master brisbane ak itang v robinson lee

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  • 7/25/2019 Master Brisbane Ak Itang v Robinson Lee


    [2013] 5 MLJ 604Master Brisbane ak Itang v Robinson Lee (c/o Sekolah

    Kebangsaan (Cina) Sungai Menyan) & Ors

    I! CO"R# (K"CI$!)

    S#%%$ C"$! 'S"I# $O **+ O, -*-.II* Se0te1ber -*

    Plaintif, seorang yang belum deasa, mengambil tinda!an melaluiba"anya# Plaintif tela$ %atu$ demam !eti!a berada di se!ola$ asrama danseterusnya dibaa !e !lini! ole$ gurunya &'defendan "ertama'( dan!emudian di$antar "ulang !e ruma$ di !am"ung# )eadaannya bertamba$teru! dan dia disa$!an di%ang!iti *irus Ja"anese +ne"$alitis &'J+'(# -!ibat%ang!itan tersebut, "laintif mengalami !erosa!an "ada ota!, men%adi

    lum"u$ dan tida! bole$ men%aga dirinya sendiri# Plaintif men%adi tida!beru"aya se"enu$nya dari segi ./i!al dan mental dan memerlu!an"en%agaan se"an%ang $idu"# alam tuntutan ini, "laintif mengambiltinda!an ter$ada" defendan "ertama $ingga !eenam bagi ganti rugi amdan !$as berdasar!an !ontra!, tort dan !ea%i"an ber$ati$ati .dusiari dibaa$ ommon la# Plaintif meng$u%a$!an ba$aa sebua$ ladang !$in/irtida! "atut berada dalam radius 2!m dari"ada se!ola$ !erana !$in/iradala$ $os semula%adi *irus J+ yang disebar!an !e"ada manusia melaluinyamu!nyamu! culexdari"ada !$in/ir!$in/ir yang di%ang!iti# enganitu, di$u%a$!an ba$aa "i$a! ber!uasa rele*an yang mengeta$ui

    mengenai risi!o tinggi terbabit, se"atutnya tela$ menyedia!an "olisi"olisi!esi$atan aam yang bersesuaian dan memasti!an im"lementasi efe!tifuntu! melindungi masyara!at termasu! memberi *a!sinasi !e"ada "laintifdan !ana!!ana! lain di se!ola$# Plaintif meng$u%a$!an ba$aa defendandefendan mem"unyai !ea%i"an ommon la danatau statutori ter$ada""laintif yang ditem"at!an di se!ola$ asrama# efendandefendanmena.!an tuntutantuntutan "laintif dan meng$u%a$!an ba$aa "laintifgagal membu!ti!an ba$aa dia digigit nyamu! culexdan di%ang!iti *irusJ+ di se!ola$ asrama# Mere!a meng$u%a$!an ba$aa alau"un dia %atu$sa!it di se!ola$, "laintif tela$ "ulang !e !am"ungnya "ada $u%ungminggu# i$u%a$!an ba$aa burungburung termasu! iti!iti! adala$ $os

    $os semula%adi *irus J+ dan terda"at iti!iti! yang di"eli$ara di !am"ungdan dia mung!in di%ang!iti *irus J+ !eti!a berada di sana# Mere!ameng$u%a$!an ba$aa alau"un se!ola$ tersebut terleta! berde!atanladang !$in/ir, risi!o %ang!itan J+ adala$ minima !erana, !euali "laintif,tiada dan tida! "erna$ ada %ang!itan J+ di se!ola$ atau daera$ tersebutselama lebi$ dari"ada se"ulu$ ta$un# efendandefendan meng$u%a$!anba$aa tiada !ea%i"an atau obligasi "ada "i$a! mere!a untu!memasti!an "laintif seara !$ususnya diimunisasi ter$ada" *irus J+!erana !ea%i"an tersebut terleta! "ada ibu ba"a "laintif untu!meng$antarnya bagi menda"at!an *a!sinasi*a!sinasi yang se"atutnya#suisu yang timbul untu! di"utus!an ole$ ma$!ama$ adala$ sama ada"laintif di%ang!iti *irus J+ di se!ola$ atau semasa dia berada di ruma$ di!am"ung sama ada defendandefendan di baa$ !ea%i"an ommon la

  • 7/25/2019 Master Brisbane Ak Itang v Robinson Lee


    danatau statutori atau uai dan tela$ melanggari !ea%i"an!ea%i"anmere!a dalam gagal untu! mengimunisasi atau mengela!!an "laintifdari"ada di%ang!iti *irus J+ di se!ola$ sama ada terda"at !ontra! antara"laintif dan manamana defendan dan sama ada "erlu untu! mengambil

    tinda!an ter$ada" "en%aat aam atau "egaai yang bertanggung%aabbagi tort agar !era%aan bole$ di!ata!an bertanggungan seara *i!arius#

    2i0utuskan, menola! tuntutantuntutan

    &1()$in/ir!$in/ir dan sesetenga$ burung adala$ $os !e"ada*irus J+ dan !eduaduanya bertinda! sebagai tem"atsemula%adi untu! *irus J+ membia!# Penyebaran *irus!e"ada manusia adala$ melalui nyamu!nyamu! culexyang meru"a!an *e!tor bagi *irus J+#em"o$ in!ubasi adala$ em"at $ingga 14 $ari bagi

    seseorang untu! mengalami sim"tomsim"tom,!ebiasaannya demam, sele"as dia digigit ole$ nyamu!ule7 yang di%ang!iti# )eterangan menun%u!!an ba$aa"laintif demam "ada 25 8e"tember 2006 dan berdasar!antem"o$ in!ubasi antara em"at $ingga 14 $ari, "laintifmung!in tela$ di%ang!iti *irus "ada atau sebelum 228e"tember 2006 sama ada di !am"ung atau di se!ola$&li$at "erenggan 12914(#

    &2(iada "eruntu!an dalam -!ta ini yang memberi!an

    imunisasi mandatori, a%ib atau "a!saan !e atas seseorangatau se!um"ulan orangorang bagi "enya!it"enya!itber%ang!it atau menem"at!an semula atau menutu" manamana "remis sebagai lang!a$ ber%aga%aga, !$asnya yangmana tida! terda"at de!larasi satu !aasan tem"atanyang di%ang!iti# iada !eterangan ba$aa, sebelum "laintifdi%ang!iti, seorang "egaai ber!uasa mem"unyai sebabuntu! "eraya ba$aa terda"at orang dengan "enya!itber%ang!it di manamana "remis berde!atan se!ola$ ataudalam se!ola$ atau ba$aa u%ud dalam "remissedemi!ian, sebarang !eadaan yang ber!emung!inan

    membaa !e"ada aba! atau "enyebaran *irus J+ danba$aa "i$a! ber!uasa gagal berbuat a"aa"amengenainya# )eterangan menun%u!!an ba$aa "adamasa material, "laintif seorang sa$a%a di se!ola$ tersebutyang di%ang!iti *irus J+# iada "ela%ar lain yang di%ang!itise"ertinya &li$at "erenggan 2692:(

    &3(efendan !edua dan !etiga, sebagai guru, tela$ diambilber!er%a ole$ )ementerian Pela%aran untu! menga%ar ataumemberi "endidi!an !e"ada "ela%ar"ela%ar di se!ola$#8ebarang !ea%i"an ber$ati$ati yang mere!a ada ter$ada""ela%ar"ela%ar se!ola$ tersebut termasu!la$ "laintif, adala$

  • 7/25/2019 Master Brisbane Ak Itang v Robinson Lee


    untu! memasti!an "erse!itaran yang bersi$, selamat dan!ondusif untu! mere!a bela%ar dan tinggal di se!ola$tersebut, sebagai sebua$ se!ola$ asrama# iada bu!tiba$aa mere!a tida! berbuat sedemi!ian# iada!eterangan %uga ba$aa se!ola$ tersebut tida! bersi$ atau

    !otor atau men%adi ta"a! "embia!an nyamu!nyamu!,menyebab!an "enyebaran *irus J+ atau "enya!it"enya!ityang dibaa serangga# efendan "ertama dan !edua tida!mem"unyai !elaya!an "erubatan dan tida! dilati$ ataudi%ang!a untu! meraat "laintif bagi demamnya ataumengeta$ui ba$aa dia tela$ di%ang!iti dengan *irus J+#Mere!a tida! diara$!an dan tida! menda"at sebarangara$an untu! membaa "ela%ar"ela%ar di se!ola$ termasu!"laintif untu! di*a!sinasi!an bagi *irus J+ &li$at "erenggan3:93;(#

    &4(ida! terda"at !eterangan yang menu!u"i di $ada"anma$!ama$ ba$aa defendandefendan uai atau tida!ber$ati$ati dalam im"lementasi "rogram imunisasi J+#8e!ali"un bagi "rogram"rogram imunisasi atau *a!sinasilain se"erti am"a!, aar air atau "olio, ibu ba"adinasi$at!an mem*a!sin ana!ana! mere!a, mere!a tida!di"a!sa berbuat sedemi!ian &li$at "erenggan 40(#


    Plaintif di%ang!iti dengan *irus J+ sele"as dia digigit ole$see!or nyamu!# ni bu!an !erana "ela!sanaan !uasa

    statutori defendandefendan atau !egagalan untu!menge!sais!an !uasa demi!ian# a %uga bu!an atas!euaian defendandefendan atau manamana antaramere!a dalam im"lementasi "rogram teta"i !uasasemula%adi yang mana defendandefendan, !$asnya)ementerian )esi$atan, uba untu! diela! atau di !aal#efendandefendan tida! bole$ di"utus!an bertanggungan!e"ada "laintif bagi %ang!itan J+# Ji!a tida!, defendandefendan atau manamana antara mere!a a!an men%adibertanggungan !e"ada sesia"a yang di%ang!iti ole$ mana"enya!it yang dibaa ole$ nyamu! se"erti malaria dandemam denggi &li$at "erenggan 41(#

    &6(iada liabiliti !ontra!tual "ada defendan "ertama, !eduadan !etiga untu! memasti!an ba$aa "laintif tida! a!andi%ang!iti ole$ *irus J+ di se!ola$ atau mema!lum!an!e"ada ibu ba"a "laintif mengenai risi!orisi!o %ang!itan J+di se!ola$ atau !e"erluan untu! mem*a!sin "laintif bagi*irus J+# a tida! diranang dan tiada !ea%i"an !ontra!tual!e atas defendan "ertama, !edua dan !etiga untu!memasti!an ba$aa "laintif di*a!sin bagi *irus J+#

    anggung%aab mem*a!sin "laintif berada di baa$ bidang!uasa )ementerian )esi$atan# iada !ea%i"an yang

  • 7/25/2019 Master Brisbane Ak Itang v Robinson Lee


    di!ena!an !e atas defendan "ertama, !edua dan !etigauntu! mem*a!sin atau membaa "laintif agar di*a!sin!anatau mengurus!an agar !a!itangan )ementerian )esi$atan!e se!ola$ untu! memberi *a!sin !e"ada "laintif bagi *irusJ+ &li$at "erenggan 4:(#

    &:(alam !es ini, terleta! "ada )ementerian )esi$atan untu!im"lementasi "rogram imunisasi J+# iada !eteranganba$aa seorang "egaai tela$ seara !$ususnyadiara$!an untu! mem*a!sin "laintif dan ba$aa dia gagaldan uai berbuat sedemi!ian#

  • 7/25/2019 Master Brisbane Ak Itang v Robinson Lee


    Legislation re3erre4 to

    -nimals -t 1A53ss 36&;(, :;

    estrution of isease

  • 7/25/2019 Master Brisbane Ak Itang v Robinson Lee


    697$erefore it as ontended t$at t$e rele*ant aut$orities !ne oft$e $ig$ ris!s in*ol*ed, s$ould $a*e "ut in "lae a""ro"riate "ubli$ealt$ "oliies and ensure t$eir eCeti*e im"lementations to "rotetmembers of t$e "ubli inluding gi*ing *aination against t$e J+

    *irus to t$e "laintiC and ot$er $ildren in t$e s$ool# t as alsoontended t$at t$e defendants $a*e ommon la and or statutoryduties toards t$e "laintiC $o as "laed at t$e boarding s$ool# tas ontended t$at t$e defendants $a*e failed to do so and erealso negligent in failing to do so#

    6:7$e defendants denied t$e "laintiC's laims and submitted t$att$e "laintiC $as failed to "ro*e t$at $e as bitten by a ule7mosFuito and as infeted by t$e J+ *irus at t$e boarding s$ool#$ey ontended t$at alt$oug$ $e beame si! at t$e s$ool, t$e"laintiC $ad gone ba! to $is !am"ong for t$e ee!end and returned

    to t$e s$ool on 24 8e"tember 2006# t as ontended t$at adingbirds inluding du!s are also natural $osts of t$e J+ *irus and t$att$ere ere du!s !e"t in t$e !am"ong and $e ould $a*e beeninfeted by t$e J+ *irus $ile $e as t$ere#

    < ML* =>? at =@

    6;7$ey ontended t$at alt$oug$ t$e s$ool as situated near tot$e "ig farm, t$e ris!s of J+ infetion ere minimal beause, e7e"tfor t$e "laintiC, t$ere as no and $as not been any J+ infetion at t$es$ool and or in 8erian istrit for more t$an ten years# $edefendants ontended t$at t$ere as no duty or obligation on t$eir

    "art to ensure t$at t$e "laintiC as s" immunised againstt$e J+ *irus beause t$at duty as on t$e "laintiC's "arents to send$im for t$e neessary *ainations#

    6riday, 22 8e"tember 2006, afters$ool, t$e "laintiC ent $ome to $is !am"ong for t$e ee!end# =n8unday morning, 24 8e"tember 2006, $is mot$er sent $im ba! tot$e s$ool and t$en sent $is fat$er to )u$ing -ir"ort beause $isfat$er as tra*elling to )uala Lum"ur $ere $e as t$en or!ing as

    a dri*er#


  • 7/25/2019 Master Brisbane Ak Itang v Robinson Lee


    defendant toget$er it$ E3 too! t$e "laintiC to t$e go*ernmentlini at

  • 7/25/2019 Master Brisbane Ak Itang v Robinson Lee


    *irus# $e inubation "eriod is from 4914 days for a "erson tode*elo" sym"toms, usually fe*er, after $e $as been bitten by aninfeted ule7 mosFuito# $e "re*enti*e measures inlude fogging,!ee"ing t$e surrounding areas free from mosFuitoes and

    immunisation "rogrammes for t$ose in t$e $ig$ ris!s grou"s ie for"ig farm or!ers and $ildren belo 15 years of age#

    6*87$e e*idene s$oed t$at t$e "laintiC ame don it$ fe*er on25 8e"tember 2006 and based on t$e inubation "eriod of beteen4914 days, t$e "laintiC ould $a*e been infeted it$ t$e *irus on orbefore t$e 22 8e"tember 2006 eit$er in t$e !am"ong or at t$es$ool# $e defendants suggested t$at some *illagers reared "igs,$i!en and du!s in t$e !am"ong and it as "ut to t$e $etua$a!ong&'PE10'( and t$e "laintiC's fat$er &'PE13'( t$at t$e "laintiCas bitten by a mosFuito $i$ as infeted it$ t$e J+ *irus from

    an infeted "ig, du! or an infeted bird at t$e !am"ong# ? at =@?$a!ong# $e defendants did not "resent any e*idene t$at "igs andor du!s ere !e"t in t$e $a!ongor t$at t$ere as any infetedbird at t$e$a!ongand $i$ ould be t$e soure of t$e "laintiC'sinfetion# =n t$e ot$er $and, t$e e*idene s$oed t$at t$e s$ool

    as situated near to t$e "ig farm and in t$is ase, it$in 2!m of t$e"ig farm#

    6*:7 t as almost im"ossible for t$e "laintiC to "ro*e or for t$edefendants to dis"ro*e t$at t$e "laintiC as bitten by a ule7mosFuito infeted it$ t$e J+ *irus at t$e s$ool beause t$ere asno reord or no e*idene of $en or $ere $e as bitten or ereinfeted by su$ a mosFuito# Boe*er, based on t$e e*idene ofPE1, PE: and PEA on t$e lengt$ of t$e inubation "eriod and t$at"igs are t$e natural reser*oir of t$e J+ *irus, t$e ris!s of infetionbeing transmitted *ia t$e ule7 mosFuitoes to $uman beings near to

    t$e "ig farm are rat$er $ig$ and alays "resent# =n t$e e*idenebefore t$e ourt, and on a balane of "robabilities, t$e "laintiC as"robably infeted it$ t$e J+ *irus at t$e s$ool#

    6*;7$e ne7t issue for trial is $et$er t$e defendants ere underany ommon la and or statutory duties or ere negligent and $adbrea$ed t$eir duties in failing to immunise or to "re*ent t$e "laintiCfrom being infeted it$ t$e J+ *irus at t$e s$ool# t as t$e"laintiC's ase t$at t$e s$ool as under t$e res"onsibility of t$eMinistry of +duation and t$at t$e Ministry of Bealt$ as res"onsibleto "re*ent and ontrol t$e outbrea! of diseases inluding J+ inMalaysia# t as submitted t$at due to t$e outbrea! of t$e J+ *irus inMalaysia inluding in t$e 8erian istrit of 8araa! in 1AAA, t$e

  • 7/25/2019 Master Brisbane Ak Itang v Robinson Lee


    Ministry of Bealt$ $ad issued t$e direti*es, "rotools and guidelinesfor t$e ontrol and "re*ention of t$e disease inluding "ro*iding fort$e immuni/ation of $ildren belo t$e age of 15 years,immunisation of "ig farm or!ers and t$e reloation of "ig farms

    from residential areas#


  • 7/25/2019 Master Brisbane Ak Itang v Robinson Lee


    and or t$e Ministry of +duation and or t$e Ministry of Bealt$ ereres"onsible to ensure t$at t$e students at t$e s$ool inluding t$e"laintiC ere *ainated under t$e "rogramme, t$at t$ey ere undera duty to do so and t$at t$ey $ad failed to do so#

    6-7 t as t$e "laintiC's ase t$at "ursuant to t$e garis!anduanand or direti*es t$e s$ool or Ministries s$ould bring t$estudents to be *ainated or to arrange for t$e $ealt$ "ersonnel togo to t$e s$ool to *ainate t$e students under t$e J+ immunisation"rogramme as t$ey ere aare of t$e $ig$ ris!s of infetions to t$estudents# t as submitted t$at due to t$eir failures and or omissions,t$ey ere liable to t$e "laintiC, t$e Do*ernment of Malaysia being*iariously liable#

    6*7 n4 and others 5inors6 v Bed)ordshire County Council7 M 5a

    inor6 and another v 8e0ha London Borough Council and others7 "5a inor6 v Dorset County Council7 and another a!!eal[1AA5] 3 -ll+? 353, t$e Bouse of Lords stated t$at "ri*ate la laims against"ubli aut$orities for damages ould be lassi.ed into fourategories &a( ations for brea$ of statutory duty irres"eti*e ofarelessness &b( ations based solely on t$e areless "erformane ofa statutory duty in t$e absene of any ommon la rig$t of ation&( ations based on a ommon la duty of are arising eit$er fromt$e im"osition of t$e statutory duty or from t$e "erformane of it &d(misfeasane in "ubli

    < ML* =>? at =@=

    oIe, ie t$e failure to e7erise, or t$e e7erise of, statutory "oerseit$er it$ t$e intention to in%ure t$e "laintiC or in t$e !noledget$at t$e ondut as unlaful# =n t$e "leadings, t$e "laintiC's aseas not based on t$e fourt$ ategory#

    67 t as also $eld in t$at ase t$at in an ation for brea$ of astatutory duty irres"eti*e of arelessness, ie sim"liiter, a brea$ ofstatutory duty is not by itself suIient to gi*e rise to any "ri*ate laation# - "ri*ate la ause of ation only arises if it an be s$on asa matter of onstrution of t$e statute t$at t$e statutory duty isim"osed for t$e "rotetion of a limited lass of t$e "ubli and t$at

    Parliament intends to onfer on members of t$at lass a "ri*ate rig$tof ation for brea$ of t$e duty# $e mere assertion of t$e arelesse7erise of a statutory duty is not suIient in itself to gi*e rise to a"ri*ate la ause of ation# $e "laintiC also $as to s$o t$at t$eirumstanes are su$ as to raise a duty of are at ommon la#

    687 n determining $et$er su$ a duty of are is oed by a "ubliaut$ority, t$e manner in $i$ a statutory disretion is or is note7erised $as to be distinguis$ed from t$e manner in $i$ t$estatutory duty is im"lemented in "ratie# 8ine it is for t$e aut$ority,not for t$e ourts, to e7erise a statutory disretion onferred on it byParliament, not$ing t$e aut$ority does it$in t$e ambit of t$edisretion an be ationable at ommon la# $ere is no ommon la
  • 7/25/2019 Master Brisbane Ak Itang v Robinson Lee


    duty of are in relation to t$e ta!ing of deisions in*ol*ing "oliymatters sine t$e ourts annot ad%udiate on "oliy matters#$erefore, a laim alleging negligene in t$e e7erise of a statutorydisretion in*ol*ing "oliy onsiderations ill fail as being non

    %ustiiable see4 and others 5inors6 v Bed)ordshire County Council7M 5a inor6 and another v 8e0ha London Borough Council andothers7 " 5a inor6 v Dorset County Council7 and anothera!!eal[1AA5] 3 -ll +? 353

    697$e Pre*ention and @ontrol of nfetious iseases -t 1A;;&'P@-'( is a legislation relating to t$e "re*ention and ontrol ofinfetious diseases in Malaysia# t inludes "ro*isions for t$e"re*ention of im"ortation of infetious diseases from outside t$eountry and t$e reFuirement on dotors and ot$ers to notify of anyinfetious disease u"on beoming aare of t$e e7istene of su$ a

    disease# 8etion 11&1(states t$at if t$e Minister is satis.ed t$at t$ereis an outbrea! of an infetious disease in any area in Malaysia or t$atany area is t$reatened it$ an e"idemi of any infetious disease, $emay by an order in t$e (a.ettedelare su$ area to be an infetedloal area and s 11&2(t$en "ro*ides t$at $e may "resribe t$emeasures to be ta!en to ontrol or "re*ent t$e s"read of t$einfetious disease it$in or from t$e infeted loal area inluding foran aut$orised oIer to diret any "erson or lass or ategory of"ersons li*ing in an infeted loal area to sub%et $imself ort$emsel*es to treatment or immunisation & s 11&3((#

    < ML* =>? at =@

    6:7 8etion 1;"ro*ides t$at if an aut$orised oIer $as reason tobelie*e t$at t$ere $as been a "erson it$ an infetious disease onany "remises or t$at t$ere e7ists on any "remises any onditionsli!ely to lead to an outbrea! or s"read of any infetious disease, $emay e7amine t$e "erson or "remises or disinfet or lose t$e"remises to "re*ent t$e outbrea! or s"read of any infetious disease#

    6;7$ere is no "ro*ision in t$is -t to "ro*ide for any mandatory orom"ulsory or fored immunisation of any "erson or lass of "ersonsagainst an infetious disease or to reloate or lose any "remises as

    a "re*enti*e measure, in "artiular if t$ere is no delaration of aninfeted loal area#


  • 7/25/2019 Master Brisbane Ak Itang v Robinson Lee


    infeted as su$#

    67$e estrution of isease? at =@E

    s 4&1(of t$e P@-, s 1;of t$e urt$er, t$e abo*e legislations did not im"ose any statutoryduties on t$e "ubli aut$orities, in t$is ase t$e Ministry of +duation

    and or t$e Ministry of Bealt$, to go to t$e s$ool and to immunise t$estudents of t$e s$ool inluding t$e "laintiC against t$e J+ *irus#$ere as also no statutory duty im"osed on t$e Ministry of+duation and or t$e Ministry of Bealt$ to reloate or to lose t$e "igfarm situated near to t$e s$ool on t$e fats and irumstanes oft$is ase# t $as been $eld t$at t$e absene of a statutory duty illnormally e7lude t$e e7istene of a ommon la duty of are Stovinv /ise[1AA6] -@ A23#

    68*7 f t$ere as any duty im"osed on any "ubli aut$ority toreloate or to lose t$e "ig farm as t$e "laintiC ontended, it ouldbe on t$e Ministry of Loal Do*ernments or t$e eterinarye"artment# Boe*er, t$ey are not sued and are not "arties to t$is
  • 7/25/2019 Master Brisbane Ak Itang v Robinson Lee



    687$e garis !anduanand or direti*es ere issued by t$e Ministryof Bealt$ and or t$e Ministry of Loal Do*ernments as "art of a series

    of measures $i$ inluded fogging and t$e J+ immunisation"rogramme ta!en by t$e go*ernment to ontrol and "re*ent t$es"read of t$e J+ *irus in Malaysia# $ese ere t$e "oliy deisions oft$e to Ministries and t$e J+ immunisation "rogramme as to beim"lemented by t$e Bealt$ Ministry#

    6887 Knder t$e garis !anduanand or direti*es, t$e res"onsibilityas not on t$e Ministry of +duation to immunise $ildren belo 15years of age in t$e s$ool# t as not in t$e garis"anduan and ordireti*es t$at t$e Ministry of +duation or t$e s$ool ereres"onsible to immunise t$e $ildren at t$e s$ool and or must

    arrange for t$e $ealt$ "ersonnel to go to t$e s$ool to immunise t$e$ildren# $e garis !anduanand or direti*es ere not addressed oro"ied to t$e Ministry of +duation and or to t$e s$ool# 8imilarly,t$ere as no order or instrution in t$e garis !anduanand ordireti*es for t$e Ministry of Bealt$ to go out to t$e s$ool toimmunise t$e $ildren#

    6897 Knder t$e garis !anduanand or direti*es, "riority under t$e J+immunisation "rogramme as to be gi*en .rstly to "ig farm or!ersand t$ose $o li*ed on "ig farms and seondly to $ildren belo 15years old $o li*ed it$in 2!m of a "ig farm# $ese ere t$e

    reommendations of t$e Ministry of Bealt$ and referred to t$eeligibility of t$ose in t$e "riority or $ig$ ris!s grou" to be immunisedunder t$e "rogramme# ? at [email protected] as su$, t$at "ig farm or!ers and $ildren belo 15 yearsold $o li*ed it$in 2!m of a "ig farm ere eligible and to be gi*en"riority to be *ainated under t$e "rogramme#

    68:7$e Ministry of Bealt$ ould not fore t$ose it$in t$e "rioritygrou"s to be immunised unless t$ey "osed an immediate t$reat toot$ers or if a state of emergeny $as been delared# 8ome "eo"le,

    alt$oug$ it$in t$e $ig$ ris!s grou"s, may deline to be *ainatedon religious or ot$er grounds# 8ine t$ere is no "ro*ision or statutoryduty in t$e P@- or

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    negligene resulting in t$e "laintiC sustaining t$e damage =r ast$ere any negligene in t$e manner in $i$ t$e statutory duty asim"lemented in "ratie n a negligene laim, t$ere must be a lin!beteen t$e rongdoing and t$e damage aused seeArab-

    Malaysian Finance Bhd v Steven Phoa Cheng Loon & rs and othera!!eals[2003] 1 MLJ 56: [2003] 1 @LJ 5;5,/u Sie0 1ing t2a FuhLian Bud-(ra)ting Centre v (unung ,unggal 3uarry & ConstructionSdn Bhd & Anor[2011] 2 MLJ 1 [2011] 1 @LJ 40A# t $as been $eldt$at $ere a statutory aut$ority is entrusted it$ a "oer, t$eyannot be made liable for any damage sustained by a member of t$e"ubli by reason of t$e failure to e7erise t$at "oer# f, in t$ee7erise of t$eir disretion, t$ey embar! u"on an e7eution of t$e"oer, t$e only duty t$ey oe to any member of t$e "ubli is nott$ereby to add to t$e damage $i$ $e ould $a*e suCered $adt$ey done not$ing "ast Su#ol$ %ivers Catchent Board v

    ent[1A40] 4 -ll +? 52:#

    68? at =>!no t$at $e $ad been infeted it$ t$e J+ *irus# $ey ere notdireted and t$ey did not reei*e any direti*e to bring t$e studentsat t$e s$ool inluding t$e "laintiC to be *ainated against t$e J+*irus# +*en $en t$e "laintiC as admitted to t$e 8erian istritBos"ital, $e as rongly diagnosed to $a*e meningitis# =nly aFuali.ed and trained "erson it$ t$e "ro"er diagnosti tools is in a"osition to ta!e s"eimen and arry out t$e tests to determine t$einfetion aCeting "laintiC#

    68+7$e e*idene s$oed t$at t$e arden found out t$e "laintiC$ad fe*er on t$e nig$t of 25 8e"tember 2006 $en s$e as doing$er rounds at t$e boarding s$ool# 8$e referred t$e "laintiC to E3t$e ne7t day $o inter*ieed $im and ga*e $im a Panadol and told$im to go and rest# E$en $is fe*er did not im"ro*e or go aay t$efolloing day, s$e told t$e .rst defendant $o toget$er it$ E3

    too! $im to t$e go*ernment lini at

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    "roedure, $en a student beame si! t$ey ould ta!e t$e studentto t$e lini for treatment and as! t$e "arents to ta!e t$e student$ome and if t$e "arents ould not be ontated by "$one, t$ey ouldsend t$e student $ome# +*en if t$ey did not send $im $ome but !e"t

    $im at t$e boarding s$ool, t$ey ould not do anyt$ing more for $imafter t$ey too! $im to t$e lini for t$e treatment of $is fe*er# -stea$ers at t$e s$ool, t$ey $ad done e*eryt$ing t$ey ould for t$e"laintiC in t$e irumstanes of t$is ase $en $e ame don it$fe*er at t$e s$ool see (overnent o) Malaysia & rs v *uat binMahud & Anor[1A::] 2 MLJ 103#

    69-7 PE1 $ad testi.ed t$at t$e J+ immunisation "rogramme as a*ery *ast "rogramme and t$e Ministry of Bealt$ alone ould not arryit out# Be said t$at to im"lement t$e "rogramme fully andsuessfully reFuired t$e oo"eration of ot$er de"artments and

    agenies# Be said t$at t$ere as no oIial doument to s$o t$att$e go*ernment $ad a$ie*ed a more t$an A0 o*erage for t$e J+"rogramme $i$ as in ontrast to t$e ot$er *aination"rogrammes $i$ a$ie*ed more t$an A0 or 100 o*erage# PEA$ad testi.ed t$at t$ere ere s$ortomings in t$e im"lementation oft$e J+ immunisation "rogramme beause of t$e s$ortage of t$e*aines at t$e times and t$e s$ortage of funds# $ese againillustrated deisions in*ol*ing "oliy matters# $ere as not suIiente*idene before t$e ourt t$at t$e defendants ere negligent orareless in t$e im"lementation of t$e J+ immunisation "rogramme#+*en for ot$er immunisation or *aination "rogrammes su$ as formeasles, $i!en "o7 or "olio, "arents are ad*ised to $a*e t$eir$ildren *ainated, t$ey are not fored to do so#

    69*7 n t$is ase t$e "laintiC as infeted it$ t$e J+ *irus after $eas bitten by a mosFuito# $is as not due to t$e e7erise of t$edefendants' statutory "oers or t$e failure to e7ise any su$"oers# t as also not due to t$e

    < ML* =>? at =@negligene of t$e defendants or any of t$em in t$e manner t$e"rogramme as im"lemented but to t$e fores of nature $i$ t$edefendants, in "artiular t$e Ministry of Bealt$, ere trying to"re*ent or ontrol see "ast Su#ol$ %ivers Catchent Board v ent#$e defendants ould not be $eld liable to t$e "laintiC for t$e J+infetion ot$erise t$e defendants or any of t$em ould alsobeome liable to anyone $o is infeted by any of t$e mosFuitoborne diseases su$ as malaria or dengue fe*er#

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    ontrat e7"ress or im"lied in e7istene it$ t$e .rst, seond, t$ird,.ft$ and si7t$ defendants# $e "laintiC t$en set out t$e e7"ress orim"lied terms of t$e ontrat in "ara 11 of t$e reamendedstatement of laim and $e $as also set out t$e "artiulars of brea$

    of t$e ontrat in "ara 12 t$ereof# Eas t$ere any ontrat beteent$e "laintiC and or $is "arents it$ t$e said defendants

    6987 Bis fat$er &PE13( testi.ed t$at $e "aid ?M12: "er year to t$eboarding s$ool and $e also "aid ?M10 "er mont$ to t$e s$ool forom"uter lasses for t$e "laintiC# Be as rosse7amined and saidt$at $e did not $a*e any reei"t for t$e "ayments made# Be said $eas!ed but t$e s$ool did not gi*e $im any reei"t alt$oug$ t$e s$ool"romised to do so# t as t$en "ut to PE13 t$at t$ere as noontrat beteen $im and t$e s$ool and $e agreed#

    6997 n "ara 2 of t$e amended defene of t$e .rst, seond, t$ird,fourt$ and si7t$ defendants, t$ey admitted Partiular 1 of "ara 1 oft$e reamended statement of laim e7e"t for t$e fat t$at t$e .rstand seond defendants ere t$e agents and or ser*ants of t$e .ft$defendant ie t$ey $a*e admitted t$at t$e "laintiC as a fee "ayingstudent of t$e boarding s$ool# Boe*er, t$ey t$en in "ara 1: oft$eir amended defene denied "aras A912 of t$e reamendedstatement of laim#

    69:7 -ssuming t$at t$ere as a ontrat beause t$ey "aid t$e feesto t$e s$ool, t$ere as no ritten ontrat as su$ $i$ set out t$e

    terms and onditions of t$is ontrat# $e "laintiC $as set out t$ee7"ress or im"lied terms of t$e ontrat in "ara 11 of t$e reamended statement of laim# n t$is ase, t$e .rst and seonddefendants, and in e7tension t$e Ministry of +duation, ereontratually res"onsible to ensure t$at t$e s$ool as a lean andsafe en*ironment for t$e "laintiC to study and li*e in#

    69;7 -s stated earlier t$ere as no e*idene t$at t$e s$ool as notlean or as dirty or as a breeding ground for mosFuitoes $i$ga*e rise to t$e s"read

    < ML* =>? at =

    of t$e J+ *irus# $ere as no e*idene t$at at t$e material times t$e"laintiC, $is "arents toget$er it$ t$e .rst and or seond defendants!ne or ere aare of t$e ris!s of J+ infetion at t$e s$ool or t$att$e ris!s ere foreseeable at t$e material times# $ere as noe*idene t$at su$ ris!s ere it$in t$e ontem"lation of t$e"laintiC, $is "arents and or t$e 1st and seond defendants $en t$eyentered into t$e ontrat for t$e "laintiC to study and stay at t$eboarding s$ool and $en t$ey "aid t$e fees#


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    s$ool or of t$e needs to $a*e t$e "laintiC to be *ainated againstt$e J+ *irus# t as not ontem"lated and t$ere as no ontratualduty on t$e .rst, seond and or t$ird defendants to ensure t$at t$e"laintiC as *ainated against t$e J+ *irus# $e fats s$oed t$at

    t$ere as no ontrat beteen t$e "laintiC and t$e fourt$, .ft$ andsi7t$ defendants#

    697 t as also ontended t$at t$e loal aut$orities, and bye7tension t$e .ft$ defendant, s$ould not $a*e a""ro*ed t$e "ig farmto be situated so near to t$e s$ool and s$ould $a*e reloated t$e"ig farm aay from t$e s$ool# -ny su$ a""ro*al or e7tension of t$eliense to t$e "ig farm and any reloation of t$e "ig farm ould beunder t$e loal aut$orities and or t$e *eterinary de"artment#Boe*er, t$ey $a*e not been sued and are not "arties to t$is suit#$e .rst, seond, t$ird, and fourt$ defendants ere not res"onsible

    for t$e liensing and or reloation of t$e "ig farm#

    69+7 Last but not least, is t$e issue of t$e *iarious liability of t$e.ft$ and si7t$ defendants res"eti*ely in tort ie $et$er it isneessary to sue t$e "ubli ser*ant or oIer res"onsible for t$e tortfor t$e go*ernments to be *iariously liable# n t$is ase t$e tortom"lained of as t$e failure to *ainate t$e "laintiC against t$e J+*irus#

    6:-7$e defendants submitted t$at it as neessary to identify andname t$e "artiular oIer or oIers $om t$e "laintiC alleged $ad

    ommitted t$e negligene before t$e federal or state go*ernmentould beome *iariously liable# t as submitted t$at if t$e oIer oroIers ere not liable t$en t$e go*ernment as also not liable andt$at t$is is t$e one"t of *iarious liability under ommon la# $e"laintiC submitted t$at it as not neessary to name t$e oIer, itas suIient to name t$e iretor of t$e Ministry of Bealt$ as t$e$ead of t$e Ministry or e"artment res"onsible for t$eim"lementation of t$e J+ immunisation "rogramme to atta$*iarious liability on t$e si7t$ defendant#

    6:*7$e Fuestion is not $et$er it is neessary to identify and name

    t$e< ML* =>? at =

    oIer res"onsible for t$e negligene, rat$er t$e Fuestion is $et$ert$e oIer res"onsible for t$e negligene is sued as a "arty to t$eation before t$e go*ernment an be liable for t$e negligene# .ndsu""ort in t$e deision of t$e >ederal @ourt in t$e ase of era+aanMalaysia & rs v Lay ee ,ee & rsas follos

    $erefore, on t$e "ro"er onstrution of ss 56 of -t 35A, in anylaim in tort against t$e go*ernment, t$e oIer of t$e go*ernment$o as res"onsible for t$e alleged tortious at must be made a

    "arty and $is liability be establis$ed before t$e go*ernment an bemade liable *iariously as "rini"al# t ould be insuIient to merely

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    identify t$e oIer it$out %oining t$e oIer as a "arty beauseliability by e*idene needs to be establis$ed# t is only u"on asuessful laim against t$e oIer "ersonally an a laim be laidagainst t$e go*ernment#

    6:7 -s $a*e ruled abo*e, t$e res"onsibility to *ainate t$e"laintiC ame under t$e "ur*ie of t$e Ministry of Bealt$# $ere asno duty im"osed on t$e .rst, seond and or t$ird defendants to*ainate or to bring t$e "laintiC to be *ainated or to arrange for"ersonnel from t$e Ministry of Bealt$ to go to t$e s$ool to *ainatet$e "laintiC against t$e J+ *irus#

    6:87 =n t$e fats, t$e ase of era+aan Malaysia & rs v Lay ee ,ee& rsan be distinguis$ed beause in t$at ase only t$ego*ernments ere sued it$out any of t$e oIers res"onsible for

    t$e negligene being made a "arty to t$e suit# n t$is ase, t$eiretor of t$e Ministry of Bealt$ $as been made a "arty# $eFuestion is $et$er it is suIient to do so#

    6:97 n t$is ase it fell u"on t$e Ministry of Bealt$ to im"lement t$eJ+ immunisation "rogramme# $ere as no e*idene t$at a "artiularoIer $ad been s" assigned to *ainate t$e "laintiC and$e failed to do so and as negligent in doing so# =n t$e fats andirumstanes of t$is ase, it ould be almost im"ossible to identifyor name an oIer $o as res"onsible to but failed to *ainate t$e"laintiC against t$e J+ *irus beause t$ere as no su$ oIer#

    $erefore, it is suIient, and it is %ust and reasonable, to name and%oin t$e iretor of t$e Ministry of Bealt$ as a "arty in t$is suit inorder to ma!e t$e 6t$ defendant *iariously liable to t$e "laintiCsee Pengarah os!ital Selayang & rs v Ahad A.i.i bin Abdullah*aes & rs[2012] 5 MLJ 6:A&?ayuan 8i*il Ho @01M(3;; a$un2011#

    6::7 ? at =?8araa!, as an oIer of t$e si7t$ defendant and not of t$e .ft$defendant# $erefore, t$e ation against t$e .ft$ defendant is notsustainable and must be dismissed#

    6:;7 8imilarly, as stated abo*e, t$e "laintiC $as om"lained t$at t$e

    .ft$ defendant t$roug$ its distrit ounils or loal aut$orities ormunii"alities or agents failed to reloate t$e "ig farm or as
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    negligent in "ermitting t$e "ig farm to be situated near to t$e s$ool#8imilarly, t$e "laintiC $as failed to sue eit$er t$e distrit ounil orloal aut$orities or munii"alities or agents $i$ ere alleged to benegligent as a "arty in t$is ation# $erefore, again, t$e ation

    against t$e .ft$ defendant is not sustainable and must be dismissed#

    6:or t$e reasons gi*en, t$e "laintiCs' laims against t$e .rst,seond, t$ird, fourt$, .ft$ and si7t$ defendants are dismissed#

    Clais disissed:?e"orted by -.F Mo$amad Hoor