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1 Forewords Indonesia in The 2nd International Conference on Nutrition The 2nd International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) was organize by FAO-WHO in Roma 19-21 November 2014. It was a high level intergovernmental meeting that focused on global issues with attention on addressing malnutrition, especially on double burden. Indonesia was represented by an inter Goverment official team led by Ibu Nina Sarjunani, the Deputy of Human Resource and Culture BAPPENAS. She also presented a keynote address and a panelist in a sesson of the conference. The following is excerpt of Ibu Nina’s speak and statements of some prominent world leaders about nutrition. Jakarta, January 2015 Prof. Soekirman (Em.), Bogor Agriculture University (IPB), Chairman of KFI Indonesia in The 2nd International Conference on Nutrition Ibu Nina Sardjunani, Deputy Of Human Resources and Culture Of BAPPENAS, Head Indonesian Delegation to ICN2 As the fourth largest population in the world and of which most of them are at productive and child age, Indonesia puts ut most important the issues of nutrition as it has strong connection with the development and quality of human resources which is very crucial to our national development. Considering the importance of nutrition, our government has mainstream nutrition objective in Development Plan. We realize that nutrition is multifaceted and addressing problem of malnutrition requires multidimensional approach with the participation of all actors, including local governments and people. In this regard, our political decision on decentralization is expected to give effective support to the government efforts in tackling the problem of malnutrition requires multidimensional approach with the participation of all actors, including local governments and people. In this regard, our political decision on decentralization is expected to give effective support to the government efforts in tackling the problem of malnutrition, even though there are some challenges to do so. Today, the persistently high prevalence of undernutrition in under five children in Indonesia is still of great concern. Stunting has come to the fore as an urgent development issue, and we are committed to decreasing it by 40% by 2025. At the same time, rapidly increasing overnutrition in children and the adult population is also alarming and points to the need to address the Double Burden of Malnutrition (DBM) in Indonesia. Several policies have been issued that provide a robust enabling environment for actions to address malnutrition. Our Food and Nutrition Action Plan provides a common framework for actions to reduce malnutrition. The Food Law issued in 2012 mandates all districts and municipalities to develop a food and nutrition plan that provides the road map for overcoming their food and nutrition challenges. This Law encompasses all food security dimensions, from availability to utilization of food, and promotes food diversification as a critical component. In addition, a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle guideline has been developed. Within the health sector, we are redoubling our efforts to increase the coverage of specific nutrition interventions, including support for maternal, infant and young child feeding, improvement of micronutrient intake through supplementation and food fortification, and the management of acute malnutrition.We have also embarked on an ambitious plan to achieve universal health coverage in 2019. To address over nutrition, the Ministry of Health recently issued a policy Photo: Gallery RI Delegates Volume 10 Januari 2015 - Newsletter Fortifikasi Pangan untuk Perbaikan Gizi

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Indonesia in The 2nd International Conference on Nutrition

The 2nd International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) was organize by FAO-WHO in Roma 19-21 November 2014. It was a high level intergovernmental meeting that focused on global issues with attention on addressing malnutrition, especially on double burden. Indonesia was represented by an inter

Goverment official team led by Ibu Nina Sarjunani, the Deputy of Human Resource and Culture BAPPENAS. She also presented a keynote address and a panelist in a sesson of the conference. The following is excerpt of Ibu Nina’s speak and statements of some prominent world leaders about nutrition.

Jakarta, January 2015Prof. Soekirman (Em.), Bogor Agriculture University (IPB), Chairman of KFI

Indonesia in The 2nd International Conference on NutritionIbu Nina Sardjunani, Deputy Of Human Resources and Culture Of BAPPENAS, Head Indonesian Delegation to ICN2

As the fourth largest population in the world and of which most of them are at productive and child age, Indonesia puts ut most important the issues of nutrition as it has strong connection with the development and quality of human resources which is very crucial to our national development.

Considering the importance of nutrition, our government has mainstream nutrition objective in Development Plan. We realize that nutrition is multifaceted and addressing problem of malnutrition requires multidimensional approach with the participation of all actors, including local governments and people. In this regard, our political decision on decentralization is expected to give effective support to the government efforts in tackling the problem of malnutrition requires multidimensional approach with the participation of all actors, including local governments and people. In this regard, our political decision on decentralization is expected to give effective support to the government efforts in tackling the problem of malnutrition, even though there are some challenges to do so.

Today, the persistently high prevalence of undernutrition in under five children in Indonesia is still of great concern. Stunting has come to the fore as an urgent development issue, and we are committed to decreasing it by 40% by 2025. At the same time, rapidly increasing overnutrition in children and the adult population is also alarming and points to the need to address the Double Burden of Malnutrition (DBM) in Indonesia.

Several policies have been issued that provide a robust enabling environment for actions to address malnutrition. Our Food and Nutrition Action Plan provides a common framework for actions to reduce malnutrition. The Food Law issued in 2012 mandates all districts and municipalities to develop a food and nutrition plan that provides the road map for overcoming their food and nutrition challenges. This Law encompasses all food security dimensions, from availability to utilization of food, and promotes food diversification as a critical component. In addition, a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle guideline has been developed.

Within the health sector, we are redoubling our efforts to increase the coverage of specific nutrition interventions, including support for maternal, infant and young child feeding, improvement of micronutrient intake through supplementation and food fortification, and the management of acute malnutrition.We have also embarked on an ambitious plan to achieve universal health coverage in 2019. To address over nutrition, the Ministry of Health recently issued a policy

Photo: Gallery RI Delegates

Volume 10Januari 2015 -

NewsletterFortifikasi Pangan untuk Perbaikan Gizi

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KFI NewsLetter Januari 2015 - Volume 10

Statement Tokoh Dunia Tentang Gizi( Sumber : Nina. S, BAPPENAS, 2014 )

Sambutan Paus ( St. John Paul II )

Perumusan komitmen negara-negara untuk memerangi kelaparan dan kekurangan gizi harus diinspirasi oleh keyakinan bahwa hak atas pangan hanya dapat diwujudkan bila kita menyayangi subyek actual yaitu manusia yang menderita kelaparan dan kekurangan gizi. Perbincangan tentang hak harus diikuti dengan pemenuhan kewajiban. Oleh karena itu rencana pembangunan dan pekerjaan dari organisasi internasional harus memperhitungkan harapan dari orang biasa atas haknya terhadap pangan. Yang diminta adalah martabat bukan belas kasihan. ST John Paul II pada pidatonya di ICN 1 meperingatkan dunia terhadap resiko “paradox of plenty” dalam persoalan pangan dan gizi – ketika pangan cukup untuk setiap manusia, namun tidak semua bisa makan, sementara sisa makanan, konsumsi yang sangat berlebihan dan penggunaan pangan tujuan lain sangat nyata bagi kita. Paus juga menekankan pentingnya manusia untuk bertanggung jawab , saling menghormati, daripada berselisih dan menghancurkan dunia. Negara sebagai kesatuan keluarga manusia harus bertindak secara nyata untuk saling menolong dengan menggunakan hukum alam yang tertulis di hati dan dimengerti oleh setiap manusia yaitu cinta kasih, keadilan dan keamanan. Beliau juga berharap dunia mendengar Konferensi ini sebagai satu cerminan kesadaran bersama untuk memberi makan bagi yang kelaparan, menyelamatkan hidup dan dunia.

Sambutan Dirjen WHO

Kebijakan yang cerdas dan kuat untuk mengatur pertanian, produksi pangan dan gizi saat ini makin diperlukan. Saat ini di tingkat dunia disparitas sosial yang berdampak pada status kesehatan dan gizi adalah yang tertinggi dalam sejarah. Ekonomi tumbuh namun kebijakan lebih memihak pada kaum elit dan gagal melindungi kaum miskin. Dunia ini tidak memerlukan negara kaya yang penuh dengan penduduk

that obliges fast-food restaurants and processed-food manufacturers to provide the public with information on the sugar, salt and fat content of their products.

We are also working to increase the nutrition-sensitivity programmes in other sectors.Within the agriculture sector, Presidential Decree 2009 provides instructions on accelerating the diversification of and household access to local foods. We believe that national food security must start from household level. Our “Sustainable Food Reserve Garden” initiative is designed to empower woman to produce healthy and diverse foods for the household and to improve family income.

Within the poverty reduction programme, we are taking deliberate steps to enhance the nutrition impacts of a community empowerment programme. The Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (National Programme on Community Empowerment) is empowering poor communities to utilize block grants in order to address underlying causes of poor health and nutrition.

These and other sectors are coming together under the Indonesia SUN Movement. Presidential Decree Number 42 of May 24, 2013 provides the regulatory framework to facilitate the operationalization of this collective effort between multiple sectors and stakeholders.

We strongly believe in the common vision for global action to end all forms of malnutrition; and we reaffirm our commitment to the United Nations General Assembly to endorse the Rome Declaration on Nutrition as well as the Framework for Action of ICN-2 which provides a set of voluntary policy options and strategies for use by governments, as appropriate, and to consider declaring a Decade of Action on Nutrition from 2016 to 2025.

However, Indonesia is of a view that the Framework for Action includes food fortification not only in the actions to address anemia in women of reproductive age, but also to address micronutrient deficiencies in children and adult population We are fully aware that fighting stunting and improving nutrition not only are of health and economic issues, but also morally imperative.

As closing, on behalf of the Government and the People of the Republic of Indonesia, I underline the need for a strong and concrete efforts to address the challenge of nutrition and food system. I hold the belief that Rome Declaration on Nutrition and Framework for Action will generate benefit to all members in supporting this valuable undertaking. Indonesia stands ready to work with all members to realize the potential of the declaration to achieve our nutrition objective.

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KFI NewsLetter Januari 2015 - Volume 10

ditekankan oleh Rasulullah SAW yang diambil dari pesan implisit Al-Qur’an: “Makan dan minumlah kalian, tapi jangan berlebihan. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang (makan-minum) berlebih-lebihan”.

Sambutan Dirjen FAO

Beliau mengatakan bahwa ICN 2 adalah pertemuan yang dilakukan setelah 22 tahun yang lalu dilakukan di tempat yang sama. Dalam 2 dekade 210 juta penduduk dunia terbebas dari masalah kekurangan gizi namun 800 juta masih menderita kelaparan yang hebat; prevalensi stunting dunia turun dari 40% ke 25 % tetapi masih sekitar 160 juta anak adalah anak pendek, dan tidak diduga 22 tahun yang lalu penduduk yang menderita kegemukan naik menjadi 500 juta dewasa saat ini. Banyak negara berkembang terutama negara berpenghasilan menengah menderita double burden of malnutrition, oleh karena itu kita harus mengatur kembali sistem pangan dunia yaitu sistem pangan yang sustainable, inclusive, dan yang lebih sehat. Untuk itu harus dilakukan upaya bersama antara pemerintah dan dunia usaha serta masyarakat sipil untuk kepentingan para konsumen pangan terutama untuk melindungi mereka yang suaranya tidak terdengar yaitu kaum miskin yang menderita kelaparan dan kekurangan gizi. Koordinasi sektor–sektor pemerintah yaitu pertanian, kesehatan, pendidikan dan perlindungan social harus mengatur kebijakan bersama yang bertujuan untuk mencapai status gizi yang lebih baik untuk semua (better nutrition for all). Zero hunger yang meresonansikan ketahanan pangan dan kecukupan gizi untuk masa depan dunia yang tercakup dalam Deklarasi Roma untuk Gizi, perlu didukung karena merupakan upaya pembaruan untuk mencapai status gizi yang lebih baik untuk semua. Akhirnya beliau mengajak seluruh komponen dunia untuk bekerjasama sebagai satu generasi manusia yang akan membuat kelaparan dan gizi salah sebagai bagian dari sejarah.

miskin. Kelaparan dan kemiskinan yang diderita jutaam manusia dunia berdampak pada kekurangan gizi, penyakit seperti anemia, gondok, kebutaan, BBLR, dan anak yang kurus dan pendek. Kekurangan gizi menghambat pertumbuhan perkembangan kognitif dan membunuh anak pada harihari pertama kehidupannya. Produksi pangan tradisional telah digeser oleh industri pangan yang murah namun tidak sehat. Prevalensi obesiti yang tinggi juga telah menggejala di dunia yang berdampak pada penyakit jantung, diabetes dan cancer. Oleh karena itu dunia memerlukan kebijakan yang koheren lintas sektor meliputi pertanian, produksi pangan, distribusi dan pemasarannya dan upaya melindungi lingkungan dan kehidupan petani.

Sambutan Sekjen PBB Ban Ki Moon Pada Pembukaan ICN Ke-2 di Roma

Pada kesempatan tersebut Ban Ki-Moon menyatakan apresiasinya bagi Negara-negara yang telah menyatakan komitmennya untuk “Deklarasi Roma” tentang gizi dan gerakan globalnya. Ban Ki-Moon mengatakan bahwa saat ini adalah babak baru untuk mencari jalan keluar dalam menghilangkan isu kelaparan dan kekurangan gizi untuk selamanya. Lebih dari 100 negara berkembang di Afrika, Latin Amerika dan Karibia, serta Asia Pasifik dan Timur Tengah telah menyampaikan komitmen untuk mengakhiri kelaparan pada tahun 2025. 54 negara telah melakukan gerakan percepatan perbaikan gizi (Scaliing Up Nutrition/SUN) dan mengarusutakmakan gizi ke dalam pembangunan social dan ekonomi. Untuk itu diperlukan peningkatan upaya global dan komitmen nasional mengatasi masalah pangan dan gizi.

Gizi Menurut Pandangan Tokoh Nasional K. H. Salahudin Wahid

Dari sisi keagamaan, upaya perbaikan gizi Masyarakat merupakan ibadah sosial disamping ibadah ritual. Artinya bila diketahui terdapat kejadian gizi buruk di masyarakat namun tidak dilakukan upaya penanganan, maka bagi yang mengetahui kejadian tersebut termasuk golongan pendusta agama. Ajaran agama telah secara jelas mendukung upaya perbaikan gizi. Sebagai contoh, konsep gizi seimbang yang

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Rome Declaration On Nutrition

“We reaffirm that: ”

1. the elimination of malnutrition is an imperative for health, ethical, political, social and economic reasons2. nutrition policies should promote a diversified, balanced and healthy diet at all stages of life3. coordinated action needs to be supported through cross-cutting and coherent policies, programmes and initiatives4. food should not be used as an instrument for political or economic pressure;5. volatility of prices of food and agricultural commodities can negatively impact food security and nutrition;6. improvements in diet and nutrition require relevant legislative frameworks7. nutrition data and indicators need to be improved8. empowerment of consumers is necessary9. national health systems should integrate nutrition10. special attention to women and empower women and girls

“We commit to: ”

1. Eradicate hunger and prevent all forms of malnutrition worldwide2. Increase investments for effective interventions and actions3. Enhance sustainable food systems by developing coherent public policies from production to consumption and across relevant sectors4. Raise the profile of nutrition within nationalstrategies, policies, actions plans and programmes, and align national resources accordingly5. Strengthen human and institutional capacities to address all forms of malnutrition through, inter alia,scientific and socio-economic research and development, innovation and transfer of technologies

6. Strengthen and facilitate contributions by all stakeholders and promote collaboration within and across countries7. Develop policies, programmes and initiatives for ensuring healthy diets, in particular during the first 1,000 days of life8. Empower people and create an enabling environment through improved information and education;9. Implement the commitments of this Declaration through the Framework for Action;10. Integrate the vision and commitments of this Declaration into the post-2015 development agenda

Indonesian Delegation to ICN2 Rome Nov 19-21, 2014, headed by Ibu Nina Sarjunani, Deputy for Human Resources and Culture, Bappenas (4 from the left)

ICN2 Rome Nov 19-21, 2014.

Credits:Concept: Prof.(Em.) Soekirman Creative: Habibie Yukezain Writing: Ifrad DDS Picture Editor: Adityo Rachmanto Published ByIndonesian Nutrition Foundation for Food Fortification (KFI), Address: KFI c/o Komplek Bappenas A1, Jl. Siaga Raya Pejaten, Jakarta 12510, Indonesia, Phone: +62 21 7987 130, Fax: +62 21 7918 1016, Website:, Email: [email protected]

The KFI Newsletter is part of KFI-GAIN project.

Supported by: SAFO - GFP

Photo: Gallery RI Delegates

KFI NewsLetter Januari 2015 - Volume 10