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  • 8/3/2019 MAT Paper Punjab NTSE


    _ ,... P a rt-I (srar -1): 1 to 90 Menta l ,Abl:ilty Tes, t - 2 0 1 1 . 1 W6fRt f t J l a r a ' r , _ . . " _ ,(Q1-4) Th.' . I(lI7i If3a - 2011. : ere IS a number series follow' , l(lIn. -.

    IS left blank. Find out the correct an'~~e~ f~deS(l.{llll'l-4) : i I o 1 f f i 1 l l > 1 7 < ' f.i'tr' ' ,.'. 13'~o~W;r. m r o ' 5 ' I ;wff ia+~~~l~. ~Bl. c f f l l. ~ a r e T ( f . , .31 ,35,44,60, 85, 121,1 ~~ I . . .on '"'"!lFi'Pif~ f ; " ' , . m i l

    157 (2) 170 (3)' 1 12,8 1. 30,31,35.,44,60,85,121,?44 (4)" 26,124,'215" ? (1) 157 (2) 1i70 (3)342 (2)382 (3) 296 (4) 272 2. 0,7,26,124,21 15, ?

    2,36,80,150,? (1) 342 (2) 382 (3)) 252 ('2) 225 (3) 522 (4) 255 3. 2,12,36,80,150. ?10 ? (1 ) 252' (2)' 22-'5 ()' , 46 .3,

    20 (2) ,2 4 (3)22 (4)19ons (Q~-10) : In each of the f'oHowi,ngquestions,a relationship between two 'Ietters/wolrd/numberln the left of the si.g~ (:. :). The same relati'onship~tw~en t~e two to right right of the sign (; :),of whichissing. Find out the missing from the alternatives.CUS~ :,CXE~SU : :ERODES: ?

    (1) OREESD (2) ORESED(3) REOD'ES (~)ERODSELJH:KKI: :GIA:?(1) DBB 2) BJB (3) CBZ (4) BBZBORE: 10 : : HOTEL: ?(1) 12 (2) 15 (3) 18 (4 ) 3D100 : 11 , : : 121 :.?(1) 10 (2) 12 (3) 1. 1 (4) 1, 320 : 11 :: 102 :?(1) 52 (2) 51 (3)98 (4) 491

    w [ Y J ~(1) (2) (3) (4)

    ect' .. Ions (Q11-13) :The letters given below follow a~~;~.pattem.Find out the missing letters to complet,e (he


    h _ e9._.fegh_._eghfe_{1)gffh (2) hhgg (3) ffgh2. ab_ ~ __aaba na badna badna( -- - -1 \ babda (2) badna (3) andaa


    (4) dabdb

    144 (4) 128'

    .296 (4) 2 72

    522 (4) 2 554. 1,4, 10, ? 46

    (1) 20 (2) 24 (3) 22 (4) 19F . ~ ( ) " " ' d . . . ! : l . e - 8 (1.[BO 5-10) : " 5 ' 0 f5Q- 1.ffii('j'i" I!-f- . .2.. . .rn .n ilr. "1 < ; 0 ' 'Il;l '

  • 8/3/2019 MAT Paper Punjab NTSE


    _8e. __aabb ~ab ~ccabca (2) abaca (3) bacab(4) bcacarta ln language if RA 'IN is calle d wa te r, W ATER"ed R OA D, R OA D is ca lled C LO UD, C LO UD isSKY ~ S KY is cal led SEA , and SEA li s 'called

    H , th en wh ere dos'e ro pla ne fly? .OAD (2)SEA (3)CLOUD (4)WATERs (Q15-19); Wha t will com e in place of quest ionth e fol \ow ing ques tions .

    (2) 18 (3)22 (4)2B

    (1) 235 (2)141 (3)1.44' (4)188

    (1) 18 (2)33 (3) 145(4) 135

    (3)64(1)60 (2)62

    (3)361(1)316 (2)136

    13 . ._ .,bee._._ 8 C _ aabb.ab eoP ) aabca (2 ) abaca (3 ) ibacab (4 )14. : H faij: 9'W f,:i'id H ' l t r tw:tt f O f o r ~ I> i t a u r a .~~~,~t~.J )"tfffifI?)~'~1 ,t m s r f c r r ~ : a T ~ ; ; ru r ; : r fo r a q - i 3 c e - ~ 1

    (1)m:fCr (2) ~ (3):efurg (4)~resides ( 1 { B i l i " 15-19'): ~fgifl!B6i~ ~ffiQ(?1WI

    (1 ) 32 ' (2) 18 (3)22 (4).2B

    (1}235 (2) 141 (3)144 (4 ) 1 8 8

    1 7 .

    (1) 18 (.2)33 (3) 145 (il) 135


    (2)62 (3) 64

    (1)316 (2) 136


  • 8/3/2019 MAT Paper Punjab NTSE


    'n is facing towards west and tu 'a . ' ' ~ 1 8 '0 ,01 ' , rns throu h 0ise , .'~ga ln. , ~I" ~ ockwise a 'nd' '" ,g 45 ..h 270ant, l-c lockw lse . lin which d' ~h~n tu rnsIInow ? . .. l.rectlon is he:;, ,.'

    ( .2 ) No r th~W es t,outh (4) Sou th-W es ta n t , raveUed westw~rd 5 km s tu rned left and3 . k~S, tu~nedr lQlht and traveUed 9 krns, H etrave lled north 3 km s How fa r he is f ' ~ , 'point? " is trom the,Kms (2) 3Km s (3) 6 Kms , (4) 14Kmsie s o f fiQures a re giv,en '~hich can be groupedclaeses. ~elect th~ gr~up Into which the f iguresb e c la ssif ie d tra m the g iven re sponses.

    6 7 8 91,4,5; 2,6,8; 3,7,9 (2) 1,3,7; 4,6",9; 2,5,81,3,7; 2',5,8; 4,6,9 (4) 1,3,8;, 2,5,.,7;4,6",9,(Q23..24) : The following questions are basedcube on which di,ffer,ent numbers/symbols areeach tace ,( ; ~ C = l ~ (f~(i) (ii) (iiD (iv)e symbol opposite the face having the syrnbol=is0 (2) 6. (3) @ (4)0

    (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)number is opposite to 3 ?

    1)1 (2)2 (3)4(4)6

    . 20.

    6 7( 1 1 ) 1,4,5; 2,,6,8; 3,7,9 (2) 1,3.7; 4,6,9'; 2,5,8(3) 1,.3,,7; ,2,5,8;, 4,6,.9 (4) 1,3,8; 2,5,7; 4,6.9,r O d e E i (quo 23~24)froT f e " " l{ffi'i f g a - " 8 J t U J e - a : ~m;;,

    f ; : : m . e - dii l..fTit3fila

  • 8/3/2019 MAT Paper Punjab NTSE


    25. Which one of the following figures represents therelationship among college students, singers anddancers.

    ( 2 ) (3) (4)"1 )Directions (Q26..27) : The following questions are basedon the following information: "Five men A , B , C , D and E read a newspaper. The one whoreads first gives it to C. The one who reads last had takenfrom A . E was not the first or last to read. There were tworeaders between B and A ?26. B passed the newspaper to whom?

    (1) A (2) C (3) D (4 ) E27. Who read the newspaper last ?

    (1) A (2) " B (3) C (4 ) 01 ' . " " . l " . . .r....(Q28-29) : In the following question there are

    ons without signs between leach two numbers. Findfrom the given four options which one would render theuation to the correct.

    16 ~ 1S L \. 3 L \ 11(1) +,-:-,= (2) =~.....x(3 ) +,=,7 (4) -" " ,-

    29'. 16 L \ 2 ~ 4 L \8 L \ 12(1 ) -, ':',+. = (2) +,,-, "f'" =(3) 7,-,+,= (4 ) +, -;.,-,::::

    30. If x means 7,- means x, 7means + and + means-, Then (3-15+19)x8+6 =?(1) -1 (2) 2 (3) 4 (4) 8If P denotes -;-,T denotes +, M denotes -, Ddenotes x, then what wil l be tlie value of "72 M 13 0 72 P 12 T 27 = ?

    ~ . .. r r 3 " > ; h xumft ao fif3 T ~ 3 'T ~oTc l~?(1) 5 x 3 + 12 = 27(3) 5 x 3 + 12 ;:: 63ftf3" ' I J 8 " B T i;~ e :=;:fit ~ l.Ifu;8- FfSTO 3 -(1) School(3) Sacrifice





  • 8/3/2019 MAT Paper Punjab NTSE


    OireCfthe Ions (Q34 &.35), : In the folio 'C o Words a s they OCcur in d'ictiWing questions arrange.rrect sequence. ,onary and choose the34 .') A .l ")., II' bacus, II Absorb, iii) Academ. 'I ( 1) ., ..,..., v . IV ) AccompanyIV, III, II, I (2)'(3) i, ii, iv , iii (4) ~v,. ii. ' . . i, ii35'" I, II, III, iv

    I) 8alln,(3) ii, iii, i, iv () ~~,~v,III, Io (4) II, IV , i, iiiirections (Q36 & 37) A .meaningful sequence. rrange the foUowing in36 i) Table, il) Tree, iii) Wood, iv) Seed, v) Plant

    (1) iv , v, iii, ii, i (2) I'V " .. ' .. ,(3) ,...... - I V , I I 1 1 1 1 II, III, II, IV, v (4) i ii 1 ' 1 ' 1 'I iv I, , I I, Vi ) Frog,ivlSnake

    37. ii) Eagle,v) Grass

    , iii) Grass hopper,(1) iii, iv , ii, v, i(3) v, iii, i, iv , ii

    38,(2) i, iii, v, ii, ' iv(4) v, H i , iv , ii, i

    How many Su?h5's a,rethere in the following number~eque~ce which are Immediately preceded by 7 andImmediately followed by 6 ?755945764598756764325678(1) One (2) Two(3) Three (4) FourIn a certain code language "come again" is written as"ho na", "come over here" lswrltten as "Pa na ta" and"over is above" is written as "ki ta [a". H o w is 'here'written in that code language?(1) Pa (2) na (3) ta (4) jaThere are Deer and Peacocks in a zoo. By countingheads they are 80. The number of their legs is 200-.How many peacocks are there?(1) 20 (2) 30 (3) 50 (4) 60



    41. A hill always has . ?(1) . Trees(3)' Water(2) Animals(4) Height

    Directions (Q42-45) : According to a Code I,angu,agethewords in capital letters in column I are rewritten In smallletters in columns II.The codes in column IIdo not appear Inthe same order as letters in the word in column I, the codesfor each one jumbled within. Find the code for each wordfrom among the choices given under each,wordColumn-I Column-II~AME yacbTAPE zaryPLOT rjhzMEND abnkPLAN hykz

    42. GONE(1) yhka cjka (3) crya (4) yjab

    f 6dea ('l.(EO 34 -odf un If r o + f ;:f3 - ~(')T5~ tit 3 C J 3 t34. i) Abacus,

    (1) iv , ii(3 ) i, ii,35. i) Ballot, ii)(1) ii, iii(3) ii, iii,r e s a iht (l.[F.f?)36-:36.. i) H B ' , i i) ~

    ( 1 1 ) iv , v ,(3) i, iii,37, i) iitg

    iv ) FftI(1) i i, i , iv , ii,(3 ) v , iii, i, i

    38. ~,}f3" g~' ~5 ff 1 . I f uW > l~frl755945764(1) fFa'(3 ) f30

    39 . f c r f r ch; 9'R"Come Oveabove" erl;jtrmPrRnre(1) Pa

    40. fFor~,f ij u< 31 80 ~lfq~ffl*j;f,(1) 20

    41. ~ '&c?~(1) ~(3) l . J l < r t

    f ; ;Sda (l.{EO 42-4~ ()T5 fuii W l&1C5} f II f.iB' n f u : a '~mW'~~'f tw;fr f r Iftf3" a r e F ii

    c x r f f i f ~ 1GAMETAPEPLOTMENDPLAN

    42, GONE(1) yhk'

  • 8/3/2019 MAT Paper Punjab NTSE





    DATE(1 ) ny ra (2 ) bazy (3 ) kazb (4 ) nazrLEAD(1) hyak (2 ) zayn (3) zyck (4 ) haynGLAND(1) chykn (2 ) y zakb (3 ) akczb (4) czynk

    D irec tions (Q 46 -48) : In the follow ing questions num b ersa re a rranged in the form of py ram id. F rom this py ram id fou rse ts of num b ers a re se lec ted b ased on ce rta in logic . Tw o ofthese a re given on the le ft and tw o on the right of the s ign (::)one se t of the num bers on the right goes m issing. C hoosetha t se t of num b er from the a lte rna tives w hich ca rries thesa m e logic 13 4 42_ 10 41', ~

    ~ 12 11 '3 7 3 '8 3918 19 9 P 2 1 2 2 ' J3 ' 24~~533": 31 31-- 30 29 28 27 2667

    46. 7:18::37:?(1) 23 (2). 30 (3) 29 (4) 288,.17,34:9,20,32::41, 22, 29:?(1) 40, 23, .28 (2) 40, 25, 27(3) 42, 39, 24 (4) 42, 37, 2336,16,35: 15, 17,14: : 7,6,8:?

    - ~ - .. . ..(1) 6,8,5 (2) 2,1,3(3) 2,5,3 (4) t. 2,.5In a certain code language FASHION = FOIHSAN,In the same code language find the code ofSCIENCE(1) CIENCES (2) NCESCIE(3) SCNEICE (4) SCNCIECIn a certaln code language PHY$ICS = YHPSSCI,In the same language find the code of PRQBLEM(1) ORPBMEL (2) ORPBEML(3) OPRBMEL (4) ORPMBELIn a certain code language HEATER=KB~QHO, Inthe same language find the code of COLLER(1) FLOIHO (2) FLiRHO(3) FRLlHO (4) FLRIOHIf LOYAL is coded as 13-16-26-2-13, In the same. K ?language CLOC =.

    3-12-15-3-11 (2) 4-12-16-4-12g ~ 4-13-17-4-12 (4) 4-13-16-4-12







    43. DA'(1 ) I

    44. L E A(1)

    45. GLA(1) Ir O d e f. f (tpn

    ij'l.( F iR ftf3' ('"BTO~~(wit2*~o r e - ~ ~W,1 5

    16 136 3546. 7: 18: ::

    (1) 2347.8,17,34:.

    (1) 40,(3) 42,48. 36,16,35

    (1) 6,8,(3) 2,5,49. #qcr f c r i t gr]

    grw f . ; f ; ;r s((1) GlEN(3) 'SCNI

    50. R o r o fait SJ1B9"W~PR(1) ORPE(3) OPRB

    51. ;lQO HEATEF~STJ:1T~i(1) FLOIHI(3) FRLlH(

    52. irno LOYAL eW tr CLOCK to !(1) 3-12-15(3) 413-17'


  • 8/3/2019 MAT Paper Punjab NTSE


    Olr ctlon (Q59-62): R e ad the fo llo w in g in fo rm a tio n andanswe r th e q ue stio ns :C irc le - E du ca te d P ersonsTri ngle - Persons inGov t. S e rv ic e sRe c ta ngle - P ersons W orking lin P riva te S ec torSqua re - W om en


    59. Which number represents educated women whoare in Govt. JObs? '(1) 2 (.2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 660. Which number represents uneducated women, whohave Govt. jobs as w~1Ias jobs in Private Sector(1) 4 (2) 6 (3) 9 (4) 12Which number represents uneducated Personsworking in Private Sector(1) 11 (2) 12 (3) 13 '(4) 8Number 10 represents -1) Educated w om e n .in Pr,ivate Jobs2) Uneducated men in Private ,Jobs3) Educated men wor~ing i~ Private Sector4) Educated men having-private as well as Govt.Jobs


    62 .

    Directions (Q63-67) : Out of the two sets, ~sf set. bl m flgurewhereas the 2nd!set ISof answer flglur,esISa pro e ' , . . h' h f thh. . 9 four alternatives. You' have to find w IC 0 .e'aVI.n "gure would fit in place of the-question mark rnnswer III.problem figure.63.

    0 ?00 000

    Problem Figure

    n~~~~ (2) (3) (4)


    64. Problem F,igure

    . .f]t?]~~ (3) (4)(1) (2)


    foaea (e-~fit T c x a - f j : ffw:r -~~-~~-~

    ~? 5 T 8 " t ! C f J(1) 2~t [ le1~ c (i

    t : !dRl fe>w(1) 4~~ili)*1 '"(1) 11

    > r i o r L O F c r n cl)~;2)~3)~f.4)~~~HdO(IJt Q

    f(,)dlihl (tpJO 63-6)~prj~~,Rf30 t 1,2,3 ~ 4 ~





    ~ .,63.


    f 1 l 1 t1)8

  • 8/3/2019 MAT Paper Punjab NTSE


    Problem Figure

    Al AlAl ;(1nswer~ k J 1 3 k J 1 S l b _ _ 1 s 1 Figures(1) (2) (3) -- (4)

    ~ E Z 1 ~ E 2 j. (1) (2) (3) - (4)


    Problem Figure

    .K:D \ S P l r"JlnAnswer~~.~~ F~u~s(1) (2) (3) (4)

    (Q68-70) : In each question Square/Circularfolded as shown with the dotted 'linesin theThe last figure shows how the paper haswould the pap~r look like when unfolded?

    ~,~#"-........... .: )". '

    65 .

    I~cJj~(1) (2). (3


    Ej~f(1 ) (2) (3)



  • 8/3/2019 MAT Paper Punjab NTSE


    73. [ f J - - - - 1 [ ] " - - - 1 0 0 - - - " " - . ._ - . ,, , ,. , . .' , , ,' , , ,' , , ,' " , ., , .' , 1 "... : .... : ...J 0 0 . . . :1) (2) (3) (4)

    .i----, iliii--- ..~--- ..i, ..---...-~~i, i'---........_., , " , " .' , I I 1 ,' " I I , I. ,i* C D j . o oj t< > C Dj t$C D j(1) (2) (3) (4)'5. The sheet of paper shown in the figure (X ) given on

    the le ft hand side in the prob le ,m , ls fo lded to form ab ox. C hoose from am o ng the a lte rna tives 1 , 2 , 3, & 4,the b ox tha t is sim i la r will b e form e d.


    B'BQ@(X ) (1), (2) (3) (4)

    A and B a re b roth e rs . C & D are sisters. A's son ;s D'sbrother. How is 8 re la te d to C ?(2) Brother(1) Father Uncle(3) Grandfather (4)

    . . information & answer theRead the following that A ;s the daughter of 8;quesnons. If A+! . m ; ~ n : O nof B; A-B means that A isA"S IS of the follOW ing Istrue?

    [ M74. [~~


    75. fro~f ifda (~I~ C ( 5 t J i






  • 8/3/2019 MAT Paper Punjab NTSE


    D ir1 e ctions (Q 81 -83) ,:F ind ou t th e od d one out.~-(l{. 81-83):

    81. [ Q I ~ I ~ I 6 J J(1) (2) (3) (4),

    81. Q(1 ) (2 )

    82. #.#.82. (2) (3 ) (4) . (1 ) (2 )83. e ~ .ol

    0~ I f 0 ~ 1 1 83 .(1) ( 2 ) (3) '(4) (1) (2 )

    Directions (Q84-86) : In e ach qu estion, choose the w ate rim a ge of the figu r,e (x) from a m ongst th e fou r a lte rna tive sgiven as 1,2,3 a nd 4.

    ~-(\{. 84-86): foHn~ l . [ 3 l f f l 1 i (Wate r i ma g e~4~~184.~

    ~(X )

    ~~~~ (1) (2)


    ~~ (2 )

    ~~~~ (3) (4)


    E o o 1 J ~ ( ( [!J(2)

    ~ ':}(4 )86.

    ~3)(2 )

  • 8/3/2019 MAT Paper Punjab NTSE


    7 -9 0) : In e a ch qu e stio n, c ho os e t he C o r" ,c tDirecl lopl ~ a : ,w ords fro m am o ngst th e fou r a lte rn ative ,mirror Ima~,3and 4.given.S f, ~ . ,

    MirrorFLOA~ r 0 'V .1 II .7. ) I:;(1 .T.A 0 J ~(2) ~ F 0 A .1(3) T 'V 0 J '= t(4) .

    MirTOr i-2 088. (1) 0s_T(2 ) . L ' : S 0o e - r




    ~-('\~'J~'iltl\ ..~~ (Mirror\Il\a~~~~~> < ' i I ~ "''''~87 . FLOA T ~ ~

    (1 ) l: r 0 V 1(2 ) TAO J 1(3) l: F 0 A 1(4) TV 0 J 1""""lO8 . (1 ) O S : - T '(2) 1- S0(3) 02 :-1(4) S :O-T r

    RELAY89. ~r.rr m m m -.;;u ......(1) Y A J 3 fI(2 ) 1 :5 3 r V A(3 ) 1 :5 E J V A(4 ) 1 :5 E r V A

    90 .