periodical - · 2014. 8. 18. ·...

SIX Frequency Twice a week Librarian Books Sharing Team 17 March 2014 2D 圖書館 Sport Soho 運動版圖 Frequency Monthly 透過閱讀本雜誌不同的故事及專欄,讀者可以獲得各方面有 關運動的知識。當中包括訪問運動員,以訪問形式講解運動 知識和健康常識。本雜誌也介紹世界各地和跑步有關的資訊 及新聞、附有拍攝及推廣運動用品的專欄,以及分享本地民 間運動小故事。此外,它亦會推薦一些和運動有關的書籍、 電影和健康飲食,剖析運動傷患及療法,令讀者對各方面和 運動有關的研究有進一步的認識。 (Recommended by Mr Christopher Chan) 通識大全 Frequency Weekly 你是否曾在無邊浩瀚的資訊資源中迷失自我?又或是被通識 的六大單元弄得不知所措?只要你每星期一,細心閱讀隨 《星島日報》附送的《通識大全》,就可以助你解疑難!有別 於坊間的「秘笈」或「大補劑」,它在資料編排上,會按照議 題的特性,歸納於不同單元,並清晰有序地從不同角度、不同 持分者去拆解議題的爭議處。在每一議題末,會有相關的腦圖 (MindMap),令本來看似深不見底的通識議題變得輕鬆易 明!加上延伸閱讀素材的介紹,更可推動我們透過自學,豐富 對議題的認識。同學們,今日便立即行動,勿再自怨自艾! (Recommended by Mr Terrence Kwok ) Chemistry review Frequency Quarterly Chemistry Review is a magazine which aims at guiding you to taste the excitement of chemistry. Topics of most articles are relevant to daily life and the contents are kept up to date. Some topics are also related to the chemistry syllabus of many famous public examinations including the HKDSE. (Recommended by Ms Dora Ng) 想擴闊視野、訓練批判能力?想考好通識?《通 Six》幫到你。 《通 Six》根據通識科六大單元,把一周要聞的重點列出,方 便同學參閱相關新聞,訓練時事觸覺。此外,它針對 DSE 識科的作答要求,教授不同的作答技巧,並提供相關題目,讓 同學能夠學以致用。《通 Six》為你提供多元化學習,會介紹 最新的潮流文化,例如電影、電視劇、漫畫等,讓同學輕鬆學 習,提高對通識科的興趣。《通 Six》不但可以幫助高中學生 應試,它內容豐富,表達簡潔清晰,亦適合想打好基礎的初中 同學閱讀。同學快到圖書館閱讀吧! (Recommended by Mr Kan Ma) Newspapers Periodical (Our theme of March) Magazines Hello, everybody! This is “2D library” from Library’s Books Sharing Team. Do you know what periodicals are? They are journals, magazines or newspapers published at regular intervals. Magazines have a long history. The first magazine in the world, Le Journal des Savants (學者雜誌), was published in January 1665 by a Frenchman, Denys de Sallo. The main difference between periodicals and books is that magazines can provide the readers with the latest and most updated information . They are a key to our world of current affairs. Compared with books, articles in periodicals are shorter and easier to understand . The readers can get the gist at a glance . As a student, when we do research for homework, periodicals are useful. Periodicals usually contain interviews and different viewpoints to analyze a topic . Different periodicals cover different areas, such as science, sports, and economics. Students can choose the periodicals according to their interest and indulge in their worlds of wonder in a more relaxing way . Luckily, our library provides more than 30 magazines for us to read. They are located near the round tables area. Now, our teachers would like to introduce some magazines and newspapers to you. All of you are welcome to read them at any time in the library! 相信很多同學都是音樂愛好者,並會留意最新的音樂動向, 但你是否知道除了大會堂外,還可以在那裡得到有關音樂的 最新資訊?透過《美樂集》不但詳細介紹從世界各地來香港 的表演團體和本地音樂會,還有不同的音樂專欄。讀者除了 可以獲得更多資訊外,還可以加深對音樂的認識,真是一舉 兩得!提提你,《美樂集》是中英對照的,藉著它和其他國 藉的朋友一起交流音樂吧! ( Recommended by Music Association 4F Chan Yue Ting , Ms SN Yueng) FINE MUSIC Frequency Monthly 少年牛頓 Frequency Monthly Young Newton is a good science magazine. It tells you lots of useful science knowledge including interesting science stories and experiments. You can know more about the Earth and the universe. It is easy to read too! Enjoy this magazine! (Recommended by Ms Shirley Tsang) Break……你想打破一些東西嗎?不,不是杯、椅子…要打 破觸摸得到的東西,很容易;要打破固有的觀念想法,才不 簡單。 See……你看到甚麼?你的目光停留在甚麼地方? Breakazine,不到一百頁的雜誌,每期一個熱門話題,卻領 人走出思想的框框,看得更遠,更深。 (Recommended by Ms Celesse Yuen) Breakazine Frequency Bi-Monthly National Geographic Frequency Monthly National Geographic is a fabulous periodical magazine consisting of myriad of geographical issues and news. It demonstrates a number of special geography stories about different kind of living organisms, ecosystems, natural landscape and natural hazards. Students’ vision will be broadened by this fantastic and fruitful information. If you are interested in Geographyrelated knowledge and issues, I recommend it for your regular reading. (Recommended by Mr Ray Hon)

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Page 1: Periodical - · 2014. 8. 18. · Breakazine,不到一百頁的雜誌,每期一個熱門話題,卻領 人走出思想的框框,看得更遠,更深。 (Recommended

通 SIX Frequency : Twice a week

Librarian Books Sharing Team 17 March 2014

2D 圖書館

Sport Soho 運動版圖 Frequency : Monthly







運動有關的研究有進一步的認識。 (Recommended by Mr Christopher Chan)

通識大全 Frequency : Weekly










(Recommended by Mr Terrence Kwok )

Chemistry review Frequency : Quarterly

Chemistry Review  is  a magazine which  aims  at  guiding  you  to taste  the  excitement  of  chemistry.  Topics  of most  articles  are relevant to daily life and the contents are kept up to date. Some topics are also related to the chemistry syllabus of many famous public examinations including the HKDSE. 

(Recommended by Ms Dora Ng)

想擴闊視野、訓練批判能力?想考好通識?《通 Six》幫到你。

《通 Six》根據通識科六大單元,把一周要聞的重點列出,方

便同學參閱相關新聞,訓練時事觸覺。此外,它針對 DSE 通


同學能夠學以致用。《通 Six》為你提供多元化學習,會介紹


習,提高對通識科的興趣。《通 Six》不但可以幫助高中學生



(Recommended by Mr Kan Ma)


Periodical (Our theme of March)


Hello, everybody! This is “2D library” from Library’s Books Sharing Team.

Do you know what periodicals are? They are journals, magazines or newspapers published at regular intervals. Magazines have a long history. The first magazine in the world, Le Journal des Savants (學者雜誌), was published in January 1665 by a Frenchman, Denys de Sallo.

The main difference between periodicals and books is that magazines can provide the readers with the latest and most updated information. They are a key to our world of current affairs. Compared with books, articles in periodicals are shorter and easier to understand. The readers can get the gist at a glance. As a student, when we do research for homework, periodicals are useful. Periodicals usually contain interviews and different viewpoints to analyze a topic. Different periodicals cover different areas, such as science, sports, and economics. Students can choose the periodicals according to their interest and indulge in their worlds of wonder in a more relaxing way. Luckily, our library provides more than 30 magazines for us to read. They are located near the round tables area. Now, our teachers would like to introduce some magazines and newspapers to you. All of you are welcome to read them at any time in the library!








( Recommended by Music Association 4F Chan Yue Ting , Ms SN Yueng)

FINE MUSIC Frequency : Monthly

少年牛頓 Frequency : Monthly

Young Newton  is  a  good  science magazine.  It  tells  you  lots of 

useful  science  knowledge  including  interesting  science  stories 

and experiments. You can know more about the Earth and the 

universe. It is easy to read too! Enjoy this magazine! 

                                         (Recommended by Ms Shirley Tsang)







(Recommended by Ms Celesse Yuen)

Breakazine Frequency : Bi-Monthly

National Geographic Frequency : Monthly

National Geographic is a fabulous periodical magazine consisting of myriad  of  geographical  issues  and  news.  It  demonstrates  a number  of  special  geography  stories  about  different  kind  of living  organisms,  ecosystems,  natural  landscape  and  natural hazards. Students’ vision will be broadened by this fantastic and fruitful  information.  If you are  interested  in Geography‐related knowledge and issues, I recommend it for your regular reading. (Recommended by Mr Ray Hon)

Page 2: Periodical - · 2014. 8. 18. · Breakazine,不到一百頁的雜誌,每期一個熱門話題,卻領 人走出思想的框框,看得更遠,更深。 (Recommended

Time (Weekly)

Recommended for S3-4 students Feature: Shorter articles, attractive graphics How useful are the figures?

The Economist (Weekly)

Recommended for S5-6 students Feature: Detailed analysis on current affairs How useful are the figures?

信報財經月刊 (Monthly)

Recommended for S3-6 students Feature: Articles by scholars and experts How useful are the figures?

Learning without thought is labour lost; Thought without learning is perilous. 

Chapter XV, Book II, Confucian Analects (translation by James Legge) 

 This quote came to my mind one day during CTP1 when I watched with amusement my Form 3 students burying their heads in the Chinese classics.

Learning without thinking is learning lost. Thinking without learning can be dangerous.

We should aim from what we read in books to teach us about past events, but we should also think about how and why this is relevant to us in understanding current world events, along with other readings of current affairs publications.

By only thinking and understanding from what we read about our past and world events today, can we build a better future for tomorrow.

If we believe our world is not just a series of random events, and our futures should not be left to uninformed decisions, why don’t we start informing ourselves today by reading, learning, and thinking from credible sources like ‘Time’, ‘The Economist’ and ‘Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly’?

Shape our own life. Make informed choices.

(Recommended by Ms Helen Ho)



Page 3: Periodical - · 2014. 8. 18. · Breakazine,不到一百頁的雜誌,每期一個熱門話題,卻領 人走出思想的框框,看得更遠,更深。 (Recommended




與娛樂、各國文化等,內容包羅萬有!《讀者文摘》就像「多啦 A 夢」似的,當大雄



的知識寶庫! (Recommended by Mr Edmond Shiu)


品格小故事:過失與責任 (摘自:成敗之間 / 張健鵬,胡足青主編)

1920 年,有個 11 歲的美國男孩踢足球時,不小心打碎了鄰居家的玻璃。鄰居向他索賠 12.5 美元。在當時,

12.5 美元是筆不小的數目,足足可以買 125 隻生蛋的母雞!闖了大禍的男孩向父親承認了錯誤,父親讓他對自己的

過失負責。男孩為難地說:「我哪有那麼多錢賠人家?」父親拿出 12.5 美元說:「這錢可以借給你,但一年後要


從此,男孩開始了艱苦的打工生活,經過半年的努力,終於掙夠了 12.5 美元這「天文數字」,還給了父親。這



讀者文摘 (Monthly)
