módulo 6660 - técnico de multimédia

Curso de Aprendizagem Técnico de Multimédia 1º Ano Ano Letivo 2012/2013 Domínio: Comunicar em Língua Inglesa UFCD 6660 - Tema Conhecer os Problemas do Mundo Atual 1ª Parte Formador: _______________

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Curso de Aprendizagem Técnico de Multimédia

1º Ano

Ano Letivo 2012/2013

Domínio: Comunicar em Língua Inglesa

UFCD 6660 - Tema Conhecer os Problemas do Mundo Atual

1ª Parte

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Módulo 6660 – Tema Conhecer os Problemas do Mundo Atual 1º Ano



• Consultar várias fontes de informação.

• Selecionar, organizar e sistematizar a informação recolhida.

• Analisar criticamente a informação.

• Produzir textos escritos.

• Argumentar oralmente sobre os textos produzidos.

• Consciencializar-se dos problemas que afetam presentemente a humanidade.

• Identificar a importância de alterar políticas, atitudes e comportamentos.


COE, Norman and others; Oxford Practice Grammar- Elementary, Oxford University Press, 2006, 1ª Edição

DRISCOLL, Liz; Real Reading, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 1ª Edição

GONÇALVES, Maria Emília e outro; Getting On 9, Areal Editores, 2002, 1ª Edição





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Índice de Conteúdos

Are you Eco – Friendly? ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Big Yellow Taxi .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

Save the Earth .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Environmental Issues .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Environmental Problems .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Some Solutions ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 11

Verb Prefixes ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

The day after Tomorrow ........................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Stop Climate Change.................................................................................................................................................................................. 15

Infinitive To and without To ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16

Endangered Species ................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

World Conservation Union .................................................................................................................................................................. 19

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Do you turn off lights

and heaters When no

one is using them a) Yes, always.

b) Sometimes.

c) I don’t usually

think about it.

Do you switch on

heaters when you’re

only a little bit cold? a) Yes, quite often.

b) Sometimes

c) No, never.

When you put food in the

fridge, what do you keep it in? a) Plastic boxes or bottles

which you can use again.

b) Wrapping that you throw

away. How often do you use

only one side of a sheet

of paper a) Never.

b) Sometimes.

c) Often. Do you buy plastic cups,

plastic knives and forks,

not China cups, metal knives

and forks? a) Yes, often.

b) Sometimes.

c) No, never. Before you go waterskiing,

scuba diving, sailing or use

a jet ski, do you check that it

is safe for animals in the area?

a) I don’t do any of those things.

b) Yes.

c) No.

How do you get

to school/work? a) I go by car.

b) I take a bus or train.

c) I walk or go

by bicycle.

Do you throw

rubbish down

the toilet? a) No, never.

b) Sometimes.

c) Often.

Do you try to use recycled

paper? a) Never.

b) Sometimes.

c) Always.

When you go shopping, do

you take your bag with you

and not take a plastic bag from

the shop? a) Always.

b) Sometimes.

c) Never.

If you go fishing, do you take

home all your things? a) I don’t go


b) Yes.

c) No.

How often do you make a journey by

car when it’s really possible to walk? a) Very often.

b) Not often.

c) Never.

What do you do with your rubbish

from a picnic? a) I always take it home or throw it in

the rubbish bin somewhere.

b) I leave it. When you buy any kind of spray can,

do you buy aerosol sprays? a) Yes.

b) If I can’t find any others.

c) Never. When you go to the beach, do you

move rocks and stones in pools or

take home shells and plants? a) Never.

b) Quite often.

c) Sometimes.


It’s not only politicians who make our

environment better or worse. What

about you? Are you doing things that

hurt the planet or are you doing

things that make it better?

Do this quiz and find out.

Be honest!

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If you go to the country-

side, do you walk on the paths? a) Yes, always.

b) Always, if it is possible.

c) No.

Do you write mails about

environmental problems to

people who can do

something? a) Yes, often. b) Sometimes. c) Never.

Are you a member of an

environmental group? a) Yes.

b) No.


Check your answers from the quiz. The more points you get the more eco-friendly you are.

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A. Listen to an extract from the song Big Yellow Taxi and complete the gaps with the missing words.


They paved paradise and put up a 1____________ _______ With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin' 2 ______ __________ Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone They paved paradise and put up a parking lot Ooooh, bop bop bop Ooooh, bop bop bop They took all the trees, and put em in a 3________ _________ And they charged the people a dollar and a half to see them No, no, no Don't it always seem 4. _____ ______ That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone They paved paradise, and put up a 5____________ ______ Ooooh, bop bop bop Ooooh, bop bop bop Hey farmer, farmer, put away your DDT I don't care about spots on my 6 _________, Leave me the birds and the 7 ___________ Please Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone They paved paradise and put up a 8 ____________ ______ Hey now, they paved paradise to put up a 9 ____________ ______ Why not? Ooooh, bop bop bop Ooooh, bop bop bop Listen, late last night, I heard the screen door slam And a big yellow taxi took my 10 ______ _________ Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone They paved paradise and put up a parking lot Well, don't it always seem 11 _____ _____ That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone They paved paradise to put up a parking lot Why not? They paved paradise and put up a parking lot

Counting Crows (shortened)

Paved (l.1) – pavimentaram

Parking lot (l 1) – (AmE – car park) parquet de


To go (l 3) – acontecer

Charged (l.9) – cobraram

DDT (l. 16) – inseticida DDT

Spots (l. 17) – manchas, marcas

Slam (l. 27) - bater


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B. Find evidence for the following.

1. They constructed new buildings in an ideal place.

2. Things are important to us only when they’ve been gone.

3. They cut down trees and put them in a museum.

4. People had to pay to see the trees.

5. The singer doesn’t want farmers to use insecticides.

6. He prefers organic food.

7. He prefers nature to buildings.

C. Answer these questions on the song.

1. What happened last night?

2. Who left last night?

3. Do you think he misses his girlfriend? Give one reason to justify your answer.

4. What is the relationship between the song and the environment?

5. Who is the author criticizing in the song?

D. Why are trees so important? Why have they been cut down or burnt? Fill in the table.

Why are

trees so





What have

they been cut





What else do

we use






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A. Listen to the interview from( http://www.esl-lab.com/enviro1/enviro1.htm) and answer the questions.

1. What is the name of the girl being interviewed? a) Alice; b) Ellen; c) Alex.

2. She says we should save water when ______________. a) Washing cars; b) Cleaning clothes; c) Taking a bath.

3. The girl's second suggestion is about _____________. a) separating different types of garbage; b) disposing of trash properly; c) having a family clean-up party.

4. By recycling paper, we can ___________________. a) protect the forests; b) cut down on waste; c) save money.

5. What does the girl do once a month?

a) She visits a recycling center; b) She cleans a neighborhood park; c) She collects newspapers.

B. Listen to part of the conversation from the quiz. (http://www.esl-lab.com/enviro1/envfra1.htm) Then

choose words from the vocabulary list above and write them in the correct blank.

Interviewer: Today, I'm interviewing nine-year-old Alex about her 1.____________________ on how people can help save the

environment. So, Alex, how can we save the environment?

Girl: By saving water.

Interviewer: Well, how can we do that?

Girl: By not using too much water when we wash 2. ____________________, take a bath, and when we do other things, like

watering the 3. _____________________ outside.

Interviewer: Oh, I think I can do that. What else?

Girl: When drinking or eating something outside, you should keep the 4. ___________________ until you find a trashcan to

put it in because littering makes our planet dirty. Do you like seeing trash all over the 5. _______________________?

Interviewer: No, I don't.


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A. Match these words with the pictures.

B. Match the words with the definitions.

1. too many people ____________ 2. something such as land, minerals or natural energy that exists in a country ___ 3.an increase in the world temperatures caused by the increased level of gases such as carbon dioxide in the air _______ 4.the gas that is thought to prevent heat from escaping above the Earth and which causes the Greenhouse Effect. _________ 5.gases that protect the Earth from the sun ____ 6. chemicals used in aerosols and fridges, which contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer __________ 7. when a species of animal or plant doesn’t exist anymore ___________ 8. a thin sheet of oil floating on water, especially as a result of an accident to an oil-carrying ship _____________ 9.transformation of used material ( glass, cans, paper and some plastics) to be used again ___________ 10. the waste material and water from people’s houses and from industry


ozone layer oil spill sewage overpopulation natural resources greenhouse effect carbon dioxide recycling extinction CFCs

1 rainforest 2 endangered species 3 planet Earth 4 medicinal plants 5 acid rain 6 wildlife 7 global warming 8 tribal people 9 air pollution 10 water pollution 11 exhaust fumes 12 deforestation 13 waste 14 habitat 15 greenhouse effect 16 pesticide

C. Complete these sentences with words from exercises A and B. 1. Cars, factories, power stations and rubbish dumps all emit gases which increase ____________. 2. _____________contains dangerous chemicals which destroy plants and trees. 3. Heat from the sun reaches the Earth, but pollution in the atmosphere prevents it escaping back into space, and then the temperature of the atmosphere rises. This is called the _____________ . 4. The holes in the _____________ may cause a major increase in the atmosphere’s temperature. 5. ___________ destroys wildlife habitats and contributes to air pollution. 6. There are many endangered species facing __________ 7. The ___________ are the lungs of our planet. 8. Trees produce oxygen and absorb ____________ . 9. We are running out of __________ such as coal and oil. 10. The clean-up of air, water and land will be very difficult if governments don’t promote ___________ . 11. __________ used to spray crops can contaminate water supplies and soil. 12. Survival International is a worldwide movement to support __________. It helps them protect their lands, environment and way of life.

D. Complete the text with these words.

The Ecotourism Society defines it as “ responsible travel to natural areas which conserves the 1________ and improves the 2______ of the local people”. A walk through the 3_______ is not ecotourism unless it benefits that environment and the 4_______ who live there. A rafting trip is only ecotourism if it raises 5_______ and funds to

help protect the watershed.

people rainforest welfare environment



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THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT is caused by harmful gases known as greenhouse gases.

These gases are produced when we burn fuels, especially coal burned in power stations to make electricity. These gases go up into the Earth’s atmosphere and stop heat from leaving the Earth.


All over the world, wildlife is being threatened because habitats and woodlands are being destroyed. Rainforests are being cut down so that people can use the land to grow crops. Many species of animal have become extinct, and many more are endangered.


Many people believe that the way that we live our lives today is having an extremely bad effect on the environment. Here are some examples of environmental problems, and the vocabulary you need to talk about them.



CARS The biggest polluter today is the car. Exhaust fumes are the main cause of bad air quality, which can make people feel ill and have difficulty breathing. This problem is especially bad in some cities where, on days when there is not

much wind, a brown layer of smog hangs in the air. The number of cars is increasing every year, and this causes serious congestion. Governments then build new roads to try to improve the situation, but this means that they cut down the trees and destroy more of the countryside.


Pollution is damage to the air, sea, rivers, or land caused by chemicals, waste and harmful gases. Pollutants include toxic waste, pesticides, and fertilizers.

Because the heat cannot

escape, the Earth is getting warmer. This is know as GLOBAL WARMING. Global warming may cause the ice at the North Pole and South Pole to melt and sea levels to rise, leading to serious

flooding in many parts of the world. In other places, temperatures will rise and there will be less rain, turning more of the land into desert.

HOLES IN THE OZONE LAYER The ozone layer is a layer od gases that protects us from ultraviolet light from the sun, which can have a harmful effect on animals, and causes skin cancer in humans.

The ozone layer is being damaged by chemicals, especially CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), and when holes appear in the ozone layer, harmful light from the sun reaches the Earth.

ACID RAIN is rain that is

harmful to the environment because it contents acid from factory smoke. Acid rain causes damage to trees, rivers, and buildings.

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GREEN PRODUCTS We can help the environment by choosing to buy green products. Examples of green products are recycled paper, wood

from sustainable sources, and organic fruit and vegetables.

- turn off lights and other electrical equipment when not in use - take shorter showers to save water - buy products that are recycled, recyclable, reliable, repairable, refillable, reusable - write on both sides of paper

- put on more clothing in winter instead of turning up the heater - try to cook several meals at a time - use public transport or your bike instead of a car - repair leaking taps, do not leave the taps running - use energy efficient light bulbs - do not pour oil, fat, milk or chemical down the sink - encourage your school to be environmentally friendly

Some Solutions

Many people believe that the way that we live our lives today is having an extremely bad effect on the environment. Here are some examples of solutions to the environmental problems, and the vocabulary you need to talk about them.

ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF TRANSPORT One of the main problems with cars is that they cause a lot of pollution and often carry only one person. Public transport is more environmentally friendly because buses and trains carry large

numbers of people at the same time. Car pools are another way of reducing the number of cars on the roads. Even cleaner solutions are electric cars, and bicycles.


such as wind power, wave power, and solar power do not pollute the environment. They are much cleaner than oil and coal.

PROTESTING Many people try to protest the environment by joining environmental groups that inform people about green issues, and try to persuade

governments to take more care of the environment, especially by organizing protests.

RECYCLING Recycling is when you use something again instead of throwing it away. Glass, cans, paper, and plastic can all be recycled.

THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY! It is personal action that will help preserve the world’s environment. Actions which are simple and quick. Yet overall they will make an effective and positive contribution to the environment.

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Prefix Meaning Example

dis- not Why do you dislike her so much?

opposite The plane disappeared behind the cloud.

mis- bad/badly or

wrong/wrongly I’m afraid you misunderstood what you said

over- too much or too

long She went to bed late and she overslept

re- again Mr Smith will reopen the restaurant next month

in other way We’ve rearranged the furniture in the living room.

un- opposite action I unpacked my suitcase when I arrived at the hotel

A. Form new verbs by putting in a prefix and translate them into your own language.

1. _________ read

2. _________approve

3. _________do

4. _________understand

5. _________lock

6. _________obey

7. _________charge

8. _________build

9. _________wind

10. _________behave

11. _________estimate

12. _________think

B. Use the verbs in brackets to form a new verb. Put into the right tense.

1. I _________________ (like) being away from my family.

2. I keep getting _________________________ (connect) when I’m online.

3. I watched until the train ____________________ (appear) from view.

4. Yesterday she ________________________ (agree) with her parents on most things.

5. In the morning you get dressed. At night you get __________________ (dress).

6. We ___________________ (decorate) our bedroom at the moment.

7. The student ______________________ (read) the last question.

8. You’ll become ill If you continue to ____________________ (work).


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Jack Hall - Dennis Quaid

Sam Hall - Jake Gyllenhaal

Laura Chapman - Emmy Rossum

Jason Evans - Dash Mihok

Frank Harris - Jay O. Sanders

Doctor Lucy Hall - Sela Ward

Task: As you watch, answer the following questions:

1) Where are the people at the start of the film?

a) Europe b) America c) Antactica

2) What do they say is melting the polar icecaps?

3) Which teams are playing football on the television?

4) What weather condition occurs in Tokyo?

a) a hurricane b) hail stones c) Snow

PROJECT – Film Review

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5) How old is Jack’s son, Sam?

a) 17 b) 18 c) 19

6) What is Sam afraid of?

7) What weather condition occurs in Los Angeles?

a) Snow b) flood c) Tornadoes

8) Some scientists believe the North Atlantic current has changed, what do they think this is causing to


a) Terrible weather all over the world b) Terrible weather in Tokyo

9) What does the computer show, and when will this happen?

a) Major climate change in 6-8 weeks

b) Major climate change in 6-8 months

c) Major climate change in a year

10) Why do the helicopters crash?

11) What is coming towards New York City?

12) What kind of building do Sam, Laura and the others take shelter in?

a) a school b) a public library c) a museum

13) How long will the super storm last?

a) 1 day b) 100 days c) 10 days

14) Why doesn’t Sam want the people to leave the building?

15) Where is Jack going? Why?

16) Why do Sam, J.D and Brian leave the library?

a) to help Sam’s father b) to find wolves c) to get medicine for Laura

17) What’s the weather like in the ‘eye of the storm’?

a) freezing b) Chilly c) very windy

18) Why can’t Jack and his friend find the library?

19) What happens to Sam and Jack at the end of the film?

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For more than a century, people have used fossil fuels such as oil, coat and

gas to produce energy. Now, worldwide, people and the environment are

suffering the consequences. Global warming, caused by burning fossil fuels, is

the worst environmental problem we face today.

People are changing the climate that made life on Earth possible and the 5

results are very bad – droughts and floods, lack of clean water, melting Polar

Regions, rising sea levels and much more. Global warming can affect the lives

of everyone on this planet.

It is not too late to help stop global warming. The solutions already exist.

Renewable energy such as wind and solar offer abundant clean energy that is safe for the environment and 10

good for the economy.

Other green technologies, such as the refrigeration technology Green freeze, offer good alternatives to

climate-changing chemicals.

Industries, governments and individuals must begin to use clean energy solutions and reduce fossil fuels. At

the same time, immediate international action must be taken to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases if we 15

want to stop global warming.

Greenpeace is campaigning to stop climate change – from the campaign to force ExxonMobil and George W

Bush to work with the rest of the world to stop climate change, to promoting clean energy solutions.

Greenpeace, in www.greenpeace.com (abridged and adapted)

A. Decide whether these statements are TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false ones.

1. _____ People have used fossil fuels for a long time.

2. _____ Burning fossil fuels causes an increase in world temperatures.

3. _____ Pollution is the worst environmental problem.

4. _____ Global warming causes a lot of environmental problems.

5. _____ Solar and wind energy don’t help stop climate change

6. _____ We can use other green technologies to save the environment.




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B. Answer these questions on the text.

1. Who should help stop climate change?

2. What must be done to stop it?

3. What is Greenpeace doing to help solve the problem?

4. What should we do? Add two or three solutions.

C. Decide if these facts are CONSEQUENCES or CAUSES of global warming.

1. Animals that live in Polar Regions may disappear. _________________________

2. People have cut down nearly half the rainforest. _________________________

3. A lot of cities around the world will be flooded. _________________________

4. Smoke of factories and homes goes into the air. _________________________

5. People consume too much energy. _________________________

6. The world is getting hotter. _________________________

7. People dump or burn too much rubbish. _________________________

8. Too many people go to work by car. _________________________

D. What alternative sources of energy do you know? Put the missing vowels to complete the words.

1. s __ l __ r p __ w __ r

2. w __ v __ p __ w __ r

3. w __ t __ r p __ w __ r

4. w __ nd f __ rms


How you ever been confused about when to use infinitive with to and without to? Here’s a table with all the

information you need to learn about it.






After an adjective

This is horrible to imagine.

To say why

He needs money to buy a hybrid car.

After a noun

There’s a lot of work to do!

After for + object (sb/sth)

This is easy for everyone to see.

With be able to, be about to, be allowed to, be

going to, have to, ought to and used to.

Governments ought to make “green laws”.

After a question word

Do you know to reduce CO2 emissions?

After some specific verbs: decide, arrange, afford,

hoe, promise, offer, tend, fail, seem, appear, etc.

I decided to change my daily habits.

After some verbs + object: allow, ask,

cause, help, expect, tell, etc.

I expect you to do something!








After modal verbs

We must do something together.

After make / let + object

They made me think of it.

She didn’t let you explain, did she?

After had better and would rather

We have a test tomorrow. You’d better study.

After feel / hear + an object

I felt the earth move.

He heard him say he was leaving.


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A. Choose the correct answer.

1. They didn’t allow me _______________ it.

a) do b) to do

2. The police didn’t let me _______________ the building.

a) enter b) to enter

3. The lent me the book _______________ during the summer.

a) read b) to read

4. You can’t _______________ in here.

a) smoke b) to smoke

5. That’s not a very nice thing _______________ to a friend.

a) say b) to say

6. He seems _______________ upset about something.

a) be b) to be

7. There are so many activities _______________ in the park.

a) do b) to do

8. You should _______________ to school by train, it’s cheaper.

a) go b) to go

9. Our teacher told us _______________ more.

a) study b) to study

10. The man saw them _______________ the bank.

a) rob b) to rob

11. Children have a lot of love _______________.

a) give b) to give

B. Read the sentences and put ‘to’ before the verb if necessary.

e.g. I want to tell you a secret.

1. You shouldn’t _____ eat so much chocolate.

2. Do you know when _____ call her?

3. You had better _____ clean up your room.

4. May I go _____ the bathroom?

5. It’s very difficult for everyone _____ change their habits.

6. All the students helped _____ clean up the classroom.

7. I can’t make him _____ come with me.

8. My teacher offered _____ help me with this project.

9. I heard John _____ talk to her the other day.

10. We’ve arranged _____ play tennis with them tomorrow.

11. I saw Joey yesterday and he seemed _____ be sad.

12. Are you sure you know how _____ drive?

13. I’d rather _____starve than eat beef.

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C. Complete the sentences with the most adequate verb from the box and add ‘to’ where necessary.

play do watch help win

eat tell meet get wait

e.g. I can’t go shopping with you tomorrow.

1. He’s a great guy. You must ________________ him.

2. I have ________________ up early tomorrow.

3. She promised not ________________ another biscuit.

4. I want ________________ tell you a secret.

5. I expected you ________________ for me at the bus stop.

6. She didn’t let me ________________ the film.

7. Do you know how ________________ GTA?

8. I have so much homework ________________ over the weekend.

9. We should ________________ them. They seem to be in trouble.

10. He never hoped ________________ the competition.

A. The Destruction of the Ancient Rainforest is the title of a protest video produced by an environmental

organization. Before watching it try to complete the following multiple choice exercise and predict the video’s contents.

1. The international organization responsible for this video is… a) WWF b) Greenpeace c) Earth Liberation Front

2. The family is watching a documentary on…

a) White sharks b) Apes c) Bald eagles

3. What happens while the family is watching the

documentary? a) The phone suddenly rings b) A thunder strikes their house c) The house is destroyed by an avalanche

4. The narrator speaks in the name of…

a) The apes

b) The red foxes c) The giant pandas

5. An area of ancient forest, the size of a football size, is destroyed… a) Every two years b) Every two seconds c) Every ten minutes

6. In the last ten years, the area of ancient forest

that was destroyed is bigger than… a) Portugal and Spain put together b) England and Spain put together c) France and Spain put together

7. Timber is used only once on building sites and then it is… a) To make doors b) Thrown away c) Used to make toilet paper

8. What can we do to protect rainforests?

a) Tell our government to ban illegally logged timber

b) Tell our government to use recycled paper

c) Tell our government to use renewable clean energy

B. Watch the video and check your work.

LISTENING with video

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A. What animals can you see in the pictures? Match the names of the animals with the pictures.

Chimpanzee Elephant Panda

Lion Gorilla Whale

Rhino Leopard Tiger

Did you know that the animals in the pictures above are almost EXTINCT? Read the text and find out more about them.

World Conservation Union

Gland, Switzerland, 12 September, 2007

Life on Earth is disappearing fast and will continue to do so unless urgent action is taken, according to the

2007 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

There are now 41,415 species on the IUCN Red List and 16,306 of them are threatened with extinction,

up from 16,118 last year. The total number of extinct species has reached 785 and a further 65 are only

found in captivity or in cultivation.

One in four mammals, one in eight birds, one third of all amphibians and 70% of the world’s assessed

plants on the 2007 IUCN Red List are in jeopardy.

People, either directly or indirectly, are the main reason for most species’ decline. Habitat destruction and

degradation continues to be the main cause of species’ decline, along with the all too familiar threats of

introduced invasive species, unsustainable harvesting, over-hunting, pollution and disease. Climate change is

increasingly recognized as a serious threat, which can magnify these dangers.

In http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/09/070912152659.htm






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Page 20: Módulo 6660 - Técnico de Multimédia

Módulo 6660 – Tema Conhecer os Problemas do Mundo Atual 1º Ano


A. Find words in the text that the same as:

1. to be put at risk or in danger (v.) ____________________________

2. hazard or risk (n.) ____________________________

3. diminution (n.) ____________________________

4. not able to be maintained or supported in the future (adj.) ____________________________

5. the gathering of crops (n.) ____________________________

6. to increase (v.) ____________________________

B. The following statements are all wrong. Correct them according to the text.

1. Animals will continue to disappear no matter what action is taken.

2. 41,415 species became instinct previous year.

3. The most affected species are mammals.

4. Natural disasters are the main cause of animal extinction.

C. Answer these questions on the text.

1. How many animal species can only be found in captivity?

2. What’s the percentage of endangered birds?

3. Summarize the main causes of species’ decline.

Protecting endangered animals is in our hands now. Make groups and design a poster of an

ENDAGERED SPECIES of your choice to display in your classroom or school. You’ll have to gather information

and pictures online or in magazines or newspapers.

Include pictures of the animal

Give general information about it (what is called; where it lives, how many there were before;

how many are now)

Indicate reasons for their eminent extinction

Write a slogan to raise awareness (e.g. Save the Dolphins!)

Give advice on how to help

Be imaginative