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  • 8/3/2019 paper LIA



    This 21st century has made us consider about many difficulties that have been

    passed. Many inventions that have been invented was very useful for human, From

    steam engine, bulb, many kinds of transportations to telecommunication tools. We

    have been helped by them. They have their own important role in our life, moreover

    the inventions in communication field. Today, everybody has had great and useful

    gadget called handphone, also known as cellphone, smartphone, etc. Handphone has

    made our life easier. Handphone helps us to communicate each other by phone-

    calling, video-calling, and sms.


    For some people, maybe handphone is the second important thing after money

    that they have to bring. We all confess that handphone is very impotant, not only for

    bussinessman but also for students. You can do many things with handphone. The

    best thing you can do is that you can keep contact with your friends or another people

    you consider important. Being alone in home is not funny, right? By handphone, you

    can call your close friends up. Eventhough that is not an effective way to make you

    feel good, at least it can lessen your boredom by talking to your friends. Beside that,

    handphone will be very useful when you are in emergency cases. For example, you

    are in a hurry and suddenly you got flat tire in high way, and there is no public

    telephone. By handphone, you can call someone who can help you immediately or

    call the derrick and look for another transportation. Beside that, you can call someone

    without meeting the person directly. Handphone makes you have enough time,

    because you dont waste it just because you want to talk to someone and you have to

    meet him in person. Those are two of many reasons why handphone is beneficial.

    You dont need space as much as home phone need. And of course handphone is

  • 8/3/2019 paper LIA


    more simple than home phone, because it doesnt need wire like home phone so you

    can bring it with you whenever and wherever you are.

    Handphone communicates us not only by phone calling, but also video

    calling. It has new feature which is beneficial for us. With this new feature, you can

    see the person you called. It seems like you talk and chat to the person directly.

    Whereas you and the person you talk to, are in different place. But, in this case, your

    handphone must be qualified. It means that your friends and your handphone must

    have camera and video call feature. Things that you have to do to make video call is

    that first, you have to activate your 3G network and make sure that you and your

    friend are in 3G network area. After that, you can call your friend by choosing make

    video call in your handphones phonebook. And you can enjoy your talk with your

    friend. That is quite easy to do. This feature will be beneficial for a couple. If they are

    in different place for several time and miss each other, they dont have to go

    somewhere to make a date. They just have to make video call with lower cost.

    Handphone also has another cool feature. That is Short Message Service or we

    usually call it SMS. SMS is much cheaper than phone calling and video calling. So, if

    you dont have enough telephone credits, you can say something to your friend by

    typing it and sending it to him/her with cheaper cost. Moreover, you still can do your

    activity while texting with your friends, such as eating, watching TV etc. If you

    phone your friendwhile you are eating, maybe your friend will be angry with you

    because you speak unclearly. In another case, sometimes you want to talk to your

    friend, but she has no time to pick up your phone because she is in a hurry. You can

    send her the message. Your message will be accepted by her as soon as you send it.

    You still can chat with your friend without disturbing her. On the other hand, SMS

    can be more efficient, because sometimes when you have a phone call with your

    friend, you will be speechless and forget about things you want to talk about. If you

    use SMS, you will not forget about things you want to talk about, because you think it

    first and then type it. So those are the reasons why texting can be better than phone

    calling and video calling.

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    In summary, all of us confess that handphone is really important. Handphone

    has made our life easier. Handphone helps us to talk to our friends or another people

    we consider important without meeting them in person. Not only by phone-calling,

    handphone also has video-calling feature which can communicate us with our friends.

    And the most favourite feature of handphone is Short Message Service or we usually

    call it SMS. With its small size, of course we can bring it wherever we are and we

    will get easier to call someone up or text him.

  • 8/3/2019 paper LIA



    Every food that you eat must be digested, so that you can get energy from

    them and also you can eat more and more food. Because if those are not digested, we

    have no energy to do our activity. Enzyme has important role in this process. Enzyme

    is proteins that catalyze chemical reactions. Human can not survive without the

    enzyme. Our body produces more than 1000 enzymes, it is because every enzyme has

    different and unique characteristic and can work only in one substance. That is why

    our body has many enzymes. Beside that, our body gets more anzyme from the food

    we consume.

    Enzymes break down fat, carbohydrate, and protein into their basic building

    blocks so that the body can digest and use them. Without enzymes, even the most

    balanced natural foods diet would be worthless - because the food cannot be digested

    and used by the body. The food starts to be digest when it is in our mouth and we

    chew it. In this process enzyme helps us with breaking down complex carbohydrate

    molecules into more simple molecules. This process is important because if food we

    eat is not chewed well, most of the food that have been eaten, will be wasted without

    absorbed. Or, the worst, it will burden the stomach and intestines, make the digestion

    becomes more complicated, inhibit the absorption of vital nutrients, and the result is

    we will get various problems throughout the body. Actually, chewing process is a

    small process. But, one small problem which seems irrelevant, sometimes it can end

    up in serious trouble. That is because our body works as whole machine, so if there is

    something wrong with its small part, the other parts will not work well. Then,

    enzyme also will help us when the food is in stomach. Stomach will secrete some

    enzymes that can digest the food. They are Lipase, Renin and gastric acid. Lipase

    works throughout the digestive process to break down the fats in our diet, Renin

    precipitate the protein in milk (casein) in breast milk (only baby). Without those

    enzymes and their own role, we cannot get energy from food weve eaten.

    ~to be continued~

  • 8/3/2019 paper LIA


    Enzyme not only helps our body to digest the food, but also to absorb the

    nutritions from it. Absorbing nutritions process happens in small intestine. In small

    intestine there are 3 kinds of enzymes which are produced by pancreas.

  • 8/3/2019 paper LIA


    Thesis Statement : Sometimes people dont realize that enzyme has important role in

    humans metabolism system, food industry, and medicinal field.

    Outline :

    I. IntroductionThesis Statement : Sometimes people dont realize that enzyme has

    important role in humans metabolism system, food industry, and medicinal field.

    II. The Functions of EnzymeA. Helps human to digest and absorb the nutrition from the food in the

    metabolism system

    B. Helps human in food industry fieldC. Helps human in medicinal field

    III. Conclusion

  • 8/3/2019 paper LIA


    I. Introductory

    Once someone said, Great things sometimes are caused by a little thing. He

    is Henri Frdric Amiel who was a Swiss philosopher, poet and critic. Some people

    believe life is in the details, and so do I. A great thing is not a great thing if we miss

    small thing about it. Just like we see in real life. A thing as small as enzyme, can

    affect our life and bring us many beneficial because of its functions. Sometimes

    people dont realize that enzyme has important role in humans metabolism system,

    food industry, and medical world.

    II. Body Paragraph

    An enzyme is a protein formed by the body that acts as a catalyst to cause

    a certain desried reaction. Enzymes are very specific. Each enzyme is designed to

    initiate a specific response with a specific result. The first functions of enzyme

    which is the most important thing for human is that enzyme can help human in

    metabolism system where every food that they eat is absorbed with the help of

    enzyme so that they can get energy from them and also they can eat more and

    more food. The chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that

    are necessary for the maintenance of life. In metabolism some substances are

    broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary

    for life, are synthesized. Enzymes break down fat, carbohydrate, and protein into

    their basic building blocks so that the body can digest and use them. Without

    enzymes, even the most balanced natural foods diet would be worthless - because

    the food cannot be digested and used by the body. In our mouth enzyme helps us

    with breaking down complex carbohydrate molecules into more simple

    molecules. Enzyme also works in the stomach, and intestine. It helps human to

    break down the fats in our diet, precipitate the protein in milk (casein), and then

    after that, our body will absorb the nutrition from the food we eat.

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    Enzyme not only helps human in metabolism system, but also enzyme is also

    useful in another field. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia ( LIPI ), has considered

    that enzyme plays an important role in food industry field and started to select the

    right microbes to make the enzyme. Enzyme starts to be utilized because enzyme may

    save more energy dan it is friendlier than another catalisator. According to LIPIs

    research, the usage of enzyme has increased rapidly. This increase has reflected the

    rise in the number of enzymes available on an industrial scale at relatively decreasing

    cost and the increasing wealth of knowledge concerning enzymes and their potential

    applications. Several enzymes, especially those used in starch processing, such as

    amylase, lipase and protease have been produced for being used in high-fructose

    syrup manufacture.

    Beside that, enzymes are also being studied to be served as medicine. The use

    of enzymes as medicine usually refers to the bestowal of enzyme to the person who is

    sick to overcome the enzyme deficiency that should be contained in the human body

    to catalyze a specific reaction. But, in several theraphy, enzyme becomes the

    medicinal target. A certain compound is used for modifying the action of the enzyme,

    so that adverse effects can be inhibited and the beneficial effects can be created.

    Based on treatment goals, therapy can be divided into individual cells in which

    enzymes and therapeutic targets in bacterial pathogens where the enzyme is a target.

    And the latest biotechnology which uses enzyme is that autism treatment by using an

    enzyme. Most children with autism have difficulty in digesting some foods, like milk,

    and often have problems in the digestive system. To overcome this problem, the

    children will be given certain enzyme that can help them absorb the nutrition. The

    enzyme that will be given must be suitable with the problem of the children, because

    enzyme works specificly.

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    III. Conclusion

    In conclusion, enzyme plays an important role in the metabolism and speed up

    chemical reactions in the body. Beside that, if it is studied further, enzyme can the

    enzyme can also be useful in the food manufacturing industry and also in the field of
