material and service master

Department of Finance and Administration Office of the Mississippi Management and Reporting System Workshop Presentation – PRO-07 Material and Service Master November 7. 2011 1/4/2012 1

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  • Department of Finance and AdministrationOffice of the Mississippi Management and Reporting System

    Workshop Presentation PRO-07 Material and Service Master

    November 7. 2011

    1/4/2012 1

  • 1. Workshop Ground Rules2. Workshop Guiding Principles3. Workshop Objectives4. Workshop Agenda in Detail5. Workshop Roles6. Workshop Content7. Workshop Wrap-up

    1/4/2012 2


  • 1/4/2012 3

    All participants should be familiar with the requirements and the topics to be covered;

    The workshop scribe is responsible for documenting the parking lot issues and follow up questions;

    The workshop facilitators are responsible for keeping the discussion centered on the topic being discussed. If an issue is determined that cannot be resolved during the workshop, the facilitator will note the issue for future resolution and enter it into the workshop output document; and

    Parking of discussion item if the required knowledge is not in the room.

    Workshop Ground Rules

  • Workshop Guiding Principles

    1/4/2012 4

    Workshop Participant

    Demonstrate how requirements are met using Standard SAP functionality

    Utilize standard SAP functionality (80/20 rule)

    Avoid the what wont work mindset

    Be attentive and open minded

    Explore questions and answers

    Encourage input from other participants

    Refrain from absolutes and mandates

    Focus on current issue being discussed

    Avoid war stories

    Manage cell phone, pagers & interruptions

    Keep the conversations to one at a time

    Essential to dos: Review Business Process Model Update/Create process Flow

    Diagrams WS Output Documents Identify RICEFW Objects Document process

    changes/implications Solution Manager:

    Create Business Blueprint documents

    Identify Issues and Risks

  • Workshop Agenda

    1/4/2012 5




    Team Logistics

    November 7, 2011

    Key Decisions Material Master

    Material Master Record Views of the Material Master Maintenance of Material Master

    Service Master Service Master Record Maintenance of Service Master

    Next Steps

    Workshop Minutes Parking Lot

  • Blueprint Workshop - Roles

    1/4/2012 6

    SAP Facilitator Jeanna Stafford

    Customer Facilitator Shelley Walker; Carlos Galloway

    Scribe Jon Sanford

    OCM Dorothy Preston

    A successful workshop is the result of interaction and participation!

  • Workshop Objectives

    1/4/2012 7

    Define Master Records

    Define and discuss the Material Master and its use

    Define and discuss the Service Master

    Maintenance activities for Master Records

    Identify Systems for collection of legacy data and use of SAP data

  • Workshop Key Decisions

    1/4/2012 8

    In which State systems do Commodity records exist?

    What will be converted as Material Master Records? Generic Commodities Commodities coded to the 11 digit NIGP code State defined numbers

    Keep as defined Map to NIGP 11 digit code

    All commodities or active commodities within a date threshold

    Define Standardization of Short Description Noun, Adjective, Adjective, Size, Color

  • Workshop Key Decisions

    1/4/2012 9

    Will the Material Master be maintained centrally?

    Will specific data be maintained de-centrally? Plant specific data for Inventory purposes

    How will inventory be valued? Moving Average Price Standard Price

    How will Material Groups be defined? Current Class Code (NIGP Class) Current Class + Sub Class (NIGP Class/Item)

  • Workshop Key Decisions

    1/4/2012 10

    Are there Service Master equivalent records in any State System?

    Will numbering of Service Master Records be internally assigned or mirror NIGP 11 digit coding?

    Are there external systems that will require Material Master and/or Service Master data?

  • 1/4/2012 11

  • 1/4/2012 12

    Master Records

    Master records are data records that are stored centrally in the database for longer periods of time and which are used and processed by multiple applications.

    Material Master Records

    Service Master Records

  • 1/4/2012 13

    Material Master

    The Material Master contains information on materials that the State of Mississippi will procure and store.

    This information is stored in individual Material Master Records.

    The Material Master is used by all components in the SAP Logistics System.

    The integration of all material data in a single database eliminates redundant data storage.

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    Material Master

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    Material Master

    The material master has a hierarchical structure resembling the organizational structure.

    Client Company Code Plant Storage Location Purchasing Organization Warehouse Number Storage Type

  • 1/4/2012 16

    Material MasterClient

    Company Code


    Storage Location


    Storage Type


    101 102 201 101

    100 200



    101 102 201


    Shelf Rack Refrig.

    Purchasing Organization


  • 1/4/2012 17

    Material Master

    The data in a Material Master Record can be divided into two categories:

    1. Data of a purely descriptive nature

    2. Data that the system uses to perform a control function

  • 1/4/2012 18

    Material Master

    Industry Sector

    Material Types

    Number Ranges

    Public Sector


    Operating Supplies

    Spare Parts

    From Number To Number Current Number Ext.

    00000000001 99999999999 00000001256


  • 1/4/2012 19

    Industry Sector

    When creating a material master record, it is required to classify the material according to industry sector.

    Industry Sectors have control functions in the SAP system including:

    Screen Sequence

    Field Selection

  • 1/4/2012 20

    Screen Sequence

    Basic Data






    Purchase Order Text


  • 1/4/2012 21

    Field Selection

  • 1/4/2012 22

    Material Type

    When creating a material master record, it is required to assign the material to a Material Type.The Material Type has control functions in the SAP system also.

    Which number range the material number is taken, is it internally or externally assigned

    Which screens appear and in what sequence Which data views will be entered

    When associated with a Plant, the Material Type will determine Whether changes in quantity are updated in the record Whether changes in value are updated in Financial


  • 1/4/2012 23

    Material Type

  • 1/4/2012 24

    Material Number

    A number that uniquely identifying a Material Master Record, thus a material

    The number assignment allowed depends on the Material Type chosen

    A material number can have up to 18 characters in the SAP system

    NIGP coding structure (11 digit - Class/Item/Group/Detail)

  • NIGP Structure

    1/4/2012 25

  • 1/4/2012 26

    Create Material Master Record

  • 1/4/2012 27

    Initial Screen


    Industry Sector

    Material Type

    Copy from(reference Material)

  • 1/4/2012 28

    ViewsClient level data

    Basic DataClassification

    Purchasing dataPurchasingPurchase Order Text

    Planning dataMRP 1 through 4Forecasting

    Storage data (Inventory)Plant DataWarehouse Management

    AccountingAccounting 1 and 2

  • 1/4/2012 29

    Organizational Levels


    Storage Location

    Warehouse Number

    Storage Type


  • Material Number Material Description Base Unit of Measure Material Group

    1/4/2012 30

    Basic Data

  • Order Unit of Measure Purchase Order Text

    1/4/2012 31


  • MRP Type Reorder Point Lot Size Safety Stock Forecasting Models Forecast Periods

    1/4/2012 32

    MRP / Forecasting

  • Unit of Issue Cycle Count indicator Storage conditions Shelf Life data

    1/4/2012 33


  • Warehouse unit of measure

    Strategies Putaway Picking

    Bin (fixed only)

    1/4/2012 34

    Warehouse Management

  • Valuation Class Price Control Price Price Unit

    1/4/2012 35


  • Descriptions Units of Measure Basic Data Text Internal Notes Consumption Values

    1/4/2012 36

    Additional Data

  • 1/4/2012 37

    Extending Material Master Record

    If data has already been entered in a Material Master Record for one area, as purchasing, and additional data on the same material is required, as plant/storage, you do not have to create another material master record. Instead, you extend it to include the required information.

    You also extend a Material Master Record if the same material is to be used in other organizational levels.

    All Material Master Records will be replicated to the SRM system.

  • 1/4/2012 38

    Material Master Record

    Additional activities that help manage the Material Master include:

    Change Material Master RecordDisplay Material Master RecordDisplay Material ListFlag Material for Deletion

  • 1/4/2012 39

    Review of Material Master

    The Material Master contains information on materials

    The Material Master is used by all components in the SAP Logistics System.

    The Material Master is made up of individual Material Master Records

    Activities available to maintain Material Master records include creating, extending, changing, displaying, displaying lists, and flagging for deletion.

  • 1/4/2012 40

    Service Master

    The Service Master is part of the master data within External Services Management.

    External Services Management (MM SRV) is an application component within the Materials Management (MM) module. It supports the complete cycle of procurement, acceptance and invoice verification of externally performed services.

  • 1/4/2012 41


  • 1/4/2012 42

    Service Master Record

    The Service Master Record contains the description of a service

    The service description is entered only once and can be drawn upon when creating requirements, reducing the frequency of errors and saving time.

  • 1/4/2012 43

    Service Master Record

    A service master record contains the following information for the unique description of a service:

    Service number Service category Descriptive texts (short and long text) Base unit of measurement Material/service group Valuation class

  • 1/4/2012 44

    Service Master Record

  • Activity Number Description Base Unit of Measure Material/Service Group Valuation Class Purchasing Status Long Text

    1/4/2012 45

    Service Master Record

  • Next Steps

    1/4/2012 46

    Data CleansingConsolidationDescription nomenclature Units of Measure

    Follow up on required key decisions not resolved in this session

  • Lets verify that we are on the same pageClarify any Strange JargonValidate Parking Lot ItemsRecord Key Decisions



  • Questions

    1/4/2012 48

  • 1/4/2012 49

    +sWhat worked well today?

    sWhat can we improve for future meetings and project activities?


  • Thank you!

    1/4/2012 50

  • MAGIC Project



    Project Name CPI/Project Number Project Type (CBI, Implementation, CSS, Upgrade, Internal, other)

    MAGIC Implementation

    Customer Name Customer Number Planned Start/Finish

    State of Mississippi 600260

    SAP Customer Partner Project Sponsor Program Manager

    SAP Project Director Customer Project Director Partner Project Manager

    Bill Bevil Becky Thompson

    GENERAL INFORMATION Workshop Title PRO_07 Material/Service Master Workshop Facilitators Jeanna Stafford, Shelley Walker, Carlos Galloway Process Owner Scribe Jon Sanford

    ATTENDEES Name (including Role/Organization) Anthony Hardaway- ITS Terri Ashley- MSPB/PSCRB Preston Ware- MSH Jim Hurst- DFA/OFM Carla Hutson- AGO Logan Litchliter- DFA/MMRS Hewitt Pittman- MDAC Kristi Mullen- AGO Jeff Wheeler- MDOT Gina Eady- AGO Shelley Walker- DFA/MMRS Brenda Benson- DFA Milo Crabtree- DFA/OPTFM Jon Sanford- SAP Lois Lee- MSDH Tammy Rankin- DFA/MMRS Dell Lewley- DOC Sherriel Moore- MDAC Ross Campbell- DFA/OPTFM Rick McCarty- DOC Leah Chittom- DFA/MMRS Rani Oswalt- Supreme Court Max Cathey- DOC Mike Pearson- MDOT Tina Wilkins- ITS Terrance Jones- DFA/MMRS Jack Ladhur- STA Tammy Waltman- DFA/MMRS Sharetha Batts- DFA/MMRS Mark W. Hayden- MDOT Margaret Jordan- DFA/OFM/BFC Carlos Galloway- DFA/MMRS Kenya Gardner- MDE Retha Gregory- MDOT Kenneth M. Dixon- MSH Michael Swofford- MDE Sheila Bennet- EMSH Faye James- MSPB/PSCRB

  • 2


    1:00 p.m. - Meeting started with Jeanna Stafford and Shelley Walker 1:10 p.m. Jeanna begins the workshop presentation

    Material Master general Data Covered Industry Type Public Sector will be used for State of MS Material Type

    o Single control point for NIGP numbering o Unique numbers for ITS, MDOT (Services example given)


    Create Material Master System Demonstration (System Demonstration presented in the Workshop) Tab Field Review

    Basic Data 1 Basic Data 2 Purchasing Purchase Order Text MRP 1 MRP 2 MRP 3 Forecasting Plant Data/Stor.1 Plant Data/Stor.2 Warehouse Mgmt 1 Warehouse Mgmt 2 Accounting 1 Accounting 2

    Review Additional Data Tabs Units of Measure Add EAN Doc Data Basic Data Text Inspection Text Internal Comments Consumption

    Additional Activities Change Material Master Display Material Master Extend Material Master Display Material List Flag Material for Deletion

    Service Master General Overview (System Demonstration presented in the Workshop)

    Service Number

  • 3

    Service Category Descriptive Texts Base Unit of Measure Material/Service Group Valuation Class

    Create Service Master Record Screen/Field Review Basic Data Standard Service Category Time Mgmt. Purch. Data Internal Work Long Text

    Data Cleansing (Suggested activities to be completed with Data Cleansing) Consolidation Description nomenclature Units of Measure

    Follow up on Key Decisions Discussed Mass Create/Change options for automating the extension of materials

    Virtual Plant Mass Create/Change



    In which State Systems do Commodity records exist? WebProcure - Map 5 digit NIGP to Object Code (GL) in SAAS SAAS SPAHRS (Service Types = Service Master) MDOT (Signs) State Hospital (Own Internally Assigned Numbers)

    o Patient Clothing o Pharmacy o Medical Supplies o Maintenance

    What will be converted as Material Master Records? Need more detailed information

    Define Standardization of Short Description? Need more detailed information

    Will Material Master be Maintained Centrally or De-centralized? The State will maintain centrally (look at COMM table as a start)

    o Who will maintain? *( We will start with looking at who has access to the COMM table in SAAS)

    Change functionality at Plant level for SAP inventory Plants (needed to limit users access)

  • 4

    How will the process flow in SAP? (request an add or change / Delete and notification to Inventory managed plant)

    o Centrally Maintained Material/Service Master BPP o Inventory Managed Plant BPP

    How will inventory be valued? The State of MS will use Moving Average

    How will Material Groups be defined? 5 Level NIGP

    o Do we take all 9000+ or remove non-relevant (Space Ship) o Follow up on NIGP Class/Items to be used

    Are there Service Master equivalent records? SAAS / SPAHRS Are there commodities using service #s

    currently in any SOMS Systems?

    Will numbering be internal or external (NIGP) More discussion required for Service Masters Will NGP Service 11-digit codes be used for Service Masters?

    Current service master equivalents are alpha numberic NIGP 11 Digits (Internal Numbers) will be used for Material Master

    External Systems that require Material/Service Master Data? MDOT(only example brought up) Need to define all systems to

    have the interface. MDOT is the only agency slated to interface.

    ID ACTION/PARKING LOT ITEM OWNER DUE DATE 01 AI - Validate Material Master Long Text is visible in SRM once

    Replicated Wayne Liu 11/11/2011

    02 AI Basic Option Recommendations for Process Flows for Maintenance of Material/Service Masters

    Create Change Display Extend (Pros/Cons)

    Jeanna Stafford


    03 PL Numbering of Service Master Records additional discussion required related to PL 05

    Shelley Walker


    04 PL External Systems that require Material/Service Master Data Shelley Walker


    05 PL NIGP Data conversion additional discussions needed with the business owners for this topic to determine key decisions (i.e. data source for NIGP, determine what data to convert, NIGP data conversion needed for SAP system)

    Shelley Walker


    06 PL Determine the flow the Material /Service Master data in SAP additional discussions with the business owner are required; SAP needs to provide the State with options and what the pros/cons are for the options proposed. The State will need a process to create the

    Jeanna Stafford


  • 5

    master records centrally and distribute them out to the agencies doing inventory.

    PRO-07 Material and Service MasterWorkshop Presentation PRO-07 Material and Service MasterSlide Number 2Slide Number 3Workshop Guiding PrinciplesWorkshop Agenda Blueprint Workshop - RolesWorkshop ObjectivesWorkshop Key DecisionsWorkshop Key DecisionsWorkshop Key DecisionsSlide Number 11Master RecordsMaterial MasterMaterial MasterMaterial MasterMaterial MasterMaterial MasterMaterial Master Industry SectorScreen SequenceField SelectionMaterial TypeMaterial TypeMaterial NumberNIGP StructureCreate Material Master RecordInitial ScreenViewsOrganizational LevelsBasic DataPurchasingMRP / ForecastingStorageWarehouse ManagementAccountingAdditional DataExtending Material Master RecordMaterial Master RecordReview of Material Master Service MasterIntegrationService Master RecordService Master RecordService Master RecordService Master RecordNext StepsSlide Number 47QuestionsPlus/DeltaSlide Number 50

    PRO-07 Meeting Minutes_1