tears in all cases directly over the fracture both buccally and lingually. uch

    fractures are thus o"en (com"ound! into the oral cavity and e"osed to

     "ossible infection. The tooth contained in the socket through which the

    fracture "asses may also undergo "ul"al necrosis as a result of damage to the

    a"ical blood su""ly# which leaves the "ul" chamber of the tooth filled with

    necrotic tissue and ultimately tissue fluid. This is a "otential nidus for 

    infection since it is beyond the reaches of the defensive mechanisms of the

     body. The muco"eriosteum of the edentulous mandible is# by contrast# an

    intact sleeve and is less fre%uently ru"tured in association with underlying

    fractures. /n conse%uence these remain closed and the muco"eriosteum

    limits their dis"lacement.

    The mandible is commonly fractured because of its "rominent

     "osition. Forward falls in the unconscious "atient will result in the "oint of 

    the chin striking the ground and the chin and body of the mandible form an

    inviting landmark in fights.

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    TE TAE=CT -F TE *,=D/7;E

    There have been numerous investigations into the resistance of the

    mandible to a""lied forces with "articularly valuable contributions by

    uelke (19'1! and odgson (19'5!. The ma$or "oints to note are that bones

     fracture at sites of tensile strain, since their resistance to compressive forces

    is greater.

    uelke (19'1! has shown that the isolated mandible is liable to

     "articular "atterns of distribution of tensile strain when forces are a""lied to

    it. ,nterior forces a""lied to the sym"hysis menti# over one mental foramen

    or over the mandibular body# lead to strain at the condylar necks and along

    the lingual "lates in the o""osite molar region.

    lightly different strain "atterns result from im"ortant variables#

    including whether the condyles are fied or mobile# but to %uote:

     In its response to loading the mandible is quite similar to an

    architectural arch in that it distributes the applied force along its length.

    The mandible, however, is not a smooth curve of uniform cross-section... as

    a result there are parts of the mandible which develop greater force per unit 

    area parts and consequently, tensile strain is concentrated in these locations.

    There is a marked correlation between these sites of tensile strain and

    the results of e"erimental fractures# which occur in 52H of cases at sites of 

    high stress. The mandible is a strong bone# the energy re%uired to fracture it

     being of the order of 22.'52.2 kgm# which is about the same as the 0ygoma

    and about half that for the frontal bone.

    -FT T/@E F,6T-A

    The "eriosteum of the mandible a""ears to "lay little "art in

    influencing the site of mandibular fractures or subse%uent dis"lacement#

  • 8/17/2019 Mand Anatomy


    ece"t in the edentulous "atient. The muscles attached to the mandible eert

    considerable influence over the dis"lacement of fragments after fracture)

    they "robably "lay a significant but "oorly defined role in the actual

    locali0ation of fracture lines both directly and indirectly# and will be

    discussed in connection with in$uries at "articular sites.

    TE /=FEA/-A DE=T,; =E@A-

  • 8/17/2019 Mand Anatomy



    1. ;ocali0ation

    The 0ygomatic arch gives some measure of "rotection to the condyle from

    direct trauma# so that the im"act# which causes condylar in$uries# is usually

    an indirect one# through the body of the mandible# with the ece"tion of 

     "enetrating in$uries.

    ,n im"act transmitted through the neck of the condyle may fail to

    cause a fracture but may contuse the ca"sular ligaments# causing a ca"sulitis.

    This results in an effusion of inflammatory eudate into the $oint cavity itself 

    or bleeding into the give a haemarthrosis. The lateral side of the ca"sule is

    thickened to form the tem"oromandibular ligament so that# if ru"ture of the

    ca"sule occurs# it is more likely to be on the weaker medial as"ect#

    encouraging dis"lacement to this side. The ca"sule is less well develo"ed in

    children than in adults# making ru"ture more likely.

     =ormally the eminentia limits the etent of forward translatory

    movement of the condyle. -n some individuals# with a la ca"sule allowing

    hy"ermobility# subluation or dislocation over the eminentia occurs %uite

    fre%uently. ?hether this ecessive range of movement is due "rimarily to

    the synovial laity or whether it is the causal factor which leads to

    subse%uent dislocation is uncertain. /t seems that the latter is more likely#

    since such individuals fre%uently demonstrate hy"ermobility in other $oints.

    ,fter dislocation# s"asm in the lateral "terygoid# with its insertion into the

    neck of the condyle# may make reduction difficult and this factor also affects

    the tem"oralis muscle.

    The usual site for a fracture of this region is not through the

    anatomical neck but obli%uely downwards and backwards from the sigmoid

    notch to a "oint somewhat above the middle of the "osterior border of the

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    ascending ramus. This fracture is etraca"sular and is commonly referred to

    as a subcondylar fracture. Fracture may occur through the anatomical neck 

    of the condyle or# %uite ece"tionally# the head is fractured within the $oint

    cavity (intraca"sular! and may often be comminuted.

    The subcondylar fracture is invariably "roduced indirectly as a result

    of violence to the mental "rominence or contra lateral body of the mandible.

    *ost authorities agree that it occurs with the teeth a"art and the elevator 

    muscles relaed. The line of fracture# very significantly# lies $ust above the

     "osterosu"erior insertion of the masseter muscle. ,s mentioned "reviously#

    the condylar neck is a site of maimum tensile strain with anterior and

    anterolateral a""lied forces. The fact that the fracture occurs "recisely

    where it does may be related to the muscular res"onse to in$ury# which# with

     "osterolateral condylar dis"lacement along the ais of the lateral "terygoid

    muscle# would initiate a stretch refle in that muscle. Fractionally later#

    contraction of the masseter and medial "terygoid muscles would im"ose an

    area of maimum strain $ust above the masseteric insertion. This >active+

    ty"e of fracture would not occur in unconscious "atients.

    The im"ortance of the meniscus is becoming increasingly recogni0ed

    in tem"oromandibular $oint in$ury. ;oss if this structure leads to eventual

    degenerative changes in the condylar articulation tearing or dis"lacement of 

    the meniscus may be im"ortant re%uirement for ankylosis after condylar 


    /n coordination of translatory movement of the condyle and meniscus

    under the influence of the lateral "terygoid muscle can result in clicking# or 

    locking in the tem"oromandibular $oint "aindysfunction syndrome# Trauma

    may initiate such sym"toms# "articularly if a tear is created in the mensical

    attachments to the ca"sule.

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    The nerve su""ly to the $oint is "rinci"ally from the articular branches

    of the ,uriculotem"oral nerve (T$ilander 19'1!# which run medial to the

    condylar neck# with additional "ossible innervation from branches of the

    nerve to the masseter and dee" as"ect of the tem"oralis muscles.

    timulation of these nerves# for eam"le by trauma# may cause refle

    changes in the muscles of mastication accounting for the s"asm and

    restricted mobility seen after in$ury. The condyle is in close relationshi" to a

    number of other nerves# "articularly the facial and long buccal# so that it is

    understandable that trauma to these could occur after in$ury with resultant

    motor or sensory loss# although neurological loss in these circumstances is

    com"aratively uncommon.

    Paraesthesia of the mental nerve may# rarely# occur following fracture

    dislocation of the condyle in an anteromedial direction as the result of 

    trauma to or com"ression of the mandibular nerve as it emerges from the

    foramen ovale.


    The word >dis"lacement+ always refers to the disturbed relationshi"

     between the fractured bone ends and in the case of condylar fractures this is

    usually slight. The im"ortant abnormality here relates to the "osition

    assumed by the condylar head. The bone ends may be deviated due to

    anteromedial dis"lacement of the condylar head# which is still contained by

    the $oint ca"sule# or alternatively the ca"sule may ru"ture# leading to

    se"aration of the articulating surfaces thus# by definition# being dislocated.

    There is no doubt that this anteromedial dis"lacement or dislocation is

     "roduced by violent contraction of the lateral "terygoid muscle at# or 

    immediately after# the moment of fracture. ,n anterior ca"sular tear#

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    associated with ru"ture of the fibres of the lateral "terygoid muscle inserted

    into the disc# would have the "otential for causing "eriodic inability to close

    the $aw fully# due to the disc being dis"laced "osteriorly# while a "osterior 

    tear without ru"ture of these muscle fibres could result in e"isodes

    interference with o"ening due to anterior dis"lacement of the disc.

    , "atient with a unilateral subcondylar fracture may "resent without

    the ty"ical disturbance of occlusion# but during function all demonstrate a

    common characteristic. This is deviation of the mandible to the side of the

    in$ury on o"ening. This is due to the insertion of the lateral "terygoid no

    longer influencing the main fragment of the mandible. Thus only rotary

    movements (at the fracture site! occur on the side of in$ury with no anterior 

    translation of the condylar head on o"ening. The net effect is that the centre

    of rotation of the in$ured side is moved from its normal "osition u"wards

    and backwards into the fracture line.

    The thin tym"anic "late constitutes "art of the "osterior nonarticular 

     "ortion on the glenoid cavity. The cushioning effect of the "ostcondylar soft

    tissues tends to "rotect this area# as does the restraining effect of the

    tem"oromandibular ligament# but this "late may be fractured# with distortion

    of the bony wall. This may# very rarely# occur without condylar fracture#

    whereas a fracture generally absorbs most of the im"act.

    6entral dislocation of the condyle into the middle cranial fossa is a

    wellrecogni0ed although a very rare entity when the mandible receives a

     blow in the mental region with the mouth o"en# the medial and lateral "oles

    of its condyles are im"acted against the medial and lateral elevated margins

    of the glenoid fossa# thus "reventing the dislocation of the condyles into the

    cranial cavity through the thin roof of the fossa. -nly a small rounded

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    condyle would be likely to im"inge on the centre of the fossa with a

     "ossibility of "enetration. This ty"e of condylar configuration is

    uncommon# accounting for about .8H of all eisting condylar sha"es. /t is#

    indeed# fortunate that the neck of the condyle breaks so readily# since it

    limits the force a""lied to the cranial base# thus reducing the likelihood of 

    dis"lacement of the head of the condyle through the thin roof of the glenoid

    fossa into the middle cranial fossa.

    $AM#" AND O$ONOID '$OE""

    There is usually only minimal dis"lacement of the coronoid "rocess#

    since the fragment is s"linted by the tendinous insertion of the tem"oralis

    muscle. -ccasionally# as the result of considerable violence# this insertion is

    ru"tured and elevation of the ti" of the coronoid "rocess occurs. uch

    in$uries are "robably caused when there is a combination of forces in

    o""osite directions arising from an im"act on the chin de"ressing the

    mandible# which simultaneously invokes a "owerful contraction of the

    tem"oralis muscle# elevating the mandible as an associated com"onent of the

     "hysiological $aw reflees. /n rare cases the fracture may etend from the

    sigmoid notch downwards and forwards to the retro molar fossa.


    ,fter the condylar neck# the angle region is the commonest site of 

    mandibular fracture. /t is im"ortant to distinguish between:

     The clinical angle# which is the $unction between the alveolar bone

    and the ramus at the origin of the internal obli%ue line.

      The surgical angle# which is the $unction between the body of the

    mandible and the ramus at the origin of the eternal obli%ue line.

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      The anatomical angle or gonion where the lower border meets the

     "osterior border of the ramus.

     Fractures in this region have# in common# involvement of the $unction

    of the "osterior end of the alveolar "rocess and body of the mandible with

    the ascending ramus. From this "oint on the u""er border they etend

    downwards# but only rarely do they involve the anatomical angle.

    /n most cases the fracture line etends from the surgical angle

    downwards and backwards# terminating at the lower border anterior to the

    masseter muscle. ?hen a third molar tooth is "resent the fracture commonly

    etends through its cry"t or socket# but occasionally it "asses in front of or 

     behind the wisdom tooth. The fracture usually results from a blow over the

    same side of the mandible between the canine and second molar regions# but

    may result from violence to the chin "oint on the o""osite side. /t is

     "robable that this occurs# in common with body fractures# when a force is

    a""lied with the teeth clenched but there is no direct evidence to su""ort this


    1. ;ocali0ation

    ,s mentioned earlier# the lingual surface of the mandible in the region

    of the second and third molars is one site of maimum tensile strain

    resulting from anterolateral a""lication of force on the same side. The

    weakness of the angle is "roduced by the abru"t change in direction between

    the body and ascending ramus in two "lanes. /n the vertical "lane a change

    of direction is almost 44# while in the hori0ontal "lane it is about 544 at the

    u""er border. This due to the lack of conformity between the curve of the

    alveolar "rocess# which is @sha"ed# and the rami of the mandible# which

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    diverge. /n addition to the sha"e of the bone# two other factors are


    a! , "artly eru"ted or uneru"ted wisdom tooth occu"ies a s"ace# which

    would otherwise contribute materially to the strength of the mandible and

    thus weakens it. The strength of the mandibular body in this region lies in

    the u""er border as evidenced by the thickness of the cortical "late.

     b!. The insertions of the masseter and medial "terygoid muscles com"rise a

    great source strength to the ascending ramus# and the anterior limit of their 

    insertion lies $ust behind the third molar. The common dis"osition of the

    fracture is through the anterior root socket of the third molar and associated

     buccal "late# but on the lingual side it etends backwards# leaving the distal

    surface of the distal root socket and then "assing through the lingual "late.

    The whole fracture line inclines downwards from the wisdom tooth to the

    lower border.

    . Dis"lacement

    , fracture at the angle "revents the elevator muscles attached to the

    ascending ramus (the "roimal or "osterior fragment! from having any direct

    effect on the remainder of the mandible (the tooth bearing fragment!. There

    is thus a tendency for the "osterior fragment to ride u"wards# forwards and

    inwards since the medial "terygoid muscle eerts its action medially at about

    &44  to the vertical ais. 6linical evidence indicates that the bulk of the

    dis"lacement occurs at the time of in$ury and is "robably due to activation of 

    the stretch reflees in the "terygomasseteric sling by the in$uring force. The

  • 8/17/2019 Mand Anatomy


     "osterior fragment is held in its dis"laced "osition by the refle s"asm

    im"osed u"on in the muscles by "ain. The toothbearing fragment is thus

    secondarily dis"laced in an anterior and contralateral direction.

    Favourable and unfavourable fractures

    These traditional but not very "ractical terms relate to the line of 

    fractures at the angle as observed along the vertical and hori0ontal "lanes.

    The terms are defined# from the view"oint of the observer# as vertical or 

    hori0ontal# and with res"ect to the "otential for dis"lacement ehibited by

    the "osterior fragment) favourable if the dis"lacement is limited by thedis"osition of the fracture line and unfavourable if otherwise. Thus a

    vertically favourable fracture runs from the buccal "late anteriorly and

     backwards through the lingual "late "osteriorly while a vertically

    unfavourable fracture runs from the lingual "late anteriorly. ;ikewise#

    hori0ontally unfavourable fractures etend from the u""er border 

    downwards and backwards whereas hori0ontally favourable fractures etend

    from the u""er border downwards and forwards.

    Dis"lacement of the "osterior fragment is only marked if the fracture

    line is unfavourable in both "lanes or if there is comminution# which

    automatically reduces the stability of the "osterior fragment.

    These fractures involve the tooth bearing area and so are normally

    o"en (com"ound! into the oral cavity. /f# however# the wisdom tooth is

    uneru"ted the laity of the muco"eriosteum in this region fre%uently means

    that the fracture remains closed (sim"le!.

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    1. ;ocali0ation

    *ost fractures in this area result from direct violence and tend to be

    concentrated in the first molar or canine regions# in the molar region because

    it is the site of recei"t of the blow and the canine region because it is a site of 

    high strain resulting from a""lied forces# together with a "oint of maimum

    weakness associated with the length of the canine root.

    . Dis"lacement

    The further forward the site of fracture# the more is the u"ward

    dis"lacement of the elevators counteracted by the downward "ull of the

    mylohyoid muscle attached to the mylohyoid ridge on the lingual as"ect of 

    the mandible. ,t the same time# the medial or lingual dis"lacement tends to

     be increased# whilst the factors "reviously mentioned with regard to the

    favourability or otherwise of the lines of fracture remain unaltered. 7ecause

    the lesser and greater fragments bear teeth which are "artially controlled by

    their maillary o""onents# dis"lacement is limited and the occlusion may be

    minimally disturbed.

    These fractures must of necessary cause a tear of the overlying

    attached muco"eriosteum and be o"en into the mouth. Fractures in the

    lower incisor region are fre%uently obli%ue# with the fragment from which

    the genial muscles arise dis"laced lingually. The two fragments tend to

    rotate medially due to the medial "ull of the mylohyoid muscles# and the

    incisor teeth ad$acent to the fracture overla". /t is# in fact# rare for the

    fracture line to "ass through the anatomical sym"hysis# which is the thickest

    and strongest area of the mandible. /n clinical "ractice it will be found that

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    the fracture "asses through the "arasym"hyseal region# to one side or the

    other of the genial tubercles.

    Multiple fractures of t!e mandible

    1. Fracture of the body and opposite angle or condyle. These are common

    combinations# since a blow directed anterolaterally to the mandible may

    result in a direct fracture at the site of in$ury and an indirect fracture of the

    condylar or angle region on the o""osite side. 6onversely# a blow may

    result in i"silateral angle fracture and contralateral fracture of the body

    through the canine or "remolar region. /n general the second fracture

    im"lies a greater force and thus the likelihood of increased dis"lacement.

    owever# the "resence of occluding teeth will minimi0e this effect# whereas

    the absence of teeth# constituting an edentulous "osterior fragment# increases

    the degree of dis"lacement.

    . ilateral subcondylar fractures are common and usually due to an im"act

    on the "oint of the chin with the teeth a"art. /f the teeth are in occlusion at

    the moment of im"act much of the force will be absorbed# usually resulting

    in fracture of the teeth# and the condyle may esca"e in$ury. owever# with a

    greater degree of force# a condylar fracture will occur# Cross anteromedial

    deviation or dislocation of the condyles is usual and the tooth bearing

    fragment is sub$ect to marked rotation in the vertical "lane about the last

    standing teeth with the "roduction of a gross anterior o"en bite.

    &. ilateral angle fractures are not common but result in gross dis"lacement

    of all three fragments. The two "osterior fragments are drawn u"wards and

    forwards and the anterior toothbearing fragment is rotated downwards by

    the inframandibular musculature.

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    2.  ilateral body fractures  are also infre%uent. The anterior fragment is

    driven downwards and backwards and the "osition is maintained by the

    uno""osed traction of the genial and inframandibular muscles. The two

     "osterior fragments are "revented from medial dis"lacement by the anterior 

    fragment and from u"ward dis"lacement by occlusal contact and thus retain

    a relatively normal "osition. /n the edentulous case the lack of occlusal

    contact results in serve dis"lacement of the fragments.

    3. Three or more fractures. *andibular fractures at more than two sites are

    not uncommon and the "ermutation of combinations is large.

    ,PP;/ED ,=,T-* -F TE @AA-@=D/=C -FT T/@E

    TE 6-=D;,A AEC/-=

    The mandibular condyle and its ca"sule are covered by the "arotid

    gland# which# in this region# is termed the glenoid lobe. This lobe lies within

    the "arotid fascia# glenoid lobe. This lobe lies within the "arotid fascia#

    which is derived from the divergent and u"ward etension of the dee"

    cervical fascia# and encloses the su"erficial tem"oral artery and vein with the

    tem"oral and 0ygomatic branches of the facial nerve. The fascia fuses with

    the "erichondrium and "eriosteum of the eternal auditory meatus# and also

    the tem"oral fascia behind the $oint ca"sule at the root of the 0ygomatic

    arch. dissection to e"ose the $oint# therefore# is carried out in close contact

    with# and following the direction of# the "erichondrium and "eriosteum

    covering the anterior wall of the eternal and auditory meatus. , surgical

    cleft is thus created along an almost avascular "lane which leads naturally to

    the "osterior as"ect of the $oint ca"sule behind and beneath the glenoid lobe

    of the "arotid gland and its contained arteries# veins and nerves. The general

    direction of the meatus is downwards# forwards and inwards and dissection

  • 8/17/2019 Mand Anatomy


    must "roceed in the manner. Failure to a""reciate this fact# leading to an

    in$udicious attem"t to dee"en the incision at right angles to the surface# will

    result in transection of the cartilaginous anterior wall of the meatus and#

     "ossibly# in$ury to the tym"anum.

    The tem"oral fascia is attached to the u""er border of the 0ygomatic

    arch and blends with the "eriosteum overlying that structure. The branches

    of the facial nerve crossing the arch on their way to su""ly the frontalis and

    orbicularis occuli muscles lie immediately su"erficial to the "eriosteum.

    ,ny dissection in a forward direction in this area must "roceed su"erficially

    to the bone and dee" to the "eriosteum if in$ury to the nerves is to be

    avoided. The maillary artery will be close to medial "roimity to the

    condylar neck. This relationshi" is "articularly im"ortant in cases of 

    ankylosis characteri0ed by massive bone formation in cases of relation to the

    medial "ole of the condyles. The medial "ole of the condyle is situated

    within a""roimately 4.3 cm of the "haryngotym"anic tube from which it is

    se"arated by the down tuned edge of the tegmen tym"ani. /t also lies a

    similar distance from the carotid canal lying "oster medially# which is#

    however# se"arated by the tym"anic "late of the tem"oral bone.

    TE ,=C;E ,=D 7-D

    ,s well as "roviding an ideal a""roach to the angle of the mandible#

    the natural skin creases of the neck run in the correct direction for avoiding

    the im"ortant underlying anatomical structures. ,n incision made in one of 

    these will immediately e"ose the underlying "latysma. 6areful dissection

    through the "latysma "revents damage to any of the im"ortant underlying

    structures# although care should be taken to avoid the eternal $ugular vein

    running from the angle of the mandible downwards and "osteriorly.

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    /mmediately beneath the "latysma the dee" cervical fascia invests the

    muscles of the neck. /t consists of fine fibroareolar tissue# which occu"ies

    all the intervals# which would otherwise eist between the muscles and the

    vessels of the neck. /n certain situations the fascia assumes the form of a

    thin fibrous sheet or layer# but elsewhere the tissue is loosely arranged and is

    easily broken down. /t becomes condensed around the blood vessels#

     "roviding them with fibrous sheaths# which here# as elsewhere in the body#

     bind the arteries and their accom"anying vessels closely together.

    ,long the "osterior border of the sternomastoid it divides to enclose

    the muscle# and at the anterior margin again forms a single lamella# which

    covers the anterior triangle of the neck and reaches forwards to the median

     "lane# where it is continuous with the corres"onding lamella from the

    o""osite side. /n the median "lane the fascial is fied to the sym"hysis

    menti and the body of the hyoid bone. u"eriorly# from its attachment to the

    su"erior nuchal line of the occi"ital bone and the mastoid "rocess of the

    tem"oral bone# the fascia etends forwards and downwards to the attached to

    the whole length of the base of the mandible. Posterior to the angle of the

    mandible it is very strong and binds the anterior edge of the sternomastoid

    firmly to that bone# ensheaths the "arotid gland.

    The loose areolar "ortion of the dee" cervical fascia immediately

    anterior to the sternomastoid muscle forms an easy "lane of dissection#

    which is avascular. ,fter division of the overlying "latysma# this "lane is

    sought and a dissection commenced which may# if necessary# be etended

    u"wards or downwards as re%uired. /mmediately anterior to this "lane# the

    denser layer of fascia investing the submandibular gland forms an im"ortant

    landmark. Division of this investing layer achieves a""roach to the lower 

     border of the mandible.

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    /mmediately below lie the branches of the facial nerve. Dingman

    Crabb (19'! investigated the distribution of the mandibular branches of the

    facial nerve in relationshi" to the angle of the mandible and the overlying

    dee" cervical fascia.

    Following the dissection of the mandibular branch of the facial nerve in 144

    cases# the "rinci"al conclusions were as follows.

    1. /n 8H of cases the nerve# "osterior or "roimal to the "oint where the

    facial artery crossed the mandible# "assed above the inferior border.

    . /n the remaining 19H the nerve described a downward arc# the lower 

     "oint of which was / cm below the inferior border.

    &. ,nterior or distal to the where the facial artery crossed the mandible#

    144H of the branches of the facial nerve which innervated the de"ressors of 

    the lower li" "ass above the inferior border.

    2. ,ll branches anterior or distal to the facial artery# which were situated

     below the mandible# were innervating the "latysma and not the de"ressors of 

    the lower li". owever# since the anterior fibres of the "latysma were

    fre%uently in continuity with the lower fibres of the %uadratus labii

    inferioris# these muscles contracted as one unit so that a false inter"retation

    of the "recise innervation might be made.

    3. /n 98H of cases the mandibular branch "assed over the su"erficial surface

    of the "osterior facial vein and could readily be identified at this site.

    144Hof cases showed that the nerve "assed su"erficial to the anterior facial

    vein. The nerve lay su"erficial to the facial artery# being situated

    immediately anterior or "osterior to the vessel# and not infre%uently u"on the

    artery. The submandibular lym"h node lay immediately "osterior to the

    artery# was constant in "osition and was a useful landmark.

    '. The mandibular and buccal branches anastomosed in only 3H of cases.

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    5. The mandibular ramus consisted of two branches in '5H of s"ecimens) a

    single branch in 1H) a tri"le branch in 8H and four or more in &H of the

    dissections "erformed.

    The facial artery lies immediately beneath the dee" cervical fascia and

    can be observed "ulsating beneath this layer. /n a""roimately 4H of cases

    the mandibular branch of the facial nerve turns u"wards and accom"anies

    the vessel at this "oint and should if "ossible be dissected away and

    retracted. Fre%uently the anterior branch of the "osterior facial vein may

    also be seen traversing this "articular area and may re%uire isolation#

    division and ligation.


    The outer corte of the body of *andible has an average thickness of 

    &.&mm is "articularly strong offers a good anchorage for the

    osteosynthesis screws. The cortical bone is thicker in the chin region is

    reinforced laterally by the obli%ue line# which runs from the coronoid

     "rocess to the molar region. /n the sym"hysis region# cross sections of the

    mandible show the thickest corte to be at the lower border) behind the third

    molar# it is stronger at the u""er border.

     =ear the alveolar "rocess the thickness of the bone is variable) the

    anatomy of the tooth roots the structure of the bone do not allow screw

    fiation in this region. To avoid damaging the root a"ices it is safe to "lace

    the screws away from the occlusal "lane by a distance of at least three times

    the length of the crown of the tooth.

    The inferior alveolar nerve runs in the mandibular canal# from the

    lingula to the mental foramen# on a concave course. *easurements show

    that# from back to front# it runs even closer to the outer corte! and to the

  • 8/17/2019 Mand Anatomy


    lower border . ,t its lowest "oint it is 8 to 14mm away from the basilar 

     border of mandible. ,lthough the average thickness of the corte in that

    region is 3mm# it may be less than &mm in some cases.

    ,bout 1 cm before the mental foramen the canal turns u"wards

    forwards. The foramen lies a""roimately at the middle of the distance

     between the alveolar crest lower border of mandible on a vertical line

    corres"onding to the /st or nd  "remolar. /t is im"ortant to remember that

    the mental foramen sometimes lies higher than the canine a"e. Therefore

    osteosynthesis in this region involves a certain risk of a"ical in$ury.

    /n most cases the mandibular canal surrounds the neurovascular 

     bundle as a bony tunnel# but sometimes its bony structure is "oorly

    develo"ed. Ae"eated tests in freshly "re"ared mandibles have shown that

    the intrusion of a screw into canal does not usually cause nerve in$ury#

     because the nerve moves away from the instrument (CEA7EA# 1953!.

    Drilling the holes a""ears to be more dangerous to the nerve than inserting


    /t should be noted that# with ageing# the alveolar bone atro"hies the

    structure of the mandible is reduced to cortical layers. /n Edentulous

     "atients the flat u""er border of mandible is com"osed of sclerous bone#

    giving "oor anchorage for the screws.

    During the first year of life# the blood# su""ly of the mandible de"ends

    on the inferior dental artery. ;ater "eriosteal

  • 8/17/2019 Mand Anatomy


    should be avoided to "reserve the blood su""ly. For this reason or 

    transmucosal a""roach is "referred than a Transcutaneous a""roach.

    Inowledge of *asticatory stresses Eerted on the mandible is

    fundamental because these stresses determine the rational design

     "ositioning of osteosynthesis "lates. 7y means of strain gauges connected to

    a wheatstone bridge# maimal biting forces in young men with healthy teeth

    were measured. The following values were obtained:

    /ncisor region: 94 =

    6anine region: &44 =

    Premolar region: 284 =

    *olar region: ''4 =

    /t is im"ortant to understand the distribution of strains created within

    the mandible as a result of these *,T/6,T-A F-A6E.

    P/-;-C/6,;; 6--AD/=,TED *@6;E F@=6T/-=

    PA-D@6E TE=/-= F-A6E ,T TE @PPEA 7-ADEA and


  • 8/17/2019 Mand Anatomy


    DEF/=/T/-= -F /DE,; -TE-=TE/ ;/=E -F *,=D/7;E

    /t corres"onds to the course of a Tension line at the base of the

    alveolar "rocess inferior to the root a"ices. /n that region a "late can be

    fied with monocortical screws# as follows:

    • 7ehind the mental foramen the "late is a""lied immediately below the

    dental roots above the /nferior alveolar nerve.

    • ,t the angle of the $aw the "late is "laced ideally on the inner broad

    surface of the Eternal obli%ue line) if it has been destroyed# the "late

    is fied on the eternal corte as high as "ossible.

    •/n the anterior region# between the mental foramina in addition to the

    sub a"ical "late# another "late near the lower border is necessary to

    neutrali0e Torsion forces.

    The result of such a monocortical Tensionbanding osteosynthesis is the

    neutrali0ation of the distraction Torsion band strains Eerted on the

    fracture site# while "hysiological selfcom"ression strains are restored.

    /n the edentulous mandible the correct "osition of the "late is on the outer 

    corte of the mandible where the biting forces "roduce Tension forces at the

    u""er border of mandible. The "late should never be fied on the u""er flat

    surface where the bone is sclerous.


    1. *,=D/7;E /=TA,-A,;

  • 8/17/2019 Mand Anatomy


    down through the submucosa# muscles "eriosteum. 6are must be taken to

    avoid in$ury to the mental nerve. The nerve has to be identified during

    sub"eriosteal dissection. ,fter dissection of the neurovascular bundle

    mandible can be e"osed. The dissection should be carried out /nferiorly

    enough to allow ade%uate a""lication of the fiation system. The

     "eriosteum should be handled with care should not be Elevated

    Ecessively. ?ound is closed in layers or in single ;ayer.

    . *,=D/7;E /=TA-A,; *,AC/=,; A/* /=6//-=

    For e"osure of the alveolar crest or Treatment of Traumati0ed teeth# then

     "rotection of lacerated mucosa is "referred. This can be achieved by using

    the marginal rim incision# which allows direct Elevation of the underlying

     "eriosteum without involving incisions into the overlying mucosa#

    submucosa# muscle "eriosteal layers. ?ound healing is Ecellent without

    visible scarring (IEA6EA# IAE@/6 199&!.

    &. *,=D/7@;,A 6-*7/=ED /=TA,-A,; ,=D TA,=7@66,;


    This a""roach is needed in case of fiation of screw+s or "lates at the

    angle of mandible by an intraoral Transbuccal a""roach. First the mandible

    is e"osed by an intraoral a""roach. For Transbuccal drilling# ta""ing

    screw insertion a stab incision is made three the skin overlying the "late.

    The incision should follow the relaed skin tension lines. =et the

    Transbuccal trocar is inserted a transbuccal tunnel is established. The

    Trocar is removed a check retractor inserted.

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    2. *,=D/7;E EBTA,-A,; @7*,=D/7@;,A ,PPA-,6


    The incision should be made in a natural skin crease at a level

    a""roimately finger breadth+s below the inferior border of mandible.

    kin subcutaneous tissues is incised to the level of "latysma muscle#

    which is incised at right angle to the muscle fibers. The marginal

    mandibular branch of facial nerve is closely related must be identified

    immediately beneath the "latysma muscle.

    ,lternatively the dissection can be develo"ed through the dee" cervical

    fascia at the level of submandibular gland. The ca"sule of the gland is

    identified 5 the overlying facial vein artery are ligated. The marginal

     branch of facial nerves lies su"erior to these vessels is therefore not

    endangered by this a""roach.

    E6IE;T (1991! develo"ed techni%ue for lag screw osteosynthesis of 

    condylar fractures. , skin incision is made 1cm su"erior to the inferior 

     border of mandible Etended to the level of "latysma muscle. Then the

    facial nerve is identified using nerve stimulation. The masseter is incised

    su"erior to the facial nerve reflected inferiorly# which avoids risk of 

    damage to the facial nerve.