module 3 english food

Module 3 English food Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages 执执执 执执

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Module 3 English food. Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages. 执教者:沈妍. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. ( 一日一苹果,医生远离我。). What’s your favourite food?. My favourite food…. eggs. milk. apples. hamburger. sandwich. rice. noodles. bananas. sweets. watermelon. cake. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Module 3   English food

Module 3 English food

Unit 1She had eggs and sausages


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An apple a day keeps the doctor away.(一日一苹果,医生远离我。)

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What’s your favourite food?

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My favourite food…

milk apples eggs

hamburger sandwich

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bananas rice noodles

sweets cake watermelon

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traditional Chinese food

rice dumplings


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an email

Lingling Lingling 从从英国给大明发来英国给大明发来一封电子邮件,一封电子邮件,讲的就是有关英讲的就是有关英国的饮食习惯,国的饮食习惯,现在我们来听听现在我们来听听LinglingLingling都介绍都介绍了英国的哪些食了英国的哪些食物。物。

Lingling Lingling 从从英国给大明发来英国给大明发来一封电子邮件,一封电子邮件,讲的就是有关英讲的就是有关英国的饮食习惯,国的饮食习惯,现在我们来听听现在我们来听听LinglingLingling都介绍都介绍了英国的哪些食了英国的哪些食物。物。

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Listen and think. 1.Underline the words about English food. (划出有关英国食物的单词) eggs and sausages


fish and chips

2.Does Lingling like English food?

Yes, she does.

She says it’s delicious.

traditional English food (传统英国食物)

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Listen and answer.

What did Lingling have for breakfast? She had eggs and sausages.

What did Lingling have for lunch?

She had sandwiches.

What did Lingling have for dinner?

She had fish and chips.

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traditional English food

eggs and sausages chips and fish

sandwich hamburger

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Look and singWhat did she have? What did she have? What did she have?What did she have? What did she have? What did she have?

For breakfast? For lunch? For dinner?For breakfast? For lunch? For dinner?

She had eggs. She had sandwiches. She had fish.She had sausages. She had sandwiches. She had chips.

English food. English food. English food.English food. English food. English food.

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Let’s talk!What did you have for breakfast yesterday?I had…

What did you have for lunch yesterday?I had…

What did you have for dinner yesterday?I had…

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1.Read the text three times.

2.Write the new word.

3.Do a survey.

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Thank you!

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