navmc (draft) - traveling to haiti (2015)

NAVMC 2015 Traveling To Haiti Tips to make your trip as uneventful as possible. How to prepare for your deployment. Information regarding traveling with NAVMC to our current deployment in Haiti. This document will be updated as needed, so be sure to check back before your trip. Page 3 Vivamus Lorem Vivamus porttitor augue eu lorem. Proin facilisis nulla non mauris. Ipsum Suspendisse quis magna a dui vulputate vestibulum. Dolor Duis sagittis, turpis id tempor sollicitudin, velit neque condimentum. Lorem Ornare ut, elementum sit amet, vehicula elementum, magna. Ipsum Vestibulum ut nisl quis erat placerat faucibus. Nunc aliquet. Integer risus lectus, consectetuer at, suscipit a, posuere pharetra, metus. Nunc aliquet. Suspendisse ut orci eget pede volutpat auctor. Passport You are considering going to Haiti! This is an Independent Nation, on a Caribbean Island. But this trip will not be a vacation... Travel is allowed from the United States, however; the short 90+ minute trip is considered "International." You need a current, valid, passport. Check with the passport agency of your Country. Rules and regulations can vary greatly. For US Citizens, click here to go to the US State Department website for the current Passport Application/Requirements. It takes a few weeks to get one, so apply now if you don't have one!

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Post on 21-Jul-2016




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Tips to make your trip as safe as possible.


Page 1: NAVMC (draft) - Traveling to Haiti (2015)

NAVMC 2015

Traveling To Haiti Tips to make your trip as uneventful as possible.

How to prepare for your deployment. Information regarding traveling with NAVMC to our current

deployment in Haiti. This document will be updated as needed, so be sure to check back before your trip.

Page 3


Lorem Vivamus porttitor augue eu lorem. Proin facilisis nulla non mauris.

Ipsum Suspendisse quis magna a dui vulputate vestibulum.

Dolor Duis sagittis, turpis id tempor sollicitudin, velit neque condimentum.

Lorem Ornare ut, elementum sit amet, vehicula elementum, magna.

Ipsum Vestibulum ut nisl quis erat placerat faucibus. Nunc aliquet.

Integer risus lectus, consectetuer at, suscipit a, posuere pharetra, metus. Nunc aliquet. Suspendisse ut orci eget

pede volutpat auctor.


You are considering going to Haiti! This is an Independent Nation, on a Caribbean Island. But this trip will not be a vacation... Travel is allowed from the United States, however; the short 90+ minute trip is considered "International." You need a current, valid, passport. Check with the passport agency of your Country. Rules and regulations can vary greatly. For US Citizens, click here to go to the US State Department website for the current Passport Application/Requirements. It takes a few weeks to get one, so apply now if you don't have one!

Page 2: NAVMC (draft) - Traveling to Haiti (2015)


Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016


You need to be current with the routine, adult, immunizations/immunities. These are measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), Varicella (chicken-pox), Tetanus-diptheria and Pertussis (TdaP/DPT). Consider getting titers drawn and boosters as needed! Also, you need to go to your PCP, local Health Department, or the Agency responsible for preparing for International Travel. Tell them you are going to Haiti and discuss the need for further immunizations. Mosquito borne-illness is a real threat in Haiti! Specifically malaria. There are many options to prevent this illness, each have there own side-effects and risks. Consult your PCP regarding the best for you. All of the following antimalarial drugs are equal options for preventing malaria in Haiti: Atovaquone-proguanil, chloroquine, doxycycline, or mefloquine. Each of these drugs have very specific dosing regimes. Which ever you use, stick with it! Also, the first line of defense is always good offense (prevention). A good insect repellent is the best offense! It should contain at least 30% DEET (more is better).

The US CDC also recommends current:

• Hep A • Hep B • Typhoid • Polio • Rabies (if working with animals or

significant exposure risk to animals)

NAVMC recommends that you have/get Hep A, Hep B, Typhoid, and Polio. If you've already received these immunizations, consider getting titers drawn, before repeating them.

Cholera is primary risk Talk to your PCP regarding getting a prescription for an appropriate antibiotic, as needed (PRN). If you even think you have contracted Cholera, tell your peers immediately! A brief course of ABX and IV/PO fluid hydration, even if it's nothing more than a case of diarrhea; will make both you, and your peers, feel better! (Ciprofloxacin can help, discuss it with your PCP!) The first line of defense is always prevention. Use of PPE (personal protective equipment) is a must! Bleach is the appropriate disinfectant. A 1:10 solution is sufficient. You should start the process of getting/updating immunizations a minimum of 6 weeks prior to departure... so start now!

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

Stuff to Bring

You are considering going to a place that had nothing, and has even nothing, or little more, even now! What can you bring that you are willing to leave? If the answer is nothing... then pack light!


First and foremost... you need a fanny pack or money belt. Anything of value you bring (i.e. Passport, money, camera, etc), needs to stay with you and on your person at all times. For your personal comfort... is it a hot and humid place, even in the "winter" time... about 90F/32C+ and about 90%+ humidity... a Relative Heat Index (feels like temperature) of 122F/50C... Clothing:

• Wide-brimmed hat • Sturdy shoes • Flip flops/sandals • Socks & underwear (a pair/set per day) • Jeans/shorts • T-shirts • Scrubs • Consider rain gear (still Hurricane Season)

Note: One of NAVMC's OCT/NOV 2010 Teams rode out Hurricane Tomas as it glanced Haiti! Although the rain/wind/impact to PAP was light, it persisted for several days. The Atlantic Hurricane Season starts on June 1st and ends on November 30th. The 100 year historical peak has been mid-September (Sep. 10th), with a sharp drop in the number of storms after mid-October (Oct. 20th). NAVMC has access to a NOAA Researcher/Forecast Specialist, that has indicated that the 2011 Atlantic Hurricane Season still has the climatological threat present for Tropical Storms/Hurricanes during this trip's duration, but the risk is small this season.



• Trail mix • tuna/crackers • peanut butter (must be in checked bag) • GORP • jerky • nuts • Gatorade (or other electrolyte replacement)

powder mix • Consider buying some fresh fruit in Miami

You'll probably get two plus meals a day, rice or spaghetti, with hot dogs, meatballs or sardines. The treat is the fried/baked plantains! Sometimes sandwiches (foot-long hoagies). Bring some Washington's! You can get a "real" Coke and a really nice meal for about $3.00 - $5.00 USD from the street vendors! Get the "salsa" if you do. Anything larger than $1 and you will need negotiating skills! If you’re lucky enough to experience 'Mango Mango' $5.00 is the minimum recommended donation for dinner, more is always appreciated, especially if you "partake" (as of 11/2010)!

“Pellentesque eget mauris et magna

sollicitudin lacinia. Duis lectus?”

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016


• Toothbrush/toothpaste

• Deodorant (you will sweat, don't bother with antiperspirants)

• Soap/shampoo

• Consider a 'Sham-Wow' or other similar camping towel

• Personal medications

• Insect Repellent (with at least 30% DEET, 40 or 50% if you can find it)

• Sunscreen

Again, you're there for a week bring travel size/disposables... Other:

• Pillow (small/travel)

• Sleeping bag (light) or two sheets

• Sleeping pad or air mattress (small/light)

• Camera

• Cash, small bills

• Passport

• "Copies" of Professional Licenses

• Consider travel/evacuation insurance

The United Nations

Sometimes trips to a UN (United Nations) facility can be arranged. There you can get a meal, beer (experience at least one Prestige sometime while in Haiti), etc... restaurant/bar style... mostly "American Cuisine"... prices however, are equivalent to those in the US. So a night out to the UN facility may cost you a bit more. Plus add in the obligatory (cost of transportation) tip! Sometimes the same UN vendor may come to you... prices are still equivalent to being in the US, minus the "cost of transportation."

Stuff to Bring

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016


Consider flying into Fort Lauderdale. $250 RT (as of 08/16/11), from PHX to FLL... A free shuttle to the Tri-Rail Station...Take the Tri-Rail train down to Miami it is about $5.00 one-way (as of 8/16/11)! A free shuttle from the Miami Station to MIA... go to the transportation level... and then a free shuttle to the Hotel! Stick with NAVMC for Hotel arrangements! We book block rooms and get low rates at the DoubleTree... about $100/night/room (normally ~$150/night/room plus tax). If you are willing to "quad-up," in a two double-bed room, that's just $25/night/person, no sales tax added for the room (you will be responsible for the "incidentals," and sales tax will apply to said "incidentals"). If you want specific room arrangements (i.e. one King, one Queen, two doubles, etc), the cost of the room will still be the same, so considering splitting/sharing the cost! Plus if you make it to the DoubleTree before Dr. Reber... you get his cookie! (Not really... if they even know he's about to arrive... they put like 100 more in the warmer!) As far as Miami to Port Au' Prince... we are still looking into reduced airfares! Primarily, AA flies there... but there are several other carriers that do too! If you are part of the "Medical Team" that goes to Project Medishare, you will get further information regarding travel arrangements! Non-medical... if you can, wait a few weeks before booking travel! NAVMC would like to travel as a single, large group, and the saving could be significant.


Check back here for more information!!!!

Travel Recommendations

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.Travel Proin consequat. Donec et sem. Nullam in lorem. Vestibulum et est. In ullamcorper, quam nec dictum interdum, neque enim gravida tortor, id congue purus neque sit amet elit. Nunc gravida malesuada ante. Proin aliquet nisl ut libero. Sed quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In enim ante, condimentum ac, mollis eu, lobortis sed, sapien.

Fusce eleifend gravida est. Duis malesuada scelerisque purus. Donec sapien turpis, accumsan non, dapibus ut, congue ut, ligula. Integer placerat quam nec elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi dictum pretium erat. Integer rhoncus velit sit amet pede. Fusce eu arcu id felis dignissim gravida. Maecenas scelerisque accumsan orci. Aliquam metus purus, ullamcorper sit amet, vehicula ac, venenatis et, orci. Donec venenatis enim suscipit

Vivamus id nisi vel purus gravida bibendum. Duis nec neque. In sem diam, convallis

eleifend, rutrum id, rutrum et, justo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis

parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam malesuada eros at mi.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor [Street Address] [City], [State][Postal Code]


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